#my pals actually tell me i remind them of their older sisters a lot......
archaneanscribe · 3 years
Big Girls Cry
I wanted some MinPalla childhood sweethearts, inspired by their mini-alts in FEH. Part of the Archanea Chronicles.
When their mother died, Palla did not cry.
Est was one, but due to their mother’s illness she had seen more of the local midwife and her sisters than she ever did of their mother, so only cried as much as a baby normally cries.
Catria was five, and she cried a whole, whole lot. She gripped Palla’s skirt and wailed, snot and tears dripping down her face. She woke up and cried, and went to sleep crying.
When you’re eight like Palla, you’re a big girl- so that means no more crying. That’s what she reminded herself over and over when the tears threatened, anyway.  She knew Mother wouldn’t agree, would tell her that it’s okay for big girls to cry, that it’s okay for anyone to cry.
But Mother was gone. They had lost Father only a year ago, and now she was gone too.
It was just the three of them.
So she was going to be the best big sister ever, and be super tough. If she cried, they would know that there was a chance things wouldn’t be okay. She was going to work to be so strong that nothing could ever hurt her little sisters ever again.
The captain of the pegasus division of the Macedonian army, Mylla, had always told her she was too young to follow in her mother’s footsteps, that she had a few more years to grow.
But the day after the funeral, her mind had changed. 
First thing in the morning, training lance gripped in hand, Palla approached her again, mouth knit into a tight, determined frown.
“Lass, look-” the older woman began, as always, but now she paused, expression stricken with an emotion that Palla couldn’t yet decipher, “That’s quite the face you're making. Not the face of a young girl anymore.”
Her grip tightened.
Sighing, the captain’s shoulders slumped, “If you’re so determined, you can train with the Princess. Normally only the royal family start this young, but I suppose she wouldn’t mind a sparring partner her own age. Follow me.”
Her face perked up at the mention of Princess Minerva, “Oh, thank you!”
Of course, she had known about the first princess for some time. Her mother had been the queen’s personal vassal before both their deaths, so Palla had been told from a young age she would likely inherit a similar duty. She followed close at Mylla’s heels, into the castle walls. Another place she had visited briefly with her mother, but she had never gone through this way, into the royal guard’s training area.
When they arrived, they found a girl who couldn’t be any older than she was having her footing be critiqued by an older man.
“Oi, Odger!” Mylla called out to catch his attention. He turned to look at them, his grizzled but not unfriendly face reminding Palla of her father in many ways. The girl, who she realized must be Princess Minerva, looked at her with curiosity. Maybe she didn’t get to see a lot of other kids?
The man named Odger relaxed his posture, gesturing to Palla, who was overcome with a sudden wave of shyness and hid behind the Captain, “What’ve you got there? New recruit for the guard? A little young, ain’t she?”
Mylla stepped aside and gave the young girl a gentle push, sending her stumbling forward into focus. Mustering her courage, she stood up straight, holding her lance in the way she remembered seeing her mother do when speaking to the late queen, deferential yet confident, “I’m Palla, sir. Atheleys daughter. I want to become a pegasus knight like my mother was.”
He gazed at her impassively, “What if I said you’re not old enough? Isn’t that what Mylla has been telling ‘ya?”
She knew that she shouldn’t say what she was about to, that with the strict way the Macedonian military operated, she could ruin her chances of ever getting a position in the corps, but the repressed feelings from her mother’s passing bubbled to the surface as she replied, heatedly, “I would say that I am old enough. I watched my Mother my whole life. Give me time and I’ll surpass everyone!”
For a moment following their outburst, there was silence, but it was quickly followed by raucous laughter from Odger, who pat his belly jovially, “Careful talking to yer superiors like that, little lady! If I was anyone but a retired knight turned combat instructor, there'd be some real consequences,” he calmed down, settling his face into a soft smile, “I see you’re truly serious. It won’t be easy, and you won’t get any special treatment- just like this one here doesn’t.”
The Princess nodded gravely.
“Show up tomorrow at sun up, and be ready. I won’t be teaching you the basics.”
“Thank you, sir! I’ll do my best!”
He was serious when he said it wouldn’t be easy. Every evening when she came home to her sisters, it was in a state of exhaustion and ache, every muscle complaining at once.
That doesn’t mean she wasn’t enjoying herself.
Every lance swing, every knee scrape, made her feel closer to her mother, which in turn made her stomach churn less when Est looked up at her and called her “Mama!” before being corrected,
And, of course, there was her training partner.
Princess Minerva was a serious girl, in much the same way Catria seemed poised to become. There was a look on her face that Palla knew meant she planned to be a fighter her whole life, and that this training was not just exercise- but might one day keep her alive. 
But if you got her talking about her brother, baby sister, or the pegasus she had been working with, it was an entirely different story. Her eyes would light up and she would laugh and swing her arms around recounting the story of the way her little sibling finally said her name for the first time.
“She can only call me ‘Min’ right now,” she recounted as they took a break to eat some lunch, smiling as she wiped some crumbs off her face, “But the nursemaid told me that in a few months she will likely be able to say my full name.”
“I remember when Catria used to call me ‘Pal’,” Palla replied, swallowing her bite of bread, “Its’ nice that you’re a big sister too. I get lonely sometimes when I only get to see my sisters.”
Minerva nodded, “I understand. I love my brother and my sister, but I enjoy speaking to someone close to my own age. Father said it would be good for me. He wants me to be strong, but,” she leaned in conspiratorially, “He’s actually nice. Him and my brother can be scary, but they’re both very kind.”
Palla giggled, “My mother was the same way. Everyone said she was so serious, but she always played with me and read me lots of stories.”
“...do you miss your mother very much?”
Her head snapped up at this abrupt question to look at Minerva, who was turned away to hide her face, “I miss my mother.”
She sometimes forgot that the Princess had lost a parent as well, “...Yes. I miss her a whole lot. But,” she reached out to pat her companion’s knee, “I’m doing just fine! I’m going to be just as strong as she was. So you don’t have to worry about me!”
Because she was a big girl! Big girls didn’t think about their mother and cry into their pillows, or want to scream whenever they saw someone holding their mother’s hand!
Minerva moved to face her now, face twisted in confusion, looking like she had something to say but just didn’t know the right words, “Palla, I-”
“Times up, kiddos!” Odger’s voice shattered the tense atmosphere between them. So the conversation was left behind- but not forgotten.
It was many months later, nearing Palla’s tenth birthday, that Minerva stopped her before she headed home. The sun was setting and it’s final rays were streaming into the open area of the royal training area. Odger had already left, so it was only the two of them.
“Yes, Lady Minerva?”
Minerva’s hand was on her wrist, holding her in place for the ensuing silence, before the Princess finally gathered her courage, “I was thinking about... when we get older.”
“When we get older?”
“Yes,” she took a deep breath, and spoke in that serious, assured tone she always did, “We should get married. That way, I can always make sure you’re not lonely or sad.”
Palla’s eyes widened, cheeks reddened, and jaw dropped, “Married!?”
Minerva’s face twisted like it had that day nearly a year ago, but this time, she was able to voice her thoughts, “When you leave, my heart hurts, because I know that you are sad- you always smile when you come here, but there are times I see you nearly in tears. The thought of you being lonely makes me quite angry. I want to make sure you’re always actually happy. Marriage seemed like the easiest way to do that.”
This never happened in any of her mother’s storybooks. There was usually an epic adventure and love story before the princess decided she was to defy her station and be with the knight she loved. 
And they usually weren’t nine years old, either.
However, the offer made Palla’s stomach warm. Minerva was strong, and reliable. She never expected Palla to be more than she was- just a girl her own age, a peer, a friend. Sometimes she even thought that it might be okay to share how she really feels to her, to open up, to... to cry. Even though she was a big girl. 
She thought that maybe, she didn’t have to be a big girl around Minerva.
“You mean it?”
“Yes. I want to make you happy.”
The tears started coming down, and big girl Palla was gone. All that was left was Palla- a not-quite-ten year old child who missed her mother, and just wanted to be a kid. The quiet crying quickly became hiccuping sobs, dragging her forearm across her eyes to dry the deluge as it came.
“I’m,” she sniffed loudly, “I’m lonely! I love my sisters, but I want my mother! I want my father! I want someone to take care of me sometimes too!”
In a flash, she felt a pair of arms around her, and realized slowly that she was being hugged by the taller girl. It was an awkward, unpracticed hug, but it was the first time she had been hugged by someone bigger than her in nearly a year. It wasn’t Catria or Est hugging her leg before they scurried off to play, it was a warm, enveloping hug that made her feel safe.
“I will take care of you. We can be together always. Father tells me that one day I shall get to be in charge of my own unit, and you can be in it. And we can get married. That way you’ll always know I will be there for you.”
Sniffling weakly now, she squeezed back tightly, “Thank you. I’ll do my best to get as strong as you so I can stay by your side.”
They stayed like that for a moment, the setting sun now having almost fully retreated, casting them in the cool darkness of the early night. In the back of her mind, Palla knew that Minerva was probably beholden to whatever marriage promises her father makes for her, but she couldn’t get herself to care.
Not when she could finally, finally, be herself.
It was thirteen years later when they were actually wed.
Of course Palla’s doubts had been correct at the time. The king had just laughed at his daughter, pat her head, and sent her on her way. He had several marriage contracts in talks with other kingdoms even at that time, so as much as he loved his daughter, one freedom he hadn’t planned to allow her was romance.
But, of course, before any of them could come to fruition, his life was snuffed out by his own son.
Over the years, Palla kept her promise, and was the first pegasus knight assigned to Minerva’s unit, later followed dutifully by her younger sisters and becoming the Whitewings that were known far and wide. Together, the two women had fought two wars, overcome adversity in all its forms, and a childhood friendship became... more.
So when Minerva renounced her claim to the throne, and wandered the land helping the war restitution with her own two hands, Palla followed suit. Their marriage was a small affair, done in the halls of Lena’s convent by the woman herself. It wasn’t for the public’s eye- it was just for them.
That night, as they curled together in bed feeling a peace that had been out of reach for months, Palla remembered her wife’s first proposal.
“You were ready to marry me at nine years old,” she reminiscenced fondly, enjoying the brief embarrassed tense up from Minerva, “I don’t think I could ever forget.”
“That seemed to me to be the only solution at the time,” she pulled Palla closer, “Everyone was always discussing marriage around me, so I believed it to be the solution to every ‘adult’ problem.”
“You turned out to be right, all these years later. I’m happily married to you, and I never feel lonely when you’re around.”
Minerva placed a kiss on her wife’s forehead, who hummed appreciatively at the gesture, “I did think about asking you again, many times, as we grew up, but by that point I had learned what it truly meant. And glad I am that I waited. I want to give you a peaceful, happy life.”
“And I want the same for you,” Palla replied, more certain than she had ever felt before. Happy tears welled in her eyes, just like they had when they exchanged vows.
And she let them fall.•
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
Henlo! I'm curious what your fave Sonic character(s) is ^^ and do you have any headcanons for them?
oh boy! okay i'm going to do my best to answer this but i have been in this fandom forever and could write a dissertation on just like,,, one character. so instead i'll sparknote some cute things about my top 4 and if you want to hear a more elaborate response i can do separate posts for each of them! it was hard enough to pick a couple characters since i love them all 😊
1) espio the chameleon
i love this little purple man so much oh my god. for starters, i'd like to think he isn't as serious as a lot of people make him out to be. yeah he seems chill but let's be real, he's arrogant and i love every second of it! he definitely radiates hot topic vibes but we're talking ronnie radke, hollywood undead vibes. definitely an e-boy but not in the fake alt way, he just radiates soft-grunge vibes? he's bisexual with a male lean and definitely dated mighty at some point, but i personally ship him with wave (more on that in a second!) his best friend is silver (i ship them too tbh) but his friends are rouge and shadow for the most part. he's the character closest to shadow (personality wise, not emotional proximity) and i adore their interactions in shadow's game so i sorta ship them too...? ahhh this is supposed to be about headcanons! anyways, i think he's fun to be around and has a thing for people with good stories to tell: wave about the past, silver about the future, and rouge/shadow with the present as agents. i think the cooperation between the chaotix detective agency and GUN is something people should write more often! oh, and he likes green tea boba ✨
2) wave the swallow
god, she made me realize i like girls and i still absolutely adore her. it was taken down but at one point years ago, her birthday was listed as november 11th which makes her a scorpio, and as a fellow scorpio i stand by it! she's also definitely bi but with a female lean, and her best friend/occasional partner is rouge. they remind me of maddy and cassie from euphoria, but wave isn't as bitter as maddy ofc. i feel like people forget that storm and jet are pretty damn incompetent without her, she literally does everything for them and that's a big nod to her people pleasing. yeah she's arrogant, but she's not wrong in being self absorbed because she keeps things running! she radiates hayley kiyoko, p!nk, 100gecs, and paramore vibes. she's a baddie but a softie! i think her and espio would be amazing together (even platonically) because he loves learning and debates, and she has a lot to say and needs someone to respond, as opposed to zoning out. i feel like she could be a famous rollerskater on tiktok or something, and would have her own line of custom gear! she might be cold and competitive, but she's really sweet and just has no way of expressing it... poor girl. i think her and sonic could be amazing friends, and i'd love to see more art of them being pals and going on adventures together!
3. shadow the hedgehog
hehehehehe oh boy, as the current love interest of my fixation character, shadow is getting more attention than usual these days! i always liked him but my fave boy and girl were espio and wave for the longest time, so finally getting to fixate on shadow is great for me! shadow is neurodivergent, basically in canon. his memory issues are both trauma related and just a part of his programming. something that i admire about espio and shadow being friends is that the former loves authority and doesn't need it, but the latter despises it but needs it. shadow was created to obey, and so even if GUN wrongs him a thousand times, he needs them. it's why he keeps going back to eggman, and helps sonic when asked. shadow might not admit it, but he has a saviour complex! although i agree that with modern music he'd listen to like mcr and pierce the veil etc, i think he'd also resonate with sex pistols and other music from the decades he missed while in stasis (footloose is probably one of his fave movies just because of the killer soundtrack!) he loves flowers and does his best to take care of plants, has nervous tics, and the reason his quills turn upwards is because of all the chaos energy he has! super sonic's quills turn up when transformed, and shadow is constantly tapped into that energy: even with inhibitors it's a lot to manage. shadow also loves reading, and i think his favourite book would be The Wars by Timothy Findley (amazing read, please check it out because it reminds me so much of Shadow oh my god)
okay i have to keep this one short but he is currently my favourite character, and i could talk about him forever. i know SEGA claims his real name is Infinite, but i headcanon that in the village he came from he wasn't given a name because he was considered a burden and a curse (due to his heterochromia and other reasons). for me he was called araperi or ara (nothing/no in Georgian) because they only referred to him via negative reinforcement. the scar on his eye is because either he or another jackal tried to claw it out when he was little because it made him an outcast and he wanted to belong. he only started school when he was in highschool and never really learned how to read english (i base a lot of his village lore around Georgia and my experiences with Georgian culture- even though my culture was erased when i got adopted lol). he only learned english through musical theatre, and is fluent but not very literate in english (can't read or write very well). he radiates younger sibling vibes so i headcanon that he has 4 older sisters who all treated him pretty bad on varying levels. after a year or two of highschool he ran away with some friends and after meeting more nomads, squad jackal was eventually formed! infinite (or finn as i sometimes call him) was definitely into theatre (his favourite musical being sweeney todd) and he's an AMAZING singer, acting too (which is sorta canon because he adopted shadow's personality and fighting style after their first encounter and rehearsed a whole monologue lmao). his singing voice sounds like clem turner's but with a bit more rasp, probably because i feel like he'd listen to bring me the horizon and kim dracula! infinite is actually a big puppy once he likes you, he's just secretly awkward and insecure as hell (maybe the last part isn't a secret, haha)
wow, this was longer than expected and i feel like i hardly said anything, but this is sorta where i'm at with these four! i could talk about them forever though, so feel free to ask follow ups or request a full post for them, any ships i mentioned (or didn't) or if you want a post about anyone else!
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curlytemple · 4 years
niche interests list 
okay sure yes this is fun! i havent posted a thing like this in such a long time. thank you new gal pal @scottspack for tagging me! 
alright first lets throw it back to preschool! my fav childhood toys were my baby doll (snookums) and a plush pig that my grandma got me that i just called ‘pig’ ...i watched the babe movies countless times, and piglet? that anxious little guy GETS ME bro. when my preschool did a nativity play and my class got to choose an animal to be in baby jesus’ manger, my mother recalls me saying that i would be a pig because jewish people (jesus christ) wouldnt eat me. she has no idea how or when i learned about kosher foods. ironically despite my namesake i was too afraid of the movie charlotte’s web to watch it more than once because the scary farmer tries to kill wilbur for being small and the pretty spider dies. 
sugar creek gang 
OKAY this is a book series from the 40s-70s about a group of christian little boys in indiana who went on adventures in the woods and helped people. my dad read a LOT of chapter books to me as bedtime stories when i was little (see also the mandie series, nancy drew and the hardy boys, little house on the prairie) but sugar creek gang is one that really hit. i read all 36 books with dad and at least once again on my own. there was a series of 4 or 5 movies in the early 2000s when i was the Perfect age to have a crush on most if not all of them. this might be too much detail but i have to tell you about these boys. we WILL not be revisiting the heavy religious themes. 
 the narrator is bill who is Good and Kind and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. his best friend is a chubby boy nicknamed poetry because he memorizes and quotes poems, he is the Detective of the group. BIG JIM is the leader of the group who is supposed to be like, 14, which was very cool and hot, to me. and yes there is a little jim, who is the baby of the group. then there is CIRCUS who is known for his climbing and acrobatics, and his FIVE SISTERS AND BEAUTIFUL SINGING VOICE. dreamboy. i’m almost done listing boys, i promise. a boy called dragonfly who is allergic to everything and hella superstitious. later in the series a new boy named tom moves to town and tom has an older brother bob who is NOT A CHRISTIAN (bully) 
tangentially, the buttercream gang, a movie from 1992 that was almost definitely made by some christians who grew up reading the sugar creek gang series which i’m guessing on vibes alone. will spare you Good Boy details but scott is in love with his best friend pete who moves to chicago and falls in with a bad crowd and scott just refuses to stop LOVING HIM. very gay christian film in retrospect. 
peter pan
so i know liking disney’s peter pan isnt niche, but it was the way i liked it. tinker bell stan from day one, i watched all of those disney fairies movies, even the ones that came out after i was definitely not intended audience. there was an online pixie hollow game where you could design your own fairies and play mini games where you gathered dew drops or something. had a HUGE CRUSH on jeremy sumpter in peter pan (2003) then i got really darkly obsessed with the idea of growing up when i was 12 or 13, and everything peter pan was deeply My Shit for my entire adolescence. i read the original book and every other twisted version of the story i could find and seriously freaked myself out about wasting my youth. 
you’ve probably heard of jenny han now, or at least the netflix adaptations for to all the boys i’ve loved before and the sequel ps i still love you (always and forever, lara jean, coming soon?) but before she wrote THOSE, she wrote my first ever Favorite Book, about annemarie “shug” wilcox, a girl in the summer before starting middle school. it is SO engraved on my heart i cannot explain. i felt so incredibly understood and cant even tell you how many times i read it. thinking about all of the ways it made me feel SEEN is actually making me very tender so i’m gonna go on.  
the summer series
on the subject of jenny han, since she was now my Favorite author, when she came out with the summer i turned pretty in 2009, i was ALL IN. it’s not summer without you, and we’ll always have summer were published the next two years. a coming of age series about a girl isabel “belly” conklin who stays at her mother’s best friend's house at the beach in the summers. i really could talk about it forever yall. i actually dont know how to be succinct about it. i will try. her mom’s friend has TWO BOYS. one brother, jeremiah, is the golden boy and her best friend who is in love with her! the older one CONRAD is her childhood crush who's just sort of around while belly is firmly getting over her childish feelings and going out and experiencing teen beach life with jeremiah for the first time and figuring out who she is and wants to be! by the end of the summer he admits he feels differently about her (hence belly internalizing this as The Summer I Turned Pretty) and they get together. this is already too much so i will just say that the next two books deal with a PROFOUND LOSS and the selfishness of grief and the SELFLESSNESS OF CONRAD and i will absolutely lose my shit if netflix picks it up for a second jenny han series adaptation. 
this was a kids show in the 90′s that features a character named Pappy Drew-It, an artist dressed like a 49er who lives in a magic cabin in pappyland. there’s tons of characters and music and life lessons but the meat of every episode is a detailed drawing how-to (pappy is actually a cartoonist, michael cariglio) and i have a hard back cover sketch book from my grandpa that i FILLED with drawings that pappy and DOODLEBUG taught me to do. there is a running gag that pappy always breaks his crayons.  
boy meets world
i KNOW this is beloved by many but i’m counting it because i’m simply too young to have such an obsession with it! the show ran from 1992-2000. i was born in 1996, but reruns on the disney channel and abc family cemented it as one of my favorite shows. cory and shawn, closer than brothers, shameless homoromantics, shawn is cory’s first wife!!!!! truly showed me what a best friend can and should be!!!!!! the great love of your life!!!!! TOPANGA, the og weird feminist girl who said stop shaving your legs and start speaking your mind, ladies! the characters are so richly developed that they are real people to my heart. YES every character on this show is in their late 30s-early 40s and YES i feel like we grew up together. in season one they’re in the 6th grade and we follow them all the way to COLLEGE. countless poignant life lessons, often literally dictated by the wise and hilarious MR. FEENY, cory’s next door neighbor and somehow one of his teachers for YEARS. my love was only solidified by the 2014 girl meets world reboot, centered on cory and topanga’s daughter and her best friend. (which was literally cancelled because disney didn’t want to transition from a kids show to a teen show, something essential to the original. also because that teen show would have had CANON LESBIANS. extremely shameful move in 2017!) boy meets world lives rent free in my heart and i will never evict it!!!!!!!
i consulted my mother when i got stumped for more and she reminded me that i had obsessions with the impressionist art period and babies and ANYTHING fairies or pixies, and i was way too young when my love of the canadian teen after school special degrassi began. she also said bob ross, which i was hesitant to include because he’s been super ~trendy in recent years, but to be fair (To Be Faaairrr) she’s right! i don’t think people really watched the joy of painting as much as i have throughout my life. best sick day show of all time.
lastly i could honestly list anna herself as a niche interest, my mom actually metioned that ive always hyperfixated on my girl friends (gay) but i’ll just note that YES friday night lights, YES barry lyga novels. love to share so many things with you, niche or not, they’re niche in Our Mind.
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artvrov · 4 years
。· . ˙ ☀ ⌈ aron piper + cis male + he/him ⌋ yo , have you meet that POGUE , arturo vallez , yet ? — no ? well , to give you a little heads up before you do , they’re a TWENTY TWO year old , LANDSCAPER , and have been living in coston for TWENTY TWO years . since i’ve known them , they’ve reminded me of MEANINGLESS TATTOOS ETCHED UPON SUN KISSED SKIN , QUIET DINER BREAKFASTS IN COFFEE STAINED BAND TEES , THE THREE BUBBLES TYPING IN REPLY BUT DISAPPEARING JUST AS QUICKLY & LATE NIGHT DRIVES ALONG THE COAST . usually they’re quite LOYAL & RESILIENT but just make sure you keep an eye out for them around town because i heard can be quite IMPULSIVE & GULLIBLE as well so here’s hoping they aren’t the ones to undo this whole peace pact they have going on this summer . but just between you & me , i kinda hope it all falls apart . the rivalry keeps this whole boring town interesting .
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SORRY I’M SO LATE !!!!!!! but hello everyone i’m caro and ... y’all i’ve been waiting forever to plot & write here with you !! i binged outer banks so FAST and then when i saw there was an rp based on it :’ ) i knew i had to bring my BIG DUMB BOY, arturo. okay, under the cut you can read up on him/ give this a LIKE and i’ll come bug ya for some plots.
& some 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔
full name: arturo vallez nicknames: art, arty, turo age: twenty two date of birth: march 16th hometown: coston, north carolina preferred pronouns: he/him orientation: pansexual education: high school diploma occupation: landscaper, ( on the side, musician – drummer )
my little drummer boy, arturo – if you’re a pogue you definitely don’t call him by his full name it’s either art, arty or turo.
he is the eldest of three. he has two younger sisters and he is the classic Protective older brother.
his parents talk of their forbidden love -- his mother’s parents never actually approving of his father and to him and his sisters it always sounded so romantic how they eloped and came over to the states from spain. they immediately fell in love with the town of coston, deciding this is where they would settle down and have a family. together they definitely had their struggles figuring out their new life, but his parents gave all they could to ensure he and his sisters had a positive upbringing.
growing up was quite uneventful in the best of ways. had a pretty pleasant childhood. loving parents and a relatively healthy, happy family. he went through the normal awkward puberty phase, endured his share of teenage bullies, struggled his way through history & physics.
while he was always quite close to both of his parents, his father and him bonded over their love of music at quite a young age. arturo grew up knowing not to touch his dad’s vinyl as it was his sacred collection. still the boy would listen at any chance he got. hc arty layin in his livin room floor listenin to all the oldies. the rolling stones stan right here u will hear beast of burden blastin’ from his room
he had his own bond over music with his mother as well. as a young child she taught him basics on the piano – she wasn’t a teacher of any sort, but she taught him all she could until it was time to start taking lessons. piano lessons came first. he really wanted to jump right into guitar tbh, but he got looped into taking piano lessons. when he got to middle school you had to have a certain number of years in piano to take up percussion in his music class and guess who had those years of piano lessons under his belt !!! u guessed it arturo !!! this is where his love of the drums came !!!
this boy has a niche for instruments. it didn’t just stop with the piano and drums. arturo got his guitar lessons, went through a harmonica phase, he’s dabbled with a bass. he can write a melody better than he can write a text. once it comes to lyrics he’s done for – arturo just isn’t very good with words.
his parents always REALLY wanted him to go to uni, honestly but it just hasn’t been in the cards. their fam really couldn’t afford it, and there was no way arturo could afford it no matter how much he’s worked to save up. he’s always really wanted to go into computer science though.
so right now he’s a landscaper -- the company he works for does a lot of jobs in the figure 8 (possible connection that he’s doing work for a kook fam!!) and you’ll also see him doing the odd landscaping job at the coston resort if they ever hire on for bigger jobs.
he’s a drummer in a band (CALLING OTHER MUSICIAN POGUES be in a band with him pls), they really just play at dive bars and stuff nothin’ big
tbh arturo is an irresponsible mess most of the time.
he sleeps through his alarms – literally will wake up late in the afternoon every day, is constantly late to everything. all his closest pals know if u want turo to be On Time you have to tell him to get there at least a half hour before he really needs to be. on many occasions in his adolescence he has been fired from his jobs because of missing shifts/calling out
maybe u could see this coming, but he’s pretty much a night owl. he’ll stay up into the wee hours of the morn dickin around and sleep the day away.
says “oh baby!”, “nah” and “sick” way too much
overall pretty loud and outgoing
is extremely flighty and unreliable when it comes to all things romantic. although it doesn’t FEEL like it to him, he’s actually pretty charming.
wanted connections: ik i mentioned them up in the intro, but any pogue musicians that wanna form a BAND hmu !!! if you’re a kook and you are planning on doing some landscaping lmk because turo is probably on the Job. alright alright, so he really needs the basics ofc like FRIENDS: ride or die, a wingman pls this kid needs all the help he can get, his confidant, a sibling like bond, idk i could literally go on forever with friendship dynamics so pls we can brainstorm together!! CHILDHOOD PALS. ok he needs other computer nerds pls and lol on the other hand like where are the surfers at he needs some friends to surf with, exes on bad terms because lbh arturo probably fucked it up a lot, exes on good terms that are actually friends, hook ups, maybe someone he can write music with because he’s shit a shit lyricist, someone that will talk conspiracies with him, but honestly i would be so excited for literally any connection pls come plot with me !!!!
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vhassenor · 4 years
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hey hi, it’s kit again, this time with a brand new baby, elio ! he’s a super new muse so pls bear with me as i figure him out. if you know anything about me, you know my intros are always way too long, so i’m really trying to keep this short and to the point and put any extra stuff elsewhere. under the cut, you’ll find some basic info, an intro, and some plot ideas for elio ; if you wanna plot anything at all, hit me up on IMs or ( preferably ) discord ( do you like yuice ?#6373 ) !
⤷ the courts offer bread and salt to elio vhassenor of braavos. many say that the thirty-four year old prince of the southern kingdom is known to be sentimental and intuitive, though ill tongues whisper that he is opportunistic and irreverent. when his name is uttered, one is reminded of coins slipping through deft fingers, sunrise viewed from the highest tower, serpentine tongues spilling secrets, & the heavy heat of sunshine on cobbled streets. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. ( fc: matteo martari )
name. elio vhassenor.  nicknames. westerosi call him the merchant prince ; his family calls him eli ; his enemies call him the snake. age. thirty-four. traits. + egalitarian, forgiving, intuitive, reasonable, sentimental.         - disillusioned, indulgent, irreverent, opportunistic, stubborn. titles. prince ( consort ) of the seven kingdoms. loyalty. [ john mulaney vc ] my wife ! 
maron vhassenor ( father ) ; atalea vhassenor née nahaar ( mother ) ; talya vhassenor ( sister ) ; naeros vhassenor ( brother ) ; lucio vhassenor ( brother ) ; eira vhassenor ( sister ) ; sylla vhassenor ( sister ) ; varen vhassenor ( brother )
??? targaryen, princess of the southern kingdom ( wife ) ; ??? targaryen, king of the southern kingdom ( brother-in-law ) ; jaehaerys targaryen, prince of the southern kingdom ( brother-in-law ) ; daenys targaryen ( sister-in-law ) ; ??? targaryen, prince(ss) of the southern kingdom ( sibling-in-law ) ; 
first impression.
he has a harsh, inscrutible face ; dark eyes and a severe brow. he speaks slowly and deliberately, with a braavosi accent that has faded over time, but remains ever audible. for a prince, his dress is rather modest ; if you didn’t know better you would not have recognized him. you’ve heard he’s harmless ( ‘weak’ is the word of choice ) ; he’s tall but slight, and you suspect he is indeed no fighter. still, there is a dangerous grace in his movements --- but then he laughs, and there is nothing at all threatening about him. 
early life.
fifth of seven children from a braavosi merchant family ; not even braavosi nobility. they were relatively wealthy, whatever the closest thing to upper middle class is in braavos. the business was a family one, and their parents, shrewd business partners more than anything, groomed all of them for similar success. they were somewhat educated, well cared for.
with that many kids, though, he’s often overlooked by his parents but also doesn’t grow up with the sense that he’s entitled to not be overlooked ; often raised more by his older siblings than parents.
still, as he ages he takes more of a role in his parents’ dealings. they trade in textiles and dyes all across the known world, and elio accompanies his older siblings on such trips ; 
and it’s on one such trip that he meets his future wife ! at least, i think so. a lot of this is still up in the air and needs to be plotted with whoever fills my wc, so for now i’m gonna leave this kind of vague and edit it later when there’s more to know ! 
but rest assured elio’s young and overexcited and thinks he knows everything, meets her and is immediately completely sold
have i mentioned they’re young because i need to impress upon you how stupid and in love they were to think they could just get married and that would be Fine, even though she’s a princess and he’s ... nothing
anyway literally nothing is canon until i’ve had a chance to plot with whoever picks up his wife ofc but i like to think that she was the one who convinced her fam / pushed thru the marriage / decided to elope / whatever it is they did ? like i cannot emphasize enough how much elio is just along for the ride
life in westeros.
so elio’s in westeros, chilling with his new wife and loving it. the lifestyle ? delightful ; he was the son of a merchant sailor and now he’s a prince. is he totally accepted by his new family and by westeros at large ? somehow i suspect not really. 
he’s also confused a lot, especially in the early years. permanently baffled by the culture. he’s a young man who’s seen a lot of the world from the middle of the crowd ; he’s definitely not used to the view from above, nor the treachery of westerosi politics. 
and like, we know how westerosi can be about foreigners ; among the smallfolk there’s all kinds of rumors he’s a red priest or a shadowbinder or something and he spelled the princess to seduce her. the nobility generally know better and consider him extremely non-threatening
which, okay, fair ? he’s no political mastermind, he has few connections which do not derive from his wife’s family, he’s a big fat trophy husband is what he is.
he’s ok with that tho ? most of the time he’s very comfortable not fitting into the westerosi ideal masculine type. he likes singing and dancing, and his ‘fight training’ ( read: getting beat up by his older brothers ) in braavos was pretty limited. can’t handle wearing armor it’s too heavy and constrictive and he’s not with it. much better on a boat than on a horse. decent archer, decent ‘water dancer’, probably couldn’t wield a broadsword. 
i am not sure yet if he has children or how many, but i do think he does ? would also need to be plotted i guess. but... big dad energy. 
enjoys his position more with each passing day ; most of his wide eyed excitement and nerves have faded to a comfortable distance ; enjoys the shit out of being a lowly merchant married to one of the most powerful women in westeros, meaning he can mask his still somewhat poor understanding of westerosi customs. instead of “i don’t know how to react to this situation” he can simply say “i do not care and i do what i want”
he can be very dramatic ; he’s always had a love for the mummers of braavos and while he was a rather shy youth, he’s come in to his own. loves a bit of a flair, enjoys making an entrance. dresses modestly, but impeccably, and will probably embellish all the stories he tells.
has a very hard time expressing negative emotions ; instead he gets rather withdrawn and can appear cold and even unsettlingly calm. he has a rather serious and grounded disposition and can come across as much more severe than he actually is, a source of great confusion for him.
plot ideas.
sorry, these are a little shorter and less detailed than my plot ideas for jeyne because i’m on a bit of a time crunch to get these intros out on time ! and also i’m bad at thinking of generic plot ideas, but rest assured if these all seem super lame ( they are ) i’ll happily come up with a fresh brainstormed plot for you ! 
but, here goes: enemies, frenemies, good friends/buddies, confidante, lovers, pen pals, former customers ( lmao imagine someone being like: ‘ur face is familiar ... wait what’ ), former connections from braavos, allies, bad influences, new friends, god i don’t know honestly .. but if you hmu at all i promise to come up with more better ideas than this, i can do it
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Take Flight // AIRFORCE7
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Summary: BamBam wasn’t interested in flying planes at all. Yet after stumbling into the air force, he did what he could to face his fears of not being good enough.
Pairing: BamBam x reader (ft. Jackson Wang)
Genre: pilot au / 1940s era / romance / friendship au
Warnings: Due to the era it’s set in, this will contain minor war conflict in some of the stories. I will not be making the war-zone my main focus in this series however. 
A/N: Finally, the idea that had me cackling from the beginning of this series being born has arrived. I loved giving Bam this character and I hope you appreciate it as well!
Word count: 4963
This series will continue every Thursday until completed at 10am NZST. 
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BamBam always enjoyed scenes like this. The music was just right; there was a flow of skirts and a jubilant feel in the air. Those who were facing troubled times were far from these shores. The youth were able to enjoy the freedom that this country bolstered.
Yet signs of protecting that freedom had begun to show.
“What’s happening over there?” he asked his best friend Jackson, who glanced over to where the former had pointed. There was a crowd of ladies and the sounds of their giggles were almost as loud as the music around the hall. BamBam craned his neck, trying to understand what or who had all their attention.
Jackson chuckled. “The air force men are here.”
“The air force?” BamBam repeated and then slapped a hand onto his older friend’s shoulder. “So will you have that to look forward to now, cadet?”
“I just registered; I haven’t done anything for this country yet.” Jackson eyed the crowd of ladies with renewed interest though and even BamBam had to admit, he was tempted to join the force just to explore having that much attention. He was young and had a lot to learn about the world, though he knew well enough by now that having the attention of women was definitely a pleasure most men would participate in.
“Wang!” They both turned to see who called Jackson, and BamBam groaned heavily when he saw Charlie Mills and a group of his friends approach them. His mood instantly soured, Charlie was one of the people in this town that BamBam could quite happily never see again for the rest of his life. Scott glanced at BamBam disinterestedly before smirking at Jackson. “I hear you joined the force. Does that make us comrades?”
“Well, I guess it does.”
BamBam rolled his eyes and it wasn’t lost on Scott. Not that he intended it to be.
Charlie folded his arms over his chest and squared his jaw. “Still hanging out with losers though? I hope your taste in friendship changes as you serve the country.”
“Why wouldn’t he hang out with me? Unlike you, when you left Jackson to face the damage you did at-”
“I didn’t come out to fight tonight,” Jackson intervened, smiling forcibly. “I’ll see you on the base on Monday, Mills.”
Charlie shook his head and pointed to the crowd over by the refreshments stand Jackson and BamBam had previously been staring at. “You see those women over there hanging off those pilots? That’ll be us. You’ll have no time to hang out with children. Enjoy it whilst you can, little Bam-boy. Your friend here will be too busy for you soon.”
Jackson’s arms held back BamBam from responding, the men walking over to the crowds where all the focus was. BamBam scoffed when he heard Charlie announce he was a pilot in training to the girls on the outskirts of the gathering. His jealousy rose when the statement actually worked and soon they were immersed in the circle of attraction as well.
“Don’t let him get to you so much,” Jackson instructed and BamBam rolled his eyes again. His friend chuckled. “He’s right; you can be immature at times. You play into his game every time. If you want to rise above Charlie, you need to not fall for his stupidity.”
“He’s a jerk though.”
Jackson nodded. “The biggest asshole to exist, I know. But he’s also the richest and basically owns this township. No matter what you try to accomplish with pointing out how crooked he and his family is, you’re the only one who’s going to get burned.”
“Just tell me you won’t become good pals with him in the force. I’ll never forgive you if you do.”
“You fool,” Jackson reached to ruffle BamBam’s hair before slinging his arm around his neck to stop his friend from protesting too much. “I’m more worried about you going about without me around. You’ll fall off the straight and narrow if you let that opinionated way of yours out too often.”
BamBam sighed. It frustrated him that Jackson wasn’t just his best friend but like a big brother too. He wanted to play and explore this earth with him at his side. Not be reminded of his limitations. Since turning twenty-one, Jackson had decided he needed to grow up and no longer do the fun things they would do together. He was focused on improving his skills as a pilot in the fields of the farms nearby and since BamBam didn’t grasp the obsession men seemed to have with planes these days, he had decided Jackson was becoming too old and boring already. With Jackson’s new path in life, BamBam would have too much free time on his hand in between helping his mother with their Laundromat business. He had no idea what his future would entail now.
“Let’s just have fun, alright?” Jackson offered, sensing the brooding mood of his friend and grinned at him happily. “There’s plenty of girls here tonight. Who knows what will happen for us both?”
BamBam grinned and let go of his thoughts, breathing in deeply. The night was young and so was he. He started to move to the beat of the music and then bumped into someone, apologising before he turned to see who was there.
“Oh! Y/N, what are you doing here?” Jackson asked and you glowered at BamBam before addressing Jackson.
“I snuck out.”
BamBam grinned. “Your Dad is going to be on your case, yet again.”
“Daddy doesn’t need to know where I am. If you can be here, so can I.”
“I didn’t have to sneak out,” he reminded pointedly and you shrugged. BamBam leaned down to you and patted your shoulder lightly. “Be a good girl and don’t stay out too late, won’t you. We don’t need any more pumpkins in this town.”
“Why I ought to!” you seethed and Jackson chuckled, shaking his head at your antics. You were neighbours with BamBam and had been for your entire life. If Jackson was a big brother to BamBam, you were the epitome of an annoying sister. He had no time for you, unless it was pulling pranks. Which he had done a lot over the years.
“Remember how Charlie just called you immature, Bam?”
You lit up, ready for any ammunition on your neighbour. “Did he?”
“I’m just stating facts. Y/N’s Dad will probably prefer a pumpkin for a daughter if it means she’ll be a good girl and stay at home. You know how much he dislikes his precious daughter in the company of pilots. Funny, since he’s the Corporal of the airbase. Toddle off home now, Y/N. There are too many cadets and pilots in this building for you to associate with.”
“God, I hate you, Kunpimook!”
“You’ve started it now,” Jackson mentioned with a groan as his friend jumped on you to quieten you down. “I’m going to leave you two kids to squabble and find someone to dance with.”
“Don’t call me that,” he hissed and you smirked, wrestling him off. “Look what you did; now even Jackson thinks I’m immature tonight.”
“Because you are.”
“I’m almost eighteen; I’ll have you know that makes me a man.”
You nodded your head once. “The outside has grown up but your brain is still trailing behind.”
“At least you acknowledge my appearance is right.”
You blushed and shoved him off. “I’m here to meet other men than you.”
“Likewise.” You snapped your head towards him and he groaned before you could voice your amusement. “Don’t be dumb, you know I meant a lady for me. Someone with tact, who is beautiful and all the things you’re not, little pumpkin.”
“You know, the girls here will find you more appealing if you actually cared for what the consensus is here for. You didn’t join the air force with Jackson, did you?”
“Now why would I do that? You know I don’t do planes. I’m keeping my two feet firmly on this ground.”
You smirked. “You’re such a scaredy cat. I can fly planes with my eyes closed and you’re the one who screamed like a girl when I took us out that last time.”
“Because you closed your eyes! What if you did something wrong?! I didn’t want to die; my life is too precious to leave in your hands.”
“No woman would find you attractive like that.”
“There is no compulsory need to fly a plane to be deemed manly,” he remarked and you shrugged again, reaching for his arm. You angled him so he could see the proceedings of the gathering around you both.
“Look around, I don’t think your logic works in this setting. You are right about it not defining masculinity, but in this day and age, your opinion won’t matter. Women like the idea of men protecting them. What can you protect them from?”
He was silent, your words cut deeper than he liked them to. It was true though. The focus was on what men could provide for their country and their respective partners or future wives. Whilst the youth held no rules, the bridge between the youth and adults was clear. Jackson had started crossing it, and BamBam knew he would have to one day soon.
But why did it have to involve planes?
You patted him encouragingly and smiled. “Go on then, exude your manly self. I’m just going to find someone who doesn’t really care either way. Have a good night, Kunpimook!”
He didn’t have the energy to correct you, BamBam was too involved in understanding what step to make. The first couple of girls he approached were interested in dancing with him until they asked what his career options were. When he fumbled through that, they moved on and he wondered if it was a lack of confidence making them leave. Yet you were right, joining the armed forces in some way seemed to be the topic of the night. Even with brewing animosity overseas, the idea of a war coming here didn’t seem logical. Others seemed to think it was some fantastical kind of event, all preparing to be the heroes of a future that the nation was preparing the young men for.
“So, have you got your dog tags yet?”
“Is training hard?”
“Oh, you haven’t been drafted in yet? When will you be?”
The questions came quick and fast, much like their departure from his side when he didn’t answer the way they expected. BamBam had no interest in going to war one day, and that seemed to deflate his chances.
Until he met a brunette girl who seemed to like him a lot. He was anxious, hoping she wouldn’t bring up what everyone else had. And when she didn’t, he relaxed into dancing with her, locking lips with her until suddenly he was blindly making his way through darkened hallways of her dorm house, smashing through a bedroom door and being thrown upon her bed.
“Have you ever flown a plane, BamBam?” she asked and he was too worked up from getting all the way to here to stop now.
“Once or twice, with a friend,” he admitted and that brought out a smile on her lips. He nodded, desperate to continue pleasing her. “Maybe I’ll fly again soon.”
“After tonight, all you’ll ever think about is soaring up in the clouds to feel this high again.”
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It was a hasty decision, yet BamBam registered for the air force. His family were the proudest they had ever been, and even after Jackson got over his initial surprise, he was thrilled to have his best buddy at his side. And admittedly, that was one of the perks of joining.
The other was seeing Charlie Mills’ face when he saw BamBam on the base. “Wait, who let the kid in?”
“BamBam’s the same age as I am,” his brother Ron mentioned, but Charlie waved him off, approaching BamBam slowly.
“You know this is where the big machines are housed, right? Going to pee your pants because they go too fast?” he taunted and BamBam merely shrugged. Inwardly, he didn’t want to admit that he was trying to forget all about that part to being here. His nonchalant exterior, however, was making Charlie turn red. The delight BamBam felt was exuberating.
“Did you pee yours or something, is that why you’re bringing it up?”
The low hum of stifled laughter only excited BamBam further, especially since Charlie was getting further riled up. Charlie let out a dry laugh. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“You literally just did off your own accord.”
“Well… it’s one thing to be registered; you first need to pass your medical to be accepted. Can you even read well? We’ll see who will be doing the walk of shame soon.”
Of course, BamBam’s health was the best it could be. He passed every test with such good marks; it was even brought up to other cadets. BamBam grinned when he caught Charlie’s annoyed gaze across the cafeteria that evening, waving at him and then pretending to cry. It made the bully storm off in a huff and Jackson clapped BamBam on the back with his win.
“How do you plan on hiding your fear of flying from him though? He might just be guessing you’re scared from that time he drove us to the next city over, but when he finds out it’s a real issue for you-”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry.”
BamBam’s confidence was dragging behind him on the first day of practical work though. He had so far done his debriefing on what was expected of his role as a cadet, and the training around planes that weren’t moving wasn’t so bad. He was doing pretty well actually.
Until he saw his fellow cadets pull their T6 Havard off the ground.
His Captain looked towards him and grinned. “Son, have you ever flown a plane before?”
“No sir, I’ve only assisted.”
“Well, there’s always a first time for everything. Get up into that cockpit and show us how it’s done!”
BamBam screamed for the entire time and when he managed to land the potential metal death trap, he proclaimed he would never set foot in one again. Storming across the field, he didn’t care for Jackson’s following encouragement or the laughter of Charlie and his friends. He was done forcing himself to like something he was never going to be good at. Being the best at everything in theory wasn’t going to miraculously make the vertigo he felt when up in the air dissipate, and he didn’t want to work through it like Jackson was insisting behind him to do.
BamBam didn’t stop until he reached the hangars, collecting his rucksack and then stepped back outside. He groaned when he saw you approaching with a group of ladies. They were giggling until they saw him and he nodded curtly, rounding the group with haste.
“Excuse me, soldier. Was that you up in the air just now?” one asked and he faltered in his step, embarrassment flooding him. He turned but couldn’t lift his eyes from the ground.  Nodding once, he waited to find a moment to excuse himself. Instead, he was surprised by a clap of glee. “Wow, you really flew that plane?!”
“You were so charming! And the way you stormed over here, you looked so manly,” another crooned and BamBam tentatively lifted his head to face you and your friends. He avoided your direct gaze however and smiled weakly.
“Uh, I wasn’t alone.”
“You’re my type of man though! Can you fly it again for us?!”
You cleared your throat. “That’s not how training works, Nancy.”
“There’s a plane right here. Oh, could you just stand by it, soldier, please?!”
BamBam blinked rapidly, being shoved by the ladies over to the plane outside the hangar. He awkwardly stood beside it and they all seemed to appreciate it for some reason. With the attention on him being so positive, his posture changed and he stood up with more confidence, even smiling for the small gathering. The ladies squealed with delight and leapt on him, begging him to be the personal tour guide for the rest of their trip around the air base.
Much later, when all the girls had waved their reluctant farewells, you fell into step beside BamBam and sighed. “Sorry about that.”
“They seemed nice.”
“They saw a man in uniform and fell in love,” you said with a laugh and BamBam nodded.
“Guess you’ve seen enough men in uniform for your whole life that it must have no effect on you.”
You turned shy momentarily. “You look good in uniform, Bam.”
He coughed awkwardly, feeling the heat rise up on the skin of his neck. “A shame I only look good. I should have never fallen trap for this. I’m not fit to be a pilot at all.”
“Why did you then? I told you that you didn’t need to become one, you know.”
“I didn’t want to be the only loser in town,” he admitted. “At first, I didn’t care that I wasn’t like everyone else. I wanted to continue my life how it was. I guess I realised no one would care for what I amounted to unless I put on this uniform.”
“That’s not true. Your family and friends-”
“Mum cried so hard the day I told her I was accepted. She’s never been so damn proud of me in her whole life.” He shot you a weak smile. “Jackson was thrilled I followed him here too.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?” he asked and you let out a huff of breath. He nudged you playfully. “You didn’t care what I did.”
“That’s right, I didn’t. I still don’t. What you do with your life, is your choice. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I support whatever makes you happy.”
BamBam sighed heavily. It didn’t feel that simple to him. “You know, I froze in the cockpit and made a fool out of myself earlier. Cap must think I’m useless. He was always talking me up on the ground, but now after that, he’ll want me off the squadron. And in front of Charlie too. Ah man, I’m never going to live this down.”
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” you started and BamBam glanced at you. “Charlie isn’t as special as he claims to be. He failed to get accepted here three times. My father refused every monetary bribe from his family as well. Charlie’s father flogged him in front of me and told him if he disappointed the family one more time, he’d write him out of any inheritance. And when Charlie first flew a plane during his private lessons, he cried and peed himself. I wouldn’t be so concerned about what he thinks of you.”
It was fleeting; the euphoric feeling of knowing his foe wasn’t invincible. But BamBam knew deep down how Charlie felt in some regard. He was no better than him, though he was now no worse either. It was a surreal experience to realise he had a level playing field with him. And then BamBam sighed, shaking his head. “Y/N, I think I should quit. I’m not cut out for this life.”
“Well, if you must, but you’ve not really given it a proper go either. I’ve never seen you quit without giving it your all before.”
“I’ll just keep making a fool out of myself though! I’ll barely be able to hold my head up in front of the other cadets. I’m never going to amount to a good pilot.”
“Despite freezing up, do you realise how good you actually are?” Bam glanced at you to find you smiling at him. “I saw the entire flight. You had the most stable plane in the skies all afternoon.”
You grinned. “Bam, you just need to overcome your fear of flying. Because the actual flying part isn’t the problem for you at all. You’re the issue.”
“Oh, har-har.”
You shook your head, adamant. “Bam, I’m not messing with you. I could help you, you know.”
“In what way?”
“Well, you liked the attention of the girls before, didn’t you? You won’t keep that if you quit. But if you get some flying lessons, you’ll be able to wow them from up in the sky and on the ground too.”
He was being tempted and you knew it. You nudged him. “Besides, even if you know Charlie’s little secret, wouldn’t it be nicer to beat him without any dirty tactics involved?”
“Do you really believe I can fly, Y/N?”
You grinned and nodded. “You have a wee way to beat my abilities but I’ll have you flying better than anyone in that squadron in no time.”
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“I want to go back down now! Come on Y/N!”
You laughed and hit the throttle instead. “You need to know you can handle the speed, Bam.”
“I know that I can’t! Ground the plane!” he cried from behind you, shrieking as you propelled the aircraft forward.
“You land it then.”
BamBam knew then he shouldn’t have listened to you. It was bad enough he was sneaking around behind the Corporal’s back with you, commandeering the plane before the sun had any chance to rise for the day. He realised he should have stopped this whole little scheme of yours and not brought into your temptation. You weren’t going to help him succeed, you were reckless and as a result, he was going to die. He started to shake, realising you had stopped having full control of the plane. He looked down at the equipment in front of him, his hands grabbing tightly onto what he needed to take over. They had practised this countless of times in his training, just in case your first pilot had struck misfortune in a two-seater plane like this. BamBam went through the steps like clockwork, breaking out in a cold sweat and cursing endlessly until he landed the plane on the tarmac. Before you could say anything, he did his part in turning everything off and jumped out of the cockpit, storming away from you and your craziness. You jogged after him.
“Is it a habit of yours to run away from planes as soon as you land them?”
He glared at you, suddenly stopping and bending over to catch his breath. He felt light-headed though he couldn’t tell if it was from the experience or his anger towards how at ease you still were. He cursed the very day he met you over the boundary fence of your homes.
“Oh come on Bam, you landed it perfectly! Why are you being like this?”
“We could have died!”
“No, we wouldn’t have. Because I knew you could take over and stop anything from happening.”
“That was crazy, if you were a man, I’d-”
“You’d what? Punch me for scaring the crap out of you?” You stuck out your chest, attempting to grow in stature. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“I think I’m afraid of you now!” he announced, heaving another breath before standing upright. There was something about the way you were looking at him that made him stop and stare, and without warning you launched at him, kissing him with demand. He stumbled back with you in his arms and even though his first instinct was to push you off, he kissed you back instead. Your arms wound around his waist and anchored yourself to him, passion making its course between you until the kiss came to a natural end.
BamBam steeled himself for another erratic reaction from you but you merely smirked. “What was that?”
“I just found how to calm you down.”
“Huh? You just kissed the crap out of me.”
You nodded. “You’re no longer having a panic attack. Wow Bam, you really were fuelled to become a pilot by the loving touch of a woman, right?”
He flushed, annoyed that something that had felt so good was now tainted by your words.
He vowed he wouldn’t fall victim to your ways again.
Yet he woke up on time every morning for the next month, screaming in the skies and moaning in your arms afterwards. The kissing in the back of your car was definitely incentive to get through whatever you made him face in the cockpit and he realised even if he was vocal whilst flying, he was actually getting the hang of it.
It showed when he was tested again in front of his Captain, and unlike the first time, he didn’t run away. BamBam wasn’t proud of his quirks up in the skies, but you had told him to embrace them. When he stopped fighting his fear, his instincts sharpened and he was executing moves better than half the cadet force. He wasn’t nearly as good as Jackson, but he wasn’t far off from him either.
“Look it’s the cry-baby,” Charlie announced at breakfast loudly, a couple of sniggers from his friends following. BamBam ignored it and continued to eat. “Wah wah, flying is so hard.”
“It is hard,” BamBam agreed simply and spooned in another mouthful.
“Then why don’t you quit? Go find something else to scream at?”
BamBam glanced up; disgruntled his meal was being ruined. He smiled, almost a little too sweetly for a man who had just run several miles before getting the chance to eat this meal. It unnerved his opponent though and so he continued to smile. “Is there a reason you think you’ll get rid of me? Afraid I might actually be a better pilot than you, Mills?”
“Hardly, I don’t scream and embarrass others around me.”
“Oh, are you embarrassed by me? I’m sorry about that. I’m not bothered though because I’m the second-ranked pilot in our squadron. Guess Cap doesn’t care for my cursing if I execute what he asks, huh?”
“Cocky little shit!”
“You keep bringing up your genitalia. Are you sure you didn’t have an accident with yours in a plane, Charlie?” he wondered, though his eyes burned with the truth. The older boy stared back for a moment, his gaze breaking when he realised BamBam might know his secret. He glanced around his friends and BamBam merely turned back to his meal. A minute passed by and then he heard the clearing of Charlie’s throat.
“Is that all you have to say?”
“Do you really want me to say more?”
“Like you could,” Charlie scoffed, though it was in poor attempt. BamBam knew he would back off now. When the scene was over, Jackson gave BamBam a funny look.
“You know something, don’t you?”
“I know that Mills won’t test me anymore,” he stated, smiling to himself.
He knew he had a lot to thank you for.
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Six months had passed, and some habits remained strong. BamBam didn’t like it when others were in control, and would scream loudly during training exercises that involved flying in formations too close to other planes. But he had shown himself to be a pilot worth investing in. Both he and Jackson had been deployed to a larger base with the promise of joining an elite team force that was being formed.
The truth was, BamBam was petrified of what it all meant. But a bigger part of him was excited. It was funny how he had never viewed having a future with planes, and now, he couldn’t imagine what he would have done without them.
Or without you.
He held his cap in his hand, wrestling with the words to say to you. If it hadn’t of been for your help over the last several months, he wouldn’t be faced with this opportunity. Not to mention, your lips were definitely his favourite taste in this entire world.
“You’re acting like I’ll never see you again,” you told him and slapped him on the arm. “You’re not being deported out of the country, Bam.”
“What if I freeze up again?”
“You won’t.”
“I could.”
“But you won’t,” you assured him, grinning happily. “You’re worthy of this. Embrace the opportunity.”
“Thanks, you know. It’s been because of you that-”
“Are you really going to get mushy on me? Please don’t tell me you plan on trying to do some long-distant thing with me too,” you intervened and laughed when his skin flushed with colour. “Bam, you’re so sensitive!”
“And you’re the craziest girl I’ve ever known.”
“And will ever know too,” you added on for good measures, the pair of you chuckling in agreement. You let down some of your barrier and slipped your arms around his waist, murmuring appreciatively. “I will miss this though.”
“Don’t fall for someone else.”
“Why not? I’m not going to put my life on hold for you, just like you shouldn’t for me.”
“You’re so damn hot and cold with me, I never know what we are.”
You smiled warmly. “We’re Y/N and BamBam. Isn’t that enough for now?”
“You’re right,” he replied, kissing the side of your head. “I guess you were never one who I could expect a normal relationship with.”
“You’re a pilot. Don’t you remember, I’m banned from marrying your type.”
“Oh, so you led my heart down this path for no reason, huh?”
You stretched up to kiss him, shaking your head lightly. “When you’re done flying planes for a living, you’ll find me again. Until then, scream at the skies. They’ll help you with any emotion you feel until you experience these arms around you again.”
It wasn’t hard to leave you behind with that promise, looking forward to what he was flying towards next.
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ellasfm · 4 years
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» • * — ( elle fanning , cis female , she/her ) . i think i hear wait a minute by willow coming from apartment 2611. doesn’t eloise miller live there ?? i heard they are a twenty-two year old author from wayzata, mn , but they’ve been living in the apartments for two months . they come across a bit - anxious and - pessimistic , but they also seem like they could be + intuitive and + patient . whenever i see them , i think of a silver heart-shaped locket, stacks and stacks of books, small acts of rebellion. oh , and don’t forget to follow them on instagram at eloise.b.morris ! ooc . ally, 22, est, she/her .
hello y’all, back with my impulsively picked up second muse ! she’s actually an older muse i revamped to be a little less sad and i think i nailed it !!! details under the cut, like this post for me to hyu for plots !!! 
full statistics | full biography | pinterest | wanted connections 
tw panic attacks, psychological abuse, eating disorders, 
full name. eloise bethany morris. nickname(s). ella. occupation. author.  age. twenty-two. date of birth. september 2nd, 1997. nationality. american. ethnicity. white | scottish, english, french.  orientation. bisexual/sapphic, with a preference for women.  gender & pronouns. cis female; she/her/hers. religion. agnostic.
height. 5’9”. weight. 125 lbs. eye color. green. hair color + style. flaxen blonde, relatively thin, usually up in a bun, braids, or pleats.  dominant hand. right-handed. distinguishing features. deep-set eyes, willowy frame, pale skin. 
ella’s upbringing was super... lonely, honestly. both of her sisters were basically adults by the time she was born, and never really interacted with her since they didn’t like her father’s second wife, ella’s mother. and with good reason. 
if you thought zar’s mom was bad, get a load of heather morris. intent on living through her only daughter, ella was brought up to be a perfect little lady. a dancer, a star student, one of the most popular girls in her class. she was the first two things, but was never the third. she reeked of insecurity, and as a result was bullied throughout most of school. 
even worse, her mom would force her to go to events where her bullies were, because those were the girls heather thought ella ought to be friends with. needless to say, they didn’t go very well. the only things her mother ever gave her were anxiety, deep-seated self-loathing, and an eating disorder she only overcame about two years ago. 
ella’s one and only escape was books, she always had one on her person from the time she was five. for a long time, the closest things she had to friends were her favorite characters: matilda wormwood, hermione granger, and liesel meminger, among others. as a child, she dreamed of writing books like that, to help other little girls just like these authors helped her. 
ella has always been a massive romantic, falling in love with every friendly face. and everyone she’s ever loved wormed their way into her heart, and to get it out, she decided to write. about the what-ifs and the maybe-so’s. 
despite taking ballet lessons her entire school career, as per her mother’s request, she didn’t get into the american ballet company as her mother wished. her mom honestly wasn’t even that proud when she got a perfect sat score on her first try, nor when she got into harvard. 
if she wasn’t going to be a dancer, she was going to be a lawyer, and her mother pushed her to get perfect grades in school. she hoped she would flourish at university, but she... kinda fell apart. we’re talking daily panic attacks, a crippling caffeine addiction, and her anorexia getting so bad she ended up in the fucking hospital her freshman year. despite that, she never missed a single deadline, functioning like a machine. and that was all that was important to her mother. 
her sophomore year, though, she took a creative writing class, and when the ta read some of her work, she told her that she had a lot of potential and if she should continue down that road, the ta would like to be her advisor. that little bit of encouragement was all it took to reignite her dream of being an author. 
writing became her therapy again, along with, thankfully, actual therapy. sure, school still made her anxious wreck, but ella was doing better. bit by bit, step by step. the summer before senior year, her advisor told her that she sent ella’s latest transcript to a friend of hers in publishing, and that she wanted to talk. she wanted to hold off for now, unsure what to do, until she got her lsat results back over thanksgiving break. she’d failed. 
it was then, with her mother berating her non-stop as per usual, that ella decided she was going to publish. she walked out of the house with her mother still yelling, feeling freer than she ever had. 
the day after her commencement, ella moved into a shitty apartment in boston and got to work with the publisher to get the book finished as quickly as possible. thanks to her advisor, it required minimal editing, and they had the first print sent to ella by the end of october. 
on november 15th, the ipswich girls by eloise b. morris was officially for sale nationwide, and by its second week, it was a new york time’s bestseller. the last few months have been a world wind for ella, of book signings and award ceremonies and realizing with every young fan of hers that she’d achieved her dream. 
now, she’s moved into new york city, a dream come true, and shortly after, she realized her publisher expected her to write a second book. she’s... still pretty paralyzed about that, trying to come up with something to top the ipswich girls, but... she’s trying. kinda. maybe. mostly panicking. 
tl;dr: girl with strict mother finds freedom in books, becomes an author, writes a bestseller out of college, now is expected to repeat that success lmao fun.
lets get the zodiac out of the way: virgo sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising. 
she’s... still very much a Good Girl, and she wants to change that, she wants to be her own person. 
like in january she got a tattoo in feminine script on her wrist that said ‘i belong deeply to myself’ and the entire time she felt like a Bad Girl okay????? and she just started smoking weed and that also makes her feel like a Bad Girl 
still pretty anxious, but she’s getting better. she’s on medication, now, and usually does something impulsive whenever she feels bad. or she writes. it’s fifty-fifty. 
very organized, almost to the point of being anal. 
very weird, abstract, neo-dadaist sense of humor. like stonks makes her wheeze.
she’s basically a big fuckin nerd okay??????????? 
usually very chill and relaxed, doesn’t get riled up too easily. it’s hard to tell when she’s having a panic attack because she just looks a little more zoned out than usual.  
cannot fucking flirt like at all. 
Big Virgin. 
her guilty pleasure is watching compilations of fox news pundits railing on and on about how the ipswich girls was written to promote witchcraft and the lesbian agenda. 
(also if you’re curious i put a summary of the ipswich girls here, even though its only bits and pieces but like if you’re curious. it’s basically the craft with fifteen-year-old girls, and also gayer. tw for suicide mention, brain damage and injuries. ) 
wanted connections. 
fast friend. someone who she got along with immediately upon coming to new york. 
childhood pen pal. i just think it’d be cute. 
crush. ella flirts by gazing tenderly across the room. 
philophobe. ella loves love, and this person doesn’t. for better or for worse, she’ll try to convince them otherwise. 
bad influence. and she is very willing to be influenced. 
wing(wo)man. she’s so bad at flirting please. somebody. anybody. 
deja vu. a negative connection; someone ella can’t get comfy around bc they remind her of her childhood bully. 
former dance rivals. ella used to do the competition circuit in ballet. she wasn’t particularly competitive, but her mom certainly was. probably a real dance moms situation. 
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thaliatimsh · 5 years
if its alright! wrt the 'directors commentary' asks, honestly anything /Anything/ for 'imperfect life', oof :0
ONE DVD COMMENTARY TRACK COMING UP BECAUSE HELL YES you may ask me about this one. GOD I HOPE THIS READ MORE WORKS OR I’M GONNA DIE OF SHAME. For those of you who’ve missed my pleas: imperfect life is on AO3 here. read it or i cry.
Okay I reblogged that post with not much of an idea about what I’d actually have to say but imperfect life is at least at the forefront of my mind lol
First things first I’d had an idea for a fic about Hodgson At Mutineer Camp that i wanted to write floating around my head for a while that was. I suppose centred on the sheer Betrayal of GIBSON YOU CHANGED MY SHEETS FOR THREE YEARS? WHAT THE FUCK? And as I did more research abt both of them and found that they’d been on ships together & that it was likely that either Hodgson or Peglar got Gibson his job? Fuckin wrote itself, especially seeing as in show-canon Bridgens is the Peglar Papers Steward.
Anyway I’ve said this before to everyone who’ll listen but I will say it again: I think Hodgson is misinterpreted & underappreciated by a lot of the fandom &  it makes me SAD and also ANGRY.
Like: I once saw someone say that he was “mad about Jopson’s promotion, so fuck that guy”? NO. He MISSED Jopson’s promotion! He would have gotten a KICK out of Jopson’s promotion! You BASTARDS! Hickey picks on him SPECIFICALLY because he’s out of the loop! I’ll kill you!
Ham jokes? I’m coming to your HOUSE. man’s as ‘obsessed with ham’ as any self-respecting naval officer starving to death in the arctic
Then there’s the “Who is this?” being taken as some kind of a-okay for cannibalism instead of a guy who saw someone shot dead just last night and then spent the morning burying said dead'un being literally scared out of his mind by a greasy lil rat with a knife and Tozer blocking the tent flap with a fuckign RIFLE. DAMN YOU ALL.
Do I think he’s a complete FOOL? YES. Do I think he ever had any kind of malicious intent? NO. Okay anyway I’m gonna talk a bit more abt that later so let me go back to the next part lmao
So Part 2 of the George Henry Hodgson Saga was then to figure out why he had to go stay with his aunts - this ALSO came pretty straight to me, for whatever reason. I think it might have started off as just his parents pleasure jaunt, but as I was thinking about later scenes with Jimmy Fitzjas I came up with a thing abt - Im not gonna find the reference now but in the battersby book there’s a bit abt William Coningham going to take the waters at bath or whatever for Weak Lungs which OBVIOUSLY made me think of my favourite comsumptive Of All Time Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin & the countryside retreats he & his sister Emilia took for their symptoms as teenagers (and unforch Emilia died of tuberculosis aged just 14… rip)
ANYWAY I had some VAGUE idea that George n Fitz could have some kind of Passing Discussion abt Brothers With Shite Lungs that obviously never came to fruition but. Lol whatever, it gave me a reason for why My Parents Sent Me To Stay With Two Aunts.
UH. Right, so then like the third leg for this to stand on was that Fitzjames and Hodgson had ALSO served together & Fitzjames had: 1. recommended Hodgson to the expedition 2: mentioned him TWICE in his Voyage of the Cornwallis 3. Mentioned him in his letters to the Coninghams from disko bay (one of the only Terrors mentioned - there’s a passage abt Fitzjames going to look at the icebergs with Fairholme and Hodgson. ANYWAY; show-canon Hodgson has a sense of humour and I really think he tried to make the men see him as approachable, at least compared to the other Terror officers and that reminds me a lot of how the historical Fitzjames seemed from mystery man! Seeing as they KNew each other I think it’s not unfair to suggest that he’s trying to emulate an older and more successful officer! He wants to succeed! He wants to have fun and to be loved by The Men!
My friend said something very Prescient abt this to me recently which was that THere are a lot of similarities between Hodgson & Fitzjames and it’s kinda like. Fitzjames is the Ideal, and Hodgson just misses the mark. He’s the average man’s James Fitzjames and because he doesn’t know about Fitzjames’ surplus of political luck that only makes him feel more of a failure. Fitzjames gets a bullet that gets him compared to Lord Nelson, Hodgson gets in the gazette as ‘slightly wounded’. Even their monologues! Fitzjames gives a soul-baring confessional he’s never talked about before to someone he respects and he gets! Affirmation! Gets told that he’s a good man and brave and loved! Hodgson gives a soul-baring confessional he’s never talked about before to someone he respects and gets! FUCK ALL! A MAN SITS IN SILENCE! He has to fucking! Walk out alone after all of that! FUCK!!!
Okay so this whole fic just sat in my brain for probably like six months until I literally sat up in bed because I worked out the last piece of the puzzle
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(Drac has an epiphany, July 4th 2019, colourised)
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Which was, of course, 'Hodgson went to boarding school’ - which is what all of this ends up hanging off of! Boarding school culture! The younger years are servants for the upper years, who in turn are responsible for the younger students!  including discipline etc so like… if a younger year brought something up to their “fag-master” it’d be sorted by them and maybe prefects, without getting schoolmasters etc involved.
WHICH is why George doesn’t tell the captains about what happens to Neptune, because he’s out here trying to be a good fag master and get it sorted himself! His own fag master fucked him over by getting the schoolmasters involved when they oughtn’t have been! He’s not about to be Archibald Harrington-Thurlowe! He’s not okaying the mutiny! He’s trying to minimise the damage *on his own* like a fuckin idiot!
I’m just basically so upset about 'one perfect moment in a whole imperfect life’ being a childhood memory that he was taught to see as so shameful to compare it to cannibalism under duress? FUCK.
A whole imperfect life in GENERAL has me fucked up! He just kept trying and kept just missing what he was aiming for! I mean. That’s relateable. Not one part of a life turning out as you expected or planned? ME!!!! Your achievements add up to nothing and no matter how hard you try you end up a footnote! FUCK offfff
I had some difficulty with the religious angle for a while because. hm. okay. To start with the religious angle IN-CANON is just.... not correct. Catholics don't let you drink the blood. The church of england DOES... and that's what most of these men ARE. The Papist Speech as a whole was cobbled together from one of Crozier's ~Visions~ in the book - and it's important in that case that Crozier is IRISH... Poor analogy, writers! Putting aside that he was also... SEVEN... maybe he was an unusually tall seven-year old, people assumed he'd had first communion/been baptised & no one wanted to cause a fuss... I mean the guy has lead poisoning so it's fair to mis-remember but... YEAH. Messy, which is a shame because it's a powerful monologue very well-delivered, shame it's complete fucking nonsense 😂 (not to be like... SMH Americans but... smh Americans...)
Anyway, as I wrote it? that’s me. I wasn’t raised religious - my dad’s an old-school small-town Continental Catholic, my mum’s agnostic but raised CofE (but *her* dad was raised Jewish (also continental) during WW2), I think they couldn’t be fucked with the drama, I never went to church or anything and as a kid when we had prayers at school assembly I didn’t know what I was doing!!!! I felt bad because I couldn’t fathom God as a concept!!! I still can’t! But as a kid it’s like. I don’t understand and on account of that I’m afraid I’m going to Hell. tfw you write what you know.
ALSO there were definitely a couple of times where I wrote G H Hodgson as played by B W Wooster and I will not be taking constructive criticism on that.
ANYWAY My brain has kindof turned itself off now but I guess this is just. My own personal backstory to this jhsgfjhs. I actually probably have about 400x more to say but it’s fully evaporated. thank you SO MUCH for asking me though. i die.
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bcdiemcnt · 5 years
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harry styles !  |    look at the credits to find bodie montgomery ( he/him ) ! the twenty five year old camera operator is known for their work on the hit show: ftlog. their fellow crew members see them as being dependable and humorous, however they are actually very blunt and cynical. seeing them always reminds me of countless empty cup of noodles, a queue of buzzfeed unsolved autoplaying on youtube, sleeping til 4pm & staying up til 6am. 
hello everyone !! it’s caro here back with another annoying boy. i also play my big dummy percy, but i really wanted to bring someone not famous into the mix. this is my smol bean bodie!! just so you know under the cut is a tw for cancer, & mentions of death
my little camera man bodie – also goes by bo or bode, around set a lot of crew members call him by a shorter form of his last name, monty
growing up was quite uneventful in the best of ways. bodie had a pretty pleasant childhood. loving parents and a relatively healthy, happy family. his father is a big hollywood plastic surgeon and mother an architect. they are both extremely hard working and made it a priority to teach him the importance of discipline and responsibility at a young age. they set their expectations for the boy high.
often in his teen years he took care of his two younger sisters, as his parents both work full time. they had a nanny to help, so he didn’t have to, but his sisters always came first to him and being the oldest he is definitely a protective older brother
cancer & death mention tw :  when he was fifteen, his youngest sister, at six, was diagnosed with leukemia. for 2 years his life revolved around her. bodie was never extremely social to begin with, but in high school he was always invited to the parties & the tailgates. it wasn’t a very hard decision, but the boy chose to stay home with his sisters pretty much every weekend.
when she passed away, his family never seemed to get back on their feet. her room was left like a museum, tears and shouting resulting from his mother whenever anyone touched anything in there. once he turned eighteen, bodie moved out eagerly – nothing drastically far, still in the same city (he couldn’t leave his other sister behind!! los angeles born and raised!!! gimme childhood friends plots!!!!) bodie just moved to some shitty downtown LA apartment. being in his childhood home made him feel like he was drowning. tw donezo!
though his family is quite wealthy, his parents believe in bodie earning what he has, when he first moved out they only gave him some of an allowance every semester to help with his tuition. but he got a hold of his trust fund when he turned 21. he’s v frugal though and doesn’t flash his money at all, most people don’t even really know he has any money unless they knew him when he was younger.
SO bodie graduated with a bachelor of fine arts, concentrating in media arts. he hit the ground running as a production assistant in the cinematography department and that was really how he worked his way up to his position now. he aspires to continue to pursue a career as a cinematographer. the boy has a side hustle and shoots for aspiring instagram models lol, he also shoots special events upon request like weddings/bdays/parties
during his time at uni he met a beautiful gal that he fell In Love with. things moved so quickly between the two of them, they got engaged a year in. it was a romantic WHIRLWIND and a really exciting time of his life. but as they began planning their wedding, small arguments turned into full blown fights. they started spending less and less time together and going on less and less dates. they stopped talking about the wedding altogether, but still went through the motions of being together. he didn’t really know he had fallen out of love at first
this is probably his BIGGEST regret of his life – mainly because it fucked with his self perception and he started to let this define him. ALSO he had always prided himself in his ~goodness~ and didn’t really think he was capable of causing sUCH pain and being sO inconsiderate/selfish.. but he started sleeping with one of his close male friends while still engaged and in a relationship. because of that saying “once a cheater, always a cheater” he just can’t forgive himself and also doesn’t really trust himself. he was YOUNG and DUMB, but still wouldn’t ever use that as an excuse. bodie has definitely learned from his mistake.
OKAY jumping to present FINALLY!!
ftlog was not exactly the show he applied to the position for -- he has been with studio3 for a few years working on shows under other titles: production assistant, 1st/2nd assistant camera, he’s worked in the light department for a few smaller shows as well. bodie never really connected with ftlog, but it's his first gig as a camera operator, so he’s pretty excited to finally be the main guy behind the camera.
he’s basically a big fluff ball that has a past and is just trying his best to Be Happy
bodie is an irresponsible mess most of the time to anything non work related. he has to set a million alarms because more often than not, he sleeps through the first few – literally would wake up late in the afternoon every day if he could (HE LIVES FOR OVERNIGHT SHOOTS), he’s is constantly late to everything unless it’s work related. all his closest pals know if u want bodie to be On Time you have to tell him to get there at least a half hour before he really needs to be. he can only make it on time to set tbh. maybe u could see this coming, but he’s pretty much a night owl. he’ll stay up into the wee hours of the morn dickin around
says “oh baby!”, “nah” and “sick” way too much
overall pretty loud and outgoing once he feels comfy around you
is extremely flighty and unreliable when it comes to all things romantic
has 2 instagrams: 1 for business purposes that is solely his photography, and 1 for his artsy fartsy selfies lol and cryptic captions
CONNECTION IDEAS: a crew roommate(s)!! bodie doesn’t need a roommate for rent reasons, he just is definitely someone that likes the company of roommates. university pals!! maybe a star he shoots frequently on his side hustle, so they’ve developed a friendship. an ex!! bodie hates the spotlight though and actively works to keep himself as much of a fly on the wall as he can so if his ex was a star he’d literally combust the first time they got papped together. there’s a good chance bodie would break it off b4 it really got serious tho. this is all i have rn but i’m down to plot or go of chem!!! like this and i’ll come bug u!!!
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skyechaser · 6 years
Silence in Atlas 8/?
Once more, this is a dark take on Volume 7 from a Bumbleby standpoint. It has scenes of graphic violence. If there are any specific trigger warnings I will indicate when that part starts and ends.
I have no words to express how thankful I am to all of you out there reading this. It means a lot that something I have worked in so much is being so well recieved. I just can’t believe it. I’ll try to update every 2-3 days so stay alert! If anyone out there wants to do any sort of work related to SIA, PLEASE DO AND TAG ME! :D 
“We have detained several of RSER’s and GTF’s high commands. With the testimonies we got from the three Traders that were captured and the evidence we found in their scrolls, we have more than enough to make a case” Ironwood said.
“That’s good to know” Qrow replied. Ruby nodded. He wanted to add something else, but was cut short by another voice.
“What about my father?” Weiss added, crossing her arms. Ironwood moved in his chair and took a deep breath before answering.
“We can’t do anything against Jacques Schnee” the general said finally. “If we start investigating him he will stop providing the army with dust and we can’t have that. We need to be armed, now more than ever”.
“So you are just going to let him get away with this?” Yang asked, visibly upset. Ironwood looked down.
“I’m so sorry but this is how things work. We can talk to him about providing the faunus with better working conditions and stop his relationship with The Traders but…”
“This is unbelievable!” the former hairess exclaimed. “He admitted to my face that SDC made business with those people!”
“Politics are far more complicated than any of you can understand right now. I can’t declare war to the most powerful man in Atlas and leave the army unsupplied!” Ironwood replied as he stood up, smashing the desk with his fists. The whole team looked at him with disbelief. The general looked around the room and took a deep breath. “I have to protect the people of Atlas” he added sitting down, his voice softening. 
“Don’t you mean, the HUMANS of Atlas?” Yang asked, walking towards the general’s desk. There was as pregnant silence of about ten seconds before anyone spoke.
“I can understand that you are upset but…” Ironwood took a paper out of his pocket and placed it in his desk. “I have something for you”. Yang picked up the paper and read it. There were five names on it. “One of GTF’s executives was more than happy to give me this in order to get a shorter sentence. He’s going down for so many charges it won’t even matter. This are the men that his men sent to the auction yesterday. If any of them remember who took Blake then…”
“We might know where she is” Ruby completed the sentence and it floated on the air for a short while. 
“Any idea where I could find them?” the blonde asked, folding the paper and putting it in her pocket.
“I’d say you try your luck in the pubs near the industrial zone at night. Humans working down in the mines often spend their free time there” the general answered. “I could send someone with you in case…”
“No” Yang cut him. “Just have your troops ready to move in once I get her out. Unless Schnee Dust Company bought her, right?” she added, sarcastically. She wanted to punch the general in the face. She wanted to yell at him and be mad for all the faunus down in the mines. This was so unfair. Somehow, in her mind, she started to understand the road that had taken Adam into the darkness. If she, a human, was so upset about this situation, she could only imagine how it felt for the faunus. How it felt for Blake. She should have walked back to the house with her.
Finding her girlfriend was her number one priority but she wasn’t going to stop there. This was wrong and someone had to do something. If it had to be her then so be it. Yang had a plan: find Blake now, do justice later. She could work out the details on the way.
She was so close. So fucking close to finding Blake and now she had to wait again. Deep breath. Don’t kill anyone, Yang. Don’t let yourself fall that hard. The image of that room, blood splattered all around appeared on her mind with so much clarity she wanted to throw up.
“We’re close” Ruby said, putting a hand on her sister’s back as they walked out of Ironwood’s office. Weiss had her arms crossed and a permanent frown on her face. With the things they had found about SDC and Jacque’s declarations to her, she thought there was something they could do. Still, he managed to win. She was disgusted by him, ashamed of calling him father. He had laughed at her face once more.
There were only three bars in the industrial zone, Yang learned. The most popular one was called “Underground” and, as she stepped in, she got where the name came from: it was dark, humid and disgusting. The place was pretty full. Yang could feel how all the looks fell on her as she entered through the door. Deep breath. She walked towards the bartender and asked for a drink. She hoped it would help her calm down and not kill anyone. The woman came back with her order and Yang took her chance.
“Can I ask you something?” she said.
“Sure” the bartender replied. “I knew there was a reason for you to be here. Most of my customers are men and… Pretty disgusting actually” she laughed. Yang did not.
“Do you know any of this men?” the blonde placed the paper Ironwood gave her in the table. The woman picked it up and read it silently.
“Well, I know two of this guys and you are in luck because…” she pointed “That short bastard over there is Deegan Myehl”. Yang turned around, her eyes going red at the sight of the man. He was laughing with his pals like nothing was wrong in the world, like he hadn’t just been in that fucking auction. She couldn’t believe the man was actually there. This was the closest thing to luck she had experienced since Blake was taken. Yang emptied her drink and walked towards his table. 
Don’t kill anyone.
Blake didn’t know what time it was. Light inside the mine was completely artificial and it was always on. Was it day? Was it night? How many days had passed since she was taken? Her conception of time was fractured, her mind was a mess and she felt like having a panic attack every ten minutes. Her conversations with Agape were all that kept her from going completely crazy. Something about the girl’s personality reminded her of Ruby and she found it soothing. Yudok opened the cage, led them out, made them work. When was the last time she had eaten something? Blake felt like fainting. She started seeing double.
“Blake, you okay?” Agape whispered to her. Blake moved her head sideways, leaning on one of the walls. “Take a deep breath and work slowly. I’ll tell you if Yudok is looking this way”.
“Thank you” she mouthed. The younger girl smiled. Just like the day before some of the faunus couldn’t keep up with the work and where sent back to the cage after a beating. Blake felt like shit. Her body moved simply by inertia. Raise the pike. Get the dust. Put in the wagon. Raise the pike. Get the dust. Put in the wagon. Repeat.
“Do you think it's time to rest?” Yudok’s voice made its way to her ears and brought her back to reality. Agape was looking her way, begging her with her eyes not to intervene. The man was standing over one of the faunus, his eyes furious. He snickered and kicked him in the stomach. “Stand up”. The faunus tried and fell again. He was older, maybe her father’s age. “You’re really a piece of trash aren’t you?” Yudok raised the whip and smiled. “Last warning”.
Blake ran. She couldn’t bear with what this brute was doing. It was wrong. All of this was wrong. When the whip hit her it didn’t even hurt. She was beyond pain.
“You again?” the man said, an angry look in his eyes. “Stop trying to be a hero, kitten” Yudok grinned and Blake found it so terrifying. “If you weren’t such a nice piece of ass I would kill you right now but I gotta keep you for my boys. They’ll have fun with you”.  
Her body froze. She could see Aleph, his bald head and his green eyes looking down at her. His weight on top of her. His hand pulling on her hair. She started shaking. No. Please no. Not this again.
“Why so shocked?” Yudok asked, holding Blake by the chin. “You really think we paid so much for you just to have you work?”
She wanted to scream. She wanted to run. She wanted to leave this place behind and never think of it again. She wanted Yang. Yudok whipped her once in the chest and sent her back to work. Agape looked at her with worry on her eyes but didn't come any closer to comfort her, even if she wanted to. Neither of them wanted any more trouble. An eternity later, or at least that was how it felt, they were taken back to the cage.
“I’m so scared, Blake” Agape said, her voice almost a whisper, tears leaving her eyes timidly.  
“Me too” she wrote in the dirt, too tired and broken to give her friend hope.
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juhhyeon · 8 years
You give me an older sister type of vibe, like a really kind and loving older sister
aye thanks anon!!
Anonymously tell me what kind of vibe I give off
0 notes
statusquoergo · 5 years
Credit where credit is due, Gabriel did a nice job directing this episode. He had more screen time that I’m used to from actors pulling double duty, and he seems to have handled the extra workload well.
That’s not to say the episode was flawless. Yeah, by Season 9 standards, it was pretty good overall, but I mean. Season 9 standards.
We start off at home with Louis and Sheila having a terse exchange over tea as I wonder, yet again, why they’re together at all if they’re always so goddamn pissy about everything. Louis bemoans his demotion as Sheila irritably directs him to drink his rooibos and asks him what the big deal is, being that he didn’t even want the job in the first place (true). Louis parries that he only said that because Donna offered it to him the same night he found out about Sheila’s pregnancy (true), but at any other time in his life, he would have taken it (false). On the contrary, you may remember this fairly unambiguous exchange from “Pecking Order” (s08e02) between Doctor Lipschitz and Louis: “As I recall, you accepted Harvey becoming managing partner after Jessica left.” “That’s when I realized I didn’t want to be managing partner.” I suppose I’ve never accused this show of internal consistency before, why bother starting now?
Louis then delightfully compares himself to a ball-less cat and laments that though “the job wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, [he] was getting really good at it,” and excuse me but what? Forget that disastrous hearing that summoned Faye to their doorstep, his most recent acts as managing partner include trying to bully Professor Gerard into letting him be the keynote speaker at Harvard’s Ethic Conference to talk up his failing firm, and going completely off the rails trying to fire the poor IT guy for failing to digitally break into the New York State Bar Association. Louis sucked at being managing partner.
Next up is a reminder that I need to be careful what I wish for as Donna and Harvey discuss his reflexive support of her impassioned but quite incorrect argument against Louis trying to fire Benjamin, and how much she didn’t appreciate it. Turns out it wasn’t so reflexive; he did it because she thought she would like it, which is its own magnificently flawed concept—thinking she’ll get mad at him for disagreeing with her doesn’t say much for his respect for her integrity—but then Donna realizes that he’s afraid she’s going to leave him if he doesn’t unconditionally support her, and you just know the writers thought they were being real clever with this. (Wait, isn’t one of Harvey’s defining character traits his ability to read people? “You read books, I read people” was actually one of the first things he said to Mike in the pilot… Gosh it’s been a long time.)
As I was saying about this show’s internal consistency, two things about this whole exchange: One, all through Season 7, Harvey had no trouble calling Paula out when she was being ridiculous and disagreeing with her about all kinds of shit. Two, as recently as “Everything Changes” (s09e01), Harvey cooed that “[he’s] finally where [he’s] supposed to be” when he’s with Donna, to which Donna replied “We both are,” and like, are they a match made in Heaven right out of the box or what? His trust in their relationship is wildly inconsistent. Unless he wants to forfeit his autonomy for some reason? I don’t know, it’s weird and I don’t like it.
I also take issue with Donna’s dismissive “Oh, my god. Of course. Harvey, I’m not gonna leave you.” This has been an issue for him since forever, as she well knows, but rather than ask him what’s wrong—is he really afraid she’ll leave him over something so small?—or point out that he needs to go to therapy (if she wants to be tactful, she could ask if he wants to “talk to someone” about this), she treats it as an endearing character quirk, and someone needs to save Harvey from all this shit yesterday.
The interruption to this…reconciliation isn’t quite as cringy as the can opener bit from the last episode, but I’ve gotta call it out for being just some truly lazy storytelling. Gretchen appears out of nowhere to tell them they “need to go see Louis,” on account of his demotion, and Donna’s deer-in-headlights response is “Oh, my god. We need to go to him right now.” Yeah, no shit, that’s what Gretchen just said, except this framing affords Harvey the opportunity to mount his noble high horse and declare: “No. You go to him. I need to go see Faye.” Which he does, dramatic music and all, declaring that “dammit, not everybody has to do everything by [her] book,” and I must point out that she demoted Louis for trying to fire the employee who he asked to perform an illegal activity that he failed to perform only because he was caught; in what book is that okay? He then asserts: “You want consequences, I’ll give you consequences,” which is delightfully reminiscent of that old classic, “I’ll give you something to cry about,” in that it makes absolutely no sense, and Harvey, you adorable impetuous dumbass, if your goal is to convince her to leave, I think you might be going about it in a little bit the wrong way.
Roll title crawl! (No seriously, that was all just the cold open.)
Anyway Donna does go to comfort Louis, already treating herself and Harvey as a unit when she assures him that “if [he] ever [needs her] or Harvey during any of this Faye bullshit,” they’re there for him, and dropping the much more interesting detail that she has a much older sister she doesn’t want to talk about who “turned every man she was ever with into an emotional doormat,” which I don’t have time to fic right now but I feel like might explain a lot. Then Alex and Samantha have an endearing little exchange wherein Samantha proposes doing something to help Louis and Alex clarifies that it has to be ethical, and it’s nice to know that at least a couple of people around here aren’t completely insane.
Speaking of things being insane, I won’t fault Gabriel for this because the direction itself is fine, but from a writing perspective, the narrative construct of this next scene is terrible. Harvey shows up at a meeting with Some Guy whose nondescript company is apparently, thanks to his board and the company’s lawyers, being taken over (by someone) against his wishes, and the only hint of context for any of this is that “the people” orchestrating this takeover are “related” to Faye. The obvious conclusion to this exchange is that Harvey is going to help this guy, who is apparently the CEO of this random organization, sue the company by acting as a shareholder rather than a C-level employee, and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Back at the firm where I do kind of know what’s going on, Susan the Associate approaches Katrina with a problem she found in the VersaLife case Katrina’s working, and as soon as they gave her a name in the last episode, I know she was going to be important. More to the point, it looks like Katrina’s got herself an associate! (Remember when senior partners were required to hire their own associates? It was a whole big thing back in Season 1, I think.)
Next up, Louis is having lunch with an old friend, Saul the Judge, who informs him that some other judge is retiring or being fired or something, and offers him a judgeship, and there is so much wrong with this scene that I don’t even know where to begin.
Yes I do. Since when has Louis’s lifelong dream been to be a judge? This is literally the first time he’s ever expressed any interest in it, at all. And another thing, that is not how judicial selection works.
In New York State, judges, depending on the court, are either appointed by the governor and confirmed by the State Senate, nominated by a commission and approved by the governor, chosen at a partisan nominating convention and elected by the voting public, or appointed by the mayor. Qualified individuals can apply to be considered, such as by the Mayor’s Advisory Committee, but there’s no one-and-done offer/acceptance transaction between someone currently on the bench and his lawyer pal, so either this guy is offering Louis a job that doesn’t exist or, more likely, the writers don’t know shit about the New York City legal system.
Moving on. Harvey shoves a recusal form in Faye’s face as he informs her that he “got” a case against her old firm, and he’s “taking it,” as though he didn’t go way out of his way to hunt it down in the first place. He then throws a stupidly juvenile hissy fit, claiming he’ll use whatever he fucking has to to “win,” and prove his system his better than hers, but he won’t have to cross any lines because she de-balled (second reference, just as charming as the first) the guys at her old firm so much that “they’re shaking in their boots” at the mere threat of lawsuit. This whole exchange is basically a showcase of Harvey acting like a spoiled child, and I know he’s a passionate guy but I gotta say, I’m getting tired of this whole act.
Back to that clusterfucking disaster of a judgeship offer, Louis fesses up to Sheila but admits that he doesn’t want to accept the drop in salary with a kid on the way, or leave his friends in the lurch, and she in turn fesses up that she asked Saul to make the offer in the first place because “being a judge has always been [his] dream.” (SINCE WHEN?) Louis is incensed until she tells him that it was basically Saul’s idea, but that if he doesn’t take it now, he’ll never get the change again, which… Why? Well, I guess they haven’t pointlessly manufactured any tension in awhile. Anyway, Louis promises to sleep on it.
Elsewhere, Samantha proposes committing conspiracy to get Faye out of their lives and Alex shuts that shit right away, and I’m actually really enjoying their dynamic right now. Susan asks Katrina what she should do about a smart, funny paralegal she clicks with; Katrina, having “seen that before,” recommends finding a new paralegal, and I’ve never had this question before but is Katrina anti-Machel for some reason? Doesn’t matter. Susan proposes reaching out to opposing counsel, who just so happens to be an old family friend, and Katrina wisely tells her not to, but somewhat less wisely starts and ends her rationale with “Because I know,” which I’m sure won’t motivate Susan to act in any sort of way.
Now, I’m no dream theorist, but luckily this show has all the subtlety of a Liberace action figure, so it’s not too difficult to figure out what Louis’s subconscious mind is trying to say: He wants to humiliate Faye (for demoting him and taking over his firm), he wants to bang Donna (and maybe also Alex), he thinks of Harvey as his peer but also his inferior (who he wants desperately to impress and probably also to fuck), and his confidence is mainly derived from the approval and admiration of others. Also he wants to have sex with basically everyone. Maybe not Gretchen. But everyone else.
Dr. Lipschitz, to whom Louis was evidently relaying the events of this dream, finds the whole thing quite amusing, but points out that if Louis takes the judgeship, he won’t have his friends around him anymore. Double-edged sword and all that.
Part II
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ofmarcos · 5 years
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( shawn mendes, cismale, he/him ) i just saw MARCO SPIEGELMAN walking down the street’s of provincetown the other day playing 100 BAD DAYS BY AJR out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY TWO year old is WARMHEARTED, but can also be UNNECESSARILY OVERWROUGHT — overall they’re a POLYMATH. they remind me of A WORN GUITAR NECK WITH OLD STRINGS, COMING HOME THREE MINUTES BEFORE CURFEW, A CRACKLING WOODFIRE, AND FRESHLY BLOWN OUT BIRTHDAY CANDLES. ( ophelia, 19, est, they/she )
hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals, my name is ophelia and it’s lovely to meet u all!! i am nineteen, living in florida, work at an escape game, and my t key on my laptop gets stuck so um if u ever see me leave a t out of a word that’s why. also, fun fact!! i’m originally from a small town in ma about a two hour drive from provincetown :O but enough about me !! this is marco, he’s an actual meme, and you can read all about him under the cut. like this and i’ll come slide into ur dms for plots. <3
(also this got way longer than anticipated, i’m sorry, pls love me)
tw: cancer, death, car crash, addiction
marco joshua spiegelman was born on an overcast august day in the city of boston, massachusetts. he was the fourth child and the youngest by seven years, meaning that in some way, he was his parents’ last hope.
the spiegelman family practiced orthodox judaism – his dad was raised orthodox and his mom converted from reform judaism in order to marry his dad– so marco’s childhood was very much focused on religion. the spiegelman family went to services every friday night, celebrated every holiday, forced marco to wake up early on sundays to go to hebrew school, and treated him they same as they had treated his older siblings. however, as his siblings grew up and moved out, they all stopped devoutly practicing judaism and moved into a more modern and laid back interpretation of their religion. marco craved this from a young age, but because he was stuck at home with his parents, he was forced to follow their rules and beliefs.
marco went to jewish private school for elementary and middle school, had his bar mitzvah in the seventh grade, and tried to blend in as best as he could. he liked history and english, eager to learn more about the past and help shape the future. at this point in his life, he had his goal of becoming a politician pretty much set. he would help the end the fighting in israel, solve world hunger, and just be an all around awesome guy.
however, his plans shifted on valentine’s day his eighth grade year. after coming home from school, his parents sat him down and told him that his dad had stage four exocrine pancreatic cancer. he knew that his dad had been losing weight and not eating as much recently, as well as complained all the time that his back hurt, but marco didn’t realize that it was something so terrible and life threatening.
with a survival rate of about one percent, the spiegelman family knew that his dad’s chances of survival were not good. the next few months were difficult, his dad went through lots of chemotherapy and experimental trials, but nothing seemed to be working, and he passed away before june. this crushed marco and his mom; his dad was a kind, gentle, and loving person, and the three of them had grown extremely close with each other due to marco being the youngest and the only child still living in the house.
it was hard for the two of them to live by themselves in a town that his mom didn’t really have any connection to, so a few months after his dad’s passing, marco and his mom moved to provincetown, the place where she had grown up, to try and start fresh. their new beginning came coupled with the loss of their connection to their religion, and marco and his mom no longer practiced judaism
freshman year in a brand new town was intimidating for marco, and this resulted in him being extremely quiet and shy for the majority of the year. however, his history teacher saw how invested in history and current events he was and convinced marco to join the debate team. this is where he found his voice once again.
marco did a type of debate called public policy debate, a style of debate where you talk extremely fast and have to do an insane amount of research to ensure that you know what you’re talking about. in order to participate in that style of debate, his teacher assigned him a partner and he grew extremely close to her very quickly. the two of them went on to win the national title their sophomore and junior years
after joining debate, marco grew more confident in himself and began to talk more both in and out of class. being good at something gave him the boost he needed to no longer be shy, and he was well liked by most people at school. this was also when he found the snackpack, and he has always been grateful for their presence in his life.  marco’s sophomore and junior years were quite possibly the best years of his life.
however, right before the trophy ceremony his junior year, he got a call from his mom, telling him that his sister had gotten in to a car crash and that she was in a coma in a hospital in san francisco. marco flew to san fran immediately after receiving the call, leaving his partner to collect the trophy on his behalf.
for the following two weeks, marco rarely left the hospital for fear that his sister would pass away without him there. although the two of them were not that close, losing another family member was something that marco could not imagine. on the fifteenth day of her being in the hospital, the doctors said that there was nothing they could do to save his sister. so they harvested her organs as donations, and the spiegelmans were forced to put another member of their family into the ground.
senior year came around and marco was a changed person. he was not as passionate or confident as he used to be, he quit debate, and he focused on judaism again to try and give his life some meaning. however, he explored the type of judaism his sister was into, reform judaism, based more on learning and exploring the ideas of religion than sitting in a sanctuary and praying.
although he skipped school often and had mediocre grades, he managed to graduate, his dreams seeming unimportant and his life in shambles. throughout this, he still managed to keep a positive attitude, now convinced that god had a plan for him and that everything would work out fine. he does have really bad anxiety tho, so it’s this classic combination of trying to have faith in the way things work out but never really being sure that they will
without his debate professor, he wouldn’t have even gotten into college, but with the help of someone making sure he followed through, he got into u mass amherst to study sustainable food & farming. this seemed like a out of the blue choice, but it combined marco’s love of research & science, and allowed him to feel like he could have a greater impact on the world than he could as a politician. 
college went by without incident, but here are some highlights (joined hillel and loved being w/ other jews, was a nerd, did nerd things **including a lot of acid, lived his best life)
he just graduated and is home for the summer, he has a job working for the local farmers’ market, and is just chillin’, trying not to think about the other shoe that is bound to drop
he’s doing okay, and that’s all he’ll ever answer the question “how are you?” with
marco worked as a waiter at an italian restaurant in high school so that he could have spending money. money was never a problem in his household as his mom is a cardiologist, but he always felt bad asking for money for things, so he made his own money instead
if marco was a crayola crayon, he’d be pine green. the color is a bit darker than most of the other greens in the crayola family, just like marco in his family, but also has a hint of blue in it, hinting at the sadness that lies beneath marco’s outer layer.
marco really loves old school video games. his old nintendo 64 is collecting dust in his closet, and although he rarely has time to play it anymore, he refuses to throw it out. while growing up, video games were his way of connecting to his two older brothers, his older sister always watching on with a disapproving gleam in her eye. whenever the siblings get together, however, they always manage to turn on an old, favorite game of theirs, and the competition is always heated
in high school, marco smoked a lot of weed. he would always be seen outside at any high school party, smoking by himself or with a group of other people. however, after graduating, marco switched to cigarettes. he smokes frequently, but will furiously deny being addicted if approached about it
marco plays as waluigi when he plays mario kart/party
marco has a slight boston accent
marco is a night person. he utterly hates getting up early in the morning, but staying up late comes easy and natural to him.
marco recycles religiously. if something is recyclable and you don’t put it into the recycling bin, he’ll lose a bit of respect for you as a person
marco absolutely loves space and the universe and stargazing (part of his appreciation for nighttime), but he also wholeheartedly believes that aliens are real, no doubt about it.
wanted connections
his debate partner from high school 
romantic connections (male or female or nb!!)
exes w/ lingering feelings
exes who ended on good terms
the person who took his virginity l m a o
that person that he’s been pining after since freshman year in high school who he just wants to get w/ but has convinced himself he cannot
neighbors when they were growing up
current roommate
that friend that u always compete with and like ur friends w/ them still, u are, but also u always want to brag about how great ur doing
someone who confides in him who he rarely confides back to
u KNOW they probably made a band in high school
people he went to college with
anything ur heart desires!!
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womensvoices-blog1 · 5 years
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I’m Tristi Ann Armes. I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. I’m 31 years old, and I’m finally a senior at Middle Tennessee University. My major is liberal studies with minors in Art and Psychology. I currently have an associates degree in Visual Communications, intention Photography from Nashville State Community College. I think it’s important to mention, I was raised by a single mother who died from cancer when I was 24. I took on the responsibility of caring for my 12 year old sister at the time, who is now 18 and in college herself. THANK GOD! 
In my free time, I design really unique, bold, colorful statement jewelry which has brought much passion to my life. I love being outside, hanging with friends, traveling, drinking wine, and making art. One of my life aspirations is to never stop learning but always continuing growth by being curious about life, and the possibilities around me. I am forever grateful for this Multicultural women’s class, and I hope everyone finds something valuable from our candid conversations. 
How would you describe your love life, relationship status:
I am recently single. I was with a man for three and a half years, who ghosted me after I asked him what he wanted…as in moving in together, marriage, kids. But if we are being completely honest, I would’ve been “settling” if I had decided to stay with him. He’s a good person, just not a good boyfriend. (sorry not sorry). He taught me some good lessons though (laughs).  I’m currently back to the dating world. It’s been rough but I recently met someone who has potential. When I say it’s been rough, I don’t mean terrible, I just mean full of different emotions. When I was first single, I RECYCLED, as my best friend would say. I hung out with my “first love,” who is the epitome of a “bad boy” in my eyes, but also felt like the only “home” I had left (we dated for around 10 years).  When he kissed me, criticized me for the past, and made me want to punch things, like all the previous years, I was reminded of why I stopped “recycling” in the first place. People really do not change. I can’t even say that I’ve changed, I’ve just grown. I dated a guy, totally different from my usual, who was following me on instagram, so after stalking his profile I was like “dang, he’s cute” soooo.... I “slid into his DMs” (laughs)…yeah…that didn’t work out. After we “hungout” for a month or so, he decided to “work it out” with the girl he had been living with. P.O.S. (that means piece of sh**). Anyways, what he taught me was very crucial. He taught me that there are actually men out there who have similar interests as me, which I have never dated anyone who had the same kinds of hobbies or interests as me. He also taught me the power of the rebound. I stopped trying to figure out why I wasn’t “good enough” for my ex, and I think it’s mainly because he popped into my life so quickly and woke me up to all the possibilities. Anyways…new guy…is AWESOME…except that he lives 9 hours away and we only hung out twice before he went back home haha! We met at an event that we were both working, and he has turned out to be very kind, polite, thoughtful, and funny. He asks questions, remembers what I tell him, is interested in sharing things about his life, he is talented and inspiring, we like to do similar things, but he also has his own hobbies and he seems to be family oriented.  But, I’m trying to just “go with the flow” in order to avoid hurt and disappointment. But isn’t that kind of sad? Or am I just protecting myself? At what point do women just decide to go “all in” without all the thoughts of how wrong it could go? At what point do men decide the same thing? There have been tinder dates, and guys from my classes who have pursued me, but the 4 men I am talking about today, have had the most significance in my life and growth recently. I am grateful for the lessons from all of them. 
Do you feel pressured by society, family/friends to be in a relationship or actively dating?
I for sure feel pressured by society and some friends and family. As soon as I was single again, my best friend was like, “get on match.com, this girl I know found this guy, on this and that.”  She has also said she just doesn’t want me to be alone forever, she wants me to find a FAMILY. But I also have friends who don’t care to date (Tina) and don’t care what I do, but protect me from idiots who try to do me wrong (instagram guy). My grandma, my grandfathers second wife/widow, gave me the family cookbook she only gives to women who are getting married, when I was 18. She just had a feeling that I wouldn’t marry young, or maybe ever. She is constantly asking about my dating life though and always tells me to keep up the hope haha! Im 31 now, and I feel like the pressure is on to find someone, or  maybe it’s just a “southern” thing. So maybe, I should just move to NYC like I’ve always wanted to do. Goodbye, Nashville! (laughs) 
How do you think your relationship status has changed you as a person, and how do you view yourself as a woman?
I think as I’ve gotten older, and single AGAIN, which I say again like I’ve been in a lot of relationships, but I haven’t. Honestly, I think being single fits me more than being in a relationship. Or maybe I’ve been single longer so I’m just more comfortable with that. The last relationship I was in made me feel like a different person. Anyways, now I’m more open to new things, new people, and being more compassionate towards others. I think a lot of my married pals live “vicariously” through me, but dating is hard sometimes, the LONELINESS makes you do things you otherwise wouldn’t. Such as, “drunk texting”, hanging out with ex-boyfriends, or hooking up with guys you know you don’t have a future with. I’m literally sitting at a restaurant drinking wine, eating dinner, all alone, writing this, and honestly, I don’t have a care in the world about being alone. Today, anyways. It took me 31 years to say, “I’m a woman.” Usually, I still see myself as a teenager. (laughs…a lot) To me when I hear the word woman, I think: Independent/makes her own decisions without the approval of anyone else, doesn’t need a “relationship” to be happy, wears high heels and pencil skirts, makes men feel “intimidated”, confident as hell, single and/or married, laughs a lot, witty, intelligent, and maybe a mother. As a “woman,” I trust myself more. I know my body more. I stand up from myself more. I say what I want more. I put up with less crap more. I know where to tell a man to touch me, and I’m not afraid to say it, and if someone doesn’t like me because of these things, then…ON TO THE NEXT ONE…GOODBYE, once again. Losing my mom at the age of 24 brought challenges. Mothers, at this age are the most important figures in our lives. We have past the teenage, hormonal phase, and now we are looking for aspirations from our moms. Our moms are guiding us more now, helping us grow more than ever, and being our biggest support at this age (generally), or maybe just in my mind. Not having my mom, I’ve had to figure out how to be a “woman” on my own and what that looks like to me. All I know at this moment is, I’m manifesting my own damn destiny and that tomorrow is not promised so, YOLO! I’m making the rules for my life from this moment on, because I deserve it. It’s also important to me to be a good influence on my sister, and I know I can only do that by becoming the best version of myself, and following my dreams. 
The song that defines me is Lizzo-Good As Hell (at least for the past year). Here’s the video ;)
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NAME YOUR MUSE: 'Helios' 'Red' 'Nerd' [Redacted]
ONE TWO PICTURE YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR MUSE’S FC: My characters don't really have face claims but there's a few faces that remind me of Helios. Namely this guy:
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- THE REASON HE LIKES RED IS not actually because of his own conscious choice. He's got an asshole of a 'passenger' stuck in his head after he fled Doma, and he doesn't realize it but THAT'S when he got obsessed with the color red. The same goes for other things that weren't part of his personality or tastes before.
- Helios says that he has very little aether ability, but before fleeing Garlemald he actually had a lot of potential to be a great spellcaster. The 'passenger' is soaking up all the excess aether in its host's body, which makes Helios come across as having no ability besides what his Allagan device and alchemy can do.
- Ever since he met a specific Keeper woman who loves hugs, Helios has been keeping a tiny window garden in his and Ferrus' living space. Taking care of the tiny plants helps him with his depression.
- Helios experiments with his alchemy and consumes books on the subject in his spare time. He is always happy to show someone his latest success--it's like someone taking up baking as a hobby.
- Speaking of such, he also has...baking as a hobby! If he has the materials on hand, he will shower friends and acquaintances with his concoctions of sweets or savory food items.
- Dallia: At their first meeting, she gave him a wedgie right in the middle of a packed venue. Later she tricked him into believing they had gotten married and had a kid, and now she wanted a divorce. Later still she helped saved him from Sahagin. She's seen him without his mask and hasn't made fun of him. He tentatively trusts her, and wholeheartedly feels respect and affection for her. 11/10 best ex-wife, even in their custody battle for his bottle cap collection.
- Lili: The poor woman can't hear what this rambunctious buffoon is telling her with his flapping hands and lack of lips to read, but she Tries. Helios appreciates it.
- Kingfisher the Punch Cat: OH TWELVE DON'T HURT HIM FOR TOUCHING YOUR SISTER'S BUTT ONCE. (but uh hey thanks for the solid of saving him from some fish dudes)
- Val: Someday you will let him hug you, Val-Pal. Val is the only 'responsible' influence Helios has right now, besides Ferrus. He mutely offered to stand and be an awkward public buffer to Hawk. He offers to heal Helios at times. Seriously, Val is really good for Helios I wish the little idiot didn't ruin it by trying to climb atop Val and show his 'appreciation' by snuggling.
- Sparrow: Helios pitiful wheezing noises. While it's unfortunate that these two ended up not fleshing out their dingleberry little crushes because of OOC time constraints, I still love them and Helios is still a dumb idiot hung up over a sweet faced, innocent moon cat. She was the first person to rp at him and he believes 'she was the first person who was nice to me in Eorzea'. She took this dumb, nervous, hyperactive man and calmed him down with hugs and eyes that STARED at him. It's still ADORABLE.
- Yasu: He saw the older woman as a tentative 'mother' figure before, but because he's not coming 100 feet of Sparrow, he's not sure anymore if he still feels that way. Also he's afraid of her wrath.
- Llew: Helios has a good many friends, but few are at the 'bro' level of friendship like Llewannth is. In Helios' mind, they are quickly becoming besties; not only does Llew put up with his shenanigans, but he even encourages them. They spend their time together flirting and making jokes, and Llew keeps Helios out of his sad doldrums or even feeling an itch to be a bit more violent (meaning his 'passenger' pretty much takes a nap when Llew is around, which is GREAT). Llew is a bushel of secrets, though, and Helios constantly feels like one wrong move will burn everything between them to the ground. But even handling something as hot to the touch as Llew doesn't make him consider stopping; the joy of a challenge or a puzzle to solve flies that thought right out of his head.
Helios has many regrets, and it's hard to pick just two. The biggest are:
- Everything, everything he did on his personal project with Marcellus that he feels made his mentor go mad. If it wasn't for his stupid adoration that drove him to go above and beyond for the man, such as digging up his Thavnarian family's old alchemy secrets and experimenting on corpses and live subjects, Marcellus would have mourned his daughter's death in peace and Helios wouldn't have had to have killed them both (his version of the story, btw).
- Outside of his personal project dedicated to Marcellus, Helios also regrets the gas chambers full of Ala Mhigan war prisoners in the labs. He hates that he used them to test his assignments. He still has nightmares of men scratching at the walls until their fingers bled, trying to get out.
Children and being tied down. Also small spaces, but that doesn't make him have a big reaction.
TAGGING: @gaillaffxiv @infiniteleftdoesffxiv @korpokkur-sproutling @idanwyn @sparrow-ffxiv @YOU YES YOU DO IT
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kihcn-blog · 6 years
[ jung hoseok, agender, he/they, twenty-five ] COLOR GREEN by NEW POLITICS? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of KIHUN YEONG. maybe because they’re AFFECTIONATE but also UNREALISTIC. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since JUNE of 2016 in APARTMENT 700 and have 1 ROOMMATE.
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hewwo its me hazel. this is a disorganized mess and like trash but! my thoughts aren’t working right today (or any day lsdovgodfglvdf) so live with it.
meet hunny. he’s a gymnast. he works as a personal trainer for anyone who needs it? mostly athletes & other such people with the money to afford him. he’s very chill and out doorsy. a tall person who snuggles into all of his friends despite being over 6 feet. kisses his pals platonically and believes in karma and balance and everything in nature being connected. super into fitness (obviously) and spends a lot of time at the gym for his own pleasure (though he’s there a lot for work too), particularly in the early mornings when he first wakes up. free spirited and a little bit absent-minded; he often drifts off in thought and doesn’t hear what’s being said to him, even if someone is speaking to him directly.
that being said, he’s really stubborn and fixates on people in a way, mostly people who seem like they “need” him, and even if they don’t treat him very well, he still puts his all into them. kihun kind of unhealthily wants to take care of everyone despite them not even wanting that from him? like he just… feels like it’s his job to give all of himself over to his friends & family & good luck telling him otherwise! he’s easy to guilt & to manipulate in that manner, & he’s gotten caught up in a lot of bad people as a result of that who did nothing but bleed him dry.
was raised by a single mother in busan, south korea after his father passed away when he was very young. he grew up in a multi-generational home with one sister, his grandparents (mom’s parents) and his mother. he was raised gently and to always be kind, but to strive for goals and be ambitious. when he took an interest in gymnastics he was encouraged and supported, which is a lot of the reason he ended up thriving so much. his mother is a personal chef for some very wealthy people, and they grew up pretty comfortably because of her long hours working, as well as the surplus she was compensated for her work. kihun was very close with his sister growing up, and he remains very close with her now. she still lives at home, though he’s moved out now, and she’s engaged to be married very soon.
he moved to baltimore when he was only eighteen, initially just for school, but once he’d lived there for a while, he realized how much he loved it & pushed to become a permanent resident. unfortunately, what he didn’t expect was the toll that being away from his immediate family would take on him. he was often very lonely, and in the university scene, it’s easy to fall into crowds that aren’t exactly good for you. hunny is the type of person who is susceptible to going out a lot, and is prone to overdoing it when he does --- which quickly became an issue. he started drinking. a lot. at first it was just when he would go to a party or to a club, or fall into somebody’s arms that he knew wouldn’t be there tomorrow. after a while, it became a habit. he would drink until he passed out, and then start again when he woke up. his studies slipped, barely allowing him to get by (particularly so when he was more than partially on scholarship), and this lasted close to half a year before he even began trying to get it under some semblance of control.
hunny has been battling addiction ever since then, only recently having earned his 1 year sober chip from the AA meetings he attends weekly. unfortunately, his addiction did damage to him and his relationships that seems damn near irreparable even still.
he currently works as a rather successful and somewhat prominent personal trainer, typically hired by the more wealthy demographic of baltimore for his serene but determined attitude and people skills as well as skills in the work that he does. he focuses on his physical and mental health in equal measure, and he hopes to be able to rebuild himself more and more as time goes by.
only drinks cold/iced drinks
really into sweatpants/leggings/yoga pants as every day wear
big sweaters/hoodies/jackets
JEAN JACKETS WHEN DRESSING IN ACTUAL CLOTHES —> wardrobe consists of mostly denim & fuzzy sweaters when not in fcking yoga pants
cooks super well actually who woulda guessed it
has 2 hamsters
hates wearing shoes, always barefoot
started experiencing gender dysphoria at a young age, and only learned abt different identities and what he might fall under when he got a bit older thanks to the internet. he’s very passionate about the way that he feels and about the respect he’s shown in regards to this, so expect correction if you misstep. 
loves swings, especially tire swings
can throw a punch, but prefers NOT to!
would let you step on him & then ask if you needed anything after rip lol
openly polyamorous and doesn’t do monogamous relationships for any reason tbh !!! if he starts getting feelings for some1 who doesn’t vibe w that he’ll let them know & break it off if necessary !
sleeps arnd a lot but is very very sweet n considerate like? he genuinely cares abt the ppl he hooks up with, even if it’s only a 1 night thing. super duper affectionate, WILL cook breakfast the next morning.
highlight. shimmer. sparkle. god, he loves to GLOW.
very interested in dance n actually taking lessons not just bc of that, but as another way to pass the time.
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