#my rewatch will forever be ruined LOL
tiny-breadcrumbs · 7 months
I just realised the actor who play guan hemeng is the same person with this dork zhao qing feng in the birth of the drama king!
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LMAO how can I take physician guan seriously after this?! 😭🤌
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astriddestelle · 11 months
The way I was obsessed with enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers as a kid 😭😭😭 my top pairings growing up ranked. Canon/Fanon included.
Can you tell I’ve been on a nostalgic rewatch.
1. Logan/Quinn from Zoey 101. The OG teenbop enemies to lovers omg I stan. When they pronounced their love for each other at the season finale at the prom, screaming crying throwing up. The way they get together is so random lmao he calls her hot and they kiss then Michael rides by on a horse like what? But the pay off and ending was so *chefs kiss*
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2. Courtney/Duncan from TDI. They were everything to me and Cartoon Network ruined it. First season the bantering, the flirting. When I tell you I was hooked. The scream I scrumpt when they finally kissed (also me didn’t she just throw up but whatever I guess) then she left and it was all downhill from there.
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3. Rose/Jake from ADJL. The Romeo and Juliet of this paring needs to be studied. They were so down bad for each other. When Jake found out she was huntsgirl then when she found out. Their first kiss being right before she had to ‘kill’ him for sport in an arena. Her giving up her life to keep him and his family safe, him giving up her to keep her safe. 😭😭😭 they don’t make em like they used too
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4. Draco/Harry from HP. The ship that started it all. Before this I’d never read a slash fic before is it even still called that. Anyways this right here is my longest going ship I’m still into only reason it’s not higher is that I love the other ones more. You get so many variations of this, from the super toxic fic, to the I’ve always secretly loved you, to the meet up after the war is over and so on and so forth. Ugh I love it. There’s like 50,000 fics of them on a03 and I know I’ve read like half at least 🤣
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5. Zuko/Katara from Avatar. My second non canon ship on here. When I tell you I was obsessed with them. Sigh then I discovered other fandoms and by the time I came back to them I was just done. Which I think comes fromm just not being as much of a Zuko fan anymore. This ship was gold, tho, I mean come on I’ll save you from the pirates how can I not. The way he jumped in front of her (obviously he’d do the same for everyone but like listen it ate down bad) the whole crystal caverns episode was fuel to the fire, the writers/creators knew what they were doing
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6. Jake/Miley from Hannah Montana. Another OG omg she hated him so much. The flirty the snark then they had to kiss and both of em were like oh hot damn. They were so cute together and I will forever hate Disney for making her choose Jake just for him to cheat on her like what was the reason. What was the reason 😭😭
7. Alejandro/Heather from TDI. Woo child buckle up. This is one of those slowburns cause it’s not until like a quarter in to the season you’re like hold up. Are they going where I think they’re going and then they did. I don’t like the ending cause seriously wtf was the point. But the lead up and bruh the stuck in a hole song I still sing that on a daily. They were literally made for each other.
8. Chad/Sonny from Sonny with a Chance: one thing about Disney they ate down when it comes to enemies to lovers, or annoyance to like, whatever you wanna call it. Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny omg the drama was beautiful, they hated each other so much and when they started dating I bout passed out. Lol they were so hilarious together I miss it.
9. Raven/Beastboy from TT. This and next two aren’t super enemies to lovers, more live annoyances or belligerent sexual tension. But I really was obsessed with this, like I was the girl reading Terra bashing fics 😭😭 they were so cute, the Beast Within was ship gold, Nevermore, the fact that she holds onto to the penny he gives her when she ‘dies’ and oh he only turns into the Beast again to protect her from Slade and never again. Beautiful
10. Jimmy/Cindy from JN. They may have only been nine but sheesh the rivalry to lovers or in this case crushes was intense. Cindy was down bad since day one but she hid that shit so well. The Valentine’s Day episode still makes me giggle like a kid. And the last episode where they’re legit just straight up flirting with each other I can not. When she almost confesses when he’s the orange hulk. So cute.
Honarary mentions:
Jinx/Kid Flash from TT. They were cute but I hated it solely for the fact that it shoulda been me 😭😭🤧🤧
Sam/Freddie from icarly. Ok so I used to love this one and as I got older, Sam was just so fucking mean that I couldn’t ship like damn. At some point it’s not cute anymore, it’s just down right abusive, early seasons yes, later seasons where they’re actually together no.
Bakugo/Deku simply cause some days I think it’s cute other days I hate it
Mindy and Josh from Drake and Josh. Cute and amusing but didn’t care for em much.
Bailey and Code from Suite Life on Deck see above.
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tortadecereji · 2 years
So, me and my friend @megamispe rewatched Monters vs Alians lately. My first thought? Why not make a komaeda centred au based on that lol. My computer broke, so I haven't drawn all the characters, but here's some doodles.
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I'm having lots of fun with this au, so ill probably post more of it later. (Feel free to ask me about it if you'd like!)
Also, check Mega's twitter account, she gave me a lot of ideas for this au!!
The story would follow the same line as the movie, except that I added some stuff, so here's about the characters for now if you'd like to know:
Nagito Komaeda: Pretty much the same thing that happens to Susan in the movie, except... he's Komaeda...
Nagito was supposed to marry Byakuya the day a large meteor hit him. Said meteor contained a large amount of radiation that Komaeda ended up absorbing at the impact. Of course, he survived the incident due to his luck.
However, the radiation began affecting his body during the ceremony, which caused his previously light brown hair to turn white and his height to increase unbelievably huge. With that the wedding has been ruined, the guests were scared for their lives, Byakuya was grossed out by him now, and a monster containment organization has been called to capture him. The only ones who did worry about Nagito were Sonia and Gundham, but they could do nothing to stop him from being captured. Komaeda blames himself and his luck for ruining what should be the happiest day of his life and convinced himself that no matter what he tried, his chances of having the loving family he always longed for would always be taken away from him.
Byakuya Togami: He's the heir of the Togami corporation—just like in canon— and was about to marry Komaeda more for status and money than love. Nagito's family was loaded and had control over many interesting businesses for Togami, that's why he chose to marry Nagito, who was the only person left in his family. But once the radiation took over Komaeda, Byakuya gave up on the idea instantly. He did not want to deal with a giant-sized Komaeda, thinking that would ruin his image and career. It's not like Nagito has his family's assets now that he's a monster, so he's not interesting to Byakuya anymore. (Togami is a fucking asshole in this au, I'm sorry, Togami fans)
Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka: They're Nagito's best friends. Since Nagito's parents are dead, they're the ones who always help him out, including at his wedding. They were the only ones who were more for Komaeda himself after the meteor episode. Gundham even tried to stop some of the soldiers from the organization, but that was in vain, he and Sonia were pulled out of the area as well as the rest of the guests.
Eventually, when the monsters get Mukuro's permission to leave the containment base, Komeada goes directly to Gundham and Sonia's house so they know he's okay. Both Sonia and Gundham don't mind his new form, they're just happy to have their best friend back safe and sound.
Bonus: Gundham says that Nagito has reached his true form and that he knew from the start that Nagito wasn't entirely human. Komaeda shrugged it off as he knows it's just Gundham's dramatic way of speaking.
Mukuro Ikusaba: She takes the role of R. Monger.
Mukuro is a very talented soldier who got promoted to be in charge of area fifty-something(yes, the same as the movie. I'm not creative), where the monsters are being kept. She's cold looking and very straight to the point, but she also has a soft spot for the monsters she takes care of. That being said, she goes on her way to make sure they're comfortable in their new forever home, even if they can't escape to the outside world due to how humans would react.
After some months after Nagito's containment, Mukuro received the information that a huge alien robot bear had arrived on earth and proved to be a threat as it was killing innocent people and causing despair all over the place. Mukuro convinced the government to use the monsters to fight the robot since not even the armed force could, and in exchange, the monsters could finally be free.
Needless to say that Mukuro cared a lot for them, so she was very nervous about this decision as they could get hurt or even die.
Chiaki Nanami: Chiaki is a werebat. She has been in area fifty-something since she was 15. She's now 23.
Nanami has been found by the monster containment organization with one of her wings broken, so it was easier for them to capture her. It was a scary experience, she hated it there, but things improved when she met the Ultimate Hope, who she only calls Hajime(or Izuru if he's in control), they got attached very quickly as they noticed they were both very lonely and had problems socializing with the others monsters in the facility.
When she was 18, Mukuro got her promotion. Chiaki was cautious about her at first, but that soon changed as Ikusaba showed the monsters genuine care. Mukuro even gifted Chiaki a portable game console, which led to Nanami hyperfixation on games.
Nanami got interested in Nagito almost instantly, when he got into the facility, because of her curiosity. She surely hadn't planned that, but after some months, she and Hajime had developed a very strong bond with the white-haired man.
Hajime/Izuru(Ultimate Hope): The Ultimate Hope was born from a failed experiment a mad scientist performed on his son—Hajime Hinata— when the boy was 5 years old to try and stuff all talents known in the child's brain. That resulted in the creation of Izuru, however, the scientist hadn't expected Hajime's memories and soul to still be alive after the experiment. The Ultimate Hope was captured by the monster containment organization right after said experiment when they ended up killing their father in a post-trauma rage assessment.
Hajime and Izuru, despite showing different personalities, are the same person. They have the same feelings, same memories, same body... if, somehow, they were to be split apart, it'd be similar to cutting off a body member.
Hajime and Izuru intercalate who's in control of their body depending on the situation, Hajime being more in control during social and support situations, and Izuru during situations that require a bit more logic. Usually, Hajime's the one in control and izuru appears as his shadow. The same happens when Izuru takes control, but Hajime's the one being his shadow.
As previously mentioned, they take interest in Nagito and decide to approach him alongside Chiaki.
Akane Owari: She's a werewolf. Surprisingly the most difficult one to capture.
Akane has been found in a small village scaring some villagers away so she could steal their food and bring them to her younger siblings.
The monster containment organization tried to capture her more than once, but she always escaped using her inhuman speed. She also put up a fight leaving many soldiers harmed, but never killed them. She has only been captured one day when she came back to her cave and couldn't find her siblings anywhere. She lost the will to fight and let herself be captured.
She still don't know where they are, and that worries her very much, but she allowed herself to enjoy her new life since she not only got free food in the facility, but also got along pretty well with the other monsters.
King Monokuma: It is a gigantic alien robot that Junko sent to earth, in Japan to be precise, to torment the humans and bring them despair. However, King Monokuma is merely a distraction from her actual takeover plan.
She knew that the robot bear would get the world's attention, having most of the countries send resources that they believed would help take it down, as King Monokuma was believed to be a menace not only to Japan, but to the rest of the world too.
Still, even with how strong the robot was, it was defeated by the monsters strangely easily.
Junko Enoshima: Junko is an alien that destroyed her own planet. She's completely in love with despair and wants every living being to feel it.
It's always the same plan, she sends one of her Monokumas to scare the inhabitants of the planet she chose, and kills a bunch of people, only sparing a few that she thought that'd make wonderful remnants of despair and make them destroy their home planet themselves...
She'd watch the chaos and also plan more despairing things to do with the planet's inhabitants, like different types of killing games, until she gets bored and went to the next planet.
But earth is a little special for her, as it would not be the first time she'd be there. This time, she's eager to see a certain soldier again, but not only that, she wants the amount of power that had been contained within Komaeda(of course she doesn't knows that he's the one who has been hit by that meteor...yet).
Bonus thingy: Hajime/Izuru and Chiaki teach Nagito how to feel love. The trio + Mukuro and Akane become a founding family!!!
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Tagged by @negrowhat to give away all my fandom secrets. I came up in the US, so most of these will be Western shows. Also be aware that I'm old and been around in fandoms for decades, some of you youths might not even recognize these ships.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Felicity and Noel. I was very into them (and very anti-Ben) when I was first watching this show at the tender age of 14, but then I rewatched it as an adult, realized Noel was a classic Nice Guy with some clear warning flags, and settled into Team Ben.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Hmm maybe Elizabeth Wakefield and Todd Wilkins? I think I started reading Sweet Valley High at, like, age 8. For TV, I was a sitcom kid and I was obsessed with Dwayne Wayne and his flip-up glasses as a child. I loved him and Whitley. Damn now I want to rewatch.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
The first I read? I am pretty sure the honor goes to Buffy and Spike.
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They were the first ship I remember having that classic fanfic brainrot combo of 1) captivating me entirely with their dynamic and 2) canon leaving me unsatisfied. I lost months of my life over at Elysian Fields.
In terms of the first fanfic I wrote, the honor goes to Ian and Mickey.
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I was big into Shameless for its first four seasons. But then the show went way off the rails, the fandom went with it, and I quit watching and scrubbed all my fandom activity off the internet.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I honestly have no idea. Probably something Buffy, I was doing a lot of internet dwelling for that show.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Getting into discourse is my whole entire thing LOL. I have survived many, many ship wars and let me tell ya you haven't seen unhinged until you've been knee deep in the tags in a long-term fandom with multiple ships for the protagonist. One of the things I love about BL and nearly all Asian dramas is that we go into every show knowing who the main pairing is, so we don't have to fight about ships.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Hmm I was a big Buffy/Angel anti and that was before Spuffy was even a twinkle in my eye. I never liked that man in a romance until he got hooked up with Cordelia in his own show (but then they ruined it ugh). I was also very anti-Harry/Hermione back in the OG HP days (let characters have meaningful platonic relationships!).
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I've been on a Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian kick of late.
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
OTPs are eternal! Like I said above, since I mostly watch Asian drama now, they're baked in. My fav of my current watches is Ten and Prem.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
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You show me two characters who are clearly uniquely compatible, you give me a brief taste of their extremely fun and non-traditional relationship, and then you break them up and stick her with the milquetoast Nice Guy protagonist in a total betrayal of your entire narrative premise? Fuck off forever, HIMYM, I will see you in hell.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hmm nothing comes to mind. If I decided to hate a pair in the past I am pretty likely to still be hating.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I would like to see you try to cancel me!! I'll echo Eboni here and say Brian and Justin, though of course there were people who hated them because of the age gap back in ye olden times, too. Fandom spaces are mostly women and women in queer fandom spaces often struggle to account for the totally different culture and power dynamics between m/m pairings.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I don't really do crack ships, I am a canon pairing girlie.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I don't know who the ultimate winner is, but I think it's probably a neck and neck competition between Spuffy and Wangxian as my most read pairing.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
There's actually a lot of variety in them in terms of personalities, appearance, and tropes. I think what makes me really click into a ship is the feeling that the two people are uniquely suited to each other and well matched to go through life together.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
When I don't believe they can actually make it.
Tagging @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @imminentinertia @shortpplfedup @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @littleragondin.
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theghostofashton · 1 month
grief week
thank you @lonestar-s5countdown @bonheur-cafe @corsage @reyesstrand for the tags!!
1. Which character death in 911 Lone Star hit you the hardest?
gabriel's, for sure. i was in denial that they would actually kill him all the way up until they did it. i don't think it's fully sunk in yet. it probably won't until s5 starts and they reference it and i'll have to face it head on lol. ik it was the very point of the storyline but thinking about everything carlos lost in losing his dad, the potential of their relationship.... it was a lot, especially within the context of the end of s4. really excited to see what they do with this in s5!
also, as many have said, the astronaut call from 1x10 hit me really hard. every time i rewatch, i know it's coming, but it still ruins me.
2. What is your favorite grief-related moment in the show?
i think the carlos owen conversation in 4x18 is probably my favorite. what owen says about not letting obsession ruin his life, him giving carlos knowledge he probably wished someone would have given him when he was grieving his brother, his old crew, etc is just...it's really beautifully done, especially as we've watched owen grapple with the consequences of the way he handled his grief
i also love the 126 getting together to pay tribute to tim at the end of 2x07, and tommy asking tk if he'd be interested in going to the grief group with her. the scene where she asks him is so sweet and i love how much care these characters have for each other, her knowing how that group's helped her and wanting to share that with tk.
3. Do you think there will be a character death in season 5? If so, any guesses about who it might be?
i really really hope not lol the only one i can think of enzo, that's why he's showing up to texas out of nowhere
4. Which living character's death would destroy you the most?
any of them tbh. they're all so close, such a tight-knit family, that losing any of them would mean not only grieving that character but also watching the rest of them be destroyed over it and that would be so awful
5. Which character's childhood trauma do you think was most significant in shaping them?
feels like a cop out to say this but truly all of them? i don't like comparing trauma because things that are "objectively" the worst may affect someone less than someone else being more affected by something that may not have been objectively bad.
but things like owen having such a hero complex because of all the people he wasn't able to save (his brother, his old crew, etc), marjan being such a fierce and loyal friend and placing so much value in that due to losing a dear friend at a young age, judd losing a friend as well and sort of losing himself in the way the aftermath played out, tk dealing with the fallout of his parents' divorce, the way 9/11 changed everything for their family, paul being so atuned to the details of a situation so he could watch out for anything that could harm him, developing that sense of threat assessment, as he figured out his identity, mateo being forever changed by losing a cousin he was so close with, nancy dealing with how to move forward after losing tim in such a horrifying, tragic way, carlos signing himself up for a life he didn't want and struggled to be okay with because he was so affected by the way his parents reacted to him coming out.... it's hard to truly say because i think they've all been so impacted by what they been through, it's impossible to separate that from who they are
leaving an open tag bc i'm very late to this!
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moondust-bard · 5 months
Nine People I Would Like to Know Better (?) Tag
I was tagged by @sleepyowlwrites — thank you!
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current book: I’m rereading the last Magnus Chase book in Rick Riordan’s norse mythology series. His books are comfort reads. Reread books happens when I’m stressed, in pain, or upset. I am taking cozy fantasy recs in all age categories at the moment, preferably without romance.
Current fic: I don’t read much fsnfiction anymore, sadly. The JK Rowling of it all kinda ruined it for me. Engaging in fandom beyond casually consuming the media in question only stresses me out now.
Currently watching: I’m rewatching Call the Midwife. It’s a comfort watch. I go back to favorite pieces of media in times of stress. See a theme? To be fair, I don’t watch shoes or films much. Books and music are my main sources of entertainment.
Next on my watchlist: When the next season of Bridgerton drops I’ll be very occupied. I love a good historical drama.
Current hyperfixation: I’m listening to Dimension20’s Fantasy High for the first time. I really want to play DnD, and this show is only barely satisfying that.
Favorite color: lavender has been my favorite color since I was about nine years old. Periwinkle and seafoam are up there, too.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweets, for sure— but more fruity-floral sweetness than bakery sweetness. I’m a big fan of treats with flower syrups, black tea, and sweet herbs in them.
Relationship status: single, and not actively looking for anything. If it happens, cool. If not, I’m honestly just happy to be here at this point. My friendships are super fulfilling and rich, and I have a large family.
Last song: The Prophecy off of Taylor Swift’s new album. I needed to let some stuff out after all the unfun medical experiences this week. The lyrics of that song kind of resemble how I feel about it.
Last thing I googled: lol, I just researched some of the new medical stuff I learned about my haunted house of a body. It was… informative.
Skill I’d like to learn: I would love to make my own clothes. For so long, I struggled to thread a needle on a sewing machine. My vision is very poor, which makes that task challenging. I think, even if it takes forever, hand-sewing might be my best shot at realizing this dream.
Best advice:
Dealing with my own health struggles, as well as supporting family who are attempting to rewrite poisonous, unsustainable behaviors has taught me something I wish I knew much sooner.
I’ve found it’s best for all involved that we try to meet each other where we are. Forcing someone into the shape you envision them in— with all their rough edges smoothed out and flaws filled in— helps no one in the present. Friends and family are going to move at their own pace and in the best way they deem fit for themselves. Expecting someone to exist or change in the ways you think suit them best, and within a set timeframe, is asking for disappointment and conflict. That being said, holding people accountable for how they treat you while they’re learning or in times of struggle is essential in caring for both yourself and that person.
And yes, this applies to how you engage with yourself, as well. There are no timelines. No “this is how I should be” or “this is what I should be doing by this stage of my life.” Exist—and change, if it’s what you’ve chosen — at your own pace, because it’s what you’ve decided is best.
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I am tagging @saintedseraph @maddstermind @ettawritesnstudies @mr-writes @ryns-ramblings @acertainmoshke @ravonosify
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
Hello there!
I have to ask cause it's everywhere and apparently my husband and I didn't see it!
Aziraphale & Crowley were obvious to us as a couple but we didn't see this with Loki & Mobius (please people don't be mad 🙃). I saw a great love and a bond that will last forever but not the way we witnessed in Good Omens. To me it was more of a family thing. Like Mobius has two sons. Could be the representation of Thor and Loki. I don't know. I was so surprised when I saw all this on Tumblr. I want to rewatch the show now to see if I really missed all the signs.
Hi there! 😊 Thank you for the ask and please don't worry for wondering, part of the joy in a watching experience is being able to see something in a completely new light. I hope you've come to the right place as Lokius and Aziraphale/Crowley are the only romantic pairings that have stood out to me in ages but now for fairly different reasons so I'll do my best to explain why in my own personal view Lokius is a slow burn for the ages above and beyond all other love stories to me and I'd absolutely recommend rewatching Loki, especially season 2, with the mindset that the tropes of every good romance are present in *every* interaction Loki and Mobius have.
(adding a read more here as I feel this is about to get almost horrifically long if you'd like to know even some of the signs lol)
Right from the start we see Mobius recounting being a fan of Loki's most mischievous acts on the timeline, pushing the question of just why he's focused on ruling and nothing else, really getting under his skin in a way no one ever has before?? And in that there's something even better and deeper than love at first sight; intrigue. Loki's furious at being held by the TVA but can't help being drawn back to what an enigma Mobius is to brush off his insults and offer salvation in the face of knowing every good or bad thing Loki's ever done and believing in him anyway.
Cue the tentative partnership and rapport they both get far too comfortable in which you see when Mobius indulges in letting Loki ruin the mission at the renaissance fair and later tries to backtrack in reassuring Ravonna he's got things under control, then again when Loki realizes Mobius has been reading him too well and defaults to leaning in to "fix" his perfectly tied tie, a callback to when Mobius pointed out Loki has a tendency to try and seduce people in more powerful positions who could help him. You actually see Mobius lean in for a moment before realizing himself and pulling back, but contrary to everyone else Loki's tried this with he doesn't give in or get angry, he laughs and once again points out what Loki's up to, trying to find a way to get to the Timekeepers.
That entire sequence is the tipping point for me when they officially enter romantic territory, as Loki's visibly thrown and surprised by the way Mobius reacts and scrambles after him, finally taking things seriously enough to do real work and is rewarded not only with trust he's never been given so freely before but a now mutual fascination you see during their conversation in the cafeteria (a highlight of the series for me ) when Loki can't help but try and learn more about the person who knows him so well already by asking genuinely about Mobius and his jet ski magazine. Blew me away because any previous version of Loki would've never taken the time or interest in something so ridiculous (in his eyes), but this Loki shyly takes in the way Mobius beams and opens up, because how could you not fall a little when such a simple pleasure makes someone happy?
Then when they research Roxxcart they flirt again, Mobius praising Loki and teasing he might take his job before what we refer to as the Roxxcart grocery store divorce and for good reason 😂 When Loki's captured back to the TVA, Mobius isn't just hurt, he's clearly jealous and *extremely* so because he thought *they* had been building something only to now think Loki played him all along and during Loki's next interrogation Mobius loses his temper in a way he never has before, making scathing comments about Loki stabbing him in the back and siding with his "girlfriend" which should kind of speak for itself there 😅 Then their mutual assurance of trust before Mobius is pruned and the hug in the void being initiated by Loki is huge as well when this is the first time he's shared EVER that with someone and you see the crushing despair when Mobius later no longer remembers.
Getting into s2, it's easier for me to sum up with the base of their s1 relationship laid out since there's no need to get into as much detail when the entire thing is pure romance start to finish.
Loki and Mobius frantically desperate to find each other when in reality they had been separated for maybe an hour? Mobius ignoring all other issues at hand and his superiors to gently hold Loki by the waist and pull him close, constantly grounding by touching his back, arms, anywhere to provide extra comfort and Loki giving him that control, Mobius spending the entire season actively trying to enjoy being on the field without limits for a change and organizing dates between the two of them all season when his focus used to primarily be on the work. He repeatedly asks Loki to go for a drink, suggests visiting the theatre, going on a hot air balloon ride, etc, while Loki stops to indulge in popcorn and pies just because small joys are important to Mobius. When Loki visits Mobius' original timeline self they spend the ENTIRE ep flirting with each other, and honestly Don having two kids is just as it seems since there were no official indications otherwise; he may share genes with Mobius but is a different person with a different life. Don can't stop bringing up how single he is, teases Loki about following him home, which Loki absolutely did but only after fixing his hair and coat to try and look as good as possible before seeing him (because again, he looks like Mobius) and getting so flustered stammering over his words he may as well have been in a 90s Hugh Grant rom com 😂😂
Don't even get me started on the finale, which has every character except Loki and Mobius basically living their ideal life while the two of them are clearly left unfulfilled and wanting, missing each other to the point Mobius leaves the TVA (which exists out of time) for a timeline that Loki can see as a tear rolls down Loki's face in the final scene because of it.
Do I think that had their characters been tied to anyone but the Disney/Marvel corporations they, like Aziraphale and Crowley, would've shared a kiss as well? Absolutely yes, but that isn't a necessity for me personally and in all honesty despite Aziraphale and Crowley having kissed I actually felt season 2 of Good Omens was a massive backtrack for their relationship compared to the quality of time they spent together in season 1 which I much preferred. Again, that's personal preference and everyone sees and interprets elements of romance differently which is completely fine and I hope this wild ramble at least gave some perspective on how I and many others view Lokius 😂💖 Happy watching, no matter how you end up viewing them, and thank you again for the ask!
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echowithpain · 6 months
Buckle Up, Bitches. This is a long one.
Okay, I've definitely had some gripes with episode 2 and the fact that it took me this long to rewatch the episode to collect my thoughts says something. I even stopped the episode halfway through and got distracted with something else for about 3 hours before remembering what I was doing and resuming it.
I didn't like this episode. Unfortunately the bad outweighed the good for me.
First up, Lola, Norman, and Julien.
Why the FUCK did they do a storyline where Lola cheats on Norman?? Their whole introductions/characters in season 2 were about how Norman didn't see her after they had a kid so she went out of her way to force him to look at her by flashing the freeway. Go off Queen.
She gets arrested but she and Norman are super happy and making out, and they even admitted that the situation saved their marriage when Josh and Sue gathered people Maddie helped to convince her not to quit. The cheating storyline is so out of character for Lola that when I saw episode 1 and she was acting weird around Julien, I thought she knew he was a bad guy but he had threatened her off screen or something and she didn't want to worry Norman, not that they were seeing each other???
I thought Julien had just mistaken them for smugglers since they were living on the cruise ship, Lola found out and confronted him, and he threatened her to keep quiet about the operation but didn't get to call off the guys he was working with in time so Lola and Norman ended up getting jumped.
When Norman found out Lola was cheating on him after getting shot and was groaning in pain, all he could do was go into denial and talk about how Lola cheating couldn't be true. Then when he was lying on the poker table talking about the life he and Lola had, 37 years, selling all their stuff with handmade price tags, it made me feel both genuinely sad and angry. Not angry at Lola, angry at the writers for making this storyline for them. If people who have never seen the show go back to watch all the seasons and get to Lola and Norman's episode, they're gonna have it in their mind that their love is a lie and apparently Norman doesn't love Lola enough to keep her satisfied which is why she's cheats on him later. They're gonna see it as Lola being a horrible person this whole time, someone who likes to sleep around, or even just chalk it up to "Women ☕" and that pisses me off! That's not their characters and the fact the writers were portraying them in that light is horrible.
Then we have the whole Hen storyline, and oh boy do I have words about that.
Episode 1 did an amazing job reintroducing the characters to new people (except for Athena, I don't care about Marisol). In fact, if not for the Athena thing, I'll make a post about that later, it would've been a solid 10/10 (9/10 cause Karen wasn't in it lol).
Hen was shown to be a great captain when under intense pressure, going with her gut about which wire the pilot said to cut and even double checking, being a teasing but helpful friend to Chim about the forever dating thing, being kind and knowledgeable with the woman in the hot tub incident and teasing Chim again, and being an ear Athena could rant to when she thought Norman killed Lola. She was absolutely amazing...
Episode 2 ruined all of that.
She's at the car accident and is caring and attentive to the daughter and her mom, but then she's suddenly in a bad mood and making assumptions when it comes to the guy who blew through the light. She sends Chim over to him and when the dude is acting rude, telling them off, and threatening their jobs, she does the right thing and asks if he's refusing care. He says yes, he doesn't consent, so she doesn't give him care. Even in a bad mood she's still doing her job properly. Chim's been a firefighter/paramedic longer than her and should know that if someone refuses care, you can't force the care onto them, so he had no reason to try to make her change her mind about that.
Putting that aside, her words to Chimney really made me upset,
"No, he's done. Why is it that drunks always come out of these things without a scratch?"
Why the fuck did the writers make her say that? What did the dude being drunk have anything to do with it? Also Aisha's delivery is great but the line is terrible. Why put so much emphasis on the guy being drunk?? Hen doesn't act like this. She gets pissed off sometimes, yes, but in season 1 when Bobby had a relapse and she and Buck found him in his apartment, she was empathetic and sensitive to his struggles and has been ever since. You can't tell me if Bobby was the captain on that scene, she would've said it anyway because she wouldn't have. So I'm just supposed to believe that when he's not there, that's how she acts??
I think the thing that really made me upset was the fact they kept going back to the guy being drunk. He could've been completely sober but texting on his phone while speeding, he could've had a muscle spasm that made him hit the accelerator, he also could've just been a dick and decided to run the light for the hell of it. The part about him being drunk or not shouldn't have gotten so much attention, because either way HE STILL REFUSED CARE!!!
They could've still had the whole Hen's intern captain position being paused because it's a councilwoman's son and rich people use money to sue and try to make things go away to keep themselves in a good light with their public image. Like the chief said, all the signs of impairment could've been indications of the brain bleed the dude had, but again, THE GUY REFUSED CARE!!!! Hen says this but still gets put on pause cause rich people.
Buck saying they can't fire her for one bad call is true, but it also wasn't a bad call??? Toxic reports or not, if the guy refused care then he refused care!!! It's not her problem!!! It would've been worse if he refused care, she gave it to him anyway, saved his life, but now she's getting sued for bullshit reasons and can't be a firefighter/paramedic anymore because she went against protocol.
And they're talking so much about how the guy was definitely drunk. So drunk that obviously everyone could smell it off him. WHY DOES THIS MATTER????
You might be wondering why I'm repeating myself but I was wondering the same thing watching the episode. Why are they repeating the fact that the guy was drunk??? And then Hen thinks all of them betrayed her because they don't know for a fact if the dude was drunk or not.
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Hen's ranting to Karen (omg Karen hi!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I'm so sorry this is your only scene 😭😭😭) saying,
"I just feel like if I was any other captain, I would not have been benched."
Shut the fuck up, yes you would have. It doesn't matter who the captain is, what mattered was who the victim was. I'm sure there's been times where someone refused care and ended up dying because of it. It's like that woman's dying mother with cancer who took a bunch of pills but had a DNR so when Hen and Chim showed up they legally weren't allowed to do anything. Even though the daughter was freaking out and telling them to do something, they stayed professional and said they couldn't. Neither of them got benched for letting that woman die. Hen's getting benched because the dude's mom was a councilwoman, not for any other reason.
Hen's upset cause she thinks Buck, Eddie, and Chim were trying to comfort her because "they assumed she screwed up", then she starts second guessing herself on whether or not she did screw up and goes on about how she thought the guy was an "entitled rich brat" anD OH MY GOD WHY WERE THEY ON THIS FOR SO LONG!!!!!
Entitled or humble, rich or poor, brat or dom, drunk or sober, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!
And then the reports come back and it turns out he actually was drunk plus had drugs in his system. Whoopty fucking doo. That didn't matter nor did it excuse the fact they carried that stupid plot for no reason across the entire episode.
The guy. Refused. Care. That should've been the end of it.
*sigh*... I have a headache.
Sorry guys, I love 911 but this episode was a flop for me. 3/10. If not for the cool action scenes and beautiful transitions, it would be much lower. Hopefully things are better in episode 3.
The Lola cheating on Norman with Julien storyline fucking sucked, and everyone and their mother focusing on if the guy who caused the car accident might've been drunk or not storyline fucking sucked too. He refused care so it shouldn't have mattered if he was drunk or not.
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aceofstars16 · 18 days
Welp…another episode of Forever rewatched and I swear I remembered the plot a little (like vaguely but I was still surprised lol) but um I FORGOT THAT JO ALMOST TOLD HENRY SHE WANTED TO GO TO PARIS WITH HIM??? Like…bro…I…these two 😭😭😭
The whole part with Henry telling her the best thing to do in Paris is get lost, and he’s so genuine about wanting her to have a good time. He wants her to be happy, even if it’s with someone else (and to be fair, he might not fully be aware of his feelings cause he has all the…relational trauma he’s working through, but you can definitely SEE it as a viewer). He’s just so genuinely just kind and supportive and encourages her to let herself open up to people again and just…his heart is so kind no wonder Jo falls for him like, come on!
And then Issac is like “I have a whole itinerary planned for Paris!” And Jo is like…you can see that she doesn’t want that…she wants what Henry suggested, and you know she wants to go with him because she literally goes to his shop immediately! (And then Abe comes in to ruin the moment, but it’s okay Abe, I love you still).
I’m just saying, they 100% go to Paris and get lost together in the future you can’t change my mind 😭
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thewollfgang · 8 months
A little update before I proceed to babble: The vibes are no longer vibing. A couple days ago I had just completely packed everything away (besides the essentials) when I got the news that my new place won't be ready till (maybe) April. There's no problem with staying a while longer at my current place but it's a majorly infuriating inconvenience as you can imagine. Why say it was "move-in ready" when it's not? Anyway, I haven't slacked on practising drawing our fangy boy. The sketches are coming out better than I thought they ever would (though I'm sure if I tried to draw a different face it would look like shit XD).
Babble: Seeing your Lucifer reblogs makes my heart ache, in a good(?) way. Does it sound stupid to say, though, that no matter how much I love Lucifer, I don't think I can watch it again? I can watch clips and stuff but I can't exactly explain the feeling I get when I think of rewatching it, especially concerning season 6. I guess I want to memorialize those feelings I got watching S6 when it came out, to not... overwrite them by watching it again I suppose. I dunno, it's a bit hard to articulate any better than that. It sounds dumb, even to me but at the same time, it makes sense? I really don't know lol. I don't feel this way with any other show I've watched, and I think it has something to do with how beautifully it ended (I cannot hear MCR without thinking about the end). They wrapped it up with such care and with so much thought behind everything, it's almost like they set out to completely ruin me for any other show. Lucifer set the bar too high, and someone superglued it in place.
Aw man, just when you've got your ducks in a row the pond's dried up. Well, at least April isn't that far away. Is there any place you can voice your complaints to? Sometimes it helps to give the wheels a push. I haven't been drawing much, but I did set aside some monies to commission one of my fav artists for some bg art which i am pleased by immensely. I'm gonna get it printed and place it on my shelf.
I've really been enjoying the resurgence of Lucifer love, so I figured I would do my part and reblog some sets. Plus i have like 7k likes and need to get those in a queue dear god. I was bracing myself when you mentioned s6! It seems all I see these days is negatively to it was a breath of fresh air to read your feelings about it. I'm fairly neutral when it comes to the final season. There were things that worked for me and things that didn't, but in the end, Chloe and Lucifer are together forever and that's what I wanted. The absolutely ridiculous nonsense on twitter gives me an apoplexy.
Anyways, I'm glad you sent an ask in, I have been thinking of you lately! Hopefully things will work out with the new place soon (fingers crossed) and always feel free to pop in and chat about life, bg, or lucifer! I'm all pointy ears, my love.
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mimikoolover · 4 months
Hi I’m the anon from the other day who went on a ramble about jikook and the fandom, hope you’re having a good day😊
You’re right that a lot of negativity is on twitter and it’s like its own bubble, it’s always the same in every fandom… and just twitter in general lol it really makes for such a hostile environment. But it’s also really good for getting some sort of overview of fandoms I feel, don’t really get that on any other app. Anyway, I totally understand when you’ve been a fan for a long time the need to step away and toxicity ruining your experience, been there. As a newer fan of something it’s easier to just watch it all go down and not get affected as much, but I try to focus on the positive!
I’ve been having SO much fun becoming a fan watching their content (which seriously, idk if I’ll even get through it all before they all come back… how did new fans ever have time to catch up on old stuff while they were being active in real time too??) But most of all - I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on all this amazing music for so many years! I’ve been somewhat aware of bts for a long time, but never really knew anything or listened to them. After 2020 I assumed it was all Dynamite type stuff, so the chock when I came across Set me free pt 2 and Agust D was real, in the BEST way!
I’ve grown so fond of so many of the group songs, and even the ones I didn’t initially love keep growing on me. I have a new fave every day it seems! They really are so so good and diverse. And as for solo, I love some songs from all of them, but Yoongi and Jimin are the most interesting to me music wise. Hobi too tho, absolutely LOVE some of his songs. Love Fri(end)s too, Namjoons new album keeps growing on me, The Astronaut makes me emo every time I hear it, some of JK’s songs are bops for sure even if I don’t feel as much connection with them. I’m super looking forward to Never let go though!
Gahhh I could talk about their music and content and dynamics and just THEM forever, for you it’s probably like yea dude we been knew they’re amazing lol but here I am sharing the new fan joy!🙌 haha
hey anon nice to hear from you again💜and it's super nice to read how much you're enjoying discovering new content! I definitely miss being a new fan and discovering it all. you may indeed not manage to finish everything before bts comes back🤣but I def recommend watching run! bts and gayo if you can! I'm planning on rewatching them this summer too.
it's funny you say that about their solo work because yoongi's first solo songs solidified me becoming a fan too. like I really enjoyed bts songs obviously but their solo work was so impressive too, it made me an even bigger fan quicker. it's just so good discovering all their music😭
definitely give still with you and my you by jungkook a listen, they're songs he produced/wrote/made like never let go so i expect never let go to be similar and tbh they are my comfort songs along with letter🥹
june is the best month as a bts fan, i hope you're enjoying it a lot🤍
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
Thank you Evie!! These are always delightful to do (even if I am usually late/forget — oops) @energievie ❤️❤️
name: crest
age: mid-to-late-20s
star sign: Pisces
your first language: English
second language: I used to be conversational in Spanish, now I get by.
favourite lip product: medicated chapstick and a mauve lipstick I’ve had for forever
the best food dish you can make without a recipe:Jambalaya, probably. Or chicken and green bean casserole.
If you drink tea, what kind? Tea both iced and hot are my drinks of choice, I drink black tea, and I mainly stick to earl greys, bergamots, kind of floral ish (I do not like fruit flavored for hot teas at all).
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? Medium roast. I put half and half in my coffee and I like the richness — if I get light it tastes too much like milk.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: I’ve been watching Fantasy High Dimension 20 and I’m dying over it (you’ve probably been seeing me reblog fandom stuff from it if you follow me lmao) — and I’d be remiss not to talk about the video I watch probably once a week, which is a very specific games done quick of a nostalgic Nintendo game. It’s my cozy comfort video.
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: oh god — I was a nerd-fighter for sure (vlogbrothers), I also watched Meekakitty (Tessa Violet) and Charlieissocoollike (that may have even pre-dated 2012, that might have been like 08 lmao) and likely many more.
favourite item of clothing right now: a brown and gray plaid short coat.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: i had a pair of corduroy rocket dog sneakers that I still own because I do love them, they’ve just been stitched back together so many times lol
three movies you recommend: Steel Magnolias, Life as a House, The Birdcage
your favourite concert: oh so many good ones, but watching Kevin Garrett respond to a fan who asked “do you have any happy songs?” with, “you walked into the wrong concert, brother, but I’ll try — this one’s kind of happy” and proceed to play a song about desperate heartache and heartbreak and fragility of youth was the funniest thing I’d ever seen and was also beautiful.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Not really — I’ve only really unfollowed people for a) being rude to other people’s fandom preferences and b) being endlessly and needlessly negative.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? No, but I do kind of stick to smaller fandoms.
the best tv show you watched last year: The Bear. It was phenomenal and I’m scared and excited for S3.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Not really the same but I want Will Poulter to take over Armie Hammer’s role in The Man From UNCLE because that movie was great and I wish it had a sequel but it never will because AH is a fucking creep, but, unlike Armie Hammer, Will Poulter seems like a great guy and he’d do the role so fucking well, I just want it.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I’m sure I have one? But I can’t think of it.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? Maybe a 5? I don’t actually read much these days, I’ve been kind of busy. If you ask me what I’ve liked though I’m not shy about telling you.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) no and the only one I would consider getting is from a book I know I will always love, like Piranesi or This is How You Lose the Time War, and I have no idea what I’d get from those.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? I actually kind of like my fandoms small, the video game Transistor by Supergiant Games is beautiful and I want to talk about it with people dammit.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Yes. Game of Thrones for sure. Dexter (though I don’t think I could rewatch it anyway). I agree with you Evie, That 70s Show’s ending was horrid! How I Met Your Mother, as well.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Yes, got absolutely wrecked once.
ever been vegan/vegetarian? no
gone skinny dipping? Nope.
gone skiing? Yes! Both water and snow.
been to a convention? Yes, in high school I was vice president of my library’s teen reading club (I was also in band and a theater kid so nice to meetcha I am a super nerd) and because of this our club got to go with my librarians to the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stayed in which hosted the most amazing convention ever of Indie Booksellers and I met Maggie Stiefvater and got Rainbow Rowell’s advanced reader’s copy of Eleanor and Park (think I’m dating myself here lol) and a couple of other amazing authors and talked poets and librarians and publishers and booksellers and I don’t think any convention will EVER surpass that experience.
Tagging: @mybrainismelted , @callivich , @gallawitchxx , @michellemisfit , @whatthebodygraspsnot , @sam-loves-seb , and ANYONE else who’d like to play!!!
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okodnol · 7 months
Answering Hazbin Hotel Questionnaire in Great Details
from nayla (@misfirerules) on twitter
☆ who’s your favorite character?
Alastor and Vaggie (one was instant and the other slowly grew on me and now i legit can't choose)
Alastor is a trickster with standards, he punches up, confronts bullies, but honestly he's just so cute i automatically forgive him any crimes. Bonus points for helping me realize being affectionate with friends doesn't ruin your bad boy persona, it shows you're secure in it. Don't redeem him it's demon cruelty!
Vaggie is a tragic reformed soldier who desperately tries to repent for her war crimes; the juxtaposition of regular tough attitude and complete guard dropping for Charlie endeared me to her a lot. 'Whatever it takes' came up and i was like oooowww~
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Also this scene before the final battle where she tells other hotel residents to save themselves cause "We.. I can't protect you anymore". She CARES
The funny thing is that Vaggie and Alastor share that strong preference to only socialize with women (me too! i feel so seen!) but CAN'T STAND each other
☆ what’s your favorite song from the soundtrack?
Stayed Gone and Hell's Greatest Dad, obviously. I also composed the complete tier list (i feel SO BAD for placing It Starts with Sorry this low):
Stayed gone | Dad beats dad
You didn't know | Ready for this | Finale (big musical theatre ones)
Respectless | Out for love
Happy day in hell | Loser baby
Hell is forever | Whatever it takes
It starts with sorry
More than anything
Welcome to heaven
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🎶 it will take time to cover your vast multitude of sins 🎶
If i were to take into account visuals, first place would be either Loser Baby or Poison
☆ who are your otps?
I don't have a strong preference, but Charlie and Vaggie check too many of my personal boxes:
working on a project together
back-to-back fighting scene
picking a woman from a garbage dump
and nursing her back to health
DRAMA of one being another's lifeline
and never using it as leverage ever
fierce protectiveness goes both ways
casual pda
Wanted to do a full diagram and it turned out i'm so much more invested in friendship dynamics i need a separate chart for them
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(what will be friendship categories? mentor/student, making each other better/worse, bonding over unique exp; we as a society should develop this concept)
As you can see i was kin assigned Lucifer and took it to heart lol
☆ who’s your least favorite character?
I don't care that much about Adam and Lute, actually
☆ are there any ships you hate?
I have an irrational personal vendetta against Alastor x Lucifer; i enjoy a good fan work, but the concept itself pisses me off; like, there's a painful power disbalance and zero positive interactions in canon
Adam does not deserve to be shipped with neither Lucifer nor Lilith. Lute kinda deserves him, but i prefer them as comrades
☆ least favorite song?
I don't feel much for Welcome to Heaven
☆ what made you watch hazbin hotel?
I think it was impossible not to watch it at the time, and of course i did, i adore this classic DeviantArt edgy lanky angular over-the-top style
☆ what made you love the show?
aesthetic really clicked with me
groundbreaking animation
lots of musical numbers
lovable characters
mlm & wlw representation
deconstruction of religion
you can tell VA's and artists had fun working on it
it's an inspiring indi-project success story
If we're talking about the animation specifically:
the character and camera movements are full of energy and satisfying to watch
characterization through body language
complex emotions
exciting action
interesting shots
you also can rewatch scenes multiple times cause characters on the background are doing stuff too
creative coloring and lighting
everyone is SO PRETTY
upturned eyes, sharp features and teeth they seemingly had to invent a new lip-sync technic for
☆ how long have you been a fan of hazbin hotel?
After i watched the pilot it took me a while to start Helluva Boss, but we binged it with a friend few years ago and i was really invested in this universe since then
☆ what’s your overall opinion on the show?
Innovative industry-changing trendsetting project we do not appreciate enough yet as a society. As a person who loves musicals, animated music videos, action, fighting and dancing, i was finally fed~
It's a crime it wasn't given more episodes; it's so tightly packed that even if i have some issues with pacing and priorities, i can't imagine HOW it can be rearranged without loosing important elements that are there already. I also firmly believe that fast story is better than less story so i'm against "just cut stuff out" approach
☆ if you could remove anything or someone from hazbin, what would it be?
This one scene where sir Pentious got dragged into a sex room as a joke 😑
☆ do you have any theories? If so what is it?
— The reason you end up in Heaven or Hell is that deep inside you're sure you deserve to go to Heaven or Hell (stole this idea from tumblr). That's how Adam ended up where he did. And sir Pentious unlocked a new mechanic cause he was exposed to the idea of redemption by Charlie (my 5 cents)
— There're more former exorcists in Hell besides Vaggie, and Carmilla saw them
— Rosie will teach Charlie how she made Cannibal town that nice of a place
— Alastor killed the most cruel and ruthless overlords, that's why the more decent ones, like Zestial / Carmilla / Rosie accepted him into the club (fandom commonplace)
— Alastor didn't kill Husk but kept his soul cause Husk wasn't that bad of a person in his overlord days and Alastor actually likes having him around
— Alastor doesn't own Nifty's soul
— Nifty is actually crazy powerful, she just wasn't properly motivated to unleash it on anyone yet
— Angel sold his sould to Valentino not out of desperation but cause he was manipulated into thinking that was a good idea somehow (he put a heart in his contract signature, also not my theory)
— both Angel and Husk will get their souls back one way or another
☆ opinions on the Vees?
Velvette is the coolest V. Vox is very relatable cause he's so done and just wants to do his job in peace and he still can't cyberbully to save his life. Valentino is a great reminder that your life can be ruined by an IDIOT which adds an insult to injury
I was dead sure Vox and Valentino are married. I hate the fact that i enjoy Valentino's dynamic with other Vees that much
I know and love Vox and Velvette's VAs from their Broadway performances as Marvin from Falsettos, Helene from Great Comet and Persephone from Hadestown
☆ thoughts on adam?
Adam can die in a fire, the genocidal maniac. He's much MUCH worse than Valentino, there's even no comparison, but i feel like fandom thinks the other way and it's wild. He was an extremely entertaining antagonist, but please don't return him in season 2
☆ if you could be best friends with any of the characters, who would it be?
I feel nerd kinship with sir Pentious but i don't think we'll be like Best Friends; i could see myself forming something like that with Vaggie if i happen to fall on her good side
☆ which scene from hazbin has permanently stuck to you?
~ hey! sssoo.. i see, the club has a sEx room! ..so i was thinking, maybeEe, you'd want to.. aa.. doo aa sExss with me 🕶️
Also the amount of serotonins Rosie and Alastor's duet gave me..
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☆ who’s a character you want to see/see more in the upcoming seasons?
I need to know what happened to Eve and i need sir Pentious to be present and plot-relevant
Would be nice to meet Angel's sibling(s) and Lilith
Vaggie needs friends and support network outside of Charlie; hope Carmilla will keep mentoring her and Rosie keeps mentoring Charlie
Really excited for more Vox and Velvette
☆ what are your hazbin hotel hot takes?
The hatedom for this show is wildly disproportionate and uncalled for and it's genuinely breaks my heart cause i fear it may discourage other animators with personal projects. Hazbin deserved MUCH more praise and recognition
A good chunk of the critique can be boiled down to:
don't vibe with aesthetics so it's bad
story is not what i expected so it's bad
bad faith reading
evaluating animated show by static character sheets and random in-between screencaps
petty neatpicks
Sinners don't need redemptions, they need to be left alone by Heaven and work on making Hell a better place
Sir Pentious did not get a good ending, he lost all the friends he just made (it may turn out for the better but right now i'm sad)
Charlie did her best in Masquerade and as an untrained group therapist at the Hotel, cut the girl some slack, she does learn from mistakes
It's possible for Alastor to simultaneously like and help Hotel residents when he can and pursue his own agenda when he must
I think Mimzy is cute, sue me (we need more pathetic women representation, hope we'll get it in season 2)
Fandom plz stop with the infantilization of Nifty; people realized it's a problem with Velvette, which is cool, but Nifty still suffers from it too often
☆ any headcanons?
— Alastor plans on actually befriending Charlie to have a powerful willing ally like Rosie who can help him get off the leash
— Alastor decided to fight Adam to show off his powers and publicly defeat the First Man, but miscalculated catastrophically (stole this one from my sister)
— Nifty will be forced to choose between Alastor and the Hotel residents at some point in season 2
— Charlie subconsciously treats Hotel guests the way she was treated by her parents as a kid cause it's her only point of reference
— Vaggie and Angel will grow closer cause they're very similar in their protective nature, realistic worldview and self-neglect (season 2 i'm begging you)
— both Charlie and Vaggie visited Rosie and Carmilla, respectively, after the final battle to tell them how it went
— Carmilla will introduce Vaggie to her daughters and they will start hanging out sometimes
— Charlie will introduce Vaggie to Rosie
— Vaggie had good relationship with other exterminators during her Heaven era, even with Lute at some point, and she always hated Adam
— i like the idea of Husk winning back either Angel's soul from Valentino or his own from Alastor in a game of cards (it's like poetry; irl don't play if you're an addict though) or any other seemingly inoffensive game
— after he looses Angel's soul (and get his own beaten out of him preferably) Valentino will reevaluate his life and start dating Vox officially
— Cherry and Husk will become unlikely pals through Angel
— the apple tower is more likely Charlie's office, not Lucifer's, but he will be involved with running the Hotel
— considering Lucifer is actually a sincere, nice and caring person, it will be HARD for Alastor to win back the spotlight after he returns to the Hotel
wow you got that far here let me share some sketches i did:
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themanyfeelsofaudrey · 7 months
One Chicago Rewatch Recap Part 2
Chicago Fire S2 Ep1-9 *Again with me wanting Kelly to be a dad, why couldn't him and Renee have a baby together, why didn't we do that *So Benny Severide has how many other children exactly? We meet Katie this season and we have mentions of "the boys" from another of his marriages but how many are there *On that note, it would be so cool to have a new candidate at 51 who is a half brother of Kelly (really I'm just hoping for the show to have any reason for Kelly to interact with other characters besides Stella and Boden) *Everyone used to be so close and have so much fun, now in the current seasons everyone is paired up and has little to no relationship with anyone else. What happened to the 51 family dynamic *Also why are there only 4 person trucks now? The cast used to be so much bigger and somehow better managed multiple storylines than they do now (seriously like if they all have to be 4 person trucks then at least give us two more regulars on Engine because why are Herrmann and Ritter doing all of that by themselves LMAO) *Gabby and Shay spending the first half of this season at odds with each other and the whole time I want to yell at my screen that Shay won't be here forever please make up *JAY HALSTEAD FIRST SIGHTING *No but honestly that whole thing with Jay and Gabby and Molly's had me hooked just as much the second time as it did the first. It would've been interesting to see them together long term but I guess that would've been hard to manage over both shows *I'm gonna start a tally for how many times we get a "They want to shut down our firehouse!" plotline because I swear it happens damn near every season: Tally 1 *Matt's whole storyline with the Darden boys is so sweet and I had forgotten that they were such an important part of his life. When he dipped out in season 10 for them I was kind of iffy about the reasoning but now it makes so much more sense *Matt and Gabby finally got together after a season and a half of pining, and if I remember correctly this is the part where I no longer like them together because if One Chicago is gonna do one thing consistently, it's have characters do a will-they-won't-they for several seasons only to have them get together and ruin them immediately lol
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peteytheparrot · 11 months
omg petey the parrot ask box open real!!! okok but as a sherlock holmes enjoyer have you heard of the atrocity that is sherlock gnomes?
that movie was my first like, true introduction to Sherlock Holmes and that offends me so much because that movie FUCKING SUCKEDDD GRAHHH-
I don’t even remember what happened exactly in it lmao all I remember was that it wasn’t good at all and they fucking ruined Moriarty LIKE WHAT WERE THEY THINKINGGG OHMYGODDDD HIS DESIGN IS SO BAD LIKE WHAT??? HUH????
also there is literally a Sherlock Holmes case with someone smashing gnomes and they didn’t use that for inspiration or anything
that movie really didn’t care about its source material smh
I’d like to rewatch it though just to see how poorly made it is because it’s been forever since I’ve last watched it lol
Ok the long rant is now over ☠️
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
love wasting time at work by comparing characters from asoiaf with characters from shows no one but me cares about!!!!!
battlestar galactica ruined me forever because it had a perfect redemption arc in baltar and then the shittiest redemption arc imaginable with boomer, and since got went the boomer route of "actually true redemption is too hard, it's better to just die in your toxic shame spiral" with Jaime, Sandor, AND Theon, I am having a constant anxiety attack that I'm going to get the shitty boomer ending for everyone and not the superior "what even IS redemption, can you even BE redeemed when you've caused suffering on such a massive scale, but can you call yourself someone who is learning or redeemed if you don't attempt to be part of the real, true solution, but isn't every life worth saving regardless of whether they've earned that saving" that baltar had!
it's a little difficult to draw parallels to spartacus because most of the mains are slaves (and the mains that are free are NAWT good guys, lol), but i feel like i could straight up map crixus' storyline and jon's storyline right onto each other's, it's not even that they are similar characters (crixus is a slave albeit one with some power and faces a level of dehumanization that even a bastard does not face) but the way both of them internalize violence and the lessons of personal responsibility is fascinatingly similar, like i can practically see jon repeating crixus' "you opened my eyes to this spartacus do not ask me to close them again" speech to his father's ghost.
the one driving me crazy is theon greyjoy and john crichton because i just started up a farscape rewatch! farscape is difficult to compare because these people are all essentially villain protagonists but not in the way the lannisters are where there's a sad "oh no the generational curses got us" energy, but more of a "sometimes the only heroes the universe gets are a bunch of fucked up pathetic bad guys" type way, but JOHN AND THEON SPECIFICALLY. john is tortured a lot throughout the series but the event that haunts him happens in s4, where he's repeatedly raped by a female villain. it takes him the entire last season to work himself up into actually saying the word "rape" because he's a southern, ostensibly cishet dude born in the 70s and Men Aren't Raped, and it's a genuinely amazing story arc watching him completely unravel and then not so much put himself back together but force himself to keep trudging on for the sake of his family and THAT IS WHAT I WANT FOR THEON. Also I think Theon and John would kiss with tongue, personally, i think they'd both enjoy it.
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