#my soulmate's this douche/geek???
minjintea · 2 years
The only reason Steve and robin would have abysmal love lives in a soulmate au is bc they're each other's platonic soulmates but Hawkins thinks that soulmates who are not related are romantic and so everyone thinks they're dating on the down low
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diaryofabookgirl · 6 years
Book review: My So-called Bollywood life by Nisha Sharma
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Blurb: Winnie Mehta was never really convinced that Raj was her soulmate, but their love was written in the stars. Literally, a pandit predicted Winnie would find the love of her life before her 18th birthday, and Raj meets all of the qualifications. Which is why Winnie is shocked to return from her summer at film camp to find her boyfriend of three years hooking up with Jenny Dickens. Worse, Raj is crowned chair of the student film festival, a spot Winnie was counting on for her film school applications. As a self-proclaimed Bollywood expert, Winnie knows this is not how her perfect ending is scripted. Then there’s Dev, a fellow film geek, and one of the few people Winnie can count on to help her reclaim control of her story. Dev is smart charming and challenges Winnie to look beyond her horoscope to find someone she’d pick for herself. But does falling for Dev mean giving up on her prophecy, and her chance to live happily ever after? To get her Bollywood-like life on track, Winnie will need a little bit of help from fate, family, and of course, a Bollywood movie star. [Goodreads]
Review: Winnie Mehta has one only goal: to become a film critic. It's her eternal love for Bollywood movies that led her there. To get one step closer she has to be captain of the film club and organize the film festival, which should get her into NYU. One huge problem is her ex-boyfriend Raj. 1) Because Winnie stills wants to live happily ever after with him - he is her jeevansathi, or so said pandit Ohmi and 2) he is taking over all her work, without her consent.
The title of the book might be cheesy but the content is definitely cute.  I love Bollywood movies - the old ones, the awkward ones, the great ones - and it was amazing meeting someone (fictional) who shares this passion, although Winnie and I have a completely different taste in films. I loved her Bollywood references and her drama queen personality, which we also share. Raj was a complete douche! I wasn't rooting for him, at all. But Dev wasn't so bad. I loved Winnie's crazy family. I could just feel her frustration, very relatable as well.
For the past couple of months, I've been trying to find my voice in books. I used to read a lot of Young Adult and off lately I've been finding it hard to relate to the characters, however, books like My So-Called Bollywood Life and Sandhya Menon's books, bring me joy because when I was a teen, there weren't books about my culture or religion.
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A to Z
Anon:  A C J Z For the bookish survey :)
@beckyharvey29 :   A, F, K, O, T for the ask meme! :)
Thank you all!!!
A. Author You’ve Read The Most Books From
Johnathan Stroud, probably? Definitely will be once I finish the like three books of his currently in my tbr pile.
B. Best Sequel Ever
Ooh… that’s tough… The Dream Thieves, the second book in trc. B/c it’s all Ronan and Ronan’s my fave and also it has Kavinsky, whom I love, and just everything about that book is really well done and incredible.
C. Currently Reading
Okay, so, nothing technically b/c I started and finished Fan Art by Sarah Tregay today and it was so good.
D. Drink of Choice While Reading
Water mostly, tbh. Sometimes I make tea. Occasionally coke.
E. E-Reader or Physical Books
Phyiscal books, for sure. I will use an e-reader if I have to, but I don’t like to…
F. Fictional Character You Would Have Dated In High School
Oh, gosh. Umm… I have to go with my #1 book crush, Jamie O’Leary, from Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie. He’s this big, Irish tough-guy in the IRA and he hates all supernatural creatures b/c werewolves killed his family and he’s such a badass and such a douche and I love him a lot. Still. I’d date him now. Not just in high school. Also, he became a priest at the end of the last book??? My babe.
G. Glad You Gave This Book A Chance
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. So, like, obviously I knew this book was good and I bought it, but I was so intimidated by all the awards on the cover and everyone telling me it was the best book ever. I just didn’t want it to let me down. But it didn’t, because it was incredible, and I loved it.
H. Hidden Gem Book
Gosh, everything I read is so mainstream… I’m going to say Juliet Immortal. It’s a Romeo & Juliet retelling about these opposing universal forces who either want soulmates together or want them destroyed and Romeo works for the destroyers and Juliet works for the together-ers… Anyways. It’s really good.
I. Important Moments of Your Reading Life
I just spoke about Ari & Dante, but that book legit saved my life. 
J. Just Finished
Fan Art. But before that, I read A Study in Charlotte.
K. Kinds of Books You Won’t Read
I’m pretty open to most things, but horror novels are a no and it’s not that I won’t read adult books, but I don’t like a lot of them.
L. Longest Book You’ve Read
Gone With the Wind, probably.
M. Major Book Hangover Because Of
Oh, jeez. I don’t remember my last book hangover… I don’t think I read for a while after finishing the last The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel… but I could be lying. Does it count if it was in the middle of the book? Because I stopped reading Fire right in the middle for like two months and read nothing else because I knew my fave character was going to die.
N. Number of Bookcases You Own
5 that are all mine, 9 if you count my sister’s books too.
O. One Book That You Have Read Multiple Times
Crusade, which I mentioned earlier. I read that book, finished it, and the day after started to read it again. And I read it a third time like six months later too. Also HP, obviously.
P. Preferred Place to Read
My new house has a library, so there. My parents bought a big, cushy chair for it and it’s everything to me.
Q. Quote From A Book That Inspires You/Gives You Feels
This is where I say something really inspiring from Ari & Dante, but unfortunately my fave quote from that book is not inspiring at all… umm… wow, I’m so bad at book quotes… I honestly only remember funny quotes… but gives me feels? That might be easier… I mean, that line from Carry On where Simon’s like “it occurs to me that there might have been another way to save Baz other than kissing him” (that’s not the exact quote, but it’s close) b/c it’s hilarious and cute.
R. Reading Regret
Omg. So, there’s this book, called… The Kingdom of Little Wounds and it is the worst thing I have ever read and finished. The whole thing is this clusterfuck of I-don’t-know-what-the-fuck-is-going-on-and-I-kind-of-don’t-want-to. There’s a lot of rape in it. A lot. And it’s in the YA section. And bascially it needs to be burned.
Also, I once read an entire series about human-sized beetles trying to take over the word, so.
S. Series You Started and Need to Finish
Umm… I mean, I’ve finished most series where the last book is out. The Queen of the Tearling’s last book is out but I’m in no rush.
T. Three Of Your All-Time Favorite Books
Ari & Dante
Gone With the Wind
U. Unapologetic Fangirl For
Everything???? Mostly tfc and trc, though.
W. Worst Bookish Habit
I don’t even know… probably creasing the spines of paperbacks?
V. Very Excited For This Release More Than Any Other
The Ari & Dante sequel!!!
X. Marks The Spot (Start On Your Bookshelf And Count to the 27th Book)
Tiger’s Quest.
Y. Your Latest Book Purchase
I just bought Queens of Geek on my iPad, so that. 
Z. ZZZ-Snatcher (last book that kept you up WAY late)
The Unbound by Victoria Schwab. It’s the second book and it’s just everything to me. I love that entire world and all the characters and I’d been wanting the sequel for so long that I read it until I finished at four in the morning…
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