#my mental health is in shambles thanks for tuning in
I've been following your work for a while now. I have seen your notification about your mental health being in shambles and apologizing that 'promised mods will have to wait'. First of all, let me tell you this: There is NO NEED to apologize. Your mental health comes first. Anyone disagreeing with this, should unsubscribe from any community, not having a shred of humanity. Second of all, let me tell you that the people who enjoy your already existing mods and converse with you here, do worry about you. It's been a while since we've heard from you. And we know your mental health is troubled. I was hoping we, the ones appreciating your work, could get a bit of an update on how you are doing. On a slightly more personal note... I hope it's an upward curve you're experiencing. Not because I want to see you crank out more mods. But because I see how you interact with people here on this Tumblr, and I can tell you are a kind soul that deserves not the malice your mind rains upon you. If this message should be categorized as anything in particular... one could say this is a 'I hope you get well soon' letter. ~ TnG.
Thank you for your kind message <3 It is unbelievable how kind you people are. I am so not used to it o.o. Over the years i did learn that people are usually cold hearted and focused on their goal but i was obviously dealing with wrong kind of people. In here, especially in ff community i find a lot of mature, kind and funny people i am happy to create for <3. If i could i would create even more. Initially i planned 2-5 ports per day and then follow up with hair and outfits. I will do it, although 2-5 projects are not quite achievable as a mom and carer for my stubborn disabled husband <3. I love them a lot, even as a troublemakers. ^^
Now a little bit about my mental health ^^
So sorry for leaving you guys with no updates about me. T.T I am doing ok. Quite busy actually. ^^ Working hard on commissions at the moment. Thanks to those commissions and donations i am able to start my weight loss journey which has been a reason for my depression last few years. Your kindness, patience and motivating messages kept my head above the water. Now together with my diet, staying active and medication i can finally see my life improving. <3 I do get really bad days and the good ones as it is with severe depression or pretty much with any health issue in this world. Word of advice to those struggling with mental health. There is always a way. Stay strong. Hope is not unachievable dream. They are goals we should believe in. Since i started modding i keep proving myself that i can do anything if i put a lot of effort into it and don't give up. 99% Of my work is a result of this thinking. I keep making big steps to provide you with more quality content and options. Challenge yourself and do not focus on failures. Failures are here to be learned from. If not those i would never be able to create anything. As a custom creation addict i want to give you freedom you can get with mods. Not everybody can do it or even have time to do it, that's why i am here to give you freedom and fun creating your perfect characters. <3 Every time i am struggling with something. Mod broken, no coffee or other life disasters, mu husband always says: You will figure it out, you always do. He really mean it and not just that. He is right. I always do, by challenging myself, trying and understanding. You can do it to! There will be way more mods to come. I love creating for you guys. Stay tuned. There is more coming! I will be back! *With te squeak of the tires, drives away in a batmobile*
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