#my trans introjects i love yall
galaxyofender · 2 years
It was just another night watch around Dogwarts, just like any other one, when Ren realized something about himself.
He was not a man, nor had he ever been. Not that he ever complained when his fellow hermits talked of him in a masculine manner, it wasn't like he or the hermits knew anything else. But under the glow of the moon and the chilling winter air, the truth was clear to Ren, now that he looked at it. A woman, that is what the Red King was.
She knew it, perhaps always did and just never dared to think much of it, and she knew the hermits would take her and her newfound truth with open arms, yet… Oh, her Hand was the issue. Her Hand, who she held dear to her heart, she didn't know how to tell him. Ren knew well, her Hand loved and cared about her as much as she did back, and despised the thought of changing it. She couldn't bear it, the thought of Martyn changing the way he treated her, or even abandoning her in the worst case.
But, she knew Martyn was anything but stupid, he would realize it eventually. He'd take it well, Ren hoped. Like mentioned before, Martyn loved her deeply, knew his… King? Queen? Uh, That is something to be thought about later– The point was, he knew his leader like the back of his own hand. Too well, perhaps, Ren wouldn't be surprised if her Hand had figured it out before she had.
But for now, she'd keep it a secret from him. She couldn't tell Martyn the truth, at least not yet.
Martyn offered to Ren to sleep in a same bed, saying they both could use the rest and knowing their iron guardians and villagers would alert them should something attack. She –who had not had a truly restful sleep since the night her head got chopped off by Martyn, haunted by nightmares of her own blood and the sheer horror in her Hand's voice each time she dared close her eyes for any considerable period of time– accepted the offer without a second thought.
To be telling the truth, the bed was a tad too small for two grown adults, but Martyn insisted and Ren couldn't say no to him. So here they both were, with Ren resting her head on Martyn's chest, feeling the steady heartbeat underneath her ear. He played with her hair, running his hand in its long brown, trying to get his liege to rest. Martyn's other hand was intertwined with Ren's clawed one.
"Is there something wrong, m'lord?" Martyn asked, being able to tell something was off with Ren. Somehow, the title stung now, even after hearing it out of his mouth more than a hundred times by now.
"It's all well, my Hand, do not worry about your liege, I promise." She said, a lie and somewhat of an affirmation to herself, but even she didn't believe it.
"Ren, I can tell something is wrong. You can tell me." Martyn gently squeezed her hand, almost a reassurance in its own way.
"It's fine, dude, don't worry about me," Ren replied gently.
"Your ears, Ren."
"What about them?"
"They're droopy." Martyn's hand let go of Ren's hair, now reaching for soft dog ears, flat against her head. "You can trust me, just… Please, tell me."
Ren doubted. Martyn knew her too well, any lies would immediately be caught, however… Maybe the earlier it was said, the easier it'd be. "Martyn, your King is not a king at all." Was all that she said, knowing he would understand her words.
"But you are still–" Martyn cut himself off, realizing what Ren's words may have meant. Somehow, it just explained how strangely avoidant she had been acting the past few days. "Oh. Oh."
"Yeah," Ren laughed.
"So… my Lady now, then? Is that what you meant?"
She nods. "I'm… I'm your Queen now." Ren could not have ever felt freer than when those words left her mouth.
"Mine all the same," Martyn smiles. It was the truth, Martyn did belong with Ren as much as Ren belonged with him. "Still Ren or some other name?"
"I– I did not think of that, my dude. Ren will do for the time being, I do think."
"Ren, my Queen." Martyn added, fondly. "I like how that sounds."
"I do too," Ren yawns, the time of night hitting her now. She makes herself comfortable in Martyn's arms. What to do about her own appearance, if she even wanted to change it at all, and how to tell the rest of the server, that’d be a problem for tomorrow.
“Goodnight, my Lady. Rest well.” Was the last thing Ren heard, before sleep turned everything a pleasant quiet and dark.
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
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It’s finally pride month, so guess what? Time for self indulgent edits!
I made me and some of my associates (alters, they are alters) in this picrew that i love and then edited them onto our identities. I had a lot of fun making these lol; yes they are kinda cringe, but *shrugs*. 
Yall know Rina and Moondust, since they help me out a lot on here (they are Mod Zhongli and Ibuki), with Narrator (Mod Raiden) also sometimes appearing. The others are two introjects, one from a game series yall will be very familiar with and the other is one of my old dnd oc’s. 
~ Mod Diluc
In order:
Luc (he/him/xe/xem) | bisexual + trans
Rina (all pronouns) | genderfluid + lesbian
Moondust (he/him/xe/xem) | gay man + trans
Narrator (they/them) | aroace + agender
Mukuro (she/they) | achillean + nonbinary
Morgana/Magnus (she/they | he/they) | pansexual + trans
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alenoah · 4 years
do you kim
I’m...going to assume this ask is asking me if I kin.
I do not! I feel too old for it, and if I relate to a character, I just say that I relate to a character. I guess a good example of this is Shawn, who I love a lot and relate to because of his arc with overcoming anxiety. I also headcanon him as trans, and whenever we love something, we feel much stronger about things related to them- hence, I care a lot more about Shawn being trans than I do my other trans hcs.
And kinning for fun is fine! I really do not care if you say you kin a character because you relate to them and then that’s it. It’s really just a slang term for saying “I deeply relate to this” anyways.
The issue I have with kinning is when people genuinely believe They Are That Character or that character is, in reality, part of their identity. Headmates that are introjects/fictives/etc yall are fine bc your situation is different. Just want to get that out of the way in case people try to clown in the notes. If you truly and genuinely think You Are Courtney; you are not and you need psychological help. Genuinely. You do not have “kin memories”. Those are your dreams and imagination. When I was like 7 I had a dream that I was Courtney. That doesn’t mean I’m Courtney. That means I was watching a lot of TD and my brain fired off my memories of Courtney in the show.
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