a3smodeon · 10 months
Man, it's really hard to post here, I guess I'm still shy about posting but I hope to do it daily :'3
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enchantress666 · 5 years
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Ok. Can we just stop for a moment and think about this! think about how SAD Dettlaff looks  when he said that line.
Maybe it’s too much, maybe it’s my imagination and my own hopes and dreams... but he don’t want to leave ! He don’t want to be lost again and he don’t want to be  alone fill with rage and grieve!  I can feel it- all he want is  love and closure, friendship, understanding and comfort and a soft touch. A hand that can help him up when he is down. A  shoulder to confess and to be open about his emotions to pour everything to talk, to scream even! and to have someone who listened to him . To let him rage,  to face him in his rage. to be together, to show every aspect of his feelings and then exhausted but sleepy and tired and spent to meet the new day.  To be by his side in this cruel place. To give him A hug . to console all the fears and to wipe all the pain. And to face The new morning. A new beginning. The Beast that everyone labeled him.. a vampire much more humanly that most humans. An image they don’t understand. They never understand that under the dark menacing tall appearance and beyond the icy cold blue gaze - there  lies a heart of  gold. That’s what i can feel and i can feel it in every single part of his face, pain all over his face, I can hear it in his voice and i can smell it! Yes he want to be far away from other people but he dont want to leave the  blood bond he has with Regis and the  potential friendship he could have had with Geralt!
He just don’t want  to be hurt again! He ‘s been broken enough.
So my message for everyone who’s reading this is 
Just think about it. Love him, or hate him.... or have whateeever feelings for him... and next time you have to face him - just don’t hurt him. He is too good for this world.
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tmelon-2 · 5 years
Is that weird age where you want to work but most jobs don’t want you or won’t hire until your sixteen. It’s that age where you know in a year you’ll be able to drive somewhat and still the year is going by so slow. It’s six years to little and Fifteen years too much.
Teen years are years too awkward and too consuming.
Im depressed and it’s not that depression where watching funny youtubers and quirky movies and listening to relatable songs fix it or make it better.
It’s hollow, it’s all consuming, it’s disgusting. It’s not knowing when it will end or how it will end. It’s feeling like you haven’t made any progress and everything triggers some reaction in you. It’s feeling like every question can only be answered with “I don’t know” because I really don’t know. How much is too much or where I’m going. When will it stop?
Sometimes I wish for just once I could stop thinking.
The other day I was walking to school and my mind was in the clouds thinking about I don’t know let’s say something relatable. And it just snapped how without even thinking I WALKED STRAIGHT TO SCHOOL. It’s so sad to know that my brain has it engraved where to go how to get there. It’s doesn’t question and I haven’t questioned it until this month.
I personally hate hugs but right now all I want is for a stranger to hug me and tell me everything will be okay and then leave. Because right now that’s all I need. It’s all I want even if it’s a lie. So everytime I look at myself or someone looks at me at least I can say I’m okay.
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esssrhsa · 7 years
Esas veces.
Esas veces en las que no me controlo.
Esas veces en las que simplemente no aguantamos.
Esas veces en las que dejo marcas en tu cuello senos y piernas.
Esas veces en las que todos está tranquilo y nadie está allí para perturbar, solo tu , yo y el silencio.
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English below Tu mi riporti a quel giardino, alle sere d'estate, alle lucciole e ai fiori che si chiudono, al profumo del tramonto nell'aria, al profumo della lavanda, delle rose e del crepuscolo. Quell'odore di elisir dei boschi che mi faceva stare bene, che mi faceva sentire a casa. Tu mi riporti e mi ricordi, tutti quei posti in cui mi sentivo appagata, in cui l'ansia non mi sfiorava e in cui mi sentivo al caldo, protetta. Mi riporti al giardino di mia nonna che è da sempre un posto magico, alle passeggiate estive lungo la boscaglia in collina, mi riporti alla contea, quella in cui mi rifugio ogni volta che ho voglia di scappare dalla realtà. Mi riporti nei miei posti preferiti di quella città che ha rivelato chi sono. Mi riporti al mare, mi riporti sempre qui con te, nel tepore di un tramonto di fine primavera. You take me back to that garden, on summer nights, to the fireflies and flowers, to the scent of the sunset in the air, to the scent of lavander, roses and twilight. That smell of elixir of the woods that made me feel good, that made me feel at home, you bring me back and remember me, all those places where i felt satisfied, where anxiety never touched me and where i felt at the warm,protected. Bring me back to my granmothers garden, which has always been a magical place, to take summer walks along the bush in the hills. You take me back to the sea, always you bring me back here with you, in the warmth of a late spring sunset! . . . #mytoughts #thoughts #life #words #poems #author #spring #memories #happiness #love #mine #quotesoftheday #quotestoliveby #lovequotes #quoteslove #love #writer #writing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxfp2X5If0_/?igshid=nt8gbozv3j8v
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starswelike · 7 years
Just think about it. Some games are exclusive, so you can’t play f.e. The Last of Us or Horizon Zero Dawn in PC. But you have the money and you want to buy it with all your heart.
It kinda feels like if I couldn’t buy a Twix because my skin is black. Or I couldn’t buy a dress because of my religion.
I think every platform has to have the "right" to be able to run a game. Have to make equal access to them. If we will have a world where everything is available for them, the customer just have to choose which platform is the best, PC, PS or else. This is the fair race between them, not making games exclusuve, and make the gamers angry and make them feel they are not good enough. Because in real I never heard that someone can't buy something because of something (skin tone/religion/sexuality/etc). If someone wants something and can afford it, I think it would be fair enough to let buy that thing.
Exclusiveness is kind of pure racism in the world of videogames, aren’t it? And a really annoying thing.
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gymperial · 6 years
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🤗❣️🤗 —————————- #gymlifestyle #staypositive #motivationalquotes #mytoughts #mindset #lifequotes #lifestyle #stayawesome (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsa_xhVA4lc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1myw91bcvwmp9
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devil-in-angel-skin · 4 years
It's okay if you fall apart a little bit sometimes.
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Lonely. That’s how you feel most of the time.
Ungrateful. That’s what you call yourself for being sad.
Misunderstood. Isn’t everybody?
Different. Sometimes it seems like no one in the world thinks like you.
Lost. When was the last time you knew what you were doing?
Guilty. Do you really have a reason to be sad?
Useless. When will you do something with your life?
Dramatic. You are overreacting.
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Non fermatevi all'apparenza.
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sweetlhet-blog · 7 years
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You are in my list.... When this things happened you are one of my priority concern. How am I going to say to you that Im shuttered and I need you...I need your hug and your warm kiss.  How can I tell you the things that will hurt you the most.  
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wasteme · 7 years
I’m not one to kiss and tell, but we totally did
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antonellasr · 7 years
A dedicare frasi son bravi tutti,a dedicare la propria vita ci riescono in pochi.
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owliph · 7 years
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It's Me . . . Part of Me
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my-crazy-head · 7 years
Te he mal dicho horas, pero nunca para siempre
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There are many things in life that scare me, the future, epidemics, cats... But there’s one thing that I have to deal with everyday and that I find absolutely terrifying; decisions. A good or bad decision can literally change the course of your whole life. For me, making any kind of decision is extremely difficult, not in a “I’m going to measure the pros and cons in all their details” kind of way, but in a “I genuinely have absolutely no idea what to do” kind of way. The apparently easy task of deciding if I want to stay home or go out with my friends becomes a huge dilemma. I want to be direct, but I can’t, I want to be that friend that is always up for anything, but I can’t, I want to be impulsive and spontaneous, but I can’t. People don’t understand why I don’t simply do things, sometimes neither do I. The thing is, decisions, for me, are the most frustrating thing about adult life.
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