#my writing feels wonky tonight so chalk this up as itried.png lol
honorhearted · 2 years
‘ children are not meant to die before their parents ’ ( Abe oof // cabbxges-and-kings )
This meme (x) | @cabbxges-and-kings
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“That won’t happen.” Ben’s response was quick, knee-jerk, desperate almost. He knew what Abraham was thinking even without it being spoken. Thomas had passed, then Samuel not long after, and one by one, they were hearing horror stories of other sons and daughters falling pray to the Cause -- of boys they’d gone to school with being slain and buried where they died. Only the rich were afforded a burial, while the poorer families were forced to lose their loved ones to blood-soaked, nameless fields. 
“Thomas is young and healthy,” Ben firmly continued. “This w.ar will be won, will be finished long before he can ever hold a musket in his hand. There are many uncertainties in this life, but of that I am sure.” Expression earnest, he asked, “What brought this on? Abe, you don’t have to worry.”
Life was unfair. Ben had learned that quite young, teary-eyed and trembling over his mother’s grave at the tender age of eleven. Abraham had always been more stoic and pragmatic, but now it seemed their roles were reversed. It was his turn to offer his hand to keep the other above water.
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