#n 95 face mask
jezabelle9299 · 2 months
Broken Lungs S.R x FEM!Reader
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CWs- Spoilers for season 5, depictions of asthma and use of a nebulizer, mentions of gunshot wounds, and health insurance not covering necessary medication.
Quick Infodump- Oxygen saturation levels should be 95-100%, lower than 93% should seek immediate help from a healthcare professional, and lower than 85% can cause severe damage to the brain because of a lack of oxygen.
Overture: Spencer is recovering from the knee surgery he needed after being shot in the field, when he sees a familiar face in the hospital being treated for an asthma attack.
A/N- This is based on my own experience with asthma, but it's different for everyone, so the relatability may vary with this one. But I was stuck at home all day because of an air quality alert so I did this instead of getting ready for the semester that starts in two weeks.
After one of his worst days in the field, Spencer ended the day in a hospital bed unable to walk. Hotch had been stabbed, and he had been shot. Both would be ok, and they were in separate hospitals to recover. The team alternated who would come to visit, and when. It usually took until the nurses kicked them out at the end of visiting hours, for them to actually leave. 
It’d been 2 days since his surgery, and the nurses had given him permission to walk around with his brace, on crutches. He’d never used them before, so he walked around the floor to the nurses’ station to get some more jell-o, and then around the hall back to his room. He allowed his curiosity (or nosiness) to get the better of him, occasionally glancing in at the people with their doors open, giving them a small smile or wave. Until he saw a familiar face. 
You’d worked for the FBI for a few years, working on the same floor as the BAU, but you weren’t in the field. You were sitting up in a hospital bed, playing solitaire in one hand, holding what looked like an oxygen mask to your face with the other. You looked up when you felt his eyes on you, and there he was, trapped in the doorway. You’d think you were hallucinating if not for the brace on his knee, and the crutches he was propping himself up on. He didn’t move from the threshold until you gave him a small wave, jumpstarting his movement into your room. 
You’d heard about Hotch’s incident, but you weren’t in the office yesterday, and since Spencer’s injury happened later in the day, you had no idea why he was here. You pulled the mask spraying (terrible tasting) medicine into your lungs from your face. You could stop for 30 seconds to see what he was here for. 
“Hey Spencer, what–um, what brings you here?” He hesitated, because you’d know since the 5th floor of the FBI building was the most gossip-ridden place he’d seen since high school. Yet he had no idea you’d be here. It’s not even as if you never talked, whenever he was in the office he’d stop by your desk to talk to you. He figured that you hadn’t gotten tired of him yet because he was gone a lot, although in reality you’d never tire of hearing his voice.
“I got shot in the knee, I’ll be fine, the real question is why are you here?” You’re sure it’s on government record, something Garcia could find in two minutes if she looked, but you still didn’t like talking about it. You knew it was stupid to be embarrassed of it, but you couldn’t help it. Every time it got brought up, you felt like the dorky character in a movie carting around their inhaler all the time, the butt of some cosmic joke. 
You preferred to think of it as an inconvenience more than anything. It didn’t come up often because you weren’t in the field, and when you needed to use an inhaler, you measured your breathing long enough to get to an empty bathroom or supply closet. You’d just blame the jitters that came after on too much coffee, and no one would ask any questions. This time, the inhaler wasn’t working, the next step in medication, a small machine similar to what you were supposed to be hooked up to now, wasn’t working either. So you drove to the ER feeling like you’d just run 10 miles, and they were making you stay 36 hours to give you stronger medication in intervals. 
“No reason.” You didn’t know why you even bothered with that response. Neither did Spencer, tossing you an apathetic look. He knew how squeamish you got when attention was drawn to something that made you look vulnerable, which is why he let it slide every time you walked into a supply closet looking flushed and panicked, with a soundtrack accompanying every time you took a breath, only to come out 5 minutes later with no supplies. 
 “Ok, really? Why would you even try it, you’re hooked up to a nebulizer and your oxygen saturation is at 90. What happened?” He was using the tone he only ever broke out for interrogations and proving Morgan wrong, but you still wanted to minimize the attention drawn to this not so glamorous piece of your life. You wanted Spencer to see you as someone he could date, even someone he could love, so this was not ideal to the image you’d been trying to show at work. 
“I have gross broken lungs. It’s really no big deal.” He laughed, but there was minimal humor behind it. Like he couldn’t even fathom you thinking this was ‘no big deal’. 
“I would venture to say you being in the hospital because you were unable to breathe is a very big deal.” While you loved when Spencer got a little bit cocky, you decided it would be more fun to make the little vein in his forehead appear again. So you tossed a vague shrug.
“Well I’d say getting shot is a much bigger deal. So why don’t you sit down, eat your jello, and tell me what happened to you, while I finish this thing.” He couldn’t argue with that, because at the very least he wanted you to feel better and the medicine currently going to waste while you were talking was the only way to accomplish that, so he relented. 
He didn’t want to move your things to the floor, but they were occupying the only chair in the room, so he made himself comfortable at the foot of your bed. He always wanted to be closer to you anyway. Setting his crutches next to him and opening the small cup of jello he’d somehow been holding this whole time, he reiterated his answer from before. 
“I told you already, I got shot in the knee, went into surgery, and now other than having to use these crutches for a while, I’m fine. Just need to spend a little longer in recovery before I can go back home to minimize the risk of infection.” He took a bite of jell-o just as a show of finality, like there was nothing more to say. Like a gunshot wound was not a huge deal. 
The whirr of the machine started to slow down, the medicine sputtering instead of coming out in a steady steam, meaning you could finally be done. You set it on the table by the bed, right next to your abandoned game of solitaire, and as soon as you set it down Spencer’s attention was back on your wellbeing. 
“Ok your turn, what happened?” 
“I’ve had asthma since I was a kid, and I just got unlucky today. It’s always worse this time of year, and my inhaler wasn’t really doing anything for me. Our health insurance plan doesn’t cover the more expensive meds unless I’m in the hospital, so here I am, for the next 36 hours.” You made a point to turn your exasperated expression into a cheesy smile, hoping to convince him to stay for just a little while longer.  “But the bright side is that since you're here I don’t have to play solitaire anymore. That was getting old fast.” You grabbed the cards, giving them a quick shuffle.
“So what do you say Vegas, are you up for a round of poker?” You hoped that would distract him from fussing over you, and luckily it did. He was satisfied you were ok, and the last thing he wanted was to push you too far, and for you to ask him to leave. So he let the smile take over his face. 
“Always. But i'm not going to go easy on you just because of your- what did you call them- broken lungs?” That got a good laugh out of you. Admittedly wheezy, but still one of the most beautiful sounds in the world to him. 
“Gross, broken lungs. And I wouldn’t dream of it.” You dealt the cards, already knowing you’d lose. You didn’t even know how to play poker. But word around the office was that most of your coworkers wouldn’t play with him since he always won. But you didn’t mind, you mostly just wanted someone to hang out with, and you were overjoyed that person was Spencer. He won, of course. Only gloating a little bit at how badly he beat you, and while you were dealing the second round of cards, you couldn’t help but vocalize what had been in the back of your mind for a few minutes now. 
“Hey Spencer, could I ask you a favor?” He had a mix of worry and willingness to help all over his face. 
“Could you–not tell anyone in the office? Just. You know how they are, they would make a fuss about the whole hospital thing and it’s just not necessary.” 
“Where do they think you’re going to be for the next day and a half?”
You looked down like a kid who just got caught in a lie. “I kind of told Hotch I had a cold.” Spencer just sighed in response. 
“I really do think you should let them fuss over you. You deserve it, and you know Penelope lives for that sort of thing.” That you couldn’t deny, no matter how much you disagreed with him saying you deserved to be cared for. 
“Please, Spencer?” 
“Alright, but they might walk past your room in the morning. Garcia said she was coming, and you know she’ll drag at least one person along with her.” 
“Noted. I’ll close the door in the morning. Thank you Spencer, seriously, it means a lot.” You put your hand over his and it felt like every thought he’d ever had was gone from his brain at your touch. He couldn’t believe his dumb luck at meeting someone like you. Just to be in your orbit, to see and know you, felt like it could only be accomplished by divine intervention. Selfishly, he wished that you’d be staying a little longer, so that you could both leave together. Even more selfishly, he wished that you would leave with him, and come to his apartment. There he could take care of you, make you feel special until he could finally convince you that you deserved it. Deserved everything. 
You moved your hand to start tapping it on your leg, and while Spencer knew the side effects of respiratory steroids, he couldn’t help the nagging feeling that something was wrong. That maybe he did something wrong. 
“Is there something on your mind?” 
“No, it’s just the jitters. I used to get them so bad when I was a kid, my parents would have to practically hold me down. It’s like I have the energy to run a mile, but I can’t actually do it. I’ll calm down in a bit, but I’m probably going to get really rambly first.” 
“I’d love to listen to you talk, and I love being on the other side of a ramble.” It was just then that a nurse came in to ask if you were feeling better, charting your vials,  reminding you that you need to take your next dose in 4 hours, and telling you that an orderly would be in to set it up then.
Just when she was getting ready to leave she turned her attention to Spencer. “I’m sorry, but I am going to need you to go back to your room Dr. Reid. You both need to get some rest.”
He reluctantly told her that he would and just as soon as he’d come in, he disappeared again. He gave you a wave when he was gathering his crutches, but no real goodbye. You of course waved back, but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. You really liked him, and you thought maybe he really liked you too. And yet, he only gave you a wave. 
All of the adrenaline moving through you, getting you all worked up finally won out, and stupid as it may sound, tears started to prick the corners of your eyes. Just as you closed the door to your room to get some privacy while you cried, your phone started to ring, and you couldn’t help but think; What now? You answered it without looking, and on the other side of the line was the person you wanted to hear from the most. 
“So what did you want to talk about? I have all the time in the world.”
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
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A/N: Based on my hard thought I made here!!!
WC: 2.4k
Pairing: Changbin x afab!reader
Warnings: oral (fem! receiving), unprotected sex, cum eating, changbin calling reader bunny, they didn't know each other before this, slight creepy behaviour idk!
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Your body was sore, your muscles were tight and your entire body felt like jello. This usually never happened to you because you worked out every other day, but you were so busy with work the other day, that you didn’t have time. 
You usually went to your friend's gym, 25 minutes away from your apartment. After all, you had seen this cute guy there, which you admitted was stupid because you barely saw his face, it was covered by a mask, but the way his muscles were taught and stretching out his compression shirt, his curly hair on the top of his head, you were whipped. 
You had started going there every other day, hoping to see him, which you did almost 95% of the time. You never talked to him, but you did know his name, Changbin. 
You overheard it from his friend who looked a chipmunk, with round cheeks and a small waist. And since then, you kept crawling back, hoping that he would start the conversation first, too scared to make the first move. 
You entered the almost deserted gym, placing your water bottle and towel next to the Stairmaster, only to be met with the sound of the clanging of someone pushing weights onto a bar. You slowly turned around to be met with a man with grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt. It was Changbin. 
You didn’t expect him to be in your apartment’s gym, hip-thrusting what seemed to be roughly 200 pounds. You stood there, in shock, at first mesmerized by the way his hips thrust the bar in the air, sweat dripping down his body, but at the same time, you were confused. 
How was he here out of all places, did he live in your same building this entire time, and if he did, how did you not notice him? On top of that, why did he drive 25 minutes every single day? While you were racking your brain around all these questions, you didn’t notice how he looked up, taking a break from his set only to see you. 
While you were having your crisis, he was just as confused. He had never seen you down here, he came on the off days of your schedule, memorizing it to a tee. He knew what days you went to that gym, what workout you were going to hit, and even how many sips of water you took. 
That was how in tune he was with your gym schedule, it wasn’t perverted, right? He just took a liking to you, your laugh, your ass. Fuck, your ass, he groaned to himself taking a look at it.
You weren’t at the gym yesterday, so he couldn’t take any videos of the way it stretched out your leggings as you bent down to stretch or did squats. He loved the way you pouted when you had to adjust the weights because someone before you didn’t put it back. 
You were just so cute, he couldn’t get enough of you, and now to think you were in the same building as him all along, he needed to know you better, to know what you smelled like, how you lived, and what your drawer full of workout clothes that you loved to strut around looked like. 
“Hi, sorry to bother you” he walked up to you, his training belt still wrapped around his torso. “Could you spot me please, there isn’t anyone else in the gym, and I really could use the help because I’m about to peak” 
“Oh yeah, of course, let me just put my phone down” You haphazardly put your phone next to your water bottle, and went over to where he was squatting, walking around the bar so you were met face to face with him. 
“My name is Changbin by the way” he grinned, pulling off his mask and allowing you to see his face. He was one of the most attractive men you have ever laid eyes on. With a sharp jawline and a beautiful nose, you looked at him in awe until you snapped out of your trance as he coughed out loud, checking if you were ready. 
“Ready?” he asked, a grin on his face as you nodded your head. He began to squat, your hands on the bar ever so slightly to ensure it couldn’t slip through your fingers.
He did 12 reps in one set, you knew this from constantly watching him. “I’m done with my set, do you want me to spot you?” he asked, a grin splayed on his face. 
You nodded, ready to take the extra plates off the bar, but he stopped you. “I got it” he whispered, carrying them off and back to their place. How he knew exactly how much you squatted confused you, but you didn’t think much of it, rather setting yourself under the bar while he was in front in the same position you were mere moments ago. 
“There we go” he grinned as you did your first rep, your muscles tightening seeing as it was your first time squatting in a couple of days. Your form was slightly off, causing him to tsk’ out loud. “Can I help you?” he asked, walking around so your back was towards his chest.
“Of course” you replied as the cool touch of his hands met your waist. 
He slowly pressed his hands firmer into you, allowing you to complete another rep, his body bending with you, your ass pressing right into his crotch. 
“There we go sweetheart” he groaned, feeling the plush of your ass hitting his cock. You looked back, watching his eyes flutter slightly at the sight of you. “Did you only do this to touch my ass?” you whined, trying to escape his grasp, placing the bar down. 
“Come on sweetheart, we both know you only go to that gym for me” he replied, watching you through the mirror, your back still towards him. He slowly came closer his arms wrapping around your torso, kissing your slightly sweaty neck, savoring the taste. 
“Please” you whined, his cock rutting against you through your leggings. He simply nodded, taking off his belt, throwing it god knows where before picking you up and placing you on a bench, your back arched in the air, your forearms and knees pressed against the bench. 
“Such a perfect ass” he groaned, you shook it slightly in an attempt to entice him. “It’s all for you” you giggled as his hands ran over each and every curve of your hips and thighs. 
“Such a pretty little bunny, all for me, even wearing my favorite color” he grins, taking in your bright pink leggings and sports bra. “I’ll wear it more often, just for you” you grinned as he slowly pulled down the pink pants down, groaning at the sight of your cunt. 
You weren’t wearing any underwear, you never did at the gym, and for the first time in your life, it was a plus. Your pussy was soaked, your folds glistening under the gym light. Changbin slowly pulled out his phone from his pocket, taking a picture before throwing it with his belt and diving straight into your cunt. 
He lapped at your folds savoring the taste as he slowly took your clit in between his lips, first kissing it, then sucking at it, eliciting the tiniest moans from your mouth. “Feel good bunny?” he asked straight into your cunt, the vibration causing you to jolt forward slightly.
“Feels so good Changbin” you whimpered as he slowly brought his hand up to your thighs, spreading your folds wider with his hands to get better access to your pussy. You were clenching around nothing, in need of more stimulation. 
“Poor baby, such a pretty cunt, but needs more than my tongue doesn’t it?” he asked, your head turned back to look at him. You hummed a yes in response as he brought one of his fingers to your hole, slowly inserting it inside. 
“Fuck bunny, you are so tight, how are you going to take my cock?”
“Gonna be a good girl and take it, promise Binnie” you whined as he thrusted his first finger inside of you, meeting a bit of resistance. 
“You have to be relaxed for my baby, can you do that?” 
“Yes Binnie” 
You slowly felt your walls unclenching around his finger, allowing him to insert another inside of you, his fingers scissoring in your cunt to prep it for his cock. He knew that you wouldn’t be able to take it unless you were properly prepped, despite your whining that you could. 
“Can take it, Binnie, I don’t need anymore prep, just need your cock please” you begged, needing to feel him inside of you. 
“Be a good girl and take my fingers or you won’t even get my cock” he growled as he went back to lapping at your clit in hopes of making you cum to provide extra lubrication for his cock. 
You nodded as his finger hit that spot inside you that drove you wild, your walls clamping around his finger as you came, your body shaking. He didn’t stop, overstimulating you as his fingers continued to thrust inside of you, lips still sucking your clit. 
“Please, can’t take it anymore” you pleaded for him to stop, but he didn’t. He needed to consume every single drop that your cunt could give, it was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. 
“You want my cock?” he asked your fucked out body as you slumped into the bench slightly, your body covered in a sheer sweat. “Please” you whined, not able to come up with a coherent sentence after cumming so hard.
As you regained concessions of your body, he pulled down his sweatpants, a patch of his pre-cum staining through his boxers and sweatpants allowing you to see. 
“You weren’t joking when you said you were huge” You looked at him with your jaw drop. He wasn’t long by any means, but he was girthy. No wonder he told you he had to prep you, you had no idea how he was going to fit inside of you. 
“Fuck, I don’t have a condom” he whined, stroking his cock to release some of the tension so he didn’t cum on the spot. 
“You can fuck me raw, I’m clean and on the pill” You looked at him, your doe eyes pleading causing him to have an internal battle with himself. 
“I’m clean too, but I just want to be sure, I don’t want to do anything you are uncomfortable with” he whined, not wanting to pressure you. 
“Says the dude who just fucked me with his fingers so hard I almost blacked out in the middle of our apartment’s gym, just put it inside of me please, I can’t wait any longer” you whined, praying that he would fuck you. 
With that confirmation, he slowly ran the tip of his cock along your folds, capturing as much of your wetness as he could before slowly stretching out your hole with his girthy cock, you moaned as he barely inserted the head inside of you. 
“Is it good bunny?” he asked, running his hands along your thighs, making sure you were comfortable. 
“So good, need more” you whine, pushing yourself back on his cock just slightly, the stretch causing you to moan loudly. 
“You like it?” he whimpered, pushing the entirety of his cock inside of you, his hips pressed against your ass. 
You could only moan in response as he slowly began to thrust his hips, slowly pulling his cock almost all the way out of your cunt, only leaving the tip before slamming back into you, the two of you moaning at the same time. 
“Fuck bunny, it’s like your sweet little pussy was made for my cock” he moaned as you fucked yourself back on his cock.
“Fuck, keep doing that” he groaned, slapping your ass. 
You moaned as you felt him hit a particularly deep spot inside of you. 
“Going to cum soon bunny? Going to cum on my cock?” he whispered into your each, the new position causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. “Fuck, yes I’m cumming” you whined as he abused that spot inside of you. 
It didn’t take him far to follow behind. “Fuck, going to cum, where do you want me to cum sweetheart?” 
You quickly pulled yourself off his cock, turning around so you could suck his cock, sucking on the head slightly as your hands fondled his balls, his own hand stroking his cock, causing him to cum. 
Your cum as well as his mixed in your mouth, causing you to moan around the tip of his cock. “Fuck” he groaned, pulling your head off of him. The two of you fell to the floor of the gym.
“Let me take you out on a real date? Please bunny” he whined, kissing your lips as you lay back on the gym floor. 
“As long as there is good food” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his torso. “We should get up first though” he grinned, picking you up bridal style, causing you to squeal. 
“Want to come up to my apartment, I can teach you new ways to work out your glutes” twirling you around, a boyish grin splayed on his face. 
“I would love to!” you giggled back, as he grabbed your stuff in his hands, placing you back down on the floor. 
“You should just ask her out” Jisung groaned, as he let the lat bar slip through his hands, “you’ve been fawning over her for months” 
“You know what, I just might” Changbin grinned, walking over to where you were finishing your reps and kissing you right there and then. 
Jisung’s jaw dropped, as Changbin walked with you hand and hand back to the lat pull down. “Jisung, meet my girlfriend” he grinned, your face splayed with a light blush. 
“You have got to be kidding me, you pulled before I did” he whined, causing you to giggle. 
“Yah!” he shouted, before chasing him around the almost empty gym, your giggle filling the void. Maybe skipping the gym was the best course of action. 
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pupkashi · 10 months
hii can you do Gojo and reader doing skincare with each other?
thank you so so much !!
a/n: thank you for the request this is so cute hehe :3 just a short little drabble as i work on a couple longer pieces i can hopefully get out soon ! i hope this was okay idk how i feel abt it :P
“okay you have to keep a straight face once i put this on you or else it’ll mess up” you say, looking at your lover with a stern face, “okay?”
satoru huffs, flopping onto his back before springing back up with a nod, “alright fine I’ll sacrifice my amazing sense of humor for-” he squints his eyes as he reads the label of the container in your hand, “10 minutes?!”
“oh please you aren’t even that funny” you laugh, rolling your eyes when he claims he already made you laugh.
“put on your bunny ears and sit still” you demand, throwing the headband at him softly, smiling fondly when he pouts at you. “if you sit still I’ll give you a kiss,” you bargain, mixing up the mask in its container with the small spreader.
“3 kisses, minimum” his hands crossed across his chest, an attempt to be intimidating.
“two kisses, max, and you dont look intimidating with cinnamoroll ears, you look like a cute little bunny,” you grin, kissing his blushing cheeks before placing two kisses on his lips.
satoru remains still as you apply the mask, alternating between staring at you and fluttering his eyes shut. maybe he could go the 10 minutes without laughing.
his first mistake was asking to apply the mask to your face, because he was already wanting to giggle from just how softly you were looking at him.
“toru stop smiling it’ll crack!” you pout, watching as he fought back a smile as he spread the mask on your face.
“okay, I’m done laughing- only sad thoughts now,” he shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath and continuing to apply your mask.
his second mistake was looking at the pair of you in the mirror, bright green masks covering 95% of your faces, lips trying their hardest to not break into a smile.
you knew from the very beginning the mask would crack, it was impossible for the two of you to not smile when you were in the same room for longer than 30 seconds at a time.
for the first couple of minutes the two of you closed your eyes and relished in the silence. until satoru’s stomach cried out for help, and you had to stifle your laughter.
“you hungry?” you asked, eyes opening as you turn to look at your lover.
“no, i think i have to use the restroom,” he frowns, hands clutching his stomach as he jumped out of bed.
“oh my god,” you bit your lip, ready to give up on the face mask when satoru walks out of the restroom only a couple moments later.
“false alarm,” his face completely blank as he settles into bed next to you once more. “how much time is left?”
“6 minutes.”
“you’re lying to me, it has been much longer than four minutes!” he groans, “life is so hard when i can’t talk to my funny, amazing, beautiful, perfect, sweetheart,” he sighs.
“life is so peaceful when i can’t talk to my boyfriend,” you sigh, eyes opening and seeing satoru looking at you with the biggest frown on his face you’d ever seen, “I’m kidding! life is so terrible without my angel boy,” you reassure, a smile almost breaking onto your face.
silence settles between the two of you for a second.
“so, the weather” he asks, the two of you staring each other in the eyes before a smile breaks onto both of your faces, incessant giggles and back to back snorts filling the room as the two of you topple over in laughter.
“the weather? really?” you cry, smacking his leg as you continue laughing.
“you weren’t even talking! i was at least trying!” he laughs, tears rolling down his face as he wipes them instinctively, the mask rubbing onto his hands and making him frown.
“well the masks are ruined,” you check the timer on your phone, “how do we still have ten minutes left?” satoru asks, looking at him with a straight face when the timer goes off.
“thank god it’s over, let’s wash this off immediately so i can get my kisses” he grins, bounding over the restroom with his bunny ears flopping with him.
he’s quick to rinse his face, patting it dry with a towel before letting you do the same, watching as you moisturize your face and instruct him to do the same.
when the two of you are finally back in bed satoru looks more rejuvenated than ever, eyes bright and skin dewy as he smiled at you.
you could help but giggle, a small ‘what?’ leaving your lips as he hums in reply, taking you in his arms and pulling you as close to him as he could.
he could smell your body wash and your shampoo mixing together, he could smell his laundry detergent on his shirt that you stole. he figured this is what home smelled like.
“i love you, sweetheart,” he mumbles, placing feather kisses across your face, grinning when you laugh softly.
“i love you more, angel boy,” you sigh happily, “but you suck at skin care.”
satoru whines, falling ontop of you in protest, “next time i won’t mess it up i promise! today was just too good of a day to not laugh with my lover.”
you roll your eyes, not a hint of annoyance or attitude as you reply, “oh really? because that’s what you said the last three times we tried.”
“everyday is just perfect when it’s with you,” he grins, picking himself up and vigorously placing kisses across your face, only stopping when you push him off you gently.
“fine we’ll try again next time,” you smile, “now let’s go to sleep im exhausted.”
you didn’t really care about the masks or if they’d really help your skin or if the two of you ever made it the whole 10 minutes without messing it up.
all you cared about was spending time with your lover
taglist (send and ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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writerblue275 · 10 months
What pet names would Heartsteel use for their S/O? And what pet names would they like to be called?
Inspiration: None honestly, I’ve just been thinking about it and I think it would be cute.
Genre: Headcanon
Category: Like 95% fluff with one of the member’s (LOL Kayn’s) going a little suggestive. But definitely not like full NSFW.
Gender: 99.999% Gender Neutral, but there might be an occasional parentheses with optional gender specific language for those that are comfortable with it. (Believe me, I get it, I’m non-binary so I do try and keep things as GN! as possible!)
TW: A bit suggestive for Kayn’s, so just to be on the safe-side let’s go 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI. A mention of alcohol. Also swearing because I swear. 🤷🏼‍♀️
A/N: This will be a bit shorter but that’s just because we have to get through all members both calling and being called pet names.
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Pet names for his partner:
I think his pet names for his partner would be very sweet!
Of course there are the classics like “baby” or “babe.” I feel like there are the main ones he’d stick to in public. Another one he’d use in public is “honey.”
But in private I think that’s when his soft side would really come out.
He’d enjoy “cutie,” especially if he knows it makes you blush.
He’s a creative guy, and I think he’d also have some creative pet names.
Especially if he’s trying to turn up the romance/soften you up for something.
Ex: “Starlight,” “sunlight,” “my sun/sunshine/sunlight…”
And if he’s feeling sassy? You “goober” (with a smile and eye roll).
Pet names from his partner:
Just as he likes to call his partner sweeter pet names, I think he’d also like to be called sweeter pet names.
Although again, I think the sweetest ones he’d like you to reserve for him in private.
So “babe,” “baby,” “honey,” and maybe “love” it is in public.
“Cutie” is one he’d secretly love. He’d roll his eyes with the typical Phel sass but you see the way the tops of his ears turn pink.
And you know how he’s creative? Well don’t be afraid to get creative back!
You could make him melttttt with a pet name.
Like “my moon” or go full out with “my moon and stars.” (Especially in response to him calling you “my sun/sunshine.”) His internal response is: :))))
A way to playfully tease him for staying so late at the studio is to call him your “owl/night owl.” (He loves it).
Pet names for his partner:
Pet names with Ez would be so PLAYFUL.
And they would definitely start early on in your relationship.
Even on dates in public he’d be more open with pet names. (Though of course because of who he is both of you are a little incognito with hats, sunglasses, masks, etc...)
Why can I see him calling you something like “pumpkin,” “honeybunch,” “sugar,” “cupcake,” (LISTEN IT’S NOT JUST VI’s NICKNAME FOR CAITLYN DAMNIT) or “peanut?” (Even if you’re taller than him it does not matter, you’re his peanut.)
Lmao Kayn once heard Ez call you “honeybunches” and he was FLABBERGASTED. 😂
Omfg he would absolutely use pet names when trying to get something. Pet names and a pout? The man knows what he’s doing.
Absolutely loves that his pet names make you blush so easily, especially if he whispers them in your ear.
He’s such a lovable menace and I adore him.
Pet names from his partner:
Because our man Ezreal can absolutely take as good as he gives.
An obvious one would be “bunny.” (Listen have you seen his smile on the cover art?)
When you called him “bubba” and your “love bug” for the first time, his face lit up like a kid in a candy store.
The more chaotic, the better to catch his attention.
We’re talking shit like “dreamboat,” “goober,” or “cutie-patootie.”
The first time Kayn heard you call Ez “dreamboat” water came out his NOSE he was so surprised.
Will love whatever pet name use because whatever you call him, he’s yours!
(A/N: Alright listen this went a little suggestive but LORD help me I think he’d be SHAMELESS with pet names. 😳😏)
Pet names for his partner:
Out of all the members, I feel like Kayn would give the least amount of shits about hiding a relationship in public.
So he’s definitely not holding back from calling you pet names in public (now of course the man is smart enough to know which ones are better to keep private).
But “Babe?” ✅ “Baby? (Baby girl)” ✅ “Angel?” ✅ All totally fair game in public.
In PRIVATE??? 😏😏 Oh my friend get readyyyyy.
This man is a TEASE and you know he’s using pet names as a way to really fluster you. (Though of course he’s being sincere with them.)
Like “hottie,” “kitten,” (CAN YOU IMAGINE??) and “sexy.”
“Sexy” is like the most common pet name he uses for you PERIOD. Ex: Basically every day when he gets home he greets you with a kiss and a soft “Hey, sexy….”
More gender specific, if you were comfortable with it, he’d 100% call you “prince” or “princess.” (Someone get me a FAN 🥵.)
Pet names from his partner:
I think whatever his partner called him would be….not necessarily critical to Kayn, but it would still mean quite a bit.
I think he considers some pet names a little bit like affirmations, in a way. Like when he calls you “hottie” or “sexy” it’s because that’s how he sees you (appearance-wise) and he wants you to KNOW that’s how he sees you.
PLEASE do the same with him!!
Hearing YOU call him “hottie,” “sexy,” or “handsome” immediately banishes any insecurities he might have in the back of his mind.
And you cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing any of those pet names whispered/murmured in his ear as you wrap your arms around him. I just don’t believe you.
Absolutely call him “Babe” in public. He loves that shit. I don’t think he’d mind if you called him “handsome” or “hottie” in public either, but those would be more for like when you two are having a convo together in a public space, if that makes sense. “Babe” would be to capture his attention.
Random: In private, besides calling him “sexy,” he secretly loves some of the older-school pet names. Like if you want him to MELT? Go old school.
“Darling?” His insides are a puddle and he’s ready to do whatever you need him to do.
(LMAO I had wayyyy to much fun with this, but his headcanon was what made me think about the rest of the group and what they’d like!)
Pet names for his partner:
I think he’s fine with using pet names in public. Like maybe nothing wild but he’s not going to necessarily hide you (though of course he’ll do what he needs to do to keep you safe).
K’Sante could use a mix of “old-school” pet names with more modern ones.
“Babe” is the primary one he uses in public.
Could totally see him using something sweet like “squish” or “boo.” (The mental image of this giant man using something like “Boo” is just amazing.)
If he helps you with an outfit, once you’re done dressing he’d absolutely be like “damn look at you, my model. You look phenomenal.”
Would absolutely use “handsome,” “beautiful,” “gorgeous,” or “stunner.”
I fully believe this man is an excellent cook. And because of that, he’d definitely throw some food-themed pet names in there. I’m thinking “pancake” or “peaches.”
Pet names from his partner:
Again, this man doesn’t really care if you call him pet names in public. Have you seen his sheer size?? People would be insane to mess with him and you (I’m thinking Travis Kelce with Taylor Swift vibes here).
So go for it! Call him “babe” or “baby.”
After they debuted, you affectionately teased him by calling him “hot shot.” Jokes on you though because he actually really likes that one now.
As we’ve discussed, K’Sante can cook along with being hella stylish. So he acts annoyed but really loves it when you sidle into the kitchen and say something like, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
Again, this man knows how to DRESS. Loves hearing you call him “handsome” as you help him with some last touches on a look.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I get such good energy from Heartsteel K’Sante. I feel like he’d give excellent hugs and be your A+ “teddy bear.”
Likes some of the joking pet names you call him! Like when you thank your “stylist” after he helps you get an outfit together and get dressed. (Because let’s be real, he’ll probably have the better fashion sense in the relationship, that’s just how it goes.)
One that doesn’t quite work due to it being tied to pop culture in our world but the VIBE fits: “Hercules.” (Or “HUNK”-ules as the one muse would say.)
Pet names for his partner:
This man 👏🏻 LOVES 👏🏻 PET NAMES.
To the point that you don’t remember the last time he used your name. In fact, if he uses your name, it’s a clear indicator something is WRONG.
Will definitely use some of the classics in public like “babe” or “baby.”
He’d definitely get creative too. Like you know how he’s “the big boss?” (Hehehe lyric tie-in DUH).
If you ever came to visit him somewhere while he’s working, he’d jokingly call you his “assistant” as he pulls you into a big hug.
Ex: “Oh hey! It’s my amazing assistant who so kindly brought me lunch! How’s your day going so far, baby?” (He wouldn’t keep calling you his assistant throughout the interaction. It’s more of just a funny little greeting for when he first sees you.)
In private, he loves to use “angel,” “doll,” “sexy,” “beautiful/handsome,” or “sugar.” (Would also use “Prince/Princess” if you’re comfortable with it.)
He really knows how to make his partner smile and blush from pet names LET ME TELL YOU.
Pet names from his partner:
Just as much as he loves using pet names on you, he LOVES when you use pet names on him!!
Only call him Sett (or even more so, Settrigh) if something is wrong. You’ll get his attention INSTANTLY.
Of course, “babe,” “baby,” and “honey” are a-ok for use in public. I also think he wouldn’t mind a couple other creative ones being thrown in there every once in a while, even in public
An obvious one to use for him is “boss.” (My parents call each other “boss” and it’s actually very sweet!)
I feel like Sett would have a really romantic side (I mean, Mama didn’t raise her son to be a jackass of a partner here).
So when he does let that romantic side show, call him “Prince Charming” and watch his face light up. (I know that’s technically a pop-culture reference, but Prince and charming could feasibly come together in a world without Cinderella. Another pop-culture one that doesn’t work as well (unless we imagine Shakespeare existing in Runeterra) is “Romeo.” But the vibe fits Sett so I’m including it here.)
Another one who loves it when you call him “sexy” or “handsome.” (And you do it often because HOW COULD YOU NOT??)
Feel free to get creative, especially when you’re alone. Sweet or otherwise, he just loves hearing what names you create for him.
Pet names for his partner:
Yone is interesting. See, to me he has the highest likelihood of using more “traditional” pet names.
But make no mistake, traditional doesn’t mean boring.
The AFFECTION he puts into the pet names he calls you!!! (Like I’m going mushy just thinking about it.)
He’d be very low-key in public. Like maybe a soft “love,” “honey,” or “dear.” Usually though, it’s your name. (Hey he loves saying your name! Your name makes him happy.)
In private is really where his soft side shines and he’s much more verbally affectionate.
“My love,” “sweetheart,” “my beloved,” and “darling” are big favs of his to use.
He’d absolutely have a couple surprisingly cheesy ones. Like “pumpkin,” “dumpling,” or “sunflower.”
Always loves your reactions to him using pet names for you, especially your delighted expression when he uses the cheesier ones!
Pet names from his partner:
In a similar way to using “old-fashioned” pet names for you, I think he’d love it if you used some of the same ones for him!
Especially in public. I just see him as one of the more private members. But in public feel free to call him “love,” “honey,” or even “babe/baby” when you’re talking together.
Loves when you’re soft with him in private. This man works so very hard and sometimes he just needs some good cuddles and loving pet names.
Enjoys being your “darling,” “lovey,” and your “genius.”
And you have him wrapped around your little finger the second you say “My love…”
I talked about in my last headcanon how I absolutely think Yone loves to cuddle in private (and maybe when he’s drunk but that’s a different story).
You’ve started calling him “koala” because of how cuddly he gets and he secretly LIVES FOR IT.
But he will deny it to his dying breath if you accidentally say it in front of the guys. (Lmao you think Ez and Kayn are going to let him live that down??)
Thank you very much for reading! It’s been really fun to get back into creative writing now that I have this new account! 😊
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paegei · 10 months
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how the 95 liners would propose (fem!reader)
warnings: brief mention of past sex, use of y/n (once), mainly female centric compliments, but can be read with gender neutral reader in mind.
a/n: first attempt at writing fluff,,, why is it so much harder to write than smut ??
traditional man. takes you to an expensive restaurant, and buys you the best wine you've ever tasted. your friends and family are scattered secretly around the nearby tables, ready to witness / capture the beautiful moment.
today was a very special day. yours and seungcheol's five year anniversary. the fact you had been with him for only five years shocks you, as you can't remember your life before him.
he had been able to get a week off from his crazy schedule, which resulted in the two of you hoping on a plane to head to Paris.
tonight, the night of your anniversary, cheol had purchased a particular dress for you to wear, one that compliments his outfit will, and took you to one of the top rated restaurants near your hotel.
the night started out as it usually would, nothing out of the ordinary. you hadn't gotten tipsy, but the wine had given you a fuzzy feeling in your head, making you much more giggly, to your lovers pleasure.
around about an hour had passed, the two of you now sharing a slice of chocolate cake. seungcheol was staring at you the way he always does, eyes full of nothing but love and admiration. the had been a break in the conversation, cheol and you simply bathing in each others presence.
you take a quick glance around the room, until a noise draws your attention back to your soulmate.
he was now standing, spoon and glass in hand, smirking at you.
"sorry to interrupt everyones lovely dinner, but i have a very special announcement to make." he placed the items down, before turning to address the other patrons.
"today is me and my gorgeous girlfriends five year anniversary !"
the room had erupted into applause.
"but thats not the announcement i wanted to make."
he turns back to you, chuckling slightly at your confused face. god, could you get any cuter ?
"y/n. my darling. my love. five years have passed since i've been able to call you mine. five years of my life spent holding you in my arms. i never want that to end."
he drops on one knee, chuckling at the gasp you let out. he pulls the ring out, and as he does, the first tear rolls down your cheek.
"will you do me the honor, and spent the rest of your life in my arms ?" he is peering up at you, a look of confidence that you know he is using to mask his nerves.
you immediately hop to the ground with him, nodding silently while you sob. the flash of cameras all around you, as well as many cheers of congradulations.
as the two of you stand, you see you are surrounded by your closest loved ones. what a perfect way to end a perfect night.
private beach at sunset. proposes in a gazebo while you look over at the sea. no doubt in my mind he writes "marry me" in the sand. chuckles at your tears even though he definitely is ugly crying too. has a picnic prepared afterwards.
one thing about you and jeonghan's relationship; you were homebodies. the two of you rarely felt the need to go out and about to feel a connection, majority of the time choosing to stay huddle up and nap together.
today, however, was one of those rare dares where hannie would drag you out of bed for a date. although you tried your hardest to convince him to just do what you usually do for dates (read: sleep.), here you were, in a flowery sundress, walking towards yours and jeonghan's "secret" spot.
the spot in question was a little opening on the beach, far away enough for what most people consider to be a walk. the two of you had found it early on in your relationship, and tested it's level of privacy with some good ol' sex.
you could tell something was off with him today. he seemed... cautious ? hannie ? cautious ? yeah right. he was extra fidgety, and kept checking his appearance before your trek. he was rushing to leave the house too.
turning the corner to find the place the two of you were very familiar with, there was so many unfamiliar things catching your eye. fairy lights had been scattered around, dangling down from the roof of the gazebo. candles had been placed neatly around the edges. a picnic blanket had been laid down on the floor, with a bouquet of flowers resting atop it.
you turned around, ready to ask jeonghan what was going on, when you spotted him on one knee, a nervous smile on his lips as he gazed up at you. you gasped, knees buckling, and jeonghan instinctively held his hand out to ground you.
he giggled at your shocked face. "hey love"
"han i swear to god-" your words were cut off by a sob, your breath hitching.
"'ts okay love. don't cry." his hand holding yours began to rub back and forth on the back of your palm.
"knowing you, being with you, loving you. it has been a dream come true for me. i never thought i would be able to experience the love people craved. i was okay with that thought. until i met you. i want to be with you for the rest of my days... i want to grow old with you. will you let me ?"
without saying anything, you jumped into his arms, sobbing into his shoulder while nodding. you could feel his own tears beginning to hit your skin. you pulled back, looking into his eyes, full of nothing but love and admiration. you were sure yours were conveying the same emotion.
your lips met in a passionate kiss, one the two of you would deem to be the best one you had shared, until your wedding day.
balcony while on vacation. planned on asking you during dinner but chickened out. you were slow dancing while it rained, before his love for you overtook his brain, making him spontaneously propose then and there.
the night had been perfect. you see yourself thinking that thought every day that you spend in joshua's arms. but it's true. he brightens up every day of your life.
you had been worried at first. he seemed as though he had something on your mind during dinner. you were petrified you had done something to upset you, but he had assured you it had just been a long week. after his reassurance, the rest of the meal passed as usual, him returning to his charming self.
now, the two of you were found on the balcony of your hotel suite. despite the freezing temperatures the rain had caused, neither of you could find it in yourself to care. you were holding onto each other tightly, your head buried in josh's chest, as his chin rests atop your head. even though there was no music to be heard, the two of you continued your gentle swaying, the rhythm of the rain being the tempo you moved to. the silence was calming.
you felt his chin move from your head, before he pushed you back slightly, just enough to look down into your eyes. his eyes were sparkling, glistening, as per usual, but you soon noticed something else swimming in them. he had tears resting on his lash line, ready to fall at any moment.
concerned you reached up to cradle his face, asking what had bothered him.
"i just love you so much. more than you could ever imagine."
you open your mouth to return the sentiment, but his movement stops you. he pulls something out from his pants pocket, before dropping to one knee. he attempts to say the words he had practiced many times before, but the tightness of his throat stops him.
"i- i love you, y/n, so so much. will... will you marry-"
before he can finish his sentence, your lips crash onto his, the two of you silently sobbing into each others mouths. he breaks off the kiss with a chuckle.
"is that a yes ?" god, his smile could blind you.
"yes, you idiot" yet there was no malice found in your words. his hand comes up to you cheek, to steer you into another passion-filled kiss.
not proof-read ! lmk if there's any mistakes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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bazthefirstborn · 2 years
If you still plan on doing the Sub Genshin Girls could you possibly do one with Nilou and Beidou?:)
a/n: as long as there are girls that have not been written for there are girls to write for!!! TYSM FOR THE REQUEST <3
Gender Neutral Reader
Sub Genshin Girls P.4
on this episode: Beidou, Nilou, Kuki Shinobu, Yelan
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mdni read at your own risk this is nsfw!!!
drools uncontrollably
muscular WOMEN djgsdfjksdjfk
is one of those people that think's she'll break your neck if she sits on your face
just fucking do it so she stops getting scared and she gets addicted to it
eeeeeasiest way to get her off is to let her grind on your face
doesn't have a lot of time with her work, so when you have time PLEASE just go slow and make it romantic
gets so uncharacteristically (omg big word) shy when you give her body kisses like her arms, legs, shoulders, etc.
worship this woman please do it oh my god
like she's having a bad day so you take her to her quarters and kiss all over her body until she's squirming and whining and eat her out until she cries
also good to grind on your thigh if you're short on time, but she HAS to be touching you
the biggest punishment for her is to be tied up and getting stimulated with something like a vibrator (she just wants you to touch her)
kisses her kisses her kisses her
she's so sweet omg i love her
1000% a whimperer in bed, not very loud but makes the cutest noises
hates (loves) getting hickies she can barely cover with her outfit!!!!
she wants you to fuck her in the bazaar. full stop.
like before dawn when everyone is out she wants you to fuck her on the stage
semi-public is one of her biggest secret fantasies but she won't act on it alone because of her image
find somewhere out of the way but she can still hear people and she will squirt so fast omg
also likes lingerie :)
she looks so pretty in literally every color set you get her, but turns as red as her hair when you compliment her
Kuki Shinobu:
definitely more of a tsundere-adjacent
gets flustered under the mask 10 times out of 10
plz be gentle with her and kiss her tattoos !!!!!
highly highly embarrassed when you kiss her on her shoulders and arms
always wants to hold your hand <33
also a power bottom, she wants to ride (cock or strap) 95% of the time
will bite your neck and shoulders to keep her noises in while she's on top
she whines a LOT when you have sex regardless of what you're doing
will elbow you in the ribs if you attempt PDA around the Arataki Gang
she needs to keep up her appearance of always being the smart and collected one so you can't kiss her or hold her hand because her brain stops working at any physical contact
where do I begin
loooves to challenge you when it comes to LITERALLY ANYTHING
she's not a total brat, but she likes to challenge your authority
also is a fan of riding !!!!!
loves feeling like she has control even if you're the one controlling her hips
she loves any position she can see your face in, because she loves seeing you blushing
also loves to give oral!!! godly at it (I KNOW she knows what to do with her mouth)
isn't a fan on being on her knees though, so 69ing is always the way to go
she tries to be quiet, but she fails most of the time
will 100% praise you for making her feel good!!!!!
a little bit of a service bottom when she gets into subspace
overall is pretty vanilla, but is in love with a little bit of pain. choking is a no go, but spankings make her drool
a/n: eeeee part 4 done!!! i hope this was satisfactory <33
please feel free to send in requests!!!! the rules are linked in my pinned post!!!
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sparkdoesart · 4 months
Hiii spark if I were to draw something for you which character wojld you like it to be. NOOO REASON AT ALL AHAHAH nothing suspiciosu going on here . Smiles
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Alright...... i suppose hypothetically if you were to make art for me... which youre totallyyyy not gonna do...
Heres my main 5 ocs + extras
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Can be anthro
Cat creature
Very anxious/always worried
HUGEE tail. Size of her body or bigger
That is a shackle on her leg that she cant really get off. She hasnt tried
Dont think of the black parts as fur patterns as much as some sort of growth (thats why the overlap at the white parts is so spiky)
The orange yellow lineart is a strange glow in the story but ive done those since before i wrote the story
Gay for marley
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Can be anthro
Almost always wearing her collar
Pretty confident
Very caring
Will kick ass
Gay for spark
Exes/besties with rusty
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Can be anthro
Axolotl serval capybara hybrid
Tail is actually pretty flat
Always wears the bow
Calm and relaxed
Suspicious of Puzzle
Very friendly
Somewhat quiet
Paws dont have fur
Paw pads are just black
Tongue is red, since i forgot to add that
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Can be anthro
Eyes always have tear-like melting effect
Ears, eyes, nose, tongue, paw pads, claws, and blood change with emotions
Controls what emotions are shown with mask on
Always wears their bandana around their neck
Easily startled
Very smart
Worries a lot
Presents as carefree
Likes to help others
Very good friends with puzzle
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Can be anthro
Two forms - demon and angel
Demon form (black) is in control 95% of the time
Tail is an entirely separate entity
Colors can be toned down if they hurt your eyes, would prefer them very vibrant
Very mischievous and generally somehwat evil
Always has either an angry, serious or (most often) mischievous face. Often smiling with almost angry eyes
Seems to actually somewhat like ash
Dislikes rusty more than the others
Eyes always half closed
Tail can talk, rarely does in front of others
Tail is always excited and/or happy
Tail never stops smiling
Puzzle and Tail can sleep
And then theres Ghost ofc
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Not many notes to add really
Feather is preferred
Andddd Me!
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Shapeshifter that can be literally anything. I mean anything. Objects, plants, animals, humans, other people, characters from whatever, anything. I could mimic you almost exactly, even.
Base form is the one pictured above tho.
Can wear any outfit that doesnt have sleeves too hight above the wrist or pants too high above the ankles. They are uncomfy and icky to me. Can also wear gloves and whatever shoes. Prefer boots. Very rarely wears stereotypically feminine clothes (dresses n whatnot)
Very sharp teeths and tongue usually
All of these guys represent me in some way! I love them all<333 you could use any of em for something id go "hey thas me!!!! :DDD"
Any questions just ask me in messages or my inboxxx
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an-sceal · 20 days
Had someone give me shit about wearing a mask for the first time in a long time.
"I don't want to stand next to someone with a diaper on their face." Said not-all-that quietly to her boyfriend.
First of all, I did not buy stylish galaxy print N-95s to be dissed by a bitch wearing an "It's Fall, Y'all!" t-shirt with a coffee stain on it.
Second- the drugs destroy my immune response, not my hearing, you sanctimonious little walnut. I hope your expensive orchid dies when you water it with ice cubes.
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Bloodhound. (A Ghost x AFAB!reader fic)
Act One, Chapter Four: The Fool
Hey all! I hope you enjoy this chapter as I had a lot of fun writing this one! :)
As per usual, apologies for any grammar mistakes. Exam season is coming in thick and fast too, around May to June, so momentum for this fic will be slowing down by a lot. You guys have been so patient so far and I'm very grateful for it.
Word count: 6,327
Warnings: Threats of violence, strong language, horror elements, Y/N having a bit of a moment, and Ghost and Soap being a pair of daft himbos.
Ghost and Soap really are the epitome of 'tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber'. Yes, Ghost is mean and moody, hot and broody, but I also believe that when he gets comfortable with someone, he loses about 95% of his intelligence.
“Aha!” He got out a small red bag with a white cross on it. “Roll it up so I can see what we’re dealing with here.”
23 shifted awkwardly, refusing.
Graves sighed, “Kid, you gotta help me out. I’m the one with the first aid kit and you’re the one with the bleeding knee. Let me have a look and try to sort this out.”
Again, she refused, shrinking away from him a little. Phillip rolled his eyes under his mask and then made for her, reaching forward to bring her closer to him. The child soldier backed up even further, almost falling off the tree stump she was sitting on as she swatted his hand away.  He muttered a curse under his breath and turned around.
“72,” he called, “could you tell your, uh… Could you tell 23 here that I need her to show me the injury so I can fix it?”
“He’s not got any intentions of hurting you, 23,” 72 said, not looking up from her crossword, “You can see for yourself.”
Eventually, the younger of the two girls came around and rolled up her trouser leg to expose her knee. Graves winced a little as the injury was revealed. It was a nasty scrape, not too deep, but it definitely looked like it hurt. The joint itself was a little swollen too.
“I think you might have sprained it,” he remarked, bringing the leg closer to his concealed face.
“It really hurts.”
“I’m sure it does, hun.”
As he got to cleaning up the blood and debris of gravel with an antiseptic wipe, 7629 approached and set down a small bowl beside him.
“You better eat quickly. I think Valeria’s gonna be up soon.”
He briefly stopped tending to 23, removing his hand from her leg to feel around for the release-mechanism on his canister-less mask. Phillip couldn’t remember how exactly he ended up with no canisters on his face, but, then again, he couldn’t exactly remember how ended up unconscious, on top of Valeria… who was also unconscious, looking like she had just escaped from an animal attack. The woman’s clothes had been torn in a pattern of scratch marks, with a shallow but still painful bite on her shoulder.
He was still puzzled as to how she got those slashes and how he ended up covered in blood too, with bite marks of his own littering his forearms…  because he was still denying it was him.
Phillip was also denying that he had any part to play in 23’s sprained and bloody knee.
No one had told him anything useful about what had happened to the kid too, just that she had tripped trying to run away from someone. 72 had mentioned offhandedly that she had gone looking for him once the dust had settled and the pack had cleared the area of hostiles but…yeah, at this point he’d rather not know.
He took a spoonful of whatever 7418 had cooked up in that cheap-looking iron pot, only to almost faint from sheer delight.
Phillip never thought he’d see the day when he’d experience a ‘foodgasm’.
“Holy shit!” he said with a mouthful of the stuff, “What the fuck did you do to this, ‘418?!”
7418 shrugged, shaking his head as he chuckled, watching over the bubbling pot.
Graves was certain it had to be mutton or something, the texture reminding him of lamb. He had no idea how 7418 had managed to make something so good from mere camping food. He knew the guy had brought little jars of spices with him, catching the scent of them as he walked past 7418’s rucksack every now and then. The other guys, who had known him longer, appeared to have this running gag about him being the Las Almas cartel’s cook, as opposed to an ex-sicario, as shown by 7152 slapping him lightly on the back and addressing him as ‘Chef Ramsey’.
Anyways, Graves took one more spoonful of his dinner and quickly got back to patching up 23.
“I don’t want this getting any worse,” he mumbled as he got out a large plaster, “You stay close to 72 and you don’t get into the heat of the action. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” she sighed.
“I’m not having two kids dying on my watch. You help when I say you can, and you stay out of it when I say you do.”
She nodded.
“And that goes for you too, 72!”
The other girl gave him a thumbs-up, still working through her crossword. 
Phillip shuddered at the mere thought of losing these two. Sure, he wasn’t exactly a good person per se, but the man had morals. Children. Children were where he would draw the line. Furthermore, judging by how the other guys didn’t really have much regard for them, he knew he would have to take it upon himself to ensure their safety. Graves just hoped they wouldn’t make that too difficult for him. 
He pouted a little as he saw 23’s melancholy expression. 
“You’re fine, 23.” 
That didn’t really do much to cheer her up.
Then, Graves had an idea. He got up and moved a few feet to kneel down by the supply bags. After retrieving the desired item, he returned to kneeling before 23, presenting it to her.
“Hey!” he called for her attention, “At least your little camcorder didn’t break during your fall.”
A small smile crept onto her face as she took it from him, eager to start flicking through any footage she captured. A warmth found itself building in Phillip’s chest as he watched on, relief sweeping over him as he saw some colour and some cheeriness return to his lamia. 
That was when someone lightly tapped him on the shoulder. 
“She’s up, 7223.”
He nodded and thanked 7629. Then, he got up, told 23 to stay put and 72 to watch over her, before taking his leave. Not wanting his food to go cold, Phillip took his bowl with him, wolfing down a few more spoonfuls as his fellow soldier led him to where they had put Valeria.
Her eyes fluttered open, and Valeria was quick to pick up on the fact both her arms and her legs had been restrained. The wilderness which engulfed Las Almas was where she found herself. With a grunt, she struggled a little against the restraints, to test how securely they had been wrapped around her. Her legs had been bound by wiry rope and her arms were brought around and secured together behind her. Well, behind a tree. Valeria had been cuffed to a tree trunk. 
As her vision cleared up, she saw three figures approaching from the small gathering a few metres ahead. She kept her head high, not wanting to show any sign of weakness. However, her captors could easily see through her facade of confidence, hearing her heart race inside her chest. 7629 couldn’t help but salivate a little, hackles raising, his mind filled with blood-drunk thoughts of a tasty meal. 
Graves too could sense her blood rushing through her body. So… much… of… it. He shook away the urges, a little unnerved by them. 
“So,” Valeria sighed, shoulders slumping a little, “what do you want this time, lobos?”
“We have a job for you.” The one in the middle spoke.
More specifically, the American one. 
Valeria felt a shiver run down her spine. He was the one who half-ate Alvaro and almost devoured her too.
“Job?” she scoffed, putting on a mask of her own, of being unfazed and unafraid, “I don’t take orders anymore. I can offer intel to the Foundation, but I won’t do jobs.”
“You see, that’s the problem.” The American one feigned an apologetic sigh. “We have all the intel we need so bartering your way out of this with information ain’t gonna help.”
His voice was much clearer with his mouthpiece removed and mask drawn up to reveal some of his face. Now, Valeria knew why she recognised him from the scuffle.
“Graves?” she asked, almost timidly, “Phillip Graves, is that you?”
“Hi, Valeria.” He grinned, his voice coming out almost like a purr. 
Her heart threatened to burst, blood rushing in her ears. She could feel herself begin to quiver a little. 
“I saw you die. Your tank exploded. You would have been literal pieces…”
“It’s amazing what we can achieve with modern medicine, isn’t it?” he chuckled, resting his hands on his knees as he leaned in. 
This was bad. This was really bad. The Foundation wanted him to be here for a reason. They wanted him here because he had connections. He was very much relevant to whatever task these lot were undertaking.
Alejandro, Rudy, and the rest were in grave danger. 
Her tan skin had paled a little, breaths becoming shallow, as she stared at him with wide eyes. 
“What does the Foundation want with the Vaqueros?”
“It’s not the Vaqueros we’re after.”
Valeria chewed on the inside of her cheek, already dreading the answer to her next question. The woman prayed that they already knew the information she was about to divulge in her question, or she would end up giving those boys away.
“What does the Foundation want with Task Force 141?”
“A client has a target we need to make a Son out of,” another spoke up from behind Phillip, “and we need you to deliver the infection.”
Valeria felt a cold sensation run through her. 
“Why me?”
“Does it matter?”
The woman had an idea. Most likely, it was to keep the element of surprise for when they’d extract their new packmate. On the other hand, though, they could’ve kidnapped anyone else to do that. This was personal. Well, she sighed, that is the Foundation. They held grudges and they held power. No one, ex-lamia or ex-gorgon, was ever truly a free woman.
She didn’t want to do this. She really didn’t. Infecting someone with this… that would be delivering them a fate worse than death. Valeria was sick but there were still a few morals lingering at the back of her mind. Morals that were coming to the forefront now. The angel on her shoulder was screaming at her to just let them kill her and find someone else to be their personal postman. 
Graves tilted his head to one side, impatience growing as Valeria’s silence dragged on. 
Whilst Valeria’s reluctance was the dominant, screeching voice inside her head, her logical side was still very much part of this internal debate… and it argued well. 
Death for her was… not ideal. 
Valeria didn’t want to die but she also didn’t want to be part of this twisted game of ‘Pass the Parcel’. 
“Well,” the logical part of her argued, “you wouldn’t really be part of this game, not voluntarily, anyway.”
 Besides, word was, on the street, that a runaway lamia was sighted in their hepta-plate armour just on the outskirts of Las Almas. Yes, it wouldn’t be ideal to foist another problem onto that poor person but… wouldn’t they mind helping a fellow sister out? Valeria prayed that the rogue lamia would stay long enough to cross paths with the monster she was about to help create. 
Her hands were tied, both literally and figuratively.
Valeria swallowed hard, desperately trying to cling to her slipping facade of fearless strength. 
One of the hounds behind Phillip growled, hackles raising a little. 
“Valeria,” 7418 began, “do you want to know what we’re having for dinner tonight?”
He pointed to the bowl of food Graves had set on the ground. 
No, she didn’t want to know. 
He chuckled. 
"Te lo diré, de todos modos. ¡Es uno de tus sicarios y será mejor que empieces a cumplir o te unirás a ellos en un maldito caldo!"
"I'll tell you, anyway. He's one of your hitmen and you'd better start complying or join them in a damn broth!" was what he had said.
She sighed resignedly, horrified but not surprised. They were nothing but animals after all. At this point, Arcadian Sons gloating about which friend of hers they had eaten wouldn’t do much but cement the fact that they were rotten to the core, infected with both disease and whatever long-harboured spite had been brewing away inside them from their time as corpses.
She really should have been grateful that they hadn’t made a meal out of her yet. The fact that they were choosing conversation over tearing her throat out was something not to be taken lightly.
“At this point, boys, I don’t care. Kill, eat, pillage, destroy… I…”
Valeria couldn’t even bring herself to say it. ‘El Sin Nombre’ had given her an illusion of control and now, she had found she, in fact, had only been playing pretend. Those men were always so good at reminding her of who she was. They were an annoying constant which bridged the gap between her old and new life. Valeria loved power, until now, because now she had realised she had never even had a true taste of it. Valeria had been merely toying with the idea. 
Real power was holed up in the heart of the Foundation, wearing a white coat and ticking boxes on a checklist. 
Real power was also lording over her, dangling these men, these puppets, over her head, as if to say, “You’re still mine.”
It was always wise to recognise when you only have one choice, and Valeria could see it now. She had to do what she was told. The woman just hoped that there was someone else further down the line who could minimise the damage that would ensue from making this decision. 
“I’ll do it. I’ll lure them out and infect the target. Give me all the information I need.”
Her voice had no emotion. That passionate, brazen cartel queen was gone. All that was left was someone tired. Someone who just wanted this to be over and done with. Like that, the woman was back to square one. Broken and afraid, with nowhere to go but to the Mexican military, with the hopes that maybe she could make a living putting some of her skills to good use. 
“Muy bien.” Graves smiled.
“On the condition,” Valeria added, “you leave me be… for good.”
“You know we can’t promise that.” 7629 spoke up. 
It was worth a try, Valeria supposed. 
Graves turned around to address the men, “I’ll give Valeria, here, the intel she needs to complete the job. I’ll inform both you and her of what the agreed signal will be to notify success. Once we receive that signal, we’ll plan for the extraction. Understood, boys?”
Phillip nodded and returned to Valeria. 
“Your target is…”
Oh God…
She braced herself. 
“... Simon Riley.”
“Who?” the woman asked, brows furrowing.
Graves smiled, fangs glinting in the dim light of the central campfire. 
“You may know him as ‘Ghost’.”
Her stomach dropped. 
“This is some reunion! Don’t you agree?” Phillip chuckled, picking up his bowl and taking his leave, “I’ll tell you all you need in ten, Valeria.”
She cast her gaze to the ground, staring daggers into the soil, too afraid to direct them at Graves’ back; lest he sensed her look of indignation and did something about it.
“We’re not too different, you and I, Commander Graves.” 
He halted, a little unnerved by her robotic, yet somewhat condescending, tone. 
Turning around, Phillip looked at Valeria with a concealed face of slight confusion. 
“What do you mean?”
“We’re both trapped- slaves to the Foundation. You’ll never be rid of them, you know. This is only just the beginning.”
She slowly moved to meet his face, head resting against the tree bark, her body not bothered enough to correct her slumped posture. 
“Uniforms were always limitations for you and now look where you are, what you are.”
“I’ll cope,” he replied, through clenched teeth. 
“You’re already struggling.” 
She was just trying to stir him up, to try and get one over him. He wasn’t going to give in and entertain her, though. Valeria would just have to remain bound to a tree until they’d have need of her for their plan. 
“By blood, we are bound,” the woman chuckled wryly, “You’ll be a soldier forever now, Graves.”
“Well, not forever,” he spoke patronisingly, setting down in front of her again, “One day, I’ll die and then I’ll be a soldier no more.”
“That’s if the Foundation is merciful.” 
Cold ran through him. Graves growled a string of obscenities under his breath and got back up, shaking his head. Valeria followed him with her eyes, watching him finish his meal and press down on his mask. Once again, he was back to being a faceless monster, any remnants of his humanity being locked away under that awful, awful mask.
You were pacing back and forth in the small supply closet you had managed to find. You should’ve waited with Soap, not been a coward. However, you also knew that you’d probably end up sitting there for five minutes, jigging your leg up and down, before becoming too restless and running away anyways. There was really only one option here.
Sighing, you stopped your pacing and leaned against a wall, before sinking down and landing on your bum. You drew your knees to your chest, hugging them as you contemplated just how much trouble you were in with Laswell. 
Could you even quantify it? 
A little whimper escaped your lips. 
How on Earth were you a lamia? You were the most spineless coward you knew!
Perhaps that was why everyone else had died that night except for you. 
Oh God… 
How could people in the army voluntarily do this?!
Which then begged the question of why you had decided to take up that challenge to go against Ghost.
‘Ego’ was most likely the answer. 
You wanted to impress, to fit in, to befriend them, maybe start a few inside jokes. You thought that’s what army men liked doing: beating each other up and then cracking jokes about it. 
The problem was that you were no army man, and you didn’t really find entertainment in beating your mates up. You didn’t really like violence altogether. 
You wanted to be a normal person, have a normal job, you know? Take trains, type on computers, drink expensive drinks from… what was that place called that people spoke about… ‘Barstucks’?
Laswell could sense it in you from the moment you arrived: a monster trying to become human. You thought, maybe because she had experience in that department, she could teach you a few things. 
Now, you had your doubts. Maybe she hadn’t had that experience. After all, she was in the military, using the same skills, just for different bosses. Laswell was still a lamia, just not the Foundation’s. 
Other free women you had heard about had either gone into crime or… well, didn’t last very long.
Maybe you couldn’t be a normal human. 
You buried your face into your knees. 
Laswell had been running all over the place to find you. She had asked Gaz, gone back to see if you had returned to Soap, grabbed Price by the shoulders and shaken him, raving on about how you were… well, the best she could put was ‘fragile’. 
She supposed the one good thing to come out of this was that in the hour she had spent hunting around, building up a small party consisting of Gaz, Rudy, Price and Alejandro, Ghost had managed to recover somewhat.
Soap was so happy when he saw Ghost come out of the medical room, a little sore but mostly alright. He had practically leapt out of his seat, fussing over the man the moment he had made his exit.
“Steamin’ Jesus!” Soap rejoiced, feeling relieved upon seeing Ghost look like his usual, albeit slightly mysterious, self.
“Relax, Johnny, it’s not like I was going to die.” Ghost sighed, rolling his shoulders, his body still waking up.
“I was more worried for yer future kids!” The Scotsman elbowed Ghost playfully.
“For a second I was too but the doc said I was fine. Apparently, I was just ‘shocked’.”
“Shocked?!” Soap couldn’t believe it, “Are you telling me that Y/N actually managed to gain the element of surprise over you?”
Ghost shrugged. 
“No way! Someone actually did it! Someone out-Ghosted you!” 
Soap couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“I’m glad you’re having fun at my expense.”
“Come on! It’s a bit funny. That tiny, little-”
“Okay, Y/N isn’t that small.”
“Well, compared to you, anyways. That little minx! They absolutely out-Ghosted you!”
Ghost sighed… and then realised something. Y/N definitely packed quite a punch. Quite a big punch. Almost too big of a punch, for someone of their size. 
“Speaking of Y/N,” he looked over to Soap, before continuing in a hushed voice, “Don’t you think they were a bit too strong?”
Soap cast his mind back to the fight. Yeah. Now that he thought about it, there was a moment that he could only describe as… odd. You had thrown Ghost over your shoulder like he was nothing but a sack of potatoes. Pairing that with the rather strong handshake you had introduced yourself with to MacTavish… hmm… He stroked his chin. Strange.  
“Aye. I mean, Y/N had, uh, quite a firm handshake too.”
“What do you mean?” Ghost asked, raising an eyebrow under his mask.
“When I shook hands with them, yesterday, I… They held onto me quite, you know, strongly. Felt like they were going to take my arm with them!”
“Something’s off about them.”
“Sure! But Laswell did say they were weirdly socialised from a young age or something.”
“Having an odd upbringing doesn’t make you freakishly strong, Soap.” Ghost shook his head, letting out a breathy laugh. 
“Oh, and how would you know that, Simon?”
He remained quiet, looking at Soap knowingly, before quickening his pace.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” MacTavish asked.
He chased after Ghost, breaking into a light jog. 
“Oi! Simon! What do yer mean by that?!”
Suddenly, Ghost stopped in his tracks. 
“Do you hear that?” 
“Come here.”
Ghost gestured for the man to press his ear against the door of the supply closet. Soap did so, after picking away at some of the peeling paint. He did a few seconds’ worth of listening before looking back at his friend. 
“Is someone in there?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“Who hangs around in a broom cupboard?”
“Let’s find out, shall we?”
Gently, Ghost opened the door, light spilling into the darkness. He looked this way and that, sticking his head into the closet. 
You held your breath, shrinking into the shadows, hoping they’d lose interest soon. 
“I don’t see anyone, Ghost.”
He hummed in reply, though it wasn’t in agreement. 
“Lt, with all due respect, I think you’re talking into a void right now.”
“Shh!” Ghost snapped back. 
Soap rolled his eyes, before catching sight of a vending machine sitting by the doorway to the canteen. 
“While you’re poking through broom cupboards, I’m gonna go grab a snack. Want anything?”
Ghost didn’t reply, instead taking a step into the closet. 
MacTavish shrugged, letting Ghost continue his investigation whilst he went to get himself a cereal bar or something. He thought he needed one after the day he’d had. Ghost would probably want one too, though Soap knew the man would begrudgingly take it from him… as he always did. Ghost seldom liked to rely on others, and it was a recent breakthrough for MacTavish to get him to even take offered food. 
Soap wandered off to pursue some sugary delights as Ghost fully immersed himself in the darkness of the supply closet. 
Someone was here, he knew it. The lieutenant had developed a sense for these types of situations, it was like he could sniff a person out. Anyways, he peered around, lifting miscellaneous bits and pieces off the ground, seeing if anyone lay under them. 
You shrunk away even further, hoping he’d drop it and leave, wanting to be alone. 
Unfortunately, Ghost found you. He removed the bundle of brooms and mops which had sheltered your sulking body. 
You looked up at him before your eyes fell to the ground. 
“Go away.” You mumbled. 
“Wow. You kick me in the balls and now you’re telling me to ‘go away’. Awfully kind of you,” he chuckled, taking a seat beside you, wincing a little as he landed on a sore spot.
You shuffled away from him, withdrawing further and further into your cocoon of sadness. You reminded Ghost of a kicked puppy, which was kind of ironic seeing as you were the one who had done the kicking, but anyways, he wasn’t oblivious, he could tell you weren’t happy. 
“Usually when I see someone realising they’ve fucked up, it makes me feel quite good,” Ghost remarked, “but for some reason, Y/N, you’re really bringing my mood down looking like this.”
You grumbled something, but he couldn’t make out what it was, your knees muffling your voice.
“How long have you been sulking in this broom cupboard?”
Again, you mumbled something. 
“What was that?”
“I’m not sulking,” you growled.
“It looks like you’re sulking.”
Finally, you released yourself from your prison and stretched your legs out, sighing. 
“I… I just feel bad, Ghost. I didn’t mean to-”
“I know you didn’t.”
You turned to face him, a little surprised.
“You looked scared,” he admitted, staring ahead, “I wasn’t going to hurt you. You know that, right?”
“I look scared?”
“Yeah. When I was coming to help you up. you looked at me, but I…” He scratched the back of his head, trying to find the words. “I don’t think you saw me.”
Being in this profession long enough, Ghost knew the signs of trauma when he saw them. Sure, he wasn’t exactly the leader of this motley crew, that title belonged to Price, but he was still a lieutenant. He still had to take care of people in some form, and while you weren’t really part of anyone’s group, that caring instinct took hold of him. 
You sat there in silence, face twisting a little as you digested his sentence. Ghost turned to look at you, leaning in a little but being measured about it, hoping to not frighten you off. 
“Are you okay, Y/N? I’m not usually good with this, but do you need to talk to someone?”
Your lip wibbled, tears forming in your eyes. You didn’t know what was happening, but this surge of emotion overcame you. Body trembling, shoulders tensing, you felt it coming up your throat. 
You cried. 
You cried and cried and cried. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks and into your hands as you brought them to your face. As you clutched your head, fingers threatening to dig into your eyes, Ghost just sat there, unsure of what to do. 
He had expected that you would start howling like a banshee, but it never came to that. Instead, muffled sobs and sniffles filled the silence of the supply closet. 
As you trembled, you felt a light touch on your shoulder and back. Then, a force pulled you until you hit something fairly solid. 
Instinctually, you nestled into his warmth, still crying. Ghost stared off into the distance, letting you have this moment, unjudged, to just let it all out. 
Laswell had said you had been through a lot, and now, he was certain of it. 
Several footsteps sounded outside, suggesting the presence of a group of people hurrying along the corridor. The murmur of voices came along with it, growing louder as the party drew nearer. 
“Okay, this is the last place we haven’t checked.” Ghost recognised Price’s gravelly voice. 
“I’ll have a look inside, you lot keep an eye out for them around here,” Kate replied.
She came in, only to see you resting against Ghost, eyes squeezed shut as you continued to cry. 
Laswell made to approach, but Ghost raised his hand.
“Give them a moment. I’ll let Y/N know you wanted to see them.” He whispered. 
She let out a sigh. 
“If you start feeling weird, leave them and eat raisins.”
Before Ghost could ask one of the many questions floating around his head after that bizarre statement, Kate left. 
Go eat raisins? 
The way she had said it almost sounded like medical advice. What did Kate mean by that? 
His eyes narrowed a little, but he wasn't going to pay too much attention to it. He supposed if it came to it, he’d just do as she said and ask his questions later. Ghost was pretty sure he wouldn’t start ‘feeling strange’. 
However, gradually, Ghost began to notice an unfamiliar sensation overcome him: profound sadness. The feeling sort of made itself home at the back of his mind, being just about ignorable, but he found it curious. This probably sounded nuts saying it aloud, but Ghost felt as though this emotion didn’t belong to him. 
He looked at you. You had stopped crying now and had resorted to staring off into space, your tear-stained face haloed by the light pooling in from the open door. You had entered the numbness stage, not really feeling anything. Although, you did know things were still intense, bubbling just under the surface, because you could sense it had transferred to Ghost, like a faint, developing stain on his mind. 
It was probably best to conclude this ‘exchange’ and go your separate ways. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, wiping away some of your tears from his shirt with your sleeve, “Your top is probably really gross now.”
He let out a small chuckle as he watched you do your best to neaten yourself up, moving your hair aside and wiping away any signs of sadness on your face. 
As you made to get up, you felt him gently stop you. 
A lump in your throat formed as you locked eyes with him.
Ghost wanted to ask who you were, what you were, knowing full well you had had some effect on him… However, there was a time and place for those questions, and he understood that you probably wouldn’t like being interrogated. And so, he let you leave.
“Go eat raisins, they’ll, uh, help,” you blurted out before spinning on your heel and scampering off.
Raisins, again. Ghost’s brows knitted together under his mask. He decided he would take that advice… just in case.
Finally, you had space to breathe… well, you thought you did. Your hopes were quickly quashed as you halted at the sight of Laswell, standing a few feet ahead of you, down the corridor, arms folded, unimpressed.
You gulped.
She ushered you into the bathroom and closed the door. Then, she took a deep breath, before returning to face you.
“Y/N… I…” she sighed, scratching the back of her neck, “Look, if you want to blend into normal society, you gotta-”
“I’m leaving,” you cut her off, “I don’t think I’m any good here.”
Laswell was shocked.
“Y/N, no. You can’t. I still haven’t sorted out-”
“It’s fine. Just put it on my lexicon.”
“I don’t have a lexicon to transfer the information to yours.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“This is my point. People out there don’t have lexicons. The guys here aren’t anything like the Arcadian Sons back at the Foundation. They’re not as strong. They can’t change. None of it. You’re not weak here.”
Laswell made to approach you and felt her heart sink a little as she watched you back up.
“Y/N, I can help you find a way to keep the Foundation off your tail but once you’re out there, you need to understand that you are not weak. We lamias are insanely potent, and that potency can seriously hurt people. You have to promise me that you’ll be careful. Being human isn’t easy.”
“Laswell, I wasn’t going to hurt him!” you shook your head, voice shaking a little as you laughed, nervously, “I know that these guys and the people out there are not the same as those in the Foundation. I’m not stupid!”
“I just need you to be careful. I have seriously hurt people and I don’t want you to make the same mistake.”
“I won’t.”
“You won’t?”
“Yes, I-”
Laswell’s demeanour suddenly changed. She looked about, alert, pupils dilated.
“Someone’s eavesdropping.”
You tried to suss out who it was too, looking about just as Kate was.
“Who?” you asked.
Soap stood on the other side of the door, plastered against the wall, covering his mouth.
“Mactavish,” Laswell whispered under her breath.
Soap shuddered.
He looked down and saw the handle on the door begin to turn. Almost immediately, he took off.
The door swung open, and Kate peered out to an empty corridor. She hoped Soap hadn’t heard too much, sighing resignedly.
“Y/N,” she kept composed, continuing the conversation, “don’t overthink this. Just be aware of your strengths. The world’s not made of glass, but it easily can be if you’re not careful. I’m still working on contacting someone who can get your records deleted and make you officially not Red Room property, but it’s gonna take some time. Stay here in the meantime and keep calm, I don’t need you turning my boys into messes.”
“I’ll do my best. And I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Learn your lesson and stick to where I can keep an eye on you.”
You nodded, your mind wandering back to Ghost.
Laswell picked up on it.
“Ghost’s a good one. But don’t crowd him, he likes being mysterious and aloof.”
She chuckled as she watched you flounder, trying to excuse your sudden interest.
“Take care of yourself, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Kate. I’ll try.”
Ghost, for some odd reason, had volunteered to be on night watch again. Everyone was surprised and seriously discouraged him, especially after his little accident with you. However, all pleas for him to just go to bed fell on deaf ears. He was stubborn as a mule and adamant to be on lookout for the night.
Soap had initially joined the discouragement but soon was elated to have his mate with him. They both trekked the halls, looking around for any signs worthy of suspicion.  
It had been a pretty quiet night, with little to nothing happening.
That was until the howling started.
Soap had gone from reclining in his chair on the ‘front porch’ of the base to sitting bolt upright, gun at the ready. Ghost gestured for him to lower his weapon.
“What was that?” Soap whispered.
Ghost shrugged, throwing a raisin up in the air, only to miss it as he tried to catch it with his mouth.
“Coyotes or something.”
“Nah!” Soap shook his head. “That’s too deep to belong to a coyote. It almost sounds like a person!”
“Coyotes sometimes sound like that,” Ghost remarked, stretching his legs out, “Remember when we were interrogating Hassan? Those coyotes sounded like a bunch of wailing women.”
“Freaky stuff.”
He watched Soap swallow hard, reclining back into his seat, albeit reluctantly.
“Awooo…” Ghost let out, with a snicker.
“Simon, that’s not funny.”
“Awooo! A-A-Awoooo!” The lieutenant howled into the night.
“Simon, shut up!”
Soap struck at him, lightly, only to then whip his head around at the sound.
“AWOOOOOO!” the forest replied.
Soap felt chills run up and down his spine. Ghost watched his face grow pale.
“Come on, Johnny, let’s go inside if you’re that spooked.”
He got up from the dinky chair and gestured for Soap to follow and he did so, not taking his eyes off the trees, deeply unnerved by the sounds of the night.
As they walked down the corridors, Soap stopped by your bag. He shined his torch at it, curiosity spurring him on to investigate.
“Those are Y/N’s things,” Ghost spoke with a stern voice, “Leave ‘em.”
“You know,” Soap mumbled as he squatted down before the open duffel bag, something shining between the lips of the open zip, “I think Y/N might be something supernatural, and so is Laswell.”
“Laswell?” Ghost raised an eyebrow under his balaclava.
“Aye. I think they’re both the same… thing?”
“Johnny, I don’t think we should be looking through Y/N’s shit. Let’s keep moving-”
“Soap!” Ghost snapped.
MacTavish’s eyes widened as he investigated the spilt contents of your bag, lightly holding a sleeve of your hepta-plate armour.
“What is this stuff?”
Now, Ghost was curious. He knelt down beside Soap, peering at it.
“It’s… shiny.”
He ran his finger over the scale-like texture of your chest piece, only to then reach the centre. There was a larger chunk at the heart of the armour and, wanting to see if it was a button or something, he gently gave it two taps.
They both gasped as they watched the entire raiment vanish from existence, only to then fizzle back like a glitching television screen.
“Oh my God,” was all Soap could say.
Ghost was stunned into silence, feeling the foreign fabric between his thumb and index finger.
“Who is Y/N?” he muttered, examining how the scales of your armour reflected the torchlight, iridescent, like the shell of a beetle.
As Ghost was about to activate the shroud mechanism again, someone from behind spoke up.
“What are you two doing?”
They both stood up and turned around, hearts kicking up a notch as they realised it was you.
You had your arms folded over your chest, your foot tapping on the floor as you eagerly awaited their excuses for going through your things.
“Y/N!” Soap remarked, “Uh…”
Ghost knew the Scotsman was going to start digging a hole for the two of them, hence why he elbowed him. Soap promptly shut up.
“I see you’re having another late-night stroll.” Ghost gestured at your… uh… clearly-being-up-ness.
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buriedinsand9 · 1 year
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
thirty four
miles morales x hispanic!reader
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summary ✧.* you hear a loud crash outside of your window of your apartments fire escape. you find yourself face to face with spiderman, he asks you to help him with his wounds. you help the hero and you feel create sort of connection.
genre ✧.* (strangers to friends to lovers, sorta a low burn ig?)
warnings ✧.* - ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ you stand up and walk over to where the crash was heard. "hello? is someone there?" you say again, a bit quieter. its a bit dark, so its hard to see the person. the figure get up and you can easily decipher that its spiderman. "what a coincidence." you think. he turns to you. "oh hey! sorry to uh.. crash in to the roof like this." he gets up, dusting off his suit. "its-its okay. are you okay tho?" you ask with a light chuckle. "yeah no im- im good. i just finished you know.. fighting villains. saving new york.. the usual!" he says, sort of with a nervous tone. "its a little cold out here.. you mind letting me borrow a jacket of yours?" he asks holding his arm. "oh yeah sure, come with me."
you lead him to the blankets on the floor and you rummage through your bag. you pull out a pink jacket that says "putillas '95!" its a jacket you borrowed from your mom, or well she gave it to you. you give it to spiderman. he takes the jacket and starts reading the back "pu-ti-llas?" he asks with a light chuckle. "its my moms, i know its uh.. questionable." you both laugh together. he asks about any recent pictures you've taken, you show him all the photos you've taken in the past week. you bond over the photos for a while.
"how are you so casual to hangout with me?" you ask him, as you both sit at the edge of the roof. his masks eyes widen. "well im not sure i mean, your cool and i know you havent really said anythin but our last uh meet. so i think i could just trust you overall wit' it." he says, looking over the city. you furrow your brows, confused on how exactly he knew you werent saying anything, then again he is spiderman. he doesnt really need an excuse..
you both fall silent. hearing the city sounds, the silent night. he looks over to you, almost admiring you. he looks at your facial features, at your hair, your style, he looks at you. miles, not spiderman, miles notices how genuinely pretty and beautiful you are. he blushes under his mask. "its a little late now, i should probably get goin." he says, fiddling with his fingers. "oh, alright." you look at him, he looks at you. you both look at each other for a little too much then you should. he shakes his head, noticing hes staring a little too much, "uh- yeah.. ill see you around?" he says, the nervous tone comes back. "yeah- yeah no ill see you." you smile at him.
he swings to another building. you watch him closely, taking your camera and snapping a picture of him swinging. you look at the picture and smile a little. you notice your smile and shake it off. i look over to where he was last swinging at, hes gone. you look back at your camera, his photo. you pack everything up and go back into your room, entering from your window. you lay in your bed, you sigh. you drift into your thoughts "why is spiderman so casual with me? does he know me? is he someone i know personally? maybe he goes to my school.. but everyones so lame? well, except emilia, josh is okay, taylor, and miles. miles. miles had the same injury as spiderman.. wait no- wait." you stop thinking. you turn over and try to fall asleep. "is miles spiderman?" your eyes open as that one final thought pops into your head. "is miles spiderman?" a/n: took me a while to post this dont know why, tumblr was not workin w me but here it isss i got it t for yall
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vomitdodger · 9 months
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Mass General Brigham Hospital has reinstated a mask policy as of 2 Jan 2024. This is in the absence of mask mandates by region or state which would be even more ludicrous. Imagine the financial incentive they must be under to do this in spite of all the OVERWHELMING evidence that masks not only don’t work but are bad for you in a multitude of ways. Imagine being so recalcitrant to the plethora of studies to make this policy. But wait it gets better…
You’ll note the two highlighted areas. Staff will mask with a unspecified type of mask some of the time. Patients, as of yet but you know it’s coming, are not required to mask. Eh? How’s that logic work if you still drink the poison koolaod and believe masks work. But it still gets better…
Note that if a patient does indeed decide to mask, you have to wear a facility provided (again unspecified) mask OVER your N-95 or face mask. So basically it’s saying no stupid cloth masks to “check the block” and get your access to care. It has to be a N-95 or face mask (and this is just redundant personal choice stupidity really) AND their facility mask. To “let them know the masks is clean”. You could have the gnarliest germ laden of face masks over your airway…but wearing an additional mask of theirs will let them know it’s clean and effective.
Keep in mind the nonsense with this whole policy. Can you imagine the breathlessness and carbon dioxide buildup wearing not just a N-95 BUT ALSO another mask????
Buckle up cowboys and cowgirls. It’s gonna be a wild ride as the commies double down.
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goose-master-2000 · 1 year
“nah i don’t have a crush, i just think he’s attractive….and i like the way he covers his whole face with both hands when he laughs, and how he runs his hand through his hair, and how his eyes crinkle when he smiles….and i notice that he always comes to class with wet hair because he showers in the morning, and how he puts his hand on his chin when he looks at his computer, and how he wears the same watch everyday, and how he volunteers to be partners with someone just to help them out even though he could do it perfectly fine on his own, and how even though he’s the smartest kid in class he’s a huge procrastinator, and how he always carries at least two basic orange pencils with him, and how he decided to take an extra math class during his free block because he was bored, and how he’s always eating healthy snacks during class because he’s an athlete, and how he moves his car during sports games so visiting parents have places to park, and how he stays late in art to help clean up, and how when i first came to this school and i was so scared to talk to people because of COVID, he was the only other one wearing an N-95 mask. I remember when I was put in the wrong Spanish class and when I didn’t know what to say, he said, ‘It’s okay, take your time, I’ll go first.’
And I notice all these things about him….but I can’t have a crush, because if I let myself, I’d get my heart broken.”
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lostcybertronian · 2 years
Egotober 2022 - Day 10 (Virus)
Prompts by @tracobuttons
“I can still go out! I’ll wear a mask.”
    “No you can’t!” Schneep rubbed at his eyes, wishing they didn’t hurt, wishing they weren’t bloodshot, wishing Jackie would stop being an idiot. “And you wear a mask anyway. That didn’t stop you from getting COVID.”
    “I don’t even know where I got it.” Jackie’s voice was muffled by congestion and by the N-95 covering his face. His whole body seemed to wobble as he followed Schneep from one end of the clinic to the other, and fever-blush was high in his neck and face. “But I feel fine. It’s fine.”
    “It’s not fine.” Schneep said, turning on him and jabbing one finger at his chest. “You’re staying here, taking some medication, and going to sleep. Marvin already said he would go out for you.”
    “I’m not as good at saving kittens from trees,” Marvin said casually from the clinic doors. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll be sure to total a train for you, though- whoa! Stay back, demon!”
    He threw up six foot ward around himself as Jackie came charging forward, unimpressive in just a pair of pajama shorts and a red t-shirt but no less intimidating considering, even sick, he was a six foot-something man of pure muscle. “I don’t want your infection.”
    Jackie bounced off the ward and landed flat on his back, all the air leaving his lungs with a “guh.”
    Schneep came to stand over him, tsk-ing under his breath. He looped his arms under Jackie’s armpits and hauled him into a sitting position “You’d be able to break that if you weren’t sick.”
    Jackie groaned quietly. “Fine.” He fixed Marvin with a look. “Be nice.”
    Marvin waved one hand. “Whatever. Bye, losers.”
    With a dramatic swirl of his cape he disappeared, leaving an irritated Schneep with his even more irritated patient.
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theglamourempress · 1 year
I literally do not understand folks rejection of masking.... I fr don't get it. My black mask finishes and pulls my fit together, I get to remain anonymous and mysterious, I'm less likely to get sick or get others sick, I feel like a MC in a post apocalyptic film in the best way and I get to keep my face hidden from those unworthy of witnessing my beauty. oh and pollution? Wildfire smoke hit the forests of Michigan this summer. So many benefits.
Idk I spent the first 3 months of the panny wearing a literal handkerchief/scarf I appreciate my medical masks. Just purchased my first n-95 which will definitely come in handy.
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starklyscifi · 1 year
The Last Normal Night on Earth
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This one might raise more questions than it answers, but I laughed when I saw the prompt because it fit so perfectly with a fever dream of an idea I had last night. I couldn't not write it.
She’s been making her way back to this city for ten years.
And now she’s walking down the street. She doesn’t have to cross the street to stay away from the few other people out on this late September evening because they cross to the other side long before she gets anywhere near them.
She feels transported back to the beginning in some ways, everyone in masks. But it is a warped version of the beginning. In the real beginning, there were no masks.By the time they all got around to wearing N-95s, half the city was infected and a fifth of those were dead. The masks these few brave souls wear are heavy duty respirators. Plague masks for the 21st century.
It’s like walking back into a rotting version of the past. Some frozen moment in time left on the counter to thaw long after a decision to go out instead of cooking. The moment thawed and then rotted, dripping all over the counter and attracting flies.
Half the buildings on Main Street, of this once slightly thriving, mostly sleepy mid-sized city, have newspaper pasted to the inside of their windows. The other half are take-away only restaurants and a bookstore advertising curbside service.
The sun has gone down. And cities like this still have curfews.
She is ready to run. Tenses every time someone appears on the horizon, or a car slows down to go over a speed bump behind her. Ten years later and she still doesn’t know how to drive.
She has never regretted that more than this moment.
Except for the next moment, when someone who is definitely a threat rises up in front of her. She thinks he might have come from the pile of leaves on the edge of the sidewalk, spilling down into a ditch.
It doesn’t matter where he came from.
He lunges at her with a knife. She knows better than to get in a knife fight and she has the scars to prove it.
She runs.
He chases her.
She sees the silent red and blue lights, lighting up the brick in front of her. She skids into an alley, fingertips grazing the pavement while she tries to keep her balance. The Anderson’s house used to back up onto this street. There was a rusty gate at the end of this alley.
She runs for it.
The gate, tangled with ivy, is still rusty. She hears a car door close. She pulls.
The gate doesn’t move.
Broken glass crunches at the beginning of the alley. Voices come through a radio. There’s a boom, a sonic wave from the cop’s gun, the sound of a body hitting the pavement.
She pulls harder, rusty wire digging into her hands.
The gate opens. Barely.
Chain link scratches her as she squeezes through the tiny opening.
The house is dark and she doesn’t check to see if it still looks like the Anderson’s house or not.
She runs all the way up the hill, her legs aching, her lungs on fire with the filtered air through her mask. She runs so hard and so fast she has no time to process the thing that rises up out of the looming dark in front of her, white in the moonlight.
At the top of the hill, she rips her mask off, sucks down air.
In other places, people are starting to pretend that nothing ever happened. She had begun to pretend nothing had ever happened. But then she got the message from Noah, whom she hadn’t spoken to in six years at that point. Ray had died. From the plague. That was four years ago.
And now she was here. Staring at the cathedral, built in that fancy architectural style she doesn’t know the name of. The building was covered with tiny flowers and leaves and faces, creating the illusion of lace in stone.
It’s a facade. Underneath the lace, she should see windows, a side door peaking out.
She doesn’t.
He bricked it up.
She is furious.
He’s figure it out too. And all he did was brick up the abbey.
Her hands find the same grip on the intricate stone pattern as they did ten years ago. The group of them. Her, him, Ray, Noah, and Brent. It was how they broke in, on the last normal night in the world.
She’s hauling herself up to the hidden ledge that winds around the top of the cathedral, the one that should let her break a window and drop down. She’s already made peace with breaking centuries old stained glass.
A snarl in the dark. She thinks it’s an animal. Until she’s hit with a sonic wave. It knocks her hands loose. She sees a blur of fabric, maybe a sleeping bag, and ratty clothing.
She falls back to the earth.
When she opens her eyes, she sees heavy boots and a rifle.
She doesn’t fight the private solider in the mismatched body armor. This seems to surprise him. He tightens his grip on her arm and eyes her with more suspicion.
The guard takes her to the front of the church. Inside the portico, what used to lead to the sanctuary is now an office to rival any gray government bureaucracy. There are desks and people and computers everywhere.
Noah assaults her out of nowhere. He’s giving her a hug and he seems genuinely happy to see her.
The worlds slows. It throws her off. It’s not the story that she’s been telling herself.
“I’m so happy that you’re back!”
She doesn’t know how to respond.
And if she didn’t know how to respond to an old friend being happy to see her, the next person turns her into a statue with confusion.
It’s him. And he’s happy to see her. He’s smiling.
“Good to have you back, Brit.”
Nicholas doesn’t look like he’s aged a day, but he’s always been into skincare.
And he’s got the resources to continue to have access to fancy skincare a decade into a pandemic.
Nicholas is still talking, saying something about how they could use her help. Her mind slowly restarts. She looks around the room, seeing an intricate monitoring operation.
It’s the inevitable locus of her life, she can see that now.
The world ended ten years ago.
Now she understands.
They ended the world, ten years ago.
But she knows how to fix it.
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drbarty · 2 years
Wishing you well always! Out of curiosity, how do you think you'd fair wearing our modern n-95 face mask layered with a surgical mask ontop? It is our defense against this current decade's plague. I warn you, it is not terribly comfy nor fragrant. (Don't even get me started on the ill fitting plastic goggles.) I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how you think it would compare to the classic bird beak mask (if it's any consolation, it gets hot and sweaty as well, tho it does not command quite the same aesthetic presence as the PPE of your time.)
Ps. Ive started my anatomy/physiology studies. Still waiting to hear back from a mathematics mentor, so fingers crossed. Good luck to your ambitions as well at this time
Aspiring aide
Well, I suppose as you all are so far in the future, I will have to have a bit of faith in the advancement of science and assume your masks are more than sufficient...HOWEVER....i do think something is lost by failing to make your plague doctors easily identifiable from a distance!! As far as I am aware, everyone among you can wear the same masks! Is that not confusing??? I wish you the best of luck in your studies!!
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