#mythical ot3
pettyoddity · 6 months
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coffee break
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b-rainlet · 2 years
I will simply latch onto any evil and bitchy female character ever and go: Babygirl💕
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domesticated-feral · 2 months
Top 10 Teen Wolf rarepair ships? 🤔
Ok ok ok so I had to think about this real hard and i worked on this list on and off throughout the day
I'll follow the rarepair criteria that @teenwolfrarepairevents uses which is less than 500 works on ao3.
1. Jackson/Scott - I loooooooove this ship. The teen wolf movie reawakened my love for this ship for no reason other than the fact that they were in one scene together. I love the dynamics between them and the whole one-sided rivalry Jackson has and LIKE S2!!! I can't think straight when the prison transport van scene exists where Jackson overhears the conversation between Scott, Stiles and Allison.
2. Boyd/Scott - I had one of the wildest and most enjoyable times writing Trespasser and this pairing is gourmet for me. GOURMET. I need to get weirder about this ship.
3. Lydia/Scott - this can go even rarepair-er by adding Jackson and making it an ot3. I love love love Scydia!!!
4. Jackson/Scott/Stiles - when my all-time fav ships are scackson, stackson and sciles, of course it has to evolve like a pokemon into the ultimate ot3 form!
5. Derek/Scott/Stiles - no long-winded explanation required. I just love this ot3. I think I have like 5 slice of life oneshots written with this ship but I've only uploaded 1 so far.
6. A mythical rarepair that I've never even spoken to anyone about but I keep getting reminded of how I would like to make a fic for this is Sean/Mason. Who on Earth is Sean? Sean is from the Walcott family who are the Wendigos that get killed by the Mute in S4. Sean's got a cat named Willow and that's pretty much all we know about him other than the whole Wendigo thing. One of the fic ideas I had is where Sean and Mason live on the same street and Willow keeps jumping over fences and going into Mason's backyard so he attaches a note to Willow's collar just saying hi and Willow comes back the next day with a different note from Sean and it's all cute and fluffy and no hurt all the comfort.
7. Allison/Derek - it's growing on me with every post I see about it on Tumblr reblogged by fellow mutuals. I need some fic recs for this ship.
8. Derek/Jackson - listen I know this has 5 over the 500 fic limit but this deserves a spot here. I need content on them so bad but I don't like reading pwp and smut all too much sooo yeah. (That's the case between me and a lot of the more "popular rarepairs" that I ship but that's life and I enjoy it sometimes)
9. Isaac/Jackson - I think about how they're neighbours A LOT like I just KNOW there's history between them. There's playdates and babysitting by Camden and going to school together and I die on the hill childhood bffs Isaac and Jackson.
10. Nogitsune | Void Stiles/Jackson - a very self indulgent dark ship. Thinking of the kanima dynamics and how the nogitsune would love to take control over a kanima if he could.
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ilminnestrone · 3 months
Of monsters and men (cowritten with @impossiblewynaud)
OT3: GenGeal (Hunter!Angeal / Nymph!Genesis)
AU: Greek Mythology
Word count: 6447
Summary: A young soldier and teacher, Angeal of Banora, stumbles upon a flowering dumbapple tree while hunting, but he soon realises he actually crossed a playful nymph.
Rating: Explicit
CW: references to pederasty as a pedagogical method and incest between Gods and mythical creatures should be taken in the context of the actual ancient Greek culture and myths. The same goes for elements of the erotic philosophy and culture we would now consider outdated. Mild presence of blood
A/N: We've actually been manic about the cultural and religious accuracy here: I actually studied Classics alongside with Ancient Greek in highschool and I dug out my History of Ancient Philosophy exam notes to write this, especially Plato's Symposium (my first exam was on Plato's erotism!). But of course, being two queer menaces gives us an innate knowledge of Greek mythology by default. The only twist on the original love was the existence of male nymphs, but since Genesis is unique (both here and in canon) we can forgive that. ;)
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vampirewalterskinner · 7 months
hi! the JOY of getting brain worms and discovering that someone had these same brain worms earlier and is dedicated to them. unparalleled
i started x-files recently. was on my guard for mulder-scully because i'm not ready for new blorbos. and then bam! of course. of course it's their sleep deprived balding boss. i should have expected this.
and like the moment he put the rabid kitten into that chokehold ? 😳 AND right after got into a three way stand off with them?? 🫦 damn i don't make the rules the ot3 visions activated immediately
so um. yeah. i see the visions i support the visions
Lmaooo I honestly can’t believe Walter isn’t more of a favorite than he is. He’s Just Some Guy in a world of aliens and cryptids and mythical creatures and he’s always moody and napping like??? So relatable. And dear god his undying love, respect, and support for Mulder and Scully 🫠💖💖💖 I’ve actually made a list of all the episodes that are HEAVY ot3 😂
Ngl you called Mulder a kitten and while hilarious it also reminded me of a meme I made about my friend @wulvercazz new kitten that I think you’ll all appreciate (if you’ve reached season 2 lol)
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hashiramaweek2023 · 1 year
Rules, Regulations, and Statistics
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Event Duration
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With 47 individual responses, it has been determined by the community that the most desired frame for the 2023 Hashirama Week will be seven (7) days long with an additional day to cover Hashirama’s birthday.
The event will run from Monday, October 16th to the following Monday, October 23rd, 2023
Will there be NSFW Prompts?
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As determined by the 80% of votes in favor of NSFW prompts being included, we will be including NSFW prompts for Hashirama Week.
NSFW prompts will be written in red text and bolded with a | separating it from the SFW prompts.
Example: (Any) Mythical AU / Hanakotoba | Monster Fucking
It is required that artists and authors tag their works accordingly if depicting explicit content. #nsft and the appropriate community labels are a must when posting. (Moderators have ensured that Mature content is not hidden from the Event Blog. We will see your work as long as you tag it and/or mention @Hashiramaweek2023.)
Where and How to Participate
To participate on Tumblr, tag your work with #HashiramaWeek2023 Mentioning us at @Hashiramaweek2023 is not required, but encouraged if you are concerned about your post possibly being hidden.
To participate on Ao3, you may submit your works to the Hashirama Week 2023 collection.
Due to Twitter’s new account policy, we will not be hosting the event on Twitter as “Accounts may be permanently removed due to prolonged inactivity” after a period of 30 days. Because we do not intend to maintain Hashiramaweek2023 past a three-month period (Until 23 January, 2024), it is likely that the account will be removed afterwards. However, we still encourage you to post your work wherever you are comfortable!
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Participants are required to adhere to the following rules and regulations. Failure to do so will result in your account being blocked.
AI Art & Writing
The Moderators for HashiramaWeek2023 do not recognize AI Art or Writing as valid content as it has roots in Art theft and Plagiarism. If you attempt to submit a post containing any content generated using AI you will be blocked.
Hate Speech & Harassment
Hate speech and harassing other creators is unacceptable. If you are seen leaving negative comments in the replies or tags on other creators’ posts, we will be blocking you. If we’ve already reblogged your own content by that point, it will be removed from the blog.
Reposting Art & Fic
Please do not repost other people’s work, even with permission.
Fandom is a collaborative experience! We welcome all forms of collaboration, be it multi-artist, multi-author, or artist and author collaborations.
Shipping is permitted so long as the works are Hashirama-centric. However, we do have a handful of restrictions regarding the content of the works submitted. While we recognize the inherent creative value of more controversial topics, we respectfully request that the following themes be excluded due to the current Moderation team being unequipped to handle them:
No Incest
No Rape/Non-Con
(Dubious consent is allowed but will require warnings.)
No themes of cheating/infidelity
(Polyamory is not cheating. OT3s are welcome.)
No Underage
Dark Themes
Hashirama Week is meant to be a week celebrating Senju Hashirama. Therefore, themes like Bad Brother Hashirama or Dark! Hashirama are discouraged. He is an inherently complex character whose existence has strongly impacted the course of history in Naruto and we would like to focus on him and his relationships as they are.
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polyshipweek · 1 year
Expanded Prompts: Day 5–6
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April 20 & 21
Dancing: Whether it's a high society ballroom, a living room rave, or the macarena at a dive bar, put your polycule in their dancing shoes. This could be a fun place for worldbuilding — if this is an AU where polyamory is the norm, do social dances look different? Maybe they're all in a musical group or a theatre troupe. Maybe it's a sports AU — ice dancing or synchronized swimming or even dressage. Or maybe you just wanna illustrate a dance party. Don't be afraid to cut loose!
Queerplatonic Partners: A queerplatonic relationship is one that's neither strictly romantic nor strictly platonic, and the exact shape of this kind of relationship is as unique as the people in it. Explore QPPs within your polyship — characters working out the kind of relationship they want, meeting their new partner's Person, building commitment outside of traditional models, how they feel about the assumptions people might make, what queerplatonic partnership means to them — all the little parts of crafting a life together of their own design.
Epistolary/Chatfic/Social Media: For this prompt, we wanna see the receipts! Build a story out of the messages sent between your polycule, be they old-fashioned post or sliding into each other's DMs. Does direct communication make things easier or even more complicated? You decide!
Visual Prompt — Ship Dynamics Meme: Noszle has captured some great archetypes for OT3s and OT4s in cartoon form. Draw your polycule as a Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad, Three Musketeers, 2 Smart + 1 Chaotic, or Dysfunctional Family — or tell us a story that shows off these dynamics. More than four? Go ahead and add 'em in!
Identity Porn: A classic of superhero and spy stories, this trope plays with the complications and consequences of living as multiple personas. Maybe your polycule already has secret identities, or maybe you give them some — whether as caped crusaders, international pop stars, or just regular people with online handles. Have fun with the tension and those juicy reveals!
Mythology AU: For this prompt, give your polycule some mythic proportions. Whether Tam Lin or Tu'er Shen, dryads or dragons or djinn, take inspiration from mythology and folklore for a story or artwork that casts your characters as the legendary beings and heroes of old. [One important note: Please remember to create with respect if you are drawing from cultures not your own!]
Drabble(s): This one's all about precise word count! A Traditional Drabble ™️ is a story of exactly 100 words. For this event, we'll also take double drabbles, triple drabbles, and so on — so long as it's short and a multiple of 100 words!
Visual Prompt — Big Comfy Couch: Another great Draw the Squad from @/fishsticxz-art, this one featuring seven characters hanging out on one very large couch! We love the range of moods and dynamics in this crew — show us how it would map to your polycule. Remember to tag op if you use this template!
Masterpost & Guidelines
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lightpudding · 2 years
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Part 2!
I uh. Forgot to post it. Siren!Oswald au and a baby (s1) Ed confronting the scary mythical creature that hypnotized his crush.
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spyridonya · 2 years
10. and 18. and 19. for the OC asks! 👀
10) Thoughts on Queen Galfrey?
Never meet your heroes. As a small girl in the growing town of Kenabras, Queen Galfrey was an admired figure akin to Cynosure in the night sky and to whom her grandparents believed would eventually lead forces into Sarkoris, defeat Deskari, and allow them to return home. When meeting Galfrey, Kadira found the queen charming, delightful, and everything Kadira imagined her to be at Defender's Heart amd leading up to Kadira being named Knight Commander.
Galfrey refusing to join the march to Drezen and the prank she played on the Count Daeran, struck Kadria as remarkably petty behavior. This thought lead to Kadira finally researching what happened between the 2nd and 5th crusade and read about the horrors of the 3rd Crusade.
Though she managed to keep her title, Kadira soured completely to the queen and became furious when she returned from the Abyss to find the armies she built had been lost during the march to Iz. Upon meeting at the library, Galfrey's apology was accepted but Kadira never quite saw Galfrey the same way again, notably after Kadira marrying into the family.
18) Your OC’s low point?
Kadira has several low points, though she manages to bounce back from the majority of them. The incident with Avenia and Camellia was one that made Kadira doubt her judgement of character and her own selfishness. Being sent to the Abyss, and the Hand's interaction with her and subsequent kidnapping, and the aftermath of the Other's defeat would be others (and the Other's aftermath would be an even bigger deal in the OT3 verse).
Her hardest point, however, in both canon and OT3, was the discovery of Kadira's background and the subsequent realization that she was never quite herself and her daughter-mother relationship with Areelu that was rejected time, and time again. For a little while, Kadira thought she had no other choice but to sacrifice to the Worldwound.
19) Your OC’s reaction to receiving mythic powers?
Growing up, Kadira faced much of the same discrimination as Woljif and Lann did due to her appearance. She was far luckier that her mother and grandparents loved her… and that she didn't have the Inquisition both men had to deal with. Still, being called demon spawn and pit spawn was a resounding memory, and knowing she was the reason her parents separated weighed on her. She was the cause of her mother's unhappiness and she saw nothing in her future. Her amnesia only heightened this feeling of being a hellspawn.
When she first recieved the mythical powers, she always gravitated to both Angel and Azata powers, though she never quite believed she was worthy. It wasn't until Drezen until she emrbaced her Angelic mythic powers, and began to believe she might not the mistake and regert life has allowed her to believe.
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pussyhoundspock · 2 years
rank your ships by how irritating and ooc the fandoms for them are :) :) :)
OKAY kira you stumped me. been staring at this ask for like a WEEK. i feel like im way too picky about fan content i interact with to have any things that are like TOO major but. here are a few i can think of.
charles/erik, x men. as ive said before. most fics here people did not get these characters right but the ones that did got my cervix so dilated i was in birthing position. too much 'what if cockslut twinkyouth woobiebay whumpchild mccavoy charles resized his rectum while his big big big blue baby eyes wept erotically' and then do that. bad. charles XMFC is toxic and unwell and kind of a douchebag and also plows ass like its a field in may and baby growing season is coming. PEAK xmen fic is old men fic. to ME. and charles isn't even a twink that word has done VIOLENCE to the fujoshi economy.
joyce/murray, stranger things. no one understands these two like i do. no one understands that murray is a kinsey 6 but joyce is his one exception and that joyce is a straight woman making! it! work! hag 2 wife conversion REAL!
not really a ship i have but i think brad/david mythic quest shippers are crazy are unwell sometimes men are straight and sometimes that man is brad bakshi ... exact opposite of zuko/katara atla shippers where it’s like sometimes men are gay (zuko) and sometimes women are straight (katara) and also these fics tend to not understand that fundamentally zuko is a loser from the wfb cinematic universe and not a big dick jock. also not inherently but often done in a way that's very. colonialism apologist self insert fics instead of like. doing justice to katara / the themes of the show.
ANY ship i have where people try to cram them into like romcom archetypes instead of actually dealing with who they are as people (this is a lot of high school / modern AUs especially ones that aren’t really thought through)
OH super broadly i generally hate ot3s especially the ones that are made to avoid conflict ...
OH BIGGEST PET PEEVE when characters have good sex after 250k of miscommunication and 1 love confession. girl if they cannot communicate outside the bedroom they cannot communicate INSIDE the bedroom also um. fundamentally sometimes i look at a character and im like they would not fucking have good sex right now.
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trvgcdiv · 11 months
Send a “ ⭐ ” and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
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"Everyone" doesn’t count for an answer lkadsj;lsadfjksfd which is why I #struggled answering this but OK
These are just, like, the more obvious ones out of my main roster?? but we're not limited to these or anything etc. etc. okdisclaimerover
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The obvious answer, yeah, but I really wanna see how our versions fit together and also I wanna see how an OT3 would work ngl.
because family but also they're two people whose run-in(s) with the gods have disastrous consequences for their city. just...
aphrodite voice: "hi thank you for correctly judging my superior hotness :) your prize is we all ruin your life"
Mythic period, modern period, etc. I'm so into experiencing the absurdity of wife/ex-wife interacting with her husband/ex-husband's lover. Hera is gonna be such a hater about absolutely everything.
OK so I don't think of this group as a trio or anything (should i?), but! if you wanted ganymede to have friends during mythic era... 1) ok so hebe is more like the girl getting laid off who needs to train her replacement but baby is so needy for friends closer to her age of development ngl (#foreverteenagerproblems)
2) eros is the absolute worst + the best bad influence. i actually haven't gotten the chance to write him much as of yet and i can't think of a better way to get my bearings on him than seeing him troll Ganymede tbh
OK, so. Whether you have anything you'd like to explore between Adonis and Aphrodite would be up to you, but I am not at all afraid to lean into how fucked up Aphrodite is in their dynamic.
There's a reason I call Ares a slut.
I'm still getting my bearings with Herakles, and I really want to explore him being a mentor figure because I think he's best there (otherwise he keeps drinking and murdering and I just..)
I write Demeter!!! I love family shit!!!
HIPPOLYTOS!!! I would love to write him either during or outside of his lifetime, however that works.
fucked up mother-daughter stuff is just (chef's kiss)
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cheekyrhett · 3 years
god can you imagine if rhett actually went to link completely serious like “hey i know you’re not into me or my wife at all and you don’t wanna do the poly thing but can you please give me a mold of your erect penis so we can fantasize about you” and link just loving his buddy so much and being so clueless about how he actually feels that he’s like uhhh okay? as long as it will keep you guys from hitting on me but the truth is link is VERY into them and lays awake at night fantasizing about them using his toy. and the flirting gets worse after the mclaughlins use it on each other
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lovelyrhink · 4 years
Author: lovelyrhink
Pairing: Rhett McLaughlin/Link Neal, Jessie McLaughlin/Link Neal
Rating: E
Words: 2300
Tags: rhink, link/jessie (implied), canon compliant, polyamory, het nsfw, dirty talk, fantasizing, mutual masturbation           
Summary: “We need to talk about this.” // “I thought we were.”
Notes: The mythical wives are not present in this story, but sex is mentioned.
Read on ao3
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yeah you'll have to pry steddilly throuple from my cold dead hands
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proudmythicalbeast · 4 years
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Add this to the list of 'Rhett is pro poly'
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soho-x · 4 years
Rhett is a cuckold, confirmed?
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