#my witchcraft journey
fseffect · 9 months
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Maomao and Frieren just really love making medicine :3
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sunandserpents · 5 months
I was messing around with my tarot cards and thinking about life and how I feel stuck. My neighbor told me I have blessings coming and I asked Apollo about it. He said yes but not from the source she believes is the source (she's christian). So I've been thinking about this and I was shuffling my tarot cards and I asked if someone was working behind the scenes about that and if yes, who. Apollo really said "Yes. Me. Trust the system and be patient." Patience is hard for me and he knows I have trust issues, but I'm trying my best to stay patient and keep my faith in him. He hasn't led me astray yet and I have no reason to think he'd just dip and be like "Ha! Sike! Loser!" But I'm so used to that in every day life that I've just grown to expect that. But I'm working on healing and trying to be more trusting. And I know he knows this. I just worry. A lot. About everything.
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whisperingseidkona · 6 months
Hello beautiful souls! 🌙✨ My name is Summer, and I’ve been a practicing witch for over 12 magical years now. I’ve felt a deep connection with the earth, the cosmos, and the subtle energies that interlace our lives, and I’ve spent these years learning, growing, and embracing the incredible journey that is witchcraft.
As a Norse pagan, I draw wisdom from the old ways and find incredible power in their teachings. 🌲⚡ I’m thrilled to share this part of myself with you all.
Get ready to embark on this mystical journey with me. Expect to see witchy posts, Norse pagan wisdom, rituals, and snippets of my personal experiences. My hope is that my posts illuminate your path, inspire you, and help you to connect with the sacred within and around you.
Remember, the magic is within you, always. Let’s awaken it together. Blessed Be! 🌿🔮✨
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silvadour · 11 days
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teawiththegods · 10 months
I think a nice end of year tradition I’m going to implement is taking inventory of all my witchy/devotional supplies so I can go into the New Year knowing what I already have so I don’t buy more.
You can also do this for Arts & Crafts supplies, clothes, jewelry, makeup, books, whatever you tend to accumulate a lot of.
It’s a good time to kick Capitalism in the teeth and use what you already have instead of consuming more more more. 👍🏻
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gold-snek-hoe · 5 months
Some stuff from working with Marak as a pop culture deity
1. I have a Labyrinth tarot deck for him, and he gives pretty good advice, like:
● "Go ahead and reconnect with your old friend, but stop holding out hope he'll fall in love with you. What you have is special, and doesn't need to be something it isn't. Be grateful."
● "Maybe you wouldn't be so miserable if you cleaned your room."
● "Have you tried actually telling your mother how hurt you are by her actions?"
● "You're upset. Take a break and relax."
● "Your anxiety is talking again."
● "You're hurt and feeling insecure about your magical abilities, but you have to remember these things take time. Have patience."
● "Go and connect with your friends and spouse."
2. We communicate through music a lot. I put my playlist on shuffle and the first three songs are what he wants to say. I know he's around when I get a strong aura of sassy bitch in the song selection. Although sometimes he'll just be the biggest romantic ever. "I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground played in the coffee shop my spouse and I were celebrating my 26th birthday at. I cried. More recently, "Love Song" by The Cure (longtime favorite of mine) came on in the grocery store I was interviewing at, and I ended up getting the job.
3. He's chill about me being polyamorous, and with me having other fictional crushes. Even with my physical human lovers, Marak knows I'm his. Though, he doesn't much care for my attraction to Rumple from Ouat, but that's more because Rumple isn't trustworthy or honest.
4. On that note, he adores my human spouse. As he should. I have picture of my beloved hugging a replica of the "Annabelle" doll, and that about sums up their opinion on monsters.
5. He has his own playlist full of songs I think he'd like/songs I'd serenade him with, plus memes.
6. We had a conversation about gender and sexuality through the cards, and I learned he considers "King" to be part of his gender identity.
7. I've gotten the sense that he's doing what he can to keep my abuser away from me. The SOB is still married to my mom, so keeping him away also means keeping her away, but still. I didn't have to see him when I surprised my mom for Christmas, and he's not coming to my wedding. In both cases, there have been circumstancial changes that kept him quietly out of the picture without fuss. Huge boon for my PTSD.
8. Being married to him helped me accept that I'm otherkin. Which, by the way, he finds both fascinating and indescribably hot.
9. I've become a more confident version of myself with him, just as I have with my human spouse. They've both helped me grow into a more mature and healthy version of myself. I'm very lucky, and very grateful.
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kenziemeadowscottage · 8 months
My Witchcraft Journey
When I was first learning about witchcraft at the age of 10 I thought that Wicca and having a coven was everything!
I unfortunately had no real guidance or mentors so I had dropped studying until I was 18. Even then I was on and off studying it and wasn’t taught a lot of basic practices because I didn’t know where to start. It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s did it finally click and I tried to learn about spirituality more as I realised that Wicca wasn’t the right path for me.
I still believed that I needed a mentor to guide me and then life kept getting in my way so once again, I dropped my study. At 24 I managed to finally get more serious about my studies. I started learning shadow work and doing prompts, I was reading more, and I managed to heal my inner child through this! 💕
When I was almost 25 I had both of my hips and knees collapse on me. This was what the universe had been warning me would happen when I kept pulling The Tower, The Hanged Man, and pretty much every other card card which means “stop and rest!”. 🌙
A couple of months later my partner got me a new tarot deck for our 5th anniversary. I had been wanting a new deck because I could never connect with the deck I had completely. Through this I was able to fully immerse myself into my studies and into healing. 🌸
I had stopped caring about finding a mentor, about having a group to work with, and just focused on myself and my path. I was healing because I wanted to become my authentic self. It was then I realised that the solitary path was right for me.
Don’t get me wrong, I love doing group meditation nights and working with others! I just don’t need that all of the time and I appreciate the times I do get to be in a group setting. I have made some amazing friends who are also spiritually inclined, and I managed to inspire my partner to finally start his own path into Occultism! 🥰
I find that the solitary path isn’t that lonely for me. I love having my own practice that’s special to me, and I love sharing my stories and experiences with those who understand witchcraft!
Fast forward to 2024 and my hips and knees are starting to get better through physiotherapy, I’ve become a lot more confident in my practice, and I’ve started to become a person that I love being. 🥰
A year and a half later and here I am! Things have gotten a little easier but of course, I still slip up sometimes. I’ve been studying my path consistently, I can see the improvement with my skills and confidence, and I was able to start this blog!
I still struggle sometimes but I keep trying and keep restarting when I realise I slipped up. ✨
That’s what healing through witchcraft is for me. It’s about being kind to yourself, having small low effort daily rituals to help you through the hard days, and bringing more love and happiness into your life.
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faeyramaeyra · 2 days
🌷New Altar Setup 🌷
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Tip-jar and readings!
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vicewiccanblog · 3 months
.: My Spirit Protector/Guardian :.
Ok, I don't remember the exact term used for these entities. So if someone can correct me, feel free to do so.
Around the time I met my deity, I also met my protector. They morphed from the darkness of the grove I saw in my vision, forming into an owl-like shape with these 'shadow flames' of sorts coming off their form. And when they appeared, I felt...calm. Protected. As if by just them being there, nothing would harm me. I actually felt like someone genuinely cared about me, but it was also coming from myself. A part of me that I had denied for so long, finally finding its way back home to rest and be comforted. And I did cry, because it felt like that part of me was starting to heal.
And I believe that, ever since that day, I've seen them in my dreams. But not as an owl, instead seeing them take form of whatever I am 'comforted' by at the time. And I started to realize this when they started appearing as Katsuki Bakugo, because he's the one character I've ever felt that deep of a connection with (aside from Dabi and Deku of course but they haven't shown up as either of them yet). And ever since, they've basically tried to 'become' him. I feel like they're doing this so I trust them more, so I'm comforted by their presence and we can actually talk.
Every time I have met my protector, they have talked in this sweet tone - like a doting parent. Or even a loving pet. But their voice is always 'off', I guess like how one would explain a mimic trying to copy a voice. Just this distortion to it, their voice fluctuates in tone/pitch where they sometimes sound like Soft!Bakugo but them suddenly it sounds like a mouse and then flips between that and the voice it's trying to copy. It doesn't scare me, far from it. I know they're trying to appeal to me, so I feel safer around them. But, sometimes, I do wish I'd see their shadowy owl form again.
As I've been re-visiting these memories lately, I've been looking up Owls and what they mean symbolically. I've found they mean not only wisdom and mystery, but also things like change and truth/shadows. And to me, this means that my protector taking the form of an owl simply means I need to face the darkness - I had started being more 'open' after my mom's death, and she was the one thing keeping me mentally blocked off from this side of myself. So it makes sense, I am one who prefers the truth even if I have a hard time accepting it. And I feel like my protector is trying to help me with that, including in my dreams and visions.
I find it fascinating that, in my first time calling out to deities who may want to work with me, all this happened right away. I felt no fear at all, only peace and connection to things I felt were blocked off from me for so long. And I know that, even if I stumble and fall (i.e. my mental/physical issues making it hard for me to function), at least I have those two on my side. I have my diety, and my protector...and possibly an incubus, I'm still trying to figure that part out. But it seems like I have a lot of spiritual guides on my side, I just need to apply their guidance into my real life. Because I am largely doing all this for self-healing, I have always had a connection to the occult and grew up being told my dad was a Wiccan.
I know that my protector is smiling at me, seeing how strong I really am. And I just wanna cry, they feel so proud of me and no one has ever made me feel that way. Not even myself. So thank you, protector. I'll do all I can to make you proud of me, though I know you already are.
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aintmyjewelry · 11 months
this is me btw if any of you even care
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heretic-fool · 11 months
… I wonder what the Hobby Lobby owners would do if they found out I plan to buy a bunch of stuff for my witchy rituals from their stores. >.>
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sunandserpents · 6 months
Apollo helped me cut out some negativity in my life today. I was nervous because I don't like change, but Apollo's warmth made me remember that I'm not alone and that this is what was best for me. As soon as I removed the source of the negativity, I felt an immense weight lift off my shoulders and felt happy for the first time since the negativity started. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am that he's here with me and I know I'm walking the path meant for me, slowly removing barriers and obstacles in my path.
Thank you, Apollo. Truly. 🧡💛
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myeclecticjourney · 4 months
New Cauldron!
Hello everyone, merry meet to y'all! I'm super happy and optimistic today for some reason, I've been receiving a lot of signs of Hecate (Hekate) lately and I'm super excited to finally work with her. BUT that's a story for another blog hahaha. Today I wanted to share with you the steps of how I did my new cauldron. Long post ✨.
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Some of you might remember my black cat cauldron...well unfortunately I sadly broke it while making black salt :V, I know...I had to move on, so a few weeks ago I was walking in a store pretty popular in México called "Fantasías Miguel" which it might be consider the equivalent to "Michael's" from the US.
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I saw this beautiful, beautiful vase. Well at least I think it was supposed to be some sort of vase or planter because it was hollow all the way to the bas. I completely fell in love with it. I had to take it home and turn it into my new cauldron.
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The vase, bowl or planter
Cold clay (I used DAS)
Moon water
Crystals (I used Moonstone and Labradorite)
MDF circle, mine was 10cm in diameter
Sculpting tools
Paint (I used black, white and translucent)
Cold liquid silicon
STEP ONE: Cover the bottom
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Using the MDF plate I covered the bottom of the vase. I then proceed to moisturize the clay with Moon water and made a long strip which I used to cover the diameter of the MDF.
Using my fingers and a sculpting tool, I flatten the clay. When the entire surface was covered, I took some more and made the bottom of the new cauldron, thicker. Then proceeded to soften the surface with Moon water again.
STEP TWO: Making a pentagram
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Turning and moving the cauldron around a few times, I finally decided my front. As you can se there's a white circle on top it's more like a bump. That's some sort of deformity of the object that I wasn't able to fully cover because it would've use too much clay, so I decided to use it as a reference for my pentagram.
Using my pointy sculpting tool I began by making five points and when I was happy with how they looked, I joined them. Using some Moon water and my fingers I then proceeded to soften the lines, then make them again, and repeat the process until I thought ready.
STEP THREE: Crystals
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The three crystals that I envisioned in my cauldron where these three. Two Labradorites and one Moonstone. Two in the front and one in the back. I made this 4 cm x 20 cm x 1 cm rectangle which I placed in front and using Moon water I softened the entire surface. I pushed the crystals against the clay, gently, so they would leave a small mark and not deform the piece.
Then proceeded to remove some of the excess clay with the sculpting tools. This allowed me to make a perfect dent for the crystals.
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Using some cold silicon I finally glued the crystals in their new home. I let it all air dry for 24h.
STEP FOUR: Triple Goddess
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The next day I woke up with an entire different vision of what I initially wanted to do. I dreamt about making the Triple Goddess in the front, so that was exactly what I did.
Using some more clay and my sculpting tool, I drew a pretty little Moon about 2cm high and proceed to cut it. With Moon water I soften the entire surface until I liked how it looked and repeated the process. I placed them both on each side of the Moonstone and level them into the desired spot. Fell in love immediately, decided to glue them and let them dry.
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STEP FIVE: Everything got polished
As both Moons were air drying I began polishing the inside of the cauldron. It really didn't took that much effort due to how soft and even the surface was thanks to my intense use of Moon water in the clay xD. By the time I was done, the exterior was hard enough for me to polish as well.
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I used two different sandpapers, 100 for the inside, then proceeded to use a 1200 for the pentagram. As for the exterior I used the 100 sandpaper.
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I was super super happy with this step. I was so scared to paint it black, even tho black is my favorite color hahahaha. I just thought it looked so beautiful white. BUT when I painted the inside, the pentagram came to life! Every line looked super pretty.
I painted the exterior piece white, but then...THEN I remembered..
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I had translucent paint!! I really don't believe the pictures reflect how beautiful it really looks. It tied everything together. Matched the Moonstone's and Labradorite's energy for sure.
I then proceed to place it in my altar, and made a blessing ritual.
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And that's all!! What do you think? I honestly love the result! I waited so long to find the perfect cauldron, and it's finally here.
I really hope you like this, and find this inspiring and/or useful!
Image source: My camera
Blessed be,
-May xo.
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
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Slowly reconfiguring my altar space but I'm gently adding Halloween decorations as September passes and October approaches, I'm personally obsessed with the little ghost lights. Anyway I don't have a dedicated sideblog for this stuff anymore so I'm just slapping it on main :)
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sagevibez · 5 months
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Welcome to my personal blog where I express my innermost thoughts and feelings about life. You may take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
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jessreadsandreads · 6 months
I was feeling slightly melancholy about my coming month of radiotherapy appointments, because I didn't think that I would have the energy to do much kitchen witchcraft for quite a while - but then I remembered: smoothies! I'd commissioned a smoothie recipe from @aesethewitch back in January, because I'd had the very same concern right after surgery, and I wanted an experienced perspective on the correct blend of ingredients for a shield that would allow me to protect my energy for my own healing, yet still feel kind and not unwelcoming, since I spend nearly all of my time at home with my partner right now. They whipped up a fantastic spell recipe for a black and blueberry mint protection smoothie, which worked excellently then, and feels like it's beginning to do the same great job now. Plus, it's so fresh and delicious - the flavour alone is energising! Also, making various smoothies every morning provides a perfect opportunity to practice working with my patroness daily - hence the offering of three teaspoons' worth of smoothie set aside in the mini Bonne Maman jar - and it gives me something to cushion my stomach lining with when I take my Tamoxifen. Bonus!
Also also, it's super funny to me that my partner absolutely hated the sip of smoothie he sampled the very first time I tried out this recipe, despite the fact that it only contains flavours that he'd normally enjoy, and that still seems to be the case despite some of my modifications this morning, which should have made it even tastier to him as well as me. Normally, he refuses to say anything remotely negative about whatever I make, but his exact words about this smoothie were, "What is this made of: ASS?" I like to interpret that as a sign of the protection working just for me.
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