daughter-rhaenyra · 9 months
"Why isn't anyone talking about how Ken's character is so reminiscent of growing up with boys? Watching someone you care about go from gentle and innocent to cruel and hateful. From a friend to treat you like an object."
@yellenabelova I'm sorry I need this quote, but you deleted it, and I can't find it anywhere else either, so I copied it. If you have a problem with it, I'll take it down.
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The day I lost you,
I lost half of me as well.
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aisha-robinsons · 21 days
Hawk: I changed my mind.
Robby: Does it work now?
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rangkaiansejalan · 16 days
Kalau kamu berpikir jalan hidup orang lain terlihat begitu mudah dan indah, kamu mungkin hanya melihat hasil dari apa yang sudah dia perjuangkan.
Apa yang ada dibalik keberhasilannya, kamu tidak sepenuhnya mengetahui.
Kamu hanya melihat apa yang ingin dia perlihatkan.
Kalau kamu merasa tertinggal karena melihat banyak postingan teman di sosial media, nggak apa-apa kalau ada rasa sedih.
Terima yaa.. tapi kamu perlu ingat, kalau kamu merasa apa yang kamu lihat itu membuat kamu terpuruk dan rendah diri, tolong berhenti!
Kamu bisa memulainya dengan membiasakan tidak melihat 'story' teman-teman kamu untuk sementara, misalnya.
Lakukan untuk diri kamu sendiri, untuk menjaga kenyamanan dan keamanan diri kamu sendiri.
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Ci sono case che non hanno tetti
né mattoni 
né cemento
sono fatte di odori di terra secca
ricordi infantili
rumori di cicale
tramonti sul mare
Sara Bortolato
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moonlightamour · 3 months
You know it’s gotten bad again when you stop eating. All your clothes start falling off. You don’t even know how many days have gone by. You’re not really here anymore. No one is there to save you…
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heirheirthespare · 1 year
There is, above all, a deadening sense of familiarity: even here, ‘far from everywhere’, he is still the same person and it is still the same world.
— Charles Nicholl, Somebody Else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa 1880–91
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sir. sir, your ass is hanging out. sir, please-
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phrasepiper · 1 year
Look to the direction of the world,  but never lose your path...
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januarwahyudiarto · 1 year
I know this is too much, but you filled my nights and days. I never imagined I could be so mean to you, my friend. We were like brothers, I always wished you were my brother. My REAL brother. Now I know you hate me. Is it still possible for you to think of me as your little brother, like you said so many years ago? After all the heinous things I've done to you, I'm trying to realize that you don't deserve me at all. You deserve better friends.
One thing you should know, buddy. I miss you so much
A friend who will never forgive me
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daughter-rhaenyra · 4 months
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— SEEING RED (2017) by Sandra Brown
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ahlals · 1 year
"Kargalar!" Diye yakardı dehşetengiz ses. "Kargalar!" Diyerek yineledi. Soluk teninin altından akan kanın acı tatlı, kızılımtrak görüntüsü bir insanın gözlerine yapılacak her türlü işkenceden daha travmatik ölçüde yaralıyor, tüyleri ürpertiyordu. Hasta yatağında ölümünü kabullenip çaresizce uzanması ve son günlerinde tanrısına yalvarması gerekiyormuş gibi bir hissiyet veriyordu karşısındakine. Ancak o sayılan kemiklerini yok saymış, saydamlaşmaya başlamış gibi duran derisinin yumuşak cıvıklığına aldanmamış, insanların önünde halüsinasyonunu ,dünyanın sonunu sayıklıyordu.
"Kargalar!" Diyordu defalarca. Üstümüzde uçan yüz binlercesini işaret ederek, "Kargalar!" Demeye devam ediyordu. Ağızlarının yuva görevi üstlendiği buğday taneciklerini çakıl taşları olarak hayal ederken bir titremeye devam ediyordu.
"Geliyorlar işte, gazabın en fecisi, en kaçınılmaz olanı..."
"Akıllının yeşerttiği deli, delinin sanıldığı akıllı çağı . Kargalar!"
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aisha-robinsons · 10 months
Daniel: You’re the most jealous rival I have!
Johnny: [upset] You have other rivals?!
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rangkaiansejalan · 1 month
Saat melihat pencapaian yang lain, rasanya turut senang. Tapi, ada juga keinginan menjadi seperti mereka.
Lihat sini. Lihat ke dalam diri kamu sendiri. Kamu sudah hebat seapaadanya diri.
Sekarang, waktumu masih berjuang meraih impian-impian. Jatuh bangun adalah proses pendewasaan yang pasti tak terelakkan.
Kalau rasanya ingin menyerah karena lelah, gapapa berhenti sebentar lalu lanjutkan.
Kamu punya waktu bersinarnya sendiri.
Nantinya, sinarmu akan seterang terik matahari.
Ketika saat itu terjadi, kamu akan memahami di mana pun prosesmu saat ini, kamu selalu berarti.
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Quando capitava che fossi triste mia nonna mi si avvicinava, appoggiava la sua mano sulla mia spalla e mi diceva quasi in un sussurro: "Chiudi gli occhi e pensa solo alle cose belle."
Oggi chiudo gli occhi e penso a lei.
Sara Bortolato
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moonlightamour · 6 months
I’ve fallen so deep, is there a way out of this? No one’s here to save me. The devil has me so close.
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