#mysterious monk (miroku)
kstewdeux · 3 months
@inukag-week | InuKag Week 2024 - July 2 | Moonlight
Also on Ao3
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“Once upon a time, there was a serene village nestled among rolling hills and ancient forests. I say ancient, yes ancient, as hidden deep within the forest, stood the Well of Ages—a mystical well capable of traversing the fabric of time. The well was a relic of a forgotten era. It’s origins shrouded in mystery.”
”That sounds like our well,” a tiny little voice whispered excitedly and her sister giggled in response. Miroku smiled at the two girls balancing atop his wife’s lap before clearing his throat and continuing his story.
”Over the centuries, the true nature of the Well of Ages was forgotten. All that was known was whatever was dropped into its depths vanished before one’s very eyes,” he barely repressed his snicker when one of his daughters gasped, “The villagers had a healthy respect for it. No one dared crawl inside lest they too disappear from this realm.”
Violet eyes flicked up to the four other occupants of their humble abode. His infant son was cradled in his aun’t arms, a less onery than usual uncle, and a grandmotherly figure busying herself with their dinner.
”Then one day came-“
Inuyasha cleared his throat and sent the monk a pointed look like he genuinely thought his friend might call him a monster for the sake of the story. How on earth was he still so misunderstood after all this time?
”A soldier who carried a mighty sword,” Miroku continued with a theatrical motion and Inuyasha settled with a satisfied nod, “Who swore to protect the well and all it contained. One day, when the solider was taking a rest, a beautiful maiden appeared and woke him asking how did she come to be in this strange place.”
Kagome snickered softly.
“I am the sworn protector of the well and all its contents, said the solider. The girl produced a small glowing orb. This came from the well, she said. Then I will protect it, said the solider,” Miroku hummed to his three children who were hanging on his every word. He made a face and continued with a dark, dramatic gasp. A hand flew to his chest, “But alas! Evil had lay in wait for the moment the well began to offer up its treasure. They stole the poor girl and the well’s treasure. The solider followed and saved her from their evil clutches but more evil came,” he leaned forward and swept his hand over the dirt floor, “They ran.”
”This is boring. I want the spider story,”Kin'u‘s tiny voice complained with a far too dramatic whine, “Or the one about the ugly girl.”
“Oh, there’s a story about an ugly girl?” Sango asked as her eyes flashed, “I don’t think I’ve heard that one monk.”
Miroku laughed nervously and pulled at his collar.
”I assure you dearest that the story of the ugly girl is completely appropriate,” he protested nervously.
”She was captured by a fish,” Kin'u chirped enthusiastically. Sango choked and gave Miroku her most disapproving glare.
”Oh really?”
Miroku’s strained smile faltered before he shook himself and cleared his throat.
”The solider and the maiden ran,” he continued a little louder than he intended, “Far, far away from the magical well. They sought out a beautiful woman whose reputation had spread far and wide. Known for her exceptional skills in combat and her fierce determination. A symbol of strength, courage, and unwavering loyalty. Her people revered her not just for her prowess in battle, but also for her wisdom and compassion.”
Inuyasha muttered a faint ‘kiss ass’ while Sango rolled her eyes but didn’t comment.
”Along the way to find her, the solider and maiden encountered a, um, poet whose weapon was his word,” Miroku offered before shooting a heated smirk at his wife, “Said to slay many with his tongue.”
Sango flushed scarlet.
”And story time is over,” she huffed as she lightly patted her daughter‘s bottoms to signal it was time to get up. As the two girls protested, Inuyasha shook with silent laughter and Kagome flushed scarlet.
”I want to know what happened,” one of the twins whined before turning puppy dog eyes at her father, “Please?”
Sango set her jaw and glared at her husband who had on his most innocent face.
”Only if your father skips to the end,” she ground out - her voice disapproving but her eyes soft enough to undercut the unspoken threat to keep the rest of the story suitable for children. Miroku swallowed and pulled at his collar again.
”Right. The solider, the maiden, the poet and the beautiful warrior fought many battles against evil in all its forms. Together they kept the well’s orb safe and away from evil hands,” Miroku continued, “Until one day, they vanquished the last of the evil. Much to the dismay of her comrades, the orb and the maiden disappeared back into the well from whence they came.”
Two sets of tiny eyes widened.
”She was just gone?” Kin'u whispered in disbelief.
”So it would seem,” Miroku hummed sadly as he raised his eyes to the couple who inspired this portion of the story, “The solider who had grown to love the maiden was absolutely bereft. Seasons changed, years passed, and though others might have lost hope, the solider’s faith in his love's return never wavered. The solider spent his time keeping vigil at the well and walking through the village, reminiscing about their adventures and his hope of a future together. The village people, moved by his unwavering dedication, came to admire his steadfastness.”
Miroku inhaled deeply.
”One fine day, as the sun set in a blaze of color, a soft breeze carrying the scent of the maiden filled the village. The solider rushed to the Well of Ages where the air shimmered. Lo and behold there appeared the maiden. I have come to stay in this realm, she told the solider who loved her so, if you will have me,” he continued before shooting his friend a playful smirk, “He proclaimed her an idiot for thinking he would have it any other way.”
Miroku turned his attention back to his children.
“Their reunion was a testament to enduring love and the power of hope. Proving that true love can withstand any trial. The end.”
“But what happened to the poet and the beautiful woman?” Hisui asked in an almost distraught tone. Miroku’s grin softened.
”Perhaps tomorrow night,” he offered, “Come now. It’s off to bed.”
One of the twins chewed her little lip before narrowing her eyes.
”Is this you guys’ story?” she asked in a knowing tone.
”Very observant Gyokuto. Yes, it is. More or less,” Miroku chuckled.
”I’m gunna tell Shippo you forgot about him,” she humphed pettily as she got to her feet and brushed the dust off her bottom, “He’s gunna be so mad at you.”
”The story was cut short. I would have introduced him,” Miroku protested as everyone who lived with him began preparing for bed and the stragglers started making their exit, “It was simply due to a lack of-“
”I don’t know. I think you really did forget him. You did leave him out when you started introducing us,” Kagome teased playfully. Miroku scoffed.
”I did not forget Shippo. He played an integral part in our victory,” Miroku countered, “I was simply rushed.”
“It’s okay Daddy. Sometimes I forget things too,” the observant twin offered as she placed a tiny hand on her father’s shoulder and nodded with all the wise understanding her tiny brain could muster, “It is part of the human spears and ants.”
Miroku sighed and scratched at the nape of his neck.
”Yes, yes, I suppose it is.”
The little girl abruptly made a face.
”I don’t like ants.”
”Ah, no. It’s the human ex-“
”Human ants sound like the scariest demons ever.”
”No, no no, it’s not-“
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ghostly-roses · 3 months
Alright, kiddos, progress report time!
Those of you here for Mizu, I’ll add some context where available. Those for InuYasha and his friends, I feel Mizu would appear at least after The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier, maybe even after the Band of Seven arc. I have the interactions between Sango, Kagome, and Miroku learning about Mizu’s gender planned out. InuYasha for another time, but he knows instantly because of his nose.
Starting with Sango
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This would be on day two of Mizu being back in time in the Sengoku Jidai. Sango and Miroku return to the village after subduing a demon and chasing a dead end lead for more jewel shards. Sango is on her own taking care of Hiraikotsu’s (her boomerang) maintenance when Mizu approaches her about a practice sparing match. The demon slayer takes it as a man wanting a quick victory for his ego after losing to InuYasha (not how the fight ended).
Mizu responses by taking her hair down and pulling her top opening, revealing her bindings. “What? Are you not ‘soft’ enough for a little rough and tumble?” Echoing Chiaki’s (minor antagonist in Mizu’s time) words in her childhood.
Sango is surprised at the revelation that this man is a fellow female warrior as well. She accepts Mizu’s invitation.
The art above is after their match, talking about their weapons like the construction, materials, and maintenance.
Sango keeps Mizu’s secret upon returning to the village.
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The group goes off for the hot springs that night. The girls and Shippo go first but Mizu finds a little outcropping for herself. Sango hears her and calls for her to join them. Before a confused Kagome can say anything, Shippo agrees. Things click into place quickly for the young schoolgirl. InuYasha’s defensive and slightly protective tone when speaking about the mysterious man. That pretty Ronin is a pretty woman.
Mizu appears around the rocks with her stuff in her hands. The group greets her warmly. Mizu doesn’t say much because she’s sooooo far out of her depth and embarrassed by the whole situation.
Kagome gives her some reassurance before they switch out with the boys.
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When Mizu awakes on the third morning, she’s feeling off about the night before, lingering negative thoughts followed a night of bad memories. In a rare leap of faith for herself, she confides in the monk about her current unrest. Miroku suggests some meditation and offers to show her a good spot, a lovely waterfall.
While preparing to go in the water, Mizu undresses upon realizing Miroku is gawking back shocked. She assumed he and his friends all knew via InuYasha. “He didn’t reveal me?”
“He-? InuYasha? No! Of course, he’d hide a beautiful woman right under my nose.” The monk’s tone sounds pissy yet understanding and like he expected something like this from his friend. He then collects himself and asks Mizu if she would like to continue with the meditation. She agrees.
Meditation is mostly uneventful. Aside from one rogue hand and Mizu putting the fear of the Kami in Miroku’s being with a single glare. She feels more at ease as well.
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skyelara · 2 years
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Color Theory, a drabble series for Sango and Miroku day 2023.
Summary: Sango and Miroku were each other’s favorite colors.
Read it on A03 here, or you can keep reading below!
Sango could drown in indigo waves, his magnetic current pulling her under. He was mysterious. An enigma. Her mind screamed to stay away, that he was just an itinerant monk. But she had never seen such a color in her life before. Curiosity took her hand, guiding her. He planted indigo irises on graves he dug for her kin. They shared an umbrella under indigo, rainy skies when she chose him. His skin kissed with purple and indigo bruises, left by her hand. He confessed, indigo eyes warming with declarations of love and marriage.
She never knew indigo until Miroku.
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call-me-ryuzaki · 1 year
The Flame Hashira and The Priestess (1)
After Inuyasha's sacrifice, the Bone Eaters Well had sealed itself upon the completion of the jewel, leaving Kagome stuck in the Feudal Era with no hope of returning home. Kagome mourned the loss of both Inuyasha and her family and friends. Sure, she had Sango, Miroku, and Shippo around, but they would soon move on with their own lives.
After the final battle, Sango and Miroku married shortly after and before everyone knew it, Sango was expecting her first child. Shippo stayed within the village for a few years before he decided to leave and train and retake the fox demon exam.
Kagome obviously stayed in the village. She didn't want to wander too far from the Bone Eaters well in case it started working again. She learned all she could from Kaeda and from other priestesses that would occasionally pass through the village. Much too soon for Kagome's liking, Kaeda had passed away peacefully in her sleep.
The years passed by her in a blink of an eye. It wasn't until Sango and Miroku started to grow gray hairs did the trio realize that Kagome had not aged much after her 20th birthday.
"It probably comes with being the guardian of the Shikon Jewel," Sango said as she and Kagome strolled through the ever-growing village. "We don't know exactly what the jewel is capable of, so prolonging its guardians' life is definitely a huge possibility. I mean you haven't aged a bit after all."
Kagome sighed. She prayed that she would age alongside her friends, however, the jewel clearly had other plans for her. She didn't want to watch her friends and loved ones grow old and pass away while she continued to walk the earth.
The jewel was more of a curse than anything else.
"I didn't want this," she said softly.
Sango squeezed her best friend's arm, "Just think of it this way, Kagome. Perhaps you'll live to see your family again."
The mere thought of seeing her mother, grandfather, and brother, ignited a small hope within her. "You're right, Sango. Thank you."
It was quiet for a moment before the former demon slayer spoke."It sure has been quiet lately. Demon attacks have started to become less and less. We haven't had a single report of a demon attacking the village in months.
Kagome frowned. Demons not attacking the village was normally a good thing, "Not just that, but I haven't heard of a single sighting of a demon in the last few months either. I haven't even sensed any either."
"Maybe this is what happened to the demon," Sango said, "You said that there were no demons in the future. Maybe they just all disappeared?"
Kagome shrugged, "I'm not sure. Miroku suggested they learned to blend in with humans. The more powerful demons such as Sesshomaru or even Shippo."
"Bah," Sango waved her hand in a dismissive manner, "Enough talk about demons, let us go take a bath!" Kagome agreed and the girls rushed to get their things, giggling and gossiping the whole way there.
As the years continued to pass Kagome by, Sango eventually died. She was buried beneath the Goshinboku where Inuyasha rested. Not long after Sango's death, Miroku closely followed after her.
"Lady Kagome," the dying monk motioned for her to come closer to him.
"Yes? What is it, Miroku?" Kagome clasped his hand into her own, holding back her tears.
"I feel my time is coming to an end," Kagome bit her lip to keep from sobbing, "Promise me something?"
"Of course, anything!"
"After I die, please look out for our children."
Kagome nodded her head, "Of course!"
Miroku smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "I have left everything to you. Take extra care of the chest with all the scrolls stored inside of them. I made sure to record our adventures together. They contain our travels together, the legend of the Shikon jewel, and how its mysterious guardian brought us all together."
Kagome smiled softly. "You remembered that there was not much on the Shikon jewel from my time."
The monk nodded his head. "Of course. History will not know your name, only know you as the girl who saved the world from a great evil."
"That's okay," she said, "It's better that way. Everyone should know your names. Sango, Inuyasha, Shippo, Sesshomaru, Kouga, Kikyo even."
Miroku nodded his head in agreement.
They continued to make small talk and reminiscence of their shared time together. She stayed by his side until Miroku drew his final breath and slipped into the sweet embrace of death. It was only after he finally passed away did Kagome allow herself to cry.
He was buried alongside Sango and Inuyasha beneath the Goshinboku. "Be at peace, you guys…"
With the disappearance of demons, priestesses were no longer needed. Still, Kagome honed her abilities. After Sango and Miroku passed away, she lingered in the village a little while longer before deciding to leave.
Kagome traveled throughout the land, helping those in need. Whether it be exorcizing evil spirits, or delivering babies..She lost count of how many years she'd been travelling and things around her began to change.
Demons that once freely roamed Feudal Japan became myths and fairytales parents would tell to scare their children. The Shikon No Tama became a legend and not many people believed it, or its guardian actually existed. In each village she traveled to, she would tell the children stories of the heroes who saved the world by defeating an evil spider demon.
In time, Kagome became a nameless healer. Some people actually believed her to be a spirit stuck wandering the earth. While some believed she was a goddess sent from the heavens to aid those in their time of need. She stayed in each village until she felt she was no longer needed or the villagers grew suspicious of her never aging appearance.
She tried searching for Sesshomaru or even Shippo but with no luck. It was as if they had completely disappeared. Something told her they weren't dead. At one point in time, Kagome thought she had a really good lead on the Lord of The Western Lands, but eventually, the trail went cold and she was back to square one.
"Damn demons, always keeping themselves hidden!" she kicked a rock and adjusted her bow. All she wanted to do right now was cry, but she knew she had to turn around and head back to the village she had passed through a few hours ago. It wasn't safe for people to wander alone in the dark. Especially with the rumors of brutal murders happening.
And trouble always seemed to find her.
"A woman walking alone at night with no one around?" A voice all but purred in her ear. Kagome quickly turned to face the owner and she wished she hadn't.
Her skin crawled as came face to face with a humanoid creature. Its cat-like eyes stared at her hungrily, licking its lips. Kagome was frozen in fear. Never before has she come across a demon such as the one before it. The aura of this particular monster was different from anything she had ever encountered. It was filled with more malice and bloodlust that rivaled Naraku's.
It filled her with a fear she hadn't felt in a long time.
It gripped her jaw with one of its hands, its nail pricked her skin, drawing blood. "You smell delicious!" The monster licked its lips in anticipation.
Kagome closed her eyes as she waited for the demon to devour her. But it never came. The hand holding her face had all but disappeared, she caught a glimpse of ash before she heard the sound of a sword being sheathed.
She opened her eyes as the shock and fear faded and she finally laid her eyes on her savior. A tall muscular man with long spiky hair with red tips kept secured in a ponytail stood before her. He wore a calm expression on his face as he approached her.
"Are you well?" he asked her.
"Huh?" she blinked.
He reached up and wiped the small bit of blood off her cheek.
"Oh! Yes! I'm fine! It was just a scratch! Thank you for saving me."
"Allow me to walk you to the nearest Inn," he spoke softly to her and motioned for her to follow him. He headed towards the village she passed through earlier in the day.
"So…um, what's your name?" she asked him after a long period of silence.
"My name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni," he smiled at her.
"I'm Kagome Higurashi!" She returned the smile with one of her own, "I can't thank you enough for killing that thing back there."
"No need to thank me. I'm glad I made it in time before that demon made a meal out of you,"
Kagome let out a nervous laugh, "So it was a demon…"
Yoriichi nodded his head, "Yes… with each human they feed on, they grow more powerful, but do not worry. We'll protect as many people as we can."
She decided not to question it anymore and stay silent for the remainder of the trip. And true to his word, the man known as Yoriichi escorted her safely to an inn.
"Thank you,"
"There's no need. Please take care and try not to wander alone after dark." he turned to leave before he paused and looked back at her, "If you ever find yourself wandering alone at night, demons are repelled by Wisteria Trees."
Kagome smiled, "I will keep that in mind, Yoriichi. I hope we cross paths in the future."
He nodded his head before finally taking his leave.
Kagome spared one last look at the man known as Yoriichi.
"What an interesting guy…" Kagome smiled and she hoped they would meet again, hopefully under better circumstances.
Many more years passed, and Kagome never got the chance to see Yoriichi again. She did encounter quite a few people calling themselves demon slayers. She lost count of how many of them she had tended to in her travels.
"Geez, Masaru," Kagome sighed as she dressed his shoulder wound, "This is the third time in the last month I've tended to you alone! You need to be more careful when dealing with those demons!"
"Right…" he let out a nervous chuckle, "I'll try and be more careful next time." the demon slayer let out a sigh, "They're just so… powerful. The only sure way to kill them is to cut off their heads with a Nichirin Sword."
"What exactly is so special about those blades anyway?" Kagome asked as she finished dressing his wounds.
"They're forged with Scarlet Ore and Scarlet Crimson Sand which are found on Mount Yoko and are constantly bathed in sunlight all throughout the year," Masaru explained to her, "Other than decapitating the head, direct exposure to sunlight is the only way to kill them. Some of their regenerative abilities are… insane."
"I see…" Kagome gathered his torn clothes in her arms, "I'll make sure to wash these and sew the holes in them. For now, rest and let your wounds heal."
"Yeah yeah," he grumbled crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Kagome smiled softly as she walked passed him with the bundle of clothes. She spared a glance at the crow sitting in the open window, seemingly watching her like a hawk. It unnerved her really, the crow was with him every time he came around with a fresh wound.
"The demons of today's age are nothing like the ones we battled," Kagome sighed. She had only encountered the one demon Yoriichi saved her from, and she wasn't looking forward to meeting with any more of them.
However, she knew that eventually, she'd have to. "Perhaps, purifying them would work?" she knew no one of this day and age would know. She was the last living true priestess after all, and the guardian of the Shikon No Tama. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.
After the clothing he wore was clean from all the blood, she brought it back to the small hut she was staying in and hung it up to dry. Once done with that, she went inside and began to brew some tea.
Masaru watched her from his place across the small fire. Kagome was an enigma.
After a particularly rough battle with a demon, he and his companions were severely injured and probably would have died if she hadn't shown up. It was thanks to her that he and his companions even survived. By the time the Kakushi arrived, she was long gone and he thought their whole encounter had been just a dream. His companions didn't even recall seeing her at all.
Then he encountered her once more in the woods after a long night of battling. He had been bleeding in several places, none of his injuries was life-threatening, but they hurt like hell. She had dropped what she was doing and rushed to his side immediately. She led him to a small hut he thought was abandoned.
He stayed with her for another week after she told him he was fit to travel again and they became fast friends.
Masaru didn't know much about Kagome. He tried to pry for more information about her but to no avail. He hadn't learned a single thing about her other than the fact that she was rather lonely and had no family. He often caught her dazing off, a faraway look on her face, and he could never bring himself to ask what was on her mind.
He also learned she never stayed in one place for very long.
"Where do you plan on going after you leave here?" he asked her while she sewed the holes in his uniform.
"I'm not sure," she replied, "Wherever I'm needed I suppose."
"You should come back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters with me!" He beamed, "You'd make a great Kakushi!"
"I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to decline," she said.
Masaru sighed but didn't press the issue further. She'd be done fixing his uniform tonight and he'd be on his way tomorrow. He wished he could repay her, but each time he tried, she denied him, telling him he owed her nothing in return.
Just as he had predicted, when he awoke the next morning, his uniform was neatly folded beside him and she was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh, he dressed himself in the demon slayer uniform and sought out the mysterious woman. He found her beside the small stream of water.
"Kagome!" He called out to her.
She turned to him, "Good morning Masaru!" she greeted. "Are you leaving?"
He nodded his head, "I am."
She was always just out of arms reach, they were close, but not too close for her to become attached. She knew what fate awaited normal humans, and demon slayers tended to live shorter lives. She couldn't bear watching more people she cared about die.
"Please be careful out there!"
"As always," he said. "Until we meet again, Kagome!"
"Hopefully under better circumstances."
With a laugh, Masaru set off. His ever so faithful crow flying just overhead, leading him to who knows where.
"Until next time," she whispered.
The next time she saw Masaru, he was no longer alive.
It happened a few months later. Despite the warning she had received from Yoriichi, Kagome traveled along the pathway, her only source of light being the moon. And as she was passing through a smaller village, she sensed a demon.
She shuddered as she quickly made her way toward the demon, drawing her bow as she moved. She gasped as she saw the demon throw a body across the clearing. The body crashed through fencing and ceased any form of movement. She couldn't feel the aura from the person and instantly knew they were dead.
A scream ripped her from her thoughts. The demon had a hold of a woman, ready to take a bit out of her flesh. Kagome quickly nocked an arrow in her bow, "Hey ugly!"
The demon turned to look at her and laughed at the arrow. "You think a mere arrow can kill me?"
Kagome swallowed thickly, "Maybe not…"
The woman whimpered as the demon tightened its hand around her neck, "Don't make me laugh girl! Leave now and maybe I'll spare your life!"
Kagome scoffed, "You honestly think I'm going to leave while a damsel in distress? You're a bigger idiot than I thought!"
"What did you say?" his eye twitched.
"You heard me ugly! Now let her go!" She pulled the bowstring back, ready to release the arrow at any given second.
The demon laughed at her and threw the woman to the side, "Stay put." he turned his attention to Kagome. "You seem like you're the type that needs proof. Go ahead and shoot me, but once you do. You won't have another opportunity. I'll kill you right where you stand!"
"As you command," Kagome smirked. She didn't realize that the demons were so cocky, or perhaps it was just this particular one.
She took a deep breath, "Please work." she prayed as she released the arrow. It soared through the clearing, quickly being enveloped in a bright pink color. The demon's eyes widened as the arrow struck him and he felt his whole body be enveloped in the same color as the arrow.
"You bitch!" He screamed as he began to fade to ash, "What the hell did you do to me!?"
"Your the first demon of this era to have a taste of pure spiritual power." Kagome approached him, "So you were right, a simple arrow couldn't kill you. Unlucky for you though, it was no simple arrow."
Kagome walked passed him as his screams faded into nothing.
"Are you okay?" she asked the woman.
She could only nod her head, not able to find her voice.
"Now, go on home. No more wandering the streets out at night, okay?" Kagome helped the girl up and gently nudged her towards the homes. Once she was out of sight, Kagome rushed to the fallen demon slayer.
Her heart dropped in her stomach.
"Masaru…" she dropped to her knees. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time to save you." She silently wept for the boy. "Be at peace my friend." She grabbed his sword and placed it beside him, surely he'd want it even in death.
She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cold cheek. "Thank you for everything." with a heavy heart, Kagome left the scene.
From that moment on, Kagome vowed to destroy any demon she came across.
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hannaday81 · 7 months
Inuyasha Fanfic Recs
Inuyaha/Sango = InuSan
Mine Enemy *Complete
Her father taught her that youkai with human faces were dangerous. He should have warned her about hanyous.
Thine Enemy *Ongoing
Human, youkai, hanyou. When the scariest of monsters can pass for man, who are the real demons? Sequel to Mine Enemy.
A stroke of time *Complete
Kagome finds out something devastating that takes away her wishes to return to the Sengoku Jidai. Meanwhile, her mysterious decision brings unsuspected opportunities for Sango and Inuyasha.
Training *Oneshot
Inuyasha and Sango head off to catch up on their training, and nothing more...maybe!
Drops of Gold *Complete
Inuyasha is annoying. Really, really annoying. He’s also pretty wonderful. One day, Sango realizes this.
Autumn *Oneshot
‘Was she happy?’ the hanyou had once asked. ‘She was’ she had responded. Happier than when she was with the monk? She did not know. But it no longer mattered. It was the hanyou that she was with now, the hanyou that she loved.
 James P. Darcy
We Shouldn't *Complete
Inuyasha carries Sango after a brutal battle with Naraku, and finds himself feeling a protectiveness for the slayer that goes beyond just 'friends'.
larmes des anges
The End Result *Complete
Two hurting souls, one common need. In the neverceasing search for love, people will inadvertently get hurt along the way. Cheating, lying, questioning... Do the ends justify the means, or is it only the end result that counts?
Opus the Penguin
Closer *Ongoing
A grievously wounded Inuyasha may not survive until dawn, ane even dawn may bring nothing but madness and death. As Sango wrestles with the possibility that Inuyasha might die in her arms, Kagome struggles to make a fateful decision of her own.
Priestess Skye
Revelations *Complete
Sango becomes connected to Inuyasha in the strangest of ways after receiving a small gift.
Only You *Oneshot
When Miroku died before Naraku can be defeated he urges Sango to marry Lord Kuranosuke Takeda. With nothing left after Naraku's defeat, she obliges. She achieves a comfortable life but isn't happy. Can Inuyasha show her that she belongs at his side?
It's Not the Same *Oneshot
When Inuyasha tries to comfort Sango in Kagome's absence, things take an interesting turn.
About an Inch *Oneshot
After the birth of her first son, Sango begins training with Inuyasha. He gives her advice on how to bounce back from pregnancy. She gives him advice on his new relationship with Kagome. Friendshipfic. Post-manga. Rated for bawdy but non-explicit humor.
Home *Oneshot
Home is more than where you sleep. It's where you wake up.
How to Live *Ongoing
The battle is finished, and now the survivor's must learn how to continue on without their friends. A story told in a series of drabbles.
Once the Dust Settles *Complete
Naraku's finally dead. Kagome returns to her time, and the Shikon no Tama is in Inuyasha's hands. The end of one journey, turns out to be the beginning of another.
The Last First Night *Oneshot
Episode 135. Just what did happen once everyone returned to the temple?
yumi michiyo
Harsh Reality *Ongoing
Inuyasha shares unwanted insights with Sango. Unexpected consequences ensue.
Happy Endings *Ongoing
Sometimes the fairytale ending isn't the right one and you have to make your own happy ending.
Calamity's Breach *Complete
Several years after the Shikon no Tama is complete and Naraku put to rest, Rin is faced with the turmoil of her passage into womanhood. The trouble only worsens for her and her guardian when she finds herself falling for the man whom
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 04
Kagome’s house wasn’t prepared to receive so many visitors. The couch was too small and there were barely enough chairs to fit everyone. In the end, Kagome decided to stay standing and had enough freedom of movement to pace around.
The others waited, some more patiently than others. Lucas worried over Max. Dustin looked ready to jump from his seat. Eddie, Steve, Nancy and Robin followed Kagome with their eyes. 
"I was fifteen when a demon attacked me for the first time. I was looking for my cat when a youkai - that's what we call some types of demons in Japan - Mistress Centipede, ripped open my side to take out a magic jewel I didn't know I carried." She lifted her top until the remaining scar showed up. "It was the Shikon no Tama, the Jewel of Four Souls, that vanished from the world five hundred years ago." Dustin bent forward, his mouth open to question something, but Steve stopped him. "From that moment on, nothing was the same. I was dragged down a well into a portal that took me to the past, to a time when demons roamed free and people were born with powers to fight them. I'm the reincarnation of the former guardian of the Jewel, who was fatally wounded when protecting it. I was born a priestess but was never trained to be one. At first, all I could do was keep the Jewel pure by touching it. Then, youkai found out about the return of the Shikon no Tama and came after it.
"The Shikon no Tama could increase any demon's power by infinite folds and it was believed to grant a wish. I've met a hanyou, half-human half-dog demon, that wanted to become a full youkai. The sister of the previous guardian helped me to subdue him. Then a crow demon tried to steal the Jewel. In an attempt to stop it from getting away, I shoot an arrow that broke Shikon no Tama into hundreds of pieces.
"This half-demon was called Inuyasha. We joined in a quest to get back all the shards. He wanted his wish, I wanted to fix my mistake. In our journey, we met a fox demon, Shippo, whose dad died because he had a Shikon shard; then a Buddhist Monk called Miroku whose family had been cursed by Naraku, the same demon that cause the death of the former Jewel's protector. Finally, the last members of our ragtag group were a demon slayer, Sango, that had her entire village slaughtered by Naraku, and her loyal companion Kirara, a two-tailed cat demon.
"My life was split in two. When I jumped down the well, I was a warrior priestess in training, searching for the shards and fighting against Naraku to stop his reign of chaos. Here, I was a student that missed most classes due to mysterious illnesses. I would come home every once in a while to take tests, but studying isn't a priority when you are fighting for your life. My grades sank, I failed that year and barely got into high school in the next.
"In the past, I had to learn how to shoot a bow, how to hide, how not to be a hindrance. They were my second family, brothers in arms, as you say in the west. I loved them so much." Tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Once all the shards were located, we found Naraku. We had gotten powerful enough to defeat him, but he had one last trick. He trapped me inside the Jewel and tried to deceive me into wishing to be free, but Inuyasha found me and I knew I had to make the right wish. I wished for the Jewel to disappear from existence. A blinding light surrounded us and the next thing I knew I was in my room. 
"My mother told me Inuyasha brought me unconscious and that the quest was over." She took a break. No one said a word. "For three years, I waited. I went to the well house every day, hoping to feel a slight hint of magic, hoping to go back to where I thought I belonged." Kagome closed her fists and gritted her teeth. "I… All I have left are my memories.” Her face softened. “And my powers.”
The glow started on Kagome’s hands and spread through her body. The lilac shine was fascinating and terrifying. At the same time, it could soothe someone's soul and burn them to death if they were corrupted enough. Kagome walked and stopped in front of Max. Lucas tensed but the ginger girl held him back. Kagome placed a finger on Max's forehead.
"A demon once tried to control me. He used my fears and insecurities to trap me inside my mind. I could break out once I accepted they were part of me and that there's nothing wrong with feeling that way." Max lowered her gaze. Kagome stepped back.
The people in the room stared mutely at Kagome. Dustin had his mouth open, with the corner of his lips turned up. Nancy, Steve and Robin just winked a few times. Lucas squeezed Max's shoulders. Eddie bit his nails, his face reflecting a hundred questions running through his mind, but he said nothing at the moment.
"So…" said Robin, "what can you do, exactly?"
Kagome put a hand on her chin and looked up. It has been a while since she really had to use her powers other than the eventual meditation and some aura expansion. “I can infuse my powers into an arrow, but I’m not sure how effective it can be against these things from the upside-down world.” ‘And I hope I won't have to test it,' she mentally added. "Oh, and don't fall for illusions, magic barriers or mind control. One of the perks of the holy powers, you know? Mind-related stunts usually don't work on me."
"Maybe that's why Vecna was so interested in you," said Max. "Perhaps he tried to enter your mind like he did with me and failed. Now he's wondering what makes you different."
"We can use it to our advantage," said Kagome. "How long between the symptoms and the attacks with Chrissy and Fred?"
"They died less than a day after seeing the clock." Max shivered. "I don't have much time."
"What about Viktor Creel? He survived the curse," said Nancy. "I have a plan. Robin and I will talk to Creel in the morning and find out how he made it alive."
"Only the two of you?" Asked Steve. "I'm going too."
While Robin, Nancy and Steve discussed, Eddie pulled Kagome aside. Concern splashed over his face, with his eyebrows in a constant frown.
"How are you? Everyone's worried about Max, but you've been there with Vecna too."
"I've survived much worse." Kagome patted his arm. "Thanks for asking."
"You didn't tell us everything."
"It's complicated," she said. "I never expected anyone to believe it, so I never prepared myself to tell the whole story. Not even my mother knows all the gore details. She would freak out if she did."
"You can tell me. I'll believe every word, no matter how absurd." Kagome looked at him, questioning. "You are a gold mine of ideas for my campaigns. I am already planning the next Hellfire Club adventure. A cursed stone being chased by friends and foes alike. How good are your drawing skills? You will need to tell me all the details about the folks you've met. Kagome Higurashi, I deem you my muse."
Kagome released a heartfelt laugh. For the first time since her adventures ended, she felt normal. She was around people of her age who had experiences somewhat similar to hers. That alone gave her the strength to do her best to help this group she just met.
It was morning again when the group moved to the Wheeler’s basement. Some of them were able to take a short nap, while others stayed in vigil. Neither Dustin, Lucas nor Eddie stepped outside during the night in case Jason happened to drive over. Before leaving, Kagome grabbed the bow she had carved and some arrows. When asked about it, she said it never hurts to be prepared.
Once Nancy and Robin left to meet the Hospice’s Director where Viktor Creel was being held and try having a talk with him, Max handed Steve, Dustin and Lucas a letter, with three more to be given to Eleven, Mike and Will. She insisted for them to open it only if Vecna’s curse got her, much to their groans and reassurance that everything was going to be fine. Kagome and Eddie were left out of the moment, not wanting to interfere with their friendship.
“I wasn’t expecting Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington to be like this,” said Eddie.
“Like what?” 
“Like a nice person. He had quite a reputation before graduating. The typical high school jerk. Henderson idolizes him and I always second-guessed his heroism. Now I’m second-guessing myself for judging him without actually knowing him.”
“He is a nice guy. His aura shines whenever he’s around the kids. It feels warm and comfy, almost fatherly. And I don’t think he’s any jerkier than any good-looking guy of his age.”
“Good-looking? So you’re falling for Harrington too?”
“Not at all. I’m into guys with long hair.” She winked and stood, following Max, who headed out with the others on her tail. 
Kagome checked the surroundings before signaling Eddie to come out too. Max wanted to visit some places in case it was her last day alive. They cramped Steve’s car, with Eddie keeping his head down. They reached the trailer park and Max went inside.
From the distance, Eddie saw his uncle by their front door.
“Don’t even think about it,” warned Steve.
“Come on, Steve. Uncle Wayne must be dead worried. He's the only family I have.”
“And he might be the only Munson left if Jason catches you. He could be hiding anywhere just waiting for you to show up. If you want to get beaten up so bad, you can do it after we leave.”
Kagome was already halfway when they stopped discussing. She rushed to the older man’s location, feeling the intense malice coming from inside the house. It overwhelmed her senses that she had to stop and take a short break before approaching him. She was still getting used to the upside-down world’s energy signature.
“Mr Munson? Wayne Munson?”
“If this is about Eddie, I’ve told everything to the police. I’m not talking to reporters anymore.”
“Don’t worry, Eddie is clean. The Sheriff knows he was with me that night. He can’t leave the city for now, but otherwise, it’s fine.” Wayne Munson finally looked at Kagome. “Do you see that car over there? Eddie wanted to come, but some guys still think it was him who killed Chrissy so it’s better if he stays under the radar.”
“Who are you? My nephew never mentioned fancying a girl.”
Kagome plastered a thin smile. Her cheeks burned under the stare he gave her. “We have some classes together. I’m Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.”
“Listen, Kagome,” he toned down his voice, “I know Eddie came home that night. Please, let me talk. And I don’t know why you lied, but I have a feeling that Eddie won’t be safe if he comes back now. Can I trust you to keep my nephew safe?”
“You can count on that!
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muses-of-the-memory · 6 years
Christmas in the Feudal Era (Open RP)
In the feudal era, InuYasha and his pals were celebrating Christmas for the first time in Kaede’s village. Kagome had told them it was a great holiday for people to be together with their family, and that was a time for giving.
Shippo and Rin were even intrigued about this holiday that someone known as Santa Claus would come by in her era and leave behind presents under the tree. Although no one has ever seen him. Kirara wags her two tails while she listened.
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inu-mothership · 2 years
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday for Saturday, July 23: MirKag!
Hello! It’s that time again, and we at @inu-mothership are so excited to bring another rec list for a rare pair so hot they burn their enemies to ash.
This Holy Power Couple is double the demon slaying trouble, and we’ve rounded up a healthy list must reads.
Stories are, as always, listed in alphabetical order, with ratings and status (ongoing or complete). This time around, we've included a special platonic designation, so you can see the stories that are platonic, and the ones that are romantic. We hope you enjoy diving into this rare, but dynamic, pairing!
Chasing Methuselah (T; complete) by orphan_account/Sandra E
It's not enough she's flunking Geometry, no. Or that Inuyasha is about to choose Kikyou. No. Now she has to deal with the new class representative. Who, oddly enough, looks like a certain perverted monk.
She couldn't. She couldn't give him up. Not now, not ever. She'd always shared Inuyasha with Kikyou and had never asked for, or wanted, anything for herself, but... Miroku. Something within Kagome’s chest loosened most pleasantly.
The Cursed Monk (M; complete) by forthright (FFN)
Kagome finds a brochure describing a cave with the statue. Thinking it might be Midoriko's cave, she plans a trip to revisit the site. However, this cave doesn't contain the legendary miko; instead, it's an amorous monk. 
A Far Better Fate (M; complete) by @pyroclasmpixie/resonant_aura (Ao3) 
A series of 300 word drabbles focused on the Miroku/Kagome pairing. Romance, adventure, wit and friendship, longing and despair, hope and humor--all possibilities when you are dealing with a mysterious monk and a girl from the future. Drabbles range from general to mature.
Finding the Right Fit (E; ongoing) by WulfintheForest (Ao3)
Sometimes even when you love someone, things just don't... click.
So you find a new love that does.
A Mir/Kag & Inu/San fic that goes sweet and then spicy!
For Now (T; complete) by Ayrith (Ao3) 
He was confused as to why he was feeling this way. But he found he really didn't care because for now, just being with her, was enough.
Her Walk (T; ongoing) by lovelyjones (Ao3)
Kagome has odd dreams about a mysterious man and perhaps a new life mission.
A Most Beneficial Arrangement (T; complete; platonic) by @neutronstarchild
Miroku needs a girlfriend. Fast. Because Uncle Mushin expects to see that Miroku is settling down. After some negotiation, his best friend Kagome agrees to be the best girlfriend ever for him! Everything is going great! Or so he thinks, because one very grumpy half-demon best friend seems to be taking it quite badly.
Not so Innocent Miko (M; complete) by WhisperingKage (Ao3)
There were times when Miroku thought, no, he knew that Kagome wasn't as innocent as she seemed. These are a few examples... Series of Drabbles. 
Overboard (G; complete) by @mynightshining 
The details are irrelevant. Not to Kagome they aren't. Especially when it involved being stuck on a rowboat all night, in the middle of a lake, with no paddle, and only a perverted monk as company.
Prayer Hands Wear Cursed Gloves (T; complete; platonic) by @mrfeenysmustache /AshMish111 (Ao3) 
Monk Miroku propositions and disappears, returning with mussed hair and drunk smiles. He flirts and winks and flatters, leaving a string of broken hearts trailing behind them as they search for the great evil Naraku. But in his eyes hides a deep sadness, and Kagome can’t leave her friends alone in their grief.
A look at Miroku’s tendencies for perversion. But what if his habits were less ‘giggle and grope’ and more ‘fuck and forget?’ Self sabotage feels good in the moment.
Ravens (NR; complete) by aleatoryEpiphany (Ao3)
Kagome is being stalked. By, of all things, ravens. A journey through a rhyme. Canon Universe, Miroku/Kagome.
Servitude (T; complete) by KibaSin (Ao3)
Kagome's been kidnapped, and Miroku's the only one able to pass through the barrier to save her. However, the tables are turned against him, and he finds himself in the service of his new Queen.
Time (M; complete) by Elementary Magpie (FFN)
What decisions do you make when time is running out?
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mrawkweird · 3 years
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Miroku’s new role is “mysterious non-speaking monk that totally isn’t Miroku at all”.
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ayuuria · 4 years
Yashahime Translation: Animedia April 2021 Issue
Please do not repost this translation without my consent! This includes screenshots of any type and amount. If you wish to share this translation, simply link to this post.
For more information regarding the use of my translations, click here.
Don’t Miss the Seriously Insane Decisive Battle Card!
After accumulating numerous dramatic incidents, “the time of the decisive battle” is finally arriving for a number of this term’s noteworthy animes. What sort of developments will they show… the seriously insane moment is near!
What Does Sesshōmaru (biological father) Think of the Yashahimes (daughters) As They Head Towards the Decisive Battle While Baring the (binding) Spell on Their blood?
“Hanyō no Yashahime” is nearing its climax and the insane truths like the details on how the three Yashahimes were separated from their parents have been revealed. During Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha’s first confrontation with Kirinmaru, Sesshōmaru appeared but contrary to the “emotional father-daughter reunion” we were expecting, Sesshōmaru left without saying a word. It appears Sesshōmaru is concerned about the twins’ mother, Rin, who is currently sleeping within the Tree of Ages. What he is trying to do and what he thinks of his daughters continues to be a mystery. On the other hand, Kirinmaru’s elder sister, Zero, is steadily reaching out her evil hand towards the Yashahimes. As half-demons and a quarter-demon (respectively), can Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha awaken their true strength in order to attack that evil hand… …?!
Character Bios
Higurashi Towa Sesshōmaru’s daughter and Setsuna’s older twin sister. She loses her demonic powers on the night of the new moon and her hair turns black. She treasures Setsuna and is slowly regaining their sisterly bond.
Setsuna Towa’s younger twin sister. Having had her sleep stolen by the Dream Butterfly, she is unable to sleep. She possesses strong demonic powers, but they are sealed by Monk Miroku.
Moroha The daughter of Inuyasha, a half-demon, and Kagome, a human. Having been separated from her parents, she was raised by the wolf demon tribe. When rouge is applied to her lips, her demonic power awakens, causing her to transform into “Beniyasha, the Destroyer of Lands” and go on a rampage.
Sesshōmaru Towa and Setsuna’s father. He protected his daughters immediately after their birth as Zero aimed for their lives, but he currently does not try to get involved with the two. His true motive behind that has yet to be revealed.
VS the People Who See It Through, Interview with Komatsu Mikako (Role of Setsuna)
“Please look forward to the climax that will be beyond imagination!”
— Looking back at the broadcasting up until now, which episode made you think “That was insane!”
Episode 14 where the truth behind the forest fire and Towa and Setsuna getting separated was revealed. I mean Homura’s (the one who caused the fire) intense love for Tamano was amazing. It was warped but his deep, strong love was incredible. On top of that, the shocking development of Zero being the mastermind behind Homaru and Sesshōmaru being present really made that episode “insane” in more ways than one.
— While there is curiosity about Sesshōmaru’s relationship with Zero and his motives, how do you yourself see him Komatsu-san?
Sesshōmaru doesn’t say much and his actions are hard to understand but I think he’s a character who always proceeds in his own logical way. As such, I think the current Sesshōmaru moves not because of the simple principle that “Love for a human has sprouted” but rather it is the result of him looking deeply at himself from different angles such as the curiosity at his own change of heart and/or looking at the general drift of affairs from the standpoint of demon. Also, I have a feeling that he has this belief that “He will protect and treasure things that are within his reach” so I feel real at ease about that. From Setsuna’s standpoint, I want to look forward to how he will show that through his actions from here on.
— The climax is right before our eyes, but could you give us hints as to what sort of future developments will unfold?
A development that is like “I didn’t imagine this kind of finale…!” awaits. Personally, I have a feeling that the “Test of Courage and Cowardice” that Sesshōmaru spoke of will become a keyword going forward. What did Sesshōmaru entrust to Towa and Setsuna and how did he feel? From here on is our critical moment. There is still the matter of the Dream Butterfly with Setsuna and many mysteries remain. I hope that one day, (the twins) can confront Sesshōmaru as father and daughter and that the things that they desire and have been entrusted with tie together. Please look forward to it!
The Yashahime’s Trump Card is the “Bond” They’ve Cultivated Amongst the Three of Them
Setsuna & Towa
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Although Setsuna has not fully regained the memories of her past, while moving alongside Towa, she has started to acknowledge her as an older sister.
“At the beginning Setsuna didn’t really know Towa so she followed her movements out of the corner of her eye. But at some point, she started looking straight at her. However, she’s too embarrassed to show that change. Thus, I also control my emotions when I act” (Komatsu)
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Gradually opening her heart ♪
Moroha & Setsuna
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While battling demons, Setsuna and Moroha show that they’re a superb combination because they trust each other’s strength.
“I would say she’s not as worried about Moroha like she is with Towa. (laughs) She has a sort of peace of mind like ‘She’ll probably be fine’ and I think Moroha has become a comrade she can entrust her back to while fighting. Also, Moroha has a persistent “let’s get along!” type of personality so there’s a part of Setsuna that has been saved by that.” (Komatsu)
We asked Komatsu-san! Oh snap oh snap! Grand Prix
Characters with Insane Mysteries Best 3
1. Sesshōmaru
Sesshomaru’s level of mysteriousness stands out and I have a feeling he is continuing to evolve. However, after recording all the way to the final episode, I feel like the times where his intentions come through in a more straightforward way is increasing.
2. Riku
He’s a character whose investigations about him progress somehow so Riku’s level of mysteriousness is high. His human like sense and his birthplace are things I’m curious about.
3. Jyuubee
I don’t think Jyuubee of the corpse shop is a villain, but he seems to know things through his connection with Riku and he might surprisingly have an ulterior motive…? Although he could just be a regular middle-aged man (laughs)
We Asked Komatsu-san! The Enemy Prize
Who’s the number 1 enemy character you’re curious about?
“He calls Zero “elder sister” but we still don’t know what his connection to her is and Riku himself mutters things that have a profound hidden meaning so I feel like he has some kind of painful circumstance. Riku is the number 1 enemy (?) I wonder about.” Komatsu.
Cannot Overlook These Enemies
Those who are too dangerous
Kirinmaru A beast king on par with the Dog General (Sesshōmaru’s father). Having once received a prophecy from the Shikon Jewel that he “Would be destroyed by an existence that is neither human nor demon”, he is cautious of the 3 Yashahimes.
Zero Kirinmaru’s older sister. Due to her ties with the Dog General, she despises humans and half-demons. She is the mastermind behind the forest fire that separated Towa and Setsuna.
Oh Snap! The Yashahimes or Kirinmaru… Whose side is Sesshōmaru on?
When he sealed Inuyasha in the black pearl, Sesshōmaru behaved as though he was Kirinmaru’s ally. How he will deal with Zero who is after his daughters; pay attention to Sesshōmaru’s actions in the last 2 episodes!
Illustration Description
Towa and Setsuna prepare themselves while having complicated feelings towards Sesshōmaru. Moroha also faces the decisive battle with her characteristic cheerfulness.
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bonesgadh · 4 years
Okay, now that my initial hype has slowed down I have some serious questions/thoughts:
What made Miroku decide to go training to become stronger?
What made Sango stop being an exterminator?
Did Sango go back to her village to visit her father’s grave or did she move back there permanently?
Where is Kin’u?
It seems as if Gyokuto is arriving to visit Sango because of the piece of cloth around her shoulders. If that’s the case, does that mean Sango is living by herself?
If Sango and Miroku are safe, why didn’t they take care of Moroha after Inuyasha and Kagome’s disappearance?
Where is Kin’u?
Was Hachi meant to take Moroha to them but something happened and the baby was lost?
Do Miroku and Sango even know of Moroha’s existence?
Why does it seem as if Hisui is looking at Miroku with resentment?
Do Miroku and Sango know what happened to Inuyasha and Kagome?
Was Miroku the one who left Takechiyo with Jyubei and the mysterious monk Setsuna encountered some time ago, or was it Hachi/Shippo in disguise?
Is his daughter’s apparent absence related to why Miroku went away?
Are all of the above somehow related to the main plot?
All these doubts from a 30 second preview.
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kagkik · 4 years
Could u recommend some fanfictions plsss
i’m assuming you mean inuyasha fics so i’m gonna link some of my favourites (yes they’re all sesshoumaru pairings i’m a basic bitch ok):
swimming in silk by mythica magic (sesshoumaru/kagome)
Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes...Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention. What follows is nothing Kagome could have ever expected, with Time forcing difficult choices between the two.
the blood maiden by BlackInkJinx (sesshoumaru/oc)
Reiko Higurashi's earliest memory was of a yokai begging to eat her heart. Since then she has tried to understand the creatures no one else sees, leading her to her family's shrine. She gets more than she bargained for when she falls into the past, coming across none other than Sesshomaru! The stoic yokai is intrigued by her, and the two form a strange bond as their fates entwine.
sesshoumaru ‘the path to destiny’ by PurePower (sesshoumaru/kikyo)
A powerful cold TaiYoukai with command over the Sword of Life. A Powerful cold Miko with the ultimate Power of Purity. When they clash the result could be 'Deadly' or 'Destiny'. All will tremble in fear of them!
lord charming by forthright (sesshoumaru/kagome)
More than Sesshoumaru's pride took a blow when he lost his arm. He's in a delicate position... and desperate enough to seek the advice of a self-proclaimed expert. A clumsy romantic adventure told in 100-word snippets.
the master’s blade by MS_Christie (sesshoumaru/oc)
She once taught him how to wield a sword. Centuries later, he finds her reincarnation and decides to return the favour.
tolerable by forthright (sesshoumaru/miroku)
Miroku's sense of humor makes an excellent foil for Sesshoumaru's sense of dignity. Can the monk find his way into the taiyoukai's good graces? Even the most unlikely of friendships has to begin somewhere!
not your garden variety demon lord by rizahawkaye (sesshoumaru/sango)
“I do not think of you as serving me,” he said. “I do not even think of you as Rin’s caretaker.” It occurred to Sango that most people had probably never heard Lord Sesshomaru say what he was thinking. Most people had probably never heard him speak at all. Yet she was in his hands, his words spilling into the air around them. The astounding clarity of them.
“You will remember that,” he told her. Then he let her go.
tales from the house of the moon by Resmiranda (sesshoumaru/kagome)
Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales?
the rift between auras by Chio Saki (sesshoumaru/kikyo)
Two incredibly powerful and contradictory beings' paths joined by fate. Could they work together to achieve the same goal? Or will their pride prove too strong?
and if you’re in the mood for some garbage, here’s one of mine:
eighth blood by marsmagari (sesshoumaru/oc)
Octavia Petridis has a secret. The trouble is, she can't remember what it is. All she knows is something bad happened to her when she was four, but no one can tell her what. Now eighteen, her mysterious past becomes relevant again when the Higurashi family reaches out to her, claiming to be relatives. Eager for answers, she winds up travelling back in time to Feudal Japan.
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jinlian · 4 years
this is an admittedly far-fetched theory, but is miroku traveling through time?
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“on meeting an arhat, slay the arhat. on meeting your parents, slay your parents.”
as @lilyginnyblackv2​​​ points out, this is a take on a buddhist proverb of worldly detachment and truth-seeking, and while a lot of things have seemed a bit rushed in yashahime, this really seems to come out of left field. from an in-character perspective, perhaps setsuna said it to center herself (“it just crossed my mind”) or to aid towa in her attack on tokotsu. doylistically, however, it’s an odd choice to drop that meeting with miroku and that phrase specifically for setsuna’s use in a supposedly-meaningless early-episode fight. while miroku is, of course, a buddhist monk, that alone doesn’t explain why he would have said it to setsuna in the first place. he was hardly known for spouting religious tenets to children he came across.
so why that phrase?
the girls don’t know their parents. the twins have been tasked by the sacred tree to kill their father. the simplest idea presented here is to seek the truth--which the show is definitely pushing us to do, considering all the mysteries and unanswered questions. an arhat is (at its simplest definition) an enlightened monk--someone who has reached or is nearing nirvana but not quite achieved buddhahood. 
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it’s certainly possible that wasn’t really miroku, as we the viewers weren’t allowed to see his face, though i wonder if it actually was him. perhaps not the miroku who should exist in the current timeline--but a miroku who’s been cast into overlapping streams of time, one who saw a chance to give a warning or advice for a conflict in the girls’ future (one we still have yet to see) and gave it. 
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
The Most Pathetic Demon Slayer Ever
This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly Anti-Sango. So, sit back, relax, and revel in the evisceration of this lame excuse of a demon slayer and even lamer excuse of a friend. Out of Inuyasha's so-called friends, I remembered tolerating Sango a whole lot more than Miroku, Kagome, and Shippou combined. Just add in her nekomata Kirara and their overall presence would have been easier to swallow. Since Kirara treated Inuyasha more like a friend than Sango ever did, I am just going to go out on a limb and say that I have lost all respect for this lame demon slayer. I could not deny that I really liked Sango because of how physically strong she was in super stark comparison to Kagome and her whining, puerile ass. In fact, when comparing her to Kagome, the former seemed like she was a more capable heroine than the latter. Ergo, she did display a lot of potential and promise as a take-charge, tough, unwavering young woman with a huge boomerang to match and an even bigger heart showing concern for her little brother, Kohaku. The other piece of potential I spotted in her was trying to stay by Inuyasha's side as his ally and great friend, as she stated in the 52nd episode. It could be argued that out of Inuyasha's human "friends", she did try to get to know him better than either Miroku and/or Kagome ever could. In fact, Inuyasha and Sango seemed really strong and capable on their own terms, which was why I initially found them a bit compatible with each other. However, that notion of them being together was not only the childhood voice in me speaking but also the nostalgia goggles doing all the talking, even though I was consistent with my undying love for Inuyasha x Ayame. Unfortunately, these are where all my positive sentiments about Sango cease and desist because I no longer have any kind words to say about this lame demon slayer. First of all, one negative facet that I have realized about Sango is that she is easily manipulated despite being physically strong. When she was introduced, Naraku easily tricked Sango into believing that Inuyasha wreaked havoc on her village and annihilated her family and her overall clan. However, it was just a ploy by Naraku to collect Inuyasha's Tessaiga and use it for his own means. Even Inuyasha did not comprehend why Sango would be so brazen to attack him. In the twenty-third episode of Inuyasha: The Final Act, her weak mind went even further, as Naraku created an illusion of himself and manipulated her once again to kill both him and Rin, who in fact was not an illusion but the real deal. She had to do all this to save the life of her "beloved monk" Miroku. Luckily, she was able to snap out of it, but the mere fact that she was about to sacrifice Rin's life for the sake of a pathetic, know-it-all, womanizing monk is not only pitiful, but also extraordinarily feeble and groan-worthy. So much for someone who is physically capable of beating demons with her huge boomerang and can kick butt every way until Sunday. This also goes to show that her character really derailed in The Final Act all because she ended up being in a conjugal relationship with a lousy pervert monk and that she would be so willing to kill Rin just to save him, despite her going her through her second death with Sesshoumaru saving her by using that pendant his mother had to restore her life once and for all. That, my friends, is completely sheer incompetence and a miserable excuse of a combatant on Sango's side. Speaking of that loser monk Miroku, how many times did she end up slapping him, knocking him on the head, and insinuate physical attacks all because he was groping her buttocks, her boobs, and Lord knows where else? And after all the, he ended up proposing to her? Even after he asked a lot of women to bear his children? Seriously, Sango should know a whole lot better than that! The chances of her being in a long-lasting relationship with that filthy monk is absolute zilch. Who knows if he is ever going to stay by her side and their children to give them the home life they truly deserved. When
all is said and done, she ended up being a lousy breeding mare to a perverted monk instead of opting for someone who could actually treat her better like Kouga. Yes, I know Kouga is a huge lame-o too. But at least he is not too shady with his pervertedness like Miroku is and would probably treat Sango more like a queen than that loser monk did to her! Another facet that correlates to her inability to think for herself and be the strong person that she was supposed to be is that she is such a sheep towards Kagome. How do I mean by that? What about that she constantly jumps on the "Inuyasha is unfaithful to Kagome with Kikyou" bandwagon and does not seem to stop her from abusing the poor guy? This even got to the point that she dared to use that God-forsaken "Sit" command on Inuyasha in the 160th episode all because he and Kagome had another argument revolving around Kikyou. The reaction that Inuyasha gave when Sango did that was legitimate, despite Kagome having full control of that power over Inuyasha. Sure, Inuyasha was not any better when he called her stupid, but that was what Sango was pretty much the entire time. She was really stupid for not thinking for herself and standing her ground, although she stated that she wanted to be with Inuyasha in the 52nd episode! One would think that with Sango being as strong as Inuyasha that she would go out of her way to stop Kagome from inflicting those terrible "Sit" commands on him. But no. She was much too weak and too much of a sheep to try to have anything to do with Inuyasha's tragic past with Kikyou. The kicker is that she, Kaede, Miroku, and Shippou were pretty much pushing Inuyasha to be with Kagome just because of those innate powers and nothing more when all they did was argue and argue and argue. I guess she just does not understand individuals like Inuyasha as she thought she did. Going back to her relationship with Inuyasha, while it was funny of how she and him traversed through the drunken mists of a mysterious forest and attempted to kiss him in her inebriated state, it did not reflect how she was going to shield Inuyasha from the pain Kagome inflicted on him. If she believed Kagome truly belonged to Inuyasha, she was darn wrong because she was too weak-willed to speak her mind to Kagome just because she was someone special from the future or some other malarkey. Put all of these negative sentiments I have against Sango and they can be boiled down to this. She cannot decipher the situation in front of her and she is a pathetic knee-crawling sheep who cannot get over her emotions or even use her skills to triumph over those said emotions. All these and more make her a very pitiful waste of potential for her to grow to be a more capable heroine. In conclusion, Sango may talk the talk of an independent, take-charge, kick-ass heroine, but she cannot walk the walk in the slightest iota. With her tendency to be easily manipulated by her arch-nemesis, her inability to shield Inuyasha from Kagome inflicting abuse on him, thus being nothing more than a sheep around this loser "heroine", and becoming nothing more than a breeding mare to a loser monk, she has doomed herself to a life of terrible Karma. And to think I used to like her. Well, the rose-tinted glasses aimed at her are off for good and for all, and all I see in Sango is wasted potential and a whole bunch of nothing inwardly strong about her, even though her physical strength did most of the talking. I am done liking this lame excuse of a demon slayer for life. I hope you all enjoyed my evisceration directed towards Sango and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.
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muses-of-the-memory · 7 years
@friendlyheartless​ - continued (x)
“Heartless?” Kaede asked. “Is that what they’re called? Yes, they seem to have great fear of this ‘Keyblade’, and its wielder.” She explained as Rin saw TP hide from her. “It’s okay. I was an orphan too.” She told TP.
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“A Keyblade?” Rin asked when the purple Fortuneteller pointed at her, and looks at the Feudal Era’s Keyblade, the Tensaiga. “You mean this?” Her curiosity then peeked when the Fortunetellers knew her name.
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“Wait. How did you know my name? And Lady Kaede’s too?” She asked.
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“Don’t worry, Rin. Cryst and Clayr Voiant are Fortunetellers.” Kagome explained. “These two had heard about us in their visions of our world. They’re psychics.”
“Psychics?” Kaede asked.
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“It’s a long story.” InuYasha told to the old woman.
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“Anyway... Kaede, we came back because Cryst and Clayr think that a Keyhole might be around here.” Shippo explained. “Do you know where that is?”
“Hmm... I believe I saw it around the Bone-Eater’s Well.” Kaede said. “But I believe the Heartless might be swarming out of it since Kagome said she’ll stay.”
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“Then, we better hurry and seal it up.” Miroku said. “If it gets unsealed, more of those creatures will havoc across this world.”
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“Yes, we better. The world was peaceful without Naraku’s presence, and we intend to keep it that way.” Sango said as she was in her Demon Slayer attire. “We’ll do what we can to do help.”
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inu-mothership · 2 years
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Banner by @neutronstarchild
InuMothership Spotlight Saturday: SessSan
The Last of the Demon Slayers meets her match with the Strongest of Demons. Beauty and Brawn, these battle hardened warriors each house a secret softness brought out by those they cherish the most.
It’s time for another Spotlight Saturday here on the Mothership! Get ready for a fierce and passionate pairing:
Angel (E) by FinalMustang: After a hard day, all Sesshōmaru wants to do is have a hot bath, but a mysterious masked woman just isn’t gonna allow that.
Coral and Pomegranates (T) by NotYourMiko: Their relationship was forbidden. But they made it work…somehow. Or in which Rin wasn’t the only one to find Sesshomaru in the woods that day. Her mother, Sango, was their as well. Canon-Divergent, Alternate Universe.
Earshot Confessional (T) by @neutronstarchild: Sango is at her best friend Kagome’s. They’re talking, and Sango is pouring her heart out about the dog demon in her engineering class, specifically about her feeling for him (and especially his hotness). Unfortunately she did this with open windows, and Sesshōmaru is a neighbor of Kagome’s. And he heard the whole thing. While his dad was visiting.
First Christmas (T) by Tamberlin3: Just another Inuyasha Christmas story with a twist.
I Would Die For You (G) by hiraikotseiga: Sango and Sesshomaru have been spending quite a bit of time together, and unexpected feelings begin to blossom. But Sango never expected he'd say those words...
No Mistletoe Needed (T) by @fawn-eyed-girl: Kagome is tired of her best friend Sango mooning over Inuyasha’s brother Sesshōmaru. So, she convinces Inuyasha to help her play matchmaker on Christmas Eve.
Not Your Garden Variety Demon Lord (M) by rizahawkeye: “I do not think of you as serving me,” he said. “I do not even think of you as Rin’s caretaker.” It occurred to Sango that most people had probably never heard Lord Sesshomaru say what he was thinking. Most people had probably never heard him speak at all. Yet she was in his hands, his words spilling into the air around them. The astounding clarity of them. “You will remember that,” he told her. Then he let her go.
Revenge gone awry (T) by Demonic-Otaku: After Sango sees Miroku galivant off with more women, even after all his promises, Sango has finally had enough. She puts a plan into action to teach the monk a lesson, but her plan takes an unexpected turn, when she discovers, she might actually have feelings for someone else as well, and they might actually like her back.
Soledad (M) by Thunk: (Complete) A Sango and Sesshoumaru love story.
Stuck (M) by Revived: Cupid's Curse has four trials; three stages of understanding and one of sacrifice. When these unlikely duos are bewitched by a demoness from Sesshomaru's childhood they must learn to handle their mounting affections and overcome the roadblocks that await them.
To Forever (T) by @livinginthefifthdimension: The story of how Sango and Sesshomaru came to be.
Warriors Addiction (E) by @shastuhh: She was just as dangerous as the race she exterminated. It was hidden well the predator that hid below the surface, if you knew what to look for you could see it. He wasn’t sure exactly what brought them together but it worked. Maybe it was her warrior's heart, her battle instincts, the silent strength she commanded, It could have been the predator in her spoke to the predator in him.
Weather (G) by: Nicole Cccc (moilArchitect): Some might think that it was a love like winter. Sango, of course, knew better.
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