#my poor guy had such a flawless romantic plan and I had to make it dumb
namig42 · 7 months
So my partner took me into the middle of the woods and proposed to me last night, and now I can officially say that I am
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kookies2000 · 4 years
My thoughts on the final. 8 out of 10 for me and here's why.
Positives first.
The villains. I love Bradford as a villain and his plan really was flawless. To me, Bradford is the scariest type of villain there is. Scrooge trusted this man for almost his whole life. Trusted him enough to be in charge of his money, and secrets. Only to get betrayed at the end. This is an actual thing that happens in real life. People we love, people we know for our whole lives, could just suddenly become horrible people and our love and trust in them breaks. And it hurts like crazy. And that's Bradford right there. He was close to Scrooge and betrayed him. Now the fact that Bradford never saw himself as the villian adds more to why these types of people are horrible. They blame others for their misfortune or for their bad traits. Like how Bradford told the family to look what they made him into after he grew into a monster. He's trying to put the blame on others instead of acknowledging that he's doing this to himself. Like at least the other villains like Glomp Gold and Magica know their villains. They're self aware unlike Bradford. Bradford doesn't like the thought of being a villain so he blames those that see him as the villain. Like dude! You imprisoned Gandra for indefinitely, trapped Ludwig Von Drake who just wanted to talk things out with you, imprisoned innocent people like Panchito and Jose. Why those two? Just because they were tricked into performing a concert at The Feast of the Flower? He straight up murdered his agents, and threw Donald in too. Not to mention he played a part in tearing the family apart once. And he keeps justifying it by saying "I'm not a villain". Which makes it worse! You can't just say you're not a villain or that others are trying to make you look like the villain. If you're not the villain then there's no need to say it. So yeah, I enjoy Bradford as a villain because he's the most realistic of the three main villains we had. Someone who has some good points but executes them poorly.
I also enjoyed the other villains like Phantom Bot and Pepper. I ship these two so much. 💖. Pepper being her talkative self and speaking her mind while Blot is being the strong silent type. My favorite line is also from Pepper "Look Blot! He's a full grown man with the strength of a baby!" I LOVE YOU PEPPER!!! And Blot being his aggressive self is enough for me. And thank you Lena for setting Gene free! Rockerduck being his spoiled self was also a treat. Having his servant fight for him and ordering a drink while he fought. 😂 Don Karnage was his lovable singing self, also he is dead now right? No way he survived that plane crash. Congratulations Dewey, you murdered a man while singing just like I always knew you would. Heron was also great. There's no doubt in my mind that she had some kind of attraction to Bradford after that "Oh Bradford, how villainous 😏" before dying. There's just something hilarious about Heron gracefully accepting betrayal and death like that. 😂 Steelbeaks was great. Finally using that smart ray on himself and still being the imbecile he is! Glomp Gold, Magica and the Beagles special appearance was also a treat.
Ok so our heros! I have to talk about Drake, Fenton and Launchpad! I love Drake for his balance of goofiness and heroicness. He's clearly a man who wants what's best for everyone and loves to be in the spotlight as well. Not to mention just how much fun it is to watch him being all goofy. He may have a child-like side and loves being the goofy hero he is, but he has his serious moments. Showing that just because you have a child-like personality doesn't mean you're not mature enough to handle serious situations. Just the way Drake comforted Fenton by telling him he isn't alone on this, to let others help him warms my heart. He knows Fenton so well and grew a personal connection with him. To the point where he refuses to believe Fenton is Gizmoduck. 😂 Poor guy is in denial. I feel bad for him because he's always in GizmoDucks shadow, which is why I screamed so loud when he and GizmoDuck shared the spotlight in the beginning of the fight with Steelbeaks. Great moment! And Fenton! I adore him and I love him so much more after this episode too! He was always the man with a heart of gold and always put others first. And they added even more to his character by making him such a romantic towards Gandra. I'm 100% sure she was on his mind throughout this whole adventure. Just the fact that he says it out loud that he wants to rescue her and his first reaction when they landed at the Lost Library was to rescue the prisoners was adorable. We all know he wanted to go save the prisoner's to find Gandra. Yeah I know he also cares for everyone else just as much but Gandra will always hold a special place in his heart. And then we have the moment with the two in the end credits. Just pure adorableness! Falling together, Fenton becoming GizmoDuck and catching her like he always does!!! Ah I can't help it! These two are cute!!! I also like how Fenton never did get to rescue her but it was Huey and the others that did and then she helped on rescuing the others. Breaks that whole damsel in distress cliche. I'm so sorry Fenton that you didn't get your shining armor moment, maybe next time? Then we have Launchpad. That guy finally had his shining moment. He was so insecure about not being a superhero that he couldn't see he was the one that inspired Fenton and Drake to become heros. That moment was so sweet and the fact that Launchpadpad became Gizmoduck was what made it perfect. And I loved how he crashed the suit too. 😂 and even the Gizmo Suit has an attitude "Eh, close enough."
Then we have the kids. Each one had their moment and I loved it. Violet was under used I'll admit, just wish they used her more. Like her woodchuck knowledge or her book smarts to find their way out of a maze, open a certain door to another room or help Lena out. Lena had her moment as well, making the airplane invisible showing just how powerful she has become. And let's consider that she nearly got killed by Phantom Blot in the first battle but this time she was able to battle him much better. Friendship really is her magic. Boyd is my favorite! I just love how him being just a head didn't even bother him one bit. Instead, Lil Bulb just uses his body to create a bobblehead Boyd. Let's not forget that "Take care of your brother." line. That one line made my heart sing. Louie was very realistic, "That is not at all comforting. I do not want to die." and he was also the same sharp boy we all know and love. I love the scene where he's pep talking Dewey into winning the battle against Don Karnage. And then we have Dewey flying the Sun Chaser by himself, fully embracing his talent. I'll talk about Huey and Webby later. Scrooge, Donald and Della also had their moment to shine as the original three! Loved it so much, just watching these three fight one last battle together was enough to almost make me cry. Beakly also had her moments like getting the chance to tell Webby the truth, even though it was a trick. I love how she wanted to make sure everyone was safe and went to fight F.O.W.L on her own only to learn her lesson near the end. The lesson that she can't keep secrets forever and she has to have trust in her family in order to win. And sure enough this lesson came from her oldest friend Scrooge Mcduck.
The humor was also the best! I loved the fact that Manny is actually some world ending monster and what does he have to say? "People change man! I just want to live a normal life!" 😆 I never expected Manny to talk let alone his voice sounding like that. And then we have the Gargoyles reference "I live again!..... Again!" Loved that, gold right there. Then we have Von Drake who admits that he isn't dead all because he doesn't have time to die! Oh if only life were that easy! Gyro was comedy gold as well with his line "When they do something right, they're heros! When things get too hard, we're children!" 😂 Love you Gyro!
Ok so one thing I have an issue with. You all know what it is so I'll make it as short as possible. Webbys backstory. I didn't like it. I have no issue with her being a clone and that Beakly found her, but Scrooge's daughter? It was unnecessary and here's why. Scrooge was already her father. He took care of her as his own, protected her, kept het happy, and was a wonderful role model to her. She was already his official none blood daughter. Making her Scrooge's blood related daughter does nothing to improve her character. If they wanted her as a clone, they could've done something else. Like maybe she could've been the clone of a well known F.O.W.L agent that died or disappeared. So F.O W.L tried to clone that agent by creating Webby. Nothing would need to change either, Beakly could've still found her, took her in and kept her safe with Scrooge. Webby would still have an identity crisis thinking she's the clone of a F.O.W.L agent and is destined to be a F.O.W.L agent. If they wanted to add June and May in, then use that same reason. Cloning F.O.W.L agents and raising them to be the evil like them. Or what about this? Use Beakley's story about her daughter. How Beakley wasn't there for her as much as she wanted to and maybe one day F.O.W.L talked Beakley's daughter into joining them. Making Beakley regret not being there for her daughter more. When her daughter tries to leave F.O.W.L she disappears all of a sudden. But then Beakly finds a baby clone of her daughter (Webby) and she takes this as a second chance to raise her daughter again. I'm just saying, anything would've been a better back story for Webby other than being Scrooge's clone. And as for Huey, he should've been the one to find the papyrus. Branford had him in his grasp. He had managed to manipulate Huey into helping him, so why not have him grab the papyrus. He is a direct descendent of Scrooge so why complicate things by having Huey talk to Webby? They weren't even sure if the papyrus was going to show itself to Webby!!! HUEY WAS RIGHT THERE BRADFORD!!!! It was so easy!!! Kidnap Huey, manipulate him into helping, then lock him up with Gyro, Drake and Gandra!!! I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Huey and Webby here, I did. Huey using his woodchuck knowledge allowing his brothers to find him and Webby using the skills her granny showed her made me proud. I love seeing these two using the skills they learned while living in the mansion.
Other than that, the final was great and I loved it. I just wish Webbys background was different and more unique than being Scrooge's daughter. Oh! And the end credits were wonderful! I love how the poster was basically a foreshadow of it!
 8/10 I loved the finale!
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Helloo~ i hope this is ok but could you make some first time hcs for the bucci gang with a fem s/o who isnt a virgin?? If you are uncomfortable just delete it.💜
Is this okay??? IS THIS OKAY??? You mean I get to write spicy headcanons for the six fictional mafia boys I’m literally in love with??? Twist my arm, I guess 😘
So this entire request is going to be n/sfw 😈 down below the cut. Obviously gonna be a little shorter than normal because you asked for the entire gang, gotta limit myself don’t want this to get too long 😂😂
I’m not sure if you mean “first time” like the boys are virgins but the reader isn’t, or just headcanons for the two of them getting it on for the first time. I’m going to go with the second one but absolutely absolutely let me know if I interpreted it wrong!
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Mista hits you with that smile and your clothes just disappear
- I honestly go back and forth on my headcanons for Giorno. Cant decide if he’s had a lot of relationships/sex because he’s incredibly charming, or if he’s more inexperienced because of his rough childhood and his focus on his dream
- Giorno’s probably found a foreign tourist or three that he liked enough to spend a night with. He’s probably had a girlfriend too.
- Regardless of how experienced he is, Giorno is frustratingly good at sex. Is there anything he isn’t flawless at.
- This smug boy absolutely uses Gold Experience’s ability to intensify the sex. Only once or twice so that it doesn’t overwhelm her, but like tell me he wouldn’t.
- Because of this, the two of them get very loud. Probably the loudest on this list, aside from my idea with Narancia.
- Also because of this she comes much earlier than any of her previous affairs. I imagine its quite a bit of a shock.
- Giorno takes really good care of both of them after sex. He’s incredibly romantic as well, little kisses from their hands down their arm to their neck as he whispers sweet things to them. 
- Sex with Bruno is probably planned tbh so he can make it as romantic as possible, even the first time is brought up at least early in the day that it’s to occur
- Bruno is mildly experienced having sex, just in his line of work there’s a lot of beautiful people and he’s definitely one of them. I like to imagine people hit on him a lot LOL
- He’s is the best in the gang at foreplay, both fingering and oral. You can’t change my mind. She has never had a man who knows a woman’s body so well like this.
- He’s so good with intimacy. The rest of the world melts away and it’s just her and Bruno and the bed they’re in.
- Bruno is a body worshipper, whispering against her skin the entire time
- Dotes over her after sex. She has to drag him back to bed if she wants any cuddles, he’s so concerned with making sure she’s okay after they’ve both thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
- He’s had a fair amount of sex. Much of it was drunk sex during his dark point before Bruno recruited him. She would have to bring it up first probably
- Abbacchio is a big guy. That’s all I’m gonna say
- I stand by my earlier headcanons that Abbacchio is a blushy mess in the bedroom when he’s having sex with someone who really means something to him. Smug, but blushing
- Abbacchio is pretty good with oral foreplay. No one is as good as Bruno but just look at his lips, this man knows his lips are good
- His normal pace is a little rough, but he learns the shape of his s/o’s body very quickly and finds a comfortable rhythm
- I’m also a big fan of Abbacchio being underneath her, having her ride him
- Abbacchio isn’t the biggest cuddler, but I could see him immediately pulling her into a shower to attempt to get clean, but mostly for a little more fun. Both of them have a few bruises in the morning. He might leave a hickey or two, and smirks when she brings it up the next day.
What do you mean I can’t make this set 12x longer than the others
- I know they only showed him flirting in his backstory, but I’m really convinced Mista was kinda a playboy and has had an above-average amount of sex before he joined Passione. So the two of them will probably have their first time together rather early in the relationship
- Mista is a big fan of a woman’s curves. A lot of grabbing her hips, butt, thighs, etc
- He’s got kind of a high sex drive, but by no means would he pressure her into sex. When it happens he’s making sure she is comfortable the entire time.
- Probably not the best at foreplay but he is absolutely gonna try his best so that she can enjoy herself just as much as he will - will absolutely go down on her. He’s at least good with his tongue
- He likes slow, passionate, almost lazy sex. That being said if she starts teasing him or if she really wants to get rough he’ll pick up the pace
- Doesn’t really have a preferred position either, he’ll do whatever feels right in the moment. For the first time he’s probably on top of her just so he can run his hands all over her body
- Cuddles are absolutely necessary after sex. And like... why wouldn’t she want to cuddle with Mista afterwards??? While he runs his fingers over her skin, plants little soft kisses on her... (ooh I want a Mista plz)
- Oh lord please help this poor boy. At most he’s had sex maybe a handful of times before. She’s definitely more experienced than he is
- Also kind of a high sex drive, and very excited when she brings up the idea of sex
- Narancia is really sweet the entire time though. He does everything she asks him to do in order to pleasure her. He almost likes pleasuring her more than the actual act of sex.
- Lots of fumbling, it’s very giggly and cute sex. It’s not awkward at all. Narancia probably makes a few jokes that have her laughing
- He’s just gonna sit there with his arms wrapped around her body tightly, peppering her in kisses after they’re done. I absolutely see him as being a big body worshipper. Narancia just loves her so much. She’ll probably have a couple hickies the next day that she’ll have to cover... Narancia beams proudly every time he sees them
- Fugo is nervous as heck. He’s been thinking about it of course. Fugo overthinks everything.
- She brings it up, and basically almost drags him away when he agrees. Fugo’s a little intimidated, but at the same time he really likes her and really likes the idea of sex with her
- She’s definitely taking control here. I honestly can’t see Fugo having had much sex so he’s inexperienced and a little stiff, and apologizes a lot during their first time. His awkwardness is charming though
- I’ll be honest he probably comes before her and feels guilty about it. She probably has to show him how to get her off too.
- Fugo holds her close to his chest after sex, enjoys listening to her heartbeat. She’s a comforting presence in a world that has kicked him down so many times. He’s counting his blessings for her, while she plants kisses over his body and reminding Fugo how much she loves him.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed these as much as i enjoyed writing them. I love all these boys sm
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Picnics in the Imagination
pairings: no romantic ones! just a nice LAMP fic :) words: 3294 warnings: mild swearing, insecurity, slight hurt/comfort vibes
Everyone stared at those two bees in front of them; what were they doing? 
Or: the sides share a moment in the Imagination. 
a/n- hello! pls excuse this like, weird character study of a one shot heh. i have been having trouble with characterization, so i guess my way to solve that was to,,,write solely based on characterization lol. it was good practice, and even if it’s a bit rough, i still hope you enjoy it :)
read on ao3~
There were two bees fighting in front of him.
They were about seven feet away, and he decided that he should be able to outrun them if they decided to team up against him; or worse, if they were going to attract some equally-terrifying friends. But for the time being, they seemed like they were too wrapped up in trying to murder each other to even notice him. 
It made Virgil wonder why Roman did stuff like that; why he would create a world so beautiful, only to have it destroy itself. He wondered if the self-inflicted drama was some stupid way of him validating his own strength or whatever.
Or maybe it was only this destructive when Virgil was here. 
It wasn’t too far-fetched of an idea. That was why it took two and a half weeks to convince Virgil to even take a step into the Imagination again, let alone sit down in it and eat sandwiches. 
Though, who could really blame him? He wasn’t meant to exist here, where everything was all special and breathtaking and make-believe. It was literally everything he wasn’t. The last time he was here, it had seemed like the Imagination was actively trying to push him out via a million tiny goblins. 
(Virgil couldn’t help but shudder at the memory of stuffing them all in a box, frantically searching for the key to trap them there forever before they set off again and ruin someone else’s hat.)
And even if it was okay for him to be here, there wasn’t much for him to do. No one wanted to imagine the storms Virgil found himself under, anyway. After all, the things Roman triumphantly held on the ends of his sword were from monsters Virgil embodied. The grass he stepped on literally burned at the tips if he stood on it for too long.
So why did he feel so...so safe?
Logan had told him once that the Imagination responded to everyone who stepped into its territory. It was supposed to be reassurance, but it was something that scared Virgil the most; that something could reflect the heavy static he could barely walk across everyday. And the first few times he was here, it did.
But now, the Imagination felt like a weighted blanket; almost suffocating at first, but gave way to the unfamiliar feeling of a hug. If he closed his eyes for a second, he could hear a distant thunderstorm coming from who-knows-where; a gentle memory of the only natural disaster he found comfort in. And the grass he stepped would burn, yes, but not all the time now; and it would always resolve itself anyway by bringing to light a small, black rose from the ashes.
His place in the Imagination today only reminded him of the effort everyone was willing to put forth for him; that everything was slowly getting used to the fact that he wasn’t some leech latching onto the sun. Roman eased the worries of his creation, one that had once despised him and all he was; and then eased the worries of Virgil, who didn’t believe he could finally be anything other than the bad guy. Logan made the plans—he always made the plans—and Patton…
Well, Patton tried everything. 
He took a sip from his tea and set it aside, pulling his hood over his head and curling up on Patton’s lap. He heard the side giggle and felt him push his hood back ever-so slightly; just to scratch idly behind his ear and braid his fingers through his hair. 
And Virgil let him.
Besides, he was too wrapped up in another thought to really care much; the thought that he wasn’t in the moment enough that the moment would pass him by before he could properly appreciate it. He couldn’t help but think about how everyone would eventually pack their things when his storm finally came around. He picked at the sharp grass beside him, scared that it would all go away somehow when he finally– finally– woke up from this dream.
He couldn’t help but look up at the bright blue skies above him. 
Virgil sighed, chewing his bottom lip nervously. The Imagination, even as a concept, was so daunting. It stretched so far beyond him that it pretty much scared him shitless. The clouds looked like they could fall on him at any given second, and the bees—as pretty as they are— were still fighting; who’s to say they couldn’t hurt him too?
But it was beautiful. 
And he was here. 
Virgil closed his eyes and heard the soft sound of rain, far far away.
And when he opened his eyes, he saw Roman, 
who was shaking his head at him with a knowing smile. 
Roman couldn’t help but beam as he watched the two bees in front of him dance, a harmonious waltz above the lush, green grass they grew. Logan could say anything he wanted about the Imagination; the real world could never compare to all of this.
Or at least, that’s what Roman used to think. 
Truth be told, the Imagination was only this beautiful when Thomas was satisfied. For the most part, Roman would be running around, dousing fires– literal fires– in every direction. He’d end his days without really ending them, fighting monsters to make his world flawless when the sun rose. This picnic was actually the first time he really stood still in the Imagination since…well, since the Great Goblin Incident of 2019; though that was less of a wake-up call and more of an unwelcome surprise.
(Roman wasn’t able to get the goo out of his hair for weeks.) 
And he took great pride in how special his creation was. After all, he made it — and he was pretty awesome. He was able to plant seeds in Thomas’s mind and thus grow a beautiful, magnificent garden. He grew so many gardens actually. He’d grow them left and right, without much of a thought. Anything to spruce up the place.
But there were other days when the Imagination would claw at him for more– for something else. It would grab his ankles as he walked and drag him through the ground when he least expected it, begging him for a new garden; a new village; a new adventure; a new anything. 
And at some point, the Imagination became his office. Sure, it was a place Roman would escape to so he could build a tower to hide in when the real world got too much. But it was also a place that Roman would eventually give into; one that would force him to stay the night so he could finish that thing– there was always that one thing. 
It was where he would fight Anxiety and win. It was where Morality would cheer for him and carry him on his shoulders with glee. It was where Logic didn’t exist. 
It was a place where Roman was everyone’s hero; where everyone needed Creativity.
Not today, though. 
Today, the sun glowed bright in the crystal-clear skies without him. He didn’t need the birds to sing him ballads, and he didn’t need the squirrels to care about him all that much. And he would come here to work, yes; but he’d come here to appreciate his work as well. 
Nowadays, Patton, Virgil, even Logan appreciated his work alongside him. They saw beauty in every crack Roman would dwell over; saw love and care in each one of his masterpieces. They even took the time to appreciate the gruelling effort that bled through his creation and made sure he was resting– actually resting– when he was done for the day. 
And he vowed to repay their love — even if they insisted that he didn’t need to. A glorious battle, perhaps! He could put himself in danger for them, just to show them he would. He could even wage a war with the feelings the others held too close to their chests, those feelings embodied as gruesome monsters and foe,  and he would win. Every time. 
Because Roman could never lose. Not with them by his side.
He looked around him with a bright smile and a dawning realization, one that he came across a thousand times, nowadays:
The realization that he was surrounded by everything he could ever need.
Roman finished another song on his ukulele and Patton burst into applause. Logan simply nodded at his performance, flipping through another page of the book Roman recommended to him. Virgil just pulled his hoodie over his head and curled up in Patton’s lap. 
Poor storm-cloud. He almost felt sad watching him. A part of him would always be jaded by the fact that he ever hurt Virgil. 
Roman stood up and walked a few feet away from everyone else, looking off into the distance before closing his eyes. He thought for a little while, and then sent the wind away to bring back the sound of rain and sprinkle it over their heads. 
That would hopefully help.
He turned around and looked at the rest of his family. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze. He could feel the grass tickle his feet, as if it were planning to lift him off the ground any second now. A cool breeze weaved itself through his hair and when they dropped off the sound of rain, they picked up the song Roman played to spread it across the land. 
He looked up at the sky and watched the birds soar above them, 
and thought about how his creation no longer hated him. 
He then met Virgil’s eyes, and wondered if he felt the same thing.
Nothing can hurt you here, Roman thought. Not anymore.
Swarming was a natural process in the life of a honey bee colony. It was a method of propagation; one that occurred in response to crowding within the colony. If a bee was huddled close to another, it was most likely that they were in the beginning phases of attracting a swarm. 
Perhaps that is what those two bees were doing in front of them. 
How fascinating. 
Logan took a break from reading to take in his surroundings. Roman must have dedicated a respectable amount of time to making the Imagination so faithful to real life. The way each tree was carved in patterns unlike each other, the way the waters seemed to move endlessly and not on a loop. 
He knew they were not real. None of them were. So it was interesting to think that not one part of Roman’s world was fabricated in a way that was mechanical and half-hearted; but was instead crafted with such caution and care. Every grass in its own, respective place; every flower grown for a reason. 
Logan had made numerous visits to the Imagination in the past; for research purposes, more often than not. Well, other than the dreadful incident with the exploding goblins; though his presence in the whole ordeal was the by-product of an untimely coincidence.
He had interviewed Roman countless times to learn more about this place, but he was yet to leave with an unbiased point of view. Roman would not contribute many useful points to their discussions, choosing to speak only in fanciful, unhelpful metaphors. All he would say about the Imagination was that it merely existed; and it existed so beautifully that it did not need much explanation. 
Everything was there for a reason he could not explain. 
He had compiled a few notes based on his own extrapolations and observations; consuming knowledge he would then pass onto Thomas so that he could better understand himself (or onto Virgil, to ease his trepidation towards Roman’s creation).
However, he had never really taken the time to just...sit in it. 
There were so many creatures and biomes, even cities; all nestled safely underneath the boundless shelter of the Imagination. And the sky was always stunning, no matter the weather. He wondered if Roman would allow him into this strange place more often for recreational purposes. He wondered if Roman would even enjoy his company.
The picnic, of course, was Patton’s idea. It was his way of “bonding” with everyone. Patton had many ideas of what ‘bonding’ looked like — weekly onesie-and-movie nights, having dinner together (even if they did not need to consume food), bi-weekly board game nights, et cetera. With so many options, Logan was not quite sure why Patton found the need to spend even more time with him. 
He was not blind to the fact that his presence was not arbitrary. Really, his only function was to present knowledge when needed, then allow the others to use that knowledge in order to make Thomas...well, content. If anyone were to benefit from Patton’s many “family excursions”, it was Virgil. His attempts of reassuring the anxious side paled in comparison to Patton’s efforts. 
Logan, unlike the rest of them, did not need love or affection; nor was it necessary that he ‘bonded’ with anyone. He just needed to exist for everyone and live to exist for as long as he could. 
He was not real, anyway. 
(Though, the thought haunted him far more than he would like to admit.)
He snuck a brief glance at Patton, who was enthralled by Roman’s performance under the sun. It was almost as if the sunshine in the Imagination folded itself around him; like he was the one keeping it warm.
Patton seemed to thrive in the Imagination; and for good reason, too. He was everything the Imagination was; a safe haven, a home, alive. He could extend the observation to Roman, even Virgil. They all belonged here, rested on the grass underneath the brilliant sun.
Logan...did as well. 
The thought was hesitant—illogically so—but it was reassuring enough that it was there. Normally, he would think the opposite, but his counterparts only reassured him that that was not the case. He really did belong here, on the same pedestal as them; for reasons unrelated to work. 
He was a part of their silly...loving family.
And they were real enough; real enough that he was able to absentmindedly hold Patton’s hand as he coddled Virgil on his lap. He was real enough to look at Roman work his magic in this strange wonder of a world and feel a sense of pride for him.
He was real enough to feel close with them; even though there were times when it felt like he was better off uninvited.
Perhaps this was the meaning behind Patton’s madness. Perhaps it was his way of reassuring him that he, like the rest of the sides, were just simply loved; unconditionally and without a doubt. It is a feeling that, surprisingly enough, Logan held close to him.
No amount of research would ever be able to tell him why. 
He sighed, going back to his book and flipping to the next page. The Imagination, at the end of the day, was simply an enigma; constructed by weird science and magic alike. 
But his family...well, they turned the Imagination into a reminder of how special existence was; how delicate the universe crafted each and every one of them. 
How purposeful it was when creating him.
Aww, look at those bees playin’ with each other, Patton thought happily to himself. What good friends they are!
The Imagination was un-bee-lievable. The fact that his kiddo made the whole thing himself? He couldn’t imagine how difficult it must have been! He was so proud of him. 
He was proud of everyone, really; which was precisely why he planned this picnic! Roman created such a beautiful place, Logan worked so hard, and Virgil...well, he had finally said yes.
And besides, it was just nice. For once, there was nothing to do. No difficult thinking, no one to fight. It was just him and his family, sitting under the big, blue sky.
Surprisingly enough, this was the first time Patton ever visited the Imagination when it was sunny. More often than not, Patton would visit the Imagination after-hours; sneak in when he knew everyone was asleep. Most of the time, he’d get caught by Roman; who was just as restless as him, yet more curious as to why he was there. Patton would never tell him the real reason, though — only saying that he wanted to check in on him. It wasn’t really a lie, anyway. It was just the right thing to do.
The Imagination was different in the night. Patton was sure that he was one of the only other sides to have seen it. It felt more like an ode to Thomas’s youth; the years when he would tape glow-in-the-dark stars to his ceiling and try to catch fireflies in mason jars. Each daisy seemed to sway in the warm sense of familiarity the wind carried; and the ocean always looked like it was folding on top of each other in a sea of scribbles coloured Pacific, Navy, and Midnight Blue. 
If he squinted, Patton could see constellations in the sky. Dancing in the velvet blanket above him were stars, mapping out the image of a young boy helping someone off the ground after a nasty fall.
It was his perfect Thomas. Always selfless, always perfect.
On the nights when Roman would find him, sitting on top of a hill with his knees brought close to his chest, he would always let Patton lie down in his lap and weave him a fairytale; one that Thomas used to love. The prince would always save the day. The teacher would explain absolutely everything. The mind would never reel, and the heart was always right.
He couldn’t help but miss it. He missed the days when it seemed like royalty could be as honourable as the ones in Thomas’s old picture books; that learning was not as painful as it was now. And while the mind was buried through layers of heavy static and storm clouds, the heart didn’t know the way.
Thomas wasn’t as good as he wanted him to be, and Patton just didn’t know what to do. 
But all of that didn’t really matter in the Imagination. The fact that it was bright and sunny only meant that Thomas was the same goofy, loving child he used to be. Sure, a few things slip past Roman every now and then (Patton would never ever ever forget what those goblins did to his new top-hat), but that didn’t mean that Thomas was inherently bad. 
Besides, the day was just as beautiful as the night. With Thomas all grown up, he was creating things Patton could only dream of. Yes, storms would still roll around; but they would always give way to a beautiful rainbow. 
The Imagination was always the same, no matter what crossed its path. 
And perhaps, the same thing could be said about him.
Patton tried his best to get lost in the music Roman was playing for the group. He set aside his sandwich, and snuck glances at Virgil and Logan. They seemed at peace; Virgil was drinking tea he made for him, and Logan was reading a book. 
And if Roman was singing, it meant that Patton still had it in him to bring his family together. 
Patton sighed wistfully. He would do anything to capture this moment in any way he could. He wanted this single second to last forever. He yearned to keep the sunshine safe and sound in a small jar to put on his shelves. 
Really, he just wanted everyone to be happy. 
But as beautiful as nights in the Imagination were, Patton could learn to love the present if it felt this good. 
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anboringday · 4 years
A Morning With Lenny | Part 2
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Summary: After a long, hot night of passion, Lenny and the woman he loves spend the following morning sleeping in...and things get heated again.
Pairing: Lenny Summers x f!Reader/OC
Word Count: 3.2k
Rating: Explicit/NSFW
Tags: Smut, lots of oral, foreplay, dirty talk, face humping, fluffy feelings sprinkled in, doing the usual kinky stuff with the cutest cowboy outlaw ever
Note: Being relatively new to the rdr2 fandom, I wrote this for myself because there just wasn’t enough Lenny fics out there and I HAD to change that. I love him so much and I hope you guys enjoy this! 
Read on ao3                                                                            
Part 1| Part 2
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I woke the same way I’d fallen asleep, cuddled up to Lenny’s warm, gloriously nude body, his arm draped over me. His hazel eyes were glued to the pages of a book. My all-time favorite romance book!
“Lenny!” I snatched the novel away from him. “That’s mine!”
“Hey!” He tried to grab it back, but I rolled to the other side of the bed. “I was reading that, you know. It was getting good too, they were about to kiss—”
“Really now?” Giggling, I stretched my arms over my head. Through the sheer, linen window curtains, the gray dawn streaked the sky. “But you’re an intellectual, the harshest critic of the written word I know. I thought silly love stories were beneath you.”
“Nah, that ain’t true. Not all literature needs to be a thought-provoking masterpiece. Sometimes it’s all about the way it makes you feel, if you can relate to the context, and whatnot. Honestly though, I was just reading it ‘cause I knew you did. Can we…” He paused, a rush of red stained his cheeks. So cute. “C-can we read it together? From the beginning?”
“Yes!” Warmth flowed through me at the proposition. I handed Lenny the book and snuggled against him, breathing in the familiar scent of his skin, my head propped on his hard chest. “Are you going to read to me, Mr. Summers?”
“Sure. Anything for you.” He clasped my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm before opening the book, raising it to an angle suitable for the both of us to easily view the pages.
Lenny began reading aloud, his soft-spoken voice cultured, smooth, the long vowels of his words was damn near mesmerizing, sensual as sweet melted chocolate. Playing with the ends of his thick, curled locks, I drank in the beauty of his darkly stubbled face as I listened. His chest rose and fell with every breath, the crisp hair against my cheek tickled. I ran my palm down the rigid planes of his stomach, gently caressing the well-exercised muscles. His lean body was a work of art designed purely for female pleasure, and I enjoyed every moment of touching him.  
We remained connected throughout the morning, his fingers threading through my hair soothingly as he spoke such lovely sounding words. I yawned, closing my eyes, my body lax in his embrace. Through the haze of sleep, I felt his weight and heat come down on me, his full lips brushed over my cheek.
“Hey,” Lenny said. “Dozing off on me already?” His fingers brushed over my sides, tickling me.
“Lenny!” I squirmed and threw my arms around him, burying my grinning face against his shoulder. “Stop that!”
His sensuous mouth twitched with amusement. “Sorry, it’s just so tempting. You’re so ticklish, it’s cute.”
“Shut up.” I pecked the tip of his nose. “Can’t we sleep in today?”
“I wanted to take you into town, catch a show, browse some of the stores, have a nice dinner at the saloon…” He planted a quick kiss on my lips. “But I reckon that can wait if you rather stay here. A day of rest and relaxation with my favorite lady sounds like a mighty fine idea to me.”
“I’m your only lady,” I corrected, raising my hand in a proud display of the platinum promise ring he gave me.
“The one and only. Since the day we met, you were all I ever wanted. All I could think about. All I could see. It’s always been you—my everything.” He caught my hand with his, our fingers intertwined. “Sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got so damn lucky.”
My heart thumped with a tender ache in my chest. Lenny could say such sweet things, wonderful things.
“We can’t go into town,” I said. “What if someone recognizes you from Blackwater? I just got you back. I won’t lose you again.”
His amber gaze drifted over my face, searching. “Running with gang kept me away from you for a long time. We lost everything in Blackwater, and I got so caught up in Dutch’s blood feud with the O’Driscolls—lying, cheatin’, and robbin’ fools from Valentine up to Saint Denis, trying to get the crew back on their feet…I wish I came back to you sooner.” Sighing deeply, he grew silent.
“You’re here now.” I stroked his cheek. “That’s what matters.”
“Maybe so. My dad used to say dwelling on the past is something like beating on a dead horse, ain’t no good ever come from it.”
“Your father was a smart man.”
“Sure was. An educated negro like him, good and kind, ain’t long for this world. It was only a matter of time.” His eyes glittered, wet with a deep-rooted pain for a split-second before he blinked it away.
My heart clenched. My poor, sweet Leonard…
He had suffered so much tragedy throughout the course of his life. Most of the time, he seemed unfazed, strong despite the pain lingering in his heart. But I knew better. He lived in a world that didn’t want him, didn’t accept him. His color didn’t suit their fancy and the scars of rejection ran deep, the hurt and loss probably ate at his soul on the daily. Wounds like that will never fully heal, but there were ways to lessen the sting.
“Lenny Summers,” I cupped his chin. “You’re gonna stop thinking those bad, silly thoughts right this instant. Look at me.”
He complied. Our eyes locked.
“You’re a good man,” my voice were clear, and distinct, without a shred of doubt. “Do you understand me? You are good. Perfect. You have every right to be here, to live freely, to laugh, to love—no matter what anyone says, no matter what they do—you’re a goddamn human being and that’s the end of it. You’re important. And I love the hell outta you. I always will.”
Blush deepening, muscles tensed, his mouth gaped open like a fish out of water, visibly struggling to find words. He was speechless, reeling from my praise. His shaken reaction was probably the most adorable thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.
“Say something,” I urged softly, brushing over his cheek with the backs of my fingers.
Lenny took my hand and held it to his chest, his heart thumping, racing. He was apprehensive and impassioned. But why? What was he thinking?
Finally regaining his composure, he asked, “Do you feel that?”
“Yes.” The speedy rhythm of his heart didn’t let up.
“This is what you do to me. You have power over me, a hold—it’s like a snare I can’t escape, like a spell I can’t break.” He chuckled dryly, bitterly. “I never felt weak a day in my life until I met you.”
“You’ve been a wanted man for a long time, struggling to survive, fighting an endless war with the world around you. But you don’t have to be on the defensive with me. It’s okay to let your guard down. There’s more to life than being an outlaw.”
His eyes brightened. “Oh yeah, of course. There’s strong whiskey, fine music, good books, an oiled gun, gold nuggets and silver bullets.”
“But regardless of all that, you’re the best part.” Sweetly, he nuzzled my nose.
I giggled. “Well now, aren’t you charming?”
“Ain’t that the reason you love me?”
“One of the many.”
His full lips curved into a slow, breathtaking smile, dazzling against his deep brown skin. Sunlight dappled over his face, illuminating that strong, flawless jawline of his. Goodness, he was so very good looking, impossible to resist, and my love for him intensified by the day. I was helplessly addicted to Lenny Summers, the hours we spent together felt like minutes. I could never get enough.
My cheeks heated. “God, how do you manage to turn from cute to sexy in a matter of seconds?”
He smirked. “It’s a gift, part of my charm.” His hand touched my waist, sliding downward along my thigh. A curse hissed out between his teeth once he reached my lace garter belt. “You’re still wearing those?”
“You didn’t take them off me last night.”
“I don’t plan to.” Lenny rose to his knees, hovering over my scantily clad body, eyes smoldering as he stared down at me. “Keep them on. You look so, so, so pretty just like that.”
“Don’t you mean fuckable?”
“Hey, language!” He mocked me with a lopsided smile. “That’s no way for a lady to speak.”
“Oh, forgive me, Mr. Summers,” I said, my tone laced with sarcasm. “For a lying, thieving outlaw, you’re quite the prude.”
His nose wrinkled in protest. “Me? A prude? No, I’m more of a hopeless romantic with a love for dialect and vocabulary.” He drew close, his tongue traced the shell of my ear. My breath caught in my chest. “If you say things—the right things—you can put anyone in the mood.”
I shivered, hot and bothered, a heated ache between my legs. It wasn’t particularly the context of Lenny’s words that turned me on, but the sound…the huskiness in his voice, the way he dragged the vowels, sensual and rich with passion. His voice was smooth as velvet, unbearably sexy in my ear, sending vibrations deep into the core of my body.
He could talk any woman out of her clothes and into his bed without much effort. Not that he would though, he was much too tenderhearted, too sympathetic to be a womanizer.
He was truly one of a kind. And all mine, by some miracle.
A distinct warmth flooding my core, I shoved my hands into his hair and kissed him. I loved how soft his lips felt against mine. His arms enveloped me as he kissed me back, his tongue glided over mine with hot, savory licks that left me breathless and yearning for more. I could only imagine how amazing that firm mouth of his would feel in other places…
I moaned, feeling the prod of his impressive erection against my thigh. I wrapped my fingers around him, and he bucked his hips on contact, thrusting into my hand.
He groaned into my mouth, still ravaging my lips. The scent of our lust was heavy in the air, the heavy weight of his tense, magnificent body pinning me down. He was hard as stone, and hot. I stroked him from root to tip, my palm slick with precum.
“Ah, damn…” he uttered between kisses, lazily fucking my hand. “That feels good.”
“It feels better inside me,” I murmured against his lips.
He broke the kiss, parting me with his finger. “Not yet. You ain’t ready for me.”
With a feeble sound of protest, I buried my face in his neck.
“Hey, no pouting,” he clasped my chin, forcing me to look into his beautiful hazel eyes. His voice softened. “You’re so tight. I’ll bruise you if we don’t take it slow, okay?”
My gaze glued to his fiercely handsome face, an abrupt gratitude filled my soul. “I love you.”
He beamed, kissing my lips one last time before his tongue seared a path down my neck to my breast. Once he caught my nipple between his teeth, I flinched.
Lenny quirked a brow. “You’re sensitive.”
“I still haven’t recovered from last night,” I said.
“Relax, Sugar. I’ll be gentle.”
I blinked, perplexed by the endearment, although I adored how sweet it sounded from his lips. “Sugar?”
He uttered a soft assent, and returned his attention to my breasts, wrapping his mouth around my nipple, sucking lightly. His finger circled the other, the tantalizing caress brought a mist of perspiration to my skin. His tongue moved slow, exquisitely tender over my swollen flesh, soothing like a healing balm. Relishing the sensation, I closed my eyes.
I combed my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. “Is there anything you can’t do with that tongue of yours?”
Lenny flashed a wicked smile. “That sounds like a challenge.” His palms slipped under my hips, he yanked me to the edge of the bed, and dipped low. I slapped a hand over my mouth, smothering a gasp as his tongue fluttered over my clit. Two of his fingers inched inside me and I clenched eagerly around him, my leg draped over his shoulder. Heat swept over me, my heart slammed erratically in my chest.
The delicate rhythm of his stroking, curving fingers was wonderful, but it was his mouth that drove me crazy. The tip of his tongue lapped at my throbbing clit tirelessly…relentlessly. My hips churned, a violent shiver moved through me. He knew my body so well, exactly how to please me, everywhere he touched left a blazing trail of warmth behind.
I bit back a cry at the sweltering heat and lash of his tongue, my core convulsing with every tender lick. Dizzy, drugged and near mindless with sensation, my hands ached for his touch, gliding over his sweat-damp skin, tugging at his hair. He captured my palm with his free hand, our fingers laced together.
“Yes, Lenny, like that,” I urged. “Make me come.”
And he did, with the soft suction of his lips and measured thrusts. I shuddered, tingling, pleasure pulsated through me. Lenny didn’t stop. His tongue continued to work my clit as I rode his fingers shamelessly, my limbs trembling, my climax rolling on and on. I was melting, drowning in sensation. Tears stung my eyes, the walls that kept my emotions at bay breaking at the seams. Swept away by the ongoing waves of ecstasy, I wept silently.
Licking his lips, Lenny rose, lifting my sweaty, limp body along with him. His gaze searched my face with concern. “You okay?” I heard his question just barely past the blood rushing in my ears.
I managed a nod. Carefully, he set me down on the center of the bed, my head hit the pillow. He crawled in beside me, wiping the tears from my cheeks with a light sweep of his knuckles. “Was it too much?”
“No.” Pleasantly aching, I sighed. “You were perfect.”
His eyes studied me for a few beats. “Promise?”
“I promise.” Dazed from the toe-curling, spectacular climax he gave me, I shut my heavy eyelids for a moment. “It’s your turn now.”
“We have all the time in the world to make love. Why don’t you get some rest?”
My gut kicked. I forced myself up to face him. “No, we need an equal exchange. I don’t want you to feel used—”
He pressed a finger to my lips, silencing me. “I don’t feel used. That ain’t what this is. It’s just…I don’t wanna push you—”
I swatted his hand away. “Well, I’m not going to sleep until you come.”
His brows rose. “Okay, fair enough. I got an idea.” He shifted to his knees, the blunt tip of his throbbing cock nudged my lips. With a toothy, iconic grin smeared across his face, he requested sweetly, “Lubrication please?”
I gladly drew him in until he hit the back of my throat and was rewarded with a sultry burst of more precum. A pleased murmur escaped me as I savored the taste. He swelled, growing thicker and larger under the flat of my tongue. His balls were big, heavy, a bold display of potent virility. I played with them, rolling the weighty pair in my hand, feeling them tighten.
My eyes were riveted to Lenny as he tipped his head back, muscles rigid and breathing ragged. A deep groan of delicious agony rumbled in his chest. “Goddamn, your mouth…fuck.”
Lenny was the most calm tempered, well-composed man I knew. Watching him unravel like this, face flushed with lust, cursing, the pleasure threatening his control—it was so very satisfying. And sexy.
He drew in a deep breath, steadying himself. “Okay, I-I reckon…that’s good enough.” He pulled out, altering his position, his knees came down at my sides.
I stared at him quizzically as he knelt over me, his slobber-coated cock stood erect above my heart. “What are you doing?”
“Something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Since the day I laid eyes on you.” He cupped my breasts in his hands, kneading them, rolling my nipples into tight points between his forefingers and thumb.
I whimpered, arching into his hand, unbearably sensitive. His rigid length slid between the valley of my breasts, and I gasped, squirming. Why not use my mouth for pleasure instead? “Lenny—”
“I need this.” His eyes were heavy-lidded with desire as he began moving his hips, his big cock gliding between the softness of my chest. “I love you.”
The tender words rolled off his tongue with a quiet, yet passionate intensity. A bubbly sensation struck my heart. “Feels that nice, huh?”
A wry smile pulled at his lips. “I might have an unhealthy obsession with…you know.” He smacked my breasts playfully. “Don’t tell anyone.”
“Your secret is safe with me, handsome.”
His blunt crown brushed my mouth with every stroke. I kept my lips puckered, kissing the tip, loving the unique taste. The rhythmic slap of his balls against my tits had my clit aching for attention once again, but I didn’t care. Right now, nothing in the world mattered more than satisfying him. I wanted to do this for him, he deserved it for being so good to me.
The arousing sight of his sharply sculpted abdomen and lean, pumping hips was enthralling, his sweaty, beautiful brown skin shined and glistened like priceless jewels beneath the light. He was stripped bare to the primal desire where only the race to climax mattered and still, I was spellbound by his beauty. Swooning. He was divine. Heavenly. Fitting of worship.
“I’m close,” Lenny trembled, his voice was a guttural rasp.
“Give it to me.” Grasping his straining thighs, I propped myself up on my elbows and opened my mouth.
I took him in, hungrily sucking his solid length, my cheeks hollowed with the strength of my all-consuming need to pleasure him. He gripped my hair, frantically thrusting—punishing my throat with his big cock. My eyes stung and my lungs burned, but I was too turned on to give a hell. The sounds he made and the loving praises that slipped from his lips made it all worth the effort.
He emptied himself into my greedy mouth, the first spurt of his load so thick, it was a hassle to swallow. His entire body shuddered as I eagerly drained him of everything he had.
I licked him clean afterward. He curled up next to me, pressing tiny, appreciative kisses to my shoulders and neck. “I’m gonna need you to do that more often,” he uttered, and then added sweetly, softly, “Please.”
The vivid blush on his cheeks warmed my heart. “Of course I will, but first, I’m going to need some real food in my tummy.” My stomach rumbled. “As scrumptious as you may be, I can’t live off you alone, Lenny.”
“Your wish is my command, Sugar.” He pulled away and reached for his satchel on the nightstand. “Luckily for you, the last stagecoach I robbed had all kinds of goodies—”
I clutched his stubbled chin, drawing him back in. “Forget that canned slop. Wouldn’t you prefer a homecooked meal?”
“Cook?” His brows scrunched up. “Uh…I’m not—I can’t—”
“Sure you can. I’ll teach you. We can whip something up in the kitchen together.” I cupped the side of his cheek, looking into his eyes. “As long as we have each other, there’s nothing we can’t do.”
His gaze sparkled, the golden flecks wildly radiant and alluring as always.
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ladybugsfanfics · 5 years
Redamancy | Tom Hiddleston
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Style: One Shot
WC: 4.3k
Warnings: Angst, so much angst (though with a happy ending), I want to be clear that there is smth going on here that isn’t light and is pretty serious. I don’t want to tag it due to spoilers, but I also feel the need to say so. I’ve tagged the theme in the actual tags as a tw so if you feel like this may apply to you, please check or send me a message and I’ll let you know (if anyone feels i should i add it here, i will do so. just let me know). 
Summary:  Anonymous requested: “Reader and Tom are dating for years and he's planning on proposing, but on the day he does, Reader says no and break up with him. The poor guy is devasted, and he keeps thinking during months what he did wrong... [request cut due to spoilers]”
A/N: This is some of the hardest shit I’ve ever written. It’s angsty, it’s heartbreaking, but there is a happy ending and I hope you all like this and that your hearts break as much as mine did writing it ^_^
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redamancy (n.) 
the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full
Tom opens the black box one more time.
On the inside lies a ring. Its silver metal works its way into a perfect circle, though a little before the diamond takes its place, the circle cuts into two lines that snake around each other. One of the snakes is lined with diamonds, but the real eye catcher is the round diamond perched on top. 
When he’d picked it out, he’d told the goldsmith he didn’t have a budget (now he didn’t spend that much on it, but he didn’t hold back either). The diamond is a flawless, one carat that he hopes will tell you how much he loves you. 
He’s even planned the night down to the second. And it’s all about to start, as soon as you leave out the door. 
Tom closes the box again, sighs happily, and holds onto the ache in his lungs. The butterflies have been fluttering around his gut for two weeks, finally it’s settled for another (albeit not better) feeling. 
He slips the box into the inner pocket of his jacket and walks out of your shared bedroom. And in the hallway, twirling in front of the mirror, stands you. You’re dressed in a beautiful black dress that hugs your torso and flows into a deep length at your legs―the only reason it doesn’t reach the floor is the pair of high heels you’re wearing. 
“You look…” The word gets lost in his throat as you turn around, the dazzling smile on your lips now directed at him. “... absolutely stunning.” 
“Thanks, handsome.” You walk the few steps needed to get close to him. “You look absolutely dazzling, yourself.” And Tom isn’t sure he can speak after you press your lips to his. 
Maybe he should just skip the whole plan and propose to you now, only so that he can take off that dress and show you how good you make him feel, show you how much he loves you. 
But he clears his mind and smiles. “Shall we go, m’lady?” he asks and holds out his arm for you to take. 
“We shall, m’lord.” You giggle up at him as you take his arm, and you walk like that to the limousine Tom had ordered for the evening. Something which is a surprise to you and have you look up at him with wide eyes and the biggest smile Tom has ever seen. 
He had listened that time you told him you wanted to take one. Why not make the most of it when he’s going to propose anyway?
The driver holds the door open for the two of you. You both thank him as you get in, and a few short moments later, the car is driving and you’re both sitting with a champagne glass each in your hands. You’re leaning on Tom, chin on his shoulder and looking up at him with the most adorable smile he’s ever seen. 
He can’t help himself; he presses a kiss to your lips, though when you pull back a little, he doesn’t let you go and captures your lips with his again. Every moment with you, is a moment his world is on fire, and by each moment, his world gets better and better. Tom is never letting you go. 
After a half hour drive, the limousine pulls to a stop. The driver is quickly there to open the door and Tom helps you out after he’s gotten out himself. A few stares from the pavement comes your way, but when you don’t seem to notice, Tom lets himself ignore them as well. 
(It is the first time you’re really out, despite having been together for exactly three years―the anniversary part was a great excuse to get you dazzled up and out for his plan―but Tom’s always been secretive and you’ve never minded the privacy shared within your home. So going out into the public eye hasn’t been done a lot, but if you don’t mind now that he’s finally going to propose, he doesn’t either.)
“Tom,” you say, lightly hitting him in the chest, as you make your way inside the restaurant. “This is a really expensive restaurant. I know you’re rich and all but… Isn’t it too much?” 
“For you, darling, nothing is ever too much.” It sounds as cheesy as it did in his head, but by the smile on your face, he doesn’t care. He presses another kiss to your lips before you stop by the hostess’s stand. 
A woman behind it greets you with a big smile, and asks if you’ve reserved or not. Tom smiles at her and says his last name, garnering a bigger smile and a bright ‘follow me’. She brings with her two menus and leads the two of you to the back of the restaurant. 
Compared to the front, it’s far more romantic. With candles lit, the light slightly dimmed and a window seating staring out onto the Thames. The night has fallen over London, and the table you get basks in the little moonlight that streams in through the window. 
Tom’s heart squeezes when you try to suppress a slight squeal at the sight. He helps you with your chair as you’re about to sit down, and moves for a kiss before he sits down himself. 
(He’s catching himself doing that a lot more than he usually does, but seeing as he enjoys it and it seems you do too, he makes a mental note not to stop.)
“We’re only doing dinner and dessert, right? Not an appetizer or more shit that’ll make me feel as if my anniversary present isn’t enough?” Your tone is playful and light, but Tom can hear the slight insecurity behind it. 
He shakes his head. “Only dinner and dessert,” he replies. “Only, you can’t choose the dessert. I’ve already chosen one and I can’t have you suddenly changing your mind even though I suppose you would choose it anyway.”
“Now I can’t wait for dessert,” you say, and laugh. “But I bet you’re also choosing the wine, and the dinner and maybe even how I eat?” 
You’re smiling, but Tom feels slightly self-conscious about it. He had said it was a surprise, but admittedly, he had probably also been a bit bossy whilst getting you to go along with everything. “You can choose whatever you like. I recommend a wine that goes with your food, though, love.”
“You do? How surprising.” 
Tom nods and smiles at the glint in your eyes. God, you’re beautiful. 
And that’s how the rest of dinner goes. Tom focuses on all the little aspects of you. The way you laugh; the slight tug at your lips whenever you think you’re being clever; the sparkle in your eyes that draws him in and doesn’t let go; the mesmerizing smile that rips out his heart and swallows it, keeping it to yourself forever. 
There isn’t anything about you that makes Tom question your worth, but everything has him second guessing your choice of him. He can’t fathom what he ever did to deserve you. 
Something he will show when the dessert comes. 
It comes whilst you’re laughing at something he said. A simple brownie with raspberries and strawberries on top, sprinkled with powdered sugar. The dish itself looks simple, as if today is nothing more than an ordinary day. 
(And he didn’t do the thing about hiding the ring in the dish. He didn’t dare). 
However, the brownie means something. To both of you. 
On your very first date, you’d ordered a simple brownie with berries on top and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Just before the dessert comes―and Tom had ordered something else―you’d said that when it came to sweets, you sucked at sharing and that he should never expect to get any if you got your hands on something good. But when it came, and he didn’t mind letting you taste his, you let him taste yours and, as a slip of the tongue, said that that was the first time you’d ever shared food on a date. 
Tom had never felt as special as he did that day. The date had ended with a kiss, a sweet kiss that to this day lingered on his lips. But the brownie symbolized the very start of your relationship, and he’d always joked that if he ever were to propose, he’d make a reference back to when you first started dating. 
Now, he can see it dawns on you that that’s what today is. Your face goes through a series of emotions; starting from happy at the sight, to confusion, to shock, to a stare at Tom that takes his breath away, and then, your face blanks. 
However, Tom has already stood up. He’s making his way down on one knee and he’s pulled the black box out of where it lay in his pocket. He holds it securely between his hands and looks up at you with the most loving expression he knows. 
A hand covers your mouth. A tear runs down your face. 
“Y/N,” he starts. The nerves can be heard in his voice, already on your name it shakes. “On this day, three years ago, we went out on our first date. I could never have wished for a more perfect night than that night, and yet you give me a more perfect night every night. Every moment I’m with you is the best of my life, and I want nothing more than to share the rest of my life with you.” 
He takes a deep breath. His eyes find yours, tears are streaming down your face. In the moment, he isn’t sure whether they’re happy tears or not. But he gathers the rest of his courage, and as the words leave his mouth he opens the black box. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my wife? Will you marry me?”
Tom gazes expectantly up at you. He’s been planning this for so long, he’s been waiting to hear a yes for so long. How could you say anything less when, despite the occasional fights, you seem to love him more and more each day?
Only, you’re not saying anything. And if Tom’s not wrong, there’s a slight look of horror on your face. 
Tom’s heart shatters into a million pieces as you shake your head. “No,” you whisper, the word barely audible. “No, Tom, I can’t… I can’t.” 
“Why?” he asks, and he holds the ring with one hand only, taking your hand in his. You’re shaking, and the tears he couldn’t decipher before he can now see are sad tears. 
“I can’t.” You shake your head. “I have to go.” 
Before Tom can say anything, you’ve stood up from your seat and are rushing out of the restaurant. Tom falls to his butt on the floor, his heart lost somewhere on the ground and his lungs constricting in on him. He’s not sure he can breathe, he’s not sure he has any ounce of energy left in him to get up. 
The only thought swirling around in his mind is the one that will be his downfall. 
What did I do wrong?
It took two days before the text came. A text that twisted his heart, had his already bloodshot eyes fill with more tears, and his heart crush into a million tiny pieces he was certain he couldn’t ever glue back together. 
At least not without you. 
I’m sorry, Tom, but I don’t think we should see each other anymore. 
The text haunts him every time he looks at it, and he keeps looking at it, hoping it’s a nightmare. But when your best friend comes a few days later with their partner and clears out your belongings, it hits him how real it is. 
He tries not to let it show. He doesn’t want them to know how much he’s hurting. But he isn’t sure how well it comes off, not with how his clutching Bobby to his chest and the dog keeps licking away his tears. 
Tom knows he’s a mess, and he lets it show when the two friends of yours leave with your things. He lets the tears stream down his cheeks, lets the sobs loose, and clutches Bobby tighter to his chest―but not so tight it hurts the dog. 
And that’s how he is for the next few months. He keeps up appearances wherever he’s needed, and he continues to do his job, keeping up the pretence that nothing’s bothering him. But he crashes on his couch whenever he gets home, he cries himself to sleep night after night after night. 
During it all, he racks his brain as to why you would leave him. It doesn’t add up, it doesn’t make sense, he can’t seem to figure out the reason. Maybe if you had given him one, it would have been easier to get through it…
However, Tom doesn’t give up. He sends you countless texts, doesn’t care that you leave them all on read. He calls, his heart breaking every time you don’t pick up. Yet, he isn’t sure if he has a heart left breaking after all. 
It’s late at night when his phone rings. The snow has laid down on the streets, and the moonlight shines through the window off Tom’s apartment. He reaches for the phone, unsure whether or not he wants to answer. 
Until he sees the caller ID. 
His thumb hovers over the green phone icon. He contemplates not answering, contemplates showing them the same treatment as he has gotten from you over the last few months. 
But he decides against it. What if something has happened to you?
Tom’s thumb presses the button and he puts the phone to his ear. “Tom Hiddleston,” he says. 
“Hi, this is Y/BFF/N. You probably don’t really want to talk to me, but I need you to listen.” Their voice sounds shaky, and Tom’s mind spirals into the worst possible probabilities. 
But as they said, Tom doesn’t really want to talk to them. Listen, he will. 
He can hear their breath on the other side, and when he doesn’t hang up, it sounds like a relieved sigh. “I didn’t know at first why you and Y/N broke up. I thought it was something different than what it was, but she told me today. I thought you broke up with her by how devastated she was.”
Y/BFF/N takes a deep breath. Tom braces himself for what comes next. He’s almost certain the words will be that he missed his shot; she got hit by a bus, or fell off a bridge. Anything that makes his lungs constrict in on him and shatter the few remnants of his heart. 
“She’s got cancer. She’s being treated and things are looking bright, but there’s no saying for sure. She found out a little before your anniversary and didn’t want to tell you just yet because that would make it real. She said no because she thinks you deserve better than someone who might die before the wedding even happens. I don’t think she thought it through, but they say her survival chances are good. I thought you should know.” 
Tom takes a little time to catch his breath. He wants to yell, he wants to cry, but most of all, he wants to hold you. 
“Where can I find her?” he asks, voice hoarser than he expected. 
“She’s at her parent’s. She’s going through it with us, but I know she misses you, and I hope you can be there with her.” 
“I will. Thank you for letting me know.”
“Of course.”
With no hesitation, he hangs up the phone. Tom jumps off the couch, packs a little bag with some clothes and some other necessities, and food for Bobby. In less than ten minutes, he’s out of the apartment with Bobby in tow and rushing to his car. 
It takes half an hour to drive to your parents, but Tom makes it in twenty minutes by going over the speed limit. He can’t wait to see you, to kiss you, to tell you that he loves you, and to chide you for keeping it hidden from him. 
He parks in the driveway and walks out of the car with Bobby. He leaves the bag there, too busy wanting to find you. 
As he rings the doorbell, he can feel his heart beating a mile a minute. His head pounds and his hands feel clammy. Tom doesn’t understand why he’s so nervous. He’s seen you at your most vulnerable―or maybe he hasn’t after all? 
The door opens, and there you stand. 
You look tired. Dark rings under your eyes, red rims around them and only half a smile to spare him. Bobby jumps up at you as he sees you and you crouch down to pet the dog. You kiss the top of his head and let him lick you, his little tail wagging frantically. 
“Let me take him.”
Tom didn’t notice your mother coming up behind you, but she pries Bobby’s leash from his hand and takes the dog with her inside. He follows happily after, now showering your mom with love, though less than what he showed you. 
But with his hands free, Tom pulls you to him. He presses you tightly against him in a hug, and breathes in the smell of you. He’d missed it. How you always smell fresh, always smelled as if you just showered. 
He can feel his shirt getting wet, and pulls you a little away from him. You’re smiling, but the tears keep falling down your face and Tom does his best to wipe them away. The touch has his skin burn, has a tear fall down his own cheek because it makes him realize how much he missed you. 
And then he can’t keep himself from it. He captures your lips in his. You sink together, pressing as tightly as you can. Your hands move instantly to wrap around his neck and his circle around your waist to press you close. It feels like he’s on fire. Like you’re a magnet and he can’t stop the pull he feels towards you, he can only go with it. His heart keeps beating in his chest, pounding in his head, drumming in his veins. 
All the feelings that he’s missed during the months you were apart, comes rushing back at once, lighting him with adrenaline, with passion, with relief. The pleasure of finally kissing you again has his body loosen up, rest from the tense position it’s been stuck in since you left. 
He wants to kiss you forever, never let go. 
But you have to step away to breathe, and when you break apart, he presses a kiss to your forehead and drags you back into his embrace. Your head rests on his chest and his fingers run through the soft strands of your hair. 
Neither of you say anything. Neither of you move from where you stand. Neither of you care when the snow starts falling, settling in your hair and on your exposed skin. 
Neither of you care about anything but staying in each others embrace. Everything else comes second, first priority is to show each other the affection you’ve both been missing. 
Tom waits until you’re inside and alone in your bedroom to say anything. You’ve latched onto his hand, grip tight and knuckles white. He doesn’t mind, only basks in the closeness. 
You sit down on your bed, dragging him to you and clutching his arm tighter to your chest. The smile on your face is a mixture of guilt and relief. 
“I’m sorry.” The words are hoarse, barely above a whisper. 
Tom smiles. He wipes away the tear that travels down your cheek with his thumb. You lean into his touch and he wraps his arms around you, letting your head fall to his shoulder. “It’s okay.” 
He says the words over and over again as he rubs circles on your back. When you pull out of the embrace, he kisses your forehead. “What made you hide it?”
“I… I wasn’t sure how to tell you. And then everything happened all at once. I didn’t want to ruin your career and I didn’t want to say yes when there is a possibility that I might not be here for it.” 
“Never say that.” He presses a kiss to your lips. “You cannot ruin anything as long as you’re in my life. We will get through this together, I promise.”
You smile. “If we do, can I say yes?” 
Tom nods, a smile growing on his face. He captures your lips in another kiss, and when you part, rests his forehead against yours. “I will never take back my question, but I did leave the ring at home so your finger can’t be jeweled just yet.”
“That was not one of my worries,” you say and let out a quiet laugh. The happiness on your face makes your tired features look a little alive again.
Healing takes time. 
Healing takes strength.
Healing takes… a lot.
Tom’s exhausted.
Even as he’s with you, helping you work through it and doing his best to be there, he’s also working. His closest know, help, but it pains him not to be there for you everyday. 
It helps that you get better. Little by little you quicken, you smile more, you find hope. And you start to plan a wedding. 
Which is what Tom finds you doing when he comes home after a month away―it pained him. You’re lying on the couch in the living room, magazine in your lap and a pen between your teeth. One hand rests at the magazine’s spine, whilst the other switches the page. 
You don’t notice him at first, only when he coughs to gain your attention do you spare a glance his way. And as you see him, a light shines on your face and you jump from the couch. In his embrace, you hide your head in the crook of his neck and your arms snake around him tighter than ever before. 
“You have been gone way too long,” you whisper. “I’ve missed you.”
Tom places a kiss where your shoulder peeks up from your top. “I’ve missed you too, love. How are you?” 
You pull back from him and press a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m great. The doctor says there is a good chance for a full recovery. I might actually beat this.”
“Darling, that’s fantastic.” Tom cups your cheek. “But I have never doubted it. You are the strongest person I know, and I couldn’t bear it if you weren’t here with me.”
“No, of course not. You can’t doubt it because you wouldn’t be able to live without me, baby.” You scrunch your nose up at him. “You’d be totally lost without me.”
Tom laughs. He captures your lips in another kiss. A hungrier and more demanding one, but he doesn’t push it. He relishes in the smile that forms within the kiss, in the fluttery feeling deep in his gut, and in the way his heart squeezes being close to you. 
“Now, you’ve started wedding planning?” he asks as he breaks the kiss. 
You nod excitedly and turn to get back to your magazine. “Okay, so I’ve been doing some thinking, and I don’t want anything really big. Especially with everything going on, but I thought we’d invest something in it, anyways.”
There are words hanging from your lips, unspoken. The glee in your eyes carefully hide away the fear that lurks inside, but Tom knows you, has known you for so long, that you can’t hide it. 
But he also knows not to comment. So he nods, and he smiles and he listens to everything you have to say, wanting this to be the wedding of your dreams. He doesn’t care if it becomes expensive or cheap, or if it doesn’t live up to a fantasy he once had. He couldn’t care even if he so wanted to, because all that matters to him, is that he gets to marry you. 
It’s a month before the wedding when you get the all clear; you’re cancer free. The joy radiates off of you, and Tom couldn’t be happier. It’s the best wedding present he could wish for. 
In that month, time flies by faster than he can comprehend. Everything needs to be done before the wedding, but most of all, you celebrate life. 
And when the wedding comes, he doesn’t really focus on anything but the fact that he's married to you. He got the love of his life, he got to marry you, and you’re cancer free. There’s nothing to worry about. 
Well, there’s the slight thing about having the kids talk (he wants at least one), especially after you’d come home after being at the doctors and gotten the news that you couldn’t have children anymore. You’d broken down in his arms, cried your heart out, and he’d tried to comfort you but he knew how much it meant. And he’d kept from bringing it up again. 
Until a month after the wedding, and your honeymoon was over. He tries to step carefully around the subject, unsure how you’ll react to his words. 
“Darling,” he asks. 
You look up at him, a small smile placed on your lips. “What’s up?”
“I have been thinking lately.” He takes a deep breath. “About kids.”
The smile on your face grows bigger. “Thank God,” you say, “because I have, too. I’ve been looking into some adoption agencies, but I didn’t want to rush things and I wanted a clear view on some before I proposed the idea to you.”
Tom smile grows wide and he moves closer to you, and captures your lips in a kiss. “So, it’s settled. We’re going to try and adopt?” 
And you nod and smile so big Tom’s heart skips a beat. 
God, he’s the luckiest man in the world. 
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permanent tags:  @devilbat​ @adefectivedetective​ @gamillian​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @wiczer​ @chillcan​ @geeksareunique​ @fandom-imagines1​
tom tags:  @inlovewith3​ @bookgirlunicorn​ @mindlesschicca​ @justawriterinprogress​ @wolfsmom1 @loser-alert​ @satanskatze​ @timetravelingsociopathicwalker​
204 notes · View notes
If you're still taking prompts, would you write a Riverdale/Dare Me crossover? I caught the RD reference in your last Dare Me fic and had a good laugh before everything else went downhill.
Okay, so I thought about this for a minute because I got another question about doing this crossover awhile back (before I said I was taking prompts). I’m not actually going to write a fic of this, but I guess I’ll give you the play-by-play of how I think it’d go down. So I guess it’s like my headcanon crossover, or something, here we go.
    The Sutton Grove football team and cheer squad go to Riverdale for a football game. Eagles vs. Bulldogs and whatnot.
      Sutton Grove cheer squad performs jaw-dropping feats of athleticism with Beth as flyer. Beth does her bow and arrow at the top of the pyramid. Even though things have been strained between Addy and Beth lately b/c of Colette, Addy is still mesmerized by how flawless Beth’s performance is.
      Then it’s the River Vixens’ turn and they do some weird, provocative dance number where Cheryl flips her skirt up and rubs her thighs while the other Vixens shake their pompoms around. Veronica and Cheryl sing Circus by Britney Spears through the whole performance. Everyone from Sutton Grove is like WTF and the squad especially is so perplexed and mortified. How is this cheerleading?? Why are they signing?? Why are they all acting like this is normal??
    At this point, the Sutton Grove students have noticed Riverdale is kinda weird. They’re all ready to get back on the buses and get the heck home, save Addy. Addy’s just glad to be somewhere else for once, since her hometown’s felt so suffocating lately. She doesn’t care if it’s kinda weird here, she’d like to go have a milkshake somewhere that isn’t the Dairy Cream for a change, and it’s nice to see new faces.
     The SGHS students have to stay the night though, because there’s suddenly a fuck ton of fog and the bus drivers don’t want to risk driving through such poor visibility. The Riverdale locals are confused as to how this is an issue. You guys have never seen fog before?? Are you telling me the sun shines where you're from?? Sounds fake, but okay.
       Since they’re stuck, the girls are like screw it, might as well explore and meet some new people.
       RiRi cozies up to Cheryl and Toni. She gravitates toward badass bitches and gay energy, so how could she not?
       They’re cool with it. Cheryl likes stirring the pot and RiRi is a little troublemaker. They end up partying in La Bonne Nuit, doing jingle jangle and dancing the night away. RiRi can’t be sure if Cheryl really says the weirdest things she’s ever heard anyone say, ever, or if she’s just high enough to hallucinate.
       Addy invites Colette to go to Pops with her, picturing sharing a milkshake with two straws. Archie notices how close they’re standing, and just sort of feels something is off. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s been involved with dangerous, manipulative adults enough times to sense them, even if it’s not something he registers consciously.
      Archie interrupts Addy and Colette like, “wow, that routine was really cool, you guys were amazing, blah, blah, blah…”
        Colette’s all polite smiles. Addy is irritated. He ends up just blabbing on and on, until Colette excuses herself b/c Matt is blowing up her phone. Addy’s plans are foiled. Archie ends up inviting her to Pops and Addy’s deadpan, like, “I’m not going to fuck you.” And Archie’s all ???, “I just want to hang out.” He’s still getting those danger vibes for her and just wants to take care of her, like he does former twins with survivor’s guilt, homeless kids who stab him, and guys in juvie who drooped out in the forth grade to run drugs to take care of their nanas.
       Addy gives in cause she while she’d rather go with Colette, she still just wants to go someplace new. Veronica overheard Archie gushing about SGHS cheer squad and invites herself to the party. She doesn’t realize Addy is the most homo homo to have ever homo’ed and fears Archie’s eye has strayed again. Also, since Archie seemed impressed by their routine, she wants to ask Addy questions about it and see if it’s something the Vixens could do.
       Beth watches all of this unfold from afar, forlorn as fuck. Great. Addy’s abandoning her yet again.
      She wanders around for awhile, eventually comes across Bughead investigating whatever mystery is plaguing Riverdale today.
       Beth has her own inner Nancy Drew, the scene in Will’s apartment proves it. So despite the fact that these two look like total losers, some perky ponytail in an ugly sweater and greasy kid in a ratty beanie, she finds herself intrigued. Besides, what else is she supposed to do in this bumfuck nowhere town that’s as dinky as her own bumfuck nowhere town, only too foggy to see through and twice as weird??
      So Beth invites herself to the Bughead investigation team. At first they’re both opposed. Jughead is skeptical when it comes to outer circle people in Riverdale, let alone people who aren’t even from Riverdale.
     Betty softens up when she learns they have the same name. And the longer they talk to Beth, she realizes, hey, this girl is actually a very observant and perceptive go-getter. She could really help us out, here.
  So Betty talks Jughead into letting Beth join in. The three of them play detective all night long, following clues and bouncing off each other. Beth’s acerbic attitude rubs Betty and Jughead the wrong way, but they deal with it cause she’s actually really good at this. They’re piecing the puzzle together faster with her than they would without her.
      Beth still thinks they’re losers. They’re also so romantic and soft with each other that it makes her want to throw up…and also has her kind of jealous. Because even if she won’t admit it, she 100% wishes she could have a romance just as soft and sickeningly-sweet with Addy.
     Addy is still hanging out with Archie and Veronica. They’re a few milkshakes in by now, and they’ve told her all about the whacko, demented happenings of the town since that fateful 4th of July. Addy can’t believe it, but hearing about all this bizarre, crazy shit makes her miss Sutton Grove. Sutton Grove sucks, but it’s not nearly as batshit as Riverdale sounds. 
     Little does she know that Sutton Grove’s own murder mystery awaits when she goes back home…
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smolbeandrabbles · 6 years
Sway Pt.5 - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Here / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Author’s Note: This is it! The infamous chapter I wrote twice!! To make up for it, I’ve added in a bunch of stuff that wasn’t there before like more Jase/Javi/Danny banter. I actually LOVE their dynamic... Yeaaah I wrote a scene based on another scene because I couldn’t HELP it. The gifs will prove that! Valentine’s Day doesn’t even necessarily have to be the setting for any of the following to happen... Only, it was near Valentine’s Day at the time and it all made a lot of sense in my head. So, celebrate Valentine’s Day a month late, why don’t you? (haha...) + Bonus. I made a Gerry reference. 😉
Disclaimer: As started before, I own nada by my OCs. I took some lyrical liberties with ‘Slow Dance in a Parking Lot’ by Jordan Davis. Sue me! Please don’t actually sue me. I finished Bloodline and it actually hurts, so, I’m going to be “stealing” a bunch of ideas/lines... Here is the very first scene stealing moment, though.
Premise: The Premise is Valentine’s Day, need I say more? I tried not to be horribly Cliche... 
Word Count: 7748
Warnings: Drinking, Sexual Pre-Amble  (a-la-pt-4). The knowledge this will never be as good as the version I actually deleted? I had a breakdown in the middle of my living room over that, it deserves a warning
…And I don't care what song comes next I'm falling right here, don't want a safety net. In a slow dance with you Spinning you around by the restaurant sign Moving our feet over the painted white lines Getting close to you Making the most of whatever we got Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot
I want to wear his initial On a chain round my neck, chain round my neck Not because he owns me, But 'cause he really knows me Which is more than they can say
Danny couldn’t believe that another month had flown by. As he flicked the calendars in the restaurant to February. You’d been dating since the previous summer. And things were getting serious. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had been in a relationship this long. But, he was glad for it. Jason whistled as he turned over the calendar in the kitchen; “Busiest day of the year ahead Danny! You gonna leave us in the lurch!?” Danny turned to him, confused “What?” “Valentine’s Day! C’mon man, what are you doing with Y/N!!” He turned back to the calendar, eyes wide, oh. God! “…I wasn’t going to go anywhere… I was gonna come… here… Oh my God!” “Danny!!!” Jason couldn’t believe it “Did you forget about Valentine’s Day!?” “When was the last time I ever did anything on Valentines!?” He turned to Jason “It’s always been just another day…! Crap! She’s gonna kill me!” “Probably!” Jason laughed Javier poked his head through the kitchen window at the commotion; “What is up!?” “Danny forgot Valentine’s Day.” “WHAT!?” Javier laughed “NO! Danny! THE most important day for any girl in a relationship!?” “Stop it! Both of you! What am I gonna do! I can’t leave you all – you’re right, it’s traditionally one of the busiest days of the year…! God, can I really bring her here again??”
Whilst he mulled this over in his head, half in panic, Javier disappeared from the window, and then waltzed through the kitchen doors. The grin on his face obvious with what he was going to do; “…How are you gonna approach that one?” “He’s got 14 days…” Jason folded his arms, just as intent on hearing Danny’s plan – that he had about 5 seconds to come up with… Danny put his head in his hands “I’m just gonna have to owe her big time…” He thought on it “No, maybe… Maybe I can make this right… I’ll go a little off menu… Something she’ll really like. Then in a few weeks when it isn’t so busy I’ll take her out…” “It’s almost booked up!” Javier turned to the book to check it out, and became concerned with how busy he would be that night; “I’ll find somewhere for her! It’s my place!” “…Well, You got two weeks!” Jason pointed back to the calendar he had just changed. “Don’t forget the gift! Girls love gifts!” Danny made a noise like they weren’t making it any easier, which they weren’t. Javier almost tutted “Can you imagine? Poor, poor Y/N... She'll be expecting a long-" "Loooong!" Jason chimed in, with an eyebrow wiggle "Romantic night...!" "So romantic!" Jason put his hand over his heart as Javi put an arm around him and continued; "Michelin star restaurant, Miami skyline view, Danny's money paying... The works Valentines... As only she deserves. But picture this instead..." He held his hands out emphasising the two words of the restaurant name; "Viva Caputa. Again! And two measly hours of her boyfriend’s time." Danny looked like he was on the verge of anger at their teasing, and Javier narrowly missed the towel that was thrown his way. "You two are SO not getting paid this month!" "What!! DANNY!!" "OH! NO!!" But he cracked a smile and laughed anyway "You fuckin' deserve it! Overtime. Neither of you are getting on dates either!" "Oh! Just another romantic evening with Danny Rayburn - lucky us!!" Javier laughed at Jason's statement as he left the kitchen: "We’ll be Danny's dates! We’ll actually see more of him than she will..!" "Javi, don't you have tables to wait!?" "I'm going!" He called back as the doors swung closed behind him. "Good cuz I don't pay you to stand and chat!" "You just said you weren't paying us." Danny gave Jason a warning look "You can get back to work and all!" Jason beamed; "I love you too Danny!"
* You rolled your car to a stop outside his restaurant later that day; “Hey!” “Hi.” He hopped in, unsure how to broach the subject “…So…Uh… I was thinking…” “Yeah? Go on…” “…Valentine’s Day’s coming up.” You looked across to him, you knew that… Of course you knew that. You just hadn’t expected Danny of all people to be talking to you about it. He didn’t seem like the type to be taking you on a Valentine’s date. And you had to be honest, that was fine with you… You weren’t sure you’d mind not doing anything. “Yes?” “…Well… It’s… one of the busiest days in the business… And I can’t leave those guys all alone in there…” “And that’s fine…” “SO I was wondering…” he bit his lip “…If you wanted to… or you wouldn’t mind, coming down to my restaurant.” Before you had chance to reply he continued quickly “I’ll do something off menu, it’ll be exclusive. I know you… So… I think I can get that right… I just, I’m sorry. I’ll have to make it up to you…” You smiled, Danny Rayburn was so full of surprises; “Ok. Fine, I’ll come down to your restaurant “…On one condition.” He looked across to you, suddenly nervous about what you might say, and swallowed hard “…Anything.” “…Don’t buy me anything. Please? We’re not doing gifts it’s too… cliché… We’re not… No. Please, don’t buy me anything… I don’t need anything either…” “What!? So you’re not going to get me anything!?” He faked hurt, his mouth open “No! Shut up! That’s not what I said, I said – you can’t buy me anything! I just won’t get you something either then it’s fair!” He took out his mobile to call back to the restaurant. "Are you sure!? This is your last chance before they pick up! All I can promise is a good table and me for a couple of hours, not even the whole evening - You can back out!" If you weren't with him you didn't want to be out on Valentine’s Day at all. You couldn't believe when it would be so busy he'd even take a few hours out for you... "Danny I don’t care!" You forgot the rest of your sentence, and paid for it. He gasped in pretend shock "You don't care!?...AND I’m not good enough for a gift!?” He laughed, turning his attention back to his mobile as you heard Javier pick up; “Unbelievable!” * You studied yourself in the mirror. Was red too much of a Valentine’s Day colour? Were you about to become the cliché you’d sworn you weren’t!? You had to be honest with yourself you weren’t even sure you’d be wearing red, if it wasn’t for the fact that you had gone out and brought this dress specifically for tonight. It was the same cut as the one you had worn the first time you had frequented his restaurant. And the split up the side showed off your Miami tan. You had gone all out tonight to look flawless. Not for yourself. But for him. Your hair and makeup was perfect, your heels just the right height, and you felt good. The final touch, as ever, was your favourite perfume… You wondered if Danny would remember it from before… Gathering your things together you walked confidently down to your car, loving the sound of your heels striking the floor. You turned up your music loud as you made your way to his restaurant. You weren’t sure about the alcohol involved in tonight for you to be driving… You’d either have to take it slow, or take a cab. It didn’t matter; you could simply collect your car tomorrow… No-one would mind you leaving it overnight. When you arrived in the parking lot you weren’t surprised to see it packed. Luckily for you, dating the man who owned the place had its privileges. Tonight it really paid off; as only the staff parking spaces were free. You knew Danny had a car but, he didn’t have it with him tonight… You rolled your own neatly into his parking space and took a deep breath. Time for your big entrance. When you rounded the corner to the front of the restaurant they were queuing out of the door. Surely this wasn’t people who had reservations!? It was crazy; even for Valentine’s day you’d never seen Danny’s this busy. You smiled to yourself, quite proud – he was going to do well tonight. You walked past the line, which continued inside, where Javier caught you;
“Amorcita! Come, come! Right this way!” “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this busy!” “Trust me… neither have we…” He took your hand and led you; “You look stunning… By the way. Danny doesn’t know what he’s missing by not taking you out!” “When it’s this busy, you best be glad he’s here…!” You followed Javier to a table in the back of the room, where it was quieter. Danny had clearly carefully chosen this spot… “You better like this table! You will not believe the number of times I have had to set it and re-set it!” You could imagine, it was for you - Even perfection would not be good enough for Danny tonight. You smiled gently as Javier sat you so you faced the kitchen; “Now you can at least look at your man whilst he’s working… Though how dare he, when you look this good?” You laughed “Well, Javi, let’s face the facts… We’re both going to be in agony waiting…” He smiled; “I’ll let him know you are here. Trust me, I’ve never seen a man more excited about creating off the menu pieces… He’s been looking forward to this for two weeks… Can I get you your usual drink?” “Oh. No. Javi… That’s okay… I don’t want to get too… drunk?... Tonight… I’m driving.” “Oh… Well, you know, I’m sure Danny’s got something in mind that goes with EVERYTHING he’s made…” He checked his watch; “You think he’d come say Hi…” “He’s busy Javi… But please do let him know I’m here…” He nodded, and left to remind Danny EXACTLY what time it was.
* Javier made sure all of his tables were happy before he made his way back over to you. “SO, whilst Danny is busy. I’m going to be your date!” You laughed; “Why?” “Sorry… Why…?! Because you are the most beautiful girl in the room. And everyone knows it.” You had to admit, whilst you had been sitting here alone, with your thoughts, nearly everyone in the room had been staring at you, glancing over and whispering about the mystery girl who had shown up here dressed to perfection without a date. Who was the guy? And when would he be showing up? It had only made you smirk to yourself. You wondered how they would react when they realised it was Danny? That man sure deserved to show you off tonight; what was wrong with being the eye-candy on his arm just this once? You wanted to prove that he could get the girl – and you had dressed up for him. Not for anyone else. Still, you were flattered by Javi’s compliment “Thank you…” He placed a bottle of your favourite coloured wine on the table, and by the label clearly an expensive one; “Danny says nothing less than the top shelf will do tonight. So he’s really treating you. As I knew he would…” Javier smiled “You’re really good news for him… You know?” “…SO many people tell me that, like’s he’s bad news.” “He’s had his ups and downs. Especially in his love life. They are quite some stories…” He lent on his hand; “But the way he talks about you… man… it’s something else…” You were determined not to blush, so you expertly changed the subject “What about you? Shouldn’t you be out with someone special tonight?” “ME! You’re the best I got. I’m single.” “Single!? NO!” You pulled out your mobile “Are you serious?!” He nodded and then got suspicious as you typed something into it “…Why?” “…Because, honey, do I know the girl for you…” “OH, really?! Matchmaking?” “Yes really… And you’ve already kinda met her….” If you could do a little matchmaking in Danny’s restaurant, why not? After all, it was your interaction with Danny here that had got you together. He raised an eyebrow, and took a breath “Is it the crazy one?” “Define crazy…?” You grinned, knowing both your friends had been flirting with him “Y’know the… order everything off the menu, drunk on Friday night, don’t ask me any questions, staring at me a lot, type crazy one.” “…Would you have a problem if it was…?” He chewed his lip for a moment and then smiled; “I dunno… I think I could go for a little crazy.” You laughed, and wrote her number down on a napkin; “Her name is Amanda, and she’s very dear to me. Be nice.” “What are you doing?! You have got to be kidding? I have to wait two days for you to call my number and you’re just giving yours out to Javi?!” Danny shook his head and folded his arms as he stopped at your table. He had changed out of his chefs’ whites into a black button-up shirt, his attempt to look smart for your date. It worked, in a Danny kind of way. “No…” You looked at him innocently “…I was simply doing a little matchmaking…” “Is that so…” He smiled and leant in to kiss your cheek. He turned to Javi, who stood to take his leave “When you’re ready, my good man, Jason knows how it goes…” “Alright! I’m on it!”
Danny slid into the seat that Javier had just vacated and blew out a breath; “You look… I just… Words… honestly fail me…” You smiled “Well… I just wanted to look good for you.” “For me!? Darlin’, you needn’t have you always look good. Tonight you look…” He made a motion to indicate he couldn’t find the right word. “And everyone is quite rightly staring at you…” “At you…” You leant on your hand, “…I like that…” “Oh. Really…” He reached for the bottle Javier had placed on the table and poured you a sensible glass full “Yeah. It’s about time people knew I was yours…” He chuckled, “Alright… Sweetheart… Well, you’ve clearly made one hell of a point…” He placed his hands together “…Now in advance, I apologise that I can’t stay. But I sure as hell want to make these hours count…” “Baby that’s ok…” “And when I leave, I don’t expect you to stay… It’s going to be a long night. And I’ll be here helping them out until closing. So…” He took a sip of wine, and made a face like he was pleased with his choice “…Please, feel free to leave at any time.” “No… No… That’s ok… I want to stay… I have my car… You can just come back to mine tonight…” He smirked suddenly and leant towards you; “Oh? Is that where this is heading…? A little cliché for Valentine’s Day don’t you think…?” You suddenly realised what you had said; “Danny no! I didn’t mean it like that-!” “No need to be shy about it Y/N… It’s just you and me…” His eyes flicked to the cut of your dress. You were still determined not to blush, lowering your voice to a whisper; “Stop it! You can’t talk like that! Not here!” “Why not? It’s my restaurant… My rules… No-one cares… Why, baby? Don’t you want me?”  You had to look away from his intense stare… But you bit your lip… Wondering if that was where your night might end… You ran your finger lazily around the rim of your glass whilst he took another sip of his “I didn’t say I didn’t want you…” You looked back into his eyes, pouring some sugar of your own; “I just said you can’t talk that way here…” He was right. He knew you. Every off-menu dish he’d created was something you’d talked endlessly about or a variation of something off his menu you truly loved. You realised that every time he’d seen you eat he’d studied you – to the letter. Everything went well together, and everything paired with the wine he’d selected. You were beyond flattered. He continued to flirt with you through the entire meal and you felt like the only girl in the world. Even though your aim had been quite the opposite. He was way too good to you for the man his family made him out to be. “…Oh. Yeah. Just one thing…” He shuffled around in his seat and began rummaging in his pocket it got you curious “…I… Kinda broke your rule…” You could swear your heart was about stop beating and instinctively put your hand over it in relief. You opened your mouth as he placed the box on the table, It was small, black and wrapped intricately with silver ribbon. By its size and shape that he wasn’t about to get down on one knee in the middle of his own restaurant, especially after the previous conversations you’d had here. He followed your train of thought; “Geez! Don’t die on me! Give me SOME credit! I am in NO way sickeningly cliché enough to propose to you in front of my whole restaurant... on Valentine’s Day. Besides I’d never live it down!” He was right, Javier and Jason would never let him hear the end of it. Then he laughed, like he couldn’t resist it “Maybe I’ll do it when we’re alone later!” Still, the joke didn’t ruin the way you felt and you almost had to stop yourself from crying; “Oh! Danny!” “Now it’s not much… But I wanted you to have something…” He slid the box towards you; “You can’t open it until I’m gone… though, ok?” “…You didn’t have to.” “I know. You made that clear. But I wanted to…” He smiled, and poured himself another glass. He looked around the restaurant. It was in a lull period, before the next sitting, and he was glad he’d get to sit with you for a little while longer, at least until you had finished.
When the restaurant started to get busy again, you knew he had to take his leave. “I’m sorry I can’t stay longer.” “No. No… Baby, go do your job…” He stood and rounded the table to kiss you again. It didn’t last nearly long enough; “I promise not to make you wait too long…” But you didn’t mind. You could at least watch him working. “Thank you, for coming here!” “I love coming here!” “I know but… I wish I could have taken you out…” “You’ll get the chance.” You winked “I get to see the guys too…” “True…” He smiled “…See you later. And honestly… Go… Don’t sit here on my account!”  Although, he knew you’d wait there forever if you had to. On his way back to the kitchen he was stopped by another long-term patron. You loved to see Danny laughing, but as he did so he nodded and looked across to you. You couldn’t help but smile until it hurt. This was what you wanted. You wanted them to realise what he had. The man Danny Rayburn really was. And that look of adoration on his face, that was for you… And it wasn’t the only time he was stopped...
* “How you doing? Can I get you anything else? Another drink…? Coffee?” Javier came over to clear away the plates; “Was it good?” “Incredible.” “I told you he was excited…” “I’ll uh... Take you up on coffee, Javi, that would be great. Put in a shot of Bailey’s too.” “Well, that sounds like an idea…” “Oh. And, the check.” “The check-!? Danny will NOT let you pay.” Javier looked taken aback by the very idea. “Javi, He can’t do that again. Let me.” “…Amorcita… I don’t know… Half this stuff was off menu I don’t know if I can…” “Just do your best… Please… Let me pay.” He still seemed hesitant “Look. If I drink any more… Those can go on the house, just… Let me pay. Let me pay all of you, too, with all the hard work you guys do? You deserve it.” “Okay… But this was all your idea…” “Thank you…” You handed him your card and he went off to get your coffee too. When he came back you had pulled the box closer to you; “Here you are… And your coffee… Call me if you need anything else…” “I won’t hesitate… Thank you Javi…” You scribbled out your signature and pulled delicately at the silver ribbon until it unravelled. You were curious… It wasn’t anything so cliché as chocolates or flowers by the size of the box… What would Danny break your one rule in favour of? You lifted the lid gently and had to smile, touching your hand to your chest. The fine gold chain winked in the gentle restaurant candle light as you lifted it delicately from the box, it ran smooth through your fingers as you studied it. Sitting on the end, however was the exact answer to your question. Small, plain, but with symbolism that could not be understated, was a delicate cursive initial. D, for Danny.
The next time the restaurant buzz died to quiet you realised how late it must be getting. As you looked up from your phone you witnessed Jason leave the kitchen. If Danny was letting his staff go, it must have been near the end of the night. Jase caught your eye and wandered over; “Y/N! Have you had a good evening.” “Letting Danny go for a couple of hours was very kind of you Jason… Yeah. I’ve had a great time… I guess it isn’t over yet!” “No, but, should be soon. The kitchen is winding down, Danny said he can take care of the dessert now. Which, for Danny is a big thing. You know he hates baking right? Says it’s all about Chemistry… but cooking… That’s about feel!” He rolled his eyes and you hated to laugh at the way he imitated Danny, but that was exactly something he would say “…Like he doesn’t know what Chemistry is. When he has you…!” He grinned, “I dunno. Anyway, if Danny can handle it, we’re almost done. He won’t keep you waiting much longer.” “How you spending the rest of your evening? You got someone special?” “Yeah, my girl’s pretty understanding. I’ll take her out properly tomorrow… But I’m sure there’s enough evening left to make something of it. Make sure you do to, when he’s finished, alright?” “I will. Now get on to your girl!” He smiled “See you soon Y/N!” He walked away, but then turned and call back down the restaurant “It looks good on you! By the way!” You realised he was talking about the necklace, and you looked down. Its length allowed it to be more visible the deeper the cut of whatever you were wearing. You guessed that was the point, people were more likely to stare at you if you were wearing something that showed your skin. So, it was best to show them that you were already taken. At least, that’s probably how Danny’s feelings went – you didn’t think he was so insecure. He just as likely wasn’t one to put up with another guy putting his eyes on you.
Your phone eventually buzzed and you couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the text; Are you at Dannys!? Maybe… 😉 Did you give me NUMBER to the waiter we had?! And If I did? C’mon. Amanda, you were so into him… I can’t believe you!! Have fun – you’re welcome! At that moment, you heard laughing and the kitchen doors swung open again to more staff leaving. Including Javi, now out of uniform, who interestingly had his phone in his hand. He waved to you, but Danny caught him; “OY! Who said anything about you leaving your tables aren’t all clear!” “What!? C’mon Danny! There’s one left!” “If all your tables aren’t done, you don’t go!” “But she’s…” Danny gave him a significant warning look, making Javi sigh and wander over to you. You nodded to his phone; “Anything I should be interested in.” He grinned “Yeah, matchmaking service… We’re heading out for drinks.” “Wow. You move fast! I thought she had a date.” “It clearly went well…” He gave a wink and then looked to the table. Every other table was neatly cleared and stacked, awaiting usage tomorrow. You were the only one left down this end of the restaurant “So, Danny won’t let me go unless my tables are clear… So… I guess I’m not drinking until you leave…” You got up slowly; “No, let me help you – don’t want you to miss a date I basically initiated…!” You smiled, content to help him carry things back to the kitchen, still chatting excitedly about his plans. Danny sighed; “She can have some of your pay check for that!” “Aw – c’mon! It’s clear now!” How many times was Danny going to threaten to take away his pay check this month?! “Yeah, alright! Off you go!” Danny turned to you; “Sit down Darlin’, at least I can watch you from here now…” He gave a wink as you sat yourself at the bar, Javi came back around and could not resist wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek; “Goodnight Amorcita!” Danny shook his head “…Don’t bother coming back tomorrow!” He yelled after Javi, who laughed “You don’t mean that! You love me really!” That had you and Danny laughing; “Good luck on your date! Let me know how it goes!” He waved to you “I will Y/N!” Turning back to Danny you realised the kitchen was now empty besides him. And the two tables left were finishing up their drinks and paying their tabs. Danny was essentially just clearing away; “Give me half an hour sweetheart and I’ll be done…” “What’s thirty minutes more?” You shrugged. You loved watching him work, you were a little disappointed you’d missed out. Still, watching him clear away meant you were one minute closer to having him in your arms again. *
Finally he waltzed out of his kitchen, bag over his shoulder. He didn’t come to you immediately, instead walking to the back of the restaurant, checking everything was clear and ready for tomorrow and flicking off lights as he made his way back to you. “OK… We can go…” He took your hand in his as he helped you off the bar stool and you wrapped your arm around his. He liked that. You could tell by his smile. Once outside it wasn’t as cold as you would think, even for February.  He kept your hand in his as he locked the door; “So, you like it?” You noticed him look across to the necklace, now flashing in the streetlights. “Like it? Danny… I love it…” You got the feeling now it was on, you would never take it off. “Really?” He smiled; “Good… It looks better on you… I’m almost proud of myself. Bet you’re glad I broke that rule.” “…Yeah. This once…” He pocketed his keys, and walked you to your car. You felt alright for driving, thank goodness. You hadn’t had too much to drink and you had eaten enough. You were just about to pull your keys from your bag when he stopped. You weren’t paying attention, so you were pulled back by his arm. You were about to voice your question when he looked at you; sincerely. “Dance with me.” “…What?” “I didn’t get to take you out properly… Dance with me…” You looked around; here? In the middle of the restaurant parking lot? Was he serious? “Danny, there’s no music? Without music?” He shook his head “We don’t need music. You should know that.” When you still didn’t respond he sighed, letting you go he put his bag down, and held his hand out to you, taking up what you recognised to be an awkward version of a Waltz stance. You took a breath, and smiling, you put your hand in his. He placed his other hand gently on your waist and pulled you closer to him. Placing your other hand on his shoulder you laced your fingers together, and he began to sway you. “You’re crazy… you know that?” “And yet, you’re the one dancing with me…” He smiled, as you relaxed into his arms, resting your head against his chest as he continued to rock you. Bringing your hand in, he placed it against his heart; and you quickly realised that you were dancing to the rhythm of his heartbeat. He kissed your hair, and then your forehead, brushing his cheek against yours to get just that little bit closer to you. The way he enveloped your body with his was protective; and you felt safer now than you had ever felt in anyone else’s arms. The only sound was the cars that occasionally drove passed on their way back from Valentine’s Dates of their own. You wondered how many passengers in them looked over and saw the two of you, moving in a circle under the yellow glow of the floodlit parking lot – and thought you were insane. But you couldn’t have cared less… You were lost in his motion, in the way he held you - as strong as it was delicate – his attempt to show you he would hold you forever but that he would never break you… Any part of you. And you knew that included your heart. You thought it was dangerous for him to make that promise; but you badly wanted it to be true. Your rhythm came to a gentle stop, but he continued to let you get lost in his embrace. Your fingers tangling themselves in the fabric of his shirt, telling Danny you wouldn’t let him go either… You looked up to him; and his blue eyes glowed in the wake of the lighting. He kissed your forehead, the bridge and tip of your nose and finally your lips. You wound your arms around his shoulders and let the kiss linger as long as he would allow. Full of further unspeakable promises. He broke it, finally and chuckled; “Let’s go home…”
 * “UGH!” Danny collapsed on your couch. Now changed into a grey vest top and shorts he ran his hands over his face and through his hair; “That was HELL! Never let me do something like that again!!!” He tipped his head back, making you laugh; “Well. There’s always next year.” “Oh GOD! I’ve only just gone though this year! Remind me to take the day off!” “I wouldn’t let you do that to them!” He made a sound that was painful; “God. I need a drink…” “What a great idea… I like your train of thought…” You wandered over to one of your cupboards and pulled down a bottle and two tumblers. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity; “Is that… whisky? Girl, I like the way you think.” “… I think you’ll find Woodford Reserve brands itself as Kentucky Bourbon…” You looked across to him “Is it a two or three fingers type night?” He laughed; “Three, at LEAST!” You poured him a generous two and a half, and poured nothing more than a dribble for you. A night cap. That was all you wanted. You put the bottle away and handed him the glass. You loved the way Woodford tasted. It wasn’t sweet, it had a savoury quality but by God did it have a burn, it was that that made it your favourite. You took a sip, he studied his glass and then looked back to you; “What? No ice?!” You pointed to your fridge “You have legs!” He puffed his cheeks and narrowed his eyes but he clearly wasn’t about to get up; “Cheers…!” He swirled it before taking a sip, you watched the way he rolled the liquid over his tongue before swallowing, and the breath he let out as it burned; “Oh-! That is good!” You nodded your agreement as he sat back. Now he really allowed himself to study you, he already knew what you were wearing was gorgeous. The deep-V neckline, now complete with his very own initial. The split up the side showed your beautifully tanned legs, giving him just enough but leaving him wanting so much more… it hugged your figure well too. He hadn’t forgotten your little conversation back at his restaurant… Now he was just wondering if you would act on it, or not. “You are so, damn, beautiful…” His voice was quiet, and it edged on sinful promise. You took another sip and looked back to him, then wished you hadn’t at the look on his face. The look in his eyes. Your heart began to pound in your chest. “…Don’t look at me like that…” “Baby…” He shook his head, running is fingers over his lips in a way that sent shivers over your skin; “Why not…” “Because I…” You had to look away, look to your balcony, then to your wall…To anything but his eyes – you couldn’t hold that stare. You noted how deep the breaths you were taking were… Your stomach and your heart and your HEAD were all in agreement on this one. It was Valentine’s Day, why not act on this…? Eventually your eyes had to wander back to his. He was leaning back casually on your couch, and had you locked in his intense gaze. He tapped his finger against the side of the whisky glass that he was holding casually by the rim – he was waiting on you and you knew it. He read you too well, and Danny was always hard for you to resist…
You realised that you too were tapping your glass, but for a different reason; the nerves were building up inside of you… You somehow tore your gaze away from him again. And it fell to your glass; gripping it so tight your knuckles were white… If you were going to do this, then it was your house. And your rules. Decisively you tipped the glass back to finish it and set it down. Walking over to him, slow, confident, with purpose. You would make him wait for you… brushing your hair back you gave him a look to let him know that you were going to be in control here. He ran his eyes back up you again, and by the time they reached your eyes they were dark blue. You sank yourself down onto his lap, straddling him. Locking your legs with his, your feet barely touched the floor as he was sat so far back. You ran your tongue over your lips and took his glass from him, taking one sip for yourself you placed it on the table beside you. He gave an almost defiant whine; you pulled him to you by his top; “My house… My rules…” He seemed to agree with this as you pulled him into a kiss; tasting like whisky that lingered on his tongue he ran his hands up your smooth thighs, hitching your dress just a little higher as you wound your arms around his shoulders to deepen the kiss…. You were now locked in a completely different form of dance…. He hummed gently in approval at the way you ground your hips into his. Continuing to run his fingers over every inch of skin he could get his hands on; he kept his voice low, almost a whisper as he kissed your neck; "You know, now would be a perfect time to start a playlist..." You almost laughed, digging your nails gently into his biceps; and catching his lips with your again; "That would just make it something else..." He squinted slightly; "Darlin'... We've always been about something else..." He ran his hands through your hair, kissing your beautifully tanned skin over and over "...That is why we work so well..." You accepted his kisses with kisses of your own, but he certainly wasn't affording you breathing space; and soon he had you breathless again. Not only that, but he had the situation back under his control. Kissing you wherever he wanted, he offered resistance and held you back from kissing him - that made you whine in discontent - which is exactly what he was looking for; by the smirk on his face. "...That's it baby girl..." His voice, seductive, was back to giving you that shiver; only this time it ran through him too... So he let you kiss him... running his hands back down your body they lingered for a second at the ties on your dress, before he thought better of it. You felt him shift under you, and then he swept you up. You gasped, leaving his lips and gripping his shoulders tight. He cleared his throat, as he began to walk you towards your bedroom; "Mmmh.... There isn't nearly enough room here to do everything I want to do to you tonight..." He let his husky whisper linger for a moment, with a sinful wink. Trouble was, whatever that promise was... You couldn't wait.
** You woke up without him, and you weren’t sure you liked that. Looking around for any signs of where he might be you were disappointed not to find any. Surely, he wouldn’t have gone off to work already? Considering how late it was last night!? And if he did, wouldn’t he have left a note? You hopped out of bed, pulling on a shirt and shorts of your own and wandered out into the corridor. You almost breathed a sigh of relief when you heard sounds emanating from your kitchen and echoing down to your bedroom. Guess it was finally time you took him up on breakfast… You shuffled down the hall and stood watching him for a minute. He was adsorbed in everything he was doing, moving from one thing to another – he hummed to himself. “Mornin’…” “Good morning Sunshine…” He turned to smile at you “…How are you?” You suppressed a yawn; “Good. Yeah… You’re making me breakfast?!” “Figured that you couldn’t say no to this…” He teased… but then made a face “Actually, I’m trying to make you breakfast… uh, note to Y/N… Please actually stock ingredients!” “Uh, note to Danny, you don’t live here. I will have in this house what I damn well like!” He shook his head “You’re lucky I can make what I’m making! Nothing in your cupboards constitutes a balanced meal, I’m shocked you’re still alive!” “…Well I usually spend all my time at work! When do I get the chance to eat here? Let alone cook.” “That’s no good for you either. And you have an extremely sweet tooth, I’m worried.” You shrugged “It doesn’t bother me!” “No clearly…” he opened another cupboard and lamented “…C’mon… You’re killing me here!” “Well, I didn’t ever expect my boyfriend to be a chef..!” “Well, your boyfriend thinks he needs to take you grocery shopping…” You leant on your counter with a smile; “So… Do it!” He turned to you “…OK… I will… If it gets you eating better, I will.” You shook your head at him, until he pointed to the breakfast bar; “Now sit! I’ll be done in a minute.” “Don’t you want me to help?” “No, Darlin’, this is for you. Sit.” He insisted. Finally you understood what Danny meant as he set everything out for you. Everything was simple, and most of it was leaning towards the sweet side of breakfast. You stared at the pancakes for a minute; “Are there sprinkles in the pancakes?” “Yeaaaah...” You scoffed; “Alright, international house of pancakes...” He narrowed his eyes at you and tapped you with his fork “I’m just trying to make things interesting! And with your limited amount of ingredients I worked with what I had...!” You pointed to the sauce “Syrup?” He looked like he was about to give up on you entirely “... Caramel. Easy to make butter, cream, sugar. Surprised you had those to be honest.” “Ah. You’re being very resourceful...” You clearly weren’t awake yet, pointing out to yourself that there was actually already a syrup bottle on the table. “God, please let me take you shopping...” “What today?” He hummed tilting his head one way and then the other “if that’s what you wanna do, Darlin’...” “I kinda don’t wanna do anything… But… I feel like you’re only gonna complain at me if we don’t…” He didn’t quite nod his agreement, but he took your hand in his and rested it on your knee “…If we do… Then at least I can cook for you more often.” “Are you really THAT worried?” “Yeah. I really am.” And you had to smile, because not only was he being sweet – he was also being serious.
What Danny really admired about you was the way you ate. As a chef that was important to him, and it was important you liked what he made you. But the way you thought about every bite you took impressed him. He couldn’t help but love you more as he watched you eat; “What?” “…You… You just… Amaze me, sometimes…” But he pointed to your plate with his fork “Just, less sugar. Next time. Please?” You got this innocent but defiant look on your face as you tilted your head “…Well, I can’t get ALL my sugar from you…” He laughed, and then leant towards you to brush sugar from your lips with his own. It was a good move, and was rewarded by you pulling his shirt to bring his body closer to yours. He deepened his kiss and all that did was threaten for you to take it back to the bedroom. You pulled away, savouring the taste of his lips on yours for just a moment longer; “Hmmm…” He agreed satisfied “I guess you’re right.”
 *** Later that morning you found yourself on a short road-trip; because he was serious about taking you grocery shopping and apparently no other day would do. But now he was driving you, humming along to the radio. It was another nice day, and he had the windows down and his shades on. He looked hot, you had to admit, he was just something else and you were damn proud that he was sitting here beside you. You couldn’t resist texting Amanda, knowing you wanted all the gossip from her night with Javier. It wasn’t like they didn’t ask for every excruciating detail of every date Danny ever took you on. You always remained mysterious about it; Danny showed too much of himself to you and all of it was for you to keep. Not to tell anyone else. Did you wake up with a 10? I didn’t wake up with anybody Amanda! I’m shocked! What happened!? I’m taking it slow. How’s your 10? Well, he’s at least a 12. But yeah, I woke up with him 😉 Ugh. You are beyond lucky. I know. I knnnnow x You were laughing, which got Danny curious. “What?” he nudged your arm when you shook your head “What’s so funny!?” “Nothin’! I’m just…” you waved your hands “Complimenting my awesome boyfriend.” “OH!” He smirked; “IS he now!?” “Well he better damn well think he is too.” “He, uh, I guess he thinks he could be. I mean… He has you.” He let you take his hand in yours; “Well… He takes good care of me… Which is what matters. As he’s proving right now.” “Yeah well. Someone’s gotta do it!” He laughed “Of course I’m happy to do it…!” “Well anything to stop him complaining.” You could tell he was rolling his eyes behind his shades; “Eh….!! I’m not sure he’ll ever do that.” “Shame…” You shook your head “I love him anyway…” “He wants you to know…” he laced your fingers together and looked across to you “He loves you too.”
* You were both tangled up together on your balcony in the late afternoon sun, having the best of lazy days. Your head against his chest as he stroked his hand absentmindedly through your hair… You knew you could stay like this forever… Hell, maybe after your next move you would get that wish. “Danny…” “Hmm?” He blew out smoke in answer, taking another drag of his cigarette as you shuffled around, producing a box tied up in blue ribbon. “I’m actually kinda glad you broke your promise, Because… Now I get to give you this…” He shook his head, “You didn’t have to get ME anything…” Although his eyes flicked to the necklace you were still wearing proudly… He rested his cigarette in the ash tray and took the box from you, “Are you sure?” “Yes!” “…Seriously you didn’t have to.” “I wanted to, too. Anyway, this one is important…” He looked to the box, pulling the blue ribbon slowly he met your eyes again. Would this be as important to you as that necklace was to him? he wondered. You sighed; “Danny! Just open the damn thing the suspense is killing me!” He gave it his full attention as he lifted the lid gently. Then looked a little confused as he was presented with a set of keys; “Are these… The keys to your apartment…?” He lifted them from the box and studied them with careful interest. “…You’re giving me the keys to your apartment?” “No…” You were careful with your choice of words, “Well. No, yeah that’s what they are, but that’s not what I’m asking.” He turned his attention to you out of curiosity… You took a deep breath. Only your parents had keys to this apartment besides you. But, you’d already made up your mind on this one. Danny wasn’t just someone you were seeing, he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. And it wasn’t Valentine’s Day, or whisky or heck even sugar talking. This was pure and simple; it was the way you felt and you had to let him know it. You looked at him with nothing but adoration; “Danny… I’m asking, please, and in the most real… honest, wholehearted way I can… For you to move in with me.”
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@stcphstrange - Protect this one with your life! It’s been through a lot!!
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wokainight · 7 years
NCT Reactions: Office Antics (part two)
notes: basically a collection of various nct members x you displaced in an awkward office setting.
part one | part two | part three
trend setter, hot gossiper (!!)
knows everything about everyone and is currently playing cupid and matchmaking the sht out of everyone in the company
very curious
despises not knowing things
tends to butt into other people’s business and has good intention— but it may come off as being snobbish or overly rude
does his work well and is very good at persuading and customer interactions 
talks well
talks in general
vroom vroom show
apparently he practices funny chats inside his car and emcees the sht out of every event
the both of you were supposed to plan an event together with doyoung as emcee and you as the main coordinator
but he’s also trying to set this guy up with the hottest girl in the company and so far, his efforts are null
so he’s decided to make use of the event and perhaps hold a public proposal— to which you decline because,,
“doyoung-ssi, it’s not valentine’s day. there’s no need to implement such event.” you were quite stern because he was being overly imaginative with his mind and was planning a cruise boat???
where is the funds????????
but he insists on holding the confession event
and he’s kind of above you in the company so you grumble and have to tag along with him
then comes the actual event
everything was going well and it has come to the highlight of the show where the guy who has to confess was to go up the stage
you had to take emceeing for a while because doyoung is giving the guy one to one support session
but then the guy’s in huge denial that he probably will get rejected 
at last minute)
and doyoung’s trying to shove him onto the shade but then they played wrestling and the guy who was confessing does judo and kickboxing while doyoung’s just lean and tall and the poor boy had his ass kicked onto the stage where he stumbled and rammed himself onto you
he falls on top
and coincidentally
his lips on yours
and the crowd cheers because it’s rather spontaneous but romantic and everyone’s off guard
and then the stage fireworks for the confession flares up along with the congratulatory song and confetti rains from the sky and you just stare at doyoung in shock
whAT happened to the event???
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very hOT
a legit social butterly as in he’s literally connected to everyone??
whereas johnny’s followed by a crowd of fangulls, doyoung for people seeking love advice,,,,
ten is followed cos:
he’s teN
like no reason
he’s just really extroverted, 
and knows how to charm the sht out of people!!!
and again——
a social buttERFLYYYYYYY~~
easily amused and smiles/ laughs like no tomorrow
easily holds a conversation and has a certain degree of closeness with everyone
an aegyo machine
and tends to get favours done through his positive impression and cutesy appearance
loves to drink
a rather wild child--- 
earrings for days
ripped skinny jeans for days
gets wilder when he’s drunk
and you’re kind dragged into one of the office parties where ten just makes everyone take ten shots each bcos why not and nobody could really pronounce his real name after that--
(not that they could in the first place)
and then ten’s 3/4 drunk when he approaches you bcos you’re just on your phone @ a little lonely corner and he thinks that he could be the spice to your day and tries to smoothly pass you really dirty jokes and you’re like
uhhhh no?????
but he wiggles his brows and eyes the back door and you;re like
wtf dude nO
but ten’s charming and like the charmer he was, he drags you by the elbow and the both of you exit the scene like its nothing
it was just a walk at a nearby park under the moonlight with ten humming to a rather familiar tune and you towing behind just as sorely as u did whilst sitting your ass down during the party
he turns to you and its weird how he knows your name and that you’re doing that particular project and that its been only six months since you entered the company
“...how did you know?” you make a rather bashful eye contact with him
“was it supposed to be a secret?” he laughs, 
and the way his eyes crinkled makes you felt rather clenched cardiovascular-wise
he makes your heart beat
“there’s just no reason for you to know” 
“you’re under my wing right? well, i have every reason to know.” and this time, he stops walking and gives your shoulders a friendly pat “aw don’t be so hard on yourself” then he smashes his rather muscly frame against yours and you’re kinda stuck in his hug for a good five minutes before he pulled back
“wow” was all he said before he turned to leave
the next day, you find your desk decorated in roses and you’re not sure why ten’s whistling at you as you walk by or why he’s given you a piece of paper with ‘xxxx me, [insert a bad lipstick smudge] - ten’
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that literal pot of flower boy with milky flawless skin and dimples that powers a radiating smile (probably radioactive)
nice to everyone
says hi to all
but a really private person
most people don’t know much other than the fac t that he’s a valentines boy and his name is jung jaehyun
an observant type of person
people watching
lOTS of staring
and then cue the bashful smile
damn those dimples
{{{{[[[[(((ifyouhaven’tguessed who mybiasis))}}}}{]]]]
you’ve been transferred to his branch and he’s kind of your seat mate and most of the time you’re working with his schedule cos he’s been here longer than you have and will hopefully guide you??
and he does
cos he’s nice
and a ball of sunshine (not literally) (i mean his smile blinds me but his personality is not extravagantly cheerful like ten’s or doyoung’s)
but you’re pretty good at getting to know person and you realise he likes to drink banana milk instead of coffee and that he secretly eats a pack of honey butter chip which lies inside his third drawer on the right
or the fact that he’s a huge ass foodie who likes to try out different dishes
because jaehyun’s so attentive to everything, he doesn’t really have time to pay attention to the fact that you’re paying attention to him
does it make sense????
and the irony doesn’t stop there
you’r e kinda neutral about him
just because you notice these little things doesn’t automatically make you fall for him in the romantic department... it was all pure observation
but turns out
the gREAT jung jaehyun is in love with you
you had your doubts when he started to treat you differently from other girls
i guess
opposites attract???
and he’s kinda been wanting to confess but has never had the time
and you’re talking with your best friend over the phone and you think everyone’s went home for the day but doesn’t realise that jaehyun’s just hiding in the corridor (the door was open) and was waiting for you to finish conversing with your friend
he had a bouquet of your favourite flowers and a little hand written card
dude was going to go for it
but you’re kinda in a flustered conversation when your best friend mentioned about the guy whom you mentioned who could’ve possibly liked you = jungjaes (or so they call him) (poor luck’s on you cos this was all in loud speaker)
and you;re like,,, “of course i don’t like like him-- i mean he’s a nice person but-”
and you hear something drop from outside the room and you have your bff on hold and walks out to check who is there (you were slightly creeped out because it’s dark and nighttime and it might have been a ghost) 
you find a bouquet of flowers and a pink envelope-- you turn your head quickly to catch a shadow turning for the stairs
and you pick up the card, open it and it kinda kills you in the inside slightly
‘Will you be mine? 
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china boi
pretty much more important and more influential than the actual ceo of the company??? 
cos he’s a bOSSS (SQUAKKKK)
the golden boy of the company-- everyone loves him and legit is like that beloved youngest child!! has a semi-playful personality with an awkward touch and a hint of innocence
probably knows much more than you think he does
the discreet but obvious type
when you think that you’re ordering him around.. he’s actually just turned the table and now yOU’Re the one with the task
p r e t t y
one time TY track asked him to photocopy and then he just looked at the elder male straight in the face, placed the papers back in his hands and said:
“i’m busy”
or when he was absent for three hours and everyone was searching around for him only for him to come out of an unused cupboard with a sleeping bag and going “what’s the fuss?”
(everyone thought he either died,,, 
or was kidnapped)
and let’s not forget the time where he ‘accidentally’ poured soju into the bowl of fruit punch and walked away because another person called out for him and then realising later on that he actually did that
(it was it planned?)
in the end, he was the ojnly one who didn’t drink the fruit punch because he claimed of not liking the fruits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so you’re his supervisor
and your job is to literally find winwin in between people and various individuals who love him to bits
like literally
dong sicheng is always covered in love and chocolate and probably kisses???
and today is like any other day
but you find winwin in between two younger staff,,, both of which was arguing who would get to touch his ears today
it’s like a thing where only 10 people can touch his ears per day
you wondered why everyone had so much time-- but guessed it was because TY track was the supervisor and he practically does everyone’s work and cleaned after their mess
and winwin was just boredly staring ahead when he finds your eyes, hypes u p and excused himself
“are you searching for me noona?” he said, accent thick
but you roll your eyes and sighed,
“for the last time,,
we’re the same damn age sicheng.”
he just smiles his average angelic smile and leaned down, somehow making your heart beat faster (or was it because you were so unfit earlier on when hiking up the stairs-- holding onto the railings for your dear life)
“do you want to touch my ears?”
you groan, pushed his head away and turned on your heels, “follow me, we have work to do”
and just like a little chick, he followed after you with bouncy footsteps, saying goodbye to group of girls whining for him to come back
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roppuri · 7 years
Star Wars The Last Jedi Review
I think i need to post this because i don’t understand all the hate, this movie is not perfect but i like it and i think it doesn’t deserve to get so much hate trust me at least they didn’t scream Martha to end the fight, lol jk jk
Spoilers, ofc
The Themes
SW TLJ was about failure, all of the characters were experiencing failure in this movie, all resistance’s plans were a total failure... Luke was failed to train Kylo... Rey was failed to invite Kylo etc
The Storytelling
Overall it divided in two parts, A (Leia, Poe, Rose, Finn) and B (Kylo, Rey, Luke)... i’ll say it... A was not good, the important goal of this A was to introduce Finn love interest named Rose (yes! love interest! alert for Finn x Rey shippers) i knew the theme was failure but this A ended up bad with poor storytelling, here’s why :
Finn and Rose were to find a man in flower pin to crack the code but ended up in jail and met random jail guy who could crack the code (LUL! that was some luck you had, in the end that flower pin guy wasn’t even needed and that random jail guy betrayed them)
Admiral Holdo didn’t even tell Poe why she chose to abandon the ship to go for base in the closest planet from the beginning sound very stupid for me (LUL! again, abandoned base... what a luck! and what’s so wrong about telling him?)
Casino’s point was to tell about Rose’s backstory but it delivered so bad because so many coincidences like point 1
btw, so many people complain about Leia’s sudden superman power but cmon man, Leia had force and she lived over 50+ years! there’s no way she couldn’t use the force, even when she was unconcious... she was meant to be badass here but ended up being flamed by a lot of people FeelsBadMan for the director
in the end Finn & Rose plan failed and they was being captured but with boom here and there they were magically survive, Poe looked very stupid for boycotting because he didn’t even know a thing about Admiral’s true plan and Admiral didn’t even want to tell him! and the kiss from Rose was so forced!.. yes, they could make Finn a love interest but not this fast! i couldn’t believe Rose in love with Finn after only first adventure.. im pretty sure there’s still Ep.9 ? hello.. ? amirite? im not defending this, this A is so bad in story telling... a bad part about the movie.
B, in contrast was good Kylo and Rey’s relationship progress here was the best part of this movie, trust me guys i didn’t even ship them in TFA but this movie, TLJ sold me that pairing, all of their conversations were pretty good, yin and yang reference, disney prince & princess reference, sexual tension almost in everything they did... (ok, perfect! i’ll make 3 possible endings : 1) make Kylo dead in Ep.9,redeem himself and we’ll get another ep.6  2) make Kylo and Rey dead together in Ep.9 and make shippers riot 3) make Kylo and Rey ended up together, marry, have kids and a lot of fans will say SW is a romantic disney princess movie, LUL jk.. just saying)
Rey’s parents were not an important person and im totally fine with that... remember Anakin? and again made a total contrast with his boyfriend, i mean Ben So.. Kylo Ren
A lot of people were angry about Luke’s characterization but i think he was fine... he was a human you know, he’s scared another Darth Vader appeared again and just for a bit he wanted to kill his own student, just for a sec.. but then he stopped, realized and regretted of what he has done...btw the first time he knew Darth Vader was his father, he can’t accept it y’know... why do you think he threw himself to the space? but then he realized there’s still a light inside him and want to take his father back, so what’s the difference between the first and the second one? Luke was not OOC at all, even when he’s being a coward but again this was very human for him, your hero was not flawless... your hero was a human.
Snoke and Phasma... eeeh, yes, they were a total waste in this movie but they didn’t even appealing to me ever since the TFA, i didn’t want 30min wasted for their backstory LUL i didn’t care... for me the main villain was Kylo than Snoke like Darth Vader than Palpatine and in the end Snoke & Palpatine were both killed by their apprentice LUL the only difference was just Kylo did it faster, i was OK with that because it seems like TLJ wanted to take a different turn for Ep.9
Final fight was ok, Luke was badass and Luke’s death was tolerable maybe for adding a plot twist which was actually unnecessary but hey you didn’t want your hero to be sliced in half right? his death was so peaceful and he'll become cooler when he become ghost anyway (Yodaa, Dumbledooore, GanDaaLF)
Overall Kylo and Rey saved this movie for me, fantastic movie? no. garbage movie? no, but it was enjoyable, it didn’t decrease my love for SW and i’ll definitely in for Ep.9 because of them
Long post, sorry for grammar, my English is bad etc etc... my opinion is super subjective, feel free to disagree but pls no flame, TY
the Reylo is too stronk, btw.. but Disney keep it PG-13 if not they’ll have sex already
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chom-raaa · 8 years
A long winding commentary on Home is Where the Heart Is Ch14 (by setosdarkness)
@athina39 whoops this got really out of hand…
This week a lot of my favorites fics have updated and I’m like hmmm HIWTHI will probably update any time now. I have zero self-control when I read this fic, so I spent my whole break, and most of my commute reading. And most of my evening to write this because I did not expect it  to be so big (^v  ^;)
“…I could hear the number of exclamation points on that. Is that not acceptable?” Tachihara is so adorable, and I love how he’s similar to Atsushi when it comes to Akutagawa, and how Chuuya learned “life skills” from Atsushi lolololololol!! But dammit Chuuya, so clueless, thinking that Tachihara is “such a nice guy” and a “great kouhai” even though he’s acting like Atsushi, even though he knows Atsushi is madly in love. But then I guess Chuuya doesn’t see why someone would love him Q.Q Also, I like the mention of how Chuuya could predict Tachihara’s response “even if he doesn’t have Flawless.” The way flawless and Oda just kind of slip into his thought process kajsdhfajks
I love how Chuuya’s apartment has become all colorful and vibrant with flowers and nice things jdaklhfdkjadshf and DAZAI IS JUST A PART OF IT!!!!
And when the waitress was smiling at Chuuya for dabbing his napkin at Tachihara’s face and he assumes it means she’s approving of that “normal action”, because he thinks it’s normal when Dazai does it. Because apparently he’s not anything special to Dazai so what Dazai does with him is normal, not anything particularly special CHUUYA PLEASE
Also I think everyone reading this fic has adopted Higuchi’s dying seal sound *nods*
Chuuya’s still concerned about his little outing with Dazai after his date awwwwwwww
Dazai knowing Chuuya’s schedule better than him, making all these arrangements for him (“blackout curtains and the hypoallergenic bedding” whooooa), practically managing his life for him what a waifu <3 I also love the thing where Chuuya throws forks and knives at Dazai who effortlessly deflects all the attacks with a spoon, how married they are *Higuchi squealing noises*</p>
YURI ON ICE. YURI ON ICE. That’s all I’m gonna say.
I love love love how Chuuya goes to pray for Dazai’s safety while Tachihara wondered if he was planning sea travel and how it mirrors one of the previous chapters and aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Chuuya feels left out of the loop because all these things are happening without him: everyone on some secret assignment and apparently it’s not important that he knows. “He—he’s useless when it comes to strategies and planning.” And he’s just trying to justify all of it, because he’s just not good enough to be included or something like that (but no Chuuya you’re such a good boss!!!!)
Moving on to Chuuya’s expectations. He can’t seem to expect anything good from Dazai and even when good things happen he just assumes it’s temporary and something else is coming later (poor baby).
“I try not to expect Dazai’s good behavior whenever possible” Because Dazai let him down too many times Q.Q
And how he just savors every moment they have together because who knows when it will all just come to abrupt halt?? Like that scene where Dazai booked a room with only one bed and he just enjoys the moment because “after all, once Dazai decides that he’d like to leave again, there will be no repeat performances of this comforting closeness anymore”.  And when they screw up the ice skating tournament and it was all such a mess but Chuuya saw it as “a chance to dance that closely, intimately, with Dazai, but that’s neither here nor there”. He perceives it as a “chance”, an opportunity, something good that he wants to hold on to. Despite being so involved in each others’ lives it’s like Chuuya is falling the whole time and bracing for impact, preparing himself for the worst, but then it’s only natural.
And once again with how Chuuya rationalizing Dazai’s behavior. “Dazai laughs - but it’s soft instead of grating. Though that’s probably because…” and there’s always a reason because it simply CANNOT be what he wants it to be. All the excuses are better than making assumptions, because look where that got him in the past.
Poor Chuuya just avoiding the route with the greatest potential of pain QAQ It’s so sad that someone who usually takes things head-on would distort his thoughts ignore some really obvious signs because it’s brought him so much pain. 
When Dazai talks about them spending the next New Year’s together “Chuuya smiles, because that kind of promise is nice, but ultimately means nothing. It’s nice, if only in this moment though.” OMG he wants this so bad but he’s so resigned to the fact that Dazai’s just going leave at some point alksdjalksdjf
 I love the texts Chuuya gets from everyone. I love how distinct their voices are <3 Atsushi freaking about chazuke, Aku thanking Chuuya for helping him make chazuke (gimme all the akuatsuuuu). Aku warning Chuuya about Dazai, I just love the way he talks about Dazai now go Aku!! Yosano and Kouyou? Ranpo wants to give Poe gifts akjsdfhkajdshf! </p>
Some notes on Dazai: “Does that guy need anything aside from your company anyway?” *more dying seal noises* I just love the way Steinbeck says that like it’s common sense and that the oh-so-tricky Dazai is so obvious and predictable in his affections. And Dazai always replying to texts if they’re from Chuuya, trying to be there in his own way I guess *cheering Dazai on*
“I am helpless against your beauty and I’ll need your company to cure me of this lovesickness” OMG I almost died of laughter (maybe we all kind of have that feeling for Chuuya tho), but then I read the next part where Chuuya thinks it’s some kind of code and then later: “Did you just fucking imply that my looks made you sick?!” aaahahahahahaha I’m dead XD
“Ah, so the man-tiger really sounds threatening when said by mafia members. I thought it was just Akutagawa.”
 “Do you really want to know what i call him, Chuuya-san?” I love Atsu’s not-so-innocent side
 And when Chuuya denies missing Dazai and Atsu’s all like"Are you excited about Fukuzawa’s return then?“ LOLOL
Aku’s "I’m going to the hospital” comment. Period.
OK so the mistletoe, which has all sorts of romantic connotation and stuff, sacred plant of a goddess of love, all magical and etc etc, but then Chuuya says “Mistletoe are parasites, pests….They…kill trees. And stuff” as if he’s talking about how loving Dazai was killing him.
And before they have their indirect “kiss” there’s “Because things have ultimately not changed, have they? They can’t change–because that would mean—“ and he’s just not ready to accept that yet. Not an actual kiss. Puh-lease.
Back to my earlier point on Chuuya anticipating loss and disappointment; he knows he wants this with Dazai, he slowed down all of those moments he had to be close to him, but he just can’t see a happy ending. And Dazai just kind of confirms it too, telling Chuuya he’s going to Russia with Mori and Fukuzawa last minute and leaving just like that. Not really telling him the details of his mission.
And “Dazai siphons the life out of him, leaving him with work, work, work. It’s just like before, only with more phone contacts and more Facebook friends, this time. He wonders if he should feel happy for expecting this all along.” Draining him LIKE THE DAMN MISTLETOE.
Dazai not telling Chuuya that he’s really moved in with him. How Atsushi knows, everyone knows, but not Chuuya. Once again left out of the loop.
“Dazai claimed to never lie on negotiations and what happened back then–was a negotiation, nothing else……Dazai Osamu is a fucking liar” The way he rejects Dazai’s confession, the way he’s forced himself to see their relationships ajkdfhajksdhfkajsh
“Chuuya’s heart beats staccato beats of misery and hurt, as he watches Dazai’s face remain impassive, in control. He hates it.” This contrast between Chuuya’s turmoil and Dazai’s perceived calmness, Dazai sort of making his decisions for him, running him in circles just because he could predict his reactions. How frustrating, how unfair. The table flip was so impactful in this scene. How can he struggle for autonomy against someone who can grasp everything in the palm of his hand?
Dazai’s trying to be careful but his lack of transparency is one of their biggest problems, way to go Dazai. Just because you know he’s going to reject you doesn’t mean that you can just hide things and not let him do it. Let this poor man decide T.T I do acknowledge his effort though.
Chuuya’s three years of trying to be normal falling apart, I love how he corrected it to eight years, because he’s been struggling for so much longer.
(Mori asking Dazai to be the PM’s new Boss? Ouch, OUCH)
“’And I’m just the sharpest tool in your box.’” He’s been holding that one in hasn’t he? The way Dazai was his world while to Dazai he was just an object to be used. 
And holy shit Dazai, telling Chuuya that they can’t have normal things because they’re monsters. Chuuya’s been struggling so long to find self-worth, to finally deserve to live among normal people…I would imagine that he would have these feelings for sure, being such a kind person doing such wicked things, but then it was because DAZAI was the one who said it, who invalidated his feelings, that hurt him the most. *sobbing*
Chuuya’s actually crying now, finally falling apart after keeping it together for so long, but Dazai can’t just kiss those tears away now like he did after his nightmare. Because all of those insecurities and scars are coming right back to reality now.
“Eight years ago and Chuuya would have carved out his own, beating heart, the moment Dazai said that it’s part of the plan.” The way this was written, from the wording to the buildup from the previous paragraphs, was so raw and painful I had to stop reading for a moment because sweet Mother Theresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz Chuuya needs so much love.
He wants proof, perfectly acceptable because there is overwhelming evidence of Dazai hurting Chuuya. The little bits of him caring for Chuuya are overshadowed by Chuuya’s Dazai-is-pain-I-can’t-come-close-or-I-won’t-be-able-to-bounce-back-again mode. Especially when Dazai is STILL hiding things from him. Still making his choices for him. And despite all of his efforts he feels as if nothing’s changed. Dazai’s still lying, he can’t be normal, can’t escape from the past, “He’s the only one truly disgraced here, tainted with darkness, tainted with the budding light of hope that will never fully bloom.”
Dazai asking for him to just believe even if there’s no proof is outrageous at this point.
But then akjdhfaksjhfaksjadfh Dazai’s all desperate and just pleading for him not to push him away how heartbreaking.
They’re going to need a catalyst to get back together right? Please send help!
Thanks so much for this wonderful update!! So intense adfasajkfhaskjhdjk, I can’t wait to see how the characters handle this. (I did not proofread my comment so sorry if I rambled too much)
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astralaces · 8 years
im bitter so here is a hateful review of la la land
okay, so before i went into this movie i had read nothing but good things about it. i’ll admit i was a bit skeptical, but i sat my butt in that theater hoping that the reviews had been right.
boy, were they wrong.
alright so my biggest complaint overall is that i was told that this was a musical but i swear no one in this can sing to save their life. now im no vocal expert, but the leads voices seemed far too weak and breathy. they get a a tiny bit better towards the end, but even then the performance is lackluster. 
my next problem with this is that even though this is supposed to be a musical, none of the numbers sang by the cast do much to progress the story. the beginning of the movie literally wastes your time with a number that does nothing but remind you that this movie will, in fact, have singing and dancing. this wouldn’t have ticked me off as much if the number was actually good.
anyways, after that pointless number mia and seb (the two leads) see each other for the first time when seb angrily speeds past mia who was holding up traffic.
after that happens, we find out that mia is an aspiring actress who works as a barista. we see her go through several failed auditions and after she goes home we are introduced to her friends/roommates (who turn out to be irrelevant for the rest of the film) and then get forced to sit through another crappy number. again, the number serves no purpose other than to show us that mia apparently doesn’t get out much. anyways, at the end of the number mia gets all dressed up to go to a party with her friends.
so at this point i just want the movie to get on with it, BUT WAIT! now we get a full rewind and get to see the beginning of the day through seb’s point of view! honestly the pacing of this movie was shit the whole way through.
okay, so we go back to seb beeping at mia to get her ass moving along the freeway and then we see him go to his empty apartment filled with unpacked boxes. his sister is there and basically tells him to get his shit together and this is how we find out that he wants to open a jazz club. 
so some more irrelevant shit happens and we shift back to mia who has ditched the party and stumbles upon some kind of dinner club place. and oh, what do you know, seb is there playing piano (his ass is then promptly fired for being unable to stick to the music he was given). 
as seb walks out, mia tries to tell him that his playing was great, but he shoves her out of the way and leaves. great job of making him seem likable movie.
so then the movie shifts to the springtime (everything before this was in winter) and mia is at another party where seb also happens to be. the movie pulls another bullshit card by having the two of them recognize each other even though the last time they ever “interacted” (if you can call it that) was months ago.
mia is still bitter about seb being a douche that one night so she starts trying to give him a hard time. again, nice way to give us some likable characters movie! i swear almost every action taken by these characters just reinforces the fact that they are both assholes.
more shit ensues and for no reason at all seb and mia decide to take a walk together. in case you were wondering, the chemistry between them is horribly written. i was sitting there wondering why in god’s name the movie was trying to push it. it’s obvious that these two have absolutely no reason to like each other at all.
anyways, they spout some bullshit about how the fact that they keep running into each other must be fate (even though this is barely the third time they’ve seen each other and the first time they interacted for more than a split second). honestly, these forced romances make me shudder.
honestly this whole movie is a train wreak so i might get some of the rest of this shit out of order and i might miss some stuff, but bare with me.
so later on seb shows up to mia’s workplace and they hang out (it’s worth noting that since mia works on movie sets seb had to run past the guards to get in. i don’t know about you guys, but i’d find that kind of behavior really freaky from someone i just met.). seb ends up telling mia all about jazz (a painfully boring scene to sit through. i understand that the movie wanted to educate it’s audience but as someone who was taught this shit in school it made me roll my eyes) and mia begins to like the genre as well. so seb invites her out and she agrees.
the problem with this is she already has a boyfriend (or something to that effect. i don’t think it’s ever explicitly said what her relationship with him is, but from what my friends and i could tell they were in a relationship). he takes her out to dinner on the same night she planned her date with seb and she just. up and fucking leaves the dinner table. no explanation, no curtesy for anyone else. she just gives a pathetic “im sorry” and races over to seb. 
so mia and seb watch a movie and are about to kiss when the movie’s film burns up, interrupting them. gotta keep that crappily written romantic tension going kids!
eventually mia and seb get together and we get a dull montage of them going out. at one point they’re in a museum and they fucking start floating through the room out of no where?? i get that these types of films always have that element of disbelief to them but this was so fucking jarring?? the movie had been taking itself so seriously up until this point that all i could do was sit there and mouth are you serious?
so la la la they start living together and shit. eventually they come across an old “friend” of seb’s who im pretty sure was named keith (i might be wrong but im just going to refer to him as this). so the scene with them is really awkward and seb looks uncomfortable. he tells mia that things are always awkward with keith, but we are never told why. it’s obvious that these two characters have some kind of history but it is literally never addressed. 
so the reason keith was there was to offer seb a job with his new group. mia convinces seb to go for it and in return seb convinces mia, who is still struggling as an actress, to write her own show. 
keith’s group turns out to play their version on a modern take on jazz and seb (who wants to save the genre) is turned off at first but hey, the guy needs some money so he joins.
eventually the group becomes a huge success (they put on a show and everyone except mia likes their music) and seb is always away from home performing.
because of this, we get the only entertaining thing in this entire film. the sad thing is the scene as a whole is bland, but one of seb’s lines brought me back from the brink of death after sitting through everything that had happened beforehand.
alright, so mia basically asks seb when he’s going to get out of the group and start his jazz club/restaurant since that was his dream and he had already gained enough funds to do it. seb tells her that he’s going to continue with the group because he’s finally making some money.
the couple continues arguing and that’s when it happened. seb added three years onto my life when he essentially tells mia that she only liked him when he was poor off his ass cuz it made her feel better about herself.
now, just because that was the only entertaining this in this whole movie, that does not mean i’m not going to add asshole points onto seb’s character. 
so mia storms out of the apartment and seb stays behind. so any normal viewer would assume this is a breakup for them, but apparently it’s not? because seb still tries to make it to mia’s one woman show.
needless to say seb ends up getting there too late and mia is pretty much destroyed over the fact that no one expect her friends and a few other people decided to show up. now this is where we get our big break. seb tries to apologize but mia drives off because of how hurt she is. she ends up going back to her parents’ house.
a while later a woman calls seb. she’s some kind of casting director or something and she says she was at mia’s one woman show and she loved it (can anyone say plot convenience?). so seb drives off to get mia.
he gets there and the two of them begin to argue. seb wants her to meet with the lady who called him because it was a chance to make her dreams come true. mia doesn’t want to go because she’s tired of failing and being disappointed. 
seb then goes on to be a hypocritical ass about the whole situation. he essentially gave up his dreams to play in keith’s group and had the audacity to get mad at mia for giving up on her’s. eventually mia comes around and meets with the woman.
surprise surprise, she gets the part. she leaves to paris for five years after she and seb proclaim that they love each other. in the end, she comes back, but she had married another man and has a daughter.
she goes for a night out with her husband and they walk into a jazz club. SURPRISE! it’s seb’s club. once they see each other we get a shitty “what could have been” ending where it shows what their lives could have been like if they ended up together.
needless to say it’s another waste of time. as i’ve already said their romance was dug out of a garbage can, but even if it had been written well, mia and seb are just plain unlikable.
when you’re telling a story your characters have to be likable. i’m not saying that they have to be perfect and flawless, but they have to have at least a few redeeming qualities for your audience to want them to succeed.
as far as mia and seb go they were such assholes that i didn’t really give a shit if they’d succeed in making their dreams come true. i wasn’t rooting for them to end up together. all i wanted was for the shit fest that is la la land to end.
thankfully, once mia and her husband leave the club the film actually DOES end (i swear there were like three fake out endings in this. it’d make you think your suffering had ended but NOPE. there’s more!). 
the thing that really gets me about this crap movie is the fact that it gets so much praise. hell, even the camera work was shit in some parts. they’d pan over a large group of people, but keep everything blurred. after a while that shit really starts to hurt your eyes.
the setting was jarring (it takes place in modern day, but tries to go for a 20′s/50′s aesthetic. it just doesn’t work) and the overall performance was underwhelming. 
the writing was horrible and the musical talent was nonexistent. all in all this is one of the worst movies i’ve seen. 
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