#my headcanon is that Eddie took after his mother since he spent most of his childhood more around her than his dad
misshazelevers20 · 4 years
1x07 Discussion Questions
I know, I know, I’m super late, but this is the second time I answer the questions made by the lovely @pynkhues because the first time I wasn’t happy with my answers. 
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
To be honest I love everything except the secret shopper scenes, no matter how many times I rewatch the episode I still hate those scenes and I have to force myself to watch.  
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
Yeah, their plan to basically use innocent people ( all women, except from Tyler) really doesn’t sit well with me ( tho I can totally understand why they did it). I just really hate it when someone uses feminism as a way of luring innocent women and involving them in shady things. 
3. Let’s talk about the secret shopper scheme! What do you think were the strengths of it? The flaws? Do you think it had longterm potential? Or was it always going to crash and burn?
Nope, nope, nope, I absolutely hated every second of it and I knew that it was going to blow up in their faces. I mean there were way too many people involved, and sooner or later someone would have started to suspect things, or would have tried to fool the system ( like Mary Pat did). 
4. The girls spent their money in very different ways! Ruby on romancing Stan, Annie on clothes for her son, and Beth on jewellery for herself. What do you think this tells us about them and their arcs? Particularly coming off the back of Ruby’s conflict with Stan, Ben’s issues at school with clothes, and Beth leaving Rio her pearls?
I think that for the first time in her life Beth puts herself first and wants to have nice things ( she totally deserves it). Before that she always thought about her kids and her husband, and kinda ignored her own needs. It would be quite amazing if the pearls were a gift from Dean, because that would be like she left him behind and used the pearls to start a new life. 
Annie usually buys gifts for Ben when she has money ( like that laptop for example), I think she often feels guilty because she can’t normally afford to give him nice things ( and since Nancy is quite rich she might feel like she has to compete with that). 
It wasn’t at all surprising that Ruby spent the money on romancing Stan, I think she still feels guilty for not telling him the truth, before this all thing started I doubt that she ever hid something from him. Or lied to him. 
5. Eddie’s arrest is arguably what sets us on a collision course with the finale! Do you think Eddie was loyal to Rio until the end? How much do you think he told Turner? And what sort of loyalty do you think Rio inspires in his boys? And why doesn’t it translate with the girls?
I would like to imagine that he tried to stay loyal to Rio, but then Turner might have mentioned his mother ( I think Eddie was very close to her and didn’t want to spend years without seeing her) and Eddie might have felt like he had no other choice. I guess he hoped that Rio won’t suspect anything, and he tried to share with Turner details that weren’t that important ( not that Eddie knew a lot, though, he didn’t seem to be part of the inner circle). 
I think almost everyone in the fandom have the headcanon that Rio grew up with most of his employees, and I agree with that. I think that most of his boys knew him for years, so it’s not surprising that they are loyal to him. With the girls it’s quite different because they started off as enemies ( and they were terrified of him in the beginning), so he didn’t exactly win their loyalty. 
6. This episode introduces us to Mary Pat, who’s probably one of this show’s most complicated antagonists! What do you think of her generally? And could you have predicted her arc with Boomer and Turner?
I never liked her, and while I do feel sorry for her ( for what would happen to her later), I still think that she is greedy. I could understand if she would have demanded money once, but every month??! And she never seemed to use the money for her children ( she could have easily hired a babysitter) so I have no idea what did she do with them ( maybe pay her debts? I don’t really remember ). And no, I never imagined that she would interact with Boomer and Turner.
7. This episode features a very pivotal scene in terms of the Beth, Ruby and Annie dynamic. What starts as tension between Annie and Beth quickly pivots when Ruby criticises Beth and Annie leaps to her sister’s defence. What do you think this tells us about the dynamic between the girls as pairs and as a trio?
I think that Annie took her sister’s side only because she still remembered the last fight they had, and probably still felt guilty about it. Usually Annie and Ruby are on the same side, and try to stop Beth from doing crazy things. 
8. Greg is the one who kisses Annie! Who do you think left who in that relationship, and/or what were the biggest issues in that relationship?
It would only makes sense if Greg was the one, because Ruby mentioned that she comforted Annie when she signed the divorce papers. I doubt that Annie would have cried if she would have been the one who wanted the divorce ( plus that she had Ben to think of, I think for his sake she would have tried to work things out even if she would have been unhappy). 
I think that the biggest issue is that they were both so young when they got together, so it’s not surprising that after a few years things got boring, or they both changed and Greg realized that he wanted something else. 
9. What did you think of Ruby’s sauce story? And what do you think it meant as a turning point for her arc?
That was simply horrifying and I understand perfectly why she would never want to go back there. 
10. Knowing that Beth, Ruby and Annie’s system of paying Mary Pat off doesn’t work, do you think there was a way they could’ve handled her on their own that would’ve worked? Or do you think Rio’s intimidation (and potential murder) tactic was the only way out?
No, I’m afraid that only Rio’s intimidation would have worked, I doubt that Mary Pat would have believed the girls if they would have tried to warn her about Rio. 
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kaspmatic · 5 years
How would you say you relate to Eddie?
BIG FUCKING OOF –ok, I hope you guys are ready to go on a wild ride with me down memory lanehere. there is quite a bit that I can cover on how I relate to Eddie – soplease bear with me and if you read this then; kudos, brownie points, goldstars, all of that shit to you. I’m going to put my actual answer under a read morebecause I know this is going to get lengthy. And honestly, probably a littlepatchy and I might jump around a bit so I won’t force this shit on anyone whowon’t intentionally click that read more for the deets. LOL.
To lay a little backgroundon everyone, I grew up NOT knowing my biological father. I lost himat a young age and spent a lot of my younger years growing up with a singlemother – my mom worked in a hospital, so every little thing that happenedbecame a giant issue; I had a cough? go to the doctors. I was always cold? goto the doctors. I sneezed funny? go to the doctors. (I think you guys get mydrift with where I’m going here). as a child I spent a lot of time in and out of thehospital because of this, now I’m not saying my mom has Munchausen Syndrome byany means, she definitely didn’t force diseases onto me. I justrelate and understand that pain of always having to go to the hospitalfor the most trivial of concepts. As a child, however, I did spend quite a fewyears toting around an inhaler that I didn’t even fucking need. Call it a baddiagnosis or whatever you will – but it was still something that I had todo that I didn’t even need.
Not having my dad aroundlead for a lot of weird and one-sided views in my mind throughout my youngeryears of life – for a long time I had only the woman’s point of view onevery aspect (at least until my mom remarried years later - I was in myteens by that time).
To continue talking aboutmy overbearing mom – she still tries to be to this way alongsideher husband to this very day (hi, I’m fucking 32 years old here – just tothrow out my Grandma age on tumblr so you aren’t shocked in a paragraph or two).Everything has to be done a certain way or its wrong – they thrive on avery myway or the highway look of things, and this has been something that Ihave constantly had to push back against in more recent years - because I havefound love and support from those who are willing to tell me that its fuckingOK to not be the person your parents want you to be.
Like Eddie, I’ve lost partsof myself throughout life appeasing my family with moldingmyself to fit what they thought I should be - what I needed to be. The biggestissue being homosexuality. I grew up with a Catholic Grandmother who wouldat anychance and drop of a hat find any reason to bitch about the gaysin the most hate speech and closed minded filled way I have everheard in my entire existence. I grew up believing that I couldn’t come out –that I couldn’t truly be who I wanted to be because my family wouldn’t be onboard and I was terrified that they wouldn’t understand or support me and Ibelieved wholeheartedly that if I DID comeout, that I would lose each and every family member that I had becausemy Grandma and other members of my family have very strict views on it - andneed I repeat, are overwhelming overbearing and controlling. When I was firststruggling with the idea that I was part of the queer community, oddly enough,I was 13. By this point in time I was used to listening to my Grandma bitchabout the LGBT+ community for years. I remember one instancedirectly with my mom; we were on a vacation and I remember asking my mom what shethought of the LGBT+ community and she told me flat out that I wasn’t allowedto be Gay.
That right there told me everythingthat my young mind needed to hear. That no matter who I was as a person, that myfamily wouldn’t support me – even over something so simple as lovingsomeone of the same sex. I spent the next 17 years hiding who I was, just toappease the ideals that I thought I had to adhere to. I dated strictlyboys and it landed me in unhappy relationship after unhappy relationship– ultimately my last relationship with a CIS male was a completelycontrolling and abusive one. One where they wanted to control everyaspect of my life - much like how Myra does to Eddie once he’s given in andfallen to Sonia’s whims and has told himself that he has to take the easy wayout. I was miserable in the relationship and everything had to beapproved of by him. It was some of the darkest times in my life but thatrelationship was one that defined me and really made me realize just how unhappyof a life I was leading just by appeasing those around me.
Granted, my repression andcloseted sexuality doesn’t end there. I got out of that relationship when I was22 and spent years recovering from the sheer amount of abuse I was taking fromhim – all the while I was still so tightly wound into the clutches of myparents. I traded off from one controlling household, to a new controllinghousehold, and back to the one in which molded me.
I spent the next 8 yearsgoing through a lot – all the while I was being medicated on anything andeverything under the sun just to right me as a person – because obviouslythat’s the answer here. I spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals due tobad reactions to medications, medications not mixing well, just generallytrying to get myself back to WHO I was. I was just a shell of myself duringthese years, I was in college and struggling even more so with myself and mysexuality as a free bird – so to speak. I tried dating around and nevertold my family when I was with a woman because I didn’t know how. I didn’t knowhow to tell a family so openly against it that’s who I waswith. So, I continued to lie and appease and struggle.
The entirety of my closetedyears – those 17 years – I struggled with every sexual thought Ihad toward a woman. I hated myself. Told myself I was wrong and that it wasn’twhat I was supposed to do. It took me a long time and some reallyfucked up situations to really start to love myself for me. To understand thatno matter what – whether my family love me or accept me – that I am who Iam and NO ONE can fucking changethat.
Granted this story at thevery least has a happy ending, unlike Eddie’s, I met Ari and finally came outat 30 – much to part of my family’s dislike – but my parents wereaccepting and my Mom ultimately didn’t even fucking remember the trauma she hadinduced when I was young. BUT I DIGRESS….
Eddie and I both similarlyshow our emotions – and it’s not always in the best light. I struggle withsomething called Emotional Overwhelm which I actually have a headcanon for I’vebeen meaning to write up for Eddie for fucking weeks since I went and saw ITChapter 2’s early release. It’s something that I recognized in Eddie and reallystruggle dealing with in day to day life. Emotional Overwhelm is an instancewhere things kind of pile the fuck up – everything,even if it’s something small, can feel like a deep wound. People whostruggle with emotional overwhelm feel things differently than normal – anoffhanded comment that could make one person laugh and blow it off will feellike a stab to the heart and a betrayal to someone who deals with it. Strugglingwith this kind of an emotional issue causes me to lash out at unnecessary timesand can be rather debilitating in relationships if your friends, family, oryour partners don’t understand it. It’s worse when you feel a sense of being “gangedup on” (at least for me) so during times of joking around I can easily lash outand take a simple joke as a complete attack.
My chest constricts – mybody will not allow me to breathe easily and if I don’t force it – and ithurts deeper than it should. My anxiety runs high during these times and that panicsets in deep. I can’t fathom emotions if there are too many in place, my mindwill refuse to address them so they pile up. During this time, my mind will fogand I can’t even process anything being said – for instance; if I’m in asituation where issues are being listed off to me and I start to hit thatemotional overwhelm peak – my mind is still focused on exhibit A while theperson is already listing exhibit E. My mind will not allow me to process situationslike this as a WHOLE not in a rapid-firesuccession. The buildup can be excruciating and takes a toll on my body that itall will spill out in a sassy, feisty, and – for the lack of a better word – kindof a shitty outburst. 
Having these outbursts stemfrom growing up in a household where I wasn’t appropriately taughthow to handle my emotions. My family were not people who would discuss emotionsor situations where my emotions got “out of control” – it was always a “stophaving emotions” type argument. I was gaslighted, manipulated, and bullied intothinking any and all emotions were bad. Plain and simple. I wasn’t allowed tocompose my emotions into words as this was not a thing that would everhappen with my family.
Much like Eddie, I tend tohave my emotions out there regardless of what I was taught – regardless ofbeing able to recognize those emotions I hate talking about them. It’s a viciouscycle. Discussing my emotions brings out my emotional overwhelm and it’s justan all-around messy situation at that. So, I try my best to hide my emotions– I clench my jaw, I go silent, I refuse to talk about it, I completelyshut down – I’m stubborn. It takes someone remarkably special and someone Itrust completely for me to really level with them – to be raw and showevery little bit of emotion that I have. Someone who is tolerable of it andunderstands what I’m going through, how I process my emotions… So needless to say,I have only ONE person who I feel comfortable with being this raw andvulnerable towards given my home life. So, a lot of the time my emotions– if every questioned by anyone will mostly be met with anger, because itwas the one emotion I was used to receiving growing up. It’s easier to lash outthan it is to make yourself vulnerable.
When I’m not having a terriblytraumatizing day and my emotional overwhelm hasn’t taken over, I tend to hide myemotions behind my sass. If I magically have a day where I’m notcompletely losing it and on an emotional overload type of day, my hurt showsthrough real quick sass and sometimes it’s not always tasteful. My brainto filter usually shuts off when I’m hurt and I feel like I’m being come for.
Ok, this is another headcanonsituation I want to write up – mostly because of instances between Chapter 1 andChapter 2 that I picked up on. But I’m a firm believer that Eddie has undiagnosedADHD – take for instance the entire scene where they’re first introduced to TheClubhouse. Eddie’s reaction and the way he bounces from subject to subject withhalf sentences, his reaction to the paddle ball with Stan, his rapid fire nearlystumbling speech. I wholeheartedly believe that Sonia wasn’t concerned in theleast about mental health issues, only concerned for issues that would harmEddie physically and more in the realm of physical health issues.
Much like this, my Mom wasadamant that I didn’t have ADHD and refused to have me tested by any means. Istruggle with half sentences where my mind will be moving faster than my mouthor fingers – I notice this more when I’m typing, whether it be having adiscussion on discord or responding to replies. I don’t know how many times Ihave gone back to proof read and somehow, I’m missing portions of sentences andeverything is nearly a half thought. My mind processes things too quickly andone moment I’ll have my attention in one place and within a second something elsewill catch my attention. It’s always fast and catches nearly everyone around meoff guard that don’t really understand what’s going on.
To kind of wrap this backaround to my abusive situation and the lack of HELP in the metal health realm where the Mom’s are concerned. WhileI was dealing with these issues I dealt with a lot of mental health ailments(ptsd, manic depression, insomnia, and major anxiety/panic attacks to name afew.) these were all situations that required a lot of help through doctor’s,psychiatrists – you name it. But my Mom (and her husband) were always inthe realm of thought that a mental battle can be won without the use of medication– and this is honestly how I feel Sonia Kaspbrak thought and took mentalhealth issues. That they weren’t as big of an issue as say “health” issues areconcerned. That they were easily bypassed and just a “phase” that could begrown out of. Considering Sonia, who is a woman suffering with MunchausenSyndrome – mental health issues don’t get you the same attention as say asick and suffering child would with an actual sickness or disease that can beSEEN. And that is the biggest difference and I think why Eddie was nevertreated for having ADHD.
It’s seen, but it’s not onethat would necessarily bring about any sort of sympathy from others or keepEddie bound in her realm of control that she preferred to rule. 
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hearteyesuris · 7 years
Home / Stenbrough
I haven’t written in like. 8 years!!! I’m sorry!! Anyway so you know how I wrote those Depressing brokenfamily!Bill headcanons? This is a one shot based off of that and it gets sad ,,, but its also fluffy!!
Warnings - Implied panic attack, bill is Fed Up, bill’s dad is emotionally abusive!! idk if there’s more but. be safe
Words - 2.2k (how)
Bill Denbrough did not have a home.
He had a house - of course, he had two. His Mother’s and his Father’s.
His parents (to put it frankly) did not care. At all. They didn’t care for Bill once Georgie had died. And he understood - really, he did. Everyone deals with bereavement issues differently, and his parents had finally pushed one another apart, after years of tension so thick that Bill’s stutter couldn’t even kill the silence between them.
Once Georgie’s death had been settled, and the period between November of the previous year and Bill’s painful thirteenth summer ended, so had their relationship. His Mother had left with the choice thrown upon Bill to chose who to go to.
And he picked his Mother.
But, he had decided, sixteen was far too young to be dealing with such a violent set of parents - not that anyone should be at any age. His Father had always used emotional blackmail as a twisted persuasive method, and his Mother had always taken it, turning his words into something as sweet as honey but lacking the backbone she needed to put him in his place. She’d listen to the words, plead out a strangled sorry and declare it all OK until it happened again. A routine of sorts, Bill had mused.
Despite the two not being together, Bill’s parents still managed to leave him stuck in the middle.
‘Bill? Shall we go and get your favourite dinner tonight?’
‘Bill, how about we go and buy you that new book you’ve wanted?’
‘Bill, make sure not to tell your Father about this,’
‘Bill, make sure not to tell your Mother about this,’
Bill, Bill, Bill. It was all he ever heard - and when he agreed to whatever his parents wanted to do, an awkward silence settled over him and whoever had taken him out that night, causing Adrenaline to course through Bill’s nerves, snagging on loose ends and pulling them free.
However, this became another routine to Bill, a new thing to get used to and accept as it was.
It just wasn’t until this night that he realised how bad it truly was.
Wednesday nights had always been spent at his Father’s house - a sad midweek visit, dragging a bag or two behind him and mumbling a hello in his direction as he sat and smoked, eyes fixated on a book, or a film, or the TV - anything that wasn’t his son. He might get an awkward pat on the shoulder or a greeting back on some days, but most of the time if he didn’t begin conversation, he wouldn’t get any.
Unspoken words hung in the air until the whistle for dinner flew upstairs. A degrading call to further prove that his Father truly didn’t care. But it was only once he’d reached the bottom step did he realise that something was not as it usually was.
Where Bill usually ate dinner alone, the news humming as it always did in the background, laid a second place mat and plate, his Father sat behind it.
Anxiety swam through his bloodstream, dipping and diving and dancing in the tawny vapour of anger and stress.
‘William,’ his Father began, his words dripping with a patronising tone, flooding Bill’s head and boiling until he felt his lungs burn and cry out for help. ‘Come and sit,’
He walked into the living room, cold linoleum sneaking past his thick socks due to his Father’s distaste of spending money on heating the house, took a shaky breath and sat down.
Questions filled his mind - what would this week’s activity be? Why was it being discussed on a Wednesday? Had a family member died? Had his father found out about something?
‘Don’t look at me like that, William,’ He scoffed, looking at Bill as though he was the disappointment of an empty packet of cigarettes, rather than his son.
‘I’ve been thinking - before you say anything, please hear me out,’ Bill steadied himself for the usual. Not to be friends with the losers? To come and do work experience with his Father? To stop writing? To stop living as he pleased?
‘I don’t … I don’t think your Mother is an appropriate person for you to be living with,’
Of all the things Bill had rallied up in his head, he wasn’t expecting his Father to say this. Of course, he’d never been all too fond of his Mother since they ended it, but he had never tried to deny Bill the rights to live with her in such a way. He had, of course, been dropping hints right under Bill’s nose that he was the better parent.
‘Being the patriarch of a broken family does not make you the better person,’ Bill mumbled under his breath, a way that prevented his stutter breaking through and making him seem more pitiable than brave.
His Father’s eyebrows shot up, a breeze of crimson fluttering past his face, growing stronger as he got angrier.
‘Excuse me,’ his Father stared him in the eyes, veins fluctuating with anger and writing as his voice increased in volume, ‘This is my house, William. If you refuse to listen to me then we shall go about this the hard way.’
Something in his voice sent a shiver through Bill, a cold sweat beading at his temples. He gulped back the words that had died up in his throat, feeling that all too familiar anxious tug at his stomach, the hand of Anxiety stroking up his ribs and tickling at them, gliding painfully slowly across each rib and suddenly ripping at his heart.
‘William, so long as I am your primary carer, you shall listen to me,’ Bill scoffed at this, a laugh caused by the unbelievable statement escaping.
His Father looked positively enraged, his face regaining its red hue as he picked up both his and Bill’s plates.
‘Go to your room, please. You are not to contact your Mother and we shall discuss this in the morning. Out of sight.’
Bill bit back tears - of anger and sadness - and made his way up the stairs.
He walked straight past his closed door into the significantly smaller room down the hall, the door of which was littered with crayon drawings of animals, plants and people.
Georgie’s room was quiet, and calm. It was one of the only things that had remained constant in Bill’s memories - ever since he could remember, Georgie’s room had looked like this. Pale yellow walls, one of which was coated in crayon from the time he and Bill had decorated it. The bed was made, a winnie the pooh bed spread adorned it, Georgie’s favourite - he had liked how he was always so happy, and in a way seeing him was bittersweet to Bill, due to how much Georgie had turned into a ray of sunshine, cheering up everyone he saw.
However, the main reason Bill sat on Georgie’s floor was because his room was at the front of the house. And Bill was not going to sit in his bedroom just to fulfil the duties his Father had given him. Definitely not.
So, instead, he decided he would go to the only house he’s ever truly felt was a home - Stanley Uris’ house.
Stanley Uris had been one of Bill’s friends since he was younger. Stan and Bill’s Mothers used to meet up for coffee on Sunday mornings and due to this, Stan and Bill became friends.
Ever since the year previously, when their closest friends Richie and Eddie started dating, the two boys were prone to spending time as a pair outside of the group - of course, all the others had their suspicions, but nothing needed to be confirmed. They laughed along with the jokes, held hands, linked arms, perhaps even kissed in private - but they didn’t have to confirm it.
Whilst Bill loved all of his friends, there was just something so prominent about Stanley. He had such a peculiar sense of humour that had Bill in fits, he was always able to make time for his friends (especially Bill) and would be so willing for him to stay at his or come over if anything happened at home. So Bill decided that he would ignore his Father - really, what was the worst he could do? - and go to see Stan instead.
The jump down wasn’t too steep and Bill had perfected it from all the times it was necessary that he left through his baby brother’s window. He looked back in, as if he expected Georgie to be sat on his bed with a book, and then dropped down onto the damp grass below him.
Not even allowing himself a minute to catch his breath, Adrenaline once again entered Bill and shot through his whole body, coursing smoothly and flooding all his senses.
He ran all the way to the Uris household, a whole 2 miles away - he could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth but shook it off, sitting on the curb of the road and breathing deeply to regain his senses.
He heard the sliding of a window above him, and turned around quickly, only to see Stanley Uris’ silhouette where the noise came from, his hand out of the window in a beckoning motion.
Bill stood up from the curb, scrubbing at his face with the sleeve of his jumper in an attempt to get rid of the tracks left behind by the tears, and entered Stan’s house.
The Uris household - another thing that had remained a constant in Bill’s life. The paintings on the beige walls, the hand stitched messages made by Andrea Uris, the vintage furniture in each room. Bill loved the familiarity of it, and the security that came along with it.
Gentle footsteps echoed from the old wooden stairs, tapping out in a repetitive pattern that reminded Bill of the closest thing he’d ever had to home - Stan.
Stan knew that he didn’t have to talk when Bill was feeling like this. He’d always let him talk first, so he could decide how he should initiate a conversation with the taller boy. He tapped Bill on the shoulder and traced his finger down his arm, eventually resting at his wrist and holding his hand. Still on the second to last step, he gave his arm a soft tug before twisting on his foot and making his way back upstairs.
The boy behind him was clearly exhausted, the bags under his eyes had almost tripled in size since Stan had seen him that afternoon. His face was red raw from what Stan assumed to be crying, and his eyes looked bleak yet held a world of emotion in them.
Bill Denbrough confused Stanley Uris - how could one boy hold so many emotions yet keep them all bottled away until he gave in and opened the gate?
Pulling back the duvet on his bed, Stan gave Bill a gentle nudge and settled him down in his bed, and before getting in himself set his vinyl of The Queen Is Dead on. He offered Bill a smile and got a watery one in response, but it was better than nothing.
He crawled into his bed and rested his head on Bill’s chest, knowing it kept him grounded, and felt his heartbeat clatter around his ribs, thrumming out an irregular beat and making the boy’s hands shake.
He felt those same hands come to rest on the small of his back, drawing patterns over the soft skin there, and then he heard him swallow deeply and open his mouth.
‘I just … Stan, I can’t stay at my Dad’s anymore,’ he choked out, digging his fingers into Stan’s back to ground himself, ‘I hate it there. I hate him. He makes me so sad. He doesn’t want me to go to Mum’s anymore and he just wants me to stay in my room - he complains when I don’t eat but then takes my food off of me and won’t let me eat. He gets angry when I go into Georgie’s room and right now he thinks I’m in my room contemplating how I was rude to him when all I did was tell the truth and-’
Bill’s breath came out in staggered junctions, his chest heaving beneath Stan’s head.
‘What’s your favourite flower, Bill?’
‘Daffodils - for Georgie,’
Stan smiled and squeezed his hand, pressing a soft kiss to his chest.
‘That’s nice, I always think of Georgie when I see daffodils,’ Stan spoke clearly to Bill, enunciating each word to remind him he was there, ‘I love lilies’
‘I’ll buy you some, I promise,’
Stan beamed at this, his eyes stinging and threatening tears.
‘I love you, Bill,’
Bill gave Stan a half hearted smile - half hearted as it may be, it was all he could manage in his state.
Stan gently hummed along to the music, letting the vibrations float across Bill’s chest and swim around the empty room, thick with the haze of falling tears and ragged breaths.
Bill Denbrough may not have a physical home - but he had Stanley Uris, and that was the best home he could have ever asked for.
/ tag list
@trashmoutheds - @t-rash-m-outh - @spicyymoon–lovve - @whipashwhipash - @rainy-kaspbrak - @trxshmouth-t0zier
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january-emb3rs · 7 years
Mike Hanlon Birthday Headcanons!
Okay so my friend @richiietozierr asked for fluffy content and here's fluffy content on the one and only Mike Hanlon and what the losers gang would do for his birthday! Also because she's my Mike and they both deserve love (go follow her!!!)
They've been friends for years at this point, Bev never left and it's based off the movie sorry I haven't finished the book but I'll write some headcanons for when I do!!
The others had a meeting of sorts a couple of times. To make sure their gift plans didn't clash and to look at the gifts they all chose right next to each others.
They all put such thought into their gifts.
To the far left is bev's gift and it's a large frame with a collage of all the photos she's taken with her camera since the first time they celebrated Mike's birthday. Every photo had Mike and at least one of the others being the happy teens they deserved to be.
Bev has written all around it, just little comments of the moments and words of love for Mike.
Everyone remembered almost all of the moments and it brought a smile to know how happy they can make Mike.
Next to Bev's gift was Stan's
He got Mike a history book that he put together himself of the losers' history together, how they met and everything they've done up until the last time they had hung out together. Stan is an excellent observer and listener when it comes to his friends and hanging out with them.
Richie called Stan a weirdo but nobody took him seriously with the genuinely touched smile on his face.
Richie's gift was next
He got a joke gift of a photo Bev took of him that he asked for and he signed.
His actually gift was a vegetarian recipe book. He knew Mike wanted to start out being a vegetarian even though the way they killed the sheep was humane. Everyone can see how affected he was by the sheep dying and the fact that he was the one doing it.
Bill's gift was after Richie's and it looked like a simple teddy bear and reading book.
But Bill explained it's significance and why he chose to gift it.
Mike was running some errands in town and Bill was helping him out since the others were busy at the time and couldn't help.
While running the errands, they walked into a store to sell some of his and his grandpa's things.
Bill noticed Mike had looked at the bear and book a few times over the years, since Mike rarely went into that part of town anymore, before he finally asked.
The toy and book obviously belonged to Mike.
It was from the first time Mike and his family were allowed to go to the carnival. His dad bought the plush bear and his mother told him that he should read to the bear whenever he felt alone since the bear would always be there for Mike.
Bill totally didn't cry when Mike finished telling him and neither did the rest of the losers when Bill told them.
After Bill's present was Eddie's present
He was really stressed when he heard about everyone else's presents and didn't ACTUALLY know what to get him so he said the first thing he thought of when it came to Mike.
He felt unoriginal to just get books for Mike but then he thought about how much time he had. He could get books that Mike had never read, could get books signed!
So he did both. He got some of Mike's favourite books signed, admittedly it was hard to do that one since he spent most of the time actually finding the authors, and the books he chose for Mike were ones he had read when over at other relative's houses and thought the latter might enjoy.
But if anyone asked, the handwritten note of appreciation at the back of each of them were most definitely not from Eddie,,,
Ben's gift was on the very right and nobody knew what it was til that day.
it was just a paper in a frame?
But what Ben read on the paper made the rest of the losers' hearts swell with adoration for the chubby boy.
It was a letter to Mike, from his parents.
Ben was the closest to Mike and Mike's grandfather gave him the letter to see if he could read it properly.
Ben had re-written it word for word and Mike's granddad teared up when hearing them.
Mike's grandfather's present to Mike was accepting the rest of the losers club into his home that day so they all could celebrate together. It was the first time in years he had opened up his house to the rest of the gang aside from Ben and Bill.
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