#n beat the 49ers
killa-trav · 9 months
trying not to think too much about the chiefs' season possibly ending this coming weekend like wtf
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lostaurorax · 8 months
pairing | nick bosa x fem!reader
authors note | hi guys 😊😊 i am alive & well. life has been very crazy lately but i feel like i always return at this time of the year write a few fics then disappear sooo here i am again! i love nick and their is no fanfic for him on here :( yet again here i am writing fanfic for an underrated nfl player 😉 i hope you enjoy this i love you sm and hope you’re all well!!!! lmk if you want more or have any reqs for me pls <33333
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you and nick had been seeing eachother for a few months now. you had meet through mutual friends and you instantly clicked. once the NFL season started he had you in a suite at every single game. you absolutely loved making friends with all of the players partners and watching nick play every sunday.
it was the last game before the super bowl that would determine if the 49ers made it or not. you and all of the girls had been on the edge of your seats the whole game. the 49ers were currently 17-24 against the detroit lions.
the lions had fumbled the ball and the 49ers got it back. purdy threw to kittle and got a touchdown then made the field goal making the score 27-24.
“oh my gosh!!! yes yes we still got it!” you screamed as you hugged claire who was george’s wife
“omg y/n i think we’re gonna make it!!!” she screamed back and you hugged eachother
“oh i know we are.” you said back to her intently watching the game
the 49ers had gotten another touchdown and then the lions got one 2 minutes later. the score was still 34-31 and the 99ers were in the lead. a few minutes of waiting for the clock to run out was the most nerve racking few minutes of your life.
“and the san francisco 49ers are going to the super bowl!!” the announcers had said causing mayhem to erupt in the stadium
“THEY DID IT!!!!!!!” you screamed to kristin and claire as you all hugged each other.
“HELL YEAH BABY WERE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWl!!!” kristin said excitedly
“let’s go see our men!!!” claire said as you all left the suite giddily to join your boys on the field
you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest as you walked on the field looking around for nick. you weren’t exactly an official couple but everyone knew you were together because you were always with him and he was always with you, but you never said that you were boyfriend-girlfriend.
“do you think he’s gonna ask you?” claire whispered in your ear as you were walking towards the boys. secretly she had known nicks plane as george had already told her but she would never ruin a surprise and a little teasing never hurts.
“what? uhh i don’t know….do you think he will?” you replied nervously as you looked at her
“if he doesn’t ill have george kill him.” she said with a wink as you walked up to george, nick, and kyle
“oh my gosh i’m so proud of you!!!” you said with a big smile as soon as you saw nick in front of you
“couldn’t of done it without you watching of course.” he said with a smile just as big as he engulfed you in a hug
“i knew you could do it.” you whispered to him as you hugged him back. you were meet with silence for a moment as he just held you and rubbed his hand up and down your back
you had no idea that behind you george and claire had been scolding him to ask you
“so y/n..” he said as he slowly pulled away so he could look at you as he talked
“yes nicky?” you said using the nickname he hated but you loved calling him
“wanna come to vegas with me…as my girlfriend?” he said with a shy smile
“oh nick yes, i would love too!” you said happily as your lips meet with his.
“yeah buddy!!!!” george said from behind
“God finally. i thought i was gonna have to ask her for you…” christian said as olivia lightly pushed his arm
“YAY Y/N!!! you’re officially one of us now!!!!” kristin said as she and the girls also smiled
“alright alright! let’s go party and win this thing!!!” nick said causing everyone to cheer and disperse to party for the rest of the night
once everyone was gone you turned back to nick.
“is it too early to say i love you? honestly i don’t care because i do.” you said as you rested your chin on his chest
“i love you more y/n. forever.” he said as he leaned down to kiss you
“lets go party girlfriend…” nick said cheekily as he pulled away and stuck his arm out for you to grab
“sure thing boyfriend..” you said back with a big smile as you wrapped your arm around his and walked him to the locker room
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bigbadripley · 2 years
Chapter 2 - 49er
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Marc Spector/Steven Grant x Female!OC
Summary: Marc never expected to see his childhood friend Simone ever again. To Simone, Marc may as well have been dead. However, when Simone met Steven 15 years after Marc disappeared, she couldn’t help but notice how familiar he was.
18+!! | 2,228 Words | Third-person omniscient | Dark?fic/Angst/Eventual Smut | AU/AT | Warnings: Heavy language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma. Mention of childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, underaged alcohol use
A/N: This chapter is cute and so stinkin sad at the same time bc these BABIES UGH. I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings. I wrote this entirely as a trauma dump.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter list
"You got this big jacket on It's got a pocket for your halo, I Can never tell you that you're wrong We're in the East like a sunrise" -"49er" by 99 Neighbors
 "I'll kill you, scoundrel!" Simone yelled as she swung her stick through the air. It was quickly met with another branch of the same size, in hands only slightly bigger than her own. 
"You'll never defeat me, Merciless Moni!" Marc shouted back. 
The pair played like this far more than they would have admitted for teens their age. The sticks were their lightsabers, and they were Jedi and Sith in their imaginations. They beat the sticks together a few more times, making the sound effects of them hitting each other with their mouths before Simone found an opening and lightly jabbed Marc in the chest like she had stabbed him. "Ah! I'm hit!" He exclaimed, falling to his knees. 
"That's for slaying my master, Count Spector." She proclaimed. "The Sith prevail!" 
Marc clutched his chest and dramatically fell forward, causing the crunchy leaves on the ground to kick up with the air. 
Simone stood for a moment, puzzled by his ability to stay that way for so long, and tapped his arm with the toe of her black Chuck Taylor shoe. Marc grabbed her ankle as planned and dragged her to the ground with him. 
Once over the initial shock of having hit the floor of the woods, she burst into contagious laughter that caused them both to become inconsolable for several minutes. Marc's laughter slowly died when he noticed day-old bruises on Moni's left wrist when her oversized brown bomber jacket sleeve fell up her arm. She saw his eyes peer at them like he meant to find them, and she quickly covered them back up. 
Marc knew Moni's mom was crazy, but he was always at a loss for why. It was a question Moni never knew the answer to, either. 
Marc pulled a slip of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to Simone. "Nice job on the bus note, by the way. Looks just like if my dad wrote it." He was trying to find a new topic to focus on. Simone took the paper and put it in her pocket,
"Well, if he would stop forgetting to write them, I wouldn't be so good at it." She joked. Marc knew it was a joke, and Moni knew why his dad was forgetful. 
"He's just... busy." He said, rolling onto his back. Moni copied the move, and for a moment, they were both blissfully looking up at the blue sky and spotted the same puffy white cloud that looked like a bear.
"So's my mom. I've gotten way too good at her handwriting." Moni said, slicing through the quiet. 
"Be careful with that. Your mom's scary." 
"I'm not scared of her." Moni lied, trying to put on a confident face. "She only tries to scare you because she thinks you're only my friend so you can deflower me." She said, adding an exaggerated Cuban accent to the word "deflower."
"Psh, weird." Marc scoffed playfully. Though he had a bit of a crush on his friend, he couldn't imagine she felt the same way enough to break her own rules. Nobody else had precisely what they had; that was all that mattered to him. "Who would wanna do that with you?" 
Simone backhanded his shoulder for the comment, laughing. "You're no Adonis either! She says she likes you, but that's probably because your dad's the rabbi." Marc ticked an eyebrow up,
"Your mom's Catholic." He stated matter-of-factly. Moni rolled her eyes,
"Religious brownie points or some shit, I don't know how it all works. Anyway, mamá keeps threatening to send me to live with my tío because of your theoretical conspiring, but I'm pretty sure the only dealings my unc wants in my flor don't involve keeping it intact." 
Marc hated Moni's uncle. They only met once at Moni's quince, where he went on and on about her becoming a "fine and filled out young woman," He had a bad feeling about the old bastard from then on. Even with Moni trying to joke and make light of the subject like she was, it still got under his skin.
"Your tío's a fuckin' perv." Marc declared with disgust without hesitation. 
"She doesn't see him that way."
"If she did send you there, I'd break you out myself."
"Whatever, Spector. You don't have the cojones. You couldn't even break into my house." Moni said with a laugh. She relaxed the side of her face on the ground to look at him, and for a split second, she noticed how handsome her friend was with the golden sun beaming above his face from a distance. 
Her trance was only broken by Marc sitting up, 
"Wanna bet?" Marc challenged. Simone gave him a smile fit for a deviant before spitting into her palm and putting it out for him. He spat into his own, and they shook.
Simone and Marc got to her mom's house, which stayed locked up until she returned from work. Moni instructed him to try to get in from the back while she pushed the front. 
They frantically pulled up on all of the windows to the house, trying to beat the other inside, when Marc remembered that the window to Moni's room was probably unlocked. He quickly circled to the side and pushed up, opening the pane just enough to slide his body through. 
When Marc dropped into her bedroom, nothing took him by surprise. He had been there dozens of times already: outdated baby pink walls, dark stained wooden furniture, posters of Radiohead and Wu-Tang Clan, but one thing was out of place: her teddy bear Loser Jones was on her bed, not her dresser. He grabbed the bear to tease her for sleeping with it when he noticed a slice in the back fabric and a small slip of folded paper fall out. 
Marc picked up the note and unfolded it to find words beautifully scrawled into it in blue ink, but the words themselves, directly written in Moni's handwriting, took him by surprise. It was a lazy poem, not that Marc knew the difference, but the subject was sexual and addressed to-
He didn't know who "you" was meant to be, but he felt his skin flush at the sight of the innuendos and outright filthy words made to read so delicately. 
"Going through my stuff?" Marc was startled out of his fixation by Moni watching from the doorway. He realized that was exactly what it looked like, with the bear in his left hand and the paper in his right. 
Moni felt a hint of embarrassment at him knowing about her biggest secret but played it off cooly as he responded.
"Uh, no, I-"
"They're shitty, I know." She interrupted as she made her way over. Marc shook his head,
"The one I read was good!"
"Right." She said, taking the note from his hand and stuffing it back into the bear. There must have been a whole treasure trove of this stuff inside poor Loser Jones. "Let's have some real fun."
 Marc watched Moni sneak a bottle of tequila from the cupboard and an empty plastic water bottle she had seemingly stashed away for this. Expertly, she took a red dry-erase marker from a junk drawer and made a line where the liquid came to on in the glass bottle before filling the plastic halfway with the liquor. 
She eyeballed the pour perfectly, not spilling a single drop from the wider mouth. Marc held onto the water bottle while Moni refilled the glass bottle with tap water precisely to the red line, closed the bottle, and wiped away the marker before putting it right back where she got it. 
The pair hiked to the creek, taking off their shoes and socks and rolling their pants above their ankles to trek alongside the chilly rushing water. 
Moni was the first to take a sip from the bottle and made a face, surprised by the burn, before passing it to Marc, who did the same. 
"People drink that shit straight?" Marc asked in revulsion. "That's what I imagine lighter fluid tastes like." 
"It's just as flammable, too," Moni replied with a giggle, thinking about how she wished she liked it so she would appear more impressive and grown up. She knew Marc wouldn't like the liquor, but a tinge of guilt for having him try it with her struck her heart. "I can't believe you let me do this to you."
"Do what?" He wondered.
"Turn you into a bad kid," Moni said, looking down as her bare toes squish through the muddy terrain below them. 
"Can't turn me into what I already am," Marc said, seeming sure. Moni picked her head up and shot him a glare,
"Shut up, dude. You're a good boy."
"Mom doesn't think so." 
"Well, don't listen to your mom. Your dad thinks you're good." 
"He's part of the problem." She heard Marc mumble. 
It was clear to Moni that he really believed it, and with all these years of being around him, she couldn't imagine him as anything other than the best person she'd ever known. If his parents couldn't see it, at least she did.
"Okay, I think you're a good boy, and I'm corrupting you." She told him. Marc's heart fluttered at her belief in him, but he didn't appreciate her depreciation of herself. 
"No, you're not! You're great, Moni." He declared passionately. 
Moni was taken aback by the change, "You're the last one on earth that thinks so-" As she spoke, she slipped on a slick rock and fell into the shallow water with a sploosh and a yelp in shock. The fall didn't hurt, but the water rushing around her legs and bottom was colder than she realized. 
Marc reached out to help the girl back to her feet, but Moni had other plans. Instead of attempting to stand, she pulled him down with her in a stiff yank and laughed as the chilly stream also took him by surprise and wet his red polo shirt.
"Payback for earlier!" She yelled. 
"It's freezing! You're nuts, Moni!" Marc exclaimed as he tensed up. Moni gathered herself to her feet, laughing hysterically to the point where she didn't feel cold anymore.
"One of the many things you love about me. And I love that you put up with me." She stated, holding her hand out to help him in solidarity. They were square. 
Marc understood the gesture and took her hand, speaking as he hoisted himself up. "So, that's what it is? Never crossed my mind that I must put up with you because I love you!" He said, taking a tone that would make a lightbulb over his head seem suitable. Moni's heart stopped at the sentiment, but she kept her friendly teasing.
"Damn right! That'll be our pact. We have love if we have each other." She declared, holding out an extended pinky. Marc wrapped his own pinky finger with it. 
The pair returned in the opposite direction to retrieve their socks and shoes on the topic of running away and where and how to do it. Moni noticed Marc's teeth chattered as the breeze cut through his damp shirt. Not feeling as cold, she took off her jacket and handed it to him.
"Somewhere... beachy." She said with a grin. Marc eyeballed the bomber for a moment before taking it without question.
Am I that easy to read for her?
"Like Palm City beachy or Malibu beachy?" He spoke back up, slipping the coat on one arm after another. It was pleasantly warm, absorbing much of Moni's body heat and dispersing it to him. As big as it looked on her tiny frame, it fit him near perfectly.
Moni also noticed this, thinking of how good it looked on him.
"Palm City! Malibu's too swanky." 
"You'd be the famous writer and document my adventures." He stated. Moni rolled her eyes, 
"Shit, if I'm not on the adventures with you, I'm not writing fuck all for you!"
"Of course, you'd be there." He said as the pair stopped walking. They had arrived just outside the patch of wood closest to Marc's house, "Damn, you gotta get home." He started as he noticed the sun nearly disappearing. Moni nodded in agreement, and Marc pulled her in for a hug goodbye. His shirt was still damp, but she didn't care much. 
This hug lasted a bit longer than usual as they relished in the warmth and affection of one another before Moni finally backed up and began her route back home.  
"Hey, Moni," Marc called out to her. She pivoted around, still walking backward. "I love you, ya know?" He told her. Moni recalled what they had said earlier, but it didn't stop the blush from rising to her cheeks at the words. They had a deal, and he was upholding it. 
Moni nodded in delight, "I love you too, Spector. Catch you later." She called back. As she turned back around, one thing popped into her head.
What a fuckin' sweetheart.
It didn't even occur to her that he still had her jacket until she was halfway home.
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linasobsessions · 3 years
Was it Nothing to You? {Jimmy Garoppolo} Part I
AN: this is a repost/rewrite of a fic that I have on wattpad. I thought people on here might enjoy it as well so here it is 😌
Jimmy Garoppolo x fem!Reader
Summary: Being in love with someone who sees you only as a friend is never easy. But being in love with a friend that you sleep with on a regular basis was even harder.
That's something (Y/N) starts to realize as well when feelings for her friend Jimmy start to creep up on her. The problem: not only is Jimmy the famous starting Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers but also someone who isn't really cut out for serious relationships. Will she tell him about her feelings or will she distance herself to protect herself from rejection and hurt?
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She should have known that it wasn't a good idea. To be honest, it had been one of the worst ideas they had in a long time. But she had accepted his offer without a second thought. Who could blame her tho? Jimmy and her were close and she believed it wouldn't take a toll on their friendship. And how could she possibly refuse the opportunity to hook up with one of the hottest NFL players on a regular basis?
He was everything a man should be in her eyes. He was caring and loving, but also someone you could joke around with. He was successful and did really well for himself. He was someone who could provide a good life for you. Not to mention his good looks. His face looked like those one of male models. His jawline sharp with cheeks full of scruff. His eyes a deep chocolate brown you could get yourself lost in. His whole body was carved by Greek gods so strong and powerful.
The suggestion came out of nowhere for her. She was okay with them being just friends. Of course she thought he was attractive but that was it. She would have never believed that she could have the opportunity to sleep with him. Not just because they were only good friends but also because she just wasn't his type. Not that she was not pretty by any means, no, just because she wasn't what society considered the beauty standard. Guys like him would never go for girls like her. But she had also seen the girls Jimmy had gone home with from clubs and went on dates with. They were all skinny, so gorgeous and absolute unlike her. Most of them were the complete opposite to her and as much as she hated it, she couldn't help but compare herself to those women. She almost wanted to laugh. Jimmy Garoppolo wanted to hook up with her? It had to be a joke.
But he wasn't joking. Not at all. His expression was as serious as it could get. He was really asking her to hook up with him. And  even though she knew deep down this would stirr up something unwanted, she agreed. A couple of seconds of silence arose between the two of them. It wasn't awkward by any means but rather filled with some kind of electricity. And when Jimmy closed the space between them and pressed his lips onto hers for the first time that electricity felt like dozens of fireworks going off at the same time. Their hands explored each other's bodies as (Y/N) deepened the kiss that got more passionate by the second. They unconsciously agreed on one thing: their clothes needed to come off as soon as possible. While making their way to (Y/N)'s bedroom, more searching around for the right way because neither of them wanted to break the kiss,  they started to pull each other's clothes off. His shirt first, followed by her hoodie before they fell on her bed, the rest of their clothes becoming less and less.
Their first time was filled with passion as both forgot where they ended and the other began. Pure, hot pleasure ran through their veins and nerves as only the sounds of their breaths, moans and skin on skin were audible. It was amazing. And (Y/N) had to admit. He was the best she ever had. Unlike her other boyfriends and hook ups he focused on her and her needs, making her reach her high not only once, but twice. She was absolutely spent and from the rapid beating of his heart and heavy breathing Jimmy was too.
(Y/N) would have expected him to get out of bed after they were done but the opposite was the case. Jimmy pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her head rested on his chest so she got lulled to sleep by his heartbeat and his hands drawing circles on the skin of her waist.
On this night neither of them knew the chaos that would soon arise because of their agreement. On this night both of them were just glad to have someone lying next to them, keeping them company.
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onestowatch · 3 years
99 Neighbors Bare Their Soul on ‘Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great’
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Photo: Alysse Gafkjen
The music collective is an interesting beast. Criticizing music often relies on examining the singular, examining how a vision, its execution, and the surrounding cohesion or lack thereof define a project. Yet, in regard to critiquing the music collective, it often feels like aiming to solve a fictitious math equation, where the sum of all its varied parts add up to something greater than the whole. At least that’s the case with 99 Neighbors, the Vermont art-rap collective whose debut album cements them as firmly as one to watch.    
From the title, the skittering of distant piano key presses, to the candid lyricism hidden behind every turn, uncertainty and resounding optimism intermingle throughout Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great’s 15-track run. It’s a project that sways between feverish, hard-hitting bars and experimental jazz-accented highs without ever losing the emotional stakes at the core of the seven-piece collective’s enthralling vision. Breathtaking in one moment, infectious in its chaotic fervor the next.
If there’s one fault to be found with Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great, it’s that it escapes simple classification, readily and easily escaping comparisons to music collectives that came before them, more likely to be used as a comparison point for what comes next. “Rageless Hope” with its Japanese hip-hop, Nujabes-evoking beat, and the wistful air of tracks like “49er” and “N. Michigan Gospel” arrive in stark contrast to the unshakable bravado of “Live a Little” and “Table Jam”—the latter of which is reminiscent of the forgotten tradition of an off the cuff posse cut.
Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great is an album unafraid to wear its heart on its sleeve, pulling up a magnifying glass to the trauma, pain, and anxieties of each of the collective’s seven members. It is a debut album not defined by genre, nebulously shifting between hip-hop, jazz, R&B, and lush electronica, but one defined by the collective life experiences of its members.
Listen to Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great below:
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Sore Loser (Kevin Hayes)
It’s Super Bowl Sunday y’all!!! I’ve had this little thing in my drafts for a little while...I figured I would post it today...because Kevin Hayes...and football...and that video the Flyers posted. Hope y’all like it!
“YES!!!!!” You yelled, as you did your little happy dance. Next to you, Kevin groans on the couch, still a little sad about his team not making it to the Super Bowl.
“Babe,” he whines, eyes closed, as he tries to grab one of your arms to bring you back to the couch, but all he’s met with is air. He opens them to see you with you phone out, recording this moment- the San Francisco 49ers were going to the Super Bowl once again.
Once you were done celebrating that they were going to the Super Bowl, you made your way back to the couch. Making yourself comfortable at his side, Kevin looks at you, and you swear he looked like a sad puppy, with the look he was giving you.
“The Pats can’t win everything Kevin.” You tell him after you give him a little peck on the lips. You see his brows scrunch together, and the arm that keeps you close to his side holds you just a little tighter.
“But they can try.” Kevin mumbles.
Sighing heavily, you get up from the couch before he can try and stop you. “Get up.” You see him shake his head no. Rolling your eyes, you reach for Kevin’s hands and try to pull him up. However, it’s no use, he’s not moving. “Kevin, please get up.” You say, hoping that using your manners will help you get your boyfriend up from the couch.
Nope. He still doesn’t want to move.
“Kevin Patrick Hayes, get your ass off the couch!” You say, and with those words, Kevin is practically jumping up from the couch. You stare at your boyfriend, who’s eyes are wide, and looking at you like you’ve grown two heads.
You see him shake his head, and his face has an unreadable expression. But soon, all you see is Kevin’s chest, and you feel his hands on your waist. You look up at your boyfriend, who soon captures your lips with his in a passionate kiss.
Soon your legs are wrapped around his waist and he’s making his way to the bedroom. Kevin drops you on the bed and hovers right above you.
Breathlessly, you look at Kevin, “what’s gotten into you?”
“Have I ever told you you’re hot when your mad?” Kevin says, before attacking your lips once again. Moving your hands from your side to his shoulders, you give him a little shove. He pouts at you, and you laugh.
Kevin groans and moves to lay down next to you. You move on your side, and stare at your boyfriend. Feeling your eyes on him, he turns his head and looks at you with that dopey smile you adore.
“Have I told you I love you lately?” You ask him. His face softens and you could see how much he loved you in his eyes.
“Well,” Kevin says, pretending to think about it, “it would be nice to hear it from time to time.” His words are met with a pillow to the face. He laughs, and soon the both of you are laughing. Once the two of you calm down, you reach for the pillow again. Kevin’s hand beats you to it and grabs it before you can take it.
The two of you look at each other, and it becomes a race over who can grab all the pillows on the bed. The two of you end up with the same about of pillows. Kevin is the first one to throw a pillow at you, and you duck just in time. You take on of yours and throw it at Kevin. It hits him in the face.
“Oh, it’s on.” Kevin says, and you grab as many pillows as you can off the bed, before you jump off the bed and into the hallway. He’s hot on your heels, and before you know it, Kevin is scooping you into his arms and throwing you onto the couch. Just as the air is back in your lungs from being caught by Kevin, he starts to tickle you.
Laughing, you try to get his hands off you, but Kevin knows all the spots your ticklish, and is relentless. “Kevin, please!”
“Nope,” he says, as he continues to tickle you, “not until you say the Patriots are a better team.”
“But they aren’t.” You say in between laughing and breathing.
“Then nope. Sorry (Y/N), I love you, but nope.” He says, finding a different ticklish spot.
“Okay! Okay! The Patriots are a better team!” You say, and he stops tickling you, finally giving you a chance to catch your breath.
“Damn right, (Y/N).” Kevin says. He moves so that you can sit up. You give him a kiss, and before he can deepen the kiss, you move away.
“But they aren’t the ones going to the Super Bowl!” You say, as you use one of the pillows on the couch to hit him in the chest, before you make a run for the bedroom.
“(Y/N)!!” Kevin yells before making his way towards the bedroom, following the sound of your laughter.
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tarditardi · 4 years
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Paola Peroni Feat. RAiK - "Don't You know!", ci si muove a tempo con 3 nuovi remix... 
Sono appena usciti sulla sua label Intercool Digital ben tre remix di "Don't You know!", il nuovo singolo della dj producer Paola Peroni. Il brano, un mix perfetto di ritmo e melodia, sembra pensato per vivere in allegria l'estate 2020.
La melodia è una delle caratteristiche che identificano il sound di Paola Peroni, un percorso in continua evoluzione iniziato negli anni '90 con produzioni di successo nate da tanti diversi progetti come Bacon Popper, Space Master, House Traffic, Cappella, 49ers, DJ Groovy e Miss Groovy.
Nel corso della sua carriera, Paola Peroni ha messo in fila collaborazioni con produttori internazionali come l'Officina Emotiva con Gigi D'Agostino, Dr. Kucho e TJR su Spinnin' Records, Black Machine e molte altre. "Creo canzoni che nascono dal cuore, che trasmettono le mie emozioni, l'energia che solo la musica può trasferire da chi produce a chi ascolta e viceversa", racconta Paola Peroni. "La versione originale di 'Don't You Know' è nata qualche mese fa. Ho poi cercato di produrre remix d'eccellenza 'Made in Italy' e non solo, coinvolgendo remixer dal sound molto diverso tra loro".
Ecco quindi i remix: EPM Motorsport Rmx; Gianni Bini '70 Reborn Rmx, dalle sonorità Funky House ed il Dionigi Nu Disco Rmx. Le tre nuove versioni regalano nuove atmosfere ad un brano decisamente spensierato. I nuovi remix, disponibili ad esempio su Beatport, il sito musicale più amato dai dj e su Spotify, il portale di streaming musicale più utilizzato al mondo.
Il disco, uscito da poche ore, è già supportato da diversi dj ed è stato trasmesso su emittenti come Radio 105 (In Da Klubb), m2o, Radio Ibiza, Viva Fm, Radio Studio Più, MRC Radio (FR), Radio Bresciasette e molte altre.
Paola Peroni Feat RAiK - "Don't You know!" (remixes) su Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/1GmIypJT1MPBKVEXb07DcG?si=kbfpMHAzQRqOvdhI8pZgpw
Paola Peroni Feat RAiK - "Don't You know!" (remixes) su Beatport https://www.beatport.com/release/dont-you-know-remixes/2981741?fbclid=IwAR1nVO0xaPV8yGAfxWCiHAd_ttQPXxDOMJO_FCunbNghiu8Wmwq8twgIngA
Chi è Paola Peroni http://www.paolaperoni.it
"Disciplina, è la prima fondamentale regola per intraprendere un percorso, una meta, un sogno da realizzare. Poi Osare, aver pazienza e soprattutto saper ascoltare gli altri. La passione per la musica e la sensibilità hanno fatto il resto " Questo si sente rispondere chi chiede a Paola Peroni quali sono "i trucchi del mestiere". Nata a Brescia, sin giovanissima mostra una spiccata passione e propensione per la musica. A 14 si dedica allo studio del pianoforte, ed in seguito studia storia della musica, attraverso un corso indetto dall'Associazione Italiana Disc Jockey. Nel 1991 arriva la prima grande occasione: la discoteca Genux le offre la possibilità di lavorare sulle sue consolle e Paola diviene resident dj utilizzando il suo primo pseudonimo: DJ Groovy!!! Successivamente la sua passione per la musica la indirizza verso scelte professionali che le permettono di realizzare importanti produzioni quali: Dj Groovy "Shake it", "Confusione", vari remix con lo stesso pseudonimo,"Step on" by Space Master (n 1 in Francia); "World of Confusion" by Space Masters (n. 1 in Francia); "Every day of my life" by House Traffic; "Bang" by The Riders (n° 1 in Olanda); "Coming" by Scwarzkopf. Ed i risultati non tardano ad arrivare… in quegli anni spopola in Francia, Germania, Olanda. Nel 1995 nascono le prime produzioni con lo pseudonimo Miss Groovy. Il 1998 Bacon Popper grazie ad una felice intuizione di Paola Peroni: il risultato è l'indimenticabile "Free", solo in Francia 120.000 copie vendute. E poco tempo dopo si ritroverà ad aprire i concerti, durante il tour di Zucchero, con il proprio live set; Paola racconta: "Un' emozione indescrivibile, unica!!! Vivere in una grande tribù dove ognuno ha i suoi compiti e le sue mansioni, il tutto organizzato con professionalità." Il 2002 "Acelerando" con Ramirez, un successo entrato nelle charts di Germania e Inghilterra. E con il team Media Records nel 2003 Paola Peroni realizza "Trip on the Moon" stampato in Italia su etichetta BXR ed in Inghilterra su etichetta Nukleuz;"Harem", un disco multietnico: un harem musicale in cui il beat techno viene unito a suoni dell'estremo Oriente, un vortice fatto di emozioni e sensazioni intense. In seguito giunge il progetto Kiper "The Land of Freedom", nato dalla collaborazione con l'amico e collega Joy Kitikonti. Con "The Land of Freedom" la strana coppia techno-logica Kitikonti-Peroni ci regala un viaggio nella terra libera presente in ognuno di noi. Il 2004 vede Paola alla prese con il progetto "Angel" by Cappella, scritto da lei e GFB, il remix "Angel's Anthem Mix", è per lei un vero e proprio inno agli angeli. Sempre nel 2004 "cammina" con Gigi D'agostino e nasce il brano "The power of love" : Officina emotiva su etichetta Noisemaker e nel 2005 "Everybody change" Il 2005 è un'anno di transizione… Paola definisce il suo Sound Elektro Groovy 2007 che nasce il progetto artistico: Elektro Groovy – Raga me su etichetta Net's Work in programmazione su Radio M2O, Disco Spacca su M20. 2008 Thinking of you, il singolo di Paola Peroni e Deejay Meeting Germany. Paola Peroni from Bacon Popper ospite dei Datura"Pezzi da 90" 2009 nasce il primo Ep dedicato alla nuova generazione di Dj, musicisti, artisti: "Paola Peroni presents New generation dj's Vol. 1 2009, Paola Peroni ed Ottomix nuovamente in studio… attenzione ai remix di Bacon Popper – Free sulla sua etichetta discografica: la Snap & Shake , la canzone entra nelle classifiche europee, al 10° posto in Austria, in programmazione il Videoclip su All music TV e presente in molte compilation Paola ha suonato a Miami per il Winter Music Conference come New talend Dj ed Hed Kandy lounge Club!! Paola organizza vari eventi per il sessantesimo di Confartigianato Brescia. Alcuni Rmx: Funkerman - Slide- Paola Peroni remix The Rudenko Project-Destination (Paola Peroni rmx) (Net's work records). Dr. Kucho – Just be good to me (Paola Peroni L.A. rmx) 2010: Paola Peroni con il Dj Molella per la realizzazione di Me exita. Recentemente Paola ha realizzato il nuovo progetto del gruppo che ha segnato la storia della musica Italo - house: i 49ers. La produzione riprende un sample della colonna sonora del film Tempi moderni di Charly Chaplin: Je Chercè Apres Titine pubblicato dalla label Ego music. Marzo 2011, Paola Peroni nel suo studio lavora ad un progetto che riprende in riff di una canzone anni 90 e con Alberto Remondini di M20 ecco il nuovo team: "Remondini & Peroni - We need freedom" etichetta Genic/ World of Media. 2012 Nasche la label digitale di Paola Peroni: Intercool Digital i progetti melodici realizzati da Paola e dal team di producer che collaborano con l'intento di emozionarsi emozionando con la Musica! Paola Peroni crea il corso "Essere o diventare Dj" con l'intento di insegnare ai giovani talenti teoria e pratica per fare di una passione una professione attraverso la musica e diffondere un metodo sano in luoghi sani. Paola con la sua azienda Intercool Edizioni Musicali Srl viene premiata da Union Camere e Camere di Commercio con il premio delle migliori buone prassi aziendali per la responsabilità sociale Lombardia. Paola Peroni fa parte del Consiglio di Donne Impresa Confartigianato di Brescia dove spesso contribuisce all'organizzazione di iniziative ed intrattenimenti musicali. Il 18 Luglio 2012 è stata eletta Presidente Regionale (Lombardia) per la Categoria Vetro Musica e Arti Varie Confartigianato ed è tutt'ora in carica. Febbraio 2012 Il Corriere della sera dedica un articolo alla nuova canzone Paola Peroni feat Diana - Too much love in occasione della data di release digitale: il giorno di San Valentino. Il progetto esce ora anche con i remix di vari produttori che collaborano con l'etichetta. Giugno 2012 Paola Peroni collabora alla realizzazione della cover di Human dei The Killers: il progetto "Star - Human" su etichetta Genic/ World of Media., licenziato in Germania, Austria, Svizzera e Spagna. Settembre 2012 Paola remixa la nuova canzone di Dr Alban – Loverboy (Paola Peroni Remix) su etichetta Zyx Music. Collabora anche alla produzione dell'angelo di Italia's got talent: Eugenio Amato – I feel love realizzando la versione Red mix su etichetta Genic/ World of Media. Estate 2013 Paola Peroni scrive e produce 49ers feat Cheryl Porter – Shine on in love su etichetta Genic/ World of Media. Maggio 2014/2020 il Progetto "Essere o diventare DJ" si evolve con il patrocinio di Confartigianato Imprese Unione di Brescia ed UPA servizi. Paola Peroni e Graziano Fanelli (Radio Studio Più) sono i principali docenti con la partecipazione di: SIAE Brescia, Willy Marano Management, Gianfranco Bortolotti (Media Records), Mauro Farina (The Saifam Group), Madame Sisì (Art Club) e altri special guest come gli Eiffel 65. Giugno 2014 Paola Peroni realizza il brano interpretato da Carolina Marconi – Abalasa in collaborazione con Giack Celentano's Club. 2016 RUGBY CALVISANO – TRY Volume 1 selected and mixed by Paola Peroni: un progetto che collega SPORT e MUSICA atto a valorizzare sia lo sport del Rugby che il valore del team dei gialloneri, attualmente Paola è OFFICIAL DJ SUPPORTER del team Rugby Calvisano.
Collabora con Radio Studiopiù e suona in diretta nazionale nei migliori party d'Italia, mixa e seleziona i suoi PartyTime ogni sabato dalle 12:00 alle 14:00.
Il 2019 collabora a fianco del Padre Egidio Peroni e del fratello Dario Peroni nell'organizzazione degli eventi di EPM Motorsport dove oggi è la responsabile degli eventi e della comunicazione.
Il 2020 è in corso e nonostante le difficoltà del periodo after Covid Paola è nuovamente al lavoro per ampliare il suo team cercando nuovi talenti, musicisti e artisti da inserire nel mondo della musica.
special adv by ltc - lorenzo tiezzi comunicazione
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Eyes on Me
“Our guest for today, Chris Evans!”
Ellen welcomed Chris into the studio. The audience’s warm applause made him break out in a big smile. He jogged the last few steps and gave Ellen a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting down.
“So, Chris...since this isn’t your first time on the show, let’s skip all the pleasantries.”
Chris laughed along with the audience his right hand resting on his chest.
“Sure, I’m cool with that.”
“Last week, a picture of you was taken and it went viral.”
“It did.” His eyebrows raising while nodding his head.
“Uh-huh. Short answer. Let’s see the picture then.”
The audience clapped when the picture was shown on the studio screen. It was a picture of Chris wearing a suit partnered with a baseball cap as if wearing it will disguise him completely. His left arm was wrapped around the shoulders of a young woman wearing a knee-length dress and wearing a matching Red Sox baseball cap. They were seated at the rear of an SUV while eating burgers. 
“As you know, Chris, no one really cares about you in this. It’s her we’re all curious about.”
“I know. That’s the funny thing. Before, everyone will mention the suit or the beard. Now, no one cares anymore.”
Someone in the audience screamed that they still cared to the delight of everyone in the studio.
“Thanks, man. Nice to see I still have fans,” he joked.
“Chris, you need to focus here. This isn’t Marvel so you can’t use the excuse of secrecy anymore.”
“Okay, what do you wanna know?”
“Who is this pretty lady that you seem to be smitten about?”
“You know the answer to that already.” The audience was still very buzzed and excited to finally get an answer to the week-long Hollywood scoop. 
“Yes, but we would still like to hear it from you.”
‘That lovely girl in the picture is Y/N and we’ve been together for a year.” The audience members were shrieking now that they finally got confirmation of the girl’s identity as well as shock from how long Chris managed to hide her from the press.
“Congratulations, now tell us more about this picture. That seems like an odd outfit to eat hamburgers in.”
“It is interesting. I’ll give you that.”
--- one week ago ---
“Chris, what if I mess up?” you sniffed and placed the phone between your right shoulder and ear, your hands shuffling through the papers that are giving you so much anxiety.
“Y/N, listen to me. You are great at this. You give better speeches than the President.”
“That’s not exactly a high bar, Evans.” Still, the compliment managed to bring a small smile to your lips.
“Well, babe. You know what I mean.” he sighed. “I wish I was there to watch and support you.”
“The press is going to be here, Chris. You can’t be seen supporting some random girl.”
“You’re not just a random girl. You’re my random girl,” he whined.
“I am your random girl. Don’t forget that when you flirt with all the pretty ladies at RDJ’s book launch.” You teased, knowing full well he only has eyes for you.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it. Babe, don’t forget to eat. I know you’re anxious but you practiced so much you can recite this in your sleep.”
“Thanks, Chris. I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you tomorrow. I love you more.” Knowing he won’t stop unless he gets to say he loves you even more, you just smiled and ended the call.
Tonight is the fundraising charity event for California high school students that excel in STEM. As the new head of Caltech’s Applied Physics Department, you are tasked to give the final speech about the importance of science in the modern world as well as the direction of the department in the next five years. 
“Well, here goes nothing.” 
You hear your voice being called and you stepped on stage. In front of you, hundreds of millionaire patrons that support education are watching your every move.
You went through your speech magnificently. You managed to pause at all the right times emphasizing the parts of your speech you wanted to highlight. You also managed to just occasionally glance at your notes. Stepping away from the podium amid the applause of all the guests put a smile on your face.
You reached for your phone and sent a thumbs-up emoji to Chris before mingling among the guests that are all excited to talk to you.
Your phone vibrated and a quick glance down showed a message from Chris.
Pick you up in 30? I got food. 
Chris knows that you couldn’t eat when anxious and seeing him care this much made your heart skip a beat over how caring he is towards you.
See you. 
You managed to speak to a couple more people before proceeding towards the hotel entrance waiting for his car to arrive.
“Taxi miss?” the doorman asked.
“No, I’m waiting for someone - oh, here he is.”
The doorman opened the passenger door for you, showing not even a hint of surprise when he saw who was driving the car that picked you up.
“I got burgers and fries in the back from your favorite place and it’s a full moon tonight so let’s go eat at the pier.”
“Did you just ran away from RDJ’s book launch?” you asked. Reaching for the fries, you popped a few into your mouth and then gave a couple to Chris.
“Nah. He kicked me out. Said I was too distracted and looking at my phone. He wants to meet you personally soon. They have a livestream of the event, by the way. You did phenomenally.”
When you arrived at the pier, he reached for the baseball caps in the dash and plopped one to each of your heads. You both went down and sat at the rear of the SUV eating your burgers while staring at the full moon.
--- Present Day ---
“And, apparently, I was followed by the paparazzi.” Chris ended his story.
“They must have been surprised. They thought they were just getting eating habits scoop on Captain America but they landed a hit with your girlfriend.”
“I mean..even we were surprised with how long we managed to keep this a secret. I don’t really care if it gets out but please give her some space, she’s not used to having a camera shoved into her face. “
“Maybe you should give her some shield training just in case paparazzi ambush her.”
“I should...that’s a great idea. It would be fun to watch it happen too.”
“Now, can you tell us how you two met.”
“Well, when I first saw her or when we officially met?”
“They’re not the same? Well, obviously, we want both now.”
--- 2 years ago ---
Chris sat in the private corner of the newly opened Japanese Fusion restaurant. So far, no one has recognized him yet and disturbed his meal. He was with his friends celebrating the birth of one of his friends’ daughter.
A piano sat in the middle of the room. A Japanese guy was playing and singing songs he’s never heard of before but he liked it and thought it went with the feel of the place. The piano man informed the patrons that he was taking a thirty-minute break and welcomed anyone to use the piano during that time.
In the corner of Chris’ eyes, he saw a big group of people egging on a young woman to play the piano. She finally relented and sat at the recently vacated piano bench.
“I would like to congratulate my good friends, Dexter and Keiko, on their engagement. This song is for them,” the lady said. Some of those near the table of the group congratulating the newly engaged couple.
“Eyes on You by Faye Wong.” The lady said as an intro before hitting the piano keys.
Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard
Chris stopped listening to his friends and focused all his attention on the person singing. Her soft voice was definitely giving justice to the lyrics of the song.
I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know? That I had mine on you
It was at that moment that the woman looked up and her gaze fell straight ahead at Chris whose blue eyes were looking back at her. She smiled at him though there seems to be no sign in her eyes that she recognized Chris. Their actions gradually mimicking the song, she continued to sing.
Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming
“Thank you,” she said into the microphone. She cast one last glance at him before going back to her group of friends. Chris noticed a dark-haired man who was obviously very buzzed, aggressively grabbing the woman’s waist. The man placed a quick kiss on the woman’s lips and returned to eating.
‘She’s taken then, too bad.’
“Hey, Chris, man? You listening to us or are you going to stare at that girl all day? Just go ask her out if you like her.” One of his friends had apparently noticed his fascination with the singer.
“Nah. It looks like she came with someone. You guys want to order dessert?”
--- Present Day ---
“Was that guy her boyfriend?” Ellen asked Chris.
“I mean, yeah. She was seeing the guy but it kind of didn’t work out for them. Thankfully.” He raised both hands and made a thumbs-up sign while smiling widely.
“Yeah. We can see how that worked out very well in your favor. Now, would you tell us when you two formally met each other?”
--- 1 ½ year ago ---
You have been invited by a friend to watch the 49ers vs Rams game, the only problem is you know nothing about American football despite being American. You actually prefer to watch the English Premier League. Currently, your team, Tottenham, is playing against Liverpool. Instead of watching the NFL, you were glued to your phone watching your team defend their 1-0 lead during stoppage time.
“Finding the game boring?” You look up to see a handsome bearded brunette wearing a black sweater and shades sitting in the previously empty seat next to you.
“Actually, this is more my thing,” you said while raising your phone still showing the EPL game. “I don’t really understand American Football. I just got dragged today. I already feel bad for wasting space here at the suite. ”
“You’re English?” the guy asked again. Clearly, he was perplexed how an American can be so clueless about his beloved sport.
“Well, if that will get you off my case, then sure, I can be English,”  you retorted jokingly.
“Hey, I’m not judging. I’m just saying this is football.  Although, the 49ers and Rams are kind of weak compared to the Patriots. There is this team called the Patriots. They’re the greatest team in the history of the NFL.  And Tom Brady…that man is a god.” He continued to recite the achievements of his team off the top of his head. You tried to listen politely, nodding every couple of words but your eyes were still focused on the game until the very last second.
“Yes! We won. Take that Liverpool.” You punched the air with your free hand.
Your seatmate looked at you like he was betrayed, “I thought you were listening to me. “
“I was. I’m good at multitasking. See, my game just ended. Full attention on you now. But, who are you again?” you finally asked just realizing that the guy didn’t even introduce himself.
“I’m Chris…Chris Evans.” he held out his right hand and removed his shades.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Now, your name sounds familiar. Your face too, I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.” You shook his outstretched hand while still combing through your thoughts on where you’ve seen him. Finally, it clicked.
“Oh, are you the one who plays Captain America? You look different with a beard.”
“I am,” Chris said with a small smile on his face.
“Oh, wow. I love your movies. Captain America is nice but I love sci-fi movies. I’m a scientist you see so Sunshine and Snowpiercer are my favorites.”
“You’re a scientist?” he asked. His eyes focused on yours. Usually, not a lot of people, let alone celebrities care about your job.
“Yes. I do research at the JPL, and I have some teaching load at Caltech. But, I must be boring you. We can talk about the game now.”
“No, no. I am actually very interested in you, uh, I mean at what you do.” He stammered, blushing at the slip-up.
You laughed not realizing that he really was serious with both of the things he said. You explained to him what your job entails and how it feels like to work at JPL. You also talked about teaching at Caltech and all your smart students who are almost the same age as you which makes you feel weird. In return, you found out that his relatives are also teachers and he has a deep love for space. He also prefers doing small studio movies but the MCU movies provided him a certain set of advantages that the indie movies won’t be able to.
Your conversation flowed effortlessly as the game progressed. He would sometimes stop and point out certain parts of the game and explain it to you patiently. All the while, he can’t help but compare the two teams playing now to his New England Patriots. The game ended in favor of the Rams.
“Y/N, would you like to watch a Patriots game with me? They play the Rams next. I promise I’ll explain all the great plays that Tom Brady will orchestrate.” He looked at your eyes pleadingly. His right hand was clutching your left tightly.
You didn’t have to think twice to agree, “I’d love to, Chris.”
--- Present Day ---
“Did she know it was you from the restaurant?” Ellen asked. The audience also exclaimed, eager to know the answer.
“Not at all. I had to remind her later that we saw each other first at that place.”
“You must have sounded like a stalker,” Ellen joked to Chris. Chris laughed grabbing his left chest, almost falling out of his chair.”
“You have no idea. Anyway, that was the story of how I converted a Californian to a Patriots fan. Yeah! Oh, and along the way, I got a girlfriend.”
“Well, that’s a nice way to put it, Chris, let’s see how your girlfriend will react. Everyone, please welcome our surprise guest, Y/N.”
The studio erupted into loud cheers and applause. Some of the people watching even stood up to see well. Chris had his jaw open, surprised that you would agree to do something like this. He turned around in his chair and watched you come out from backstage. Chris seemed to have gotten out of his shock since he stood up and walked towards you. He enveloped you in a big hug which caused the cheers to go even louder.
“Babe, you okay doing this?” he was still hugging you. His back was to the audience and camera so they wouldn’t see you talking.
“I’ll get used to it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You squeezed him tight before letting go of the hug, which would also go viral the following day. Hand in hand, you walked towards Ellen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely couple, Chris and Y/N!”
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heyomag · 5 years
‘Girly Mags’ Takes Us on Stroll Down 90s and 00s Memory Lane
Instagram feed curates the best from teen magazines from the 1990s and early 2000s featuring Paris Hilton, LeeLee Sobieski and more.
Though I was probably too young to really grasp what it meant, when I was younger, and when the house was empty, I would sneak into my older sister’s room, lie in her bed and stare at the poster of Luke Perry she had ripped from the pages of Teen Beat (or something similar) and pinned to her ceiling. Never one for Sports Illustrated, I was always more intrigued by what salacious news was circulating the teen atmosphere.
After studying the pages of Tiger Beat, I would have hour-long internal debates as to whether I agreed with their conclusion that J.T.T. was indeed dreamier than Devon Sawa.
The life of a pre-pubescent boy (deep in the closet) in the 90s is something worth romanticizing.
But Girly Mags IG feed provides that trip down memory lane so many of us have been longing for in these shitty times. Girly Mag gives us that warm and fuzzy feeling that only ‘90s and Early 00’s Nostalgia’ can provide. It brings us back to a simpler time, albeit less convenient time, of ordering clothes from a glossy magazine page through the US mail and sharing an actual page with friends, rather than sharing a meme through DMs. 
I’m thrilled that the girls behind Girly Mags have grown up to create their own media company complete with a podcast, awesome music playlists and Patreon. The podcast is basically a group of friends sitting around discussing the mags through the lense of grown-ass women (and men). Read the latest episode description below to get hooked and check out their latest episode here.
COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 1994 This bittersweet episode marks the end of an era. Lauren Prussky, AKA editor extraordinaire and Girly Mags loudmouth is on to greener pastures. But don’t fret – this episode is full of bangers, sing-a-longs, tears and tons of laughs, with a few freaky surprises along the way. We’re heading back to the time of holey jeans, 1-900 numbers and catty celebrity feuds of the ‘90s. Jump in the Girly Mags whip for another ride around the nostalgia block – this episode is one for the books!
This Month in History – November 1994
Agony – Hotline Bling + Old Wrinkly Balls
Hollywood Babble On – Celebrity Deathmatch
The Surprising Things Men Find Sexy
When Straight Women Marry Gay Men
Quiz: Are You Ready for Romance?
Admittedly, not all posts resonate with this Queer 30-somethings Cis Male but we do think a few posts needed to be highlighted in order to properly pay tribute to the feed and mags of yesteryear.
LeeLee Sobieski did no wrong
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 Me vs me after watching Thirteen in 2003 @evanrachelwood @nikkireed YES I KNOW IT’S LEELEE SOBIESKI
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 12, 2019 at 3:38pm PST
Body Glitter < SPF
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 Don’t forget the roll-on body glitter ❄💎✨ (Via @doyoulovethe2000s)
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 10, 2019 at 1:57pm PST
Sassy  Magazine
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 ❄⛸🧤 (Sassy, November 1994) #tbt #throwbackthursday 📷 by @georgeholzofficial
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 7, 2019 at 10:46am PST
Oh God
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A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 6, 2019 at 12:30pm PST
Was a thing for a minute
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 HIT CLIPS (1999)
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 5, 2019 at 5:14pm PST
Forever roaming
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 Everyone in 2001 when the clock hit 9:00pm 🕘
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 4, 2019 at 5:18pm PST
Wuz ^?
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 ☆ weLcOme 2 My HoMePaGe ☆
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 4, 2019 at 12:08pm PST
Prom Makeovers
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 Prom makeovers 💅👑 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Seventeen, March 1995) Follow @girly.mags for all your ’90s needs!
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Nov 3, 2019 at 9:59am PST
Scratch and sniff clothing
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 Scratch ‘n sniff pajamas and glow-in-the-dark undies 💀⚰️ (Girlfriends LA, 1996-1999)
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Oct 16, 2019 at 6:57pm PDT
Still <3 Paris Hilton
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 Wow same tbh
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Oct 5, 2019 at 1:42pm PDT
Roller Skates or Roller blades?
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 Would you date someone who rollerblades, 👍 or 👎 (Seventeen, August 1991)
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Oct 3, 2019 at 12:49pm PDT
Skeet Ulrich – enough said.
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 Enjoy this recap of the season 6 90210 Thanksgiving episode featuring Cameron Bancroft AKA Joe Bradley AKA Donna’s post-Ray Pruitt hunky meathead 🏈 Joe is a California University football team quarterback who dates Donna Martin. On the night of their first date on Halloween, Donna was confronted at her beach house by Ray Pruit, her former abusive boyfriend with whom she had recently ended her relationship. Joe came to her defense, tossing Ray around like a football in self-defense. During Thanksgiving, which happens to be Joe’s birthday, Donna arranges for 49ers QB Steve Young to surprise Joe. Because Young apparently could skip practice that day and also had no family or friends he wanted to spend the holiday with, he actually showed up to Casa Walsh and played an impromptu game with the gang on the front lawn using the football he autographed for Joe. In the same episode, Donna tells Kelly that she loves Joe so much, she wants to sleep with him. Joe later revealed to Donna that he was also a virgin and, like her, was waiting for marriage to have sex. He had also been engaged to his high school girlfriend, who had gotten too wild for him after they graduated. He was a devout Christian who lived a life of faith. He asks Donna to move to Beaver Falls with him after being diagnosed with a heart defect (by Donna’s dad) and the two part ways. (Seventeen, November 1996)
A post shared by Girly Mags Podcast (@girly.mags) on Sep 30, 2019 at 3:10pm PDT
For those of you not as interested in pursuing teen year through digitized Girly Mags feed, check out the On Foot Archives featuring some Eastbay Catalog clippings and much more!
The post ‘Girly Mags’ Takes Us on Stroll Down 90s and 00s Memory Lane appeared first on HEYO Mag.
from HEYO Mag https://heyomag.com/girly-mags-takes-us-on-stroll-down-90s-and-00s-memory-lane/
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depression-oatmeal · 3 years
Pizza Port, San Clemente, California
The address: 301 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente, California 92672
The website: https://www.pizzaport.com/brewpubs/san-clemente
The rating: 27/30 on the Depression Oatmeal scale
Alright, so I’m going to cut right down to the chase.
I’ve been putting off the shit out of this entry for multiple reasons – it’s been a hard week, and I really have been trying to focus on cutting and my mental health. This weekend was interesting because I felt like I didn’t care at all about any of these things – because I got to spend it with the people that make me happy, when they’re in the mood. I got to go lobster hooping. I got to go fishing. I even caught some things – but nothing worth talking about, as we did not return home with anything that was legally acceptable.
Today – I am celebrating the greatest checkmate of my life. For multiple reasons; one, because I’ve finally accepted the fatality of the situation. Two, though – because I legitimately accomplished the most epic win of my life by putting myself out there and sticking up for the important things that I believe in, especially regarding my workspace. I officially transferred into Operations/Manufacturing today – as a director. Which, in short, I already was, but within the Quality department. I played the game as hard as I could, and it seemed like at every turn I was fronted by someone with more power and influence. I was in a space that was no longer safe; I had no allies. It was a very difficult time. Finally, after a short stint with Mexican police in September, I decided that enough was enough, and it was time for the Hail Mary. What’s funny is that the Wicked Witch of the West initially pretended like she didn’t even want to hear what was going on in my head when I first contacted her (mind you, I was on PTO – seriously, as a leader in the biotech industry, alarms would have been going off in my head hardcore. Huge red flag, when you can’t even escape your demons when you leave the place) but I persisted and forced her to listen.
Now, I am officially in a better place, career-wise, a place that I wanted to be in, and more importantly, away from her demented psychotic-ass. It doesn’t get much better than that – kudos to you mom, for teaching me that I can and I will beat any obstacle that someone throws in my way, especially if it affects my long-term goals.
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So – enter Pizza Port, San Clemente. Man – I love this place. It’s a weirdly built 3 story building that mostly looks like it used to be a house of some kind. Pizza Port also has a cute obsession with Star Wars; a lot of decorations and beers pay homage to the franchise. I was with my best friend and we were going to go hooping (lobsters) but also the Green Bay – 49ers game was on, so we wanted to watch it. We ordered the pizza Monterey; it was amazing, as it always is. The thing that keeps drawing me back to Pizza Port isn’t the arcade; it’s not the beer, or the atmosphere even (all are fantastic). It’s the quality of the ingredients and the texture of the crust. I can’t quite explain it, but it’s fluffy and fantastic. It sort of reminds me a way better version of the old-style Dominos crust, from like the 90s and 2000s. The pizza is affordable but expect a wait when you go – this place is very popular. It wasn’t that crowded, all things considered (pandemic, Omicron/Delta/whatever) with the game. Which – for the record, they are very pandemic friendly. You can order food online using their website, and both delivery and take-out options are available. Like most other places in Orange County though, masks are more of a guideline and not a rule, so be safe.
For reasons similar to my entry on Tony Pepperoni, the Depression Oatmeal Rating for Pizza Port in San Clemente is 27/30 – I would score them higher if it wasn’t for the general “OC” atmosphere regarding COVID in general, but instead I’m just going to say that they for sure have better pizza!
0 notes
sports-balling-blog · 3 years
NFL 2021 Power Rankings
Two weeks down it’s time to over react!
32. Jacksonville Jaguars- meet the new boss same as the old boss. Urban Mayer and Trevor a Lawrence are starting off their NFL careers about as expected. Lawrence will have a second season at least but if things don’t turn around the same might not be able to be said about Urban. Maybe fake a heart attack?
31. New York Jets- back to back blowout losses is not how mean green thought they’d start 2021 but it’s certainly not a surprise. Any time your star QB ends the half with as many interceptions as completions it’s time to panic.
30. New York Giants- and the Jets stadium partner is also their partner in sadness. Big blue isn’t much better off with the derp know as Daniel Jones under center and a terrible running game to start 0-2 and making the case for the #1 overall pick. Will either Jones or Judge be around next year? For the sake of Giants fans I hope the next coach can help eliminate penalties.
29. Atlanta Falcons- the best thing to come out of Atlanta the last two weeks is Secret Base’s video series about them. The ATL was surprisingly close to upsetting Tampa this week but reality comes back. Matt Ryan hasn’t been playing great this year but neither has anyone else playing in the black and red. The way things are going it’s only a question of when not if the Falcons decide to move on from Matty Ice.
28. Detroit Lions- 0-2 has never looked quite as good as Goff and the lions putting up a big fight to both the 49ers and Packers. After two weeks it’s clear this is not the NFC’s worst team by a mile but that is not going to turn into vary many wins considering the schedule ahead of them. Trading for Jerod Goff wasn’t as much a tank job as previously thought, I don’t think Mathew Stafford could have turned either of those losses into wins.
27. Cincinnati Bengals- “reworked” offensive line huh? How’d that work for you bengals fans? Only two games into the year and Joe Burrow has already been sacked 9 times and hit another 16 times. Forget a winning record if Bengals fans want to see Joe have a career longer than 5 years you need to make some changes need to be made!
26. Philadelphia Eagles- Week 1 Jalen Hurts played out of his mind and lead the team to the win but Week 2 Hurts lived up to his name in a close but pedestrian performance. Seriously how do you get a 91 yard completion and not get ANY points?!
25. Chicago bears- how ironic that the Andy Dalton revenge game is what leads to his end as the starting QB. That being said how well Justin Fields plays now as the starter will decide how far this team goes and if they can snag another playoff spot in a tough NFC.
24. Houston Texans- I’m just as surprised to see them up here as you are. Tyrod is showing he can still play a starting roll by running all over the jags and almost upsetting Cleveland at home. Honestly if he didn’t get injured the Texans might have been 2-0 right now. Houston has made it clear that they are not the push over we thought they are this year.
23. Minnesota Vikings- the Vikings were one missed Morten Anderson extra point…I mean Greg Joseph field goal from beating the cardinals in a game they absolutely should have won. That and a Dalvin Cook fumble is all that stands in the way from a 2-0 start for Minnesota. Now that you’ve been punched in the mouth it’s time to see how you react.
22. Indianapolis Colts- a painful 0-2 start for a team that like the Vikings could have been 2-0. The Colts played two good teams in the Seahawks and Rams to start the year and have both a run for their money and fought hard. In a perfect world I would pick them to be the 0-2 team most likely to make the playoffs but this isn’t a perfect world and with Wentz injuring both ankles it’s up to Jacob Eason to try and avoid an 0-3 death nail.
21. New England Patriots-Belichick gonna Belichick I guess. Not that focusing on defense and running first is a bad strategy especially with a rookie QB. It certainly is working better than whatever the Jets are trying.
20. Miami Dolphins- I’m not sure what hurts more for Dolphins fans seeing Tua get injured or getting shutout at home to a rival. 35-0 is a hard pill to swallow. Now I don’t think having Tua would have made much of a difference last week against the bills but going forward at least one week with Jacoby Bresett under center is only going to make things harder for a Dolphins team with playoff aspersions.
19. Washington Football Team- 0-1 with Ryan Fitzpatrick and 1-0 with Taylor Heinicke and a share of the NFC East for the moment is about all the nameless ones can ask for at this point in the season. Unfortunately for the Team you’re facing the Bills next week and your defense has not been playing up to expectations.
18. New Orleans Saints- the Saints domination of the Packers in week one inspired hope for the Brees-less era but the teams follow up against Carolina brought them crashing down as Winston regressed to his typical Tampa form. Week four’s test against Mew England with show how well this team bounces back and how competitive they will be.
17. Pittsburgh Steelers- this team will be pulled along by its defense kicking and screaming. Lucky for the black and yellow they get to beat up on the bengals next week but you better be ready to show up to your week four game against Green Bay.
16. Denver Broncos- 2-0 is 2-0 no matter who you play right. That being said it’s hard to tell how strong this Denver team is after watching them play against the two children in a trench coat known as the jags and giants. Lucky for the Sutton-less Broncos they get to play the Jets in week 4 before a real test (and probably loss) in the form of the ravens.
15. San Francisco 49ers- the 49ers as lead by Jimmy G might be the weakest 2-0 team in the NFL right now. Scoring a measly 17 points against Philadelphia and almost letting in the Detroit Lions the week before has done nothing to inspire confidence with diet Alex Smith. This team as it currently stands is in peak form to meander around and do nothing and given the rest of the division that is a death sentence.
14. Los Angeles Chargers- the bolts find themselves sitting at 1-1 after absolutely refusing to get out of their own way in the form of 99 penalty yards against the Cowboys. Justin Herbert has been playing week but far from light(n)ing the world on fire as exemplified by the pair of picks he throw last week. Monday night’s game against the now Las Vegas Raiders will be a big test to see how far the team can go…also FYS, if you know you know
13. Seattle Seahawks- the Seahawks live on the razors edge. The defense has been as good (read bad) as expected but the offense has not been playing up to expectations and because of that they almost let the lions comeback on them and then proceed to let the Titans score 17 unanswered to win. If this trend continues chief Wilson will not only bring sitting at home come the playoffs but will do so in last place.
12. Tennessee Titans- speaking of that Seattle-Tennessee game… next up is the Titans who have to not be feeling good about how their season has gone so far. The super bowl hopefuls started out getting flattened by Arizona before almost falling to 0-2 before just pulling out an overtime win. Much like Seattle the defense side of the ball is what will hold the team back.
11. Carolina Panthers- probably the biggest surmise so far is the 2-0 (well now 3-0 because I’m doing these late) Panthers. Granted two of those wins are against the Texans and Jets but the blue and blacks do get credit for shutting down New Orleans and Jamis Winston and that why the end up here knocking at the door of the top ten.
10. Dallas Cowboys- by the edge of their teeth the Cowboys find themselves at number 10. After giving the Tom Bradys all they can handle in week one they get their first win (barely) against a very good Los Diego Chargers team thanks to them shooting themselves in the foot a little less then their opponents. Lucky for the jerryworld inhabitants they get a freebie on Monday against the Eagles.
9. Green Bay Packers- it took a six quarters but the Packers finally showed up for a football game! Now we’ll see if that’s a giant in the making like the last few years or a flash in the pan has yet to be seen but of course there’s still plenty of football including a good yardstick against San Francisco in a chance to right an NFC Title game loss.
8. Los Vegas Raiders- the Raiders have beaten the Steelers and ravens and I think that makes them the AFC North’s best team? All jokes aside the Raiders have started out 2-0 and in a good position to start off the year. If they continue to play up to this new standard they very well could be the AFC West’s champion
7. Cleveland Browns- Maybe almost beating KC in week one gave the browns a hangover and that’s why the Texans were as big a threat as they were? On the bright side even with the injury concerns Cleveland is still playing great football and even get to get their team in order going up against a pair of NFC north teams.
6. Arizona Cardinals- the Redbirds benefitting from a missed field goal? After seeing last season I’m shocked. These Cardinals are fun to watch and K1 is playing up to his billing as the number 1 overall pick. I don’t know what to do I’m not used to being excited about something that isn’t the draft…ugh sorry A’s fans for taking him away?
5. Buffalo Bills- ok now things are getting serious. After loosing to Pittsburgh to start the season the Bills took out their frustrations on a helpless Dolphins team to the tune of a 35 point shutout. The Williams are still one of the best teams in the NFL and you need to come prepared.
4. Los Angeles Rams- despite the Colts best efforts Stafford is still perfect as a non-lion quarterback. It wasn’t perfect but the Sheep pulled out a win and showed why they are a super bowl contender.
3. Baltimore Ravens- what a difference a week makes. From licking their wounds loosing to the Raiders to giving the chiefs and Patrick Mahomes his first loss in September. The Ravens put down any doubts from anyone that they are not a championship contender as a reward get to beat up on Detroit.
2. Kansas City Chiefs- The aforementioned loss to Baltimore not withstanding Kansas City is still a powerful team. It’s hard to fault the 2 time AFC champions for a 1 point loss on a fumble to a playoff team. They’re good who knew?
1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- you’ve got to beat the best to be the best and so far TB is 2-0 so they’re number one in the rankings. Don’t have much else to add.
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20/04 Paola Peroni fa muovere a tempo Venerdì DOC @ Convento - Lonato del Garda (BS)
Continuano al Convento di Lonato del Garda (BS) gli scatenati Venerdì DOC a cura Paola Peroni, dj producer bresciana legata a Radio Studio Più e conosciuta in mezzo mondo per dischi davvero importanti. Il prossimo appuntamento è fissato per venerdì 20 aprile 2018. Quelli successivi per il 27 aprile, 4, 11, 18 e 25 maggio 2018.
Paola Peroni è una figura importante tra i dj italiani. Ad esempio, è stata recentemente intervistata da Dj Mag, la Bibbia del settore dance) e fa ballare il Convento Music Restaurant di Lonato del Garda (BS) ogni venerdì da aprile 2018. Il party si chiama Venerdì DOC e dalla console Paola Peroni propone Top music Hits & House story, ovvero il meglio del meglio della musica da ballare e cantare prodotta negli ultimi anni. E' un gran bel modo di iniziare il weekend.... Per divertirsi, con gusto prima, durante e dopo la cena, con la migliore dance, negli spazi social del Convento e le specialità dello Chef Fabio Taglietti. Ingresso libero dopo le 23.
www.intercool.it www.facebook.com/paolaperoniofficialfan www.soundcloud.com/paola-peroni1 www.twitter.com/paolaperonidj www.youtube.com/djpaolaperoni www.mixcloud.com/paolaperoni1
20/4 Evento Facebook Paola Peroni Live DJ Set DOC @ Convento https://www.facebook.com/events/2018890148430203/
Convento via Cesare Battisti - Lonato del Garda (BS) info 030 9132046
Chi è Paola Peroni
"Disciplina, è la prima fondamentale regola per intraprendere un percorso, una meta, un sogno da realizzare. Poi Osare … aver pazienza … e soprattutto saper ascoltare gli altri …. La passione per la musica e la sensibilità hanno fatto il resto …" Questo si sente rispondere chi chiede a Paola Peroni quali sono "i trucchi del mestiere"…. Nata a Brescia, sin giovanissima mostra una spiccata passione e propensione per la musica. A 14 si dedica allo studio del pianoforte, ed in seguito studia storia della musica, attraverso un corso indetto dall'Associazione Italiana Disc Jockey.
Nel 1991 arriva la prima grande occasione: la discoteca Genux le offre la possibilità di lavorare sulle sue consolle e Paola diviene resident dj utilizzando il suo primo pseudonimo:DJ Groovy!!!
Successivamente la sua passione per la musica la indirizza verso scelte professionali che le permettono di realizzare importanti produzioni quali: Dj Groovy "Shake it", "Confusione", vari remix con lo stesso pseudonimo,"Step on" by Space Master (n 1 in Francia); "World of Confusion" by Space Masters (n. 1 in Francia); "Every day of my life" by House Traffic; "Bang" by The Riders (n° 1 in Olanda); "Coming" by Scwarzkopf. Ed i risultati non tardano ad arrivare… in quegli anni spopola in Francia, Germania, Olanda.
Nel 1995 nascono le prime produzioni con lo pseudonimo Miss Groovy.
Il 1998 vede esplodere il fenomeno Bacon Popper grazie ad una felice intuizione di Paola Peroni: il risultato è l'indimenticabile "Free", solo in Francia 120.000 copie vendute. E poco tempo dopo si ritroverà ad aprire i concerti, durante il tour di Zucchero, con il proprio live set. ; Paola racconta: "Un' emozione indescrivibile, unica!!! Vivere in una grande tribù dove ognuno ha i suoi compiti e le sue mansioni, il tutto organizzato con professionalità."
Il 2002 è l'anno della produzione di "Acelerando" con Ramirez, un successo entrato nelle charts di Germania e Inghilterra.
E con il team Media Records nel 2003 Paola Peroni realizza "Trip on the Moon" stampato in Italia su etichetta BXR ed in Inghilterra su etichetta Nukleuz;"Harem", un disco multietnico: un harem musicale in cui il beat techno viene unito a suoni dell'estremo Oriente, un vortice fatto di emozioni e sensazioni intense. In seguito giunge il progetto Kiper "The Land of Freedom", nato dalla collaborazione con l'amico e collega Joy Kitikonti. Con "The Land of Freedom" la strana coppia techno-logica Kitikonti-Peroni ci regala un viaggio nella terra libera presente in ognuno di noi.
Il 2004 vede Paola alla prese con il progetto "Angel" by Cappella, scritto da lei e GFB, il remix "Angel's Anthem Mix", è per lei un vero e proprio inno agli angeli. Sempre nel 2004 "cammina" con Gigi D'agostino e nasce il brano "The power of love" : Officina emotiva su etichetta Noisemaker e nel 2005 "Everybody change" Il 2005 è un'anno di transizione…
Paola definisce il suo Sound Elektro Groovy ed è proprio nei primi mesi del 2007 che nasce un vero e proprio progetto artistico: Elektro Groovy – Raga me su etichetta Net's Work  in programmazione su Radio M2O, Disco Spacca nel programma del Dj Provenzano, presente sulla M20 compilation vol. 16, in Ibiza Party volumi 4 e 5, Radio Marte compilation, Global Gold Compilation/ Global Net Distriburtion ecc.
Ottobre 2008, è tempo di Thinking of you, il singolo di Paola Peroni, prodotto per la sua società di Edizioni Musicali Intercool Srl  in coedizione con The Saifam Group Srl.
Paola Peroni from Bacon Popper è stata ospite  nel programma radiofonico dei Datura"Pezzi da 90"  dove ha  realizzato il remix di "Will be one"(Paola Peroni new vision rmx).
Gennaio 2009 nasce il primo Ep dedicato alla nuova generazione di Dj, musicisti, artisti:
"Paola Peroni presents New generation dj's Vol. 1" contiene il remix di Bacon Popper Free 2009, la versione club di Thinking of you e un Remix del brano Sweet dreams are made of this degli Eurythmics. (Housetraxx/Saifam/Intercool)
Nell'aria ci sono due canzoni nate dalla collaborazione tra Paola Peroni e Jay Frog "Vanilla" e "Peppermint" Paola Peroni remixa la canzone I can't stay di Alberto Remondini e Luca Zeta (Logo rec/Self) già inserita nella compilation Dj Zone Vol. 78.
Febbraio 2009, Paola Peroni ed Ottomix nuovamente in studio… attenzione ai remix di Bacon Popper – Free sulla sua etichetta discografica: la  Snap & Shake , la canzone entra nelle classifiche europee, al 10° posto in Austria, in programmazione il Videoclip su All music TV  e presente in molte compilation quali Dj Zone, Elektronika vol 2, Los 40, Dj Selection,Gabry 2 O; House Summer collection ecc….
Recentemente ha suonato a Miami per il Winter Music Conference come New talend Dj ; sempre a Miami ha suonato all'Hed Kandy lounge Club!!
Paola inoltre ha organizzato vari eventi per il sessantesimo di  Confartigianato Brescia.
Settembre 2009, tempo di remix Funkerman - Slide- Paola Peroni remix (Net's work records).
Novembre 2009, The Rudenko Project-Destination (Paola Peroni rmx) (Net's work records).
Gennaio 2010, Dr. Kucho – Just be good to me (Paola Peroni L.A. rmx) (Net's work records)
Febbraio 2010: Paola Peroni nuovamente in studio con il Dj Molella per la realizzazione di Me exita, la release su etichetta Net's work contiene varie versioni rmx.
Recentemente Paola ha realizzato  il nuovo progetto del gruppo che ha segnato la storia della musica Italo - house: i 49ers. La produzione riprende un sample della colonna sonora del film Tempi moderni di Charly Chaplin: Je Chercè Apres Titine pubblicato dalla label  Ego music.
Sempre in cerca di nuove idee e sonorità Paola Peroni è nuovamente in studio e sboccia il progetto "Yo Yo Yo  Somaca – Bunga Bunga" su etichetta Genic/World of Media.
Marzo 2011, Paola Peroni nel suo studio lavora ad un progetto che riprende in riff di una canzone anni 90  e con Alberto Remondini di M20 ecco il nuovo team: "Remondini & Peroni - We need freedom" etichetta  Genic/ World of Media.
2012 Nasche la label digitale di Paola Peroni: Intercool Digital i progetti melodici realizzati da Paola e dal team di producer che collaborano con l'intento di emozionarsi emozionando con la Musica!
Paola Peroni crea il corso "Essere o diventare Dj" con l'intento di insegnare ai giovani talenti teoria e pratica per fare di una passione una professione attraverso la musica e diffondere un metodo sano in luoghi sani. Paola con la sua azienda Intercool Edizioni Musicali Srl viene premiata da Union Camere e Camere di Commercio con il premio delle migliori buone prassi aziendali per la responsabilità sociale Lombardia.
Paola Peroni fa parte del Consiglio di Donne Impresa Confartigianato di Brescia dove spesso contribuisce all'organizzazione di iniziative ed intrattenimenti musicali. Il 18 Luglio 2012  è stata eletta Presidente Regionale (Lombardia) per la Categoria Vetro Musica e Arti Varie Confartigianato ed è tutt'ora in carica.
Febbraio 2012 Il Corriere della sera dedica un articolo alla nuova canzone Paola Peroni feat Diana - Too much love in occasione della data di release digitale: il giorno di San Valentino. Il progetto esce ora anche con i remix di vari produttori che collaborano con l'etichetta.
Giugno 2012 Paola Peroni collabora alla realizzazione della cover di Human dei The Killers: il progetto  "Star - Human" su etichetta Genic/ World of Media., licenziato in Germania, Austria, Svizzera e Spagna.
Settembre 2012 Paola remixa la nuova canzone di Dr Alban – Loverboy (Paola Peroni Remix) su etichetta Zyx Music.
Collabora anche alla produzione dell'angelo di Italia's got talent: Eugenio Amato – I feel love realizzando la versione Red mix su etichetta Genic/ World of Media.
Estate 2013 Paola Peroni scrive e produce 49ers feat Cheryl Porter – Shine on in love su etichetta Genic/ World of Media.
Maggio 2014 il Progetto "Essere o diventare DJ" si evolve con il patrocinio di Confartigianato Imprese Unione di Brescia ed UPA servizi. Paola Peroni e Graziano Fanelli (Radio Studio Più) sono i principali docenti con la partecipazione di:Punto Music, Cavalli Strumenti Musicali, SIAE Brescia e Willy Marano Management.
Giugno 2014 Paola Peroni realizza il brano interpretato da Carolina Marconi – Abalasa in collaborazione con Giack Celentano's Club.
Paola Peroni live DJ set Guest Rotation @ Number one disco (Cortefranca) e nei migliori Club!
Novembre 2014 nasce il nuovo programma radiofonico "Essere o diventare Deejay Radio Show radio  in onda su Radio Bresciasette ogni venerdì, a partire dal 21 novembre alle ore 22.00. Per un'ora, due dj iscritti al corso "Essere o diventare Deejay" e nuovi talenti selezionati dallo staff possono dimostrare attraverso i loro mixati le loro capacità. Una volta al mese, invece, il programma ospita una guest star alla consolle.
Lo stesso format è on air su Dizgo Radio,Radio Stad, Real 87.8 FM, Radio078.fm radio olandesi, Paulfm Radio Inghilterra, Refresh Club Radio in Germania e in molte radio Europee che hanno aderito.
2015 Paola Peroni collabora con Italian Makers Village, il fuori EXPO di Confartigianato Imprese.
2016 RUGBY CALVISANO – TRY Volume 1 selected and mixed by Paola Peroni: un progetto che collega SPORT e MUSICA atto a valorizzare sia lo sport del Rugby che il valore del team dei gialloneri che il 30 Maggio 2015 hanno conquistato il loro quinto scudetto, il secondo consecutivo, mai successo nella storia del Rugby Calvisano.  RUGBY CALVISANO – TRY Volume 1 selected and mixed by Paola Peroni (è un CD di musica che racchiude varie canzoni di musica Dance: Hits (brani in vetta alle classifiche musicali a livello mondiale) alcune delle quali sono state scelte dai giocatori ed altre concesse in licenza di utilizzo dalle TOP label italiane ed internazionali: Sony Music, Ultra Records, Time Records, Spinning Records, Armada Music, Saifam Music Group, Ego Music, Energy records, ecc. Artisti internazionali come Pitbull, Sensato & Osmani Garcìa, Martin Garrix, Christian Marchi feat Max'C , Deorro xChris Brown, Kygo feat Conrad Sewell, Lost Frequencies, AronChupa, Federico Franchi, Lanfranchi & Farina feat Ray Johnson, Timmy Trumper & Savage, DJ Snake & Lil Jon, la canzone Bella Vita di DJ Antoine,  We can fly di Paola Peroni  ideatrice del progetto! Nel 2015 nasce la WM Music per iniziativa di Willy Marano e Paola Peroni: pubblichiamo i brani dei nostri artisti (Es. Boostedkids, Luis Rodriguez, Yenas Bro Ecc…Ecc..). e diamo spazio a giovani dj produttori soprattutto "emergenti" per dare loro la possibilità di entrare nel mercato discografico. WM music ha collaborato con etichette di fama mondiale come la Smash the House (etichetta di Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike), Universal Europa, Yellov Music (etichetta di Bob Sinclair), Happy music (etichetta leader in Francia), Ultra music (etichetta top degli Stati Uniti).
Aprile 2016 Paola Peroni Ft Cheryl Porter – We can fly è la nuova release su etichetta Intercool Digital. La canzone sta ottenendo feedback positivi dalle emittenti radiofoniche e dagli addetto ai lavori; in programmazione su Radio 105 nel programma di Andrea Belli "IN DA KLUBB", high Rotation su Radio Studio più e molte altre emittenti. Giugno 2016 nasce UNA DONNA PER DJ Show contest dedicato alle Donne DJ e Vocalist, DJ COACH Paola Peroni, ideato e condotto da Valerio Merola. Tour itinerante alla ricerca di talenti DJ e Vocalist da inserire nel mondo dello spettacolo. Luglio 2017 Paola Peroni rieletta Presidente Regionale di Categoria "Vetro Musica Arti Varie" Confartigianato Lombardia.
Agosto 2018 esperta in mix di compilation, per il marchio World Of Media mixa con una tecnica tutta sua: AMI (intelligenza artificiale) seleziona le tracce tra centinaia di brani e Paola prepara il Continuous Mix. Non si informa su chi le ha prodotte, non vuole farsi influenzare: ascolta e valuta in base al valore creativo, alla qualità del suono e all'emozione che i brani le trasmettono; edita il tutto ottimizzando le parti principali delle canzoni, le suddivide per genere musicale e poi le mixa cercando di creare un viaggio musicale con ritmi che variano senza uscire troppo dal tema che decidiamo di dare ad ogni compilation. Mixa con i cd player e importa tutto in Logic. Paola Peroni attualmente lavora con Radio Studio Più come DJ per gli Eventi e i Party On The Road in diretta Nazionale. Ogni Sabato dalle 12:00 alle 14:00 cura la regia ed i Party Time (DJ Set Mixato live) del Programma "I Feel "Love".
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gabe-wallace · 7 years
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“The mountain that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.” -Najwa Zebian
NAME: Gabriel Matthew Wallace NICKNAMES: Gabe AGE: 21 BIRTHDAY: February 10th, 1997 GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He/Him
MOTHER: Gloria Wallace (Maiden name: Aris) FATHER: Matthew Wallace LEGAL GUARDIAN: too many to fucking count lmao The State of California SIBLINGS: Rebekah Wallace Johnson (Bekah) PETS: A blue betta fish named Lynard who lives on his desk in one of those plant on top fish living in the roots vases, obtained on a whim. IMPORTANT EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBERS: N/A
FACE CLAIM: Adam Brody RACE/ETHNICITY:  ½ Jewish American (on his father’s side) NATIONALITY: American HEIGHT: 5′11” WEIGHT: 154 pounds HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown EYE COLOR: Brown SKIN COLOR: Light DOMINANT HAND: Right ANOMALIES: A barely there scar above his lip from a bad fight when he was thirteen, a small scar at the base of his spine from where a belt buckle caught him during a beating from a foster parent, a mole on the back of his shoulder he probably really needs to get checked out by a doctor. SCENT: A faint smell of lavender from the 4D laundry soap, Axe 3-In-1 Body Wash + Shampoo + Conditioner in Dark Temptation,Axe Deodorant in Dark Temptation, a Davidoff Cool Water Cologne he received as a birthday gift the previous year from Liliana who said she was ‘sick and fucking tired of him smelling like a douche’- as he used the body spray from Axe as well. ALLERGIES: Latex, wasps, bees, pollen, mildly lactose intolerant. FASHION: Gabe could give less of a shit how he dresses, as long as it’s comfortable. His go to is a pair of jeans and a t shirt, however if he has somewhere to go he’ll dress it up with a dress shirt and a pair of slacks. He’s incredibly reluctant to ever replace clothes, so several pairs of his jeans have tears in his knees, and several of his t shirts are stained. NERVOUS TICS: Rubbing the back of his neck, drumming his fingers, tapping whatever is in his hands against the nearest surface, hummiing or making up a song about whatever is making him uncomfortable, refusing to make eye contact.
HOME ADDRESS: 9280 East Cove Lane #4D, Seacrest Cove, CA RESIDES: Seacrest Cove, CA BORN: Carlsbad, California RAISED: All over Southern and Central California VEHICLE: A rusty dark green 1968 Pontiac Catalina coupe- which would be a nice car, if it were fixed up... But it’s not, so it’s just comes across as a rust bucket. PHONE: iPhone 7, which he was bullied into letting Iva Zotrova buy and pay for during the Stella runaway crisis. LAPTOP/COMPUTER: An older model Toshiba kept going only through Gabe’s knowledge of computers and pure damn stubbornness. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Listen I’m not even going to try, Gabe has been to a shit ton of different schools. It’s a wonder his education didn’t suffer too much from it. COLLEGE EDUCATION: Seacrest Cove University MAJOR: Computer Engineering MINOR: N/A JOB: SCCU Campus Store, Server at Old Mel’s Diner, Guitar Tutor, Coding Tutor, runs errands for senior citizens POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Socialist RELIGION: A non-denominal Christian who is giving God the silent treatment. BELIEFS: A firm belief that he’s too damn busy trying to survive this life to worry about the next MISDEMEANORS: N/A FELONIES: Charged but not convicted of assault. Gabe was charged when a former foster parent slapped Bekah, causing her to fall into a chair and suffer a significant cut on her head. Gabe panicked and shoved the woman (who was well into her sixties) away from her, and she fell down half a flight of stairs. The judge later ruled that Gabe acted in defense of what he believed to be his sister’s life. TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: N/A DRUGS: Pot, (rarely) Acid (once- never again.) SMOKES: Once or twice. ALCOHOL: Socially DIET: Anything. Anything remotely edible. A childhood of doing things like eating straight jelly because it was the only thing in the fridge, or making ketchup sandwiches for the same reason have left Gabe with a ‘poor people don’t get to be picky’ mentality, and a nostalgic love for some snacks that make his friends and roommates look at him in horror. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Up in the air. He’s definitely more interested in women than anything else, but he’s not quite sure he’s entirely NOT interested in men. At the very least, he would make out with a man. (A fact he periodically tells Finn McGee, with a lot of winking and pretend burning looks.) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Stella Belmonte CHILDREN: N/A LOOKING FOR: Nothing more than what he has. BEST FRIEND(S): Finn McGee, Stella Belmonte, Liliana Sanchez, Roslyn Knox, Veronique Dumont, Julian Lowell, Iva Zotrova (he GUESSES.) LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English PHOBIAS: snakes, bad grades, anyone coming up behind him without announcing themselves HOBBIES: Guitar, Dungeons and Dragons, Video Games, Reading, Recording Covers on YouTube, Creating Mods for PC Games, Annoying Warren Porter TRAITS: Hard Working, Sarcastic, Funny, Thoughtful, Determined SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
LOCATION: Hide Tides Apartments- Sea Crest Cove, California. SPORTS TEAM: Gabe has never been one for sports, however at some point halfway through middle school he started saying he liked the 49ers whenever it was brought up, and still does if someone happens to ask him. GAME: Mario Maker or Fallout 4 MUSIC: Classic rock and some old rockabilly classics, early 2000s rock like Weezer and Ok Go. SHOWS: Game of Thrones, Bob’s Burgers, Archer, The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Supernatural MOVIES: Anything MCU or DC Comics, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Lord of the Rings, Karate Kid RADIO STATION: 106.2 The Wave FOOD: Peanut butter cookies, breakfast burritos, queso dip with tortillas, his mother’s shepherd's pie, brown sugar poptarts. PROFESSOR: Professor Jade Pickering and Dennis Macdonald BEVERAGE: Vanilla Coke, Red Bull, Code Red Mountain Dew COLOR: Dark green
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good/Neutral Good MBTI: ISFJ ENNEAGRAM: Type 6, The Loyalist TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic and Sanguine WESTERN ZODIAC: Aquarius CHINESE ZODIAC: Ox PRIMAL SIGN: Walrus HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff SONG: Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas IDEOLOGIES: Believes that capitalism isn’t in place to help anyone. It’s there to make the rich richer, the poor downtrodden, and the middle class complacent. It’s not just a matter of working harder than everyone else, you have to beat the system. And to do that, you have to know deep in your soul that no one gives a fuck what shitty things have happened to you, or what your dreams are- they care what you can do. Nothing more, nothing less.
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juju-smithschuster · 7 years
Fantasy Football names for every team
Bengals - Vontaze Me Bro, Cedric Yabuehi (Ya Boiiii)
Browns - Kizer Roll, Crow’s Hoes
Steelers - Saved by Le’Bell; JuJu On That Beat
Ravens - Wakka Flacco Flame; Bones, Suggs n’ Harmony
AFC East
Bills - Rebillding; Forgot About Zay
Dolphins - Suh’s Your Daddy? Resting Cutler Face
Jets - Return of the Hack; Forte Days and Forte Nights
Patriots - Too Many Cooks; Gilmore Girls
AFC South
Colts - Swoope, There it is!; Luck huck a duck
Jags - Blake Bortles School for QBs who can’t read defenses good; Never Fornette
Texans - Turn Down 4 Watt; Brutal, Savage, Rekt
Titans - Super Mariota Bros; Adoreez Nuts AFC West
Broncos - Brock of Ages; Siemian Toast Crunch
Chargers - Rivers Fertility Clinic; Bos’ n’ Hoes
Chiefs - Kansas City CrunchBerries; King of the Hill
Raiders - Sin City Aces; Dude, Where’s my Carr?
NFC North
-Bears - Bear Jordan (Thanks @jaycatler) ; Trubisky Business
-Lions - Stafford Loans; Questions and Ansahs
-Packers - Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood, Montgomery Burns
-Vikings - Hooked on a Thielen; Can You Diggs it?
NFC East
-Cowboys - Get Your Zeke On; Dak & The Power of JuJu
-Eagles - I Wentz Myself; 3 Pumphreys and a Flag
-Giants - Playbook of Eli; Ol’ Dirty Beckham
-’Skins - Kissing Cousins; Pryor Offense
NFC South
-Bucs -  24K Fitzmagic; Jacquizz in my Pants
-Falcons - My Vick in a Box; Sanu’s Clues
-Panthers - Run CMC (Thanks @christianmccaffrey); All About the Benjamins
-Saints - Easy, Breesy, Beautiful; Bourbon Street Ballers
NFC West
-49ers - Foster the People; Hyde and Seek
-Cardinals - Yo Gabba Gabbert; Fire the Bucannons
-Rams - California Gurleys; The Toddfather
-Seahawks - Russel my Jimmy Grahams; Rawls Royce
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junker-town · 4 years
Check out our new NFL mock draft, right here
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D’Andre Swift is RB most likely to be a first-round pick in the 2020 NFL Draft.
Georgia’s D’Andre Swift is the only ball carrier worth a first-round pick.
aThe 2020 NFL Draft is less than two weeks away. And it can’t get here soon enough.
The weekly mock drafts are driving me to delirium. How so, you ask? This week’s mock draft features a running back in the first round. The nerve.
But seriously, a lot of the first round feels firmed up. That might be the case because less news than ever is getting out following the cancellation of pro day visits.
Of course, that all means nothing is firmed up. Well, except the top two picks. Here’s this week’s look at how things could shake out:
1. Cincinnati Bengals: Joe Burrow, QB, LSU
Burrow’s home in Athens County, Ohio, is about three miles from Cincinnati. That means he is essentially going home to Cincinnati, making it almost a Hollywood script.
“If I happen to be the first pick this year, I’m coming back home,” Burrow recently said on Shaquille O’Neal’s The Big Podcast. “And I think that’ll make a lot of people feel a lot better.”
2. Washington: Chase Young, DE, Ohio State
There was a report recently that teams picking outside the top three haven’t even bothered to reach out to Young. It makes sense considering there isn’t a chance he falls outside the top three. In fact, it would be a shock to see him not go to Washington. The jerseys should already be printed up.
3. Detroit Lions: Jeff Okudah, CB, Ohio State
Is this selection starting to be locked in as much as the first two picks? Unless Detroit trades down to a team wanting a quarterback, it kinda feels that way. Okudah is the consensus best cornerback in the draft, and one of the top five prospects available. Not only does he start immediately on a Detroit team desperate for secondary help, but he should enter the season as the Defensive Rookie of the Year favorite.
4. New York Giants: Tristan Wirfs, OT, Iowa
Should the Giants take an offensive tackle or Clemson super defender Isaiah Simmons? I’m still stuck on an offensive tackle for the Giants. Wirfs is a player who could get looked at for either side of the line in New York and start wherever he fits best.
5. Miami Dolphins: Justin Herbert, QB, Oregon
We’ll see what happens over the next two weeks, but it seems like more people have the Dolphins taking Herbert than Tua Tagovailoa at this point. It’s one of the more fascinating late developments in this draft season and will likely go down to the wire.
6. Los Angeles Chargers: Tua Tagovailoa, QB, Alabama
Tagovailoa had yet another round of positive injury reports recently, but teams still have to be worried a little bit. They may not be concerned enough to knock Tagovailoa out of the top 10, though they could cause him to be the third quarterback drafted.
7. Carolina Panthers: Derrick Brown, DT, Auburn
For much of this draft process, the Panthers have been associated with Brown. For good reason, too. The Panthers last season finished 29th in the NFL in rushing yards allowed, and last in rushing yards per attempt. Add the loss of linebacker Luke Kuechly onto that, and Carolina has a big problem. Brown could remedy the team’s run defense issues, and give Carolina a player who can create pressure up the middle. That’s why he gets the nod over Clemson’s Isaiah Simmons. For now.
8. Arizona Cardinals: Jedrick Wills, OT, Alabama
In our SB Nation NFL writers’ mock draft, this pick ended up being Oklahoma wide receiver CeeDee Lamb. While there are fun built-in storylines of Lamb playing with former college teammate Kyler Murray, a blocker with this pick just makes more sense to me. Wills locked the right tackle spot down for Alabama the past two seasons and is NFL ready, particularly in terms of run blocking. He needs to fix up little parts of his game — namely, blocking inside rush moves — but he can help keep Murray’s pocket clean.
9. Jacksonville Jaguars: Isaiah Simmons, LB, Clemson
Do the Jaguars actually need Simmons after signing former Cleveland Browns linebacker Joe Schobert to a five-year deal? Sort of. Don’t forget, Simmons is a positionally vague player. He’s just as effective dropping in coverage as he is coming up and stopping the run. When Jacksonville took defensive end Josh Allen in last year’s draft, they proved they’re willing to go best player available over needs. This year’s version could be Simmons.
10. Cleveland Browns: Mekhi Becton, OT, Louisville
I would say this is a “run to the podium” pick for the Browns, but there will be no podiums this year. Maybe general manager Andrew Berry will break his keyboard after typing M-E-K-H-I B-E-C-T-O-N so fast. Still, I can’t shake the notion the Browns might want to trade down for some reason.
11. New York Jets: Andrew Thomas, OT, Georgia
The ongoing question about the Jets continues: wide receiver or offensive tackle? Offensive tackle or wide receiver? My choice is always the offensive tackle. We all know by now how deep the wide receiver class is this year. The Jets can still get a starting wide receiver with the 48th pick. The same usually can’t be said for an offensive tackle.
12. Las Vegas Raiders: CeeDee Lamb, WR, Oklahoma
“We don’t have enough outside speed,” Raiders general manager Mike Mayock said at the Senior Bowl this year. He also added, generally, that the wide receiver position has to get better for the Raiders. Lamb doesn’t have the pure speed like Henry Ruggs III of Alabama, but it’s more than good enough when you combine it with his ability to slip out of tackles.
13. San Francisco 49ers (via Indianapolis Colts): Jerry Jeudy, WR, Alabama
TERRIBLE SPORTS WRITING ALERT: Things went pretty well for the 49ers the last time they took a Jerry in the draft. The year was 1985, and the player was Jerry Rice. I think you know the rest of this story, nyuk nyuk nyuk.
Someone, please, fast forward life to April 23 already.
14. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Josh Jones, OT, Houston
Yes, this is the fifth offensive tackle off the board within the first 14 picks. But offensive tackle is a position we’ve seen overdrafted in the past. Remember last year when the Texans used the 23rd pick on Tytus Howard of Alabama State? Or the Raiders in 2018 taking Kolton Miller 15th? Hopefully Jones works out if he’s drafted this highly — and his athletic profile suggests he might — but getting protection for Tom Brady is critical.
15. Denver Broncos: Henry Ruggs III, WR, Alabama
Ruggs has been the pick for the Broncos countless times at this point. He was even the pick by Scotty Payne of Mile High Report in the writers’ mock draft. I sort of want to spend the next week poking holes in the Ruggs to Denver connection.
16. Atlanta Falcons: Javon Kinlaw, DT, South Carolina
The Falcons would be ecstatic to see Kinlaw still available with the No. 16 pick. Arguably one of the draft’s 10 best players, Kinlaw is a physical freak who can be used to rush the passer from the inside. He has length to bat down passes and enough athleticism to kick outside at times.
17. Dallas Cowboys: Xavier McKinney, S, Alabama
The Dallas secondary needs some help. That’s why McKinney gets the nod over a pass rusher. McKinney can play safety and cornerback, and is comfortable doing both. Starting two years at Alabama, McKinney should be able to adjust quickly to the NFL. While he can play single- or two-high safety, he works in the box and will cover the slot.
18. Miami Dolphins (via Pittsburgh Steelers): K’Lavon Chaisson, Edge, LSU
Ever since the Dolphins wasted a first-round pick on Charles Harris in 2017, the team has been lacking an outside pass rusher. Bringing in Shaq Lawson and Emmanuel Ogbah was smart, but the Dolphins could still use a rush specialist like Chaisson.
19. Las Vegas Raiders (via Chicago Bears): CJ Henderson, CB, Florida
Should the Raiders land a wide receiver with their first pick, they should not hesitate to use the 19th selection on a cornerback. That’s especially true if Henderson is available. Unquestionably the No. 2 cornerback in this draft, Henderson is a natural pass defender who knows how to time routes and can stick with all varieties of receiver.
20. Jacksonville Jaguars: (via Los Angeles Rams): Yetur Gross-Matos, Edge, Penn State
The Yannick Ngakoue rumor mill has begun to start spinning wildly as he continually talks about departing Jacksonville despite getting a franchise tag designation. If the Jaguars want to replace him, Gross-Matos is a solid option as an outside player. Gross-Matos had 17.5 sacks over his final two seasons at Penn State, and knows how to use his length and quickness to beat blockers. Sure, he has to get better against the run, but so did Ngakoue coming out of Maryland.
21. Philadelphia Eagles: Justin Jefferson, WR, LSU
If they wanted, the Eagles probably could have gone after free agent receivers Robby Anderson, Randall Cobb, Breshad Perriman, or Emmanuel Sanders. But they didn’t and all four signed elsewhere. That leaves the Eagles to the draft, and potentially Jefferson. He had 111 receptions for LSU last season, and anything close to that production in the NFL would be well worth the 21st pick.
22. Minnesota Vikings (via Buffalo Bills): Jeff Gladney, CB, TCU
It would be easy to see Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer falling in love with Gladney. The aggressive TCU cornerback is exactly what the Vikings need in their secondary. Gladney is a tone setter at cornerback who can lock down a team’s lead receiver. As the Vikings continue to have problems at the position, Gladney can be their solution.
23. New England Patriots: Jordan Love, QB, Utah State
Yep, I’m back on Love to the Patriots. For starters, I don’t see him falling out of the first round. And if he’s there when New England picks, Bill Belichick might have a hard time passing up on Love’s pure talent.
24. New Orleans Saints: Kenneth Murray, LB, Oklahoma
Although the Saints have All-Pro linebacker Demario Davis, their other linebackers — specifically Alex Anzalone and Kiko Alonso — have battled numerous injuries. Plus, Davis is a free agent after this season. Murray would give the Saints a young, athletic talent at the position, and the team could start to focus on building up the defense as quarterback Drew Brees’ career winds down.
25. Minnesota Vikings: Denzel Mims, WR, Baylor
I’m back on this pick for the Vikings at No. 25. As the draft gets closer, it seems like Mims is going to be a first-round pick. That means he leapfrogs receivers like Tee Higgins of Clemson and Jalen Reagor of TCU. Part of the reason could be recency bias. Mims had a stellar Senior Bowl and NFL Scouting Combine. In this bizarre year, the mark Mims has left could matter more than ever.
26. Miami Dolphins (via Houston Texans): D’Andre Swift, RB, Georgia
If there is one team that could take a running back in the first round of the draft, it is the Dolphins. And if there is one running back who should go in the first round of the draft this year, it is Swift. The Georgia product is like a combination of former Bulldog running backs Nick Chubb and Sony Michel. Swift’s vision is exactly what you want in a running back, and he is special as a pass catcher. He’s the kind of back who can be kicked out into the slot and generate a mismatch for the offense. You can argue the value of a first-round running back all you want. But it’s hard to see Swift failing in the NFL.
27. Seattle Seahawks: Austin Jackson, OT, USC
This isn’t a corny Pete Carroll/USC pick. This is more of a high-ceiling gamble on Jackson for the Seahawks. Coming into the year, many thought Jackson had top-10 talent. That type of player is still in there if he gets the proper coaching. Jackson’s foot quickness is impressive, and he can handle speed rushers well.
28. Baltimore Ravens: Patrick Queen, LB, LSU
At some point early in this draft, the Ravens have to address the middle linebacker position. Why not in the first round with Queen? Both Josh Bynes and Patrick Onwuasor left Baltimore this offseason, and the position is clearly an issue.
29. Tennessee Titans: Isaiah Wilson, OT, Georgia
This is the late first-round pick I’ve really fallen in love with the last couple weeks. Wilson is a mountain at 6’6 and 350 pounds, and he could still be growing after turning just 21 in February. Wilson’s standout ability right now is as a run blocker. Tennessee was third in the NFL in rushing last season and could continue that trend with Wilson replacing Jack Conklin.
30. Green Bay Packers: Brandon Aiyuk, WR, Arizona State
Green Bay’s need for a wide receiver has been obvious for quite some time. The players the Packers have currently have been inconsistent, besides Davante Adams. Green Bay never properly replaced Randall Cobb after the 2018 season, either. Aiyuk can be the dependable No. 2 receiver the Packers have needed.
31. San Francisco 49ers: Kristian Fulton, CB, LSU
The 49ers will need help in the secondary sooner rather than later, and Fulton could be their next lead cornerback. Fulton may not create a lot of interceptions (he had just two at LSU), but he knows how to break up passes thanks to his instincts and timing.
32. Kansas City Chiefs: A.J. Epenesa, DE, Iowa
The Chiefs would probably love to see Murray or Queen available here, but they’re both gone. If that’s the case and the Chiefs don’t trade down, they could target a defensive lineman like Epenesa. He would give the Chiefs a good player opposite Frank Clark, and one who has the ability to work outside and inside.
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