#n (in an over simplified version) they were like oh damn. that one war was the most recent one thats wild thats so crazy
lemoneychicken · 2 years
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something ive never understood
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hadesglance · 5 years
All hail the new queen... - 11 (Hades Original Story)
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten
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You sighed letting your head rest against the back of the couch. You looked over at Percy playing with a flower arrangement, “You’ve been over there for twenty minutes…I’m fine.”
“You have been stuck on the same page for an hour…” Percy turned holding a red rose smirking, “I’m fine as well.”
You shook your head, “He asked you to look over me again didn’t he? I told him not to do that…”
Two months, since your vicious break down. You had been very careful to deal with your feelings before entering the house from that point on. Enough to worry Hades on several occasions prompting him to finally make a jump into the 21st century by purchasing a phone. Soon he was texting you non-stop.
“He worries for you. That device you travel on…”
“It’s a motorcycle…her name is Lana.” You readjusted your notebook, “and he shouldn’t worry, it’s perfectly safe.”
“You tell him that, but he doesn’t believe you.” Percy came over taking a seat by your feet, “Maybe you should take him for a ride.”
“I’ve tried…he’s always busy.” You told her as you made a few notes.
“More like scared.” You looked up seeing her smirking, “Hades is complicated…but when his fear begins to show he finds ways to be ‘busy.’”
“Well he’s been busy an awful lot lately.” You frowned thinking of the several missed dinners, “I hope he’s alright.”
“It’s just Zeus…He’s making a fuss over the anniversary of the Titanomachy.” Percy sighed shaking her head but caught your confused look, “The war with the Titans.”
“I know what it is, my pappoús would tell us the story. I just…I didn’t think it mattered much now that everything was…well won.” You explained.
“Oh much like the mortal realm, we don’t forget our wars. Especially this one.” Percy looked away, “Hades, specifically…”
“Was it that bad?” Percy looked back to you with a snap causing you to flinch back a little, “I mean…all I know about it was…well Zeus was spared being eaten and eventually came back saving his siblings and leading them to battle the titans from Mount Olympus.”
“That’s the simplified version.” Percy frowned reaching over taking your book and notebook, “Come with me, time for another lesson.”
You smiled a little despite the situation being tense. Ever since she met Persephone she has done nothing but help you understand your surroundings. You were so grateful. From giving you history lessons to making the very pristine manor more homey feeling.
You walked down a freshly painted hall to Hades’ office door. Percy didn’t do much to his spaces, but she did add a small  caricature in the corner of the black door of a three headed dog chasing away some poor souls. When Hades had found it he simply sighed before walking in.
He wouldn’t say it, but you had a feeling he loved everything Percy did to make everything feel more like a home, “Why are we going in here? Hades said he wouldn’t be back until dinner.”
“Because I need to show you something to make you understand why this is important.” She looped her arm with yours, “Something that Hades does not like to talk about.”
“Okay…” You smiled at her a little, “this seems very serious.”
“It kind of is.” You noted how sad she sounded as they walked toward a case in the corner of the room that was covered with a sheet, “Did you know that Hades once had the bluest eyes?”
“Did he? They’re sort of violet now…” She nodded slowly, “and this has to do with the Titanomachy.”
“Sort of…I’ve only seen his eyes blue once. When he was really happy.” She smiled sadly, “We were both happy then. Father tells me that he’s always had violet eyes until he met me, and Grandma Rhea told me that when she had Hades, his eyes rivaled the sky itself.”
“Why did they change?” You asked quietly as they stopped in front of the case.
“Cronus.” Percy whispered, “You mortals got it wrong. He didn’t eat his children, he stole them away. Locked them up and tortured them. Those he couldn’t manipulate to follow his rule suffered the worst and Hades was the first to be taken.”
You turned to the case as she pulled the sheet down letting it fall to the ground. Inside was displayed a set of chains. Old, broken, and covered in runes you’d never seen before under it rested a helmet, something you’d think a spartan would wear. Then behind it all was the bident depicted in so many of the stories your grandparents would tell. Two prong, black like night skies, and imposing to behold.
“There’s not much that scares Hades, but it all stems from the fear of being hurt and manipulated by people he cares about.” Percy spoke behind you as you studied the case more, “He once told me that he would never allow himself to feel trapped like that again. Yet I fear that he’s trapping himself more by not allowing himself to fully experience the world.”
“Why are you telling me this? This isn’t just about him being busy…” You looked back at your, “What do you think I can do?”
“You’re already doing it. I have not seen Hades so…so open in a long time.” She reached down picking up the sheet, “You’ve pushed him to experience things again. You pushed him to feel.”
“What happened to him?” You helped her put the sheet back over the case.
She sighed running a hand over the sheet as if it would help it stay, “I am afraid that is a story that I cannot tell you. That is Hades' story to tell when he’s ready.”
You reached into your back pocket as your phone pinged. You smiled seeing a text from Hades.
Would you like to take a walk after dinner?
“Are you listening?” Hades looked up from his phone to his brothers staring at him with looks of annoyance.
“Of course, I’m listening.” He returned to his phone as he finished the text, “I am very capable of doing several things at once.”
“Hades, I know this is not your favorite time of year, but it is your turn to present.” Zeus sighed slightly, “I figured this would be important to you this time.”
“Why would remembering the most horrifying time of my life be so important this time?” He crossed his legs as this phone vibrated in his hand. He glanced down seeing your response, a smiley face and a thumbs up for a walk after dinner. He smiled shaking his head slightly, he wasn’t sure if he’d get used of this new lingo called emoji, but it was amusing at times.
“With Y/N around I thought you’d want her to know. It’s a part of you after all…” Zeus took a seat across from him.
“I agree.” Poseidon nodded as he rolled up his sleeves exposing his muscular sun-kissed forearms, “It’s important to share these things with your spouse.”
“I’m done.” Hades stood up instantly at that comment.
“Oh, come on…” Zeus glared at Poseidon before turning on Hades, “Enough…we understand that’s not how it is between the two of you, but you can try to take a joke.”
Hades turned to them both finally crossing his arms, “I don’t understand why it’s necessary to do this year after year…we should just forget the man and be done with it.”
“Hades.” Zeus sighed standing up with a shroud of wisdom falling over him that Hades had not seen in many years, “Once you start forgetting where you’ve come from…you begin to forget why you chose to become who you are today and you’ll lose yourself. You have a strength in you from everything that happened…”
“Strength…” Hades looked down as his brow began to furrow, “I’m not sure I’d call it that…”
“I would.” Poseidon stepped next to Zeus touching his older brother’s shoulder, “Never doubt that you are the strongest of us all, Hades.”
Hades looked between the both of them before he spoke softly, “Thank you…”
“IF!” Zeus exclaimed suddenly, “I throw the ocean master here into the stocks for old time sakes, can we get back to work?”
Hades smiled briefly, “Only if he can be flogged as well.”
“DONE! Hera! Pull out the racks, we’re going to have a grand old fun time.” He turned to Hera across the room who was quietly setting up decorations.
“I’m not sure it will go with the décor darling, maybe next time?” She smirked as they walked over.
“Oh, you’re no fun.” Zeus mock pouted looking up at her on the ladder, “Why do you do it this way? You could snap your fingers, and have it done.”
“We’re immortal.” She jumped off the ladder allowing herself to be caught by her king, “Sometimes it’s nice to do things the slow way.”
Hades smiled watching them flirt with one another. Zeus may have screwed up at the beginning…but there was no doubt that he loved her, and she loved him. Hades was pulled away from his musings when his phone vibrated again.
Ride the damn bike… - P
He quirked an eyebrow staring at it for a moment longer before tucking it away. He cleared his throat getting everyone’s attention, “I’m going to go. The girls have dinner planned…and I promised Y/N I’d help her study again.”
The boys where about to protest, but Hera beat them with a smile, “Have a goodnight Hades, I’m sure we can manage setting up the rest and we can finish tomorrow.”
“Thank you, goodnight.” He turned fading away into his office.
As he walked toward the door he stopped in the middle of the room. His head slowly turned toward the case in the corner as he felt a knot in his throat. Hesitantly he walked over to it reaching up adjusting the sheet to cover the exposed corner.
A cold feeling washed over him as he clenched his fist tightly. Raising the first up he unclenched seeing his hand begin to tremble. He clenched it again quickly dropping it to his side as he began to take several breaths in and out.
Whines from Cerberus could be heard outside the door as he pawed and scratched trying to reach him. He wanted his creature to be near him, it helped, but Hades was frozen to the spot. Forced to deal with it himself.
Finally, after several minutes, he opened his eyes as he reached up tugging at his collar. As he turned toward the door, he caught his reflection in the glass of a picture. Deep purple glowed around his irises. Persephone would worry, hopefully she would know better than to say anything.
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