#my heart has been pierced by a million arrows
ambafaerie · 1 year
Fionna and Cake Spoilers//
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We made our choices. We could have made better ones but I don’t have any regrets
You were a wonderful experience
You were… everything
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two-white-butterflies · 2 months
by the sea | legolas of greenwood
Description: You have a reputation for being reckless. What happens when you do something that finally makes Legolas snap?
Pairing: soldier!reader/legolas
A/N: I fought all my demons to write the fight scene. This was requested.
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It was a perfect day; the sun was warm and the winds blew cold.
It was a day of adventure!
"I thought that days like these were lost to the darkness." You laid on the warm green grass, feeling the litter kisses on your exposed skin. "I missed the summer," you moaned - closing your eyes for a second.
You open your eyes, and his piercing blue ones meet yours.
"When we were elflings, we used to run around these same gardens with our naneths chasing after us." Legolas chuckles, reminiscing your childhood days.
In your shared youth, every day used to be summer - always filled with warmth and happiness, never imagining for a moment that days like that could be stolen away.
"I wish we could return to those days before the darkness." Your voice suddenly turned mellow. You try to hide this feeling, but it always returns - the darkness shivers our bones, and you know that he feels it too, in fact stronger than you do.
"Those days will return, mellon." He shuffles closer, until your bodies were merely inches away - both of you ignoring the stares from the passersby, no doubt, finding it strange that their prince was laying on the ground beside one of the King's guards.
He gives a deeper smile, and you scoot even closer.
You know what that smile means, he's about to say something clever. "They say that when you believe that something belongs to you, the entire world conspires for you to have it by your side." He whispers, flicking a strand of your hair away from your face.
"- there are a million things that I've been longing for, but the world has not given me anything - not once." Your eyes narrowed, and he laughs, aware that you were toying with him. "If you want it with all of your heart then it shall be given." He answers.
"Are you saying that I do not want anything with all of my heart?"
"Need I repeat myself?"
"Everyday, I pray to Eru Illuvatar that the darkness is vanquished."
"Maybe, it is in the works, mellon." He breathes, letting go of the banter. Mayhaps, he was praying for the exact same thing. "- enough of that talk. Are you prepared for our patrols next week?"
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You are one of the greatest warriors in the King's army, the elves endearingly called you 'the Green Knight' for despite your command with the sword, you had a single flaw - your recklessness, your greenness, your innocence.
In the caprice of your youth - you currently believe that there is nothing in this world that can defeat you.
You are wrong.
"I can't believe that your father passed me over for Tauriel. I've been pining for that position and he knows it! There is nothing in this world that I want more that being Captain of the Guards." You exasperated.
Tauriel herself was shocked that she was chosen as Captain, matter of fact, she entered your chambers shortly after the ceremony saying that it should've been you. "- I love her and I celebrate her accomplishment, but my heart feels like it is ripped in half." You say.
"It is alright to feel that way, mellon. Mayhaps Ada saw a quality in her that he is yet to find inside of you." Legolas comforts, and you nod - cracking a smile. "Well there are a lot of things that Tauriel is better at," you concede defeat.
"- like shooting arrows." he teased, referring to something that happened a few years ago. "- and cleaning up after she trains." you add, and both of you share a laugh.
"I guess there are some things that I am yet to learn, but I wanted that post with all of my heart, and you told me that if I wanted something with all of my heart..."
"- then you shall get it. You will get it." he finishes the sentence.
You were about to answer but a screeching noise interrupts you. "Spiders," you note already used to that noise. You still remember your first encounter with the spiders - they were so big and violent, and you refused to harm them at first, thinking that they were part of Illuvatar's orchestra, but they weren't. Not anymore.
They were corrupted with darkness, and that darkness slowly took over the forest, leaving nothing but dust and death.
Your grip on your sword tightens, hearing more of that screeching. There were at least twenty of them judging from the sound. "Should we head back?" Legolas inquires, aware that your position in the guards is higher than his own. "I don't think that we have enough time," you whispered and he lifts your body - until you were sitting on a tree branch.
"There are fifteen to twenty of them. You should head back, while I fend them off." You surmised, it wouldn't be easy fighting this many spiders - you could break an arm but you wouldn't die, right?
It was impossible to die.
"If you are commanding me to abandon you, I won't do that." He insists, his eyes turning dark - his lips turns into a thin line. "There's only two of us Legolas. If not me, then who?" your eyes narrowed.
"You go home!" His voice raises slightly. You are taken aback by his sudden shift in tone - he was usually soft spoken with you. "I am the Captain of this patrol." Your eyebrows merged together. "- it is your duty to obey my orders." You glared, seeing the spiders begin to search for the source of the noise.
"I am your prince." He uses that card, and you roll your eyes.
"It does not matter in this operation, Legolas. Please just do what I command and we'll be rid of this problem." You pleaded, but the determined stare in his eyes does not shake off. "No." he says.
He reminds you of a child.
You ignore his disagreement and allow yourself to fall on the damp forest floor, the sound attracts the spiders and they begin marching in your direction.
All twenty of them smelling of mold and dirt. It was a nightmare, but a nightmare that you've fought with a thousand times.
You stand up, swinging at the spiders with ease.
Legolas falls down beside you, rising to his full height. "I will report your disobedience to the King himself." You threatened, annoyed at his disregard for his own safety. He does not respond to you.
He keeps silent. He fights the spiders.
When you turned to look at the next spider - it begins to lunge at you. Taking you aback with its sheer strength. "Legolas!" You yell his name, and that stare takes you by surprise. It is the same way that the King used to look at the Queen when she did something reckless.
It was a stare that you've bared witness to a million times, and now you were the recipient of it.
He cuts through the spider's stomach with ease, and the other spiders began to flee for their safety. He turns his back to you, picking up the dagger that he left on the forest floor. "Legolas," you begin taking sharp breaths - shaking off the panic that you felt.
He ignores you, again.
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It has been eight hours since Legolas last spoke to you. "I don't understand why he evades me like a plague," you tilted your head - taking a sip of the wine that the King generously laid out.
"He does that when he's..." He pauses, thinking of a word that could properly explain his son's behavior. "Displeasured." He finishes.
You cross your arms in a huff.
"I've done nothing to cause him displeasure. As a matter of fact I should be the one who avoids his presence, he disobeyed my orders, my king. You would do the same thing if you were in my shoes." Your eyebrows merged together. The King responds with a chuckle.
"I cannot offer you an explaination for my son's actions. He is a being of his own. I cannot read his mind, child." He reminds.
Your frown only deepens.
What if...?
"What if he hates me forever?" You suddenly voiced out. You glance at the King and he looks unconvinced. "What ever fight you had, you must sort it out on your own. For what it is worth - I don't think that he hates you." He finished, placing a file on the table.
Directions of your next patrol.
"Take care." He swiftly reminds with a smile.
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"Legolas if you are going to continue to evade me like a plague then a resolution for our problems will not come." You chased after him, but he continues walking - with his arms crossed in a huff. "I think that it is unprofessional for you to remain cross with me." You add.
He turns around to face you, a frown on his face.
"You could've died!" He raises his voice again.
Realization dawns.
"I am alive, Legolas,"
"I know that you are a great warrior, but you are reckless." He grits his teeth, anger flooding his senses once more. "It should not matter to you. I am the master of my fate, and also the captain of that patrol. You shouldn't have disobeyed me that day." You still insist.
You gaze up at him.
The sight of him with a frown on his face, him glaring at you. It breaks your heart. "Don't look at me like that," your voice breaks.
Legolas was your truest friend, there are times where you imagine yourself married to him - but that doesn't matter. Those feelings don't matter right now, because you could lose your friend! All because of what? His unwillingness to obey your orders?
"If I wasn't there, who knows what could've happened upon you?" He scowls, "- that spider could've ripped you apart. I would've lost you." he whispers the last sentence but you were able to hear. "- all of that before telling you the truth." His face suddenly softens.
"What truth?" You ask cautiously.
"I love you, meleth - and the thought of you possibly losing your life to the spiders we've dreamt of vanquishing has made me realize that I cannot live without you." He confesses, he opens his mouth again.
But you silence him with a kiss.
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justjams2003 · 5 months
The Desire to be Loved
Okay so... I watched the new Dead Boy Detectives and I loved it. But it made me kind of sad cuz we didn't get to see Dream. So then I rewatched The Sandman. So please enjoy my ramblings of what could be a new story maybe?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, gay lovers (but it's the Sandman so that should be a given) crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,6k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
(I've moved next part to the bottom)
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When the first woman stepped foot on the earth, Lust was quick to follow after in their creation. Desire thrived late with his twin Despair after the birth of Destruction once Lillith set on her own path. And once the second woman set foot on earth, Desire created his first creation: Love. Love set her very first arrow into the heart of Adam and Eve.  
And as Dream had his second in command, Lucien, Desire had their favourite pet, creation, Love. And while Dream cares for his dreamlings, Love was nothing but a pet to use for Desire. One to follow orders and never throw tantrums. He did make her as sickly sweet as love can be, but with the same swing as desire has.  
And for thousands of years, she did as she was told. When Destiny told Desire that true soulmates were about to meet, he’d send love with her red heart arrows. And when it was the beginings of love, he’d sent her with her pink arrows. And finally, when the love was no longer meant to be, he’d send Love, to rip those pink arrows from the lovers. Tearing their hearts apart, leaving it to throb in pain.  
After all, it’s not safe for the Endless to roam the human world. Not long enough or often enough, at least, to fulfil the task that Love is sent to do. That was solidified in Desire’s mind when his least favourite brother got captured by the humans.  
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She sits on the roof of a house she hasn’t visited before. That seems impossible, she’s been to almost every corner of the earth. But this house...she can feel the aura seems entirely loveless. A black cloud that leaves a bad taste in her mouth, and she doesn’t even eat. At least now something has finally started to bloom.  
She places the arrow on the hilt of the bow. A cute pink heart at the tip. She pulls the string back, controls her breathing like she’s done a million times. But something stops her when she hears what they’re talking about. “The maids say the guards are late.” The boy who just sat down asks.  
The other boy’s black brows furrow. “Really?” He goes to get up, Shoot! She’s going to miss her opportunity. Rushed, she’ll admit, she releases the arrow and it lands right in the two of them. A smile grows on the both of them. She can see the pink aura form around them and makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  
“I’d better get going. I don’t want my father’s demon to escape.” He chuckles to himself, struggling to let go of his newly appointed lover. ‘father’s demon’? What on earth is that supposed to mean? Curiosity plays in her mind as to what it could mean. Especially with this dark cloud surrounding this supernatural feeling house.  
Carefully, her cupid-wings carry her down to the floor. She follows behind the boy, knowing no one but the supernatural can see her. Her white heels (after all, none of Desire’s creature’s could ever be unfashionable) hit the floor with a click-clack. Down the stairs and past the gates. But she stops right in her tracks with an audible gasp when she sees the Burgess’ demon.  
Alex watches with furrowed brows when the pale being his father had captured stands up. His piercing blue eyes looking over Alex’s shoulder, staring right at Cupid. Her eyes are as big as saucers and her plump pink lips hang open in shock. Dream’s hand rests against the glass, words are at the tip of his tongue, but just as quickly they fall dead.  
Gone. His one hope of escape took one large step back into the realm of Desire. Her mind, although submissive and quiet in nature, knew immediately who it is that is captured in Rodrick Burgess’ house. Who is this being that could’ve saved him and all his dreamers? Why couldn’t Alex see her? Why hasn’t Morpheus seen her before, in the waking or the dreaming?  
Why? Well, because it’s Desire’s number one rule. Her white go-go boots stop in front of his throne. “Your Highness?” She asks, her innocent eyes glued to the floor like a child ready for a scolding. “Yes, dear pet?” Desire says with a slinking smirk and the lick of his lips. He knows this stance of her all too well.  
“I’ve done bad.” She says, her shoe digging into the floor, her hands wringing behind her back. “Do tell.” They beg for the minor being. “Well, I was on the mission you sent me. With Alex Burgess and his new lover. And well, they were talking about something the Alex boy called ‘father’s demon’ and I-” Desire holds out his hand. She rambles often, he’s used to it.  
Cupid plucks a piece of skin from her lip with her teeth, such a nervous girl. “I saw Dream.” She blurts out, knowing better than to continue blabbering. Desire stands from his seat. A huge smirk forms on his face. He’s practically dancing around now, joy coursing through him. Or rather, mischief. “Oh really?”  
“I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he’d be there. If I knew I wouldn’t have gone. And-” The rambling starts again. But the anger that she expected isn’t there. “No, no, don’t worry my dear pet. You did good, so good.” They muse, now circling her like a shark with it’s prey. “I did?” She ask, her eyebrows lifting in the middle as she fights off the tears she’d been ready to let go of.  
Desire hums, his finger curling under her chin. “Verrryyy good.” He draws out the words like a cat would that could speak. Love’s long lashes flutter as the tears try up, now turned to confusion. “My brother, dear Morpheus, has been missing for the last 10 years and you, dear pet, have accidently just found him.” 
“I did?” He nods again, driving the point home. “Are we going to save him then? He looked so terribly miserable in the glass cage they put him. When he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes that he has-” she’s cut off by a sharp nail under her chin, ready to unmake her. “Why would we ever save him? No, no, no! Have I not taught you better? He has not called for our help and for that we’ll let him rot.”  
The tears rise in the emotional girls eyes once more. “That seems so cruel.” She mumbles, a knot in her throat. “Cruel? Are you not the same Cupid who rips the love right from people’s hearts? Who lets them suffer for years before letting them love again? Is that not more cruel than letting a man, an Endless, be as he wishes to be?”  
Venus gasps when the tear rolls down her cheek, “Yes, but-” she wants to say so much. It is not she who gets to chose. It’s him! They make her break the humans and she cries each time she has too. She just preforms her given task dutifully. It pains her when the humans pray to her, because she has no choice in the matter.  
But she doesn’t say anything. She can’t, Desire would unmake her for disobedience. Instead, she just accepts their badgering. “No, pet, we take advantage of this. While he does not have a say in the matter, you and I will execute as many plans as possible for his demise and when he escapes from his capture, we’ll see the Dreaming fall and crumble at our feet.”  
This...this does not sit well with Cupid. Not one bit. “My master, are you sure this is a good idea?” Her voice is barely above a whisper for she fears Desire’s vengeful side. Desire’s head snaps to her. “Don’t you want your master to be more powerful? To rule over so much more than people’s fleeting wants?”  
“I-” she stumbles over her words but can see when those golden eyes warn her what the true answer is. “I do.” Cupid swallows her tongue and this does please Desire. She’s always been the perfect pet. Capable of nothing more than what is told to her.  
But all she can really think of is the desperation in his eyes. One of the Endless, stripped and vulnerable. And he was pleading. Pleading to her. Just another lonely creature made to serve and one of the Endless were pleading to her to free him. But what could she do? She cannot touch the humans, she cannot even speak to them. The universe and it’s creators know she exists, but those they serve struggle to believe.  
One thing that Desire of the Endless did not take into account is that Love isn’t just desire in another form. It isn’t just a want for the pleasure that a human body gives. It’s also the dreams of the humans that give her any form of power. A dream of what more there could be past the fleeting moments of lust. Past the want for sex and through the to the soul.  
A dream that all humans have. To be loved. By their parents, by their siblings, by their friends, by their lovers. Love is something all humans dream of, late at night when they enter the sleeping world. And while yes, they do wish to be lusted over and want over others, what Love gives is much, much more.  
A cross between Desire and Dream. And if the humans cannot Dream of love, can they even love? If there is no Dream, can there still be Love?  
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Idk if this is going to be a full story yet but if you think it should be and want to be in the taglist if it becomes one, just ask!
Part 2~
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 | ღ | 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 || what seems to be a normal rich summer morning with the women who lives across the honeysuckle boulevard from his cottage lies something else. a buttery rich feeling that spreads deep within Bucky’s heart as he takes his neighbor, alongside Alpine to the farmers market for coffee.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 || fluffy fluff! ➳ part one
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 || retired!bucky barnes × neighbor![black//woc]reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 || 3K ➳ 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 || @firefly-graphics
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || if you think long walks with bucky and alpine in the sunny countryside are warnings then so be it but there is lots of food mentioned. ღ also reader owns a flower shop, not a warning thought just some info!
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 || this version of cherry wine by hozier ღ this version of mystery of love by sufjan stevens ღ
𝐰. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 || eeeeep!!! so this is my first bucky with alpine fluff and i’m very glad to have it be the first for my fluffy mini series that i’m doing for this month! ღ I don’t describe reader too much throughout the story but what is clear is that I don’t specify on skin tone but yes the person in the moodboard is a woc! ღ anyways I hope you cherubs enjoy reading! ღ
+ p.s || do not repost, republish or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or steal my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡  
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it was a lavish affair when Bucky found himself tangled with you in the bed of a million perennial petals.
clothing falling and bodies twisting themselves against each other in not lust but emotional apprehension. the soft petals of rose, carnation and violet keep pouring like blissful rain, entangling in his hair and in the crooks of your body.
enough to suffocate but enough to make him feel enveloped in the fantasy- the divination of you you you and only you.
for you are butterscotch benevolence that he will let pool like ambrosial nectar in the cavernous hollows of his collarbones. your tears of seventh heaven euphoria trickling onto his skin forming constellations- like the paint speckles on the forlonged artists canvas of his naked soul.
you are honey sunlight oozing from the basin of the candy floss sky, lacing with the shedding petals that continue to powder in their divine scent and morality. his fine pink sheets soft and silky as the rose petals of Heliogabalus, he’d sigh in heavenly pleasure to be buried alive in petals if she was drunk of the love he has for her.
he sees her playing, singing, dancing and bringing her virtuous spring song deep within the glossy shine of her honey hive eyes. love seeping in the melancholy streams leaking through the old creeky floorboards of his home and straight into the chambers of his heart.
so promising yet so grandeur as he feels his chest warm with her very touch, the ivory bow encased in the virtuous flowers of her emblem garden in his hands- he’d think that he was Cupid but oh how he’s been struck by his own arrow in great surprise. straight into the once extravagant chamber of his heart.
the spiraling golden arrow destined to pierce and rip through the tender muscle of breast to the beating vessel that writes a tragic tale of eternal ravishment in the movements of lyrical beats. muttering with languor-glazed lips, he’d keep her love like a an old locket against his chest for it’s what reminds him of home whenever he feels the cold element on his skin.
there are pieces of you scattered in the wonderous arteries of his heart.
nestled in the folds of the beating muscle, take heed.
for that is his home.
y/n is his perennial feelings left unsaid, exquisite pain yet ethereal serenity. his soft bed of roses and his deadly golden arrow, all meant to give his heart hope.
that he was- however it seems the bed of roses and all the lovely elements it holds have come to a staggering pause.
now as the sun hits the past super soldiers eyelids that dream of flower petals and the heavenly vision of you disappear. they flutter open to meet the single stream of sunlight that has slipped past the slit of the sheer bedroom curtains. brightening up the somewhat clustered space of the room with its single golden string.
Bucky sighs in defeat, this is the fifth dream he’s had of you in a month and he was barely pushing past the second week of May. before he didn’t mind the dreams, they calmed his mind while he layed in slumber during the thunderstorms of April but now they were resilient. it wasn’t no regular thing to dream about the women across the boulevard in the haven of flower fields and maple trees.
Bucky knew this but he couldn’t help but not treat these dreams sweetly. they were the definition of sweet torture, you never hurt him in those dreams as he did to himself but it was a pain to know that you probably don’t think of him the same way. for goodness sake ever since he and Alpine moved the only interactions he had with the maiden were just acknowledgments as they passed each other on their daily errands.
he shouldn't be this infatuated with someone who he's only met.
the soft hum of a purr finally awakens Bucky, his cats paw brushing against the half covered skin of his fleshed bicep. it takes a pat or two to make Bucky open his eyes to find Alpines blue hues staring back at his and he gives his furry friend a crooked smile. a chorus of meows welcoming him to another sunny morning in the peaceful and harmonious countryside.
“morning pal, ya slept well?” Bucky smiles as he lazily lifts his hand to scratch the right spot behind Alpines ear.
stretching out of bed till his feet touch the cool wood flooring, following the simple path from the bedroom to the kitchen he pours Alpine his dish of cream and gets started on his own breakfast. whisking hen eggs his neighbors from afar gifted him the day before and toasting the freshly baked loaves of bread he bought specially from the market yesterday.
Bucky normally didn’t take any gifts from anyone, he wasn’t that type of person to feel comfortable with those sort of things but as the days gone by the cheerfulness of the communities welcoming energy towards him has soften his doubt.
eating his simple breakfast paired with coffee, Bucky bites into his buttery egg toast whilst quickly scribbling down his to-do list for the day. of course there isn’t any tasks that the hundred and ten year old man has to get done but there were things that Bucky did look forward to ever since he settled in a month ago. the country was a lovely peacefulness he had forgotten about ever since he was a boy.
traveling to his grandparents farm away from the city for memorable childhood summers in the sun and fields. turning his head to meet the white linen sheets that draped over the kitchen panels, Bucky can see the herd of brown and black spotted cows from the distance. tapping the pencil against the shiny polish of the kitchen table he bites his lip on what else to add on.
his head lifts up to see through the other window that casts its lovely light against his paper. blue eyes meeting the toffee cobblestone path that led to her cottage, hidden amongst the shrubbery of acorn trees and flower budded bushes. hearing from lots of locals in the cobblestone village near the sparkling sea that she owns a little orchard of peach and cherry trees, a few strawberry patches amongst the vegetation.
it made sense why he sometimes finds a large wooden basket of those ruby fruits at his doorstep from time to time. a card inviting him over for some tea that he would agree to yet he would always call you the next day a stuttering mess canceling it over some important errands. nonetheless it made Bucky's heart swell how understanding you were, sweet just like the ripe fruits you pluck for him on Sundays.
Bucky would make copplers and sometimes pies out of them and if he wasn't so scared of the possibility of being too attracted to you he'd head over to your place so he and him would eat them in your gazebo. but of course he can't do everything his heart implores him to do. was it bad to want to get to know you and imagine what it would be like to befriend you?
maybe do lots more than just befriend you...
sometimes he would find a glimpse of your form in the distance as he headed for the lake neat the lavender fields up north to fish something for dinner. humming while you cared for your flowers, singing to them as you danced along the vintage radio. Bucky could see himself singing and dancing alongside you. caring for your precious tulips, primroses and other beautiful flowers that you sold.
those pretty flowers sweet and divine just as her lips and voice when the two first met, when he arrived in the too expensive car that stood out amongst the scenery. arms occupied with bouquets upon bouquets of trimmed flowers that practically shielded her face, his body ran straight into yours when he got out of his car. flower petals falling with the impact and him apologizing one thing led to another and he helped her with her bouquets all while being stricken when he got a clear look at her.
a clear look at you.
lovely in your sundress that flowed beautifully against your bodies soft planes, there was something about the sparkle in your eyes that made him start to stutter. something about you that made his heart bloom in a recherché flower he still can’t understand because he can still hear the velvety tone of your voice speaking your own name when giving each other’s your introduction.
from there on out a glowing ember of clustered stars burned in the pit of his belly when you spoke his name and he spoke yours. it was soft and innocent as the flowers in your arms but the introduction was cut off far too short for Bucky's liking but he promised you a coffee when he was completely settled in. having to do something so he could see you again cause oh how he wishes to hear you speak his name again and again and again till the flowers sprout, bloom and decay with each coming season.
maybe he should pay you a visit and bring up that coffee...
the music from the radio filling the bright cottage kitchen sweetly alongside the birds singing their song outside. Alpine takes his seat across from him, yawning over the new day that brings nothing but lazy laps and baked fish treats. forking a few honey drizzled raspberries in his mouth, Bucky walks to the front door and just in time the daily paper plops down on his feet from the passing paper boy whipping through the grassy roads on the shiny steel of a ringing bicycle.
bending down to retrieve the newspaper, he passes through the sidewalk of petunias and violets till he reaches his mailbox. the wood creaky and the metal rusty but the daisies that sprinted around the opening was a pretty site to see before Bucky grimaced at people from the outside world wanting to invade his privacy. grabbing the letters before smelling the sweet daisies, Bucky looks through the letters one by one. ripping some that had no use for to be used as fire food for his fireplace, grunting that even though he’s away from the tabloids and cameras there are still people eager enough to want something from him.
a soft voice from the distance pulls him out of his annoyance, it makes his eyes lift from his dreaded mail to the women a mile away singing her song as she reaches her mailbox. Bucky can’t help but look at her from afar; and maybe Alpine knows this to as he watch his lovesick owner admire the maiden from the kitchen windowsill.
with some obscene fortune he notices you checking your mailbox as well. heart pacing in his chest, he wishes he didn’t go outside before showering and at least brushing his hair for your waving to him from the distance.
“hello hello Bucky!” your sweet voice exclaims and it just adds onto the heaven that is the morning it makes his cheek hurt from how much he’s smiling.
“hello hello to you y/n. how is the shop coming along?” Bucky shouts and his heart sinks when you wave him over to you.
despite his mind telling him to not pursue closer his heart makes him walk his way to you standing next to your Valentine shaped mailbox. his worries slipping away when there's a underlying comfort in your posture and aura, alluring like the bees are to the flowers. welcoming and warm and he can't help but feel that way every time he's near you.
speaking of you, its reassuring to also know he wasn't the only one to wear pajama's out since your still in your blue silk nightgown. matching silk slippers adorning your feet, you sip from your tea cup as you read what he believes to be a Cosmopolitan.
“it’s coming along great, thank you! a bit slow the first week but that’s how any business starts but I just received my tenth loyal customer and i’m more than certain i’ll be selling lots of flowers today.” you spoke as you smiled to yourself then up at him.
checking your mail, Bucky’s surprised that you have quite a handful of letters and boxes. all written in lovely cursive and packaged nicely, almost like love letters and gifts. it makes Bucky’s heat sink, knowing that he might not be the only one who’s fallen head over heels for you. by all means you probably have the whole village under a spell with just the way you smile alone but he wants to see that smile the most.
he wants to be the reason for that smile.
“that’s sounds wonderful y/n, maybe I could stop by and pick a pretty bouquet or two," you only smile wider upon those words and much to his excitement you even brush your hand against his.
"oh really? have a special someone in your life who needs some loving?" you perk as you open an envelop but the question makes Bucky's throat dry on how he should answer.
you seem like the type of maiden who loves an honest man- yes, he should be honest.
"well... there is this one special lady." Bucky lingers and that makes you snap your attention away from the letters in your hands. voice dying in your throat at those words and heart beat hitting pause.
"I always thought Alpine was gonna be the only one to get to my soft spot- we sleep in the same bed together," he stops to laugh a bit, rubbing the back of neck with his metal arm and you laugh along with him.
"how is Alpine? i'm noticing he's getting into a routine with sleeping in my chamomile beds in the afternoon," you smile and bring your tiny tea cup to your lips. "would you care for a cup Bucky? this just so happens to be chamomile,"
"Alpine is doing good and thank you for bringing that up I was beginning to wonder where that rascal has been leaving for. will have an important talk to him once I get home and- I was going to ask you something," Bucky speaks while admiring how your thick lashes curtain your honey hive hues as you sip the steaming golden liquid.
no one should look that beautiful just drinking tea yet here he is, breathless on the simple action. if he truly wanted a cup he'd wish to drink from your tiny cup, to press his lips upon the porcelain rim where yours once brushed against. drink the sweet sunshine to experience the closest thing to your honey kiss...
"don't worry it's alright! I love looking over at him when I have tea at the back patio, he's quite a lovely guest. very well mannered, and yes Bucky is there anything I can help you with?" you cannot deny that your heart is practically skipping beats in your chest, fast and lively like the flutter of a butterfly wing.
Bucky runs his fingers through his hair, for someone who has done the simple thing of asking someone out for couple hundreds of times a hundred years ago from now it’s a disappointment that he’s lost his touch. however you don’t seem to notice or care but that doesn't mean he should give up. not when you're right here glowing in your morning dew radiance, anticipating the next words to slip past those lips.
it's now or never.
"h-how do you feel about that coffee I promised? today? I have a few errands to run in town and I was wondering if you would accompany me- on my errands... if that doesn't bother you,” Bucky rambles to a stop and he's thankful you're still smiling that closed lip grin against the porcelain of the cup.
"yes Bucky I would love that! there's a coffee cart near the shop I work at but what about your lady? she wouldn't mind us going out for coffee, would she?" you speak as you gather your letters in your arms. glancing up at Bucky to receive some conformation and Bucky bites his lips.
"I don't think she'll mind. in fact... I think she would love me to go out once in a while. I have a habit of only going out when necessary, coffee with you wouldn't hurt,"
"that's perfect, i'll see you at twelve then Bucky. you can help me open shop to," you smiled and Bucky returned an even warmer one back.
filling your heart with a rush of liason, like a tea cup filling with tea. something meant to be full and warm, embraced with someone's touch and lips as they drank each fluttering honey glazed sensation they have for one other.
something that seems to be happening right now before they break their strong eye contact, wiry- crooked smiles still embellishing their sun-freckled faces.
you wish you could kisses each one off his clean shaven cheeks right now, slightly rosy but oh how it would feel like peach skin against your lips.
Bucky wishes to kiss yours, the shine of your lips the form of heart shaped clouds and he just can't seem to get his head out of the amorous blue you cast him into.
"i'll be seeing you in an hour Bucky," you draw before walking away with a cheeky wink, your eyes still locking with his before you get to the rosy sunflower porch.
"and i'll be waiting for you doll,"
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♡♡♡ thank you for reading part one! ♡♡♡ pretty please like, reblog and/or comment what you think and if you enjoy this join my taglist to be notified of my future works! ♡♡♡
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dourpeep · 3 years
Something that I’ve been meaning to write inspired by @ellitx (contains 18+ works) as well as these songs: The Gentle Zephyr, Soldier, Poet, King and Found/Tonight.
It took a bit longer than intended because I had to take a moment to stop because I started sobbing partway through editing (':
They all Fall
Summary: Swirling around the room, you spend one last night with the one you love.
Contains: Himmel x bard!Reader, unnamed bard (Himmel), fluff, ANGST, major character death, last moments described
All around the room of the packed tavern, you see the faces of your friends. They crowd around tables, pulling chairs from others and loudly regaling tales long past and of what they want to do once tomorrow has passed. It makes the unease melt away, slipping down between the floorboards.
After all, not a single sour look passes your gaze, not when there’s so much to be excited for.
Behind you, someone speaks out loud and clear—Himmel, in his plain cape and twin braids, shoulder occupied by the very little ‘elf’ that drove him to be where he stands today. The determination he exudes only is made tenfold by his charm.
“Tonight, we celebrate! So raise your glass and drink each drop like it’s your last!”
They all cheer with bright eyes and smiles and so do you, raising your glass high and tapping it to the rim of another’s.
Never did you think that you’d be here tonight, surrounded by so many who share those views. That the seemingly far reaches of freedom would become so so close after years of only knowing stormy grey skies with razor whipped winds so violent. No longer will the people of Mond cast their eyes to gloom with little hope left—not when your numbers are strong and you’re sure that you will come out victorious.
It is the people, you think, who will finally be free.
But for now, you surrender to the itchiness of your fingers to pluck at strings.
Picking your drink from where it sits, you stand atop a table with the help of a man with fiery hair and call out.
“My friends, a toast, if I may?”
The tavern falls quiet.
“To all of us, in our merriment, and the surety of the fall of the tyrant god-king, Decarabian—” Raucous cheers break out. In the midst, you add, “And to the prosperity of our land, our home, and our country—Mondstadt!”
Your cheeks hurt with how wide your smile is, heart nearly bursting with joy and it’s clear you aren’t alone.
So, as a bard does, you bend and pick up your beloved instrument in lieu of your drink.
“For tonight, we are together, and tonight will be the last we sit shackled by his reign!”
Though the strum of your instrument melds with the voices of your people, it’s loud and clear. The perfect song—one you’d recently completed with the help of your bard friend.
A clap. Another, until you have a steady beat to go along with the nodding of your head in time.
“There will come a soldier, who carries a might sword!”
Laughter breaks out as you flex one arm, nodding back at the red-haired knight sitting below.
As the patrons start stomping their feet, the steady pounding lively and their hands clapping to urge you on as you sweep across the room, a big smile beams across your face.
Fingers pluck deft at strings and shift to change chords.
“He will tear your city down—oh lei, oh lai, oh lord!”
Voice ringing out to join the masses, you shift and hop off of your impromptu stage to mingle as you perform.
Just a few tables away, Himmel watches you in awe.
You’re so bright—bright as the sun that Barbatos has chimed to him about, brighter than the millions of stars just beyond the dense tempest of clouds. Though all eyes are on you in the spotlight, he hopes that you see the way he watches you.
Longing, soft.
It didn’t occur to him that you’d rush over between verses to take his hand—
One of your hands wraps around his and tugs him out of his seat in a rush, the life that he sees in your joy contagious.
Your instrument is left abandoned at his seat in lieu of lacing both of your hands together. It isn’t needed when the heart of the tavern buzzes with triumph.
Together, you sing, the words ingrained in your minds and hearts.
“There will come a poet—!”
You wink and Himmel’s bell-like laugh rings out as the two of you dance across the uneven wooden floors.
You trip and stumble a few times, neither of you well versed in dancing, but with how alive you feel holding his warm, warm hands—you don’t find yourself caring.
Just like that, you’re all that his stormy eyes can see. The thrill he feels in his chest being by your side is unmatched and he knows that when the time is right, he’ll tell it to you. Especially with the budding feeling that they’re returned.
But for now, he’s satisfied with the way you gaily spin and prance between the masses of tables and chairs.
When the song finally ends and you’re left breathless, grinning at your companion, he wraps his arms around you tight. Like a fresh gust of wind, he sweeps you up in his arms and you gasp in surprise.
Himmel is grinning wider than you’ve ever seen and the twinkle in his eyes makes you wonder if the sea looks as beautiful as they do now. Lips parted and flushed; he says your name.
Your eyes meet. He leans in closer—
Then your feet meet the floor as Amos and the others gather round and request another song. A duet, perhaps. You miss the way that he reaches out to you, too absorbed in the flurry of moments.
If only you weren’t already out of breath from dancing, the feeling fluttering in your chest would ensure it.
You watch as he picks up his lyre, the way that he shines makes your heart flutter in your chest.
If only these moments could last a lifetime.
And then, the day arrives.
When it happened, you were elsewhere, equal parts fighting and protecting. So absorbed in your role of ensuring the safety of your comrades in arms. The irony doesn’t escape you. It’s Barbatos who finds you first when the dust settles and all is quiet, small form zipping around with eyes wide and pleading.
He guides you past the rubble, past Amos where she lay unconscious—her hair spread out like wings and you try to tug away to go to her but your insistent companion chimes and tugs at your hair, your clothing.
Until you’re met with the sight of the knight carefully holding a figure in his arms. From here, you already can see their face. Hisface—
In his tattered cape and twin braids undone.
In this moment, it feels as if you were the one pierced instead.
The cry that tears from your lungs rival that of the chaos of battle, and you collapse, unable to come closer. But little Barbatos presses to your cheek. So you do.
Your fingertips dig into the debris surrounding you as you rise and weakly trudge closer.
He’s barely breathing. Wheezing.
Throat raw, you mumble his name and hold his head up, pressing your forehead to his. In your other hand, you hold both of his and squeeze. His eyes are barely open but they still see you. See the way that the sun shines above.
“It’s alright, we’ll get you patched and it’ll be fine—Just stay awake and I’ll fetch someone so don’t worry I promise I’ll—"
Himmel shakes his head and whispers your name so warm, so tender, so loving, so—
“We did it.”
Through the pain, he smiles. He smiles but you can tell by the way he barely grasps your hand back that he’s slipping.
Another mumble of your name. His head tilts up and his lips meet yours soft.
His last breath, he grants to you.
A last confession, to finally free those very emotions that have been shyly hidden.
It’s not fair.
It’s long since his heart has stopped that you let yourself finally break.
Those very same hands, so warm and fingertips calloused, are now cold. Colder than the sharp, unforgiving winds that have since died out, colder than the chill you feel from the fresh gentle breeze brushing over your skin. You rub at them in attempt to bring back their life.
Desperately, your hand cups a cheek decorated with long dried tears as you sob out the name of the one that gave up everything for a taste of freedom.
With no room to think of the ifs, your cries reach the heavens. To be robbed of the very thing you fought for, to miss it just by a mere few moments and the zip of arrows. It leaves a bittersweet taste that lingers for years to come.
Above you, the sky is blue and a bird soars through the cloudless sea.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
I Still Want You, I Still Need You- I. Civil War
Word Count: 2576
About: You are on Steve’s side of things and that upsets your brother,Tony. Showing that you and Tony are two different versions of your guys father, Howard. 
Characters: Reader, Bucky, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Clint, Wanda, Zemo, and T’Challa
Pairing: None
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Blood, Injury, Mention of past death
A/N: This has been in my head forever. So while I write both this mini series and Winter’s Doll, please bare with me. 
*This contains content made for the 18 and up crowd. Read at your own discrestion
**Please do not copy and paste this work anywhere. I work too hard on all of my stuff and would hate for it to stolen. You may, of course, reblog and copy the link to share other places.
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Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Marvel Tags: OPEN
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: OPEN
Story Tags: @mysticalfestivalkoala @cspr-2 @tanyaherondale @lilithknight1111 @lpzallana @snlsamantha
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The two sides were lined up like the soldiers in during war time way back in the day. You couldn’t see it, but you knew that your brothers face was upset and disappointed in you. He knew that the two of you were similar but, yet, so much more different than each other. There was nothing he could say or do to make you change your mind. He was wrong and you knew it. He was just too blind to see it.
“Really, Y/N, you too? You’re on the wrong side of the line, dear.” Your brother said shaking his head. “I thought you were smarter than this? Dad would be so disappointed in you.”
You couldn’t help but let out a fake laugh. “You’re right, Tony,” You gave him the look that you knew pierced through his mask. The look that many people have said to have been a look that Howard Stark gave, to make himself so intimidating. “I’m smart. I’m smart enough to make decisions for myself and darling, this one is the right one. And bringing Dad into this isn’t going to change anything. You Know that.”
“Is that what Cap told you?” Tony pressed. “That his way is right and mine wrong?”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Steve shift his feet around. “He didn’t have to,” your voice grew cold. The way it always did when you and Tony bickered. “I came to that conclusion myself.”
“Well, then, that’s make you a criminal like the rest of them,” Tony stepped back with both his hands up. “It’s not too late to change your mind, Y/N/N.”
You could hear it in his voice when Tony called you by the nickname he gave you when you were little. He was trying everything he could to get you to step out of this and join his side. He didn’t want to fight his little sister. You didn’t want to fight your brother. 
But yet, here the two of you are.
“I’m sorry, Tony,” you pulled out your retractable bow staff and opened it.
“I’m sorry too,” Tony said.
“What do we do?” Scott asked Steve.
“We fight,” Steve answered starting to lead the way. “Y/N, make sure you guard Bucky. Everyone knows that if they hurt you too bad, Tony will not hesitate to return the favor. Doesn’t matter what side you’re on.”
“Got it Cap,” you said. You knew that Steve was right. Didn’t matter what side you were on, if someone on Tony’s side hurt you to the point that you were hospitalized or near death, he would not hesitate and return the favor. He was still your big brother after all. You had your differences and disagreements. The two of you wouldn’t let the other get seriously injured.
You guessed the new kid didn’t get that memo.
While both teams were fighting, you and Bucky were weaving in and out of the fighting. The new kid, who shot out webs and talked way too much, threw something very large at you. But Bucky tackled you out of the way. The kid came at you again but when you swung your bow staff at him, he caught it and tossed you off it a good ten feet away. You were sure that you were going to wake up sore in the morning. You stood up and then saw red surrounding the new kid who as tossed into a giant pile of boxes. Your bow staff breaking in half.
You nodded your head towards Wanda who nodded back. She ran back towards the fighting.
“You okay?” Bucky asked.
“I’m fine, let’s keep moving.”
The two of you weaved in and out of the fighting again until Steve caught up with you. The three of you crunched out of the line of fire. You looked back to see your friends fighting. One side to be regulated by the government despite what happened to SHEILD a few years back and to bring Bucky in for something he didn’t even do. The other side, to help you and Steve get Bucky to safety, because you, too, believed he was innocent.
“We’re not going to be able to get everyone to that jet,” You told Steve. “It’s going to be impossible with everything thing going on.”
“Some of us are going to have to loose this for us to win it,” Clint’s voice is heard in your coms.
You knew he was right. You hated it too. The three of you ran towards the hanger. A few tiny missiles whizzed passed you guys from above and hit the hanger. That didn’t stop you guys from running, Wanda managed to stop the debris from the building long enough for the three of you to slide right under it.
“He’s innocent, Nat,” Steve said.
You turned around to see Natasha, your best friend, who was almost like a sister to you, standing there. A firm and disappointed look in her face. Natasha rose up her arm and you knew what was coming. You were prepared to tackle the female Russian assassin. “I’m going to regret this,” she said and slightly moved her arm to the side and shot out a taser. It whizzed passed your head.
You looked to see that Natasha’s taser hit T’Challa. “Go,” she yelled and shot another at the Wankadan king. Making him hit the ground once again.
You guys board the quinjet. You strapped into the pilot seat and started to press all the buttons you need. Even disabling the tracker. Steve and Bucky strapped in and soon, you had the aircraft in the air and flew through whatever you could. Looking down at the airport below, you saw law enforcement showing up. You still knew that you made the right choice in taking Steve’s side.
While you flew to Serbia, Steve and Bucky talked. You drowned them out and thought about your brother. A brother you knew all to well. You’d be on his radar until he found you. Until he had Bucky in his clutches. Until you and Steve were behind bars. Unless something there was something that gave him a reason to stop looking. You just hoped that you can get the information you needed before that ever happened.
Bucky needed his name cleared.
“We should be coming up on the base here soon,” Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality.
You looked a head and saw a snow covered mountain. At first you didn’t see anything but after the fog lifted you saw what looked like a bunker. As you landed the aircraft, from the corner of your eye you saw Bucky’s body stiffen up. You could only imagine what was going through the super soldiers head.
“You got this, Bucky,” You turned to him once the quinjet was landed and secured.
Bucky gave a small smile before he and Steve left the aircraft.
Then you were alone.
With your thoughts.
Time passed slowly as you literally twirled around in the pilot chair. You thought about your only memories of your father, Howard. You were really young when he took you in after your mothers death. Gave you the Stark name and all but that didn’t stop people from calling you his bastard child from one of his flings. Even after his and Maria’s death. But Tony had put a stop to that when he was asked what he thought about having a bastard sister. Let’s just say that night, Tony almost ended the night in handcuffs.
Some movement made you stop turning in your chair. You squinted your eyes to getting a better look through the snow being blown around the wind. The movement seemed to be black and upon a clearer look you saw that it was the King of Wakanda himself.
You gathered whatever weapons you could find in the quinjet and ran outside. The cool brisk air hit your face and tingled your nose. You didn’t let that stop you, you slowly followed T’challa to the door.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Your Highness,” you snapped open one of Clint’s bows.
The Wakandan king turned around slowly. “And why is that?” The thick accent came out slow and firm. You didn’t want to go up against this man at all but you would if you had to.
“Barnes isn’t who you want,” You noticed your voice started to shake. “All the answers we are looking for, it’s in that building.”
“I’m sorry, but I have to do what I must do,” T’challa started to open the door.
You reached behind you and pulled out a random arrow. You loaded it on the bow string and shot it. Luckily, for you, it had been one of those electric arrows. It shocked the Wakandan king and he fell to the ground. “I’m sorry too,” you ran passed him and into the building.
You wandered around looking for Steve and Bucky. Abandoned or not, the place gave you the creeps. You didn’t want to think about what this place did to Bucky. Then you turned a corner and saw a huge contraption that looked like the thing that Steve and Bucky talked about.
That thing that shocked the shit out of Bucky when he was under Hydra control. Suddenly your heart fell a million feet when you thought about the constant pain Bucky had been put through.
“Poor Bucky,” you whispered as your hand touched the torture device. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
You moved on and began to hear voices. You slowly followed the voices until you found them. The voice that spoke had an accent. He talked about the Battle of Sokovia, a battle which almost took your life. Then he spoke about the Vienna bombing and how that was all his doing.
“I told you it wasn’t him,” you spoke as you approached the group. “But you didn’t believe me or trust me.”
Tony turned to you. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“Oh good, the whole family is here,” the strange voice said. “Now the show can really begin.”
There was soft click and hum somewhere in the room. Everyone looked around and spotted an old television set. You guys approached it and when the screen popped up of an old road, you heard Tony suck in his breath.
“I know that street,” he said.
You watch the events unfold on the screen before. Your father dying at the hand of Bucky. You shot a look at Bucky whose entire face had fallen. Your eyes shifted to Tony who looked like he was about to either snap or pass out. You turned to the tv and stopped the video.
“Tony,” you turned back him.
“Don’t you dare say anything,” Tony snapped at you.
“Tony,” Steve cut in.
“Give him to me, Rogers,” Tony’s mask flew back on and turned toward Bucky. You knew he meant business.
You jumped in front of your brother. Bow loaded with an arrow.  “Tony, no,” you rose your voice. “It wasn’t really him. He was brainwashed.”
“Stand aside, Y/N,” Tony started to fire up his suit.
“It wasn’t him,” you yelled as you rose the bow up and aim it at him.
“I don’t fucking care,” Tony yelled back. “He killed our parents. No move or so help me.”
You let the arrow go and it hit Tony’s armor and stuck to it. Before he even had time to grab it and toss it, the arrow exploded, sending Tony back into the television set.
“Go,” you told Bucky and Steve. “I’ll be able to hold him off.” You loaded another arrow and pointed it at your brother who slowly got up.
“Are you sure about that?’ Steve asked.
“He won’t hurt me too much,” you stayed focused on Tony who stood and stared at you. You could only imagine that thoughts of anger and surprise he had. “Just go!”
“You don’t want to do this, Y/N/N,” Tony held up his hand again. “You’re giving me absolutely no fucking choice.”
“Then don’t fucking make one,” you kept your weapon in place. “Drop all of this and let us go. No one has to get hurt anymore.”
Without warning or any other word said, Tony hit you. With what, you weren’t sure since he upgrades his suits whenever he’s bored. You flew back into something hard and smacked your head hard enough to put you out.
When you came to, your sight was fuzzy and your side was killing you. You were still in the old Hydra base so that was good, Tony hadn’t thought about taking you back. You looked down and as you saw a piece of metal poking out of your side. Biting your lip as hard as you could until you tasted blood, you pulled the metal out of your side.
You placed your hand over the wound to clot the small blood flow. You stood up and swayed some. It felt like your brain was rolling around in your head. Tony must have used some force and it pissed you off.
In the distance you heard the clanging around and yelling. You knew that Tony cornered Steve and Bucky. You followed the the sound and when you found them you saw Bucky on the ground. His metal arm blown off. Blood flood from his head and nose.
“Bucky,” you ran and slide over to him. You checked his pulse and pressed an ear to his chest. “Thank God,” you breathed when the soft sound of his heart reached your ear. “We’ll get you fixed you up.” You swore you saw a small smile on his face when you said that.
Then you looked up.
Steve had Tony in the air and threw him into a wall. You gasped and stood up only to fall to your knees when the pain in your side ran sharp through your body. Steve straddled Tony and grabbed his shield and started to hit his mask with the edge of it. The shield managed to break the mask. You saw fear in Tony’s face as Steve rose the shield once again.
“Steve, no!” You screamed as Steve brought the shield down. But it didn’t hit Tony’s face. It his the arc reactor in the suit. Making the suit shut down.
Steve looked back at you and got up. Pulling the shield out of Tony’s suit. Steve walked over to where you and Bucky were. He pulled Bucky up and looked at you. “Are you okay?” He asked softly.
You nodded as you stared at Tony. Tony stared back at you. His eyes on your bloodied hand that covered your wound. His shifted to Steve who started to walk away. “He gave you that shield,” he yelled. “You don’t deserve it.”
You turned to Steve, who stopped and drop the shield where he stood. You slowly and painfully got up and began to follow Steve you.
“Y/N!” Tony yelled after you. You turned to him. “You leave with them, you won’t have a home to come back to. You’d be forced to be on the run. A criminal. Dad would be embarrassed by your actions.”
You stared Tony in the eyes. “No, Tony,” your voice firm and full of anger. “Dad would be embarrassed by you.”
You turned on your heel and walked away with tears threatening your eyes.
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
May I request Dio, joseph, and mama bruno headcanons of them having a crush on black reader but they don’t know how to approach them? Thank uuu!🥺👉🏾👈🏾
I’ll be doing part 2 Jospeh! But, I know I looooove some Brunoooo!
HEADCANON: having a crush on black reader, can’t figure out the right approach.
---3. 2. 1. ACTION!---
DIO [Modern Era]:
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Him? Dio? Having a cRuSh?
AND not knowing how to fuckin’ talk to you?
Oh hell no.
Surely, he had done something UTTERLY evil. like the mf-ing bully he is.
Like being fake as shit towards some people which you could obviously smell the bullshit from a mile away, thinking he was doin sum.
When he saw that concerned, almost bothered look on your face, he knew he was fucking up.
You were too beautiful, too PERFECT. He had to have you to himself.
He started to send gifts to your house, sometimes to your workplace. Hoping that would rIgHtfUlLy earn your affections.
They were flattering but, you almost saw it as cowardly that he didn’t just— approach you on his own??
Like bitch tf is you scared for- 💀
The time finally came for him to ask you out, about fuckin’ time though-
Dio stopped by your house, definitely at the worst time though.
It was the early morning, your day off especially. You were so irritated when you heard a loud ass POUNDING at yo door.
In your bonnet, tank top, and pink pajama bottoms, you stomped to the door to see who it was.
“It is I, Dio!”
You wanted to punch him, if he wasn’t so damn cute with his little bouquet of roses and a basket of your favorite snacks.
“Lately, I’ve been told that sending those precious gifts.. isn’t quite the way to earn your love. Now I, Dio, wish to take you out for dinner tonight!”
You couldn’t help but snicker. This was oddly cute yet so damn dumb for someone so cunning.
Without another word, you jump to press a kiss to his cheek before taking the new gifts.
“Aight then. Pick me up tonight. But, don’t just pull up without tellin’ a bitch. Got me out here lookin’ crazy!”
After that, y’all have been a power couple ever since. He definitely likes to show you off.
Joseph Joestar [1939]:
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This goofy ass- 💀
He’s a well-known flirt, but he definitely had his sights set on you!
Trust me, he’s seen plenty of beautiful women but BABY-
He was definitely feeling that Cupid’s arrow piercing his heart when he first saw you.
The two of you were introduced through Smokey, who was your childhood friend at the time.
You couldn’t thank Joseph enough for helping him out with those bogus cops.
You two became friends very quickly.
Although the two of you would hang out 95% of the time, it didn’t stop the trouble that often came by.
He was always down to fight for you or do some goofy shit to make you smile.
But, he was so scared of asking you out.
It wasn’t because of the people, fuck them.
But, it was because he thought he wouldn’t be good enough for you. That he’d crash before the journey even started.
He often flexed when you were around, was more flirty with you more than others, and even lent his big ass jacket when you were chilly.
You’d often pick up on his advances, his hard crush on you not so much of a secret anymore.
When the time came that he actually decided to ask you out, best believe that he went all out for you when he came to your house one night.
I’m talking suit and tie, limo ride, buying you hella gifts.
“[Y/N]!! Ever since I’ve laid eyes on you, I knew you had to be mine! Come on a date with me!”
This had to be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen this boy do. How could you say no? Especially after he delivered the full package!
You chuckled as you thought about your answer, your cheeks hot.
“Okay boy. Lemme get ready!”
You’ve never seen a more wide smile as he jumped for joy, almost messing up his suit.
When y’all started dating, he never failed to make you smile. Even when he’d annoy the shit outta you, you couldn’t stay mad at the fool.
Bruno Bucciarati:
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This has got to be my FAVORITE character of part 5 kakldlfmfnwjwkf— DAFUQ IS HE SO FOINE FORRR 💀 😭
Okay, okay. Let’s say that you joined Passione for XYZ reason and you were assigned to Bruno’s team.
You meet everybody at the restaurant and best believe that my boy is in complete AWE.
Sure, he was aware of another stand user who passed that DUMBASS lighter test- But, he ain’t expect a fine queen to be stuck with his rowdy ass team.
He couldn’t even count the millions of times where he bonked Mista in the head for flirting with you nonstop when he was questioning you, even going to the point where he zipped that mofo mouth shut.
Like on god, let him SPEAK- 🗣
Everyone, except you, had the idea that he had a little crushy crush on you because of how gentle and guiding he was towards you.
He was a true gentleman, praising you for hard work, even stared at and admired your beauty for a long period of time without realizing nor with you looking.
He was definitely attracted to how determined, headstrong, and smart you were. Whenever the team got into a pickle, you knew just how to get ‘em out.
Whenever you two hung out, he’d take you on tours, go on walks with you, maybe even go to dinner every now and then. Everytime you stared at an item you really wanted but couldn’t get because of expenses, he’d secretly buy it and drop it off at your doorstep for you to find. But, he loved golden hour.
When the sun was setting and it hit your skin just right, glowing from that precious light. He could feel his heart pound, coming to terms with his feelings for you.
There weren’t any missions or anything like that, so he took this opportunity to take you on a boat ride. He wanted this confession to be perfect, no distractions.
As the sun was setting, he basically got a promise ring. His heart racing as anxiety set in, what if you rejected him? He wouldn’t know unless he shot that shot.
“[Y/N], not only have you been pleasant to work and fight alongside with, you’ve been such a darling friend. Your smile shines brighter than stars, your skin glows so beautifully in the setting sun. You make me feel so alive, bella. Please, be mine.. your heart will be treasure in my hands.”
Okay, you had to admit. That was so poetic ass shit right there, you couldn’t help but feel sudden warmth in your cheeks as you stared at him.
He was fine ass hell, a goddamn gentleman, the nicest man in Italy, AND had some power?
Yep, he had you.
With a giggling nod, a smile of relief comes to his face as he slides the promise ring on. Shit, y’all were already official but he might as well put an ACTUAL ring on it.
“Damn! This must’ve cost some real cash money... I don’t think I can ever get used to you spoiling me, Bruno.”
Before the ride was over, best believe that he took tons of pictures of you while the sun was still making you glow.
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adenei · 3 years
Ch. 3 - How to Win a Witch in 10 Days
Thursday - Pt. 3
Just when she thinks her life can’t get any stranger, James Potter walks back into it. How was she just sitting at the bar, scouting out potential men to dupe, when a blast from the past shows up at her side and asks her to dinner? Of all the nights and all the bars, they run into each other tonight.
Lily’s completely shaken on the inside but forces herself to remain calm, cool and collected. James Potter is the one that got away. The one who fancied her at Hogwarts, had asked her on countless dates—which she turned down—and by the time Lily finally realized she had feelings for him, he’d moved on. It hurt more than she expected it to, so when he walked up to her just minutes ago, Lily wasn’t sure how to react.
She intends to say no when he asks her to dinner, but something stops her. It takes a lot to admit to herself that she’s missed him over the past few years. After all, they were friends before he started dating Bridgette, and they had to work together as Head Boy and Head Girl. The lack of James’s presence left a gaping hole in her post-Hogwarts life that she never expected, and it’s only now that he’s here with her that she realizes just how badly she misses him.
“C’mon, Evans, it’s just dinner. Catching up can’t hurt, can it? I’ve missed you.”
Missed me? Seriously? Does he even realize that he was the one who changed everything? Years of incessant invitations to go on dates, and he finally wears her down only to yank the rug from underneath her by choosing someone else.
Part of her wants to slap him for being such an arsehole, but not if he doesn’t know he played with her heart three years ago. Not to mention that a physical altercation would certainly ruin her chances of picking up another guy. The more sensible thing is to tell him it was nice seeing him, but she’s meeting someone else, but what happens if he stays and realizes that it’s a lie? No, that wouldn’t do, either. Then, an idea pops into her mind. It’s certifiably insane, but if she plays her cards right, it could be the perfect opportunity for revenge.
There’s something so devilishly captivating about James Potter, and Lily decides she does want to get dinner with him. In fact, her mind is set on spending the next ten days with him. This could be Lily’s chance to prove to herself—and James—that they were never meant to be.
She glances up at him to see that he’s waiting for an answer, although he’s not pushy. He knows better than to press for a response. It’s funny how easy a single moment can bring her right back to the Great Hall or the Gryffindor common room. Her traitorous heart begins to beat in her chest as she tries to avoid the piercing hazel eyes that are begging her to let him in.
Well, you know what, Potter? Maybe I will let you in. I’ll let you in long enough to play with your heart like you played with mine, and we’ll see how you like it.
The plan continues to build in her mind, and then some. Luring James Potter into a relationship only to drive him away seems easy enough. After the debacle in school, Lily knows they’re better off apart, and maybe she’ll even gain the closure she didn’t think she needed. Plus, she supposed a snog or two in the process wouldn’t hurt anything if it came to that.
Lily visualizes the checklist sitting on her desk at work and mentally adjusts some of her ideas to make the game she’s playing more believable. Once all is said and done, James will realize it was a mistake to ever have approached her tonight, and Lily can have a bit of fun toying with James in the process. So, the hardened look she forced herself to give earlier now softens, and Lily even chances a smile. She sets her almost empty glass on the bar and glances around to see if she can find Alice and Marlene. They’re mingling on the other side of the room.
Well, they know I’m out to snag a man, so if they see I’m gone, they’ll know why. Lily shrugs as she turns back to James.
“Well, Potter, how can I resist when you put it like that? Lead the way.”
He holds out his arm, and Lily takes it. A smirk plays at her lips as she looks back in the direction of her friends one more time. She catches Alice’s eye and gives her a wink before turning back toward the door.
Let the games begin.
“I have to say, I’m impressed,” Lily admits as she tucks into her basket of fish and chips.
James has taken her into muggle London to grab a bite to eat, and Lily’s quite shocked by his choice. It’s a small hole in the wall shop that serves the greasiest food, but it’s delicious. The walls are laden with modern art murals and the wooden tables are covered in carved names. It’s a place Lily is sure University students go for a late-night snack or on their way home from a pub crawl. Aside from Lily and James’s semi-formal attire, they fit in well with the crowd.
“Why? Am I still as irresistible as I was at Hogwarts?” James still possesses the same air of confidence as Lily rolls her eyes.
Still as cocky as ever, it seems.
“No, I meant that I’m impressed that you know your way around muggle London.”
“Sirius and I discovered this place on one of our nights out a while back. I come here at least once a week.”
Lily smiles at the mention of another old friend. “How are Sirius and Remus anyway?’
“Brilliant! We were all living together until recently. Finally decided it was time to get our own places.”
“The Marauders have finally split?” Lily feigns shock.
“Nah, not entirely. We still work together.”
“Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?”
James laughs. “We work for Alastor’s Ads. I work mostly with clients from magical games and food, but I’m looking to branch out a bit more.”
“Fascinating. I always did think you could talk your way out of a paper bag,” Lily recalls.
“Come again?” James’s eyebrows crease and one side of his face scrunches in confusion.
“It’s a muggle saying.”
“Ah. What are you up to these days?”
“I write for Witch Weekly,” Lily keeps her explanation short. If he doesn’t know, then there’s no harm in keeping the How To column from him completely.
“Lily Evans, Head Girl, so much promise to do some good in the world, writes for Witch Weekly?” James says.
“It was a job. Now that I’ve got my foot in the door with a company and I’m gaining some credibility, I’ll be able to branch out and actually write what I want to write soon.”
“Soon? How long might that be?”
How does James always see right through her? It’s been three years, but he’s still as frustrating as ever.
“As long as it takes to find an opening in a position I want. I’m not looking to make a lateral move just to keep writing pieces I’m not passionate about.”
“And what are you passionate about?”
Lily fights the urge to answer him right away. She needs to keep the mystery there if she’s going to succeed in her endeavors.
“I could ask you the same question. Do you really want to be selling pitches to restaurateurs or quidditch teams for the rest of your career?”
“That’s a fair question.”
“And your answer is?”
“It depends. I’m working on branching out to different companies right now. I’ve submitted a proposal for Zabini’s Jewels and am hopeful I’ll get the pitch. Should know within the next week or so.”
“Interesting,” Lily responds.
“So, are you going to answer my question now?”
Of course, James doesn’t forget that she dodged his question, but that doesn’t stop her from feigning forgetfulness.
“What question?”
“What you’re passionate about,” James smirks at her, indicating he sees right through this act.
Lily sighs and figures she should answer him. “I want to write articles that can truly make a difference in someone’s life. I’m over the superficial bullshit.”
James leans back in his chair and smiles at Lily.
“What?” she asks.
“Nothing. It’s just been nice spending time with you again.”
She returns his smile. “You know, as much as I might regret saying this later, you’re right. I got so wrapped up in finding a job and navigating life in the magical world that I wasn’t very good about keeping in touch with my friends.”
“I suppose I can forgive you for that.”
“Ah, I can die happy now, knowing you’ve forgiven me,” Lily winks at him.
“I aim to please,” James finishes their banter as they gather their things and get up from the table to head for the door.
They walk in silence for a while, and Lily basks in the enjoyment of James's company again. She wonders what he’s thinking about and whether their night should continue or if she should wait until tomorrow. Their feet lead them down a deserted alleyway in preparation to apparate out of muggle view. James pauses behind a dumpster and Lily follows suit.
“Do you want to come over?” James blurts, taking Lily by surprise.
Internally, she’s screaming yes, but it’s late on a Thursday and she still has to work tomorrow. She bites her bottom lip as James ruffles his hair with his hand.
“I’d like that, but I’m not sure if it's a good idea with work tomorrow.”
James lets out a gruff laugh. “Right, yeah, sorry—I just thought—”
“I had a good time tonight,” Lily reassures him. “Enough that I’d like to see you again if you’re interested?” She knows it’s ballsy to make the first move like that, but time is of the essence.
James’s eyes widen at her boldness. “Really?”
“I know, shocking, right?” she keeps her voice light and airy, while adrenaline is shooting through her body.
“Well, I’ve got tickets to the quidditch playoffs tomorrow—Arrows versus Magpies at seven. Perks of signing Appleby as a client,” James shrugs, trying to play it cool. “Just as friends, you know? I don’t want you to think it’s anything—”
“I’d love to!” Lily cuts him off.
She’s surprised that he’s backpedaling so much. He was never like that in Hogwarts. Then again, he probably figured he’d have a million more chances to wear her down. If he only knew….
“Really? Brilliant!” James’s tone sounds pleased, and Lily can sense a hint of relief in his voice. “There’s a Portkey leaving from the Leaky at six if you want to meet me there?”
“Sounds great.”
They both stand there awkwardly. Lily’s wondering if maybe she should have accepted his invitation to join him at his flat. She doesn’t want to kiss him on the first night, but after his invitation to the quidditch playoffs as friends, she knows she needs to do something to show him she’s interested in something more than that.
“So, I guess I’ll see you to—”
Lily realizes she’s out of time, and needs to do something so James is aware of her intentions. This is an act, and she has to play the clingy woman that moves before the time is right. Before she can talk herself out of it, Lily’s lunging toward James, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his with purpose. Her eyes close, so she doesn’t have to be disappointed if his reaction is anything less than eager.
She always imagined that the first kiss she’d share with James Potter would be soft and slow and sweet, with him instigating, and this is anything but. Thankfully it’s not forced, but it is awkward as she feels James freeze at the contact.
Shit. Maybe he really is over me. I must have read the signs wrong.
Lily pulls away and turns her head to the side in an attempt to avoid his gaze as mortification begins to set in. She’s about to berate herself more for making a terrible decision and losing a whole day for her article when she sees a flash of black hair out of the corner of her eye as he leans in to regain the previous closeness.
His lips are on hers again, and his hands are splayed against her back. Lily’s hands find their way back to their previous position as the kiss takes her breath away.
James Potter is kissing her back, and it’s everything Lily’s dreamt about since her seventh year of Hogwarts. His breath is hot against her as his tongue grazes her lip before tentatively slipping into her mouth. She parts her lips enough to invite him in as her tongue meets his. Lily presses herself against his body as James groans in response.
Suddenly, it’s as if a switch flips in Lily’s mind, and she remembers why she kissed him in the first place. Reluctantly, she pulls away. James looks just as awestruck as Lily feels, his chest heaving up and down much like her own. Lily forces the thoughts of being back in his arms from her mind despite how much she misses the contact. Once she’s gained enough composure, she chances a glance toward James. He looks as windswept as she feels.
“So, I’ll, er, see you tomorrow?” James’s tone is more cautious than she remembers from their time at Hogwarts.
He looks completely thrown off balance. Good, Lily thinks, knowing she needs to keep him on his toes.
She shoots him a coy smile. “Absolutely. As more than friends, I hope?”
It can’t hurt to solidify her intentions.
“Y-yeah,” James stutters.
Lily doesn’t think she’s ever seen him rendered speechless before and feels rather smug that she can accomplish the feat.
“Brilliant. See you tomorrow,” she winks at him before focusing on her flat and apparating away.
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hanahaki-neko · 3 years
Across Millenia | Venti x Reader
He never once forget about her. Even after so long. But Venti never expected to meet her again,after all this time
note : reincarnation AU. again this is a work from wattpad but i hope y’all enjoy it. this is from my early days so excuse me if the fic is bad lmao
Windwheel aster. That was her favourite flower. Even as a little wind spirit he'd keep a breeze blowing through the field to ensure that they don't wilt. Sure he was just a tiny insignificant being in the world with little to no power over the whirlwind surrounding the city,but at least he made sure the flowers where she would often go was always there to greet her.
Y/N and the bard would make their way through the city. She would smile in delight whenever she sees the little windwheel asters. True that they only grow in places that has gentle breeze. One without or one with too much fierce would kill them. The girl and a few others that had one of these flora on their windows or balcony never really did realize that the tiny spirit was the one who made sure they're still alive.
He cared about both of them so much. They had grown so close and even spend almost every hour together. Talking about the most trivial of things and doing everything together
"You two are just like twins." She laughed when he tried to shift and look like the bard.
"Well maybe he can sing with me by the tavern sometime in the future."
He loved her. He loved her so much. He didn't care if a little wind spirit and a human can't be together,or did he know if this was okay. But he never really had the guts to tell her properly. The bard knew of his feelings and was completely on board. He'd go to where she'd usually be and spend time together,sometime leaving him be with her while he went to get some drinks. He loved the bard for his supportive nature and he loved Y/N for her kind and gentle soul.
Watching the windwheel aster spins gently,and watch the dandelions scatter around when blown. "They're just like you when you float around." Said the girl,and he giggles in response. He loved the look of peace and serenity in the comfort of those flowers,despite the tyrant's rule.
Whatever would made her happy,he would do. Bringing cookies when she's feeling peckish,to visiting her during sleepless nights and keep her company. Comforting her when she feels sad. He would make sure that she keeps smiling everyday.
He would watch over both the bard and Y/N to ensure their safety. He would also support their decision and wishes. So when the bard voiced his objection against the tyrant's control over the city and seeing the girl also agreed,this little wind spirit too decided to join the rebellion. Rallying up the citizens to overthrow the tyrant,the chaos that came over,it was pretty overwhelming.
He did his best with his powers to assist them. Many bloods were drawn,many lives lost. They were separated as he went with the bard. Swords clashed and screams of pain an agony echoed throughout. But for freedom, nothing is too much of a price.
Is it?
He watched in horror,as the arrow pierced his chest. The bard fell to the ground with a thud as others rushed to his aid. The tower crumbled down as the tyrant is no more,but in the fight to obtain freedom, the bard had lost his life. Just as he thought this couldn't get any worse,the little spirit noticed that the girl was nowhere to be seen. He flutter around in panic,already crying his tiny heart out. And it just shatter into a million pieces when he saw her underneath the rubbles of the building. He cried and pleaded for others to save her. But no one could as the damage had been done. Cuts from swords and a stab wound by the spear was the end of her.
"No,no,no,this can't be happening!' He knew he should've told her to stay out of the fight. She shouldn't have grabbed that sword and fight alongside the others. She smiled weakly with grief hidden underneath upon knowing the fate of her friend the bard. She tried to reach out a hand to the spirit,which he could only held a finger with his tiny body.
"Make sure the freedom stays with them,okay?"
He did his best to keep that promise. He knew that both the girl and the bard would be glad to know that their effort weren't in vain. Their funeral was held and weep he did for a period of time unknown to anyone. How long had it been. Almost over three millenia by this point? It's been so,so long and yet it's one of the memories that stuck with him.
Fly fly away
Like the birds in the sky
See the world on my behalf
To the heavens you may fly
The song never once left his memory. The ones sung by the bard and the girl. Whenever he walks the land of Mondstadt and hear the people drink and party,Venti couldn't help but feel just a bit nostalgic. He toured the city and the land that he should've been govern, simply singing and telling tales to those who would listen. Just doing anything other than reigning over the city.
He was taken back to reality when Aether called him. Venti stood beneath the tree in windrise as he looked to the windborne traveller.
"Shouldn't you be on your way to Liyue by now? You're going to miss the rite of descension if you don't hurry." He said.
"Well we should make if it we use the teleport points. It might take only a few days and the rite is probably still a week away." Paimon replied.
"And i kinda want to spend just a bit more time with you before we depart,if you don't mind? And you know maybe take a commission or two." Aether asked.
Venti smiled,"Might as well visit Mondstadt and pick up a few audiences." They all walk back to the city where once again he sings and tells many tales. The tale of how Mondstadt becomes the city of freedom it's known right now. How the people of old times fought the tyrant. The memory of his past clouded his thoughts,and he almost cried during his performance.
Aether treated him to lunch at good hunter afterwards and they had quite the uneventful day,really. The traveller was talking to Katheryne about some commissions when Venti felt someone approaching them. He glanced over to see who it was and he was,how to put it- surprised? Dumbfounded?
The same silhouette and appearance, the h/c hair might have been a different length in the eyes,but everything else was exactly the same. Venti kept starring at her,lost in time gazing into her e/c eyes. She looked back at him and smiled a little greeting them.
"Hi. I'm Y/N,the one who commissioned for the whopperflower hunt?"
"Oh,yeah. What's up with that?" Paimon asked.
Vent completely tuned out the entire conversation. Was it possible? Is it the same person he knew back in old Mondstadt? Just being able to see her brought back the abundance of memory he had. 'Get it together,Venti. At least say something to them.' he thought to himself. He jumped a bit when Aether tapped his shoulder,asking him something he didn't quite catch.
"H-huh? What?" He looked at the traveller.
"I said can you accompany Y/N while me and Paimon check out the horde of whopperflowers and get some nectar?"
"Oh! Oh,yeah,sure."
"Geez,he's been spacing out a lot today. What's wrong with that tone-deaf bard." Paimon sighed before the two of the left the city.
Venti is now left alone with Y/N,with both of them not really knowing what to do or say to each other. "I don't think we've officially been introduced. I'm Y/N,an alchemist." The girl said trying to break the silence.
"I'm Venti. Though you might know me if you've come and listen to my performance before this encounter." He replied to which she smiled and nodded a little.
"Say,you..want to take a walk around Windrise? The weather's nice today." He offered.
"Well,i can't progress my research until i get the materials needed."
She accepted the offer and he took her hand and led her to one if his favourite spot. Holding her hand felt exactly the same as it did all those years back. Her hands felt small against his, though it would've been the opposite in the past. The two sat down under the tree and exchanged stories. Time flies when you're having fun.
"You like flowers?" He spoke after noticing her holding a certain set of them.
"I guess? I like windwheel asters most, though." She smiled in reply.
He couldn't help but think 'just like her' as she went on to tell about how she grew some of these at her house. How they only grow in places with gentle winds blowing through. He of course knew of this fact,but he didn't mind listening to her rambling about them. He'd listen with a small smile plastered to his face the entire time.
"So, you're an alchemist..but what's with all those bandages?" He asked this time after seeing her wrist wrapped in one.
"Oh, it's just some accidents on the lab and some scars i got from foraging for materials." She said,a nervous laugh followed after.
He felt a slight pain in his chest at the thought of her getting hurt. Even back then she would sometimes ger her knee scratched or fell down and trip every now and then. 'Still as fragile as ever', He said to himself. He told her more about what he saw during his travel across the land,but sometimes he noticed that she's blankly starring at him,
"Hey,Y/N. What's wrong?" He asked.
No response.
"Hello? Teyvat to Y/N?" He called again.
That seems to get her out of her little world,she shook her head a bit, regaining focus,"o-oh,what is it?"
"You've starring at me for quite a while now. Were you charmed by my good looks,perhaps?" He said teasingly.
"Wha- no! That's not it." She stuttered back,her hands up in denial and face blushing a deep shade of red.
"It's just...i feel like i know you well before meeting you here."
"I feel like i've known you for a long time."
This time Venti was the one not responding to her words. If he wasn't sure,he sure as heck is now believing she was the same Y/N he knew and loved. Perhaps she didn't have the memory her past self had,but that didn't matter to him,he was overjoyed at this point.
"Well, maybe you've seen me perform before and just didn't remember." He said, looking away and hiding a soft smile.
"Or maybe you've known me from way before." He whispered under his breath.
"Hm? Did you say something?"
"No,i was just thinking about putting on a show tomorrow in front of the statue for others to hear yet another heroic tale." He smiled at her.
"I hope you would come and watch me sing,dear Y/N."
"I won't miss it for the world." She smiled back,chuckling.
His eyes soften as he grabbed her hand which surprised her at first. He leaned in and kissed her lips,earning a gasp in response and a blush as well. He stood up as his smile curved into a grin.
"Then i shall look forward to tomorrow." He said putting the windwheel aster over her ear.
Venti bid farewell and without waiting for a response took his leave while she was still shocked,trying his best not to blush in front of Y/N. When he got far enough he just crouch down and mumbled something incomprehensible to himself. It was bold of him to do something like that in the first place, especially when they just met earlier today. Sure he knew her from like 2600 years ago but she had no recollection of him.
Still,somehow she was once again here before him. He'll protect her and made sure she's safe. He will never let anything bad happen to her. It will take some time for them to get to know each other all over again,but he didn't really mind.
He's really looking forward to her coming to see him perform tomorrow.
Y/N on the other hand was still recovering from the entire information overload. Face still a bit red from the entire oreal. From afar she could hear Aether and Paimon calling out to her. "Heeeyy! We got that nectar you waanted!" "Oh,t-thanks." She pulled herself out of her own little world to take the materials she asked for and paid them for their works. But just as soon as they left looking for the bard,she once again was lost in her own thoughts.
They just met today,but it felt like she had known him forever. Some of his 'old' tales felt all to familiar. And she was beyon surprised when he suddenly kissed her.
But somehow she didn't mind.
The sense of familiarity she had when talking to him put her at ease,and she felt like there's nothing to worry about. She felt safe when she's with him. And a part of her couldn't help but want to know him better.
She put a finger over her lips, still not reall over the fact that he kissed her so suddenly,then to brushing against the flower he put on her. But she smiled, thinking that he's way bolder than he looks.
She can't wait to come and watch him sing tomorrow.
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I Love you, I hate you- Part 4
Hi all!  I know this is beyond late but my life’s been kind of crazy and this semester has been insanely busy but here is the last part!  I have another request coming your way soon!
“No, I’m not leaving,” I tell him afraid slowly walking backwards and then turn away and start to run, quickly turning into sprinting.
Step after step, thought after thought. I really fucked up this time. I didn’t think flirting with Lee would make things go this far! And I absolutely did not expect me to be kissed by Felix of all people! He protects me. That’s it!
I stop and sit on a stump thinking about everything I did wrong.
“Your arm is in bad shape,” someone says and I’m seeing the bandage has split from a branch or something and the black cracks show.
“No shit,” I turn around, “Felix I told you to stay away,” I tell him annoyed.
“I was staying away, I didn’t leave actually. You’re the one that came back here,” he points out.
“Don’t you have better things to do then just stand around?” I ask him getting more irritated with him not listening.
“Take orders from Pan.  From your face and how you are acting, I can tell he knows what’s happened and if he has any orders, it’s me dead,” he tells me.
There’s a long pause that I finally interrupt, “He’s sending me home,” I tell him. I hesitate before I lookup at him and ask, “Why did you kiss me?”
He walks over to me and sits down in front of me on the ground “I don’t say everything I feel like a girl does. It’s how I needed to get the message across,” he states.
“”Look I’m flattered but this, we, can’t happen. I don’t want it to anyway,” I explain.
“Understood. But listen to me.  I have protected you so many times since you arrived, neither of us can count how many. I can’t help but have feelings for you now.   Let Pan send you home, we could go together.  Anyway, you really should get your arm looked at it looks like poison,” he tells me and slowly gets up and walks into the bushes as they rustle when he goes.
Why did he have to leave me with even more to think of?  I do not like him!  Needing a new escape I go to the beach. I unwrap my ripped up bandage carefully and try to soak my arm in the sea water. It feels vaguely better but still stings really bad, probably from the salt, jeez I’m a dumb ass. I pull it out after about 5 minutes and sit on some rocks thinking about life once I go back home. I could run away? Make a fresh start.
My heart starts having the worst pain, more awful than it has felt yet and it feels absolutely sickening. My arm feels like a million knives are being constantly stabbed with a piercing pain that I would have thought someone would only be able to imagine and my body gets weak. I feel like I’m on the verge of death. “Help! Someone! I’m hurt!” I shout hoping the slim chance someone is in ear shot.
“Y/n!” Peter Pan appears like he does. I should tell him to go away and fuck off  and be prideful but I’m too helpless to turn any sort of help away.
“Pan!” I cry out. I scream of pain again.
“What’s wrong? Let me see your wound,” he is so concerned as he rushes to my side and takes my arm, turning it around gently, “When did you get hit by dreamshade?” He asks.
“DREAMSHADE?!” I shout not thinking it was that terrible, “Sam accidentally hit me with an arrow a few days ago,” I tell him sounding very flustered.
“Y/n, we need to go to the waterfall,” he grabs my other arm and we appear at Dead Mans Peak. He waves his hand in front of some bushes which move back and a pretty clear waterfall appears and he brings me a cup full from it.
“No,” I cough, “I’d rather die here alone than live here forever as you are happily in love with another girl!” I refuse turning my head trying to have some self respect.
“Y/n, listen to me.  I was mad and jealous and you know I would never want to hurt you,” he pauses for a second as my consciousness starts to go, “I love you,”
Those three words is all it takes for me to stick through “But Wendy,” I mutter barely.
“I am not seeing Wendy because I like her that way. She’s so in awe by me and I thought that maybe having another lonely girl would be nice for you since you’re surrounded by boys but she seems beloved by all her family. I would never want anyone other than you.  Knowing you thought that makes me feel sick!  Now please, drink the water,” he tells me with so much sincerity.
I nod believing him and drink from the cup. I start to feel a lot better as the pain quickly goes away and the cracks and infection heals itself.
I instantly lean up and hug him tightly, “You’ve never told me that… that you love me I mean,”
“When I saw how you were about to die I didn’t want you to possibly leave me without saying those words,” he hugs me back even tighter, “It’s true.”
“I’m sorry I got jealous. I believed all the rumors, almost let myself cheat to feel better or get back at you or I don’t know,” I say humiliated unable to look at him.
“I’m going to make Sam pay for what he did… and Felix, oh I’m gonna,” he starts getting angry and protective which is honestly kinda hot. Despite the hotness I need to calm him down before he does something horribly impulsive.
“Babe babe, please what Sam did was a mistake and Felix can get over the fact I don’t feel the same,” I try settling him down.
“He kissed you!” He tells me.
“And he also protected me countless times. If you mess with him who else do you trust enough to be your second?” I ask, “I love you. There’s no one else I want. He isn’t a threat despite what your thoughts are,” I look at him meaning it.
Pan sighs, “I hate when you’re right. I don’t care though, I still need him to stay the fuck away from you!”
“Baby, I talked to Felix already and he knows he’s on the chopping block. He can take the hint. You can punish him however you want, just do not kill him. Please,” I plead.
“Fine. I will not kill him. But this is not going to go unpunished either,” he tells me with a less threatening tone. As much as I want to control his rash nature I know there’s an extent I just can’t.
“Now take me home,” I tell him softly.
He nods and moments later we are in his bed. His arms wrapped around me and I can’t think of any place I’d rather be than held by Peter Pan, the person who loves me.
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marianne-dash-wood · 4 years
all the ashes in my wake
so this was absoloutely inspired by @chrysalizzm‘s amazing fic you’re human tonight which has got to be one of my new faviroute fics ever, and well, it started off because I couldn’t stop thinking about the consequences of settling, and it turned into rough and stream-of-conciousness Wil character study. Because I’m me. This is just my interpretation of events, and I look forward to seeing exactly how this is handled in fic canon because, ugh, just, this fic is so good. The prose is incredible and I adore it. 
In the end, it is easier to pretend that he has always been hateful. What good did he do, really, apart from create war and horror and pain, what he did he do other than inspire traitors and stand by and watch as his baby brother is killed in a duel he could have stopped. 
It starts small, in all the ways that don’t matter. It starts in the mirror of his bedroom at home, as his siblings thunder up and down the stairs and arguments ring out over the state of the bathroom, who was supposed to do the dishes and missing hair brushes. It starts when he watches his father leave for his trips that take him so far away, and he is the one in charge of the home. It’s a happy childhood. It is also a damaging one. (Parents don’t often believe that those two can exist together, but they do).
(Phil would rather forget, keep hold of the good memories and only the good memories, and ignore the days where his children would have arguments that turned into fights, where mealtimes were icy silences and his children learned where on the table to sit to avoid conflict. He only wants to remember the good, and honestly, who can blame him? His sons learned well).
It stays small, as he hops from world to world with his brothers at his side, sometimes all, sometimes only one, but never alone. It stays small when he first arrives in the huge land of idyllic green grass and crystal blue oceans, and he could spend weeks singing the world anew, this world made with love, for love. 
It grows, when they take the directive, “Just carve yourselves out a home,” a little too seriously, and suddenly the dominos are falling, and war is declared, and the small cruel thing in Wilbur’s heart blossoms under the attention. 
There is a part of him that still, still rejects that. It was a game, until it wasn’t. (He forgets that, forgotten in the blindsiding of betrayal and the overwhelming joy of victory). It wasn’t supposed to be about glory, or even independence or justice, these lofty ideals he grew up with. It was supposed to be about his family, about keeping his family safe (Because he will always be a big brother and he will always protect them, as he was raised to do so and that will both doom him and save him).
One day, Niki asked him why they kept doing this (why, when it was just a game), and his brother answered for him, because they have always known each other inside out (until they don’t), “Because Wil’s a stubborn bastard and he never lets anything go, I should know, I broke his guitar once and he still hasn’t forgiven me,” and the truth is buried under the subsequent bickering but it’s true. 
Will has always swallowed his anger; on occasion, he lets it out through melody but always to an audience of ghosts. He always swallowed his anger, and it burns (it keeps him alive, all those long winter nights when it his brothers were asleep and his father was gone), it burns and it keeps him moving and he douses it in smiles and love and flowers, and it stays a small ember, and he does not feed the fire. 
He forgets too, that it was a game, until it wasn’t, and it was a game because they are children, all of them, and his father would tell him that two decades is barely adulthood, and yes his brothers are younger but he is still young, so young to be commanding an army, commanding a nation. 
His fire keeps the others beside him; they listen as he shapes words and speeches and songs and they blaze with revolution and righteousness and their bonds burn bright in the face of overwhelming odds. 
It sparks in the election, it sparks on the final day, and in a moment, it feels like cold water is dumped over his head. 
And then there is pain, and there is hurt, and there is that fire, and it bites and snaps at him as he climbs out of his respawn point only to flee from the country he built with his own fucking hands. 
His lungs burn but it is better than the waves of grief and betrayal and fear that take hold of him when he does not allow the blaze to grow; grief for that beautiful flag, razed to the ground, betrayal from all who had once stood by him, believed in him, told him they were his friend and fear, fear because maybe this would have been alright if it had only been him but now his brother has been stripped of his home and his nation and he is just as much in danger as he is. 
Wil’s always been once for revenge. He has always retaliated. But that was back when he was raised on fair play and justice and he was on the same level as his brothers. He is powerless (powerless to protect, powerless to help, not his brother, not his friends, not his nation,) and there is nothing, not a single fucking thing he can do. 
It is easier to fan the flame, easier to list and list and list every single person that still was had once been his friend. It is easier to swallow the flame, let it fill him up because if he stopped to think about it then he would drown in how fucking terrified he is. (Is he consuming it, or is it consuming him?)
It is easier to snap, to throw his fists fruitlessly against stone, to belittle his brother, to blame the world above, than it is to admit that he is terrified. It is easier to do this than to realise that he failed.
(“Can you keep them safe, Wil? Can you do that for me?”
“Yes, dad,” Are you proud of me yet, are you, I’m not a fighter, I’m not a warrior, I’m just me but I’ll protect them, but are you proud of me?
“Good boy,”)
A kingdom built in a rocky ravine (empires have been built on less), and he has nothing except one brother who is under the thumb of the selfsame man who banished them, and another brother who looks at him like he doesn’t recognise him.
It sets off waves of paranoia, sleepless nights as he runs through every interaction he has ever had with every friend he has ever had and tries to work out at which point they started to hate him. 
He has nothing. They took it all from him, his home, his family, his safety. He has nothing at all. 
There is a man (?) in front of him in this cavern, this fall from grace and this man, this friend, this foe, reaches for him and pulls and Wil-
Wil has nothing but his fire, nothing but his hatred and rage, and if it goes he goes, if the warmth is pulled from him then he will be numb and have nothing at all, they have taken everything from him and now they want to take the only thing keeping him alive, keeping his heart beating, get out, get out, get out, he had lost everything but this was his, it was his and no one could take it from him -
He laughs as the man (enemy, saviour, foe, friend, wait, please, help me-) staggers back, and his smile cracks into a million pieces as he watches his brother realise, in steps so slow they might as well be a funeral march, that this is exactly who he is, who he always has been. 
In the end, it is easier to pretend that he is, and always has been, hateful. But what happens when suddenly he is not?
(there’s a story here, a girl destroying her sister’s words because children are hateful and spiteful and they do not think though the things they do, there is a story here about children destroying the things they love because they cannot fathom anyone taking them from them, there is a story here about learning to share. There is a story here about how selfishness isn't always bad, but how it always consumes.)
He burns. He burns and watches his brother flinch away as if his touch is flame itself. He burns as he spits and swears and rages that they will pay, they will all pay, the match shaking in his hands as he places the TNT and it sings to him as he once sang to the world, a crooning hymnal of destruction.
To make others feel as you do. The most human thing of all. He was always good at it; songs to words, he always knew what to say to make you feel how he wanted you to feel. This was both a good thing (words to revolution, words that lead armies and inspired countries) and a bad thing (sharp digs under your skin that bury themselves too deep, knowing exactly where to poke to make it really and truly hurt,). And right now, swallowing all the pain and hurt and fear is anger and hatred, and that is all that Wil feels.
He has always been the heart, but he thinks now that his heart is too charred to beat, that all that is left is ashes, and so it is easier to let that fire sweep over him and immolate him alive and let them all feel that agony, than it is to try and construct a person when nothing beside remains. 
He dreams of fire, and there is ash and blood in his mouth when he wakes, shivering and shaking, and he doesn’t feel entirely human anymore. Maybe he never was. Maybe the moment the arrow pierced his heart as he fled his homeland, he has been nothing but a walking corpse. 
He doesn’t sleep much anymore, but between every blink there is a vision of red and orange, a sunset of destruction, and they are destroying his country brick by brick and they can’t even do destruction right, they can’t even make a martyr properly, they’re puppets and he will burn the strings, he will burn their wooden hollowness and the fire will leave his chest and he will be free-
It hurts; he feels like a sinner, ash and sackcloth and all, pulling at his hair as he realises that no one will help him, save his enemy, not a single one of them helped him when he needed it the most, not even after he laid down his life for them, not even when he had to watch his little brother bleed out in a control room for their freedom, not a single fucking one of them.
The atmosphere at the festival is an explosion ready for a match, a panic attack waiting to be triggered, that hitch of breath before it all spirals out of control, and he doesn’t know when he decided to die, but he knows that he decided that living was far too painful to continue. (And he promised to keep his brothers safe and look, look at where that has led them, surely they would all just be happier if they were dead)
(That’s not true, there’s a voice in the back of his mind, echoing and drifting like the final snowfall, made up of all the tears he never shed, and that voice sounds like his brother but it’s all him, and the fire eats it up, conscience and all)
But then the atmosphere settles, and no, that monster may have taken his nation, his brothers, every single friend he has ever had but he will not, he will not take Wil’s rage, the only thing keeping him upright.
(It has consumed you, and the voice is barely anything now, the faintest memory of the person he might once had been, it has taken all that you love and it has swallowed it whole and it will take you too, it is a rotting stinking thing and you let it in because you were afraid to be numb, because it is easier to burn alive to keep the people you love warm than it is to build a fire, because it is easier to hate than it is to grieve)
There is a cool touch to his face, and it is the first break in the flames that he has felt in weeks, and he -
Imagine coming back to live in a home after a fire. A fire so devastating that there is nothing but ash and charcoal and soot clinging to the walls, there is only a skeleton where there was once a home. A fire that gouged itself on the happiness that once found a home there, and turned this place hollow, once hallowed to cursed.
The next time he is aware of himself, a breath has stuttered in his chest, his chest where there is only a gentle warmth, and the flames are there but they are comforting, they are the kind that he used to roast marshmallows with, they are the kind that ask him, gently, to pick up his guitar and to sing. Wil no longer burns, but he is hollow, and he gasps, and for the first time, he does not inhale smoke. 
His knees give out, and they both go down, because everything that had kept him going was gone, and he was empty, and the mist of numb terror and grief would be descending upon him at any moment, only there is someone screaming and he cannot escape into the echoing expanse of his mind.
There are hands on him and around him, and he is grateful for the warmth because he is so cold now, so cold without the inferno inside him, and he cannot breathe without it, he cannot live without it, why would he take it from him, he needs it, he needs it.
He needs it until his chest moves of its own accord, and he blinks in the sunlight and he can hear his brothers shouting his name and someone is still screaming and there are so many voices it hurts but he opens his eyes anyway, and pulls the disparate pieces of who he once had been into mismatch of a human being. 
He didn’t need the fire. He didn’t need it. But he still ached for it, ached in the hollow empty way, a hurt scorched deep into his charred bones. 
He aches for it, but his brothers fit into his arms and into his side and he would not trade the smiles on their faces or their tears of relief for a single moment. He aches for it, but they fit together like a missing puzzle piece, like coming home.
(The world is fixed. This is a miracle. There are dozens of worlds where this isn’t the case, where the fire swallows him inside and out, where the only thing that finally douses the flames is a sword between his ribs. They’ve been saved, and once his mind can work again, he wants to repay that favour in any way he can.)
The word madness is bitter in his throat, and he flinches when the others mention it, like they could divide that part of him away from their brother, from the person they really love. He doesn’t want to forget that he was the one that stoked the flames in the first place, he can’t and shouldn’t forget that they were his flames in the first place, and he can still feel their embers, because fires like his never really go away. 
He shouldn’t forget, either, that he is not the only one that controls this. Not on a literal level, having weird extra powers as a minor god level, though he suspects that might help in the future, but in a sappy as shit, friendship is a power unto itself kind of way. 
Even hollow, even empty, it gives him the clarity that he could not see through smoke and flames. The world pulled back into focus when the firestorm was plucked, hook line and sinker from his head, and all he could see… all he could see were his friends. His family.
The people he loved so much that he built a nation for them. (Oh, how alike he and his saviour are)
In the end, (and what an oxymoron, because life continues always, past endings, past saving, past heartbreak and joy and love and loss), in the end, there is a flame in his chest. It is not anger, or hatred or pain, it simply is. It flares when his brothers steal his things or pull him into their shenenigians, and it flares when that idiot of a goat president won’t stop being a fucking irrtating piece of shit (because, as always, somethings never change), and it flares when he helps out in the bakery and flour hangs in the air like snow, and it flares when he looks to his father and wonders if he is proud of him yet (yes, yes, yes, always, always, Wil, always). 
In the end, a fire is not fed on hatred alone, and it hungers in a way that makes Wil throw open his curtains everyday and run headlong into another adventure, rather than waking up with ash in his throat and smoke in his lungs. 
And if Wil gets used to the ache, he always knows where, and who to go to. 
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Blessed With A Curse [1]
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Pairing : Kang Yeosang / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Future Smut, Greek God! AU
Words : 3.4k
Prologue. - Next Chapter.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
-Y/N’s P. O. V-
I looked around frantically, my eyes looking for anyone I could trust but I found no one. They all looked at me scornfully, as if I was the dirt beneath their shoes. I begged for them to believe me but I could see they had already made up their minds. 
“I’m telling you the truth!” I shouted, turning on my heel quickly as I looked at them all, “I can swear to you here and now that nothing happened!”
Athena smirked at me, “And do you really think we’d believe you? We know exactly what kind of personality you have, it comes as no surprise really.”
“Fuck you, Athena. I know you’re just itching to have me thrown out so you can impress daddy with your new tricks,” I snapped, taking a step forward but the second I did lightning stuck the floor inches from my feet. 
I looked up at Zeus in shock, “Father...please believe me. I haven’t done anything! You know me! I would never!”
He narrowed his eyes at me, crossing his arms over his chest, “I don’t know you well enough it seems.”
A sharp piercing pain spread across my chest at those words, my eyes glazing over with unshed tears. No, please, you have to believe me! My eyes darted around from one face to the other until landing on her. The moment I met her eyes she looked away, my heart sinking the second she did. I then looked to the man next to her but he did the same, avoiding my gaze. 
“Even you two?” I asked, my voice strained as I tried to keep it from breaking. 
“It’s just-“
“We saw you.” Apollo interrupted his twin sister Artemis, finishing her, stepping in front of her as if to protect her from my gaze. 
“You saw me? You saw what exactly!?” I growled, waiting for a response but they refused to give me one. 
I then moved my gaze to Hephaestus, “You can’t tell me you believe any of this do you?”
“There are a lot of thing you are capable of and fucking my wife is one of them.” He spat out. 
“You have committed adultery and that is unforgivable.” Hera, my mother announced, drawing my gaze to her. 
I balled my hands up into fists, my nails digging harshly into the palms of my hands, knuckles turning white, “Unforgivable? Really? My asshole of a father has slept with countless other women, hell hardly any of us share the same mother but you’re saying what you’re all accusing me of doing is unforgivable? Bullshit.”
“Enough!” Zeus roared as he rose from his seat, “I have decided your punishment.”
I waited anxiously to hear what the punishment he thinks is just for a crime of this magnitude, a crime I didn’t commit. The stern and unforgiving look he cast upon me gave me little hope for any kind of leniency.
“You are banished from Olympus.”
My face paled at his words, my heart coming to a stop in my chest for a few seconds too long. The fear of being banished soon turned into rage, an anger so strong that I could barely control myself consumed my entire body. I felt my body tremble with the anger I was feeling, about to explode any second now.
. . . . . .
I woke up with a start, gasping loudly for air as I sat up in bed. My eyes darted around all over the place, as if looking for something but I didn’t know what. I must’ve woken up my father in the other room as he burst in, looking as frantic as I felt, a sword in his hands. 
“What, what is it!? What happened!?” He shouted, looking around once more before his eyes landed on me. 
I sighed heavily, bringing my knees up to my chest as I ran my fingers through my hair, “Nothing. Nothing happened. I just had a bad dream. I’m fine, papa.”
He took a moment to finally relax, the tension in his shoulders disappearing as he let out a sigh that mirrored mine, “Is it the same one?”
I looked away, hugging my knees closer to my body. Ever since I can remember I’ve had the same dream. Night after night it was always the same. I stood in the middle of what looked like a huge castle, it’s walls so high I couldn’t even see the end of it. The walls were a pristine white along with the columns that were in the room, separated by a few feet in between. Twelve chairs, all decorated differently, none the same were in a crescent moon shape in the middle of the room. I would always be arguing, pleading for my life to people I had never even since. I begged but they never listened. It always ended the same way. I was filled by this overwhelming anger that threatened to consume me but before anything happened I woke up drenched in sweat and gasping for air, my heart beating at a million miles per second. 
“Y/N…” My father spoke in a soft tone, putting his sword down against the wall and coming over to sit beside me. 
He placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face into his shoulder. This dream always left me feeling so empty inside, like my heart had been gouged out with the rustiest spoon you could find. I wanted to know what it all meant but I was never able to figure it out. I mean it just didn’t make sense. I have never seen those people before but every time I had that dream their faces and voices were always the same, as if I was reliving some type of memory but that can’t be possible. Not only that but every time I spoke in the dream the voice was never mine, it was deep, husky, and unfamiliar but familiar at the same time, like I knew him or at least heard his voice before.
“This is all his doing…” My father mumbled under his breath, squeezing me tighter in his hold.
“Nothing. Just some nonsense your old man is thinking about, don’t pay it any mind,” He said quickly, avoiding my questioning eyes as he evaded the subject. He gave me a tight lipped smile, changing the subject, “Why don’t we start the day early today? The sun is going to rise in a few hours. If we get the morning chores done ahead of time you’ll be able to have a few hours to yourself to relax before we open.”
I smiled back at him, letting what he said earlier go as I nodded. He leaned in and placed another kiss on my forehead before he let me go, rising to his feet. He grabbed his sword and left my room, leaving me along with my thoughts.
“Papa I’m heading out! I’ll be back in a bit!” I shouted to my father who was organizing some things at the back of the shop.
“Okay! Be careful!” He shouted back.
And with that I left. It didn’t take long for me to get to my destination and once I was there I began my training. I don’t know why nor do I care but ever since I’ve been able to walk I’ve had this urge to fight. There was something in me that kept me from being still for too long. I never fought with anyone but that’s not to say I never had the urge to do so. There have been countless times when I found myself having to choose to fight or take flight and though I wanted to fight, to protect those that needed protecting I always found myself fleeing. I had come close to picking up a sword to fight but the second I touched the handle of the sword my vision went white and a voice rang out in my head, the words always the same. The voice always warned me to never pick up a sword, a shield, a spear, or even a bow and arrow. The voice was so frightening that I listened to it every time until I stopped trying to involve myself in things where I needed to even think about fighting in the first place. But the urge was still there so I did the next best thing, I trained to fight on my own. I found that when I did that the urge to fight would dwindle and I wouldn’t have to hear that voice in my head the second I did. It was the best compromise I could find.
I looked over at the lone tree that stood a few feet from the cliff’s edge, the roots it dug deeply into the ground keeping it from falling into the sea below. I glanced down quickly at the bag I had brought over months ago with all kinds of weapons. I had buried it in a secure place and used what was in it whenever I pleased. I can’t quite understand why but the moment I touched one of the weapons I felt stronger, more in control of my body than when I didn't have a weapon in hand. I bent down and picked up a few of the daggers, the blades fitting in the palm of my hands perfectly.
“Ah...I must be crazy…” I breathed out, a wide grin spreading across my face as I brought my arm up before throwing the dagger, watching the blade embed itself into the trunk of the tree, “To think I enjoy things like this…” I chuckled softly before throwing another, then another, a surge of energy going through me. I felt like I could run for miles without stopping on this type of energy, it was exhilarating. I picked up my twin swords, they were a bit shorter than the swords used by the soldiers of the kingdom but that was the whole point. They were made so they were easier to carry and hide if I needed to. They were so light I was able to use both at the same time and two swords were always better than one. I turned my wrists, twirling the swords in my hands with ease. I raised them slowly to start training with them but before I could even get one swing in it started drizzling. 
I looked up to the sky in confusion, wondering where the rain was coming from when there wasn’t a cloud in the sky a few minutes ago. Seconds into my staring up into the sky aimlessly the rain got harder, the small drizzling now turning into a full on storm. I sighed heavily, sheathing my blades and secured them behind my back. Seeing that they were secured I hurried over to the daggers that were still embedded in the trunk of the tree. I pulled one out with ease but the second one wouldn’t budge so easily. I pulled as hard as I could but I couldn’t get it out, it felt like it was glued in there. I frowned, grabbing the handle of the dagger with both hands and pulled but it didn’t budge. I grit my teeth and grabbed it as tightly as I could, planting my foot against the trunk and pulled. With the amount of force the blade finally came out but since I was pushing against the tree with so much force I was sent stumbling back, falling back into the now muddy ground. And as I fell to the floor I heard the skies above roar with thunder, lightning striking the ground mere inches from my face. I stared at the ground in shock, my heart beating loudly in my ears, the sound of my heart drowning out the sound of the rain. I scrambled away from the spot the lightning had stuck, my back hitting the tree. 
I didn’t know how long I stayed there just staring at the spot the lightning had stricken but it couldn’t have been longer than a few seconds, another crack of thunder bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up, frightened that I’d be hit by this next bolt of lightning. I pushed myself away from the tree, stumbling a bit as I looked up towards the sky, my eyes growing wide as bright light shined right above me. But before I could be struck I felt something warm envelope my body, sending me to the floor. I let out a small scream and shut my eyes when the lightning struck the spot I had just been standing in.
“Fucking asshole.” A deep voice growled out above me.
I opened my eyes at the sound of his voice, staring up at the man that was now shielding me from the rain. I stared at him wide eyed, unable to look away from his perfectly sculpted face. He was...gorgeous, he could give any statue any of these artists tried to pass off as the perfect human a run for their money. I’ve seen good looking people before but never like him. He had high cheekbones but they weren’t too high that they took away from the rest of his face. His eyes were that perfect almond shape, eyebrows perfectly shaped and his jawline was so sharp I’m betting I could cut my finger on it. Just as I was losing myself he finally met my gaze, a flush of color rising to my cheeks when his eyes met mine. 
“What the hell are you doing out in the middle of a storm? Are you trying to get yourself killed? Who the hell just stands around waiting to be hit by lightning? Do you have nothing going on in that head of yours or are you just that stupid?” He scolded in a harsh tone, a frown adorning his face.
Yeah, I take everything I said about him being gorgeous back. With a scoff and a roll of my eyes I pushed at his chest roughly, shoving him off of me. He landed on his back next to me with a thud. I sat up and began to rise to my feet when he spoke again.
“What? Cat got your tongue??” He asked, his tone still firm and maybe even harsher than before.
I ignored him and got to my feet, shaking the mud off of me and was about to head back home but I was only able to take a few steps away from him when I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. Without warning he began dragging me with him, I don't know where but I didn’t want to find out.
“What do you think you’re doing!? Let go of me!” I yelled over the rain, struggling against his grip but he was too strong.
I would’ve used the swords I still had strapped on my back but I didn’t really want to have to hear that voice again at this moment. So I kept struggling but no matter how much I struggled his grip wouldn’t let up. He finally let me go when he brought me into a nearby cave, dragging me out of the storm.
“Oh so you can talk, great. Maybe your next words will be ones of gratitude, I did just save your life.” He said in a cocky tone, ruffling his hair with his hand, droplets of water falling to the ground.
“I didn’t ask for your help.” I shot back, taking a step away from him, wanting to make a run for it.
“No, but I gave it to you anyway and help with or without being asked for should be rewarded with a word of thanks.” He said as if lecturing me. 
I stared at him, mouth hanging agape, “Just who the hell do you think you are?”
He seemed stunned by my question, a shadow falling over his eyes as he averted his gaze, “Nobody important.”
Now I was confused. First this man comes out of nowhere in the middle of a storm to save my life only to reprimand me for no good reason. Then he drags me to a nearby cave that I didn’t even know was here and talks to me as if he’s known me my whole life when I barely just met him. Just what is this guy’s deal? I narrowed my eyes and studied his face once more, wondering if I actually did know him. I huffed out a breath, combing back the wet strands of hair that fell over my face. I was grateful for his help but his attitude made me not want to voice my gratitude. So with that I moved to leave the cave and head home, my father must be worried by now. I took one step out of the cave when I felt him grab my hand again. 
I pulled my hand away and pushed him back, my swords now in hand as I faced him, “Touch me again and I’ll cut both your hands off.” I threatened, pointing the blades at him but the second I did my vision went white. 
I groaned at hearing the voice in my head, squeezing my eyes shut. I shook my head to rid myself of the annoying voice that now seemed more distorted than I remembered.
‘You must never fight.’
I stumbled back, slipping on the mud but I managed to stay on my feet. The ringing was getting to be too much, the pain now becoming unbearable. I dropped a sword to bring a hand up to the side of my head, as if doing that would somehow alleviate the pain but it did absolutely nothing.
“Am I not even allowed...to defend myself?” I asked in a choked whisper, knowing the voice wouldn’t respond with an answer to my question, only repeating what I’ve heard so many times before.
‘Never pick up a sword, a shield, a spear, nor a bow and arrow to harm another.’
I cursed, dropping the other sword and cradled my head with both hands as I sank to my knees. The moment I did that the ringing stopped, my vision returning to me. 
-Yeosang’s P.O.V-
I watched as she fell forward, all the strength seeming to leave her body. I took a tentative step towards her, hearing the skies rumble with thunder the second I did. I clenched my hands at my sides, my nails digging into the palms of my hands and drawing blood. The bastard was trying to kill her and now he’s pissed I’m with her in here, just what the fuck is going on in that head of his?
“Ah, fuck it.” I cursed under my breath and quickly went over to her.
I turned her onto her back, relieved to see that she was only unconscious. Without wasting another second I scooped her up into my arms, carrying her deeper into the cave before setting her back down, leaning her back against the wall of the cave. I crouched down in front of her, staring at her face with what others would probably describe as a look mixed with affection and concern. I let out a sigh, reaching out to gently brush the back of my fingers against her cheek.
“I had planned to stay out of your sight but he’s forced my hand. I refuse to let you end up like the others…” I muttered, pulling my hand back to my side as I continued to watch her as she slept soundlessly, “What I did for you was the only good thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. If Zeus wants to use you to get to me then he has another thing coming. I swear to you I will protect you with everything I have, you have my word, as the God of War known as Ares. So long as I live you have my word no harm will come to you. Ever. If anyone dares to go against you I will wreck havoc and chaos upon this world like no one has ever seen before. And that is no mere threat, but a promise.”
I growled out that last part looking up, glaring through the roof of the cave and towards the sky, directing it at the bastard I had the misfortune of calling my father.  
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hatsukeii · 4 years
can i request a tsukishima scenario? When he is feeling sad so his fem! S/o pampers him with kisses in his face and hands, and maybe cuddles 🥺🥺
*cough angst with fluff ending *cough
I have to make it up to you guys for the last Tsukki angst right?
Before slamming another multitude of depressing scenarios but don’t worry about that for now.
lol I genuinely love this prompt so much though, tysm anon!
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Always, I’ll care//Tsukishima x Reader
Word count: 2000+
Warnings: Mild swearing, mentions of divorce, mentions of anorexia, ✨cyberbullying✨
Summary: Tsukishima’s been out of it for week but you can’t seem to pinpoint why, until he finally reaches out.
Yeah, you were absolutely certain that something was up with Kei at this point. There was, without a doubt, something that had been bothering him terribly. Whatever this thing was, it was draining him of his usual spirit. The usual glint of mischief that sparkled in his eyes has been gone for weeks, now replaced by a dull golden. He hasn’t bantered with any of his teammates throughout the last few practices, he hasn’t made an extra effort to make you feel short, nor has he reached out to anyone at all. His sharp tongue was gone, along with his usual tendencies to taunt other students. You haven’t been able to reach him in what felt like forever. He hasn’t replied to any of your texts, hasn’t walked you home at all, nor has he invited you over for your study dates. This felt weird. This didn’t feel right at all. This wasn’t the Kei you were used to, but at the same time you had no idea what you could do to make him feel better. He was too closed off for his own good, keeping everything to himself and letting his worries eat him up from the inside.
You heaved a heavy sigh, shoving your books into your locker. He had ignored your text again. This was the seventh one in a row that he had left on seen. Everyone who knew him was worried, especially you and Yamaguchi. He refused to tell even Yamaguchi what was up with him these days.You two had all the reasons in the world to be extra wary of his mental state. “(Y/N), you don’t think he’s okay either, do you?” The freckled boy mumbled next to you, grabbing his notes from the locker next to yours. “No, he’s definitely not okay. Constantly having his headphones on is never a good sign. The last time he was like that was when his parents got divorced.” You slammed your locker door shut as hard as you can, earning quite a few glares from other students that were startled by the noise. “Jesus, I haven’t been able to reach him for weeks. What the hell happened?” You pressed your forehead to the locker door, squeezing your eyes shut. “He’s been out of it at practice too. Tsukki almost never misses his blocks against anyone, but he’s been doing terribly in practice. Coach Ukai had to put him on the bench last week. What’s up with him?” Yamaguchi recalled, shaking his head a bit. “Hell, as if I’d know. I’ve been trying to check up on him for weeks, but he’s left all of my texts on read.” You removed your head from the metal door, before heading to class, where you had to deal with a dead silent, gloomy, angsty Tsukishima for about an hour, before school ended. 
You were curled up on your bed, a million thoughts rampaging through your mind, every single one of them being about Kei. It’s been half an hour since school ended. You walked home with Yamaguchi. Tsukishima was nowhere to be found. It was as if he had abandoned you two and left on his own. No, scratch that, he probably did leave alone. Was he doing okay? What happened to him? Did he fail a test or something? Oh no, did his parents get back together again? Even worse, did he get invited to his dad’s wedding with his new wife? Or maybe he was just fed up with you? Wait, what did you do? Did you piss him off? Oh god, it must’ve been the time where you forgot to bring him that strawberry shortcake you promised to make him. Or was it that time you were late for your date and he almost didn’t make it in time for the premiere of that new Jurassic Park movie? Your train of thoughts was rudely interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You lazily slapped a hand across your nightstand, grabbing your phone from the charger and pulling it towards you. Your eyes widened at the contact that was shown on the screen. You sat up at an inhumanly speed, accepting the call as you brought your phone to your ear. “Kei?” “(Y/N), can you- can you come over? Please- please come over.” He was audibly sobbing, tiny sniffs making their way into his sentences. “Oh-oh god, yeah, of course, I’ll be there in five, stay put, don’t worry.” You changed into a random pair of sweats, and took off to Tsukishima’s house, grabbing a bunch of candy and some shortcake on the way, just to make him feel a bit better.
You slowly creaked open the door to his room, taking a peek. The blond haired boy was sitting in front of his laptop, a hand over his mouth as tears slowly dropped onto the keys. His eyes were bloodshot, presumably from all the crying. His phone was in his other hand, the knuckles of his fingers white from gripping the piece of technology so tight. Your heart clenched at the sight. It was as if an entire army fired arrows at your heart simultaneously, and all the arrows managed to pierce through that pulsing lump of muscle. The boy, that you cared for so dearly, was breaking down, and no one knew except for you. “Kei....” You opened the door a bit more, lightly treading on the wooden floor of his room as you approached the taller male. “Am I worthless?” The blond whimpered out, his eyes never leaving the screen. Your gaze landed onto the computer screen. You gave out an audible growl after reading what was shown on the monitor.
From: Unknown
To: Tsukishima Kei
Dear Tsukishima,
I hope you know that you’re the reason your parents got divorced, you little shit. I wish for no one to ever love you. Everyone that dates you should only date you out of pity. You’re worthless. No one truly cares about you. You could kill yourself and no one would notice, you anorexic blond bitch. Stay your ass scrawny while everyone buffs up xx
Sincerely, Your dad- oh wait you wish, he probably can’t even remember who you are
Your face darkened at the disgusting email that was sent to your boyfriend. How dare someone say such hurtful things to him. Tsukishima sighed, his head hanging low. “You can’t even answer it. I already know I’m worthless, I don’t need you to rub it in either. I thought you could help.” Your head snapped towards the blond, misbelief and rage shining through the look you gave him. “Kei, how long have you been receiving emails like this? Why didn’t you tell me-” “Just answer me first.” You were taken aback by his tone. It was hurt, definitely, but almost in a hopeless way. You brought your hand up to cup his tear stained cheek, drying it with your thumb as your other hand went up to ruffle his hair. “How could you ever be worthless? Even if everyone else thought you were worthless, I’d still think you’re the most precious thing in the world, and you better not let anyone tell you otherwise.” Tsukishima let out a strained sob, nuzzling his face into your warm hand, before taking a deep breath. “This person, whoever it is, they’ve been sending me these emails for a few weeks. At first, they weren’t that bad, but then it started to get personal. They attacked my family situation, my relationship, and my body.” Your nose scrunched up in disgust. “What kind of sick freak attacks someone’s family situation?” The blond shakily sighed. “Apparently this person.” You shook your head, shoving your face into your hand. “We all know they got divorced because your mom caught him cheating. It’s clearly not your fault. You dad was in the wrong and you know it.” He sulked a bit, before continuing. “Well they’ve also been calling me anorexic for weeks.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed at this new information. Never in a million years did you think Kei would think so heavily of his own body image. He always struck you as a carefree, unbothered person. Who would’ve known he was so insecure underneath it all? “Kei, why didn’t you tell me about all this?” “I didn’t want you to worry. I thought I could deal with this on my own, but then they started bringing up by dad and me looking anorexic. Apparently I’m too skinny for anyone to appreciate. No one wants an anorexic person. I’m not even anorexic but I’m getting offended by this. I can’t help being lanky you know.” You heaved a dry chuckle. “Seriously? Body image issues? Tsukishima god damn Kei look at yourself and tell me you have a terrible body. Do it.” He was visibly shocked, looking down at himself. “Exactly. You can’t.” Your hand went down to grab his, pulling him on his feet. You pulled his sleeve up, giving his shoulder a tiny peck. “Look at you. You’re built like a whole ass Greek God. You’re like lowkey ripped, how in hell’s name did you manage to believe in that asshole’s emails?” Next, you led his hand to your face, giving each finger a kiss. “Somehow your fingers are still intact for me to hold, even after winning so many sets with your insane blocks.” You let go of his hand, slowly trailing your fingers along his face. “Your eyes are deadass the most perfect thing. I don’t think I can enjoy the sun anymore, your eyes are enough for me to get mesmerised in.” You pulled his face down, giving both his eyelids a tender peck. You squeezed his cheeks, before squishing them between your palms. “You may be lanky and muscular, but your cheeks are still as squishy as ever. I love squishing them so much, they’re like a baby’s cheeks.” With that, you gave both his cheeks a peck, before finally moving to his forehead, giving it a gentle kiss. “Right here, is where the magic is put to work. Everything you’ve been through, learned, felt, all stored right here. Your mind is quite the battlefield, constantly giving you conflicting thoughts about yourself. You’re still dealing with everything that’s been thrown on you. From your parent’s divorce, to your brother’s lie, to the shitty emails. But that mind of yours, also managed to find a way to block THE Ushijima Wakatoshi. It’s aced so many exams for you, it’s helped you get to me, and it’s helped you make up those snarky one liners that you love to use so much. I know what I say might not make any significant difference, but I just want to let you know how I feel. I think you’re a complete badass, a hotshot middle blocker, and one of the hottest people I’ve landed my eyes on. So many people care about you, so please never render yourself worthless. Please.” At this point, Tsukishima had stopped crying, now looking at you with wide eyes. “How could your words ever be insignificant to me?” His arms were instantly wrapped around you, pushing you into his chest. It was dead silent in the room. You could hear his heartbeat in your ear. “Thank you... so, so much.” His voice cracked a bit as he whispered. You moved your head up, giving him a soft, but passionate kiss, keeping your forehead in contact with his. “You don’t have to thank me, I was only stating the truth. Plus, you better report that asshole to the school, they’re gonna get what they deserve when the teachers find out who it is.” He pulled away, grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours. “Why do you care so much anyways? You sent me like seven texts in a row at school. You should be pissed at me or something. I did leave you on read for weeks after all.” You laughed heartily, before drawing circles on his hand with your thumb.
“Always, I’ll care, dumbass.”
Is this fluffy enough for you guys? Probably not considering it’s still like part angst lmao but idc have fun reading it the angst will be back in a bit my dudes and I’m about to make Tsukishima suffer again I’m sorry I love him too but like I crave angst xx
@izzyphantomgamer @sunshines-and-tatertots @tiger1719 @artsamber @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @for-ests @fluffy-bokuto @bokutokoutarou @just-another-bored-writer @macaronnv @kaylacinderella @random-fandomlover
If you wanna be tagged just comment or pm bc I don’t know that many people on tumblr yet:)
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queenof-literature · 4 years
I know that you just posted your Rito story and I loved. I can't wait for more! I noticed it mentioned Wild blushing when asked to sing one of Kass's song. I am pretty sure it's Kass's final song, and thought it would be cute if one of the other Links hears Wild singing under his breath (maybe while cooking) and the story and song get dragged out of him.
Hi! Thank you so much! I wasn't quite sure what you meant by song and story, but I used Kass' final song with the story of Wild's death and the story with Kass' teacher, so it got a little angsty. I hope that all is okay. If not, please let me know and I wil l write a different one! Thank you for the request!
It had been a rough day. The group had landed in Hyrule’s land, and had instantly been attacked by groups of monsters with insane amounts of bloodlust. Luckily, there weren’t any injuries that couldn’t be fixed with a potion or two. Some scrapes here, some sprained ankles there, physically they were fine. But they were absolutely exhausted.
Wild was making a hearty stew for his friends before they turned in early that night. Four was leaning against a tree, book in hand. Warriors and Legend were playing a weird card game that involved slapping each other’s hands as hard as possible while Wind and Hyrule watched and made fun of them both. Time and Twilight were chatting and laughing softly, while Sky was already dozing off on a tree near Four’s. Overall, it was a tired peace that made Wild’s heart swell.
He never really got this peace before he met the other heroes. It was always sleeping in trees away from monsters, or riding through the night to discover new shrines, or pushing forward to save Zelda and other villages infected by the Calamity. This was peaceful, something that Wild wasn’t used to, but didn’t really hate like he thought he would when he first met them.
“For fierce and deadly trials await. To regain his strength. Fulfill his fate.” Wild didn’t really notice when he began to sing softly as he was stirring his stew. He also didn’t notice the rest of camp slowly getting quiet, or Four elbowing Sky in the ribs. His eyes had grown distant as he continued to sing softly. “To become a hero once again. To wrest the princess from her den.” The rest of the Links looked at each other silently. Wild had a pretty voice from what they could hear. Pretty in a way that it was unique, and rough from lack of use, but also soft and comforting. He almost looks like he doesn’t notice what he’s doing. Should they tell him? 
“The hero, the princess-hand in hand-Must bring the light back to this land.” Wild finished just as soft as he began, like he had sung the song millions of times before. But he realized he felt eyes on him. He looked up to see the entire camp staring at him, even Sky, all with confusion and a bit of awe. Oh dear Hylia. Wild yanked his hood up to find his bright red face as he realized what he had done. ‘I am so sorry.’ Wild signed ‘Sometimes I do that without noticing. I didn’t mean to interrupt you all I promise. I’ll stop. Just let me know when I do it in the future, sorry I just didn’t notice-’ Twilight and the rest of the boys had gathered around Wild, but still gave him space. Twilight gently put his hands over Wild’s. He didn’t like doing that if he didn’t have to, Wild sometimes expressed himself only through sign and he never wanted to get in the way of that. But if he let Wild continue too far, he would spiral into a dark place where it was harder to pull him from. All of the Heroes of Courage had that issue. Sometimes it was better to stop the train of loathing and questioning before it got too far off the track. 
“Don’t apologize about what you do while you make us dinner, Cub” Twilight teased gently, taking his hands off of Wild’s. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, we all got our habits. Besides, ya got a pretty singin’ voice.” Twilight smiled, while Wild simply flushed further into his hood, at this point his face was the most red thing Twilight had ever seen.
“Yeah Wild! I knew you would have a pretty voice!” Wind exclaimed. The group couldn’t see Wild’s eyes at all, but they could see his lips twitch upwards slightly at the younger’s enthusiasm. 
“Ummm… thank you.” Wild said softly, still not coming out of his hood. 
“Can you sing us the whole song? If you’re comfortable of course.” Wind asked hesitantly. He wanted to hear the rest of Wild’s song, but he didn’t want Wild to feel forced into anything. The group looked at Wind in slight shock. They hadn’t expected anyone to ask the blatant question no one else wanted to ask, but Wind was good at that. The shy boy somehow managed to get even more flustered, his face so red he looked like he was about to explode. 
“W-well.” Wild was slightly stuttering again, not that the group minded. It wasn’t just nerves, Wild couldn’t talk very well when the group first found him, so he mostly signed like he did to others in his Hyrule that needed help. Through sign, they discovered that he was actually very witty and fun, but it turns out not using your voice for more than a hundred years and having rough scars around your neck made it a little hard to talk.
“My voice isn’t very good, maybe Kass could sing it to you? It’s better with the accordion anyway.” Wild said nervously.
“Your voice is very good Wild!” Sky urged. 
“If you’re okay with singing it we don’t need the music Wild.” Time stated. “But no one's forcing ya. We would love to hear it, but only if ya want to sing it.” Wild pondered these words. Ever since he started talking verbally again, he tried to push himself out of his silent shell with help from the other heroes. Maybe singing was the next step? 
Once again, Wild felt weak. He could take down entire camps of monsters, defeat Calamity, and kill Guardians with a single ancient arrow to the eye, but he couldn’t talk to people properly. He had relayed those thoughts to Twilight before, how useless he felt sometimes that he could be strong except in the face of normal, everyday people. Twilight had told him that it was perfectly okay, and that everyone had their struggles and fears, but Wild still felt stupid sometimes. 
“I guess… If you really wanna hear it…” Wild emerged from his hood slightly. Maybe it would prove he wasn't as weak as he thought? Wind cheered and put his head in his hands, waiting. The rest of the group smiled, and Twilight patted his arm for encouragement. 
“An ancient hero. A calamity appears. Now resurrected after 10,000 years”
The other heroes are surprised when Wild starts singing. It’s still soft, and it’s still rough, but Wind is right. Wild’s voice has a nice comfort in it.
“Her appointed knight, gives his life. Shields her figure and pays the price.”
Wait, what? Wild’s death is part of the song? And the words, shielding her figure, did Wild take every Guardian laser for Zelda? How did he make it to the Shrine of Resurrection? Oh Wild…
“The princess’ love for her fallen knight, awakens her power and calamity cowers. But the knight survives in the Shrine of Resurrection. He sleeps. Until from his healing dream he leaps.”
Anger fills the group at this. It was known that Wild was in the Shrine? Why did no one check on him? Why did no one keep guard so he wouldn’t be alone and scared when he woke up? Sure it was 100 years, but did no one get suspicious? Especially with elders who saw the fall of Hyrule!
“For fierce and deadly trials await, to regain his strength, fulfill his fate. To become a hero once again. To wrest the princess from Evil's den.” Wild finishes his song while looking around the camp with nervous eyes. Some of the boys looked troubled. Was he really that bad? At Wild’s nervous look, most of the boys snapped out of their stupur and began applauding, Warriors whistling at an ear piercing volume while the others whooped and hollered. Wild, who had kept his hood on to feel a small amount of security at revealing his voice in such a vulnerable way, hid within it once again, except it was a different embarrassment this time, he was relieved he had done it and gotten through it. But the group could see a smile threatening to break out. It was a sweet sight. 
‘Thank you’ Wild signed with fingers trembling from the adrenaline of singing in front of all eight heroes. 
“No problem, Buddy.” Twilight clapped his back.
“Yeah Wild! Thanks for trusting us enough to sing that song!” Hyrule smiled across the campfire. A smile that Wild returned instantly. Hyrule and Wild related to each other in this way. They spent so much time away from civilization and traveling the woods, it was sometimes scary to go back. All of the boys were smiling at him, except for Time. He looked solemn and serious. 
“You okay, Old Man?” Four questioned. Time turned to Wild, look serious. Wild hadn’t been this intimidated by Time since he had first met the man.
“Wild… how many times did those things’ lasers hit you?” Time said the word ‘things’ with such malice the entire group got chills.
“Time.” Twilight whispered urgently. Wild didn’t like to talk about his death one hundred years ago. 
“It says you shielded the princess. How. Many. Times?” Time asked coolly. On the inside he was livid. He was trying so hard not to take it out on Twilight’s protege, because it wasn’t his fault. None of it was, no matter how much he blamed himself, Wild was sent into the situation to die. He took blast after blast with his own body, and he still didn’t make it to Ganon. His friends all died except Zelda who he shielded with his own body.    
“U-um. I don’t remember. I-I guess. Maybe five? Six? I-I’m sorry Time. I-I don’t remember.” Twilight put a hand on Wild’s shoulder when the boy’s breath hitched slightly, jolting Time out of his external anger. The rest of the camp were looking at him in confusion, or in some cases, (Legend), anger.
“I’m sorry Wild I didn't mean to spring that upon you. I was just mad. Not at you.” Time rished the last part in when he saw Wild open his mouth to apologize again. “I was mad at your situation. Wild… you didn’t deserve that. No one would ever deserve that but Hylia, not you kid.” Wild tilted his head in confusion. It would have been slightly cute if the next words hadn’t come out of his mouth. 
“But I failed.” Wild said like it was the most natural thing on the planet. There was an uncomfortable silence in the group, then a descent into chaos. 
"Wild, no!”
“How the fuck was Calamity’s shit actions your fault? He’s the fucking monster that fucked up Hyrule!”
“Dear Hylia, Wind. Language. He’s right though Wild, it was Ganon’s fault.”
“Wild it wasn’t your fault, it was Ganon’s.”
Wild appreciated the support, but all their voices began blurring together. Tears pricked at his eyes, Twilight’s hand on his shoulder burned hotter than a Guardians laser. It all became too much too fast. 
“It was my fault!” Wild yelled. That halted the group in their tracks. Wild yelled sure. When he was in his environment he would yell while shield surfing, or talking about a crazy plan he had, but this was in anger and despair. Wild harshly brushed Twilight’s hand off, trying to ignore the slight hurt in his eyes. 
“I doomed Hyrule! By the time Zelda unlocked her power I had collapsed. My body quit on me! I quit on all of Hyrule! The other champions died! Why am I the only one left? Kass told me the story of his teacher! He was Zelda’s age and he fell in love with her, but she loved me! I don’t even know if I loved her back! She doesn’t deserve what she was put through! No one does! I did that to them, that was all me! I failed! I got hit with laser after laser after laser but I had to keep going! But I couldn’t, I didn’t even make it the castle! Kass’ teacher was mad I wasn’t a noble or royalty, and he was right! Zelda deserved better! She and I are the only ones left! All the other champions died because of me! Why am I the only one? Why am I still here? Why am I-” Wild choked on his last words on a sob. His entire rant, tears began to cascade down his face as the group looked on in horror.
Wild couldn’t hold it in anymore. He cried and he grieved and he yelled. Wild didn’t feel the white and burning rage anymore, he just felt the despair and sorrow he had been keeping in for years, only releasing a couple of times in small doses. When Twilight reached out to gently touch his hand, it didn’t feel like lava from Death Mountain anymore, it felt warm and loving and Wild simply leaned into it, silently telling Twilight it was okay.
“Oh, Cub.” Twilight murmured before pulling Wild to his chest. Wild curled up in his mentor's arms and allowed himself to sob over all the losses he had felt. His sobs grew harder and he felt like a child, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t breath, his sobs overlapping and clogging his lungs. One of his hands was pulled away from where it was curled into Twilight’s tunic and he whined. 
“Just me kiddo. You gotta breathe with me.” His hand was led to a different chest. Legend, Wild recognized in the back of his mind. Legend exaggerated his breaths for Wild to copy. The first time he tried, he simply choked more and shook his head. “That’s alright, you can do it. Another try.” Legend said gently. Wild would be laughing in a different situation. The word gentle and Legend wouldn’t be put together when he had first met the snarky hero. Wild tried again with a little more success. Legend kept helping him as another hand went through his hair. Four.
“I’m so sorry, Wild.” Wind said from across camp. The younger felt guilty that he had started this when asking if Wild could sing. Wild wanted to reassure that this wasn’t his fault at all, that this had just been building, but he couldn’t talk. Luckily, Warriors and Hyrule were there to cover for him, talking quietly to Wind on the other side of camp. Wind shook it off though, Wild needed them more.
Wild had calmed down slightly. Still crying, and still curled up in Twilight's arms and getting help from Four and Legend. But once he was sure he could hear him, Time spoke up. 
“Wild, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to grill you that hard. That was my mistake.” Wild opened his mouth to tell him that it was okay, he knew Time had no malintent, but Time continued on. “Wild. I need you to understand something. What happened wasn’t your fault.” Wild opened his mouth to correct Time, but Time was having none of it. “No, it wasn’t your fault Wild. I’m not saying that to comfort you or baby you. What you were sent into was an execution Wild.” Twilight's wolf instincts got loud in his head and he almost snapped at Time for being so harsh but stopped himself. He remembered Time told him once after he took Wild under his wing, that mentoring wasn’t just about kind words and support. It was also about knowing when to state hard facts. Sometimes that’s all people understood. 
“No one knew what Ganon had planned, and you had no time to prepare because of the mistakes of those before you. You had nothing to do with their ignorance, Wild.” Time’s face was set in stone, but his eyes showed a fiery passion for every word he was saying. “Wild. Look at me please, bud.” Wild peeked out from Twilight’s shoulder and looked into Time’s eyes, which softened as he met the younger hero’s sky blue eyes. “It wasn’t your fault, because you couldn’t control anything around you. You are not a God. You have the limitations of a Hylian that you already find ways to exceed. Wild, you were so brave. You took hit after hit to protect Zelda. And her powers awakened right before you collapsed. Do you blame her for not unlocking them sooner.” Instantly Wild’s eyes became hard, and he opened his mouth to bite into Time, who could see where this was leading just by the expression on Wild’s face. He held up a hand. “I’m not saying you should. I’m saying that she also had limitations that were out of her control, just like you. If you don’t blame Zelda, why do you blame yourself?” That one stumped Wild a bit. He wanted to say because Zelda was born into a family she never asked to be in, and worked hard everyday to fulfill their expectations… but he was in the same situation. Did Zelda feel the same way he did when he sorrowfully watched her blame herself? Time saw he struck a chord.
“I understand feeling like a failure. I lost battles too. But you did what you could do with what very little of the situation you could control. You said it yourself, you took laser after laser for her, and you only collapsed after you were sure she was safe. The safety of others is the only thing that kept you going, Wild. I’m not saying I approve of you taking lasers for others, but do you realize how much of a hero you are?” Tears flowed from Wild’s eyes once again, but for another reason entirely. Time really cared. He really thought Wild was a hero, even after he heard the song, the stories, the death. He heard it all, and the Hero of Time still thought Wild belonged with them. Wild whispered a quick thank you, and the rest of the group sighed in relief. Wild’s sobs had turned to hiccups as the rest of the group told him similar things to Time. It didn’t feel suffocating this time, it just felt like his eight brothers were trying to comfort him. Wild felt a weight lifted off his shoulders he had felt for so long. Time knew Wild would still struggle with his feelings of failure, one night wouldn’t change that, but he hoped he got through to Wild for the long run, at least a little. 
Wild realized how absolutely exhausted he was before this whole ordeal even started, which only increased tenfold now that he had cried. He was embarrassed that he had lost his shit that much in front of all eight heroes, and realized with a jolt how exhausted they had been too. 
“Um. I’m sorry, I know you all were really tired. I didn’t mean to have this happen-” He was cut off with a flick to his unscarred ear by Legend and a small yank on his ear by Four while Wild yelped.
“What did we just talk about you idiot?” Legend hissed, but it lacked the usual bite he had. 
“Yeah Wild! Don’t be sorry. Everyone needs a good cry once in a while! It’s healthy! I’m a medical professional, you have to listen to me.” Hyrule added with a joking glare. Some snickers rang through the group at Hyrule’s proclamation. Time looked over and smiled in pride at Wild, which Wild returned with red dusting on his cheeks. Hearing all his brothers laughing and fighting, and feeling the comforting arms around him, Wild slowly dozed off into a deep sleep, feeling lighter than he had in years.  
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purplerose244 · 3 years
Irrational - Chapter 7: Our world
There it is, the final chapter of my collection for the @spacecampweek!
It was really fun working on these prompts and I love writing about my math dorks! Thank you all for reading and for all the people who made material for this week, your work is amazing!! 
For this free day the fic is inspired by the FaeAU created by @akozuheiwa! 🥰 Seamus and Steve are human princes and brothers, Aja and Krel are also loyalty but fae, the two races are at war at each other while love blossoms in between 💕💕 Jim is a chef assistant and Douxie is a human with magic that was taken in by the fae when he was abandoned as a child.
Here’s ako’s beautiful fanart about it! 😍😍 This is a Space Camp of course, with Aja/Jim/Steve along with it! It got pretty long... I had fun! 😂
Enjoy!! 💙💙💙
Summary: Humans and fae had been at war since forever, they hated each other, it was a fact. Yet his love, their love alone made reality extremely questionable, to the point Seamus didn't feel guilty about his choice anymore. He wasn't going to be miserable for eternity. Today, he was going to get his own happiness.
Read it on the AO3
His lungs were on fire, he had never run this much in his entire life. The forest seemed to be getting bigger around him, it widened his horizon, it blocked his feet from proceeding. It seemed to be doing everything in order to prevent him to go forward. His boots were dripping with dirt, the adherence was far beyond compromised at this point, it was a miracle that he hadn’t slipped a single time. Powerful voices were behind his back, getting further and further away. Swords meeting, shouts of war, everything turning into a mess of fire and hate because of him.
Only because his heart wanted to believe in this, in him, in them. Seamus would have been a liar if he had said the thought that this was a mistake hadn’t crossed his mind. Despite everything, despite honor and regret and all in between, there was only a desire of piece into his mind.
That possibility of joy resided only across that border.
Gosh, he had been there a million times now, but the trip had never felt longer. It stretched to infinity into his mind, between all that he was leaving behind and all the people he was never going to see again. He couldn’t shake away Steve’s strained smile for a single moment, as he gestured him to move forward while he dealt with their father’s guards. His own brother had given him the chance to escape, despite all the consequences coming along with it. This kingdom was ruled by a merciless ruler, that knew of power and greatness but not of people and kindness. The two of them had been born into this place, taught to always prioritize the bigger picture as in the outcome was always going to make up for the losses. It had occurred time later, too much time later perhaps, that an uncaring soul made sacrifices so much easier.
This was the proof. The fact that prince Seamus was being chased by the same soldiers that for years had been by his side, providing his protection and safety for his empire to come, showed just the level of hypocrisy of this world, where the moment someone was to do differently it was like calling upon himself a death wish.
His boot caught a massive root, the blonde tripped over mud, feeling it between his fingers. He gritted his teeth, struggling to get up, almost slipping again then proceeding.
Faster, faster, the border was still far.
He needed to get there. He needed to get to him, he-
His own scream was faster than the pain. His body couldn’t take it, after a life freed from physical pain and suffering. He was weak. His breath caught up when he found himself face into the ground again, his leg pulsing like mad. Steps were getting closer, fast and agile, and it filled his heart with dread. Seamus looked, up, recognizing immediately crest of the mole of this kingdom, granted only to the royal soldiers of the guard. It hurt madly that it belonged to a friend.
“L-Logan…” The archer narrowed his eyes, another arrow prepared. Despite the look of a warrior, his forehead was dripping with sweat. He wasn’t completely gone yet, Seamus had to believe that. “P-please, don’t do this to me! You know what he will do to me!”
Logan pressed his lips together, his hold clenching around his weapon.
“You called this upon yourself, you know that.”
“You don’t understand!”
“You’re right, I don’t. Because you were supposed to become king after him and make things better.” His voice was overflowing with bitterness. “You were supposed to solve everything!”
“I thought so too, then I realized it… I won’t be the one to make the difference.”
“Why are you saying this??” Tears were born on him, as they had been held back until now. “We used to dream about that, thinking that as soon as you were to take the throne, everything was going to turn out for the better! You are older than Steve, it was the natural course! You were going to help the kingdom, you were going to help me and my mother! But that was a lie, wasn’t it??” He closed his eyes, drops falling through his cheeks. “The king told me about your escape, how you are going to give out info to save your own skin so the fae will have mercy on your soul! You’ve gone too far, and as a soldier and a friend… I have to stop you.”
Seamus gritted his teeth, slowly lowering his eyes onto the wound. The arrow hadn’t gone deep, it had most likely struck a sensible point. Logan had been practicing his aim for years, stating that he could do a lot even when no one was looking, even when no one cared. If someone else had given him the entire speech his father had been poisoning the realm with, the blonde would have not cared.
This was not the case, so he grabbed the arrow and extracted before he could think of not doing it, letting out a strangled noise. The archer’s eyes widened. Seamus glared.
“What info would I give to the fae? That we are at war with each other? They know.” It hurt madly, but not as much as realizing that his friend had been turned against him because of his dad. Again. “They have their own problems, the only thing we have in common seems to be the awful monarchy currently in control, and you are the proof. At least I know Steve is still as stubborn as ever and has people that cares about him, enough not to let him make mistakes.”
The archer kept staring at him, as if he didn’t know him anymore, as they had been knowing each other of years without actually knowing a thing. Maybe that was true.
“You… you’re lying. You’re a prince, you hold informatio-”
“If I was any other person they would kill me at sight, you idiot!” His ankle was bleeding, he pressed his arm against it. Seeing his immaculate white sleeve turning red made him feel sick, and oddly relieved as well. “I am not going directly to them, I am not that stupid! I have no fighting experience, I am no diplomat, how would I even face them to be a snitch anyway? I am not betraying, I am running away!” Oh. Wow. He had never felt this good at screaming before. He was really going for it, he was escaping this cursed world.
Logan was agape, staring at him like he had passed away in front of him. His hands were trembling, the weapon was lowered slowly. A frown arrived, a welcomed one, because it always meant that he was thinking. At last, his friend was actually thinking.
“… that’s not what your father said.” Ah, he stopped calling him king. Good sign.
“You’re surprised that he can lie?” Seamus sighed, gritting his teeth at the burning of the wound. “I’m going to a secret place, protected by pixies. It is still at the board, but I will not betray.”
“But… why? Why are you running away?” He got closer to him, kneeling, taking out a cloth of some sort. He wrapped it around his wound, something he probably had experience with Steve. “I know that he’s very hard on you, in a way that wouldn’t be allowed if he wasn’t this powerful, but you’ve always put up with it. No matter how much it hurt.” He wasn’t that lost then. “Perhaps not in the name of your future, but you still kept yourself together for years. Why is it different now?” This, this was the perfect question.
With his pulsing leg, with his father’s guards on his traces to bring him back to that prison, with one of his oldest friend questioning him, Seamus smiled.
“I didn’t think there was a better choice. Something better… someone better.”
The forest was shaken by a blow of wind. Logan was staring at him in disbelief. For a moment, it almost felt like they were back in the gardens of the castle, laying down, blabbering about secrets and the future. The smile that appeared onto his friend was just like back then.
“Smart choice, as expected.” He put a hand over his bandaged wound. “… I’m sorry.”
Perhaps this world hadn’t taken away everything from him yet.
Then, when that minuscule moment of silence cleared up between them, the gallop of a horse grew steadily close. Seamus’ blood turned cold. The heavy, intimidating march of that mount, he would have recognized it everywhere. Bred for battle… no, bred in order to instill fear into the opponent, the realization that there was nowhere to run. The end had been determined the moment that march had stopped. Seamus had always been on the other side of that sword, assisting by his father’s side terrorized out of his mind but comforted by his own loyalty to the winning kingdom. How many years he had stalled this moment, knowing that he was only human and could only take this much? It was such a meaningless thought right now, as the horse finished his march right there.
His father got off, the thud reverberated. He was in full armor, that fancy suit as to appear mightier and better than anyone else. Those piercing blue eyes that Seamus had inherited were deadly and merciless, even more than usual, as they fell onto his offspring.
An exasperated sight left his throat.
“I wish I could say I am surprised by your behavior, son. Alas, I knew you were not meant for greatness, not you nor your brother. I cannot believe my own blood is such a disappointment!” He unsheathed the sword in a lazy gesture, almost as he didn’t have time to deal with this mess. With him. Like that was new. “Prince Seamus, you have been declared to be a traitor for the realm of Arcadia. You will be sentenced tomorrow at dawn. Guard Logan, bring him here.”
Wow, if Seamus hadn’t been this scared for his life, he would have laughed out loud at his father’s shocked expression. Someone finally denying him something to his face, priceless.
“What?” And dangerous, so very dangerous. The archer glared.
“You lied to me, you told me the prince was a traitor but he did nothing of the sort! This was all in order to get rid of him, was it not??” He sounded so angry, furious: the carefree soldier that liked to flirt with the staff of the castle just to make them smile was unrecognizable right now. His father wasn’t moving. It felt even more terrifying. “I will not turn against him again, my loyalty resides in him and his brother. Consider me a traitor instead, ‘your highness’, because if you attack Seamus then I am your enemy.” He immediately took one of his arrows, pointing it.
Seamus couldn’t look away. Nothing but pride was filling his heart, hope and joy at seeing that there were more loyal people than he thought. Yet this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, he was the one risking everything, he and Steve for what they wanted. Not him, not their friend.
The king huffed, raising his sword.
“I will not judge such a will to die. Prepare yourself!”
“I always am. Stay behind him, Seamus.” He knew he couldn’t win at all, but he was there to do everything in order to help him out. He had never been more grateful for it. “Seamus, what are you…?” For this exact reason, he couldn’t do anything else.
The blonde smiled at him, a hand on his shoulder, focusing on the image of the castle.
“Thank you… and sorry.” Logan didn’t have time to scream before he disappeared.
Right after that, in the usual blue smoke that always came with his spells, Seamus found himself with his hands in the mud for the third time. This was bad, the teleportation had been more draining than he had thought. He was insanely proud of actually performing it right, hoping only that Logan was going to be rightfully teleported into the castle and not on a tree or something. He had never had this much control over his powers, Douxie’s lessons had definitely helped. Knowing his own value, his goal, and the people he really cared about and cared about him back was a huge motivation as well.
Once again, seeing his father this baffled, out of control, would have been his biggest satisfaction if only he wasn’t there to fight for his life and for his happiness. When the mystical smoke cleared up, an expression of pure horror contorted his grumpy face.
“You dare use magic?! You freak! How dare you bring such shame to our family! I will not associate with one of your kind, not now, not ever! You’re a disgrace!!”
Seamus actually snorted, stretching his arms. He had a bit energy left. It was going to have to do.
“You do know I’m not five anymore, right? I stopped caring about your approval ages ago.”
“You dare try to act tough in my presence?”
“I don’t have to show you anything. You know, I used to think my powers were actually something to be ashamed of, something that was going to get me killed.” He closed his eyes for a moment. The forest was chanting in a low tune, it was nothing like the side where the fae resided. There everything was overflowing with energy and life. “It turned out, keeping my real self hidden, that was what was really killing me, so slowly I didn’t even realize it.” He looked up, his father was still holding the sword in that mighty way that was only meant as a show. What a fool, Seamus knew that he had never struck a foe in his entire life. He was a commander, he was of big built and that helped, but he was no warrior. Just like himself. “So today… today I come to life, at last.”
He must had taken a bit of his brother’s love for dramatic speeches, he was the one who always did that whenever he had to train. It was also a great way to gain some time, while magic operated by tying around his father’s boots. It was petty, it was extremely childish, and Steve would have been so proud of him… hoping he was going to come out of this unscathed.
His father roared at him, trying to charge. With that, he was falling, making this the highlight of Seamus’ life. The might rock that was this man, the highest place he had aspired to be at for the longest time, was falling down into the mud.
The blonde turned away right in that moment, running, forcing his bad leg.
“SEAMUS!!!” His father’s thundering voice echoed through the entire forest.
When he was a child, his mother used to read him stories. It was around the time where Seamus had chosen knowledge while Steve had picked up a sword, drastically changing how their father wanted them to be raised as. Their education had become different, the time spent together as well, almost as they belonged to two different worlds. Their mother had been the reason why they had never drifted apart. Her books were about heroes, knights, princes and princesses, legends and history all mixed together until they disappeared. The most beautiful ones where the one with long descriptions, because his mother had the loveliest voice, calm and peaceful, that had the power to materialize the place into his mind and into his heart.
Perhaps before jumping into this risky decision Seamus would have liked to ask her, if she was the reason why he had never been like other humans, why he could feel magic while others couldn’t. Despite that doubt forever into his mind, all he could think right now was how much he wanted to tell her about this freedom, this feeling of determination. How running wildly like this felt like he was part of those stories, part of his own at last.
As the forest opened up a little more around him, and he pushed his leg to the limit while it was screaming in agony, he noticed the little details. The edges of the leaves, the shades onto the trunks, the blades of grass, they were all turning slightly blue. The feeling around was changing too.
“When the forest will start to turn into the color of the sky, you will know you are close.”
“If you have no ill intent as I know, the Glade will let you in.”
“We will meet there so please, make it out alive. Please.”
Seamus smiled, his eyes pinching. He could make it. He was going to make it.
Then it came, again the devastating galloping behind his back. His body froze, for two seconds, then he was turning around with his hands out. He didn’t have enough magic to fully defend himself now, he had started to learn new tricks quite late according to Douxie. He wanted to learn more, he was going to learn a lot more. He forced his concentration and his hands caught fire. It was flickering, he was gritting his teeth like mad to keep it lightened. As soon as the face of the animal appeared, running like mad towards him, he threw both hits towards its legs. The house neighed painfully, arching its back and then falling onto the ground.
His father had his hand raised before that, a moment before he was to fall from the horse. Seamus screamed again, whimpering with anger as he caught sight of the dagger into his side. It had his crest on it, carved along the handle, almost as a reminder that he was never going to forget that pain, this feeling of inferiority coming from his own family. His frustration wanted to take it out, his rationality blocked him right on time.
He held himself up, as his father was doing the same with eyes bloodshot.
“You will not escape me, you hear me?? You are a freak, a dark spot on my family’s honor, and I will not let you leave for anyone else to know!!” He was holding the sword like he wanted to beat him up with it, he really had never followed a proper formation. He wanted to make others fear him, but his superiority made him feel like he was beyond peasants’ training.
Seamus wasn’t surprised. He was frustrated, mad, because he was so close and he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. He couldn’t give up now, no, never.
He took the deepest breath. Nature was still by his side. He smiled.
“Scared than I might actually be a threat?”
“I knew you were a mistake, I knew you were nothing but a nuisance!”
“Oh spare me that, you never needed a reason to despise me, it had always come awfully naturally to you! At least I didn’t go through the same punishments Steve had during his own training, something you never even went through yourself.” He was most likely worsening his situation, but he didn’t care anymore. He had lived a life being as careful as possible trying not to anger him, because he thought that there was never going to be anything worse than not have his approval. It turned out there never was in the first place. “You want to kill me? Try. I will not go down easy.”
His father was breathing heavily, his nostrils were wide and fuming. His entire face was red, his sword was shaking into his sword out of madness alone. He was the embodiment of his worst nightmares from when he was a kid. Now, all his thoughts were on those beautiful blue eyes popping out of the dark, his arrogant laugh from whenever he was right.
Seamus raised his hand. No branch came up. He fought back the tears because he didn’t want this, he wasn’t going to end it like this. He had never wanted something this badly before.
The king started to march towards him. Every step felt like the tick of a clock.
This wasn’t the end.
This couldn’t be the end.
“You are not getting out of his forest alive. You are not strong enough to defeat me.” He was right, but Seamus was never going to admit it. He tightened his fists, hoping, praying that he could do something. The familiar feeling of hopelessness was starting to burn from his stomach. “I will erase you, just like I will erase every single scam that contaminates this realm! And as soon as it will be done, we will finally take over the rest of the kingdom from those dirty fae!!” This man was the real illness, the poison that was making the entire realm sick to its roots. He wished he didn’t care only to hope he was going to implode with his own sick ideals, but that wasn’t reality. He was going to bring everything with him. Seamus couldn’t stop him. “I have been waiting my entire life for it, and if you think you can stop me then- What is this?!?”
Oh. Would you look at that.
The prince wished that, at this critical moment, he was to acquire some superior magical powers in order to defeat this man once and for all. It would have definitely made up for all of his frustration, plus telling this tale would have been nicer. Alas, this was his story but not a legend, it would have not been fair, especially for such an inexperienced wizard like him. Then again, he didn’t have to be the main hero of the situation. He could take being a supporting character.
One that knew extremely well about that instrument that was playing in the air, carved from the fallen horn of a dragon and enchanted by Douxie himself, so that whenever a certain brother of his was in need of help it was going to be heard from everyone, everywhere. That meant that he was okay. That meant that Logan was okay and had warned him just in time.
Seamus immediately grinned, feeling a huge weight falling down, while the king was looking around, even more fuming and even more confused.
“You know, I might not be able to stop you, so why don’t you take someone your own size? Or maybe…” Her timing was impeccable as always. The Queen-in-waiting of the fae arrived diving in between the crowns of the trees and struck her hit right as he was talking, disarming the clueless human. “… way stronger?” Her blonde hair was flowing into the wind, her blue armor was so shining it reflected nature itself. The king backed away, eyes falling onto the sword now on the ground, then onto his new opponent.
Aja landed in front of the prince, her rapier sharp and ready, her eyes completely focused.
“If that is the request, you have found your foe, your highness.” She looked definitely pissed, which was to be expected since Steve had only ever used the horn in dead or alive situations. Her intentions were probably to finish with him and move forward to her beloveds. “Although do not be mistaken, this is not a fight you are able to win. Perhaps you untrained and arrogant human might be able to take on a wizard while hurt and lacking energy to defend himself,” No filter, like everyone in her family. “But I have trained since I have memory in order to protect those I care about. My strength, my motivation, my ability, you are nothing in comparison.” Her determination was shining through. It made every single word count.
The king stumbled onto the ground to retrieve his sword, but from his eyes it was clear that he also knew what was going to happen to him. As soon as he was up, he ran towards his horse, still down lowly lamenting, and grabbed something from his bag.
Another horn. His face contorted into a horrific smile.
“You think you are the only one that can call help?? I will not lose to a lowlife like a fae, not with an army by my side!” He blew in, Seamus held his breath… nothing came out. “What-”
“You found my present, your majesty!” Perhaps he didn’t have as much of a joyful reaction as Aja at hearing that voice, but it definitely made him smile. “Since you’ve been throwing away all my freshly made bread for years because it’s hard or something, I thought that maybe I could throw away all my sourdough in the first place. I hope you’re proud.” Especially since, as soon as the chef assistant Jim appeared from the woods, he was bringing along his brother, while holding an arm around his neck for support. “The useless stick together I guess?”
Steve was red from laughing, shaking his head.
“This was so petty, I taught you well!” He kissed him on the cheek, making him blush very vividly, then he turned to their father. “Can’t call your friends for dinner? Too bad, dad!”
He was okay. He was snappy, cocky, and arrogant. His brother was okay.
It took maybe two seconds for Aja to let out a joyful scream, take flight and immediately launch herself over the two, managing to hug them without tackling them. Steve snickered even louder without moving, his arm wasn’t probably at its best right now. Jim grinned widely, placing his free hand over her back, whispering something that made her giggle even more. Seamus didn’t dare to move, not to tempt his bad leg, not to ruin a moment that was definitely not his. As soon as he crossed his brother’s brown eyes and got the biggest smile, he knew that it was fine. The both of them, they were going to be fine.
The king was roaring like an animal, pushing his fingers inside the horn to free it from the sticky substance. He backed away, staring with disgust at the three of them. Aja was immediately in front of her beloveds, rapier out, daring him with the eyes.
“You are not going to win, human king. Surrender if you may.”
“Never! My guards will arrive anyway, it is only a matter of time!”
“They’ll find a sad old man on his own butt after being beaten up, then.” Steve snickered, turning to Seamus. “What are you waiting for, an invitation? Go get him, come on!”
Ah, that was why it hadn’t felt real before, their goodbye at the castle.
“I’m not kidding Seam, come on.” Despite his conditions he extracted his sword, pointing it at his own dad while Jim was relentlessly supporting his weight. “I found my own happiness, all the good stuff mom always told us about. Time for you to do the same.” They had talked about this, that they could had gone together, as brothers. But unlike Seamus, Steve had more to hold on to, he had Jim and his life, and Aja was ready to fight alongside him.
He really found a nice place to be in. Seamus nodded, looking at the fae and the assistant chef.
“Look after him. He can be a lot.” A murmured ‘Look who’s talking’ made him laugh. Jim nodded vividly, keeping himself up like an actual warrior.
“He’s worth all of it. Have a good life, my prince.
“Of course, until the very end.” Aja smiled at him. “And you… make him happy.”
That was a promise. Seamus started to run right there, trying to make as much distance as he could from himself and that place. One last peak made him see his father one last time, red and fuming like a baby, the armor dirty and covered in dirt and mud, with his fingers covered in sourdough. This wasn’t an honorable man, this was barely a man to begin with. His entire mind was contorted and was probably never going to come back to his senses. The prince didn’t care anymore, and it was the best he had ever felt in his entire life.
The forest widened some more in front of him, this time he knew he wasn’t far. When a different horn was played in the air his breath hitched, that prank was of course only gonna get them so far. He knew they were going to do it though. Aja wanted to unify their kingdoms, she wanted to do what Seamus’ parents and her own had never been able to. It was going to take a lot of time, but if anyone had the patience and the enthusiasm, it was her.
She was the hero of the story. He was there to accomplish his own victory.
One of his legs gave up on him. Fourth time today, he was beyond annoyed. His side wasn’t collaborating, the dagger was still there. Seamus bit his lip, looking at his hand. It was going to hurt, but he needed to keep going. He really hoped he could do this much.
He focused all he had left inside over the palm, frustration, anger, despair, and soon it started to emit heat. Nowhere near his usual flames, but it was enough. He took a deep breath, held onto the handle of the dagger and pulled it out. He screamed. Then he lifted his shirt and put his boiling hand over the wound. He screamed again, louder, forcing his palm to stay where he was. Tears streamed through his cheeks. The magic left him even more tired, the pain was shocking him awake. It lasted nothing and forever. He looked down. It stopped bleeding. It was most likely going to scar, but he didn’t care. As long as he was alive.
It took even too much time to get up again. He couldn’t be sure that there weren’t any guards on their own chasing after him. He picked up the pace, he was doing better. It still hurt like mad, and he was exhausted, but he wasn’t going to pass out in a place like this, not right now. The land was getting even bluer around him, the leaves, the branches, even the ground he was stepping onto. The air was fresh but not cold, comfortably cool over his skin.
Then he noticed it, because it was like a mirror in the middle of the woods. It traced the celestial vegetation all around, and the image of a human who looked like he had been to war. Seamus swallowed, getting closer, feeling fresh air coming from it somehow.
He raised his hand, expecting a portal.
It was a wall.
His eyes widened. He pressed some more, feeling resistance, like it was a legit mirror, and he was stupidly think there was something on the other side.
“No… no, please!” He put both hands, pushing forward. “I have to get in, please!!” He felt so weak, so weak and pathetic. He could see it all. His smile, his eyes. His sharpness, his way of being, him existing. Everything was so close and it wasn’t fair. “Open! Open for me! I command you!!” His voice seemed to bound against the surface. His reflection started to cry. His cheeks felt wet. “Please… please, I have to be there…” He let his tired body lean against the surface, it wasn’t flat, but it was there. “I have to… I want to…” He had been fought for so long against his own father and now… he didn’t care. For revenge, his own pride hurt, how he could had said to him the worst ever conceived. He didn’t care. He just needed to go. “… I need to see him.”
It felt like a push towards the right direction. In reality, the resistance had disappeared, and he had fallen forward. Somehow his very trembling legs had managed to save him from just another ridiculous fall today, although he felt absolutely no strength inside of them. It was like oscillating onto two sticks. He was up by will, a pinch of pain, and a lot of despair that had almost disappeared the moment he had opened his eyes.
When he did, it was bright. There was a completely different forest in front of him, of a green so bright it looked like a sun. He could smell lots of flowers, the air was almost unnaturally fresh, the ground he was on was so tender it was almost pillowy.
He stepped forward. A purple flower moved, a pink one and an orange one as well. Perhaps it should had occurred him that those didn’t fly, but he was at his limit.
“Ah, human! How did he get in??”
“No Mary, look! It’s the human prince!”
“Oh no, are you okay? Quick, let’s get Douxie!”
Before he could even think to make sense of how those plants talked, even though someone with magic like him wasn’t even supposed to be surprised, the world started to spin. Everything was misty and unfocused, his sight was getting extremely nitid and unnaturally unfocused in sequence. He moved another step, seeing another flower on the ground, a red one. This time even his tired brain noticed that his arrow wound was open and dropping.
The dizziness came altogether.
“Hey, you made it! I thought my lovelies were just playing with me, you were so quick- Oh, you look terrible!” Ah, that direct calming voice he recognized. Even in the fog Douxie’s blue hair were easy to notice. “Hang on, you’re gonna be okay, you hear me? It will be okay!”
Something happened after that, he didn’t remember what. Only that it had probably been his fifth fall, the only one he had allowed himself to do willingly. Douxie must had grabbed him before touching the ground, because he had abandoned himself to unconsciousness without a single pain in his mind. He had lost sensibility to his leg, he was so exhausted he couldn’t feel a thing. All he perceived was a shifting of place, then a sudden humidity around him, of a mineral kind, not unpleasant. More flowery scents arrived, while his body still refused to cooperate. It felt so nice. It felt so nice to finally rest, but he didn’t want to. Not yet. Not yet.
He had hold onto lucidity with all he had left, for a time he was not aware of. Then, at some point, he had felt someone holding his hand, and a drop falling onto his palm.
“You will be fine, my love. I am here now.”
It could had been a dream, a pain induced hallucination. His mind and heart didn’t think so.
 When consciousness came back Seamus still had his eyes closed. He pondered if it was actually a good idea waking up, because despite his mind still being a little fuzzy, he was sure he was in a pretty bad condition, and it didn’t sound appealing to feel all that. Then it occurred him where he was, what had happened, and nothing was going to make him fall asleep again.
He opened his eyes, seeing the ceiling of a cavern. It shined of little sparkling minerals all over, making the rock look like a glowing blue mosaic. There was the sound of water from a far, a little waterfall perhaps, for the rest it was plain nature. It felt like the quietest place of the world, but all the doubts hurrying into his mind made it chaos in any case. Slowly, hoping into self-healing powers he never had and most likely was never going to have, he got up on a sitting position. Huh, it didn’t hurt… at all, actually.
Looking down, he found himself without his shirt, with his side showing a nasty scar. His pants had cuts everywhere, from the forest and the people, but his leg felt mostly okay.
Overall, he looked pretty good. He took a deep breath, and the smell made him gasp.
“Peonies…” They were nothing like the ones his mother had cultivated in their garden, they were glowing and changing color constantly, from red to yellow then green blue purple and over again. He had been laying down on a bed made of those. “Huh, I knew they symbolized good health, didn’t know on which extent.” This place was truly magical. He could feel his own soul regenerating. He touched a flower while focusing, it raised a little growing a leaf. He smiled.
Then he turned, and his heart skipped a beat. There was another bed station right next to him. An empty cloth lied down, a bag made of leaves, and a few books piled.
Seamus stayed frozen, looking helplessly. Then he grinned, jumping onto his feet and running.
As he had suspected, the cavern was situated close to a little waterfall. There was a pond of the most crystalline water he had ever seen in his life, reflecting the trees that were still sheltering from the sun. There was a game of reflections into the water, shining through colors and different shades. Beautiful, but nothing in comparison of the most gorgeous fae in the world.
Krel was kneeling next to the pond, filling in a little vase with water. His hair was covered in the light shapes that the trees were reflecting all over. His eyes were low and a little gloomy, following the stream of water that was filling the container. His clothes were a little messed up like his, meaning his own trip had probably been quite difficult as well. He was there, he was right there at last, keeping his promise no matter what. He got up right at that moment, sighing a lonely breath before turning back towards the cavern.
When their eyes met, it was like a calling. Their own way of communicating, because they had been both taught to repress everything in order to meet expectations, yet it was too much having each other to contain what they had.
The fae prince carelessly let go of the vase. His eyes teared up as he immediately went flying towards him. Seamus beamed at him, opening his arms right on time to take in the hug.
They made it. They were here together. They actually made it.
“Do not scare like me again, ever again!” How he had missed this voice, how much he had longed for this moment. It felt like all the rush and the pain had been already worth it. “You have promised me your life and I have promised you mine, you won’t get out of our agreement this easily!” He was pressing his wet eyes onto his shoulder, almost clawing his back closer to him. “I… I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.” His voice dropped, getting more silent.
Seamus shook his head, reaching for his shoulders to gently push him away. Gosh, they were so slim, he was so fragile, especially in comparison to his sister. They were both vulnerable, not made for the battle, carrying too much on their backs. Meant for something else.
They looked at each other again. His tears were brushing the glowing marks on his face. The blonde wiped them away with his thumb.
“You didn’t hurt me, fat- well, the king did.” This wasn’t about him. “You saved me, Krel.”
“You saved me. From living a life as a merciless monster, unable to understand that there are no good fae and bad humans.” He embraced him again, hiding his head in the crook of his shoulder. “You gave me reality, something that might not be easy to obtain for the other fae. Me and Aja are lucky enough to have found people that opened our eyes.” It had been a reciprocating situation, they had both realized many things about each other’s worlds. The mention of those people sent a shiver through his back, there was no way Krel hadn’t noticed. “The son of the human duke had sent a messenger, apparently he had befriended a dwarf. It has a particular name, at least three vocals in it, sounds quite painful. Anyway, he said that they are all fine.”
“… for now.” Krel nodded. They parted, still holding hands. Seamus smiled sadly. “Well, we knew this wasn’t going to be easy. All we can do is hold on to it.” He knew they were on the same page, he had never trusted anything more. The fae was glowing. He looked wonderful. “It was a big step this one. We can focus on this for now, right?” This was nowhere near over. Their kingdoms were still divided, their worlds were still apart, there was much to be done.
Even so, looking at how his eyes lightened up at him, smiling like it was the best future he could had asked for, it felt easier to hope for the better.
“It sounds good.” He stepped closer. “I love you, Seamus.”
Seamus grinned, brushing their noses together.
“I love you too, Krel.” His mind, his body, his heart, they all moved forward.
He had learned so much about himself and his world from this person, every important part reconnected to him and him only. There was a longing, a connection, and whenever they kissed it felt like reaching out for that bond to hold onto it, to feel how good it was. He had always smelled like wild flowers, today it mixed with cut grass and effort. Krel laced his hands around his neck and Seamus knew what was to happen, holding onto him immediately. He had never told him, but whenever the fae prince was particularly lost into the moment, he started to float, bringing him along. It was a magical experience that was only theirs.
The blonde liked to think that this was meant to be. That they had built it together, slowly and steadily, with patience and effort, but that their meeting had been played out perfectly by destiny. He wondered if that would have been the same in every other universe, if their lives were to play in another context, with them as completely different people.
Perhaps so. He wanted to think so. No matter the place, as long as it was the two of them, that was where they were supposed to be.
Their world.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Best Years
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So since my laptop crashed this morning I can’t do a read more. But this is what I wrote for Best Years. Tried to find what it is about this song that haunts me, not sure if this is it but here it is.
Written in the same style as  Red Desert + Lonely Heart so the guy is not signified as someone specific. So it can be Ashton, Calum, Michael or Luke.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The first time she heard the song, she cried. The lyrics were specific and precise to her relationship, the highs and the lows but the verses held promise. A promise that was broken and now when she listens to the album she skips that song in particular. Every time.
She couldn’t listen to it, it brought back too many memories of her time with him. The way he always chose his friends over her. The way he disregarded her feelings. The way he always put her last and how he ignored her for a month before finally making a not so clean break.
She was a mess already but then she just got messier.
And then she met him, his eyes captivated her in a way no other man’s has before but that’s also what made her hesitate. Eyes are dangerous, they can tell you one thing while the soul behind those windows can have a completely different motive. She withdrew within herself when he began asking questions about the book she held in her hands, a new book from her favorite poet.
“Look, I know where this is going, but I just got out of a terrible relationship and I’m not looking for anything right now. Sorry,” she tells him lamely and he just smiles.
“Understood. How about a friend, then?” he asks, holding out his hand.
Something inside her urged her to put her hand in his and she did. An odd sense of warmth coursed through her and with that handshake came the first solid promise; friendship.
They became close. Texting on the regular and going for lunch or a walk through the park. Then she started to join him on dinners with his friends, or going to clubs. Drinking was dangerous because she became one of two things, flirty or very emotional and spilling all of her secrets.
She was falling down the latter tonight.
She told him about all of her relationships, how she spent so much time on guys that reminded her about the one prior. She confessed how she’s always felt second best because someone was always chosen over her. That’s how all her relationships ended. Someone better came along and she was left in the dust.
He listened with intent sadness, his heart aching for her as she spilled her heart out to him. Tears falling from her pretty eyes and he promised himself as he held and consoled her that he’d make up for all her tears.
She was a pit stop of happiness while others hopped on the train and rode off into the red desert sunset. He disagreed wholeheartedly and promised that he’ll always put her first. She questioned him because of all her oddities and her baggage she collapsed on him those many months ago at the bar.
“I’ve given you a million reasons to walk away,” she told him bluntly.
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
The friendship continued to bloom and flourish as months went by. One wasn’t seen without the other. He told her of his secrets too. How his own past relationships left him haunted by distrust and hidden motives of using him for fame. Some were toxic, and others just left a stain on his heart.
A tight bond was formed and while she was listening to his album while cleaning one day, he came over to pick her up for lunch. When track seven came on and she skipped it, he thought it was odd but let it slide.
The next three times when he noticed she always skipped it he saw the pattern and wanted to know why she skipped that song every time. In each instance her actions hinted at a deeper meaning.
The second time while they were out in the pool with everyone else and it came on over the speakers, she asked someone to skip it. Her voice shook a little when she made up the excuse that the next song was more fitting for the feel of the day.
The third time was when he was driving her home after a night of drinking. She drank a little too much and he picked her up willingly to make sure she got home safe. Track number seven came on and her actions were so quick when she leaned forward and pressed the skip arrows. She huffed and fell back against the seat.
The fourth time was while they were drinking again at a house party. He had to carry her home because she couldn’t stand up and the song was playing on the sound system and she began to cry, begging him to change it.
“It’s all right, it’ll be off soon,” he assured and carried her to the car.
She was sniffling in her seat, drinking from the large water bottle he brought so she could drink it on the way home. Her sniffles pained him and he had to know the reason.
“Why don’t you like that song?” he knew better than to name it.
“Because it’s a lie,” she sniffled and wiped her tears from her cheeks. “It hurts my heart. Makes my heart cry. I won’t let it so I don’t listen to it.”
As another year goes by and their friendship moves up a level he can’t stop thinking about her as more than that. She’s on his mind from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep. They have something special and he knows how fragile her precious heart is.
While they’re walking along the beach, their toes squishing in the sand as the waves wash over them he takes her hand in his. She smiles up at him and he knows this is his moment. He stops in his tracks and her body jerks from his sudden halt.
His other hand cups her cheek and he gives her a kiss, his lips telling her what he’s been feeling for all these months. He feels her hesitancy and that’s when he stops.
“I know you’re scared, and all the broken pieces keep people at bay but not me. I’m here, and I want you. I’ll give you the best years I have because you’ve given me yours since the day I met you.”
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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