#my nerves are ridiculously out of control over this
saetoru · 1 year
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✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。the dictionary definition of a rich boy
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synopsis. that rich guy who won’t stop asking you out is your partner for this project—send help
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contents. pre dating rich boy! gojo, college! au, implications of a zenin being pushy on the first date, satoru being distraught you went on a date lol, pre relationship shenanigans with the cutest loser boy !!
word count. 3.8k (it’s literally all just him being a handful)
notes. thank you niku my most cherished gojo stan for comming this (and giving me the most ridiculous tip) i adore you so much :,) mwah 💋
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he’s late—gojo is late. in fact, he’s very late, by forty-five minutes and thirty-two seconds to be exact. you aren’t really the count-by-the-second type of person, but somehow when it comes to that irritating, smug, too-talkative brat that you’re stuck with…well, you can’t help but be petty and use the seconds against him too.
he shows up close to an hour after your agreed time, waltzing in with a grin on his face—and, oh, you should kill him. he has the audacity to send you a wink when he walks over, coming up to your table and pushing his sunglasses down his nose just a bit to look you in the eyes over the lenses. 
what kind of person wears sunglasses indoors? surely only the kind that are nothing but trouble.
“aw, you’re here already,” gojo hums, “that excited to see me?”
“you’re late,” you spit.
“am i? i could have sworn—”
“now it’ll get dark by the time we get through what we planned for today,” you glare. he looks enthused, positively delighted by the statement—it’s almost as if you’ve offered him candy. 
“well, then i’ll just have to walk you to your apartment,” he offers smoothly. 
what a jackass. of course, just as expected, he’s still attempting to worm his way into your personal life (and likely your pants) in the most obnoxious of ways. over your dead body, however, will you ever allow him to know where you live, let alone accompany you on the way. you value your sanity, and having a conversation with gojo satoru longer than you absolutely have to seems like the most efficient way to fry every nerve and brain cell you have left.
“absolutely not,” you grit, “you can call me an uber. you pay.”
“alright,” he nods, “i’ll get an uber for you. but i’ll need your number to make sure you made it home safe. otherwise, what kind of partner would i be?”
typically, any normal pair of partners are meant to exchange numbers for a project—it would be the easiest form of communication, and more importantly, you can spam call if gojo decides not to carry his weight instead of just hoping and praying he checks his socials. but you can’t let him have your number—he’s not trustworthy enough for that. the last thing you need is him bombarding you with texts, or worse: calls, in the middle of work and class. so instead, you strictly inform him that any and all communication will occur via social media.
he pouts at that—it’s a cute pout, you have to admit. it’s slightly dangerous, too, because had you not had the self-control you do, you might have caved. but then he lights up at the prospect of you adding him back on socials. 
i’ll get your number one of these days, he says confidently. his confidence is as aggravating as the way he clicks his pen in the middle of class. he still chooses to sit right beside you despite all the free and very available seats the entirety of the lecture hall has. 
but no, he insists on sitting right next to you—and you? well, you have to hope you don’t get charged with homicide by the end of every class from the constant clicking he makes you endure. despite all that, gojo is surprisingly smart, which means your project might not be so doomed. 
he’s annoyingly smart, actually—he never takes notes, and just when you think the professor has him cornered by asking him a question when he’s seemingly dozing off, he answers immediately with the correct answer. 
you hate him.
“absolutely not happening,” you grumble, opening your laptop, “anyway i think we should start with—”
“well, i hate to inform you,” he sighs sadly as if it genuinely pains him to say this, “but i’ve actually deleted all my socials.”
“what?” your eye twitches.
“yeah,” he nods, “it’s a bit of a cleanse if you will. staring at your screen all day and finding value in fake posts is not good for mental health, you know? i’m trying to be more in tune with myself. it’s been a real self-journey.”
before the end of this project, you might either be a college dropout or an inmate at the county jail. you’re not sure, either is equally as possible.
“gojo satoru, i am sick of your games,” you spit, “we both know—”
“and i would hate not being in touch with my partner since it’s a crucial part of this project for us to work together,” he hums, something of a smug look plastered on his aggravatingly gorgeous face, “that thirty percent deduction for ineffective partner communication would be such a shame to get when we’re working so hard already on this, wouldn’t you agree?”
is he threatening you? for your number? with your grade? he is, you realize—and you clench your fist tightly around the phone in your hands as he eyes it with a knowing look on his face. he has you right where he wants you, whether you like it or not.
“you’re an asshole,” you spit.
“i’m a mental health advocate,” he gasps—he has the nerve to act offended, even as he’s so obviously enjoying working you up like this. you wish he’d drop dead immediately. maybe you could take his card from his wallet as his cold body lays lifeless on the table and order yourself a new laptop if he did—that would be ideal. 
“i saw you post on your story last night—”
“you didn’t watch it,” he pouts, “i posted a shirtless gym selfie just for you—wait a second, you pay attention to my story, huh?” he cuts himself off with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at you, “c’mon, you don’t have to force yourself to skip them. you know you wanna watch them.”
“no, i don’t,” you seethe, “it was just the first one at the top. stop being self-important—”
“anyway,” he drawls, eyeing your phone again. you want to splash your coffee in his face. “i’ll need your number,” he sniffs, “the crushing disappointment of you skipping my story made me realize i’m too focused on getting social media validation, so i’m taking a break. it’s the best thing for me to do in my headspace right now. hope you understand.”
“are you kidding me?” you stare at him. he grins before shaking his head.
“i would never joke about mental health,” he says seriously—it’s not as serious as your desire to slap him, however.
“fine,” you take a long, slow sip of your coffee to calm down, “give me your phone.”
“oh, you’re gonna set your own contact?” he brightens, immediately handing you his phone. it’s brand new—the newest model, in fact. it’s barely been a few days since it dropped. truthfully, you’re not even sure why you’re shocked—of course, he, of all people, would upgrade immediately. “how intimate,” he gushes, “it’s almost like we’re going on a date—”
“do not text me outside of project purposes,” you interrupt, thrusting the phone back into his hands, “got it?”
“you got it,” he grins triumphantly.
like all things he does, gojo finds a roundabout way to keep his word without actually keeping it. it’s his secret talent, you think—finding loopholes through all the technicalities of things.
hey when ur free can u read over my portion? i just finished
btw r u going to that frat party this wknd? u don’t seem the party type haha but u should come 
i’ll introduce u to suguru! he’s my best friend he’s super nice u’ll like him
oh and when do u wanna meet this week? promise i’ll be on time this time ;)
you make sure to only respond to the questions regarding your project—just because he technically kept his word and started the conversation centered around the project before getting off topic doesn’t mean you have to indulge him. and the way he types is infuriatingly annoying—who shortens every possible word like that? only him, you think.
okay, maybe you’re just nitpicking now, but every time you see his name pop up on your screen, your mood sours tenfold. you decide to answer as dryly as possible.
k i’ll look. we meet same time as last.
the period at the end should add the perfect touch—you grin to yourself in pride at that one. instantly, bubbles pop up and indicate he’s typing again. your smile very quickly drops.
wow ur a rly dry texter aren’t u?
that’s ok i don’t judge
so how bout the party? 
i can be ur escort ;) 
it’ll be fun!
from his side of the screen, gojo watches as your contact shows notifications silenced at the bottom. he pouts to himself—no party, then, he thinks.
gojo satoru, the guy who seemingly has everything he could ever want, likes you. 
frankly, he’s not really sure why—at first, he finds you mildly amusing, and he thinks it’d be fun to have a short fling with you perhaps. somewhere along the line, however, that changes. he watches you dedicatedly take notes in class, no matter how tired you seem from work the night before. he notices the way you chew on your bottom lip when you’re really focused—it’s actually very cute, he thinks. and he’s entertained by the way you always have some smart little retort waiting on your tongue. you’re not boring—and more than anything, you leave him a little humbled. it’s refreshing, and he kind of likes it, if he’s being completely honest.
he’s never liked anyone before—it’s a weird feeling. at best, he’s had a crush where he could appreciate that someone is generally pleasing to the eye and has a personality that might mesh well with his, but he’s never yearned for someone before. 
it just so happens to be his luck that the same person he wants more than anything in the entire world (for the first time ever, too) seems to hate his guts. it also happens to be that the same person he wants more than anything is currently getting asked out by some kid from the zenin family. right in front of him. and you’re saying yes. 
why on earth would you say yes to a zenin of all people? don’t you value yourself? 
gojo can admit that he’s had his fair share of heart robbing and tear inducing moments—he’s not exactly someone with the best track record for commitment, but at least he doesn’t use people for his own benefit. plus, he does, in fact, actually plan on committing to you. that zenin boy most certainly can’t be any good news if he’s anything like naoya, who gojo has met on a multitude of occasions, and knows very well is a scoundrel of a guy. 
“see you at nine?” he hears the zenin (what was his name again?) ask you. you nod, smiling sweetly. 
why don’t you smile sweetly at him like that? he buys you coffee every week. sure, he only gets to buy you the coffee because you have no choice but to meet him for the project, but he even offers to get you a slice of cake—you don’t ever accept, though, so he ends up eating both. but you do like coffee, very strong coffee that’s probably not sweet enough for his liking, but you enjoy the coffee he buys you nonetheless, and that has to count for something.
“sure, see you at nine,” you hum.
gojo watches in absolute shock (and abject horror) as you look down shyly. as soon as the zenin boy walks away, he stomps up to you.
“hey, what gives?” he asks petulantly, making your face paint on that irritated look that it always seems to adopt when he’s in the vicinity—how rude.
“what do you mean?” you ask tiredly, “i don’t speak toddler, so please use your words—”
“why’d you say yes to that zenin boy—”
“he has a name. it’s—”
“who cares what his name is? he’s an asshole! he won’t treat you right even if his mother’s life is on the line—”
“oh, and you would?” you raise an eyebrow, glaring at him. how is it his place to tell you who’d treat you right and who wouldn’t? how is it his place to even care?
“i would,” he gasps at the accusation, “you’d date a zenin but not me? how come?”
“because you’re annoying,” you counter like it’s obvious.
okay, now that is technically fair—gojo has heard his fair share of you’re annoying’s from people in his life. in fact, a good amount of them come from his own mother, but he’s also dashingly handsome, very good in bed, has soft hair, is tall and muscular, can buy you whatever you like, and can be smart and funny too if you really don’t care for those kinds of things. he’s the entire package and more. and more importantly, he’s not from the zenin family, and that automatically means you’ll actually be treated with an ounce of respect.
he looks at you incredulously, feelings a little hurt. “that’s not true! name one annoying thing i’ve done—”
“you laughed in the middle of me speaking in class.”
“that wasn’t at you! suguru showed me something funny on his phone—”
“and you took like twenty minutes in line ordering the most sweetest drink on the menu while i was running late—”
“you can’t use that against me, that’s not fair! i’m a paying customer, i should be able to get whatever i want. plus, it’s technically not my fault you were late.”
“you rubbed in the fact that you had a black card.”
“you mentioned it first!”
“you were late to our first meeting for the project.”
“okay, that was an honest mistake! people are allowed to make those, you know—”
“i don’t want to go out with you,” you say frustratedly, “and it’s really annoying when you act like a spoiled brat that can’t handle the word no and keep on insisting, okay? so leave me alone unless it’s to discuss our project—which weighs fifty-five percent of our grade, by the way, so don’t even think about getting lazy.”
he is not lazy, he wants to argue.
but before he can, you roll your eyes and take a step to walk around him, leaving him there to blink in shock. okay, he thinks with a huff, so you’re playing hard to get. that’s no matter, he’s good at the chase anyway. 
the date doesn’t seem to have gone well. gojo can tell because your eyes are slightly red and puffy, and you’re extra grouchy today in class. your professor seems to have noticed, too, because instead of calling on you today, she calls on gojo extra as a rare show of mercy. 
gojo doesn’t mind—this class is surprisingly easy, and he’s bored half the time anyway. he might as well indulge the uptight professor in an ugly brown pencil skirt and answer her pretentious questions that aren’t as complex as she thinks they are. 
“so,” he finally breaks the silence, “how was your date—”
“if you’re looking for a chance to say i told you so, just get it over with, you jerk,” you grumble. he raises his eyebrows in surprise before both hands go up in surrender.
“i wasn’t,” he says genuinely, “you just…uh…you look upset, is all.”
you hesitate for a short second, gauging his sincerity for a moment before sighing and slumping on the desk, cheek resting on your arm. gojo resists the urge to poke the soft flesh—it’ll probably make you mad, and you’re already in a bad mood. 
“he was…pushy,” you say quietly, “i don’t really believe in taking things far on the first date. he didn’t like that.” instantly, his fists clench tightly, eyeing you from the side carefully, almost in concern. “nothing happened,” you wave off, “but he did make me feel disgusting,” you mutter.
“yeah, well, he is a zenin,” he points out, “they’re…well, my family’s known them for a while. my mom hates them.”
you look over at him in mild interest, raising an eyebrow. “don’t tell me there’s drama in the rich community,” you gasp, “i thought you all just came as one to sip fancy wine and laugh at the poor together.”
he snorts, throwing you a toothy grin that you think for a moment is kind of cute—but that doesn’t mean he’s any different from the rest of the rich folks. someone of gojo satoru’s caliber has no business mixing with someone of yours—it’s common knowledge. gojo has everything he wants, and if he doesn’t, it’s a simple matter of asking before it’s his. there’s simply no way you can mold into his world to be what he needs you to be, and when the time inevitably comes when he realizes you’re not what he wants, well…you’d like to save yourself the wounded pride and crushed soul while you can. 
“sometimes we have fancy appetizers too with the wine,” he jokes, “don’t forget those.”
“oh, my apologies,” you chuckle. gojo likes it when you laugh, he decides. it looks much better than when you’re glum—he thinks seeing your lips quirked in anything other than a smile is a waste of your perfect features, and he can’t have that.
“my mom married my old man in this stupid arranged marriage or something,” he explains casually, like it’s just the norm. you suppose it is—for the rich, at least. you wonder briefly if gojo will have a marriage planned for his future, too, and you wonder if he’s okay with that. surely it’ll be some wealthy and fancy socialite of a girl that fits his family’s standards. someone who’s not you—not that you care anyway, you wouldn’t marry him regardless. “my grandma wanted her to marry the zenin, but she said no. said he treated her like a piece of meat every time they met, so she settled for my dad instead. lucky her, 'cause now i’m her son,” he beams. 
settled—something about the way he says it makes you think his parents must not really care for each other as a husband and wife should. it makes you think briefly about what his childhood might’ve been like, not watching his parents happy and in love the way they should be. but still, the way gojo talks about his mother is fond, with a gentle smile on his face as he recalls the things she’s told him. you can’t help but smile a little too.
“i think that makes you the lucky one,” you snort, “you’d still be her son. just that you’d be a zenin.”
he crinkles his nose at the thought, dramatically shivering and making you giggle. “gross,” he gags.
“well, now you have her to thank,” you hum, “your dad would’ve been…whoever the zenin she was supposed to marry is.”
“yeah, well, trust me,” he mumbles, his smile dropping ever so slightly, “my old man’s not that big of an upgrade from a zenin. even my grandfather’s sick of him. imagine being such a douche, your own dad can’t stand you.”
you’re learning more about gojo in one sitting than you ever imagined (or planned) to learn—part of that is because he seems like he’s the type to overshare on the first meet; the other part…well, you have to be honest with yourself, it’s not exactly a bad pastime hearing him talk about himself. gojo is an odd piece of work, and you can’t say you hate learning about the little pieces that come together to make him so weird. 
okay, perhaps weird is a bit rude, you think—he’s…unique.
“oh, so you’re the dictionary definition of a rich boy, huh?” you hum, resting your cheek on your hand as you sit up and face him—gojo, for a quick moment, feels his heart stutter when you talk to him like that: with your undivided attention like he’s the only one in the room. 
“what makes you say that?”
“daddy issues is like…the first thing in the rich boy starter pack.”
he laughs at that, smooth and almost sweet—it’s a dangerous thing. it’s easy to attract you to him, like a bee to honey, with the way his lips curl like that, showing off his dimples. but the bees can easily turn into maggots—and you don’t want to find yourself as a dead carcass by the end of this.
“i don’t have daddy issues,” he says smoothly, “that old man should sleep with both eyes open. if anything, he has son issues.”
“you’re hands down the oddest person i have ever met,” you mumble.
“what was that? did you say hottest? yeah, i know—”
“shut up, jackass,” you scowl, shoving his shoulder when he leans closer with a bat of his lashes. he laughs, and so do you—and just for one, quick, momentary instance, gojo satoru is not so bad. dangerous and a bad choice maybe, a setup for a big mistake perhaps, something you should stay away from, in fact. 
but not so bad. 
“how about i show you what it’s like to go on a date with a gojo,” he grins, winking easily. he’s persistent—very persistent, you note. “you might like it a lot more than a zenin.”
“no, thank you,” you hold a hand up, “never going to happen.”
“never say never,” he hums, “you might eat your words.”
“hey, satoru?”
“that’s not my name.”
“that actually is your name,” you say tiredly.
“hmph,” satoru rolls over, dramatically tugging the blankets over his body as he shuffles away from you, “not to you, it’s not.” 
you sigh, pursing your lips at his antics. “oh my god. okay—hey, toru?” you correct yourself. and just like that, he turns back around, grinning brightly as he inches closer until his head is resting on your chest.
“yes, baby?” he says sweetly, earning a roll of your eyes as your fingers weave into his hair. it’s soft—you don’t think you ever want to let go.
“it’s way better dating a gojo, by the way,” you murmur, “than a zenin.”
“oh yeah?” he grins smugly, arm draping over your body as he kisses your jaw, “i told you it would be, didn’t i?”
“i haven’t dated other rich families to compare, though,” you tease, “you might get replaced.”
“unlikely,” he chuckles, “no one,” there’s a kiss to your jaw, “will love you,” another kiss to your cheek, “like me.”
finally, there’s a slow, soft kiss to your lips—and when he kisses you like that, you have no choice but to believe him.
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satoru sooooo sends multiple texts back to back he just like me for real
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Mattheo Riddle and Tom Riddle
Nervously tapping your pen against the table has serious consequences when your study partner is a Riddle.
This was a 100% inspired by this post! So go check it out.
Warning: smut, zero plot
I have a lot of other stuff to write, but just couldn’t resist writing this! The ones that follow me should’ve seen this one coming… Anyways, back to writing more!
Mattheo Riddle
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You and Mattheo had been friends for a while and as of last exam period, also study buddies. It worked. You were organized and pretty to look at when he got bored of studying. He reminded you about walks, healthy snacks etc. However, at the moment Mattheo was seriously considering walking out of your room and to go study somewhere else, because you kept on hitting your pen on the table at a ridiculous rate. He stared at your hand, clearly your nerves were reaching a breaking point as your eyes scanned the words of your summary, oblivious to the annoying sound you were making. Mattheo stared at the pen being hit against the table at ritmic pace for a minute, before snapping.
Mattheo: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
You stopped and looked up at him in shock, to then look at your pen. “I-” You close your mouth and look back at Mattheo. “I don’t know the correct answer to that question.” You blur out. Clearly you had been studying for too long. For several seconds Mattheo is absolutely stunned by your answer, but before things get awkward he regains his composure. “Well, I could always fuck all your stress away, like the good study budy I am.” The smugness on his face was unbelievable. You shake your head softly, but no words of protest leave your lips as you can’t help but seriously consider his words. When Mattheo notices that a part of you would actually be open to the idea a wide smirk makes its way to his face. “Could really help the both of us out of this little study dip.” He suggests still flirty, but less playful. Your eyes lock and there’s an eager, non-verbal ‘yes, let’s do this’ in your eyes.
You both get up from your seats and for a moment you two seem stuck just standing there, but when the hormones finally kick in properly your hands reach for his shoulders and his hands grab your hips lifting you up on the table. Your legs instinctively open up so Mattheo can stand in between them as your mouths hungrily move into a lustful kiss. “Salazar, finally I can get this ugly thing off of you.” Mattheo grunts, pulling your comfy sweater over your head. “It’s my study sweater.” You whine in protest to him calling it ugly, but Mattheo isn’t listening anymore as his eyes and mind are now focussed on your boobs. “You weren’t wearing a bra.” He breathes, the last bit of self control leaves him and his dick is now begging to be released from his pants. She just sat across from me studying and she wasn’t even wearing a bra. Godss.
“My eyes are up here, Mattheo.” You chuckle. “Whatever.” Mattheo groans while his hand reaches and squeezes your right breast. “I’ve seen your eyes before, love, but this-this is new material that needs to be studied.” His free hand snakes around you pulling you closer and you can now feel his hard member between your legs. If he gets to fondle my breasts I might as well occupy my hands too. You make quick work of his pants and sneak your hand in his boxers to stroke his thick veiny cock. Now Mattheo finally looks away from your breast to kiss you. You moan against his lips as he gives your nipples a soft squeeze, before moving his hands down to your thighs. “Up.” He commands and you lift your ass so he can take off your comfy pants. You let go of him so he can lower your pants, but Mattheo is in a hurry so he simultaneously slips down your panties as well.
Shamelessly he takes your hand and places it back on his rock hard cock, while he stares at your entrance with his hands digging in the flesh of your thigh keeping your legs spread as wide as he wishes. His dominance and lusty eyes alone make your core thob in need of him. “Matty, please.” You whine when you start to feel more vulnerable and desperate. “Of course.” Mattheo whispers with a comforting tone. “I’m gonna take care of you.” His lips move over your cheek as he whispers and kisses you passionately. With his lips on yours he slips a finger through your folds. You instantly reward him with a whiny moan, making him smirk, before quickly repeating his action and going further. Fully digging in a finger, earning filthy desperate moans from you. Meanwhile you are trying to keep focus pumping his dick, wanting to show him as much love as he was giving you. You arch your back and Mattheo inserts another finger as he growls softly at the sight in front of him.
You let your head fall on his shoulder as you try your best to work his dick and Mattheo just watches his fingers move inside your cunt, forcefully circling your clit. Your moans get more and more unsteady and you feel your high approaching. “Matt- I-“ You fail to form a coherent sentence, but Mattheo shushes you in an endearing way. “It’s okay love, just come for me.” At his words your moans turn into cries for more. As your orgasm hits you, you wrap your arm tightly around Mattheo’s neck and soak his fingers. He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips like it’s a reward for your excellent behavior.
With your mouth still hanging open and softly panting, Mattheo watches you while jerking himself. “Turn around for me.” A whimper leaves your lips at his husky words and all you can do is nod, before turning on your feeble legs. Mattheo is quick to have a hand on your hips, helping you keep steady as his other hand pushes you down and lifts your ass. You bite your lips as you feel your core get desperate to be filled by him. He moves his dick gently, teasing your folds before entering and settling deep inside you. Your mouth hangs agape as your body adjusts to his size fully inside of you. Mattheo closes his eyes for a moment enjoying your walls clenching around him. “You might be more than just the perfect study buddy for me. With a pussy as sweet as yours.. fuck.” You whimper as he starts thrusting into, no longer being able to control himself.
He ruts into you, hitting your sweet spot until tears start to fill your eyes. You whimper and cry his name as your body goes numb with sensations. As you’re both closing in on your orgasm Mattheo pulls your back closer to his chest. “Look at how pretty you are.” He whispers in your ear and it’s then that you notice him looking at you from the mirror in your room. His arms wrapped tightly around your body as he fucks into you, with lustful eyes on you. Your walls desperately clench around him demanding him to cum, which does, still holding you close to him and watching you in the mirror. “So beautiful.” Your arm reaches behind you to pull his head into the crook of his neck, where he starts kissing you. You continue to whimper and whine as you come down from your high, feeling his cum and his dick still inside you. Merlin, I’ll never have an orgasm like this. This man is something else.
Tom Riddle
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It was late at night and the library was empty except for you and Tom. You still didn’t know how, but for some reason he had privileges to stay in the library for as long as he wished. Normally you would’ve complained about how professors always seemed to let him have his way, but tonight as you were both working on a potions project you were happy that you could stay there this late.
While Tom was writing some important things down you were focused on a specific paragraph, reading it over and over again. However, without being aware of it Tom had stopped writing and was now furiously boring his eyes into your hand that was repeatedly hitting your pen onto the table. He clenches his jaw in an attempt to be cool about it and make you aware of it in a polite way.
Tom: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Not that polite after all. He instantly curses himself for lashing out, but you aren’t offended at all. You just stare at him blankly, before blushing. “I-” Tom watches you attentively as you get more flustered. “I don’t know the correct answer to that question.” You try to joke, but there’s something nervous about your voice. Slowly Tom tilts his head and licks his lips. “You know… we are alone… and a break wouldn’t do any harm.” Gods, yes! Your insides scream, but on the outside you stay quiet. “No need to be shy.” He whispers seductively, turning his chair towards you and gently tugging your hand urging you to leave your chair.
You can feel your whole body heat up as you get up to let him pull you onto him. With your legs on either side of him, he slowly snakes his hands from your sides to your hips and ass. Your hand rests on his chest as you lean in to kiss him. When he judges your kiss a bit too short his hand moves to your head pulling you into a hungry kiss that has you moaning in a matter of seconds. He smirks, satisfied with the reaction he’s getting and rocks your hips into his, rolling your cunt over his bulge. When your breaths get unsteady and he knows how much pleasure he’s giving you he gets more demanding. “Take off your shirt.” When you nod he bites his lips and as a reward he moves your hips even harder over his still clothed member. You quickly work the buttons of your shirt and as soon as it’s removed Tom tugs the strap of your bra down and starts sucking and nibbling your breast while his hand unclasps your bra, so he can now work with both boobs.
The way he was playing with your nipples rather roughly encouraged you to continue riding his bulge, allowing yourself to selfishly enjoy this man. You arch your back and snake a hand behind his neck, making him lean back to enjoy the sight for a moment. You can’t help but soak your panties even more as you watch the arrogant smile on his face. “You are so ready to be taken.” Tom says with a low and husky voice, warning you that he’s hungry for you. With those words he squeezes your ass, making you instinctively move up and giving him the chance to slap your ass, marking what’s definitely his. He smiles smugly at the soft cry that leaves your lips, before pulling you in for a dominant kiss. While his mouth moves to your neck to continue marking you, his fingers slide over your thighs making their way to your panties. Tom quickly pushes the soaked fabric aside to insert two fingers, immediately stretching you and circling your clit. Your loud and desperate cries fill the library as pleasure rushes through your body, making your walls clench in need of more. “So wet.” He whispers in your ear, teeth grazing the skin of your cheek.
As quickly as he had forced his fingers inside of you, they left again. You whine. “Please don’t, play games Tom, I need you.” Your voice is needy and pathetic, causing Tom’s dick to twitch in his pants. “Don’t be inpatient.” He says calmly, but you can hear something animalistic in his voice. His large hands grab your thighs, keeping you in place as he gets up and pushes you against the table. You watch with your legs wide as he unzips his pants, revealing his precum covered size and pumping it. A moan leaves your lips at the view.
Slowly he removes your panties and pushes your skirt up so he can watch your soaking cunt take his cock. “So tight.” He groans as he stretches you carefully. When he’s finally deep inside of you he looks away from your pussy to grab your chin and kiss you. While you sloppily kiss each other he starts rutting inside of you at a merciless pace. He rests his head against yours and grabs your hips to keep you steady. “You take me so well, you might be more than just a good potions partner.” He pants, his eyes on yours, watching how they get watery as you reach a high you’ve never felt before. You nod, your mind hazy and very willing to be more than just his potions partner. Your mouth falls open and your moans get louder as your orgasm makes your whole body tense up. Tom pulls you closer and slows his pace to give you a moment to come down from your high. “Will you do something for me?” He whispers in your ear with a hypnotic voice and you meet his eyes with your shiny once. You would do anything for him and it was obvious, but surprisingly he doesn’t gloat about it and just gives you a soft peck on your temple. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out of you, making you whimper at the emptiness. “Get on your knees.” He says while jerking himself.
With obedient eyes you sink to your knees and without thinking about it you open your mouth. This does make him smirk and he strokes your hair, while guiding his cock inside your mouth. He groans and grits his teeth to keep himself from moaning at the sight of you, half naked and on your knees struggling but eager to take his whole size. It’s this sight that makes his eyes darken and grab your hair, warning you he’s going to fuck your mouth. Which he does harshly, but not for too long as he soon spills his seed deep into your mouth. He holds onto your hair until he’s sure you’ve swallowed. When he lets go you fall to your hands to keep steady.
He zips his pants back up watching you, satisfied with how quickly he had turned you into this mess. However, someone so pretty who took him so well deserved to be taken care of. So he grabs your shirt and wraps it around you. “Come on, I’m taking you to my room.” His voice is soft and he takes your arms, placing them around his shoulders before picking you up. You hide your face in the crook of his neck. Did I just get upgraded from potions partner, to fuck buddy, to …
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changetyre · 1 year
Our Special Number II LN4 Ⓢ Ⓦ
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Request: Dom Lando Norris (not toxic, just demanding and respectful, a real gentleman) with sub Italian reader, a very long, hot spanking punishment for the reader because of her rebel/bad attitude in their previous fight/discussion (jealous Lando), a lot of dirty talk and teasing, "Yes, Sir", "Please, Sir" "Who do you belong to, princess?" "I am yours, Sir" "Good girl, a very good girl", begging, fingering, eating out (female receiving), overstimulating, pleasing, bend over the kitchen table rough sex, wrists tied using the belt. After sex soft/gentle Lando.
Warnings: ***Smut 18+*** A/N: Not proofread
It all started with a ridiculous stupid fight. Lando was stressed from all the pressure of the season, trying to get good results, better results than he was now getting annoyed at the fact that his teammate was almost doing better than him after only a few months in the car.
He'd taken it out on you, short-fused as he already was he had come home to an empty house, you had been out with some friends for breakfast and lost track of time, and trying to drive home during traffic you got home later than you intended.
You got home and Lando was in a pissy mood not even saying hello to you or looking at you when you approached him at the kitchen counter where he was having some food he'd ordered despite the fact you'd left him some food in the fridge.
"Lando?" You called your boyfriend who was acting like a child.
He dropped his fork annoyed. "What?" He finally looked up at you his expression bare.
"Can you please stop being rude and talk to me I said I was sorry I didn't mean to get home this late." You tried to be patient with him since you were aware his anxiety and stress got the best of him at times and he found it hard to control his moods when this happened.
"I don't want to talk." He replied in a monotone voice as he picked up his fork and food and went to lock himself in his sim room.
You huffed deciding to give him space as you cleaned up the kitchen and tried to distract yourself from the anger that wanted to creep in from the fact that your boyfriend hadn't even touched you after 2 weeks away.
You were putting away the dishes when your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw a text from Max.
Max V: I tried texting Lando but he's not answering
Max V: Kelly, Martin, me and a few others are going out to the club tonight wanna come?
You: He's in a mood
You: But I'll be there
You didn't hesitate to reply as you knew either Lando would snap out of his mood and join you at the club or you could piss him off as he stayed to mope while you were at the club and he'd snap out of it after, it was a win-win in your eyes.
You walked to your bedroom to get ready, getting into your more skimpy attire hoping this would be enough to at least get your boyfriend's attention.
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"Where are you going?" You tried to hide your smirk at hearing your boyfriend's surprised tone at the bedroom door.
"Out with Max, Martin, Kelly, and some others." You replied not bothering to turn to face him as you continued putting on your heels on the living room couch.
"You can't go, not wearing that if I'm not going. Why didn't you tell me?" He started approaching you but you got up and walked to the kitchen where your purse waited for you on the counter.
"Hmm, I thought you didn't want to talk." You shrugged still not turning to face him.
"You're not going baby." His tone was more demanding this time sending shivers down your spine.
You finally got up grabbed your purse and turned to face him. "I am, and I'm sure Martin will take care of me." You teased knowing this would hit a nerve as before you started dating Lando Martin had tried asking you out.
Your breath hitched as Lando wrapped a hand around the curve of your back pressing you against him while with his other hand, he began sliding his palm up your body until he wrapped it around your throat putting slight pressure.
"You want my attention, hm?" He whispered in your ear as he licked a stripe from your neck up to your ear before biting your lobe softly.
Your breath shuddered. And this was enough to get you weak in his arms, always willing to submit under his control. "Yes." Your voice was shaky.
"Yes, what baby?" He aggressively kissed your neck knowing he was leaving marks and his other hand squeezed your ass hard and his fingers explored the slit between your cheeks.
"Yes Sir." You dropped your purse as your hands came to hold onto him. Any plans you had of going out and getting back at him were clearly out the window now as you felt the warmth pool between your legs.
"Good girl." He whispered now his mouth finding yours as he kissed you slopily, dominantly shoving his tongue in your mouth. He cupped your cheeks getting you to open your mouth before spitting and getting you to swallow.
"Please, Sir." You begged Lando to touch you, to do anything to relieve some of the painful aches that had enveloped your body.
"Look at my pretty girl begging after she tried to get back at me." He picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist before he placed you on the kitchen counter. Your body filled with goosebumps at feeling the cold contrast on the bare skin of your ass. "Who do you belong to Princess, huh?" He settled between your legs.
"Lando please." You begged weakly again as he began kissing your chest, pulling the fabric aside you could feel his breath on your hard nipple.
"Answer me" He pulled away teasing you.
"You. I'm yours, Sir." You could almost cry from the desperation in your body.
"mhmm." Lando moaned happily with your answer as he finally licked your nipple, sucking and flicking his tongue over it.
You sighed finding a small ounce of relief from this but it didn't last long. You felt Lando grab your hands which were tangled in his curls and pulled them behind your back.
You didn't know when or how but he had removed his belt and he was now using it to tie your wrists behind your back. "I need to teach you a lesson, my sweet girl." he smiled as he noticed your surprised face.
Once your wrists were secured, Lando picked you up again getting you off the counter before turning you around and bending you over. You could feel the warm spot where you previously sat on your nipples.
"What a beautiful dress baby...just for me." He stroked your ass over top of the small fabric that covered it.
"Just for me right baby?" He asked his tone serious once more.
You felt a warm sting on your ass as Lando's hand had struck down on it.
"Yes Sir, just for you." Your breath was shaky.
"That's right pretty girl just for me." He slapped your ass again making you jump on his lap.
He moved the fabric aside, your ass in clear view only a small piece of lingerie between him and what he really wanted now. He smiled at the wetness he could see seep through the string.
"Can Martin make you this wet? huh?" you moaned at feeling Lando's fingers press against your core roughly and hearing his jealous tone.
"No Sir, only you." You cried, you needed him so desperately.
Another slap.
"Count them out for me baby." He instructed you before landing another slap to your ass.
"1." You whimpered feeling the sting at ease.
"2." It felt so painfully good.
And another.
"3." It was almost over which you were glad about but you also never wanted this to end.
"Our special number baby." Slap. Lando said as he smacked your cheeks.
"4." You sighed in satisfaction at the last slap.
"Good Girl, very good girl." he didn't hesitate to pull the tiny fabric aside and didn't give you a warning before he pushed his fingers inside of you.
Lando's hand stayed firm on your back while he fingered you keeping you in place as you squirmed under his touch, he curled, twisted, and turned his fingers in any direction he desired.
He didn't have to finger you for long before you'd reached your first orgasm squirting over his fingers.
"How gorgeous," he smirked pleased with the results licking his fingers clean before finally allowing you to turn around picking you up and getting you up on the counter again.
In one swift move, Lando untied the belt releasing your hands before pushing you as you now laid back onto the counter.
It happened so fast you could only scream in pleasure as Lando's mouth now attacked your pussy. He shoved his tongue in your pussy showing no mercy as he tried to get you to reach your second orgasm in record time.
Your legs were shaking and your fingers came to grip Lando's curls once more as you screamed in pleasure, your body was on fire and you were so close but it felt like so much you both pushed and pulled Lando's head away and towards you.
And it only took a few seconds before you were cumming on Lando's tongue again.
He pulled away and you saw the wetness around his mouth which he didn't bother to wipe before he was stripping his pants off.
"Please..." You cried but you weren't sure what you were begging for, you wanted more but it didn't seem physically possible as you'd turned to putty on the kitchen counter, your limbs feeling heavier than they ever had.
"Our special number baby," Lando smirked as he hooked his arms under your legs pulling your legs right at the edge of the counter before entering you quickly and roughly.
Your breath hitched in your throat and you almost choked on your own spit as Lando began to pound into you mercilessly, you cried in pleasure feeling Lando's length spread you open and hearing his hips slap your ass in quick succession.
"Augh please....please." You cried gripping his wrist tightly but again you had no idea what you were begging for.
Lando loved the way you looked so fucked out, overstimulated, your mascara running, your tits bouncing with every thrust. He'd never fucked you out like this but in addition to the stress the thought of having you walk around showing so much of your skin that was only meant for him had driven him crazy and he was taking it out on you.
Your mind was in a daze and you had no idea how long he'd fucked you for before you had squirted around his cock but he didn't stop there.
"Lan pleasee....I can't-" You whimpered trying to push his hands away but your limbs were so weak it was futile.
Just like the beginning, it was painfully good, something you'd never felt before just feeling like you couldn't carry on but knowing you needed to come undone again.
"Just one more baby, one more." Lando sighed as he kept fucking into you chasing his own high.
He was close and he wanted you to cum with him as he began flicking your clit with his hand.
You squirmed on the counter shaking and shuddering under his touch and it felt like an explosion in your body once you'd reached your high once more.
Your skin felt extremely sensitive as you could feel Lando spilling into you. He pulled out with made your pussy twitch around his dick almost as if clawing at it to stay inside.
"Well done baby," Lando whispered as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
He disappeared for a few seconds before he was back beside you wiping you clean with a clean and fresh kitchen towel which you knew you'd have to replace later.
He helped you sit up letting your weight fall onto him as he lifted up a glass of water to your lips. You finished it in only a few gulps.
"Thank you." You whispered hugging Lando and tucking your head into his neck.
"I'm sorry if I was too rough baby. I love you." Lando kissed your cheek.
"I love you too...and It's okay, I liked it." You giggled. "But I don't think I'll be able to walk for a few hours.
It was Lando's turn to giggle this time. "Let me take care of you, baby." Lando picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around him once more as he walked you both to the shower placing soft kisses on your cheek and hair throughout.
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mswritergirl02 · 6 months
38 Missed calls and Tequila
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In which Harry and y/n fight causing her to storm out
-> Reader advisory: mentions of alcohol and explicit language, proceed with caution.
A/N : Taking requests (:
Y/N paced back and forth in the living room, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. “I can’t believe you, Harry! You always do this, you never listen to me!”
Harry’s brows furrowed, his frustration bubbling to the surface. “And what about you, huh? Do you think you’re always right? You’re so damn stubborn!”
“Well, maybe if you cared about my opinion for once—”
“Care about your opinion? I bend over backwards for you, Y/N! But it’s never enough, is it? You always find something else to complain about!”
“Oh, so now this is all my fault, is it? Typical!”
Harry threw his hands up in exasperation. “For fucks sake I never said that!
Y/N’s voice trembled with anger and hurt as she launched her accusation.
“You know what, Harry? I bet you’re cheating on me, aren’t you? That’s why you’re always so secretive about your phone, always disappearing at odd hours!”
Harry’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Are you serious, Y/N? I’ve told you a million times, that I’m not cheating on you! You’re just making things up because you can’t stand losing a fucking argument!”
Y/N’s voice rose at his accusation. “Oh, please! Don’t act like you’re innocent in all of this! I see the way you look at other girls, Harry! You can’t fool me!”
Harry’s patience snapped, his frustration evident in his tone. “I can’t believe you’re bringing this up again! You’re always jumping to conclusions, always looking for a bloody reason to doubt me! Maybe it’s your own insecurities that are driving us apart!”
Y/N’s anger faltered, replaced by a pang of hurt. “I’m not insecure, Harry! I just want to know that I can trust you!”
“Well, maybe if you gave me a chance to prove it instead of constantly accusing me of things I didn’t do!”
“I’ve been nothing but loyal to your crazy ass for four fucking years,” Harry declared, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt.
The tension in the room was thick, each word a painful reminder of the growing rift between them. Y/N’s heart ached with the weight of their words, knowing deep down that her accusations were absurd, Harry loved her. Still she was unable to stop herself from lashing out in a desperate attempt to regain control of the argument.
Y/N's lips curled into a sneer as she spat out, "Go fuck yourself, Harry!"
With that, she snatched her keys off the coffee table and stormed out, the door slamming shut behind her.
Harry stared at the closed door, his chest tight with frustration. "You're fucking crazy," he yelled, knowing she couldn't hear him and was long gone. He cursed out loud and sank onto the couch, running his hand over his face.
“A bloody fucking carpet," he muttered to himself, the absurdity of their argument hitting him like a ton of bricks. They had been fighting over a bloody carpet, of all things. It was ridiculous, and yet somehow it had escalated to Y/N storming out in anger.
They hadn't been in the best place lately. Y/N was constantly stressed out at the office, working long hours, barely having time for herself, let alone for him. And Harry, always buried in his work, was rarely home to see her, too caught up in his next album to notice the distance growing between them.
38 outgoing calls
Harry’s nerves were on edge. He had called Y/N 38 times since she stormed out, each call going straight to voicemail. It wasn’t like her to stay out this late, and the thought of not knowing where she was made his stomach churn with anxiety.
Pacing back and forth in their empty apartment, Harry’s mind raced with worry. He had grown accustomed to Y/N’s silent treatments during their arguments, but this was different. This silence felt suffocating.
12:30 am
“Answer your phone, Y/N,” Harry muttered under his breath, frustration and fear mingling in his voice. He reached for his phone once again, fingers trembling as he clicked on her contact for the 39th time. But this time, instead of the familiar voicemail greeting, a stranger’s voice answered Y/N’s phone.
As Harry heard the unfamiliar male voice answer Y/N’s phone, his heart raced with a surge of protectiveness. “Who the hell are you?” he demanded, his tone sharp with urgency. “Why the hell do you have Y/N’s phone? Where is she?”
Before Harry could ask any more questions or receive a response, the phone call ended abruptly.
It was around 12:45am when It clicked in Harry’s mind, Y/N had insisted they shared their locations when they first started dating. Harry quickly opened the app on his phone and zoomed in on her location.
Maggies Bar & Grill.
Confusion washed over him when he saw that Y/N was at a bar. Drinking was something she rarely did, especially alone at this hour. Harry’s heart raced with worry, imagining all sorts of worst-case scenarios.
Without hesitation, he grabbed his keys, and got behind the wheel. He knew he had to reach Y/N as fast as possible.
Meanwhile, Y/N found herself in fits of laughter, seated on a bar stool behind the counter of Maggies. With tears of joy rolling down her cheeks, she swiftly grabbed her phone back from the male bartender’s grasp. Giggling, she teasingly whispered, “Don’t tell Harry,” and playfully pressed a finger to her lips.
Earlier, Y/N had confided in the sympathetic bartender about her rocky relationship with Harry. Each heartfelt confession she made was chased down with another shot of tequila, the weight of the world was momentarily lifted by the warmth of the alcohol. What she didn't know was that the bartender discreetly slipped her keys into his pocket when her attention wandered, silently determined to prevent her from making any rash decisions in her inebriated state.
“Y/N, I’m cutting you off,” the bartender said for what felt like the tenth time that night, his tone gentle yet firm. “All you’re getting is water from now on.”
Y/N pouted, shoving the glass of water away. “But I’m having fun!” she protested, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol. “I can handle a few more drinks, I promise.”
The bartender shook his head, a hint of concern in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I can’t risk serving you any more alcohol. It’s for your own safety.” With that, he gently pushed the glass of water back towards her, silently urging her to hydrate and sober up.
“You’re such a buzzkill,” Y/N slurred, her tone growing more aggressive as she leaned in towards the bartender, her eyes narrowed.
The bartender stood his ground, not going back on his decision. “I’m not serving you any more drinks tonight,” he stated once again.
Y/N’s frustration bubbled over, and she clenched her fists slamming them on the counter. “You can’t cut me off!” she snapped.
Just as Y/N opened her mouth to make a scene once more , Harry entered the bar, his eyes immediately locking onto her. With purpose in his stride, he made his way over to where she sat, his gaze briefly flickering to the bartender.
Harry’s expression was a mix of relief and concern as he approached. “Is everything okay here?” he asked.
The bartender met Harry’s gaze, his expression serious. “Harry I'm assuming? Yeah, everything’s fine now,” he replied, gesturing towards Y/N. “I had to cut her off a while ago. She’s had enough for tonight.” Recognizing Harry by Y/n's lock screen on her phone and his contact name.
Harry’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But then who called me from her phone?” he questioned, his eyes narrowing slightly as he searched for answers.
The bartender hesitated for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out Y/N’s keys. “It was me,” he admitted, handing them over to Harry. “I knew she shouldn’t be driving in her condition.”
Relief flooded Harry’s features as he accepted the keys. “Thank you,” he said sincerely, grateful for the bartender’s quick thinking.
Y/N’s drunken aggression flared as Harry turned towards her. “What are you doing here?” she slurred, her tone sharp with irritation.
“I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Of course she's drinking tequila the one thing that brings out her temper even more
Harry cut her off with a stern glare, “Your breath reeks of fucking tequila and you’re in no condition to drive,”.
Y/N turned towards the bartender, “You're a fucking snitch” she accused him loudly causing heads to turn in their direction. Harry’s annoyance grew as he watched her escalate the situation.
“Y/N, you’re causing a fucking scene,” Harry muttered, frustrated to which she scoffed, pushing herself unsteadily to her feet.
She held out her hand. “Give them back. I’m driving myself home, I don’t want to look at you.”
Harry’s heart sank at her words, but he knew he couldn’t let her make such a reckless decision. “I can’t do that, Y/N,” he said gently, stepping closer to her. “You’re not thinking clearly right now. Let me take you home.”
Y/N shook her head stubbornly, her anger fueling her determination. “No!” she insisted, her voice rising.
“I’m not going anywhere with you. Just give me my keys!”
He was over her drunk antics.
Stepping uncomfortably close to her, he took the time to observe the way her hair fell over her ear. With a firm yet gentle touch, he reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, his fingertips lingering for a moment before trailing down her cheek.
Leaning in, Harry's voice dropped to a low and dangerous tone. “Y/N you better listen to me.”
“Drop the fucking attitude,” he snapped his breath sending a shiver down her spine as it brushed against her skin.
Now fully gaining her attention Harry continued speaking. “You're gonna lower your voice and follow me to the car like the good girl I know you are."
Y/n began to feel as if her legs were putty with each word she processed.
“Don't make me embarrass you here love,” he said while running his finger over her bottom lip.
“Because I can and I will.”
Harry's words hung in the air, commanding and unwavering leaving no room for argument.
Lights Out
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earthtooz · 2 years
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x : POCKY GAME ! :*+゚
in which: you play the pocky game w/ various bllk boys!
warnings: gn!reader, ooc for some, fluff, lots of kissing, suggestive but not nsfw, 300-600 words depending on which blurb :p, the writing is better in some parts than others forgive me i was fighting for my life trying to get everything right >.<
a/n: if you enjoy pls like or reblog!!! okay sorry back to ur regularly scheduled content, but pls consider reblogging!!!!! have a lovely day !!!!
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CONFIDENT AND COCKY. he’s the one who taunts you into it, placing the confectionary sweet between his teeth and staring at you mockingly, daring you to take the other end.
“c’mon, sweets. what’s the worst that could happen?” he jeers, sitting back in his seat. you scoff at his egotistical show. you can’t stand him, really, you can’t.
you curse that he knows this trait of yours: that you could never say no to a good challenge. you know that he’s got you cornered, unable to contain his smirk when you roll your eyes and latch on to the opposite end of the pocky. at least he was considerate enough to take the breadstick end for himself.
both of you ignore the way you step in between his legs, placing your hands on his broad shoulders for stability before the game begins, but not without a wink sent your way first.
you hate his guts. he knows it, but he wants you so desperately it hurts. 
he tries to contain his eagerness yet he can't stop his hands from snaking up to loosely hold your hips, fearing that this was just another daydream of his imagination. you, on the other hand, remain unrushed, taking your time and not falling for his bait.
you love watching him suffer, don’t you? pushing then pulling back when he gets too close, leaving him in a lovesick haze. 
he loves that you know exactly what to do every time to send him spiralling. 
after what feels like an eternity yet no time at all, his heart stutters at the gentle hover of your lips over his before going into overdrive when you press against him, leaving no biscuit or space untouched. with little control, he gives himself fully into the kiss, conveying every pent up feeling of desire that you leave brewing within him. he has longed for this moment for ages. 
and somehow, you feel it. despite his playboy appearance, you can tell with this one kiss that he’s fully devoted himself to you. as ridiculous as the notion may sound, it's evident through the bruising embrace of his, the way he’s trying to commit your lips to memory, and the way that he's tilting his head to access more of you.
it’s enough to make your heart flutter. 
but. you knew you couldn’t give in to his wants. not yet.
abruptly parting from him, he quietly whines at the loss of contact, frowning when you push his hands away with that pretty smirk of yours. so unabashed in rejecting him, aren’t you?
“you’ve gotta work harder next time, pretty boy,” you whisper against his lips before lowering your head to press a quick kiss against his neck. “i’m not that easy to impress, especially not with a stick of pocky.”
he watches longingly as you walk away, a new fire of determination burning in his veins. 
oliver, KARASU, KAISER, SHIDOU, kunigami (after… yk) 
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DOUBTFUL BUT REALLY WANTS THIS. the party is in full swing, the bass of the music is buzzing through the speakers, groups of people are getting drunk, and you? well, you're playing a game for prepubescent teenagers.
“truth or dare?” one of the party goers asks the soccer player whom you’ve harbored feelings for for a while. your stomach flips in anticipation at which option he’ll choose. 
his face twists into a split second of contemplation before the answer slips out of his mouth. “dare,” he answers confidently, returning the asker’s smug expression with one of his own.
“i dare you to play the pocky game with the person who you think is the most attractive in this room.”
everyone lets out a collective ‘ooo’ at the dare and you try to ignore the way your heart drops to your stomach, your nerves crawling all over you. the soccer player laughs before accepting it, catching the strawberry pocky box that is thrown in his direction.
who just casually has pocky as a party snack? 
you don’t get to spend long dwelling on your query because your eyes suddenly lock with his and he stands up, never breaking eye contact as he walks over to where you sit.
the group erupts into cheers of encouragement when he bends down to be eye-level with you, holding the box of pocky in his hands with a small, shy smile. he was so cute- hold on. he thought you were the most attractive person in the room? oh my goodness, where you about the kiss the man you’ve been pining after for months?
“wanna play?” he asks, sounding a little uncertain.
the only response you can muster is a stupid nod, blissful expectancy settling heavy in the air as he rips open the packet and fishes out a stick. 
“let me know if you’re uncomfortable with this.” his voice is low, murmuring something that he only wanted you to hear.
“it’s fine,” you reassure before latching your mouth to the opposite end, trying not to show the flurry of emotions whirlpooling within you in this very moment. 
was this real? are you dreaming? 
when your noses lightly bump into each other, you wake up to reality because this was real. you weren’t dreaming and his face was now mere millimetres away from yours. his eyes glance up from your lips to meet your eyes and you feel a spark occur, one that wasn’t unwelcome.
there’s just one little bit left, you can practically feel his lips against yours, the gap tormenting the two of you as one of you waits for the other to make the first move. he shakily exhales. you're going to go insane from anticipation.
fuck it. you’ve come this far.
he jolts a little in surprise at your boldness before melting into you, smiling into the kiss as all tension seeps out of his shoulders. distantly, you hear cheers and whoops from everyone, too caught up in the feeling of finally having him against you, blissfully relishing at the way your arms wind around his neck, embracing him like you've been meaning to for a while.
he smiles against you when noticing how eager you are, relieved and delighted at the same time.
"you're perfect," he whispers when he reluctantly breaks away, eyes droopy yet filled with desire.
you’re caught off guard when he tells the person next to you to move aside before sitting down, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as everyone else watches. 
thank goodness for truth or dare.
isagi, yukimiya, REO, SAE (ik he’s like a ‘cool’ guy or whatever but i think he’s a total dork so let me have my moment),
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DOES IT BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU. he could not care less about some stupid game and he sure doesn’t need a fucking game to kiss the love of his life. he could do that whenever he pleases; a luxury that he will never take for granted.
but when you looked so happy and excited to try it out, how could he say no? 
“this is ridiculous,” he mutters, making his opinion known for the umpteenth time before connecting his lips to the end of the pocky stick. after a small countdown, the game begins and he starts without hesitation, biting down on the breadstick with an unmatched pace, quickly crossing into your territory.
before he could reach you though, you pull away, unsatisfied with his impatience. he groans at the sudden lack of contact, especially when he was so close to getting what he wanted.
“could you at least try a little harder?” you ask, unimpressed as he finishes the snack.
“i’m trying very hard, isn’t the point of this game to kiss one another?” he counters.
“well, yeah-”
“-if anything, you’re losing right now, love, so why don’t you try a little harder?” he asks in a low tone, nearing his face towards yours as his voice turns a little more sultry at the end. 
you push his face away, grinning to hide the effect he still has on you. “oh shut up, creep. what if i proposed a challenge?” 
“i’m listening.”
“let’s play it so that we try not to kiss, how about that, pretty boy? loser does whatever the winner wants.”
he straightens up a little at the nickname usage and the prospect of a prize. quirking a brow out of fascination, he relents. “fine. ass deal, but whatever you want.”
you keen at his willingness before grabbing another stick to set up the game once again. when you glance back up at him, a shiver runs down your spine at the darkened, lidded look he was giving you.
he prompts you to do the same when he takes a bite from the snack. 
this time, he’s slow and methodical with his actions, taking small bites to meet you in the middle where you enter a stalemate. here you can feel his breath against your lips, fanning against you ever so gently. 
this is going to be a lot harder than you anticipated because he’s really good at resisting temptation and urging you at the same time. it’s almost unfair how he keeps nearing your lips, threatening to close the gap before leaning away, leaving you to chase after him, all whilst holding a delicate piece of breadstick between his teeth. you can’t exactly make out if he’s smirking or not, but the mirth is evident in his eyes. 
he’s luring you in and it’s working.
next thing you know, you’re surging up to meet his lips in a clash of teeth, passion, and desire, all in one. it’s messy, but he wouldn’t want it any other way, especially when he’s the one who got what he wanted.
oh well, this wasn’t too bad for you either.
“see,” he says, pulling away, breathless and panting, his swollen lips forming into a smile. “this is way better than some stupid game.”
“shut up and make out with me.”
he keeps it to himself how you bought his least favourite flavour because it tastes better with you.
RIN, niko, chigiri (hear me out on this one: i’m right)
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HOW DID YOU GET HERE? you were enjoying your packet of pocky, really, you weren’t expecting anything exhilarating. however, that changed when he snuck up beside you, peering over your shoulder to see what you were eating.
you don’t miss the way his eyes light up upon seeing the branded snack in your hands and immediately asks if he can have one. when you glance inside the packet to see how many you have remaining, you tell him that there’s only one left which you tauntingly put in your mouth to gloat in his face.
what you were not expecting at all was for him to take a bite of the opposite end and you're immediately stunned into silence.
if that wasn’t enough, there was no shame when he began nibbling on it, closing the gap between your faces as he concentrates intensely on eating the confectionary sweet. 
you’re quite literally frozen, not having it in you to merely blink, too scared to move or retract away from him lest your poor heart give out from how it thunders in your chest, reverberating with the might of a thousand suns. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, the way he gently grabs your face with both hands to keep you cemented where you are only worsens your current predicament. warm palms holding either side as he stares determinedly at your lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
was he always this pretty?
then, when you don’t think he can get any closer, he snaps the stick, pulling back with a satisfied grin, hands lingering where they’ve sought purchase before returning to his side.
“thanks for sharing, y/n. best pocky i’ve ever had in my life,” he says before turning around, walking away to leave you on the verge of a meltdown. 
NAGI, bachira (but with more excitement), otoya, 
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neopuppy · 2 years
Take My Breath (M)
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pairing. alpha Jeno x female omega reader
genre. trapped in an elevator AU, a/b/o, pwp, M/F
warnings. profanity, explicit smut.. filth, pre-heat, dubious at first(consent given), ‘stuck’(ridiculously unrealistic), slick, oral, unprotected sex, anal, multiple orgasms. minors DNI.
word count. 7000
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“A coffee shop in the lobby? The fact that this place even has a lobby?” Your friend lets out a low whistle glancing around. “Not to mention the amount of unclaimed Alpha real estate around here. So many bare naked fingers. What God did you save from immortal death in a past life to snag this place?”
“I told you, I’ve been on the hunt for months. It was worth the wait.”
“A new place isn’t the only thing you’ve been hunting for months.” One of her well-kempt eyebrows bounces, nudging her chin toward the line that’s formed filled with Alphas dressed in various work attire. “There’s no way you won’t end up mated living here.”
“I’m not trying to mate anyone.” You say uninterested. It’s true, really, you could care less to have some Alpha prancing around your new place, making a mess of crumbs and leaving remnants of his scent behind to ruin your peaceful atmosphere.
“You can try to deny our nature all you want, but your Omega instincts will handle your stubborn attitude. You just wait and see.” She says with a wink, leading you to start up another discourse over how you have learned to control your Omega’s feral hormones. A call of your name from behind the coffee bar leaves your lips parted, holding up a finger before her face as you stand to pick up your drink.
“Hold that thought, I’m not done with you.”
“Yeah yeah. Go grab your coffee you grouch, you need it.” She laughs teasingly, making eyes at a few handsome Alphas in line.
“This isn’t my drink..” You say, turning the label on the cup to face you. “Jeno?”
“That would be me.” A firm chest grazes your arm, sliding into the space by your side as he reaches for the cup still lingering at the tips of your fingers. “I believe I grabbed yours by mistake.”
The Alphas scent swarms around you first, as rich and warm as a field full of lavender, calming enough to relax your tense muscles, loosen brain-aching invisible strings keeping your scalp tense, slowly stumbling back mindlessly.
“Oh my God!” The Alphas deep rumble reaches your ears faintly, gathering you with his scooped arms before you can hit the floor.
He’s strong, flexing under your waist as he sets you back to your feet and maneuvers you with speed to stay up. “Are you okay?!”
Concern softens his speech, stroking up and down your arms with wide large palms that shiver each nerve down to your fingertips. “Almost hit your head there.”
The Alphas cheeks bunch up, steadying you with his hands clasped on your shoulders. “Probably my fault for popping up by your side out of nowhere.”
“Is she okay??” Your friend interrupts, breathlessly as if she’d rushed over, patting the top of your back. “What happened?”
“Ah, I’m the one to blame.” The Alpha says apologetically, directing to your drinks sitting side by side. “I grabbed the wrong drink, think I bum rushed your friend here.”
“Oh, that’s okay Alpha, she can be such a klutz.” She replies flirtatiously, batting her eyelashes with no shame at the handsome man standing before you who barely gives her more than a second of eye contact.
“It was definitely my fault.” He nods to you, lifting one of his eyebrows inquisitively. “It’s not everyday you accidentally steal a pretty Omegas drink.. I’ll have to be more careful next time.”
“Any Omega could only wish to be lucky enough for you to be the one to make that mistake, Alpha.” Your friend says, raising her pitch higher to sound helpless, making your stomach churn full of nausea.
“Jeno.” He says, slowly taking in your facial features. “You can call me Jeno.”
Jeno grins, leaving a $20 dollar bill by your coffee that’s no doubt begun to lose its warmth. “Next drink on me, for making you wait, and nearly knocking you unconscious.”
He nods again, waving goodbye with a controlled smile to contain how endeared he feels watching your glazed eyes follow his every little move. “See you around.”
“Now that Alpha has ‘problem’ written all over him.” Your friend chimes, nudging an elbow into your side with a smirk. Snatching up the bill left behind to wave in front of your face. “Sexy, generous, sweet? and that scent? If you don’t fuck him...”
The rest of her sentence fades out, too deep in thought as you inhale the remnants of lavender and hints of crisp grass left behind. Morning dew, moist, steamy, trapping you in a sauna filled with little to no oxygen.
Jeno wasn’t going to be a problem, no not at all. You only wish he could be just a problem, because problems can be solved. A simple equation to figure out, nothing you couldn’t handle.
A problem wouldn’t have you chewing at your nails, rasping your fingers on any surface to distract away every thought of him. Long showers to numb your senses were out of the question, quickly rinsing off to skip using your favorite body washes, tickling at your nostrils with the small bit of lavender laced through the ingredients.
The Alpha had become quite a hassle for you over the next few weeks, the largest daily nuisance with a smile plastered on his face every time he caught you gawking at him, destroying your sleep schedule for a mere glimpse of his stupid long eyelashes and disappearing iris. Truly succumbing to your pathetic Omegan desires even as you berate yourself along the way.
His damn enticing scent left you breathless just from passing each other in the hallways, his ridiculous strangled raspy vocals greeting you a ‘Good Morning’; the worst most suffocating scent melting out of his pores like scolding lava after an AM workout. God you hated it, that’s what you kept repeating as you slapped your bedside table alarm at 5am.
Who wakes up at 5 in the morning? You, of course, to retrieve your mail that you could have easily grabbed the day before, but that would mean missing the Alpha strutting in panting for his life, pouring sweat down his chest as if he’d just finished a triathlon, and his damn addicting delicious scent. His holy mouth parting open when he throws back his head to inhale a bottle of water as he kicks his way through the lobby double doors, swallowing the sweet nectar down in the most obscene of ways.
The Alphas chest juts out, firm and defined by the hands of the Devil himself, you’re convinced, with the sole intent being to ruin you.
“Morning.” Jeno said, tipping his head, somedays adding a wink with his smile. Today he waves as he passes by, biting on his lower lip while you force a smile back and release something akin to a laugh, a dumbed down giggle.
It’s sick really, because you think you’re getting away with it. Dressed up in your cutest outfits at the crack of dawn, hair done, and a full face of makeup on playing a casual bit every morning just for one minute of bliss.
Ever the perfect Alpha, Jeno’s either clueless, and as dumb as he looks with a big goofy grin or smart enough to know exactly what you’re playing at. If he knows what you’re up to, he has the decency to check your mate and keep up the game, especially when he makes an effort to keep the elevator door open for you for an unnecessarily long amount of time as you debate with yourself to get on or not.
A tingle up your spine lifts your foot, hanging mid-air as your heartbeat reaches your ear. Pounding a way between your eyes similar to a warning to stay back, do not enter. Danger ahead.
Unfortunately, your Omegas always had a taste for danger, dropping your feet to skitter onto the lift and squeeze yourself into a corner with your chin tucked into your chest. “10th floor please.”
The Alpha sports his charming smile, pressing the 15th floor along with yours. He leans back on the railing, cleaning off droplets of sweat cascading from his forehead down to his chest with a small towel, nothing but a pair of snug running shorts covering his body, leaving too many inches of his creamy smooth skin visible.
“Off to work?” Jeno clears his throat first to break the silence between you as the elevator doors shut, slowly lifting off the lobby floor.
“Oh, I work from home.” You speak too abruptly, realizing coming up with a lie would have been a better choice and his lip tweaks upward at one corner, nodding, seemingly pleased by your answer.
“Same, usually I’m just hopping out of the shower when it’s time for my first Zoom meeting.” Jeno turns toward you, making no effort to hide his gaze taking in your figure from your shoes to your face. “I definitely never look as nice as you.”
“Oh..” nervously, you toy with the ends of your hair, reaching to push some behind your ear as you wearily glance at the red numbers above. 4th floor. “You always look good Alpha..”
The compliment comes out more whispered than planned, igniting heat to burn behind your cheeks. Gripping onto the railing behind your back to stabilize yourself. That damn lavender scent, that fucking scent you’ve desperately avoided. Stupidly beginning to regret entering such a confined space with the man driving you up a wall.
“You think so?” Jeno sways a bit, coughing to cover up inconspicuously wandering over your outfit of choice today; silently grateful you opted for a short skirt instead of those ludacris snug shorts that rode up your ass last week. “Every time you see me.. I’m rushing around covered in sweat..”
He sighs, the back of his head bumping against the wall softly. The elevator becomes more suffocating with every minuscule move Jeno makes, wafting his natural drug inducing aroma around the tight space. “I probably smell awful.”
He shows off a relaxed smile, neck arched back exposing the column of his throat, the girthy bob of his Adam’s apple. “I know how sensitive Omegas can get about an Alphas scent.. The whole purpose if us living on opposite floors. You would think they’d designate separate elevators for us to use too.”
Jeno’s gaze flickers up, darker and heavier than you’ve become used to, licking at the roof of his mouth as he watches you squirm and furiously glance toward the changing red numbers.
The Alphas nose twitches over and over again, you hear him sniffle, stifling the sound of his throat clearing again as he leans back with his palm gripped tighter onto the railing framing the elevator. Silently observing your intakes of air grow more shallow. “Is everything oka—“
You know he can smell it, even with your thighs tightly clenched together, even through the thin layer of cotton covering your crotch, your scent has consumed the air around you. Embarrassment flares your cheeks with fire, ducking your chin to your chest to avoid any chance of stealing a look in the Alphas direction. There’s no way to deny the leak of slick flowing from your core this time, no room to escape and scurry to your safe sanctuary away from your stupidly ridiculously hot neighbor.
Another raspy clear of his throat has you incoherently slamming your palm flat on any button to get off on the next floor. A tickle of dewy mucky air, lavender melting from dripping wax reaches your nostrils past the overbearing scent of your arousal, and fear darts up your spine; the first instinctual thought you have to run, get away, run as fast as you can despite your Omegas resistance.
“Wait!” His tone blares even deepr, strangled from a dry throat that’s been used up during his run; echoing out as your foot slams down to jump through the opening elevator door. Gliding much too slowly, painfully inching open, you push against the powerful mechanism with weak wrists urging it to open faster.
“F-Fuck!” Choking out a curse, your ribs crush between the opening, held in place by the space that’s halted from opening right as you’d begun to make your escape.
“Oh my God..” the Alpha sounds far away now with your upper half trapped on the outside of the elevator. The hallway around you is empty, dark, and not a floor you’ve ever stopped on before. “T—the door!” He stammers from behind you, audibly gulping what must be a thick wad of saliva to quench his throat. “It’s stuck!”
“Wh—what?!” You shriek, slapping your palm against the steel wall of the elevator, stinging your heated skin with the shrill chill radiating off of it.
“You’re..” The Alpha swallows again, the sound of his leather sneakers stepping forward. “You’re stuck.”
“What?! Open the door!” You scream now, anxiety increasing rapidly as you scatter to move only to let out a pitiful groan from the dig of metal pressing deeper against your ribcage. “Open this door right now!”
“It’s not opening! Why did you run out like that!” He sounds frantic now, followed by fingers slamming against a button repeatedly and an annoyed grunt. “I can’t believe this.”
“You can’t believe this? What about me! You can’t be serious right now! Quit fucking around and get me out of here!” A slam of your foot follows, kicking at the ground petulantly to emphasize your anger; only drawing up a string of curses from the typically well-mannered Alpha.
“Could you..” He sighs, moving away to a corner further off, sounding distant once again. “Could you not do that?”
“Do what?!” You bark, stomping once again, clueless to how your skirt flares up fanning your aroused scent right into Jeno’s face. The Alpha having to take another step back until he’s pressed flush against the wall.
“Please, I can’t..” He sounds anguished, slowly dropping down to his knees out of your sight. “Your..”
“What?? My what?!” A flush of heat itches up your chest, because you know what it is. As much as you want to lie to yourself that there’s no way the Alpha can tell already, you know the truth. A sad whimper breaks from your lips when you feel the heavy trickle of slick squishing out from your clamped together inner thighs.
Jeno’s next breath comes out choked, strained and thick, feeling trapped himself by your heated arousal filling up the small space. Unable to rip his gaze away from the sheen that’s rivered past your knee, forming a spot of wetness at the tops of your knee-high white socks.
“Alpha please..” you wheeze out, swallowing a lump down your throat from the swell of heat over-taking your limbs. The pressure against your sides more bearable than the coil of fire bursting it’s way up your insides. The mere humiliation of knowing the vulnerable position you’ve landed yourself in gushes more slick from your hole, pushing its way through the soaked through material of your white cotton underwear.
Jeno’s mouth feels empty of any moisture, swallowing over and over again with a rough drag of his tongue at every corner seeking saliva. He can’t fight it, dropping his head back with a roll of his eyes to savor every note of your heady scent. Every sweet lick of aroma fanning it’s way through his senses tastes delicious; sugary and succulent like some forbidden dessert he should never be allowed to take a bite of.
Jeno’s eyes snap open, his eyelids sticking together from humid sweat. The heat radiating from your flesh filling up the elevator similar to boiling sun on the hottest of summer days. “Help me, please.”
He thinks you sound near seductive.. purposely trying to wreck his brain, each call of his title more sinful than the last. Floating closer on his knees until trembling fingers reach out, just hovering near your ankles, he curses quietly, unable to pause the tremor of excitement and fear coursing through his veins.
“Help you..” Jeno’s dry throat cracks, breaking each syllable of his speech with a gritty rasp. A strong tone of lust behind his response as he timidly reaches to drag up the backs of your calves, electrified by how soft your cotton socks glide under the tips of his fingers.
“Alpha.. please… help me out of here.” Another tortured plead makes Jeno’s neck stand straight, tickled by the sound of slick bubbling out of your underwear. The seat of your panties directly before him, clinging the your heat for his hungry gaze to devour. Puffy and needy, so fucking needy already.
“How..” Jeno swallows, latching onto your flexed calves as he drags his thumbs to stroke the wet patches that have gathered between your knees. “How am I going to get you out of there?”
He can’t think clearly anymore, consumed by the pornographic vision before him. The devastating sounds of your whimpers and sighs; sighs of relief that follow each barely there second of skin on skin contact as his thumbs rub slick in circles on the insides of your knees.
“Smell so good..” Jeno continues, head dropping forward close enough to feel his breath hit the backs of your exposed thighs. Jerking and shivering when he takes a deep inhale from the lewd display of wet pouring it’s way out like a broken fountain between the small triangular gap at the top of your locked together thighs. “How can I help you..”
Jeno squeezes up your knees, switching to grip the fronts of your thighs. “You’re shaking so much.. Is Alpha making you nervous?”
“Alpha, please..” it's a natural survival instinct taking over at this point, unsure what you’re truly begging for anymore. For help? For help with what.
“I know, I know.” Jeno swears, pressing his cheek against the back of your thigh. He huffs, warm breath fanning where slicks has begun to cool between your legs, foggy-headed as he blinks roughly to straighten out his vision. “Alpha will help you, gonna do what I have to do..”
Jeno thinks he means that, he wants to believe he means that despite his palms staying glued to your smooth thighs. Despite his fingers digging into the soft sensitive fleshy meat squishing against his touch. “You have to relax for me..”
He swallows again, eyes rolling up, grateful for how unaware you are of his current state of misery. He’s trying, trying so hard to neglect his Alphas voice screaming at him to fuck, take, and claim the Omega presented before him.
“You have to listen to me.” His eyebrows furrow together, stuck on the amount of slick leaking from your hidden hole. It’s obscene, more than he’s ever seen even from the Omegas he’s taken care of during their heat. “We have to work together alright?”
“Okay Alpha..” pathetic, God you sound so pathetic. Jeno wants to take a deep breath but your arousal makes the walls feel as if they are closing in on him. Even so, his hold on you feels comforting, knowing an Alpha cares this much about your wellbeing, enough to reassure you that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to help you. Whatever it takes.
Jeno tries to think, forcing his gaze away from the elevator light bouncing off your shiny thighs. “Phone! Do you have your phone?”
He regrets asking when you let out the saddest broken whine, stomping your foot again. “I always leave it on my bed when I go grab the mail.”
Jeno does his best to not imagine the other helpless sounds you can make, he does his best to control the shake passing through his fidgety fingers, to ignore how sweaty his palms have become against your hot skin. “I’m thinking, just.. be patient with me.”
He hums, rolling his eyes to himself each time he pictures you bent over by the lines of mail boxes, because of course some genius coined a brilliant idea to have the Omegas on the bottom row. How convenient to leave you without a choice but to bend over, ass swaying in the air as you peep through your mailbox, a small task you always took your sweet time to do.
“Why don’t we try talking..” He suggests, sighing with the side of his head resting on your covered buttcheek. “Get your mind off of being stuck.”
“It’s kind of hard..”
“Just try.” He says, squeezing your thighs for reassurance. “I’ll start, when did you move in? I think that time I grabbed your drink was the first time I’d ever seen you around here.”
Jeno’s right, you think trying to do the math, fuzzy brain as you attempt to recall anything other than the Alphas brawny figure.
“Uhhh, I think..it’s been ab—about a month.” You stutter, growing more dizzy with the effort used to respond.
“Yeah, I thought so.” Jeno gulps, sighing for the hundredth time and he takes a purposeful deep breath to inhale your syrupy scent. He imagines this is what drowning in quicksand must be like, a futile attempt to free himself from the impending situation at hand. Arousal circles around him, catching small whiffs of hidden traces of his own scent laced between yours, and his expression turns worrisome.
“Maybe you’re right..” The Alpha groans, nestling his cheek against your bottom. “I don’t think I can do this.. you smell too good..”
“Do what??”
“This— I..” Jeno trails off, kneading your buttcheek as he continues to smother his face against the other. “I can help you relax another way.”
His hands work like instant magic, loosening the tight ridges up your spine, calloused fingers bury into plump flesh too aggressive to feel like a massage but good enough to lose the tension in your neck. “Jeno, this isn’t—“
“Shh, keep calling me Alpha..” his fingers sneak under the material of your underwear, pushing one side up to wedge between your bottom while puckered lips drag down the back of your thigh. “Helps me relax when you call for me like that, all pretty and vulnerable.”
“Alpha, I don’t think you should..” Jeno grunts, smearing his parted lips in slick. His rough hands grip onto your butt with a new ferocity, working the meaty flesh between his fingers furiously.
“It’s working, your muscles are unwinding.” He reaffirms, hanging his tongue out to catch the drip of slick leaving your covered hole. “Once I calm you down.. it’ll be easy to get you out of there. I promise.”
The reply you give him comes out more gargled, building up through your gut, erupting as more of a pleading whine. “So nice.”
Jeno cooes, sliding his hand into the small space between your thighs. The thick of your slick seeps through his digits, trickling down past his wrist. “You know..”
The Alphas raspy vocals vibrate down your limbs, bubbling saliva up your throat. He hums, continuing to massage between your thighs, making a bigger mess. “I think your Omegas been trying to send me a message. Somehow we ended up together like this, after weeks of this back and forth..”
Jeno sighs, cupping your core from behind to press against the bubble of slick in your panties until it pours out around him. “God, you’re so wet.”
“Alpha..” you say woozily, drifting in and out of heat trying to take over your last bits of semblance. “Don’t.. don’t do it.”
“No?” He sounds shattered, expression most likely fallen apart in despair. His palm digs into your heat harder, creating insufferable friction against your entrance. “Are you sure about that?”
The question hangs in the air, echoing in your head as if to taunt you. Are you sure about this? Not at all, but with your ankles crossed together and Jeno’s palm sticking to the seat of your underwear, you feel uncomfortable only because it’s stopped his ministrations; both of your breaths coming to a halt as the air around you pauses, breaking only after you let out a pitiful cry.
“We shouldn’t..” it hurts you to say out loud, more than you’re willing to admit. Fuck it hurts, and not in the way you wish it would.
“What’s stopping you?” Jeno whispers, gritty as if his teeth have started to grind together. Mouthing at your underwear hanging on for dear life to your ass, he bites at the cotton, teething it up to meet the other side that's been shoved into the crevice of your bottom. “Tell me what you need me to do, I’ll do it for you baby.”
He finishes with a searing hot kiss left on your exposed buttcheek, kitten licking the area after. An index finger pushes at your slit, gliding up and down through the fabric. “Eat your pussy so good, bet you’ve never had your ass ate, have you? A pretty Omega like you deserves to be worshiped and devoured.”
“Alpha!” You wheeze, choking on the saliva collecting in your throat. Jeno growls, sucking the fat of your ass between his lips while prodding your panties into your awaiting entrance. It’s torturous, kicking your crossed feet on the floor.
“You feel so good, pussy just begging for cock.”
Jeno pecks a few more kisses on your ass, pushing off the balls of his feet to stand, he grips your hips. “Don’t be nervous, Alphas gonna take care of you.”
Hips press flush to your backside, pushing his thick covered girth between your cheeks. The visual of it depraved, a hopeless Omega trapped like this, bent into a position presented for the right Alpha to make use of. To take what’s rightfully his, and Jeno can feel flames soar up his chest at the thought. Slowly beginning to roll a menacing circle of his hips against you.
“Tell me you don’t want this…” Jeno coughs, swallowing down a wad of dry air. “I’ll stop, I’ll stop if you say it again.”
For emphasis he draws back, burying his hard length between your buttcheeks, the width of it making your head spin.
“Don’t..” You stammer, head drooping down with a cracked cry. “Don’t stop!”
Jeno’s throat nearly rips open from the growl he lets out next, angrily ramming his hips against you. “That’s right, Alphas gonna fuck you good baby. Fuck you so good, won’t ever want another dick inside of you again.”
Jeno can feel it, he’s gone, high as a kite off your crazed arousal placing him under an unbreakable spell. He can’t hold it back anymore, rutting into your ass painfully, he feels possessed, seeping his nails into your naked hips. The skin breaking under the roughness of his jagged freshly trimmed fingernails. The hurt from it unwavering when all you can focus on is how tantalizing his clothed cock feels just rubbing against you.
“Alpha, fuck..” A hiss passes from your lips after attempting to grind back, reminded of the ridiculous predicament you’re in. Jeno’s unrelenting grasp holding you still despite the aggression behind each snap of his hips.
“God, want me to cum just like this, don’t you?” He pants, head rolling side to side as he blearily glances up, blinded by the bright lights above. “Can’t imagine how good you’re gonna feel for Alpha.”
Jeno riles himself up, ranting to himself about how you’ve soaked through his shorts. Slick even reaching his midsection, dripping down the front of his thighs more with each slam of your lower halves. “Bet you’re so tight, such a good Omega. Ready to please.”
“Y-yes!” scratching down the door, you shriek, head shaking from the overwhelming amount of friction. The Alpha could say anything to you at this point, anything at all and you’d agree, ready to drop to your knees and fulfill his every command.
“Fuck.” Jeno spits out, jerking back quickly to free his size, a thick protrusion shoved between your inner thighs not a second later. “FUCK!”
Thrusts speed up, panting like a thirsty dog behind you as he chases an orgasm. “I’m— oh fuck, ah fuck.”
Jeno hunches forward, fisiting the stretched out material of your underwear in one hand as he pushes his length past it using the ruined cotton to rub against himself. He shouts through gritted teeth, coming to a stand still as hot spurts of cum pour out onto your lower back.
“Please, Alpha.. please!” You squeal, feeling even more congested and stuck. The tip of his nose buries into your spine, nodding slowly as he catches his breath, tracing the curves of your hips between his fingers.
“I know, baby.” He hums, nosing a trail down your back as he falls to his knees. “Such a greedy Alpha.. need to apologize.”
Jeno tugs your underwear off tediously, eyebrows twisting together the more he unveils your center. It was hard enough to deal with covered up, but the sight of your ripe hole convulsing nearly knocks the wind out of him.
“Fuck, I knew it.” The Alpha licks his lips, waist dipping in as he leans forward to drag his nose up and down your gleaming slit. The sweetest high coils a way up behind his eyes, blurring from the scent of lust. “Such a perfect Omega.”
Jeno’s eyes wrinkle shut, lapping a strip up your cunt, the width enough to cover the expanse of puffy flesh. He’s immediately animalistic, stretching his jaw wide to wolf down the entirety of your center as promised. His tongue darts out, licking at your clit with precision that sets your knees to fall weak, sliding lower in your stuck position.
The moans of anguish and desire you let out only push him to work faster, burying the end of his nose into your pulsing heat as his tongue works in rapid motion to flick and stimulate each nerve, pointing the tip to thrust against your clit with power and have your head snapping back with a shout.
If you could only see him, you know the Alphas face is covered in slick. Snorting your release up his nose like some drug, he’s filthy, down right disgusting and unashamed letting out the nastiest sounds of pleasure. Every strained vocal cord reverberates between your cunt, rolling tremors up your spine.
“Alpha..” fat tears roll down your cheeks, whining like a pitiful horny mess, unable to do anything besides cry harder and beg to cum.
“Gonna cum from fucking my mouth? wanna taste you pouring down my throat.” Jeno rumbles, sinking his long tongue deep inside your pussy with a rough wiggle. He grabs onto your ass, pulling you apart to run his face side to side with ease.
The sensation shoots chills up your thighs, wobbling up to the tips of your toes as you cum, clamping around Jeno’s tongue putting work in to make you lose your mind. Determined mouth forces a space for himself past your resisting hole, despite gagging from the amount of slick that breaks out of you. Hinging his jaw wide, he keeps at it, chasing after your heat when you drop lower landing on your knees painfully with a shout.
“Alpha! c-can’t!”
Jeno slaps your ass, resounding like a whip cracking on skin to accompany the ear shattering scream you let out. Lowering with his sweat covered stomach on the floor, he sends your spine rigged, laving your wrinkled rim between deep huffs of breath.
He pulls back only to circle your rim with two fingers, the pads of hard skin encouraging your ass to bounce and ripple the more he teases, swishing saliva around to slowly drip a wad of spit on your hole; the Alpha gasps for air, rolling his eyes back when your ass convulses under his digits grazing the tender skin.
“Bet you’re even tighter back here..” Jeno has to silently praise himself for taking time to please you, throbbing between his legs with the dirty mess of cum he’s ruined his shorts with, he growls again, biting up your buttcheeks, soft enough to leave small indents without breaking skin. Three digits bundled together swipe between your freshly used pussy, painting his fingers in the sea of slick to spread around your rim.
“Will you let Alpha fuck you back here sweetie?” Jeno cooes, always shifting to a gentle tone when asking the filthiest things of you. Lazily nodding against the ground, he notices how much you’ve relaxed, fully laid out flat upon the grimy floor. “All these holes for me right? Only for Alpha to use, turn you into my good cocksleeve.”
He sighs, sucking on the plump mound of your buttcheek as the pads of his fingers trace around your hole, watching you twitch for a minute. An experimental prod has your knees dragging off the ground, ass shoved out for the Alpha to have you spread apart fully. He groans, pushing two tips of his fingers inside.
“Fuck.” Jeno salivates, slowly inching in as he sucks and nibbles on your butt. “Slutty fuckhole taking my fingers so good baby.”
He squeezes another in making you scramble to grab onto anything, the sudden movement pushing you back through the door without realizing, too entranced by the fingers fucking into your ass, stuffing you full from every end.
“Yes yes yes Alpha, anything.”
Jeno could care less about what you’re spewing, hawking another glob of spit at your tight hole, he digs into the second knuckle spreading his fingers apart until your lively shriek arises again. “Can you cum like this for Alpha? I know a nasty pretty thing like you can do it.”
The Alphas teeth gnaw at your ass, fucking his fingers in and out with power until your hole finally gives and loosens. Even then he knows this won’t be enough for you to take his cock. “Tiny little hole can barely handle my fingers.”
He mutters, hazy from watching your rim clamp and pulse around his digits. “Cum for me, let me feel that asshole tighten up even more.”
Jeno’s lewd words bow your back, pushing down onto his digits as the build-up of release bursts out of you. The sound of slick raining down on the floor breaks your mind, plummeting down into an empty thoughtless space.
“See,” and suddenly Jeno’s hovering above you, able to slide you free from the trap you’d fallen into before moving you onto your back. “Always trust your Alpha to take care of you.”
Your Alpha.
Your Alpha who stayed true to his word, freeing you from the dangerous situation you’d put yourself in just to avoid the object of your wet dreams.
Jeno lets out a cute unsatisfied sound, wiping stains of tear tracks off your warm cheeks. “Such a pretty Omega, didn’t get to see your pretty face cumming for me.”
The Alpha cups your cheeks, refocusing your mind for a minute to take in the high blush on his cheeks covered in pools of slick. The smile stretching his face is much too endearing for what he just did to you and everything else he plans to do. Jeno shoves your cheeks together, setting your lips to form a pout for him to chew on. His perfect teeth dig into the fat, biting between heavenly kisses that have you seeking more; reaching to grab at his toned stomach, the tips of your fingers slotting into the hollows of muscle.
“Taste good everywhere don’t you?” Jeno preens, mauling your mouth with another ferocious kiss. He likes this game, the way you’ve become nothing but a dumb pile of putty in his hands to ruin time and time again, allowing him to remold you into the perfect Omega.
The Alpha nods your head for you, shifting between your legs as he wraps a palm around the base of his shaft, he points the tip, directing it to slide between your slick drenched walls. Jeno doesn’t bother with prepping your pussy, can’t be bothered to, not when your entrance sucks around his cockhead begging for him to fuck you full. Pressing his forehead to yours, he pushes through with a powerful thrust.
“Oh, that’s it.” Jeno nods, circling his hips to accommodate his size. The stretch rolls your eyes to the back of your skull leaving nothing but white behind, tongue hung loose with a silent scream like a damn animal, and he thinks you really are perfect. So fucking eager to take your Alphas cock, so willing and slutty.
“Always so pretty,” He huffs, hoisting up the back of your thigh to push against your chest. His gaze dragging down to watch the space where you connect, slowly grinding in and out, mesmerized by how wet you still feel after cumming twice. Amazed by how heavy the slick trickling down his balls feels; pouring down to make a sloppy mess between his ass. “You know how pretty you are, don’t you baby?”
The Alphas eyes lock with yours expectantly, thrusting shallowly with his neck tight, holding his breath in fear of his lungs giving out on him, collapsing from overuse. Growing more hoarse and ragged as time ticks away.
“N-no..” with shaking lips, you stutter, scratching pink and crimson lines along his sturdy broad shoulders. No doubt caking layers of skin and bits of blood beneath your nails.
“No???” Jeno’s eyes sharpen, the iris wide and coated in a sheen. “What do you mean no?”
His next thrust arches your back, shaking your head in reply as words evade you. The Alpha taking the opportunity to fuck you faster, smacking against your center at a brutal pace. “Wanna cum?” Jeno bites out, pushing your knee to your shoulder to grab your chin. He forces you to face him, blaring you with a gaze full of fire.
“Pleasepleaseplease!” Nodding rabidly you cough between wads of spit, half choking on the amount that's gathered around the insides of your mouth.
“Who’s my pretty girl?” Jeno’s expression turns serious, glaring straight into your eyes as he asks without slowing down, snapping into you at a punishing pace. “Are you my pretty baby? Come on, tell me.”
Between whimpers and cries full of anguish you nod, letting the Alpha use your body to get off. His hips beat down on you harder than ravenous ocean waves, landing with loud smacks of sweaty flesh on flesh. Each vein lining his cock pulsing against your insides louder than your own heartbeat. “Wanna hear you say it.” Jeno groans, reaching his other hand between your lower halves to rub figure-eights on your clit.
“Alpha, wa-wanna c—cum!” You plead, too desperate under the Alphas burly frame to have a coherent thought. “Please!”
Jeno stops, pressing down on your clit hard. “Only pretty girls get to cum, what are you? Hmm? Come on, tell me baby.”
Overwhelmed emotions shoot through your limbs, clenching your eyes shut as you repeat that you are Alphas pretty girl.
“I’m your pretty baby,” you whine, slapping at his shoulders with zero strength. “Please! I’m Alphas pretty Omega.”
“That’s right,” Jeno grunts, furiously fucking you with his two of his fingers squeezing inside of you nestled alongside his cock drilling in and out of you, thumb pressed down on your bundle of nerves dropping your jaw open in a silent scream.
The Alpha fucks you through it, stilling to keep his cock inside of you even as slick squirts out around his palm, pushing his fingers up against your insides until you thrash and push at his shoulders with tears covering your cheeks. He’s fast to maneuver you, cupping your hips and using all of his thigh power to lift you off the floor, quietly promising he’d get you cleaned up after this.
Jeno gets you up on the railing, ass half-hung off with one leg perched on his shoulder making use of your flexibility. Fisting his cock, he dips the tip back to your entrance, stopped by your palm smoothing down under his navel and a pained hiss. “Sensitive,” you let him know, ducking your chin in a bashful manner.
The Alpha nods, pressing closer to capture your lips with a comforting kiss. Stroking his length between your folds to gather a mixture of cum and slick, he scoots lower, circling your rim with his cockhead coated in the sticky mess you’ve created. Dragging his lips across yours, he mumbles what sounds like ‘Can I?’ nodding even if you’re not sure what he’s asking for, he pushes in slowly, the first few inches have you flailing, reaching around yourself for anything to grab onto to endure the initial pain.
“Hurts..” you whimper, stuffing your nose into the Alphas scent gland for more of his calming lavender, instantly easing the stinging pain as he buries in another inch.
Jeno nods, kissing the side of your forehead. “You can take it.”
To his credit he tries, he tries to keep a steady pace, thrusting in the rest of his length with harsh breaths as he stays still and lets you get used to it, but he’s too close to cumming already. Jeno wraps and arm around your waist, huffing out heavily falling into a jackhammering speed. Unrelenting ruthless thrusts clap against your thighs and ass, booming out the slap of your plump flesh colliding with his hip bones.
“Fuck, fucking shit it’s tight.” The Alphas chest caves, feeding your ass every inch of his fat length. Each thrust sloppier and messier than the previous the nearer he comes to reach release. Jeno picks up his brutal pace, oblivious to your cries growing louder the more he stretched your ass with an unforgiving breach.
“Cum for me one more time baby,” Jeno shouts between his clenched teeth, dropping from your waist to bury three fingers inside of your cunt, thrusting in at the same hard drilling pace as his cock; fast and so hard. He lets out a loud cry, cracking from his throat with another snap of his hips. Thumb rubbing at your clit pushing you over the edge with another expert flick of his wrist.
“Alpha! Oh God Alpha!”
Blinding heat slams your chest back to the wall, fucked by what feels like a beast as Jeno reaches his breaking point. Screaming out a roar when your ass locks around him and slick bursts out onto his stomach. He growls, pushing the entirety of his engorged length inside of you, thrumming as he fills you with a never-ending load of sticky white ropes.
A string of curses and what can only be recognized as gibberish spill from his mouth, latching onto your throat littering searing kisses up to your jaw. He nuzzles, nibbling up the bone to your ear. “My pretty Omega.”
The elevator door slams shut startling you both, lifting your heads up in a daze as if you’d just woke from a fever daydream.
“10th floor.” Jeno says, eyeballing the red lit up number as he sets you on your feet.
“Take me home Alpha?” You say weakly with your face hidden in his chest. Jeno smiles to himself, scooping you up with ease. The display of power doing nothing to quell your heat, but silently promising you that this isn’t over yet.
“Let’s get you home.”
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lailawinchesterr · 3 months
stars (castiel novak)
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pairing; castiel novak x reader tags; fluff, hardly any angst, inexperienced cas summary; you find cas after his argument with dean and one thing leads to another.
Screw the Winchesters for ever hurting Cas. Dean just— he yells, and screams, and he doesn’t stop until he or the person in front of him are hurt. It sucks. Because more often than not, Sam or Cas are that person. Thank God Dean respects women as much as he does because a vamp nest i can take— a screaming fest? Sign me out.
But he isn’t easy on the boys, especially Cas. The angel had to prove himself to Dean— to all of us, really, so many times it should’ve worn him out years ago, but he’s still here, despite it all, and this is the thanks he gets for saving our asses all the time? It isn’t right.
Usually after Dean has an episode Cas likes to disappear. Sam went with his brother while I followed Cas to see that he’s thankfully still there. In the astronomy room. We found it a few months ago and I got to name it. The men of letters seemed to have a knack for stars because the projection on the ceiling is a live image of the stars at the moment. It’s beautiful. 
It’s also special. I’ve never sat in this room with anyone other than Cas. It’s our thing, at least for me, I’m not sure what his thoughts on the room are. 
“Cas?” He doesn’t look at me from his spot leaning on the wall, staring up at the ceiling. “Cas,” I whisper thoughtfully this time, and he faces me. “Can I sit?” 
He shrugs and it’s all the invitation I need. Castiel has learned to understand and deal with human emotions so well over the years that sometimes I forget he isn’t one. He’s responds to Dean so expertly. Especially Dean. Profound bond and whatnot. “Dean is being ridiculous, obviously.”
He doesn’t respond. “C’mon, you know how he is, he gets mad at something as. Waits for someone to blow up on—”
“I know that. I’m not sulking.”
“Then what are you doing here?” No response. “Cas, are you okay?”
“The stars, they’re beautiful.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t want to lie to you.” I sigh, moving only a little closer, “I do not care what Dean does, or his opinion on the matter, what I did was what we needed.”
“You almost melted the guy’s brain, but yeah, I get it.”
“He will live, and Dean will learn to be alright. It is you who I fear would not forgive me.” My eyes widened. Me? First of all, what the hell does that mean, since when does an Angel of the Lord care if I forgive him? Second, forgive him for what? I just said I get it. “You are the only soul on earth who I haven’t looked at directly.” 
My breath hitches in my throat and I can’t even process his words. I didn’t know he could even control that. “I can not control who’s souls I can and can not see— but for all the years I have been with the Winchesters they’ve been very open with me, they bared their souls to me. Well, Dean didn’t have a choice, but Sam saw Angels as some kind of saving graces, he eagerly showed me himself. You have too, to some extent, but I haven’t been able to let my grace free when I’m around you.”
That’s two years of holding his breath when I’m around. Two years of not being comfortable when I’m there and two years of no eye contact. Most of the time all I get is a glance. Most of the time I don’t get anything at all. 
“Because your soul will—” he lets out a small laugh (i decide it is my favorite sound in the world) and shakes his head, he whispers my name, “it will blind me.”
“Cas,” I mumble. We’re both moving closer. His lips are so close. “What does that mean?”
“That I’m scared to lose you as I am the Winchesters,” I swallow nothing and try to calm my nerves but he’s doing that thing Dean taught him with his eyes and they’re going from my lips to my eyes and fuck, its chemical. “I am worried to lose any part of you. Your affection for me, however different from mine to you.”
“Cas. Kiss me.” It takes him a while to understand that it’s an order, and that I am consenting, but when he does— God, I don’t want to say it’s fireworks (it is), or that his lips taste like cotton candy (they do, courtesy of Dean’s gum), or that it kind of maybe changes me completely. 
He pulls away first. “I tried when I was human, and once when I was an angel, a long time ago, but was that correct?”
I don’t know if I want to kiss him again or compliment and affirm to him that everything he does is correct till tomorrow. I choose the former but promise the latter that we will meet again. We move against each other, smoother than i ever have considering I don’t do this often, and he’s so good you would never know just how inexperienced he is. 
“My soul?” I smile into it.
“Blindingly beautiful.” I’m sure he can’t actually see it right at this moment with his eyes only half open to stare at my lips, but it’s enough for me.
It takes longer but I pull away this time. His hand is still on my cheek and he’s slowly pulling me in and out, just brushing his lips against mine while I try to talk. Where did he learn to do all of this? “Cas, what does— Cas—”
Talking’s always been overrated. Especially when we don’t have time.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
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part two out now
Summary: Ao'nung is carefree and rude, to say the least. All he needs is the fear of Eywa in him, and a girl from the Omatikaya clan unexpectedly straightens him out.
Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader
Warnings: Mature language, violence, mentions of blood, harassment, death threats, teenagers acting their age, time skips, overprotective fathers, military dad, puppy love, canon compliant, slow burn, etc.
Word Count: 5k+
Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic
Na'vi Words: ‘anla - yearn for, ikran - banshee, pa'li - direhorse, skxawng - moron, tsaheylu - the bond, marui - pod homes, tsmuke - sister, tsmisnrr - nectar lantern, olo'eyktan - clan leader, tanhì - bioluminescent freckle, akula - shark like, tulkun - whale like, maite- my daughter, sa'nok - mother, Iknimaya - Rite of Passage, matxe'lan - my heart, ilu - dolphin/plesiosaurlike, txampaysye - gill mantle, Ayram Alusìng - Hallelujah Mountains, sa'sem - parents, tsakarem - tsahik in training, tsahik - spiritual leader
(I do not consent to my works being reposted or copied)
read it here on ao3
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"It's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again."
"Get him, Ao'nung!"
"Show him!"
"Stop this! Stop it! So stupid!"
"Ow! My tail!"
"My ear! Let go! He's got my ear!"
Kiri had begun to laugh the nerves off, amused by the ridiculous display of testosterone in all her short teenage life. Hiding her giggles behind her hand, all she could do was watched as her brothers pathetically fought for her dignity against Ao'nung and some of the other reef boys. It had all been fun and games until she noticed a familiar figure in the sky and she craned her neck up to see it.
A shadow looms over the boys, darkening the world around them as it drew closer. Lo'ak and Neteyam both take a moment to recognize the shadow before dodging out of the way, hot blood cooling from the fight as they quickly moved out of the reef boys' reach. Ao'nung, laughing because he thought they were running scared of him, was the last to see the shadow, only pausing when he noticed his friends looking up and their eyes widen in horror. He isn't given a moment to turn around because something large lands in the shallow water behind him and the force of it drove him to stumble into the wet sand below him. The growling and snarls coming from behind the chief's son send chills down his frame, despite the warm day, as he finally turned his body around to stare up at the beast.
Blocking out the sun above him was a large ikran, light blue with gold lightning running up its figure, cawing loudly as if it had caught a meal. Its wings splash in the water, digging into the sand beneath and cooling off like a tired pa'li. Ao'nung began to crawl away from the ikran by the heel of his hands and feet, breath panting rapidly as the fear took over. The fear didn't lessen even as the ikran's rider dismounted, feet splashing into the beach water, drawing up to their ankles. Ao'nung tried to control his breathing as the rider stood over him, snarling down at the Metkayina boy like he was a bug that was stepped underfoot.
Y/n te Suli Neytiri'ite bore a look of disgust, her bright yellow eyes boring into Ao'nung's very soul. Without looking away from him, she addresses her ikran, her four-fingered hand petting down the side of the beast's neck, "Easy, girl. He's the wrong kind of fish. You can't eat him."
Looking around, the oldest daughter of Toruk Makto demanded answers with a stern tone, acting years older than fifteen, "What's the meaning of this?"
Lo'ak spat blood onto the sand, "They called us freaks."
Blink and you would miss it, but for Ao'nung, who refused to look away in fear of the ikran and her rider, he caught the small shift in Y/n's ears before they reverted back to normal. Her tail twitched, too, and from observation, he realized this was the Forest People's way of showing alertness or agitation.
Kiri had caught onto her sister's shift in behavior as well, her voice cautious, "Y/n..."
"Go home, Kiri. Now." Y/n's voice was flat, rid of emotion as she took charge of the situation, pointing to her twin brother, "'Teyam. Pick that skxawng up and go wash your face."
Neteyam nods dutifully, bending down and grabbing Lo'ak's elbow, the younger boy rolling his eyes at the name-calling. Y/n's eyes narrow at each of the reef boys before directing her gaze at Ao'nung, who stiffens under her close inspection, "As for you... You think it's hard to learn your ways. So why don't you try learning our ways and you can be the judge of that?"
The female Omatikaya gestures to the ikran behind her, one corner of her lips slowly turning up as a challenge, "Go ahead. Make the bond."
In response, Y/n's ikran hissed, fangs bared and jaw open wide. Ao'nung could feel the hot breath of the animal fanning his face and could see down its throat. Suddenly the courage and the teasing had left his body. Eyes still wide, unable to look away, Ao'nung can only swallow down his rapid breathing while Y/n just huffs, unimpressed, "As I suspected. You're not even brave enough to get back on your feet. You wouldn't last ten minutes in the forest, Fish Lips."
Y/n waited until all three of her siblings were walking away before she made the tsaheylu with her ikran and mounted the creature, eyebrows raised while peering down her nose at Ao'nung, "Who's the freak now?"
She had flown away, leaving Ao'nung in the sand, the ocean brushing his legs while his friends stood around, gawking. After returning her ikran to the jungle behind the village, Y/n bounded her way back to the Sullys' marui, internally preparing herself for what her siblings likely told her parents. She was not disappointed as she turned the corner, entering the tent to only find her father waiting for her, her siblings already gone from sight.
"What the hell were you doing back there?" Jake demanded under his breath the moment he saw his eldest daughter.
"What do you mean?"
"Do not try playing dumb with me right now. Your brothers already told me what happened."
"I was humbling Ao'nung." She scoffed, smiling to herself as she mocked the boy not currently present, "He couldn't bond with an ikran even if he tried. They would eat him."
Jake sighed, exhausted beyond his years at her antics as he placed one hand on his hip and the other on his pounding head, "You weren't trying to humble him, Y/n, you were humiliating him. And you knew what you were doing."
She shrugged, "Either way it's a win-win. A bruised ego is a lesson-learned ego. That is, if he's smart enough to actually learn his lesson--"
"That's enough, young lady," Jake spoke sternly, the marine in him making an appearance, "Ao'nung is the chief's son. You either need to get along with him or at the very least respect him."
"And I am Toruk Makto's daughter!" Y/n snapped back, "Maybe respect should go both ways."
The tone drove Y/n to straighten her posture, glaring into the space ahead of her, avoiding her father's gaze as he approached her, "Any more backlash comes out of that smart mouth of yours and you'll be grounded from flying."
Her bottom lip pokes out as she pouts. Jake's eyebrow raises at her reaction and the simple facial movement is all Y/n needs before she mumbles out, "Yes, sir."
"Good. Now get lost." Slouching, she turns to leave.
"Hey..." She turns back to find her father standing there instead of the marine, his features softening into curiosity, "How scared was Ao'nung?"
A grin slowly dawns on Y/n's face, stretching the stardust on her cheeks, "Terrified."
"Atta girl."
It was close to eclipse and both Neteyam and Y/n were flying their ikran, bows in hand, and enjoying a few more laps around the island before they were forced to return to the village. Neteyam makes a hand gesture and instructs his ikran to dive, his twin closely following them on hers.
They land in the jungle, their ikran hooking their claws into the trunks and vines of the vast trees. Breaking the bond, Y/n jumped to one branch and then skillfully climbed down the trunk, Neteyam not far behind her. The twins land gracefully on the forest floor, their conversation cut off midsentence to the sound of a twig snapping. Both of them spin their heads in the same direction they heard the noise, their ears wildly twitching with every little sound they heard. Finally, with bated breath, the figure behind the noise emerged. It was Ao'nung, walking towards them from the direction of the village, a big bruise now sprouting over the right side of his face.
"Does this guy have a death wish or something?" Y/n muttered to her brother, all the while peeking up at her ikran nestled in the trees above her.
"Don't react until we know what he wants," Neteyam advises, leaning his weight onto his bow, acting casual.
A little smug to spite her brother, Y/n called out to Ao'nung as he approached them, "Little far from the reef, are we Fish Lips?"
He doesn't react to the insult other than a small sneer gracing said lips. When he stood still in front of the twins, they both noticed how he was struggling to look them in the eyes. His fingers twitched, trying to find something to do while he muttered, "I did something... some would think dumb."
"Tsmuke." Neteyam hissed at Y/n from under his breath.
Ao'nung continued, ears flattening to the point he looked ashamed of himself, "I brought your brother hunting outside the reef. And..."
"And?" Neteyam urged him to continue.
"And I left him there."
Y/n's head tilts at the same time her pupils shrink and her fangs make an appearance, "You did what?"
"I thought he'd find his way back to the village eventually, but he still hasn't returned. I just wanted to scare him!" Ao'nung defended himself, albeit a bit weakly, his eyes pleading when he finally looked up at stared directly at Y/n, "That's all!"
She huffs a laugh of disbelief through her nose and it sounded irritable. Y/n peered over at Neteyam with narrowed eyes, "I was right, brother. He does have a death wish."
"That's enough, Y/n!" Neteyam keeps a hand out in front of his sister to keep her at bay, then uses that hand to point accusingly at Ao'nung, "And you! We're going to see my father and you're gonna tell him what you told us. Let's go!"
Defeated and preparing for the inevitable, Ao'nung has the decency to at least lower his head in shame, half of his face still swollen from the fistfight so he winced in pain when he pouted. Neteyam moves to lead the three teens out of the jungle and Ao'nung moves to follow him. A hand shoves his arm, however, and the hiss Y/n breathes into his ear as she walked past him was the exact opposite of friendly.
"If my little brother is dead out there because of you, I promise not even Eywa will find whatever is left of you."
The twins had marched Ao'nung to their family's marui, demanding he explains to Jake what he did. After carefully listening, Toruk Makto didn't hesitate to seek out Tonowari and together they start a search party. It was already dark by the time the party set out, carrying tsmisnrr lanterns and other means of light around as they flew around on their tsurak. Neteyam and Y/n even took part in the search, flying their ikran back out after their parents made them promise to stay within sight of the village.
Soon enough, a Metkayina warrior hollers out a warning call, indicating he had found the missing boy. Lo'ak was safely brought back to the village and everyone had gathered around to check on his well-being. Neteyam and Y/n landed in the sand and rushed up to meet with their brother, watching him with their eyes as Jake and Neytiri inspect him for physical wounds. Overall, he appeared unharmed, all the while he glared up at Ao'nung, who had the decency to look ashamed. As the olo'eyktan insisted that his son was to blame for this incident, Lo'ak surprisingly came to Ao'nung's rescue, blaming himself and speaking for the other boy's innocence. Jake was not amused by Lo'ak's method of gaining friends and sent the boy home after berating him for shaming the family. Once alone, both Jake and Neytiri turn to Neteyam.
"Where were you?"
"Yeah, what happened to keeping an eye on your brother?"
"Sorry, sir."
Y/n, always her brother's shadow, stepped up from behind him, appearing in the soft glow of the village lanterns, "No, it was my fault. I asked 'Teyam to come flying with me and hunt." When both parents turned to one another, exchanging a voiceless conversation, Y/n's tail twitched, "You DID say we should always pair up if we ever go flying over open water."
Jake's posture deflated, eyes closed to refrain from getting another headache, "Sweetie--"
"He can't be in two places at once, Dad," the teen girl stated with drooping big eyes and lowered ears, "That's not fair. Instead of relying on your son to look after your kids, how about the parents do it for a change?"
The words stun both the parents and brother, all three staring at Y/n in shock as if she had just grown a second head. Neytiri's shock is the first to shrink in and turn to guilt, bottom lip puckered as she moved to reach out for her daughter. Jake didn't contract whatever sentiment his mate was feeling, however, as his posture stiffened back into a former olo'eyktan and war leader. He pointed an accusing finger at her.
"This attitude, Y/n, wherever it came from, stops now. This rebellious phase is over, young lady."
"Ma Jake." Neytiri's tone was gentle, with a small hint of a threat, as if daring Jake to interrupt her, "She is fifteen. Do you remember what you were like at that age? Although I doubt this personality is not a phase. I believe it is from watching you."
Jake looked back at his mate, scandalized while Neytiri just smiles and places her hand on Y/n's shoulder, "Look at her, Jake. Look at both of them."
He dutifully turned to inspect the twins, both of them staring up at him with identical, pouting eyes that nearly made him cave to anything they asked for when they were little. They kept their hair braided and near their shoulders, aligned with beads much like the hairstyle Neytiri wore when Jake first met her all those years ago. Their tanhì were not identical, Neteyam's forming rounded or lined patterns along his nose and under his eyes while Y/n's appear more scattered on her forehead and down her cheeks like constellations. Neteyam didn't have eyebrow hair, Y/n did. He didn't have an extra finger on each hand, but Y/n did. Both looked like Neytiri, which was easy to see, but Neteyam inherited more Na'vi features from their mother while Y/n definitely inherited the alien features from their father.
Neytiri admired her two oldest children with a fond smile as she reached out to grip her husband's arm, "They are the perfect balance of what we were like. They inherited the best parts of us."
A beat of silence is left between the four of them before Jake relents, unable to look his children in the eyes any longer and waving them away, defeated, "Go rest. Make sure your brother's alright."
"Yes, sir." They both say simultaneously, trying not to appear rushed when they quickly made their exit, beads clinking together as their braids moved while they walked.
The next day, both Neteyam and Y/n were surprised to discover Ao'nung hanging out with Lo'ak willingly, and Lo'ak didn't appear bothered. In fact, the future olo'eyktan didn't seem interested in being anywhere unless with the Sully kids and his sister and Rotxo. He still appeared wary of them, but at least he wasn't insulting them under his breath anymore. At one point in the early afternoon, all the kids huddled around on the rocks by the beach after their chores were done and had asked Lo'ak what happened the night before. He explained how he was attacked by an akula but saved by a tulkun. The reef children doubted his story until Lo'ak gave a brief description of the creature. Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo were all shocked and explained the horror stories they knew of Payakan, unwilling to believe he could have been friendly to Lo'ak until the young Omatikaya stormed away.
Y/n had listened quietly and waited until she was back in the marui to voice her thoughts while she and her twin were weaving a fishing net together, "He's confusing."
"Who?" Neteyam looked up and caught the knowing look in her eye, "Ao'nung?"
"Yeah. He's acting... nice. He's actually sweet when he's not around the other reef boys."
"Yeah, he acts like he's related to Tsireya." Neteyam chuckled lightly through his nose.
"You think Lo'ak made up with him?"
"I think so. Or maybe some level of respect and understanding has been placed."
"Still. He was cruel." She snarled, willing herself to remember the reef boy up until the day they met him, "I don't understand how Lo'ak could forgive him. He nearly died because of Ao'nung. Kiri was harrassed by him and you guys fought."
Neytiri and Jake both enter the marui and weren't ashamed to admit they were eavesdropping when the Na'vi woman pitched in on the conversation, sitting down in front of her twins to help with the net, "He's likely just starting to warm up to you, maite."
Neteyam grins teasingly, eyebrow ridge raised in his sister's direction while speaking to his mother, "Yeah, her especially. You should see the way he stares at Y/n when she's not looking, sa'nok."
Y/n feels her neck crack when she spun her head to stare at her brother, appalled as he laughed. Obviously, he must be right about Ao'nung staring when she wasn't looking since this was all news to Y/n. Her shock turns into a scowl as she reaches over to push his shoulder, "That's ridiculous. I attacked him with an ikran, ridiculed him in front of his friends, and threatened to tear him to pieces if anything happened to Lo'ak. He's likely planning another way to humiliate me."
Jake was cleaning his gun while they talked but took a moment to side-eye his daughter when she mentioned threatening the life of the chief's son. Y/n only smiled back in response to her father's silent scrutiny, her tail waving behind her with feigned innocence. Jake returned to his weapon while shaking his head, though he didn't hide the small corner of his mouth turning up. Neytiri smiled while watching the interaction, though it didn't reach her eyes. A small wave of sadness embraced her, a harsh reminder that her babies were growing and she could not keep them forever. Soon they'll be old enough to be considered adults once they have fully completed the trials of their Iknimaya, and then they'll be free to choose their mates. The idea of her children teasing each other over innocent little crushes brings both fondness and sadness to Neytiri's mind. Where had the time gone?
She shuffled from her sitting position in order to reach her daughter, pulling a braid out of Y/n's face, "People are cruel when they're faced with something they don't understand, matxe'lan."
"Neytiri, don't you dare try to teach our daughter Ao'nung is mean to her because he likes her," Jake spoke up, finished cleaning his weapon and now looking down the sights of it with a certain reef boy at the forefront of his mind, "That way of thinking never worked on Earth and I'll be damned if I let my children believe that sort of behavior is normal."
"It is true." Neytiri's eyes began to glitter with mischief, "Although if you are anything like your father, you'll likely make a skxawng of yourself when trying to impress someone."
Jake nearly chokes while his twins burst out laughing.
Y/n was disappointed when she was the last of her family to finish chores late in the day, leaving her alone while they were all elsewhere. Tsireya and Rotxo have taken Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk to the Cover of the Ancestors to show them where their Spirit Tree resided, and Lo'ak disappeared right before then, likely to go meet with his new 'friend'. As for her parents, Y/n was certain they were with Tonowari and Ronal for the day, helping them gather medicinal plants from the jungle. This left Y/n to her own devices, though she didn't have any idea what to do with this newfound freedom, so she started by just casually walking along the beach. She traveled quite a ways, the village now in the distance behind her. The beach was getting thinner to the point where she was surrounded. One side of her held the vast ocean, the other side a dense, deep green jungle. Y/n wondered how long it would take for her to completely walk around the whole island, betting on possibly two days if she did nothing but sleep and walk.
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of something breaking through the gentle waves reaching up to the beach, and as her head spins around, her eyes immediately narrow on who was following.
It was Ao'nung, astride a hyper ilu as he himself appeared in a chipper mood, perking up and waving a fin-hand at her, "Hey! Forest Girl! Where are you going?"
"None of your business, Seaweed Brain." Was her immediate response, her internal defenses on high alert. She kept walking away but Ao'nung made sure to keep in stride with her, swimming just close enough to the shore where his ilu wouldn't get beached.
"Well, then let me come with you. Or if you are not actually going anywhere, I can show you a few good spots."
Her head turns back to him, openly skeptical as she pointedly stared at the distant village behind him, "What about your dick friends?"
He flashed her a confused grin, "My what?"
Right. 'Dick' is an alien word. Y/n huffs, rolling her eyes and facing ahead, still walking away, "You know, the pricks you were with while you were harassing my sister. Are they coming, too?"
"Oh. I dropped them."
It was said so casually, but it only confused her more, repeating the words on her own tongue, "You dropped them?"
"I don't like hanging out with them anymore," He shrugged, maneuvering his ilu to drift into deeper waters when it got too shallow, "They're no fun. All they wanna do is annoy everyone."
"And you don't?"
"Ha ha," he replied sarcastically with a deadpanned expression, "Come on, Forest Girl. Do I look like I'm in a position to trick you? I know your ikran is just one call away. I'm not that stupid."
"No?" She feigns surprise even as she slowly enters the water, the ocean greeting her up to her knees. She knew he had a good point and therefore, because of her boredom, decided to humor the reef boy and take up on his offer, "'Could've fooled me. Your stupid enough not to remember my real name."
Ao'nung rolls his eyes, "You don't exactly use my real name either."
One corner of the Omatikaya girl's lips stretches up and she shrugs with one shoulder in a touché motion. Using her tongue to make various clicks and calls, another ilu emerges from the ocean, and Y/n wads over to it, skillfully mounting it and making tsaheylu. Getting situated, she turns to Ao'nung impatiently, "Well? You mentioned a 'good spot'. Let's see it."
His grin wasn't the usual mischievous smile she had grown to correlate with him. It was more genuine and excited, his blue eyes twinkling like when the sun catches the striking blue sea. Y/n blinks in surprise at her own thoughts, quickly shoving them down as she tightens her jaw and her grip on the ilu, stubbornly staring ahead instead of at the boy.
Ao'nung drifted ahead of her, looking back over his shoulder, "Follow me! The best time to see it is at eclipse."
Both he and his ilu dive under the water and with only her thoughts, Y/n holds her breath and wills her ilu to do the same. The scenery vastly changes from land to ocean life, and the beauty below the water doesn't get ignored. Y/n was still fascinated by the ocean, always finding something new and exciting to explore. She dutifully follows Ao'nung and his ilu, smiling at the cute clicks and hums the swimming creatures make to each other. Swimming on an ilu isn't that different from flying on an ikran, only the ikran only have one rider their whole lives. The similarity between swimming in the water and flying in the air is that they both feel like freedom, riding faster than the two young Na'vi could on their own.
It wasn't a long swim, but they had completely lost the village behind them, still following the beach in the opposite direction as Y/n was doing earlier. Eventually, Ao'nung and his ilu rise to the surface, and Y/n follows, greedily gulping down air when she and her ilu breach. As she caught her breath, she looked around, trying to decipher where they were until she follows Ao'nung's gaze, her jaw slowly dropping in awe.
A large shadow had quickly grown over the teens in their approach. Looming above them was a high cliff, connected to the island and facing the open sea. This large rock face was greatly different from the ones Y/n remembered seeing as her family flew away from their home and flew across open seawater. Erosion had eaten its way through the center of the rock face, naturally cutting all the way through the cliff to form a large archway, hundreds of feet above Y/n's head. The only thing connecting the cliff to the rest of the island was the natural bridge made up of stone and plant life at the top of the arch.
"We call this place 'Sänrr Rong,'" Ao'nung explained while watching Y/n's amazed expression, craning her neck to look up at the tall archway, "'The Glow Tunnel.'"
Y/n lowered her head to face Ao'nung, the question on the tip of her tongue before he waves her off, "Wait a moment. You'll see."
And it was perfect timing. Eclipse came upon the pair and before her very eyes, Y/n witnessed a beautiful transformation. As the world darkened, bioluminescent algae began to glow and travel all the way up the inside walls of the rock archway, igniting the tunnel all the way through to the other side of the tunnel. It was so bright against the contrast of darkness that Y/n could look down and see all sorts of ocean life existing below her, an entire ecosystem that lived underneath this archway as she and Ao'nung slowly drifted through it. The water almost looked nonexistent because of how clear it was. The brightness of the arch led all the way down under the water and came back up the other side, surrounding them like a complete circle, giving off the illusion that Y/n and Ao'nung were floating on air, still straddling their peaceful ilu.
Ao'nung softly explains the beautiful sight, not wanting to ruin the illusion for the Na'vi girl, "The waves grow really high in this area, especially during storms. That's why the algae stretch all the way up to the ceiling of the tunnel. My people sing about this place, calling it the 'Doorway to Eywa' in many songs."
"Are we allowed to be here?" She asked, afraid this was a sacred place and as an outsider, she might be overstepping a boundary. This place was way too beautiful for her to be disrespecting it with her presence.
"We're still within the reef. Nothing big swims out here apart from txampaysye. We're safe. Some of the men take time away from the village and come here. Some of them cliff dive." Ao'nung catches a brief scrunch of her nose and eyebrows, an adorable expression if he wasn't trying to figure out her confusion, "You know-- cliff diving?"
Her expression falls into something more blank and impassive, unimpressed as she gestured to herself, "Do I look like I've lived around cliffs?"
He quips back in his own defense, "Do you not have an ikran rookery in the forest?"
"Well, yeah, but all the cliffs in Ayram Alusìng just lead to certain death. We don't have cliffs above water."
Ao'nung's jaw opened in disbelief, eyes bugging out of his skull as if she just told him the most unbelievable news of all time. The shock eventually wears off and is replaced by a shit-eating grin, the mischief she's grown accustomed to finally returning to his smile, "Come on. It'll be fun!"
He moves towards the cliffside and Y/n immediately reaches forward with a hand, words tumbling out, "Maybe some other time. We need to be home soon."
A mocking eyebrow ridge rises as he grins knowingly at her, "Are you sure you're not just scared?"
Her eyes narrow and her ears pin back, unwavering despite the nerves running about in her stomach, "I think you and I have been in enough trouble with our sa'sem as of late."
He relents then with a whiny groan, throwing his head up at the sky before coming back down to earth-- so to speak, "Fair enough."
The reef boy clicks his tongue, the ilu perking up attentively. Ao'nung moves to lead the way back home before he feels a hand briefly grip his arm, "Ao'nung."
He looks up, shocked as his eyes meet Y/n's, blue against yellow. Ao'nung's ilu makes a displeased noise, the creature doing a full-body shudder. Y/n didn't question it, but Ao'nung's gaze turned to the ilu, glaring down at it as if the animal betrayed him in some way shape or form. However, unbeknownst to Y/n, the ilu was only reacting to what it had felt through the bond after Ao'nung's name slipped past her lips. Ao'nung's glare relents after a moment, eyes glancing down at her small, alien hand touching his arm before he bravely glanced back up at her through his lashes.
She smiled, genuinely, like when she first saw the beauty of the archway. The attention sent a thrill up his spine, "Thank you for bringing me here."
His mouth felt dry, the tip of his ears burning but he was certain she couldn't tell in the dark. Perhaps the big ugly bruise her brother left on his face masked the embarrassment. He couldn't stare at her any longer and glanced back in the direction of the village, "You're welcome, Y/n."
Eclipse was over by the time they returned to the village. They had not returned as soon as they left, often finding themselves distracted during their swim home when either Ao'nung splashed her or Y/n chased him around on their ilu. Either way, their mounts weren't irritated, equally playful and mischievous as their riders. The young N'avi pair both felt estranged when they heard the other laugh, but it only egged them on to play around more, wanting to hear their laugh again. By the time they exhausted themselves from playing, they realized how much time had passed and finally returned to the village.
The only problem was that the village seemed tense upon their return. The joy quickly fled from Ao'nung and Y/n's faces, both scared and worried they were in trouble. However, the attention was not on the pair of teenagers, but on the gunship with war paint parked quietly on the bank closest to the Sullys' marui.
Ao'nung grabbed Y/n's shoulder instinctively and pulled her back to him, hissing at the sight of the gunship, "Sky People."
Y/n huffed and shoved his hand away, hope in her eyes with a small smile at the sight of the familiar war paint, "No, not these ones. These ones are loyal to the Na'vi and live among my clan."
Cautious and a little paranoid, Ao'nung only relented a little and eyed her down, "What are they doing here?"
That's where the hope died in her eyes, worry replacing it, "I don't know. I doubt nothing good."
The pair quickly rush to the Sullys' marui, finding a crowd of curious and equally paranoid Metkayina crowding up and down the walkways leading up to Y/n's home, worrying her further. Of course, it's always her family...
The first face she recognized was her twin, surrounded by Lo'ak and Rotxo. She rushed to her brothers with Ao'nung not far behind her, "'Teyam?" Neteyam spun around and his posture visibly relaxed, hand reaching out to gently grab the back of her neck as she looked around, "What's happening?"
"Kiri had a seizure underwater." He answered, eyes briefly glancing to Ao'nung standing behind his sister, taking note of it but not addressing it.
"What?" Y/n's eyes widen, her voice dropping to a whisper, shaking in fear.
"I don't know what happened." Rotxo explained, glancing between the teens who had just arrived, "I've never seen anything like it."
Ao'nung frowned, "Where are my mother and sister?"
"They're on their way. But there's Sky People in there, examining Kiri."
"I told you," Lo'ak addressed the concerned Rotxo, "Max and Norm are our friends. They want to help her."
Ao'nung turned to Y/n, "Aren't you the tsakarem of your clan? You could go to your sister."
Y/n shook her head, pulling Neteyam's hand off her head and squeezing it before letting go, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, "I chose not to be. Either Neteyam will find a mate who can be tsahik one day... or Kiri can do it. She's been more fascinated by it than I. And she had been teaching Tuk a thing or two..."
Y/n's eyes widen as a thought dawns on her, looking around before addressing her brothers, "Where's Tuk?"
"She's with Kiri."
"She shouldn't have to see something like that. She's too little."
Before Y/n could rush to the marui to fetch her baby sister, the tsahik arrived. Ronal glides through the crowds as they part for her, the destination the only thing on her mind. Tsireya walked close behind her with her mother's supplies gathered in her arms, handing them to her before Ronal stepped into the home. Tsireya remained outside, turning back to her group of friends, and managing to catch Y/n by the shoulders before she stepped into the marui.
"Let her work, Y/n. My mother needs the space and there are already plenty of people in there."
"Your parents and Tuk are with Kiri," the reef girl spoke gently, smiling with understanding and kindness as she guides Y/n away, "She is not alone, I promise. She'll be alright."
The group of teens keep a reasonable distance away from the marui, sitting or standing around in each other's company as they waited. Tsireya kept Y/n close to her as if she was waiting for the Omatikaya girl to bolt. Meanwhile, Y/n took note that her father had brought Norm and Max out of the home, but her mother, sister, and Ronal were nowhere to be found, and that made her more anxious than before.
Rotxo tried breaking the silence, glancing up at his childhood friend, "So what have you been up to today, Ao'nung?"
Ao'nung, who had his arms crossed while crouched down, glanced up casually, "I went to the Arch today."
"Without me? Not cool, man."
The dig was playful as Ao'nung moved to shove him, "Well, you went to the Cove without me."
Tsireya giggled, "But you hate the Cove, Ao'nung."
Ao'nung's ears pin back and his gaze lowers to the weaving patterns of the walkway below his feet, embarrassed, "I do not."
"Do, too. You think it's boring."
"I wanna see the Cove," Lo'ak perked up, "And the Spirit Tree."
Tsireya practically beamed, ducking her head a little bashfully, "I'll take you next time."
"And me?" Y/n asked, smirking to herself when she watched her little brother's face fall at the idea of her tagging along.
Lo'ak tries brushing his disappointment away with a scoff, "Maybe Ao'nung can take you, sis."
"Or we could all go together," Tsireya offered.
Y/n could tell that Tsireya was just trying to be nice. Well, Tsireya is always nice, but sometimes she's a little too nice. She'll gladly let Y/n come along even if it meant not having as much time with Lo'ak. It was disgusting how obvious those two were. Y/n rolls her eyes jokingly and shakes her head, "Nah. Never liked being a third wheel. You kids have fun."
Lo'ak choked as he tried to form words of disagreement while the other kids laughed and Tsireya's cheeks darken a deeper shade of blue. Finally, Lo'ak managed to form words and they were clearly defensive, "You have never been a third wheel ever in our lives!"
Y/n quirks an eyebrow, "Bro, have you seen Kiri and Spider?"
"That's different! You know they don't like each other that way!"
"What way are you referring to?" Y/n grins wolfishly, tilting her head as Lo'ak realized she had caught him in a web, "And what makes you think I was implying you and Tsireya felt that way?"
As the younger Sully boy sputtered, Neteyam groans a little, nudging Y/n, "Alright, that's enough. Leave him alone or he's going to whine to me later."
"Yeah, Forest Girl," Y/n's eyes dart to the sound of his voice, catching the usual grin plastered on Ao'nung's face, "Let the little ones go. I'll take you to the Cove a different day."
Lo'ak bristled at the words, glaring at Ao'nung, "I take it back, Y/n. You can come with us."
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Author's Note: Did I write this so I'd have a reason to call Ao'nung 'Seaweed Brain'? Yes, yes I did. For those who understood the reference I fucking love you.
Also, I don't personally ship Kiri and Spider, I just kind of used the pairing as a foothold for Y/n's brothers to tease her. I think they're cute, and I thought that's originally what James Cameron was going for, but the more I look into it the more I think they just love each other like siblings. In the graphic novel 'The High Ground', Kiri even states that she loves Spider like a brother and Spider doesn't question it. I think he loves her like an older sister because she protects him against other Na'vi (Neytiri) and she sticks up for him. She makes him feel like he belongs, hence why he chose her over Quaritch. Also, Kiri is played by Sigourney Weaver. I don't feel comfortable shipping two characters whose actors have zero chemistry and have a huge age gap. Clearly, I think their relationship will build up to something in the upcoming movies (Kiri uses her Eywa powers to grant Spider a kuru braid and he'll be able to breathe Pandoran air without a mask) but I don't think it'll have anything to do with romance.
That's my personal take on it. No hate to Spider/Kiri shippers. I know not everyone ships certain pairings and hates others because of their opinions and that's not what I was doing. I support Kiri/Spider shippers through and through. I also support Neteyam/Spider shippers (lowkey kinda cute) and Lo'ak/Spider shippers (also lowkey cute). Personally, I ship Ao'nung/Neteyam and I know people are going to hate me for that. But I don't hate people for shipping who they want.
Anyway, that's my PSA that ties to this Ao'nung x reader. Hope you enjoyed it!
The 'anla series masterlist here
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…your friends call you a loser.
chapter one
tim drake x reader
series inspired by Casual by Chappell Roan
readers can expect: fem reader x tim drake. not explicit consent but both parties are willing participants. mention of panty stealing. penetrative sex, prone bone/doggy style. reader on birth control, tim finishes inside. hair pulling. mean-spirited dirty talk. marking kink if you squint. use of 'sweetheart.' no mention of reader finishing. tim is kind of an asshole. don't say i didn't warn you.
you laugh at his joke, probably louder than you should’ve. 
you feel lydia’s eyes on you as you raise the red cup you’re holding up to your lips. 
you curse yourself silently. what were you even doing at yet another one of these dumb parties??
sure, it wasn’t being thrown by the snobbiest frat on campus, but it is at one of their family homes. you didn’t even know neighborhoods like this existed in gotham. the houses were ridiculously huge.
 lydia was dating her guy now, making her a semi permanent fixture. she had him now, and didn’t really need you for emotional support. 
so again, what the hell are you doing here?
the fabric of your dress is tight against your chest, and you squirm. you think your left nipple is starting to chafe. lydia looks at you expectantly.
“what?” you blink at her over the rim of your red cup, blink out of your train of thought.
 “i asked if you’ve been seeing anyone lately.” your friend settles back into her boyfriend, leaning on him with his arm slung over her shoulders. her boyfriend, josh, is a calm drunk, bobbing his head to the beat of the music and staring off into the distance. 
“it feels like this is the only place i’ll see him.” you mumble under your breath, waving a hand at lydia’s confused expression. “no, i’m not really seeing anyone right now.”
 “well look around! you’re surrounded by future sugar daddies. take your pick.” she gestures, pointing at one guy across the room, raising her eyebrow. “him?” 
you shake your head, curling a lip. “definitely not.”
“bummer.” lydia sighs.
“besides, don’t sugar daddies look for younger women? the guys here are all my age, so it’s pointle-” a hand slides around your hip, and your voice trails off. lydia’s eyes widen when she realizes who’s attached to the hand, the one curving around your lower waist to the front of your body. 
an almost entirely inappropriate hand placement. 
your heart thumps hard in your chest. maybe you’d question who it was if you couldn’t smell the soap his dry cleaner uses. 
you can feel the warmth of his hip pressed into yours as he sidles up next to you. josh practically snaps to attention when he sees that his frat president has his hand around your waist.
 “tim!” josh reaches his hand out to greet him. “didn’t even know you were here!”
tim takes his hand, the one not radiating heat into your hipbone, and shakes josh’s. 
“that’s how i like it.” he punctuates his sentence with a squeeze of your waist, and it takes every ounce of composure you have to not react.
lydia’s gaze keeps dragging between tim’s hand placement, your face, and tim, just over, and over, and over again. you chew on the inside of your lip.
you know how it looks. 
“so you’re ‘not seeing anybody?’ well i can see the frat president with his hands on you!!”
tim and josh finish a conversation about some frat-related event coming up, one that you were not paying attention to. while they were talking it felt like every nerve in your body had rewired itself to where his hand was sitting on your hip.
josh steers lydia away, over to the kitchen, full of stainless steel appliances and an island covered in bottles. 
you can feel her keep glancing back at you, but you can’t meet her eyes. 
you can’t. 
you catch a snippet of the sentence she whispers into her boyfriend’s ear. “..such a loser.” 
your palms start sweating. she throws you another look before josh pulls her back around, kissing her forehead. 
tim nudges you towards him, and you look at him. except you’re about eye level with his chest. his shirt is a deep blue, almost black. it’s starting to become your favorite color. his dark jeans sit low, covering the top of his shoes.
he chuckles under his breath, and sticks a finger under your chin, pulling your face up so you can look at his. he looks down at you through half-lids, his blue eyes sharp and gleaming. your heart pounds in your ears, in between your legs. 
he doesn’t ask you anything, doesn’t need to, but you’re nodding anyways. he smiles that cheshire cat smile at you, and a chill runs up your spine. 
he grabs your hand and pulls you along with him, over to the grand staircase. 
eric, drunk as ever, nods approvingly at tim. he pats tim’s shoulder as the two of you walk past. the guy next to eric whoops, laughing. his eyes run up and down your body. you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole. instead, you plaster a smile on and wink, hurrying after tim. 
the two of you make it up the wood paneled staircase, the walls of the hallway covered in pristine family photos. you shudder at the pictured family’s matching stares and smiles. tim squeezes your hand, coming up to a set of double doors. he flashes you a smile, and your heart melts a little. 
tim lets go of your hand to open the double doors, revealing a huge room, and a four poster bed, draped with fabric, centered in the middle.
his eyes are full of that hard glint, a look you’ve become all too familiar with. he shuts the doors behind you, locking them. 
walking over to the bed, he sits on the edge of it, looking you over with his head tilted to the side. 
“wait, drake, is this the master bedroom?” you ask, turning around to see the whole room. there’s even an en suite bathroom. 
rich, rich, rich. 
“yeah.” tim reclines farther back onto the bed, leaning on his elbows. 
you say nothing, awkwardly shuffling your feet. 
“..and?” tim prompts you. he raises a hand to bat at the fabric overhead, catlike as ever.
“isn’t that like, a little disrespectful?” you run a hand through your hair, nervous. 
tim raises an eyebrow at you, and flops back onto the bed. his arms are behind his head, making his biceps bulge. a strand of hair falls into his eyes. your heart ba-bumps in your chest. his angular eyebrows scrunch together. he looks actually, genuinely confused.  
“to who?” he scoffs. “they should be so lucky.”
at that, you bite your tongue. (with great difficulty.)
you choose to look him up and down instead, noting his smug smile. the hardness of his eyes. it feels like you're under a spotlight, the front row full of critics. heat creeps up your neck.
"is it hot in here?" you lift your hair into a makeshift ponytail, noting the way tim sits up. his eyes tracking your movements, the way your fist curls around your hair, lifting the sweaty strands off of your neck.
"so take your clothes off. might cool you down a bit." he smirks, the hardness back in his eyes.
"real original, drake." you shoot back.
he shrugs, blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes.
"you'd heat right back up, though. so i can't say it's the best long term solution."
he unlaces a shoe, kicking it off, its twin following in quick succession. he looks at you pointedly, an eyebrow raised. you realize you’re as still as a statue, and staring, so you also begin to undress, toeing off your shoes and leaving them up against the end of the bed. it’s almost comical, your shoes, neat and upright, next to his, haphazardly thrown about, one on its side and the other just fully upside down. 
his shirt is next, tim easily pulling it up over his head and tossing it to one side of the room. his abs ripple as he leans back, the stretch revealing a sharp v-line poking out of his boxers. 
preening under your gaze, he leers right back, his lips curled up as he flexes his biceps. 
“like what you see?” he huffs out a laugh at your sheepish expression. 
you shake your head, silent as you turn away from him. his fingers quickly find the zipper of your dress, and soon that hits the floor too.
the expensive denim of his jeans scrapes your inner thigh as he ruts against you. a line of hickeys trace the curve of your neck. his mouth on you felt like heaven, warm and wet as he made his way from your jawline to your collarbone. 
proof of his open-mouthed kisses, dark red and glaringly obvious. 
a problem for future you. morning you. rational you, who will not enjoy the struggle of covering them up. 
tim snaps the band of your underwear. 
you’re brought back into the moment, lifting your hips off of the bed as he slides them down your legs. he tucks them into his jean pocket, giving you a look that almost dares you to protest. you don’t. they join the growing list of your things tim’s taken. a hair tie, a necklace, two other pairs of underwear. 
his lips are on you again, rough and passionate. you moan into his mouth from the feeling of his denim-clad bulge hitting your bare clit. tim wears a smug smile on his lips as he kisses you next, and you hook your legs around his hips in retaliation. your hands run up and down the smooth expanse of his back, the light scratch of your nails making him shiver. 
“control, right?” tim says, his eyes hungry as you unbutton his jeans.
“..what?” you shake your head, confused.
“you’re on birth control, right?” 
you internally roll your eyes. it makes sense that he’d be so thorough, being an heir, and famous, or whatever, but he asks you every single time. like your answer was gonna change any time soon.
“yes, timothy.” you draw out your words, feeling petulant.
he raises an eyebrow at this, tugging on a strand of your hair. 
his hips snap into the soft flesh of your ass again, sending a spark of pleasure up your spine. you’re facedown on the bed, tim holding himself up over you, your hips raised up just enough for him to thrust into you. one of his hands curls into your hair, yanking at it. 
“tim, i-” 
his pace picks up, unrelenting. 
“what was that, sweetheart? have something to say?” 
you moan in reply as he holds the rhythm he’s established, his fingers gripping at your hair, pulling. 
“you usually have so much to say, y/n.” you can hear the smirk in his voice.
his taunting dies down as he gets closer, one hand gripping your ass so hard it’ll probably leave bruises. the other uses your hair to pull you closer to him, giving you a messy kiss. he sucks in a breath just to let it back out through gritted teeth, groaning deep in his throat. he puts you against the bed again, the hand that was in your hair now pressing down on your lower back. his last few thrusts are sloppy, quick, and you’re clenching around his cock at the speed, your hands clutching at the sheets. 
“mm, fuck, that feels so good,” tim finishes with a low moan, warmth filling your insides in someone else’s four poster bed. 
the praise makes something in your chest start fluttering around, and you turn over to look at him once he’s pulled out. he's sat up, on his knees. his thigh muscles are on display, sending more flurries of desire through your body. the veins in his hands are in hard relief as he fists his cock, milking out every last drop. his cheeks are flushed, his hair a mess, a few raven locks sticking to his forehead.
he's dressed before you know it, tossing your dress up on the bed for you absentmindedly. tim looks over at you, and he's back over you in a flash. he gives you one last quick kiss, pinching your nipple.
"i'll text you."
with that, he's gone. it'd be like he was never here if there weren't hickeys covering your neck and his cum wasn't between your legs.
you dress quickly, tottering over to the bathroom. you look in the mirror, assessing. you use your hands to tame your hair back down. your eye makeup is smudged. and you don't have your underwear. you better get home quick if you don't want his cum dripping down your legs at this frat party.
tim drake wayne's fan club:
(and THE most patient people on earth. i love you. thanks for waiting.)
@dfgcbgdc @benditlikegumby93 @agent-nobody-knows @jaybunsblog @astermos-74 @ravenna-reid @borutoistrash1-blog @slut4animedilfs @nuggget-consumer-9000 @turtleturtleturtleturtleneck @hellishattempt @trashhighwaybird @sergeant-angels-trashcan @lilithskywalker @timdrakeisasugardaddy
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krahk · 3 months
Blood for Ruin
Master list
Part One : Part Two : Part Three : Part Four : Part Five : Part Six : Part Seven : Part Eight : Part Nine
Alastor x OFC/Reader (no use of Y/N)
Part Ten
(Or, Alastor proves he’s a walking red flag, but a well fed one)
Minors DNI, 18+
Triggers: Light bondage, restraint below (consensual).
Regardless of the actions the two of you had joined in over the course of…many…hours - it was no easier explaining to Alastor your theory on what exactly was cooking between you on the magic scale.
Since everything you had learned about deals were explicitly learned through texts, and not practise, your inability to properly express these thoughts had gotten on the man's nerve a few times already.
”So, my dear, it is of your theory that we somehow are fluidly passing magic between us - without my knowledge or consent, mind you - and now you seem to be having shadows commit themselves to your needs without your control or permission that you currently are unable to show to me?”
Even though the radio voice was undeniably attractive, when he had a lack of inflection paired with an absolute disbelief you were infuriated. Though he was right, it was frustrating that the shadows who helped you in the library were MIA because if you could, you would have shown him.
Scrunching your face in thought, you chewed at your bottom lip while you stared at the coffee he had appeared with when you awoke. Even though it was later in the evening when you rose from your after-sex rest, the lack of food or drink had you ravenous. Alastor, apparently ever the gentleman, had made sure your needs were met, pushing a tray of light snacks and coffee to you before you blurted out the thoughts that had been pushed aside since you had come across Alastor the night before.
The silence that took over was starting to make you blush from embarrassment. Still looking down, you quietly offered your defence and a last ditch attempt.
”Alastor, I promise you - I’m telling the truth. Whatever you did with Charlie upstairs had consequences and I am absolutely not equipped to be dealing with it. And if you aren’t even aware of it, that has to be even more serious because I promise you - this is not something I want. I don’t want anything to do with magic, I don’t trust it, it’s never on your side - what if I do something and it affects you? You’ve got all these rules to keep the both of us - well, you really and truly, safe. Now I’m telling you about a possible extended weakness and I just need you to take me seriously. I’m not lying about this. I promise. Trust me, I think the both of us know that we could be spending this time together in a more interesting way instead of me trying to convince you of some half-baked ridiculous story.”
Halfway during your rant you had lifted your head up to make eye contact with the demon, who was seemingly staring directly into you. Hyper-focused and thinly smiling he allowed you to get everything you needed to say, again, before releasing a very deep sigh from his chest and placing two fingers between his brows as he frowned and gathered his thoughts.
Another brief moment of silence hiccuped past you two before he finally responded.
“I promise you my dear, you have nothing to worry about. I am most certainly not worried. If what you say is true, these powers you have obtained will make themselves known. Hopefully soon, and hopefully without issue. I would like to hope that if they were to appear they would do so rather quickly in order for us to consider you less of a liability.” He took his monocle off to lamely polish it with a handkerchief from his pocket, appearing to be unaffected by your own nerves and worry.
“Speaking of which, we must discuss your presence during the extermination.” He stated, meeting your eyes once more. “Clearly with your inability to fight, I would believe it would be best for you to stay within the centre of the hotel - away from the frontlines.”
You frowned in confusion. “Won’t everyone be a little suspicious that I’m not fighting alongside them? This is a team effort, Alastor. I’m a part of this team too.” You defended. “Besides, I’ve done a good job staying out of trouble, right? I have done what you said, and Angel has been showing me some defensive moves as well - I‘m pretty good!” You made a couple of fists and did small punches in his direction across the table. He raised a brow and allowed a small smirk to pass over his mouth before putting his serious mask back on.
“I will think of something that requires you to stay away from the fight. I am expected to take on Adam myself, as I have promised as such, and whatever damage I may do on my own without the fear of keeping you safe as well will be far greater than having you fighting Angels. We have secured Rosie and her cannibals, Miss Vagatha will be training other residents and the cannibals in offensive training, Angel and his obnoxious friend are securing more rifles and explosives - really and truly I believe you will find yourself simply in the way of all of this.”
Having someone like Alastor act concerned for you felt wrong, but what made you feel worse was that it did sound like he had zero faith in you being able to keep yourself safe. What if Adam damaged him? Small feelings of insecurity that you had thought you left behind in the overworld began to creep up into your mind. Did anyone have faith that you were able to keep yourself safe? And with Alastor seeming like he didn’t quite believe your thoughts of this entire magic situation, that was an entirely different level of panic.
What if the magic itself caused Alastor damage? Or yourself? That would defeat the whole purpose of staying out of the firing range. What if this magic made itself known at the wrong time? Too early? Too late? Alastor clearly noted the level of concern you were focusing on, because he had reached a hand out to tap the space on the table you were currently hyper focused on, scaring you out of your thoughts.
“Once again, you are entirely too caught up in your thoughts.” He said firmly. “In fact, everyone is forgetting why it is that I am here, darling. I am engaged to protecting this establishment and the occupants inside. This was before you stumbled down here, and your presence only makes my duty more important. So I will not say it again - if you stay out of the frontlines, you will have nothing to worry about.”
You really hoped that the poker face you had been working on with Husk was believable, and as Alastor only spent a fraction of a second analyzing your response, he directed his attention elsewhere as he attempted to lead the discussion in a new direction, allowing your whirlwind of thoughts to take charge in your mind once more. You only hoped that you hid it better this time.
When the eve of the big day finally arrived, you applauded your ability to not throw up upon waking. Alastor and you had essentially been kept apart for the last week due to the preparation and training everyone had been involved in. With no one truly knowing any level of your connection, the only beings who suffered were the two of you. Though you had noticed an increase in shadowy figures following in your peripheral area in the last few days, glowing when they caught sight of your small smile in their presence.
Somehow Alastor had manipulated the arrangement of individuals and you found yourself in charge of the spare weaponry In the foyer. You would be protected by the walls of the hotel, which Charlie had said held their own particular magic of keeping those inside safe (thanks to Lucifer).
That way you could still be deemed useful, and an active participant in the fight without putting either you or Alastor at risk. Angel had piped up yesterday that it was curious why Alastor was adamant on getting you off the frontline, and thankfully no one else read too much into it. But he did corner you on the way to bed and attempted to straight up bully You for information.
Thankfully, some well positioned shadow imps intervened, wreaking havoc in the hallway by tearing off the wallpaper and throwing whatever objects They found at the two of you, resulting In you each taking shelter in your rooms. Though you haven't seen him, your heart swelled at the thought of Alastor focused on keeping you safe. You tried not to think About it too deeply that it might be solely in his own interest, but if the late night reciprocal orgasms the two of you had been sharing were brought into the equation there may actually be a chance it wasn’t just for self-preservation.
Still, it would have been nice to see him before tomorrow.
Suddenly, you were startled awake at the sound of a loud banging. Attempting to blink the sleep away and gain composure out of the confusion you were assaulted with, you realised you weren’t in your room.
Well, sort of.
A cold sweat overtook you as you locked in the finer details of this room. An old radio on a desk by the window, defective television with a strange static hum present in your ears - the banging at the door.
Were you…reliving your death? Everything seemed choppier, almost distorted in your mind's eye. It seemed like everything was pulsing with your own heartbeat, like a twisted dream. You had had a couple of strange dreams since you died, but surprisingly nothing on the night of your death. It was so quick and matter of fact, there truly wasn’t any reflection you could do. You were shot by intruders, and quickly died of blood loss. Boom. Pretty cut and dry.
But right now, the banging seemed to go on longer than you remembered. You jumped out of bed, noticing that with every step you took towards the door, a bright blue light was illuminated from behind it, getting stronger the closer you got. Suddenly the banging ceased. You tried the handle - locked. The dead bolt was locked, the chain lock was fed through.
You tried to call out a hello, but you found your voice distorted, almost bubbly like you were talking underwater. You clutched at your throat, and suddenly the blue light pulsed, lighting the entire room, lining the door. You raised a hand to shield your eyes, and the television exploded, followed by the popping sounds of lightbulbs bursting, the ceiling light raining shards over you.
From the blue light, you suddenly noticed all of the shadowy figures you had grown accustomed to, but they didn’t sport a sly grin like usual - they truly looked more demonic than ever. They fought the blue light with a green in return. The eyes were shaped like radio dials, the smiles stretched past where normal ears would be, and it almost appeared like each shadow was sewn together with large stitches. There were a handful, and each growing in size. You felt a pull from behind, before eventually putting themselves between you and the door.
Squinting from the fighting lights, the static from earlier started to build in the room, and the door started to vibrate in tandem with the growing hum. You covered your ears and yet could still hear a pitchy, cackling laugh out of range. The door slammed open, pinning itself to the wall and through squinting eyes you notified a tall, slim figure - Alastor?
No, the head wasn’t right. There was no head. Just a giant, empty space devoid of light. It was large, and it was truly an unfortunate size if it were a head. Footsteps broke the static sound, and the shadows attempted to wrap themselves around this stranger, only to be pushed aside from the figure. The blue light was taking over the green, and you were rattled. Wishing the dream would change, but knowing it wouldn’t, you started to head towards where the bathroom should be, but alas - this dream was ill-prepared for defence.
The figure, though it started as skinny, started to bubble and morph, keening over itself and seemingly gaining new shape, with two massive horns on a now giant, rounded head. Adam? It seemed similar from what you recognized according to Charlie’s vivid description and colourful doodle she provided, but it was still shadowy and dark. Suddenly a giant ball of blue light was building in front of it, and the sound of electricity burning your eardrums. Hands up, you tried again to speak against whatever might happen, and again your voice failed you.
You could feel the tears building in your eyes, burning your cheeks as they fell. This death seemed imminent, you wished you would wake up but the shadowy figures had disappeared once the strangers' shape changed. Your skin was slick with sweat, scared of the nightmare this was becoming. You could feel your heart race increase, almost choking on the pressure that was building - then the figure spoke, almost melodically -
“Radio’s fucking dead, bitch”
A light smashed against you, slamming you into the wall as a wail escaped you. It was like you were hit with fire, your chest was split open, with your blood - somehow gold - spilling out in droves. The pain was immense, and you coughed up blood onto the ground as you folded over yourself. Your hands were keeping you up from lying on the floor, and the footsteps of the figure came closer.
A hand wrapped itself in your hair and yanked you up, making you meet the gaze of the creature before you. Alastor had a sinister smile, indeed, but this figure was on another level of demonic. It was laughing at you, and you could tell you were fading away. What was happening? Was this a dream or were you truly dying a second time?
The figure's other hand came into your view, holding the head of a spear within it, the shine of the metal informing you of its angelic status and you gasped. This must be real life, real dead life, and you were going to die. The hand came rushing towards you as you finally screamed, the world around you shattering like broken glass and suddenly -
Suddenly you were being shaken violently. You could hear chattering noise immediately, as the hum from before had disappeared. Someone was saying your name, but it sounded like they were a great distance away. Pentious and Vaggie were very clear, questioning loudly what was going on.
Your eyes finally cleared from the burn of a bright light after a dark room and you focused on Alastor. His hand was on your shoulder - had he been the one shaking you? And though he still sported a smile, he had a noticeable frown on his face. You shot up, clutching at your chest, looking at your hands for any sign of blood. Alastor rose from his seated position to meet your eyes again as he said your name.
You noticed there was a level of concern present. And you knew that your heart was racing - so his was too. He was keeping it together a whole lot better than you were, but you doubted he just lived through whatever nightmare your brain cooked up.
It appeared that you had an audience. Angel sounded concerned, towering over the crowd around your bed - Charlie was on the other side, patting your face and neck with a cold cloth to take away the build up of sweat. In vain, you might add, as you could feel your hair stuck to your face from it. This was all from your peripheral however, as you found yourself unable to break eye contact with Alastor. Angel said something, Charlie replied, they were dealing with you around you, but not really acknowledging you.
Alastor made a loud noise of disapproval, in tandem with a radio screech, which interrupted everyone else’s frantic behaviour and look at him. He coughed into one hand lightly, before spinning his microphone and resting both hands on the top of it while slamming the end to the ground to make a large thud against the floorboards.
“Well, as our delightful little doe has woken up, we should all make haste and give the poor thing a chance to gather her bearings before overwhelming the little thing, hmm?” He stated, actively dismissing the group and their actions, flicking his hand towards your bedroom door to have it swing open.
Everyone glanced between you, Alastor and the door, all with varying levels of confusion. Alastor then made another sound of displeasure and suddenly everyone was being swept out of your bedroom by large shadows. You could hear everyone land on one another in the hallway, sounds of exclamation heard through your closing door.
Another wave of a hand and the door glowed green, and Alastor had made his way back to your side. He looked you over, lifting your chin to inspect your face for some semblance of understanding. The silence was killing you, and you broke it with an apology.
”You’re sorry? My dear, you must have had quite the dream. Nothing to be sorry about. The glass, however - well I’m sure if it were sentient it would demand one, truly.” You followed Alastors sweeping arm and glanced around the room. Every surface that was mirrored, or glass, had cracked. Your larger body mirror had cracked so badly there were large pieces fallen on the floor.
“Did I- did I do that?” You said, barely above a whisper. Alastor hummed a sound of certainty. “Quite the spectacle! Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if every room on this floor suffers a similar fate! You managed to break through my own wards and crack items within my room.” You groaned into your hands, trying to move some of your sweat-stuck hair off of your face. Your mind spun with theories and the residual sensation of fear from your nightmare.
”But how?” You inquired, mostly to yourself however Alastor replied anyway.
“Who knows! But, perhaps we should revisit what you mentioned to me before - about how you may just possess a level of power that we haven’t tapped into.” You snorted in frustration, and gave him a condescending look.
”Oh, now you take me seriously Alastor? When we have hours before the extermination! Oh my god - Adam!” You exclaimed, “I dreamt of Adam! He had a spear, and he said that Radio was dead - does he know about us? Why did he say that? Alastor what will w-mmfft!” A shadowy tendril had wrapped itself around your head, stopping your ramble in its tracks.
”My dear, there is simply no time for theatrics. I am curious about your dream and yes - I am taking you seriously. When you had your outburst, the magic that was expelled from you had my signature to it. Magic is a very personal thing - many have found compatible magic with other particular styles and signatures. You, however, have mine.” He nearly growled the last word out. Regardless of your status to him, he was a possessive being, what is his is his and he would kill to keep it as such. “Please, you may continue but start at the beginning, and try to keep the excitement to a minimum. This has been a long day.”
You blew air out of your nose and stared up at the ceiling before speaking, starting from the first moment you supposed you were dreaming. He listened intently, but there was a clear shift in his posture when you started to describe the blue light and morphing adversary. When you finished, you could tell that he was very displeased with what you had said.
“Interesting, dear.” He started, not looking directly at you - more like he was looking through you. Hopefully you aren’t a seer! What a shame it would be to be killed by a being such as Adam.” You frowned at his dismissive attitude, instead switching the topic.
”What time is it?” You asked, curious to how much time you had before going downstairs for the confrontation. You were exhausted and unsure if you would be getting any more sleep, which was detrimental to your chances of staying on the ball and avoiding any trouble.
”Hm.” Alastor replied, glancing at the clock (now with a broken glass face) before replying. Nearly 2am. You require sleep.” He stated with a matter of fact. You rolled your eyes in return to his statement and started to move your legs off the side of the bed, lifting the covers as you did so. Alastor frowned and jumped over to your side, stopping you from raising up by the shoulder. You glanced up with a look of disbelief, what, you were incapable of getting up without help now? It was just a bad dream. But before you could begin your protest Alastor intervened.
“It was not a suggestion, my dear. As politely as one may say it, you look worse than what the cat brought in. And Husk is an alcoholic - use your imagination.” He said with a bit of a sneery tone. He laughed at his own joke before allowing you to respond.
“Well Alastor, it’s far too late for me to stumble into sleep at this point. I’ve been up and conversing for the better part of a half hour now, it’s very bright and I’m sure without your sound barrier thing you’ve got going on around my room, it’s quite loud outside.” You tried to push against his hand that was still firmly on your shoulder but he would not budge, even pushing in return and attempting to force you down to the bed, but you were not having it at this moment.
“Seriously Alastor, I mean it. I don’t even think I’m tired anymore. I’m too stressed out to think about anything else other than what we can expect in a few hours and I would rather spend the time mentally preparing myself to keep my shit together.” You were grabbing at the hand now, with both of yours and you tried to keep the little growls to a minimum as you struggled. Much to your chagrin Alator seemed to think this was comical as his smirk grew with every defiant move you made.
“Unable to think of anything else, you say?” He mused, tapping his chin with his free hand. “I guarantee I can change your train of thought.” Your traitorous body yawned when you stopped struggling, and you cursed your luck as he chuckled. His hand drifted to your collar bone and began to rub the tense area slowly. He snaked his other hand behind your head and began to rub his fingers against the base of your skull, rubbing pressure into your upper neck. Instantly you felt yourself loosen up.
This was rather nice, actually. And unexpected. You wondered if Alastor being a good masseuse would be harder for the others to believe than the fact he was sexually ravenous at times. Sex could be seen as quite predatory, but this was comforting, soothing. He was sending you into a relaxed state, one that had you closing your eyes with bliss and humming a soft sound in response to his ministrations. You felt him push at your collar bone, and grip your neck as he started to lower you back to the bed.
Alastor and your knees knocked together as he settled you down, both hands drifting down your shoulders, to your biceps and forearms, before raising back up to put pressure on your ribs under your breasts and meeting together at your stomach. Your pajama shirt had ridden up a bit, the air kissing your lower stomach and raising goosebumps in return. His thumbs were placed just above your belly button, his fingers almost pulsing in pressure against your lower ribs. You hummed a sound of approval, this felt delightful.
Suddenly, a thick pressure wound itself up your legs, and your eyes shot open in return. Your head craned up to try and look below, but all you saw was Alastors head, his antlers growing slightly as shadowy tendrils appeared behind him, almost whipping him from behind with activity. He was breathing heavily, but even as you managed to get up on your elbows in an attempt to get a better visual, the tendrils crept around him to wrap up your upper arms and press you down to the bed by the shoulders.
“Alasto-oh!” You exclaimed before a tendril had managed to coil itself around your head, covering your mouth and acting as a gag. Alastor laughed darkly, deliberately, and finally raised his head in a manner that allowed the two of you to meet eyes. His sclera was black, and his irises were a pinpoint - a bright vibrant light amidst the shadows. His smile was encompassing his entire face, and thin green lines that crossed over his lips in a haphazard method appeared to flash into visibility before finally fading away with the rest of the light in the room.
“I’ll need your silence and cooperation for this, my dear.” He said with a sinister edge, layered with static. Your fear spiked and his eyes closed for a moment in near bliss, clearly feeding off the energy. “Let. Me. Help. You.”
Your sharp intake of breath and pressure against his appendages seemed to increase his frantic behaviour. You could feel his hands grow in size slightly, as if with every heartbeat. Suddenly his tongue snaked over your stomach, dipping into your belly button briefly, causing you to jerk involuntarily from the action, the air escaping your lungs with a slight exclamation at the sensation, indiscernible due to the gag. His tongue and hands continued down your torso, working in tandem with the new set of tendrils working your bottoms down your leg before simply tearing them off of you, judging by the sound of the fabric ripping.
Before you could even make a sound of displeasure to the destruction of your clothing, his tongue was at your inner thigh. Instantly reacting, feeling your cunt swell with how quickly you were turned on, Alastor released a rumble of pleasure himself, vibrating across your body. His teeth grazed against your flesh, the pressure skirting between pain and pleasure before he finally bit hard enough that he broke the skin. Your eyes stung, and you tried to exclaim against the shadowy gag, but it only tightened. You instinctively tried to jerk away from the feeling, but Alastors hands and tendrils worked together to hold you in place as he suckled up the blood pooling to the surface with fervour.
It wasn’t a deep bite, but it still throbbed with fresh pain. Alastor, content with his work, moved to the other thigh and bit that too, but not through the skin. It seemed he would be pleased with leaving small teeth shaped bruises on you as claim. His hands had travelled to your knees, and began to hold them down with enough force to prevent you from moving your legs. You made a questioning sound, getting his attention and meeting your eyes. Still blown out, his eyes flared with a certain hunger you were not familiar with from the man. The look on your face must’ve made him question his actions because he finally spoke again.
”May I?” He asked, lowering his nose to rest right above your pussy. The eye contact was almost too much, and the tendrils wrapping around your mouth loosened, but did not dissipate entirely - merely moving to play with your hair and stroke your cheeks. You sighed with pleasure at the gentle ministrations, and Alastor moved his nose to your clit, causing you to groan, and for the remaining shadowy appendages to tense up, giving you a slight feeling of helplessness.
You were overstimulated, but it felt fantastic. With Alastors shadows, you were reaching a new level of pleasure unfamiliar to you. You had questioned your position on bondage ever since Alastor had first confronted you one-on-one in the bathroom when you first arrived. The lack of control and idea that every aspect of release would be in the hands of another was tempting.
Angel had answered some basic questions you had when he was sharing some of his ‘better’ videos (“y’no, it’s the storyline that really gets the audience on this picture doll face.”) He had teased you for your lack of knowledge on the matter, but still had a wealth of knowledge available to you any time you had inquired about a particularly spicy topic.
No matter whatever it was Angel had said (since your brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders at the moment) it really had nothing on first hand experience. Alastor pressed a little harder at your clit, rubbing up and down slightly. That resulted in a soft and breathy sound of affirmation, followed by a clear statement of permission with a long yes.
Once Alastor's tongue hit your core, the shadows wrapped around your mouth once more, covering the loud sound of pleasure that escaped with his contact. Your brain was on fire while his tongue, likely swollen to provide more pressure and pleasure, dominated your inner walls. His cryptic, demented form was coming to the surface, utilising his larger features to provide you with an intense experience. He nosed at your clit, clearly smothering his face with your evidence of arousal. You could hear the sounds that were filling the void of silence, and the combination of everything resulted in a swift release of your orgasm. Alastor eagerly lapped up your gift, the suckling motions leading you right into another orgasm.
Two in such a short period of time rocked your body, and you tensed up during each one, pushing the restraints set upon you. Your knees fought to close together, but Alastor maintained his control over your body. You moaned against your gag, the vibrations rolling down your body in waves resulting in Alastor matching your sounds of pleasure. He was relentless and did not stop the assault of his tongue, now focused on your clit, frantically flicking it while you felt something new enter you.
You made a sound of shock once you understood what was happening down below. While Alastor focused his attention on your clit, a tendril had found its way inside you, swelling up and thrashing about, hitting every spot of internal pleasure that could be found.
Finally it found a soft, spongy spot and pushed against it, making your eyes roll back and your breaths to become shorter and sharper. Usually untouched due to the length of your fingers, your g-spot was no match for Alastors impressive extensions. After your reaction, all actions increased in both speed and pressure. Your eyes were burning with a buildup of tears, and you were shaking your head back and forth due to the overstimulation.
Once Alastor caught a look of your tears, however, he responded by lifting up your knees and placing them on his shoulders to get a stronger leverage and continue his actions. You were nearly screaming into your gag now, your orgasm having been built up to a new tension but unable to release due to either your body’s exhausted state or the orgasms only minutes earlier.
Or hours earlier, who knew. Time was difficult to measure when a massive deer demon was eating you out. His tendrils had wrapped around your midriff to help lift you off the bed so Alastor could hold you at the right angle.
You were shaking your head back and forth, desperate for release from yours build up. Finally when his teeth grazed your clit with an almost too firm push, you broke. Screamed despite your mouth being covered, shaking through your intense orgasm through the firm holds that kept you in place, you came, almost violently. Your eyes closed as you tried to get your breath in order, all strange shadows dissipating into the nether as Alastor released your legs and closed your knees together. Though your eyes were closed due to exhaustion, you could hear him straightening out before heading into your bathroom and coming back with a warm towel.
He took his time and was almost gentle with the clean up. Your breath was broken, ragged from the event that just occurred. He lifted you up into his arms, which finally made you open your eyes and look up at him. He was slightly dishevelled, much to your surprise, sweat beading around his hairline and the collar of his shirt slightly askew. For a normal individual, this would be standard appearance. For someone as facisiduous as Alastor, this would be an absolute tragedy once he got a good look at himself. His shadows lifted up your blanket as he lowered you down into the bed. Your eyes were heavy, you were tired.
Oh. Alastor had basically fucked you into exhaustion. How gentlemanly of him. You giggled at your joke as he brought the blankets up your body, raising his eyebrow at you with a tight smile.
You hummed with contentment. ”You certainly helped-“ you broke into a yawn, “-me”. Another yawn caused you to really relax into your pillow, “Stand-up job, truly. Amazing. 5 stars.” You mumbled as you drifted into slumber. Though you couldn’t see it, Alastor beamed at your praise, correcting his collar as he walked towards your bedroom door. Pleased you were finally asleep, he turned off the lights and removed the magical sound barrier he had first placed on your door when he kicked the group out of your room.
Making his way across the hall, he snapped his head so sharply at a small squeak in the floor to determine the noise. Angel, clad in a short housecoat, facemask, and toothbrush, was in his own threshold, staring at Alastor with wide eyes. Being in the industry, it was easy for him to pick up on ‘freshly fucked’ vibes. The two men stalled in the hall, staring each other down before Alastor went to his own room, turned to the porn star and stated, before closing his door with gusto,
”No one will believe you, night night!”
Angel whipped his head between your room and Alastors, before quickly running over and opening yours. In the dimly lit room, he could see your rising form in the bed, relieved to see you unharmed. However he quickly caught the smell of sex, and his jaw dropped, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water for a few seconds before he hightailed it back to his own room, shutting and locking the door behind him.
“Holy shit!” He exclaimed in disbelief, “Ho-lee-fucking-shit” He rubbed his hands in his hair and over his face before realizing he ruined his face mask. Swearing at himself as he washed off the remnants of his pre-fight spa night, he caught his own eyes in the mirror before swearing loudly in frustration.
”He’s fucking right! No one will believe me at aaaalllll!”
Apologies for the delay. I have children so year end has been hectic and also they don’t give a shit about my smutty hobby so they eat up all my time.
@queermaxwooo @drawings-by-meh @sirens-and-moonflowers @looking1016 @mo-0-o @blakeaha @mutifandomkid @ministarheaven @nightingale0603 @loadedwafflefries @rizzscary @bishiglomper @vividachromatic @fluffy-koalala @mkaella @readergirlstuff @xalygatorx @phisen @rukkshevahna @hazbin-hoetel @white-00-7 @iheartalastor @littlebluefishtail @little-slyvixen @bishiglomper @catticora @alastorssimp @midorichoco @garfieldthomas @spottypug @livelaughlovealastorlol @cryssyd
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sminiac · 7 months
Hey, could I request piwon and how you think they would react to finding out the reader (their partner) is a virgin? Totally fine if you don’t, hope you have a great day :)
💌 — No ofc i can my sweets! this idea is so AJSJDHAJS
Warnings — Smut focused, MDNI.
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⋆ Y. Keeho
The type to sit there silently, eyes flickering around the room because he’s being pranked… right? Like he literally won’t believe you until you’re telling him why — if there’s a reason— and how on earth you’ve never been fucked before?
Unironically thinks you’re so cute for being shy about it, like pinches your cheeks and coos at you in a high pitched voice until you’re swatting a hand at him and telling him to knock it off. When he settles he still has that big pretty grin on his face, telling you that it’s okay, you’ll know everything there is to be learned if you’ll let him show you.
“We’ll move at your pace sweet girl, don’t be silly, I’ll make sure to keep talking to you.”
Being a leader is in this man’s blood! Knows how to take care of you because he certainly has the experience to, and if not— well he’s got a good head on his shoulders to keep you calm and comforted throughout the process, even if he himself is a little nervous on going about how to touch you.
He’s very mature about the entirety of it, dependable if you’re scared or unsure, he makes sure that he goes into it with realistic expectations and possibilities, so beforehand he’d want to thoroughly talk it out before becoming intimate with you for the first time, that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, that nothing could possibly scare him off or gross him it. Just wants you to know that no matter what he’ll take care of you!
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
#1 to care the least because you have him now, why should he be worried about who you’ve slept with and who you haven’t? Finds something so romantic about it though, being able to be the first to have you. He’s quite relaxed when you explain to him that you’ve never had sex before, tells you that you won’t have to worry about being clueless about how to pleasure a man any longer or what sex is to you, because he’ll teach you, help you find out, he’d do anything to gain a positive and fun sex life with you.
Reassures you that even though it’s your first time with him it’s also his first time with you, so there’s absolutely no pressure whatsoever, that the nerves are mutual, and that your first time will merely be an introduction to each others bodies than it is to gain pleasure from, because there’s plenty time ahead for that. Immediately wants to know your likes and dislikes, even if your list is small, if it’s a blank slate completely he’ll want to know if he can help you find the likes through experimenting, and he’s so gentle and kind about it too.
“We’ll figure everything out together, don’t be shy honey, touch me, just like you talked about before.”
He’s really good at directing you, but not so much that it makes you a little too conscious about what exactly you’re doing, he makes sure to call you names that make you melt with that tone of voice that makes you warm inside, and his praise is top tier, isn’t shy about letting you know when you’re getting the hang of something at all. He’s so soft when giving you a helping hand or a few tips, very vocal about his likes so you’ll catch onto the rhythm of his pleasure and how to work him higher into it.
Theo’s just incredibly sweet and considerate, reminds you that if you’re ever wanting to stop there’s no shame in calling it quits, he’s more concerned for you over reaching his orgasm. It’s the same with kinks, you suddenly find something you think you’ll be into and want to try it out? He’s more than down! He’s ridiculously good at keeping you grounded and feeling like you’re in control, because you are, but that can sometimes get lost in the midst of sex due to how stimulating it is to the senses. You’re ever feeling a little more sensitive and in result a few tears slip? No worries, he’s so quick to catch on to the shift in the air and immediately puts a pause to the situation just to take care of you.
⋆ C. Jiung
Has a soft gentle smile on his face that makes you restless under his gaze. He doesn’t interrupt you when you speak, he’s too busy taking in every word you say like it’s the first time he’s hearing your voice. Nods his head along, when you get stuck on your words he’s taking your hands into his and squeezing them encouragingly, “You’ve got it babe, keep going.” Goodness. When you finally admit to your lack of experience he’s completely understanding, maybe laughs at you for being so dramatic about something that’s truthfully not that serious, but he soothes you anyways.
He wouldn’t take the time to ask you why, because he knows it’s really none of his business and he doesn’t want to pry, what he wants to know though is if you want him to help ease you into the technicality’s of sex. The type to even offer himself to you if you want to find things out for yourself, and he’d follow through with it to the end.
“Y’don’t think I care, do you? God- want you just as bad, ruin you for anyone else.”
Knowing you’ve never been with anyone else before puts his little corruption kink that he didn’t know he had into drive, and he’s very open about it. If you like someone with a possessive nature to them, he’s definitely your guy! Normally he’s very reserved and observant of himself and others, friendly in short, caring, so you’d never expect for him to be telling you things in bed that make your hips grind in search of relief to the ache you aren’t quite sure how he’ll satiate yet, but whatever it is, you need it.
Like any decent person, he’d ask beforehand if he can do anything you didn’t discuss prior, like if he can place his hand on your throat, if how he’s talking to you isn’t too mean, or too much. Makes sure to check in with you whenever he’s transitioning into unfamiliar territory, praises you for being brave and curious, but not without the reminder that he’s the only one who’ll be able to make you feel like this.
⋆ H. Intak
Another who is absolutely shocked, because you? There’s no way. He wouldn’t be loud about his surprise to your confession, but there’d be a sliver of him that wouldn’t fully believe it to be true. Has a bad habit of losing his filter completely when he’s surprised, and this is one of those times. “But you’ve had my dick in your mouth before? You’re telling me it’s the first dick that’s been in your mouth?” He’s bonkers. After the information settles and he comes to terms with it, he feels a wash of pride strumming at his ego, but then it’s quickly dispersed once he remembers that you probably had no idea what you were doing giving him head, and then he starts to feel bad.
Pulls you into him so that you’re chest to chest, eye to eye and reassures you that when you do have sex he promises to be more patient and careful with you. Strokes your face gently and looks at you with his big pretty eyes, admitting that even when the time comes, he doesn’t think he’d last long at all so don’t expect for the time to somehow slip through your finger, which is impossible, because it’s Intak.
“You trust me? Tell me please, do anything you want me to, just want t’be inside of you.”
Okay maybe he lied, at least just a little, but he can’t help it! You just feel so good he can’t refrain from begging you to make him feel good, babbling on and on about how you’re made for him, that he thinks he exists for the sole purpose of being pleasured, used by you. Gets so caught up that you repeatedly have to ask of him what to do, how to know if you’re making him feel good, but he’s fucked out so quickly it’s hard to even speak, just a dump reiteration of “Good, good! fuck— too good!” As your hips rock only slightly against his.
This definitely happens the first few times, and even after he would still fail to be 100% coherent and present in the moment, but he’d at least be able to have you sunken over him for more than 15 minutes without cumming, but that’s only if there’s minimal movement. To wrap it up in one he’d seem like more of the virgin in this situation than you, would even apologize over and over for being so pathetic, but he’d make up for it with the use of his mouth and fingers. At least then he’d be able to do more.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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dead-boys-club · 2 months
†  monster : aventurine.
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❥ scenario: arguments, of all things. ❥ tw: nothing that i can think of, there is flinching. ❥ half beta'd
❥ a/n: yes, i have gone off track from my normal requests. this is simply because doing only requests can cause serious writers burnout and i'm trying to combat that.
the argument started over something small, miniscule even, that normally wouldn't have even touched his nerves, let alone set him off. but tonight, everything felt different, the tension thick, almost suffocating, in the air. his patience was wearing thin and he couldn't figure out why, it didn't help that the person standing before him knew exactly how to push his buttons.
'you always do this!' they snapped, voice shaking with agitation. 'you hide before that ridiculous mask of yours, pretending to be someone.. something you're not. it's getting exhausting!'
aventurine's eyes narrowed, the usual flamboyant flair of his expression hardening into something darker. he could feel the edges of his temper fraying, the carefully constructed persona he wore for the world beginning to crack under the strain.
'and, what would you know about it?' he asked, voice laced with venom. 'you think you see me? you think you know me? the real me? you don't have a clue.'
the room seemed to shrink around them as the argument escalated, words like daggers, each one cutting deeper than the last. he knew it should have never gotten so far. the person he was arguing with wasn't backing down and he could see it was coming from their own frustration and hurt spilling over, but maybe it was something that needed to happen. if he needed to be verbally abused for one of the closest people he had to relax.. so be it.
'you're a coward, hiding behind some stupid act!' they yelled, voice rising, 'you're too scared to let anyone in, too scared to show who you are and those of us who are here.. it's tiring. you're just--'
their words cut off as aventurine took a step closer, his presence suddenly overwhelming. it wasn't about size of physicality, but something about him; there was something dangerous lurking just beneath the surface. something he had kept under wraps so well was creeping out.
they flinched, instinctively recoiling from him as if he'd reached to strike them. the movement was barely noticeable but it was enough. the sharp intake, the widened eyes - he saw all of it and it hit him like a punch to the gut.
the anger drained from him in an instant, his entire body freezing. he watched as they took another step back, their eyes now filled with something that cut deeper than any insult ever could.
and then the words came. words that would haunt him long after the fight was over.
'you're a monster.'
they said it so softly, so small. the silence that followed was deafening. aventurine could barely breathe, the weight of those words crushing him. for a moment, the mask slipped entirely, and the person before him saw something raw - the writhing, raw vulnerability that was buried far beneath the surface. but, it was fleeting, gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the mask once more. because, they were right. he was hiding everything from the world; even this.
'you don't mean that,' he said, voice low and tight, no longer holding any anger; no conviction. he was shaken, and it was clear to both of them.
'maybe i do,' they answered, voice softer now, almost regretful. 'or maybe you just make it too easy to believe.'
with that, they turned and left, leaving aventurine along in the silence. he didn't move, didn't call after them - he couldn't. instead, he stood there, staring at the space they had occupied just moments before. the other of their words continued to ring in his ears.
a monster.
is this what i've become? a monster in the eyes of someone i care about? have i been so consumed by my duties, my responsibilities, that i've lost sigh of who i am?
i've always prided myself on being in control, in being disciplined. but what good is that discipline if it turns me into something others fear? i thought i was doing what was necessary, what was right. but.. maybe i've crossed a line. maybe i've become too much of what i never wanted to be.
but a monster...? is that really who i am? or is this just.. anger, hurt being used..?
he closed his eyes, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to collect himself, not wanting to get so lost in his head. the mask was still in place but felt so much heavier. he wasn't sure how long he stood there, allowing the reality of what had happened to sink in.
because in that moment, as much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth in their words. was the mask he wore the only thing standing between him and the person they now feared?
that scared him more than anything else but maybe, they were right. maybe he was a monster. if that's what he needed to be for his goals.. he would, begrudgingly, accept the title. he didn't have a choice.
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visualbutterflysworld · 10 months
Small heh? | VHackerr
Warning: smut and smut kinks. fwb. jealousy. insults. Unprotected (use birth control!)
Dont call a guy’s dick small when yk it’s not
This randomly came to me lol
“So fucking ridiculous!” I mutter as I enter my home. I shut the door behind me but it doesn’t close all the way because of the male following me. “No, it’s not.” I hear Vinnie say as he slams my door. I throw my purse on my counter as I round it, grabbing a water from my fridge. “Yes, it is! What gives you the right to come and crash my date?!” I ask, Vinnie standing across from me.
“Since I’ve been fucking you for the last few weeks.”he snarls at me. My glare deepens. “So fucking what?! You’re not my boyfriend Vincent! We’re just friends who have sex once in a while. Nothing more, nothing less!” I yelled at him. He rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe you have the nerve to say that. You know what, don’t call me when you need someone.” He begins to walk away. I see him heading towards the door as I re-round the counter.
“Yeah, okay! That’s why your dick was small anyway!” I shout and cross my arms. He stops all movement. I stand straight and tall. He slowly turns around and I have never seen him so pissed. “What did you just say?” He asked. I glare at him harder. “You heard me.”
He slowly begins to move towards me. “No, sweetheart, I don’t think I did.” He’s now looking down at me. I step an inch closer. “I. Said. That’s. Why. Your. Dick. Is. Small.” And before I know it. I’m thrown over his shoulder and then being railed into from behind.
“Ah. Fuck Vinnie. I can’t.” I huffed as I throw my head into my pillow. “Huh? What was that, love?” My dress is up to my hips from all my squirming. He pulls my hair, forcing me to lift my head up and moan. “What did you say?” He doesn’t slow down his pace as he whispered into my ear. “Vinnie. You’re. It’s too much.” I whine. “Awe. I thought my dick was small, love?” I can’t see him but I just know he’s smirking.
“I lied! Okay! I lied. Ahh fuck! Please don’t stop.” I cry out. He lets my hair go and slows down for a moment to pull my dress off. Once I’m bare, his pace picks up. I feel him kiss down my back. “Wasn’t planning on to.” I then fell him grip my hips tighter and pounding harder. I then feel a sting of my ass. I moan as he smacks it again.
“Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?” I arch my back at his words. He smacks my ass again. “I asked you a question, dear.” “You, Vinnie! It belongs to you! All of it’s yours.” I cry as I feel my climax coming. “Good girl.” He praises me and with a few more thrusts I come. “Fuck. Gonna paint your walls so you know who you belong to.” He said through grunted teeth. I put my head into my pillow as I feel him paint my insides white.
He slowly pulls out of me and I slump down. I feel him fall beside me. He lays on his back and turns his head towards me. We both try catching our breath. “Still think my dick is too small?” He asks with a smirk and all I can do is glare at him. “Fuck you.”
“You already did sweetheart.” Vinnie laughs and I quickly move my hand down and squeeze his sensitive dick hard. “Ow!” Vinnie yaps. “Don’t say stupid shit then.” I say. “I’m sorry, love.” He moves closer to me and kisses my forehead. “You wanna take a bath together. I know you’re sore.” Vinnie laughs.
“Yeah, sure. Mr. Ima Paint Your Walls.” I mock him and this time it’s his turn to glare at me.
I have never wrote a shot as fast as this.
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besaya-glantaya · 1 year
In an attempt to exorcise these thoughts from my brain (this movie has taken up residence in my soul), here is an incomplete list of the things I notice and love in Red White and Royal Blue.
1. Henry staring in utter disbelief at the frosting-covered whiskey tumbler Alex plops distractedly into his hand whilst pawing ineffectually at the mess all over Henry's shoulder. Comedy gold.
2. Nora pretending she doesn't know either of them and hiding her face as they scuffle in front the cake.
3. How Alex has Henry literally in his pocket while talking turkey.
4. During Henry's "what does it mean" crisis talk over The Kiss, the entire scene is dressed in bi flag colours. Nora is in pink, Alex in blue, with a purple poster in the background.
5. The soft "whoa" of the white house staffer, who walks into Nora's office just in time to hear her ask Alex: "How many guys have you been with?" She hesitates, stunned, and then looks as if she'd like the ground to open up and swallow her now, thank you very much.
6. His Royal Hardness making flustered small talk with the UK Prime Minister and the US President, while the FSOTUS goes in for a cheeky squeeze. You ridiculous, giddy, fools.
7. Ellen's exasperated "my son thinks he's a fucking comedian" look in reply to Alex's "The night is young, Ma" and his shit eating grin, before diplomatically, and very sensibly, removing the British PM from the vicinity of these two horny idiots.
8. Alex's warm and teasing delivery of "Are they known for their homosexual tendencies?" after Henry says he's "as gay as a maypole." Boy is smitten.
9. When Henry invites Alex to the charity polo match, his initial awkward nerves transition to fond derision when Alex's tells him, crestfallen, that he doesn't know how to play polo. Bless.
10. Henry on a horse. Very much in agreement with Alex on this one.
11. The interleaved editing of the polo match and tack room shenanigans. It reminds me strongly of the interlaced 'what if' scene in Steven Sodenburg's Out of Sight, which is executed at a far slower pace but delivers that same feel of two people being inexorably drawn to each other, almost as if events are fated to happen.
12. The lighting in the Paris cafe scene. God damn those are two beautiful men.
13. Henry's gleefuly bashful admission of innuendo in the Paris cafe. He's just given Alex his full Royal name, but its Henry Fox that's in control here and he's revelling in bringing every moment of his inner fantasies to life.
14. The heartbreaking disconnect between their two perspectives in the Paris walk scene.
That's some bullshit
It's my life
Doesn't mean you have to accept it
Alex has spent his life pushing defiantly against societal expectations. Henry has spent his life weighed down by them, isolated in a way that Alex only barely grasps.
15. I wish, with all my heart, that the fairytale political landscape of this movie was real.
16. The entirety of the morning after scene in the hotel room during the DNC is perfection and Zahra is the MVP. Matthew Lopez said he had no idea he was going to get that mini panic attack from Sarah Shahi and kudos to Sarah for that perfomance. Inspired.
17. How quickly and assertively Alex say "No" to Zarah's "would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?"
18. The way Zarah says "Everytime I see you, it takes another year off my life." This phrase plays on loop in my brain during shitty work meetings.
19. The coming out scene with Alex and his Mom. A joyous balm for those of us who never got to experience that with our own parents.
20. Forehead touches. Ugh.
21. My brother in Christ, sharpen your knives Oscar, what did that pepper do to deserve that?
22. The catatonic state of sadness that Henry exists in after swimming away from Alex. My heart hurts.
23. The pride flags in the crowd outside Buckingham Palace. Again, can we all have this universe, pretty please?
24. The way Henry takes Alex's hand with such ease in public after the election win. If only Paris Henry could see you now.
[Exorcism sequel here]
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jfleamont · 6 months
Hey for your jily muse, out of order <3
Okay this is unforgivable, I know. You sent this prompt over two months ago. TWO. This ask has been sitting in my inbox since the 18th of January, so you probably won't even remember sending this but I promise you I've been thinking about it constantly and waiting to have free time to work on it and I have this tendency to leave things unfinished so this is me working through that as well lol
Without further ado, here it is ❤️
Out of Order - 744 words
Evans is in the boys' bathroom. She's in the boys' bathroom and she's crying.
One of her hands is gripping the sink, while the other fruitlessly wipes the tears that keep escaping.
She hasn't noticed his arrival, and Sirius doesn't bother clearing his throat. “I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for this.”
She makes a startled noise and turns to face him, her expression a mixture of anger and sadness. It's comical, really, so Sirius laughs.
“There is,” she mutters as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her jumper. Her voice lacks the edge she usually aims at him— and at James, too, though Sirius can't help but notice a slight difference there.
He walks towards her and hands her his monogrammed tissue - he's never used it for this purpose specifically, but it has proved to be useful during the occasional prank or after a rough full moon - which she grabs immediately. She doesn't thank him, but he doesn't expect her to.
“Ah well, that's all I needed to know. It's not like you're invading my personal space or something.”
She lifts an eyebrow and eyes him curiously, looking more like her usual self. “I'm sorry, is there a plaque or an inscription that I haven't noticed? Does House Black monogram bathrooms as well as tissues?”
“Not that I'm aware of, no. Don't give my mother ideas, though, she might actually try to do that.”
She makes an attempt at a smile, but it quickly turns into a quiet sob.
“Apparently there can only be one crying girl per bathroom, and Myrtle has claimed the one across the corridor as hers so it's out of order,” she explains as she tries to regain control of her emotions, “and I thought this one was empty since everyone is heading down to watch the match.”
“You were right... for the most part. Why aren't you going then?”
“No reason,” she replies, her voice even, but she's not looking at him.
Sirius thinks he knows why. He suspects it has to do with the good luck kiss that Cornelia Kettleburn gave James at breakfast and how quickly Lily disappeared after that.
“Cool. I'm not going either. Fancy going to the Astronomy tower for a smoke?”
She looks taken aback. “I— wait, why aren't you going?”
In truth Sirius wants to go, and James is going to kill him for this, but lately he's been claiming that he no longer has feelings for Lily, and Sirius hates being lied to, so technically this is just payback.
“James got on my nerves so I'm skipping the match in protest,” he adds with a shrug and it's the truth, because it wouldn't be fair to lie. “So, are we smoking or not? Got a fag I can borrow?”
She's not an idiot: she knows this is an olive branch of sorts. Sirius can tell she's deciding whether to believe him or not; after a moment she sighs, and Sirius knows he's won.
“Haven't you got your own? Merlin, you're cheap,” she says while producing a pack of cigarettes from her satchel and handing it to him, a smirk on her face. He's glad to see that she seems to have calmed down significantly.
“I'm trying to quit so I stopped carrying them around,” he replies and grabs one, putting it in the breast pocket of his vest.
“Looks like it's working,” she notes as she fixes her appearance in front of the mirror and readies herself to leave the room.
“Why are you mad at Potter anyway? Thought you two were inseparable,” she asks as she walks towards the door, a step ahead of him so that he can't see her face.
“Can't tell you, it's a secret.”
She huffs. “You lot are starting to sound ridiculous with all these secrets,” she whips her head towards him, her disapproval clear on her face, though he's almost certain this is just another way of disguising her curiosity. “Is this little group of yours a cult or something?”
“It's a counterculture,” he explains as he exits the bathroom, “how else are we going to beat those bigoted dickheads? The only way to fight a cult is with another cult.”
He's just joking, but the idea doesn't sound half bad to his ears.
Apparently Lily disagrees, because she snorts. Loudly. “Not sure about that logic but you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks for the support.”
“Anytime, Black.”
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umemiyan · 1 year
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𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗫 𝗔𝗙𝗔𝗕!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ 18+ only, mdni / established relationship / bondage (handcuffs) / unprotected piv sex / creampie / the position (linked below) is a bit… difficult so you may need to suspend your disbelief a little. 1.2k words
this is my submission for @true-form-hoe‘s sex me up event! i received the hands behind ankles position (reference picture) and i was lowkey so afraid i was gonna screw this up, and, well… maybe i did lmao, but i tried my best! hope you enjoy!
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“Are you okay?” you ask as if you aren’t the one in the compromising position, neck craning to look at the boy who silently looms over your shoulder, leaving you waiting.
“Yeah, I just… are you sure this is comfortable?” Megumi’s voice is as quiet as always with his inquiry and tinted with concern for you despite how the head of his cock leaks against your dripping folds.
You nod, growing more desperate by the second as his nervous breath grazes your ear. “I’m fine, I promise. Are you?”
He gulps in response, feeling utterly ridiculous over how you’re the one asking him if he’s okay. “Yeah, ‘m fine.”
“Alright, well…” you pause, wiggling your body as best as you can against him as if to coax his length inside of you. “Go ahead.”
You’re on your belly, hands cuffed behind your ankles to pull your body into something of a hogtied position, trapping Megumi between your arms and open thighs. His face is flushed with both arousal and anxiety, the reality of the situation causing his heart to pound like a war drum beneath his rib cage.
He’d been a little taken aback when you’d first mentioned giving such an interesting position a try, the reluctance apparent on his face as he struggled to imagine a scenario in which such a thing would be pleasurable for you or even possible to achieve. You had yet to do anything so complicated or downright kinky together, and although Megumi was feeling rightfully uneasy, he couldn’t deny the appeal of indulging a little. It took several days for it to simmer in his brain, the images flashing through his mind and making his cock twitch until he eventually agreed to give it a try.
He was still shy about it, however, fingers trembling as he carefully aided you in twisting your body and cuffing your wrists behind him, a sheen of nervous sweat already glistening upon his forehead. Megumi’s arms still shake beneath him as he hovers over you now in position, mindful not to place too much weight against you should it somehow cause you to break. He perseveres through his nerves, mostly thanks to the way he can feel the heat of your core against him, waiting to take him in.
“Megumi… please,” you request, tone fairly even and controlled compared to how distraught he’s feeling on the inside. But the way you say his name… it always tugs at his heart, makes his cock pulse with desire, and he swears he’d do anything for you. He already has you contorted like this just as you’d asked.
With a shaky hand, Megumi reaches down to make sure he’s placed properly against your entrance before pushing forward, cock slowly inching into you as if you’re some virgin that needs to be handled with extra care, when in reality, he’s the one squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a stuttering breath at how tight you are.
You sigh with relief and pleasure, cunt clenching around him and pulling him in until he’s bottomed out and breathing shakily in your ear. It feels so good to be full, especially now that your muscles are beginning to ache and your desire has become unbearable. Thankfully, Megumi has finally begun to move.
The feeling of him dragging out and then back into you draws a moan from your throat. He takes this as a sign that you’re alright, and god, he really hopes you are because he’s already enjoying this way more than he initially expected. Seeing you in pleasure from being in such an odd position, knowing that you trusted him enough to try and successfully pull it off… Megumi’s head is beginning to spin.
“Y-you good?” he asks, struggling to maintain his composure and hold himself up on quivering arms.
“Mhm,” you hum and nod enthusiastically, voice pitched slightly higher at the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
With the next several thrusts, the pleasure only increases for both of you, that delicious sensation building in your core with each passing second as you listen to Megumi’s ragged breaths.
“Shit, I don’t think I’m gonna last long…” he admits, brows furrowed and cock twitching inside you. He’d at least rather be honest than surprise you with an early finish, but he’s still going to do his absolute best to make sure you feel good before he loses himself.
Turning your head to the side, you seek out his lips with your own, desperate to taste him on your tongue as he takes you from behind. You’d trust no one else to be so attentive while you’re immobilized like this, so when he kisses you back with such fervor, every ounce of you is lit on fire.
The sweat drips from his forehead as his hips keep working to drive himself into you, tongue tangling with yours as your muted moans spill into each other’s mouths.
“‘S’okay,” you tell him in between gasps for air, feeling the pleasure build in your belly every time he thrusts forward into your sensitive heat. “‘M gonna cum too.”
He groans softly against you, forehead pressed to yours and eyes squeezed shut again while he fucks you at a faster pace. You’re so hot and tight around him, caging him in with both your cunt and your limbs, and you’re so perfectly surrounding him in every aspect that Megumi swears he’s tasting heaven.
The frequency and volume of your moans is increasing, penetrating his ears like a musical cadence and he can feel you clenching down on him, your body telling him where it’s headed. He only keeps drilling into you, using every last bit of his restraint to fuck you at the pace that’ll make you cum while refraining from reaching his own high in the process.
“Right there,” you say, high-pitched and breathless, feeling yourself about to snap as the head of his cock repeatedly presses against your sweet spot. “Fuck, ‘m gonna… Megumi, fuck, I’m cumming—“ your voice wavers and then gets choked off by the force of your orgasm, silence washing over you along with the intensity of the pleasure. 
“Ah, fuck—“ Megumi breathes, finally reaching his breaking point. Your walls bear down on him and milk him for all he’s worth, his hips stilling as he spills inside you with a groan, jaw clenched and arms quivering beneath his weight. It’s only after a few seconds of enduring the blinding heat that you can finally groan out loud yourself and shiver through the rest of it as he fills you up, warming your insides with his seed and completely losing himself to you.
After catching his breath, Megumi places a soft couple of kisses against your throat and tries to keep himself from collapsing against you, cheeks flushed and body exhausted. He still needs to get you out of this straining position and make sure that you aren’t hurt, but he also needs to just have these couple of simple moments with you before doing so. He takes a second to just breathe you in.
“That went better than I expected,” he says, somewhat astonished, before reaching back to start undoing the cuffs around your wrists. He’s eager to see that you’re alright.
“Yeah…” you reply, still catching your own breath and feeling the discomfort in your muscles settling in more prominently now. You might end up feeling the aftermath for a while, but the scenario certainly didn’t disappoint. “I think my body needs a break, but… maybe then we can try it again?”
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