#my thoughts are running wild
ilovepapahet · 2 months
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I find this really hot for some reason
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judesbabymamas · 4 months
I MIGHT do it girlie… but no promises but I am highly debating this https://www.tumblr.com/judesbabymamas/751651477932687360/okay-ladies-get-your-pen-and-paper-out-i-need-a
Giving the Jude girlies just what we need and crave for
And here’s just another thing you might want to add 🫣🫣
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hanafubukki · 1 year
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Why do they keep decreasing?!?!
Plus…is there a pattern??
The personal conflict within themselves was chapter 1.
Chapter 2 was malleus OB and lilia couldn’t stop him
Chapter 3 was silver and malleus fighting
Chapter 4 general lilia and sebek and silver and the inner workings and conflicts of emotions among the three
Chapter 5….could something big happen between silver and sebek?!? Especially with the way silver is looking?? And sebek looks ready to snap him out of it?? Like when silver falls asleep?!?
(Malleus where the hell are you? It’s your own damn book, get back here)
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lowkeycasanova · 7 months
Has there ever been a fic where the One Piece characters are in the real world? And I don’t mean like a modern au, I mean they literally cross over into the modern world from their dimension somehow.
I think that would be a cool concept (without it being cringy) plus it would be funny seeing how the characters have to adapt
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
as much as I love the common "Tim worships/stalks Jason" trope in TimJay fanfiction because it's Good and making Tim a weird little freak is Fun, I think the underutilized dynamic is where Jason is the one weirdly obsessed with Tim and makes it Tim's problem.
Like, the moment Jason is confronted with the information that a third Robin exists, the first thing he does is cover his wall with pictures of Tim so he can just obsess and torture himself over it. That is the behavior of a man who is Unwell over Tim's existence and I love it.
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red hood: lost days #4
And as much as a shitshow as The Titans Tower Incident™ is characterization-wise (though I think it has far more merit in depicting Jason's character than people give it credit for but I digress-) there's something very fun about the fact that even after kicking his ass, Jason respects Tim and is impressed by him.
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teen titans (2003) #29
And on top of that, Jason can't seem to stop trying to ask Jason to Tim to work with him in some capacity.
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robin (1993) #177
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batman: battle for the cowl #2
While Battle for the Cowl is an exceptionally bad comic, especially for its characterization of Jason and the "be my Robin" bit is taken deeply out of context, I do think it's interesting how obsessed Jason is with believing that Tim is extremely competent, only held back by being "brainwashed by Bruce". (hence him leaving Tim for dead later on in the comic.) Jason seeing a darker side of Tim and wanting to bring that out of Tim, wanting to see what Tim could be if he let go of his loyalty to Bruce is so fun to me, tbh.
And in Robin #177, Jason seems genuinely upset Tim doesn't want to work with him. Jason sees such a raw potential in Tim and is obsessed with it, constantly wanting Tim to work for him and see Tim be the type of person Jason is. And despite Tim rejecting him, Jason doesn't shoot to kill Tim. I just cannot get over the fanfic potential of Jason obsessing over Tim, tracking him and seeing what he's capable of and what he could be capable of. Wanting to make Tim see things the way he does. To Tim it's corruption, to Jason it's freedom. Tim trying to 'save' Jason is fun and all, but Jason trying to corrupt Tim? That's even more fun to me. Watching that power struggle between them, Tim unable to get Jason off his heels as Jason gets more and more possessive and bold with each attempt.
And when Jason sees Tim successfully get Gotham back under control after a gang war, he's impressed. He praises Tim, even. And then Tim just. Breaks him out of prison.
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robin (1993) #182
The way they're constantly trying to see something in the other that isn't there, hoping the other will come around? That is the most fucked up hate/love dynamic ever. Jason keeps coming back to Tim, keeps trying to find ways to get Tim onto his side. They're always chasing each other. And I think Jason would be the one to confess love first, the one to do anything to make Tim his. And when you consider after all of this, Tim has his Red Robin arc and is at his lowest, getting the closest he ever gets to considering murder? I think it'd be so fun to see Jason take advantage of that and worm his way back into Tim's life and finally push Tim over the edge.
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inkedberries · 22 hours
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expanding on the thought of kudou getting the call sign 'hero' and afo getting irked by it for some reason
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halcyonfawn · 10 months
okay. i was confused during this one scene because i felt like the background music was way too familiar for me.
and then it hit me. i've watched season 9 god knows how many times.
WHY DID THEY PUT "FACE THE RAVEN" FROM SERIES 9 IN HERE? is it important? should i start theorising? somebody hold me, i might do something crazy-
edit: there was no one to hold me in contain so i wrote a huge post about this moment.
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earth4angels · 22 days
experienced jacaerys will put a pillow under you, and lightly press his hand on your lower stomach to feel how slowly and then how fast he’s thrusting into you — sorry i don’t make the rules
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momhowell · 6 months
pov: you're a demon and you've been summoned by dan and phil
you've been pounding and wailing at the gates of hell for six thousand years. your throat is hoarse with the misuse of millennia and your muscles burn with the ache of aeons but your will has only strengthened. the last thing you saw was a garden.
and then, at last, the gate is smashed open. at last, you have been summoned back to the mortal realm by some sympathetic soul in order that you might have your revenge, that you might scorch the earth and dissolve into rubble the towers of empire built in the false name of "justice."
that was, of course, what you had assumed.
the first thing you see when you come back is a garden shed.
the first thing you hear is:
"fuck. wait, phil, what the fuck. phil. stop it come here right now. what the fucking fuck did we actually summon a demon what the fuck."
you aren't sure what this means. it could be a part of the ritual. mortals were always adding extraneous parts of rituals for aesthetic purposes.
the next thing you hear is from a different voice:
"dan, what? oh. ooooh. woah. i guess so."
there is a long pause. you wait for your new masters to give you your directive. you wonder where the nearest king whose throne you can sunder with the force of a thousand storms is.
the second voice speaks again:
"i wonder if you can teach a demon to edit youtube videos. that could actually be really useful."
"what the actual fuck, phil."
you are extremely confused.
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mrowtastic · 2 years
Ok I had a cool Idea about a dp x dc au that i want to throw out here.
The story takes place after the show. Everyone is in their early-mid twenties, (I'm thinking the Trio is around 22-23 and Jazz 26-27, depending), Everything that happened in the show happened here. It's been over five years now and Team Phantom is a well-oiled machine of ghost kick-assery.
The Drs Fenton are retired from the ghost hunting business. Inventing new gadgets and theories is their game and they enjoy it. They have gladly passed the torch to their two kids that they are so so proud of. (Maddie insists that they call at least once a week to chat).
Everyone has stuck together. Amity is healthier (ghost-wise) and is particularly peaceful. The gang goes to the same college (take your pick, i prefer Gotham thanks to ghosty biz), and realize just how much their ghostly know-how is needed outside of Amity. (Maybe Gotham calls in a favor and asks them to [spiritually] clean up her streets to help with the strain of everything?).
Team Phantom comes out of retirement to address the spiritual turmoil, hunt down naughty ghost, help the dearly departed to the other side, and steal mementos, haunted artifacts, and other dangerous occult items best left to the dead. The more morally-grey parts of the job force the Team into stealth mode. They work mostly at night but can work during the day depending on the mission. In order to stay anonymous they have motorcycles (with their assigned colors, the sporty kind) with helmets. (I'm imaging so many motorcycle chasing scenes. Maybe the Fentons invent a ghost whip that snags ghosts mid-chase? That sounds cool).
It's easy to get what they need between Sam's and Danny's wealth, Tucker's programming skill, Danny's engineering skills, Jazz's organizational skills, and Sam's ability to see the big picture. It's just like old times.
In a sense they make themselves a superhero group. To everyone else, however, they have come out of nowhere and are way to skilled to be newbies. It has the bats and other heroes scratching their heads. Shenanigans ensue. Constantine loves them and loathes them in the same breath. The Bats are running in circles because How do they keep getting away?
Everyone gets a superhero identity:
Danny: Sticks with Phantom. I know, boring, but no one outside of Amity really knows about him. (I'm thinking an info blockade from the government like in so many fics). He specializes in all the ghostly, magical parts of their exploits. Anything that needs to be done regarding ectoplasm and weird symbols is his business. Also is the only one able to make chemicals needed for their weapons and handle a hammer for repairs to equipment. I imagine him in either a black trench coat or motorcycle jacket with combat boots, black jeans, and regular black t-shirt. He wears goggles like Maddie's. (Like mother, like son). They make him look unhinged.
Sam: I'm leaning towards the name Thorn? She's the sharpshooter. The muscle. She can and will crack your head between her thighs and possesses 90% of the trio's impulse control (in most situations). I imagine her in knee-high, laced up, goth boots, leggings and killer skirt with a leather jacket and crop top. Her colors are still black, purple, and green. She is SWOLE. I love her.
Tucker: Now, I'm not sure what his name would be but he's basically the field tech. Having an on-site hacker is super useful. He's got twenty ways to get into every building. Security means nothing to him. He's great at stealth (not counting Danny cause ghost powers) and is great at thinking on his feet. His color are black and orange. Instead of wearing his red beret and yellow shirt duo he wears sneakers, tech glasses, a motorcycle jacket with a hoodie attached.
Jazz: Prophet is her codename. She's the lady in the chair. Tucker may make the programs that run the computer, but only Jazz can run them efficiently. She gets them where they need to go, gets them out of tough situations, gets info, assists Tucker, and so much more. Also, I want her to fly a ghost jet. I dont know why but she would be so cool doing it.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
You know what, Dragon Cacao is overplayed, what about Dragon the other Ancients?
I feel like one that could be the easiest is Golden Cheese, given her wings (even if they technically aren’t part of her body) and her claiming to have hatched out of an egg that’s actually a dragon egg painted gold. You can just say her dragon parent was a feathered one or something
Or Hollyberry considering her whole connection with dragons, specifically Pitaya. But maybe don’t make Pitaya her parent, just since hollytaya is a big ship. Though if you want to interpret their relationship like that, considering hollytaya isn’t actually canon or heavily implied to be, go ahead
Or maybe you could do White Lily, and maybe that’s the reason she wanted to learn Dragontongue. She’s part dragon but can’t actually speak their language
Or if you want to be really bold, Pure Vanilla. I don’t think he has any sort of connection to dragons, but you could do it, get creative with it
Or heck it, all of them are part dragon, who knows?
I’m just saying, there’s creative potential here
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
I know everyone knows the story of Actaeon and how he met a terrible fate by stumbling upon Artemis bathing in her forest but did you know that Actaeon was Apollo's grandson? That his father was Aristaeus, lord of the bees and the rustic arts and his mother was Autonoe, daughter of Cadmus and princess of Thebes?
Did you know he was trained by Chiron? That he was considered a hunter so skilled his talent was considered divine, that he was his parents' only child and that he was loved?
Did you know the grief that consumed the household when word of Actaeon's fate reached them? That Cadmus cut his hair, that Harmonia wept and was disconsolate and that his parents... well, Autonoe walked the length of the forest, keeping a sharp eye out for her son, but all she saw were the scattered bones of a fawn. Aristaeus too, had heard his son was torn apart and so fruitlessly, foolishly searched for the bones of a man. (There was none to be found)
Did you know that it was Actaeon's ghost, unhappy and unburied, trapped on the earth, who leaned over his sleeping father and told him of his fate? "You will not find me as you knew me, gather me as a stag." And Aristaeus immediately woke his wife and told her the truth, and together they grieved all the night long.
(Did you know that this is why Aristaeus abandons Boeotia? He could not stand the sight of it and so he went to Ceos. And there he slayed the dog-star. And there he became a healing wind. All in the name of his only son, that foolish, beloved Actaeon.)
#ginger chats about greek myths#greek mythology#I'm fascinated by Aristaeus tbh#He's very underrated as far as sons of Apollo go but to my understanding#He's the only one of Apollo's sons that's as multitalented as their old man LOL#Actaeon is also a very sad story#Actaeon only ever knew one side of his family - they never told him that Artemis was his family#In the Dionysica Nonnus writes that Actaeon intended to bring glory to his family by taking Artemis as a bride#And in Callimachus' Hymn they say that his parents thought he was going to JOIN Artemis' hunt and they didn't question him missing#Because they thought he would be running free in the wilds alongside Artemis and her nymphs where he surely belonged#I feel especially bad for Autonoe - she passes by the bones of that deer so many times - almost like she's on the verge of recognising#that those bones belong to her son but she never picks them up - so fixated on looking for her son's body as she knew him#And of course Aristaeus takes it hard too#Some people say this tragedy was enough for him to abandon all of Greece in his mourning and that he took sanctuary in Sardinia#A lot of them say he consulted his father's oracle at a loss for what to do and that it's Apollo that leads him to Ceos#Interestingly - Ceos is also where Cyparissus is said to have lived by some authors and as we all know#Cyparissus had a beloved stag that he cared for like his own heart#It's just very very interesting how some of these things connect to each other#apollo#actaeon#aristaeus#autonoe#cadmus#harmonia
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jula483 · 2 months
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how to send me into panic 101
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naids4luv · 9 months
not a request or anything (i don’t even know if they’re open because i’m a relatively new follower) just a thought
the way you portray jaemin makes me think he’s definitely the type to stay in when you have a girls night at home, not because he’s being nosey because he’ll definitely stay out of the way, because he just wants to be on hand if you need anything. no wine? he’s gone to the store already and do you want snacks while you’re there? face masks? jaemin will hunt for them and even ask for skin types just incase BUT about friends will never see him because when you’re downstairs he’s upstairs when you’re upstairs he’s downstairs like he’ll stay out of the way just anything you guys need trust he’s there
and he’d be more than happy to do all of that. doesn’t matter how often he has to go out or how expensive the items are, he’ll do it in a heartbeat because he knows it will make you happy and it’s just another way for him to show his love for you.
and each time he comes back with the things you need, whether you asked for them or not, he’ll give you a quick peck on the cheek while he’s handing them to you. then he’ll give you a peck on the lips as he goes back to the room so you can spend time with your friends.
jaemin is the standard and everyone should have access to a jaemin in their life🫶🫶🫶
(also my reqs are open btw it just might take a while for me to get to them😽😽)
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semisgroupie · 2 months
thinking about your fav as a priest, he falls madly in love with you making him question every step he’s taken to gain priesthood. even considering breaking his vows so he could be with you, touch you, hold you, kiss you. thinking about how he clutches his rosary in a white knuckle grip as he prays and all he could do is think about you and wonder why god made everything come down to this. he doesn’t want to break his vows to god but he also doesn’t know what he’ll do the next time he’s alone with you
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hwashitape · 3 months
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Your thoughts turn to the pain you've inflicted. You shiver.
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