#myrin communicates
myrinthinks · 4 months
are you a zionist? the tags on that one post made me wonder and i dont want to follow a zionist. sorry if not and im bugging you for no reason lol
You know, I've been kinda going back and forth on whether to answer this or not, not because I'm offended or anything but on principle (and also because I couldn't tell what it was referring to at first and "are you a zionist?" is one hell of a thing to read out of nowhere; for everyone similarly confused: it's in reference to this post).
Because the thing is:
The whole topic of zionism/Israel's war on Palestine/Israeli colonialism could not have been what I was talking about in those tags because the post in question is literally about shutting up and never, ever talking about something. Contrary to that, I have reblogged numerous posts on the Palestine-Israel issue over the past months which I would have thought made my stance on the whole thing clear. (I have also donated to Palestinian relief funds but of course you couldn't have known about that because, somewhat ironically given the topic, I never mentioned that on my blog.) I'm astounded that out of all possible topics I never, ever talk about, you landed on one that, well, I actually have talked about.
I'm also astounded that you read my saying "so I simply never talk about them ever" and thought "better make her talk about it". When I say I don't talk about a topic, I mean it.
Ironically, I was - again - going back and forth on whether to include those tags in the first place when I reblogged the post in question, exactly because of anticipating asks like this one. I feel like it's a simple reality of life that basically every person we interact with has thoughts and feelings we don't know, have never even thought of, and might even vehemently disagree on, especially when that interaction is happening through an online lens. But somehow, a lot of people don't seem to (want to?) realise that, and actually acknowledging that simple fact somehow makes you suddenly suspicious when it's just stating the truth.
There are a lot of topics I don't talk about, either online or IRL, but not all of those are ones I know people won't share my thoughts and feelings on; in fact, the vast majority aren't. You are vanishingly unlikely to guess what I was referring to in those tags, even if you list all the things you can think about which I've never mentioned on here, mostly because what I was referring to are all utterly mundane topics, they're just things I happen to know some (not even all! Not by a long shot!) of my online friends have the diametrically opposed opinion on, passionately. (If you absolutely need an example, albeit a fandom one: one such topic - which has since changed because I found my people - used to be my love for omegaverse. I gobble that shit up, it's my absolute favourite trope in any fandom I've ever been in. But I had one online friend - "had" not for any particular reason, we just drifted apart naturally and haven't interacted in years; she actually fully deleted her tumblr some time ago - who was very vocal about her hatred of it. By pure happenstance she mentioned her strong dislike of the trope before I mentioned my strong like and as such, I simply never brought the topic up at all, ever.)
You are allowed to not follow me for any reason at all! If I, for some reason, have given you the idea that I might be [whatever you can come up with] and you're uncomfortable with that, you don't even have to hesitate, you can just unfollow/not follow me in the first place. I don't even know my follower count and accidentally look at it maybe once every two weeks. But even if that weren't the case, what am I gonna about it? I don't know you! You can just happily live your life without my having any way to contact you about your unfollowing me, and if you hadn't even followed me to being with, even better - I don't even know you exist! Spoken more bluntly: this.
I could be lying about all of these things. I would think that looking through my blog would be a much better indicator of my personality, stances, and attitude than point-blank asking me about it. I could easily try to trick you with my answer to your question but I've had this blog for almost ten years and I would be playing a very long ruse if I had spent that much time exhibiting views I don't actually hold.
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notallwonder · 2 years
Alrighty. Here we are. Criminal Minds 16x06, "True Conviction". I've already seen it a couple times now, but I wanted to do one of these anyway.
Spoilers and extremely long play-by-play under the cut.
I'm unreasonably psyched for this
this technobabble doesn't wholly make sense to me. why would GPS matter?
obvs the most recognizable thing about JJ is the symbol of her marriage, great
lmao this is how I know I'm way down the rabbit hole for Paget - when I first saw Garcia's "bring 'em home, Emily" line, my brain helpfully supplied the sound of Arden Myrin's hilarious impression of Peter Pilot's mom Barb crying "Bring her hooooooome, Peter!" iykyk and if you don't, it's very unimportant
the smirk and eyebrow was completely wrong for the moment, yet Incredibly Hot
big style Janeway vibes as the turbolift elevator doors close
wow the jet is schmancy - wall sconces! it's wide enough to accommodate the new aspect ratio!
Tara you look so sad. Wish you had a hand to hold, your friends keep getting blowed up
Luke's ALIVE yessss
oh little baby unsub running through the forest....got bopped on the head....
now he's...locked in a cupboard under the stairs? harry potter?
god I want mac and cheese
I like this bad uncle guy. He's hilarious. Real good crazy eyes.
this really could have been a musical
honestly I think my dad served me that exact meal when I was a kid and my mom was away on business. Except mine also included canned potatoes (disGUSTing)
Emily hugging Luke and like...no shot of her acknowledging JJ? It annoyed me the first time and now it's HILARIOUS. Just...conspicuously avoiding JJ? I love her relief about Alvez (me too Emily!), and she already knew that JJ was up and moving and not dead. But...they had time for that hug and nothing else? FUNNY. CM flew too close to the Jemily Sun with "200" and the long walk back is still ongoing.
I guess if I wanted to watch this with my Jemily goggles... this could fit *very* well with the plot of "Late Bloomer", a lovely fic by angestreet in progress on AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43418964). ANYWAY - the not touching/having trouble being normal with JJ fits with an Emily who has been putting distance between herself and JJ for complicated emotional reasons she's just starting to understand. Or perhaps an Emily and JJ who have had some sort of personal conflict that we, the audience, were not privy to (see also: the "what ifs and if onlys" conversation in season 13). I mean, I still think it's a conspicuously odd choice on the TV screen, but there's room for some interesting storytelling there.
on the other hand - the flight down there from Quantico is at least 90 minutes. Plenty of time for the folks on the jet to get a phone update from JJ. I think we're led to believe they did NOT have that communication (i.e. the splosion interrupted cell service for a prolonged period), as otherwise why would Emily be palpably relieved about Luke's well-being once she gets eyes on him?
Ponytail Prentiss. Ma'am.
The brief and supportive embrace of JJ from Tara and Rossi? Beautiful. Chef's kiss. Lovely.
LOL this music. Teachin' the kid to lye. (haha im so funny)
So...are we to believe he is conflicted about his serial killer education?
No time for politics, Dougie boy!
ooh I wonder who the Attorney General is. Do you think we'll get to see her? Please be CCH Pounder.
Political pressure and machinations seem to be a theme this season. As I recall, prior CM painted its political villains more as bad individuals (Barnes, Strauss, seemingly Bailey at the start of this season). It does feel like CME is more deliberately placing the BAU in the context of a justice / law enforcement *system* that is corrupted or disturbed by political concerns (and otherwise wonderful and perfect and not at all corrupt in itself). Kind of interesting.
Poor Tyler.
Look! JJ talking directly to Emily! It happened! Not in the same frame, but. I just have to remind myself that these things actually happen.
Can you imagine Prentiss arm wrestling Bailey. She'd wipe the floor with that silly noodle. Her glare is too powerful, forget her arm.
So Bailey's *not* the reason they haven't been using the jet? It's the nebulous "politics"? Vague, but not a huge leap. We've already had Senator Aunt Zelda call back to the way Congress sometimes likes to hold the federal budget hostage to achieve certain ends.
ugh....friends....this should come as no surprise...... i'm so gone for her...... her visage pleases me no end..... (mind filled with spooky echoing whispers of sssmokeshhhow prentisssss)
Acting! Executive realness Emily. And she does trust Tara's ability to do the job, but is cognizant of those "politics" etc.
Tara knows she's staring at a shit sandwich coming her way. Tara, I love you. I'm sorry this is hard.
Tyler: "Some dude gave me my clothes back. Also he took my sick Crocs. I don't get it. Am I getting out of here?"
I like PG's dress.
MOAR HUGS!!!! love that. Whoopsy you hurt Luke's lil injured wrist bb.
JONATHAN DEL ARCO, my MAN. First watch through I did not recognize him but found him compelling. I love that guy. I loved seeing him reprise his role as Hugh in ST: Picard. I love his work here.
Emily is... compassionate in this interview. Doesn't feel adversarial. That look when he says he just wants to die.
Oy, poor JJ. She is stuck in this stupid situation with her business gnome husband where she gets to feel guilty AND almost got blowed up! And Will, please. "I promise to never miss your call ever again." Guys come on - be realistic here! This is So Dumb. I've never been able to hate Will despite the ways their relationship rubs me the wrong way. Because if nothing else, JJ does seem to mostly really like him. I don't get it, girl, but who am I to say? She looks really shaken in this scene. This gives me a bad feeling. I'm a little worried this storyline is going to end in her transferring out of the BAU or retiring or otherwise putting her family above her career in a more decisive way.
Tyler and Penelope... I don't hate it. Pen deserves some lovin' and she's a kind and compassionate soul. Luke adores her and he's better than Tyler in terms of current emotional stability I'd say. But the heart wants what the heart wants and sometimes the heart simply enjoys whatever is on offer. She must have her reasons.
I had to watch this Tara/Emily/Luke scene like 4 times because I couldn't hear the dialogue over everyone's insane BEAUTY. The HAIR. the..um...curves...the brown houndstooth over the navy shirt...Luke was there too...
side note: I hate the AirBnB/Target/IKEA generic-ass photography decorating the FBI offices. Federal offices are boring yes but usually in a more dorky way.
Oh! They are fighting in the Family Room.
Oh, Rebecca you little nightmare. Tara says Reeves is not Sicarius and that's all it takes for you to accuse her of dealing in conspiracy theories? That got my hackles up. FASCINATING. I can't look away.
Again...this plays into that same looming "Politics" business - the people around & in the way of our heroes are motivated by optics, by career ambition, by the *appearance* of justice served and the currency that provides. ...That exchange in episode 1602 or 1603, when Bailey suggests getting Domestic Terrorism involved to make people feel safe and Prentiss replies that that wouldn't make them safe.
This scene with Tara/Emily/Luke is lovely. They've got her back. She's a professional. Emily's reaction like "oof been there".
This interrogation. The tacit communication between Tara and Emily when Tara steps in (hot). The way Tara carefully talks her way to the point. The way Silvio's eyes cut over at "I met this woman" and then he looks away. The way the connection has been made - he does feel seen. He's smart too. And he's spent how many years committed to his path - death for the safety of the man he loved. I really enjoyed this scene.
Y'know Emily is consistently good about acknowledging Penelope's good work. I'm sure that's been true for the whole show, but noticeable here too - in 1603 when she tells PG her idea is really good, and here. Love it.
Oh now that I'm watching it carefully - PG has a whole MOMENT as she opens up about her own grief (unfortunate how many times the word "hole" appeared in this convo but wcyd). His lean in is NOT unwarranted, it's there in her eyes...
new catchphrase "it just makes the hole different"
I like Silvio's novio. I like that he found a way to live free of shame and fear. It does kind of beg the question why he didn't try harder to exonerate Silvio in the intervening years, but let's not dwell.
Rebecca's "I have never not been on your side" okay lady. you were pretty mad earlier and implied your girlfriend and her team were full of shit so... I guess you're a human being! lmao. I hate to see Tara back-footed like this but this is juicy.
oh hello hottie. Emily Prentiss, the way you sit in a chair.
Paget's delivery of "I'm not quite following" is hilarious. hashtag relatable.
So "family is what gets you killed". Family as weakness, as vulnerability. I don't doubt that over the next few episodes we'll get more rebuttal to that notion from our heroes, a la "we're a family and that's our strength."
These episodes really don't stand up on their own. They work better together. Can't wait for the next one.
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444names · 2 years
french communes with population higher than 20,000 + french and tolkienesque forenames
Ador Agdelnar Agnec Agor Alakil Albergny Ales Alinrië Allais Allessy Alomtoire Alory Amargerse Amineuins Amon Anay Ancele Anes Angerre Annemo Anoistis Anon Ante Antgeorylval Arcy Ardannais Arethmor Arges Arin Arine Arlemer Arpingolieux Athorn Atrey Aubance Aubaul Auber Audil Aurent Aurobieliot Avière Azangélianne Bagangoine Baguyatte Bailluil Bais Barod Beaud Beaudentous Beaul Belaeg Belemiersau Belfwine Beline Belose Beor Blon Blory Bobier Bontims Boringogne Boronwë Bors Bort Boult Bours Bras Briandiancel Brimë Brunge Bréanlomagny Brélène Buia Bétigne Bézimie Caliammand Calisireg Calle Cami Camult Caraffen Carantoitine Carierres Cartinimes Cassot Catant Caton Celes Cemins Cena Chamindor Champagrisim Ched Choisart Chor Chriecth Chyanbucy Châd Châloulfwiny Châlouse Châtessilmon Châtinues Cierdandier Cion Cistatte Citeluc Clain Coles Comberrerre Comë Cort Cothmo Cothrane Cothéline Coura Courahane Coux Couëroule Cregny Créan Cuilronne Círich Dele Demo Dent Dentantail Diennicille Dijosés Dolas Dontara Dordet Draiguevic Drayene Dres Drestir Durodelle Dylvali Dylvetieux Dômehar Eaulkhîm Ecalle Elegor Elemouise Elin Ellac Elphergor Eluched Emick Ennes Eorin Esse Eärnesa Fabenoy Faber Fabrin Falliainy Fanast Fancoiervine Faudorato Font Foront Foui Fralle Franne Fras Frat Fratande Fron Frédéawillan Fréminbucy Fréthuglion Fróm Fëan Gaist Gamine Garanne Garie Gart Gassaen Gassior Genaugel Genne Geormontpe Germench Gilimeim Ginúmen Gissabevre Giverni Glethos Glieurette Goldor Golmondille Golwinvin Gongers Greframicil Grottes Grían Guest Hagaël Hamran Hamélim Hand Haras Harines Hauble Haul Haur Hauraptine Haurce Havarin Haze Heriaritel Herm Housse Hunent Hunkil Hyançoin Hámont Héninimir Hérin Ibûnandre Illad Irion Islaye Issanick Issuirèse Istenjacque Isumas Ivraphadar Jach Jeanon Jeantpe Jeançoniet Jeauhúr Jeaul Jeaum Jeaurbine Jeaury Jenne Jesal Jumbevin Kouif Kíliet Laistim Lanick Laugloé Laumur Lend Lestin Lilleil Lingrionte Lois Londa Lose Loth Luchan Lumbon Luníricel Léagny Madigny Mael Mahie Maines Malipperge Malmont Mancy Mandille Manne Mantbéagon Maragalcalis Marannethou Marcque Marde Maret Marfine Margor Maror Martry Martz Masbofurt Maulestine Maurienneuil Maux Maye Meaures Meaurthille Melduricont Meyzièglaux Mick Mone Mong Monglaeda Monnel Montres Mouciert Myrine Myréa Méagleux Médandamps Mées Nand Nannethine Nauglan Naymons Nazons Nevin Niengolwë Nion Nique Niques Nièred Noges Nómeil Oderonte Oheforn Olfhen Olois Olorfithil Orahilleur Orble Orient Orittannecth Orlais Orle Orlireux Ornollenwë Orvil Ouevic Palch Palve Panloble Paptine Paston Paubat Paudent Pavicoures Perda Perge Perverborgny Pethienasté Phaël Phinefouca Plesté Pois Poistroloien Ponvil Prie Pronnad Pute Puts Radielin Redhronfres Reillor Reime Reines Renon Rhôr Robi Robignay Rocq Rome Rone Rornue Régimandos Sabes Sabihalir Sabratamich Saele Saianuenes Saielethôr Saine Sanmil Santoiste Saranien Sarbeuirene Saulkh Savallon Savegolwë Sevil Sevines Shardancelen Sichrillas Singessillau Sisior Stain Stelpermas Strion Sudest Suzaiwen Tantart Teillitand Temi Theldochy Thonthorn Thrinendor Thérimour Tine Toustry Traguen Trahervéri Tuimentmon Tulx Tuolombrastë Túrichy Ulot Undirk Undor Uorblebrune Vail Valagny Vale Vataricouvil Vatohil Vaulin Vele Verre Vertimrob Vierat Vilberestard Villakin Villas Villy Vire Virm Viry Vithia Vois Vorlin Vortibûn Vánarougduin Waton Willemin Xand Yancar Yantaienca Yvel Yvelwë Échèlet Épigitz Évidurneu Évrethéomté Óinda Óinrine
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latestflix · 2 years
A Snowy Day in Oakland
Release Date: March 17, 2023 | Theaters
A magical urban tale about a beautiful psychologist from San Francisco who decides to end a stalled romance with her longtime, high-profile, psychiatrist, boyfriend/business partner. She moves on with her life by opening her own private practice in a vacant, street-front office space in the middle of a small, commercial block located across the bay in Oakland, turning the predominately African-American and psychologically ignored neighborhood on its emotional ear.
As far as I’m concerned any film which shines a light on the stigma associated with mental health, especially among people of color, can only be a great thing. A Snowy Day in Oakland uses comedy in a great way to highlight that there is help available through therapy and community and hopefully with this great cast, will be an unexpected hit.
CAST: Nicole Ari Parker, Evan Ross, Arden Myrin, Roger Cross, Sean Maguire, Loretta Devine, Reno Wilson, Kimberly Elise, Deon Cole, Michael Jai White, Marla Gibbs, Tony Plana, Donis Leonard Jr., Claudia Zevallos, Keith David, Jackée Harry
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 4 years
TMA Fear Alignments: OC Edition
A million years ago, @rufinagertrude popped into my DMs and asked me what Magnus Archives patron my OCs would serve. Naturally, I spent like ALL DAY thinking about it and then never did anything with it. So now it's 8AM, I've got five hours of bad sleep in me and a bout of insomnia piloting my brain, and this is what it has decided to fixate on. So here's some very niche info about my very niche OCs.
Finn: The Desolation
- This one just makes sense to me. Finn is a vengeful little bastard who is already fond of fire, and would both take great pleasure in seeing his enemies in utter ruin, and fear greatly his own. Slap a little supernatural motivation on that, and he's a perfect little avatar of the The Lightless Flame.
Davin: The Web
- This one, on the other hand, came as a bit of a surprise to me. But Davin is quite a bit more calculated than his brother, and would 1) deeply dislike the notion of being controlled without his knowledge and 2) would relish being able to weild that over others. Plus, there's some real good imagry to be had re: his fascination with games of strategy, and being "the one to hold all of the cards," etc. I've never seen anyone take on the Web with themes of card games being played against the house, with the illusion of choice being treated as the illusion of possible success, and I think it's neat.
Iggy: The Vast
- Taking a bit of liberty here assigning a dread power to someone else's OC (@urdnotgrunt) but Iggy is a cartographer with a special interest in being out in the vast wide world, simultaneously swallowing and infinite. To be insignificant in a world that goes on without you feels like something that would catch hold of her like flame to flash paper.
Adelina: The Spiral
- All of the manipulation of the Spiral, of the "friend you can't count on, that might not actually be your friend at all," plays into a lot of Adelina's more unsavory talents. One of her first acts in the series is a bit of manipulation to secure a place in Alex's crew. Imagine if she didn't regret it. Plus, the loud colors and zany aesthetic of the Spiral? MWAH, so good for Ade.
Myrine: The Corruption
- The themes of community and hivemind in the Corruption avatars are too far in line with Myrine's deep commitment to people she cares for and her flagrant disregard for everyone else for me to pick another Fear for her. I get the sense that it'd manifest more as mold/fungi for her given the connection she has to water, but like. "To be fully consumed by what loves you," c'mon.
Jonathan: The Eye
- Pursuit of knowledge despite all boundaries and social grace is what gave Jon his name. He's relentlessly hungry for information, and also carries with him a deep sense of paranoia at being seen/having his secrets exposed. So. I didn't REALLY have a choice here LMAO.
Alex: The Lonely
- I struggled with this because I didn't want to jump right on the Peter Lukas "ship captain is the avatar of the Lonely" train, but.... well. Alex fears connection with others decidedly more than she craves it. Isolation is terrifying, and comfortable. She would 100% leave some dude stranded in a completely empty world and let him rot there because he insulted her (1) one time. (also, all of the imagery of deep set fog on the ocean, or a grey featureless beach is VERY good.)
Tahir: The Buried
- I went back and forth between this and the inevitability of the End for a while, but I think I'm happy with the Buried for Tahir. His entire character arc circles around the notion of stagnation, of being trapped and terrified of it.... but of finding it comfortable in its routine. That said, the traditional imagery of the Buried didn't really fit, so Tahir's got more of the "drowned sailor, pressed in on all sides by water, unable to escape" version. Plus, I like to imagine that in this horrible AU, it still lets Alex and Tahir work together. Can't help a manifestation of fear take over the world together if your aesthetics don't match!
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It’s been almost a year since the #Metoo movement started. This happened in June of 2018 after so many men have been called out for inappropriate behavior, not just in the comedy community, but globally. Discussion about it has been everywhere. It’s shocking to me that people still think degrading a woman like this for a cheap laugh is okay. A woman who is their guest, their co-worker, their peer. They think their comments are ironic, so they don’t hurt. Words are powerful.
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synergybct · 7 years
Promising Gem
It was Friday evening. I was sat at my desk in my room, browsing YouTube like you do in the evening. Eventually I found Myrin (aka Jacob Dawson). He’s a first year student at AUT like me, but he’s studying product design and makes vlogs about design practice and self-development. 
His video on learning design drawing in 20 hours (seen above) is quite inspiring to watch. It reminded me of doing Design & Visual Communication in high school, glimpsing that first glimpse of the world of design and all the problem solving and different levels of intricacy that come with it. My teacher who I was quite close with taught me that while I was great at all the technical computer stuff, my physical drawing skills let me down. I’m missing out on being able to communicate my ideas so much more effectively!
What piqued my interest in the video was the idea of developing your skills in weak areas to build you up as a whole. The vlog Myrin made really inspired me to try to develop my own skills in design drawing, to fill in those weak points, to develop my visual communication skills like my teacher said all those years ago. I’d be able to create better stepping stones for people to take a glimpse into my imagination, which will be super helpful in the future, whether it be in concept art, back-of-the-napkin sketches, or meeting room pitches.
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joronomo · 7 years
#Farewell @midnight – Viacom Corporate
New Post has been published on https://joronomo.com/farewell-midnight-viacom-corporate/
#Farewell @midnight – Viacom Corporate
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August 8, 2017 @ 5:04 PM
Comedy Central’s @midnight – which aired its final episode last Friday – had a nearly impossible premise: define the indefinable by corralling the social media mosh pit that the internet has become into something graspable and tangible. But for four years and 600 episodes, Chris Hardwick and an ever-shuffling crew of established and up-and-coming comedians did an admirable job of doing exactly that.
“Nothing else on television today has done as much to showcase the humor and improvisational abilities of stand-up comics and comedic actors. In fact, nothing else in the modern peak TV era has replicated what The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson did for comedy.” – Andrew Husband, Uproxx
The format was simple enough: each night, a panel of three comedians competed gameshow-style to contemplate internet-inspired queries in a sort of freestyle inverse Jeopardy, where there were no right answers, only clever ones.
What, for example, would be the most appropriate way to join the Koch Brothers’ celebration of fossil fuels for Earth Day? What would be an ironclad commandment for a theoretical Star Wars religion? If Pitbull ran for governor of Florida, what would his campaign slogan be? What, you are probably wondering, would be the advantages of global warming? Arden Myrin, Orlando Jones and Nimesh Patel have their ideas on that one:
The cornerstone of the show, of course, was #HashtagWars, the recurring segment that unleashed bizarre and – for the uninitiated – inexplicable trending Twitter threads every weeknight the show aired. In the final episode, Hardwick himself swerved into button-slamming mode, jumping in as a contestant for the first time in the show’s history, riffing on #BabyMovies, #DeadTV, #StonerBroadway, #AnimalMovies, #DrunkVideoGames and other topics among a rotating power panel of biting comics:
For this raucous, inspired and highly original platform, the show won two Emmys – for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media Social TV Experience – in both 2015 and ’16, as well as copious praise from critics, who lauded the show’s role as a pipeline for emerging comedic talent.
“Whether you’re a hardcore fan, an occasional viewer, or a greenhorn whose first exposure was hearing the news, the loss of the Chris Hardwick-hosted faux game show is significant,” wrote Uproxx’s Andrew Husband, detailing how Ron Funches, Nikki Glaser, Chris Cubas, Milana Vayntrub and others found an audience and subsequent projects either directly from or soon after their @midnight appearances. “Nothing else on television today has done as much to showcase the humor and improvisational abilities of stand-up comics and comedic actors. In fact, nothing else in the modern peak TV era has replicated what The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson did for comedy.”
This ever-revolving cast helps to explain how the show stayed fresh for hundreds of renditions as the broader news-social axis increasingly clotted around one or two outrage-of-the-day issues. “But while some subjects were unavoidable — Cash me ousside, Harambe (#RIP) [links added by Viacom], that damn dress — the diligent research team on @midnight plumbed the nether regions of the world wide web to introduce hilariously stupid memes (and cat videos) to new audiences nightly,” L.A. Ross wrote in Mashable. “It was that symbiotic relationship with the internet — the name of the show is its Twitter handle, after all — which created a feedback loop of content that remained fresh for 600 episodes.”
When combined with viral-length segments, the topical comedy and fresh voices merged to form a show both of and perfectly suited to its time. “More importantly, the structure of @midnight was perfect for our ongoing short-attention-span era,” Wrote John Hugar in A.V. Club. “At a time when comedy—and comedy stardom—can be delivered in 140 characters or six-second video loops, watching an entire stand-up special can feel like work, especially if you aren’t familiar with the comic in question. The rapid-fire style of @midnight played into the laugh-a-second nature of the 21st-century market.”
The comedic community’s appreciation for the show was apparent for the final episode, where more than two dozen comics – including Weird Al Yankovic, Paul Scheer, Rob Huebel, Hannah Hart, Thomas Lennon, Paul F. Tompkins, Ron Funches, Jermaine Fowler, Riki Lindhome, Wil Wheaton, Scott Aukerman – rallied at the studio to be part of the final episode:
Our final @midnight airs at midnight tonight! Was honored to share the stage w/ these brilliant comedians I’m proud to call friends! #points pic.twitter.com/aJzX2cIYZ9
— Chris Hardwick (@hardwick) August 4, 2017
As the show wraps its run, some of its fans have been mourning. “What this show brought to the TV landscape will likely be perpetually-underrated: Great comedy, joyful escapism, and an opportunity for discovery,” went a typical tribute, on Cartermatt.com.
Hardwick echoed this sentiment when he signed off the final #HashtagWars segment: #AtMidnightIn5Words. His response? “Best job I ever had.”
But Comedy Central’s late-night programming is still stuffed with a robust and growing slate. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is posting record ratings, and The Opposition with Jordan Klepper – starring the former Daily Show correspondent – will debut on Sept. 25. The President Show, starring Anthony Atamanuik, has been extended to a 22-episode run, and the net has ordered 10 additional episodes of The Jim Jefferies Show.
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myrinthinks · 3 months
7 and 20 for the ask! (Grocery theme!!)
(In reference to this ask meme.)
7. Any groceries you’ve been getting into lately?
Aaaah, I don't think so, honestly. I mean, I've started to buy ice cream in tubs from time to time which isn't something I used to do but it's both irregular and not exceptional enough to warrant calling "getting into", I'm afraid.
20. What’s in your freezer right now? Oh, I can answer that easily and exactly because I actually have a list because I keep forgetting things are in there somewhere in the back and then I buy them again (and again. And again.). Be warned that this is a very German list and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to translate it, both literally and figuratively (in what it conveys). Let's see:
The mentioned tub of ice cream. It's walnut even though I usually get vanilla and am not actually a big walnut fan. Don't ask me why I got it, then. Half eaten.
Red cabbage, leftover from the last time I made pork roast.
A few bread dumplings, also leftovers from the last time I made pork roast.
A red bell pepper, cut into strips.
10 gyoza wrappers. I make like two too many with every batch and now I'm almost at the point where they'll make a whole batch by themselves!
A salmon fillet.
Half a loaf of kashkaval cheese, cut.
Lemon juice, tomato paste, and garlic paste made in an ice cube tray.
Two small containers of chopped dill, one of chopped thyme.
A bag of chopped parsley.
Four raw gyoza.
A small container of leftover... stew? I don't really know what you'd call this in English. It was originally (like, fifteen years ago) this recipe but I've changed it to my family's taste and it's been a staple ever since. I only make it rarely for myself but since it's very filling, even small amounts can make a satisfying lunch!
Brown mushrooms, chopped.
Grated parmesan.
A chicken breast.
A bunch of... sausage? This was the part I was thinking of mostly when I wrote the introductory paragraph. There is weirdly no real way to translate this into English because I don't think you guys really have this? At least not in the way you can get it at the butcher's? My dictionary is giving me "lunch meat", "cold meat", and "cold cuts"?? Is that what it's called? It's like this. I get a few different types at once so that I can freeze and then thaw them as I need them.
Two ends of Leberkas, which my dictionary helpfully calls "type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland". Contrary to my sister, I don't actually like the end parts ("Scherzerl") but I still get them whenever the butcher has them because I like putting them, diced, into pasta salads. And sometimes they're big enough to cut them into two pieces, one of which doesn't have the actual end part, and then I bake that and put it on a bread roll.
A piece of butter I rescued from going bad when I last knew I would be gone for two weeks. It's been living here for quite some time now because somehow there's never the right opportunity to take it out.
Three horsemeat sausages.
Two Bratwürste (and I HATE that you guys don't have a translation for that), a special blend the local butcher makes only in the summer which is SO GOOD. It's a bit spicy and I basically can't tolerate spice at all so I was really surprised by how much I like them when I first tried them. They're thin and an orange-y red and shed a lot of oil when you fry them but they're divine.
A bag of scallions. Just like with the celery stick video I reblogged recently, I should be allowed to buy one or two scallions, not a whole bunch of them! My freezer is never free of scallions because of this.
Four bread rolls. The bakery is just around the corner from my flat but I still don't feel like going every other day so I get a bunch of bread and rolls once a week or so and then freeze them for later use.
Two bags of pancake strips. I made way too many pancakes on Saturday and since in broth is the best way to eat them anyway I cut the leftover ones up and froze them in batches so that I get to enjoy my favourite type of soup whenever I want.
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myrinthinks · 3 months
25. and 39. for the ask thing!
(In reference to this ask meme.)
25. Favorite old person activity?
Good god, I've been an old person at heart since I was like eight and yet now that you ask me, I'm having the hardest time coming up with anything! I really like birdwatching! I'm not good at it at all - I barely know any names and am much too near-sighted to reliably make them out when they're farther away - but I could sit for hours watching birds go about their important little bird business. I also enjoy crossword puzzles and sudoku. I feel like the former can actually teach you a lot while the latter challenges your brain in interesting way. The TV magazine Hörzu used to have this huge, strangely shaped crossword at the end of every edition and we kept buying the magazine for years only because of that - it had such creative, unusual, often punny or cheeky questions which made you think around five corners to get to the solution. We used to do it as a family every Friday and it was tons of fun! (I think they still have it, actually, but I couldn't swear on it.)
39. What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
I'm not actually much of a treat person but the first things that came to mind are Linsenchips (lentil crisps) and Billig-Leibniz-Kekse (non-brand chocolate biscuits; they had basically only pics of the original and these ones I chose are from Edeka while I always get mine from Netto but I think they're actually the same thing). I've loved the latter since I was a child but had the former for the first time exactly a year ago (a year ago TODAY, I'm realising!) on the bus during our staff outing to Vienna. There are times when I'm legitimately addicted to these little fuckers. They SO GOOD but good god, at what cost?
Thank you so much for sending this ask! :D
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myrinthinks · 2 months
So just felt the urge to come and send you an ask
Was scrolling through the like. Reblogs of that. Best friends post. Bc i like to see people's opinions.
I scrolled by your tags and my brain processed the words like, few seconds after I scrolled past it. For some reason i thought it had said "lolitag" and my brain went into such shock and confusion on that type of tag being under a post about 3 grown men that i had to go back and check.
Nonetheless, i felt relief and had a reasonable chuckle at my own silliness.
I hope you have a nice time and many more loltag moments.
OMG thank you so much for sending me this! I assume you mean the video with the three guys and their "moves to pull out at parties" which I am inexplicably unable to find right at the moment even though I know I've reblogged it several times in the past? I've sadly not had a very loltag few days but it's getting better and this message definitely brightened up my morning. I hope you have a wonderful time!
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myrinthinks · 7 months
i think i followed u on accident as i was scrolling on mobile lol. then decided. well why not
You know what, why not indeed!
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myrinthinks · 2 years
Hello! Not sure if anyone's answered this yet, but the first brown layer of paint is to "tone" the canvas. It's got a few uses: it removes the white of the canvas, making it less intimidating, but also making the colors look "truer." Too much white can wash out some of the colors or even change how dark/light we think a certain color is. The brown wash works like a midtone, keeping darks dark and lights light. It CAN also unify the colors sort of like an overlay layer in digital art.
(In reference to this post.) Hey there, thank you so much for explaining this! My sister and I were musing about this issue yesterday because while both of us are generally pretty competent when it comes to art, she has different media she focuses on (mostly watercolours and digital) and for me it's been twelve years since I last studied art extensively so neither of us had a clue.
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myrinthinks · 4 years
Just saw your addition to the 'Lesbiarch' post and as a MA history student its so refreshing to see actually good historical research on here. Great job!
Thank you so much! I certainly know that I myself get the warm fuzzies when I see a well-researched post so it’s a great pleasure to know that I was able to provide something like that to someone else! I dropped out of my doctoral programme in late 2019 so I haven’t really had the opportunity to do a lot of research since then but I’ve always loved it and spent more than nine years honing my skills in it because it’s just... IDK, if done right, it’s just such an amazingly satisfying thing to do! (Like, for my dissertation, I was the first - and to my knowledge, only - person to find one text’s source material when everyone before me thought it was a certain writer’s original work. It was actually half luck on my part and didn’t even require much traditional research but it was still so cool. It was like “This is mine. I found this. And even if no one but my advisor ever sees it, no one can take this from me.”. And that’s a really awesome feeling to have.)
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myrinthinks · 7 years
Aww yiss myme-time (see what I did there? e~e)!! It was pretty hard to find some I don't already know the answer to so pls answer 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 17, 34, 39, and 50! :D
Look at my sister trying to find out more about me via tumblr memes. And asking this many questions like wth calm down I always need an eternity for these anyway.(Und nee, ich seh’s nicht? Wie “me-time” oder so?)For the Lovely calm asks meme.1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
Golden mornings all the way. I’m a morning person through and through and while I like sunsets in general, mornings have such strongly positive connotations for me that there isn’t even any competition.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
Oh god I’ll have to think about this for like ten days until something comes to mind completely randomly and unrelatedly.Update: I forgot the question and hence couldn’t think about it while waiting for the train or lying in bed or something. Goddammit.I’m actually positive that I have found a way by now to eat all foods that I’ve actively wanted to try during some time in my life. But who knows what I’m not even thinking of?Oh no, wait! Rabbit! I mean, I don’t really want to eat it because I have my meat-needs fairly covered and also, we used to have bunnies so it’s kinda weird and not all that appetising to me, but I would actually like to know what rabbit tastes like just for the sake of knowing.
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Depends on what I’m doing and where I am related to these hypothetical storms and drizzles. I generally prefer regular rain, though. Drizzle is nix Halbes und nix Ganzes and kinda always worms its way everywhere and just hugely annoying. Sometimes more practical at days like last Thursday though, where I went grocery shopping and suddenly found myself with one too few arms because I also had to carry an umbrella (and the kitchen rolls got wet anyway) and with just a drizzle, my hood would’ve sufficed. But in general I’d say I prefer rain storms.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
Ugh, another one of those rando things I’ll have to think about more before being able to answer.Update: See my answer to 5. The second paragraph, not the rabbit thing, although I also do love rabbits. Oh my.The feeling of being up early. It makes my whole day and is weirdly indescribable in how good it is.
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
Porque no los dos? (Is that right? My sister is learning Spanish atm but the only thing I can say is “Soy una tortuga”! D:)But really, I like both!! But also, I can’t really imagine one or the other because they don’t really sound like contrasts to me?? I’m leaning more towards neutral cosy but really, it totally depends on what the thing actually looks like. Hauptsache ordentlich.
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
Season: If I had to choose, I’d say spring, but I actually love all seasons except for summer. (Although summer is undoubtedly the most important one for my garden but meh.)Month: May.
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
Absolutely! When it’s cold enough for me to see my breath, I’m usually bundled up in a scarf, but I do take the time to untangle myself every so often to do the breath thing. I also carry stuff all the time and seeing my breath is kind of inevitable when I huff and puff up the hill to our house.
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
Oh my.Oh no.Öhm. In the house: Now that I think about it, the taxidermied squirrel in our corridor, actually. It fell from a tree and died on the property we lived when I was a baby and my parents had it “restored” and it’s been watching over me for all my life.Alternatively, any kitchen stuff. Kitchen stuff is decor to me.In my room: I don’t actually have that much decor but I’d say either my Schmuckständer (which I could not find the English word for anywhere - it’s a headless lady in a black-and-silver dress where I can hang my jewellery) or my hourglass set (although it doesn’t really go with the look of the rest of my bedroom but whatever).
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
As with the rain, depends, but I’m actually leaning towards No. Everything (including myself) gets messed up through wind and while I don’t mind the ~*~feeling~*~ of it ~*~on my skin~*~ or something, I don’t seek it out, either, so. Hm. What a satisfying answer to the last question that is.
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myrinthinks · 8 years
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hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet
“Ugh, finally the little conference type of thing I’ve been planning...”
good luck!!!! *fingers crossed*
Thanks, friend! I’ll be leaving in two hours, ugh. So glad to have it over and done with. (Although I feel like I need to add that this is actually a very relaxed setup where I don’t have to do very much but the buildup was just so annoying that I’ll be breathing a sigh of deep relief once it’s over.)
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