#myone rants
felinecryptid · 1 year
i feel like whatever American media is doing with south asian females leads is just atrocious, especially about romance
ive yet to see a desi teen girl deal with romantic feelings in a way thats not 'oh fuck i wanna sleep w him but im such a loser and my mom is such a prude'
the fuck kinda message does that send? 'the only kind of love is the one given by boys, the one that leads to sex and babies'
there's always misunderstanding with the moms (its infuriating ik, my mom is the same but you gotta try to understand, they're not out to get us)
no good relationship with their dads as well he either dead or wants to marry his daughter off to a random dude
and why is she always full of prejudice like calm tf down just cuz your father died doesn't mean you should become a fucking n*zi
all she wants is popularity yet she puts down these 'posers' and 'wannabes' all the fucking time
and her arc is always about sex, whyyy, why does the white teen there get a narrative about accepting the loss of innocence childhood and a full coming out story with a lesson about keeping loved ones close but this girl here is fixed by sex
maybe if it was some metaphor expressed through sex id be more forgiving but its always about boys and popularity and sex and marriage, its bollywood by a different name
its always a name which is technically desi but not a real one, white washed and easy or just outright white
and ive not seen one queer desi person in american media, its not like we don't exist like what the fuckk
and then people ask 'why do you like k dramas and indie alt books' bc there's nothing that isn't mindless buzzing about how the older generations perceive us, give us inclusive media and we'll appreciate our culture more, how do i exist in a community which does not perceive me, how do i find a place for myself when most of us are expected to conform in a way which has become irrelevant, not just to me, not just to my age, not just to my gender but to the entire world, how do i love myself for who i am, when you tell me to be what others expect me to be????
im done.
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https-goregutz · 13 days
Cuteboy sat by myon the bus today and he seemed sad and i thonk he was crying but im jot sure bc i felt to awakrd to ask
He caught me looking st him and omfg i looked stupid
I also learned he isnt into my crazy rants ab shit thats probably rlly personal so idk . I feel shotty and xanders being mean and ikd why :( everyone seems mad at me today
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