#my oc jatne
figgiforever · 1 year
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More doodles of my OCs :) If some faces seem smaller or bigger than others - it happend accidentally. I didn't care about the proportions of the heads relative to each other, I just wanted to doodle my characters.
From left to right:
Jedi Knight Annada Maage (Jedi Healer, Tiggi's personal doctor) and Werda (Darman and Etain's second child)
Qeila "Killer" Sichan (a skilled mechanic and not only that) and Jatne (Kad and Makke's first child, Fi and Tiggi's first grandchild, born during battle of Endor)
Runi (Niner and Parja's daughter, Tiggi's right hand) and her husband Yong Chen
EDIT: I updated Yong Chen's look digitally.
My Tiny Taglist: @mandalorian-general
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wombatttttt · 17 days
Intro Post!
I'm Cat (or Cal), 35, long term sufferer of Star Wars: Republic Commando. I’ve been writing fanfic, RPing, and making OCs around Repcom/Mandalorians, the Clone Wars, and Early Empire eras for TOO LONG.
A few things since I've been seeing Opinions™:
In this house we accept Kal Skirata for the flawed character that he is
I don’t clone ship as an FYI, but you all do you <3, it doesn’t super bother me
I have opinions on the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars but I promise you I am not a Jedi hater
But I mean... Team Mando'ade all the way
Arligan Zey. I'm thinking about Arli rn probably
Etain lives, okay? Cool
Currently working my way through The Bad Batch
My OCs (to name a few):
Clone Commando Sigma Squad: Gev, Jatne/Jaro, Morj, and Sprocket
Jatne Shadlaar (Mandalorian OC)
Cael Ukar (Arkanian Offshoot underworld doctor, very married to his Mando husband)
Jedi Knight Avan Kaden
Sith Inquisitor Arkady Kaden (Avan's twin~)
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ct7567scyarika · 3 months
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Conflict of Interest
“You know you could have given me a heads up that you were sending a Jedi my way.” caterwauled Pyrrha to the blue gradient holoimage of Sas, who just laughed in response. It was difficult to keep the irritated facade up when her friend had such a contagious laugh. Not the kind that was boisterous, rather one couldn’t help at the very least smile at the sound....
...“Listen, I didn’t think he’d find you so fast. I had no idea where you were, I just told him the two spots where I knew you wouldn’t be.”
“That I don’t mind. It’s the fact you never mentioned what he was like in all the times you’ve told about your adventure.”
“Yes, I did.”
“No, all you said was that he was naïve and sheltered. You never mentioned how he looked or that he flirted.  I didn’t think Jedi could even flirt! In addition, you told him to be extra nice to me.” Once again, the response was laughter. While the reaction was at her own expense, the corners of Pyrrha’s mouth lifted.
An illustration for chapter two of Pyrrha's story, Hanging by a Red Thread, which you can read here on A03! Featuring @agirlunderarock's OC, Sas Vom! And while Pyrrha and Rex are endgame, even Pyrrha was not immune to Obi-wan's charm.
This one took sooo long. I'mnot great with backgrounds, much less spaceships. I'll probably update once I get better or a piece focused on the ship itself. This isn't all "canon" what Pyres' ship looks like, because there's more art/writing painted on the ship from OC friends that I want the creator's input on. The ones pictured are from my other OCs involved in her story. Her mentor Riji (he did the upper corner.) and Muunx (the cooler looking bit.) Both in written Mando'a. Riji's says: "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur" which translates to the Mandalorian saying: "Today is a good day for someone else to die." While Muunx's says "Oya!"
The program I used is Ibis Paint X, and I recently bought the yearly premium for the AI disturbance factor because I can't get Glaze to work due to storage.
Last note, realized I should organize my art on my Masterlist and not just my stories. I'll link it here when that's fixed.
Edit: That Story+ Art Masterlist lol
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vandyrix · 1 year
"Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
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Andal Sloane; Mandalorian Freelancer and Bounty Hunter
Finally got around on drawing this man; took me forever but here he is! Another blorbo into my Tumblr (pls love him)
Extra doodles here too
(He's also in Art Fight + other OCs; check me out)
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rinrinp42 · 4 years
For Time Traveling Husbands, how did Jango and Obi-wan meet? What made Jango go 'yep, that's the one, that's gonna be my riddur someday.' Or was that on Obi-wan's side of things?
Sorry it took a day - yesterday I had a migraine and to write would have made me stab my head istg.  But!  Here’s how they met! (plus I get to let everyone both know that Obi’s Finder was the Mandalorian Knight (he founded them - Tarre Vizsla most likely would have been later) and an OC who’ll show up later too).  Right now there’s no “gonna be my riddur someday” because Obi’s 15 - that happens later when Obi comforts him after Cassus Fett/in 32480 TYA (3973 BBY)
32478 TYA (3975 BBY), Kiffu:
Jango grumbled as he moved through the city.  He understood that Republic citizens might not enjoy going to war with Mando’ade[i], but you’d think hiring one would mean that you at least would treat them with respect.  But no, as soon as he had arrived to deliver the bounty it had been badly veiled insults and pushing for him to leave.  And without the full payment.  Or taking the prisoner.
Ugh, and they called Mando’ade barbarians.  At least they had honor.
By the Ka’ra[ii] he was going to plant himself like a varos[iii] vine on this planet until they paid him!
“Move!” a young voice called out, pulling Jango’s attention
That was all the warning he got before he got an armful of a teenage boy.  Somehow, no doubt a combination of the inertia of the boy and Jango’s own surprise, they stumbled into an alley.  The boy – still growing into himself, red hair in a short, spikey style – kept trying to push Jango along.  He dug his heels in as he took in the cream-colored robe the boy was sporting. Jetii-ad[iv].  But what was one doing trying to herd Jango around?  And where was the older one he’d have to be with?
The boy rolled his eyes with a huff, “Ib’tuur jatne tuur ash’ad kyr’amur[v].”
“Me’ven[vi]?” Jango was so shocked by this Jetii’ad speaking Mando’a that he let himself be shoved a bit further along.
“We need to move verd[vii].”
This was just too bizarre.
“How do you know-”
Jango was cut off by blaster-fire hitting the wall next to them.
Well.  That explained why the Jetii’ad wanted them to move. And Jango agreed with the notion – he didn’t want to start to shoot up a civilian market and get tossed from this planet before getting paid.  Jango stopped resisting and moved forward, following the Jetii’ad – after all, his kind were known to have ori’jate[viii] instincts.
He was right.  They turned the corner down one alley just as a woman – close to Jango’s age, darkish skin, dark hair long on top with shaved sides, yellow qukuuf[ix] cutting across her face under her eyes.
“In here, quick,” she hissed.  They slid in behind her and the door closed.  Moments later the sounds of whoever had been chasing them went past the door.
“Not sure why those Tentase sleemo are after you two, but best lay low for a while before heading back out,” she turned to them, brown eyes calculating.
“Much obliged mistress,” the Jetii’ad bowed.
The Kiffar scoffed, “’m no ‘mistress’ kid.  The name’s Senni, Senni Vos.  Just use my name.”
The Jetii’ad nodded gravely at that, “I am Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“Jango Fett,” Jango added, removing his buy’ce[x] so he could eye the- so he could eye Kenobi.
“Not sure I’m really involved; the kid basically took me hostage.”
Jango pressed his lips together, trying not to grin as Kenobi huffed.
“They weren’t shooting before they saw you,” Kenobi said, “but overall, I think sleemo is far too accurate. I came here on a Mission regarding a Hutt Clan.”
Jango winced as Vos whistled low.
“I knew that they were up to some shady business, but didn’t realize they threw in with the Hutts,” she said, “Like I said before, you two can hole up here for a bit.”
With that she wandered off, going back to her own business for the time being.
“So,” Jango began, sitting on Vos’s couch, “where does a Jetii’ad learn Mando’a?  I doubt the Republic has anyone fluent to teach.”
Kenobi blinked at him and sat next to him.
“They don’t, not really. My Finder knew it and, well, he’s probably the closest to a parent I have,” Kenobi saw the look on Jango’s face and huffed his own laugh, “my birth parent died when I was still a baby, and the rest of my family couldn’t take me in when he came.”
Jango felt a bit better – there were too many rumors about Jetiise[xi] being baby stealers.  At least this one was more of an adoption, even if Jango wasn’t sure why his own family couldn’t take him.
“But how did your Finder,” Jango let the term roll around in his mouth as he asked, “know Mando’a?”
“My Finder was Dorjander Kace.  He was caught during the Great Sith Wars and met a Mando’ad by the name of Varda. They married.  But she died during a bombing raid.  Dorjander went back to the Order after the War, but he took a while to do so and arrived with me.  He kept track of me over the years and taught me some Mando’a.”
Jango nodded.  A reasonable tale – many Mando’ade had found riduur[xii] across the battlefield.  He’d have to figure out what Clan Varda had been part of – they’d want to know that in some way they had a second Jetii in their line.
But that’d have to wait. He still needed to get paid and now he had to deal with the Hutt henchmen.  Speaking of which….
“If these Tentase don’t want you investigating, why would they shoot at me?” Jango wondered.
Kenobi blinked at him and then let out a string of curses that would have made a Corellian blush. Jango raised his eyebrows and noted a few for future use.
“Why are you here?” Kenobi asked.
“I’m here to deliver a bounty, but they won’t let me see the primary – Sheyfs Larin Vel.”
“Who’s your bounty?” the boy was intense, Jango could practically see him making connections as he gained more information.
“Normally I don’t talk bounties with anyone who’s not the client,” Jango said.
“I really think now’s the time to make an exception.”
“Some guy who was selling security information.”
Kenobi frowned, eyes unfocusing before his attention snapped back to Jango.
“I think your bounty, my mission about the Hutts trying to expand, and these Tentase are all the same.”
Jango stared at him, seeing the connections – a information seller being brought back before he was able to give the information he shouldn’t have to his buyers, the Hutts.  The Tentase who couldn’t be working alone as the contact point on Kiffar who had sent the bounty off.  But Jango had been hired to bring him in and they couldn’t let the seller tell the Sheyfs who got him the information, so they had done their best to delay him, maybe even hoping that he would get too frustrated and decide it was better to bring his bounty in cold as a statement.
“Well, Jetii’ad, looks like we should work together then.”
Kenobi grinned at him, sharp as a kal[xiii].
[i] Mandalorians – lit. Children of Mandalor
[ii] Stars (ancient Mandalorian Myth – Ruling Council of Fallen Kings)
[iii] Native Mandalorian fruit with a velvety aroma and one of many varied fruits that were used to distill tihaar
[iv] Child of the Jedi – basically Padawan
[v] Today is a good day for some else to die
[vi] Huh? What? Expression of bewilderment and confusion
[vii] Soldier
[viii] Excellent
[ix] Kiffar markings indicating Clan (passed Matrilineally)
[x] helmet
[xi] Jedi, plural
[xii] Spouse
[xiii] Blade, knife
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figgiforever · 2 years
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Recently I’ve been busy so didn’t draw or post much, because a big change is happening in my life. But I’ve been doodling using this some of my OCs that I didn’t draw or even think about them in a long time.
So here are: Ka’ra, Parjir, twins Tal and Tar - children of Atin and Laseema; Jatne - first child of Makke and Kad, first grandchild of Fi and Tiggi.
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figgiforever · 2 years
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W 2022 roku na moim blogu pojawiły się 2192 posty
O 2188 postów więcej niż w 2021!
68 utworzonych postów (3%)
2124 zreblogowane posty (97%)
Najczęściej reblogowane blogi:
778 moich postów w 2022 miało tagi
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#fi skirata – 36 postów
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Najdłuższy tag: 136 znaków
#if i remember correctly it was said in books that when munin started training young kal other mandos weren't sure if kal isn't too young
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Nr 5
How relationship of Fi and Tiggnella started
Inspired by @mandalorian-general
Tiggi *comes out of the bushes to meet the rest of Omega squad on their way to rejoin with Darman*
Fi: Are you an angel?
Tiggi *in dirty, frayed, oversized clothes, covered in mud and other things you don't want to know about*: Sure, if angels look like demons.
Fi *grins*: Better Jedi-Demon than Separatist-Angel, right?
Tiggi *smirks*: I like this idiot.
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Fi: Here, have some cold remains of the merlie stew.
That's it. That's how it was.
12 notek (opublikowanych w 5 sierpnia 2022)
Nr 4
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Recently I’ve been busy so didn’t draw or post much, because a big change is happening in my life. But I’ve been doodling using this some of my OCs that I didn’t draw or even think about them in a long time.
So here are: Ka’ra, Parjir, twins Tal and Tar - children of Atin and Laseema; Jatne - first child of Makke and Kad, first grandchild of Fi and Tiggi.
12 notek (opublikowanych w 29 września 2022)
Nr 3
Day 4 prompt: "forced apart" of Republic Commando Week 2022 @officialrepcomm ( a bit late but I wanted to color it )
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Fi wearing Hokan's armor on Mandalore, being apart from his brothers, missing them so much. Inspiration from Imperial Commando novel:
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Day 1 prompt "Boys will be boys" of Republic Commando Week 2022 @officialrepcomm
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On Quiilura when Fi talks too much and Darman already wants to protect his girlfriend Etain.
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