devoutpriest · 6 months
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“Now it’s not a good time to question anything, priest. Do as I said!” She was in a hurry, she feeling they had to go to the boat on the shore. earl haraldson and his men were coming.
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He detects that this may be a situation of urgency from her words and tone, and nods to indicate he understood. Gathering up his measly belongings, getting his gospel bible from the floorboards and his white green tunic, and monk's habit and hood, he was ready to leave within minutes. “Let’s go, then…
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eatingthem-moved · 5 years
↳➤ ★ ✿ [Will]
↳ = POTENTIAL attractions below !
➤ = attracted to Hannibal’s LOOKS
★  = attracted to Hannibal’s PERSONALITY 
✿ = attracted to Hannibal PLATONICALLY
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sulfade · 5 years
Can you post a link to one of your playlists on spotify?
yep sure ✨ https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0jZZuhTmZonGEEZT63zoNW?si=E8SSxkCeQeuFltNIik311A
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jefflion · 5 years
[Cute ask] 5, 6, 7, 9
5.How many times have you read your favourite book? - Around ten times or more, I think. And I think it’s actually my childhood favourite, “Ozma of Oz”. 
6. What are your favourite films? - Aaah, too many to name! Will come back when I figure out a short list.
7.What kind of weather do you like? - I like spring and summer. When it’s warm and you are at a seaside and you get to swim all day. So, a Mediterranean summer. 
9. What kind of weather represents who you are as a person? - 2am on a warm and starry night. 
Thank you for asking, @mypandora-box
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borntobewildcodes · 7 years
Hello, how are you? I'm using Page: ALL IN ONE PAGE - AUTUMNAL version 2 on my blog but it seems that it doesn't fit. Is there a code I can write to make it pop up instead of 'being a part' of the page? you can check my blog if now need more details, I'm using the page as /general-info
Hello! I hope you can wait for like 2 days more because I am making a pop up box tutorial and I want it to be understandable for beginners. If you're in rush you can look for pop up box tutorials on tumblr and after you've installed one you can copy the CSS and HTML codes and scripts and add them to the code of theme you're currently using. Don't forget to credit me if you're doing that.
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blessedxsilence · 5 years
@mypandora-box​ continued from here
Clarice was busy on the phone, so hyperfocused on her conversation about her current case that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going.When he shoved her she scrambled not to drop her phone in the hole she had barely missed.
She had accidentally hung up her phone call, and she groaned, but once she got herself steady she looked at the man, “Oh, thank you. Sorry I was just...distracted.” She looked at the hole, “They should really put cones up or something when they do stuff like this.”
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devoutpriest · 6 months
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“Pack your things. We are leaving.” she says to the priest, she gathering her clothes and kitchenware in their village house, she wanting her family to be safe from earl haraldson. there was a little man she especially disliked, he nearly taking Bjorn, her son from him, whom she would have no qualms in killing with axe should that happen. they were going to sneak out the back door and through the forest and onto the boat in the sea.
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“Where are we going?”
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sulfade · 5 years
I believe august will be your month and all the good things will happen to you! Sending u good vibes only xox
aw thank you so much!!! this is very lovely 🌙💖
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"You are in so much trouble" [Gamora] //wooHOO
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Oh, fuck. Getting his way out of this one won’t be easy, not judging by the tone of her voice. “Uhhhh, okay, I can explain.” He has no explanation for it, but pretending to is a whole lot easier than just accepting his fate. “It was Rocket’s idea. Pesky rodent always tricks me into doing these things. What a dick, right?”
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mypandora-box replied to your post “I just...this gif...”
I'm officially dead, thank you.
One day I’m going to gif the State Within for people. He’s gorgeous in that.
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bulldog-innit · 7 years
Message me your name + something about you | accepting
Ahhh, hey there! Another Victoria! And omg, yes, let’s do the thing! I’m absolutely open to multiverse/AUs/etc, so let’s plot it. c:
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kafkasdiariies · 7 years
I just found your blog and I'm already so devoted to it jfc
Oh my goodness thank you 😊😊😊😊
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aithreachas-a · 7 years
Try + Dracula (Bram Stoker)
Send me ‘Try’ and a character and I will write how I would play that character ↪  @mypandora-box // accepting
        Vladhad dreamed of her that night as he slept within his coffin. Did he dream anymore? Was it a memory?A vision? He did not know but he knew that she had been here and inhis arms once more. How many years had it been? Too long. Too longhad he gone without her and yet here she was within a painting clearas anything before him.  He remembered the sound of her laugh and thesmell of her hair, things that had been lost so long ago. The priceof living so long but his memory was not as blessed. Things wouldslip through like sand in an hourglass victim to the passage of timeunlike his flesh left frozen in this visage.
Hadhe a heart that beat in his chest it would be hammering against hisribcage, a furious pounding an ache for something he had lost so longago.
Butno it lay silent, not even aflutter for that was the price he hadpaid when he had forsaken everything.
Ithad already been decided that he would go to England, his plans hadnot changed, the only thing that had changed was her.His sweet princess, waiting for his return across the sea. He wouldgo to her. He would love her. He didlove her. The ache had never stopped, like a dull wound cut intoflesh that had never healed. He loved her and Godhe would pray to those he had forsaken for her to love him back.
Harkerwould prove to be a problem, but nothing that he could not deal withwhat was one man in the way of a love so true it could cross evenoceans of time?
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devoutpriest · 6 months
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“It’s almost as if nothing can make me happy any more.” he is tired, his wound bleeding through the white bandage on his hand. he leaning on his cane.
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damntragedy-archive · 7 years
mypandora-box replied to your post “my side hurts so much, y’all”
What happened?
idk, it’s just hurting, from the google search it could be a few things (all non-lethal) so we’ll see how it goes 
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kingsmanne · 7 years
[text: starry-night] Go for it girl, the world is your dick oyster. (Arabella)
[text || more gains] i know, that's why i just took that oyster all at once[text || more gains] whoops tmi
source: TEXTS FROM LAST NIGHT | @mypandora-box
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