#my taste in music is... let's say 'eclectic'
simpforfandom231 · 8 months
Everything goes wrong
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Reneé Rapp, the charismatic and talented actress, found herself in a bustling airport alongside her girlfriend, Y/n. They had been together for quite some time now, and this trip to New York was a unique adventure, filled with Reneé's interviews and Y/n's unwavering support.
As the couple settled into the uncomfortable airport chairs, Reneé, notorious for not being a morning person, half-heartedly rested her head on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n, fully aware of her girlfriend's morning struggles, chuckled softly and reached for Reneé's hand, intertwining their fingers.
The airport hummed with the noise of people rushing to catch their flights, and the announcement speakers occasionally crackled with updates. Reneé, however, was in her own half-asleep world, contemplating the upcoming interviews. Y/n, on the other hand, had her earphones in, bopping her head to the rhythm of the music playing.
Unbeknownst to Reneé, Y/n's focus on the music inadvertently turned into selective hearing. The actress mumbled something about coffee and her nerves, but Y/n was lost in a melodic trance. A few attempts to get Y/n's attention failed, and Reneé, in her sleep-deprived state, began to think her girlfriend was purposefully ignoring her.
"Are you seriously ignoring me, Y/n?" Reneé said, looking up with a faux-offended expression.
Y/n, finally catching on, pulled out her earphones with a grin. "Oh, sweetheart, sorry! I was just jamming out. What were you saying?"
Reneé sighed dramatically, "I was just contemplating the meaning of life, and here you are, lost in your music. I thought I was your favorite melody."
Y/n smirked, "You are, but sometimes Spotify takes the spotlight. Don't worry; you're still number one in my heart."
As they bantered back and forth, their easy camaraderie filled the air with laughter. The conversation shifted to their plans for the trip, with Y/n excitedly suggesting places they could explore together after Reneé's interviews.
"Maybe we can visit Central Park and reenact a cheesy rom-com scene," Y/n teased.
Reneé rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure, but only if I get to be the dramatic, brooding lead, and you can be the quirky sidekick who always has the perfect advice."
Y/n chuckled, "Deal. I've been practicing my quirky sidekick lines just for this occasion."
As they continued their banter, Reneé couldn't help but appreciate the joy Y/n brought into her life. The airport chatter faded into the background, and the couple found themselves in their own little world.
As Y/n slipped one earphone out and shared the other with Reneé, they started listening to a playlist that combined Reneé's favorite songs and Y/n's eclectic taste. Reneé, still groggy, found comfort in the music and let out a contented sigh.
As the couple enjoyed a moment of peace, a fan approached, recognizing Reneé from her work. The fan, a wide-eyed individual, politely asked if they could take a picture with the couple. Reneé, still in her half-asleep state, nodded with a drowsy smile, "Sure thing, darling."
The fan snapped a quick photo, expressing gratitude, and went on their way, leaving Reneé and Y/n to continue their airport escapade. Y/n, feeling the need for some caffeine, declared, "I'll be right back; need to fuel up for this journey." With that, Y/n wandered off in search of coffee.
Reneé, left alone for a moment, observed the hustle and bustle of the airport. Y/n returned with two steaming cups of coffee, handing one to Reneé. "This should help you wake up a bit," Y/n said, taking a sip from their own cup.
Reneé sipped the coffee, the warmth seeping into her tired bones. "Bless you, coffee, for being the unsung hero of early morning flights," she mumbled, giving Y/n a grateful smile.
As they settled back into their seats, their flight was announced over the intercom. The couple gathered their belongings and joined the line. Finding their seats on the plane, Reneé and Y/n sat next to each other, ready for the journey ahead.
However, their peaceful moment was interrupted by a commotion a few rows ahead. A man was being unnecessarily rude to another passenger, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Reneé, never one to shy away from speaking up, leaned over to Y/n and whispered, "Hold my coffee; I'm about to put on a show."
With a determined stride, Reneé approached the rude passenger and calmly but firmly addressed the situation. "Hey, there's no need for that kind of behavior. We're all just trying to get to our destination without unnecessary drama."
The rude passenger, taken aback by Reneé's assertiveness, mumbled an apology and backed off. The surrounding passengers exchanged appreciative glances, and as Reneé returned to her seat, Y/n handed her the coffee with a proud smile.
Reneé quipped, "I may not be a morning person, but I'm always ready to fight for justice, even at 30,000 feet."
As the plane soared through the skies, Y/n, ever perceptive, knew that Reneé wasn't a fan of flying. To ease her girlfriend's nerves, Y/n handed over her noise-canceling headphones. "Here, love. Just imagine you're in your own little world," Y/n winked, knowing Reneé's penchant for getting lost in her thoughts.
With a grateful smile, Reneé donned the headphones, drowning out the drone of the engines with her favorite tunes. She nestled into Y/n's side, finding comfort in the familiar beats and the warmth of her girlfriend's presence. Y/n, in turn, lovingly wrapped an arm around Reneé, creating a cozy cocoon amidst the sea of strangers.
As they settled into their in-flight routine, Reneé, sitting by the window, stared out at the clouds drifting by. Y/n, recognizing Reneé's need for personal space during flights, focused on her book. The juxtaposition of the two—Reneé immersed in music and contemplation, Y/n engrossed in a novel—painted a picture of contentment.
Reneé, feeling the gentle vibrations of the plane, turned to Y/n and teased, "If this plane is a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'."
Y/n chuckled, "Oh, please. We're not that kind of turbulence-inducing couple."
The flight attendants moved through the aisles, offering snacks and refreshments. Reneé, always with a penchant for humor, looked at the in-flight meal and quipped, "Ah, yes, the gourmet delights of high-altitude cuisine. Truly, the pinnacle of culinary excellence."
Y/n laughed, "You're just mad they didn't serve kale and quinoa."
Reneé rolled her eyes playfully, "Well, a girl can dream of a healthier mile-high menu."
Their banter continued, interspersed with moments of quiet connection. Y/n, observing Reneé's love for the window seat, suggested, "You know, you could be a cloud critic. Rate each cloud on fluffiness and aesthetic appeal."
Reneé, with a mischievous glint in her eye, replied, "I'm more of a sunset enthusiast. Clouds are just the supporting actors in the sky drama."
The flight entered a period of smooth sailing, allowing the couple to relax even more. Y/n, with a sly grin, asked, "So, any pre-flight rituals I should know about? Do you have a lucky charm or a secret handshake for good luck?"
Reneé chuckled, "Just the usual: triple-checking I have my passport, sacrificing a snack to the travel gods, and mentally preparing for the existential crisis that comes with being 30,000 feet in the air."
As the plane began its descent into New York, the city lights twinkling below, Reneé and Y/n shared a look of excitement. The adventure awaited them, and the journey, with all its quirks and in-flight antics, had only deepened their bond.
The plane touched down at JFK Airport, and as the passengers began to disembark, the excitement in the air was palpable. Reneé and Y/n eagerly joined the procession, eager to kickstart their adventure in the city that never sleeps.
Once on solid ground, the couple navigated their way through the bustling airport, following the signs for baggage claim. As they stood in front of the conveyor belt, Reneé's eyes widened with anticipation. She eagerly scanned the sea of suitcases, waiting for hers to make its grand entrance.
Minutes passed, and Y/n's suitcase glided by, but Reneé's was conspicuously absent. The actress's enthusiasm waned, and a perplexed expression crossed her face. "Well, isn't this just the perfect start to our New York escapade?" she sighed, watching the endless parade of bags.
Y/n, the eternal optimist, chimed in, "Maybe your suitcase is just fashionably late. It's making an entrance, darling."
Reneé shot a mock glare at her girlfriend, "Oh, trust me, if my suitcase had a personality, it would be a diva. Probably off somewhere getting a spa treatment instead of joining us mere mortals."
As the wait stretched on, Y/n suggested, "Maybe we should file a missing suitcase report? Or do you think it's out there, living its best life, exploring the city without us?"
Reneé raised an eyebrow, "Knowing my luck, it's probably having a more exciting time than we are right now."
Their banter continued, a mix of playful comments and genuine concern. The carousel eventually slowed to a stop, and with a defeated sigh, Reneé faced the reality that her suitcase had chosen a detour.
"Well, looks like my wardrobe has decided to take an extended vacation," Reneé quipped, trying to make light of the situation. "Guess I'll have to rock a classic New York City look – black everything."
As Reneé and Y/n continued the wait at the airport's customer service desk, the realization hit the actress like a ton of bricks. Her eyes widened in horror as she turned to Y/n, panic setting in. "Y/n, do you realize what's in that suitcase? My dress for the late-night talk show tonight! I'm going to be on national television, and I have nothing to wear!"
Y/n, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm Reneé down. "Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. We'll figure something out. Maybe we can find a chic boutique in the city, and you'll have an even more fabulous outfit."
Reneé, however, was not easily comforted. "Do you understand the gravity of this situation? My management is going to kill me! This was a custom-made dress, and it's not replaceable. I can't just stroll into any old store and pick up a replacement for a talk show appearance!"
Y/n, realizing the severity of the situation, attempted a reassuring smile. "Well, maybe the suitcase will magically appear, or we can call the airline later. We have time. And besides, it's not like anyone will notice if you wear jeans and a t-shirt, right?"
Reneé shot Y/n a look of disbelief. "Y/n, darling, this is late-night television. I can't just waltz in wearing casual attire. My management expects me to look like a superstar. And now, thanks to my rebellious suitcase, I'm left with nothing but anxiety and the prospect of public humiliation."
Y/n, sensing the urgency, suggested, "We could call your manager, explain the situation, and see if they can help."
Reneé's eyes widened further, "Call my manager? Do you want to give them a heart attack? They've stressed for weeks over the perfect outfit for this show. This is a disaster!"
As the couple continued their discussion, a fellow passenger overheard Reneé's predicament and offered a sympathetic smile. "Honey, I've been in showbiz for years. Wardrobe malfunctions happen. You just have to roll with the punches and show up looking as fabulous as ever. The audience won't know the difference."
Reneé huffed, "Easy for you to say. You probably didn't have a custom-made dress that costs more than my rent waiting in that suitcase."
Y/n, attempting to lighten the mood, added, "Well, we could always turn this into a comedic segment. 'The Late-Night Fashion Crisis with Reneé Rapp.'"
Reneé shot Y/n a glare, "Oh, sure, make jokes when my career is hanging by a thread."
Just as the despair started to set in, the airport's loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing that Reneé's missing suitcase had been located and would be arriving shortly on a separate conveyor belt. Relief flooded Reneé's face, and she let out an exasperated laugh.
Y/n grinned, "See? Crisis averted. The late-night talk show won't have to add 'wardrobe malfunction' to the list of topics."
As the suitcase finally made its grand entrance, Reneé hugged it as if it were a long-lost friend. "Never have I been so grateful to see a piece of luggage in my life. Now, let's get out of here before any more calamities befall us."
The couple left the airport, ready to face the bright lights of New York City and the late-night talk show, with Reneé's custom dress safely in tow.
After the tumultuous airport experience, Reneé and Y/n arrived at their hotel, both exhausted and a bit frazzled from the day's events. As they entered the lobby, Y/n couldn't help but make light of the situation, "Well, that was an adventure. Our suitcase deserves a key to the city after all the trouble it caused."
Reneé, however, was not in the mood for jokes. She shot Y/n a glare, "This is not the time for humor, Y/n. I almost had a fashion crisis, and you're acting like we just had a quirky little misadventure."
Y/n, realizing they had crossed a line, attempted to diffuse the tension with a sheepish grin, "Okay, okay, I get it. I shouldn't have made light of the situation. I'm sorry. Let's just get to our room and forget about today, yeah?"
Reneé sighed, "Fine, but I just want to sleep. Today has been a lot, and I'm not in the mood for any more surprises."
As they entered their hotel room, Y/n continued to play the comedian, "Well, aren't you lucky we're not staying in a haunted hotel? Imagine that on top of everything else – ghosts and misplaced luggage."
Reneé, now fully irritated, snapped, "Y/n, I swear, if you don't stop making jokes, I might have a breakdown. Can we just have a normal night without any drama or comedy?"
Y/n, realizing they had pushed Reneé too far, switched to sincere mode. "Hey, I'm really sorry if I made things worse. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Let me make it up to you. How about I order some room service? Your favorite comfort food, on me."
Reneé softened a bit, "Fine, but only if it comes with an extra side of silence. I just want to eat, sleep, and forget about today."
As room service arrived with a feast fit for royalty, Y/n tried to steer the conversation towards a more positive note. "You know, tomorrow is a new day. No lost luggage, no airport drama. Just the two of us exploring the city. What do you say?"
Reneé, now digging into her food, replied with a mouthful, "I say let's talk about it tomorrow. Tonight, I just want peace and quiet."
Y/n, realizing they needed to tread lightly, nodded, "Fair enough. Let's focus on the food and catching up on much-needed sleep."
As the night progressed, the couple settled into a comfortable routine. Reneé, her initial irritation fading away, found solace in the quiet moments shared with Y/n. The dimly lit hotel room provided a tranquil backdrop to their night, and soon, the events of the day became distant memories.
As they drifted off to sleep, the promise of a new day in New York lingered in the air. Little did they know, the city that never sleeps had more surprises and adventures in store for them. And so, beneath the city lights, Reneé and Y/n embraced the promise of a fresh start, ready to conquer whatever challenges the Big Apple had prepared for them.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months
oh i luv music things and tag games so this is wonderful - let's see how eclectic this comes out lolz
thanks for the tag @fullerthanskippy
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! 🎶
okay so i know some peeps have done this so if i tag ya and you already did it's just me saying "hi"
tag ur it! @typicalopposite @adreamareads @taste-thewaste @caterpills @tinyarmedtrex
@thinkof-england @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @seanchaidh7 @duchessdepolignaca03 @saturntheday
@stratocumulusperlucidus @theplayfulfairy @changinghearts @piratefalls @priincebutt
@sparklepocalypse @dragonflylady77
BIG HUGE OPEN TAG TO ANYONE WHO WANT TO PLAY (tag me so i can vote on ur music lolz)
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scarheaded-ferret · 2 years
Tea and Some Sympathy (oneshot)
Harry had woken up feeling heavy and warm. It was darker now outside from when they’d fallen asleep, and his head ached from having napped for too long. He peered down to the fan of hair on his shoulder, and traced Draco’s eyelashes gently with a finger. His peaceful expression was a far cry from how he’d look a few hours earlier, face blotted red and a now-healed bruise painted along his right eyebrow.
The arm on top of his chest stirred, and Harry shushed it back down with a few gentle pats. He eased out of Draco’s hold as gentle as he could, fluffing up the blankets around his ears despite the heating charms simmering in the room.
Sirius gave him a look when he entered the kitchen, eyeing his rumpled shirt and crooked glasses. The sounds of guitar and a lilting voice drifted softly out of a record player balanced precariously on a mountain of books on the counter. Sirius set his newspaper down and leaned back on the counter, and a steaming mug floated over to Harry to sit on the table.
“Sleep well?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, slowly adding milk and sugar to the cup of tea. “Are you—?”
“I’m not angry, if that’s what you’re asking, Harry.” And then he added “Upset, maybe. But not angry.”
Harry huffed in relief, blowing the steam off the top of his mug. “He’s gotten nicer this year, to Hermione and Ron too..” he trailed off, not quite certain how to put into words the long conversations and fleeting glances he’d had with Draco Malfoy throughout the first term of fifth year. “Something happened, that changed him, I’m not sure what though.”
"I can't say that I don't understand him, I was a right little swot before your dad beat the sense into me."
"Really?" Harry gaped, highly unfamiliar with the vision of his godfather being a swot.
"Yup, thought muggles were monstrous creatures with large teeth that would eat me if I got too close."
"That's absurd!" Harry laughed into his tea.
"And then your dad told me the truth and your mum socked me in the nose second year for asking her if muggles still ate their young." Harry laughed harder, proud of his mum and delightfully surprised at how much the situation resembled the punch Hermione gave Malfoy in third year.
"She really did that?" The soft padding of socked feet sounded behind Harry, and he turned his head to face Draco's sweater clad chest.
"Sure, sure, didn't let it go for the next five years either." Sirius wordlessly handed Draco a mug as well, who accepted it with a small nod as he sat beside Harry. "Sleep well, lad?"
"Very well, thank you." Draco muttered. Harry was proud of him, that was probably the second time in their odd friendship that he'd heard the Slytherin thank someone for something. Draco paused, brows furrowing as he stared at the record player. "Is that-- T.Rex?" He asked. Sirius barked a laugh.
"You have good taste, kid."
"How do you know muggle music?" Harry pondered. Draco shrugged wordlessly, hands still in his lap.
"I found a record under my bed in September, it was um--" He looked at Sirius cautiously, "it was this album called Eclectic Warrior."
"That's Electric Warrior, love, not eclectic." Sirius corrected. Draco elbowed Harry harshly when he snorted, an embarrassed flush dotting high on his cheeks. "A great album, though! Marvelous that you found one in good condition. I used to have a copy, of course I lost it during school and never saw it again, one of my first heartbreaks!" Harry glanced over at Draco and rolled his eyes knowingly at Sirius' dramatics. Under the table their hands linked gently.
It wouldn't take terribly long for Draco to realize what the initials R.A.B scribbled on the back of his album stood for. The album Regulus had sniped from Sirius in 1975 now shoved among the few prized possessions in Draco's hastily packed suitcase.
{yes the title is inspired by the classic "Tea and No Sympathy" by who_la_hoop on ao3}
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eddiemunsonhotgf · 2 years
Jus' sum modern eddie being cute plz if ur feeling it, love ur page sm 💗 🥺
cutesy modern!eddie lives in my mind rent free :,(
first of all he would put you as his lockscreen, his pfp pic on instagram and would NEVER !! never ever stop talking ab you to his friends, on social media ... etc. he needs everyone to know how much of a lucky man he is !!
he loves texting you whenever he's on tour with his band. usually all he does is tell you how badly he wants to cover you in lots of kissies once he gets back home and cuddle you for the rest of his lifetime.
if you're both going out shopping and he catches you staring at something for too long (per example: a lipgloss, blush ...) he would take a photo of it and use it as a resource so he knows how to give you the best gifts ever !!!!
whenever you're both kissing he loves holding your face because he's just sweet like that :( let's keep in mind his love language is definitely physical contact so if he has any chance of holding you, he's not letting that opportunity go to waste !
you and him may not share musical tastes but he loves sending you playlists with titles such as "for my princess" that he plays whenever you and him are inside the van (on a road trip) that has a really eclectic mix of genres. pop, indie, rock, metal... your music taste and his combined are, as he says, the perfect mixture (even though he absolutely despises that skimpy beat all pop songs have)
he's always calling you petnames and praising you; you're here with me now so there's no need to worry okay princess? love you, you did so well for me, i love you, baby.
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laratoncito-diaz · 1 month
re: my last post: what i think the 118 & co’s spotify wrapped looked like + my reasoning behind them (pt. one)
***this is all just headcanon please be nice 🫶🏽
****also this is a LONG ASS post, so i did put a cut just in case you want to scroll past :)
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completely based on vibes alone. i was going to add bruce springsteen but i forgot :(. i think that bobby belts in the air tonight on his way to work every morning and if he pulls up before the song is over, he stays in the truck with the windows up until it’s done.
idk i just feel like he listens to really bad music. as you can see, to me he is unironically an ice spice fan. i actually fw gwen stefani, but the everybody else on his top 5 is trash imo. obviously, art is subjective, but i feel like 4/5 of his top artists are universally acknowledged as terrible. i also feel like he doesn’t know he has garbage music taste and actually insists it’s superior to everybody else’s. they will not hesitate to put him in check though.
this is also based off vibes but also kinda pulled from music aisha has put on her story (namely that she is a fan of rap/hip-hop). also hen is canonically a beyoncé fan and i think we should acknowledge that more. it was a toss between noname and rapsody for a moment, but i reeeeally like noname 🤷🏽‍♀️ no hate to my girl marlanna though. in my head hen and buck went to a migos concert together and screamed when they came out. i also think that she was a fan of drake when he first came up, but post-scorpion he kinda fell off so she leaves his newer shit alone. when denny’s in the car she plays age-appropriate common songs for the social commentary and life lessons they provide. because of this denny’s favorite song is currently the light.
lowkey inspired by obama’s summer playlist, but a little less eclectic because there’s overall less on it. originally i had blackpink and iu on his top artists and songs, but i changed my mind because ptv fan buck is very important to me. i feel like his music taste as a whole has probably been derived from all the people in his life, which is why aaliyah’s try again is number one on his top songs. we know that maddie used to pick him up from school and i cannot get the image of a young buck was in the passenger seat of the jeep singing his heart out to whatever love song he definitely cannot relate to out of my head, sooo…here we are. i have a lot of thoughts about his music taste but that is for another post.
this was literally the easiest one i did. i also think he likes corridos but there were too many artists in the pool if i included them so i kept it down to country. i feel like nobody who follows me knows what corridos are, but just know that eddie’s love of corridos is included in pretty much all of my writing featuring him. ofc i had to put selena on there because i love selena and i think that eddie, being the tejano man that he is, also enjoys selena. idk why whiskey whiskey is on there. let’s just say he’s in his edmundo noches era or something idc. he also likes to listen to songs that chris liked when he was little because he thinks it’s funny when he covers his ears and stares out the window, but also a little bit because he misses baby chris in the backseat singing along to florida georgia line. he is very delighted in five years when chris takes his girlfriend to a florida georgia line concert as a date though.
this one was harder because Ravi The Landlord definitely listens to the fit and fresh podcast on his way to work in his stupid cybertruck (because i know he has one okay) but also i feel like he has to listen to music, so i took songs off my spotify wrapped from last year. i don’t actually like drake that much, but her loss was my SHIT when it first came out + i do think that ravi very much enjoyed search & rescue. he is team kendrick for all intents and purposes though. unfortunately ravi and i are both sufferers of rod wave syndrome. nobody lets ravi pick the music at any event because he will put on great gatsby. i also think he likes kevin gates but that’s something i will not be addressing today.
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half-oz-eddie · 1 year
Hawkins finally got a local radio station. Billy was hoping that the eclectic mix would mean he'd hear some new bands to broaden his tastes, but no! Because apparently, the DJ of this backwater town station was none other than Steve "The Hair" Harrington who only appealed to his friends, accepting requests for Madonna, The Clash, Duran Duran, and occasionally letting Mr. Clarke stop by to talk about the weather and "sciency bullshit."
Where was the Scorpions, the Metallica, the Mötley Crüe?!
"This station is for fuckin' losers." Billy groused as he changed the station. Just another reason to hate Hawkins even more.
Billy put on one of his preferred mixtapes for his drive. He always took long drives to get out of the house and calm himself down.
Eventually, he found himself near the station's center. He thought now was a good time to march right in there and hassle Harrington for his shitty music selection.
He parked right out front next to Steve's pretty little BMW, resisting the urge to ding it up before heading inside.
It was late, and fortunately for Billy (But unfortunately for Steve), Steve was all alone.
Billy ignored bright, blaring ON AIR sign and opened the door, walking right into the booth.
Steve's eyes grew wide and his brows deeply furrowed.
"Aaand now for a commercial break!" He turned off his mic and hastily pulled off his headphones, jumping out of his chair and approaching Billy who obnoxiously leaned against the door.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned through his clenched teeth.
"I was in the area, figured I'd stop in and make a formal complaint...in person" Billy smirked.
Steve rolled his eyes. "What's your problem?"
"My problem is the music. Do you not have any taste?"
"I have taste!" Steve argued. "I play what the town likes to hear."
"So, I'm not part of this town?" Billy wondered, taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I never said that." Steve quickly contested, almost worried he'd hurt Hargrove's feelings.
Billy chuckled, blowing out the smoke. "You didn't have to. Guess that's fine. I'm not much of a...small town golden boy like you."
Steve let out an annoyed sigh. "If you wanted to make a request, why didn't you just call the line?"
"Because I gave King Steve the benefit of the doubt. Thought being a DJ would actually make you look cool. But it's doing nothing for your reputation."
Steve tusked, folding his arms and rolling his eyes. "My reputation is fine, actually."
"Oh yeah? When's the last time you had any bitches, huh, pretty boy? I hear all the girls do is laugh at you."
"Y-well..that's—that's not true." Steve faltered, unable to meet Billy's eyes as he laughed in his face.
"Hey, look. If you wanna be cool, stop playing music for just the dweebs and Hallmark Card families. Throw some party mixes in there. I can't crack open a beer to this, or play your station at a party."
"And I'm supposed to be taking advice from you?"
"You need my help, and you know it." Billy brushed past him and sat in his chair.
"Hey, hey, hey—"
"What's happenin', Hawkins? This is DJ Hargrove taking over the graveyard shift, bringing you the latest, the greatest, and the baddest. Grab your lady, grab a beer, and enjoy!"
Billy switched the cassette to his favorite mixtape as Steve threw his hands into the air, mouthing "I'm screwed, I'm gonna get fired."
"C'mon, this isn't a toy, get up."
Billy pushed Steve away as Steve tried to pull him out of the chair, when the phone rang.
Steve's heart nearly fell out of his ass. "That's probably my boss. If you got me fired, you're gonna pay."
Billy laughed and shrugged. "Worth it."
"Hey, just callin' in to say that DJ Hargrove's graveyard shift mix is bitchin'!"
"I'm so sor—wait, did you say you think it's bitchin'?"
"Yeah, man! Keep it up!"
Steve slowly put down the receiver, unable to shake the shock. He turned to Billy, annoyed by the smug smile on his face.
"So...it's bitchin', huh?"
"Ugh." Steve scoffed. "I guess...you...were right."
"Of course I was right. I'm never wrong."
"Hey, you...wanna swing by and play your mixes on the air sometimes?"
"Oh, now you need me?" Billy laughed. "I'll think about it. How much do I get paid?"
"Paid?!" Steve let out a defeated sigh. "I'll talk to my boss."
"In that case, I guess we'll be co-workers."
Steve smiled. Maybe Hargrove wasn't so bad. Maybe it would be nice to get along with him for a change.
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asteria7fics · 8 months
Can we have some of your personal style headcanons?
Why yes, dear anon, you absolutely can!
I'll only share SFW ones here, but if you're interested in NSFW ones please let me know d(・∀・○)
This also contains some mild spoilers for the fic I'm currently working on - NOT The Song of Broflovski. If you'd rather go into that totally blind, then maybe skip this answer. Otherwise, read on!
Alright, so let's start from the beginning. I personally write Kyle as figuring out his feelings first, while Stan acts on them first. Neither one is stoked on the idea of coming out (Stan for Randy-trauma related reasons, Kyle for Cartman-trauma related ones) so they don't publicly come out/start actually dating until late high school when they know they're about to skip town and move away to college.
That doesn't stop them from messing around of course, but I'll save that info for a NSFW drop. (¬‿¬)
I also really like the idea of their relationship not changing massively even after they've become an official couple. They still fight, they still do a lot of the same activities together, and they never really adopt any pet names outside of still calling one another 'dude' all the damn time. Just two straight dudes in love, honestly.
Kyle is Stan's #1 defender, and will go to war with douchebags in the comments of Stan's social media posts (hard headcanon him as still being a musician/leaning really hard into his passion for music. Crimson Dawn is definitely still a thing in the Asteriaverse). You dare to talk shit about Stanley Marsh on the internet?? In front of God and everyone?? Baby you're getting doxed. Bye.
He also just unironically loves the music Stan makes, with Crimson Dawn and otherwise. Like, shitty phone recording from a performance as his ringtone kinda love. I think Kyle would have pretty eclectic music taste in general, but I like the idea of them bonding over the kind of stuff Stan would want to make.
I like to think Stan is more of a bad/freeing influence on Kyle. My Kyle has a little bit of a stick up his ass, especially as he gets older and there's more pressure on him to excel in school. Stan really becomes the person that wraps him up in a blanket after a long day of studying, passes him a drink and puts on Monty Python so they both can just relax and have fun together.
And they're absolutely the guys at the party standing in the corner by the drinks, cracking jokes to one another while they watch everyone else make complete asses of themselves. Just in their own little world, until they get properly drunk and end up making out in a bathroom or some shit. Just messy bitches.
They simultaneously communicate extremely well and absolutely horribly. They have the kind of connection where one look says it all, but when it comes down to deeper issues and arguments they're both trash at communicating their feelings. Kyle gets too heated and just starts RANTING while Stan can barely articulate a singular feeling. Eventually Stan figures out that he kinda just has to let Kyle get his shit off his chest and eventually he'll calm down enough to help Stan sort out his feelings too, but those first couple years? Rough haha no smooth sailing for my boys I'm afraid.
Alright, I'm gonna stop here because I could probably sit here and talk about these losers all day. These are pretty surface level, both because I don't want to spoil too much and because I'm always forming new headcanons for them! Really specific ones usually come to me in the moment while I'm writing, so I'll definitely come up with more before this next project is finished!
Thank you very much for the ask!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ)
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Celebrity Crush
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Request: hiiii 🥹 could you write something about jason being asked about his celebrity crush and he says reader (maybe reader is a singer or an actress) and gets flustered by it 🥹🥹
Description: Visiting his friend Jimmy Fallon ahead of hosting SNL, Jason's interview focuses a bit on you, the musical guest for the episode.
Pairing: Jason Sudeikis x celebrity!reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Studio 6B erupted into cheers as Jason stepped out from behind the blue curtain, raising a hand up in greeting as he placed the other on his chest in a humbling manner. With a kick in his step, he heads to Jimmy, giving his old friend a hug in front of the desk before sitting down in the first chair. The claps die down as Jason lightly slaps the tops of his thighs, joining the excitement, “Yeah!”
Jimmy lets out a small laugh as Jason waves to the crowd once more before Questlove plays the final entertaining rhythm on his drums, “Jason Sudeikis, everyone!” Jason sends a bright smile to the audience before Jimmy drums a couple of beats on his desk, “So Jason, just visiting the show, right? No exciting plans?”
The crowd laughs though Jason internally rolls his eyes at the cheesiness of the question. Obviously, everyone knows why he’s at Rockefeller, in general, that week, nonetheless on the Tonight Show for the Thursday show. Jason brought his hand up to scratch the side of his face jokingly, “Yeah, there’s something small happening, if I remember correctly. I think it’s this small indie feature or something? I’m not sure, my agent just told me to keep my Saturday open.”
“Oh yeah, that one comedy special thing, right? Weekend Live Show?” Laughter, though mostly artificial Jason suspects, fills the room as Jason nods his head slowly, clasping his hands in his lap. “Something like that, sure.” Jimmy recounts a story from their time together at Saturday Night Live, Jason laughing at the appropriate times though his mind is somewhere else, something that seemed to be happening quite often that week.
“So SNL this week, you’re hosting for the second time and joined by first-time musical guest Y/N L/N.” The crowd cheers loudly at the mere mention of your name, something that makes Jason smile brightly, happy you are getting the recognition and support you so clearly deserve. Nodding excitedly as he turns to Jimmy, Jason’s eyes light up when he sees his friend holding up a picture of him standing in between you and Kenan for one of the promos. 
“Are you a fan of Y/N? Like, Jason, I know you, we’re friends, I’ve heard the Ted Lasso soundtracks. I can’t imagine you tend to listen to music like Y/N’s.” Jason chuckles lowly at Jimmy’s question, it’s true, his eclectic taste in music doesn’t typically extend to the modern indie pop you create. “I mean, yeah, I guess my playlists tend to have more of the classics, but her stuff is great. I would definitely consider myself a fan, first I was just listening to her albums while driving my kids around. But then I would be heading home after dropping them off at school and I’d catch myself singing along before I realized I could be listening to whatever I wanted.”
At that, the audience laughs, some nodding their heads in what seemed like agreement, Jason laughing slightly at himself before continuing the conversation, “So yes, I am a fan of her music, though I will say, I know more about her film career than I do her music career.” Jimmy nods in understanding, switching the card in his hand to a poster for your upcoming film Glass Onion, the sequel to Knives Out. “A highly anticipated film for fans of the first one, has Y/N said anything about her first blockbuster film after only previously starring in independent films?”
Jason shakes his head, clearing his throat as he switches which of his legs rests on the other, “We haven’t talked much about either of our careers really other than the usual ‘I love your work’ when first meeting. I can say though,” Jason turns to the main camera, pointing at it with a serious look on his face, “don’t kill me Lorne, the writers’ room told me I could share,” Jimmy erupting into his iconic life as he claps his hands, Jason then turning back to the host as if nothing happened, “Y/N is gracing us with her acting talent in a couple of sketches this week and she is an absolute star. I’m telling you, she should be hosting, not me. I would be happy to let her take over and do both jobs as I watch in the audience.”
The audience laughs before the conversation moves on, talking about Jason’s days on SNL and switching, of course, to Jimmy begging for any season three information as Jason refuses to budge while laughing at his friend. Soon enough, Jimmy throws it to commercial, allowing for the glam squad to come freshen each of them up as the production team shifts things around for the next segment and coming musical performance. As his suit gets lint rolled for the nth time, Jimmy looks at Jason who is talking with his assistant. Not intending to eavesdrop but also not doing his due diligence to give his guest privacy, he overhears the assistant pass a message along from the SNL crew, a message that includes your name in it.
Jimmy’s eyebrow arches and he quirks his head to the side, noticing Jason’s cheeks turn a light red at the mention of your name. Getting a devious idea in his head, Jimmy whips his phone out, typing at lightning speed so he can get all the information possible before they film Jason’s final interview portion. 
Jimmy Fallon: Hey, you talk more frequently to JSuds than I do, is he seeing anyone right now?
Seth Meyers: Nope, single. But he’s basically in love with Y/N L/N. He was at my place when his agent told him that she was the musical guest for his episode, he was practically jumping out of his seat.
Jimmy Fallon: That was my guess, thanks.
Seth Meyers: Yeah, sure. 
Seth Meyers: Wait, why are you asking me? Aren’t you with him right now for your show? Just ask him.
Seth Meyers: Jimmy, did you use me? I swear to God.
Seth Meyers: Fallon?
Seth Meyers: Oh fuck.
Jimmy pockets his phone as the glam squad rushes backstage, the producer counting them down from ten, “Hey Jason, we’re good friends right?” Turning to him with a confused look on his face, Jason nods apprehensively “…Yes, why?” Jimmy shoos away his question in their last four seconds, “Nothing, just wanted to make sure it was fresh on your mind.”
The Roots performed the intro music as the audience cheered, Jason putting on his best smile and content face as Jimmy welcomed everyone back, though he was truly confused out of his fucking mind. “Welcome back everyone! Now, Jason, everyone probably thinks of us as being on SNL at the same time and while they’re technically true, they’re also wrong.”
Jason nods, though his head was still wrapped in confusion, especially since he thought the show agenda said they’d be talking about his experience directing as compared to acting, not returning to the topic of their alma mater. “You make a good point. We were at the show at the same time, but I was in the writers’ room and you were in the cast. I was featured in a sketch every now and then, but nothing major. My first season as part of the cast was 2005, which I think was the first season without you, right?”
Jimmy leans back in his chair, nodding as a small smirk appears on his face, something that terrifies Jason when paired with the glint in Jimmy’s eyes that he recognized as dangerous, “Yeah, exactly, my last season was 2004. You know who we both worked with a lot, both on camera and in writing?” Jason looks at him with a clearly confused expression, something that makes both the audience and the host laugh, “Um yeah, lots of people Jim. But I’m sure you’re going to tell me who you’re specifically talking about.”
Chuckling as a facade, Jimmy internally prays that this goes over well as, hoping that his friend’s sense of humor prevails over his possible embarrassment, “Well I was texting with Seth, Seth Meyers,” he says pointedly to the crowd who clap, “before the show, and you’ll never guess what he told me.” Jason throws his head back over the top of the chair, dramatically groaning as the audience laughs, “I swear to God Jimmy, if this is a drunk writers’ room story…”
The late-night host laughs as he swats away the suggestion, “No, not at all. He was just telling me about a little crush that you have.” The studio is suddenly filled with “ooo”s as the audience goes wild. Jason turns to his friend, turning red in the face as he shakes his head, biting his inner cheek in disbelief before letting out a dangerously low chuckle, “Oh, did he now?”
Based on the embarrassed man’s response, Jimmy knows he is safe to continue though he lets Jason lead the conversation and how much he wants to share. “He did in fact. He told me about how you were, and I quote, ‘practically jumping out of your chair’ in his living room when this crush was brought up in conversation.” Jason rolls his eyes at the exaggeration, though he is also aware that it may not be too far off from what happened when he got that call, “Okay, I don’t know if I would go that far. Geez, I feel like I’m in high school again.” Turning to the audience, Jason makes a jokingly agitated face, “You spend ten years in this place and suddenly it's like you’re right back in homeroom when you come back for the reunion.”
The audience laughs and while Jimmy knows what he said was fairly accurate, he was not going to let Jason sidestep this conversation. “Meyers has never exaggerated in his entire life, don’t you dare suggest that.” With a statement that false, Jason has to roll his eyes before Jimmy can continue, “It seems your crush is someone we all know, someone I’m sure quite a few people in the audience and many more at home have crushes on as well. Care to share?”
Jason shakes his head as he chuckles, dramatically waving his hands to show his opposition to the suggestion. Not surprisingly though, the studio erupts in cheers, egging Jason on, cheering for the celebrity drama. Jason licks his bottom lip quickly as he looks down at his sneakers, trying to figure out how to nicely reveal that he was practically in love with you (though he would maintain the secret of the severity of his attraction to you, of course). 
Taking a deep breath, Jason attempts to steady his racing heartbeat. Was he really about to do this? Why would he admit on international television that he had a fat puppy love crush on you? Sure, the episode was filmed the afternoon before the evening of airing, they could cut it if he asked, but he would be trending on Twitter as soon as the audience had access to their phones again. 
It’s not like he was asking for your hand in marriage, just telling Jimmy that he was attracted to you. Worst case scenario, you ignore Jason for the next two days aside from your sketches together, sure, awkwardness would linger in the air, but you’re both professionals. Best case scenario, you tell Jason that he’s hot as fuck, you two have the best sex of your lives, and then live happily ever after, together for the rest of your lives. He admits, maybe the second possibility was more of a fantasy, but it's his mind, he can dream about anything he wants.
Jason looks back up at the audience, who continue to cheer, before glancing to a smiling Jimmy Fallon. He takes one more deep breath, his face turning a darker shade of red before he can even say anything. “Let’s just say, I wouldn’t mind a personal concert from this person instead of just singing along in my car.”
Hearing the reference to the earlier conversation about you, the audience absolutely loses it as they all stand, clapping and cheering. Jimmy lets out a loud laugh, clapping Jason on the shoulder and pointing to him while looking at the camera, “Jason Sudeikis, everyone! Catch him and his favorite musical guest, Y/N L/N, on Saturday Night Live at 11:35 PM!” 
Jason is rushed backstage, different crew members complimenting him on his interview as he heads in the direction of his dressing room. He looks to his left to find his assistant joining his walk, passing him his phone as she gives him a nervous smile. Sensing her uneasiness at the possibility of Jason being frustrated with her for Jimmy’s questioning, he sends her a reassuring smile before thanking her for his phone and sending her back to studio 8H where he’d meet her.
He continues the journey to his room, needing to grab his stuff before he can head back to rehearsal and last-minute rewrites ahead of the coming show. Jason chuckles as he unlocks his phone, ignoring all of the texts from his publicist that was watching from the production room, instead opening his messages from Seth.
Seth Meyers: Okay don’t be mad at me.
Seth Meyers: He didn’t tell me he was going to do that.
Seth Meyers: Actually, I don’t know what he did but I KNOW he did something.
Seth Meyers: So yeah, not me. Jimmy. He’s the one that sucks, yeah?
Jason types out his response, pausing to open his door though he doesn’t look up from his phone, instead finishing his text. But before he can press send, he notices the shape of something, or someone, on the room’s couch. Looking up, Jason is shocked, and subsequently incredibly nervous, to find you lounged on the couch, smiling at him. He takes note of the television remote in your hand, the television sitting opposite the couch that he knows was just playing his interview. Jason lets out a nervous chuckle as he tries to figure out what to say, brushing his hair back as he looks at you. Before he can say anything though, you stand up and walk towards him, only about five inches of space between the two of you as you smile brightly up at him, the smile turning into a small smirk.
“Personal concert, huh?”
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saiyansweetheart45 · 11 months
Ideas for the Coffee Shop AU
Hey, everyone! Later this month and throughout December, I'll be releasing the first chapters of my newest story idea! But for now, here's the layout for this lovely (if I do say so myself) new idea. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
The Full Moon Brew Coffee Shop is more than just a place to get a cup of coffee. It’s a haven that offers a break from the day-to-day chaos in the city of Calatonia, presided over by one Koala Connoisseur, Buster Moon, a coffee enthusiast as well as a master showman. The Full Moon Brew is a nook of coziness and even creativity. With the air teeming with coffee and creative encouragement, it’s no wonder the place hosts such an eclectic bunch.
Up and coming rocker Ash goes there at least twice a week to get her caffeine fix, but also likes the atmosphere because it helps inspire her songwriting.
Sweet-obsessed and sass-filled Nooshy likes to busk down the road (before meeting the rest of the gang) for extra pocket money to afford her cream and sugar-loaded coffees. And it combines the two things she loves: dancing and coffee. She also enters the occasional contest held at the shop.
Then there’s introverted British newcomer Johnny who spends anywhere from half an hour to sometimes even half the day, at the place, ordering at least three cups of coffee, all while reading or writing songs as well. It’s like a haven in the new city he's moved with his family to following his dad and uncle’s being transferred for a job. Occasionally, on their lunch break, the three older gorillas stop in to get a little bite of the pastries the place offers and of course an espresso-loaded cup or two. Each. They don’t ever stick around long, but they can see why the youngest member of their clan loves the place so much.
Then, we have the equally shy Meena, whose small family business supplies the baked goods to the coffee shop, and Meena occasionally visits both to subtly network for her family’s business, and to try to become more social, since coffee shops are great for being both social and withdrawn. And she loves their smoothies, and is trying to acquire a taste for coffee, but can’t quite do it.
Enter Rosita, the on-the-go mother that does it all, but always makes some time to get a little pick-me-up for herself and do a bit of work to help her husband, for whom she always orders a special cappuccino before she heads to pick up their extensive brood of piglets.
The tea-loving theater legend Nana Noodleman happens to be one of the top investors for Buster’s shop. The place is small but makes a pretty profit, what with having fresh, homemade treats, along with beverages one can’t get just anywhere. And Buster always makes sure to keep a steady supply of fine teas at the ready for Nana. She even has a special table with a high-backed purple velvet chair by the window just beside the patio overlooking the ocean.
The excitable bundle of Piggy Power Gunter occasionally visits the shop, drawn by the musical selection and the open mic nights. Though by his own admission, he comes less for the singing and more for the dancing. And of course, a caffeine fix here and there is needed for such dedicated dancing.
Another new kid enters. Meet Ryan Collins, a student in a nearby dance academy, who happens upon the coffee shop by complete coincidence. He finds that while he doesn’t much care for coffee, he enjoys the chill atmosphere, a welcome reprieve after his hectic classes under the iron fist of Klaus Kickenklober. Plus, who doesn’t occasionally love a Toasted Vanilla or Hazelnut Steamer?
Two new faces also enter this colorful Coffee shop mix, we have the two rich kids Eddie and Porsha, both of whom are working their first jobs ever under the watchful eye of Miss Crawly. Don’t let her age and dottiness fool you, the old Lizard Lady is a brewing MASTER.
Both prove straight away to be a bit…unskilled to say the least, but they slowly start to adapt, with Porsha even scoring huge brownie points when she creates a new drink for the menu.
And finally, the dutiful, efficient, and long-suffering Suki Lane occasionally stops by the shop to get coffee for herself, but also (reluctantly) for her image-obsessed boss who doesn’t like coffee but is quick to associate himself when the little shop starts to gain more attention.
Suki herself may not particularly like Buster, but she does like the coffee. And she does secretly loathe Crystal's dismissal of it. And dismiss it he does. At least until it starts to gain more popularity, at which point he tries to buy it out. But that meeting goes as well as you'd expect.
This version of Buster has a few slightly different traits; poised, knows his worth, and won't sell himself out for a few beans. He knows why Crystal wants the business and is having none of it. First off, because he knows the price Crystal offered is insulting given the profit the place brings in. Second, and more importantly, because his father bought the property, had the building built with his own money, and personally let Buster design the place, the menu, everything. This place is a symbol of everything his dad worked for and gave him. All the while the man was hiding a terminal illness. This last project was a distraction from the inevitable. And Buster will NOT trivialize that sacrifice.
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1waywardbirdlane · 3 months
Unsolicited Lore Dump
tagged by @ancuninfiles , a beloved mutual
Do you make your bed? Occasionally when i’m tidying up and want everything to look nice & neat, but it’s not something I do habitually. 
Favourite number? 19. Not sure why
What's your job? I tell people I’m a homemaker. 
If you could go back to school would you? If I could go to a trade school, like for carpentry or welding or something, I would in order to build my skills and my art portfolio into larger scale and more intricate projects. I would maybe go to university. I would definitely love to learn more. I love being able to deep dive into a subject, to really learn the nuance & history of it. There’s definitely lots of subjects I’d be interested in, but if I were to actually devote that kind of time to school, I’d also want to have a goal in mind- a Masters or PHD or whatever.
Can you parallel park? Yep
Do you think aliens are real? I think it’s the height of arrogance to assume that there are no other sapient life forms in our whole universe. As much knowledge as we humans have accumulated, there are most definitely still things we cannot even perceive, let alone understand. Most media depicts “alien life forms” as largely humanoid, but that is so limiting and it drives me crazy. Of the films & TV I’ve seen, the film Arrival is the most unique and exciting depiction of alien encounters on earth. The creatures themselves were more imaginative, but also their concepts of language and time were presented in ways that felt fresh and caused a lot of introspection, both for characters on screen and for me personally.
Can you drive a manual car? No
What's your guilty pleasure? This is probably a terrible thing to say here, but fanfic? I still feel like I’m going to be teased if someone asks why I’m crying over my phone and I tell them the new chapter of my favorite fic came out and my ship had a huge fight. (Looking at you @Aevallare jk ilysm) Or if someone asks what I’m reading these days and the only answer I have is “so many Astarion/bg3 fanfics that I literally can’t keep the Tavs straight anymore.” I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed, and if anyone said all these things to me I’d tell them to be proud and just enjoy what they enjoy, fuck everybody else. But…I’ve realized I actually got teased a LOT about things I loved as a kid. My family would pick on me about what I realize now were hyperfixations, like a movie or certain activities that I seemed obsessed with. When I watched fellowship of the ring everyday one summer my brother would mockingly quote lines at me and tell me I needed to get over it. 
Tattoos? I have 2! A henna/paisley -like flower design on the inside of my left forearm and 3 sparrows flying from my right shoulder blade up to my neck. & plans for MANY more
Favorite color? Green. All of its shades and hues. Purple as a close second, especially lilac purple.
Favourite types of music? I think I have a very eclectic taste. I can appreciate most kinds of music, but… folk, indie rock/pop, grunge are probably the most accurate categories? I like female singer/songwriters- Ingrid Michaelson & Maggie Rogers. We’ve seen the Decemberists like 5 or 6 times, but probably my most favoritest band is Incubus. I’m convinced Hozier is some kind of magic Fae creature who fucks off to another realm or dimension between albums. I’ll fight anyone who tries to take a shot at Eddie Vedder. Bowie always puts me in a good mood and reminds me of college and Wes Anderson movies. Radiohead and the White Stripes were some of the first bands my sister introduced me to. The Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and Lauryn Hill’s Miseducation of Lauryn Hill are still some of my favorite albums of all time. 
Do you like puzzles? Yes! It kind of runs in our family on my mom’s side. If you went to visit Grandma and Grandpa and they were having a quiet night, they'd be doing a puzzle and listening to music or watching a movie. My aunts and uncles do it, and so do a few cousins, and my sister & her family love them too. I can get lost for hours with a good podcast and a puzzle. 
Any phobias? I originally went on an ADHD tangent about bear bells and tip toeing to cliff edges, but then I realized the only phobia I probably have is deep water. I LOVE being in the water, water creatures and ecosystems, but if I think too much about what is possibly swimming around just below me I can get a little freaked out. Truthfully this might stem from a “game” my brother and sister played with me when we were little and our house had a pool. They were 11 and 10. Both of them had taken swim lessons, could swim underwater and jump in without holding their noses. I was 3 and had a bathing suit with a built in innertube. They would take turns diving under the water with their hands on their heads imitating fins and grab my ankles and yank me down. Obviously it scared me and they did it so much that I stopped going in the pool with them.
Favourite childhood sport? Soccer
Do you talk to yourself? Oh yeah. Sometimes I pass it off as if I’m talking to my cat, or one of my plants, but yes very much a lot.
What movies do you adore? The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is #1 for of all time. Nacho Libre is another all time favorite. What We Do in the Shadows, the John Wick movies, Fast & Furious movies, Mad Max Fury Road…
Coffee or tea? I love both but if I have to choose then COFFEEFirst thing you wanted to be growing up? Somewhere in my parents’ house there is an old video of me saying that when I grew up I wanted to be a princess or a mermaid.
Gunna tag all 10 of my followers lol. If you've already shared yours just ignore me lol.
@astarionancuntnin @midnight-musings-of-nyx @adoenamedjane @originalin @giganticrodent @shewhowas39 @halsinwhore @swancensus
I really love doing these!!
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captain-gillian · 4 months
music monday
rules: post songs that you relate to ls/characters from ls
thanks so much for the tags @sznofthesticks @americansrequiems @eclectic-sassycoweyes @sugdenlovesdingle @literateowl & to @tellmegoodbye for starting this off
here are songs for nancy, nancymarjan, tk, carlos & tarlos. songs under the cut for tidyness. fair warning most of these are depressing i am a depressing music kinda person so
Why's pain so damn impatient? Ain't like it's got a place to be Keeps rushing me But I ignore things, and I move sideways Until I forget what I felt in the first place At the end of the day I know there are worse ways To stay alive 'Cause everyone's growing and everyone's healthy I'm terrified that I might never have met me
this is a song about struggling with your mental health and avoiding recovery, and this to me is very much a season 1 TK song, from when he's numb to the world and still finding his footing in his recovery and his new life in austin, before he's able to let carlos in.
If you really wanted, I could let you inside It's been so long and I've got nothing left to hide Would you believe me if I told you that I've got flaws Now it's time to let the curtains unfold And tell all the stories that I didn't want told I let it out so I unburden my soul, I won't stop 'Cause I don't know The perfect road to go down
this song just screamed carlos to me the first time I heard it. it really conveys that complicated closed off nature he has of always trying to be who everyone else wants and show that he's got it together, and how hesitant he's been to open up, even to TK.
Waking up beside you brings a kind of refuge It's the armor that I need to face the day For a second I forgot that you were leaving soon Then the armor falls away This time there's no broken hearts And no one ran 'cause it got hard This missing you is temporary pain I'm happy to be sad I'm sad that you are gone If I was feeling nothing I would feel like something's wrong
a song about loving someone so deeply that it hurts to be apart, does this not just scream tarlos?? they're both shift workers, their shifts and time off isn't always going to align, and they're going to be sad to be apart at times but that isn't always a bad thing, just a sign of how deep their love is.
Can't stay here, it's hard to face and it feels too ugly Light a fire inside yourself, let it burn Stare up at a starless sky and you say It's like I'm still here with you It's like I'm still here with you I don't, I don't, I don't wanna say goodbye
to me this song represents nancy after tim's death, the feelings of grief and loss and loneliness and not wanting to hire a new paramedic or move on and 'replace' her best friend.
Am I allowed to look at her like that Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture And she means everything to me (Oh) I'd never tell No I'd never say a word
unrequited sapphic pining? need i say more? what could be more nancymarjan than that?
late to this so open tag + no pressure tagging @fallout-mars
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thequietesthing · 5 months
since everyone is giving their two cents about the new taylor swift album, i’ll also do the same (it’s more like ten cents cause it’s very long sorry)
first of all, this album (i’m talking about ttpd: the anthology with all 31 songs) can be truly appreciated once you hear it at least twice with the lyrics right in front of you. the reason for this, imo, is pretty simple; the first thought i had while listening to this the first time (and be mindful of the fact that my mind was huddled with sleep bc it was very early) is that it sounds like a diary, more than any other of her previous albums. which is why, i think, that the people that don’t particularly like it may never have kept a personal diary in their life. and i’m not talking about gratitude journals, i’m talking about “teenage petulance” written words, with anger, resentment, hope, love and sadness. which would very well explain the lack of “storyline” that i’ve seen people complain about, in the sense that she doesn’t create stories within her songs but only verbose imaginaries. when you write in your diary you use metaphors, analogies and periphrasis but since it’s something raw and yours you don’t need to craft a story about it because the diary it’s something you write for yourself, so you don’t need to make the effort of making something “pretty” as it’s not supposed to be read by anyone else. it often feels like an unending river flow of messy words because that it’s how writing your own feelings looks like. also the fact that she often reports pieces of dialogue she imagines hearing or that someone actually said it’s a very typical trait of diary entries.
second of all, the games of assigning which song to who can be fun for like the first two hours but then it gets very freaking boring. if you don’t understand that everything that she writes she writes about how she feels and about how other people make her feel you have not been paying attention. she is the main character; if the issue for you is whether that song is written for that person instead of another, you are giving more importance to secondary/recurring roles than to her. these are her words, her story. and i’m not saying it’s not fun ok, catching references to ex-boyfriends or other people, but you can’t, and you shouldn’t, make an entire album that she wrote about her personal intimate experiences about someone else.
to circle back to the lyrics, i think that this album may be one of her best works. they are smart on both a linguistic and metaphorical level. as someone who deeply enjoys english as a language i always have the time of my life listening to her albums and her choice of association of words, themes and rhymes.
a last point regarding the tunes. i am by far the last person that knows anything about music, you give me a pretty tune and i usually like it regardless of where is from (cue my very eclectic music tastes) so when everyone said that all the music sounded alike i was like uhmm. when i heard it a second time (guys the key it’s really in this!!!) i was like no they are different from one another. but also, and this may be a little far fetched so feel free to disagree but it’s what i perceived, is that in this album she may have put much more effort in the lyrics than in the music. not always obvs she is a musician after all, but i think that the turning point here, the thing that she wants us to pay attention to, are the lyrics (also why it’s called tortured poets department and not tortured musicians department :))
to sum everything up, i really really enjoyed this album when i listened to it the first time but i’m appreciating her skills and understanding her lyrics more the second time around. it’s an album that has to be let marinate, like a sauce, otherwise is gonna taste a bit acidic. anywho this is just my opinion, i just needed to tell it to someone and the irl people in my life are not willing to listen, so people of tumblr you are the unfortunate recipients of my two cents on ttpd :)
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themuse-if · 5 months
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Jo Nielsen
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Jo Nielsen with us, the drummer of The Rebel Rejects. Jo, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue music?
Jo: Hey, thanks for having me. Music has always been my refuge, especially after the tumultuous experiences of my upbringing. The drums, in particular, spoke to me – they're like my voice, expressing all the emotions I couldn't put into words.
Interviewer: How would you describe your music?
Jo: My drumming style is raw and energetic, I really feed off of Ro and De's energy. I tend to really let loose and leave it all on the kit. We have a blend of punk and post-punk, with slight influences from other genres thanks to De's eclectic taste.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others?
Jo: I want to be seen as someone who's genuine and empathetic, who's been through struggles but still finds joy in life's simple pleasures.
Interviewer: How do you want your art to be seen by others?
Jo: I want my drumming to resonate with people, to be a source of comfort and empowerment. I want it to inspire others to find their own voice, just like music did for me.
Interviewer: What is your latest obsession?
Jo: I've been obsessed with hiking! I really love being outdoors, so I've been trying to hit all my favorite trails at home this summer before the move to university.
Interviewer: Describe your best friend(s).
Jo: De and Ro are literally the most amazing people I’ve ever met. When I first transitioned into normal life I wasn’t really sure what types of relationships I would form, but they showed up in my life and made me feel so seen and secure. They show me so many types of beauty in everything and truly keep me grounded when I’m feeling…lost. I know it’s cheesy but I would definitely say we’re soulmates.
Interviewer: Wow it sounds like you found true kindred spirits in De and Ro, that’s lovely. Could you describe your ideal partner?
Jo: Someone who's understanding and patient, who accepts me for who I am and supports my passions. Someone who's willing to go on adventures and explore the world with me. Also they have to get along with my friends, it’s an automatic deal breaker if they don’t.
Interviewer: What was your first kiss like?
Jo: I don’t really like to talk about it…it was a bit traumatic… I will tell you about what I like to think of as my first kiss. It was actually with Ro. *chuckles* I know, I know what you’re thinking, but it was actually really sweet. I had just finished opening up to them about my past and they asked me if I wanted a redo. It was nice…soft and gentle. Ro can actually be really sweet.   
Interviewer: Aw that's so cute! Ad I'm sorry but I have to ask, have you kissed since?
Jo: *starts to blush furiously* I uh…maybe once or twice…I mean did Ro say anything?
Interviewer: *stifles a laugh* Mmm I think I’ll let you ask them yourself. Moving on, have you ever been in love?
Jo: Not yet, but I believe in love and all its complexities. I think when it happens, it'll be a beautiful and transformative experience.
Interviewer: When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Jo: I haven't been in a serious relationship yet. Honestly I had never even had real friends before Jo and De. I've been so focused on my music and my friends that I hadn’t really thought about dating. 
Interviewer: What’s your ideal Friday night?
Jo: I love just hanging out with the band, whether it’s practice, a gig, or just staying in. It’s alway super fun when we’re together.
Interviewer: What’s the last song you listened to?
Jo: "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. It's a classic that always hits me right in the feels.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Jo: I think I'd be a supportive partner, someone who's always there for their significant other no matter what. I believe in mutual respect and understanding in a relationship. I like to do little things for the people I love to show them I care.
Interviewer: Do you approach those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Jo: I think it depends on the situation. I'm not afraid to make the first move if I feel a connection, but I also believe in letting things happen naturally.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Jo: People who are closed-minded or judgmental. I believe in acceptance and understanding, so it frustrates me when others can't see things from different perspectives.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Jo: Their energy. I believe in vibes, and I can usually tell right away if someone is genuine and authentic.
Interviewer: What did you dream about last night?
Jo: I think it was more of a nightmare…*gets comically serious* I dreamt I was on stage completely naked, with just me and my drum kit. And I was using bananas instead of drumsticks. AND even worse the audience was throwing bananas at me! *hides face in hands* That’ll teach me to eat a banana before bed.
Interviewer: *doubles over laughing* Alright Jo...not to suddenly get serious but... This is the final question, and I know this is a sensitive subject for you, but I have to ask. What's "the incident" that caused you and you mother to transition back into normal life?
Jo: *sighs so deeply* I... honestly... I still don't think that I'm ready to share that just yet. It's very personal and I only feel comfortable sharing that information with someone who has thoroughly earned my trust.
Interviewer: I understand, I'm sure it takes a lot for you to even open up this much. Thank you for today. It's been wonderful getting to learn more about you.
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 6 months
Hey author, how are you? 💕
I'm curious to know what kind of music the RO's like. Who are their idols? Any artists/genres that are a guilty pleasure for them?
Any kind of music they pretend to like just 'cos it's popular? *discreetly looks at Kinsley*
Hello nonie~ I'm doing good thank you!
this kind of question is hard for me, personally, to think about because of my own relationship with music and music artists (which is why this took so fucking long) which is to say I love music and don't really pay attention much to artists beyond the fact they make the music I love (lmao I really don't care about celebrities, I find it quite concerning that so many people idolise them so much... like your(general) fave is just a guy at the end of the day lmao) (that being said I can understand having an influence and following the *work* of an artist you really connect to) and I find it hard to make hard line distinctions between genres, aha 🤭
That being said, let's have a look at some music! (This is an excuse to show off my extensive and exhaustive music reach and taste, so thank you!)
Dylan──they're open to all types of music but they only really purchase R&B albums! Artists like Stevie Wonder, Chaka Khan, Tina Turner, Prince, Alicia Keys, Frank Ocean, SZA, Kehlani and Miguel are all artists Dyl owns albums (and vinyls!!) for! Dyl introduced Kin to R&B and they usually listen to the artists she likes more when they're together (Beyoncé, Victoria Monét, Lionel Ritchie etc) They like ‘Foreign Language’ R&B too, artists like BIBI, DEAN, Cherrie, Girl Ultra, Adi Oasis, ØZI, Yseult and Lous And The Yakuza.
Shay──the real eclectic listener! He likes next to every genre of music, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, K-pop, J-rock, Folk, Funk, Phonk, EDM, Heavy Metal, Grunge, House, Synth, Soul... even Country... Country Fusion! Shay likes artists that kind of... don't have a genre? Like Sleep Token, Twenty One Pilots, Pink Floyd, Oingo Boingo, Lene Lovich, David Bowie, Gorillaz, Poppy, Bring Me The Horizon, Afterlife, Seventeen, Red Velvet and Hannah Wicklund. He definitely love finding new music as well as sharing new music! (Watch the YouTube/Twitch channel that's got a segment dedicated to reacting to new music!! Like HTHAZE!)
Kinsley──lmao she doesn't mind Popular music but, like, the last Taylor Swift album she actively sought out was 1989 (she's partial to This Love) and Kin would rather die than be subjected to Trap music. She's very into genres like Alternative Indie, Indie Rock, Neo Soul, and R&B artists like Hozier, Florence + The Machine, Lorde, Phoebe Bridgers, Lizzy McAlpine, Searows, Reneé Rapp, Ethel Cain and Noah Kahan. Her R&B influence is mainly from being Dylan's friend but she does love artists like Beyoncé (she really loved her self titled album and especially Virgo's Groove off of Renaissance), Victoria Monét (particularly the Jaguar II album) and Khalid as well as older artists like Mary J. Blige, Marvin Gaye or Lionel Ritchie!
J──they tend to listen to music for the beat, the bass, the instrumentals more than lyrics. They like heavier genres like Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Nu Metal, Grunge and other genres like EDM, Synth, Techno and Trance. They also listen to Italian artists quite a lot, mainly because J wants to keep up with the language (because their father refuses to speak it or teach them) so artists like Måneskin, Jovanotti, Lacuna Coil, Max Gazzé, Vanerus, and even Vivaldi. J also listens to anything their sister recommends them, even if it's the most bubblegum pink pop shit they've ever heard─if Bells likes it they're listening. Shay will also introduce them to the wonders of J-rock and K-pop which bend genre all the time!
Theo──a Pop lover! Or rather, Theo tends to stick to listening to the radio or the Popular Playlist on Spotify! They tend to like more instrumental artists like or soundtrack artists like Hans Zimmer, Hiroyuki Sawano, Danny Elfman, Vangelis, Rachel Portman (who was the first female composer to win an academy award for best original score!) and Michael Giacchino over anything else and they 'broaden their horizons' by being dragged to Jazz bars and open house cafés by C (and MC) so it's not like they're stuck in one/two genre's!!
Bonus! Some Modern/Nu Jazz artists C likes: Ezra Collective, Nubya Garcia, Masego, Cherise, Camille Munn, Blue Lab Beats, Kasami Washington, Esperanza Spalding, Snarky Puppy, GoGo Penguin, Mathilde Widding and Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah!
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bapple117 · 6 months
Some RadioCotton Trivia 📻🐰❤️
Now that my first fic "If You Can't Say Somethin' Nice, Don't Say Nothin' At All" is finished, I thought I would share some behind-the-scenes trivia!
Some of this will contain minor spoilers for the plot, so read with caution if you've not finished the story - there will be no spoilers for part two (All That Grace). Okay let's go! This list is LONG so hold on y'all
The Bambi Thing
The name is a direct quote from Bambi; there's actually a LOT of Bambi references in the whole fic. The quote was actually the entire inspiration for the whole premise. Bambi is one of my favourite Disney movies and I couldn't help but notice a lot of shared themes between it and Alastor - and then I thought, what if a cute, wholesome rabbit demon came to Hell and taught him to be sweeter?
There's another direct script lift from Bambi later in the fic - when Alastor has the dream about his mother. 'Mother? MOTHER? Mother where are you?' Oh the pain.
Adam also calls Alastor "Bambi" and Verity "Thumper" at points, AND one of the chapters is called "Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers". The themes of them being a deer and a rabbit also crop up a lot, obviously.
The Music Thing
There are a LOT of references to songs, both when I put lyrics at the start of chapters and within the story itself. I am aggressively inspired by music and song lyrics, and have immensely eclectic taste, and can't help myself. Some songs would be the thematic influence for a chapter and I would literally listen to the song on repeat as I either planned or wrote the chapter. Something I'm still doing now while I write Bluest Monday!
At one point I spent about an hour trying to find the name of a music scale just so I could accurately describe it when Alastor and Verity play the piano. I am very meticulous with my research, I was determined to find it 😂
The Alastor Thing
The way I chose to write Alastor was influenced by a number of things. One, that "What just happened? Ffffffuck" line from the finale of Season 1 did a LOT of heavy lifting for me. It showed that he has a version of himself that's less guarded and raw - and I don't care what anyone says, it's NOT because his staff broke. He goes right back to the filter and accent immediately afterwards and the staff is still broken, so.
Two, I just really wanted to write him as someone that uses violence and a covered-up personalty as a coping mechanism for grief, which I don't think is too far from the canon. His eventual softening and ability to love was influenced by things like Mr Darcy, Kylo Ren (LOL), Astarion from BG3, etc etc. Traumatised bad boy is healed by the sunshine girl - we love to see it.
I also did a LOT of research on the canonical information thus far known about Alastor, including things Viv has said in streams. The only thing I got dead wrong was a chapter where he drinks tea - apparently he hates it. Everything else is either based on canon or a speculation based on lore that's been teased.
Other Random Facts
I chose to include Adam as a fleshed out character for a few reasons. One, he's hella fun to write. Two, I had the Vox-jealous-kidnap-and-rescue planned since the start, and I knew I needed a character who could help them. Adam is unknown to the Vees as a hotel resident at that point, and so he became a great choice. I needed to lay the ground work so it would be convincing that he'd help them, so he's there from the start. I ended up loving him so much that he's now one of the main characters in the sequel and is getting his own development arc. Go Adam!
Adam also breaks the fourth wall in the show (Ugly people? *looks at camera*) and so I felt inspired to make him quippy with pop culture references a la Deadpool. It was great fun and very helpful when I wanted to squeeze in a fitting reference.
There is a LOT of foreshadowing and wordplay in the fic. A LOT, so much I don't have time to list it all. For example, Verity drunkenly talks (in Chap 4) about how deer are territorial momma's boys - if that ain't Alastor idk what is. That info becomes very important in Chap 21.
There are references to stuff from Helluva Boss; Fizzerolli Cola, a Verosika music video plays, etc. A sign of more to come in P2 👀
Dramatic irony (where the audience knows something the character doesn't and it's either funny or tragic) is my absolute FAVOURITE Shakespearian trope, and I use it all the time.
I made myself laugh a lot coming up with the names for fake booze LOL
Husk was one of my favourite characters to write, as well as Alastor (ofc), Rosie and Adam.
My personal favourite chapters are 13 (Al drunk with Rosie) 19 (dream scene, fluff & first smut) and 23 (final chapter). I loved the image of Alastor laughing into his drink like a normal young man being silly and chapter 19 has a bit of everything - angst, fluff, smut, comedy. I loved writing that one so much.
The scene where Verity uses Alastor's power to manifest them away from the group cheekily and then Alastor likes it a lot and goes crazy kissing her is very inspired by this scene in Titanic (one of my all time fave movies) - especially where Rose swears and laughs as the lift is going up.
I myself have lost a parent, so I understand that loss very well. I poured a lot of that feeling into this fic, it was something I could actually inject into the story from my own experience.
I'm pretty sure we got the comments turned off on a video on youtube LOL. I linked this song at the end of Chap 19 (I listened to it on repeat while writing the love scene) and the next day the comments were disabled LMAO. That track will ALWAYS remind me of this fic now, arugh my heart
As much as Verity started as just a way for me to avoid using (Y/N) in a reader-insert fic (something I personally don't like) and a way for me to do the rabbit and deer theme, she became her own character over the course of the story. I made it reader-insert cause I figured no one would read it otherwise, but now the sequel is third person bc she's her own person.
Her name was also a deliberate choice - a V name meaning truth. She makes Alastor face his truth, yadda yadda blah blah blah you get it you get it 😂 Plus it just sounds like a rabbit name doesn't it?
Verity has a lot of traits from myself, but she is NOT self-insert for me, I'd hasten to add. I'm not completely delulu guys okay? ....Not entirely But she does have a lot of overlap with myself. You gotta write what you know, after all. I won't go into detail about the similarities between us - some of them are obvious, I think. But I'll leave that all ambiguous, more fun that way :)
Final Thoughts
There are honestly so many more things I could say but this is already veering into narcissistic self-indulgence land LOL so I feel compelled to stop here, but if anyone has any questions or things they'd like to know, pop them in my inbox!
That's all, folks!
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timidxtempted · 10 months
I have very...eclectic tastes in music. I can't help it. I was brought up by a woman that loved heavy metal and divas; by a man that loved old school country and blues. They both sang. Well and often. There was rarely a time when there wasn't music playing in the house. Sometimes... sometimes you could wander from the living room to the kitchen to the den and three different songs and genres would be playing.
That being said, it was actually my brother that influenced me the most when it came to music. He was ... There was no favoured artist or genre. He listened to everything. Anything. He would send me music to listen to at all hours of the day. Driving anywhere with him meant I was getting a taste of all that he had been listening to. And he listened to a lot.
I would hang out in his room and listen to his latest finds and discuss the merits of Depeche Mode and John Fahey with equal joy. We would play Spirit of the West and Rita Chiarelli back to back and not think it was weird. After I moved out, I would pick him up to hang out and we would devour all the songs that had been on repeat in our lives since we'd last talked tunes.
He had an unspoken agreement that there was no time that was inappropriate to call to get assistance on who sang that fucking song that was stuck in your head, or what the lyric was that you couldn't remember drunk at 2am.
He taught me how to play guitar just so he would have a rhythm guitar player for him to solo over. I didn't mind. I still have a recording of us somewhere, playing. We both hit shit notes at the same fucking time and then completely fell apart laughing. I listen to it from time to time now, just to hear him laugh.
One of the things I miss most about my brother is not having him around to send new music to. I would not be able to count the number of times that I have heard something and my first instinct was to send him a link, or a video, or my commentary. I dearly miss getting those same messages from him.
I miss the all-hours phone calls where the only thing he had to say was OMG YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS RIGHT NOW and knowing I was about to hear one of my new favourite songs.
It's his birthday today.
J was a lot of things, and certainly not all of those things are things that I want to remember. But fucking hell do I ever miss him.
I'm lucky - and grateful - that all I have to do to remember him is turn the volume up and let the music play.
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