#my idea for Raph was to make him a teddy bear that could rip your spine out
pasteilian · 1 year
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Me sitting in my room alone : How can I make him baby girl but also big daddy
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
tmnt memory mashup part 3
premise: instead of being different dimensions, the various iterations of tmnt reflect the different ways certain characters remember things. part 1 was rise donnie 03 leo 87 mikey mirage raph. part 2 was 07 leo 12 mikey rise raph 03 donnie.
part 3: 12 Leo, 90s movies Donnie, 87 Raph, 03 Mikey, rise Splinter, 07 April
Casey, as always, has embraced the chaos of everyone telling him such different stories about what's what and literally making stuff up. Absolutely everything is on the table for him to reference
Leo: Raph's got... a bit of a temper
Casey: No way, he's a total teddy bear
Donnie: No it's true, sometimes it's best to just give him his space.
Leo: Mikey really pushes his buttons.
Donnie: Huh? You push his buttons.
Leo: What?!
Meanwhile in the other room coloring
Raphael: Sounds like Donnie and Leo are arguing again.
Mikey: That's so weird, they never argue.
Raphael: Is that wishful thinking or pizza-colored glasses?
Mikey: Ooh, what kind of pizza?
Raphael: Pepperoni and maple syrup
Mikey: With anchovies?
Raphael: If you must
Mikey: What were we talking about?
Raphael: No idea
Leo: I'm gonna be really vulnerable with you guys--I'm totally embarrassed about the whole thing with Karai. I ended up being kind of right but also kind of very wrong and I should've listened to you guys sooner instead of going off on my own.
Mikey: It's okay, I mean it worked out. I'm just glad you didn't join Shredder, lol
Raphael: Don't tell me, is this another one of those body-swapping things?
Donnie: Who's Karai? Wait, body-swapping?
April: What was that about joining Shredder?
Karai: I hate all of you. Pass the salt.
April: You guys were so lost without Leo. As someone who cares about you, it was hard to watch. I tried to talk him into coming back.
Leo: I mean, I was in a coma.
Mikey: It was a little rough, but I think we were fine. We knew he needed the time. Although, Karai did almost kill us.
Raphael: I, for one, never want Donatello to be in charge again.
Donnie: I was in charge?
Casey: Oh yeah, you were a total stickler about Splinter's diet.
Donnie: Whoa... hey that's kind of funny, I remember Raph being in a coma, but I never even noticed Leo was gone! haha
Leo: ... Hey Karai are you up for killing them this week?
Karai: I've been waiting for you to ask
Raphael: I wish the writers would come up with better jokes
Leo: *blink blink*
Raphael: I mean, the things you have to say to an audience--must be stressful being the leader.
Leo: *head tilt*
Raphael: Your. Lines. Are. Corny. And speaking of corny, do you maybe need your ears checked?
Leo: *shrug, head scratch*
Donnie from the other room: Bossa nova!
Mikey: I think you mean cowabunga!
Raphael: Well I guess it could be worse.
Leo: Oh, you mean the Space Heroes writers?
Raphael: *blink blink*
Mikey: You guys were always so reckless.
Raphael: It's true.
Mikey: The amount of times I had to explain to you that monsters are dangerous--
Raphael: A ridiculous number of times.
Mikey: And we should go away from and not toward them--
Raphael: Running away is always a viable solution.
Donnie: Well I'm sorry that I don't want to stay in the sixteenth century! It wasn't all about coming back to fight bad guys, you know. There were bad guys there too, you guys just have terrible memories.
Mikey: That is true because I do not remember that. I do remember the dinosaurs, though, Donnie
Leo: Hey, everyone chill out. If we hadn't time traveled, we wouldn't exist.
Raphael and Mikey:
Casey: It's true, you had to circle back, find the key and stop the Krang so they wouldn't terraform the earth. Donnie almost died when he had to double cross Shredder and got his shell ripped off.
Karai: You guys never invite me to the cool stuff. I'm disowning all of you.
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Rapheal (TMNT 2014/2016) - Chapter 4
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A part of you dreaded this day.
“I know Leo is going to be exhausted after the shift, so I figured I’d lighten the load.”
April is rambling about something or the other. You don’t truly register it.
“I can tell that you have other things on your mind.” April chuckles. You wonder how she even knows, but the coffee now spilling on the counter is enough evidence. You curse, moving the cup over the sink as you hastily clean up the mess on your counter.
April watches with a little grin.
“Does this have anything to do with a certain ninja?”
You scoff, trying to play it off, but she sees right through you. You have no choice but to confess.
“I-I want to celebrate with him, but Raph doesn’t seem like the type.”
April looks very excited.
“Are you kidding me, he’s dying to spend Valentine’s with you.”
“Definitely. I have a very valuable source that told me he’s even gonna get something mushy.”
You squint.
“Valuable source eh?”
“Yep, can’t say who. Just make sure you up the ante. Make it as romantic as possible. Trust me, Raph’s a big old teddy bear.”
You can’t help but feel hopeful.
“Okay, I’ll do my best.”
What’s the worst that could happen?
~Later That Day~
Raph had dealt with a lot, but this just wasn’t his day. After his patrol, some thugs thought it would be a good idea to mug an old lady. While he’d managed to subdue them, his gift had taken a hit. The bear he bought had its arm practically ripped out. The box of chocolates carried a very prominent dent. He placed the battered items on the roof with a frown.
He felt like shit showing up without a gift that he’d already had his mind set on giving you. But it felt almost disrespectful to give those poorly presented items. He just turned his back, heading for the fire escape. As he slid down the metal, he could hear your humming from the other side of the window. With a knock, he waited for the window to open.
Your voice was steady, and you looked so excited. It was like a gut punch. He climbed through, trying his best not to look at you. When he straightened, he could see you looking past him. You seemed a bit distracted. When you finally looked at him, you gave a nervous smile. You were fidgeting, and when he took in the way the room was set up, it made sense.
The lights were dim, a few candles around the room. Your television was set up and he caught the scent of pizza, along with some drinks on the table. There were a few fancy glasses he’d often hear April threaten them about whenever they visited her apartment. From her tone he could only assume they were expensive. Used for special occasions.
The longer he stood there the clearer it seemed to become that this was meant to be a romantic valentine’s day date night.
And he’d show up empty handed.
You were shifting on your feet.
You weren’t sure what to say. Raph has a frown on his face. He looked upset, and it made you second guess everything you’d done. When April insisted that Raph was interested in celebrating Valentine’s Day, you were ecstatic.
A bit in disbelief, but happy nonetheless. Since you’d made the declaration not much had changed. He was still the same hot-tempered male you’d met. But he was possibly just a bit sweet around you. Raph was not someone who showed affection easily, and you understood that. That’s why it felt a bit awkward. Because maybe April had read the entire situation wrong and he absolutely hated the holiday.
“Raph I’m sorry.” You finally forced out. You deflated.
“I-I shouldn’t have just assumed that you would be fine with this. I should have asked if you were comfortable. A-April said that you were happy to celebrate that you would even pick out a gift so I got this all together and even bought you-” You stop yourself before anything else is said. You shift back, and he catches the way you seem to gently nudge something with your feet behind the couch.
“Just forget I said anything.” You mutter.
There didn’t seem to be a way to salvage this. When Raph huffed and went right back out the window, you were certain that you’d thoroughly messed up.
“Damn it! Stupid, stupid! Why would you not ask him! This is Raph!”
You began going on a rant in your head, just in time to hear Raph’s feet land again on the fire escape. When he crawled back through the window, you didn’t expect the items you saw in his hand. He still looked a bit agitated.
“I got this for ya. But a bunch of idiots robbed a lady and things got out of hand.”
The teddy bear’s arm was almost completely severed, and the dented box was hard to miss.
“Figured you deserved better than some beaten gifts.”
You could see how annoyed he was at the fact that the gifts were tattered, but for some reason, you couldn’t be happier.
He had every intention of coming over and celebrating. You were so worried you had crossed a line, or pushed too quickly. But he was just a little embarrassed that his perfectly planned gifts had been ruined.
Raph placed them on your table, looking away.
“It’s fine if you wanna throw them out. They aint much to look at.”
You couldn’t stop yourself. You moved forward, wrapping your arms around him.
Raph obviously didn’t expect that response. You buried your face into his chest laughing at how easily you’d gotten into your own head.
“Thank you Raph!!”
He was completely and utterly confused. When you finally pulled away, he could see the light blush dusted on your cheeks.
“Ya aint mad that you stuff got trashed? I thought chicks liked that kinda thing?”
Truth is you could care less if he bought you something. The simple fact that he intended to spend the day with you was enough.
“I just wanted to spend time with you Raph. When you got here looking angry I guess I just thought that April forced you into something that you didn’t want to do.”
The ironic part of this is that he’d gone to April for help in picking something you would like.
Looks like the both of you were just fools in love.
When the air was clear, you both sat down watching a movie. Action of course. The second he saw Vin Diesel he was hooked. So as the scenes of bloodshot ran across the screen, you took your time studying him. All those talks you’d had with Raph, you weren’t sure how you had missed this. The both of you were still trying to figure out what this was. You were grateful in a sense that nothing had changed drastically.
With Raph it felt sort of…natural.
It’s possible that you’d been staring too long, because he looked in your direction, and you straightened, averting your eyes from his form to focus on the screen as you cleared your throat.
“D-Do you want some more pizza? I’ll get it for you!”
You had every intention of making a sprint to the kitchen so you can gather your wits. Raph stopped you, taking your hand softly.
“Why do ya keep staring at me, it’s creepy.”
“I-I wasn’t staring!!” You defend. He just gives you a blank look.
“I’m a ninja, remember.”
Sometimes you wish you could forget, if nothing but to avoid hearing him mention it ever so often. He released his hold, and you play with the string on your shorts.
“I guess it’s just nice to see you smiling for a change. You’re always wearing that perpetual frown. “
“I don’t frown.”
“You’re doing it right now!”
“That’s just the way my face is!”
You can’t help it, you release a giggle, and Raph grumbles under his breath.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.”
You do your best to stifle them. Because even his little angry face is kind of cute.
“I guess there are some adorable sides to you Raph.”
“I aint adorable!” He continued to protest, but your little gift bear said otherwise.
“Raph, really, thank you for tonight. I like this. Being here with you.”
There’s no longer teasing in your tone. Just a smile on your face. Raph curses internally. A part of him feels like he doesn’t deserve this. His pride had almost jeopardized a great night. He lowers his head.
“Sorry about earlier.”
“Raph you don’t have to keep apologizing I understand.”
He gets why you would say that. As much as he’s enjoyed the night, there’s something that has been eating at him.
“Did ya mean it when you said you wanted a chance.”
You’re a bit puzzled, but when his eyes turn on you, it seems to clear up everything.
“Loving me ain’t gonna be easy. I’ll probably keep making dumb mistakes.” He scratches his head a bit.
The mere fact that he feels the need to inform you of this shows maturity. As boneheaded as he acts sometimes, he knows his flaws. No one is perfect. Certainly not you.
“I don’t think it was a mistake.” His hand lowers.
“Raph, you tried to hide the gift because you care. You cared about my feelings and you wanted to show that with a beautiful present. You were willing to come here empty handed because you thought I deserved better. "
From the look on his face, it’s like you’ve read his mind.
“Don’t go reading into that.” He mumbles.
There is that tough guy act again. He’s too much.
“Must be hard carrying around all that ego on the back of your shell.”
You playfully tease, nudging his shoulder.
Life with Raph would no doubt be the best thing you’ve ever experienced.
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