#my muse is so happy with these boys
freneticfloetry · 1 year
wip wednesday
Tarlos edition! Have a snippet of the monster I’ve been working on, which starts posting on Sunday.
He presses his lips together and zips the dark duffel closed. It's the same one that TK had once shoved full of everything in sight that was his right before he'd walked out the door, and part of Carlos still can't quite believe that either had come back again.
"Tell you what," he says, bringing the bag back over to the sofa and setting it down next to TK's left leg. "You carry that, and I'll carry you."
TK sits up straighter and does that thing where he cycles through half a dozen different expressions before Carlos can blink — surprise and suspicion and delight and disbelief and worry and wide-eyed wonder.
"Are you serious?"
"All the way to the top." He holds his hands out so TK can slot their palms together like puzzle pieces, doesn't pull him up so much as act as an anchor until he's standing again. "So what are we thinking?"
"I'm thinking… that you're the sweetest," TK murmurs, fingers trailing fondly over Carlos' chest. Then he screws up his face, anxious and adorable and probably a little painful, considering. "And also that it might give me vertigo? The whole room sort of swerved to the side just from getting up a little too fast. If you literally sweep me off my feet right now I'm pretty sure I'll pass out."
Carlos winds his arms around his waist, shivering a bit when TK shifts to let him take some of the weight that's keeping him upright.
"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we?"
"I mean, maybe not in this context," TK says, "but I can think of a couple ways it wouldn't suck." He tilts his head the tiniest degree, mouth quirked at the corners, eyes full of mischief and heat. "Can I get a raincheck?"
Tagging @mixtapestar, @hoko-onchi-writes, and anyone else who feels like sharing!
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nothatsmi · 3 months
I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken
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Okay I know i keep linking characters to (muse) songs but hear me out- Unintended is amongst my absolute favorite songs. Ever. I hold it so dearly. You can only guess my surprise when I realized it actually works with Gansey, and believe me when I say it works well.
You could be the one who listens To my deepest inquisitions You could be the one I'll always love (with Blue, sleepless hours on the phone)
First there was the one who challenged All my dreams and all my balance (with Ronan, speaks for itself)
I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before (with Adam, Adam POV regarding not living at Monmouth) (works with Noah as well)
You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended (and of course with Noah. Gansey's life extension, the life before Gansey's, the life Noah had before, busy trying to keep existing, etc.)
Plus I like the unintended choice word contradiction. I think it works well. If you don't know the song (Unintended by Muse, Showbiz album, 1998, absolute banger), I highly suggest you give it a try.
Thank you for following my Muse ramble.
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spaltedrat · 2 months
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what the polygun!!!
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thatsrightice · 7 months
“As I went up the ranks I became a different person with each promotion. As a second lieutenant on Brady's crew, I was eager, unsure of myself, navigating by keeping my eyes on the plane up ahead. As a first lieutenanant on Blakely's crew I was still eager and unsure of myself, but I was in the plane up ahead. To do my job, I almost tore myself in two. Missions drained everything out of me that was in me. As a captain Group Navigator, I was still eager and unsure—no planes were in front of me, and the missions still took everything out of me. When I got out of a plane after a mission I was so exhausted I could hardly walk. I smelled so much of sweat I left my flying clothes outside my barracks to air.”
Harry Crosby in his memoir, A Wing and a Prayer
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slopmasc · 2 months
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Managed to churn this out yesterday
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
I should've been sleeping before my flight but instead I drew Seb as Antinous :D
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Reference + Commentary:
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But seriously I spent like an hour obsessing over statues of Antinous just thinking; "holy fuck, he reminds me so much of Seb???"
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Big, pretty eyes? Check. Magnificent curls? Check. Beautiful side profile? Check. Etc etc.
I read this description of a statue and was instantly struck with "this is so Seb.":
"The body and face of this sculpture are in idealized youth, with plump cheeks and round face, and his hair is usually unkempt. Antinous's hair has also been described as artificial looking, even wig-like, because of how similar the placement of his hair is across statues. His youthful appearance, large eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead are some of the iconography that can be used to identify him"(x)
Also which AU of mine is this hmmm. It can be either the Renaissance Muse AU(x) or the random Roman Caesar Fernando AU(x) I drew it with the latter in mind(bcs its basis is literally just Hadrian and Antinous), but it's fun to imagine the Martian version as well!! Maybe an AU of an AU, where Mark is Pygmalion, and Seb is Galatea 🤭🤭
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gu6chan · 15 days
Thinking about Lychee Hikari Club again and usamaru furuya is really my favourite mangaka to use as an example of "Eroguro's history as a political statement" bc even with just the two works of his I've seen (LHC, Innocents Shounen Juujigun) there are so many points of discussion that both are shown through and reflected by the Gorey/grotesque backdrop relating to the birth and cycle of fascist ideology and power structures, especially how it's glamourized to youth in the lens of toxic masculinity, the paranoia and fear that came of the Catholic churches use of religion for governance in the medieval world and especially the crusades (still applicable today!!) that impacted everything down to the individuals own socialisation with others (In regards to family life, poverty, homosexuality, etc.) and also real historical examples (Re: Waldensian persecution, corruption in the Knights Templar, and vaguely even the political relations between France and Occitania at that time reflected by the demographics that make up both), the list goes on and on and I couldn't even BEGIN to tackle everything that's shown in like,,, 30-ish chapters combined from BOTH series
And it's all done through the lens of the most beautiful, gut-wrenching tragic characters and their downfalls you've ever seen like who gave him the right
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comma-souptra · 3 months
Last summer I studied abroad and shared a house with (among many people) a trans masc guy who had top surgery. I was very freshly on T and just starting to explore how much transition I really wanted to undergo while still being very scared of Change and how much of it transitioning would bring me. I felt like I had to be absolutely sure I wanted any of the elements of transition I chose to undergo because so much of my (US) medical system around trans health care does not leave room for you to be uncertain, you often have to fight desperately to be taken seriously in your transition.
I was on a walk with this guy and some friends, and we were talking about tattoos we wanted. I mentioned a sternum tattoo idea I had, and he asked me flat out “do you want top surgery?”. I said “oh my god, who knows, why would you ask me that?” in all my transgender panic and fear, and he just kind of laughed and said “I was only gonna say, they worked around my sternum tattoo when I got mine. So you should be fine if you get that one.”
I asked him “how did you know you wanted top surgery?” as we walked together. To my very deep shock, he said he wasn’t sure, he had just decided to make the necessary appointments and go. If it ever felt wrong or like he wasn’t ready, he would just stop. The obvious caveat here is that we are from two different countries with very different health care systems, but the fact that he had started this (to me) daunting process without complete assuredness and had made it out the other end happier and beautiful was mind altering to me.
Later in our trip, me offered to show me his chest and the results of his surgery. I stood in my room and he stood in the door way, back to the hall as our housemates walked by, and lifted his shirt to me, grinning. I said “you kept your nipples!” and he laughed. It was clear the rest of our house (functionally, all cisgender) were a bit confused by what was going on. I hadn’t necessarily been as vocally and openly trans as him, but it was clearly something transgender.
All this to say, I have an appointment scheduled for my top surgery consultation in November. I’ve upped my T dosage twice over the past year. I’ve been binding since I was twelve and have craved masculinization since puberty, of course I wanted top surgery! I’ve been thinking a lot this pride month about the phrase “don’t die wondering” and how hard it is to follow when you don’t see grown queer people that reflect who you could be. This guy was only four years older than me, but he was living this adult life I hoped to live and doing so in a body he created just by trying out what felt right and seeing if it stuck.
So I’m going to the top surgery consult, and I got on full dose T instead of hiding behind low dose. And I’m changing my name and figuring out what sounds right because I don’t want to die wondering! And it’s my one silly little life in this body as this person, and I’ve seen that it can be done. So thank you to my housemate, and I am very much looking forward to being even more transgender next pride month <3
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crepuscularray · 10 months
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Deercember Day Fourteen: Barasingha Deer | Wild Strawberries
The barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii), sometimes barasinghe, also known as the swamp deer, is a species distributed in the Indian subcontinent. Populations in northern and central India are fragmented, and two isolated populations occur in southwestern Nepal. It has been extirpated in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and its presence is uncertain in Bhutan. The scientific binomial name commemorates the French naturalist Alfred Duvaucel. The swamp deer differs from all other Indian deer species in that the antlers carry more than three tines. Because of this distinctive characteristic, it is designated bārah-singgā, meaning "twelve-horned" in Hindi. Mature stags usually have ten to fourteen tines, and some have been known to have up to twenty. In central India, the herds number on average about eight to twenty individuals, with large herds of up to sixty, comprised of twice as many females as males. During the rut, they form large herds of adults. The breeding season lasts from September to April, and the single-calf births occur after a gestation of 240 – 250 days from August to November, with the peak in September and October in Kanha National Park. Compared to other deer species, barasingha are more relaxed when it comes to guarding. They have fewer sentries and they spend most of their time grazing, unlike deer species like chital or sambar. More information here.
Reference: Deer and Background.
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protect-namine · 6 months
just to clarify, I think kisa is genderfluid. that's the lens I'm looking the game through
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velvetineblue · 11 months
things your muse will notice about mine. ( repost, don't reblog. )
what they look like : although his personal style tends toward a darkness ( sometimes even a slight-grungy, purposely disheveled aesthetic? ) , I'd say he's still notably, in contrast, pretty. elegant, 'princely'. catlike, feline... definite pretty boy vibes asjajj. he's lanky; long legs, pianists' hands, thin spindly fingers that can't hide the delicate skeletal structure that lies beneath our skins. slender and sleek rather than broad. but he's very physically active, so muscular definition is apparent, though carried on a lightweight frame. some other notable, distinctive features is he has a prominent nose & prominent dark eyebrows, very defined cheekbones, and sharp canine teefies. he's naturally smirky, with a dry/sardonic expression, sharp observant cat-like eyes, and tends to radiate a sort of devil-may-care casual confidence, with an undertone of mischief .
what they smell like : the shampoo/conditioner & soaps he uses tend to be tea tree, yuzu scented, a little minty, and very-lightly-citrus scents: clean, bright, white... natural, but I feel, almost, medicinal?? but like in a 'traditional medicine' sort of way. there's usually a little bit of product in his hair, so there may be a hint of that modern, polished smell when leaning in close. and he has a habit of chewing cinnamon flavored gum when bored/nervous/etc/all-the-time so there is a undertone of cinnamon & spice from the gum chewed & kept in his pockets . when he wears cologne, he likes sort of fresh scents; things that hearken back to wind-blown laundry left outside on the line to dry; the ocean breeze; an open meadow ... but, he will wear stronger, darker scents with a hint of sharp SPICE in the fragrance notes, for special occasions... like a date night, or something else where you want to leave a strong IMPRESSION .
what they taste like : cinnamon, a little sweet & a little spicy. ( see above~ ^ )
what they sound like : rich and deep and warm, like pouring thick velvety honey. less smooth and more hoarse/raspy when he raises his voice (or is otherwise emotionally affected) . but most of the time, his voice is calm, relaxed... i use his rl faceclaim as his voiceclaim, but i also really love haru from fruit's baskets TONE as an example of how he speaks; very chill and unbothered. quite frank and deadpan, but not ( usually ) unfriendly & cold?? i wish there were more clips i could share to exemplify it !! if there was, i would maybe even consider using dub haru as his voiceclaim bc HE'S SO TAI-CODED IS2FUCJAS. but yeah. there are not many clips out there, so you just gotta watch furuba ok. JUST DO IT !!
what they feel like : sharp. angular. he feels at best like the cool touch of silk on your skin or the cool side of the pillow. the comfort of ice soothing your dry throat on a hot day. he's not soft to the touch and he can't be your heavy weighted blanket of a lover, either. he's not soft like flower petals; and he's not pure muscle and sinew that signifies strength. he's human, warm pumping blood and bone; a lot of bones; angles and edges that you adjust around in the bed in order to cuddle comfortably. an imperfect creature, but when he holds you tight against him, you feel loved so deeply, to the core, the way that only something flawed and empathetic in their flaws can feel.
tagged by : no-one, i stole it, i am a criminal mastermind xoxo tagging : @yaoogui & @wingached & @ofgentleresolve ( for any muses you want !! ) and STEAL IT !!! i wanna read it for all the muses on my dash ... for science.
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fierceomen · 1 year
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oh boy, okay, guess it's fine for a STARTER CALL ! pls interact with this post if you'd like me to write you up something. for any multi - muse blogs, if you have any specific muses you'd like to write with kei pls comment to let me know! i'm happy to do a couple of starters for you too if you'd like multiple muses to interact.
ps, if any of you wanna write a thread with babey keigo i'm 100% down for that too hehehe
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of-invisible-ties · 2 years
[ I have finished FE: Engage! To celebrate, I’ve added Engage characters to my muse list, so consider this a starter call for them! Like this post for a short starter from Diamant, Veyle, Ivy, Mauvier, or Lumera! ]
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pelipper · 10 months
i finally came out on instagram and twitter, and it feels so good. 🤭🏳️‍⚧️
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hydrofates-moved · 1 year
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Yes I know I haven't posted enstars moments in a while (or posted anything in a while really) but listen.. valkyrie enstars <3
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inky-evergreen · 2 years
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