#my perfect darling angel boy i am squishing him so much
binch-i-might-be · 6 months
someone should study my brain because why on earth am I so abnormal about Alex. the people deserve to know
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 10 months
Can you do “Why do you need my approval?” W/Santiago Garcia?
100 Follower Celebration: Don’t Be Stupid
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F!Reader
Warnings: Aggressive and Possessive Santi, language, allusions to creepy older men, bad Spanish because I’m a no sabo
A/N: Hello angels!!! I know that this isn’t my typical bread and butter but… this is my guilty pleasure and I had soooooo much fun writing this. A couple of housekeeping measures… I am a no sabo kid. To my non Latinx friends that means that while I am Latinx, and did speak Spanish as a primary language for the first 5 years, I was moved to another part of the country and lost my ability to speak Spanish. So I’m trying to learn it again. It’s hard. For my Spanish speaking sisters and brothers, give me so grace, because I am trying. Secondly, I think I have two more 100 follower Drabbles, and then we can finish Interviews for New Beginnings and the other requests I got! Love you all so much my darlings!! Have a wonderful dayyyyy - Mo 💕
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Summer nights in Florida were always far too hot. It was the price of living in paradise. The heat of the afternoon's sun baked into the pavement and stucco walls now radiated back onto your thinly covered body. The surrounding water made the air far too wet, and immediately upon going into the outside air did you feel the thin film of sweat and honeyed air cling to your face, arms and legs. Summer nights were brutal in heaven.
But you would never leave it. Not for a million dollars. And neither would your Delta Force boys.
It was on these brutal nights where you tried to beat the heat and the stickiness by going out to the dive bars in Ybor City, the smaller and rowdier younger sister of Tampa. The crowds were easy to get lost in, and the music was thumping no matter where you stood; which was just the medicine you and your friends needed on a night like this.
In the back corner of such a bar, you were squished between Frankie and Santi, trying to fit in the massive and unruly Ben and Will to this too small table. "Whats good boys!? And baby girl, looking beautiful as always." Ben laughed out with a toothy grin. He was always all too happy to be with you all. And if a night out also involved a couple drinks, he was more in paradise than usual.
You laughed mirthlessly at his flirtatious jokes. He always threw one your way whenever he got the chance. You only wished that Pope would do the same.
Though you met the rest of the boys when you joined the Delta Force, you had actually known Santi since middle school. Your mom moved you both to the apartment next to his back in the 6th grade. When the creepy older men were harassing you on the way down to the school bus, Santi stepped in. And from that day on you never walked to the bus, or rode the bus alone. He kept the creeps and bullies away. You helped him with his math homework. Perfect partners. Best friends. A perfect pair. And God how you were in love with him.
You both had had your flings and boyfriends and girlfriends. But they all came and went. You were there and he was there when it eventually went to out the window. Some times you wondered if maybe he felt the same ache in his chest as you. But you pushed it to the side. He never saw you that way. He never would. You were best friends. A sister to him. It would never be more. And it never bothered you until recently. Maybe it was because you were getting older. Maybe it was because your girlfriends were having babies and in serious and solid relationships. Yet you were still here. Drinking barely cool enough beer with the Delta Force ding bats. You loved them. You loved them more than life and would and have put your life on the line for them. But you were getting older. You wanted to be seen as a woman. Not just another teammate.
Santi smirked and ruffled your head like a child, messing up the hair you had corralled into a pony tail, "Chiqitita muñeca is pissy tonight. Heat is getting too much for her."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away. Frankie looked up from his ever present hat, "Pissed because she is stuck next to you and you won't let her up. Querida vamos. Let's get you another drink. This white boy at the bar has been giving you eyes all night and I wanna put him out of his misery."
Benny and Will whooped and laughed and your eyes widened, "Fish stop no he's not."
Frankie stood up, stretching out his long limbs and shaking his head, "He is. C'mon you haven't been putting yourself out there and it's dumb."
Frankie was right. You hadn't. In the past 3 years you hadn't even gone on a date because you were hoping, HOPING, that Santi would maybe make a move. That he would do something. But he hadn't. And you were tired of waiting. Frankie pulled you by the hand out of the booth and out of Santi's orbit. You smoothed out your cotton sundress, turning to the rest of the boys in the booth you hold yourself out to be appraised, "Yay or nay? Do I look gross?"
Will gave a thumbs up while Beni gave theatrical worshipping bows, "Hot sexy hot sexy hot sexy. Go get em tiger."
You noticed that Pope hadn't said anything, you turned to him waiting, "Pope??"
Eyes stern and cold he didn't even look up from his beer, "Why do you need my approval?"
You stomach dropped, and your face crumpled. Frankie rolled his eyes, "Coño la madre, don't listen to Pope you know how he gets when he's PMSing. You look nice. C'mon white boy is waiting. "
White boy was indeed waiting for you. His name was Connor. Clean cut. Not a Florida native which you clocked before you even made it up there. Worked in financing in downtown. Loved the Florida lifestyle but was still getting used to it. Super polite. Cute. And wanted to get to know you and buy you drinks and call you pretty. Soon any insecurity you had about Pope was miles away.
Frankie was pleased with himself, and brought back a round of beers to the table. Will and Benny were snickering in their seats, and Santi... well... Santi was fuming.
"What the fuck was that Fish?"
Smirking, he took a sip of his drink, "Que paso? No te queires chiqitita si?"
"Cabron, tu sabes quiero ella."
Benny cut in, "Hey hey hey. Don't let the gringos out man! Pope why are you getting pissed off? Nothing happened?"
Will spoke up, "He's pissed because Frankie basically delivered Chiqi to khakis boy over there."
Benny shrugged, "And??"
Will turned to him, looking as if Benny had grown another head, "And... Pope has been in love with Chiqi this entire time?? And Frankie knows that?? Benny did you get too many punches to the head or something?"
Benny’s eyes widen. The pieces fitting together. Will rolled his eyes, but Santi couldn’t care less. He was enraged with Fish. And Fish didn’t even care!! Fish knew that Santi had been in love with you for years. That he wanted you more than anything or anyone. That he had purposefully cut in on past relationships to keep you to himself. That he had building the courage to finally ask you to be his and only his. And yes here comes Fish. Delivering you to some… to some guy at a bar?
Frankie finished his beer and looked into his best friend’s eyes, “Hermano… I love you man. But you’re being a little bitch. No in fact you’ve been a bitch. Chiqi has been free and available for three years and you’ve done nothing about it. She’s clearly head over heels for you and you have been tiptoeing around it for no reason. You’re stupid. Chiqi deserves more. And if you’re angry about it you can go fix it.”
Frankie held his arm opened, lighting the way to you. He saw you laughing, your smile bright, things that he wanted to reserve for him and him alone. The things he had said were for him. The moment he saw Khaki’s hand brush up on your thigh, he saw red. He downed the rest of the beer that Frankie had gotten for him, and pushed his way out of the booth. The whoops and laughs from his brothers faded into the buzz behind him as he made his way to you.
“So… if it’s alright with you, I’d really like to take you out to dinner. Maybe next week?”
Connor was cute you thought. Not the same breathtaking handsomeness that Santi had, but Connor looked sweet. He looked honest. He would do for a boyfriend. You smiled, about to accept and give him your number, when Santi shoves himself in between you and Connor. “Oye Chiqi. Come dance.”
Connor gets up to look at you, “Hey man she’s with me relax.”
Santi turned around, “She’s not actually she came with me.”
You pushed Santi’a shoulder, “What the hell bro? Connor I’m sorry. This is Santi, we grew up together and he’s stupid protective and drunk. Santi can you please go back with Frankie I’m talking to someone.”
Without looking away from Connor Santi answers, “mm not drunk. I’m just making clear what’s mine.”
Connor looks at you and then Santi. Before he sheepishly smiles, “It was nice meeting you. I hope you guys figure things out.”
Connor walks away and you feel the rage building inside you, as Santi triumphantly turns back to you. You shove Santi’s shoulder, barely moving him, “You’re such a fucking asshole Pope. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dance with me.”
“I’m not fucking dancing with you.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls you to the dance floor despite your protests, your skin burning in shock and anger where his hand clutches your wrist. You make it to the center, him hungrily grasping at your waist. You’re pissed off but also so confused at this change in temperature. Santi won’t stop looking at you. Those dark lashes attempting to hypnotize you back into his orbit. He brings his mouth to your ear, “When’s the last time you danced with me Chiqi?”
You scoffed, but brought your arms to wrap around his neck as he tugged you closer, chest to chest, “Senior prom. After Michael Vazquez left me for Torrence Sheltzer. And I stepped on your toes all night.”
He laughed, “Michael was such an idiot.”
You stay like that. The bass coursing through your body, right in time with the pounding of your heart against Santi’s chest. He was always a good dancer. Too good of a dancer, it was almost obscene the way he had you moving against him. You don’t know how long you had been spinning, and you had to rest your head on his shoulder because of how light headed you became.
“You shouldn’t have done that Pope. He was nice.”
“He was a wimp. Wouldn’t be able to take care of you.”
“What you’re going to chase away any man who comes up to me? I’m tired of being alone.”
“You’re not alone. You have me.”
“You know what I mean.”
He pulled your face off his shoulder to make you look in his eyes, “I do know. And i know what I said. You have me. You’re mine. I’m yours.”
You feel tears in your eyes. Either from the smoke, the alcohol, or the embarrassment, “Santi stop being stupid. You’re being mean. You know I love you and you’re making fun of me.”
He presses his dry lips to the tear that escapes your eye, then puts his forehead to yours, “I’m not Chiqi. I’m not. Chiqi I’ve loved you since the 8th grade. I’ve hated every one of your little boyfriends and I’ve coveted you for years. I’m not joking.”
“Then why haven’t you said anything? Why didn’t you come get me when I was right here?”
The tears fall more now. And he keep kissing your cheeks to remove them, “Because I’m an asshole. I’m a fucking asshole who was too afraid of you saying no. Too afraid of when you left. I didn’t want to lose you. But I can’t take it anymore Chiqi. I can’t take another boyfriend. I’m selfish. I’m a selfish asshole. I want you for myself. I want you to yell at me and call me stupid as long as it means you never leave my place and you never leave my side. Cmon Chiqi…. Let me call you mine.”
You stared at him. He was telling the truth. He was being raw and real and you knew that this wasn’t some act. This was Santi in his rawest form. He wanted you. You brought your hand around to squeeze his cheeks together, “I want you to take me on a date. A real one. Not the bar or the bowling alley with the boys. I want dinner that you pay for. And flowers. And for you to wear a real shirt.”
He shakes your hand off and smiles, “Tomorrow night. I take you to The Colombia. I pick you up. With roses.”
“Do I get to order flan?”
He smiles even wider, “Only if you let me feed it to you like those stupid romance books you read.”
You shove him and he laughs and pulls you closer, “Kiss me and seal the deal Chiqitita. C’mon don’t be mad. Kiss me and tell me you’re mine.”
You couldn’t keep yourself from laughing, making him work for your kiss. You finally relent, pulling him in for the best kiss ever. The best kiss of your life. Until tomorrow’s
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip!miya atsumu, suna rintarou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuro koutaro, osamu miya
note: reader refered as mom ‼️ not edited cos I'm sleepy </3 enjoy hotties 😽
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•ATSUMU opened the door with his daughter in one hand while the other had a huge blue balloon she wanted, hearing the click of the door you turn around and see your little bundle of joy running with open arms to you "mommy! I missed you" event if the two of them went out for an hour and a half, you really missed her too "aww darling! I missed you too! I'm your favorite, right?" she gave your cheek a sweet kiss with his tiny hands in your jaw "yes! mommy the best" at this scene, atsumu was long forgotten on the door, amused about what his daughter just said "and what about papa? he bought you this balloon!" he moved his hand to make presence of it, slightly jealous of you "papa is very good too! it's just mommy is always the best" you let go of her embrace, tucking her brown hairs behind her ear "why don't you go and clean yourself? I can make a choco milk!" she didn't need to be told twice that was already running to the bathroom " ‘tsumu you know she doesn't mean it, right?" pouty atsumu came walking to you "a know but a want to be her favorite now!" chuckling at his childhood behavior, you make sure to peck him before going to the kitchen, even after all this year's you never failed to make him blush "you can be her favorite tomorrow ‘tsum, come hug me now"
• SUNA had his daughter on his lap, paw patrol playing softly on the TV in front of them, you always tease him about how he is more into the show than his own daughter but he is quickly to change the subject, everytime "how was your day at school baby?" the little girl raised her head from his chest, messy hairs blocking her sight " ‘t was okay, I missed mom" his hand was already on the hairs in front of her eyes, using the hair-band he always had on his wrist just in case something like this popped out "and you missed dad too I like to think" she hummed before resting her head on his torso again, little hands roaming around his body like she was caressing him "I did, but mommy is my favorite so I missed her more... I'm gonna go to sleep daddy, wake me up when mom ‘s home" and with that she was out, leaving suna with wide eyes and lots of questions filling his brain, the clack of the open door scares him, even knowing it's you coming home from work, he was deep in thought "a penny for your thoughts, rin?" he sighs before patting the place next to him on the couch, you gladly obey and lay your head on his broad shoulders "she told me you're her favorite" you interlaced your fingers with his, giving him a little squish "you know she is just a child, right? she lives you so much, everytime you're away she only talks about you" a little hope came back to his eyes "really, she talks about me?" you hummed, assuring him he is the one of the biggest thing in his daughters mind "lots, rin"
•IWAIZUMI was playing with his daughter in the backyard, his hands on both sides her waist while he throws her up and down the air "higher daddy! higher!" her little giggle brought life to his ears, this kid was gonna be the death of him "I wanna fly! like the birds we saw in the park!" "that's very high, sweetie" she was screaming her lungs out, non-stop laughing, toothy smile on her face that had a little of chocolate that Hajime gave her after lunch as a secret between the both of them. to lost in their own world, they didn't notice your arrival, they were having the times of their lifes "I'm home! where's my sweet girl and lovely husband?" her eyes got wider than they already were and her smile impossibly bigger "mama! you're home, put me down dad I wanna go hug mom!" he placed her down on the grass and her little legs were running as fast as they could "mommy! we had such a funny day! we saw lots of things outside?" you could tell hajimd was a proud dad, his daughter being talkative and smart, she sometimes reminds him of tooru "yeah? and what else" "I was telling daddy I wanted to be a bird but I missed you so much! you know you're my favorite, mom" hajime's lips were pressed into a thin line while his brows got a little down, you could tell he was feeling a little insecure so a little assurance wouldn't make him wrong "go inside and change your clothes then we can do something together, how does that sound?" she went inside the house screaming he was gonna wear her favorite blue dress, you giggled at her cute actions "hajime, the entire neighborhood can feel you, she doesn't mean it, she is just a child, we did the same when we were her age" he went towards you and placed his big arms around your waist, placing his head on the crook of your neck "I know, but we were having such a good time" your hands came to his face so you could make him see you "and we are gonna keep having a good time! we have to make sure you're her favorite by the end of the day, come on big boy! we are in this together" and with that you started running inside the house, holding his hand in the way in, the feeling of love and pride fulfilling his heart, happiness and love could be described like this exact moment, he thinks
•BOKUTO happily took his son out, ready to spend a little ‘daddy-son day’ as he called them, sometime they would go to his practice or to the aquarium! to learn everything they can about the infinity of animals the ocean has. today they decided they would be going for an ice-cream then straight to the park to play a little "okay bud! what flavors do you want? one or two?" the kiddo look up to the list of flavours that were in front of him ‘so many choises’ he thought before speaking "chocolate and vanilla please!" his choose of flavors made bokuto think about the old days, when you would wait for him in highschool after every practice to go on a date, you always, and he means always, wanted to eat vanilla ice-cream, I didn't matter the occasion "you know, your mom loves vanilla ice-cream! what if we buy a little for her?" his little golden eyes were shinning at the mention of his mom "yes! she's my favorite so she deserves ice-cream for being a good mommy" mid way taking his wallet out of his pocket, bokuto stops, looking directly to the floor "I'm sorry, your favorite what?" "my favorite parent! duh" he tried, he really tried not to have an episode in front of everyone but his deflated hair was exposing him "oh, that's good! your momma is perfect!" "she indeed is, dad!" the laugh of his son made him feel a little better, but ache on his heart was still there; after both of them has their ice-creams in hand, they started walking towards the park hand in hand "yummy! daddy this is delicious! you're absolutely my favorite!" like that? kids changes of opinion that fast? either way, his heart was pumping with joy "of course I'm your favorite! let's go play and the we can buy more ice- cream!" needless to say, you had a fridge full of icecream that night and two sugar rushed boys
•OSAMU has one twin in either side of him, his little girl with two pigtails while is beautiful boy had a green apron on "I know mommy will love this!" the little boy exclaimed, his daughter quickly following behind "uh-huh! mommy always love when we cook for her" osamu was happy he had this life, he didn't expect to have twins the first try but here he was, bragging about his perfect set of kids to his brother every chance he had "yer mommy loves both of ya so much" the kids were trying to make the onigiri shape with the rice while giggling "I know mommy love us! she is my favorite indeed" osamu's heart skipped a beat after hearing is daughters words "ugh she is my favorite too! I love it when mama let us sleep with her" but why is he saying this when he lets them sleep with him too? "that's right! we need to make this onigiri perfect so she is proud" nervously chuckling to erase a little the tension he was feeling "okay, daddy keeps going from here, go set the table and change yer smelly clothes!" the kids were racing to their respective bedrooms, yelling how they were gonna be prettier than the other one. the younger twin was so deep in thought leaning on the kitchen counter that he didn't acknowledge your presence "samu, baby, I'm here, everything okay?" his features relaxing when he saw you, gently placing one hand in your chin to kiss you "everything good sweetheart, the kids just told me yer their favorite parent so am just thinking a lil" you were laughing at his concern, those same kids told you this morning that his papa was their favorite "you want to know something fun ‘samu?" he raised a brow before his hands found home on your waist, gently pressing your chest to his "what, love" your hand came to play with the hairs he has on the forehead "this kids told me this morning you were his favorite, don't take to seriously what they said ‘samu, they love you unconditionally" taking your advice, he pecked you before hearing little steps coming to the room "our alone time has ended angel, a love ya" finishing his words with a sweet kiss
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
For Tom x
Pairing: Tom Holland x singer!reader
Summary: You have a surprise for Tom:)
Warnings: none, just pure teeth rotting Fluff:)
A/n: Hello my loves! This is literally a rewrite because I accidentally deleted the original version of this story on Tumblr RIGHT before I was gonna post it😭 Anyway here it is, I hope you all like it! Ally x
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look at my sunshine🥺
Your giggles filled the hallway as you lead Tom into your makeshift studio. Since you were quarantining with him and his mates in their shared home in London, you were miles away from your crew and studio. Which, yes, made it difficult to record an entire album on your own—but it did give you the creative freedom to do whatever you pleased for the album.
The boys had their own creative outlets; for example putting together a puzzle or having a movie marathon. While you found those activities enjoyable, the inner singer in you couldn’t stop thinking of beats or coming up with lyrics in your head. You needed the studio—you needed to bring those beats and lyrics to life before you could forget them. So with the help of the houses’ tech lord himself, Harry made it possible for you to have your own little studio in the spare guest room of the house. There, you spent endless days writing and recording things like harmonies and building melodies. Little did you know that this would lead to the creation of your sixth album. Now a couple months later, your latest album is currently in its final stages and would soon be released to the world.
Tom adoringly watched your figure, which was drowned in one of his oversized jumpers, excitedly skip towards the guest room. As soon as you were both inside, you rushed to close the door and eagerly pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed.
“What have you been up to, lovey?” He teasingly asks you. He knew you were up to something, he just didn’t know if it were bad or good.
Your figure was bent over the desk where your laptop was located. Turning over your shoulder you tell him, “It’s nothing bad, I promise!” You’re met with an amused grin on his blush pink lips.
Gathering your laptop into your arms, you move to sit beside Tom on the bed. He curiously leans forward, trying to get a glance at what’s on your screen.
“Nuh uh, it’s a surprise, Thomas.” You playfully scold him and gently push his face away from your laptop. He responds with a pout against your palm before pressing a kiss onto your skin. You continue to click around on your laptop, looking through your documents for the specific file.
Meanwhile, Tom shuffles further up the bed, getting comfortable. He notices the new distance between you and him and decides that he’s unsatisfied with the additional inches. He choses to snake his arms around your waist and lifts you up, happily placing you on the empty and lonely space on his lap. Laying down on his back, he takes a moment to admire the way you look in his jumper. It was a few sizes bigger than you and stopped right above your knees. The jumper may have looked good on him, but it looked absolutely perfect on you.
“You look so cute in my jumper.” He hums, hands lazily rubbing up and down your thighs. Your nose scrunches up as you lightly slap his chest; your silent way of saying “shut up” whenever Tom would say something that made you blush.
You finally find the file you were looking for and place your laptop on your lap. You nervously glance at your screen, biting down on your lip out of habit.
“Ok, so I did something.” You started. Tom squints his eyes at you, “That sounds like the beginning of a really bad something.”
You huff, “I just told you it wasn’t anything bad! Do you want your surprise or not?”
Tom chuckles and grasps onto your thighs, “Yes—yes, sorry, keep going.”
“So you know how I’ve already finished my album?” You question him. Tom nods, staring up at you while you sit on his thighs.
“Well, I wrote a few more songs that were supposed to be on the album. But I don’t know, I felt a bit greedy and decided to keep them for myself.” You explain. Tom raises a brow at you, “Baby, you don’t have to feel guilty about keeping songs to yourself. If you don’t want to share them, you don’t have to.”
“No, it’s just that, they’re about you.” You pause, staring down at your fingers that fiddled together. “Like I wrote them specifically for you to listen to. I wanted to include them on the album, but it just didn’t feel right to share something that was meant only for you.”
You place your laptop on the bed and turn it so the screen is facing Tom.
“So...as a solution, I made you your own album.” You were too busy avoiding his stare, that you missed the twinkle in Tom’s coffee colored orbs. He carefully sits up, his arms around you getting tighter, as he pulls you closer into his chest. Tom ducks his head down to yours, nudging your nose with his to get you to look at him. When your eyes finally meet, the lopsided grin on his features grows wider.
“You made me my own album?”
“Yeah.” You shyly answer. Tom softly coos at you, cupping your face and pressing a chaste kiss onto both of your cheeks.
“You are the most precious thing in the world, sunshine, I swear.” He squishes your cheeks together and began to cover your face with butterfly like kisses. Sweet laughs erupt from you, the sounds making Tom’s heart swell.
You stuff your face in the space between his neck and shoulder, using it as a place to hide from his lips. Instead, Tom opts to lay his kisses along the side of your face, your neck, and your shoulder.
“Lemme kiss you!” He whines. You chuckle at him, finally moving away from his neck. His attention darts towards your lips more than once, prompting you to lean forward and connect them with his. Tom’s lips were soft against yours, like clouds or cushiony pillows. The kiss was short and sweet; though it didn’t prevent you from feeling the adoration and passion he felt for you in that moment. In fact, he felt it all the time, but right now, his love for you was coursing through his veins.
He finally pulls away, leaving the taste of him linger in your mouth. “Can I have a listen?” He motions his head towards your laptop beside him.
“Go ahead.” Tom’s arms unravel from your waist, the area they once occupied left cold and yearning for his warmth. He uses one of his elbows to hold himself up and the other to control the touchpad. His eyes scan the file.
For Tom x
someone like u
test drive
worst behavior
main thing
He glances at you, “I start with ‘someone like u’, right?” You reply with a quiet “mhm”.
Tom clicks on the link. The opening notes of ‘someone like u’ begin to play followed by your angelic voice. You hear him release a content sigh, making a small smile to form on your lips. His arms make their way around you again, this time holding you closer against him. He rests his head on your chest and sneakily presses a kiss onto your neck. You fondly run a hand through his curly hair and rest your chin on the top of his head, listening to the songs you’ve made for him.
The two of you listen through the album in one go with no stops. You found joy in Tom’s reactions towards every song. Sometimes he would make little comments or sounds of shock whenever he heard you hit a certain note. He nodded along to the beats of ‘test drive’ and ‘worst behavior’, dancing around in his seat and making you join him. This time, you didn’t miss the twinkle in his eyes when he listened closely to the lyrics. ‘Main thing’ got him the most, leaving him with a goofy-lovesick grin plastered onto his face.
When ‘main thing’ came to a close, the room became silent, leaving Tom enough time to process the four songs you wrote about him and the meanings behind them.
You were the first to speak, “So did you like it?” You scan his face looking for any signs of dislike.
Tom’s eyes widen, “Are you kidding me? That was bloody fantastic—that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard! I’m obsessed with it, oh my god!” He expressed, arms moving around as he spoke.
His face was radiating with happiness, “You are the most talented and loving woman in the world. And I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you or your love—but I just love you so fucking much.”
“I love you so fucking much too, you dork.” You laugh, pecking his lips.
“No, but seriously, thank you so much. I know you’re used to writing songs, but the fact that you actually took the time to write songs about me means a lot. They’re just a bunch of songs, but they mean the world to me and I cherish each and every one of them.” He admits, taking one of your hands and placing it onto his heart. Your palm feels the faint rhythm of his heart beating against his chest.
You tilt your head at him, mirroring the smile on his face, “I’ll always write songs about you. You somehow manage to inspire them anyway.”
Tom smirks, “Well I am Tom Holland.” You snort and roll your eyes at his humble brag.
“You’re still a dork, Tommy.” You comment.
Tom shrugs, “I’m a special dork because I’m your dork. Therefore making me superior to the other existing dorks—there’s a difference, darling.”
“And where did you come up with this hypothesis, Mr. Holland?” You question him, playing along with his antics.
“It’s Tom’s Theory.” He answers with feign seriousness. You burst out laughing, “Oh is it?”
Tom leans down to your laptop and restarts his album. “Yes, and now Tom’s Theory, believes that we should listen to the album again until I learn all the lyrics to every single song.” He proclaims.
“Babe, you don’t have to—” Tom stops you, “I’m dead serious.”
It was going to be a long night.
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notnctu · 4 years
nct 127 as cliche quotes❀
『 nct 127 as cliche quotes about love & some more 』 genre - pure fluff member x gender neutral reader (i tried my best ;-;) [a/n] hi yall this is author doie❀ i really ditched watching my lectures to write this so pls leave me feedback if u like dis bc would really appreciate it hehee i am now behind on school work hahaha i love bad decisions!! 
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➳ MOON TAEIL - ❝ i love you to the moon and back ❞
“sugar”, “my only one”, “bubby”, long phone calls, suffocating hugs, goofy dancing to loud music, jumping on the bed, picnics in the field, regular date nights, goodmorning/night kisses, food adventures, light snores, tiny grins at the mention of you, wherever he goes: the sun follows, you are his stars. 
taeil has the whole universe to thank for your simple existence. he’ll take you star gazing and point out everything he loves about you. because if there is anything he loves more in the world, is how his night sky complemented you. His love for you runs deep and stretches far, resonating high in the galaxies. Incomparable lengths of love that cannot be expressed without metaphors. He’s constant reminders of how fitting you two are. he’ll make way for your shining light, even if that meant he disappears during the day. but he’ll always be there for your nights. 
➳ LEE TAEYONG - ❝ love is patient ❞
“darling”, “bub”, “angel”, 3am cuddles to calm your nightmares, hours of gentle whispers of sweet nothings, softest touches, nose kisses, quick pecks on the lip, afternoon naps, long walks in the park hand in hand, he is the light in your darkness.
taeyong would wait until the ends of the earth for your healing. for your journey to self love, he’ll be there every step of the way. he’ll make sure every hurt disappears, if that had to mean small sacrifices of himself. because to him, you always come first. he’ll listen to your complains, he’ll understand your burdens, he’ll remember your heavy sighs. he’s the first call you make in the morning. you are his last call he makes at night. he is meaningful talks and supportive words. he’s the reassurance that never falters. he’s the strength at your weakest.
➳ SUH JOHNNY - ❝ i love you, not only for you what you are, but for what i am when i am with you ❞
“hottie”, “tiny” (regardless of height), “babygirl/boy”, most comforting hugs, humbling conversations, piggy back rides, hand on your thigh while driving, comfy hoodies and pj pants, weekend adventures, long road trips, polaroids, subtle matching outfits, he makes you a better version of yourself. 
johnny’s big heart had the ability to touch even the coldest of people. he’ll hold you in his lap and tell you to reach beyond the stars. he is your number one supporter in every aspect of life, the world’s best hype man. you complement everything. he’s lucky to have you. he wants absolutely no one else in the world, but you. you are an evolution to be explored. he has an attracting personality that you can’t get enough of. he’ll show you the world through his modest lens, correcting your ignorance in the most respectful way. role model, constantly improving. he is your guide through a complex world. 
➳ NAKAMOTO YUTA - ❝ love has no flaws ❞
“cutie”, “love”, “your name”, intense admiring stares, a love that cannot be contained, cheek kisses, kissing to the sunset, happiness at your fingertips, constant teasing, small screams of excitement, honey dripping praises, you are his daydreams.
yuta acknowledges you for who you are, what you make up. there is no effort for change because he genuinely loves you for all of you. to him, you are the perfect human being, where flaws are seen as a part of your beauty. he loves you enough for the both of you. encourages, versus criticism. he has nothing but admiration for your physical attributes and stunning personality. all he needs from you is a simple loving gaze, or a comforting hold. you could do no wrong. you are excellence in your own uniqueness. you are the reasons behind his growing smiles. he never asks for more than needs, though over extends himself to you. he sees you truly for the real you. 
➳ KIM DOYOUNG - ❝ actions speak louder than words ❞
“sweetie/heart”, “honey”, always reaching for your hand to hold, flustered compliments, nervous laughter, sweet red cheeks, dainty promise rings, comfortable silences, homemade dinners, reassuring hand on your knee, your favorite book of poems, thick skin, confused funny facial expressions, you are his comfort.
doyoung often times stammers over his thoughts. he is usually a collected person, but you always break his guard down. he is unspoken words, and sweaty hands. he’s tender touches and quiet looks. the mutual atmosphere of knowing you love each other. Sweet talks on your end, and shy, bashful smiles on his. he’s at your will and call. he’s drop everything for you. he’s daily gestures to minimize inconvenience. if his love for you is questioned, he’d respond with a snarky none of your business. because frankly, he didn’t need anyone else to know besides you how much he loves you. 
➳ JUNG JAEHYUN - ❝ it was love at first sight ❞
“baby”, “princess/prince”, “my dear”, charming smiles, arm around the waist, bouquet of your favorite flowers just because, the sweetest love you’d ever find, shy gazes, butterflies in your stomach, comfort in his cuddles, blissful sugary kisses, don’t blink! or you’ll miss him: he’s every meticulous, beautiful detail of life. 
jaehyun knew the moment he laid eyes on you that he wanted to spend his days with you. on the contrary, he loves your personality the most but never fails to boast about how you are the most beautiful person ever. you take his breath away. he makes your heart race. gets shy at the thought of you, but drones on for hours about how happy you make him. he’s every love language combined into one. he’s sometimes a timid character, a bit shy. you are the center of attention because he loves to see you glow. he knows he’s in love with you. he’s found the only you, who makes him fall in love with life. he’s a happily ever after. 
➳ KIM JUNGWOO - ❝ opposites attract ❞
“bud”, “babe”, “pumpkin”, staying up and loving you until dawn, teary eyed uncontrollable laughter, loud confessions of love, a love so random that it keeps you on your toes, love bites that are purposefully hard to cover, gentle hand squeezes when he holds your hand, adorable sound effects, half of a whole: he completes you. 
jungwoo loves your differences the most. it gives him another perspective to marvel in. bc it gave you two a stronger bond. he didn’t believe in a perfect love --- no --- he believes in hard work and dedication. he knew the day you two met, he was determined to make things work. because he fell in love with everything you were that he was not. you are the caution to his wind. unknowingly, you fill the rest of who he has always admired and wanted to achieve. and together, you two are unstoppable. you are his missing puzzle piece. he is the acceptance you needed. he’s an one in a million. 
➳ LEE MARK - ❝ loving you is too easy ❞
“my person”, “best friend”, “love of my life”, truly a boy next door who falls for the person next door, always thinking of you, secret kisses when no one is looking, playful shared giggles, the widest smiles, never a doubt in mind, late night drives, you are his match made in heaven.
communication is your strongest asset in the relationship. the best parts of mark are his understanding and considerate nature. he gets you better than anyone you’ve ever known. he makes sure you’re seen, appreciated. you are everything he’s been searching for. you are the definition of an ideal partner. there’s never a question of your relationship, he makes sure you are loved. whether that be through grabbing you lunch out of his way. whether that be asking about your day. whether that be forehead kisses in the mornings. whether that be a long speech of why he loves you. he is the true meaning of good vibes. he didn’t have anything to dislike. loving him was the best and easiest decision of your life. he is the best you’ve ever had.
➳ LEE DONGHYUCK - ❝ love comes when you least expect it ❞
“wifey/hubby”, “my everything”, “soulmate”, the emotional 4am thoughts of self worth, a cathartic epiphany, a love that’s always been in front of you, light banter, snarky sly smirks, always holding you in some way, belting notes in the shower, late night serenades, cheek squishing, he’s a wish upon a star.
donghyuck has always been there for you and that is something unchanging. he’s bringing you dinner after long nights of studying. he’s showing at your door step when you need someone to comfort you. he is there for every lost cause of a relationship. the pick up the pieces and mend you back together. when you had given up on love, he never gave up on you. it took one fun drunk night and a lingering touch on your cheek for you to realize that his love for you had always been there. he wanted you more than any person in your life. all it took was him to realize that he was never going to leave you. he is the last person you would expect to be your’s. but you are the first person he wishes happiness for. he is a one true love. 
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 34
The sun has just started to make its debut when we hit land. Barbicane quickly ties our little boat to one of the piers before hopping onto the dock and dramatically offering Cardia a hand.
“Didn’t I tell you this baby would get us here? Honestly, you ladies worry too much!”
Cardia and I exchange glances before looking over at Nemo.
Nemo is still dripping miserably. He took a nasty stumble into the sea while trying to get the stalled motor of Impey’s “baby” running again...
It makes him look super-pathetic when he offers Barbicane a confident grin and a thumbs up.
These boys, I swear...
“Come on,” I say as I use Barbicane to hoist myself out of the boat before helping Cardia up myself. “Nemo, you too.”
Nemo’s boots squish as he climbs out of the boat. With a dramatic sigh he flops down and pulls one off, emptying a steady stream of water back into the sea.
“It looks like we landed in a fishing village,” says Cardia. I follow her gaze to see men preparing their boats for the day.
“Hey, maybe I can talk to some of them to get some lodgings around here,” says Barbicane. “I’ll be back!”
“Um, Barbicane...” I watch his retreating back as he bounds off. With a sigh I look over at Cardia. “How much Spanish does he know?”
“I don’t think he knows any...” says Cardia.
“My Spanish is rudimentary, at best,” I say. “We might have a problem.”
“I’d be surprised if they spoke Spanish,” says Nemo. He swings his boots over his shoulder. “... It will take a generation or two for the colonizer’s language to seep in.”
My expeditions have taken me many places, but... most of them were colonies of one power or another.
I’m ashamed to admit that I hadn’t given it much thought until I met him. How many people have lost their identities in the name of ‘progress’...? In the name of ‘civilization’?
I decide to distract myself from the knot forming in my stomach by watching Barbicane flail in his attempts to establish contact.
Finally, I shake my head. “Think they know Latin?”
Nemo cracks his neck and hands me his boots. “Hoooold these. And that thought. Also this.”
“Huh? Ack!” I shiver as he drops his soaked coat over my shoulders and walks towards Barbicane. When I had fantasized about wearing his coat, it hadn’t been anything like this. Even the lavender smells damp!
My cheeks flush, and with my luck it’s from pneumonia beginning to settle in. I accept my fate and decide to huddle in his coat anyway. It’s not like he’s around to laugh at me.
I’m not surprised when I can hear Nemo speaking (yelling) with the men all the way across the beach. I’m also not surprised when he begins speaking in French, since that’s the language we usually use when we’re alone.
However, when that proves ineffective, the languages fire like bullets: English, German, Spanish, Latin, and then into languages I don’t understand-- all of them with elongated vowels and a bombastic accent, of course.
With each language that Nemo tries, Barbicane’s jaw falls farther and farther and the fishermen shrink farther and farther away.
Was that a Chinese dialect? I think that might have been Russian. I’m only mildly surprised when he resorts to Hindi. Finally, when Nemo begins speaking in Arabic, the fishermen nod.
And that’s when the showtime really begins. Now that he knows they can understand them, Nemo leaps into all the posing and drama that he had been storing inside of him.
... Most of the men begin slinking away.
“Wait!” Cardia runs towards the others, waving. The men stop in their tracks and stare. I can’t say I blame them, she’s quite the vision with her hair shining in the rising sun.
I’m rather grateful that Cardia’s beauty distracts them from noticing me hobbling after her.
Cardia gestures towards Nemo before holding out her hand and offering the fishermen something.
We don’t have any of their coin, but precious metals are universal and that’s what Cyrene Smith had given us for bartering.
Well, bribery seems to provide an effective balm for dealing with Nemo’s theatrics, and soon one of the fishermen gestures for us to follow.
Eventually we reach a group of cabins near the other end of the beach. It looks a little upscale compared to the other buildings, and I can only assume that these cabins are usually rented out by richer visitors and explorers. The countries of South America have been in vogue since Charles Darwin’s travels, and it looks like this place is profiting off it quite nicely.
The fisherman says his farewell to us in perfect Spanish before departing, leaving Nemo scowling after him.
“Well, all’s well that ends well, right?” Barbicane says with a shrug. “Let’s get some cabins and plot our next move.”
I look at Cardia. Though it’s true that she and Barbicane had declared their love for one another, the two of them sharing a cabin might be a bit much for Cardia at this point.
“We can share a cabin if you’d like,” I say.
I’m fairly certain that Nemo’s anguished cry registered as an earthquake.
“B-But Polly-chaaaaaaaaan...!!” Nemo continues whining. “I had so many fuuuuuuun things planned! We were finally going to consummate our looooooove under a blanket of stars---!!!”
Cardia blanches, and Barbicane quickly puts his hands over her ears. “Oy, Nemo, what the hell?! I never want to hear you say the wod ‘consummate’ ever again! I’m having enough nightmares as it is...”
I look around nervously, wondering if there’s a hole I can crawl into.
Cardia reaches up and takes Barbicane’s hands off of her ears, shaking her head. “I’ll be fine, I trust Impey. Besides, I still remember what Van taught me.”
Barbicane and Nemo jump back as she suddenly launches one of her legs upward in a debilitating kick.
“H-Have mercy on me, my angel...” Barbicane weakly stammers.
“Suddenly I’m veeeeeeery grateful that you were so cooperative back at Twilight Headquarters............” Nemo shuffles behind Barbicane and peers around him nervously.
Cardia beams up at the both of them with a look far too angelic for the move she just used.
Nemo’s yelling woke the innkeepers, so we were able to procure two cabins without further delay. At Barbicane’s request, however, our cabins are on either side of the resort. This request confused Nemo greatly, and he’s dragging his feet sullenly as the innkeeper leads us to our cabin far, far away from the others.
It looks cozy, even the peeling white paint somehow looks rustic. At the steps the sandy soil begins to give way to blades of grass, and I can’t wait to take off my boots to walk around.
“I’m really glad Cardia said she would go to the beach with me. I know we’ve spent so much time around them, but this is a completely different continent! Just imagine all the things we can find!"
I lift my arms up and stretch, enjoying the warm sun shining down on me.
“I hope I brought enough journals with me, I’d really like to...” I turn and look at Nemo.
He’s quietly staring at me, jaw slack and cheeks flushed as though he had just noticed something.
I look around before glancing back at him. “What’s wrong?”
He slouches even further, his surprised expression melting into a dopey smile.
“Nooooothing, really... I was just thiiiiiiiiiinking about how good it looks on you...”
“Huh? How good it...? Oh!” I look down, remembering that his jacket was still over my shoulders. “Oh, I-- I must have forgotten... geez...”
I begin to take it off, but he puts his hands on my shoulders to stop me.
“Hmmm, just for a liiiiittle while longer, okay? My style looks... really good on you...”
He moves his hands up to cup my cheeks.
“Really... really........”
His mumurs are only silenced when our lips meet.
Without his jacket on, it’s easier for me to appreciate his slim waist as I wrap my arms around him. It’s not enough, though, and I quickly fumble with my gloves. When I finally reach a hand under his sweater, I shudder in delight at the heat radiating off of his skin.
I lean my forehead against his and grin. “You understand now, right? Why our cabin is so far away from the rest? We have some time before I’m supposed to meet Cardia... can’t we have just a quick partnership before then...?”
“I was trying to wait until tonight...” Nemo presses his lips to my cheek. “But, since you’re insiiiiiiiiiiiisting... who am I to deny you the spectacle of my loooooove?!”
I give an excited shriek when he suddenly picks me up, and I pepper him with kisses wherever my mouth can reach.
However, when he gets to the stairs of the cabin, he wobbles and he mutters a low curse.
“Let’s... let’s try that again...”
He sets me down and lopes up the stairs before offering his hand to me.
I shake my head and take it, laughing as we stumble into the cabin, barely making it to the bed.
“There’s... only one one of them...” Cardia stares down at the large bed taking up most of the space in the room.
“Yeah, looks that way, doesn’t it...” Impey gives a sigh. “Man, and I was looking forward to plump pillows and clean sheets...”
Cardia looks at him and tilts her head.
“H-Hey, I might look like the kind of guy who would take advantage of this, but I’m not going to be a creep to my girlfriend. When we finally share a bed, I want you to open your arms to me and say, 'Impey, my darling! Keep me warm tonight!' I’m getting pumped just thinking about it!”
He grins, caught up in his fantasy. “Yeah, but until that time I’ll just sleep on the floor, okay?”
“.... I wouldn’t mind sharing it,” says Cardia.
“W-Wha... my angel...” Impey puts a hand to his chest. “So forward...! Okay, I’ll work hard to meet your expectations! I’ll meet every passionate moment, Cardia-chan--!”
He moves to embrace her, but Cardia holds her hands up and shakes her head. Impey comes skidding to a stop.
“I just meant sharing it. You’ve worked really hard and we weren’t able to sleep well on the Harper. But I really... really just mean sleeping, Impey.”
Impey looks at her, and at the pretty blush crossing her cheeks. His eager grin turns into a soft smile as he takes a step back.
“Then, I’ll work hard to meet your expectations as the best body warmer boyfriend ever!” Impey flashes a smile and points to himself. “You won’t have to worry about a thing, Cardia-chan! I’ll keep to my side of the bed and make sure you don’t get any cold toes! You’ll have the best night’s sleep ever!”
Cardia laughs. “Not for many hours! I’m going to be going to the beach with Pauline... what do you think you’ll be doing?”
“Might join you, if you don’t mind. I bet you girls will look really cute in your bathing suits!”
“Nnnnnnnnnnnnot so fast!”
Nemo strides in through the door. He’s clearly already gone shopping, as instead of his soggy gear he’s dressed in a cotton shirt and trousers with an elaborate pink and purple scarf draped over his shoulders. Somehow, even in this unfamiliar place, he manages to make his style as eccentric as ever.
“Impey Barbicaaaaaaaaaaaane... I need your assistance procuring supplies. The beach will still be there when we’re doooone...”
“Supplies?!” Impey shakes his head. “We packed enough for the round trip! The beach might still be there, but you’re going to make me miss seeing my sun-kissed princess?!”
Nemo frowns deeply, his lips drawn thin. “It’s very.... veeeeeeeery important!”
“More important than Cardia-chan in... huh?” Impey looks out the door of the cabin as his voice trails off.
I feel a little sheepish when Barbicane stares at me. Nemo had insisted that it would look good on me, but...
On my previous expeditions, even when I was oceanside, I’d continue to wear heavy-duty clothing-- just in case. But somehow Nemo had convinced me to wear a proper bathing suit.
It’s a high-waisted one piece with two vertical rows of bronze buttons trailing down the front. It’s mostly navy with white trim to evoke a nautical feeling. As Barbicane continues to stare, I'm suddenly grateful for the sheer wrap I have tied around my waist.
I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw this suit in the market, I told Nemo that if I were a braver woman I’d love to wear something like it.
He bought it for me immediately. I don’t think we have it in our budget, but... in the end it’s really Aleister that paid for it all. Plus, Nemo looked so happy when he gave it to me, smiling adoringly.
“Somedaaaaay...” he said. “I’ll design a really, reeeeally cute uniform for you when you fly with me. Consider this practice until then, hmm?”
Being able to casually explore this seaside town with him, not having to worry about soldiers or anything... it was really nice. I hope that the two of us will be able to have many, many more days like this.
“It’s okay, Impey,” says Cardia. “Maybe we can all go swimming when you’re done.”
“Count on it,” Barbicane nods. “I’m not letting a second paradise slip through my fingers! We worked so hard on Lincoln Island, I’ve gotta relax a bit! You know, enjoy the sunshine, swim a bit, admire the pretty ladies, tinker in the setting sun...”
“Does tinkering really count as relaxing?” I ask.
“Yes,” Nemo and Barbicane speak unanimously.
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fieryfafarfanfics · 7 years
The Dim Sunshine
HAAAAAAPPY belated BIRTHDAY @asthenicia !!!!! of course im always late with my gifts coz of who i am as a person lmao I WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN YOUR LIFE!! thank you for being my friend and for filling my life with smiles and laughter. may one day we get to meet so i can squish u to death with my hugs. xoxo lov u :3c
 Once upon a time, there was a happy family.  There was a jolly man, though his bliss was a creepy contrast to his love for death. He smiled often, laughed daily, always inflicted joy and caution wherever he stood. His skill for dark magic was unlike any other. His love for the undead and all that was unholy struck fear even in the boldest. He was quite a frail man, but his lack of strength was compensated by his terrible talent of the otherworldly. He held love for many things, both disgusting and disturbing, but there was one where he held the highest form of love.  There was a breath-taking woman, though her love for dancing contradicted terribly with her crippling stage fright. She blushed often, stuttered daily, always instilled amusement and serenity in her presence. Her skill for dancing was unlike any other.  Her skill in battling struck bafflement and awe to enemies and allies alike. Despite the immense talent, her love for performance, her love for entertaining people remained true to her heart. She was a beautiful woman. A dazzling dancer. Even with her timid personality, she never shied away from danger or person’s call for help. Her heart, just as her face, was as angelic as her. She held love for many things, and was loved by everyone else.  But, in the end, her pure heart fell madly in love with the man whose heart could no longer be considered human.  However, just as she had fallen in love with him, the man soon realized that he too had a heart as well – that he too had a chance to obtain the happiness he so long had given up.
---  In love they found it in themselves. In happiness they achieved by being with each other. His smile and laughter became more genuine. Her smile and laughter became even lovelier. As the years go by in the war, they stuck by each other, were there for one another. As he once warned her, his love truly was terrifying, baffling, sometimes suffocating even. He didn’t wish to let her go. He didn’t wish to let this glint of happiness to slither out of his grasp. He loved her so much, too much, that even the mere thought of living a life without her left him choking for air.  She knew this about him. She knew about his troubled past. She knew their relationship would have obstacles and challenges, even if some of them did come from himself. She knew he was passionate, horrifyingly passionate, and he would anything in his power to keep her close to him – even if it meant taking their lives together.  She knew. She knew about all this and it would be blatant lie to say if she wasn’t terrified in the least.  And yet, she stayed by his side and loved him sincerely.  She knew he loved her, truly and honestly. She knew he tried his best to make her happy just as how she gave life and joy in his once miserable life. She knew he was a bit – breathlessly, actually – clingy, but still respected her greatly when she asked for it. In time, he always knew how to make her laugh. In time, he always knew what to say and do in order to rid her of her stage fright. She was thankful for him in her life. And, in truth, even the thought of living without him pricked painful shivers in her smooth skin.  She loved him. He loved her.  And with this genuine love came born a beautiful, beautiful child.  “Welcome to this world,” Olivia cooed lovingly, tears still trickling down flushed cheeks and lips bubbling a weak laugh at the feel of Henry’s kisses on her sweaty forehead, “our dear, dear, Inigo.” ---  The child grew up wonderfully and happily.  He was the mere definition of bliss. His smile was as radiant as the sun. His laugh was as melodious as bells. Rosy red usually splashed his smooth, soft cheeks. His hair was fluffy, soft, as white as the first snow of winter. He was a bundle of joy, a beaming sunshine, a cause of bliss and laughter to many people around. Though voice was rarely heard due to his crippling shyness, everyone loved him, cherished him, wanted to pamper him endlessly just so they could see the adorable shade of crimson in his plump cheeks.  He had his father’s smile. He had his mother’s eyes. He had his father’s pure white hair. He had his mother’s passionate love for dancing. Inigo was the perfect mixture of his parents. Although he rarely talked much in his youth, he laughed and smiled easily to the people he was closest to. He often clutched his mother’s leg when visitors came to visit. He often hid in his father’s robe when they went to town.  Inigo, like his father, was quite the clingy boy. However, he was still just as timid like his mother, often shirked away instead of approaching someone he so dearly wanted to be with at that time. Despite everything, he would always be noticed in the end, would always be lavishly spoiled by the undying love and attention from his parents.  Inigo was loved and pampered throughout his childhood.  And for that, he grew up to be such a loving, optimistic boy. ---  “You’re doing great, darling!” Olivia cheered every time Inigo did a spin.  “Oh, that was a wonderful bounce!” Olivia clapped every time Inigo hopped just an inch off the ground.  Elated by the incoming praises, the young boy twirled and jumped again. His smile never faded from the moment he spent time with his mother, Inigo then stretched his arms to the side, head cocked slightly with a sight of a smile that rivalled the sun above.  To see his mother’s laugh, to see his mother’s smile, he could feel pride and joy bursting so madly that he thought his head was about to explode.  He didn’t mind that, actually. If anything, he was beyond thrilled to feel such a way if it meant getting to see his mother’s happiness. ---  “Look at you, you amazing snowflake!” Henry awed every time Inigo swished his arms to the side.  “Wah! This is some super great magic!” Henry clapped zestfully every time Inigo huffed out a short, squeaky ‘hah!’  Thrilled by the countless praises, the young boy spread his arms before giving one huge clap. By his signal, the wind whooshed swiftly towards the grinning father. Laughter then burst from such soft, pinks lips once he saw Henry’s hair was now a frizzled mess.  To hear his son’s laughter, to see his son’s smile, Henry could feel bliss and gratefulness overwhelming his entire being.  He didn’t mind that. Hell, he loved feeling every moment of it even if it killed him. ---  The sky was getting darker each night.  Even if it was broad daylight, Inigo shivered fearfully at the gloom that haunted the sky above. They rarely went to the village nowadays. They rarely got out of the house even as the days passed. His parents were still by his side, but their smiles and laughter weren’t always present like before. Instead, they held frowns, scowls, even spat out sighs and grunts when they thought he couldn’t hear them.  He heard them, of course, and he was terrified.  When Inigo asked, the child would always get the same answers. “Everything is fine, Inigo.” They would reassure him. “Everything will be alright.” They would gently pat him on the back.  It was only when Inigo felt their bodies tremble faintly that he knew, he bitterly, woefully knew, everything wasn’t as fine as it used to be.  He was scared. He was terrified. Fear kept him awake at night. The sounds of the unwanted jabbed whimpers and sobs from the poor, helpless boy.  Sometimes, as he curled desperately in his parents’ tight embrace, Inigo wished dearly, deeply, that all of this would go away, that all of this was nothing but a mere dream and he would soon wake up happy and safe in his mother’s and father’s warm, loving hugs.  He wished and wished. Day and night. Constantly and endlessly. And especially in the nights where the moon and stars were swallowed by ghostly abyss. ---  But alas, as he grovelled silently in the rain with blood and flesh splattered disgusting before him, he was soon reminded that wishes were nothing but the cruel trick of the heart. ---  His optimism died along with his parents.  His smile and laughter were quickly replaced with trembling, broken shrieks.  His throat hurt. It hurt too much. It hurt just by breathing in the cold, piercing air. Tears were long gone from eyes that cracked veins from within. Cheeks were void of colour, instead hollow and pale like death had claimed him too. Both arms were limp. Both legs were sore. Only in the rain did he find shelter in an abandoned shed not far from their graves. And even then Inigo wouldn’t budge; he would rather sit between the wet, dug holes for countless of hours.  He hadn’t eaten anything for days. The only nourishment he’d gotten was from the rain that trickled poorly into his gaping, dry mouth. At times, Inigo wondered if the starvation would take him too. At times, he wondered if the nights he’d spent sprawling motionlessly between their graves would be the last night he had on this horrible, disgusting Earth.  He would love that. He would want that.  But alas, the Gods above really did hate him.  The soil was too wet, too cold as he laid on his back. Blank eyes stared at the dark sky above. The moon was absent again. The stars had been swallowed by some unholy demon. Both arms were spread to the side, the back of his hands pressed weakly atop the graves. The bags under his eyes forced him to close his eyes. The agonizingly painful wound in his stomach forced him to stifle a breath.  Ah, if only this was enough to take his life away.  His breathing, so weak and frail, slithered unevenly through his nostrils. Never bothered to open his eyes, Inigo slowly, feebly turned his hand around. Both palms pressed against the squishy, cold soil. Sharp, broken nails dug deep into the earth, clutching the disgusting dirt that brushed roughly against the open wounds in his palms.  He then felt cold drops poking his eyelids and forehead.  And yet, he didn’t move a muscle. ---  His father always advised him to never partake any dark magic.  Inigo did ask why before, but Henry only replied by saying, “It’s too dangerous for you, son. Dark magic can hurt you bad even if you use a bit of it.” Inigo then proceeded to cry since he knew about his father’s knack for the dark arts, but the sorcerer then laughed gleefully and comforted him with the words of, “Oh, I’m fine, though! Besides, I’m not hurt by it at all because the power from your and your mother’s love are enough to make me stronger to bear it!”  Inigo wondered if those words rang true.  He never expected to actually test it anytime soon.  It was one of those days where the sky had gloomed terribly as if the sun had long exploded. However, after what felt like forever, Inigo flinched terribly to hear growls and snarls from afar. After stumbling poorly out of the shed, the child actually, finally broke out a choked scream to see Risen approaching him.  Or rather, they were approaching their graves.  Panic.  Panic boiled deep in the poor child. His legs and knees wobbled pitifully until he dropped and kneeled on the doorway. His arms and hands were too frail, too weak to even grasp at anything. Hazel eyes were full and his irises shrunk. The Risen were closing in and he needed to get rid of them – fast.  But he was too weak.  He hadn’t eaten anything in weeks and his flesh felt as if it had dried and stuck terribly to his bones. But he needed to move. He needed to protect his parents. Although their bodies had rotted, although their scattered bones and torn flesh were buried deep inside the earth’s soil, it nauseated Inigo that those Risen would even think of walking on top of their graves so blindly.  But he was too weak.  Tears filled the corners of his eyes. Yellow teeth chattered roughly inside a twisted scowl. G-G…o… Words that were neither his parents’ names for once echoed in his brain. G-G…M-o…ve… He tried to stand up. He tried to wobble to his feet and reach for anything to swat the Risen away.  But he couldn’t. He couldn’t.  Still kneeling in the doorway, Inigo gasped and choked as if something had clutched his throat. Sw…Sw-ord… He remembered his mother’s weapon; trembling eyes gazed to the side. The sword was still there, still gleaming beautifully as if it had been bathed by moonlight. Inigo only needed to reach it, to clutch it, to wield it so he could protect them from such eerie beasts.  But he couldn’t. He couldn’t even move his arms.  Anger fuelled his once dead heart. Even if he could hold the sword, he was just one child. Even if he did have enough strength in the word, what would he do? There were five Risen about to head his way and Inigo would soon be dead by the time one had clawed its way into his skull.  Ah, he suddenly stopped, isn’t that…w-what I…want…?  Finally, the Gods above were granting his wish. Finally, he would soon meet his parents. Was that not what he asked for every single day? He had suffered long enough. He had seen more nightmares than a child could bear. Maybe, just maybe, the Gods were finally pitying him and giving him the chance to escape this pitiful world.  Finally…  Inigo only stared emptily at the sword a few feet away from him.  Finally…  He then robotically turned his gaze to the Risen that were a few steps away from their graves.  F-Fi… A single tear trickled down his pale, hollow cheek. Unaware that he had slid a few steps backwards, Inigo leaned weakly to what he soon realized was a small table near the door. Fi…n-nal…l-l-ly—  Thud.  The small table was fragile than expected, for his weight tipped it down, causing a thick book to fall right in front of him.  Softening his fall with his left elbow, Inigo gaped dumbly at the book. Its cover was black, shiny, smooth to the touch as if it was made from the finest leather. Dust poofed from the book, making the poor boy cough and wheeze until he finally threw up bits of water and saliva.  Tears now flushed in his eyes, Inigo brought one hand up and madly rubbed his eyes.  When vision slowly returned back to normal, Inigo gaped at the mysterious book in front of him.  It took him a few seconds, but he soon realized that it wasn’t any ordinary book.  It was his father’s tome.  “It’s too dangerous for you, son.”  His father’s words echoed hollowly in his mind. “Dark magic can hurt you bad even if you use a bit of it.” His father’s concern smile etched deeply in his brain.  He remembered the thrill he felt when using normal magic. He remembered the harmless surge of power that slithered inside him every time he conjured up a simple spell.  If those powers alone could affect him then, imagine what could happen if he used the spells of forbidden now?  “Besides, I’m not hurt by it at all,” His father’s words sang in his brain like an eulogy, “because the power from your and your mother’s love,” His mother’s gleaming smile radiated brilliantly in his vision, “are enough to make me stronger to bear it!”  The Risen’s growls were getting louder.  Using every last ounce of his strength, Inigo threw his right hand to the tome and flipped open the cover.  And right after he did, nausea once again boiled in his throat.  And, at the same time, what was once a delicate shade of hazel eerily, furiously gleamed a nasty splash of red once he snapped his eyes open. ---  It started to rain again that day.  The silver sword sheathed deeply into the soft ground. What was once a Risen was now nothing but dark, smoky soot. The silent child stared blankly at the ground. Puffs of cold air wheezed out of his mouth. Puffs of purple smoke coughed right out of his throbbing throat.  The violent smoke around the sword slowly fluttered away, showing the glistening metal that was now tainted with black blood and brown earth.  Unable to hold his stance anymore, Inigo kneeled weakly to the ground. His head hung low, heavily, crimson eyes still throbbing and gawking at nothing in particular.  He felt his energy draining rapidly.  In a matter of seconds, just as his eyes turned hazel, Inigo dropped frailly to the ground. The sword tipped to the side as well, its sharp tip mere inches away from his panting, gaping mouth.  The rain was quite heavy today.  Head turned to face Olivia’s grave, Inigo feebly reached out for her. At the same time, his left hand stretched towards Henry’s, fingers digging deep into the soil drenched in blood.  I…I did it… He faintly cheered. I…I p-pro…t-ect...ed…t-the…m—  Vision blurred into two, into three, until his mind finally got captured by deep fatigue. ---  Inigo really wished that he could meet his parents again.  However, since that fateful day, he soon realized – as bitter as it was to be reminded – that his parents wouldn’t want to see him in this state before his last moments on Earth.  So he trained.  It was a gruelling attempt, but he forced himself, body and soul, to train so he could move on for his parents’ sake. It was a straining effort, but the child sucked it up and forced himself endlessly. Thankfully, the dark magic his father once forbade him gave Inigo the strength he needed to push himself. He didn’t go through the tome deeply, for just the slightest whiff of dark magic was enough to choke and gag him breathlessly. It felt like needles had pierced and punctured his skin. It felt like his heart was all too ready to burst right out of his chest.  Luckily, the excruciating pain didn’t last for so long. And next thing he knew, Inigo soon perceived that horrifying chill as nothing more but little pinches on his skin.  He did take his father’s advice though and kept the dark magic at a minimum so it wouldn’t overwhelm him.  “Besides, I’m not hurt by it at all because the power from your and your mother’s love are enough to make me stronger to bear it!”  The words were enough to actually make him giggle bitterly as Inigo splashed water onto his face. Kneeling by the small lake near their graves, the boy took a deep breath and exhaled shakily through a gaping mouth.  It turned out that his father was right all along. ---  After the perfect spin, he pressed one foot onto the ground and gave a gallant bow. Both arms spread before his big finale, Inigo then cocked his head and flashed a bright smile. “And that,” The boy straightened his back, “concludes my small little performance!”  There were no responses, of course, for all that he received was the chilling brush of the wind.  His smile never wavered, however.  Hazel eyes closed quietly. Pale pink lips twitched just the slightest. He could hear her voice, hear her praises, hear her comments as well about what and where he should improve in his steps. The mere thought of it all made his heart race, made his eyes burn, but Inigo then opened his eyes, huffing a calm chuckle at the sight of the buried.  “Ah, I’ll definitely improve, Mom.” His voice smooth as silk yet hinted with the slightest sorrow, Inigo took another deep breath before he looked at the grave next to hers. “Oh, but don’t think I’ve just been practicing my dancing!” Excitement fluttered in his beating heart, the boy clapped once before taking a deeper, longer breath.  As he exhaled through his mouth, he slowly parted his hands. And when he did, a small wave of wind spiralled between his palms.  “S-ee?” Voice cracked just the slightest in a mixture of woe and excitement, Inigo looked at Henry’s grave. “I managed to conjure up my own wind!” His eyes burn again, but he decided to ignore it. “N-ow…if I do this…” At the mental count of three, Inigo carefully spread his hands apart, then raised his right hand in the air.  As his mind chanted the spell, the small wind intensified from beneath his feet and whipped upwards to the gloomy sky. His white hair fluttered upwards, then puffed into a thick mess once the wind disappeared.  He knew he was being delusional, but Inigo didn’t care when he thought he could hear his father’s laughter and praises being sung in his ears.  His heartbeat still raced. His smile still shined.  A single tear finally trickled down his cheek. ---  Inigo knew he had to leave his parents someday.  He knew. He knew this but he didn’t wish to acknowledge it.  However, after bumping into Owain who was searching for survivors, after hearing the news that many others were alive, Inigo knew his second chance to live a life was given right before his very eyes.  From the moment they met, Owain insisted that Inigo should come along. He insisted that the place he stayed wouldn’t be safe for so long, and that the Fell Dragon would not be so merciful as to take their lives as simply and swiftly.  He insisted, and yet Inigo was stubbornly hesitant.  He didn’t wish to leave his parents’ graves. He didn’t wish to let those filthy, vile monsters to step on their bodies. Gods, just the mere thought of it burned fury in his heart.  Inigo would rather die protecting them.  Or at least, that’s what he first thought.  “Lucina and the others are collecting the gemstones!” Owain explained hastily. “She said that Lady Tiki has found a way for us to save this future and our parents!”  Save…the future.  Save…his parents…?  Inigo loved – used to love – jokes and jest, and he knew Owain was a rather flamboyant fellow. But now wasn’t the time for jokes, and Inigo actually snapped briefly at the Ylissean prince for spewing such tasteless nonsense.  However, just the single glance at Owain’s firm, tight frown was more than enough to tell Inigo otherwise.  Inigo couldn’t believe him. He actually wondered that this was just a dream and he would soon wake up in that cold, crooked shed.  Drip…  He didn’t realize that it started to rain that day.  And after feeling the first drop of rain brushing down his dry cheek, Inigo knew this was reality. ---  The flowers looked beautiful on their graves.  Hazel eyes still fixed on the two, Inigo slowly rose to his feet. The silver sword was sheathed neatly by his right hip. The thick tome was tucked carefully inside his satchel.  He wondered if this would be the last time he’d ever see them.  Ah, just the thought alone ripped his heart into two.  Quickly he shook his head. One hand firm on the hilt of the sword, Inigo let out a slow sigh. “Well, I’m off.” Carefully he whispered. “I…I’m going to go save the world, Mom, Dad.” His voice still wavered, yet Inigo did his best to keep his composure.  His smile was trembling, but he kept on smiling.  Teeth gently nipping the insides of his lower lip, Inigo spun his heel and walked away.  His smile actually stayed for a while when he swore he could hear his parents’ farewells. ---  Inigo was honestly surprised at the amount of survivors in this devastating apocalypse.  He was exceptionally surprised to see the young exalt whom he hadn’t seen in years.  “Inigo,” Lucina called out, “it’s been a while. I’m glad to see you’re unharmed.” Her smile was obviously weary, but just as sincere as she looked at him.  Inigo didn’t reply immediately. Hazel eyes just stared in bafflement, lips suddenly feeling dry at the presence of the princess.  His heart started racing. And for the first time in his life, it raced for a whole different reason. ---  To be awakened in a whole different place – in a whole different timeline – Inigo sometimes wondered if the Gods loved to test and play around with him just to see how long he could last.  Once again he was alone.  Once again he had lost sight of the friends and family he loved dearly.  Fear and panic bubbled from within, almost made him nauseous with worry. But Inigo gulped it down, then forced himself to his feet as he tried to make do of his surroundings. Hand rough and hard on the hilt of his sword, he looked left and right.  No one was in sight. Not his friends. Not a soul.  Panic still kept him alarmed, but awe and bafflement then softened his stance when Inigo realized something that he thought he could never see again.  The leaves were green.  The trees were brown.  Hell, one quick whiff from his nostrils felt like his lungs had been cleansed after years of inhaling poison.  Stupor now slowly swallowing that fear, Inigo blinked dumbly before cocking his head upwards.  The sky was a beautiful shade of blue. The clouds were puffy, thick, an elegant tuff of pure white.  Again he took a deep breath. This time, he gasped loudly and shortly.  They did it.  They had travelled back in time.  His legs wobbled. His arms felt like jelly. Body stiffened immediately, Inigo slapped one hand to his gaping mouth and gawked at the grass below.  He was in a world where beauty and peace used to cleanse the land.  He was in a world where hope and dreams could be obtained.  He was…H-He was…  Drip… Drip…  He was in a world where his parents were alive. ---  A few months passed by quickly since their little time-travel.  Inigo still couldn’t find the rest. He still couldn’t find his parents. He was anxious. He was excited. He was nervous. Sometimes everything was felt all at once until all Inigo could feel was pure nausea.  He was here.  He was here.  In that short amount of time, he kept on travelling. He pursed bandits and killed them off from villagers. He pursued ladies and wooed them as best as he could just to make them smile. Sometime he succeeded. Sometimes he failed – miserably. But all that were more than enough to distract his worried mind. He would much rather make a person smile than to make them scream by his blade.  But alas, Inigo knew, if he didn’t take their lives, they would be more than happy to take his.  He sometimes apologized to his mother for having her sword so soaked with blood from the living.  He sometimes apologized to his father for using his tome so often against the once beating hearts.  Guilt sometimes twisted his heart. Reminiscence often choked his throat.  But Inigo knew there was no time to dillydally. One could only mourn for so long, after all.  So, with a wide, white smile curling the corners of his lips, Inigo moved on, swaying his sword and piercing them madly like a cheerful maniac. ---  He couldn’t believe it.  No matter how many times he rubbed his eyes. No matter how many times he shook his head. Hell, even if he thought of poking his eyes out and shining them clean before putting them back in each socket, Inigo just couldn’t believe it.  “E-Er…” She’s here. “I—please don’t look at me s-so…intently…” She was really here. “It ah… It makes me t-terribly bashful…” He looked left. He looked right. And once he dropped his gaze at the petite dancer, he actually choked back a sob.  She didn’t respond immediately, though bafflement flashed perfectly upon her beautiful face.  Unable to take the pressure any longer, Inigo squeezed his eyes shut and made a mad dash for it.  She’s here.  “What?! W-wait! Don't go!”  By Gods, just when Inigo thought he couldn’t hold on by the sound of her voice.  “There you are my pretty, pretty flower!  With tears trickling down his flushed face, a short gasp loudly escaped from his wide, trembling smile at the sound of his voice. ---  They’re alive.  “I’m shyer than you are, Mom!” Like a child, he argued with her. A tiny pout tugged by his lower lip, only the Gods knew just how wild his heart was shaking inside his chest.  They’re alive.  “No you’re not!” Unaware of the whirlwind of emotions in him, Olivia retorted. Hands close to her howling heart, the dancer then pulled a similar pout to the tall mercenary. In the end, the two stayed in silence, their faces a bright shade of red and timid squeaks stifled behind pursed lips.  They’re alive.  As silence became their form of communication, Henry then quickly shattered it with roaring laughter.  “Aw, look at you two!” His smile was bright as the sun above, Henry clapped once before bouncing in one place beside Olivia. “Your faces are so red your heads might just explode into flames!” Despite his tasteless joke that would sure twist scowls on the other Shepherd’s mouths, Henry only laughed louder for his joy overwhelmed his emotions once the news of Inigo’s identity was brought into light.  They’re…a-alive…  Inigo watched as Olivia pouted at Henry who then flashed a cheeky grin. He watched as Henry playfully pinched her cheek which only made the dancer squeal even louder.  The longer he looked, the more he couldn’t believe it.  Mom…Dad…  “I-Inigo?!” In a matter of seconds, her voice echoed beautifully once she felt her body being pulled to a hug. Left cheek nuzzling on what she quickly assumed was someone’s shoulder, Olivia gaped forward, only to realize Henry was in the same situation she was in too, though his left cheek rested against the side of Inigo’s head.  Laughter then filled the bright sky.  It wasn’t Henry’s. And it sure as hell wasn’t Olivia’s.  It took them a second, but both dancer and sorcerer soon realized that the delightful burst came from none other than their darling future son.  “Mom! Dad!” Body swaying left and right, Inigo couldn’t contain his thrill for so long and laughed even louder. “Gods, I missed you!” His eyes felt wet, yet the mercenary could no longer give a damn about appearances. “I missed you so, so, so much!!”  His laughter was then mixed with cracked sobs. And although the young parents didn’t respond verbally, they only glanced at each other before wrapping each arm on the young man’s body.  To feel their warmth, to hear their breathing, to know that they’re safe and alive.  Gods…! Inigo only bit back his trembling smile and squeezed his eyes shut.  Once upon a time, there was boy who missed his happy family so much. END
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