#n meet Kou when they’re escaping prison
wool-string · 2 years
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deadly-departed · 4 years
Hello! I thought of this request while I was in online class lmao. Ok so how about a yandere scenario with Hanako, Tsukasa and Teru seeing their darling s/o trying to escape from them??
Oh hell yes! We love yandere Tsukasa in this household- like, please, I would let him yoink me and throw me into his boundary. I'm such a simp istg
Hanako-Kun The Bathroom Ghost, Wonder No. 7
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You had escaped, neither your nor him know exactly how you got out but you did
And now, you were hiding, hoping that he would eventually give up on looking for you and then you could finally get out of this cursed school.
But you forgot one thing
Unlike you and your human friends, ghosts don't need to sleep.
So while you were hiding in your little storage closet, trying your hardest not to doze off because of the lack of sleep you'd had in Hanako's grasp, the apparition was searching the school from top to bottom.
And after he recruited a handful of Mokke, he had found you, sound asleep on the floor.
He couldn't help but laugh at how weak you looked when asleep, it was adorable!
He watched you for a moment, your chest rising and falling softly as you breathe
Hanako thought of all the things he could do to you, but of course he doesn't do anything! Because that's wrong and he doesn't want you to hate him!
But he does pick you up, making sure not to wake you as he carries you back to your little prison.
Once you woke up, the first thing you saw were Hanako's sad eyes looking at you.
"Moon, why did you try to escape? I thought you loved me." Hanako asks, hurt glossing his amber eyes.
You look away from him. You are not letting him guilt trip you. You know that's what he's trying to do, he's done it before.
"I hate it here." You mumble, watching the Mokke stack themselves into a small pyramid.
Hanako felt himself about to cry, his vision blurring as he tries to come up with an excuse for you.
You were just tired! Yeah, that's it! He's been keeping you up for days on end because he forgot that humans need sleep!
"Moon, just get some rest, that's all you need. You're tired." Hanako says, smiling softly at you.
"I don't need sleep! I need you to let me go!" You cry out, tugging at the chains on your arm.
You were always so difficult. You were never satisfied with anything that Hanako did for you.
"Tell me what I'm doing wrong." Hanako says, grasping your hands in his cold ones.
"Tell me how to make you happy and hoe to get you to smile! I want us to be together! Please!" As he begged, his grip on your hands subconsciously became tighter.
"Tell me why you hate me so much!"
His grip was unbearable.
"Ha-hanako, you're hurting me...!" You whimpering out, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
Hanako's eyes widen and he immediately let's go, his hands moving quickly to his chest.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..." He kept mumbling apologies as he basically ran out of the room, leaving you tied up with nothing other then the Mokke to keep you company.
Tsukasa Yugi, The Rumor Spreader
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Sakura was bound to Tsukasa. She had to do what he said even if it pained her. That was why she took care of you so often.
Tsukasa told her to keep an eye on you to make sure you didn't escape. She hated it, taking care of you.
Not that she hated you or having to take care of another person! She liked you, but she hated the events that lead up to your meeting.
And after months of worrying for your safety, she finally had enough and decided to help you escape.
"Please, just be quiet, I'll get in a lot of trouble for doing this. I just can't stand seeing you suffer anymore." She states quietly as she takes you out of the Boundary.
You two were so close, you could see the front doors.
Yet as soon as you were close enough to open them, you heard an all too familiar laugh behind you.
Both yours and Sakura's eyes widen as your blood runs cold. You knew who it was, you had no need to turn around, especially with the arms and legs wrapping around your shaking form.
"Where do you think you're going?" Tsukasa whispers into your ear, giggling softly.
You shook more as you felt him lick the shell of you're ear.
"Well?" He smirks, before looking to Sakura.
"Take them back to the boundary. Now." He says, his eyes darkening.
Sakura looks down at the ground before nodding, grabbing your wrist tightly before walking back into the depths of the school. "I'm really sorry, you know I don't want to do this." She mumbles
Back in the boundary, Sakura cuffed you back down to your chair before backing away from you.
Tsukasa held a sharp knife, the sadistically cute smile grazing his lips as he looked at you with darkened eyes.
Though you prayed that this was an empty threat of harm, it seemed all too real to be fake.
"Why'd you try to escape? Do you not like it here?" He asked, a mocking innocence threading his voice as he helped you and brought his pointer finger up to his bottom lip. "Amane said that people like being taken care of by their partners. And Amane never lies!"
"You're not taking care of me." You whimper as you watch the apparition play with the knife in his hands.
"Yes I am." He says, smiling at you before turning his attention away from you. "That's not the big problem though." He states as he stares at Sakura. "You helped them escape. You can't disobey what I say!" He yells like a child, throwing the knife at her, missing her face by a few inches.
Sakura stood there, her normally blank expression showing clear fear as her form shook.
Tsukasa then once again turns back to you, a big smile on his face.
"You made me so scared! I thought someone was gonna hurt you or try to take you away from me!" He cries out as he glomps you, wrapping his limbs around your body in a tight hug.
"I need to make sure that everyone knows you're mine!" Tsukasa exclaims happy as he opens his mouth and bites down on your neck harshly enough to draw blood.
You scream out in pain, tears pricking your eyes as you writhe underneath the boy.
Sakura turned away and covered her ears, wanting to cry herself.
"You need to learn your lesson!" Tsukasa chimes, smiling happily as a bit of blood trailed down the corner of his mouth.
Teru Minamoto, The School Prince
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He'd be upset, not only at you, but at himself and anyone who tried to help you.
He'd punish you and threaten the helpers.
Kou sighs, scratching at the back or his head as he looks at the mess he'd made in the living room.
Where has Tiara's Mokke gone? He's looked around the entire house and couldn't find it.
As one last resort, he walked to the basement door. Yes, Teru told him not to go in there, but it was for their sister, he would understand, right?
He grabs the cold handle, pulling the door open. Kou looks down at the dark stairs.
He pulls out his phone, turning on the flashlight before descending the staircase, keeping the light on steps so that he wouldn't slip.
You looked at the Minamoto, refusing to make any noise. Hoping that he wasn't here for you
You watched as he first went to the other half of the basement, shining his phone light in some boxes and digging around a bit before moving to the next.
"Not here either where could it have gone? It's not like it could ha-" Kou's eyes widen as he turns around, his flashlight illuminating the other side of the room, and thus you.
"Wh-what are you doing in our basement?" Kou asks, trying to sound brave as he looks at you.
"I... Um..." You tried to this k of something, anything to say that wouldn't make you sound weird.
But you also count say that his brother kidnapped you, what would Kou think?
"It's not what you think," You say, panicked.
"That doesn't answer my question." He says, taking steps closer to your shaking frame.
"What are you doing in my house?" He asks, a slightly more demanding tone in his voice.
You curl up into a ball, your kneed to your chest and covering your head, causing the chains on your ankle and wrist to rattle loudly, shining them in the light.
"Pl-please don't hurt me." You beg, shaking more.
Teru never hurt you, of course not, but you were always so scared that he would.
Kou's eyes widen as he looks at you and the chains tethering you to the bed and wall. "Why are..." He stops himself, only walking closer to you to get a better look at the cuffs.
"How long have you been down here...?" Kou questions, setting his phone down on the bed, the light illuminating the ceiling.
You life your head up slightly, taken slightly aback by how close he suddenly was.
"...A few months maybe? I have nothing to tell time with other than Teru coming in to say good morning before he goes to school and goodnight." You mumble looking down at the bed, slipping your arms under your knees and hugging your thighs closer to you.
"Teru-nii? What do you mean? Never mind, I need to get you out of here, what's you're name?" He asks, looking for a way to get the cuff off your ankle.
"Uh.. Y/N. I'm a third year." You state, watching him analysis the cuff.
You watch Kou, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you'd be able to escape this hell hole.
That is until you hear someone clear their throat at the top of the basement stairs.
You freeze, eyes widening as you refuse to look up, knowing exactly who it is.
Teru sighs as he walks down the steps, shaking his head softly.
He looked at the scene unfolding in front of him, his dear little brother had found his darling, who happened to be locked in the basement.
"T-Teru-nii, why is Y/N-Senpai in our basement?" Kou asked, his voice changing slightly.
"Better question," Teru starts, his eyes glaring daggers into his brother. "Why are you in here? I told both you and Tiara not to go in here, didn't I?"
Kou's eyes widen slightly as he stood up right.
"Well, yeah but-" Kou starts.
"Then why are you here. And why are you trying to help them escape? They're here for a reason Kou." Teru states, crossing his arms as he stands in front of his brother.
"I knew I couldn't trust you with something like this." Teru mumbles as he turns his attention to his darling, still unmoving in the bed.
"Darling, are you alright? Did kou do anything to you?" He asks, kneeling down next to you.
"Get away from them!" Kou shouts, causing you to jump.
Teru stands up straight again, looking over to his brother as his eyes darken. "Kou, you have no idea what I'm doing. They're here because they need to be protected, they need someone to look after them. And I'm that person, I love them and they love me."
Kou looks up at his brother, slight fear glossing over his eyes as he does so.
You felt useless. Like a toy that two toddlers were fighting over. You were powerless.
"T-teru please, leave him alone... He doesn't understand." You say quietly, trying to calm your captor down.
The older Minamoto looks over at you, a small smile gracing his lips. "Darling I know, but he's getting in the way."
Kou looks at you, shock evident on his face. "Senpai, are you really taking his side on this? He kidnapped you!" Kou stresses.
"He did it for my own good." You fake a smile as you look at Kou, ready to break down.
"Now, Kou. Leave the basement, never come back down here and never tell anyone what you saw here." Teru orders.
Kou sighs, his head dropping as he grabs his phone and slowly makes his way back upstairs.
Teru turns once again to you. "Now, for you."
"How should I punish you? Isolation? Sleep deprivation?" Teru chuckles, thinking of all the things he could do.
"I think sleep deprivation sound suitable, don't you?"
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