#n then followed up with the news of his brain tumor
tearfest · 11 months
tw ranting in the tags!
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
part two of yandere surgeon dabi gets jealous?
Yandere Surgeon Dabi gets jealous part 2
Part 1 can be found here.
So after Dabi finds out that you've got a brain tumor (and feeling immensely guilty for making you overwork because he wanted to "punish" you for making him "jealous", and then u ended up getting hurt), he's panicking as he calls his father, Enji Todoroki, the best oncologist in the country and also the owner of the hospital he worked at, telling him that he needs a favour.
Of course, Enji agrees to help and has Dabi send over your reports ASAP. Meanwhile Dabi is waiting in your room, holding your hand to keep himself from having a meltdown, occasionally yelling at a nurse for her incompetence whenever she came to check on you.
When you did wake up, you were surprised to see your boss by your side, eyebags under his red eyes (was he crying? Maybe.), hair dishevelled and hand still holding yours.
"Uh- Dr Dabi?" You called out, wary of him because of the disdain in his eyes (it wasn't disdain, he was mad.... at himself and at you for having this awful disease- he's just so scared, so he's masking it up by looking at you with disgust and rage).
He hesitantly dropped your hand, rubbing his eyes to relieve the itch (he didn't want you to see the tear escaping because of the news he was about to tell you) as he told you what happened.
"You... have a tumor in your brain." He said, watching your face go from surprise to disheartened to just... acceptance.
You nodded. "Yeah. It is what it is."
It is so NOT what it is.
Dabi furrowed his brows. "I'll get this tumor out of you. You'll be fine. You don't need to worry about anything. You'll be under my care, I've already contacted Dr Enji Todoroki-"
"Your dad?! Whoa! He's like- the BEST oncologist!" He did not appreciate you being impressed by Enji. "I don't think I can even afford him-"
"I'm handling all your finances. I'll take care of everything."
"Oh no, you don't need to-"
"This isn't up for discussion. Like I said, I'm taking care of it all." He snapped, before leaving the room, mumbling about getting you something to eat.
Following days that you were awake, Dabi showed you a side of his that he only ever reserved for his pediatric patients.
He was caring.
Okay he was caring towards you. To everyone else, he was insufferable. While he would help you sit up and sip some water, he'd go out and yell at the nurse for bringing you water that was a degree too cold. He fluffed up your pillows but would snarl at the nurses for not bringing you extra pillows. He'd spoon feed you meals but he almost beat up the cafeteria cook for making the absolute bland, zero nutrition food.
Dabi was stressing and de-stressing simultaneously. While he was calm and patient towards you, he was just panicking on the inside about your tumor, so he'd go hard on the hospital staff to blow off some steam. But you get the better end of the deal, you get princess treatment (that is totally not based on him trying to rid himself of guilt)
Anyways, just a few days later, Enji has come to your room to introduce himself as the lead doctor for your case, and that he was gonna do his best to remove the tumor.
"You will need surgery. Dabi, can you prepare OR 2 for 4pm today-"
"S-surgery?" You asked.
Enji and Dabi looked at each other, then back at you as they nodded.
"Yes. Um, do you have any concerns?"
You remained quite, fumbling with your thumbs. You don't wanna sound stupid in front of such an amazing surgeon.
"Y/n?" Dabi walked closer to you. "What is it?" He demanded softly.
"I-I don't want to sound ungrateful or undermine you, but I've been studying my case as well and well- what are the risks?" You asked nervously, afraid of offending either of them.
Enji smiled. "No, it's my mistake for not explaining earlier. I just thought Dabi had already informed you." He looked at his son but Dabi didn't meet his eyes. "Well, to answer you question- there are chances of amnesia and paralysis. But I can assure you-"
"What are the chances? Percentage?"You asked, throat closing up.
"70%." Oh no. "But 30% is more than enough-"
"Not for me." You mumbled. "There is- there is an option for chemo and radiotherapy, right? They have far lower risks for the complications you mentioned, right?"
Enji nodded. "Yes, but I would highly recommend you go for surgery-"
"No. Chemo and radio."
"Y/n-" Dabi called out to you. "-the tumor can be removed now. With chemo and radio, it's not confirmed if we'll be able to get rid of the tumor then. I'm scheduling you for surgery-"
"No! I said- no surgery. And that's my final decision." You huffed out, and Dabi glared at you. Enji excused himself, clearly you two needed to talk this out.
"You're a doctor- a surgeon! I don't understand why you're not opting for surgery-"
"The risk is too high!"
Dabi scoffed. "There's a 30% chance none of that will happen! We've been doing surgeries when there were less than 10% chances of survival!"
"I- I just can't take the risk, Dr Dabi. Its just too high for me." You said, eyes starting to tear up.
Dabi sighed before sitting on the chair next to your bed. "Look, I understand that you're scared but I guarantee you, none of those complications will happen. I'll be operating with Dr Enji. Don't you have faith in me?"
"I do. I know that you and Dr Enji are both- extremely skilled doctors but I just- I can't risk those complications."
Dabi furrowed his brows, losing his patience. "So what? You'd rather lose your life than have to live with amnesia? Partial paralysis? Are you stupid? You'd much rather die than be alive with complications?"
"Yes." You replied, tears falling down your face. "Yes. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"My mother had Alzheimers." You whispered. "I had seen what it did to her, how the disease slowly enveloped her until she was nothing but a shell. She is- she couldn't even recognise herself in the mirror one day. And it's just- it's so fucking unfair. For all the sacrifices she made, for all the good times she worked so hard for, all of it went down the drain in an instant. She has no memories of any achievement, she doesn't remember marrying my father, having kids, anything. She doesn't even remember what her favourite color was, what her favourite band was- nothing. And it's all- it affected everyone of us. My father- he died. He loved her so much but my mother would panic everytime she saw him and didn't recognise him, screaming bloody murder that there was a stranger in her bed. And then one day, she- she just killed him. Just picked up a knife and stabbed the stranger standing in the kitchen. She killed her husband because she couldn't recognise him. A few months later, she died as well."
Dabi's heart sunk. You'd never opened up to him like this before, and why would you? It's Dabi who imagines you two are way closer than just on a professional level, something more than colleagues.
He swallowed as he chose his next words carefully. "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/n. However, I still insist that you get the surgery. What happened with your mother, will not happen to you. I will make sure-"
"You don't understand." You closes your eyes, brows furrowing in frustration. "I cannot afford to take that risk-"
"And why the hell not?!" He finally snapped. He's been way too patient with you but you keep pushing him.
You looked at him, shock evident on your face before you composed yourself.
"I have people dependent on me. My little brother, he'd been the most affected by my parents deaths. If I were to go through the same things as them, he'd- he'd lose it. Id rather die than to have him witness yet another family member succumb to this, and worse- wonder if he'll get this disease too." You grabbed his hand, and Dabi's eyes softened ever so slightly (though his brows were still knit together in frustration). "I don't expect you to understand or sympathise with me, but I do have memories that are far too precious. I cant lose them. And I can't have amnesia, or paralysis or anything physically limiting because I'd rather not be a burden on my brother... or anyone."
Dabi shook his head, his hand squeezing yours in affirmation. "You wouldn't be a burden, not to me. I'd take care of you, I'd take care of everything. Your brother wouldn't need to know about anything. I'd just- I'd take care of it, okay?"
You smiled sadly, before pulling your hand away. "That's very kind of you, Dr Dabi but... my decision is final. No surgery."
Dabi left your room, opting to release his anger on some new interns than blow up on you. Why are you making everything so fucking complicated?
By evening, he's calmed down and he swings by your room to check in on you, heart turning to mush as he caught you asleep. You're a lot less mad to get at when you're asleep because you don't say hurtful things like the one where you insist on endangering yourself.
And for who? Your brother? This right here- the fact that you always put everyone's need above yours is the only flaw that you have. That and you're stubbornness.
"My decision is final. No surgery."
Dabi hopes it's just the brain tumor impairing your decision making, because there's no way he's just gonna allow you to throw your life away for no reason.
The next morning, you were greeted by... Doctor Keigo Tamaki.
A psychiatrist.
Also, Dabi's best friend. (Dr Keigo claims this, Dabi doesn't.)
Apparently, Dabi sent Keigo to talk some sense into you and convince you for surgery because Keigo claims he's been told that you've been showing... "suicidal behaviour". So, Dabi wanted you to get some "much needed" therapy.
You chuckled, because clearly this is a joke. I mean, you know how Dabi is. He may have a cold hard, stick-up-his-ass exterior, but deep down you know he cares about everyone, especially his patients. And you're his patient too, so it makes sense.
Dabi continued to take care of you, monitoring your meds and still doing daily reports on the tumor to see its progression, all while trying to provide you some emotional support. But it seemed like rather he was the one in need of emotional support from you, as you continued to affirm him that you will get better one day, that you do feel better every day.
And as much as he wouldn't like to admit that you were right, the chemotherapy was indeed working. You were doing better than before.
Maybe this was one of the times Dabi didn't mind being wrong.
He smiled softly as he watched you sitting on the bed, talking animatedly with Keigo and the nurse, Dabi pretending to read your reports over for the 10th time, like he wasn't just listening to you crack the most unfunny joke.
As if Dabi wasn't smiling from ear to ear.
"Y/n? Oh- what's that?" The worry in Keigo's voice had Dabi whipping his head towards you, eyes widening at the streak of blood dripping down from your nose. Dabi yelling at the nurse to pass you the tissues before he snatched the box from her and pulled out a few tissues, bringing them to your nose and tilting your head back.
You looked at him in confusion, Dabi's face barely masking the panic as blood started pouring out of your left eye, and then the right one.
"D-dabi?" You whispered, before your eyes rolled back as seizures took over your entire body, violently jerking as Dabi began screaming orders at the nurses, snatching the anti epileptic injection and injecting you immeadiately while Keigo made sure your seizures didn't end up harming you.
The drug worked and you were sedated, Dabi's mind going at a million miles per hour as he tried to process what just happened when Keigo's voice brought him back.
"Dabi. Look." He followed Keigo's gaze towards your lower abdomen, heart stopping as he saw a giant blood spot around your crotch area. Pulling away the sheets, he saw the bloody mess and the two men shared a look before beginning to reel you towards the radiology to get a brain scan, and send blood samples to lab.
When you woke up a few hours later, Dabi was sitting in your dimly lit room, eyes red and furious and just so... tired.
With bleary eyes, you asked him. "What happened?"
Dabi just glared at you, and he looked like he was just barely containing his rage, thinking of his choice of words carefully.
"You-" Dabi pursed his lips, before breathing deeply to calm himself. "-You need the surgery."
You sighed. "We've been over this already-" but Dabi slammed the reports on the overbed table, standing up and pacing around the room as he waited for you to read them over.
As you pulled out the brain scans, you immediately recognised the problem-
"The tumor hasn't shrunk." Dabi said, still pacing.
"Well, it has shrunk a bit-"
"It isn't shrinking fast enough!" Dabi snapped. "The chemo isn't working fast enough and the side effects of those drugs are making you sicker!"
You shrugged. "Well, those effects were expected-"
"No, I didn't expect you to fucking seize and bleed through almost every hole in your body!" Dabi yelled, eyes shooting daggers at you. You remained quiet as he continued to pace around your room, running a hand through his hair frustratedly as he continued to list how every single worst side effect could possibly start to appear in your body if you do not get surgery.
"I'm booking the OR tomorrow. You'll get the surgery at 9 am-"
"No. I- I am not consenting to this surgery-"
"Did you not just hear what I said? You could die-"
"Possibly die. Possibly bleed to death. Possibly. Possibly. I'm fine with taking my chances. And it's no news to either of us that chemo is causing my health to deteriorate a bit because it usually gets worse before it gets better!" You explained.
"No. Surgery. I'm not consenting."
Dabi stormed out of your room, slamming the door on his way out, spooking the nurses enough for them to get out of his way.
Dabi continued to walk, a murderous expression on his face as he reached the OR duty board to look at the surgeries he was scheduled for tomorrow.
Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?
Don't you understand that just because you want to take risk the possibilities doesn't mean he want to as well?
That he can't risk the possibility of your dying?
"And I won't." He picked up the eraser and cleared out the whole board before beginning to reschedule all surgeries, writing your name on the very top, along with his father's.
You're getting that surgery, one way or another.
He called his father to tell him that he's scheduled to operate on you tomorrow, before calling Keigo.
The next time you woke up, your room was still dimly lit. Your body felt weaker than before, arms heavy as you realised its hard to move any of your limbs.
Was this yet another effect of chemotherapy? Or just the brain tumor doing its horrors.
Your mind flashed back to your conversation with Dr Dabi. A part of you wondered if you should just give in and get the surgery. Maybe- maybe your brother will understand-
No. You can't. You can't take the chance.
Just then, Dabi walked in, looking slightly surprised that you're conscious.
"You're awake." You opened your mouth to reply but found it hard to do so, your entire mouth felt like cotton.
As if sensing, Dabi walked closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Its okay, its just the anesthesia wearing off. You don't need to talk, just rest."
The confusion in your eyes must've been prominent as Dabi made an "Ah!" sound.
"Anesthesia... fron your surgery. This morning." But I didnt consent. "I know you didn't consent, but it's alright. Dr Keigo said that after his thorough evaluation, he deemed you unable to take care of yourself and make good decisions. Health related decisions. So, we decided to sign you up for surgery."
Surgery? What surger-
Even in your drug induced state, your mind was able to answer your own question. And knowing that Dabi was well aware that you never consented to it, that he just violated your autonomy-
Dabi sighed softly as he wiped the tears that slipped down your cheeks. "Y/n- Y/n, come on, now. Stop crying. The surgery went well, nothing happened to you. Dad- Dr Enji was able to remove the tumor with ease, and I was right there with you the whole time. I wouldn't have allowed any mistakes, not even from my own father." He lowered himself until his face was just a few inches away from yours. "I was right, wasn't I? About the surgery being a success, about no complications occuring. So, come on now. Stop crying. This was for your own good. And I will continue to make better decisions for you, until you can start making them for yourself again, okay?" Very daringly, Dabi raised his hand to your face to tuck away some strands of your hair behind your ear.
If you weren't so shocked, you may have recognised the silent "I love you" in all these actions.
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miloouch · 2 years
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Sini Aliz, a 19 years old girl is gifted the opportunity of a lifetime.
TW: mention of alcohol, mention of death, mention of deadly disease (cancer).
A/N: Hello people from Tumblr! Here I am, presenting you my first ever work published on the internet. It is only the prologue for now but the first chapter will see the light in probably two or three days. I've planned for this fic to be a romance story between Neteyam and the protagonist. I also plan to add a tad bit of angst and mayyybe a little bit of smuty content. Of course there will be plenty of interactions with other members of the Sully family so it won't only be a one on one story.
I've put a lot of effort into this work and I really hope you'll take pleasure as you read it. I would be more than happy to hear any feedback as it is always useful.
I thank you for you interest.
PS: English is not my first language and I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors.
Word count: 1,043.
2163, Earth.
Sini had always been perceived as an outcast or a troublemaker by society, never really fitting in and spending her life by herself on the desolated planet the Earth had became. She was different in some ways. Some visible, like her heterochromia that gave her one brown eye while the other was green. Some invisible, just the same as the deadly disease she had carried around for the past four years of her life.
She had been diagnosed with lung cancer when she was only fifteen, the pollution of the ambient city air bringing various viruses and deadly diseases that had killed numerous humans.
She was on her treatment at first, hoping for remission, but about seven months ago the doctors who were in charge of her informed that her cancer had reached its final stage, the tumors slowly shutting her body down day by day. Sini's hope for survival all crushed and whipped away in an instant.
Since that day, she lived even more carelessly than she ever had before, going out every time she wanted to feel alive.
Tonight was no different as she was seated at the bar she went to anytime she wanted to get shit faced. Anytime she wanted to forget she could possibly not wake up the following day.
She had already downed a few shots, her brain feeling fuzzy and her surroundings blurry. She was quietly enjoying her alone time, sipping on yet another shot when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She redirected her attention as she turned around on the bar stool to face the person behind her.
It was an old man, probably in his mid sixties, with greyish hair and a warm smile. Behind him was also a younger lady who was maybe in her late thirties or early fourties. She also displayed a kind smile as she looked at the seated girl. The man slightly cleared his throat before speaking.
"Sini Aliz?" He asked, only receiving a timid nod from her.
"I'm Dr. Armand Katz and she's Dr. Sage Garcia." He introduced the two of them, moving to the side to give his colleague some more space.
"We would like to talk to you in private if you'd allow to use some of your time." Armand explained.
Without saying a word, Sini got up from the stool, the dizziness caused by the alcohol in her system making it somewhat hard for her to keep a solid balance as she was feeling tipsy.
She followed the two outside the bar as they made their way to a dead end street not far from their previous location. As they came to a stop, the doctors turned around, facing her once more.
"So what do you two want?" She bluntly asked, blaming the alcohol for the rude demeanor she had just displayed. She was usually not the sweetest person to be around and the drinking only made it worse.
Sage let out a small huff of amusement at the girl's question before giving her an answer.
"We'd like you to be a part of our scientific program." The woman explained, earning an intrigued look from Sini before continuing.
"We've heard of your condition and we'd like to offer you a golden opportunity for remission. A new life." She said as Armand slowly nodded his head in approval.
Sini furrowed her eyebrows. How the hell could they offer her remission? She had no idea who they were. Yet, they seemed to know everything about her, from her name to the disease that slowly killed her even though she had kept that a secret. Despite her hesitation, curiosity got the best of her and it was the time to ask another question.
"What's this so called 'golden opportunity' that you have to offer me?" She interrogated the two, her bicolor gaze fixed on them.
Armand took a few steps forward before answering the question.
"We are part of the Avatar Program. Us and a few other scientists will be going to Pandora to study the flora and fauna of the said planet." He spoke.
Sini had heard about the Avatar Program while she was in the hospital, undergoing her intense treatment to cure her cancer. She had been so intrigued by the expedition that she had spent most of her stay studying and learning about Pandora and its inhabitants. She had also read about Jake Sully, the man who had earned the respect of the Na'vi people and became one of them. She had learned about the war the humans and the natives had fought, Sully going against his own race and siding with the clan and staying on Pandora once it was all over. That was a story that had always fascinated her.
Snapping back to reality, she focused back on the scientists and then asked another question.
"How does that program could possibly cure me from my cancer though?" She thought out loud, a wondering pattern plastered on her face. Armand and Sage gave her a small smirk before he answered the question.
"We want to offer you spot as one of the Avatar who will be on our team. We will provide you with a new body, a healthy one. An avatar of your own." He paused and turned his head to his colleague, allowing the woman to continue with the information.
"For this physical trade to occur we'd have to collect everything that you are and place it in the Avatar body. That means you'd have to die." She said, a persistent gaze fixed on the younger girl that stood in front of them.
Sini hummed as she took in the information. She would have to die?
She had thought of her death countless times in the past four years. She knew the remaining time she had being alive was like a ticking bomb, ready to explode and destroy everything. But now things seemed different.
She felt like she finally had the opportunity to be in control of the situation. The freedom she felt from it was so grand, she felt overwhelmed.
She looked forward at the two individuals who were waiting for a response from her.
"I'm in." She blurted out, the excitement clear in her voice.
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rocketboots564 · 17 days
Teen Wolf OC: Enrico Mahealani
Here’s a bit of writing I made for a Teen Wolf OC of mine: Enrico Mahealani, the son of one of Danny’s cousins, who comes to live with him after his father’s death. This takes place after the events of the Teen Wolf Movie, and is part of a sorta fix-it au of mine that I’ve been brainstorming over while watching Teen Wolf for the first time.
You can check out his info, and other work I’ve written about him with with this Masterlist
Chapter 2: Breakfast
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“All hapiness depends on a leisurely breakfast,” –John Gunther
To Enrico, morning routines were an imperative, crucial structure to follow. It allowed him to be efficient, not just with his own physical and mental wellbeing, but the day-to-day lifestyle and the certain occupation he held.
It’s why he’d wake up early during the weekdays, and stay asleep until noon or later over the weekends. It’s why he’d rinse himself down in the shower, use proper exfoliating face wash, and even make sure to buy specific deodorant and toothpaste that met his needs.
As such, it became irritating when this routine, the imperative steps taken to start his day, was interrupted by something.
And, much to his dismay, something had interrupted: his dreams, or visions rather. A reoccurring nightmare that hung in his sleepless, once stagnant mind. In his eyes, they were a haunting omen that plagued his nights.
The bad news was he’d taken a huge dent in his sleep schedule, waking up hours earlier. There was also the looming air of dread, the anxiety and fear that came with deciphering his visions and dreams.
The good news was simple: he’d always hated a stagnated mind.
The blonde girl, the dark-skinned pretty boy, and the man with blue eyes. They were all spirits, ones who’d lingered in between life and death, unable to pass on. They were calling to him, calling out to do something. But what exactly? was the question that rang in his head, every morning since the dreams began.
“Save the pack. Find Stiles. Find the son,” he muttered to himself, repeating the words that had been shouted to him in his sleep. Images of the older man flashed in his mind, from his pointed ears and fangs, to his glowing blue eyes. The desperation in his voice as he burned alive made him wince, as he could feel his pain, his very soul crying out.
“Find who?” A voice asked behind him, as Enrico’s spine tingled, startled by the sudden intrusion. He turned to face relative and legal guardian, Danny Mahealani, as he groggily walked into the kitchen, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet with nearly every step he took. The man was still dressed in his pajamas, his shaggy shirt and a pair of polka dot sweatpants he’d been given as a joke gift.
“N-Nothing… just a dream I had,” Enrico responded in a quiet tone, handing him a plate of eggs and bacon. The boy had already prepared and eaten his own breakfast, as the smell of cooked food was the very thing that woke Danny up to begin with. Danny grabbed the plate with one hand and with the other, he lazily opened a kitchen drawer, his fingers shuffling through various silverware before grabbing a fork.
Danny had taken in Enrico after the loss of his father to a terminal brain tumor. The boy was his cousin’s son, but was relegated to being known as his “relative” for simplicities sake. It wasn’t worth the trouble of constantly explaining that no, he didn’t adopt him nor did he magically turn straight and have a kid. The constant assumptions had nearly gotten insulting to Danny. They could’ve done just assumed I was bisexual or pan, at least they’d be in the ballpark, he’d once said under his breath, right after running into some old high school friends, who were confused at the sudden sight of a 15-year-old kid, who looked eerily similar to him.
The both of them lived in Danny’s house on the outskirts of downtown. It was homely, with furniture that looked expensive, but was really just cheaply put together Ikea products. The place had previously been an Airbnb for true crime fanatics and ghost hunters, most of which were attracted to Beacon Hills for its past history of murders and unusual deaths. In Danny’s eyes, if nobody else was going to make a profit off his teenage trauma, he might as well do it.
Besides, his house was close enough to his real job running a gay club. It was the same club he used to frequent when he was younger, and way more reckless. But now? It became an ever present reminder of how far he’d come. He’d grown to adore the place and its people like family.
Sure, the man was far from being a werewolf, but he would be lying to himself if the friends he’d made didn’t feel like a pack to him.
“Oh god what time is it?” Danny groaned, checking his phone, “shit… Dal and Jenna are gonna kill me.”
“Already running late?” Enrico chirped up, a sympathetic grin on his face, as he adjusted the collar on his shirt. He’d expected Danny to sleep through his alarms. It was only natural, as he’d spent all night dealing with the Club’s finances and school applications for Beacon Hills High. Normally, he’d wake him up, but admittedly, his mind had been elsewhere, focused on his dream. Enrico set down a mug of coffee on the kitchen counter, one which Danny happily accepted with a grateful nod.
“And today’s the new renovations… ughhh,” he groaned, as Danny rubbed his already sore temple, taking a deep breath in. He took a sip of coffee, his other hand reaching for his phone as he began to rapidly text several numbers at a time, grumbling to himself, “I’ll let them know I’ll be running late.”
“Perfect. I am meeting with an acquaintance from school today,” Enrico said, cleaning up the stovetop and taking dishes over to the sink. Danny’s eyebrows raised, as he glanced over to Enrico, finishing up the last of his breakfast.
“Oh yeah! I heard you made some friends. And it’s only been your first week at school,” Danny smiled, standing next to Enrico as he turned on the hot water, rinsing his plate and fork under the steaming faucet.
Danny was uncertain how well Enrico would’ve adjusted to his new school. He’d had only moved in with him a month after his father’s passing. He knew it had to have been overwhelming for him. And putting high school of all things on top of that? It felt like he was putting this kid through a Herculean struggle. Danny had once tried to lighten up the thought by telling him stories his past misadventures as a teenager, but it usually ended with a judgmental side glance from Enrico followed by awkward silence.
“So, who is the lucky kid?” Danny asked, taking another sip of his brown liquid, savoring the perfect taste of cream and sugar as Enrico wiped his hands clean with a towel.
“His name is Eli Hale.”
At that, Danny nearly spat his coffee out.
Great, all that work to keep you away from Beacon Hill’s werewolf shit, and you picked a HALE to befriend, Danny thought to himself, a forced smile rising to his face. His hand clenched his mug tightly.
“Do you know the name?” Enrico tilted his head slightly, an eyebrow raised as he watched his relative shakily set his coffee mug down. “N-No! Just uhm… my coffee’s a bit hot is all,” Danny nervously chuckled, his gaze avoiding Enrico’s as he desperately grasped for a thought.
A lie? Interesting… Enrico thought, his eyes closely observing Danny, as he shrugged his shoulders, and tightened his tie and adjusted his shirt collar. He wouldn’t press his relative for information, he already had enough on his plate.
“I’ll be heading out. Eli and I have a sort of group project together that I want to get done,” He said, walking to the door with his backpack slung across his shoulders, “If I were you I’d take Southwest Street to the get to the club. Your usual route is probably crowded with traffic.”
“W-wait a minute, you’re already leaving?” Danny stood up, a concerned and confused expression on his face. This was already going way too fast for him to process, and it was freaking him out a little. But he knew he couldn’t loose his cool, not yet, not when he’d just gotten his cousin’s kid settled into his home.
“O-okay… that’s fine,” he paused, hoping the nervous sweat on his brow wasn’t noticeable, “But w-what was that about the road? What do you mean it’ll be faster?”
Enrico opened the door, standing out on the porch as he paused. His head turned back to Danny, looking over his shoulder as a grin widened to his face.
“Now that’s the kind of question I’ve been hoping to answer,” He replied, an almost devilish glint in his eyes. He spoke with an unusually enthusiastic tone, as if he’d been waiting to share the news all day. And, by the looks of it, he had. It was like something had finally snapped him out of the grieving, depressed mood he’d been in since he got here, like something had caught his full, undivided attention.
“Someone was murdered at last night. A girl, and new to town no less,” his smile widened. “I think things just got more interesting around here.”
And with that, he shut the door behind him, leaving his bewildered relative to drink his coffee alone in terrified wonder.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
Taglist: @fionajames
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
Hello, Tumblrians! It’s been a while. I thought I’d post more consistently due to it being my Spring Break time, but alas, I was fatigued and to be honest just needed a break. Even if I post once a week, I put a lot into reviewing everything! Yeah.
BUT! I read some bangers recently. I will get those out of the way first and foremost.
The Honeys is a 2022 horror novel by Ryan La Sala, following a genderfluid teen named Mars. (I’ll be addressing them with they/he/she pronouns this whole review btw, as the MC uses all of those pronounse.) His sister recently died a grisly death after running away from the prestigious summer academy she was attending, and although the uncharacteristic behavior and aggression in her final moments can be attributed to a tumor in her brain by doctors, Mars suggests there was some foul play involved. So, he goes back to the summer academy/camp in question: Aspen, a cisnormative, kinda cultish nightmare, which Mars swore they wouldn’t return to after an incident that happened years prior, but has to in order to investigate their sister’s death. There, they end up somehow befriending the local trio of popular girls: The Honeys, called that because of their beekeeping, are alluringly and suspiciously perfect girls with a pretty exclusive friend group that Caroline was part of right before she died. But, The Honeys are definitely not as they seem, and undoubtedly have a connection to Mars’ sister’s death. On top of that, in the daytime, something within the camp starts messing with Mars’ memories, and they need to get to the bottom of what exactly that is before it’s too late.
The Honeys holds a Book Backstory that, similar to Mars’ memory/POV for most of the book, is a little hazy to me now and I have a vague recollection of the series of events that led to this being something of high priority on my TBR. Maybe I just learned it was a queer horror and was intrigued based on the premise alone! But, my school library had this in its horror shelves, and I checked this one out along with Belladonna in order to clear off some of my Digital TBR. (I hadn’t gotten around to reading Belladonna yet with the Trans Rights Readathon going on, sorry.)
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Anyhow! As only my second horror novel, this took a bit of adapting to, but halfway through I was expecting it to be tamer than it turned out. See, for a chunk of the novel, Mars lives in a bit of a haze and doesn’t have much recollection of their original investigation plan due to supernatural events, and as a result a third or so of this novel is summer camp shenanigans that are typical until a creepy event happens and gets shrugged off about 20 pages later. In that sense, it’s close to a slow burn psychological horror. So, if you’re expecting a lot of dead bodies and fear from our protagonist, just…know you’ll have to wait until the last 100 pages for more of that haha. Originally though, this kinda frustrated me because I disliked knowing more than the protagonist did when we technically knew about the same things at different points, but I liked how that part of the plot was wrapped up, and although I was critical of it at the time it makes a lot of sense in hindsight (I was just impatient and wanted a bloodbath I guess).
This also gave me a new interest, or I guess a new…buzzword…to look for in books and the like (collective crowd booing): Bee horror!!! I loved it so much. Bee horror isn’t really something new, I know, just look at Candyman for instance(and the new Amazon Prime series Swarm), but I just loved what they did with the body horror here. I loved the bits of bee research put into writing the apiary segments, the absolutely gross body horror we got (spoilers: people get TURNED INTO HONEY. Like, they melt and stuff!!), how the main hive mind was connected to everything and used actual beehive imagery in both metaphor and social structure. So cool. We love to see it.
Also, that ending!! No spoiler section for this review, but I will say that it’s absolutely BATSHIT!
Actually nevermind, changed my mind, WE’RE ADDING A SPOILER SECTION!!
SPOILER SECTION!! Buzz away if that’s not what you feel like reading or you want to go into this book blind.🐝
Ok!!! So. The ending. I was predicting that Mars would end up siding with the Honeys after they accepted them into their friend group, but I was absolutely not predicting the kind of scale or power their group had. The aforementioned “Hive Mind” was connected to the Honeys; they harvested honey from body-horroring some of the counselors into it, and they’d eat the honey to gain connection to this weird plane of reality called The Lace, which connects everyone’s minds together as one entity and makes them like..omnipresent or whatever. It’s so weird, I loved it.
Mars is forced to take on the leading role of Queen Bee, since his sister’s biology and stuff didn’t work with the literal throne and the stuff that came with that, and his parents are insistent about one of their bloodline taking on the title. To have this be put onto a transfemme character, after Aspen’s higher-ups were insistent about them remaining a “boy”, was fascinating to me. I’d have to do more lengthy analysis to properly dissect this, but to have Mars turn against the adult higher-ups while she’s Queen Bee felt like a way of reclaiming that as a means of affirming her identity and gender. (I mean, she’s presented femme throughout the book but that’s one of the only times they’re addressed with she/her pronouns by their parents, and Mars, while they were terrified of the Honeys themselves for a chunk of the ending, doesn’t have any discomfort in how they’re addressed gender-wise once they take on this role and it’s abilities.) Maybe that scene could be enough to convince a few girlies that, by the end, this could probably be a “Good For Her” horror, although it gets a little sketchy once we look into dissecting that? Just looking into the morals and stuff of The Honeys and how they fucked around with memories, will a little bit, and all that. (Not that Mars sides with that or decides to replicate it, even with their new abilities.)
But, I really liked the ending. I’m glad Mars got to get their revenge. It did feel a little “Good For Her”-y.
I do really want to do some analysis on it at some point though because I was thinking about some of the subtext within it and was, again, fascinated. Perhaps I’ll do a reread at some point, see if I liked things more or less, see if there’s anything I missed.
END OF SPOILER SECTION! (There was a flimsy Baby’s First Analysis y’all were not missing out if you skipped)
TL;DR(or TS;DR)(Too Spoilery, Didn’t Read), the ending was delightfully trippy and I tried my hand at dissecting some of the gender subtext within it.
Overall, a solid read! I was a little frustrated at the slowness sometimes, but that paid off in the end and I liked how everything wrapped up. I will always LOVE queer horror, especially stuff with trans protagonists 💪 
Book rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars.
~Paz, signing off! ^^
(Book content/trigger warnings: Body horror, loss of autonomy(memory altercation), transphobic and homophobic bullying, frequent insects, blood and gore.)
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irastayshome · 2 years
Heck of a month
So, since the last depressing post on this, my husband’s received news that his cancer had spread to his brain and spine, finally agreed to go for immunotherapy, deteriorated shortly after because of brain swelling from the tumor, brought him to a&e n had brain surgery to remove a 4cm tumor, underwent a sticky period of recovery dealing with side effects of the new opioids they have him on, completely abandoned all intentions of following an ‘álternative’ path for healing, and a month and a few kilos later, he’s able to wean off the opioids and is gaining strength. I know he does not want to say it, neither do i, for fear of jinxing things up. But hope is not some kinda magical thinking now. 
They say cancer doesn’t just happen to the sick person. It happens to his entire family. Cancer certainly ‘happened’ to us, in ways I had not anticipated. It illuminated to me an entire village that supported me and my children as we tried to keep up with the dizzying ride. One thing I know for sure now - family is who you choose, and who sticks by you no matter what.
What they don’t tell you either, is that its not all about savouring every moment with the loved one and talking about the meaning of life. It hardly ever happens, unless the body and the mind accepts that they are actively dying. And in an ideal world, perhaps, cancer would have been that kick needed to look back at one’s life and pick apart the things that truly matter from the ridiculous. But I guess we do not live in a film. In real life, the problems that irritate you and your marriage, will STILL irritate the two of you. As things start to return to normal, or whatever normal looks like now, we all want to forget the intensity of emotions when we thought we had to abandon hope soon. The brain wants to forget, always. But the heart never does. I had gotten used to the idea that my husband is willingly choosing the path that would take him away from me and his children, after many nights of tears and prayers, holding his body from afar as he sleeps, and staying awake envisioning how raising our boys would look like without him. And now, its as if im not grateful that he appears to be gaining strength. My mind needed a moment to shift from ‘’we’re running out of time together’ to ‘’its time to buckle up for the long journey ahead’’. Both states of mind asked for very different energies from me and the children.  
I know recovery is not pretty, and it certainly follows its own timeline. But I wish, somehow, the doctors, or even my husband, knew where he is on that timeline. Because I am already exhausted, trying to be a mother and a father to the kids, trying to support my husband in his recovery any way that I can, trying to deal with the day to day matters that scream for my attention. Yet the moment I cry out for a little bit of help from his family, the wolves came forward. Trying to tear apart the fragile stability we’re trying to get at here, by putting ideas into his head that he would do better to heal at his mother’s place than our family home. But despite the deep anger and hurt this ignited in me, nothing hurt more than to hear my husband say that he could see how this works well for everyone. “So you don’t have to be so tired all the time... so the kids can get your attention.. ”. It’s funny how he’s never cared about these two things when he was free of cancer. But I tell myself, he has tumors.. don’t take to heart everything he says. That’s what the social worker and oncologist said too. But they don’t know my husband like I do. Nobody does.. not his brothers, his colleagues, his friends, his children, not even his mother - though she would strongly disagree. Ive seen him at his best, and now his worst. And I know I should not take to heart when a person with stage 4 cancer says he wants to run back to his family. But we are his family too. He chose to make this family. He made so many promises of a long life with me, and chose to bring 2 boys into this world with me. It hurts. To know that when he thought he was dying, he did not want to have us surround him. I know pain, deep pain, makes it difficult for one to consider any other perspective of those around us. I never expected to feel so selfish and yet so justified in that feeling of anger towards him. 
I don’t know how he’ll be by the end 2022, or even WHERE he will be. But i’ve finally accepted that if he wants to run away to his family despite all his responsibilities and his 2 very young, innocent boys waiting here with his wife, I’m not going to stop him. In our marriage, the one thing he has taught me, over all our arguments, is that I have got this. All those moments where he’d abandon both me and the kids when he was angry and just check out of being the head of the family, i’ve gotten a hang of the ropes. In a way, he has taught us to live without him. Perhaps he knows this too, which is why he’d rather be with his ‘’people’’, who now feel they have something to prove by wanting to take care of him, than live with the guilt of having us take care of him. And if he makes it, i’m happy for him. Truly. But i’ll just be over here then, consoling his children who will be wondering why their father chose to leave them and whether it was their fault or mine that made him leave. Like i said, one heck of a month. 
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
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title: The Most Precious Thing pairing: nurse!jeonghan x surgeon!reader genre: hospital au, fluff, secret relationship warnings: medical talk (tumors, brain biopsy, potential cancer), mentions of food/not having time to eat, stress synopsis: you and jeondhan had been dating for a few months. since you worked at the same hospital, you decided to keep it a secret so as to not complicate things with your colleagues. however, during a moment of weakness, one of them figures you out. wordcount: 3.6k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang rating: PG 13
request: nurse!jeonghan x surgeon!reader with prompt 2 and 53 (requested by @tfmingyu) prompts: 2. "i like the way your hand fits in mine" 53. "do you believe in soulmates?"
a/n: after a very long time of keeping this request in my drafts, and after many major changes to the story - it's finally here! i'm sorry for taking so long!!
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
"You have another appointment you need to look at, Doctor Y/L/N," Jeonghan said as you walked past, enunciating your title in a slightly mocking manner.
"Remind me of that later, nurse Yoon," you answered and doing the same to him. "I have a patient waiting for examination results."
Jeonghan took the file from your hands and looked at it while walking beside you. He let out a few hums and eventually gave it back to you. You looked at him with an arched brow, questioning if he really understood what it said.
"I understood about half of it." He nodded. "Checks out."
"The patient has a brain tumor." You sighed. "We need to do a brain biopsy... and I have to tell them, which is stressing me out."
The two of you walked into the elevator and you pressed the button for the third floor. Jeonghan wasn't sure why he had followed you, he technically had to be on the first floor at this moment. Today was luckily a slow day, a near impossible occurrence - but he was lucky. The doors closed, and the elevator quickly moved up.
"You're stressed about telling them and not doing the surgery?" He scoffed. "Every day you surprise me more."
The elevator dinged, signaling that you had arrived on the third floor. Before the doors could open, Jeonghan leaned down and placed a quick kiss on your cheek. You looked over at him with wide eyes, but you had no time to scold him for kissing you at work - the doors were already open.
"Good luck with that patient!" he said in a sing-song voice.
"You're not coming with me?" you asked as you walked outside the elevator, trying to act normal.
"Oh no, I have to be at reception." He gave you a Cheshire-cat grin as the doors closed.
Another sigh escaped your lips, but you couldn't help but smile. He was always risky, even if you tried to convince him to not be suspicious while at work. The two of you had started dating a few months ago. Meeting at a hospital doesn't seem very romantic, but Jeonghan was surprisingly good at making any situation into a sweet one. You had told him to keep things secret, while he didn't care either way. His carefree look on life did get on your nerves at times, but you looked past it for how good he was to you otherwise. Like now. He could see your stress from a mile away and went with you as far as he could go to try to cheer you up. It was cute. He was cute.
After telling your patient the news and explaining what you would need to do, they obviously freaked out a bit. They hadn't come in expecting a brain tumor, and now you were telling them that you had to make a small insition in their skull and take a sample of the said tumor to see if it was cancerous. Like any surgery, it didn't come without any risks, and you of course had to tell them that. After being a bit sympathetic you left, a tension headache already starting to affect you. As you walked through the corridor you started feeling a bit dizzy and stumbled to the wall to hold yourself up.
"Y/L/N?" a familiar voice said.
A pair of strong hands held you up. When you looked beside you a colleague of yours stood beside you. Choi Seungcheol, you were in the same undergrad class but ended up specializing in different areas. You in general surgery, and him in oncology. It was mere chance that you had ended up working at the same hospital. When you told your friends, they dreamily answered that it must be fate - to which you responded with that the cute doctor was involved with someone else, much to their dismay.
"Oh, Choi I actually need to speak with you..." You breathed out. "I just need to sit down for a bit..."
"Let's focus on you first. Have you had time to eat anything today?" he asked as he led you to the elevator.
"I'm fine... listen, I'm about to do a brain biopsy," you explained weakly as you watched him push the button for the first floor, "I'm pretty sure it's a cancerous tumor, it makes sense with the patient's other symptoms. I just want your opinion on something-"
"Y/L/N, did you eat today?" he asked again, ignoring what you were saying.
He was still holding you up, which you were incredibly thankful for because your legs felt like they were about to give out. With your right hand, you steadied yourself against the railing in the elevator which let him loosen his grip on you.
"I ate around ten AM.", you said, "I've been working since, I didn't have time to get lunch."
It was only a little bit of a lie since you wouldn't qualify the thing you ate as your meal. It wasn't enough to keep you satisfied for the rest of the day, and therefore, not sufficient. What dr. Choi didn't know, he couldn't criticize you for.
"Then we'll get you something to eat," Choi put simply, "After that, I'll give you my opinion on your case."
The elevator doors opened, and the two of you walked out. Dr. Choi sat you down on one of the waiting chairs and went over to the vending machine. You watched as he fed the machine some cash and pushed on some buttons, bending down to pick up the item as it fell down the machine. Soon enough, the doctor came back to you with a energy bar.
"Just to get your blood sugar up," he said and handed it to you.
"Y/N?" From a distance, you could see that Jeonghan was running up to you.
You cringed at his usage of your first name. It wasn't professional, which is why you wanted to avoid it. The man beside you raised his brows at the use of your first name. Clearly it surprised Doctor Choi a bit which only made you feel worse. Jeonghan finally arrived at your side, his eyes full of worry at the sight of your slumped form.
"Are you alright? You look sick," he crouched down in front of you.
"They just need to eat a bit," Choi chimed in. "Then they'll be just fine."
"You haven't been eating?" Jeonghan ignored the fact that your colleague just said you'll be fine.
"I didn't have the time, nurse Yoon," you said sternly. "I'll be fine, it's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal? You should give yourself time to eat." He sighed.
"Well, thank you for your medical advice," you said sarcastically. "But as I said, I didn't have the time. I have patients that need my help."
"I'm going to give you two some space..." Seungcheol interrupted. "Come over to my office when you can Y/N, I'll look over the case."
You were about to stop him from leaving, but Jeonghan grabbing your hands distracted you. You looked over at him, forgetting that you still had to consult dr. Choi on a myriad of things. Jeonghan had a serious look on his face as he sat down beside you.
"Why don't you have time to eat?" he asked. "You should at least be able to eat some sort of energy bar while in between places."
"I didn't have anything on me." You sighed and rested your head against your palm. "I'm sorry for being angry... you didn't do anything wrong."
"I know that, sweetheart." He chuckled and threw an arm around your shoulders. "When does your shift end? Do you think you can get off early if it's for health reasons?"
"I just need to eat a bit, Jeonghan, I'm not sick." You looked up at him with a thankful gaze.
"Oh, I know..." He smiled. "But nobody else does."
"I'm not going to lie to anyone!" You laughed, a sense of relief flooding your systems at how carefree you could be around him.
Usually, you would've told him to keep his hands to himself, but it felt so nice to have him take care of you. So damn it all, you thought as you leaned your head on his shoulder. For once you let your walls down at work, and you just hoped nobody would see.
"Come to me when you're done for the day," he said. "We can go get take out and I can stay the night at your place to make sure that you'll actually get to sleep."
"That sounds nice." You nodded and sat up. "Now I need to talk to Dr. Choi about my patient, though."
"Go get some better food at the cafeteria first." Jeonghan grabbed your hand before you could walk away. "Just a sandwich and some water, it doesn't have to be anything big."
You nodded and stayed there in front of him. He was smiling brightly up at you, and you just couldn't walk away - mostly because he was still holding your hand. You tried to discreetly signal for him to let go of your hand, but he didn't get it. He didn't get it, or he was pretending to be oblivious. As much as you loved him, he could be infuriating at times.
"Jeonghan," you whispered. "Why are you still holding my hand?"
"Because I like the way your hand fits in mine," he teased. "What? You want me to let go?"
All you did was let out yet another sigh, but Jeonghan gave in and let go of your hand anyway. He liked to tease you, but he wasn't about to start driving you insane when you're this stressed out. No, that would be saved for occasions where he would actually enjoy watching you get flustered. You said goodbye and were on your merry way to the cafeteria, unaware of how your boyfriend's gaze lingered on you until you were out of sight.
By the time your shift ended you felt like your legs were about to give out from under you. However, when you made your way to the reception all of the stress washed off your body, like taking a cold shower after a hot workout, as soon as you saw Jeonghan. He smiled at you, and you nodded to him.
You walked out alone and sat down in the passenger seat of Jeonghan's car. Luckily, you had taken the bus today, which meant that Jeonghan could drive you home. A few minutes passed, and he joined you in the driver's seat.
"What do you want to eat?" he asked as he put on his seat belt and started the car.
"I'll go for anything right now, just let me put some greasy food in my mouth." You groaned dramatically.
"Coming right up," Jeonghan chuckled.
The couch felt so unbelievably soft. Never had you considered your very own couch to be this great of a buy, but considering how comfortable you were right now it might be the best thing you had ever bought in your entire life. All of the credit couldn't go to the couch, of course, because some of it also had to go to Jeonghan. You were snuggled up on his chest, your legs laying in between his, and his arms wrapped around you. A warm blanket was laying over the two of you. On the coffee table stood two boxes of empty Chinese take-out, the closest thing you could find to the hospital.
"You're not falling asleep on me, are you?" Jeonghan muttered, despite him also being half asleep.
"I think I might be." You shifted so that you could meet his gaze. "Weren't you going to make sure I got a good night's sleep?"
"I don't think this is the optimal place for sleeping," he retorted with a smile.
"Well, I think it is." You put your forehead against his chest. "You're such a good pillow, baby, don't worry."
"Come on, angel, let's get you to bed." Jeonghan chuckled and helped you sit up.
He walked with you to the bathroom, where you brushed your teeth together. There were two toothbrushes in your restroom: one was yours, and the spare one was for Jeonghan whenever he would come over. It was always a nice reminder for you when he wasn't there because it was the story behind the toothbrush that made it so special.
It was about the fifth time that Jeonghan had stayed over, and he had forgotten his toothbrush, which was an honest mistake but still very annoying. You didn't have any extra toothbrushes at home, so the two of you had to go to the nearest store and buy some. Earlier that week, your car had broken down and it was raining heavily outside without any sign of stopping. Both of you were determined to get that toothbrush so, while holding the hoods of your jackets over your head, you ran through the rain all the way to the store. When you got home, with a toothbrush and some extra toothpaste in a plastic bag, you couldn't help but burst out laughing. With anyone else, this occurrence would infuriate you because how can someone forget a toothbrush? However, it wasn't just some person, it was Jeonghan, and it made you realize that you'd do anything with him.
"What are you looking at?", Jeonghan managed to get out, despite the toothpaste in his mouth.
You hadn't realized that you had been staring at him through the mirror. He wore a sly grin on his lips, as he always did when he caught you doing something that he could use to potentially fluster you. You just shook your head with a small smile and kept on brushing your teeth. When you turned your attention to your reflection in the mirror, Jeonghan spat out the toothpaste he had in the sink and washed his toothbrush. His arms snuck around your waist and he peppered a bunch of kisses on your cheek.
"You have toothpaste on your mouth! Stop!" you shrieked, followed by a laugh.
"Tell me why you were staring at me!" He grinned.
"It was nothing!" you whined, but he only started attacking your neck instead. "Stop it! You're getting toothpaste all over me..."
He stopped, leaning his temple against yours as he met your eyes through the mirror. You washed your toothbrush and wiped off the toothpaste he had gotten all over you, then wiped off the toothpaste from the corners of Jeonghan's mouth.
"I hate you," you grumbled.
"I love you too." He grinned.
The two of you waddled out of the bathroom, turning off the lights as you left, Jeonghan still holding onto you. It had started raining outside, like the day you had gotten drenched in search of a toothbrush. As you got into bed, Jeonghan crawling in beside you, you kept thinking about that day. It all crashed down upon you, a sort of enlightenment, as he looked lovingly at you.
"Do you believe in soulmates?" you asked softly.
"I don't know." He said as he brought you closer into his arms. "I guess I've never thought about it."
The rain kept on falling outside, creating a melodic sound against the rooftop and your windows. You put your head on his chest to avoid eye contact. It was all too embarrassing to act like this. Not that Jeonghan made you feel like you couldn't, he was an affectionate guy, but you just weren't the type to act like that. Never had you been the type to say it first, but there had to be a first time for everything.
"Because I kind of think..." you muttered, "I kind of think I might've found one."
"A soulmate?"
You went quiet. It was a hard thing to say. Now you wished you hadn't said anything, to begin with. If you hadn't, you would've been asleep by now.
"You," you finally whispered out, barely audible.
Now it was Jeonghan's turn to be quiet. Your entire body ached with anticipation, and you wish he would just say something to break the tension already. He didn't. He pulled you even closer to him, so impossibly close.
"A nurse and a surgeon being soulmates..." he muttered. "It definitely sounds like a cliché... I'm down for it."
It wasn't quite what you had meant, but Jeonghan knew that. He knew you wouldn't be able to say what you actually wanted to, that you would try to say it metaphorically just in case he didn't feel the same, and that you wanted him to play along. Of course, he wouldn't do that. He wanted to hear it from your lips, if you were comfortable enough around him you would.
"That's not...", you sighed because you knew that he knew, "I love you, Jeonghan."
His hands went to the back of your head, gently patting it. His lips met your forehead to place a kiss there, and you felt him smiling.
"I love you too, Y/N.", he said.
The next morning you woke up with no one beside you. Your alarm clock had woken you up, but the sunrise shining through the windows did the trick too. You were in a complete daze as you walked out to your kitchen to make your breakfast before you had to storm off to work.
"Good morning, pretty," a smooth voice echoed through your head, and you almost thought that you were still dreaming.
"You got out of bed before me?" you said as you rubbed your eyes.
"Yeah." He brought you a sandwich and forced it into your hands. "I made you breakfast, and I prepared you a lunch."
There was a box laying on the counter and a water bottle standing beside it. You looked between the lunchbox and your boyfriend, and you felt yourself start to tear up. Maybe it was because you were still tired, or maybe it was just because you didn't expect the sweet action. You wrapped your arms around Jeonghans middle and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you," you said.
"You can thank me by eating it later today. When is the biopsy scheduled for?" he asked.
"It's right before lunch." You pulled away from him and pretended to rub your eyes again to dry away any tears that might be there.
"Eat it right after the biopsy then," he said. "Now, let's hurry up. We have to go get ready."
Quick footsteps made their way through the corridor. You were in a hurry to see Doctor Choi. He had looked over your notes last week, but now you actually had results he could look over. You didn't want to screw this up, this month had already been hell and if you could just get one thing perfectly done you'd feel satisfied.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," you said as you walked into his office and put your papers on his desk. "Could you take a look at these for me?"
Seungcheol picked up the papers and looked through them, reading them thoroughly. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, but his expression made you nervous. You had a bad habit of always biting your nails when you got nervous.
"It looks good, I think it's like you said before." He nodded and looked up to you with a comforting smile. "Biopsy went well?"
"It was just fine..." You sighed.
"Do you want to have a seat?" he asked and motioned for the chair in front of his desk.
"Actually, yeah I would love that." You sat down and immediately slumped over ever so slightly. "I've been running around all over the place, my legs are tired."
Dr. Choi nodded as he looked through a few papers. He was very clearly just trying to find something to keep himself busy with, to stall something he actually wanted to bring up.
"So..." He suddenly had a curious smile on his lips. "You're dating a nurse?"
"What?" You almost jumped out of your seat.
"Yoon Jeonghan, no?" He grinned.
"Did he tell you? I swear to god, I will-"
"He didn't," Choi interrupted. "I just guessed. Thanks for confirming it."
Your eyes shut tight as you leaned your head back and groaned. The secret was bound to be revealed at some point, but you didn't want it to happen just yet. Being surrounded by a bunch of smart doctors wasn't optimal for keeping things hidden.
"You're cute together," he commented. "He clearly cares a lot for you... although you should definitely tell him to lay off while at work if you're trying to be inconspicuous."
"I've tried." A laugh escaped your lips.
There was a pause, a moment of complete silence between you. Seungcheol seemed to be inspecting you in some way, at least it seemed like it when it felt like his eyes were staring into your soul.
"Take care of him well, Dr. Y/L/N," he said and stood up. "I wouldn't be able to see him go through another heartbreak."
"You're friends?" Your eyebrows shot up. "And neither of you told me?"
"It wasn't neccessary, but now that I finally know you're together I think you should know," he said with a still friendly smile. "As I said, he clearly cares about you if he was willing to keep this from me. So please... don't hurt him."
There was something in his eyes that made you curious. He knew something about Jeonghan's past that you didn't. You weren't exactly planning on breaking Jeonghan's heart, so it didn't really matter - but seeing how deeply Seungcheol cared really made you want to know.
"I won't." You nodded.
"Thank you, I'm sure you won't... I just like to be safe, I guess." He motioned for the door to his office. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to do some work."
"Oh, of course." You got up and walked over to the door. "You won't... tell anyone, will you?"
"Of course not, Y/N." He gave you one last smile before you closed the door behind you.
Your brain raked with many ideas of what could have happened in the past. Clearly, it was a bad relationship but you were curious as to what exactly happened. As if on cue, Jeonghan walked around the corner.
"Doctor Y/N!" He smiled brightly before looking around himself.
"Nurse Yoon," you greeted with a small giggle as you watched him try to see if the coast was clear.
"I made you a lunch this morning." He handed you a brown paper bag. "You haven't already eaten, have you?"
"I haven't." You grinned and accepted his bag, "Thank you."
It had become a normal thing for him to make you lunches, and you weren't complaining. They were just simple sandwiches for the most part, but it was still special to you.
"Could I... get a kiss as a payment for being such a good boyfriend?" he asked with a sly smile.
"And here I was, thinking you were making me food out of the kindness in your heart." You jokingly put a hand over your chest to fake being offended.
He didn't have much time to respond, since you pressed a quick kiss to his lips. His eyes looked love-drunk when you pulled away. You were starting to understand why Doctor Choi was being careful. Jeonghan was probably the most precious person you had ever met. He may be a trickster, a mischievous little devil, but once you peeled away that layer there was nothing but tenderness in his actions. Everything he did, he did delicately and with a warm heart. Perhaps that's why he made such a good nurse. You smiled at the thought, and Jeonghan's eyebrows knitted together.
"You're staring at me like that again," he muttered. "I wish I could look inside your brain."
"Oh trust me, that's my job - you don't want to do that," you joked, successfully making Jeonghan chuckle.
"I'll see you tonight?" He smiled as he slowly started walking away, his back turned against the way he was walking.
"Of course," you said. "I wouldn't dream of missing it."
His smile widened, finally turning away and walking to wherever he needed to be. You watched him leave, not having the strength to look away.
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a-dose-of-harold · 2 years
Once in a Lifetime: Chapter 21
Once in a Lifetime: A Harry Styles AU Imagine Series
HELLLOOOO EVERYONE I AM FINALLY BACK! I am an adult now but I finally found some inspiration to finish this damn series! My writing style has changed since 2019! I hope you enjoy it. Will start writing the next chapter soon!
Chapter 21: Life is Just Funny Sometimes
Cosmic Love (7Lions Remix) by Florence and the Machines
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September 2020 (Present Time)
Your POV
I heard a steady beeping noise as I began waking up. I felt warmth on my right hand as I slowly stirred. I realized I wasn’t home and was in fact in a hospital bed. The last thing I remember was being at Zayn’s art show and now… I’m here. My head was killing me.
I turned to my right to see Harry was asleep in a chair next to me. He looked so uncomfortable since his head was in my bed and he was laying bent over.
To my left was Eleanor on the couch, sound asleep and comfortable. Then there was Liam, sleeping on the recliner in front of my bed. I looked around the room, I realized I was in a private suite in one of units at where I work. I noticed there were flowers everywhere, and balloons. I saw the sun peaking through the windows. Damn, how long was I out for?
I saw the bed remote next to my left side and slowly hit the up arrow so the head of bed sat me up and Harry’s eyes flew open.
“Y/N? You’re awake!” Harry said and Eleanor and Liam immediately woke up.
Liam sighed, then nodded at me as he left the room, probably went to get the attending was on my case. Eleanor was at my side holding my left hand with relief and tears in her eyes.
“How are you feeling?” She whispered moving the hair out of my face.
“What happened?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes, I felt the IV in the left hand and noticed I was getting fluids.
Harry’s eyes were full of regret and worry, “One minute you were standing and the next you were passing out, Louis and Niall caught you… and we called an ambulance. You didn’t wake up for almost 12 hours.” He looked at his watch, I just realized he was still in his clothes from last night.
“I don’t know what happened…” Eleanor said, “I had them run every test known to man kind but they won’t tell us anything because we aren’t immediate family.”
I chucked, “of course you did, I’m sure I am fine. Just probably stressed out and dehydrated.” I smiled at both of them.
The attending came in holding my chart, with an exhausted looking Liam following behind him and I immediately recognized that it was Dr. Oppenheimer, head neurologist. Fuck.
“Good morning Dr. your L/N, how is your head feeling?” He asked.
“I’m feeling ok, just exhausted.” I smiled at him. “Thank you for taking the time for being on my case.”
“Wouldn’t have let anyone else,” he nodded at me. We knew each other from meetings, had spoken from time to time on cases since one of his specialties was brain tumors.
“I would like to speak to Dr. you Y/N, please.” As he looked around the room.
I nodded at everyone with a pleading look to please respect my privacy. Harry gave me a quick kiss on the hand, and they all stood up and shuffled out of the room. Eleanor looked worried because she also knew who he was, and I am pretty sure Liam looked him up as soon as he took my case.
Dr. Oppenheimer closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed. He did a quick exam and he began his questions.
“Dr. Calder and Dr. Payne said you been having headaches and migraines lately?” He asked but more like stated.
“Yeah a few months now. I figured it stress from work and not eating properly.” I rubbed my forehead.
Dr. Oppenheimer had a look in his eyes and I knew it wasn’t going to be good news, he is one of the most intelligent doctors I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, and he is also very frank and direct, which I appreciated.
“Dr.-“ he started.
“Please just call me Y/N, and whatever it is just tell it to me straight.” I nodded.
“Very well, Y/N, we ran every test that Dr. Calder asked for. And it seems as if you have a glioblastoma. I’m shocked that headaches have been your only symptoms until now.”
I felt my stomach drop. Everything I knew about glioclastomas raced through my mind. They are very fast growing, dangerous, survival rate is less than 55% depending on the size and depending on how long I’ve had it…
“How long do I have?” I held my hand up, wanting to see my chart.
Dr. Oppenheimer pulled open the computer that was in the room and showed me the result of the scans.
Dr. Oppenheimer looked at me with sad eyes, “Y/N, if we start treatment, you could live longer than 5 years. If you don’t, I would say 12-15 months at most.”
As a doctor, I have given news like this to my patients and their families thousands of times. However, not once, I would never think I would be on the receiving end.
“Have you told anyone?” I looked up at him.
“Absolutely not, neither of your friend nor your boyfriend was granted access to know your information. But now that you’re awake-“ he began.
“Let’s keep it that way. I don’t want anyone to know or have access. Please.” I begged. It was pathetic.
He nodded, “Doctor-patient confidentiality. However, I could get you started on treatments right away. I would like to personally oversee your case.”
I looked at the scans. I looked at his notes. I had a slim chance of surviving if going into surgery. I had a better chance with chemo, but I don’t even know if I even want to go through chemo.
“Do you think I can let you know by next week? I would just really like to get out of here and go home.” I said.
“You are going to need to make a decision soon.” He said directly, “you know how glioblastomas are.”
I nodded, the worry of everyone knowing this set in a wave of anxiety. I didn’t want them to have to go through knowing this about me. “I’ll tell them I have been dehydrated, stressed, not eating healthy. Thank you for telling me doctor. I appreciate you wanting to be on my team.”
“Please, call me Steven. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would like an answer by next week. We need to either treat this or….” He trailed off.
“I know, I will.” I nodded.
“We can discharge you by the end of the day if you can walk. I’ll have the interns assist you.” He stood up and shook my hand. He took my chart back and logged out of the computer and left the room.
Harry, Liam and Eleanor rushed in. And I immediately put on my brave face.
“What did he say?” They asked in unison.
“That I passed out because I was over working myself, stressed out, not eating a healthy diet, labs were off. So we both chalked it to lack of sleep and too much work and no relaxing. He said I can be discharged by end of the day if I can walk.” I smiled at them and shrugged.
Relief took over Harry’s face as he grabbed my hand and kissed the palm of it.
Eleanor and Liam knew I was bullshitting, they could tell I didn’t want to worry Harry. But they knew I would tell them when I was ready. Eleanor was making a fist with her hand, she knew it wouldn’t be good news if Dr. Oppenheimer was on my case.
They respected my decision to share what I wanted and Liam told me he would get the discharge started.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Harry’s POV
I updated Niall and rest of the gang in our new group chat that we created since Y/N’s admission, letting them know she would be ok. She slept for a few more hours until a doctor and her nurse came to her room and took her for a walk to make sure she was able to leave.
When she finally got discharged from the hospital, I made Y/N rest while I wanted to cook her a meal. I was so relieved to hear it wasn’t anything serious, I told her as I was driving us back to her condo AND that I would be cooking healthy meals for her from now on and making sure she rests enough.
She just laughed and said she is an adult and can take care of herself.
I helped her into the shower since that was the first thing she wanted to do then I ran to the grocery store to shop and stock up her refrigerator full of food for the week.
As I was browsing through the grocery store I kept thinking to myself how lucky I was to have her back in my life and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her... We already lost ten years together and honestly, I didn’t want to lose any more time.
I texted Naill asking him for suggestion on jewelers in the diamond district.
- Naill: Mate, are you serious? You’re going to propose to Y/N?
- Me: Well I just decided today. So I am going to start planning it. Wanna help?
- Naill: fuck yeah, count me in.
I smiled to myself, life has a funny way of bringing back what’s meant for you. And I knew with everything I had in me, that she has always been the one.
- - - - - - - - -
Your POV
As I stood in the shower, letting the hot water run all over my body, I saw the scar where my IV was placed and the conversation with Dr. Oppenheimer replayed in my head. The images of my glioblastoma was ingrained in my memory. The look on Harry’s face when I told him it wasn’t serious.
Everything I knew about glioblastomas was going through my mind. Remembering what it was like for my patients going through chemo that I diagnosed them with. Some surviving and many didn’t.
I began to sob quietly in the shower. I thought about my parents, my friends, my beautiful patients…. and then finally, my relationship. I just got Harry back and then life decided to throw this curveball at me.
Dr. Oppenheimer had emailed me different therapies we could try and course of actions we could take, while we were on the drive home but I didn’t want to risk Harry seeing anything so I had to wait until I was alone. I know Dr. Oppenheimer was adamant for me to try, he didn’t want me to give up despite me know the prognosis (outcome) wasn’t going to be great.
I slipped out of the shower and dried off. I was a little relieved that Harry was still not back from grocery shopping so I pulled out my MacBook and began researching everything Dr. Oppenheimer sent me.
I thought about chemo. It was the best option. But god, chemo is rough. Just watching my patients go through it made me incredibly sad, I didn’t want to go through that too. Kids are just fighters and I was being stubborn. I also knew I was being selfish by withholding this information from everyone but… I love them all too much to burden them with this information.
I knew they would all do everything in their power to help me but I didn’t want their lives to be on pause for me. No way. I know they would, but I didn’t want them to sacrifice anything for me.
I heard the door to my condo open and I closed out all the tabs and erased my history. Harry was smiling when he came into my room to see me sitting in bed, to him I was resting. Internally, I was figuring out what to do from here on out.
“Hey, feeling any better love?” He took a seat next to me as I closed my laptop.
I nodded, “Yeah, just catching up on some work emails.”
Harry frowned, he brush my damp hair back behind my ear, “You need to take a break. Let’s go in a trip. Somewhere relaxing. What about the beach?”
I took his hand in mine, “We just got back from London not too long ago babe.”
“Doctor’s orders, rest and relax!” He kissed my forehead.
I asked Steven to keep the information between us and my boss, I didn’t want the entire staff knowing about me, and I asked my chart be locked with a passcode since I worked at that very hospital. Even though people could get fired for even opening my chart, I didn’t want to risk it. I didn’t need rumors to be spread, which I am already sure it started. I already sent an email to my lawyer to draft up NDAs and that I needed to meet with her soon to update some information. Steven insisted that I take time off. My boss Nancy, was wonderful and more than willing to accommodate since we recently hired another attending and the new interns were finally getting he hang of things. She insisted that I take two weeks off to rest and make a decision.
“Where should we go?“ I smiled up at Harry and a huge grin spread across his face, his dimples deepening and melting my heart.
As Harry cooked dinner for us, I sat on the couch and we discussed different places we could go.
“Let’s go to California and visit my parents.” I suggested.
Harry stopped what he was doing and looked at me wide eyes, “Really?” He sounded surprised, “Wow, I haven’t seen your parents in ages… what if they still disapprove of me?”
I stood up and walked over to his side, “Harry, we are adults now, it doesn’t matter what they think. But I would really like them to know about us, about you. About how serious we are. You’re a successful, famous baker now. My mom would definitely approve. Also, my dad isn’t the same man you knew 10 years ago.”
Harry wrapped his arms around me and kissed me tenderly, as if I was fragile, “Let’s go to California then.”
- - - - - - -
Liam’s POV
I knew Y/N was lying at the hospital. Which means whatever is going on with her was serious. When Harry and Y/N took off to California to visit her parents, I knew something was wrong. Eleanor and I have been texting non-stop, trying to figure out why the hell she hasn’t told us the truth. Eleanor has asked her several times but Y/N keeps saying she’s okay. Eleanor told me about Dr. Oppenheimer and his speciality but I told Eleanor he was probably just treating her as a favor since they were colleagues. We both racked each other’s brains with all the things that could cause her headaches, migraines, and passing out. There was so little information and too many diagnoses to narrow anything down. It literally could be anything. I didn’t want to assume the worst but I know Eleanor was.
Eleanor tried to get information from Dr. Oppenheimer the next time she went to work but he just told her what we tell everyone else, “I’m sorry but that’s doctor/patient confidentiality Dr. Calder, you should know better.” She was furious but she knew he was right, and so did I.
Sophia was worried sick about Y/N when she passed out. She was crying left and right for those 12 hours. I called her when Y/N woke up and was talking to the doctor, she bursted into tears over the phone, relieved to hear that she was awake. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I knew something was wrong.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your POV
October 2020 (Present Time)
Before Harry and I decided to fly to San Diego, I had FaceTimed my parents to let them know I was visiting and wanted them to meet my new boyfriend.
They were both so sad to find out that Zayn and I broke up. And then the way they reacted when I said I had a new boyfriend was ridiculous.
- Dad: Wow, you wasted no time huh? Who is the lucky fellow?
- Mom: Did you cheat on Zayn with him? He was so good to you! Why did you have to hurt him? Zayn was perfect!
I think she was actually crying.
- Me: Mom! Stop! Dad, please tell her to stop. I am an adult!
I could see my dad patting her on the back telling her that I am an adult I can do whatever I want.
- Me: Thank you. Anyways, our flight gets in tomorrow around 2pm s-
- Mom: TOMORROW? Oh goodness I have to get our guest room ready, I have to clean! I have to grocery shop!
She dramatically jumped up and out of the frame as my dad chuckled and shook his head.
- Dad: send me your flight info, I can’t wait to see you. Missed you bud.
- Me: I miss you too dad.
I waved at my camera and ended the call. I began crying for my parents as they would one day have to say their goodbyes to their only child. It was breaking my heart.
I sighed as I finished up packing for our week long trip.
I was scared to make a decision because if I started chemo, it could buy me more time but I would have to stop working and I would constantly be sick and weak… I love my job. Hah, how funny, an oncologist gets cancer. Life is just funny sometimes.
If I didn’t start chemo, I would possibly have another year to live. But I know once my symptoms worsens it would be hard to hide the truth. I would start to forget things, vomit randomly, my personality could change, I’ll have seizures, I’ll eventually have difficulty walking or talking…. Possible hallucinations.
God damn it, why did it have to be a glioblastoma? It’s the most aggressive brain tumor and there’s no damn cure.
I began to cry. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me… I wasn’t even 30 yet. I haven’t been able to get married… have kids… I sinked down to the floor next to my bed and just cried. I cried for my family, my friends, my love… and I cried for all the things I will never experience or have.
San Diego
Harry was extremely nervous as we were walking off the plane and into he baggage claim. He knew my parents would be there waiting to greet us. I laced my hand into his and gave him a gentle squeeze, assuring him that everything will be okay.
As soon as we passed through the exit doors, my mom and dad were standing right in front with flowers. My parents faces when they realized my boyfriend was no other than my child hood best friend, Harry Styles, was priceless. They were almost speechless.
“Harry… oh my goodness you are a grown man now!” My mom exclaimed as she pulled him in for a hug.
My father was quiet, I couldn’t quite understand what was going through his mind. He was thinking hard and long about something as my mom was asking Harry all the questions.
Harry turned to my father and stuck out his hand, “It’s really good to see you again sir.”
My father immediately shook his hand, “It’s good to see you too Harry.” They both looked at each other as if they were silently communicating. As if my dad was apologizing how rude he was to Harry all those years ago.
Harry’s POV
I was surprised to see how receptive Y/N father’s was about me being back in her life. The last time we spoke was over 10 years ago when he asked me to break up with her. He looked at me with both appreciative and apologetic eyes as we shook hands, knowing that because of what I did, she achieved her dreams.
When we arrived at her parents beautiful two story beach front home, her mom insisted on the grand tour, while her father started up the grill to begin making dinner with Y/N.
A few hours later, we were outside on their back porch with the most beautiful ocean view, sun setting and dinner freshly cooked. Her parents made enough food to feed a family of 10 when it was just the four of us.
“Harry! I just realized that you are the same Harry that was on the Food Network this year!” Her mother exclaimed.
Harry chucked, “Yes ma’am, I finally became a baker.”
Her father looked at me and nodded, “Food network? That’s impressive.”
Her mother continued to ask question about what happened when they left Holmes Chapel, curious about where I went to school, how I came to be famous.
As I was giving them a quick version about my story, getting a full ride scholarship to my dream school, trying culinary programs, going from France, to Chicago, then New York since my best friend’s investment business head quarters was there and how he believed that my bakery would take off in Manhattan. Her father and mother exchanged several looks between each other, some of approval and some I couldn’t read.
“Well, I am very happy that you two found each other again. I really just want my little girl to be happy.” Her father smiled at her.
“Dad, I am not little anymore,” she pursed her lips.
“You will always be to me.” He placed his hand over his heart and smiled.
I was in complete shock at all the words her father was saying and his personality. He was hardly sweet and affection when we were younger. This is a completely different man than the one 10 years ago who didn’t approve of me and told me if I didn’t break it off with Y/N, he would cut her off.
Throughout dinner, her mom asked me non stop questions about my career, occasionally her father would say something. Her mom faintly asked about my bakery and said she has been dying to try my cupcakes. Apparently their friends visited New York recently and had tried them and they wouldn’t stop talking about my cupcakes for weeks. I promised her I would make them for her while I am here. She was ecstatic. Finally her father asked us how we found each other again, I let Y/N talk since I was sure she wanted them to only know certain details.
After dinner, Y/N was feeling really tired so she decided to turn in early. I told her I would join her after I helped her parents cleaned up.
When her father and I were finally alone, he said something to me that I would never forget, “Harry, I will forever be grateful to you for the decision I forced you to make all those years ago. I apologize for how I went about it… but you have to understand I thought I was doing what was best for my daughter at the time. I know it was harsh on my end but all I wanted was for Y/N to pursue her dreams and not lose sight of that. But now, I am genuinely happy you both found each other again and whether you believe how archaic it may be, I approve of yours and Y/N’s relationship.” He looked at me with sincerity. “She’s my only little girl, and I just want her to have everything she deserves.”
“I understand where you were coming from. I would have hated myself if she gave up her dreams for me as well. Thank you for your approval, and although we have only been together for a few months now… I hope I have your blessing in marrying her one day.” I responded, as I watched his reaction to the last bit.
Her father smiled at me, and nodded his head, “I can see how much you both love each other, so yes, you have my blessing.”
Wow. Life is just funny sometimes.
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Hope you like it,
x3 M
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
☂︎ Doom at Your Service || p.j.m smau
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☂︎ Summary:
you lost your parents at an early age, and now you’re diagnosed with a brain tumor, forcing you to have less than 100 days to live. As you pray for the destruction of the world, the destruction himself—Jimin—comes to live with you in your last days.
☂︎ Pairings: Doom!jimin x sick!reader
☂︎ Word count: 2.4k
☂︎ Warnings: language
prev. // next.
☂︎일 one— peace out
“It’s glioblastoma.” The doctor said, looking down at the paperwork in front of him. “It seems like a few tumors. It’s terminal.”
Terminal? Where did you go wrong in your life for this to happen? Was it because you never did anything else but work?
“It’s why you’ve been dizzy and why you’ve been throwing up.”
All you could do right now was just stare at him, wide eyed.
“We could take more tests—a biopsy—but, the location doesn’t look good.” He let out a sigh, looking behind him to see the Head CT scan.
“I see.” You said, confused, but still understanding his words.
“There’s a surgical option, however,” he stopped speaking and looked up to your eyes, nearly pleading you to take this seriously. “It won’t give you much more time.”
Keeping calm, You asked the question you were dying to hear. “Am I going to die?”
It seemed a bit morbid, but the doctor didn’t seem fazed. “Yes.”
The doctor was silent. He didn’t want to tell you and it was obvious. It might be because you knew him personally outside of the hospital, but right now, he just looked at you with eyes of worry. “If you get the surgery, you’ll have about one good year. At most.” He murmured, bringing his gaze back down to the papers. “But still, it won’t be an enjoyable year.”
“And if I don’t get the surgery?” You questioned, playing with your hands in your lap nervously. You had a feeling he was going to tell you to get the surgery and not worry about time, but what he said sent chills down your spine.
“Three months. Maybe four.” He sighed, flipping through the papers. “Please think about this, you’re going to suffer great pain if you don’t decide on surgery.”
“I couldn’t get off enough days for surgery” You said, calmly.
The doctor looked dumbfounded. “But I—I think this is much more serious than missing a bit of work.”
You couldn’t think. Maybe it was the tumor making you think that You couldn’t, but you were overwhelmed. You tried to keep your calm, and stood up abruptly, pushing the chair back behind you. “You seem like a real doctor.” You said to him with a smile.
He was a real one, but he was also a writer, and you were his editor. You couldn’t help but feel like this was all some sort of joke. It wasn’t, though, and he didn’t laugh. “Just make sure you get your writing in on time.” You said, forcing a smile. “Then,”
You started to walk away and out of the room when he called out to you again. “I trust you to make the right decision, whatever way it is for you. But please, if you decide surgery, come here or call as soon as possible.”
Now out of the room, you walked down the corridor and towards the atrium. The words the doctor said hit you straight through the heart. You didn’t want the surgery. You had too much work to do. You wouldn’t be able to. You might as well enjoy whatever time you have in life.
“Glioblastoma..” You muttered under your breath. “Glioblastoma..”
As you kept saying that treacherous word over and over again, You must’ve not of been paying attention to where you were walking. You bumped into someone in a white doctors coat, and as he caught you in his arms, your heart beat a bit faster as you looked up to his face.
What kind of..face?
Sure, he was beautiful. His eyes were sharp, and his lips looked soft you nearly reached out to touch them. His hair was some sort of dark blue..maybe green? Possibly even black. It was the kind of color the human eye would have difficulty deciphering. He was stunning. But as stunning as he was, when he opened his mouth, he knew it too. “I know I’m handsome. But I’m busy.” He smirked, and lifted you back up to your feet and walked away.
You watched him walk, his footsteps making little pit-pats on the tile floor. He was even attractive from the back as his white coat flowed behind him.
Breaking out of your funk, you continued to walk towards the reception desk to check out. “Hi, I’m Y/L/N, Y/N checking out.”
Just as you finished your sentence, sirens started blaring right outside the entrance door, and paramedics rushed in with multiple stretchers, sending the people around staring to worry about what happened. On the tv next to the desk, it showed on the news that there was a large-scale stabbing. He stabbed seven people, and all of them were rushed to this hospital. And well, you guess this included the perpetrator as well.
You gritted your teeth. “That crazy—“
“Mam? Are you going to pay?” The receptionist called out to you, and you brought your attention back to her.
“Ah, yes..”
Looking at the bill, it was nearly seven-hundred dollars. Your eyes widened and you nearly said some things You shouldn’t say. “Crazy—“
“What?” The lady tilted her head at you, her eyes squinting.
“Ah, never mind.” You looked around the room. “Can I pay this in monthly installments?”
The lady started to type on her computer. “For how many months?”
The doctor’s words flooded back into your mind when she said the word “month”. It reminded you that you would only have a few of those to live…and it was strange to think you don’t have longer. Just an hour ago you were living your life like normal, thinking you’d have forever to go. Truth is, life isn’t permanent. And it’s only a matter of time when you get a death sentence.
Smiling, you just said the only amount of time you have. “For three months, please.”
Back in the emergency room, Jimin stood in the midst of all the injuries, watching the stretchers roll in one by one.
Not yet. He thought to himself, watching a stretcher with a man bleeding heavily. He couldn’t help them. It was their fate.
Just then, another stretcher rolled in. This time, it was followed by multiple paramedics and he was put onto an ER bed.
There he is.
Since Jimin was dressed up in a hospital coat, the paramedic started to explain the situation. “He’s the perpetrator. He tried to kill himself on the scene. The police are on their way.”
He nodded, and turned to his right, where a nurse was coming to tend to the patient. She noticed that he didn’t have a badge with his name on it, and blinked at him. “Excuse me, which department are you—“
He interrupted her by fixing the sleeve of her top, and she stared at him right into his eyes. Big mistake. He stared back, gazing deeply into her as if compelling her. He was.
Her eyes widened as he didn’t even need to say any words for her to listen to him.
Smirking at her, Jimin leaned in closer. “Pull the curtain around the perpetrator. I need you to make sure no one but the police can enter.” He demanded, staring intently at her until she answered.
“Yes doctor.”
He smirked again as she walked away, and made his way back to the man who didn’t deserve to die after hurting all of those people. It wasn’t fair.
The man was heavily bleeding from the stab wound he made himself of his neck, and laid lifelessly as Jimin neared. “Open your eyes, prick.”
As if on command, the man’s eyes pierced awake, getting a blurry image of Jimin standing over him with a frown.
He laid there without speaking as he nervously looked at Jimin, who wasn’t helping him at all. “Ah, I see. You think you are something, eh?” He sneered, a smile resting on his face. “We’ll I’m the one who’s something. You’re nothing.”
He leaned closer to the man. “It feels as if you parked in my goddamn parking spot. A horrible park job, by the way. Totally ruined my mood.”
He let out a few groans and he tried to look away, but couldn’t seem to.
Annoyed, Jimin had enough. He reached out his hand and choked the man, gritting his teeth. “Move your fucking car.”
The man was confused, he hasn’t parked anywhere. He realized that it wasn’t a car he was talking about. It was the action he did. Doom. He brought doom on peoples lives and well, that was jimin’s job.
He choked him still, the man’s hands coming to grasp onto Jimin’s pleading to let go.
“See, doom isn’t your job. It’s mine. You were completely careless.” He hissed, wiping his eyebrow with his free hand.
A smile dawned on his face. “So I’m gonna be just as careless.”
The man grabbed onto Jimin’s white coat, blood smearing onto it. “I’m going to make you pay for taking my parking place.” He nearly growled, and focused his attention to the man’s neck wound, healing it as he groaned in pain. He didn’t deserve to die. To get away with what he did.
The man let go of his grip on Jimin when he realized he had been healed, and stared up at him in shock, holding onto his neck and panicking.
Jimin smirked, and turned around as if to walk away, but had a sudden thought.
“Ah, one more thing.” Jimin said, turning around to face the man, who was clutching his neck. “There’s something that’s much more dreadful than doom.”
Silence took over the space they were in, the man still gasping for air and Jimin having his arms crossed over his chest with a smile.
At that, he abruptly turned and was about to leave, when the police moved the curtain. “We’re the police.”
Smirking, Jimin looked over at the criminal.
The criminal groans and cried, watching Jimin fade from his view, his smirk never ceasing.
He walked away, proudly, leaving the police behind to do the justice.
No one gets away with taking his job.
No one.
On a balcony of the hospital, a tall man stood, overlooking the view of the city. He wore hospital clothes, and slippers that seemed to be too small for him. As he heard footsteps nearing him, he knew who it was. “You’re here?”
“What are you doing?” Jimin asked him, walking up next to him to overlook as well.
He looked over at him, noticing the large blood stain obviously visible on the white coat. “You could’ve at least changed.”
Jimin huffed. “I didn’t so I could show you it.”
He then hit himself in the spot where the blood was, and it began to disappear as if it was never there. “Some kind of god you are.” He muttered, leaning up against the balcony’s railing. “Are to tired of this hospital life, too? You have the whole world in your hands.”
The man scoffed, running his hand through his shortly cropped brown hair. “You try being sick.”
“There you go again, acting all pitiful.” Jimin smiled, looking towards him.
They both looked out to the skyline, where the sun was nearly setting. The sky had a bit of and orange hue to it, reflecting against the buildings.
“I feel like a gardener.” Namjoon smirked, still looking away from Jimin. “I’m always planting and watering. Wishing it will all grow.”
He then turned to Jimin. “But not all of them sprout. And some that do, can be poisonous plants. Some medicinal herbs. Who knows.”
He was talking about the earth. Joon was a god. He was the reason Jimin existed. It felt strange that his fate was all because of him.
“But..” Joon carried off, turning away. “The garden doesn’t belong to the gardener.”
Catching him off guard, Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. “Then what am I? In this garden of yours.” He asked him seriously, hoping to get some kind of assurance that he wasn’t only living to bring doom to the world.
“You’re a butterfly.” Namjoon said, smiling.
Jimin scoffed. “Until when? How long will I be a butterfly?”
He was inderectly asking how long will he have to live as a death-bringer. A walking ticking time bomb that was never able to live amongst human kind, only to watch destruction that was brought upon by him. He didn’t even mean to do the things he did most of the time, and unhappiness just occurred around him. It was like the would would drain if color just by the sight of him.
Namjoon stared at Jimin, tilting his head. “Forever.” He sinfully smiled, noticing Jimin’s frown as he said it.
Jimin scoffed again. “Damn man, you’re so cruel. Even on someone’s birthday.”
Joon’s happy demeanor shifted. “Birthday? Someone?” He shook his head. “Since when were you born? You were never born. And you were never a human, so how could you be someone?”
Jimin felt his heart crack a bit. He shouldn’t be upset about that statement, but he was. He silently looked at Joon, waiting for him to keep going.
Joon just sighed, and rested his elbows on the railing. “Go, be someone’s wish today. It’s the only day you could do it.”
“Even my birthday isn’t for me.” He said, bitterly, and feeling bitter as well. He just wanted to have a purpose in life, and not it being doom. Destruction. Pain. Irritation.
“It’s for the humans.” Joon smiled.
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Those damn flowers.”
Humans were the only reason of his existence. And he wanted it to be over. He didn’t want to live anymore, especially with the way he was living. The only way he could cease to exist was if the humans did, too.
They both stood there quietly, looking over the world as if it’s in the palm of their hands.
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polarbearaone · 4 years
☔︎ Sayuri
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✞ synopsis: Aone thought your life with him was supposed to be long and happy, but all good things must come to an end right?.....
✞ pairing: Aone x fem! reader
✞genre: angst :(
✞ warnings: character death! mentions of v*miting, pregnancy and health conditions
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The look on everyone's face when Aone proposed to you was to die for. Within the crowd there were surprised team players of the VC Date team along with elated coworkers from the construction firm that Aone invited. Oh, failed to mention that Aone proposed during one of his volleyball games. Soon you would be (Y/N) Aone, married to Takanobu Aone. Dating for the past six years, Aone was the best partner you could ask for. He never left your side, even accepted you with you and your past. When he met your parents, Aone told your father a trick to keep his plants from freezing during the harsh winters from Japan, since that day, your father began referring to Aone as “son”. Five years later, Aone was sitting on his soon to be in-laws couch, asking for your hand. Your parents understood how amazing Takanobu was, they knew he would never leave your side and always protect you.
“What theme should we have for our wedding?” Aone blurted out one day while dinner was steaming on the stove. “Already thinking about themes huh?” the way you looked at him, wearing his shirt while you made your way to the stove. If it were up to him, Aone would marry you in that very kitchen. The kitchen was where there were so many memories waiting to be made. “A turtle theme would be nice” you jokingly said. Aone started to lightly tap his chin, considering the theme. “Babe, I’m joking,” you said giggling. “oh” Aone said, in his little voice. “(y/n), can I ask you something?” Aone asked, playing with the strings of his shirt. You gave him a quick nod as you continued cooking dinner. “Can we get a turtle?” he said, a soft blush appearing on his face. Putting down what you had, you walked over and cupped his face. “Is it going to be our first child?” replying with the biggest smile on your face. The blush on his face matched the red shirt he was wearing. His brain was going wild, his dream was always to have a family with you. Kissing his forehead, you replied, “We can go tomorrow to the pet store”
The headaches began around a month after the proposal. You thought it was the stress of planning your perfect wedding. Aone noticed you were hurting when you did not accompany him to feed Kame, your turtle. He did not open the curtains like he usually did, nor did he give you a forehead kiss in fear that he will cause more pain. He started brewing tea and gave you some medicine. He let you stay in bed that day, and the day after that, also the whole week. Aone was worried sick, he knew stress caused headaches but every single day? His mother reassured him that the stress of working, trying to plan a wedding but also being there for Aone was a lot and that he should pamper her. Aone cleaned the whole house that afternoon, he even cooked your favorite dinner. It was supposed to be a perfect night, but you came home with a pale look on your face. The mere smell of the food made you run to the bathroom. Anything you ate that day came out of you as you hunched over the toilet. Aone held your hair back, softly rubbing your back. After emptying your stomach, you leaned into Aone’s touch. You needed him, his support, his love. As you slowly fell asleep on his lap, one thing ran through Aone’s mind, what if you were pregnant? You two were sexually active, plus it would explain the nausea and headaches. His mind was going wild once again, Kame finally will not be your own child anymore.
“hey honey, can I ask something?” Aone whispered into your ear as he massaged your head, a common occurrence in the morning. You hummed an answer. “do you possibly think you could be pregnant?”. The question lingered in your mind. Could you? It would make sense. After taking some medicine, you booked an appointment to the doctor. With Aone next to you, you knew you would be ok. The days leading up the appointment felt like forever. You were still with nausea and headaches, but you were excited to find out if a mini Aone was formed in your stomach. Finally, the day arrived. Aone was nervous next to you, you felt his handshake as he held yours. “Baby, you are more worried than me” you said giggling at him, “I just want you to be ok” he replied. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N)” The nurse called. “Wait here ok?” you reassured him before entering the hallway. After many tubes of blood later, the doctor asked you to come back when the results were done.
A week later, Aone and you were waiting for the doctor in his office. All Aone wanted to hear that you were pregnant so his worries can subside. The doctor entered with a gloomy face. “Unfortunately, the blood test we did let us know that you weren’t pregnant but there is something more concerning” the doctor stated. The grip Aone’s hand on you faded away, at this point he did not care if you were not pregnant. He wanted you to be ok. “What’s more concerning?” Aone asked the doctor. “ We see some hormones that are way higher than they are supposed to be, we only see these types of numbers when a tumor is present near the pituitary gland, we would like to do more studies to confirm our suspicions” Tumor was the only word in your mind. You could have a tumor. The doctor requested more blood work, and scans. The weeks following, many of your symptoms began to worsen. Your vision began to blur, migraines began more and more frequent, even had a seizure. Aone was terrified, but even with fear, he never left your side. He held you every time you felt weak, he spoons fed you soup his mother taught him to make. The wedding was postponed until you felt better but you told Aone that both of you should get married legally before having any celebration just in case anything happened. “Nothing is going to happen (y/n), you and I will get through this ok?”
You seemed to get worse. You had to be admitted to the hospital due to your condition. After many more scans, it was revealed that the tumor in your brain was a mere 5 centimeters long. Despite being so small, it caused you excruciating pain. The physical pain you felt was nothing compared to the news you received two weeks later. “We have extremely bad news” the group of doctors who had been treating you said. “The tumor located inside your brain is too dangerous to live with, it cannot be surgically removed” Your sobs could be heard from across the hallway. Aone tried to calm you down, he held you so close to him, he could not lose you. Your sobs subsided when the doctor cleared his throat “That is not all”. “It’s not your fault that you didn’t notice since pregnancy symptoms are similar to your symptoms but you’re roughly two weeks pregnant.” The room had an eerie silence to it. The pain inside of you was so immense that crying was not an option anymore. “You have to do something! She cannot live like this! What about the baby?” Aone practically yelled at the doctors. Despite knowing him for 5+ years, you had never heard him yell. “Baby, shh, its fine. They did what they could” You said, trying to calm Aone down. “B-but” Aone was choking on his own sobs. Now it was you holding Aone. The doctors made it aware that the last weeks of your life should be spent at home, with your Fiancé. The baby would not survive much longer, therefore the both of you should cherish the small amount of time you had.
The following weeks were filled with smiles and pain. You were getting paler, weaker. Aone could see life leaving you as the days progressed. He saw how tired you were, each day you got more and more tired. You could barely walk over and see Kame anymore. Aone resulted into bringing him inside for you. Kame specifically liked when your soft blankets covers his shard shell, Aone loved seeing you two sleep with one another, well three. Aone remained strong for you. When you would sleep, he sat near you, crying. The love of his life, the one who was supposed to be there for him through it all, was dying. He felt that he could not keep his promise to protect you. You nor his child. He got into bed next to you and Kame, wishing you a beautiful night. That morning was like any other, except it was Kame who nudged him to wake up. He groggily got out of bed to make your tea for your medication. Something felt off to him. Usually you nudge him to wake him up. He ran towards your shared bedroom, turning on the lights. He knew you would kill him if he did but he needed to know your awake. Despite the bright light shining in the room, you were silent. Kame on the other hand was making an array of noises. He walked towards you, tears threatening to fall. “Baby?” he whispered. He fell to his knees. He felt weak, he felt empty. Aone began to shake you, trying desperately to wake you. “(Y/N) this isn't funny, wake up” Aone shook you one last time, before screaming into the bed. He ran to dial an ambulance. The paramedics looked at Aone with sorry eyes, he knew what those eyes meant. “Take her to the hospital now” Aone said, growing at them. “ Sir-”... “I SAID TAKE HER”.
The doctor who was treating you slowly sat next to Aone in the waiting room. “She was strong” Like you a couple weeks ago, the pain Aone felt didn’t allow him to cry. “I know that nothing is visible yet but here” The doctor handed Aone an ultrasound picture. “The baby is too small to see yet but they’re there. No matter how much it hurts, know that they will both be there, forever.” The doctor gave Aone one last hug goodbye, before walking back to the hallway you once entered through. Aone stood outside the door of your shared house. How could he enter without you? How could he ever live without you? His thoughts were erased when he felt something hit his leg. Looking down, he saw Kame rubbing his head on his leg. Slowly picking up Kame, he headed inside. Sitting on the couch with Kame, he showed the turtle the ultrasound. “This is your sibling Kame, I’m not sure what gender they were but this is Sayuri, my small lily”
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a.n: NOT ME CRYING UNCONTROLLABLY AT THIS. also I wanna thank @nuttymouthful for this idea! It was originally an reincarnation au! but I got lost at the end :( so I closed it with a bittersweet (?) ending. Reader was supposed to reincarnate as Kame but idk kame is a himbo turtle but that’s ok. PLZ REQUEST MORE ANGST I LOVE THIS
tags: @elianetsantana @girlofdystopia @kara-grayson04
181 notes · View notes
darkmulti · 4 years
Dr. Park
Doctor!Seonghwa x intern!female reader
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⚠️Warnings: dirty talking, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, anal, slapping, spanking, spitting, choking, cum play, degradation, sadist!seonghwa
Poorly written medical stuff. Don’t kill me!
If you want to read the story but not the smut I will put *** at the smut part. Let your imagination take over after that❣️
Some people may consider this non consensual sex so
“Oh look at you all knocked out and snoring. Mind toning it down, you’re waking the patients up.”
Your friend Wooyoung enters the room with a bottle of water in hand. He climbs the ladder and lays down next to you on the bunk bed.
“What’s wrong doll?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What’s wrong princess?”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“What’s wrong baby?”
Your hands cover your face in annoyance.
“You are one annoying mother fucker.”
“I know babe. But you know who’s more annoying? Seonghwa.”
A groan left your lips. Even hearing his name was tormenting.
“He really worked you to the bone, didn’t he?”
“Wooyoung I’ve been up for the last 72 hours being his personal assistant. I’m an intern. Here to help and treat people. Not to be his little, fucking assistant. I don’t know why I had to get assigned to him. All he wants me to do is get his lunch, or coffee. He even told me to go fetch his car. I am not a fucking chauffeur!”
You said in an indignant tone.
“There there, my poor little Y/N.”
The male laughed at your frustrated state, pissing you off even more.
“Shut up, you’re not helping. Now if you excuse me like I said, I haven’t gotten any sleep in the last 72 hours, so if you can please leave that would be great.”
You close your eyes once again until you feel two arms wrap around you.
“Wooyoungieeeee! Please let me sleeeeep!”
You whine at the man who now fully had you in his embrace.
“Shh, you’ll sleep better like this.”
You comply and relax your body. Your arms were making its way to snake around his body, until your pager went off.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
Hurriedly you get off the bed and grab your laboratory coat, quickly putting it on along with your shoes.
“See you later Wooyoung!”
You rush over to the MRI room to see Seonghwa sitting there, observing the screen.
“Took you long enough.”
He spat out in a displeasing tone.
“Sorry, I-”
“Save it. Sit down.”
You sat down on the chair next to him and join his eyes on the screen.
“She has a brain tumor.”
“Malignant Astrocytoma. She said that she couldn’t see out of her right eye. We have to run some tests to make sure.”
Seonghwa sighs and presses the button to tell the lady that it’s over.
“Y/N you’re in charge of telling her.”
“Complain one more time and I’ll give this case to another intern. As a doctor this is your responsibility. You can’t throw a hissy fit when something doesn’t go your way.”
A stern look places on his face. His hands gather the scattered papers and taps it on the desk into a neat pile.
“This afternoon. It better be done or else I’ll give the case to Wooyoung.”
Satisfied with his words he gets up and leaves. Your fingers tangled into your hair, slightly tugging on it in frustration. Seonghwa was just taunting you at this point. For his own amusement.
You get out of the room and go downstairs to get lunch. With your heart racing in your chest, anxiety took over you.
This afternoon?
Your eyes scan the cafeteria and you catch Wooyoung digging into his sandwich. You speed walk toward him and drop your tray on the table.
“I need your help.”
At that moment Wooyoung was just about to bite into his sandwich. His eyes look into yours and he freezes.
“Right now?”
“I-I don’t know! Seonghwa pulled me back to reality. How am I supposed to tell a lady she has a brain tumor? Or how am I supposed to break the news to people that their loved ones passed away? Wooyoung I don’t have the heart to do this job!”
“Sit down and calm down. If you want I can come with you.”
“Seonghwa said I have to do it this afternoon and he’s gonna be there too. But I’m just scared.”
“Hey listen.”
He puts his sandwich down and holds your hands.
“I will be right there behind you for extra support. Someone needs to tell them, and when you’re no longer an intern it will fully be your responsibility. The first times always the worst time.”
After reassuring you he went back to munching on his sandwich.
“You’re right. I have to practice.”
“Exactly. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also our job. Hopefully we can get rid of it.”
Weight lifted off your shoulders after talking about it. While enjoying your lunch you practice your speech with Wooyoung.
Thirty minutes later you found yourself standing in front of her door. Seonghwa walks up behind you and looks at Wooyoung.
“What’re you doing here? This is Y/N’s case.”
“Uhhh, I just wanted to hear more about this case. You know, learn more.”
Wooyoung makes up a bizarre excuse and Seonghwa rolls his eyes. He enters the room first and you and Woo follow.
Shivers run up your spine and you sharply inhale.
“Hello Ms. Gilbert. The MRI scan showed a mass on the left side of your brain. We’re predicting that it’s a Malignant Astrocytoma, but we have to run a couple of tests before we’re sure.”
She asks with tears in her eyes.
“No it’s a tumor. If you came to the hospital any later, it would’ve lead to cancer.”
You respond.
“Can you, Can I call my family.”
“Of course, we’ll tell the nurses right away. But do you have any questions?”
“Is it removable?”
“We’re not exactly sure with what we’re dealing with, but once the test results come back in, we will have you fully updated and guide you through the procedure.”
The woman sniffs her snot up and then covers her mouth.
“That’s all. Please leave my room.”
Your head lowers down. Seonghwa and Wooyoung walk in front of you and you walk out, closing the door gently.
“Didn’t know you had the gut in you.”
Spoke Seonghwa.
“I didn’t either. Now if you excuse me I have to do more research about this case.”
After responding you walk away, only to be yanked back.
“There’s nothing to do research on. We have to wait for the test results. Go home and rest. You have to come back at 7 o’clock for the event. All interns are expected to be there.”
Seonghwa looks at you and Wooyoung, making sure it went through your heads.
“Finally. You’re telling me to go home.”
Seonghwa chuckles at your response and leaves both of you there.
“I guess I’ll see you this evening?”
“You know it!”
You playfully push Wooyoung and you both went your separate ways.
As soon as you arrived home, you showered and slept for four hours. Your feet were throbbing and your hands were aching. The recharge of energy was everything to your body.
While groaning and regretting life decisions you get up, and slip into a classy, black dress and flats. You straighten your hair and do your makeup lightly, so you don’t attract too much attention.
You turn off all the lights and leave to your car.
Upon arrival, you see Wooyoung outside talking to other interns. He was dressed in a classic tux, looking like a groom. Wooyoung was indeed a handsome, young man. But not your type,,,,,,, maybe.
You park your car and get out, locking it afterward. Wooyoung walks over to you with his hands in his pockets.
“Well, you look stunning.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“What’re you talking about?” He says in a whiny and offended tone. “I always look good.” He huffs.
“Yeah yeah whatever. Let’s go inside, it’s cold.”
Wooyoung protectively puts an arm around your waist and guides you inside to where the event was taking place.
“What kind of event is this anyway?”
You ask Wooyoung
“I think they’re other doctors from other hospitals here. There are some new interns here too.”
Your eyes scan the room until they stop and meet Seonghwa.
He was talking to this other girl, who seemed rather close to him.
“Does Seonghwa have a secret wife or girlfriend that we don’t know about?”
You say jokingly, and gesture towards Seonghwa.
You whisper yell.
“I meant it jokingly Woo. Is that actually his ex?”
“Yeah. Never knew a heartless man could get married. Oh well, anything is possible.”
Wooyoung grabs two drinks from the table and hands one to you.
“They’re serving alcohol in a hospital?”
“It’s not alcohol, it’s juice.”
You two were making small talk and started talking to the other doctors and interns until you saw Seonghwa signaling you to come over. You quickly excuse yourself and make your way over to Seonghwa and his apparent ex wife.
“Oh so this is Y/N. Your new girlfriend.”
Her sentence took you by surprise. Why was Seonghwa telling her that? Has he told more than one person?
He discreetly nudges you to go along with it and you do.
“Uh, yes I am. May I ask who you are?”
“Ex wife of Seonghwa. Shocked that he didn’t tell you about me.”
“Yeah I prefer not to talk about my ex wife with my girlfriend.”
Seongwha says in a rude manner.
The woman smirks and questions you again.
“Who was that man that you walked in with?”
“That was my… brother, Wooyoung.”
“Oh, I see. Best of luck for you, Seonghwa is a hard one to deal with.”
She winks and clicks her tongue at you. Then lavishly walks away into the crowd. You turn to Seonghwa and say
“You better have a good excuse for why you told her that we were dating.”
Seonghwa grabs your wrist and pulls you into an empty room.
“Heyy, let me go! And turn on the lights!”
Your ears perk up when you hear the door lock.
“Seonghwa, I’m sure whatever you have to say can be said with the lights-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Seonghwa backs you up against the wall. He cups your cheeks and before you could protest he shoves his tongues into the back of your mouth. His lips danced against yours and his hands went underneath your dress to tug on your underwear.
“Take them off.”
He pulls your dress up and you slide your panties off. You whimper at the cold breeze hitting you wet lips.
Seonghwa bends down and picks up the panties then, displays it in front of your face.
“Black, lace panties. My favourite.”
He places it in your mouth, before kneeling down and spreading your legs.
“Look at this dripping cunt. Who are you getting this wet for?”
A cold slap lands on your pussy, making you jump up.
“Is it for Wooyoung? You two have a thing together, right?”
Before you could answer Seonghwa’s warm tongue lays on your clit, making your walls clench around nothing. His hands placed onto your thighs and held them open, while flicking his tongue onto your clit.
Your hands push his hair back and you spread you legs wider for him.
“Seonghwaa~ Don’t fucking stop!”
Ignoring your order he stops and spanks your ass.
“It’s daddy, you filthy cunt.”
He gets back up and takes the panties out of your mouth, which was drenched in saliva. Throwing it behind him, he starts to suck on your exposed collarbone, and makes his way up to your jawline.
“Open your mouth.”
Seonghwa grabs your jaw and pulls it down. He spits in your mouth and on your cheek. He pushes your jaw back up and demands you to swallow it.
You gulp it down, and try not to think about it.
“Such a nasty little whore you are.”
The ball of saliva glides down your cheek, until Seonghwa’s fingers rub it all around your cheek, making it feel sticky and tight.
“Come here whore.”
He pulls you towards the recovery bed and bends your body over it.
“Wait! Please be gentle I haven’t had sex in a really-”
He pulls your hair back and spanks your ass, making you yelp.
“I’m a sadist sweetheart. I don’t do anything gentle.”
Without warning the man rams into your asshole, and you struggle underneath him. The sudden stretch felt like lava was being poured into your hole.
You yell desperately while tears run down your cheek.
“I guess we’ll try anal another day.”
He takes his massive cock out of your tight butthole and slides it into your pussy.
You faintly whispered out.
Seonghwa grabs one of your legs and places it on the bed, so it was easier to thrust. He grabs your hips and starts relieving all his stress and anger. He grunted and growled your name and whispered sinful things to you.
“You have no fucking idea how long I’ve been waiting for this. My cock pounding deep inside your pussy. Only my cock can make you scream and cry. I’ll prove it to you slut.”
Seonghwa went a little bit faster and gripped onto your hips a little harder, slamming in and out.
He knocked all the thoughts and concerns out of you. All your stress and worries suddenly disappeared. You’ve never felt this happy in your life. Finally having nothing to worry about. This is what you needed. You needed someone to own you, someone to punish your negative mind.
“Faster daddy! Please I’ve been such a bad girl!”
You beg.
“Oh my baby girl wants more? I’ll give her more.”
Seonghwa makes his thrust short but hard, causing all the air to knock out of you.
You scream and move your hips against his cock, feeling your orgasm approach.
“Daddy daddy daddy daddy please! I’m gonna,,,,, oh fuck I’m gonna.”
Seonghwa pulls out making you collapse and cry.
“Holy shit! Fuck fuck fuck! Daddy! Why did you do that?”
You hiss and your hips start humping on nothing. You wanted to yell at him so badly, but didn’t find enough courage or energy to do so.
“I don’t allow bad girls to cum. You have to beg me to cum, slut. My cock is superior. It’s better than any other cock. You have to cry underneath me and beg if you want MY cock and cum to fill you up. Got it?”
“Yes daddy”
You said like a good little sub you were.
“Good. I don’t like repeating myself.”
Seonghwa picks you up off the floor and lays you on the bed. He places your legs on his shoulders and angles his cock to thrust right into your gspot.
You wince and your legs kick up, feeling your lower abdomen being really tight. It didn’t take Seonghwa long to notice your distressed state. He leans in, close to your face and spits on it once again.
He grabs your neck and chokes you, while his hips started heating up and eventually started pounding into you. His balls swung back and forth hitting you cunt each time, making you even more needy. With his other hand he slaps you across the face making you sob out again.
You loved this. Seonghwa had his way around you and now your under him, while he pounds his 8 inch dick into your throbbing pussy.
“Fuck daddy. Daddy can I please cum? Ow fuck please!”
“Little girls don’t swear. Try that again.”
He spanks your ass and kneads it afterward.
“Daddy, can I please cum? Pretty please!”
“Good girl. Go right ahead.”
You shake underneath him as you try to ride the best orgasm of your life. Feeling an intense tickle starting in your abdomen, then moving out to your whole body. Your muscles clench and you sharply inhale and you squeeze the cum out of you. Once your cum covers Seonghwa’s veiny, thick cock, your mind goes blank and you release your muscles. Trying to find yourself you release your breath and quiver underneath the man.
“Fuck babygirl. Look at your sensitive state underneath me. You looked destroyed.”
Seonghwa cums flows into you and he takes his cock out of you, so it could breathe. You didn’t respond to him, as you were still feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted.
“I’ve never orgasmed in my life.”
Seonghwa looks at you and raises his eyebrows.
“I told you my cock is superior. It can make anyone feel good. Why do you think my ex wife is running back to me? She misses this good ol cock.”
You chuckle at his statement and think about how you’re gonna get out of here.
“Seonghwa I can’t feel my legs.”
“Well, that’s too bad. I guess I have to take you home with me tonight.”
Oh I’m so sorry for not posting for so long. I have a busy week and loads of homework so I’m probably not going to be too active. I hope I can get request done by the end of this week though. Also this was a request and I hoped you liked it❣️
Xoxo, N❣️
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radiantroope · 4 years
Lonely Heart || Rafe Cameron
Chapter Two – Coming Home
chapter summary: You return to Kildare and find out just how sick your mother is. You visit a friend who’s harboring a damning secret.
warnings: familial cancer, mentions of familial death, swearing, a teeny bit of alcohol consumption
word count: 2.6k+
author’s note: another filler chapter lol. i want to make the chapters longer but i don’t want to rush the story. they’ll probably get longer after this one. chapter three is gonna be a doozy y’all, i hope you’re ready. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. i write for myself but if no one’s interested what’s the point in posting? i hope you like it!🥰
read chapter one here!
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You didn’t think twice about catching the first flight to the Outer Banks. Your father’s haunting, solemn voice echoed in your head. He sounded distraught and you knew he needed you. He didn’t want to discuss your mother’s condition over the phone so he bid you goodbye and promised to be waiting at the airport for you. You packed every bag you had — the three Louis Vitton suitcases displayed on the top shelf in your closet and the two large duffel bags stuffed under your queen sized bed. As much of your belongings as you could fit were haphazardly stuffed to the brim in each of them.
You didn’t sleep that night, it was no use since you booked your flight for five in the morning. Your stomach bubbled nervously as you watched the hours tick by, finally deciding to head for the airport at three. Your Uber pulled up outside your building and the driver kindly helped you get your bags into the trunk. The highway was almost completely empty in the early hours of the morning. You arrived at LAX in record time, thankful you didn’t have to deal with the dreaded California traffic.
After making your way through security and checking your bags, you found a chair at your gate in the corner away from others. You sat numbly, staring out the window as other planes took off and landed. You were preparing yourself for the worst. Your father wouldn’t have told you to come home if your mother’s condition wasn’t serious. For a fleeting moment you let yourself worry about classes and what you were going to do about school, but you quickly shoved those thoughts away. School would still be there in the end, your mother might not.
The five hour flight felt like an eternity. You tried your best to get even an ounce of sleep, but you could hear the hum of the aircraft over your music and a baby sitting a few rows behind you was crying every fifteen minutes. You ordered a rum and coke from the flight attendant to numb you a little bit more, take some of the edge off. One turned into three and finally you were landing in the Outer Banks, patting yourself on the back for not snapping at the poor mother who couldn’t console her child the whole flight.
You exited the plane, grasping your carryon tightly as you scanned the people bustling about. Your eyes landed on your father and a grin spread across both of your faces. You walked to him quickly, arms wrapping tightly around his waist as you embraced each other.
“Hi, princess,” he whispered into your hair.
Tears sprang to your eyes and a shaky sigh left your lips as you responded, “Hi, daddy.”
The two of you walked to baggage claim and collected them, your father lightly teasing you for how many you’d brought. You simply rolled your eyes and followed him out to the car. The sweltering North Carolina heat had sweat collecting along your hairline in an instant. The humid air made you regret wearing joggers and a sweater on the plane ride. You would have rather froze on the plane than be overheating at that moment.
“How’s momma?” you asked once you were in the car, blasting the air conditioning in your face and rolling up your sleeves.
Your father hesitated, letting out a heavy sigh. He reached over the center console and took your hand, giving it a squeeze as he replied, “She’s tired, but you know her. She acts like she’s fine but I know this is taking its toll on her.”
You nodded and settled back in the seat, staring out the window as your father drove home. The island still looked the same as you remembered. It looked like they’d added a new hotel and expanded on Figure Eight, a few larger, newer houses standing out against the rest.
Your house came into view and you breathed a sigh of relief. You smiled as the car pulled into the driveway and you saw your mother’s figure sitting on the wrap around porch. You jumped out of the vehicle, making your way up the cobblestone path quickly. The older woman pushed herself to her feet and wrapped her arms around your neck once you were close enough. The floodgates in your eyes opened as your arms wrapped around your mother’s fragile body, quiet sobs muffled against her shoulder as you embraced.
“Hey, hey,” your mother shushed your cries, pulling back enough to hold both sides of your face and get a good look at you. She swiped the tears off your cheeks with her thumbs and gave you a warm smile, “No crying, you hear me?”
You nodded slightly, small sniffles escaping you as you blinked away the burning sensation in your eyes. Your mother pulled you to sit in the chair beside her as your father took your bags inside the house. She waited until you’d composed yourself a bit better before speaking, “Why don’t I go grab us some tea so we can talk?”
A brain tumor, a Glioblastoma multiforme, to be more specific. It had been growing and spreading for some time now within your mother’s head. She played down her symptoms to your father, not wanting to worry him, until she had a seizure at the Cameron’s the previous Sunday. They rushed her to the hospital via ambulance and spent hours doing scans and bloodwork. The prognosis wasn’t good, since the tumor had already grown so large. Even through chemotherapy and radiation they were giving her a year at most.
You stared at the mug in front of you, watching the steam rise into the air and dissipate in front of you. You had tried to argue surgery, insisting it would at least give her more time. Your father had joined the two of you and gently told you it wasn’t an option. She likely wouldn’t survive the surgery and if she did, she could be in a coma for the rest of her life.
“This can’t be happening,” you whispered, voice breaking as you put your head in your hands. “I should have come home more. I should have gone on those vacations. I should have been here with you.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you look at me,” your mother’s voice was stern as she reached across the table and grabbed your wrist gently. You lifted your head and met her gaze through blurry eyes.
“Now is not the time to blame ourselves. This is out of our hands, pumpkin. You can’t waste your time wishing to change the past. You need to be here, live here, in the present. We’re together and you’re here now, that’s what matters.”
Your father rested a strong hand on your shoulder from where he stood beside you, giving it a gentle squeeze. You slipped your hand into your mother’s, holding onto tightly as you choked out, “I love you so much. Both of you.”
You spent the afternoon unpacking your bags in your old bedroom. It was the same as you had left it, walls painted your favorite color and bed neatly made with the crisp white sheets. Some of your old posters still hung on the walls and your eyes drifted to the photo album you’d left last time you visited. The contents inside used to make you smile as you basked in the memories the pictures held, now they brought you heartache every time you looked at the smiling faces inside.
With a sigh, you forced yourself to take a long shower. You were drained emotionally and physically, having gotten no sleep the night before and the amount of crying you’d done took everything out of you. You skipped dinner and passed out early in the evening.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. You pulled yourself out of bed and trudged down the stairs with heavy steps. You’d gotten almost twelve hours of sleep but felt as though you could sleep twelve more, rubbing your eyes as you entered the bright kitchen. You greeted your parents with a soft ‘Good morning’, making a beeline for the coffee machine.
Your father plated bacon and eggs for you and your mother, setting them at the table in front of you. You hummed as warm coffee settled in your veins before digging into your breakfast. Back in California you didn’t cook for yourself much, opting to eat toast or pre-prepared meals. You missed the home cooked meals provided by your parents almost everyday.
“I spoke to Topper’s mother this morning,” your mother interrupted the comfortable silence, eyes trained on you. Your attention turned to her at the mention of your friend’s name. “You should swing by their place today. I’m sure he’d love to see you.”
You and Topper had grown closer since Rafe stopped speaking to you. When you’d visit, the two of you often ran around the island together. He’d take you to the Boneyard ‘For old time’s sake’ or out on his boat with Kelce. The two of them never brought up Rafe to you, unlike Janelle. You didn’t see her much visiting home either, as she chose to stay in South Carolina most of the time. If you weren’t with Sarah or your parents, you were often with Topper. He filled that void inside of you with some warmth, but it was never full. There was still an emptiness there.
“Are you sure?” you asked, feeling reluctant to leave your parents.
Your mother scoffed slightly and waved her hand with a smile, “You can’t spend every second with us. You need to see your friends.”
As much as your mother would love to spend every second with you, she knew how important your friendships were. They were the people who would be there for you when she no longer could. It brought her comfort knowing you had people close to you to confide in. It made her proud that you developed such close relationships. Though, there was a storm on the horizon, and she wasn’t the only one who felt it.
“If you insist,” you hummed and stood from the table, placing your plate in the sink then pressing a kiss to your parent’s heads. “But you better call me if you need anything!” you called as you ascended the stairs to get ready.
You threw on a green bikini, in case you found yourself at the beach. You put on a pair of cut off shorts and a loose crop top then slipped some sandals on your feet. You grabbed the keys to your father’s car and made your way through Figure Eight to the Thornton house. A soft smile graced your face as you pulled up and saw the woman of the house stepping out the front door.
You climbed out of the car and the older woman’s face lit up as she spotted you. The two of you met in the middle of the driveway and she wrapped her arms around you tightly, “Y/N, honey, it’s so good to see you. How’s your mother?”
“She’s in good spirits. She’s as good as she can be,” you replied, pulling back and giving Mrs. Thornton a smile.
“That’s good to hear,” she gave your upper arms a squeeze before pulling away and moving to her car, “I’ve gotta run. Topper’s out by the pool. Don’t be a stranger!”
You walked around the large modern looking house and went through the gate. You rounded the corner and saw Topper standing at the bar built into the patio, presumably putting together a drink. There was music playing softly from the outdoor speakers and you couldn’t help but smile. He must have heard the gentle pat of your sandals against the cement because he looked up and audibly gasped when he saw you.
“My God, Topper, could your outfit be any brighter?” you giggled as he set whatever was in his hands on the counter and raced over to you. His orange polo was almost neon in the sun and his swim trunks were a similar shade.
“Shut up, come here,” he laughed as he reached you and scooped you up under the waist. You stood on your toes, arms wrapped tightly around his neck as your eyes slipped closed, basking in the warm and inviting hug.
Topper pulled back and looked down at you, taking in the dark circles under your eyes and the noticeable flush to your skin. He smiled softly and took you by the hand, pulling you into the shade where he had been previously, “How are you?”
You sat down at one of the bar stools and sighed heavily, putting your elbow on the counter and resting your chin in your hand. You tapped your cheek with your index finger as you pretended to think deeply before spewing, “I just up and left California a week before classes were supposed to start, I found out my mom has cancer and I came back to an island that I had no intention of ever returning to.” You paused and painted a wide smile on your lips, “I’m great, Top!”
Topper laughed softly and shook his head, grabbing a glass to make you a drink as well. “Dumb question, got it. You hate it here that bad?” he asked, staring at you as he passed the glass across the bar to you.
You took a sip of the drink and grimaced slightly at the amount of spiced rum the boy had used, overpowering the orange juice mixed in. You sighed again and played with the straw, avoiding his eyes, “Don’t get me wrong, I miss my parents and Sarah and you guys.. There’s just a lot of things I’d rather forget. People I’d rather not see.”
“How long has it been?” Topper questioned, the look on his face telling you exactly what he was talking about. He didn’t want to outright say it. He didn’t know how deep those wounds still ran. It took him over a year to get over Sarah’s infidelity and they weren’t even together all that long. He couldn’t imagine losing a friend of almost twenty years.
“Five years,” you said through a dry laugh. “Can you believe that? Five fucking years.”
“I’m sorry,” he responded genuinely. It was a lame response and he knew it, but there was nothing else he could have said. Nothing could change how the last five years of your life had played out.
You shook your head and leaned back in the chair, running your fingers through your hair, “I don’t even want to think about it. When I think about it I get angry, and I’m so fucking tired of being angry.”
Topper dropped the subject after that. The two of you finished your drinks and he took you to the island club for lunch, knowing you loved the food even though you talked shit about how prestigious the organization was. After that he took you to the beach and you watched the sunset from your favorite lookout. It was near a cliff but you preferred to sit down below, atop the large and cracked rocks where the waves crashed. The ocean spray cooled off your warm skin and the blinding sunlight reflecting off the water was your favorite. You felt at peace there. The roaring sound of the ocean drowned out even your darkest thoughts.
Topper watched you, the way your mouth would twitch as you thought of something subconsciously. He watched you close your eyes when a particularly large wave would crash and water splashed at your feet. He felt a pit growing in his stomach because he knew you wouldn’t be like this for long — so at peace. You were unknowingly a ticking time bomb, ready to blow everything and everyone close to you to pieces.
tag list (to be added, shoot me an ask or a message!): @pink-meringues @k-k0129 @solllaris @taiter-tots @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @jjmbanks @fttayla @ilovejjmaybank @jjmaybcnks @drewswannabegirl @diverdcwn @royalmerchant @sortagaysortahigh @queenk00k @ims0golden @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @obxmermaid @anxietyspacetart-15 @butgilinsky @teenwaywardasgardian @bricksatanakinswindow @fangirlvoice @juliarose21 @skiesofthesketchy @daughterofaphrodite @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @sportygal55 @nqbmf @xenagzb @sweetlysilent @loverofmineluke @aaleksmorozova @meltame17 if you want to be removed please let me know!
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nothingbutimagines · 4 years
Elizabeths (Chapter II)
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Pairing: Bad boy!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, death, mentions of suicide
Summary: Y/n is part of her high school’s most powerful and most popular clique, but she disapproves of the other girls’ behavior. When Y/n meets the new boy in school, Peter Parker, and begins dating him, what she has known to be her clique begins to unravel. Starting with the death of the clique leader, Liz Allan, one by one, people Y/n doesn’t like begin to die by her and Peter’s hands. Soon, she realizes that Peter is killing students he hates and begins to try to foil his plans, all while clashing with the new clique leader, Elizabeth “Betty” Brant.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: This is a Peter Parker AU I thought of doing. It’s a Heathers AU!!! This is going to follow a similar plot to Heathers, but of course, I won’t keep everything the exact same. Here, we meet our protaganist, Y/n, and our love interest, JD Peter.
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
Dear Diary,
I know I said I only fuck with the college boys and to hell with the high school ones, but goddamn, I can’t take my mind of off Peter Parker. Especially with him pulling that shit he did with the gun in the commons. 
“God, they won’t expel him. They’ll probably just suspend him for a week or something.” Lizzie insisted, clacking her croquet mallet against your own as you both chuckled. 
“He used a real gun.” Liz scoffed. “They should throw his ass in jail. Doesn’t he know today’s climate? Hasn’t he heard of Columbine?”
“No way.” You argued, leaning forward on your unused mallet as you watched Liz retie her ponytail with that red scrunchie you always hated. “He used blanks. All Peter did was ruined two pairs of pants... maybe not even that...” You and Lizzie began giggling. “I mean, can you bleach out urine stains?”
The sound of Liz knocking her mallet into the red ball and the red ball hitting Betty’s green one was a response enough. The sound was almost deafening as silence fell between you and Lizzie. 
“Ah, yes, Peter.” Liz finally spoke up, “You seem pretty amused. I thought you were over high school guys.” 
“Never say never.”
“What are you going to do, Liz? Take the two shots or knock me out?” Betty asked, her doe like eyes meeting Liz’s, making it clear she had not been paying attention to the conversation at hand. 
“Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?” Liz snapped. “First you ask if you can be red, knowing I am always red...”
You watched as Liz took a step forward, her foot firm on her red ball as she hit the mallet against it, the red ball sending Betty’s green into the flower bed, causing you to wince as Liz grunted triumphantly. 
Liz hit her ball again, this time falling short of the wicket as she groaned, rolling her eyes. Always too cocky too early, Liz.
“Damn.” She cursed. “Anyway, I can say never to high school boys. Especially when I have Steve.” 
“Ah, yes. King Steve.” Lizzie chuckled, taking her shot and getting the yellow ball through the wicket as she squealed. 
“Maybe when you get older and actually reach maturity, you’ll understand the difference between Columbia University man like Steve and a Midtown High boy like Brad “nut-and-bolt” Davis.” 
Lizzie shrugged. “I think Brad’s sweet. Your turn, Betty!” 
Betty pouted, a whine escaping her throat as she navigated getting into the flower bed, trying to avoid the peonies your mother had planted earlier in the week. 
“No pain, no gain!” Lizzie teased.
“Give it up, girl!” You added, both of you howling at Betty. 
You watched as Betty furrowed her brow, leaning down a bit as she hit the ball. You chuckled as it bounced off a tree and then hit the fountain in the yard before rolling perfectly through the wicket. 
“Holy shit!” You gasped, howling in laughter.
“That was incredible!” Lizzie squealed.
“What. A. Shot.” Liz added, shaking her head, a mixture of pride and jealousy in her smirk. 
You began setting up your shot as Lizzie spoke up, your attention half on her and the other half on getting the shot. 
“So, tonight’s the night. Are you two excited?” Lizzie asked, glancing between both you and Liz. 
“I’m giving Y/n her shot. Her first Columbia party. You blow it tonight, girl, and it’s keggers with kids all senior year.” 
You groaned, having missed your shot. As you dropped your mallet, bending down to pick it up, you rolled your eyes as Liz’s attitude. 
“Damn.” You cursed. “So, who’s this Bucky guy I’ve been set up with? Witty and urban pre-law or an idiot and savant art major?”
“Don’t worry.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Steve says he’s very. So he’s very.”
“I doubt it.” You muttered, knowing full well the only boy you wanted to be set up with is the bad boy wannabe from the commons. 
“Lizzie! Your mom is here!” Your mother called before Liz could open her mouth to say anything further. 
“Come on, whoever wants a ride!” Lizzie announced. “Bye, Y/n. Good luck.” 
“Yeah, good luck.” Betty agreed as she rushed past, following Lizzie and Liz up the stairs. 
You dropped your mallet and followed behind the girls, waving them off as they cut through the side of the house and off the property. You took a seat at the table on the patio as your father took a seat beside you, James Patterson book in hand as you mother joined you both, salsa and chips on the platter clutched in her fists. 
“So, what was the first week of Spring Break withdrawal like?” Your father asked, leaning past your slouching figure to grab a chip. 
“Hey, kid, isn’t the prom coming up?” Your mother asked before you could answer your father.
You shrugged with a smile. “I guess it is.”
“Any contestants worth mentioning?” 
“Maybe. I guess you could say there is a bit of a dark horse in the running.”
“Goddamn. Why do I even read these damn Patterson books. Bastard probably doesn’t even write them.” Your father chimed in, looking up at you.
“Because you’re an idiot.” You beamed, laughing alongside him for a moment. 
“Oh, yeah. That’s it.”
“You two...” Your mother smiled, shaking her head.
“Thanks for the salsa.” You rose from your seat. “But I gotta motor if I want to be ready for that party tonight.” 
Dear Diary,
When you fuck with the eagles, you gotta learn to fly. Columbia is Liz kicking my ass out of the nest, whether I like it or not. And to be honest, I don’t wanna fucking fly. 
You opened the car door, the cold night breeze chilling you to the bone as you slammed the door shut, wincing as you knew Liz would scold you for your improper behavior later. Tugging at the length of your sleeves, you walked towards the 7-11.
“Corn nuts!” Liz yelled, half her body out the car window as she yelled at you. 
Without looking back, you waved her off, tempted to just give her the middle finger and call it a night. 
You swung the door open, the warm draft greeting you as you made a beeline to the Corn Nuts, hoping to get in and get out and get this goddamn Columbia party over with. 
“You going to get a Big Gulp with that?” A voice erupted from behind you as you turned around, the bag of Corn Nuts you needed in hand. 
“No, but if you’re nice, I’ll let you buy me a Slurpee.” You teased, meeting Peter’s eyes, or rather, eye, as the other was covered by his falling bang. “You sure do know your 7-11 slang.” 
“I’ve moved around all my life; Baton Rouge, Vegas, Dallas, Suburbia. There’s always been a 7-11. The only stability. Any town, any time, I can pop a chicken sandwich in the microwave and feast on a tornado. Keeps me sane.” He explained, his hand shaking next to his head at the end of his speech. 
“Really?” You asked, “I don’t know, I mean, that thing you pulled today was pretty severe.”
“The extreme always makes an impression, but you’re right, it was pretty severe. Did you say a Coke or Cherry Slurpee?” 
“I didn’t.” You pulled a red vine from the open box at the counter. “Cherry.” 
You smiled, taking a bit out of the vine as you twirled it between your fingers, Peter matching your expression. You took the Slurpee from his hand and followed him to the counter, the silence between you comfortable as he paid for the snacks you collected and you followed him outside. 
You shivered in the cold air, the thought that getting a Slurpee was a good idea now turning in your mind. 
“Great bike.” You nodded to the motorcycle as Peter took a seat on it. 
Liz honked her horn, causing you to tear your gaze from Peter as she gave you an agitated look, only for you to return the gesture with a glare and turn back to Peter.
“Just a humble perk from my uncle’s construction company or should I say deconstruction company?” 
“I don’t know, should you?”
“My uncle seems to enjoy tearing things down more than building things up. Seen the commercial? ‘Bringing every State to a Higher State.’“
“Oh, shit.” You gasped, connecting the dots as you playfully hit Peter’s shoulder. “Peter Parker... Your uncle’s Big Ben Parker Construction. Must be rough, moving place to place.”
Peter shrugged. “Everybody’s got some static in their life. Is your life perfect?”
You scoffed. “Sure, I’m going to a Columbia University party.”
Liz honked the horn again, letting her hand rest on the horn for a little longer as you frowned.
“It’s not perfect.” Your tone was serious. “I don’t really like my friends.”
“I don’t really like your friends either.” Peter shook his head, a low chuckle escaping his lips. 
“It’s like they’re just people I work with and our job is being popular and shit.” 
“Maybe it’s time for a vacation.” 
Liz’s horn blared again as you waved at Peter, starting to walk away. “You’re telling me!”
Dear Diary,
The day I take a vacation, that’ll be the day Liz Allan is dead. Until then, I’m stuck doing my job being her popular lap dog and sucking her dick by telling her how hot and popular she is. 
You could barely suppress a look of disgust as you followed Liz and Steve through the crowded dormitory hallway and into Steve’s dorm. You hated Steve. Sleazy, sweaty, somewhat mediocre looking Steve. You could feel the clot of bile creep up your throat as Steve held the door open for you, the sick smell of cheap beer and sweat so pungent your eyes teared up. 
“You can just throw your coats down on the bed, girls.” Steve instructed as both you and Liz slipped off your coats and did as you were told. 
You watched as Steve walked away for a moment, you assumed to get Bucky as you looked at Liz, who was watching them as well, the doe like look in her eyes telling you that she was in love with him. That for some reason, the clever bitch fell for the disgusting college guy. 
“Y/n, this is Buck.” Steve introduced the other boy, his hand clasped on his shoulder as he guided him to you. 
“Excellent.” Bucky nodded, his eyes tracing over your form as you held back a frown. “Did you girls bring your partying boots?”
“Yeah, let’s party.” Liz smiled, jerking you to get you to do the same. 
Steve chuckled, throwing his arm around Liz as he looked at her. “What can I say? She loves to party.” 
Dear Diary, 
I want to kill and you have to believe... damn pen! 
“So, are you a cheerleader?” Bucky asked, his back against the tacky blue and grey striped wallpaper.
“Not at all.” You gagged, the smell of beer and cigarettes on his breath making you nauseous as you took a sip of the drink in your hand. 
“You’re pretty enough to be one.”
“Gee, thanks.” 
“It’s so great to be able to talk to a girl without having to ask ‘what’s your major?’ I hate that.” Bucky took a sip of his beer before continuing, “So, when you go to college, what do you think you’ll study?”
You have to believe it’s for more than selfish reasons. More than a spoke in my menstrual cycle. You have to believe me. 
Bucky had given up on conversation, you could tell by the way he shifted on his heels uncomfortably. It’s not like you minded, nor cared, since you debated finding Liz’s coat and stealing her car, leaving her in your dust. 
Goddamn Liz. Goddamn Columbia guys. Goddamn you for agreeing to be here.
“So, what do you say we go up to my dorm and have a real party? I’ve got the best rap mix in the whole dorm.” Bucky’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as another boy approached.
“Buck, man,” The boy jerked Bucky around by the shoulder, “Nick’s been looking for you. He says he owes you for blow and he just got some shit himself.”
“You’re kidding. Asshole really scored some of his own?”
“He’s in Nat’s room. Go, man. Party on.”
“Excellent.” Bucky finally turned to you, as if he forgot you were even there, “Y/n, you ever do coke?”
“Ever since writing that DARE essay in fifth grade, I refuse everything.” 
“DARE? Are you sure that shit still works?”
You smacked your forehead lightly. “Oh, geez, right! I wrote that at eleven. Might as well do drugs now since I’m not so stupid!” 
You groaned, pushing through the crowded hallway back to where you and Liz had thrown your coats. 
“Hey, don’t run off, now!” Bucky called out, following behind you closely.
Seventeen is the last year Mom buys the Twinkies. When you make the jump from working at Pizza Hut on the weekends to working thirty years at I.B.M, when you lose something, not innocence - power.
You swung open the door to the room, throwing yourself on the stack of coats on the couch beside the door. Setting your glass of vodka in your lap, you pulled out the matchbook you’d gotten at the 7-11. You struck a match, holding your hand over the flame, bringing it closer and closer until the red light licks your hand, causing you to shriek in pain. You dropped the match into the glass, shocked when it catches fire. Giggling to yourself, you toss the glass out the open window; out of sight, out of mind.
“There you are.” Bucky’s voice has you rolling your eyes as you turn to him. “How’s my little cheerleader? Now I know everyone at your high school isn’t so uptight, come on.” 
His hand was coated in sticky sweat as it touched your tight covered thigh and his breath was hot and warm as his leaned in too close to your face. 
“Hey, I really don’t feel so great.” You argued, shoving him away from you as you shot up off the couch. 
“Let’s do it on the coats.” He grinned, oblivious to your side of the conversation. “It’ll be excellent.”
“You know, I have a little prepared speech I give when my suitor wants more than I’d like to give him. Gee, Blank, I had a nice-”
“Save the speeches for Malcolm X. I just wanna get laid.” Bucky chuckled, cutting off your sentence before you could even get the bulk of it out. 
You yanked your coat out from under him, sending him sliding off the couch and to the floor.
“You don’t deserve my fucking speech.” You huffed, stepping over him and storming out the door.
You slow as you realized you now gained Liz’s attention, along with Steve’s as Bucky emerges from the “coat” room. You can tell by the falling smiles on both Steve’s and Liz’s faces as Bucky spews some words you can’t hear that they are more than pissed at you. You watch, your eyes widening as Liz slides her beer glass on the table beside her, steel-faced as she approaches you. 
“What’s your damage? Bucky says you’re being a real cooze.” Liz snapped.
“Liz, I feel awful, like I’m going to throw up. Can we jam, please?”
“Hell no.”
You couldn’t help it, the sudden clot in your throat was replaced with actual vomit as you leaned against the wall, rendered unable by your sudden fatigue to make it to the bathroom. You leaned over, vomit spilling onto the carpet and splatter hitting Liz’s red heels. Groaning, you charge down the hallway and out the door, determined to make it back to the car as Liz follows close behind. 
Christ, I can’t explain it, but I’m allowed an understanding that my parents and these Columbia University assholes have chosen to ignore. I must stop Liz.
“You stupid cunt!” Liz roared, the trash can fire casting shadows on her face as you shivered in the cool night air. 
“You goddamn bitch!” 
“You were nothing before you met me! You were playing Barbies with Cindy Moon! You were a Brownie, you were a Bluebird, you were a Girl Scout Cookie! I got you into a Columbia University party! What’s my thanks? It’s on the hallway carpet. I got paid in puke!” 
“Like it up, baby. Lick. It. Up.”
“Monday morning, you’re history. I’ll tell everyone about tonight. Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Midtown is going to let you play their reindeer games.”
Cindy Moon was a real friend and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatchdogs and Diet Cokeheads. Killing Liz’d be like offing the Wicked Witch of the West. Or is it East? West! I sound like a fucking psycho. Tomorrow I’ll be kissing her aerobicized ass, but tonight, let me dream of a world without Liz. A world where I am free. 
You couldn’t help but fling your diary across the room, the satisfying thud from it hitting the wall beside your window soothing you as you wallowed in anger. You gasp as you hear a sound at the window, looking up, you tear off your glasses and make eye contact with one Peter Parker. 
“Dreadful etiquette, I apologize.” 
“It’s okay...” You replied breathlessly.
“I saw the croquet set out back, you up for a match?”
Your heart was still racing, however instead of the initial shock, it was now revving up with anxiety as you looked at the boy in your bedroom. Was he even really there? Or was he just an anger fueled hallucination?
“Sure. But I’m blue.”
Dear Diary,
When did my life become reminiscent of a YA novel? When did I come to believe it wasn’t weird that Peter Parker was coming through my window? Did Twilight finally condition me into believing odd behavior was true romance?
“Now I can see why you looked so mangled when I came up.” Peter shook his head, his voice soft. 
You shifted so that your head was on his bare chest, your eyes focused on the pile of his clothes that sat beside him. 
“I’ve always treated Liz’s drama queen plays as bullshit, but I’m honestly really scared. Who am I going to sit with at lunch on Monday?” You groaned, leaning back onto the grass, the blades pricking your bare shoulders. “God, I sound like I’m from Riverdale.” 
“Are girls really that bad?” 
“It’s a dog eat dog world.” You shrugged. “It feels like it’s either kill yourself or get told to kill yourself.”
“Geez.” Peter shook his head. “That was my first game of strip croquet, by the way. I thank you.”
“You’re welcome. It’s a lot more interesting than flinging your clothes off and going at it on a neighbor’s swing set.”
“Well, I don’t know, there’s something to be said for- ouch!” 
You chuckled as the blue mallet that was stuck in the ground fell over and hit the boy. He handed you your panties that fell along with the mallet before sliding on his own underwear. 
“What a night.” You giggled, slipping on your panties as you kissed him softly and stood up. “What a life. I almost moved into high school right out of sixth grade because I was some sort of genius. But of course, my mother was too scared I wouldn’t make friends, so we chucked the idea and blah, blah, blah.”
You searched the yard for your clothes, cursing Peter silently for allowing you to toss them around instead of into a neat pile like he had done. You picked up your shirt and pants, gathering up your socks and slippers before putting them on as you spoke.
“But now blah-blah-blah is all I ever do. I use my grand I.Q. to decide what shade of lip gloss to buy and how to hit three keggers before curfew. Some genius.” 
“Liz Allan is one bitch that deserves to die.” Peter blurted out, making it clear he wasn’t listening to you. 
“Killing her won’t solve anything.”
“A well time lighting bolt on her walk into school on Monday morning, all the other Elizabeths, shit, the whole school, would be cut loose.”
“Well, then, I will pray for rain.” You chuckled. “A flowerpot falling from the window sill would work just as well, more likely to happen too.”
“You see those condoms in the grass? We killed it tonight, Y/n. We killed our baby.” 
“Hey, it was good for me too, imbecile.”
“I’m just saying. It’s not hard to end a life.”
“There’s a big difference between killing the prom queen and busting into a condom.”
You both laugh as Peter finally starts getting dressed. 
“I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about. After all, there’s only one genius here.”
“I know exactly what the hell you’re talking about and you’re right, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Why don’t we just graduate, grow old and be adults, and then die?” 
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
“But before we do that, I want to see Liz Allan spew chunks so we can call it even.”
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Until We Meet Again
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Mentions of death, depression, a very sad Mark (I’m so sorry) suicide (and the reader has cancer) so please don’t read if you’re easily triggered
Word Count: 11.4K
Summary: After getting the news that you had stage four brain cancer, your boyfriend Mark makes it his responsibility to make sure your last days on earth are some of the best days of your life.
A/N: I had an idea about writing an imagine based on the movie “A Walk to Remember” I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it it’s one of my favorite movies but make sure you have a box of tissues ready because it’s a tear jerker. I actually started tearing up while writing this because I can picture how sad Mark would be if he lost his significant other. I debated for a while on whether or not I should post this but I decided to do so, read at your own risk. I also listened to “XO” by Beyonce when writing this so feel free to listen to that while reading.
Your love is bright as ever Even in the shadows Baby kiss me Before they turn the lights out Your heart is glowing And I'm crashing into you Baby kiss me Before they turn the lights out Before they turn the lights out Baby love me lights outIn the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour) I'll search through the crowd (I'll search through the crowd) Your face is all that I see I'll give you everything Baby love me lights out Baby love me lights out You can turn my lights out
“She has stage 4 brain cancer. I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing we can do. Y/n only has 6 months left to live, if she’s lucky. We’ve done all there is we could do Mr.Tuan. You just have to make the most of her time left.”
Have you ever been in a situation where you physically felt your heart sink to your stomach? That’s exactly how Mark was feeling when your doctor brought him in to his office to give him the bad news. Just a few hours ago, you had passed out at work and were rushed to the hospital. Your coworkers felt as if it could have been from exhaustion or malnutrition since you were currently working on a business deal that had taken up all your time and energy. However, a few of the EMTs felt like there was something else, unfortunately something worse that was going on but they didn’t want to assume anything until an actual doctor examined you.
While you were sleeping, the resident doctor had the nurses run an x-ray and some other tests on you. It was then that they found a tumor in your brain the size of a quarter. Since he was your emergency contact, your boyfriend didn’t hesitate in leaving his job and practically sprinted towards the hospital to be with you.
You weren’t one to ever get sick. Sure, you had a few colds here and there; and there was one time you had the stomach flu, but that was it. You were one of the healthiest people Mark knew. Not only did you exercise on a daily basis, but you tried to watch what you’d eat and drank. After practically escaping two speeding tickets, he parked in the hospital’s parking lot and stormed in to the emergency room. He was so in shock; Mark wasn’t physically able to form coherent words as the receptionist asked him what he was doing there. Luckily your name fell from his lips on instinct and he was sure he probably looked like a mad man with his body frozen and eyes wide opened but he didn’t care. He was so worried for your health and your safety, nothing else mattered to him in that moment.
The receptionist gave him your room number and he murmured a quick thank you before storming his way down the hall. Mark hated hospitals; they were extremely eerie and creepy. Other than pregnancies, nothing good ever came from hospitals. Your boyfriend was completely aware of your hatred of having to stay in the hospital, so his mind wouldn’t stop wandering to you and how you were doing.
Once he made his way in to your room and saw you sleeping peacefully on the bed with a bunch of wires and tubes hooked on to your body, he released a breath of relief. However, he felt himself tense up at the sight of you looking so exhausted and so small. The bags under your eyes were prominent and your face was so pale; he was sure the image of you looking so fragile would be etched in to his mind for a long time.
He hurriedly made his way toward you and sank to his knees, reaching for your hands and leaving soft kisses on the back of them. He then began to run his fingers through your hair while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. When he realized there wasn’t a chance of you waking up any time soon, he decided to call your mom and let her know what happened.
You and Mark have been dating for almost 6 years and you’ve known each other for over 10. Other than your family, Mark was one of the only people you genuinely loved and trusted with your entire life. He was your best friend, your soulmate, your safe haven and you meant equally and if not more to him as he did to you. From the beginning of your friendship up until now, he had a close relationship with your family to the point where sometimes you felt they loved him just a little bit more than they did you. With that being said, it was only natural for him to want to inform your mom of your current well-being and the fact that you were in the hospital after fainting.
Mark wasn’t one who could just sit around and do nothing, especially when the love of his life was currently in the hospital; so he began pacing back and forth around the room waiting for your parent’s arrival. When the door opened, he was quick to turn around expecting to see your mom walk in, but he felt his anxiety levels rise when a doctor entered the room.
“Hello, I’m Dr.Phillip. Are you a relative of the patient?” Mark shook his head in disagreement before motioning to you.
“I’m her boyfriend.” Your doctor released a long sigh, one that Mark picked up on as a negative sign.
“Could you follow me for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you about y/n.” As much as he didn’t want to leave you alone, with the way the doctor was acting, he had a feeling it had to be serious. Something didn’t feel right, he knew there had to be a bigger problem other than fatigue and stress going on with you. His assumptions were soon proven true once the first few words fell from the older man’s mouth.
“We found a tumor in her brain. Unfortunately, we found it a little too late. I’m surprised it took so long for her body to react to it, but sometimes the cancer spreads slowly without her body having any side effects.”
Once Mark heard the word cancer, he felt as if his whole world collapsed. There was no way you of all people could have cancer. He couldn’t think; couldn’t breathe. Everything the doctor said went through one ear and out the other. His entire chest felt as if it was about to combust.
“There’s no way—the tests have to be wrong—y/n can’t have cancer—she’s so healthy—she takes such amazing care of herself—you have to do the cat scan again doc there’s no way—“ When Mark began to sob and sink to his knees, your doctor walked over to him and tried his best in comforting him. This had to be a nightmare. The thought of losing you was one he couldn’t bare to accept. He had to be dreaming. All he had to do was wake up and you’d be right there next to him, smiling at him adoringly like nothing was wrong. But deep down he knew this was real, and he’s never experienced this type of pain before.
“What—what can we do for her? Chemo? Is there any drugs she can take? Surgery? You guys can remove it can’t you? That’s your job! You’re supposed to save lives—please—please save my girlfriend—I’m begging you. She’s too young to die—I—I can’t live without her.”
The blank expression on the doctor’s face answered Mark’s question for him and soon he was practically screaming. He didn’t care if he was over reacting or if they’d bring security to kick him out; he was just told that his girlfriend, his best friend, the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with had terminal cancer. There was no way he could act civil and calm in a situation like this—he wanted to die.
“I’m so sorry son, but there’s nothing we can do. The tumor is too big for us to take out and even if we could, this is her brain we’re talking about. One wrong move and you could lose her even sooner—“
“Please don’t say that. I’m sure there’s so much more you assholes can do this is a person’s life we’re talking about. My person! The only person who means anything to me! If it was you, if it was your child, your wife, your mother, your sister, someone you cared deeply about, I’m sure you’d be acting the exact same way as I am right now.”
Your boyfriend was extremely stubborn. Sure, he was very polite, kind-hearted, soft-spoken and generous; but whenever it came to something he was genuinely passionate about, he wasn’t afraid to speak up and fight for what he felt was right. No matter who he was speaking up against. Mark was aware of how disrespectful he was acting toward your doctor, and he was trying so hard to understand the fact that the older man was doing his best in helping you, but it wasn’t enough for him. He did the unthinkable and sank to his knees.
“Please, do whatever you can to keep my girlfriend alive. I’ll do anything.” Dr.Phillip gave your boyfriend a few minutes to calm down before motioning for him to stand up.
“If she does chemo, it’ll prolong her life for a few more months. She has stage 4 brain cancer. I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing we can do. Y/n only has 6 months left to live, if she’s lucky. We’ve done all there is we could do Mr.Tuan. You just have to make the most of her time left.”
Mark let out a scoff before storming out of his office and making his way back to you. His tears were hot against his cheeks as they fell and he practically broke the door as he opened it, not wanting to be away from you any longer. As soon as his eyes landed on your mom as she held your hands in hers, his tears began to overflow as his sons grew louder.
Your boyfriend wanted to be strong, especially because he had a huge feeling things were going to go downhill once he gave your parents the news. Out of all your siblings, you and your mom had the closest relationship. Mark knew just how much you meant to one another and he knew the only person who loved you as much as he did was her. So he was confident her world would come crumbling down just as his did once he heard about your condition.
“Mark sweetie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He took no time in pulling her against his chest and continued to sob in to her hair. His grip was tight on her shoulders and countless apologies fell from his lips only worrying your mother even more than she already was.
“Y/n—y/n—she—she um—stage four cancer—brain tumor—6 months to live—“ he couldn’t even finish explaining to her what the doctor told him before she sank to the ground in hysterics. Hearing her cries fill the room was all too much for Mark to handle. It was a slap in the face by reality that this was really happening and he was going to lose you.
The two of them stayed like that on the floor for what felt like hours to Mark just holding one another while crying uncontrollably. Nurses came in and out of the room to change your iv and to see how you were doing, but it was overwhelming even for them to see Mark and your mom breaking down. After a few moments, your parents wanted to speak to the doctor themselves, leaving Mark all alone with you and the negative thoughts that were taking up his entire mind.
6 months. He had approximately only 6 months with you. How was he supposed accept this information? 6 months was nothing, not when he believed he was going to spend the rest of his life with you. What was he going to do? Two days went by and Mark did not leave your side once. At all. He informed his family and a few of his close friends about what happened and the love and support he was receiving from everyone was nice, but it wasn’t enough to fill the hole that was now in his heart.
He couldn’t eat nor has he gotten any sleep since he heard about you getting administered in to the hospital and everyone started to worry for him but they knew not to get involved. You were all Mark knew and wanted to know. From the time he woke up to the time he went to sleep, you were all he ever thought about. How much he loved you, how much you meant to him, what your future together was going to look like; he couldn’t get you off of his mind not that he ever wanted to.
To his dismay, both your parents and his parents forced him to go home and get some rest, telling him that you wouldn’t be happy if you knew how he was acting towards this entire situation. Everyone was hurting for him. Anybody who knew the two of you were completely aware that if soulmates existed, you and Mark were each other’s. Wherever you went, Mark followed. Whatever you did, Mark did too. The two of you were like magnets; peas in a pod. It was completely understandable for him to be acting like this. Your boyfriend felt like a stranger in his own body. He felt lifeless. Even when he went home, your absence was taunting him. All your clothes, pictures, makeup, your little trinkets; they were driving him insane.
One day, this was all going to be memorabilia. Things that you’ve owned; it would only remind him of your untimely death and he wanted nothing more than to punch a wall out of frustration. The only thing he did once he walked through your shared apartment was take a shower. Showering felt like such a chore to him. What normally took him fifteen to twenty minutes almost took an hour because he just stood there crying.
If he was already acting like this while you were in a coma, Mark was afraid of what life would be life if you were to actually leave. Almost two days later, Mark got a call from your mom telling him that you were awake and that you knew everything. He found himself asking Jinyoung to take him to the hospital because God knows he wouldn’t have been able to drive there himself. Jinyoung had to calm him down as they waited for the elevators and it seemed as if his patience was at an all time low.
Right as he was about to make his way to the stairs, the doors opened and he fumbled with pressing the buttons to your floor. Your entire family was waiting outside of your room and he felt a pang of hurt hit his chest with every sympathetic look he was receiving. He felt selfish for wanting to be alone with you, but once he walked in to the room and saw that you were awake, he practically threw himself at you and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m so glad you’re awake, fuck—shit I’m sorry baby—I’ve missed you so much.” He stole a kiss from the corner of your mouth and didn’t even hold himself back from crying. His choked back sobs made your heart ache and you found yourself erupting in tears also. Your parents quietly made their way outside to give you both some space as the two of you held each other and cried. He began leaving chaste kisses all around your face and cupped your cheeks with his hands before roughly connecting your lips together. His lips were salty from the tears and you knew he hasn’t been taking care of himself with how chapped they felt, but you missed the feeling of his warm lips on yours and you wanted him to kiss you as much as he desired to. To his dismay, you pulled away to catch your breath and placed your forehead against his.
“Mark.” He hummed softly in curiosity as you made room for him on the bed. “Hold me?” He gave you a sad smile and joined you on the bed, all but gently wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you on top of his lap.
When your mother informed you about your cancer, you couldn’t believe a word she was saying. You’ve always read stories and watched videos about other people getting diagnosed with cancer and you always felt so sad for the patients; especially with everything they had to go through. You just never thought that it would happen to you. Nobody thinks something bad will happen to them until it does. You cried with your mom; the idea of leaving this earth before really getting to experience your life felt unreal. You didn’t want to be without your family, your friends—Mark.
When she gave you the bad news, your mind immediately drifted off to your boyfriend. Did he know? Of course he had to, you faintly remember your mom mentioning how he got in to an argument with your doctor, held her as she cried and how he always stayed with you for the last few days. You knew Mark would take your diagnosis the worst. Seeing him so pale, so emaciated brought tears to your cheeks. He was always so sensitive and so emotional which was one of the many things you loved about him. But with the way he pampered you, took such amazing care of you and needed to be with you as much as he could only worried you. You were afraid of what he was going to do once it was your time to go.
“You haven’t been eating have you, you’re already so skinny. You need to eat—“ his brows furrowed as he tightened his grip on your waist.
“How am I supposed to do anything at a time like this y/n?” You frowned although you knew where he was coming from. You brought your fingers up to his face and playfully attempted to lift up his lips in to a smile but he wasn’t having it.
“Smile for me baby, please? I’ve missed seeing your award winning smile. I’ve missed you. I didn’t even realize how long I’ve been gone for.” He looked at you in disbelief; as if you grew another head.
“How are you being so positive right now? I feel pathetic. Like I’m failing as a boyfriend. I’m supposed to be strong for you, hell, I’m not even the one going through this but I can’t seem to stop crying. What is wrong with me?”
You ran your fingers through his soft, brown locks and sent him a broken smile. “You’re human my love. It’s okay for you to be frustrated and upset. I was when the doctor talked to me. I almost didn’t believe him at first—I mean I didn’t want to believe him. Who wants to die? I’m only twenty-four years old. There’s so many things I want to do and now my life is being put to an end before it can even start. It isn’t fair, but I’m trying to stay positive about it because I don’t want to remember wasting my last few months here on earth being depressed about something that I have no control over. If it’s my time, then it’s my time. I know God has a plan for me and that he’ll take good care of me; so we just have to take this one day at a time.”
Mark’s chest began to heave against your back and you turned yourself around in order to hover on top of his lap. You brought your hand up to cup his face and wiped away a few of his tears.
“Y/n, I hope you know, that I love you with every fiber of my being and I’m going to spend every single day with you to the point where you’ll probably get tired of me but it doesn’t matter. You’re not going to suffer through this alone, you hear me? I’m going to be by your side every step of the way. Please tell me if there’s anything I can do for you to make this situation a little more easier. I’ll do anything for you.”
You beamed up at him and playfully stole a few sloppy kisses while toying with his fingers. “Why don’t you make a bucket list? I want you to come up with anything you want to do and I promise I’ll do my best to make sure we do it.”
No matter how upset and heartbroken you were over your diagnosis, your heart felt so warm with the way Mark was treating you. Even before the two of you started dating, your boyfriend was always so kind and gentle whenever it came to you and he always put you first in every single situation. Looking at him hurt. Knowing that you would no longer get to feel the warmth of his embrace; kissing his pretty, pink lips; hearing that beautiful contagious laughter of his sent a painful sensation to your stomach. The love you had for one another was indescribable.
He was like your lifeline and you knew he was suffering with retaining this information. If it was the other way around and he was the one who was sick, you would probably die of heartbreak. You never wanted to be without him and it was the same for him.
“Oh like anal?” He looked at you in disbelief before his choked up laughter filled the room.
“I mean—if that’s what you want baby—don’t make me laugh y/n. God, what am I going to do without you?” You shook your head and hid your face in the crook of his neck.
“Can you do something for me Mark?” He quickly nodded in agreement knowing he would do anything you asked of him in a heartbeat. “Let’s pretend as if nothing is wrong with me? Okay? I don’t want you to look at me as your sick girlfriend. I don’t want to be treated like a cancer patient. I want to live what’s left of my life freely. I know it’ll be hard, but I don’t want us to be sad.”
He took in a deep breath and nodded softly in agreement. The two of you stayed like that for a couple of moments, just basking in the other’s presence. Some of your family members and a few nurses came in and out of your room every so often but neither of you really paid them any mind. You were too focused on each other. Just a few days later, you were released from the hospital and were given the okay to return back to work with the responsibility of not overworking yourself. You were also given medication along with a meal plan to help with prolonging your health.
The doctor who helped you throughout your entire stay recommended chemotherapy and even waved your entire hospital fee. Mark knew it had a lot to do with their conversation a few days prior and even if he was an asshole to the older man, he was very grateful for all that he tried to do for you in the short amount of time you were administered.
Mark wasn’t lying when he said he was never going to leave your side. Wherever you went, your boyfriend trailed right behind you. He attended every single doctor’s appointment, went with you grocery shopping; he even went with you to the bathroom and patiently sat on the floor. As much as you hated being a burden, you knew he was adamant on spending as much time with you as possible. When you were released from the hospital, you began to plan out your entire bucket list together. You tried to make it as realistic as you could; but you threw in a few things that were extremely out of the box.
“You want to skydive? But you hate heights.” You shrugged indifferently.
“I know you used to hate whenever BamBam and Yugyeom would say this, but yolo. I also want to go skiing in Colorado and bungee jumping in Hawaii. You gotta keep up with me Tuan.”
He grinned at your sarcasm before continuing to look over your ideas. “Wait—you were serious about the kinky shit? Bdsm y/n? I mean—don’t get me wrong baby I’m all for it but—“ you rolled your eyes and playfully shoved his shoulder.
“Can’t have sex in the afterlife so might as well make the most of it while I still can. By the way, I mean it on you. I’ve always wanted to use a blindfold on you and tie you to the bed.”
“How are you going to explain all of this to God when he asks about your sinful decisions?”
The more time you and Mark spent together, the more he’d forget about your sickness and short amount of time left on earth. If he didn’t think about it, he would enjoy his time with you. But the more he’d listen to you laugh at something cheesy he said or the way you’d hold on to him while the two of you lounged around on your days off made his heart hurt.
He knew it was the moments like these that he was going to miss the most. When it was just the two of you having fun, enjoying the other’s presence. Mark would never show you that he was extremely miserable because he didn’t want you feeling worried or upset; so he found himself crying in the shower and sometimes in the middle of the night while you slept peacefully. You were so strong during the entire process and Mark was so proud of you for fighting so hard.
Only two weeks after your stay in the hospital, you decided to quit your job in order to focus on your boyfriend, your friends and your family and to spend your days doing things you loved without having anything to stress over. One by one, you and Mark began to cross things off your bucket list. As much as you wanted to travel around the world, you knew that there was more important things you actually had to spend your money on; but what you didn’t know was that your family secretly purchased both your’s and Mark’s tickets and even paid for your hotel rooms so that you and your boyfriend could experience your dream adventure together.
The two of you took a tour throughout Europe; you have always dreamt about going to Greece and Italy from the time you were a little girl and you had thought that one day you’d be able to do so with Mark. Your trip was everything you could have ever wanted and more. You got to visit every monument and scenic point that was on your itinerary, ate till your stomachs were full and took pictures practically everywhere. Everything was so exciting to you that you failed to notice your boyfriend taking hundreds of photos and countless videos of you.
On his downtime, he began to make a album in his phone dedicated to you with thousands of both pictures and videos of you from the time you started dating up until now. He even printed out numerous about of photos and started a photo book that he could look back on whenever he missed you but deep down, Mark already knew he would never be able to look at any picture or photo of you without crying a river. When the two of you returned back, he gave you no time to unpack your things and surprised you with tickets to Hawaii.
Besides Europe, Hawaii was in your top three places you wanted to travel to because of how beautiful it looked in photos and because of the love you had for the beach. Mark even booked a skydiving appointment on your initial first day and although a huge part of you was scared out of your mind to fall out of a plane that was 20,000 feet in the air, you felt like you could do anything with Mark by your side. It was such an amazing experience; you felt so free, so powerful. Seeing how far you were from the ground was intimidating, but the comforting caress against your wrist made it all worth your while.
You both spent every second doing something adventurous; rock climbing, atv cruising, zip lining and horseback riding. He also took you to a couple of beaches and the two of you would just cuddle up on the sand and watch the waves crash up on to the shore. It all seemed too good to be true; you had no responsibilities, no worries, no regrets and you were traveling the world with the love of your life. You couldn’t have been more happier.
However, everything seemed to come crashing down the minute you started chemotherapy. Your doctor explained that chemotherapy helped with extending your life and you took any chance you were given. When you and Mark arrived back home from your trip, you went straight to your doctor’s office and began scheduling your chemotherapy sessions. You’ve read countless horror stories about the negative effects of chemotherapy and it was in those moments, hearing about how lethargic and exhausted you’d get, the loss of appetite and how quickly your hair would fall out made it all the more real that this was actually happening.
Your hair began to fall out during the first session and you decided to shave your head bald before it could actually fall out completely. When you took a look in the mirror, you cried for what felt like hours. You felt so ugly; especially when your eyebrows started falling out. This caused you to lash out on Mark every so often; you grew extremely unhappy and felt so insecure no matter how many times Mark reassured you that you were still and would always be the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid his eyes on. Your boyfriend hated seeing you so bothered with the way you looked knowing that there was nothing you could do about it.
As much as he despised hearing you talk so negatively about yourself, he knew it was only natural for you to act this way. To your surprise and your delight, you woke up that next morning to the sound of a buzzer and when you got up out of bed to find the source of the buzzing noise, it was then that you saw Mark shaving both his hair and his eyebrows off. Your heart felt so warm and you were sure it was about to combust with all the love you felt for the devastatingly handsome man in front of you. You didn’t know what you did to deserve Mark; he was nothing but patient with you no matter how harsh you could treat him some days.
He knew you didn’t mean it, anger and hostility was a side effect of the chemo and the only thing he could do in order to help you was support you and be there for you no matter how rude you were treating him. “I hate how good you look with no hair, it’s unfair. Thank you for doing this for me by the way—you don’t understand how much it means to me—how much you mean to me. You mean so much to me Mark—you mean everything—I love you more than I can put in to words.”
He giggled softly before kissing away the tears that were coming down your cheeks. “I guess you haven’t seen yourself these days. You look breathtakingly beautiful baby. I’m so sorry you have to go through this; I know I say it every single day but it’s the truth. It’s so hard for me watching you suffer and not being able to help carry this burden with you no matter how badly I want to. I want you to know that you’re so fucking beautiful y/n. With and without hair, with and without make up, with and without eyebrows. With and without clothes—ow! I’m being serious stop being abusive. Don’t you dare for one minute think you’re ugly, you hear me? I told you I wasn’t going to let you go through this alone didn’t I? Come on my beautiful cry baby, let’s go take some pictures of our adorable matching bald heads. Honestly, I think we look ten times better, who needs hair?”
A wise man once said, time flies when you’re having fun. As the days continued to go by, you only grew weaker and you had to slow down with your movements. Most of your time was spent in your apartment, but it didn’t matter. You loved every single minute spent cuddled in to Mark’s chest. Mark was constantly reminded of the little time you had left as he watched your frame only get smaller and it was driving him insane. Life wasn’t fair. Your boyfriend didn’t think he was a bad guy.
He was religious for the most part; attended church every so often but prayed every single day. He never smoked nor did any drugs and only drank on occasion. His grades were impeccable; he strived for A’s and B’s and never accepted any lower grade; so why was he being punished? Why was the only good thing that’s ever happened to him, the only thing that has ever meant anything to him being taken away from him so soon? And you; you were such a bright, happy-go-lucky, golden-hearted person; why did you have to suffer and go through so much pain?
Your boyfriend decided to give you something that you’ve always wanted after talking to his friends about the idea. He was going to ask you to marry him. There were so many times where the two of you talked about your future; where you wanted to have your wedding at, how many kids you’ve dreamt of having, where you wanted to settle down—he couldn’t believe he was never going to be able to experience any of these milestones with you, which is why he found himself sneaking away while you were asleep to ask your parents for their blessing.
Your mom smiled softly at him when he brought up the idea of marrying you; it was the biggest smile he’s seen on her since you found out about the cancer and your dad was extremely supportive about the whole thing. In fact, your parents offered to pay for the entire wedding. Whatever you desired, they were willing to give you. Before he could leave, your mom pulled him in to a hug and comfortingly ran her hand along his back.
“I’ve never seen someone love another person as much as you and y/n love each other. From the minute the two of you began dating, I knew you guys were meant to be. You make her very happy Mark. I’m so sorry this had to happen. But thank you for taking such amazing care of my baby girl. Just know that you are the reason why she’s still alive. She’s going to fight to stay alive till her final breath and it’s all because of you. You’re her angel Mark and she is yours. She’ll always be.”
He wanted to be strong in front of your parents, but he couldn’t prevent the tears from falling at your mother’s words. Your mom held him and allowed him to cry for a couple of minutes before she told him to head back over to you. As soon as he left your parent’s house, he met up with Jackson and BamBam to look for the ideal engagement ring. You deserved nothing but the best and your boyfriend was going to make sure that’s what you received. He had Youngjae and Jinyoung stay with you while the three of them went shopping because he hated the idea of you being alone. You were still mobile, but it took you longer to get around and he didn’t want you moving a finger if you didn’t have to.
Bringing Jackson and BamBam was a mistake; not only were they extremely picky, but they couldn’t agree on a ring. If BamBam liked a ring, Jackson would find something wrong with it and vice versa. Either the diamond was too small or too big; the baby was too thick or too wide. There wasn’t a ring that caught their eye. Mark however, couldn’t stop over-choosing to the point where he had selected at least eight different rings. The three men stayed longer than your boyfriend had hoped. He wanted to hurry up and propose to you so that the two of you could get married and spend the rest of your days as a newlywed couple.
After almost an hour, the jeweler pulled Mark to the side and had him explain his love for you, describe your personality, your likes, your personal style and what he’d think you’d want in a wedding ring. He then brought out the prettiest diamond ring Mark has ever seen. It was simple, but yet extremely elegant and eye catching; just like you. It was a gold band with a nicely sized diamond with two smaller diamonds on either side.
Your boyfriend didn’t care what the other two thought; he felt it was perfect and deep down, he knew you’d love it. After purchasing the ring, he picked up a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a couple balloons, a cake and some food on his way home. His mind was filled with worry and he was growing distressed and he didn’t know why. But Jackson and BamBam tried their best to calm him down.
The two younger guys knew you were going to say yes; even if Mark were to propose with a ring pop you’d still be over the moon. When he arrived home, he smiled at the image of you smashed in between Youngjae and Jinyoung while watching something on Netflix. He was also quick to notice Yugyeom and Jaebum sitting on the ground, wanting to be as close to you as possible. You giggled at something you saw and Mark found himself smiling at how adorable you were. He took a look at his friends and he felt embarrassed as the tears built up seeing how much they loved and cared about you.
To say they were devastated when they heard of the news was an understatement. In fact, that was the first time Mark has ever seen Jinyoung and Yugyeom cry. You’ve been in their lives for as long as you’ve been in Mark’s, so it was only natural for them to have grown attached to you and you treated them all like they were your older brothers. The three younger boys took it the hardest; there was a point after your first chemo session that BamBam had to stay away because seeing you so broken and not your usual excited and outgoing self was heartbreaking and too much for him to handle. However, after a talk from Jaebum and Jackson about how they needed to spend as much time with you as possible, he visited you whenever Mark allowed them to come over. When you noticed your boyfriend and your two friends make their way in to the apartment, you attempted to stand up and walk over to greet them, but the right grip on your biceps ultimately prevented you from doing so.
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down fast and the furious, he’s coming y/n. Don’t you dare move a pretty little finger.” You released a frustrated sigh and pouted adorably up at Jinyoung. It was like this the entire day; whenever you wanted to do something, eat, or go to use the bathroom, the guys were quick to do whatever you needed for you. Although you were grateful for their kindness and generosity, there were times that you’ve missed being able to do even the most simplest tasks such as your laundry and doing the dishes on your own. Mark briskly walked over to you and placed a sweet kiss on your lips before cupping your cheek.
“Did the guys take good care of you today?” Your laughter erupted through the room when you heard both Youngjae and Yugyeom scoff at your boyfriend’s question before nodding.
“They didn’t let me do anything at all. Jaebum carried me to the bathroom three times. Jinyoung doesn’t even let me touch the remote.” He giggled at your frustration before politely thanking his friends.
“Can you guys help me bring her to the room?” They all began giving each other knowing looks and grinned widely when they realized what was going to happen. You on the other hand looked at your boyfriend in confusion but decided to let it go. Mark picked you up bridal style but had the guys help him to make sure you didn’t hit the wall or anything along the way. Once you all made it to your room, he placed you down gently on the bed and handed you the flowers. The guys slowly left the room but not before wishing Mark good luck and sending you a few winks. You thanked him before reaching out to run a hand through his hair.
“Everything okay my love?” He nodded slowly before making his way to your side of the bed and you gasped as he got down on one knee. You couldn’t process entirely what was happening, but your heart felt so full. Mark was going to propose to you; when you were first told about your condition, you gave up any idea of getting married because you knew you wouldn’t live long enough to walk down the aisle. Your boyfriend always had tricks up his sleeve and he didn’t even get to say anything yet; you were already crying.
You looked down at him with so much love and admiration and allowed him to continue. “These last few years have been the best years of my entire life and I owe it all to you. You’ve shown me so much love, compassion, support and kindness throughout our relationship. Only a few months after we started dating, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You’re my best friend y/n. My soulmate. My safe haven. My happy place. You make me the happiest man alive and there’s nothing I would love more than for you to say yes to being my wife. I love you y/n, more than I can fathom in to words. You mean everything to me. I know you didn’t write it down on the list, but we’ve been together long enough for me to know you like the back of my hand baby. You’ve been talking about marriage even before we started dating. I wanted to be able to grant this wish for you. I have the wedding already planned out, all that’s needed is for you to say yes. Y/n, will you marry me?”
You took no time in connecting your lips together and smiled widely in to the kiss as your way of saying yes. The tears were hot against your cheeks; the beautiful man in front of you was truly an angel sent to you from heaven to take care of you and it was an indescribable feeling.
“Yes, yes, yes! I love you so much Mark—I can’t wait to marry you. The ring is perfect baby. Thank you so much. You’re extraordinary.” He jumped on the bed with you and pulled you on top of his chest while roughly connecting your lips together. Your hands made their way around his neck as his gripped tightly on your waist. The two of you were so invested in kissing one another that Mark failed to remember the six other guys waiting patiently outside the door to hear the good news.
“I’ll be right back my love. I’m gonna go kick the guys out so I can show you just how excited I am to marry you.” He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before making his way out in to the living room. Your fiancé left the door ajar, so you could hear the entire conversation with him and your friends and it made you blush.
“She said yes! We’re getting married guys! Thank you for everything you’ve done for us so far. I can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle.” The room filled with cheers and laughter and soon Mark was being pulled in to multiple embraces.
“Congratulations bro! Shall we celebrate now? Bring out the cake Yugyeom—“ Mark scratched the back of his neck shyly before speaking up.
“Um, about that—my fiancée and I would like to celebrate alone if that’s alright. You guys can all come back later if you’d want to.” He earned himself a few cheeky smiles and a couple of snide comments, but it was all in good fun. Luckily the guys were extremely understanding and left your apartment to let you and Mark relinquish in your love for one another.
We don't have forever Ooh, baby daylight's wasting You better kiss me Before our time has run out Mmm yeah Nobody sees what we see They're just hopelessly gazing, oh Oh, baby take me, me Before they turn the lights out Before our time has run out Baby love me lights out
After a passionate afternoon of intense and steamy love making, you and Mark ordered some pizza and watched a couple of movies before you both called it a night. Over the course of two weeks, you and Mark began your wedding planning and what was normally an exhausting experience for most brides, went very smoothly for you. You knew it’s because Mark did most of the contacting and the planning in general; he bribed his friends with some beer and fried chicken to help with writing and sending out the invitations. All you had to do was find your dream dress and pick out the kind of cake and food you wanted. Everything else, Mark took care of.
As much as you had dreamt of getting married at a beach, he wanted to have the wedding somewhere that would be easy for you to be pushed around in a wheelchair. Seeing you so dependent and incapable of even walking especially since you were always so independent made him feel bad. He was aware of how much it bothered you having to ask for help when you were always the one helping others. Your fiancé wanted you to be comfortable throughout the entire ceremony and to enjoy every second of it without being in any pain or discomfort. It seemed as if everything went by so fast and before you knew it, the day of your wedding finally came.
You went over to your parent’s house to get ready; you had voiced your opinion about whether or not you should wear a wig because you felt extremely insecure but Mark was very outspoken about how exceptionally beautiful you were and never let you feel negative about yourself. He felt useless every time you cried over how skinny and frail your body was becoming on top of no longer having hair. As much as he reassured you that you’d always be so ethereal in his eyes, it was only natural for you to depreciate yourself.
Mark ordered dozens of sunflowers and they were currently filling up the entire church that the two of you grew up in. He didn’t care how much everything was going to cost; your happiness and any memory made with you was priceless. All of both your’s and Mark’s friends and families sat on either side; waiting for both you and your soon to be husband to enter. When Mark walked in alongside six of his best friends and his younger brother, looking at everyone who was there to celebrate the two of you becoming one made him smile like an idiot. He was dying to see you; throughout the entire time the two of you were getting ready, he kept texting you asking you for photos to which you politely kept shutting him down.
Mark knew he had to be patient and that seeing the bride before the wedding was bad luck, but he was just so excited. Jackson, BamBam and Yugyeom began teasing him every so often while they waited for your arrival. If it was during any other situation, he would’ve been annoyed with them for messing around with him but their jokes helped calm his nerves. Before he knew it, the music grew louder and everyone stood up. As soon as his eyes landed on you, tears built up at the corner of his eyes and he allowed them to fall. He didn’t care if he was crying in front of all your family and friends.
You looked so beautiful; so perfect. You were a sight for sore eyes. Mark didn’t think it was possible for you to look even more beautiful than you already were, but like you always did; you proved him wrong. Your dad was currently pushing you in a wheelchair down the aisle and you smiled softly at everyone who came in to view. Seeing Mark practically bawl his eyes out made you tear up; he was always so sensitive and it was something you admired about him. Your dad pulled Mark in to a hug before handing you over to him.
“Congratulations again, take care of my princess.”
“I will.” Mark released a sigh of awe, he couldn’t believe you were real and that he was actually getting married to the love of his life.
“Can you stand baby?” You nodded slowly and he intertwined your fingers before lifting you up.
“Lean on me if you need to okay? You look extremely beautiful by the way—so so so beautiful. I can’t stop looking at you.” You beamed up at him.
“And you look very handsome.” The two of you were so busy in your own little worlds that you didn’t notice all your guests looking at the two of you with so much adoration. The pastor began the ceremony and you couldn’t help to stifle a laugh watching your fiancé make faces at you during the entire speech. His grip was tight against your hands and you could feel him shaking, but it was cute and so was he.
“Shall we start the vows?” Mark nodded before pulling out a piece of folder paper. He gave you a knowing look when he heard a giggle fall from your lips; Mark was quite the procrastinator and he was never really one to be professional unless he had to. Seeing the crumpled piece of folder paper proved that he was extremely laid back and didn’t care to be proper.
“Over ten years ago, I fell in love with the most amazing, wonderful, kind-hearted, hard-working, generous and breathtakingly beautiful girl to exist. You and I started off as friends, but I knew early on that you’d be someone special to me. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe the love I have for you. You make me the happiest person alive just by existing. No matter how hard life gets, the mere thought of you is what keeps me going. I thank God every single day for allowing me to be the lucky man who gets to love you. Your smile can light up an entire room and your laugh—don’t get me started on your laugh. It’s the cutest sound in the entire world and I could probably listen to you laugh for hours. These last few months have been rough for us, but you never fail to impress me with your strength, your faith and your selflessness. You’re my biggest role model y/n. Everything I do, I do it with you in mind. I want to make you proud, I want to give you the world you deserve and more. God y/n, you deserve everything. I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure that beautiful smile of yours stays on your face. You’re my forever baby, I love you with everything I have and I’m always going to love you.”
Once he was done, you playfully punched his chest causing everyone in the chapel to erupt in laughter. “You asshole, I knew I should’ve worn waterproof mascara. I know I won’t be able to top that—well here it goes. The term soulmates was always a foreign word to me. Out of the millions of people in the world, there is no way two people are destined to be together. But my opinion changed the moment we started dating. If soulmates exist, you are mine and I am yours. The word love isn’t even enough to describe the feelings I have for you. You’re the reason for my existence Mark. You make me so happy. Thank you, for everything. For all the sacrifices you’ve made for me, for all the meals you’ve cooked, all the times you stayed up and watched friends with me because you know how obsessed I am with the show, helping me with every shower, coming with me to every single appointment, for making me laugh and smile during such a hard time. I never felt alone once through this entire experience. You’re out of this world you know that? I could never thank you enough for all the love you’ve given me. You give me strength Mark; you’ve given me so much hope and never fail to remind me how beautiful you think I am and how much I mean to you every single day. Thank you for doing whatever you possibly could in these last few months to be able to make sure I got to do everything I’ve wanted to do while I still could. There was no time for me to even think about my condition, I was too focused on the overflowing love you’ve been giving me. And thank you, for showing me what love is. For giving me the best love I could have ever asked for in this lifetime. I can do anything with you by my side. You are my home Mark Tuan. I love you.”
You giggled as the tears continued to flow down his cheeks and brought your thumb up to his face to wipe them away.
“Do you y/n, take Mark Tuan—“
“I do.”
“And do you Mark Tuan—“
“I do.”
The priest laughed softly as you put your wedding bands on both of your fingers. “With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Mark took no time lifting up your chin and smashing his lips against yours. Your heart fluttered with how passionate he was kissing you and when he smiled in to the kiss, you returned the ministration. The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch and it was honestly the best day of your entire life. Mark took the time to feed you against your complaints and your cheeks were in pain from how much you’ve been laughing throughout the entire night. Every time you looked at Mark, your heart rate would increase. No matter how many times he’s told you that he loves you, he never failed to show you through his actions just how much you meant to him.
Once the wedding was over, Mark brought you to a hotel and the two of you spent your first night as a married couple underneath the sheets with your bodies intertwined and lips practically fighting each other for dominance.
Unfortunately, only three weeks after your wedding; God decided it was time for you to return home. As much as nobody wanted to accept it, they all knew it was coming. You were rushed to the hospital after passing out while you and Mark were watching some random movie on Netflix. Although nobody had said anything, your husband knew it was time.
You were surrounded with all your friends and family. The room you were in and even the hallway outside were filled with heartbreaking sobs and mumbled screams; mainly from the love of your life. His grip was tight on your arm as he began to pray that you stayed just a little while more but he knew it was too much for him to ask for.
“M—Mark.” He looked up at you and quickly got up while bringing your face in to his hands.
“Yes baby?” You gave him a sad smile.
“Thank you—for everything. I can die happy knowing I lived such an amazing life—and I have you to thank. I love you more than anything Mark. I can’t wait to meet with you again. I’ll be waiting—“ when you took your last breath, your husband sank to his knees and let out the most gut wrenching cry. Jackson went over to pull him in to his chest, but Jinyoung prevented him from doing so. The older man needed his space. Everyone in the room were already crying, but seeing Mark so broken, so distressed was such a terrible sight to see. He knew it was coming, but he was never prepared to lose you. He found the strength to get up from off the ground and gently sat on the bed with you and pulled your lifeless body in to his embrace. “Come back to me—please. I can’t do this without you.”
The first few weeks after your death were some of the worst moments of Mark’s entire life. Coming to terms with your death and learning to live without you was something he knew he’d never get used to; he never wanted to. It all felt surreal to him. You were there just a few days ago, smiling, laughing, kissing him, holding him and whispering countless love confessions in his ear. He wanted to die. There was no way he’d be able to learn to live without you.
Mark found himself contemplating his life; he couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and he hated having to interact with people. Although he was extremely thankful for all the outpour of sympathy he’s been receiving, he was tired of hearing it. It was a constant reminder that you were no longer around. Jinyoung forced Mark to move in with him because he knew it would be torture for him to continue living in your shared apartment.
As much as he wanted to continue wallowing in his self pity, he knew your mother must’ve been taking it very hard. It felt like it was just yesterday that he called her to tell her about you being in the ER. Now you were in the clouds, hopefully smiling down on him and watching over him. Your friends were afraid of losing Mark completely; they were afraid of what he was capable of doing in order to be with you again. If he wasn’t to commit suicide, he would probably die of a broken heart, they were sure of it.
Waking up every morning without you there felt like a chore and he no longer wanted to do it. There was one day in particular that he was ready to just give it all up and end his life. He felt like there was nothing worth living for anymore. As he began thinking about what he would do, it was then that he heard a little voice in his head leading him back to your apartment. He knew it was you, it had to be. The voice gave him directions to go in your closet and to take out the blue box hiding in your vanity. It took every bone in his body to even return back to your apartment, let alone touch something of yours. He never moved anything since your death.
The cup that you last drank from sat on the coffee table and it was still full of the caramel macchiato you failed to finish. He didn’t have to courage to dump it out nor could he even look at your side of the bed without screaming. He felt as if he was living his worst nightmare and it was a reoccurring thing every morning he woke up. When he opened the box, he took a seat on the ground and found a letter addressed to him. Why didn’t you tell him about this letter earlier? Or why didn’t you give it to him before you passed? How was he supposed to find it without knowing about it or where it was? He ran his finger over your handwriting and bit his lip to prevent the choked sob that was building up at the back of his throat from coming out. As soon as he opened the card, he was a mess. He couldn’t even get past his name before the tears began to pour.
“To: the love of my life,
My Mark. My sweet Yi-En. If you’re reading this, then I’m no longer here. I hope you know, that I miss you so much. God, I was so afraid to die because I didn’t want to be without you. I know I told you God has a plan for me and I know he has a plan for you too. Please baby, find the strength to move on. Don’t worry about me okay? I’m fine. I’m no longer in pain anymore and just know I’m watching over you and counting down the days until we get to meet each other again. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me Mark. I know it’s going to be hard, but promise me you’ll live your life to the fullest. You own my heart baby, always have and always will. Don’t forget to eat your meals and take your vitamins. We all know how sensitive your body is so you better take good care of yourself since I can no longer do so. If you die Mark Tuan, I will kill you. Please don’t beat yourself up about my death. None of this is your fault okay? It’s just a part of life. We will never understand why it was my time, but I meant what I said in my vows. You’re the reason I stayed around for so long. The doctor predicted that I only had six months left and I lived for almost an entire year. You’re the reason my love. You never failed to care for me and gave me your undying love and attention. You’re an angel Mark. My sweet angel. I give you permission to look for love when you’re ready. I’ll make sure to let you know whether or not I approve of her. Whatever will make you happy again Mark, don’t hesitate to do it. Unless it’s drugs, then I’ll really kill you. You’re forever in my mind, my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. Thank you for being my person. I’ll be waiting for you baby. I love you forever, Love, y/n.”
10 years later
“Daddy, where are we going?”
Mark looked at his beautiful three-year-old daughter in his rear view mirror and hummed contently. “We’re gonna go visit grandma and grandpa Faith.”
The little girl looked at him in confusion. “Didn’t we just see them yesterday?” He laughed at how smart she was and his heart began to warm at the sight of the all too familiar road.
It’s been a while since he’s been here and he can still see himself walking up to the door and hiding his hands in his pockets at the idea of taking you out on your first date. After reading your letter, Mark decided that he would learn to live for you. He moved away almost immediately and found himself traveling amongst the many different places the two of you visited together. He’d call your mom every so often to see how she was doing, but it was still too real to him no matter how many years have gone by.
He took Faith out of her car seat and carried her up to the door. When he rang the doorbell, he heard your mom call out that she was coming and he couldn’t help the smile that rose on his face when she finally opened the door.
“Mark, sweetheart look at you! You still look so handsome. It’s been so long. And who is this?” The little girl waved at your mom and smiled politely.
“I’m Faith. Nice to meet you grandma.” Your mom beamed at the little girl before pulling the two of them in to her embrace.
“Come inside, let me get you something to drink. What brings you here Mark? It’s been a while dear, how have you been?”
He took in your parent’s living room and his heart began to sink. Nothing changed. There were so many photos of you scattered amongst the shelves and on the walls; your wedding photo hung right above the fireplace.
“I um—we visited my parents yesterday and my mom brought you up. I wanted to come see you. It’s—her ten year anniversary in two weeks. I can’t believe it’s been so long.” Your mom handed him a cup of coffee and gave Faith a cup of orange juice.
“I know. I think about her and miss her all the time. Sometimes I daydream about what life would be like if she were still here. Your mom tells me you and Jinyoung started up a charity organization together. That’s amazing sweetheart. Y/n would’ve been so proud of you.”
He smiled softly at the sound of your name. Has it really been ten years since he’s last heard your contagious laugh and felt your soft lips against his? It’s been so long that sometimes he had a hard time believing you once existed and that you weren’t a figment of his imagination.
“Your daughter is so beautiful and such a smart girl. Your mother didn’t mention anything about you getting remarried, but I’m glad to hear that you are moving on—“ to your mom’s surprise, he shook his head in disagreement and motioned over to where Faith was watching television.
“I adopted her from an orphanage in Taiwan almost two years ago. Her parents gave her away right after she was born. I don’t know—but something told me to adopt her. She’s such a wonderful little girl and she helps fill the void. Y/n took a huge part of me with her when she left. I wanted to give up on it all so that I could be with her again—but she made me promise her that I would continue to live life and attempt to look for happiness again. That little girl is my happiness.”
Your mom wiped away a stray tear before reaching out to squeeze his hand. “That’s so kind of you Mark. You’ve always been such a generous and kind-hearted human being. Your parents raised you well. But it’s been ten years. Y/n would’ve wanted you to start looking for a companion—“
“Y/n was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Where do I go when I’ve already had the best? Y/n is always going to own this silly heart of mine. I actually renamed her Faith in memory of y/n. We talked about our future children’s names on multiple occasions and Faith was at the top of her list. I was also inspired in how much faith and trust she had in God during her journey. I’m going to be okay mom. Don’t worry about me. My main focus now is that adorable little toddler, my job and the organization. I had my chance at love and was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Your mom and your husband talked for a few hours and most of that time was spent reminiscing on your memory and how life was so much better when you were still around. When Faith fell asleep on the couch, Mark decided it was time for the two of them to make their leave. He hugged your mom and promised to come visit her whenever he was in town. After he said his goodbyes, he brought the little girl in to the car and buckled her up slowly in attempts to not wake her. However, her soft voice caught his attention as he began to pull out of the driveway.
“Where we going now daddy?”
Mark knew there was one more place he wanted to visit before making the drive back to his parent’s house.
“We’re gonna go see mommy.”
I love you like XO You love me like XO You kill me boy XO You love me like XO All that I see Give me everything Baby love me lights out Baby love me lights out You can turn my lights outIn the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour) I'll search through the crowd (I'll search through the crowd) Your face is all that I see I'll give you everything Baby love me lights out Baby love me lights out You can turn my lights out
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farfromtommy · 5 years
could never be just friends (Peter Parker x reader) *request*
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request: Hi Nic! I’m new to your page and it’s so cool! ♥️ May I request a Peter Parker x reader where they’re very obviously pining after each other? While their hanging out they somehow end up messing with each other and she pulls Peter’s beanie over his eyes and when she realizes how close they are she goes in for the kiss? Something with a really fluffy Peter reaction? I’m sorry if this is too detailed! Thank you for your time and consideration! 💗💕♥️💘💙
A/N: Anon!!! Thank you for this request! I wrote the first draft of this and it just wasn't 100% there. I wanted to add some drama and stuff. I don’t really know how to explain what I was thinking when I rewrote it, but I hope you don't mind I added some things to it. I loved the concept and wanted to see where else I could take it. I loved writing it I hope you enjoy reading it!!!
Warnings: brief mention of family member death, fluff 
Word Count: 2,400
You and Peter had been studying for a test all week and well into the weekend and it was getting the better of you two. By Sunday night you were both ready for the test to be over with and never go back to school ever again. Peter had tried to keep everything lighthearted and fun, but the stress of needing to pass your exam had been taking over everything and you couldn’t enjoy the time you were spending with him.
You considered each other friends. Nothing more, nothing less. You met Peter when you started at Midtown your sophomore year of high school. You were paired with MJ when you came in midyear to show you around and get you used to the place. You grew quite close to her in those days and ended up sticking by her side.
She introduced you to her friends during lunch and you were immediately welcomed to the group. Ned and Peter were obviously very close to each other, just like you and MJ were. Your ragtag group of friends made high school more bearable and knowing they had your back made everything just a little bit easier.
Although you and Peter were not super close, you always seemed to be drawn together. You couldn’t understand why. There was something about him that made the air around you just a little bit sweeter. You had noticed him getting super nervous around you after a couple of weeks of knowing him. He got nervous when you and MJ walked up to him and Ned in the hallway and became a stuttering mess when you started talking to him.
Even more so when your chemistry teacher paired you two up in class to complete the midterm review guide together. He suggested he go to your place to complete the review so you didn’t have to walk home alone if your session went well into the night. Your heart swelled at how considerate and sweet he was.
“Of course, I don’t think my aunt will mind.” You slightly smiled at him.
Every single day that week you and Peter quietly walked side by side to your house. You both tried to strike up conversations but they always just seemed to die down after a couple of words. Why were you so weird around him suddenly? This hadn’t been the first time you and him hung out without the rest of the group. Maybe he could sense your nervousness and didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, not as he could ever make you feel uncomfortable.
You unlocked the door to your apartment and walked in with Peter right behind you. You threw your bag down on the floor and headed straight for the kitchen. He apprehensively followed, eyes darting everywhere around the place.
“You can set your stuff down anywhere, make yourself at home.” You said grabbing 2 cups from the cupboard. He nodded at you and set his bag next to the coffee table. He continued to look around, admiring all of the photos scattered around the room. He scanned over some of them, being able to pick you out of a few of them. His eyes were drawn to a specific one, set in a blue frame on the mantle.
It was you, by the looks of it fairly recently, and a woman who he assumed was the aunt you always talked about. There was a birthday cake on the table set in the middle of your dining room, who he assumed was your aunt sitting in a chair behind it, and you hugging her from behind. The brightest smile on both of your faces. He had never seen you smile like that in person. He always imagined how beautiful you looked smiling like that. It made his heart race and his palms sweat.
“That’s me and my Aunt Kim on her birthday a couple of months ago. I’m pretty sure it’s the best picture of just the two of us.”
He jumped back a little at the sound of your voice coming from the kitchen. You walked up to him and handed him a glass of water and sat down on the couch.
“It’s a really nice picture, you both look really happy.” He said accepting the glass and sitting down next to you, his eyes still glued to the frame.
“Yeah, it’s probably the first time we have been since moving here. The move was hard on both of us, but we depend on each other to get each other through the bad days and to make sure we’re enjoying the good days.” You spoke quietly, eyes landing on the frame as well. “After everything that happened back home we just really needed to start over and regain a sense of normalcy again.” You sighed and set your glass down.
“Where did you live before?” He asked quietly.
“Right outside of Chicago. My parents and I moved around a lot when I was a kid but we lived there the longest. It where we lived before the accident.” Your voice trailed off at the end. His eyes shot over to you as soon as the words left your mouth and just stared at you. He was curious about why you moved here and what had happened to make you and your aunt pack up your lives and move to Queens. You could feel his hesitation and took a deep breath before you kept talking.
“Uh, my parents were in a car wreck about a year ago. Drunk driver, killed on impact. My aunt and uncle moved into my house with me and got full custody of me. 3 months later my uncle was rushed to the hospital after he passed out at work. He had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball and he was rushed into surgery but it was too late. So after losing my parents and basically my second dad and Kim losing her sister and husband within months of each other, we decided to leave everything behind and move here. She found a good job and I tested into Midtown with flying colors. Now we’re here.” You said, somehow keeping it together. You had let a tear or two rolls down your face but didn’t completely lose it as you would have a couple of months ago.
“Okay okay, enough of the pity party. We got work to do.” You chuckled and stood up to grab your things and go to the dining room. You saw that Peter was still stuck in his spot, not knowing what to say. “I didn’t scare you off did I, Parker? Thought it would be a solid ice breaker for us before we spend the next week together working on this packet.” You looked over at him.
“No! All good. Just… absorbing. Let’s get to work, shall we?” He smiled lightly at you and met you at the table.
After opening up to Peter about what had happened, your friendship began to take a turn. You seemed more connected to each other than before. He had eventually told you about what had happened to his parents and his uncle and that he lived with his Aunt May. It took your breath away how your lives seemingly took similar paths. No wonder you felt connected to him. Maybe the universe put you in each other's lives for a reason.
The afternoon walks to your apartment started to become more intimate. Your talks usually about parts of your lives you never talked about with anyone. You started to get nervous around Peter. Racing heart, clammy hands, those god awful butterflies in the pit of your stomach. He made you feel things you never felt for him.
You noticed things about Peter you hadn’t before. The crinkles he got by his eyes when he smiled or laughed. The freckles that dotted his face. The way he stuck his tongue out from between his lips when he was concentrating on his work, or when you were deep in conversation and he gave you his full undivided attention. The way his curls sat on his head and looked so soft and oh-so-touchable, it made you want to run your fingers through them, and the way they sporadically poked out from the beanie he was wearing. God, that beanie.
It absolutely drove you nuts. Especially on the very last day of your study sessions, the night before your review packet was due. It made you sad that this was the last day since you and Peter had spent every waking moment with each other. Since the beginning of the week, you were with him all day at school, working on the review every free moment you had, and then he was with you from the end of school to well after dark. He had brought you and Kim breakfast Saturday morning on his way to your place and you had breakfast made for him when he got to yours on Sunday.
But that goddamn beanie made it nearly impossible for you to be happy about the review being done, or about how ridiculously prepared you were for the test the next day. You were still stressed about the test and sad about not having Peter around after school anymore. 
Kim was always working, she was always gone before you got home from school, and she was home well after you went to sleep for the night. Usually, she was home on the weekends but you were so wrapped up with Peter she decided to pick up some shifts for the weekend.
It was nearly 8 pm on Sunday and you and Peter were sitting on your couch watching reruns of old sitcoms. You had finished the review a couple of hours ago but neither of you were ready to say goodbye to each other just yet. You knew that you would keep seeing each other at school but it wouldn’t be the same to not see you 12 hours a day each day. 
You were sat on either end of the couch, your backs on respective sides and your legs meeting in the middle of it. You had a giant fluffy blanket draped across the two of you, covering the mess of intertwined legs hidden underneath.
You blushed at the though at the sweetness in such a simple gesture. You brought the edge of the blanket up to cover your smile and blushing cheeks, but not going unnoticed by Peter. Suddenly a pillow was thrown at you, startling you.
“What are you smiling at over there, Y/N?” He cheekily asked you. He was so in tune with you, he always knew when you were sad or nervous or even a tad flustered. It was unreal how you just couldn’t hide your whatever you were feeling from him.
“Nothing, Parker. I don’t know why you had to throw a pillow at me to ask me that.” You sarcastically said to him, throwing the pillow back at him with force. He scoffed in amusement and he had an evil look in his eye.
He shot up from his seated position and immediately began attacked you with a pillow. He was hovering over you, his knees on either side of your knees, effectively pinning you down on the couch. You giggled in amusement as you continued to be pelted with the pillow. You somehow sat up and ripped the pillow from his hands, shocking him. You reached up to his head and pulled the beanie as far down his face as you could, covering his eyes and most of his nose.
“How childish. Pulling my beanie down my face? Really? That was your best move?” He laughed, slumping down on the couch. He just leaned his head back and continued laughing as you grabbed his hands in yours so he couldn’t push the material back where it belonged. He kept struggling against your grip. You continued to giggle as he struggled to regain control of the situation he started. With no luck of winning, he slumped against your body, deadweight completely on top of you.
“Petey, what are you doing?” You giggled out, losing breath as his larger frame completely covered you.
“Petey? Is that your new nickname for me?” His head-turning in what he assumed was your general direction. You realized what you had said and just stayed quiet at his comment. “Petey got your tongue, angel?” He smirked, knowing what an effect the name would give you. You immediately turned a deep shade of red and tried to hide how rattled you were at the nickname, even if he couldn’t see you.
You looked up at him and studied every part of his face you could see. “Petey?” You whispered.
“Yes, angel?” He murmured back.
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” You asked shyly. His breath hitched in his throat, looking for the words to say.
“I’d probably kiss you back.”
You immediately put your hands on the back of his head and pulled him down to you, your lips joining in a loving kiss. He brought one of his hands to cup your cheek, intensifying the kiss as much as he could. 
You ripped the beanie off his head and ran your fingers through those brown locks you adored so much. He smiled a bit into the kiss. You pulled away and rested your forehead onto his, needing to catch your breath. Every emotion swelling through your body was poured into that kiss.
“Wow.” You gasped out.
“Wow? That’s all you have to say? We just made every rom-com look like a pile of flaming garbage. Not even a “holy shit Peter what a mind-blowing, earth-shattering kiss that was. Let's keep doing it?” He jokingly said.
You pulled back and just stared at him. You didn’t even register his sarcasm and just continued to gaze into his eyes.
“No smartass comment back, angel? Did I break you? Was it that good?” He smirked.
“Oh stop talking and blow my mind and shatter the earth with another kiss, Parker!” You met his lips again with force, thoroughly shutting him up. You both continued to pour everything you had in you into that kiss and knew that you weren’t going to stop.
“I knew we were never going to be able to be just friends.” He said as he pulled away from you slightly, a cocky grin spreading across his face.
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Always and forever.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine) 
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: 4211
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, mentions of death. 
Disclaimer:All the characters belong to Pixelberry. I do not own anything, except the storyline. 
A/N: *hides myself*Hi! This is officially my second Bryce x MC fic that I manage to write! This is a different take on the story, its a storyline that I have wanted to write for a long time. It is a pretty cliche’ trope for me to write, but I am a sucker for those stuff. Its a bit angsty-ish aswell! In this universe, it was years after the incidents from the first book! And, i apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes since english is not my first language!  I want to thank @maria-soederberg for checking for errors, and for all the medical reference in this book! <3  AHH, i am freaking out inside since its my new story, i felt a bit giddy, anxious everything while typing this! So, I hope you all enjoy! Also, missing Bryce Lahela hours :’) 
Tags: @choicessa @annekebbphotography ! 
Always and forever.
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The wind was blowing on Casey’s face, as she stared at the view upon her. She had felt everything that life had thrown at her - love, friendship, happiness, and even loss. As a doctor, she faces something different every day in her life. It's either, a new decease or the death of a patient.
Some people she meets tend to leave a mark on her life. Mrs Martinez who had passed away after getting a medication injected that promised to be a cure for her Rhodes diseases, having the chance of fulfilling her dream. 
She had faced it all - pain and happiness. She didn’t know much about life before she met Bryce Lahela, a surgical resident she met on her first day of her medical residency. He had shown her what life is about – that life has more to offer than work and medicine.
His brown eyes shone every day as he walked through the halls of Edenbrook, his smile made those around feel a bit giddy. He also gave people a wink, especially female co-workers. It became his signature and a way to boost his confidence. No one would know what really goes on his mind, as long as he has this cheerful demeanour.  
Casey recalls the second day of her residency as if it wasn’t long ago. She remembers she had messed up the patients’ charts, and on top of that her boss Dr Ethan Ramsey gave her hell. He was used to her being a good doctor, knowing what to do. But on that day he was disappointed and so was she. Her confidence was shaken, she felt hot tears stung in her eyes. Casey hurried up to arrive in the empty and hollowed hallway of the hospital where nobody ever goes. It was an old wing where the surgery rooms used to be. Now that they had moved into another part of the hospital, no one ever goes through these halls. A perfect place for Casey to calm down.
Her legs gave in and she slowly slides down the wall towards the floor. She felt like she failed in her dream to become a good doctor. She worked so hard to get here and she feels like she had ruined her chance. When that realisation hits her, she feels the tears rolling down her cheeks. She buries her face into her hands and sobs quietly. Casey is so in thoughts that she doesn’t notice the presence next to her.
"Hey, rough day?" He spoke in a comforting tone.
She just nodded as she wiped away the tears that were still forming. At this point, she didn't mind the company anymore. She had become too exhausted to shoo the person next to her away.
"Me too, I became too over-confident and ended up making a mistake. Dr Tanaka already taught me about the surgery and how to proceed. But yet I still made the mistake so he threw me out of the surgery and took over.”
Casey nodded in understanding as they sat in comfortable silence with each other. The silence was therapeutic for both of them. And that moment was the beginning of something special. Something by far greater than birthdays or festive. But, it all went crashing down on the 5th of October.
Bryce Lahela had been diagnosed with lung cancer. He saw it coming because his childhood was a rebellious stage in his life. He had joined all the gangs that someone possible could join, which include illegal activities including a huge amount of cigarettes and other harmful activities that can hurt the lung.
He remembered the day of his diagnosis. How he suddenly felt nausea and difficulty in breathing. It caused him to faint in the middle of the halls of the hospital . The difficulty of breathing caused the brain to not get enough oxygen. The result was him passing out before he even hit the floor. He doesn’t remember how he got into the treatment room, but he remembers after waking up that Dr Ramsey was standing in front of him. A patient chart in his hand – his patient chart. He only explained they have to make a few test before being sure. And of course, Bryce followed through. After he was finished with all the test, he was assigned to a patient room. He heard footsteps echoing outside his patient room. And then Dr Ramsey, Dr Emery and Dr Valentine – Casey came into the room. Casey had red eyes, as if she had cried. Dr Emery and Dr Ramsey look at him as if they had lost a fight. She makes her way first to him, pulling him into a tight hug. He was surprised by the hug but welcomed it. Bryce didn't let go of her He knew something was wrong when Sienna, Elijah and Jackie enter the room as well. One time, he explained that whenever he gets a terrible diagnose, he doesn’t want to be alone when he gets the revelation.
Dr Ramsey makes his way to him with his results.
"Dr. Lahela, how are you feeling now?" He asked. Dr Emery steps forward and stands next to Ethan.
"I feel better but my head hurts a little." He replied gesturing to his head that was wrapped in a bandage.
"We have your results and, we have bad news." Dr Emery said.
Bryce raised an eyebrow and his voice was filled with uncertainty, "What does it say?"
"I'm sorry Bryce but you have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We had seen several symptoms that matched. As you might have noticed we brought you into a CT to see what could have caused the symptoms. On the pictures we have seen space-consuming lesion. After a few more test we found out that this space is a malignant tumor. We also have found out that it had unfortunately spread beyond the lungs." Dr Ramsey explained to him.
He nods expectantly, accepting the diagnosis that was given to him. Casey felt her heart stop at the word 'cancer'. She didn't believe what she was hearing, she doesn't want it to be true. She shook her head in disbelief as she glanced at him.
"It can't be, please tell me it's not true." She screamed in disbelief, Bryce immediately placed his arms around her waist pulling her into him.
"It’s gonna be okay Cas." Bryce pulled a crying Casey into his arms.
"We have set up a treatment for you, we will include you for chemo and we are suggesting radiotherapy or ERBT (External beam of radiation therapy), which delivers high doses of radiation to lung cancer cells from outside the body to kill cancer cells. We need you to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to make our examinations easier. We can let you go for a few days, but we need someone to supervise you during those times. Do you have any family Dr. Lahela?" Dr. Ramsey asked him.
He shook his head, his family was never in the picture. He was cut out from his family except for her sister Keiki. They had been in contact with each other but she couldn't look after him. And he doesn’t even know if he should tell her any of this. She just found a place in college and works out a plan for her life. His illness would just get in the way, and he really doesn’t want this.
"I can." Casey said as she stood up from Bryce's hospital bed and make her way towards Dr. Ramsey.
"Rookie, are you sure?" He asked for confirmation and she immediately nods without hesitation.
Bryce was speechless. She would take him under her care, she would be his assistant.
"Cas, are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to you, and with my condition it’s gonna be a hard one." Bryce questioned her decision.
"I want to Bryce, I owe it to you.. You’ve done so much for me. Now it is time that I do something for you. And it isn’t just me, all of us, we are here for you, we are going to help you." Casey gestured towards their friends.
He smiled at her response, and nod in appreciation.
"Can I have a minute alone with Dr. Lahela? Thank you." Dr. Ramsey said as all of his friends leave the room including Dr. Emery too.
"What's the details Dr. Ramsey?"
"I don't want to break this news in front of the others but, based on your condition now. There is a 4.7 percent chance for you to live for the next five years. We don't have the exact calculations but, the tumour inside your lungs had been spread throughout your body, almost hitting some major parts of your body. Even with treatment, we cannot promise you to win the fight against the cancer. We can only help the cancer to not continue to grow. And to give you a bit more time. At the end, we calculated that you might have approximately 6 months to live. Only with the treatment, without the treatment, you might not survive this month. " Dr. Ramsey stated with a sad tone in his voice.
Six months, 183 days.
After his conversation with Ramsey, Bryce unexpectedly pulled him into a sudden hug. Ethan didn't question his intentions instead he gave into the hug. It lasted a few moments before he leaves the room, leaving Bryce with his thoughts. He knew back then, he knew the risk from his actions before but he was stubborn. He let himself get into the wrong group and ended up with a decease that can’t be cured anymore because his cancer is too far.
He glanced around the room, his days were numbered and he decided to make the most of the life he was given. He immediately dialed Keiki's number, to drop the news leaving no details behind. He decided to give her a chance to know what is going on in his life. Maybe she wants to visit him and have at least the last moments with her brother before he leaves them forever.
After the conversation ended, Casey makes her way back to the room. He smiled at her presence, and he took a deep breath.
"Casey, where are the others?" He asked looking around for their friends.
"They went to get some food for you, and I think Elijah is making a stop to the restroom." She replied as she took a seat beside his bed.
Bryce smiled at the thought, he was debating on telling her about the final detail.
He took a deep breath, and said: "6 months." He said quietly, louder than a whisper but quieter than a shout.
Casey didn't understand what he meant, until a few moments later. Her eyes went wide at his words.
"Is it what I think it is?" Her voice breaks as she said it. She is in disbelief, he knew the truth would break her but he didn't want to leave her in the dark.
"I'm still here, Cas, and I'm not going anywhere now." He said softly as he traces circles on her back. She sat on the bed, and felt her tears flowing once more. He is still here, he is going to make it. 6 months, is just a number. And just an assumption. There were many cases where people with stage four cancer lived longer than the number they were told. Maybe Bryce is one of them.
They sat in the position for a long time before she decided to go back home. As soon as she arrived at home, she curled into a ball, as she silently cried in her room. The night was hard, she barely slept. She doesn’t know how life will be like when he is gone.
The next day, she managed to make it through her shift with a smile plastered on her face. It was not easy to get through the shift. Ethan sometimes asked if she is okay, but after she said ‘yes’ all the time, he noticed that she doesn’t want to talk about it.
Back at home, she heard a knock on her door, and Sienna makes her way inside the room. She was in her pajamas, and with a couple of stuff. She brought some ice cream and a few pillows.
"Hey, let's have a sleepover together. I want to cheer you up." Sienna explaines as she sat on her bed. Casey sat on her bed and smiled weakly at her.
"Thank you, Sienna, I just thought that I could be strong. I want to be strong for him, but I can't." She explained which ended up with her crying again. Sienna placed the pillows and ice cream down before she started holding a crying Casey in her arms.
As the next day arrived the truth hit her harder than before. She packed herself an overnight bag to bring to the hospital with her. She decided to look after Bryce after she finishes her shift. After she was done working her shift, she finally was able to go to Bryce’s room. She finds him eating his dinner alone but judging by his face, he doesn’t like the hospital food much.
"I wished I had some ice cream now, Cas. This hospital food is killing me." Bryce says as she laughs at his antics.
"Well, I could bring you a scoop if you promise to finish up your food." She offers which made his eyes light up in joy.
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." He expresses his gratitude and continues finishing his food.
She smiles at him, and continues to accompany him for the night. She ended up falling asleep as well. The days keep being like that for them, she would be there for him every night until the day arrived where he was released from the hospital. He was released from the hospital by one condition. He had to be monitored at home. Casey has to make sure that his heartrate continues and that his oxygen saturation is constantly above 85%.
The day he was released, Keiki made her presence at his apartment. Casey was introduced to Bryce's little sister, who is not that little anymore. In the mornings, Keiki would be his assistance while Casey was at work. All of the hospital staff had taken the opportunity to help him any way they can including Dr. Ramsey himself.
One day, Keiki and Casey were having lunch together.
"Thank you for looking after Bryce, Casey." Keiki suddenly says.
"It is nothing, I knew he would do this to me as well." She says as she glances at his room.
"He told me the other day, he was grateful for you. Everything you've done for him. I know I didn't have a chance to get to know him properly because of mom and dad but, I get to know him now before it’s too late and it’s everything." Keiki explains, her voice soft.
"I am grateful for him, and I feel like when it comes to him. It is one of my weaknesses. I  care about him a lot, and hearing the news makes me feel sad. I am not ready to lose him yet, he …" She stops, realizing she's been crying.
Keiki rubbed her back and gestures to his room.
"I believe that you should tell him how you feel, life isn't stopping for anybody. Six months for him is all that he got." She suggests before making her way to the living room, leaving Casey alone in the kitchen.
Casey takes a deep breath, and makes her way to his room. She sees him on the bed, he is resting after a long day of treatment. She takes a seat beside his bed, and his head shots up at her presence.
"Hey Lahela, how are you doing?" Casey asks while checking his vitals. So far heart rate looks good, no extra syncopes on the ECG, and his saturation is constantly between 89% and 95%.
"I'm doing good, although I feel like my energy is drained out of me, every day."
"Hey, you're still here. It's all that matters." Casey says to him and he smiles weakly at her.
"So, what's the purpose of your visit to Casa de Lahela." He gestures at his room.
"I wanted to check on you and, I have something to get out of my chest." Casey smiles at him, as she squeezes his hand.
"Consider me checked, did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you here." He admits quietly as his eyes gaze into hers.
She feels her cheeks burn from the sensation, she decides to lie down beside him. She squeezes herself into the space left on the bed.
"I don't want to lose you." She admits quietly as she lies her head on his chest.
"You will never lose me, Cas, I am always here with you. You can’t get rid of me easily." Bryce explains to her with the same amount of confidence that he always has.
"I know, I just can't bear the thought of knowing that you are sick. I-I love you Bryce. These few months had made me realize  that I am in love with you, and I am not ready to lose you yet." She confesses  while looking him straight into his eyes.
He placed a kiss on her forehead, "I love you too, Cas, being a sick dude made me realize it. You are the one person who wanted to accompany me after a long day of work, the way you bring me ice cream every once in a while make me fell for you, Casey Valentine. I-" He stops suddenly, gasping for air. Casey’s head shots up to the monitor. His heart rate shows ventricular fibrillation and his saturation went down to 65%. Casey stood up and called the hospital to send an ambulance immediately. After that she starts with chest compression, as long as the doctor needs so they can use the defibrillator.
Clueless, Keiki stepped into the room and stop in her tracks. She saw her brother lying on the bed, unconscious, Casey on top of him trying to reanimate him. Keiki doesn’t know what to do, she has never helped before.
“Let the paramedics in!” Casey orders.
After a few moments, the paramedics arrive and instantly build up the defibrillator. After they shocked him two times, Casey decides to intubate him so that he is not having any lack of oxygen. After a successful attempt, they load him into the ambulance and rush him into the ambulance and into some tests to see how much worse his conditions are.
In the hospital they rush him onto the ICU where gets put onto life support. Dr Ethan Ramsey looks over his vitals and looks at Keiki and Casey who stood there shocked.
“Keiki, you’re his sister. I have to give you the decision. Your brother only lives right now, because he is on life support. He will not wake up again, his cancer is too far for him to survive. The cancer made his lungs collapse which means that he will never breathe on his own. So, I ask you, Keiki. Shall I turn of the machines and help him die peacefully.”
Keiki sobs and Casey puts a comforting arm around her. She closes her eyes, not wanting to witness the situation in front of her. 
“I love my brother, but I know he would want to leave the world as soon as he has no chance to live without support.” Keiki starts. “Turn it off, Dr Ramsey.”
Ethan nods and turns off the machines, he injects Bryce an amount of morphia to save him from pain or any other obstacles.
After a while fighting, Bryce finally let himself go. The monitor showing flat lines, no breathing rate, no heart rate and no saturation left. Bryce Lahela has left the world.
Time of death, 8 p.m.
The whole Edenbrook community was shocked at the news of his sudden death. Casey felt her heart break into bits and pieces. She thought about their conversation before and let herself cry a bit longer.
A few weeks later, Bryce's funeral was happening. The rain is pouring as the day went on, she never imagined that this would occur to her. Losing the one you love is the greatest pain that one could ever go through.
Many of his co-workers had come to say their farewell and even his family made an appearance. Casey stood there with her friends close by, she dreaded this day. The sadness, the emptiness she felt at that moment. It was unbearable. There was this emptiness that Bryce had left behind. This funeral made the loss of someone she loved dearly more realistic. At first, she was able to pretend that this was just a nightmare of hers, but seeing he was buried in front of her, she has to accept the fact that he will never come back.
After it ends, Casey lingers at the cemetery for a while along with Keiki by her side.
"He left you this, I found it when we were cleaning up his place before. I think he wants you to have it," Keiki says as she hands her a letter that is sealed.
"Thank you, Keiki."
"No, thank you, Casey for all you've done for him." Keiki pulls her into a hug, and make her way back to the car.
Casey starts to head back leaving the cemetery behind. She decided to live not only for her but also for Bryce. During that time she wasn’t able to read the letter yet. It was too heart-breaking.
It’s been a year since the event that no one ever expected. She makes her way up to a hill. Rocket Hill was one of Bryce's favourite spots to hang, and hike during his days. She holds a polaroid of him standing on top of the exact hill proudly making his mark for the world. 
The wind was blowing on Casey’s face, as she looks at the view in front of her. The view from the hill was spectacular. The city of Boston could be seen from a distance. After a few moments, she takes a seat on a bench facing the city. The letter from Bryce was in her hand. She knew she needed a perfect time, and now that time has come. She took a deep breath and slowly opens the letter
Hey Casey,
It's me or Jackie would call ‘the scalpel jockey’ here, I feel like I'm healing every day but I know that's not the truth. We all gotta end somewhere, and I can feel my end is coming closer. I don't want to make you worry but well, I did make you worry, right? Love, I have no idea what to write or say now but Keiki forced me to write and well, we gotta start somewhere right? So, If I'm writing this... It means my time is uo. I just want to speak some truth here. I was cut off from my family when I finished high school. I have been living on my own for a long time. Keiki was the only family I knew, and med school was hard because they knew to whom the name Lahela belongs. But, being here at Edenbrook made me realize I have a family after all. My family are my friends. We may not be related by blood but we're gonna stick together till the end. My time here also led me to you; Casey Valentine, the future of Edenbrook. You stood by me from the beginning until this very moment and I want to say thank you. Life with this decease had made me realize that time is precious, and it should be spent with those we love and cherish.  Every day was a special one because you were in it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, that's enough of cheesy Bryce for one day. If you ever doubt yourself in anything, remember that you are enough as a human, a doctor, and a friend. Okay?
Bryce 'Scalpel Jockey' Lahela.
PS: Don’t be afraid to fall in love again, Casey. I want someone to make you as happy as I made you. I want you to have a family of your own, and please take care of Keiki. <3
Despite the sadness from the letter, she feels herself smile at the letter, holding it tight not wanting it to get away. She looks up at the sky, seeing the sky had changed its colours. She smiles at the scenery upon her and starts to enjoy it. She knows Bryce would have wanted it. And even though she has lost the one person she has loved so much, she will continue to live her life for them. But Bryce Lahela, will always be her first love, and she will never love anyone the same as she loved him. Bryce is her forever, and he will always be.
A/N #2: Hey! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, I never had any particular experience from what I wrote but, I have been wanting to write this for a long time! I really hope I get to deliver it, it was hard to share this to you guys, but I wanted too! Don’t forget to like, reblog and even comment anything! It would really mean a lot! Once again, thank you for reading it! <3
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