#my little sister and I were huge atla fans and we were bouncing off the walls watching the first lok episode
Love how people notice that Korra and Aang would fit in if they switched places (Korra loving being the avatar and learning easily wouldn’t have needed to go on that training trip, and Aang not really wanting to be the avatar would fit in a time where people feel they moved beyond the need for one)
But I also want to point out that it’s actually important that the avatar sticks out like a sore thumb (Korra wouldn’t have run off and even as a prodigy could a child fight off a whole army? Also I feel like Aang’s journey was a healing one for everyone involved, something important would’ve been lost if the avatar hadn’t done it)
(And if Aang had been in Korra’s time, listening to the people and content to not live life as an avatar, creeps like Amon would’ve been able to go unopposed, as well as probably some other issues, my Korra knowledge beyond the first season is vague, but I stand by my point)
Just, as much as the avatar connects people, they also need to be able to go against the flow to get done what needs to be done
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Twin Snowflakes part0: Prologue
[Atlas, ???]
In the colder part of Remnant there are many mysterious places that remain hidden in the snow. Old castles and mansions lost to time because of grimm, bandits, or even family.... A pair of twins, age 15 find themselves in one of those so cold places; both of them calm and armed to the teeth. The air is just as cold inside as it outside. Everything inside ruined and battered by time. The in front takes the lead. He’s a boy with shaggy white hair that goes to his shoulders in the back. Beautiful blue eyes and smile as white as snow itself. The twin in the back is a young lady a few inches shorter than her brother. Despite being twins her hair is a really faded blonde with blue eyes darker than his. A ponytail similar to a former heiress is the style she chooses. Both of them are in snow gear.
Nick:So this is the old Schnee estate? Looks a bit like home.
Summer:Only with more snow. Apparently this was our great grandfather’s first attempt to settle down but he abandoned it. Maybe there was a lot of grimm.
Nick:Or he wanted to be closer to the people. This place is a bit out of the way from everywhere else in Atlas. Just perfect for a final test.
Summer:More like a final resting site. You sure we’re up for this? Mom said we’re not ready for this yet. She didn’t do anything this crazy until she was 18!
Nick:Yeah but even she tells us that we are extremely talented and have the benefits of having more aura thanks to dad.
Summer:I’m pretty sure am Arma Gigas will cut through it just as easily, and there’s supposed to be two in here!
Nick:Yep! *puts hands on his hips* one for you and one for me! We’ll show up at home afterwards a little sweaty and cool summoning under our belt. You know.....whenever we actually manage to do a summoning that is. *nods* I say that’s worth a few scratches.
Summer:*pouting* I already have more than enough of those....
His body flinches at those words. He should’ve picked a better choice of words knowing just had many scars the poor younger twin had. Scars he blames himself for.
Nick:*grabs her shoulder* Hey, if you really want to turn back then we can turn back. Last thing I want to happen is go home alone, or not go home at all. I’ll follow your lead on this one.
Just like Nicholas Schnee to put his sister’s feelings before him. It was a trait he shared not only with the man he was named after, but their father as well. She also knew he wouldn’t have dragged her here if he thought she wasn’t ready for this. What’s the harm of going?
Summer:Sigh, If anything goes bad then please bail out. I’ll give you a holler if anything goes bad.
Nick:Sweet! *starts running off* Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
Summer:Wait! Do you even know where you’re- and he’s gone..... *gets a text message* huh?
Nick: “The ballroom, I pay attention when you talk you know.😜 Stay warm okay?”
The moment she read that she was already messing with a fresh pack of hand warmers in her snow jacket. Getting cold is the last thing she wants to happen. An incident here would be rather unfortunate. If all goes well Nick will find is grimm in the ball room while hers would be somewhere upstairs. Abandoned or not, Schnee architecture doesn’t change; it was like home for the most part. Without delay she ran upstairs; no way she’d let Nick have the chance to witness her match.
Nick:*Sprinting* (Kitchen, bedroom, spare office, cellar, garden exit...this really is home huh? Just a few rooms out of place but a ballroom should always be....) *stops in front of grand door* In the center for all to enjoy. Glad to know somethings are timeless; better make sure I’m prepared.
Soon enough he dressed down to black pants, white long sleeve button up, and a icy blue vest. A long sword is placed on his left side with the trademark arc symbol on the guard and chamber to hold a vile of dust in the hilt. A nice blend of old weapon style and modern day technology.
Nick:All right Mort Froide, it’s time to really test your metal... *walks through the door*
Summer: *approaching a giant door* The piano room, maybe I should’ve brought my own sheet music. Would’ve been nice if I could sing this grimm to sleep and kill it.
All the heavy snow gear comes of except for the wind breaker/ heat insulated jacket. Underneath is a pale blue turtle neck and wears compression white jeans. Fluffy calf high snow boots help keep her feet warm as she walks into the spacious room. The only thing in there is a smashed piano and an Arma gigas staring at her from behind it as she grips her specialized version of Myertanaster.
Summer:Not a fan of music I take it? What a shame, guess the sound of our blades will have to be your swan song.
Gigas:*picks up its sword and bellows. The eerie sound of wind through its armor fills the room*
Summer:.....Why did I agree to stay? *dashes toward him*
Gigas:*continues screaming as it charges*
In most cases anything learned about a foe in a book will only get you so far. Against an Arma Gigas though, knowing was 80% of the battle. The giant swung his sword to sweep feet but she was already airborne and launching off a glyph into its helmet. Instinctively it reached for her only to stumble to the ground as slammed her foot against it with a gravity glyph. Hit hard and hit fast was the name of the game. Carvings in her blade began to glow white as her finger trailed it. Her training was paying off; a simple bounce of the gravity glyph onto its sword hand and freezing it with a stab.
Summer:(So far so good. It’s huge but it’s fast...Just like mom said. Slow it down and keep moving before it-) *jumps off*
Gigas:*slams his free hand on top of the other one. Freeing it immediately.
Summer:(Ugh that didn’t last long. Maybe I should’ve mastered time dilation before we attempted this.) *spins revolver to fire* You’re not gonna let me get that close again easily are you?
Enraged the Gigas slams his sword creating a wave of slush; another move already predicted. Summer spears her way through with her sword now burning hot. Both her and Weiss’s weapon is basically identical in every way but one. Summer’s has the benefit of holding onto a bit of the last elemental dust used to create unique combinations. With fire know on her blade and ice still lingering in it, she creates a new glyph to form a thick steam and hides. Forcing the grimm to swing blindly.
Summer:*circling around* (Good, it has no idea where I am. Still got a bit of fire dust left so...) *switches to wind*(I got this I got this I got this) *begins to twirl with each step like a dancer*
Rapid swings and the ice cold room quickly elementals the steam but not her attack is set. A circle of glyphs surround the Gigas glowing a mix of green and red. As it tries to move a vortex of flames erupts from the ground, causing it to once again make its ghostly scream.
Summer:*sweating* Phew....that should keep you still for a mo-
80% still leaves 20% of chaos to creep through. That percentage was a giant sword flying out the flames and right at her. Quickly dodging saved her but not the new hole outside that let a rush of cold hair disrupt her hard work. There was no time to get up before a giant hand grabbed her and slammed into the floor. It proceeds to drag her across the floor by her arm fast; hitting anything and everything.
Summer:Agh! (I got to confident...he’s gonna grind my into powder at this rate! I gotta think of something! I-) Ahhhh!
Unexpectedly her arm slid out her jacket and sent her crashing into a wall. At least she’s free but now the cold is quickly seeping in...
Awww someone looks cold....
Summer:*stumbling* (I do not have time to deal with this...)
You always have time for me. What’s wrong, out of breath and option? Why are you always so weak?
Summer:(Shut up and let me concentrate!)
Stakes were quickly rising pass the point of no control. Desperately she sprinted for her jacket but was met with sword blocking her way. Her own blade was hastily brought to guard her body as the Gigas sent her into another wall with a punch. Aura might save her one more time but after that there’s no guarantee.
Summer:I’m going nowhere fast. *reaching for her scroll* I’ll keep my distance and wait for Nicholas to-
As usual you need his help. Can you really do nothing on your own? Useless.....
Summer:......(Am...am not....) *shivering*
Denial doesn’t suite you. Accept your place and fade into the background already. The only good thing about you is me...
Summer:......*picked up by the Arma Gigas*
It’s okay sweetie, I won’t let you die though. That doesn’t help me in the slightest. So do us both a favor and just.....
The room begins to freeze over with ice. Summer’s hair goes white and her eyes a faded blue. A chill breath escapes her and freezes the hand trapping her, then it shatters. Ice comes up from the floor to meet her. What once was a room filled with screams is now drowned out by sadistic laughter.
Nicholas moves across the ballroom on glyphs like a figure skater. His fight being challenging but not overwhelming. The ballroom is now in shambles as the Arma Gigas runs at him like a deranged man.
Nick:That’s not becoming of a knight now is it? Maybe it’s about time to finally end this; can’t keep Sum- *sees ice creep along the ceiling* Summer? No....that’s too much ice.
Gigas:*swings downward*
Nick:*Blocking* Sorry....can’t spend anymore time on you. Possible family emergency.
The young man slicks his hair back with his free hand before going all out. It would be a bother to mess up because of something like hair. A glyph glows over Mort Froide and onto his hand. Nick jumps back as a solid version of his blade forms out of ice. Regular and ice glyphs form around the room; each ice glyph creating a sword.
Nick:*takes a breath* Iet me show you what happens when an Arc is born with Schnee talents....
He dashes straight for its leg and slashes it, breaking the ice blade. Continuing to slide, he grabs another one and ricochetes back at his target by kicking off another glyph. This assault only gets faster as he keeps speeding towards the calculated glyphs he placed. Each ice sword shattering and quickly replaced by another until all off them are used and the Gigas brought to its knees.
Nick:*winded* twenty eight ice blades...*huff* and one real blade. Personally, I hate odd numbers.
All the ice glyphs merge underneath the Arma Gigas to form one giant to form one big one. The shattered ice swords form a giant one that stabs up right into it; immediately killing the grimm.
Nick:Piece....of......cake. *takes a knee* (I should really come up with a name for that move. Now is not the time for that though. Need to find Summer)
After a minute rest he heads out out the room with his snow gear back on. The only thing keeping him going is concern and the resilient aura he was blessed with. Not as crazy as his dad but it’s given him the second wind he’s needed many times in training. Finding his sister didn’t take as long as he thought; following the cold helped a lot. It led him to a door frozen shut.
Nick:Summer? You in here?*gripping his sword*
???:Don’t ask questions you already know the answers too little knight. Haven’t seen you in awhile. Let’s change that.*shatters the door*
The chill of death surrounds him fast as hand pulls him into the room and pins him to the ground. He takes notices of the Arma gigas slowly dying as it lays on ice spikes. Poor thing never stood a chance. Not against his sister the way she was now. Confident and dangerous to everything around her; including herself. All because of accident years ago by a stupid five year old version of himself that couldn’t keep his cool.
Nick:Summer you-
???:Don’t talk to her, talk to me. Make that mistake again and I might just have to give you a scar that matches dear old mommy as a reminder.
Nick:Shiva.....don’t do this.
Shiva:Do what? Be perfect in every way possible? Not my fault Summer is pathetic. If she doesn’t want me here then maybe she should’ve been strong enough to keep me contain.
Nick:Talk bad about my sister again and I’ll beat you until you’re too weak to keep control.
Shiva:Tough talk for a worm that’s on the ground. Maybe you should learn who you’re dealing with again. *grabs his sword* I’ll make sure not to blind yo- *hands begin to shake*
Nick:Is someone losing control already? Maybe you’re not as in control as you think, or maybe it’s the body heat and hand warmers I stuffed my jacket with.
Shiva:You what!?
His sword falls out of her hands and she tries getting up quickly. Nicholas doesn’t give her the chance and tackles her with his jacket open. Essentially preventing a long fight before it even began as he already feels her getting weak. Summer’s hair and eyes slowly becoming normal again.
Shiva:Damnit, I’ll be more careful next time.... better count your lucky stars.
Nick:There is no next time.
Shiva:Ha....you’ve.....said that.....before....... *exhales*
Nick:Summer? You here or do I have to keep aggressively hugging you?
Summer:*crying and hugging him* I’m here but don’t stop anyways....
Nick:Phew....Hey stop with the water works. I’m fine, we’re fine.
Summer:I....couldn’t keep control.
Nick:Maybe one day, just not today. *gives her his jacket* let’s go home okay? Final exam completed.
Summer:I’m a step behind you as usual it seems. Once again you rescued me.
Nick:That’s what siblings do. Also, there’s no way you’re behind me. *puts her on his back* because I don’t move forward without you. Shiva or not, you’ve gotten your target killed. We’ll just leave how exactly out of the story when we get back. *starts walking*
Nick:......A pair stuck together that on closer inspection is slightly different. Yet also extremely similar. Such a beautiful phenomenon is......
Summer:A twin snowflake. Next time....I’ll be stronger. *hold on tight*
Nick:*smiles* Yeah.....we both will.
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