#my other weakness: future selves.....
intotheelliwoods · 5 months
my only weakness: hands
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I'm sorry, but the leader of the LoV was Shimura Tenko. That's the whole point. Wanting to be a hero for the outcast was the part of him that persevered since his childhood despite the grooming. I don't get why people are treating the whole name thing similar to deadnaming or something, because it was a name given to him by his abuser for a character he was creating. Real people vs. their "characters"/alter egos is one of the prominent themes of the story. Any deviation from the character comes from Shimura Tenko, the real person behind the alter ego. Shigaraki Tomura is a "character" the same way All Might, Symbol of Peace, is. He is the Symbol of Fear. It's objectively a bad thing that he was still stuck as that Symbol in the end. Reclaiming the character doesn't work as a positive thing here. It's good that Deku was focused on Tenko, the problem was that he should've seen that Tomura is Tenko too. Instead he didn't engage with anything that had to do with Tomura.
Reading helped me understand why people would prefer the Tenko version, as much as it made me realize how much I disagree with that reading.
( Not necessarily a thi-or-that-is-correct situation. The way I see it, it's just a difference in both our interpretations of the story ).
You mention only one example, but it's you go to other characters for comparison, you're gonna find another themes:
Theme 1:
alter the egos as the real selves— or at least, alter egos revealing traits of the real selves that could not be because of prejudices.
Theme 2:
reshaping / reclaiming a stereotype beyond what others might believe or think of it.
Best example? Deku.
Originally, "Deku" was a mean name for Bakugo to make fun of this weak quirkless kid. It's with the help of Ochako that Izuku reshapes Deku into a new meaning and reclaims it as his hero name. He is not hiding behind it, tho. Deku is the version of Izuku wants to be— brave, heroic, strong.
When the UA kids tell their pro-hero names, they are shaping their future and themselves. Beyond the circumstances, they are deciding who they want to be. Another example of it are "Shoto" and "Ingenium". Shoto takes back his identity as a Todoroki as something to be proud of, while Iida decides he will continue the legacy of his brother.
None of those names mean something bad per se. They are not fake realities. Those names are what helped those kids be more confident and sure about themselves.
Now, the Symbol of Peace is that bad not 'cause it was bad from the beginning.
Toshinori was right at first. Society needed a real reason to believe everything would be okay. They needed an example, a champion. If someone does the impossible, then it's not so impossible, right?
The problem with that name is that people used it as an excuse to ignore individual responsibility.
" Why would I save a child when it's not my job and there are heroes who can do it? "
" Everything bad happens because pro-heroes couldn't prevent it and not because we ignored it out of apathy until it got this bad. "
Those type of things.
The "Symbol of Peace" was destroying Toshinori and the hero society because Yagi lost control over it. It didn't belong to him anymore, it was a myth, a public figure. It wasn't even him.
All Might was created when an insane quirkless kid proved the world wrong getting a quirk and facing the biggest threat out there.
Toshinori Yagi will always be All Might and that is something good. That means hope. That means he doesn't need powers to be dangerous, just like he demonstrated on the final war.
Now, I must mention that the pro-heroes naming convention is nothing like Tomura Shigaraki's situation inside the bnha world. It shares some of the dual identities themes of the story, but when you explain the circumstances, it clicks.
Tomura Shigaraki might have been created by AFO, but to say that the identity belongs to AFO alone because he created it would mean to deny the 15 years Tomura spent living as himself, no memories of who Tenko was.
In fact, Tenko and Tomura both share the fact that they were created by an oppressive person or household that tried their best to shape him as they wanted. The only moment in bnha where Tenko / Tomura decided who he wanted to be was when he chose to keep being the leader of the League of Villains.
By the way, AFO was the Symbol of Fear and they started calling Tomura that because he was going to become AFO's new vessel. He didn't want to be the Symbol of Fear at the end, but the leader of the LOV. When he asks Deku to tell Spinner his last words, he calls himself Tomura Shigaraki and not Tenko Shimura.
The final part of your asks is something I agree with. Deku was so focused on seeing past the mask that he didn't realize part of it was not a mask at all.
Well, let me correct myself.
Deku saw it and couldn't forgive him. Deku saw it and felt unsure about whether he actually saved him or not. Deku stood there, watched everything unfold and couldn't decide if the job had been done. All Might had to reassure him in that regard and we all know how wrong Toshinori constantly is about Tomura.
In a sense, I guess you can affirm that Tomura is Tenko or that Tenko is Tomura. It's more a matter of preference or interpretation what do you want to call him from here on (so far).
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About your Amity's post, I get some of the points but there are some constructive points I want to bring up.
Amity doesn't stand up against her parents for Luz only, she also does that for other people on the Boiling Isles. In Clouds on the Horizon, at the first scene, she and her siblings try to find ways to tell Odalia and Alador that they're unknowingly helping Belos. “Someone has to tell Mom about the draining spell, or else she and Dad are helping Belos hurt people.” The people in Amity's saying don't include Luz, because the draining spell only hurts witches with sigils, while Luz doesn't have one. Even when she's captured in a shield, her first thing she says to Odalia is “Don't you get it? You're helping a witch hunter destroy everything.”
In Reaching Out, Amity wants to reconnect with her father through the Brawl champion. Abomination is Amity's personal interest since she dyes her hair purple because it's an Abomination color. In the Brawl matches, it can be seen that Amity has unique fighting skills with Abomination, she can use it to fly, move it from one place to the other and turn her hands into Abomination like Darius. She trains magic a lot so she can improve like this.
Luz's trauma is focused at the end of the episode, but in the first half, Amity's father issue is more focused. He never listens to her and underestimates her, he's also controlling in some sense. He also destroys her book by cutting it in half. Also, the bond Amity has with Edric and Emira is overlooked as well. They give Amity the concealment stones, and are willing to show their ‘imperfect’ real selves. Emira even tries hard to heal her sister. They cheer for Amity from the stand and they get protective of Amity when Alador grabs her and throws her down. The Blight siblings play an important role in Amity's growth and development, and it's not just only Luz like how the fandom flanderizes.
Amity is only 14, and an abused victim. She only gets out of her mother's influence and she struggles to find what she wants. What Amity wants is the ability to decide for herself. Amity is in her transitional period, her biggest wish is making decisions herself, that's how she connects to Ghost. When Alador underestimates her and wants her to stay back, she still stands up to fight alongside with him and proves that she isn't weak. “I'm gonna make my own decision from now on.” Before knowing what goals or dreams she wants, she has to have the freedom to decide first.
And Odalia does more than bugging Amity about her hair color. Odalia still forces her to join the Emperor's Coven, something that she doesn't want. She was manipulated to believe that it was her dream at first. She treats Amity unfairly compared with Edric and Emira. In the first scene of Clouds on the Horizon, only Amity is criticized and grounded, they only get grounded later on because they try to burn the factory. When the twins try to save the Hexsquad from the shield, Odalia blames it all on Amity, that Amity is the one telling the twins to act out. Odalia even destroys Amity's tamagotchi, her personal belonging. Both Blight parents destroy her belongings like nothing, like a child whose phone gets destroyed by their parents.
Some are too harsh on Amity because she's 14 and they're older than that. They can somehow know what they want for our future. But as a 14 year old, Amity only wants to be a teenager studying and living to the fullest of her life without any pressure. Volunteer to read books for kids, baking, watch Azura and draw, or cosplay her favorite character. She likes Azura way before she even meets Luz. She's still a good student like Season 1 because her magic is much stronger than before. In Sunday momocon panel, Dana confirmed that Bump would have a hard time choosing between Amity and Willow to take to the "Instructing Future Witches of Tomorrow."
When Amity grows up, she can does figure out her ambitions. She becomes an Abomination engineer to create inventions based on her creativity and interests. She's also an explorer, as she travels long distances on the hot air balloon she creates to get Lilith a book. She wants freedom and chances to explore outside after years of being controlled and abused.
first off, thank you for being civil about your argument. you made a lot of points, so i'll address them one by one.
1. yes, amity stood up for the people of the boiling isles, but that was after she already broke free from odalia's influence and got with luz. i was specifically talking about s1 when amity stands up to her parents. at that point, she had no personal goals other than the fact that she liked luz.
2. abomination seems to be amity's personal interest but it also aligns with her parents' goals for her. she was excelling in abomination when she was still under odalia's control. so it doesn't really count as going against her parents' wishes.
not to mention, apart from the scenes where she fights and her hair color (which, i didn't even realize was meant to be inspired by abomination until alador mentioned it), there's not much focus on abomination as amity's special interest. if that was really the goal, they could have put more focus on it.
3. yes, that episode was about amity's relationship with her dad and her siblings. i did acknowledge that. but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's more about interpersonal drama than amity's personal goals. it starts off that way but there's so little focus on amity choosing her own path.
also, luz's trauma isn't only mentioned at the end of the episode, it was the bigger conflict in the entire episode. it starts with luz getting a reminder on her phone and throughout the episode, there's more focus on luz trying to ignore her worries and appear happy, than there is focus on amity.
4. i agree with what you said about amity needing the freedom to do what she wants before she makes a decision. the problem is that there was only one episode centered around that, and that was the episode we just talked about.
i just wish there was more focus on her healing from her trauma and discovering her passions and goals. she is the main character's love interest after all and for a show that's as progressive as toh, i would expect them to know better than to write a love interest whose sole purpose is being a love interest.
if there were more episodes surrounding amity, i wouldn't be complaining so much. and the show being cut short isn't an excuse because there were so many filler episodes that really weren't important to the main plot. the least they could have done is use one of those filler episodes to focus on amity.
5. i understand that amity was still very young and she didn't need to have her entire life figured out at that point. but given that characters like eda and king was given a lot more focus, i just wish they had done the same for amity.
my point is that i would have liked to see the process of amity figuring out her interests and discovering her identity, instead of just getting the end result. yes, we see her volunteer at library (though again, she did that way before her redemption arc and sure, she does seem to genuinely like doing it, but it's still not going against her parents' wishes) or cosplaying (which was done, in part, to comfort luz) but i wanted to see more of the arc that led to amity discovering her own interests, especially after her redemption.
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ihaveforgortoomany · 8 days
Initial 2.2 reaction here, more detailed and focused analysis will be later
Spoilers for 1.9 ofc ofc here:
First off, wdym Mr Duncan is actually Mr Karson? In some shape or form like Paulina from 2.0 where the Paulina Joe saw to the picture was different? Woahhh.
Anjo Nala wow enjoyed her story here, so happy she is now free. Btw OH MY GOD Vertin in that cg where she looks like shes shooting Anjo just like Schnieder oh god.
White Rum was so much fun, her whole concept was so cool I hope we see more of her.
Urd confirmed to be the Friend From Afar? Relations to the White Marble Doves/ higher ups of the Foundation? Igor and Urd know each other? Dammit I knew we were not getting Vertin and Urd interacting this time.
Lopera and Moldir? Alright I will be so honest but yeah their story was mid, I think 2.2 is suffering the same problem as the earlier Books with juggling multiple characters and storylines that Lopera felt weak to me so far, I mean I feel bad espeically at the end but so far her character felt the weakest here, Ill see if GN will change my mind.
Its clear the current patches out have been used to setup the 2.0 story lore wise, so in terms of being emotional hitters like 1.7 Im not mad they dont hit as hard as 1.7 or 1.9 but I hope it is building to something later down the line.
So Antarctica is next I think? Thats pretty cool, heh penguins.
It seems the person is altered in a sense? So for example Mr Duncan is likely Mr Karson had history been different, so Mr Duncan is the result of an altered timeline, we are meeting a future Mr Karson BUT in an altered timeline Im assuming. (It is likely he did know Sotheby's parents maybe?)
We see similar with Mr Karl's child, its clear from Heinrich the child was either a boy or girl but this was altered after the Storm.
So far we cannot say anything about people meeitng their past selves (like Kakania for example meeting herself in 1908 or something, we dont know what would happen if anything)
More importantly.
WE COULD MEET SCHNIEDER AGAIN. Or at the very least meet a version of herself in an altered version, potentially if we went to Italy or something.
This could go for anyone we know reversed now, even The Ring and Issabella. This is huge.
The Manus under Sophia specficially seem to aim to create Storms now, instead of just accelerating an existing one.
But it is wild now its confirmed that people do not necessarily die in the Storm, instead another version is created who retains similar history to the original but altered enough to see a difference (I smell the Mandela Effect)
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gojeto · 6 months
How Gojo and Geto are examples of well written prejudice and character arcs
Just rambling here since it has been on my mind.
Both Gojo and Geto have shown prejudice towards non-sorcerers in jjk and how that directly influences the arcs they have. And in many ways, they swap morals/ views on life and non-sorcerers.
But first we have to establish implicit and explicit bias.
Implicit bias is where the bias is not obvious to the person who believes in them, but is implied and inferred through their words and actions. Early Geto is a perfect example of this. He clearly wants to help and protect non-sorcerers, but he is is often unknowingly condescending towards them. He looks down upon non-sorcerers, even though it is unintentional. Geto, and many other sorcerers, most likely learned such an outlook at a young age. It is shown many times that many sorcerers look down on non-sorcerers, though each sorcerer varies in how explicit they are in their bias.
Explicit bias is where it is obvious to the person who believes them and they make no effort to sugarcoated or hide it. Early Gojo fits into this. He shows few morals and is blunt about how he sees non-sorcerers as less than and believes they don't deserve protecting. How it is rooted in a weak versus strong narrative that has been force-feed to sorcerers for years, only for it to be reinforced even more into Gojo since he is "the strongest among the strong." That he came to believe that protecting them is just a waste of his time and potential, as well as the time and potential of other sorcerers.
If their mission with Amanai never happened, or if it didn't go so sour, they could have ended up in very different places in life. Geto could have worked out his biases, and so could Gojo. Or Gojo could have experienced something else that would lead him down a dark path. But the mission did happened and it permanently affected where their arcs would go.
This is where we must cover positive versus negative character arcs.
A positive character arc is where a character starts in either a dark or average place and experiences growth throughout the story. This applies to Gojo. A strong yet exceptionally flawed teenager who grows into a stronger and less flawed man. Since the mission, Gojo worked tirelessly to better himself and his abilities. As an adult, Gojo has values and morals, and his prejudice towards non-sorcerers, while still there to some degree, has lessened quite a bit. While as a teenager, he wouldn't have cared if a non-sorcerer got killed, as an adult he actively tries to avoid death as much as possible. However, unlike his teenage years, he is exceptionally more lonely.
A negative character arc is when a character starts in a good or average place and goes to a bad/ dark place throughout the story. This is what happens to Geto. He went from a strong student with a bright future ahead of him to a genoc!dle racist. Since the mission, Geto spiraled into a depression, giving into the dark thoughts he had about killing all non-sorcerers to end curses. His implicit bias became explicit bias and he embraced it with open arms, to the point where it almost seems forced. Almost as though, once he reaches adulthood, he knows he cannot turn back and as to constantly remind himself and others how much he hates non-sorcerers by calling them monkey's 24/7. He has to justify it to himself constantly to ensure he never reconsiders, bathing in the darkness of his soul, allowing any and all formerly repressed darkness dictate every aspect of his life. If you're familiar with Carl Jung's map of the soul, it is like he has given into his shadow and it has merged with his ego (shadow = the bad parts of ourselves we don't show others, ego = our true selves). But he doesn't view himself as a villain. As the saying goes, "every villain is the hero of their own story."
While my stgu shipper self is sad we didn't get to see more of them together and never had the potentially romantic part of their friendship explored (ie any romantic feelings they might have had for each other), I still do like that Gege explored how trauma can influence peoples preconceived biases. Not to mention how he tied it in perfectly with the many flaws of Jujutsu society, such as its heavy prejudice. And how it is an allegory for our society and its flaws and issues.
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
What pulled me into my love of MHA is the relationship between Bakugo and Deku... and seeing out they are now after reading recent manga chapters makes me so excited about all that is coming up... I don't know what about BKDK speaks to me... but I can practically feel the love between them, and complex, deep, and layered love is my biggest weakness. (I envy them.) <3
I cry over bkdk because their love for each other now is just so perfect, but circumstances kind of outside their control have torn them apart over and over. And it’s so hard to see characters who love each other as much as they do never get to tell that to each other, and knowing that both of them have gone through Katsuki’s death without having said everything they wanted to say. In that same kind of desperate way Katsuki went feral over Izuku falling into a coma and not being able to tell him everything that was now filling his head up completely. That he is sorry for all he has ever done to hurt Izuku and that he cares so damn much about him.
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"You better not die on me Izuku, because I need you, and there's still so many things I have to tell you."
This was also probably why they added that extra scene of Katsuki thinking of Izuku after waking up. It helped convey his new and open concern for him. His "tsundereisms" until now had only been assumed, because the “dere” side of his "tsun" had been almost impossible to see. Hori had kept this side of him very well hidden - possibly with an intention to get his desired bkdk romance across the shounen jump finish line.
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So all of Katsuki’s hospital scenes confirmed suspicions that this soft side has potentially always existed, only now he was no longer holding back his “dere” for Izuku. He wasn't keeping it caged inside his heart anymore. And this is why I started getting my hopes up for for bkdk canon.
Anyway, they wanted to be the one that’s always there for the other but they kept failing in that, lzuku’s many failings to save Katsuki up until now or the way Katsuki had failed to see Izuku’s love for him, which lead to the breakdown of their relationship for so long. The failure of both of them to connect to one another emotionally, communicate how they feel and really fight for each other and overcome the issues before so many misunderstandings had the chance to take such stranglehold over their lives.
Narratively, all of their problems and lack of understanding each other's emotional selves, despite being so close, has been built up to culminate in a singular point that we are still yet to see.
The purpose of showing how well they know each other and can predict each other’s future strategies and their connection in the battle sense… Hori wrote them like this to juxtapose it against their never ending misunderstandings of the heart. It highlights how connected their emotions should also be, hinting that that their feelings were headed straight for each other until the day they crashed into each other violently and beautifully. All the events as of late have mostly been about Katsuki coming to terms with the contents of his heart and now the time has come for Izuku to do the same.
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A lot of what has been shown is Izuku’s tainted vision of their relationship, or Katsuki’s lonely perspective of never being able to say what he really wants to say the most. And sometimes it’s been about both of them not feeling heard. There has been a veil between their true feelings for so long and it’s high time it is lifted and they meet together as two hearts that can truly see each other without anymore of the pretence. That’s what some of us think will happen in the upcoming chapters, and why Hori keeps having the other couples make references and parallels to them in a lead up to “?” and also why this was drawn:
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I take issue with people who don't acknowledge these overarching narratives that are guiding their characters together - and that they are very much "Not Done" with Katsuki's apology. Their many misunderstandings and hidden feelings for each other must be revealed to reach the conclusion of this story. Because bnha is THEIR story. The only reason I can come up with as for why people deny this future intimacy they'll share... is that if people were to admit these two aren't done with Katsuki's apology, they're also admitting the fact that BkDk are going to become even MORE closer, and they can see the writing on the wall if that ever were to happen...
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forgloryforhonor · 3 months
may i ask if gintae can be considered as parallel characters? since they share a lot of similarities in values and all. what do you think? i love parallel characters as much as narrative foils
I always thought they were parallels as well as foils to each other
GinTae as Parallels
Roles in community and family
Both are in wish-granting or dream-fulfilling kind of business (otae in hospitality/hostess sector and Gintoki as an Odd Jobs guy)
Considered as bosses/leaders and top class in their specific areas of specialty
Aniki (boss man, big brother) / Anego (boss lady, big sister) persona
Gintoki is kind of the Joui Vanguard (in the Joui war he is the first to rush in, and in action scense he always works alone and is the first to deploy himself)
Otae is also first line of attack/offensive defense (Silver Soul Arc-Siege of Kabukichou)
both had strong mentors that defined their way of life and philosophy. Gintoki knew Shoyo best while Otae understood their father best.
Gintoki canonically sees himself as surrogate father to Kagura sometimes
Otae raised her brother on her own after their father died
Otae also wholeheartedly accepts the Anego title Kagura bestowed on him
Gintoki is considered by Shinpachi as his Aniki too
Speak and curse in the same kabukichou accent
both act as Boke (stupid man) to the other straight man characters (tsukkomi)
both tend to hurt the people they love in order to protect/save them
Both can be incredibly self-sacrificial and suicidal for others and for their core beliefs
Both can be truly cruel at insulting others and each other (fatphobia, ageism, classism, misogyny, etc)
both are very very good at finding each other's weakness and exploiting them to cause most damage (or get them to do what the other wants)
both are very good at finding/recognizing each other no matter where or when
both have been positive and negative change to each other in many ways
Friends and Admirers
Both of them have similar group of friends. They operate in the same circles.
both of them are well loved in their community for their strong leadership and cunning bastard personas
both of them have admirers that are mirrors of each other: Kondou-Sarutobi, Kyuubei-Tsukuyo
Both of then are parallels and foils of Hijikata
Both of them are used to mingling/hanging out with opposite sex and know how to play their charms well to their advantage
In my old posts, both Otae and Gintoki have preached the same things to other people at different points in time, which means they seriously have a lot of shared values and both live under the same life philosophy.
Them doing dogeza in Beam Saber Arc (nuff'said)
Their tragic future selves dying at the same time in Be Forever Yorozuya Movie and Novelization
Both risked their lives/ imprisonment/death penalty for Hijikata and shinsengumi
Otae earning Queen of Kabukichou title from Otose, Gintoki seen as Tatsugurou/Jirocho Protege
Similar Stands
Lots of manga panels where they mirror the same actions and dialogue on different pages
And etc
GinTae as Foils
Opposite Genders
Otae usually needs to be saved; Gintoki is usually one of the saviors
Gintoki can be quite a gourmet pastry chef and cook; Otae cannot cook ever
Different social classes / poverty level
Gintoki usually needs to be found, Otae does the finding (or is the cause) of the Yorozuya getting back together
Fighting style: Otae is rooted in reality and the traditional martial concepts; Gintoki is more freestyle, fantastical and wild
Fighting Style: Gintoki is Vanguard, Otae is backup/Rearguard or Home Defense/Baggage Train
Sexual experience: gintoki isnt a virgin and have slept with men and women, otae is a virgin through and through
I'm quite rusty on the GinTae nowadays so I hope you can suggest more too. But may I recommend my big essay "Otae's Involvement With The Odd Jobs" back in my older sideblog called @ukaiknowsbest ?
Thank you so much for the ask. I love questions like these.
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salaapaoo · 1 year
I just read His Brothers keeper and it was sooooo good and now I'm on a lcf/tcf rampage and need more reccomendations. Would you be able to reccomend some the more angsty the better :D
Ooh!!! Hmmm ... Big think....
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**also includes suicide ideation
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This one!! I really loved! I feel like it doesn't get too much attention or interraction because there aren't a lot of tags on it? But it's a kid fic where they find a mirror and it has this ability to show people their past selves. They're all intrigued and looking, but when Cale goes in front of it, it shatters and you get krs !! So it's about their interractions w him and learning about his past :D I'm WEAK for the deaged fics ... We need more!!
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*the author does have a note saying that they might not update or finish this though
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But it's basically, krs wakes up as Cale Henituse's son and you see Cale from his pov!! Cale is .. misunderstood (imo), and each chapter you find out more and more about why he behaves a certain way and hidden trauma!!
**references to SA, there's some memories?? I'd say past grooming?? Cale's getting better though!! Make sure to read the tags .
I really love this one because of the way the bond between Eytan (this is krs' new name) and Cale!!
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THIS !!! THIS ONE IS A MUST READ!! this one is if Cale gets poisoned and it specifically targets people w ancient powers!!! UUUGHH THE WHUMP!!!! IT HURT SO GOOD!!!!!!! I think you should just.. dive right in. Get hurt.
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22,752 words, 1/1 chapters
Peace? ㅋㅋㅋ aka Kim Rok Soo's Chaotic Past Reaction by redcosmos
Eheheje just as the title says!! Reaction fic to his past >:)
6,545 words, 4/10 chapters
Bastards by kariselverrie
This one is if ogcale was brought back to the past, but at the same time, krs is transmitigated in as his twin brother !!
35,912 words, 16/? chapters
Meteor showers by mini_asteroid
This one... Honestly hurt my feelings. Its kinda like... Raon goes out on an adventure, but he forgets how quick time passes.
2,863 words, 1/1 chapters
Dandelion's latibule by senaria
This... UuYgGGhh this one is if Cale loses everyone and goes back in time to fix it, but tries to keep a distance... uuuUUGghhh. It harmed me!!!
41,432 words, 17/? chapters
The ghost in the well by commandercale
This one is if things went wrong and Cale died, but then he wakes up as tboah cale !! Except he's a ghost stuck in a well.
**it can be triggering?? Because there's some scenes that reference his torture and I'm p sure his corpse is mentioned a bit ??
14,582 words, 10/10 chapters
Kim rok soo's guide to survival by pendwelling
This one !! I love this one a lot! It's kinda like if krs is put into Choi Han's shoes ??? As in he wakes up in the forest >:)
I love his interractions w lil ogcale!! And the meeting between him and the Molran's!!
This one hasn't updated in a while, but I am patiently waiting !!!
25,761 words, 4/? chapters
In accordance by pheenick
This!!! Ughhh!!! This one is if ogcale was a regressor and he's trying to change things, and sometimes he doesn't. I loved seeing him lose hope!!! Hmm a comparison... This is kind of like kagerou project - heat haze days !!! He dies and it restarts in the same spot and no one else remembers!!! UUUGGHHH!!!! LOVE
19,301 words, 2/2 chapters
And haha... Maybe.. you can check out my stuff ..? 🫣
Puppy teeth is abt Ron and Vicross having to watch ogcale lose himself in his own grief ?? There's a follow up fic called 00:00 !!
You're still a traitor is from basen's pov of his relationship w ogcale!! He resents him, but he loves him.
With a passing rain is w Cale and the kids and they make some memories !! :D
Wow... 24 recommendations ... Oop
But if anyone else has some recs, feel free to drop them in the replies or smth!!
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fireball-me · 1 year
I really like MAG 171: The Garden. It's definitely one of my favorite episodes. Perhaps my #1 favorite. It ties in really well with the overarching story, doesn't fail to terrify and unsettle the listener, AND it's one of those episodes with clear connections as a metaphor for real life issues.
I'll start with what each of the "flowers" represents.
Gristlebloom Orchid: Muscular body insecurity. Reese is never able to reach the obviously impossible body standards of society, hating himself for not looking muscular enough. Thus, he can only grow into something entirely inhuman.
Bone Rose: Fatphobia. Patricia is haunted by the idea that to be wanted you must be less. She develops a "grotesque horror of her own flesh," desperately trying to get rid of anything that stops her from being perfectly thin. Losing fat becomes losing flesh becomes losing blood. Until finally, she is like a delicate flower, made of nothing but bones.
Cutaway Tulip: Anti-aging. Leopold is deeply afraid of looking old. He seems to flee decay, carving and tearing himself to stay smooth and young-looking. He cuts parts of himself away, and they become petals.
It's important to note that for the first three flowers, "harsh, judgemental light" is stated as an important part of their cultivation. This is because the terror that drives this grotesque transformation really starts from judgement from others.
However, there is one flower that doesn't need this judgemental light to experience the terror of everyone else.
Lily of the Damned: Gender dysphoria. This fear comes completely from within. "Light levels need only be high if the preoccupation with its body’s presence has a visual component." There are quite a few details in the fourth section of the episode that prove as solid evidence that the Lily is a metaphor for the transgender experience of dysphoria. Maeve wants to hide her body from everyone including herself, which is why the flower must be pulled up. All of her fear comes from that of the development of her own body, new sensations she's uncomfortable with, and becoming something she doesn't want. "She is trapped in the same soft prison of skin she has always so despised."
It's almost poetic, the way the creatively woven words create thoughts and ideas about ourselves.
(I was going to make a second section detailing what makes this episode very effective and well-done horror, but I believe my quotes and descriptions from before have served that sufficiently. I'm also not going to go into its connections to the rest of the story, as to not spoil it for people who haven't reached this point but I still think should be able to read my analysis.)
In short, The Gardener is one of my favorite episodes because it uses body horror very very well, and serves as a very powerful and thought-provoking metaphor for body fears in real life. The Mortal Garden represents the world of beauty standards in which we find ourselves forced to dehydrate ourselves, lose weight, hate the future and our very selves in order to look attractive to others. It's where the desire to not be weak, or ugly, or fat, or old, or you makes us afraid, desperate, and starving to be attractive.
It is the worst place that has ever been beautiful.
And it should not exist.
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resident-cake-anon · 6 months
hi luna !! do u have any ideas/info abt golden petals in other aus, like modern aus? 🤔 id love to hear abt them!!
HIHI CLARA!! I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS <33 this ended up being a really long post im sorry.. im a professional yapper
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❦. i see them as being college kids w their academy selves
❦. catalina is always really pushing herself in her studies, maybe she would even be double majored so she ends up doing LONG study sessions in the library
❦. claude is there to check up on her though ofc, ryan put the idea in my head that he would come see her in the library between classes to give her food and a kiss and it rotates in my mind CONSTANTLY
❦. claude’s always posting cati on his socials, ppl are kind of sick of it but they’re too cute for them to say anything
❦. BUILD LEGO FLOWER SETS TOGETHER.. not a doubt in my mind that they do that as a sleepover activity while watching a movie they take an hour to decide on
❦. i see claude as being involved in a lot of clubs maybe a leader of one (my gut says chess) and catalina always makes time in her busy schedule to show up at their events to support him!!
❦. they go on dates to the closest boba shop, especially when cati needs a break from her study sessions
❦. catalina gets the same drink every time while claude always tries something new (he lets catalina have a sip hoping she can widen her palette) + he gets a snack that they can share
❦. catalina insists that she pays but claude always seems to trick her into letting him do it, she always feels guilty but claude doesn’t care, he has the money to spend
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❦. rapunzel and flynn fit these two SO much there’s a reason why i see the light is on the golden petals playlist
❦. catalina basically lives the rapunzel story in fe3h, basically locked away in the monastery unable to leave all that much and wanting to explore the world
❦. also rapunzel being born from a flower??? yea. iconic. and so catalina coded..
❦. the power to heal, all the flowers in her braid, her generally excitable nature, the overwhelming GUILT of leaving home idk so much lines up
❦. also flynn rider is literally the blueprint that defines all f/os i have/will have in the future.. i have a type and it is DEEP-SEATED in my love for flynn rider
❦. fake aliases, rouge-ish but charming personality, being seen as an outsider or weak as a child and turning to putting up fences as a defense mechanism??? sign me up apparently,,
❦. but most of all i think the way the two’s relationship develops in the movie is so perfect and reflects how golden petals would grow closer, learning to trust each other and eventually willing to sacrifice themselves for the other
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❦. i love alice in wonderland so much and golden petals fits into the story pretty well too!!
❦. catalina is so similar to alice aaa her imagining up a whole world like wonderland bc the rules and regulations of sophisticated society bore her is just so fitting
❦. in this au ofc alice wouldn’t be a child i could definitely see catalina in wonderland as her academy self bc she uses escapism as a coping mechanism sm
❦. also catalina and the scene of alice singing w the flowers… love it sm
❦. in wonderland, catalina would then meet claude as the cheshire cat!! i think he would be more helpful than the original cheshire cat but still mischievous in his own way
❦. i think he would often mess w the others they find along their travels in wonderland to get a laugh out of cati, pulling a prank on lorenz as the mad hatter always seems to do the trick
❦. at the end of their story, i believe catalina would be woken up by her classmate, khalid, ig she dozed off during class…
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❦. this au exists only bc im an actual sicko over sleeping beauty not bc i think their roles fit, this one is just for ME
❦. i actually made sleeping beauty au art before golden petals.. was called golden petals so the love runs deep
❦. bucket assigned the three good fairies to hilda, heather, and marianne and who am i to disagree!! it think they’re quite perfect actually hehe
❦. instead of them being aunts to briar rose they would more likely be like older cousins
❦. catalina as briar rose would definitely want to explore outside the woodcutter’s cottage and the forest and so meeting claude was sort of the perfect gateway!!
❦. claude as prince philip is so nice too.. i wholeheartedly believe that he would throw away his royal title to run away to be w this girl he met in the woods over someone he’s been betrothed to since birth.. it makes sense to me
❦. also white wyvern -> white horse that he bickers with.. love it
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yata776 · 4 months
Idolm@ster: Gakuen - Review
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Let’s start positive. This game sells completely the strengths of Idolm@ster. All the idols are problematic students which for some reason or another are not realizing their full potential. Character-wise there are common staples of the genre: idols struggling with their gender identity or ones with self-esteem problems, but also other specific issues like a student who has given up on life after failing her previous dream, or one who has fallen into a self-hatred pit of isolation after breaking up with their previous idol unit. Not only are the character concepts here mostly interesting and likeable, but a school that encourages the alumni to be their best selves and clash with the other students is the ideal setting to explore these stories. In fact, the game is perfectly built around the idea of helping these girls to shine on stage and their personal lives.
You produce each of the idols and manage their schedules, constantly training and interacting with them through the visual novel sections to learn more about them, their insecurities, and their strengths, to see how you can make them the best person they could possibly be. Your first performances are terrible, your idols will not even be able to finish their song due to exhaustion and they will do an absolutely terrible job at it. With each produce run results start showing, learning the gimmicks of each idol’s gameplay style, using your resources correctly, and leveling up your cards all build to their visual growth on stage; they have memorized the entire song and choreography by now, a bigger audience will appear at their concerts, and more importantly, the girls start confidently smiling on stage, finally happy with themselves. Sorry to be corny but Gakumas absolutely understands why we love idols and why we want to support them. The game has been polished to a sheen to fully realize this idea. Even elements outside the game like the animated MVs for each girl make a great job on selling you on their individuality.
Sadly the game crashes and burns with the insipid writing, which is serviceable at best and God awful at worst. For some unexplainable reason Namco decided that the writing team would be helmed by Fushimi Tsukasa, from Oreimo and Eromanga sensei fame. You read that right. I was hoping time would prove me wrong but all of Gakuen’s interesting concepts are ruined by the writing. Main story scenarios get explicitly romantic with your idol of choice, and each route is plagued with the terrible tropes of your average LN, including the idols constantly reading the situation as sexual, feminizing the aforementioned idol struggling with their gender identity or your horny self insert constantly flirting with any near minor (even the teachers aren't excempt from this). The relationship between the idols and the self-insert skews from passable to creepy as shit at the drop of a hat and it’s really hard getting invested. I feel like I have to make up my own story in my head to not roll my eyes out of my skull.
Look, I wouldn’t be as frustrated here if this shit didn’t feel crowbarred into a game that does not need any of these shitty tropes to shine and that CONSTANTLY pushes the story in your face. A professional producer character who manages the girls’ schedules and gets to know them better is a great idea! But it really clashes with the juvenile dating sim thing that this game is constantly attempting. It’s even more infuriating when these tropes ruin the characters themselves. One of the idols is a genius girl who has excelled at everything academics all her life and has basically guaranteed her entire future, but decided against all odds to train as an idol despite absolutely failing at it only because she wanted to dedicate her life to her weaknesses. Fucking inspiring, right? Well, do I need to explain why giving her the shitty fetish gimmick of being aroused by pain and suffering fucking DESTROYS her character? This is past just wanting to attract a creep audience, this is terrible writing.
As you can see, I have a lot of thoughts about this game. In many ways I think this is an absolutely amazing concept and I will continue playing the game for now. The potential here is frankly outstanding, the gameplay is addictive, I love the art, and I am very curious on the long term content as a gacha, especially because it has been lamp shaded pretty hard Gakumas will be a series with an ever expanding cast of new students joining the school, meaning the writers can (hopefully, for the love of god) see what works and is not working for future storylines.
Unlike Song for Prism I am not sure what will be the future of Gakumas. Will it be a success or a failure? No idea, but I am sufficiently in love with the ideas here to be interested in this branch for the foreseeable future. Personally, the writing here is so bad I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone except the most hardcore of idol fans. I can see myself falling off hard after a certain point. My personal head canons are far more interesting than the actual story events here.
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pgas-world · 7 months
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Decided to make my own LOZ Linkverse AU! Let's call it Chained Timelines for now
Bios Below!
Traveler (The Legend of Zelda NES, Battle of Mirage Castle, The Adventure of Link)
Grew up homeless after losing his parents at a young age
Now lives in Rauru Town, in a house paid for by the Princess
Sopping wet cat /pos
Generally quiet and reserved
Also very modest, to the point of having very little self-confidence
If you ask him, he'll say it's a miracle he made it out of his adventures alive
Wilderness survival expert of the group
His semi-advanced combat ability is due to suffering frequent monster attacks
Somehow really proficient in magic
The only Link with two Zeldas; he’s best friends and adventure partners with one, and the other one has a crush on him that he does not reciprocate
Legend (A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening)
Grew up near Hyrule Castle, raised by his Uncle
Returned home after Awakening to take a break from adventure
Puts on a tough face, but has a lot of depression and anxiety to deal with
Destroying an entire civilization will do that to you
Often tries to severely downplay how he's feeling (it doesn't work)
Is frankly very tired of being “the hero”
A reliable warrior all the same, and will go to any length to defend what he truly cares about
Not looking for love, too many bad memories of his last crush
Great work friends with his Zelda, but nothing more
Sometimes turns into a rabbit, and hates it so much
Arts mistook him for his Gramps at first
Time (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)
Grew up in the Lost Woods as a Kokiri
Now lives as a wanderer, searching for Navi and protecting the weak
Trauma baby :(
One of the most experienced Links despite looking to be around 10 years old
Wiser and more mature than people 5 times his age
A bit of a no-nonsense warrior, his emotions hardened by trauma
Very blunt and brutally honest
The “leader” of the group
He does not like when people treat him like a kid
Looks fondly on his descendants, proud that his legacy could inspire future generations
Not super close with his Zelda, but their relationship has grown in recent years when Zelda started having prophetic dreams of the future timeline
Helps his Zelda as they struggle with their gender identity
Has a crush on Malon, but won't admit it
Oddly one of the better therapists out of the group, despite (or perhaps because of) his own trauma
Fairies are one of the only things that can cheer him up
Does he sleep, like ever???
Essence (Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages)
Grew up in the capital of a Hyrule well connected to other kingdoms
Returned home to finish his schooling
A bit of a world traveler, has souvenirs from five different kingdoms
Is something of a trickster underdog, pretty good at preparing plans on the fly
Has way too much self-confidence for his own good
“Oh, they'll be fine! After all, I'm going with them!”
Sometimes charges recklessly into combat and gets himself hurt
Often annoys his Zelda, but they do love each other romantically
Has a lot of rings that all have different magic spells
Can identify the exact type of any tree seed given to him
Can play nine different instruments
Has three animal mounts and none of them are horses
Four (Four Swords)
Grew up alone on the outskirts of Hyrule, raising himself
Still lives on Hyrule's outskirts, but sometimes ventures into Castle Town
Once a petty thief, he's the definition of a lone wolf
Well, he has learned to play nice with others after being forced to work with his alternate selves, but still isn't a great people person
Has a sarcastic streak, will tell people off to their faces
Eventually fell into favor with Princess Zelda, who pardoned his thievery in exchange for his help investigating the Temple of the Four Sword
But he's still not exactly friends with his Zelda
His four copies are now his headspace partners
Not exactly greedy, but isn't likely to take a price at face value
Wind (The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass)
Grew up on Outset Island, leading a quiet life with his Grandma and sister Aryll
Now lives on what will later be New Hyrule, building the kingdom with Tetra
Overconfident, much?
Adventurous, thrill-seeking, energetic, and always down for a scrap
The pirates were not a good influence on him 
But in spite of everything, he retains a positive attitude
Very, very expressive; you'll always know exactly how he's feeling
An outdoor kid to the point that being in sterile conditions makes him physically uncomfortable
Loves his sister very much; she was the first person he brought to New Hyrule with him
Despite his wanderlust, he's actually rather terrible at navigation
Not very fashion-conscious
Knows the absolute least about technology out of any of the Links
Romantically involved with Tetra, but you wouldn't even know it from how they interact, neither of them are into the mushy stuff
Despite the initial shock, classifies “barrel launching” as his favorite pirate thrill
Light (Four Swords Adventures)
Grew up in Castle Town, raised to be a Royal Knight of Hyrule by his father
Still lives in that same Castle Town
Compared to Four, he has a lot of experience working in large crowds
In fact, he suffers from crippling separation anxiety, and spent his entire journey freaking out about how Zelda “left him”
(Has been friends with his Zelda since childhood)
Aside from that, he's generally pretty calm and reasonable
Not exactly a pessimist, but is fully aware of how things can go wrong
“Okay, I think I have a plan.”
Creates his own techniques that compensate for his lack of physical strength
(Most of these techniques require at least one other person present)
Doesn't like to hoard items, usually only keeping a few on hand
Once nearly killed his own father
Mini (The Minish Cap)
Grew up near Castle Town, raised by his grandpa Smith
Still lives in his family home
Baby! Blorbo! Scrimbly Bimbly! :D
The cutest, most wholesome kid you'll ever meet
Goofy, cracks jokes, and always keeps a positive attitude 
The youngest of the group, and he gets treated as such; not that he cares
Despite his young age, he knows a fair bit about weapons due to growing up under the care of a blacksmith
Never thought he'd have to actually use his grandfather's weapons, though…
Most of his formal training comes from the Blademaster Brothers
The most wholesome platonic friendship with Zelda ever!!!
Is the only Link who can speak with the Minish, and frequently talks to them
Loves nature, and will bring absolute hell upon those who destroy it
For some reason, he rolls everywhere 
His preferred unit of measurement is “mes tall”
Twilight (Twilight Princess)
Grew up in the isolated Ordon Village, raised as part of its community
Left Hyrule in search of adventure, but comes back to visit Ordon Village often
Your stereotypical farmer boy, tough as a Dodongo and not afraid to get his hands dirty
Quite mature, and emotionally distant at times, but with a heart of gold
“Fear is for the weak.” Meanwhile Lanayru's history lesson be like
Second only to Traveler in terms of wilderness survival, and unparalleled in hunting
Often speaks to animals, and loves caring for them
However, he respects the nature of the food chain, and will hunt wild animals to feed himself and the people he cares about
(Will never kill a domesticated animal)
Has the greatest physical strength of the entire group
“I'm down to wrestle! Should I hold back my strength this time?”
Barely knows his Zelda, they are not very friendly
Big brother instincts ahoy!
Has a special charm to change into a wolf, describes this form as his “spirit animal”
Not a mushy guy, even with people he genuinely loves
Acts as a mentor to Wild
Spirit (Spirit Tracks)
Grew up in Aboda Village, raised by the elderly pirate Niko
Moved into Castle Town to work as a Royal Engineer
Energetic, loud-mouthed, and a total nerd
Tends to go on lengthy tangents when the conversation interests him
In his spare time, he will spend hours reading technical manuals
If there's a problem relating to technology, call this guy
Loves trains in particular, and has spent a lot of time learning how they work
The youngest royal engineer New Hyrule has ever seen
An expert navigator, give him a map and he's like a damn GPS
Has next to no weapon skills, his only proficiency is in the Boomerang
Most of what he knows about sword fighting, he learned on the fly
Absolutely enamored with Zelda, but is too flustered to do more than a simple hug
Doesn't understand much about magic
Sky (Skyward Sword)
Grew up in Skyloft, living in the Knights Academy from a young age
Left home to establish the Kingdom of Hyrule on the Surface with Zelda
Kind and understanding, he's the go-to guy if you need a favor done
The resident team therapist for the Links
Is actually rather brilliant, but is the laziest of all the Links
He sleeps in constantly, it even irritates fellow heavy sleepers
Has a bit of a sarcastic streak, but generally only around close friends
Will help whoever he meets that doesn't try to kill him, he simply enjoys helping people
But if you make him mad, oh boy, pick a god and pray, they won't save you
When he gets going, he gets going, and it's almost impossible to pry him from his mission
Absolutely adores his Zelda in a romantic way, and will do anything for her
Feels some amount of guilt for shackling his descendents with the hero curse
Enjoys woodcarving
Arts (A Link Between Worlds, Triforce Heroes)
Grew up in a home near Hyrule Castle, working for and living under the Blacksmith
Now lives in Hytopia as an assistant to Madame Couture
A dork of the highest caliber
Flamboyant and confident, never afraid to strut his stuff
Magnetic personality, tends to befriend everyone he meets
Beneath his pseudo-narcissism lies a genuine heart of gold
Weapons are fine and all, but his true passion is fashion!
Owns around 50 outfits, many of which he helped make
Doesn't give two hecks about his gender presentation
“No, no, no! You call this a color palette?!”
Friendly with his Zelda, she goes to Hytopia often just to visit him 
Surprisingly strong, can carry the weight of two other people his weight
Still has the other Triforce Heroes on his contact list
Wild (Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, Tears of the Kingdom)
Grew up in Hateno Village, became a knight at the request of his late father
Now lives in a custom ordered home outside Tarrey Town
Absolute gremlin :3
Prior to the Calamity, Link was a stoic knight who vowed to never show his true feelings for the safety of his loved ones
Now, having forgotten those vows, he's unabashedly himself
Loudmouthed, chaotic, destructive, and hedonistic, he lives life for his own pleasure
Will cook up the most scatterbrained schemes ever, and will often get himself hurt trying to show off
When Wild shows up, expect disaster
He does still have a kind heart and will help people, just in his own way
Curious almost to a fault; can get distracted easily 
A great swordsman and archer, but can't seem to keep a weapon intact for more than a week; not that he cares what weapon he ends up using
Is a stellar cook, but often doesn't bother being fancy, because he will eat anything
(He once ate an actual rock steak; and liked it)
With Ultrahand, he became a technician to rival Spirit, although his creations are often less practical than Spirit's
Romantically involved with his Zelda (sorry Sidon)
Enjoys screwing with the Koroks for reasons I'm not sure even he understands
Has a personal motorcycle, the Master Cycle Zero
Unafraid to wear women's clothes, or even nothing but his undies
Warrior (Hyrule Warriors)
Grew up in Castle Town, living and training among the knights
Still lives in Castle Town, dutifully guarding the Royal Family
A pretty serious guy, outwardly fairly stoic
He does have his habits, though; especially his flair for the dramatic
Pulls off elaborate sword techniques and then refuses to acknowledge them
Is proficient in at least 5 different weapon types
The best combatant of the group, bar none 
Has a bit of a narcissistic streak, though he's working on fixing that
In the past, he'd rush in guns blazing into a battle and ride off his talent and luck, but he's come to understand the importance of a good plan
Not that he could come up with a plan to save his life
Knew a few other Links personally even before (insert timeline fusing event here)
Selectively mute, often has Proxi act as his voice
Friendly with his Zelda, they're a class A platonic power couple
Has absolutely zero interest in romance, and is completely clueless about the requisite concepts like marriage or sexual attraction
Is utterly terrified of Great Fairies, too many bad memories
His scarf was a gift from Impa, no touchy!
Rhythm (Cadence of Hyrule)
Lives alone in the forest, far from any major settlements
Still lives in that same home
Cynical and bitter, rarely cracking a smile
His friendships outside of the other Links are few and far in between
Was cursed from birth; whenever he hears any kind of rhythm, he'll only be able to move to its beat, impeding his life
He hates music because of this curse, and will go out of his way to avoid it
But the curse spreading to all of Hyrule for a few hours softened his temper just a bit, and made it easier for him to accept his cursed movement
Essentially, he learned to somewhat embrace his curse rather than avoid it
Weapons combat is his autistic special interest, and he has something for any occasion
“You think I haven't planned for this?”
Enjoys the company of his Zelda, she's the only thing that can lighten his mood
Fully expects to one day have to fight the other Links
Oddball (The Faces of Evil, The Wand of Gamelon)
Grew up in Hyrule Castle during an era of peace
Still lives in the town as a knight of Hyrule's Royal Family
An absolute dork who loves adventure
Happy-go-lucky and energetic, never sitting still for too long
Gets bored very easily, and if there's no adventure, he'll often make one
Most likely to crack a joke at a gravesite
Has a massive appetite, once ate an entire Octorok
Arrogance is his downfall; he thinks himself invincible, and it's gotten him in serious trouble more than once
Not very intelligent, often bombing simple puzzles
But when it matters most, he can cut the jokes and fight until the bitter end
A bit of a hopeless romantic with his Zelda
Valiant (TV Series, Valiant Comics)
Grew up in Calatia, before leaving home in search of adventure
Now lives in Hyrule's North Palace as the defender of the Triforce
Sarcastic and brutally honest, can often come off as rude even when he doesn't mean to
Over the years, he's become more mature than his reputation would belie
He didn't care much for being a royal defender at first, finding it boring compared to his old life of roaming the world and hunting monsters
But it was made worthwhile by his relationship with the Princess Zelda
Despite often coming off as a hopeless romantic, he and Zelda do genuinely love each other, and would likely die for each other
He can be lazy at times, sometimes ditching missions when he doesn't feel like it
He can be arrogant, and not take threats seriously at times
But through and through, he is an incorruptible soul and would do anything to protect Hyrule and Catalia
Scholar (Zelda's Adventure)
Grew up near the Hyrule/Tolemac border, raised by an elderly author
Now lives deeper in Hyrule for his combat training
Shy and reserved, rarely heard in a crowd
“Sorry, you probably don't want to hear my opinion…”
Underneath his anxious tendencies is a kind soul who just wants to help people
The only Link to never have any real combat experience; is being trained by Zelda
Is a massive bookworm
Has the most general knowledge of any of the Links
Has some magic experience, but is hardly proficient at it
Massive inferiority complex around the other Links
Looks up to his Zelda as his hero
Mystery (The Crystal Trap, The Shadow Prince)
Grew up in a simple home in Hyrule, training to become a knight
Now lives in central Hyrule as a royal knight
Brave, playful, and extremely outgoing
He can make friends with nearly anyone, and often does
Not very bright, and is very inclined to follow his gut
Which often means he'll do things nobody wanted him to do
Is a bit of a prankster, and gets a kick out of annoying people, especially Zelda
Naturally curious, but would rather learn through experience than through reading
The most skilled archer of the Links
Friends with his Zelda, they go on adventures together sometimes
Is somehow the only one who can decode number-letter code
Knows a bit of sign language, but not enough to carry a conversation
Won't accept a ring as a present from anybody, doesn't elaborate why
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Secret Invasion Ep. 1 Review
Guys, I am in love already. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for with this Marvel shows. I absolutely love the thriller aspect and the feeling that no one (outside of Nick Fury) is safe. I have no idea what will happen in future episodes and that’s what makes me both excited and nervous for our favorite characters.
Speaking of characters, I love them all so much. Talos is my favorite ever since Captain Marvel and man this show solidifies why. He is so kind and has such a big heart. I’m afraid that it’s going to get him killed unfortunately. I also love his friendship with Fury; they are such a fun duo. Speaking of Fury, this man is going through a lot and I’m looking forward to seeing how his character will change. This episode makes it clear that he will have a lot of growing to do. 
The rest of the cast was also amazing. Among the standouts beside Fury and Talos, was Sonya Falsworth. Olivia freaking Coleman was incredible. Everyone saying she was spectacular was right. She is so on beat and has great energy. Kinsley Ben Adir and Emilia Clarke were also both very good but I feel like they need a bit more time to really sink into their characters. 
Overall, a spectacular episode and I can’t wait for what comes next. If Marvel can stick the landing, this honestly might be my fave show they gave us. 
Read more for spoilers
Talos my beloved can I give you a big hug??? He really has lost everything and Ben Mendelsohn does a fantastic job portraying that. His wife is dead, his little girl is angry at him, his best friend was gone for years, and his own people think he’s a traitor. That’s just heartbreaking. What’s even worse is the fact that Talos doesn’t want to hurt his people despite everything that’s happened. And that’s understandable. But that moment when Fury shot the other Skrull dead and Talos just looks so dejected really tugged at my heartstrings. As Fury pointed out, Talos’ weakness is mercy and I honestly think this will be why he dies. I don’t want him to, but if it gets G’iah away from Gravik, then Marvel’ll do it. 
And Maria Hill. Rest in peace queen. I was a little surprised when ‘Fury’ shot her because I thought it was maybe because she was a Skrull in diguise. But no, it was Gravik and it was Maria Hill. This will certainly affect Fury’s character and Im curious to see how. I wish she had more to do but I won’t forget how awesome she was.
The Skrull cause itself is heartbreaking. I don’t agree with what they’re doing, but from their perspective, they have no home and are being told to hide their true selves on earth. I’m sure there are plenty of people in real life who go through similar situations. I wonder how their plight will develop through the series. Will they eventually settle on earth or will something else pop for them? Only time will tell. 
One last note, what was Sonya doing when she moved the owl’s eye to turn on a camera? It made me a bit suspicious of her not gonna lie. Could she be a skrull or is she just taking extra precautions? Is the Fury we’re seeing even the real Fury. With the exception of Talos, G’iah, and Gravik, I’m not sure who is who.
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mountain-lion-gremlin · 9 months
on one of your posts, you mentioned a "process" pshifters have made as a guide to pshifting. what is that process? could you share it?
Of course I'll be glad to share! Obviously it's just a guide to follow to help you p-shift, most people move on to do their own thing and p-shift without it. Also please do note that this isn't the exact replica of like a process within the community, this is an elaborated version that is inspired and mostly drawn also from my own experiences and extra reading I have done thar has worked for me.
(Whole thing under cut, it's long)
So the most basic process you will find is PhMP, which was a method initially developed and named by Phenexus Weyr (as far as I know). It means mental, phantom, and then physical (all out of order which is ANNOYING.)
Obviously you need to find out what the hell you are before you can even think about p-shifting. Figuring out your identity is so much more important in the long run then p-shifting. Your identity will last forever, and p-shifting can consist of less than 1% of a shifters whole life.
Search, research, attempt to mental shift, and repeat until you find out what works for you. The most important part out of this is to remember that you can do whatever you want forever. Figure out you might be something else but have already mental shifted? Just start over! It's okay it's not like it's a race.
First, once you understand your identity, you will then mental shift, like fully.
There is indeed a difference between mental shifting itself, and doing it fully. Sometimes, others animal selves are extremely repressed / is very weak, and mental shifting helps strengthen that bond and eventually fully m-shift. When you ffully do so, this is usually from years of work to a point where you no longer can recognize your past and future self being the same people mentally.
Some people do though, fully mental shift at a young age (very rarely as far as I know) and don't need to do this step at all.
Next, there's phantom shifting, which can be done at the same time as mental shifting. The main goal here is to get incredibly good at completely feel your animal phantom over your body (from what I remember) with ease. It has been argued though that phantom shifting is unneeded, so do it if you feel like you do need to.
And finally physically shifting is the last step, and it takes years for your average shifter to even think about being close enough to reach this goal. The most common signs I have ever seen for when someone is successfully ready to p-shift is when they begin to get long, animal-like hairs on their body that are just like their animal. Usually. I've only seen it 3, 4 times with successful p-shifters. I've also had it, but haven't p-shifted just yet. Other things may include more dream shifts and even shifting in your dreams (I had a partial p-shift irl that was also in my dream and I could feel it. It woke me up though and stopped the shift)
P-shifting at the end of the day, to me, is something that not everyone can accomplish and isn't even that big of a role in being nonhuman, a shifter, a shapeshifter, a supernatural, a werewolf, whatever. It's euphoric, it's amazing, but it also can become obsessive and toxic to people.
I'm not going to deny or try to hide it - p-shifting can easily lead into a rabbit hole of obsession, apathy, disconnection, misanthropy, and escapism. You must watch yourself while following this journey, because it's just too easy to slip into toxic territory with shifting. Anything that allows escapism, can be abused. (Drugs, alcohol, reality shifting, overeating, overconsumption of social media, etc.)
A life lesson to everyone here - check yourself to make sure you aren't trying to escape or cope by using things that allow escape from your life, even if it's a part of your identity. Anything can fall away and become sour if you don't establish healthy boundaries with yourself.
Take breaks, check yourself, breathe, and reroute yourself back to healthy ways of coping. I promise you can both p-shift and be healthy about it, like I am! (At least, I'm trying my best here)
Thank you for asking anon! I hope this answered your question accurately ♡
As always, you can also do your own research if you know where to look. I'll be happy to share some resources if enough people ask!!
And finally if any other p-shifters remember something different / would like to add on, please do. It's incredibly helpful to have a second word and opinion ♡♡♡
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martinshep · 2 months
Coining a new identity term:
One who considers what makes up their body, self, or identity changes often enough, or to such a degree that what does and does not count as a part of them is unconventional.
Theseans may consider their core identity to have changed over time until they no longer see themself as the same person or identity they used to be. This being may consider their past or future self to be an entirely different being from who they are now, or are only able to make weak or few comparisons.
A thesean may also believe what counts as a part of them changes depending on if they frequently use a tool, are often in a certain environment, or have a disability aid.
Tumblr media
Alt text: a horizontal bicolour flag. The top half is bright yellow, the bottom half a neutral purple. Overlayed is a black letter delta (I have an svg version but tumblr doesn't seem to like it)
What does thesean mean to me(OP) personally?
There is no strict definition you can apply to me that would include everything that is me but not also include things that are not me, and vice versa. If it's parts of me that are connected to the nervous system then that excludes hair, fingernails, and the outermost layer of skin. If it's anything that's attached to my body then does blood count as being attached? If blood counts as being attached does saliva or mucus? If it's anything that comes from the body then that includes shed hair, shed skin, and bodily waste.
I consider everything I use to interact with the world to be a part of myself, if not at least an extension of my body. I use my drawing pad to interact with a digital canvas, my drawing pad is a part of me. I use my computer to interact with many experiences that I would not be able to otherwise, my computer is a part of me. I use medication for mental health and for asthma, without them there would be no me, they are a part of me.
I feel less and less connection and relation to my younger selves, they are not me, I am not them. My past selves are not strangers to me but they are not me, myself.
Thesean labels and terminology
Thesean comes from the thought experiment, the ship of Theseus. If you are unfamiliar with it then here's a brief retelling: Theseus owned a ship, and as it got older the sails frayed, and were replaced, then the hull warped, and was replaced, then the mast cracked, and was replaced, until eventually none of the original parts of the ship remained. The question usually asked is if it's still the original ship.
Thesean can be used as a noun or an adjective, the noun for the quality of being thesean is theseanity
You can add the prefix thesea- or thesean- to any category of identity to describe it as having changes over time to the point it is no longer what it used to be (e.g. theseagender, theseasexual, thesearomantic, theseakin, etc)
If you need to specify a broad form of thesean not related to any specific category of identity you can use theseaself/theseanself. If you are thesean in a broad range of individual categories you could use panthesean, or omnithesean.
Make your own thesean identity labels if you need!
Is being thesean related to queerness/alterhumanity?
That's completely up to you! If you think it ties into your other identities then it can absolutely inherit those labels.
How do I know if I'm thesean?
Do you see pictures or have memories of your younger self and feel detached from that person? Do you have memory issues that mean you can't remember things too far back? Do you simply reject the idea that you have been the same person your entire life? Do you think that what counts as 'you' may change depending on tools or disability aids you use? If the answers to any of these was yes then you can use this label! Think there's another reason I didn't list that makes you thesean? Go for it!
What does the flag mean?
Yellow represents the contrast between past and future selves. Purple represents the blurriness between what is and isn't you. The letter Δ (delta) is used in science to represent change. Black represents the lack or absence of relation to your past and future selves.
Can I make my own flags?
I don't own this identity, do whatever you want! Make new flags, make new labels, I'm not your boss.
If anyone thinks my writing could be more concise, have some additions, or if you have questions please let me know!
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impossibleprincess35 · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Hey, I got tagged twice. Thanks @yourfavoritefridge and @miserableandmagical94! <3
How many works do you have on AO3? Only nine, ten tomorrow, but I feel like I'm a n00b as I just got back into writing fic this past spring.
What is your AO3 word count? 376,550
What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Star Wars. I'm kind of obsessed at the moment. Like, I've gone down the SW rabbit hole and I kinda love it here.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Asphodel: 168 The Echo and the Stain: 50 Peace: 42 Hard Candy: 25 La Cantina de Bloomita: 21
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I totally do. I cherish every kudos, every bookmark, every subscription, and every comment on my stories, because no one is obligated to interact at all. The fact that people take the time to do it? I want you to know I see you and I appreciate you. You could be doing a billion other things with your spare time, but you chose to read my new chapter? and then you took the time to tell me what you thought?! I adore you.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? In Vain. Obi-Wan goes to Kalevala in search of something to feel close to Satine in the wake of Order 66. I remember writing it and being like, "Well, this is fucking depressing."
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Peace. Satine gives birth to Korkie with Obi-Wan right there with her, and it's just fluff and love and newborn baby sweetness.
Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally, I get some kind of comment that implies that I have grossly misunderstood the Obi-Wan/Satine characters, and I just shrug it off. Some people don't like my version of their year on the run because they're annoying eighteen year olds, and I suppose all of us were our best selves at 18? And some of the feedback I've heard on Asphodel makes it sound like I've turned Satine into a Space Thot or something, like she's DTF with everyone in the galaxy. For the most part, though, the feedback I've gotten is amazing, so I keep doing what I'm doing.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, I dabble in the smut. In Asphodel, it's very much a romantic thing. There's occasionally a little bit of gratuitous smut, but I'd say 95% of the time, the smut scenes are pivotal to the story and give you more insight into their characters and how emotionally tied to one another they are. Maybe I could illustrate those emotional ties through dangerous experiences, but that's what I'm doing in my year on the run story, so.. romantic sex it is. ;)
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't attempted this yet. I feel like my brain would explode if I tried a crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, and I fear this ever happening. I'm mean and vindictive. My Aries moon is a bitch.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but this would be so cool. What a huge compliment, right?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Nope, haven't done this yet, but I'd be open to it in the future.
What's your all-time favorite ship? It's a tie between Steggy (MCU) and Obitine (SW). I'll just admit this right here and right now, at the end of Endgame, I sobbed. For two hours. TWO HOURS. My husband has video of me in the car leaving the theater and I'm crying like a crazy person because Steggy got their happy ending. I was so deep into that "doomed by the narrative" ship that I never thought it would happen, so when it did, I basically lost my mind and embarrassed myself in front of all our friends. But I own it. I will love them forever. I'm almost as crazy over Obitine.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? Shhh, don't say that. I'm finishing them all.
What are your writing strengths? I'm really not sure. I mean, I like my writing. I like my stories. I write for me, so it's all good. Someone wanna tell me what my strengths are? Maybe it's the details. I think I'm detail oriented.
What are your writing weaknesses? I'm long winded. If I could cut my chapters back to 3K words a piece, I think my stories would hit a wider audience and I would probably sleep better at night, but c'est la vie.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Never say never, but it's unlikely. For me to sit and try to figure out the linguistics of Mando'a alone, look, I'm old. I got 2 kids. I'm a class mom. I have a job. I have a caffeine dependency. I have migraines. I'll leave that to the pros. I'm just over here fucking around trying to let Obi-Wan and Satine have a few orgasms and some romance before the galaxy goes to shit around them, y'know?
First fandom you wrote for? Ever?! I used to write Hanson fics when I was in middle school with an Angelcities website, and I was in a little online club called Hanson Hoes. "Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written." (Aside from that, definitely SW.)
Favorite fic you've ever written? It's gonna be Asphodel. It's my baby. I love it so much and I'm so proud of it.
Now, for who to tag.. here we go! @jelly-opal and @scottysketches! (If you've already done this, please disregard. My bad.)
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