#my lancelot lives tag XD
xviruserrorx · 1 year
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-> Day 5 - "What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?"
Oh, always a good question. I feel like the two are very separate in a way so I'm gonna give my opinion on both! @whumpmasinjuly-archive
As far as cannon goes I think every source of media always falls short on the recovery and comfort of the spectrum when it comes to Whump, or even stressing that something happened and that it's still affecting them. Shows like BBC Merlin, Stranger Things, Supernatural, all have characters with bad trauma and they have opportunities to touch on it but sadly never do.
In Supernatural I always wanted to see them elaborate more on the whole angel family because there's so much there especially with Chuck and Michael and what Naomi did as well as Gadreel and how they handle punishment it's just so much there!
Another on I can think of is Atlantis and granted if they had gotten their S3, I honestly believed they would have pulled through but that ending with Pythagoras and Icarus! The betrayal, their relationship, that line from Pythagoras "he's not mine to love" line is just so ah! The angst, the feels, the emotions, it was all there and I wish everyday we had got that S3!
And lastly, Merlin, because they have so much opportunities that they never took, here's just some for example...
Arthur: Child Neglect and the affects of that, Death, Grief, A lot of non-con things happen to him, he sustains a lot of injuries over the series and it would be interesting to see the lasting symptoms of those, his trust in others/inability to trust others would be cool to see (I say this because of later seasons with Gwen, Lancelot, Mordred, Morgana, even Merlin.)
Elyan: The relationship with his father! More things about their mother (what happened to her? Did she die in childbirth?) What happened to him before we meet him, his relationship with Gwen and Arthur when she gets exiled, and the relationships of the knight in whole after they loose elyan too!
Mordred: First the question of what happened to his parents and why Cerdan is his guardian, his relationship with Kara, what happened to him the whole time that he disappears after we last see him in S2? But also that time period of when he ends up in Alvar's care, and even how did he end up being a slave trader? His words to Morgana "I've had to learn how to survive", what was this small child forced to do to live during that whole time period?
I could go on all day but so many shows have soooo many good opportunities and they never elaborate on them!
I honestly don't have any opinions on fanfiction, fanart etc mainly because if I wish to see them whumped then I will do so myself XD. Rare pairs always need more love as well as background/minor characters and that includes whumpping them. But... I will say the hurt/comfort tag in Succession makes me very sad because there is no comfort 😂, but it makes sense considering the source material.
For me personally I love doing a good "what if" scenario. A, what if this happens instead of this, sorta thing which usually changes the story line and then you can sneak all types of fun stuff in their.
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lemissingmask · 2 years
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[ID: Sketch in dark red on grey of Lancelot sitting on a table with his feet on a stool, holding up his cloak while three baby griffins play on it. One is under the cloak, poking its head out, another is playing with the tail of the third, and the third is climbing the cloak. Lancelot has a gold left eye with three gold flowing slashes vertical through it. In the background, Arthur is standing with one hand over his mouth as if to stifle a laugh. End ID]
Merlin bingo prompt fill for 'Found family' - Arthur has found Lancelot hanging out with a family of baby griffins
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nan-chi · 4 years
Tag game 📲
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tagged by @acrispyapple ,thank you 💕
1. Ikesen yoshimoto:
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honestly everything xD except for I'm much more rebellious than him. I will never do anything I don't want to do
2. Ikerev Lancelot : Do everything yourself and never explain or ask for help? Yes please that's my stupid cub of tea.
3. Ikevamp Vincent : sometimes he seems like an airhead who's only interested in living peacefully and making some art... Yes that's me xD
Tags: @beni-draw-ikemen-please @redheadkittys @aaviav @otonymous And anybody who likes to join ^o^
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rayne-storm · 3 years
Hello there! :D Sorry about dropping the ball with the Underwing Challenge, but I really want to spend today's asking about Excalibur. Namely ... what's your take on the legendary mythical sword? (Or, actually, I just want to know more about its relationship with Lancelot here ngl. Writing this out made me realize that was probably a joke, BUT STILL.) Also, is there a proper taglist for this? Because if so, add me to it? :O :O :O Legit missed the chapter the other day! orz
Okay, going in reverse order here, I'm not entirely sure a taglist is (my brain says it's a list of people I tag but I'm sure there's more to it XD ), so please educate me and I will absolutely do that!
As for Excalibur.
Yes, it's partly a joke, because it and Lancelot are both tenuously the children of Nimue, Lady of the Lake. But the more I lean into this silly little chuckle-funny, the more I consider what it actually means for Excalibur to be created by a living, breathing goddess/divine spirit.
At this point, I view it as a really solid example of the way the two main religions interact:
The Christians view Excalibur as a holy sword blessed by God, but not anything more than a tool that channels divine power.
The pagans (which I don't yet have a solid name for beyond "druids" or "followers of the old ways" but I'm working on it) see Excalibur as a sentient, living creature that yes, is bound to a sword form, but is just as living as the gods from which it came. Lancelot legitimately views the sword as some type of sibling with its own power, not just as a conduit.
The truth of Excalibur is something in between (for now).
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panharmonium · 4 years
I love your SW stuff, and recently found out you rewatching "Merlin". So, I was scrolling through your once and future slow burn tag, minding my own business... Now I can't stop thinking about how both Merlin and Obi-Wan watched their fathers die, and it's all ur fault (kidding). Is it just me, or there really are some parallels between them? What do you think?
Aha, well, I think the parallel between them is that they’re both definitely My Type, for sure XD
And by that I just mean that I do tend to gravitate toward these ‘hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up’ characters (Obi-Wan, Merlin, Nightwing, etc).  I think they’re similar in that respect, in that they both sort of thrive on that hopeful vision for the future, they both stay focused on the light at the end of the tunnel even when things aren’t going well.
Their core personalities are very different - like, in today’s terms we’d say Obi-Wan is an introvert, whereas Merlin is Decidedly Not.  Merlin thrives on human interaction and if he didn’t have a big secret to keep he’d be the most open-book emotion generator in the world.  That’s just like…his natural state of being.  He only keeps a lid on himself because he’s forced to do so by circumstance, whereas Obi-Wan keeps a lid on himself because that’s who he actually is.  Reservedness and a degree of circumspection are core aspects of his personality and also part of his cultural upbringing - they don’t mean he doesn’t connect with people, they just mean his version of connecting doesn’t look the same as Merlin instantly making friends with literal strangers and dragging them home to be his new roommates (*cough* Lancelot *cough* Gwaine).
I think also the thing about both of them seeing their fathers die isn’t actually as relevant a point of similarity for them, at least in my head, because I think those two moments serve very different purposes/hit very different ways for each of them.  Like, for Obi-Wan, the end of Phantom Menace is the big turning point in his life - that’s the axis point, the crisis, kind of the…crucible, the point of no-return.  After that things are never the same, not just because of Qui-Gon but because Obi-Wan’s whole life trajectory changes.  He’s forced into a new stage of his life.
And if we’re looking for a similar point for Merlin, i don’t actually think it’s when Balinor dies - like, losing a father after having so recently found him sucks, but Merlin also literally just met the man 24 hours ago.  To me, Merlin’s big ‘can’t go home again’ moment isn’t losing his father in 2.13, it’s losing Will in 1.10.
And this is just my own read, so everyone is free to interpret things differently, but I have always felt that 1.10 is a crucible point for Merlin in the same way TPM is for Obi-Wan, in that it formally shoves Merlin onto a new path and slams the door shut behind him.  It changes Merlin’s time in Camelot from ‘temporary adventure I am having’ to ‘I live here now.’  Before that, I think Merlin kind of always expected to eventually go back home.  But after, there’s no way he would ever even consider it - like…he would never go home, after that.  He has nothing to go home to.  His home was always just two people, and half of it was just obliterated in front of him.  He couldn’t go back to that old life even if he wanted to.  It isn’t there for him anymore.
That’s the same feeling we get from Obi-Wan in TPM.  Irrevocable change.  ‘Can’t go home again.’  So while I think Balinor’s death is obviously an important event for Merlin, I feel like it impacts him more in a sense of ‘mourning for what might have been,’ not quite ‘personal bereavement unalterably changing the course of my life.’  Merlin’s path is pretty set, by the time he meets Balinor - the axis point has already swiveled, in 1.10, when Merlin’s train permanently switches tracks to Camelot, whether he wants it to or not.
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The Fan Tag Game! 
I was tagged by @cxpaldi - thank you!
Sorry this took so long - I don’t even have an excuse XD
three tv shows i would have joined friend groups in: 
Not sure about this one but... Doctor Who, The West Wing (although they’re all probably too clever for me), Primeval
(The fact that half of these friend groups are often in mortal peril suggests that I would be fine in a crisis and I highly doubt that’s true but oh well XD)
three animated universes i wouldn’t have minded living in:
Tangled is so pretty, Lion King (I wanna be a lion!!), Kiki’s Delivery Service (that place seems so sweet).
three fictional characters i relate to:
Donna Noble (Doctor Who), Ben Wyatt (Doctor Who), Gansey (Raven Cycle)
three fictional characters i wouldn’t vibe with:
Ronan Lynch (Raven Cycle, sorry I love him I just wouldn’t be able to deal with him being mean to me), Joffrey Baratheon (GOT, hate him), Kylo Ren (Star Wars, That guy would annoy me SO MUCH).
three fictional characters i’d be really good friends with:
Merlin (BBC, the cutie), The Doctor (Doctor Who, I hope? If they liked me?), Abby Maitland (Primeval).
three fictional characters i would probably most definitely have feelings for:
uhhhh I really don’t know (I’m not sure what it’s like to have feelings for someone)... probably Merlin again because yeah, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), and maybe young Charles Xavier (when he had hair and was James McAvoy)... I don't know XD
three villains i’d want to have a chat with over coffee (tea in my case):
Erik Lehnsherr (X-men), Mordred (Merlin), Hades (Hercules)
three superheroes i'd want to be for a day:
Professor X (I just want to know what people think about okay), Iron Man (flyinggggg), Spiderman (it would be fun yet scary to swing around).
three abilities i would want to have:
Elemental powers, Telepathy (but like not overwhelming telepathy), and flying.
three ships i sail as the fierce captain i am!
Merthur (I will go down with this ship), Arthur & Eames (Inception), Henry and Alex (Red, White, and Royal Blue).
three fictional female characters i feel empowered by:
CJ Cregg (The West Wing), Martha Jones (Doctor Who), Lila Bard (Shades of Magic)
three fictional male characters with good ethics and morals i believe deserve more recognition:
Alucard (Shades of Magic), Connor Temple (Primeval), Lancelot (Merlin)
three fictional lgbtq+ characters i would take bullets for:
Simon (Love, Simon), Henry (Red, White, and Royal Blue), Sissix (The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet).
three fictional places i would have liked to visit:
Narnia, Tal’Dorei (Critical Roll), Red London (Shades of Magic).
three costumes worn by fictional characters i would have rocked:
I like to think I would suit Thirteen’s costume (Doctor Who), would love to wear Kell’s coat (Shades of Magic), and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (I just really want to try wearing Jedi Robes okay).
three character tropes to describe myself: 
Cuteness Proximity, Nature Lover, Pacifist
This was hard but fun!! Not going to tag anyone but if you want something to do then feel free!
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puurrsephone · 5 years
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
Thank you for tagging me @polishsimmersblog!
1. Dogs or Cats?
Cats! I have 5 fur-babies! Castiel, Lancelot, Odin, Tobias and Loki (Tobias was my mom who named ¬¬)
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Youtube celebrities cuz I feel more close to them. Like I can know them better.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Canada! Oh Canada! 
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Drea-.. Just joking. Disney! 
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Pokemon and Power Rangers! XD
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Artemis Fowl and Mulan (Mulan, the animation, was the first movie I saw on theaters in my life and it was very important to me as I was growing up)
7. Favourite book you read in 2019?
Branca dos Mortos by Fábio Yabu :v
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel, but I like DC to. 
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Storm, definitely. SHE’S A GODDESS! 
10. Night or Day?
Night, of course.
11. Favorite Pokemon?
Eevee too! <3
12. Top 5 bands:
Lordi, Halestorm, Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation and Apocalyptica.
13. Top 10 books.
The Secret of Moonacre (Elizabeth Goudge)  Chronicles of The Emerged World (Licia Troisi)  Unbreakable (Kami Garcia)   The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)  Beautiful Creatures Saga (Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl)  Wild Cards (George R. Martin)  Throne of Glass ( Sarah J. Maas) Chronicles of Nárnia ( C.S. Lewis) Filhos do Eden (Eduardo Spohr) Mortal Instruments ( Cassandra Clare )
14. Top 4 movies
Mulan, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Now you see me and Anastacia.
15. America or Europe?
Europe, cus I have related there :v
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Twitter didn’t charm me. Tumblr.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
I wouldn’t like to talk about this subject because I feel like it's not up to me.
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Matpat! <3 (The Game Theorists)
19. Favourite author ?
Licia Troisi
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee! Cuz there’s not peopleing without coffee! 
21. OTP ?
Howl and Sophie <3
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
Violin, but pretty bad. I did lyrical sing classes years ago(stoped because my teacher was trying to date me.... I WAS A MINOR)
I’m tagging: @manueapinny @arilovescocoa @simthropology @witchysims17 @simlaughlove @gloomfish-old @imvikai @marsosims @helgatisha @isjao @illogicalsims
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myotomespace · 6 years
Canon divergence - Edgar bad end 2: This is for the best.
Returning back from the hell that is laziness to bring you the last part of this Bad end series (it was supposed to be 3 separate ones but...i changed my mind XD )
The two fics are not tied together. Each of them starts from a different point from the main route and diverge from there.
This one contains major spoilers for Chapter 26!!
(hopefully the “keep reading” works...)
Word Count: about 1630 (wow...longest i’ve written)
Warnings: ANGST i’ll put that here...
Tagging: @edgarbright for helping me put the final touches (and for helping and encouraging me in general :3) and @littlelady-blackwell ...I didn’t have you be my victim this time but this way it’ll hurt more :) 
Bad end 1 here
It was a sunny, bright afternoon.
The trial of the Jack of Hearts was currently in progress. Most of the recent charges, concerning his rebellion for control over cradle and Alice’s imprisonment in the Red Army Headquarters, were cleared with the testimony of the Red officers and Alice.
However…The sins resting on Edgar’s shoulders were far more important and heavier than this.
“The trial is not over. Judgement has yet to be passed on the greatest crime the defendant is accused of. “ Blanc's declaration shut down all the cheering that rose after the first ruling was made.
“Blanc is right.” Edgar's voice was calm. He was calm. Prepared to pay the price for his sins.
“We now know that, in the past, the defendant and his uncle were involved in many assassinations and conspiracies. These were not ordered by the King of Hearts, but were carried for monetary gain.“ Edgar nodded, drowning the courtroom in silence. It was like being dosed in cold water.
“But! You were ordered to do all that by Claudius--“ Alice started, but he cut her off. “I'm still the one who followed his orders. Convincing myself it was my ‘duty’, and never trying to resist my fate.“ he smiled, continuing his point, “My hands have snuffed out countless futures. I spent the first half of my life as a spineless fool. That is my greatest crime.“
Everyone in the courtroom understood why he was smiling.
(Edgar is smiling to cover up the agony he feels inside. Apologizing and crying over his regrets won't bring back the people he killed.)
(Even after acknowledging his crimes and suffering for them, he won't forgive himself.)
Alice's heart felt like it was breaking all over again.
“Lancelot and I have been investigating these charges.” Ray’s voice took over the silence. “It was no easy feat, with all official documents being cleverly hidden--” he paused slightly, letting the information sink in, and turning his gaze towards Edgar- “But with the Jack of Hearts help,we managed to find concrete evidence.”
“Bailiff, give the evidence to the record keeper.” Lancelot ordered.
The bailiff bowed, and handed Blanc a thick file. He flipped through it his expression growing grim the more he looked at it.
Those present in the courtroom started growing impatient, with whispers of what it was about flying around. Blanc lifted his head and stated “This file is a collection of documents. It contains a detailed list of all the conspiracies and assassinations Claudius Bright orchestrated in the past, and several of them were carried by the defendant, Edgar Bright.”
With that Blanc started reading it. There was too much information in that file, including the names of the high-class nobles who ordered assassinations from the Brights. It took awhile for him to finish, the courtroom falling silent again after it. Stunned by the severity of the situation. The tension filling the air was really thick by now.
“One more thing. The now imprisoned, Claudius Bright, gave a testimony from his cell.” Ray started, with Lancelot taking over for him- “He confessed that He was controlling Edgar into following his orders, and forcing him to do the assassinations ever since he turned 13 years old.”
There was nothing more to say. No one would be able to say anything anyway, even if they wanted to. All words dying in their throats. The evidence was clear and detailed.
“It is time for the final ruling.” At Blanc’s shout, everyone’s attention focused on the two judges.
“The severity of the crimes committed by the Jack of Hearts remains the same. But he is also a victim, controlled his entire life by his uncle. And he helped with gaining access to the evidence. We have considered  these three points in reaching our verdict.” Lancelot continued where Ray left off “The defendant is sentenced as follows-- He will be immured for 20 years and will carry the weight of his crimes for the rest of his life by serving the Red Army unfailingly after that. The secret position of state assassin, forced on the Jack of Hearts 100 years ago, is hereby dissolved. That is all.”
“Mm--” It was a fair, logical result. But being freed from that secret position made Edgar feel happy. It was the one thing tying him down, and it was now removed.
“What do you say for yourself, Jack of hearts?”
“I will take your judgement to heart and uphold your sentence for as long as i live.”
“Yes, see that you do.”
“Thank you.” Edgar bowed his head low to the room.
With the trial closed, and final judgement passed, Edgar was led to where he’ll be spending the next 20 years of his life.
Edgar laid down on the bed of his cell, staring at the ceiling. For someone who was condemned to spend a part of his life in jail, he didn’t look that miserable. Just...Bored.
It's been about 2 years since he came here. And he always has the same person on his thoughts. Alice. He dreams about her all the time. His mind drifting to the happy memories he experienced with her. Her sweet smile, her melodic laughter. Those little moments he spent having fun with her and the Creek family. Just goofing around and having fun.
They made him Keep his sanity and lose it as the same time.
Hearing the sound of footsteps in the distance, woke him from his reveries. Ah yes...It’s time. The sound grew louder till the one they belong to stopped in front of the cell’s metallic bars. “Zero, my protegee, It’s nice seeing you here again.”....
---------[Time Skip]---------
Time sure flies fast. More than 10 years already. He’d been getting the usual news from Zero about everyone. Nothing really changed, maybe even more peaceful without his ‘annoying teasing’. But whenever he asked about Alice...Zero just couldn’t seem to respond...It was like he was avoiding the subject. But it was showing in his eyes...Sorrow? guilt?
Nevertheless, even without Zero’s help, he caught on some little details everytime Jonah or Alice came to visit. Details he wished he didn’t notice...it’s understandable though, considering how much he hurt her and broke her heart.
That doesn’t mean that it’s not been hurting him…
They got closer with time. Edgar heard that Alice became really depressed and began losing her cheerfulness after his imprisonment. Jonah, the closest one to her, had apparently made it his duty to make sure she felt happy again.
Edgar saw how they looked and acted when they visited him. They got really close indeed. But it wasn’t like they were hiding it or anything...they probably had yet to notice their newly developed feelings for each other. But with Zero’s recent visit, he could tell that  something happened.
Would hearing the confirmation put me at ease...or make it much more unbearable?
That thought kept swirling in his mind, sometimes preventing him from sleeping. He didn’t know what to do anymore…
A few days later, both Jonah and Alice came to visit him...together. Greetings were exchanged, Alice asking about his well being. Jonah complaining about how Edgar’s work is now part of his and how he should hurry up and return to his position in the army, again.
Edgar could feel it. The aura surrounding both of them. Something really did happen, and from their expressions, troubled and hesitant, he could tell they wanted to say something but didn’t know how to.
Should he bring it up first? Ask them, tease them about it?...
“How is it going between you two? Who confessed to the other? Considering our Queen’s nature it’s probably Alice who did all the work.” He started, wearing his mischievous smile, masking with it the pain that throbbed in his heart. Teasing should work.
“Wha- that’s not true! I can say ‘I love you’ to the woman i love just fine.” Huffing slightly, Jonah scowled.
There we go...The truth finally out.
After that outburst, shock settled in. He had known. Figured it out, while they were still trying to find a way to say it. “Edgar--” He cut her off- “Don’t worry about it, dear Alice, I have known for a while now. And Jonah is much more fitting than i’ll ever be.”
You are an angel. An angel shouldn’t be anywhere near a demon.
It surprised him how he was still composed after this...It’s a blessing, really. Being able to disguise one’s true feelings.
Edgar put on a warm smile before continuing, “You two are happier together. I can tell. Please, don’t feel guilty about me.” Their faces filled with relief And the visit ended with them talking happily. Edgar teasing them and making them both blush. An image mirroring their life at headquarters before.
It hurts...It hurts so much…
Edgar’s composure fell apart the moment they were out of sight. He knew it was for the best. It still felt like his heart was breaking into million pieces, soul shattering. Even after all these years, he loved Alice still, if not more. But she now was out of reach, further than ever.
Droplets of water run down his face. Where is this water coming from? There should be nothing here that could get water to such place. Raising his hand, fingers touching where his cheeks were wet. 
“Mm--” It was him. He made this water...Hot tears falling, running down his cheeks and ending on the floor.
It hurts...But, it’s for the best...This is part of the price i must pay for my sins.
The years left of his time here would feel like true hell from now on.
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oswaldsirius · 6 years
Ten Things I love about Sirius Oswald
No one is surprised by the choice I’m sure XD Was tagged by @littlelady-blackwell so here we go! Also...might be slight spoilers for some things about him if people aren’t as obsessive as me and already looking for info about him XD
1. How much he cares. It’s not just about the MC either. He looks out for everyone, even if the other officers can be little shits sometimes. I know his route isn’t out in English yet, but from other routes you can see he even still cares about old friends, even if they try to push him away.
2. That even though he acts all cool and mature, he was as much a little shit as anyone else. The first hint I got was the bonus story in the first collection event. Mischievous eyes in that old photo of him, Harr, and Lancelot?? It made me wonder and then good old grandma, bless her heart, confirmed it in the new event. I love the idea that this side of him is still very much there and could come out if he’s comfortable enough around someone.
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3. He’s 6′1″. 6′. 1″. I love me a tall man and he fits the bill and then fucking some XD
4. I’m a HUGE astronomy nerd so when I found out his family owns a flower shop/nursery called Canis Major, I fucking screamed. I screamed louder when I found out his four siblings (yeah he has four siblings, two brothers and two sisters, and he’s the eldest X3) are named after other stars in the constellation. It’s dorky and wonderful and I love.
5. He has a raccoon for a pet and even though we’ve only seen mention of her twice, she’s apparently a handful. I love the idea of him having this wild pet that just rules the whole headquarters and doesn’t seem to fit this collected image he tries to have going on. But really, Chutney knows what’s up and ain’t buying it so she’ll act out for the both of them until he gets with the program.
6.  The flowers. The fact that he’s second ranked in the Black Army and could have been King, he’s confident, and ridiculously strong (there’s been refs in the jp version he could kill people with his bare hands, we saw him take out three people in the last collection event, and in the live stage production, he’s fighting with fists and that’s it) and then he gardens. Like he refuses to give up this piece of himself no matter what he’s doing with his life now. He uses the time watering the flowers to relax and take breaks and it’s just sweet to me.
7. Have you seen those piercings??? Only him and Fenrir have them from what I’ve seen and Sirius wasn’t playing around. Like honey, sweetie, I love them but god damn? Twelve of them?? Yeah, okay, uh huh, you paint yourself as not a bad boy. Sure I believe you, yep.
8. ...Not gonna lie. That faint hint of jealousy we’ve seen in the story events? Yeah I like that every now and then. Be overly possessive and show that MC is yours to anyone that thinks otherwise. Just give it to me now!
9. In the magical moments event, he makes MC all the food she’s been craving lately. She didn’t ask for it, he just remembered her mentioning wanting to eat them and did it for her to make her happy. He seems like the type to remember off hand comments about things you like and giving them to you as a surprise. He dotes and wants to pamper and I love.
10. This look. Just. This freaking look. Blushy Sirius gives me LIFE and I need MORE!
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oosh, i don’t know a lot of people in the fandom but @kashimalin-fanfiction, @chiefofpigs, @sleepyfoxspirit, if you wanna join in?? And to anyone following me that I see in my activity! I wanna see who you love and why! Feel free to tag me so I can see!
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tagged by @snowglory
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single pringle XD Lipstick or chapstick: Would never wear makeup so chapstick? Where I live it’s dry af.
Last movie I watched: Stranger Than Fiction
Last song you listened to: Hijos del Cañaveral - Residente
Top 3 shows:
- The Musketeers
- Merlin
- House M.D
Top 3 characters: Taking one each from the above:
- Porthos
- Lancelot
- House
Top 3 ships: Again, from the above list (These are my imaginary OTPs)
- Aramis and Porthos (Portamis)
- Lancelot and Gwen
- Bromance between House and Wilson
Feel free to ignore
@themisanthropiclycanthrope @canadiangarrison @abbyprincess2
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insanereddragon · 8 years
@elletromil, @trekkiepirate - I hope you don’t mind me tagging you like this, but you both seemed keen on some Merhartwin epistolary fic and I think it could be very fun. (Trekkie as Eggsy, Elle as Harry, and myself as Merlin?)
Elle suggested in tags about established Merlahad, that has Harry teaching Eggsy letter writing, and at some point Eggsy stumbles on letters between Harry and Merlin, that leads to them realizing they all want to be together. 
It got some thoughts churning in my head, and I’ve been trying to push through some minor writers block, so I ended up writing a little something. If either of you are still interested, please feel free to pick up and run with it, but absolutely no pressure or obligation. We hadn’t chatted details or specifics, and I’m just glad to have written something today XD
Training Cohort 2014; Position - Lancelot
Subject: Language and Writing Skills
Lady and Gentleman,
While many of you have had the opportunity to work on your written communications via your educations, there are some skills that are no longer taught in our schools.
We are, for lack of a better description, a high tech spy agency. But there are times and places where it will be required for a gentleman to be ‘old-fashioned’. 
We coordinate, liaise, and work for governments and agencies all over the world, and some of them still live in the dark ages of paperwork and hard copies.
When handling threats against heads of state, many of those still come in the form of written letters. You will learn how to analyze - pen pressure, handwriting, word choice. Skills that you can use in the field when there is no time, or you’re unable, to contact an in house analyst.
There are times when a personally written letter or invitation will be the only appropriate way to initiate or maintain contact, with us or the target, for a mission.
As such, this week’s lessons will be focused on breaking you all of your bad habits and teaching you new ones. Text speak and emoji are not how a Kingsman conducts business. Consider the last time you actually sat down with a sheet of paper and penned a letter to anyone.
Galahad has kindly volunteered to help with the lessons, especially those dealing with longhand and the formalities of letter writing.
For this week, you will be required to submit written letters to both myself and Galahad, twice daily. The first to be on the subject of your choosing. The second, a summary of your day, including what you learned in your classes, and an assessment of the skill you are working on that day.
Our responses, if any, will likewise be returned via letter.
Physical training will continue on as usual.
Merlin Quartermaster
cc: Galahad
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yulicchi-x · 8 years
The wonderful quiz is made by @revivedandabandonedkids and I was tagged by this precious person - @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9
- Heya what’s your name :
Yuliana, nice to meet you! ~  
- Favorite character :
Endou Mamoru, Fudou Akio and Ibuki Munemasa
- Favorite arc :
Aliea Аcademy
- OTP :
Everything. I ship everything in Inazuma and I don’t hate any ship, so if any of you guys is having a crack ship or even a “mainstream” ship that’s okay by me so please, tell me about your ships! My weaknesses thou are : Endou with everyone (sorry, I just like to see him in diferent relationships since he’s my precious husbando) Fudou, Gouenji, Kidou and Endou (each of them with the other ; I really like the Endou x Fudou one because those two are my fave characters and I like the idea of them being together /I also have a lot of headcanons/ ) ; Someoka, Fudou, Tsunami and Tobitaka (because of the Bad Boys Brothers Blues band those are my babies and I ship them so hard. Together or each of them with the other - doesn’t matter as long as they are together! Also, my baby Fudou is there so yeah :’)   ❤ ) Tsurugi Yuuichi x Tsurugi Kyousuke (i’m sorry, I’m a slut for incest, don’t kill me) ; Tsurugi, Tenma and Shindou (OT3, ship each of them with the other) ; Zanark x Gamma ; Ibuki x Shindou ; Ibuki x Tsurugi ; Ibuki x Matatagi ; faxe Tsurugi x Ozrock Bitway AND MY ULTIMATE SHIP : Endou x soccer ball x Tenma You cannot tell me this isn’t real. 
- BroTP : Fudou x Sakuma ; Hiroto x Endou ; Ichinose x Endou ; Tenma x Fei ; Tsurugi x Hakuryuu ; Ibuki x Kirino (thou I can count those as OTPs as well because... damn, I ship everything in Inazuma xD ) 
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags) :
There isn’t any because I’m a trash and I ship everything XD
- Favorite hissatsu :
God Hand, God Knows, Ryusei Blade, Death Sword
- What about combination hissatsu :
Killer Fields, Koutein Penguin, The Birth, Inazuma Break, 
- Favorite Keishin:
Majin Pegasus, Lancelot 
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this) :
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this ) :
Matatagi’s, Tsurugi’s and Konoha’s
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE) :
Gouenji Shuuya, Fideo Ardena, Tsurugi Kyousuke, Gamma,  Zanark Avalonic,  Matatagi Hayato
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay) :
MY PRECIOUS FUDOU AKIO. Kidou Yuuto, Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto, 
- Favorite defender (Almost done…):
Fubuki Shirou, Tobitaka Seiya, Tsunami Jousuke, 
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions) :
MY BABY ENDOU MAMORU  ❤ also Genda, Desarm, Rococo and Ibuki
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general) :
Kino Aki, Urabe Rika, Nanobana Kinako, Sorano Aoi, Seto Midori,  Mizukawa Minori, Hilary Flail
- Favorite team :
Raimon, Teikoku, Kidokawa Seishu (from Go), Inazuma Japan (both inazuma and inazuma galaxy), Resistance Japan
- Favorite team uniform :
Teikoku, Shin Teikoku, Raimon, Zeus
- Which movie is the best :
All of them!
- Prettiest character :
Afuro Terumi, Kirino Ranmaru and Gamma
- Most handsome :
Endou Mamoru (OF COURSE), Fudou Akio (OF COURSE), Tsunami Jousuke, Tsurugi Yuuichi, Ibuki Munemasa
- Best hairstyle: Kidou Yuuto, Endou Mamoru, Sakuma Jirou, Gamma, Shindou Takuto, Ibuki Munemasa
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair :
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage :
Gouenji Shuuya, Tobitaka Seiya, Tsunami Jousuke, Tsurugi Kyosuke, Zanark, Ozrock Bitway
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness) :
Tsurugi Kyousuke
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind :
Op : Maji de Kansha, Tenmade Todoke, KandoKyoyu, Supernovа Ed : Ryusei Boy, Mata ne, Te wo tsunago, Bokutachi no shiro 
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good :
COOL HEAT! and Bad Boys Brothers Blues ❤
- Raimon or Teikoku :
Both, I’m sorry. 
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark :
Ultimate Shining.
- IE or IE GO:
WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS?! ;--; I’m sorry, I love both. Yes, the original one will always be fave but there’s so much hate on the Go series and I’m like : WTF PEOPLE?!  I really love the Go series, every single one of them, that’s why I can’t put them aside.
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou):
Taiyou because he’s one precious sunshine baby  ❤
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged:
Merged.  It’s kinda sad that he thinks he’s no one without Atsuya, but I’m happy it turned out good and he’s happy!
- Hang out with Rika or Touko :
Both, those girls are my precious ladies and I love them!
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s :
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei :
Kuroiwa Ryuusei
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako :
Kiss : Kariya Cliff : Kinako Marry : Shindou
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through :
The goal doesn’t get torn through XD LIKE, HOW?! WHAT KIND OF MAGIC?! 
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards????? :
Actually, I found out that Fudou and Gouenji are the only players that ever got a yellow card and I’m like : What...???? When did that happened???? I mean??? This is Inazuma???? It’s not a normal soccer??? THERE WAS A YELLOW CARD??? 
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo :
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique :
Defender with a shooting technique!
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with :
Me, lol. (just kidding XD actually no)  Well, if we talk about yaoi then Gouenji But I liked the idea of him being with Aki (even thou I like her with Ichinose too) But Natsumi was my second choice so I’m actually really happy for them! Even thou I’m really jealous, Natsumi you’re one lucky girl :’)) 
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi :
- Sacca yarouze? :
Are you offering me a date??? That’s the best pick up line ever OMG SAKKA YAROUZE. 
- Anything you wanna praise the series for :
Everything, really
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here) :
Is it strange that I like everything??? Like ??? Everything??? I don’t have anything to complain about
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights) :
I have a poster, also a magazine with some of the Galaxy characters. And I have the uniform of Aphrodi (because of my cosplay) and a soccer ball with thunder (like Tenma’s ball from Gouenji) 
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin :
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom :
The fandom is small but it’s like a warm family. There’s a lot of inside jokes THAT I LIVE FOR.  People are just amazing.
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom,producers,etc.) :
Thank you for being alive. Thank you for existing. Thank you for choosing Inazuma! Also, thank you Level-5 for creating such a wonderful series!
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.) :
Thank you for making this great quiz! I love it, it was a pleasure for me to answer!
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