#número de teléfono
agenciadeseoenlima · 1 year
SEO local para sitios web de comercio electrónico
SEO local para sitios web de comercio electrónico: mejore su presencia en línea Sección 1: Introducción al SEO local para comercio electrónico ¿Qué es el SEO para comercio electrónico local? El SEO local, abreviatura de optimización de motores de búsqueda local, es una poderosa estrategia de marketing digital diseñada para empresas que buscan aumentar su visibilidad en las búsquedas locales.…
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labrecha · 2 months
Evite ser Víctima de Extorsión, Fiscalía Identifica Números Telefónicos
Evite ser Víctima de #Extorsión, #FiscalíadeCoahuila Identifica Números Telefónicos
Coahuila de Zaragoza / Julio 16 de 2024.- La Fiscalía General del Estado de Coahuila emitió recomendaciones para evitar que la población sea víctima de extorsión, hasta el momento identificaron 28 números telefónicos, pidió a la población denunciar toda conducta ilícita al 911. Evite ser víctima de extorsión, esta es la lista negra, los números que la Fiscalía identificó: 8442104788, 7581104126,…
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vinod-sharma1 · 8 months
¿Cómo hablo con una persona en Copa Airlines?
La base para viajar es diferente de persona a persona, pero el transporte aéreo podría ser aceptable en cada uno de esos escenarios. Hoy en día innumerables aerolíneas ofrecen sus servicios, y Copa también está incluida en el mismo. Además, es una aerolínea con sede en Panamá miembro de Star Alliance. En consecuencia, se puede suponer que el viaje será cómodo y convincente. Sin embargo, puede viajar de manera inteligente obteniendo la información adecuada del equipo de servicio al cliente, y los títulos pueden obtener conocimientos detallados sobre ellos.
¿Cómo llamar a Copa Airlines?
Se puede obtener una ventaja utilizando modos de llamada para compartir problemas con el número de teléfono de atención al cliente de Copa Airlines +1 80-2538-7008 o 1 786 840 COPA (2672). Aparte de esto, puede formularles varias preguntas a la vez y obtener una respuesta rápida también. Además, los pasos para usar el número de teléfono de Copa Airlines son los siguientes: -
Simplemente marque el número de teléfono de Copa Airlines, +1 80-2538-7008 o 1 786 840 COPA (2672)
El horario de trabajo es de 05.00 am a 11 am.
Lo primero después de marcarlo para elegir un idioma en el contestador
Luego, elija las opciones requeridas y hable con el servicio de atención al cliente.
¿Puedo enviar un correo electrónico a Copa Airlines?
Sí, puedes enviar un correo electrónico a Copa Airlines. Sin embargo, el correo electrónico de las aerolíneas está disponible según la región. Si su país tiene alguno, entonces puede obtener beneficios como gran espacio, espacio para adjuntar archivos o capturas de pantalla, etc. Pero las desventajas que podrían ser su reversión tardía y la lista de correos electrónicos según la región son las siguientes: -
Para México, [email protected]
Para Francia, [email protected]
Para España, [email protected]
Para Alemania, [email protected]
¿Dónde puedo escribir en Copa Airlines?
Es posible que un correo electrónico no sea conveniente para todas las condiciones y pocos podrían requerir una representación física. Cuando desee tener lo mismo, puede enviar una carta al servicio de atención al cliente de Copa Airlines. Sin embargo, la respuesta puede demorar más de cinco días hábiles y la información de la dirección es la siguiente: -
Copa Aerolínea,
Box 0816-06819 Panamá,
República de Panamá
¿Cómo acercarse a Copa Airlines en las Redes Sociales?
En Copa Airlines se puede establecer comunicación a partir de opiniones disímiles y las redes sociales también son parte de ella. Además, las dudas sobre este canal se pueden compartir enviando mensajes y publicándolas mediante cuentas de aerolíneas. Además, su cuenta puede estar disponible en Facebook y Twitter.
¿Cuál es el mejor horario para llamar a Copa Airlines?
El modo más destacado que aparece al momento de tener un problema con Copa Airlines se llama. Es por eso que, a veces, resulta difícil conectarse con el servicio de atención al cliente y las llamadas quedan en espera. Además, ciertamente puede evitar esas condiciones haciendo una llamada en las primeras horas del período laboral. Esto sucede porque el tráfico en los flujos de llamadas podría ser mínimo y eso hace que la comunicación sea más efectiva.
Palabra final
Entonces, con la ayuda de la divulgación anterior, podría llamar la atención del servicio al cliente de Copa Airline. Además, podrá obtener una resolución en el primer contacto al tener una aclaración sobre el comportamiento del problema y la solución aplicada al mismo.
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telefonodeairlines · 10 months
¿Cuál es el número de teléfono de Aeroméxico en México?
El número de teléfono de atención al cliente de Aeroméxico en México es el (55) 5133 4000. Este número está disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Puede llamar a este número para realizar reservas, obtener información sobre vuelos, o resolver problemas con su reserva.
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airtravelinformation · 10 months
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faresclick · 11 months
¿Como Llamar A Spirit Airlines Desde Colombia?
Si se encuentra en Colombia y desea llamar a Spirit desde Colombia, al utilizar este número de servicio al cliente 3009120761, se le conectará con un representante de Spirit Airlines. También puedes utilizar el modo Correo electrónico para conectarte enviando tu consulta a: espí[email protected] por lo cual recibirás una respuesta. Spirit Airlines también brinda una forma física de interacción ya que también puedes visitar en esta dirección: Calle 72 5 83 P 5 Bogotá, Colombia con tu inquietud.
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skycoairflight · 1 year
How can I call Delta Airlines in Spanish?
In today's globalized world, effective communication is key, especially when you're traveling or need assistance from airlines. If you're wondering how to call Delta Airlines in Spanish, we've got you covered. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of reaching Delta Airlines in Spanish using the phone number Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022. Whether it's booking a flight, managing reservations, or seeking assistance, we'll ensure you have a smooth experience. Let's embark on this journey of seamless communication!
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1. Using Delta airlines
If you're looking to contact Delta Airlines in Spanish, the first step is to dial Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022. This dedicated Spanish-language line ensures that you can communicate your needs effectively in your preferred language.
Delta Airlines understands the importance of serving a diverse clientele, and their Spanish-speaking customer service representatives are ready to assist you with a wide range of inquiries, including:
Booking flights in Spanish.
Modifying existing reservations.
Inquiring about flight schedules.
Addressing baggage-related concerns.
Requesting special assistance.
Resolving travel issues promptly.
So, whenever you find yourself in need of assistance from Delta Airlines in Spanish, don't hesitate to dial Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will be there to assist you.
2. Benefits of Using Delta airlines
When you choose to call Delta Airlines in Spanish using Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022, you gain several advantages:
Language Comfort: Communicate effortlessly in Spanish, ensuring that your needs and preferences are clearly understood.
Expert Assistance: Delta Airlines' Spanish-speaking representatives are well-trained and experienced, providing you with expert guidance.
Convenience: Access a dedicated Spanish line, avoiding language barriers and ensuring a smooth interaction.
Quick Resolutions: Get your issues resolved promptly, whether it's booking a flight or addressing travel concerns.
Personalized Service: Enjoy a personalized experience tailored to your language and travel requirements.
Calling Delta Airlines in Spanish is a convenient and accessible option, thanks to Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022. This dedicated line ensures that you can communicate your travel needs effectively and receive expert assistance in your preferred language. Whether you're booking a flight, managing reservations, or seeking travel-related information, Delta Airlines is committed to providing you with top-notch service in Spanish. So, the next time you plan to travel with Delta Airlines, remember to dial "Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212)" for a hassle-free experience.
Q1: Is Delta Airlines available 24/7?
Yes, Delta Airlines' Spanish-language customer service line operates 24/7, ensuring that you can reach out for assistance at any time.
Q2: Can I book a flight in Spanish using this phone number?
Absolutely! You can book flights, modify reservations, and inquire about flight details in Spanish by dialing Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022.
Q3: Is there an additional cost for using the Spanish-language line?
No, there is no extra charge for using the Spanish-language line. Delta Airlines provides this service to enhance customer experience.
Q4: What if I need special assistance while traveling?
Delta Airlines' Spanish-speaking representatives can assist with arranging special services, such as wheelchair assistance or dietary accommodations.
Q5: How can I check my flight status in Spanish?
You can easily check your flight status and receive updates in Spanish by calling Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022.
Q6: Can I use this number for international flights as well?
Yes, you can use Delta airlines en español telefono 1 (800) 221-1212) & 1-860-321-4022 for both domestic and international flights.
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aerolineas · 1 year
¿Cómo llamar a Aerolíneas Argentinas desde Colombia?
Aerolínea Argentina es una aerolínea se basa en Buenos Aires, Argentina con la sede es Aeroparque Jorge Newbery. Los números de destinos que está cubierto por esta aerolínea son más de 55 destinos en pocas partes del mundo. Este artículo tiene los pasos para llamar a los agentes de Aerolínea Argentina desde Colombia.
Para llamar a través de teléfono: Este artículo está escrito para informar a los clientes que Aerolínea Argentina ofrece buenos servicios a los clientes para que puedan obtener ayuda en caso de dudas, y para eso está escrito el número de contacto de Aerolíneas Argentinas Colombia: 1-802-304-5766, y algunas de las dudas comunes son, por ejemplo, saber más información sobre el horario del vuelo, las reservas, si hay un problema con el reembolso, o si el viajero quiere hacer una queja por teléfono.
¿Cómo conectar con el servicio de atención al cliente de Aerolíneas Argentinas Colombia por teléfono? 
En este párrafo, el viajero debe encontrar los pasos para recibir el numero de telefono de Aerolínea Argentinas desde Colombia: 
En primer lugar, abrir el sitio web de Aerolíneas Argentina. 
En el siguiente paso, hay un botón en la esquina superior derecha de su página llamada ‘Centro de ayuda’ 
En este paso, el viajero debe seleccionar 'Colombia' de la lista de las diferentes regiones para obtener el número de Medellín.
Ahora, después de desplazarte hacia abajo en la página, aparecerá en tu dispositivo el número de Aerolínea Argentina desde Medellín y, por último, marca ese número.
O el número de contacto de Aerolíneas Argentinas Colombia, también se menciona aquí para hacerlo rápido: 1-802-304-5766.
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spappmonitoringes · 1 year
Rastreador de número de teléfono celular
El rastreo de números de teléfonos celulares se ha convertido en una herramienta de seguridad cada vez más importante. Existen numerosas razones por las que alguien podría querer rastrear un número de teléfono celular , como rastrear las actividades de un cónyuge, monitorear la ubicación de un niño o incluso descubrir quién envió mensajes de texto amenazantes o realizó llamadas sospechosas. Pero para aquellos que buscan rastrear su propio dispositivo móvil (o los dispositivos de los miembros de la familia) sin gastar demasiado dinero, existe Spapp Monitoring, una aplicación simple e intuitiva que se puede usar para monitorear fácilmente cualquier dispositivo Android.
Spapp Monitoring está diseñado teniendo en cuenta tanto la comodidad como la precisión. Ofrece a los usuarios la capacidad de ubicar cualquier número de teléfono celular activo en segundos y brinda información detallada sobre los movimientos de esa persona y su ubicación actual. La aplicación permite a los usuarios rastrear llamadas entrantes de números desconocidos sin depender de costosos servicios de terceros como directorios de búsqueda inversa. También aprovecha la tecnología GPS en tiempo real para que siempre pueda obtener información actualizada.
La aplicación también ayuda a prevenir el robo de identidad al escanear periódicamente su lista de contactos en busca de actividad maliciosa, como mensajes de spam o intentos de phishing de números desconocidos. Además, si alguna vez pierde su dispositivo, Spapp Monitoring puede ayudarlo a encontrarlo rápidamente al señalar su ubicación exacta en un mapa usando coordenadas GPS, algo que otras aplicaciones no ofrecen en este momento.
Además de poder rastrear con precisión cualquier número de teléfono celular en tiempo real, Spapp Monitoring tiene otras características que lo hacen útil para los padres que necesitan tranquilidad adicional cuando se trata de la seguridad y el bienestar de sus hijos. Estos incluyen alertas de geocercas que notifican a los padres cada vez que sus hijos ingresan o salen de las áreas designadas; acceso de control remoto donde los padres pueden bloquear ciertas aplicaciones de forma remota; seguimiento del historial del navegador para que sepan qué sitios han estado visitando sus hijos; capacidades de bloqueo de llamadas y SMS; ¡y mucho más! Para aquellos interesados en proteger sus teléfonos móviles contra robo o pérdida, así como rastrear a personas sospechosas que podrían estar acosándolos con llamadas o mensajes de texto no solicitados, ¡no busquen más allá de Spapp Monitoring! Con su sencillo proceso de configuración, resultados precisos, además de muchas características útiles exclusivas solo de este proveedor de servicios, ¡nada más se compara!
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skyofares · 1 year
¿Cómo contactar a SATENA desde Colombia por teléfono?
Satena Airlines brinda la opción de que su cliente pueda conectarse llamando. Las personas pueden resolver su problema directamente por llamada. Puede saber cómo puede simplemente leer los pasos a continuación.
Busque en el sitio web de Satena Airlines. Luego busque la opción para ayudar, presione la opción. Marca satena colombia al número de teléfono 1-802-990-3033.
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fareskhalifa · 1 year
¿Cómo me comunico con Copa Airlines?
Copa Airlines es una importante aerolínea con sede en Panamá que opera destinos en América Central y del Sur, el Caribe y América del Norte. El Copa Airlines Teléfono  es la línea de atención al cliente a la que los pasajeros pueden llamar para obtener información, asistencia y apoyo relacionado con sus reservas de vuelos, reserva de boletos, estado de vuelos, equipaje y otras consultas relacionadas con el viaje.
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a-lexia11 · 7 days
Womanizer (Part 2)
Fuckboy!Alexia Putellas x reader
Word count:Around 12k
Warning: HIGHLY suggestive (Minors DNI), some angst
Part 1
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That was tougher than Alexia had anticipated. Over the past two weeks, she has struggled intensely to suppress her usual habits—no flirting, no checking out other women, no casual sex.
It's been a challenge she hadn’t fully grasped when she made the bet with you. She’s accustomed to moving from one woman to the next, and this sudden shift is excruciating.
Each day without her usual indulgences feels like a trial, and the thought of enduring another two weeks feels almost unbearable. Yet, this pain dissipates whenever she looks at you.
Your captivating eyes, your radiant smile, your voice—they never fail to leave her in awe of your beauty.
The time you've spent together outside of the store, including with Mia, has only deepened her admiration for you.
When you’re not looking, she finds herself observing you, marveling at the kind of person and mother you are.
Alexia is determined to take you on that date, but she’s realized that her feelings for you extend beyond just physical desire.
She yearns for something deeper, something more meaningful, though she’s unsure how to convey it. Her plan is to show you her seriousness through her actions.
Once you see that she’s committed to this path and genuinely not interested in anyone else, you’ll understand her true intentions.
At the moment, you were behind the register at the store, handling some clients while Alexia carried Mia, helping her reach the flowers she couldn’t quite get.
Carmen was away this week, and she trusted you enough to take care of her store. To ensure you weren’t alone, Alexia was here as often as she could be.
After finishing with a client, you watched as a tall, young, and undeniably attractive woman entered the store—definitely Alexia’s type. You couldn’t wait to see Alexia’s reaction and whether she’d break her bet.
As Alexia and Mia returned to you at the register, Alexia asked, “Mia’s hungry. Did you bring any food, or should I run out and grab something?” She gently placed Mia on the counter while you leaned in to give your daughter a kiss on the cheek.
“No, it’s okay, Ale. I packed something in her backpack in the back room,” you replied. Before you could fetch it, Mia eagerly jumped in, “I’ll go!” She asked Alexia to put her down and ran towards the back room.
Alexia turned to you with a playful grin. “What’s up?” she asked.
“You called me Ale,” Alexia pointed out, still smiling. “You never do. It’s always Alexia… admit it, you like me,” she teased, her eyes sparkling.
You laughed at her antics. “Oh, stop it. It’s just a nickname. Just like you call me ‘guapa’,” you said, and Alexia’s smile widened.
“I know you like me,” she said with a wink.
Just then, the woman from earlier approached Alexia, interrupting your playful exchange. Alexia briefly acknowledged her with a smile before turning back to you.
“Disculpa”the woman said, “¿Podrías, por favor, hacer un ramo con estas flores?” She handed you a handful of flowers she had picked out. (Excuse me,could you please make these into a bouquet?)
“Por supuesto.” you replied, taking the flowers and moving to the counter to start arranging them. (Of course)
Mia reappeared, munching on her sandwich. “Mommy, I found it!” she announced, approaching you.
“Good job, baby. Here, sit down and eat,” you said, pulling out a chair for her. She complied and quietly ate her sandwich.
You glanced over at Alexia and the woman as they engaged in a conversation. The woman seemed to be flirting with Alexia, but to your surprise, Alexia was quite dismissive, not engaging in the flirtation at all.
Leaning in a bit, you tried to catch their conversation. “¿Puedo tener tu número de teléfono? Quizás podríamos volver a vernos.” the woman asked. (Can I have your phone number? Maybe we could meet up again?)
You held your breath, waiting for Alexia’s response. With a firm yet polite tone, Alexia replied, “No, gracias. No estoy interesada.” (No, thank you. I’m not interested.)
You were actually impressed—Alexia had just rejected a beautiful woman. She was serious about the bet, and that realization hit you harder than expected.
The woman didn’t push her luck and, after nodding her head, distracted herself with her phone.
Meanwhile, Alexia had already made her way over to you, casually lifting Mia from her chair and settling her on her lap.
She sat down like it was the most natural thing, Mia cuddling against her easily, a familiar comfort between them that made your heart soften.
As you finished wrapping the bouquet for the woman, you handed it over with a polite smile.
Once she thanked you and left the store, your attention immediately shifted back to Alexia and Mia. Alexia shot you a wink, her smirk playful and full of mischief.
Mia hopped off Alexia’s lap, grabbing her sandwich and skipping toward the back room to announcing that she wanted some water bottle.
The second your daughter was out of sight, you turned toward Alexia, clapping your hands together with exaggerated disbelief.
“I’m impressed. You actually rejected a woman?” you said, raising an eyebrow. “Damn, didn’t think you had it in you,” you teased, folding your arms.
Alexia, still lounging in her chair, rolled her eyes dramatically. Before you could react, she grabbed your hand firmly, pulling you toward her until you were standing right between her legs.
Then, with little effort, she slid her hands behind your thighs, forcing you to straddle her lap. You let out a surprised gasp, instinctively wrapping your arms around her shoulders to steady yourself.
“Alexia!” you yelled, your cheeks flushed from the unexpected move. She only grinned, loving how easily she could fluster you.
Her arms circled your waist, pulling you closer, pressing you tightly against her. You could feel the warmth of her body against yours, her breath hot against your ear as she leaned in, her voice dropping low.
“Dios, I can’t wait for the day you scream my name like that when I finally get you in my bed,” she whispered teasingly.
A shiver ran down your spine at her words, and you tried to maintain composure, even as goosebumps spread across your skin.
You slapped her shoulder lightly, trying to regain control of the moment. “You wish,” you muttered, though your voice lacked the firmness you wanted.
Alexia’s hands slid slowly up your waist, her touch gentle and lingering as she looked directly into your eyes. Her expression softened, becoming more sincere.
“I rejected her because I’m only interested in one woman,” she said, her voice more serious now. “Y esa mujer... pronto va a salir conmigo” (And that woman… she’s going to go on a date with me soon.)
You were caught off guard by how genuine she sounded, her gaze locking onto yours with that look of admiration she always had when you weren’t looking.
You hesitated for a moment before letting your hand rest on her cheek, gently caressing her skin. Alexia closed her eyes at the touch, her lips brushing against your palm in a soft, tender kiss.
Before you could get too caught up in the moment, you reminded her, “You’ve still got two weeks left, don’t forget.”
You quickly slipped off her lap, putting some distance between you two before Mia could return and witness anything.
Alexia simply leaned back in her chair, a smug grin spreading across her face. “Two weeks is nothing,” she said confidently, her eyes still fixed on you. “I can do it.”
And from the way she looked at you, part of you believed she just might.
The two weeks were almost up, and Alexia hadn’t cracked once. You were impressed. Only two more days to go, and despite all the tempting situations, she hadn’t given in.
Over the past couple of weeks, you’d seen her reject every woman who so much as looked her way, whether at the store, in the street, or when you went out together.
The women barely got a “hola” in before Alexia was shaking her head, firmly saying, “No estoy interesada.” (I’m not interested)
And every single time, she’d wink at you with that familiar smirk, playfully calling you her “future wife.” You’d laugh and shake your head, amused but also undeniably touched by how serious she was about the bet.
But it wasn’t just the rejections that had caught your attention. Watching Alexia with Mia was what really made your heart flutter. Over the weeks, Alexia had become Mia’s favorite person.
She’d take her to the park, push her on the swings, or take her on long walks with Nala. Mia was obsessed, constantly asking when Alexia would be back and begging you to call her whenever she had a new drawing or just to say goodnight.
Alexia was equally as obsessed with Mia—teaching her new Spanish words, cuddling her when she got tired, playing with her... The two had developed a bond that was impossible to ignore.
But today, with just two days left, you decided to test Alexia’s patience a bit more.
You were unloading flowers from a delivery truck at the store, working with Pedro, the delivery guy. He was charming, a bit flirty even, but you hadn’t really engaged—until you saw Alexia walk in.
The moment she spotted you talking to Pedro, her whole demeanor changed. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Pedro like he was some kind of threat.
You smirked inwardly. She was jealous, and you couldn’t resist teasing her a little.
Pedro handed you the delivery papers to sign, standing a little too close as he made small talk. “No te había visto aquí antes. ¿Eres nueva?”he asked with a friendly smile. (I haven’t seen you here before. Are you new?)
“Sí, lo soy.” you responded, watching Alexia out of the corner of your eye. Her expression darkened as Pedro continued chatting with you. (Yes I am)
He then switched to English, showing off a bit. “Ah, you’re not from Spain, huh? You’ve got a lovely accent,” Pedro complimented, leaning in slightly.
Alexia, standing by Carmen, was visibly fuming. She wasn’t even pretending to listen to Carmen anymore.
Her eyes were locked on Pedro, her jaw tight, hands clenched at her sides. Her possessiveness was written all over her face.
Deciding to push it a little further, you laughed softly at one of Pedro’s jokes and lightly touched his arm.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough to send Alexia over the edge. She shot forward like a bullet, striding over with a fake smile plastered on her face, her eyes sharp.
Without a word, Alexia slid her arm around your waist and tugged you close to her, forcing you to step away from Pedro.
“Hey, bebé, ¿ya terminaste aquí? Carmen te necesita en la parte de atrás” Alexia said sweetly, though her tone carried a thinly veiled edge. She pressed a soft kiss to your temple, her eyes locked on Pedro the entire time. (Hey, baby, are you done here? Carmen needs you in the back)
“Uh, yeah, I’m done,” you said, hiding your smirk as you pulled back slightly from Alexia’s grip. You thanked Pedro and signed off on the delivery, but Alexia’s hand remained possessively on your waist.
When Pedro finally walked away,but not before looking at you one more time, Alexia’s eyes followed him, her jealousy practically radiating off her in waves.
“Juro que si te mira una vez más… “Alexia muttered under her breath, her hand still gripping your waist protectively. (I swear, if he looked at you one more time…)
“Jealous, are we?” you teased, raising an eyebrow at her.
She scoffed, though her grip on you tightened. “I don’t get jealous.”
You laughed softly, knowing full well that wasn’t true. “Right. Sure.”
Alexia stayed at the store for the rest of the afternoon, supposedly to help Carmen, but you noticed she was really there to keep an eye on you.
Every chance she got, her eyes would dart in your direction, watching how you interacted with customers or the delivery guys.
And every time you acted just a little more friendly than usual—whether it was smiling a bit too much or laughing a little too loud—Alexia’s jaw would tighten, and her mood would darken.
At one point, another delivery guy showed up, and when he asked you about your day, you smiled and answered politely.
Alexia, who had been helping Carmen with a display, immediately stopped what she was doing and moved closer to where you were standing.
Her entire posture screamed protectiveness. She folded her arms and stood just a few feet away, glaring at the guy like he was public enemy number one.
“¿Necesitas ayuda aquí?”Alexia called out loudly, her voice dripping with false politeness. (You need help over here?)
The guy glanced at her, confused, but you shook your head. “No, I’ve got it,” you replied, biting back a grin as Alexia’s eyes narrowed even further.
You were thoroughly enjoying the power you had over her. Alexia was always the one in control, always the one with the upper hand when it came to the women she was with.
But now? Now you had her wrapped around your finger, and it felt incredible.
In the back room, Alexia cornered you, her eyes locking onto yours with a mix of frustration and amusement. “Do you enjoy torturing me?” she asked, her voice teasing yet edged with genuine curiosity as you turned around with a smirk.
“Absolutely,” you replied, savoring the satisfaction of seeing her reaction.
“That’s not fair,” she said, taking a step closer, her body language hinting at playful irritation. “I’m here, stuck not flirting with anyone, while you’re out here flirting with everyone,” she added, her gaze flickering with a mix of challenge and allure.
“Well, let me remind you,” you said, your tone light yet pointed, “it was your idea to avoid flirting and not sleep with anyone just to get a date with me.” You patted her shoulder reassuringly as she let out a huff of frustration.
“I know you’re jealous,” you said, your voice softening, “but don’t worry. In less than two days, it’ll be you I’m going out with, not anyone else… unless, of course, you break first.”
“I won’t break,” Alexia said firmly, her eyes flashing with determination. She moved closer, her hand slipping around your waist as she pulled you into her personal space.
“And after that date, you’ll love it so much that you’ll be begging for another date. Then, you and I will be having the greatest sex of your life,” she added with a cocky smirk, her tone dripping with confidence.
Lately, Alexia had become increasingly touchy with you, and though it was a change, you were thoroughly enjoying the closeness.
“Oh, really?” you whispered into her ear, your arms wrapping around her neck, the intimacy making your heart race.
“Yeah,” she murmured, her breath warm against your skin. “And I assured you you’ll be begging for more” She buried her nose in your hair, her voice trailing off as she inhaled deeply.
“I find that hard to believe,” you said, pulling back slightly to meet her gaze. Her expression softened, the playfulness in her eyes turning to something more tender.
“You’re so beautiful,” she said softly, her eyes locking with yours. The sincerity in her voice made your heart skip a beat.
“I can’t wait for you to be mine,” Alexia continued, her tone earnest. “I’ll take care of you in every way you deserve, and I’ll make sure Mia is well cared for, too.” Her hand caressed your back gently, the tenderness of her touch almost making you swoon.
Her words were like a balm to your heart. She knew how to touch you deeply, speaking to both your own feelings and your love for Mia.
You smiled, leaning in to place a soft kiss on her cheek. “I really hope that after this bet, you’ll still be able to keep your eyes and hands to yourself. Because, honestly, I want that too,” you confessed, your voice filled with gentle sincerity.
“I promised you,” Alexia said, leaning her forehead against yours, her eyes locked onto yours with unwavering sincerity. “I’m only interested in you, no one else…” she assured, her voice soft but filled with confidence.
You nodded, feeling a wave of relief and affection. You kissed her cheek one last time before smiling, which she returned warmly. As you both walked out of the back room, you hoped with all your heart that her promise was true.
With each passing day, you were falling deeper for her, and the thought of heartbreak was becoming increasingly unbearable.
Today was finally here—date day. Alexia had truly impressed you by sticking to her commitment, and you were genuinely surprised by her dedication.
You approached Carmen, who was busy arranging flowers behind the counter. “Carmen, I was wondering if you could watch Mia tonight,” you asked, hoping she’d be available.
“Of course, I’d be happy to. Are you going out?” Carmen replied, her voice warm with curiosity.
“Yes, I have a date,” you said with a casual shrug. Carmen’s eyes widened in surprise and excitement.
“A date? That’s wonderful! Let me guess—it’s with Alexia?” Carmen asked, her smile widening as she glanced at you.
“Yes, how did you figure that out?” you asked, intrigued by her insight.
“Por favor! It’s been pretty obvious with the way you two have been looking at each other lately. You’ve definitely gotten closer,” Carmen said, her tone full of knowing amusement.
“Yeah, we did. We actually made a bet. If Alexia could go a month without flirting or being with anyone else, I’d go on a date with her,” you explained, smiling.
“Wow, she really pulled it off?” Carmen’s eyes were wide with astonishment.
“Yes, she did,” you confirmed, chuckling at her reaction.
“She must really like you,” Carmen said thoughtfully. “You know, Alexia has changed a lot since she met you. I can see it in the way she looks at you—there’s a genuine happiness in her eyes now,” Carmen added softly, her gaze filled with warmth.
You smiled, touched by her observation. Carmen knew Alexia like her own daughter, so her acknowledgment of this change meant a lot to you.
“I’ve noticed it too,” you admitted. “She’s been amazing with Mia and with me. It’s like she’s become a different person in the best way.”
“I’m so glad to hear that,” Carmen said, her smile gentle. “You both deserve to be happy. Enjoy your date tonight, and don’t worry about Mia—she’ll be in good hands.”
“Thank you, Carmen,” you said, your gratitude evident in your tone. “I really appreciate it.”
As Carmen gave you a reassuring nod, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness for the evening ahead.
That evening, after finishing the last touches of your makeup, you stood back and admired your reflection. Alexia had asked you to wear something casual but nice, so you chose a simple yet elegant combination: a soft blouse paired with a flattering skirt.
The anticipation for the night ahead had your heart racing slightly, though you tried to stay calm.
From the living room, you heard Carmen call out, “Y/N, Alexia’s here!” Her voice broke your focus, and you hurried out to greet her.
When you reached the living room, there was Alexia, standing confidently with not one, but two bouquets of flowers and a single flower in her hand.
She spotted you and her eyes lit up, the familiar smile that made your heart skip a beat curling at her lips.
“Hola, guapa,” Alexia said, her gaze sweeping from your head to your toes, taking in every detail of your outfit.
You approached her, leaning in for a hug. She smelled faintly of her favorite cologne, a comforting, familiar scent.
After the embrace, Alexia handed you a bouquet of red roses. “These are for you,” she said softly, watching your reaction.
Smiling warmly, you took the flowers. “Thank you, Alexia,” you replied, placing a kiss on her cheek, which made her grin grow wider.
Alexia then turned her attention to Carmen, holding out a bouquet of yellow roses. “Carmen, me di cuenta de que nunca te he traído flores, así que estas son para ti.” (Carmen, I realized I’ve never brought you flowers, so these are for you,” she said with a playful grin, handing her the bouquet)
Carmen’s eyes softened, clearly touched by the gesture. She pulled Alexia into a warm embrace, gently cradling her face in her hands before kissing her on the forehead. “Gracias, querida,” Carmen said lovingly, a motherly warmth in her voice.
Alexia chuckled softly, the bond between her and Carmen clear to see.
“Where’s Mia?” Alexia asked, looking back at you as you placed your bouquet in a vase in the kitchen.
Before you could respond, an excited voice shouted from the hallway. “Alexia!” Mia came racing into the room, her little feet barely touching the ground as she leapt straight into Alexia’s open arms.
“I missed you so much!” Mia squealed, wrapping her tiny arms around Alexia’s neck.
“I missed you too, nena,” Alexia responded, lifting Mia and holding her close. She then lowered her to the ground, pulling out a single white rose.
“Look what I got for you,” she said, handing the flower to your daughter with a gentle smile. “I hope you don’t mind, but your mommy gave me permission to choose your flower of the week.”
Mia’s eyes went wide with delight as she took the rose. “Thank you, Ale! It’s beautiful,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss Alexia’s cheek.
“You’re welcome, mi amor,” Alexia replied, her expression softening as she watched Mia beam with excitement.
Mia rushed over to show you her flower, and you picked her up, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “It’s beautiful, baby,” you told her, carrying her back toward Alexia and Carmen.
“Alright, baby, Alexia and I are going to head out now. Be good for Carmen, okay?” you said gently. Mia nodded enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around your neck for one last hug. You kissed her cheek, smiling softly.
“Bye, baby. I love you,” you said. Mia waved with her small hand, her face lighting up with a big smile. “Love you too, Mommy,” she said sweetly.
She then turned her attention back to Alexia. “Bye-bye, Alexia!” Mia called, waving at her.
“Bye-bye, mi nena,” Alexia said, leaning down to kiss Mia’s little hand, earning a giggle from your daughter.
With a final look around the room, you and Alexia both said, “Bye, Carmen,” in unison, causing Carmen to laugh.
“Bye, girls! Have fun—but not too much fun!” Carmen teased, sending you both a playful wink. Alexia’s lips curled into a smirk at Carmen’s words, and you rolled your eyes, chuckling softly.
As Alexia and you made your way towards her car, she opened the door for you as you thanked her and she winked at you.
The ride to the restaurant was silent but peaceful.You find it kind of weird since Alexia is never silent and always have something to say.
Even though she’ll never admit it but Alexia was nervous and you could see it by the tap she does with the hand that is resting on her thigh.You decided to tease her a bit.
“You’re nervous” you asked her playfully and she just scoffed.
“Of course not” she said
“Yeah sure” you retorted pointing out her hand on her thigh and she immediately stopped as you laughed.
Arriving at the restaurant, you and Alexia were promptly seated at a cozy corner table, giving you just the right amount of privacy. The ambiance was warm, the soft glow of candles casting flickering shadows on the walls.
After being handed the menus, you both quickly decided on your meals, exchanging glances that carried a hint of excitement. It felt like something new was beginning.
When your food arrived, the conversation began to flow naturally between bites. Alexia, sitting across from you, seemed relaxed, more open than usual.
She started sharing stories about her family, reminiscing about childhood adventures with her sister, and funny moments with her friends.
You found yourself leaning in, captivated by the way she painted each story with vivid details. In return, you opened up about your own experiences, feeling a genuine connection deepening between you two.
Of course, it wasn’t long before Alexia, ever the tease, sprinkled in some playful flirtation and cheeky innuendos.
Her eyes gleamed with mischief every time she dropped a suggestive remark, her grin widening when you laughed or rolled your eyes at her antics. It was easy with her, the conversation flowing seamlessly from serious to lighthearted.
The chemistry between you was undeniable. You hadn’t been on a date in a long time, and Alexia made it feel special, like she’d put thought into every little detail. You could tell she wanted to make this night memorable for you, and so far, it was working.
But just as you started to fully relax, savoring both the food and the moment, something shifted. A subtle tension began creeping into the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise perfect evening.
But that date was about to take a turn for the worse… well, for Alexia.
“Ay! Do you remember that time you were telling me a story, but stopped halfway because I got distracted by another woman and wasn't paying attention?” she asked, her tone half-teasing, half-annoyed, as she narrowed her eyes at you. You nodded, a small, sheepish grin tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“You never finished it! I want to know the end,” she insisted, leaning forward in her seat, waiting eagerly. You couldn't help but laugh softly at her persistence.
“Alright, alright. So, Mia and I were—“you started, but before you could get the words out, Alexia suddenly cut you off with a low, startled “Mierda,” her eyes darting past your shoulder.
“What? What is it?” you asked, your brows furrowing in confusion as you followed her gaze.
“Nothing. It’s nothing,” she quickly muttered, trying to dismiss it, but her entire body had stiffened, and she looked like she was ready to slide under the table to avoid being seen.
The tension in her voice was unmistakable, so naturally, you turned around to see what was going on.
There, just a few feet behind you, stood a group of three girls waiting to be seated. They were scanning the room, completely unaware of the storm they were about to bring. You glanced back at Alexia, noticing how she was now staring down at the table, her head tilted just enough to avoid eye contact with anyone in the group.
It was clear she was trying to hide, but it was already too late
“Alexia?” you heard a voice call from behind, and one of the girls from the group stepped forward, her tone dripping with skepticism.
Alexia froze. Slowly, she looked up, giving the girl a strained, awkward smile. “Hola.. um, Alicia?” she asked tentatively, her voice faltering.
“No, es Martina,” the girl replied sharply, clearly offended by the mistake. “Sigo esperando esa llamada que me prometiste.” she added, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing as she glared at Alexia, completely ignoring your presence at the table.(No, it’s Martina. Still waiting for that call you promised me)
You blinked, glancing between Alexia and Martina, utterly bewildered by the situation.
“Uh, sí... sobre eso...” Alexia stammered, but before she could say anything more, another girl from the group stepped forward, her eyes widening in recognition. (Uh, yeah…about that…)
“¿Espera, Alexia?” she exclaimed, turning to Martina. “¿La conoces?” (Wait, Alexia?, You know her?)
“Sí, esta tonta y yo salimos como una semana.” Martina said bitterly. (Yeah, this idiot and I went out for like a week)
“Tuvimos sexo,y me prometió que me llamaría, pero me dejó en visto” Her voice was dripping with disdain, and you couldn't help but raise your eyebrows at Alexia, who was now staring at the table, her face flushed with embarrassment. (We had sex, and she promised she’d call, but she ghosted me)
“¡A mí me pasó lo mismo!” the second girl chimed in, her voice sharp with anger. (Same thing happened to me!)
“Nos acostamos, y luego, cuando me la encontré en la calle, actuó como si yo ni siquiera existiera.”She shot Alexia a venomous look, and you could see the color drain from Alexia’s face as she shrank further into her seat, looking like she wanted to vanish on the spot. (We hooked up, and then when I ran into her on the street, she acted like I didn’t even exist.)
As if things couldn't get any worse, the third girl from the group joined the conversation. “Chicas, la mesa está lista.” she said, then paused when her eyes landed on Alexia. (Girls, the table's ready)
“Alexia?” she asked, her face lighting up in recognition. You, on the other hand, closed your eyes and rubbed your temple, feeling the weight of the situation.
The other two girls whipped around to face their friend. “¿Tú también la conoces?”they asked in unison, their voices tinged with disbelief. (You know her too?)
“Si” the third girl replied with a sigh. “Nos acostamos hace un meses, y luego literalmente me sacó de su cama y me echó de su apartamento porque su hermana iba a venir. Luego se disculpó con flores, y tuvimos sexo de nuevo. Ella prometió que me llamaría, pero nunca lo hizo.¡Todavía tengo un moretón por eso!”she added, rolling her eyes dramatically, well that sounds familiar you thought. (We hooked up a couple of months ago, and then she literally pushed me out of her bed and kicked me out of her apartment because her sister was coming over. She then apologized with flowers and we had sex again, she promised she’ll called but she never did.I still have a bruise from it!)
At this point, you could barely believe what you were hearing. Your gaze slid over to Alexia, whose head was hanging low.
“¿También tuviste sexo con mis amigas?”Martina asked incredulously, her voice rising in anger. Alexia just nodded, biting her lip, knowing she was caught. (You slept with my friends too?)
Martina’s expression hardened as she grabbed Alexia’s champagne glass and, without a second thought, tipped it over Alexia’s head.
The liquid cascaded down her hair and onto her clothes. You gasped, eyes wide with shock.
“Eso es por acostarte con mis amigas.”Martina spat, her voice cold. (That’s for sleeping with my friends)
Before you could react, the second girl reached across the table, grabbing your champagne glass. Without hesitation, she poured it over Alexia as well. “Esto es por pretender que no existía y hacerme sentir como si estuviera loca” she said, her glare piercing through Alexia. (This is for pretending I didn’t exist and making me feel like I was crazy)
Finally, the third girl took the bottle of champagne that had been sitting in the middle of the table and dumped the entire thing over Alexia’s head. “Y esto,” she said with a smirk, “es por darme un moretón.” (And this is for giving me a bruise.)
The entire time, Alexia didn’t say a word. She just sat there, drenched in champagne, fully aware of how badly she had messed up.
Her usually confident demeanor was completely shattered, and she knew there was no escaping the consequences of her actions.
The three girls turned and walked away, but not before one of them lightly tapped you on the shoulder and said, “Buena suerte, tia” with a wink. (Good luck, girl)
The whole restaurant had gone deathly silent. You could feel everyone’s eyes on your table, all of them watching the fallout of Alexia’s disastrous past.
You smirked and picked up your fork, continuing to eat as if nothing had happened. She had it coming, and you couldn’t help but feel a little vindicated.
Alexia looked at you, her eyes wide with disbelief, but you just shrugged. “Don’t look at me like that. You deserved it. You’re a jerk,” you said casually, turning back to your plate while Alexia slowly got up, mumbling something about going to the bathroom.
When she returned, still slightly damp and clearly humiliated, the two of you decided it was time to leave. Alexia paid the check without a word, and the two of you walked back to the car in utter silence, the tension between you almost tangible.
Neither of you said anything on the drive home, and the weight of everything that had just happened hung in the air between you, too thick to ignore.
As you arrived at your apartment, the silence from the restaurant lingered between you and Alexia. Standing in front of your door, you turned to her, trying to lighten the mood.
“Well… that was fun,” you said, managing a small, somewhat strained smile. Alexia responded with a sad, half-hearted smile of her own.
“Yes, um… I’m really sorry about all of this” she said, motioning to her champagne-soaked clothes, her voice filled with remorse.
“It’s okay,” you said gently, trying to reassure her.
Alexia hesitated, then asked nervously, “Entonces… ¿crees que podríamos, ya sabes, intentarlo de nuevo?” She fiddled with the ring on her finger, clearly anxious. (So… do you think we could, you know, give it another shot?)
You sighed, gathering your thoughts before responding, “I don’t think so,” you said softly. Her head snapped up, eyes wide with surprise.
“Didn’t you enjoy yourself? Well, before everything went wrong?” she asked, her voice betraying her insecurity.
“I did enjoy myself, especially when everything went wrong. And Alexia, I really like you,” you admitted, your voice earnest.
Her expression softened, and she looked relieved, if still uncertain.
“I really like you too, Y/N. And if you’re worried about me seeing other girls again, I promise I won’t. You’re the only one I want,” she said quickly, her eyes pleading with you.
“It’s not just about that,” you said, shaking your head. “ I have to think about more than just myself. I need to consider Mia too,” you explained. Her brow furrowed in confusion.
“Mia loves me,” she said, her tone a mix of confusion and hurt.
“I know she does, but imagine if something like this had happened while Mia was with you. What do you think she would say?” you asked, your voice firm but compassionate.
“He estado con Mia muchas veces antes y nada como esto había sucedido.”she said desperately. (I’ve been out with Mia plenty of times before, and nothing like this ever happened)
“Yeah, but that doesn’t guarantee it won’t in the future,” you pointed out. “I’m really sorry, Alexia, but as much as I like you and want to be with you, I think we’re better off as friends,” you said, your heart heavy. She looked at you with sadness in her eyes but nodded slowly.
“Come here,” you said, opening your arms. She stepped into your embrace, her face buried in the crook of your neck as she whispered apologies. You gently rubbed her back, offering comfort as best as you could.
When you finally pulled away, Alexia pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’ll fix this, I promise. I’m not giving up on us,” she said with determination, her eyes locked on yours.
“I know you won’t,” you said with a soft smile. “Goodbye, Alexia,” you said, opening the door to your apartment.
“Adios, guapa,” she replied, giving you one last smile before turning to walk away.
As Alexia made her way down the hall, she was overwhelmed by a swirl of emotions—feeling foolish, embarrassed, and heartbroken.
She regretted missing her chance to be with you but was resolute in her determination to make things right. She walked away with a promise to herself to fix the situation and not give up easily.
You hadn’t seen Alexia in nearly a month after that night. She stopped visiting the store, and the only communication between you was through sporadic text messages.
Mia, who had grown quite fond of Alexia, missed her terribly. She frequently aked about Alexia’s absence and why she wasn’t coming around anymore.
You found yourself making up various excuses, claiming Alexia was tied up with work commitments.
Despite her absence, Alexia still took the time to call Mia occasionally to wish her good night, which you found genuinely touching and appreciated.
The only glimpses you got of Alexia were on TV, during her matches that you and Mia watched together. On screen, she looked striking—blonder than before and just as captivating.
You often asked Alexia when she would be coming back to the store, but her answers were consistently vague.
She would simply say, “soon.” The last time she gave you this response was two weeks ago, leaving you wondering when she would actually return.
“Mia, no running in the store, baby, please,” you called out, watching your daughter race around the aisles for what felt like the hundredth time in the past ten minutes.
You had no choice but to bring her with you today since Maria, your usual babysitter, was sick and couldn’t look after her.
“Sorry, Mommy!” Mia yelled back as she skidded to a halt. You walked over, picked her up, and set her on the counter.
Just as you were about to speak to her, the familiar ring of the door bell sounded, and you looked up to see Alexia entering the store.
Before you could even react, Mia leaped off the counter, causing your heart to skip a beat, and sprinted straight for Alexia, shouting her name at the top of her lungs. She flung herself into Alexia’s arms without hesitation.
“I missed you so much, nena,” Alexia said, wrapping Mia in a tight embrace and kissing her lightly on the shoulder as she walked over to you, Mia still clinging to her.
Alexia didn’t let Mia go immediately. She waited, cradling her close until Mia finally pulled away and smiled up at her.
“Why haven’t you been here? I thought you left me,” Mia said, her lower lip jutting out into a pout. The words made your heart sink, the thought of Mia feeling abandoned tugging painfully at your chest.
Alexia’s expression mirrored the heartbreak you felt. “Oh, no, nena. I would never leave my favorite person in the whole world,” Alexia reassured her, pressing a few more soft kisses onto Mia’s cheek, clearly trying to make up for the lost time.
“Alexia, do you wanna see all the drawings I made?” Mia asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Alexia grinned and nodded, more than ready to follow Mia’s lead. They headed toward the back room, Mia tugging on her hand eagerly.
As they passed by, Alexia glanced at you, her eyes soft. “We’ll talk later, okay?” she said quietly, her voice filled with an unspoken apology. You nodded in response, not needing to say anything at the moment.
On their way to the back room, Alexia greeted Carmen with a quick hug and a few exchanged words. Carmen smiled and gestured them through.
During your break, you decided to check in on them. As you stepped into the back room, your breath caught at the sight in front of you.
Alexia and Mia were lying together on the small bed Carmen had set up for Mia’s naps when she visited the store.
Mia was curled up on top of Alexia, her tiny body tucked against Alexia’s chest, her face nestled in the crook of Alexia’s neck. They were both fast asleep, breathing softly in perfect unison.
You couldn’t help but smile at the scene. It was a picture of calm and warmth, a reminder of just how close Mia had grown to Alexia.
You stepped closer quietly and grabbed Mia’s favorite blanket, gently draping it over both of them. As you adjusted the blanket, Alexia stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked sleepily at you before offering a soft, sleepy smile.
You smiled back, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. There was an unspoken understanding between you.
Alexia had missed you more than she could express, and you could see it in her eyes. She had been distant, but you knew she was trying to make things right.
Carefully, Alexia shifted, sitting up slowly to avoid waking Mia. She gently placed Mia on the bed, tucking the blanket securely around her tiny frame. After making sure Mia was settled, Alexia quietly got up and approached you, her gaze soft but intense.
Without a word, she pulled you into a tight hug, the warmth of her embrace familiar. “¿Cómo estás?”she asked softly, her voice low in your ear. (How are you?)
“I’m good. And you?” you replied, pulling back slightly to look up at her. Alexia smiled, echoing your words. “Good.”
You rested your head against her shoulder for a brief moment, her scent and the comfort of her touch bringing back memories.
Then, in a quiet voice, you whispered, “I missed you. Where have you been?” You pulled away enough to look her in the eye, the question hanging between you.
“Let’s talk outside so we don’t wake her,” Alexia suggested gently, nodding toward the sleeping Mia. You nodded in agreement, and with that, she took your hand, her touch warm and steady.
Leading you out of the back room and through the store, you let Carmen know you’d be stepping outside for a moment.
Once outside, the cool air hit your skin, and you felt a little lighter, but the conversation ahead weighed on your mind.
Alexia gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go, and the two of you found a quiet spot to talk, close from the store.
“So... where were you?” you asked, cutting straight to the chase, unable to hold back the question any longer.
Alexia let out a soft sigh, her eyes flickering with a mix of nerves and determination. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said,” she began, her voice quiet but steady.
“After what happened on our date and how you didn’t want Mia around if something like that ever happened again.”
You nodded, recalling the conversation clearly. That night had been chaotic, and the thought of Mia witnessing anything similar made your stomach turn.
“Bueno... sé que puede no parecer mucho para ti, pero realmente quería asegurarme de que esa situación no se repita” Alexia continued, her gaze earnest. (Well... I know it might not seem like much to you, but I really wanted to make sure that situation never repeats itself)
“I didn’t want to risk women getting mad at me in public with Mia around... so, I decided to go and apologize to every single woman I’ve hurt.”
You blinked in shock, her words taking a moment to sink in. “Wait, what?”
“Si” she said, with a nervous chuckle, running a hand through her hair. “It took a while—a month, actually. There were... well, a lot of women. But I made sure to apologize to every single one of them for treating them badly, using them, or hurting them in any way”
You stared at her, your surprise evident. Alexia had always been confident, even a little cocky at times, but this... this was something entirely different. “Wow,” was all you managed to say, the weight of her actions hitting you.
Alexia offered a small smile, clearly relieved by your reaction. “I want to be different. A new version of myself,” she said, her tone soft but determined.
“No more womanizer Alexia, no more jumping from girl to girl. I want to be Alexia who’s focused on only my four girls” She paused, letting her words hang in the air.
You furrowed your brow, unsure who she meant. “Four girls?” you asked, curiosity piqued.
She grinned, her eyes softening. “Si. My mom, my sister, Mia and you.”
At that, your heart melted completely. There was a sincerity in her voice that struck a chord deep within you. “I think I like this new Alexia,” you said, your voice gentle but full of warmth.
Alexia smiled wider, clearly touched by your response. “I like her too,” she said, and you could feel the shift between you, something unspoken yet understood.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her into a tight embrace. Alexia responded immediately, her arms circling your waist, holding you close.
The hug felt different this time—not just physical closeness, but emotional connection, a promise of something deeper.
After a long moment, she whispered into your ear, “I was worried you’d be mad at me for disappearing.”
You shook your head gently, still nestled against her. “No, I could never be mad at you for taking the time to figure things out. I’m proud of you for doing that,” you said softly, pressing a light kiss near her ear as a small gesture of reassurance.
Alexia pulled back slightly, her hands resting on your hips, but she didn’t let go. “I’ve got to head to training now,” she said reluctantly, her eyes searching yours. “But... would you and Mia come to my match tomorrow?”
“Really?” you asked, excitement bubbling up. You knew how much Mia adored watching Alexia play, and you could already imagine her reaction.
“Yeah,” Alexia said, her grin widening. “Don’t worry about tickets—I’ve got plenty set aside for friends and family. Please come. It’ll be fun.”
“Of course! Mia’s going to be thrilled,” you replied, already imagining Mia’s excitement when you told her. Then, after a brief pause, you added, “Also, after training, would you like to come over for dinner?”
Alexia’s eyes lit up at the invitation. “I’d love to,” she said, her voice warm as her hands squeezed your hips gently, as if to seal the moment. “I’ve missed you both so much. I’d love to spend time with you two again.”
You smiled, your heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. “We’ve missed you too,” you admitted softly, your voice carrying the weight of the time that had passed.
Alexia smiled back, and for the first time in a while, everything felt right again.
“When is Alexia coming?” Mia asked for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, her little voice full of impatience and excitement.
“Soon, baby,” you said, smiling as you gently squeezed her chubby cheeks, making her burst into a fit of giggles.
A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door. Mia's eyes lit up as she gasped, “Alexia!” Her excitement was infectious, and you nodded, her joy mirrored in your own smile.
You walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Alexia standing there, her familiar warm smile lighting up the space.
She had Nala cradled in one arm, and in the other, she carried a Barca bag. “Nala!” Mia squealed, holding out her hands towards the dog.
Alexia knelt down and gently set Nala on the floor, and with a wagging tail, the little dog scampered inside, Mia trailing closely behind, laughing as she chased her around the room.
“I think Mia loves Nala more than she loves you,” you teased, laughing as you looked over at Alexia.
Alexia chuckled softly, eyes crinkling at the corners. “I think you’re right,” she agreed, shaking her head playfully.
Stepping inside, Alexia pulled you into a warm hug. Her familiar scent and comforting presence made everything feel just a little brighter.
After the hug, she joined you in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up, ready to help with the last bit of dinner prep.
Together, the three of you worked in perfect harmony, Mia perched on a chair stirring something while Alexia handed you ingredients.
The kitchen was filled with soft laughter and the clinking of dishes. By the time dinner was ready, the atmosphere was as warm as the meal itself.
You all sat down at the table, Mia in the middle of you and Alexia, happily chatting as she recounted her day in between bites of food.
The sound of her tiny voice mixed with the hum of evening conversations made the moment feel blissfully perfect.
After dinner, you moved to the living room, where the three of you sprawled out on the floor, playing with Mia’s collection of dolls. Mia giggled as you and Alexia helped the dolls “talk,” her laughter bubbling up every time one of you made a silly voice.
“Hey, Mia, guess what?” you asked her, lowering your voice like you were about to share a big secret. Her wide eyes locked onto yours immediately. “What?” she asked, voice full of curiosity.
You exchanged a knowing glance with Alexia, and a smile crept across both your faces. “Tomorrow, we’re going to see Alexia play at the stadium,” you revealed, your voice filled with excitement.
Mia gasped loudly, her eyes widening even more as she whipped her head toward Alexia. “Really!?”she asked, practically bouncing in place. Alexia nodded with a soft smile.
Without hesitation, Mia flung herself into Alexia’s arms, wrapping her tightly in the biggest hug her little body could muster.
Alexia laughed, her arms wrapping around Mia in return. “I have something for you too,” Alexia said, her voice gentle and playful. “For both of you,” she added, glancing at you with a smile.
She stood up and grabbed the Barca bag she had brought with her, then sat back down next to you, her eyes twinkling. With a flourish, she pulled out a tiny jersey, perfectly sized for Mia, with her name on the back.
Mia’s eyes went as wide as saucers. “A new jersey!” she exclaimed, clutching it like it was the most precious thing in the world.
“Thank you, Ale!” she squealed, and in an instant, she was up and planting a big kiss on Alexia’s cheek. “Look, Mommy! A new jersey!” she said, proudly showing it off.
“I see it, baby,” you said, matching her joy with an exaggerated gasp and a wide smile. “It’s perfect!”
Alexia wasn’t done yet. She reached into the bag again and pulled out another jersey, this one larger, clearly meant for you. You raised your eyebrows, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“And this one’s for you,” Alexia said with a wink. “Since I know I’m your favorite player, of course I had to choose my jersey,” she teased, a playful grin on her face.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Thank you, Alexia,” you said softly, your heart full as you leaned in and kissed her cheek. “It’s perfect.”
Mia, already wearing her jersey over her pajamas, threw her arms around your neck, beaming up at you both. “Now we can all match” she exclaimed, her little face glowing with excitement.
You smiled, kissing her on the cheek. “Yes, we can! We’ll all wear them tomorrow for the game,” you promised, imagining how happy Mia would be to wear her new jersey to the stadium.
Alexia watched the two of you, her gaze soft and filled with warmth as she took in the sight of Mia nestled in your arms, the three of you wrapped in this quiet, loving moment. It was the kind of simple joy that made everything else fade away.
At bedtime, Mia sweetly asked Alexia to read her a bedtime story, and Alexia, with a bright smile, happily agreed without hesitation.
Mia, already tucked under her warm blankets, gently handed Alexia the book she had chosen for the night, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Alexia gratefully accepted the book and thanked her, but before she could begin, Mia looked over at you standing in the doorway. “Mommy, come too,” she said softly, her small voice filled with warmth.
You stepped into the room, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a peaceful light across the room. Sitting down beside them on Mia's bed, you felt her tiny hand reach out for yours.
You held it, the warmth of her fingers a comforting reminder of the moment, as Alexia opened the book and began to read, her voice steady and soothing, bringing the story to life.
Only five minutes into the story, Mia’s eyelids fluttered shut, and she drifted off to sleep, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath.
You quietly stood up, careful not to make a sound that might wake her, and leaned in to plant a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. The warmth of her skin and the calm expression on her face filled you with love and peace.
Alexia, with a soft smile on her face, followed your lead and leaned down to give Mia a gentle kiss as well. Together, you both quietly tiptoed out of the room, leaving Mia peacefully asleep, her dreams already beginning.
Since it was still early, you and Alexia decided to spend more time together by watching a movie. The mood was light and comfortable, with a relaxed air between the two of you.
While you busied yourself making popcorn, you could hear Alexia humming softly as she browsed through the movie options, searching for something just right.
When the popcorn was ready, you walked over and sat down close beside her, the warmth between you instant. She smiled at you, her eyes soft and full of affection. “Ready?” she asked, holding the remote.
“Ready,” you nodded, returning her smile. Nala was lying peacefully on the floor, her breathing slow as she slept through the evening’s calm.
As the movie played, you slowly started to feel tired. Alexia noticed the way your head began to dip slightly, and without saying a word, she shifted closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Come here,” she whispered, gently pulling you into her side.
You leaned into her, letting the weight of the day melt away in her embrace. Her hand found its way to your hair, gently running through it in soft, soothing strokes. “You okay?” she asked quietly, her voice tender.
“Mmm, yeah, just tired,” you murmured, already feeling sleep pulling at you.
“Go ahead, rest. I’ve got you,” she whispered, her hand continuing to caress your hair, lulling you into a deep, peaceful slumber.
You didn’t even notice when you fully drifted off, lost in the comfort of her arms and the warmth of her presence. Time seemed to disappear until you were gently woken by Alexia shifting next to you.
“Hey,” she whispered softly, her hand still in your hair as you blinked yourself awake. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, but it’s getting late and I should go.”
You rubbed your eyes and nodded, sitting up a little. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you said with a small, sleepy smile.
Alexia smiled warmly, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “You looked too peaceful to wake up sooner,” she said with a gentle laugh. She stood up, stretching slightly before you both walked toward the door, Nala following lazily behind.
Once at the door, you opened it for her, the cool night air drifting in. Alexia stepped outside and then turned back toward you, her smile soft and full of warmth. “Thank you for dinner tonight. It was perfect,” she said sincerely.
You stepped closer to her, feeling a soft blush rise in your cheeks. “Thank you for the jersey,” you said with a shy smile. “I can’t wait to wear it tomorrow.”
Alexia’s eyes lit up. “I can’t wait to see you wearing it tomorrow,” she replied, her voice playful but sweet.
She moved closer, her hands gently resting on your hips, and you instinctively wrapped your arms around her shoulders, pulling her even closer.
“Please don’t tease me like you did in the kitchen the other day,” Alexia said, her voice low but teasing, a grin tugging at the corners of her lips.
You laughed softly. “I’m not teasing,” you whispered, before leaning in and kissing her.
The kiss was soft and sweet, but there was a deeper connection between you. It felt natural, almost as if you had been waiting for this moment.
Her arms tightened around your waist, and you melted into her, letting the warmth of the moment surround you. Your lips moved together in sync, the kiss growing more passionate as your tongues met, exploring each other.
Alexia sighed contentedly into the kiss, pulling you even closer as if she never wanted to let go. You could feel her heartbeat against you, and it was as if time had stopped, the world outside disappearing.
But then, Nala’s sudden bark broke the silence, causing you both to laugh into the kiss, reluctantly pulling away from each other. Alexia chuckled softly, resting her forehead against yours. “Finally,” she breathed, her voice a mix of relief and happiness.
You grinned and playfully kissed the tip of her nose. “You really made me work for that,” she teased, her hands gently rubbing your sides. “But it was worth every second.”
You smiled softly, your heart full as she leaned in and kissed you again, this time just a light, sweet peck on your lips.
“Okay, I really need to go now,” Alexia said with a soft sigh, her reluctance clear in her voice. She didn’t want the night to end.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” you asked, your voice soft, not wanting to let her go just yet.
“Of course,” she said, smiling warmly at you. “See you tomorrow, guapa,” she added, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before stepping back, her eyes lingering on yours.
“Goodnight, Alexia,” you whispered, your heart full as she gave you one last smile before turning and walking away, Nala trotting beside her.
You watched her disappear down the path, closing the door with a happy sigh, feeling like you were floating. The night had been absolutely perfect. Everything—every moment, every word—was just right. You couldn’t wait to see her again tomorrow, already counting the minutes.
“Mommy, look, Alexia is coming out of the tunnel!” Mia exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement.
All day, Mia had been bouncing with energy, even waking you up at 6 a.m. by jumping on your bed and insisting you get up for the Barca match, even though the match was in the afternoon.
Her enthusiasm was contagious, and you were just as thrilled to see Alexia play live, rather than through a screen.
After your kiss yesterday, you and Alexia had been texting non-stop, sharing flirty messages and exchanging photos. You had sent her a cute picture of you and Mia wearing her jersey to show your support. When Alexia saw the photo, she couldn’t help but smile widely and set it as her lockscreen background.
“Yes, I see her,” you said, nodding as you watched Alexia warming up on the field. She looked stunning—her hair tied back in a ponytail, her powerful legs ready for action, and her intense focus. It was hard not to think she looked incredibly attractive.
Every so often, Alexia would glance towards the stands, searching for you and Mia. When she finally spotted you both, Mia jumped up in her seat, waving her arms excitedly. Alexia’s face lit up with a huge smile as she waved back.
Then Alexia caught sight of you and playfully blew you a kiss. You returned the gesture, and she caught your kiss, pressing it to her heart with a cheeky grin.
The match started, and Barca took control of the game right from the beginning. At one point, Alexia scored a breathtaking goal, and the entire crowd erupted in cheers. Mia was beside herself with excitement, jumping up and down and chanting Alexia’s name.
When the game ended and it was time to leave, you carried Mia through the bustling crowd to make sure she didn’t get lost.
As you made your way down the stairs, you received a message from Alexia telling you to joined her at a certain spot so she’like pick you and Mia up.
You walked to the designated spot, and Mia continued to chatter excitedly about her favorite moments from the game, her eyes sparkling.
Soon, you saw Alexia’s car pulling up. You opened the door, and Mia immediately reached out to Alexia, wrapping her arms around her in a warm embrace.
Alexia hugged Mia tightly and asked, “Did you have a great time at the match?”
Mia’s face lit up as she replied, “Yes! I loved it! It was amaziiiing!” She stretched out the word, her excitement palpable.
“Come on, Mia, climb into the backseat,” you said gently. Mia eagerly obeyed, sliding into the car.
Alexia looked a bit concerned as she apologized, “I’m really sorry I don’t have a car seat. I’ll be very careful, though.”
“It’s okay, Ale,” you reassured her, fastening Mia’s seatbelt with a smile.
Once you were settled in the front seat, Alexia started the car and asked, “And how about you? Did you enjoy the game?”
“Yeah! I loved it! It was amaziiiing!” you said, imitating Mia’s enthusiasm, which made Alexia laugh.
Mia, still full of energy, playfully called out, “Hey! Meanie mommy,” which made you laugh and apologize in a cooing voice.
The car ride was filled with warmth and laughter, a perfect end to an unforgettable day.
Arriving at Alexia’s apartment, you and Mia were enveloped in the cozy ambiance of her home. The first thing Mia did was dash over to Nala, who was lounging on her favorite spot.
Mia greeted her with an enthusiastic hug and a flurry of kisses, her excitement palpable. Nala responded with playful wagging of her tail and happy barks, clearly delighted by the attention.
Alexia joined in, her laughter filling the room as she played with Mia and Nala. The three of them engaged in a lively game of fetch, with Mia giggling every time Nala brought the toy back. The joy in the room was infectious, and you found yourself smiling, watching the delightful scene unfold.
Meanwhile, you decided to take a moment for yourself and wandered into the kitchen. You poured a glass of water and savored a few quiet minutes.
The soothing hum of the refrigerator and the occasional clink of the glass were calming. Just as you were about to finish your drink, you felt a familiar and comforting sensation: arms wrapping around your waist from behind.
You smiled, leaning back into the embrace. Alexia’s warmth surrounded you, and you felt an immediate sense of peace. She planted a tender kiss on your forehead, her lips lingering slightly as she embraced you.
Turning in her arms, you looked up into her eyes and reached for her lips. You shared a soft, lingering kiss, the world outside seeming to fade away as you lost yourselves in the intimacy of the moment.
“Did you catch that amazing goal I scored today?” Alexia asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
“I did,” you replied, your smile widening. “It was incredible!”
Alexia’s cheeks flushed with pleasure. “Good,” she said with a mischievous grin. “I scored it just for you.”
You teased her playfully, “Do you use that line on every women you want in your bed?”
Alexia’s smile softened, and she shook her head gently. “Only one,” she said, her voice tender. She then rubbed her nose against yours before pressing her lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
As the kiss deepened, Alexia hummed softly and whispered against your lips, “You look so stunning in my jersey. But I bet you’d look even more amazing without it.” Her voice was filled with warmth and affection, making your heart race with excitement.
You laughed, enjoying the playful exchange. “Maybe one day you’ll get to see,” you said, your tone light and teasing.
Alexia’s arms tightened around you, and she beamed with satisfaction. “Can you believe you went from ‘in your dreams’ to ‘maybe’?” she said triumphantly, her eyes dancing with joy.
You laughed and leaned in for another kiss, this one more passionate, as the joy of the moment enveloped you both. The kiss was filled with the depth of your feelings, and you both savored the connection.
Just then, a small voice broke through with an emphatic “Ewwww!” You pulled away abruptly, eyes wide with surprise, and turned to see Mia standing there with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Mommy, why are you kissing Alexia?” Mia asked, her brows furrowed. You glanced at Alexia for guidance, but she looked just as taken aback.
“You can’t kiss her! She has a girlfriend,” Mia declared, her little face serious. You were amazed at how much she remembered and understood.
“Um… I…” you began, struggling to find the right words.
Sensing the need for clarity, Alexia walked over to Mia and gently knelt in front of her, her eyes filled with sincerity. She gestured for you to join them, which you did, feeling a mix of anxiety and affection.
“Mia, sweetheart,” Alexia began softly, her voice tender and earnest, “I kissed your mommy because I really, really like her. I care about her a lot, and that’s why I kissed her.”
Mia looked at Alexia, her confusion slowly giving way to understanding. “But what about the girl at the store? You were holding hands with her?” Mia asked, her little face full of questions.
You interrupted . “um…that girl was just a friend of Alexia, honey. Sometimes friends hold hands too, just like you might hold hands with your friends.”
Mia seemed to accept this explanation, her face lighting up with a new understanding. “Oh,” she said, her tone softer. “But are you in love with my mommy? Is that why you kissed her?”
Before you could respond, Alexia took a deep breath and looked at Mia with heartfelt sincerity. “Yes, Mia, I am in love with your mommy. Very, very much,” she said, her voice filled with emotion.
“I hope that’s okay with you because it means I’ll be spending a lot of time with you too, if your mommy wants that.”
You looked at Alexia with surprise and admiration, deeply touched by her openness and the depth of her feelings.
Mia’s face lit up with joy, and she threw her arms around both you and Alexia in a warm, enthusiastic hug. “Yes, you can be in love with my mommy! I want to spend all my time with you and Nala! You’re my bestest friends!” she exclaimed, her happiness evident. She then ran back to Nala, eager to continue their playtime.
As you and Alexia stood up, you looked at her with a mixture of wonder and love. “So, you’re really in love with me?” you asked, your voice trembling with emotion.
“I am, more than I ever thought possible,” Alexia said, her eyes shimmering with sincerity. “I finally figured out what was that feeling in my stomach… You make me so incredibly happy. When I’m with you, nothing else seems to matter.”
Feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, you kissed her deeply, the connection between you both palpable. The kiss was a reflection of your deep feelings, filled with passion and tenderness.
“I’m in love with you too,” you whispered against her lips, your voice filled with heartfelt truth. Alexia’s eyes brightened with joy as she picked you up and spun you around in a joyful embrace.
“Is it official? Are we together?” she asked, her voice filled with hopeful anticipation.
“Yes, we are,” you replied with a beaming smile. You covered her face with affectionate kisses, and she laughed, her joy radiating from her.
“I’m happier than I’ve ever been,” Alexia said, her voice glowing with happiness as she held you close. The world around you felt perfectly right, enveloped in the warmth and love you shared.
“Hola, guapa!” Alexia greeted with a bright smile as she entered the shop, leaning in for a quick but tender kiss.
“Hola, Carmen!” she added, turning to Carmen with a warm hug. Carmen reciprocated the hug with equal affection, clearly delighted by the visit.
You and Alexia have been together for six months, and these months have been the most fulfilling of your life. Alexia has been the perfect partner, balancing her caring nature with her playful teasing and occasional cheeky jokes. Despite her antics, you wouldn’t change a thing about her.
“I’m heading to training, but I just had to drop by to see your gorgeous face and hear your lovely voice,” Alexia said, her tone flirtatious and full of affection.
“You’re really inflating my ego today,” you laughed, enjoying the compliment.
Alexia’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “Do you want to go on a date tonight? Alba can come by your apartment to look after Mia. I’ve already asked her, and she’s more than happy to,” she proposed.
In the past six months, you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Alba and Eli, Alexia’s mom, both of whom have been incredibly warm and welcoming towards you.
They were also quite surprised, because you were apparently first woman Alexia had ever brought home to meet them.
“I’d love that,” you replied, a smile spreading across your face. You leaned over the counter, and Alexia promptly met you with a sweet kiss.
“See you tonight, mi amor,” Alexia said as she pulled away, giving you a flirtatious wink before heading out the door.
Carmen looked at you with a knowing smile. “Looks like someone’s in for a special night,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Please, don’t ” you replied, trying to maintain your composure as you got back to work.
That evening, Alexia picked you up and took you to a charming restaurant that you had been wanting to try.
As you arrived, she held the door open for you with a courteous smile, and you both were shown to a cozy table by a window with a view of the city lights.
“I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” Alexia said as you sat down, her eyes shining with excitement. She reached across the table, taking your hand in hers.
“So have I,” you replied, squeezing her hand gently. “It’s been such a perfect day already.”
Alexia’s smile widened as she perused the menu. “What are you in the mood for tonight? I’m thinking we should share some tapas and then maybe have that dessert we’ve been eyeing.”
“That sounds wonderful,” you agreed. “I’m craving the croquetas and the patatas bravas.”
As you waited for your food, you both talked about everything from the latest football news to funny anecdotes from your week.
Alexia updated you on her training sessions and some of the amusing moments from practice, her laughter filling the air and making you smile.
“So, I scored this amazing goal today,” Alexia said with a proud grin. “You should’ve seen the way the ball curved into the top corner. I’m still buzzing from it.”
“You were incredible,” you said, your eyes sparkling with admiration. “I was watching on the live stream, and I had to rewind it a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t imagining it!”
As the evening continued, the food arrived, and you both enjoyed sharing plates of delicious tapas. The conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing.
When dessert came, you both indulged in a decadent chocolate mousse, feeding each other bites and exchanging playful banter.
By the time the check arrived, you both felt completely content. Alexia walked you to the car, her hand intertwined with yours. As she drove, she glanced over at you with a soft smile.
“I’ve had such a great time tonight,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “Being with you always feels like a perfect escape from everything else.”
“Me too,” you replied, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “Every moment with you is just… right.”
Alexia parked the car back at your place, and as you both walked to your door, you turned to her with a tender expression.
“You’re staying the night, right?” you asked, your voice filled with a mix of eagerness and affection.
“Of course,” Alexia responded with a playful grin, leaning in to give you a soft, lingering kiss. She then gave you a light pat on the butt, making you both laugh softly.
Once inside your apartment, you moved quietly to avoid disturbing Mia, who was soundly asleep in her room. You thanked Alba for taking care of her, chatting briefly about the night’s events and exchanging warm goodbyes before she left.
After changing into more relaxed attire, you and Alexia headed to the bedroom. The room was softly lit, casting a warm glow over everything.
You and Alexia were making out in your bed and as Alexia’s kisses grew more insistent and heated, the atmosphere between you became electric. You felt a surge of confidence and gently pulled away, your heart racing.
You removed your shirt slowly, letting it fall to the floor, and then slipped off your shorts, leaving yourself completely naked. Straddling Alexia, you could feel her eyes on you, her admiration evident in the way she looked at you.
“Dame un pellizco.”Alexia said suddenly, her voice tinged with disbelief. Her eyes were fixed on your chest, not meeting yours. “I need to make sure this isn’t a dream.” (Pinch me)
You raised an eyebrow, both amused and touched. “What?”
“You always said this would only happen in my dreams,” she explained, her gaze still locked on your chest. “I need to be sure it’s real.”
You chuckled softly, guiding her hands to your breasts. “Does this feel real enough?” you asked, and she responded by gently squeezing, causing you to let out a soft moan.
“So real,” she murmured, her voice filled with awe. With a loving smile, she wrapped an arm around your waist and shifted your position so that you were lying on your back, with her on top of you. Her kisses traveled from your neck to your collarbone, each touch tender and full of longing.
“I can’t wait to finally have you,” she whispered against your skin, her lips moving to your chest. Her kisses were warm and tender, sending shivers of pleasure through you.
You moaned softly, lost in the sensation of her touch.
After finishing, you both lay there, panting and completely naked. You rested on top of Alexia, savoring the moment as her fingers traced soft, calming patterns on your back.
“How was it?” she asked softly, her voice a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction.
You lifted your head from her chest, meeting her gaze. With a tender smile, you kissed her lips gently. “Incredible,” you whispered, placing another light kiss on her lips.
“I did it,” Alexia said with a playful grin, her eyes twinkling with triumph. “I told you I’d never give up. I promised you that one day you’d be naked in my bed,” she said, smirking proudly.
You arched an eyebrow, a mischievous smile on your face. “Well, technically, you haven’t fully achieved that yet, since this is my bed,” you teased.
Alexia chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “It’s only a matter of time before we’re doing this in my bed,” she said, her grin widening. “And on my kitchen table, the counter, in my bathroom… I’ll make sure we make love in every room and piece of furniture in my apartment” she added with a sultry smirk.
“Hmmm, that sounds like quite the adventure,” you replied with a playful tone. “But for now, let’s head to the shower and get dressed. I have a feeling tomorrow morning will involve a tiny person bouncing on us,” you said, getting up and stretching.
Alexia groaned but grinned as she started to get up. “You’re probably right,” she said, her voice a mix of amusement and resignation.
As you both moved toward the shower, the warmth and intimacy of the evening lingered, promising more moments of closeness and affection to come.
The next morning, you awoke to the gentle sensation of a hand softly caressing your cheek.
“Hola,” Alexia whispered tenderly, and you instinctively moved closer, savoring her warmth. “Hola,” you murmured back, leaning in for a quick, loving peck on her lips.
“Mmm, I could really get used to waking up next to you every day,” she said softly, closing her eyes as a contented sigh escaped her lips. You traced your fingers through her hair, feeling a deep sense of peace.
“Me too,” you agreed, your heart swelling with happiness. Alexia then wrapped her arms around you, pulling you on top of her. Her gaze was filled with tenderness as she said, “Te amo.”
The words caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were speechless. It was the first time Alexia had ever said those words to you.
After a few seconds of letting the moment sink in, you responded with equal fervor, “I love you too, so much.” You kissed her deeply, the passion of the moment outweighing any thoughts of morning breath.
As you pulled away, Alexia’s eyes sparkled with affection. “Ay! By the way, I was thinking, you never finished that story you started at the store and then at the date. I’m dying to know how it ended!” she said with a playful pout. You chuckled at her eagerness.
“Oh, right! So what happened next is that Mia and I…” you began, but before you could finish, the bedroom door swung open with a burst of excitement. Alexia groaned in mock frustration, clearly disappointed at the interruption.
“Mommy! Ale!” Mia exclaimed, her tiny feet pattering as she clambered onto the bed with your help.
“Good morning, my little sunshine,” you greeted, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“Morning, nena,” Alexia said warmly, planting a kiss on Mia’s cheek as well. Mia giggled, clearly delighted by the affection.
“I’m hungry!” Mia declared, patting her stomach with a dramatic flourish.
“Ooh, the little monster is hungry!” Alexia said with a grin, sitting up and playfully nudging Mia. You slid off her, and Alexia began to tickle Mia, who erupted in infectious laughter.
As you watched the two of them, a deep sense of contentment enveloped you. Here you were, in Barcelona, living a life filled with love and joy.
You felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and fulfillment, knowing that you had finally found the happy ending you’d always dreamed of… even if it was with a former womanizer.
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telefonodeairlines · 11 months
Número de teléfono de Flair Airlines México: Cómo llamar
Flair Airlines es una aerolínea de bajo costo con sede en Canadá. Ofrece vuelos a destinos en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. Si tienes un vuelo con Flair Airlines a México, es posible que necesites contactar con la aerolínea por teléfono. En este blog post, te explicaremos cómo hacerlo.
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Llame al Servicio de atención al cliente de United Airlines
Si tienes alguna duda sobre tus boletos de avión o tu cuenta de United Airlines, lo mejor que puedes hacer es llamar a su línea de atención al cliente. Siempre están felices de ayudarte.
Programa Mileage Plus de United Airlines para ahorros instantáneos
Si está planeando un viaje, es posible que desee considerar el programa United MileagePlus. Como la aerolínea regular más grande de EE. UU., ofrece una extensa red que incluye más de cuatrocientos vuelos por día a más de 350 destinos. El programa también le permite ganar millas con otros socios. Para calificar para el programa MileagePlus, debe registrarse para obtener una cuenta. Una vez que haya completado esto, puede comenzar a ganar millas en sus vuelos. También podrás recibir ofertas y promociones especiales.
Además de ganar millas de MileagePlus, también puede ganar créditos que califican para Premier (PQP). Los PQP se emiten en las compras de tarifas base. Estos premios están disponibles para vuelos operados por United y en ciertas aerolíneas asociadas. Los niveles de estatus Premier se basan en la cantidad de millas MileagePlus que acumule. Hay cuatro niveles diferentes de Premier: Básico, Plata, Oro y Platino.
Active la notificación del estado de su vuelo de United Airlines
Si vuela en United Airlines, es posible que haya oído hablar de su servicio de mensajes de texto. Este servicio le permite recibir actualizaciones de vuelos y recordatorios de check-in a través de mensajes de texto. Estos mensajes se entregan a través de proveedores de redes móviles de terceros. Sin embargo, el servicio no está disponible en todos los países y existen algunas restricciones. Puede ponerse en contacto con el Número de teléfono de United Airlines para obtener más información.
Además de los mensajes de texto, la aerolínea ofrece una aplicación móvil para proporcionar información de vuelo aún más actualizada. La aerolínea también pone a disposición de sus clientes un sistema de entretenimiento a bordo. Además, United es miembro fundador de Star Alliance. Con la alianza, podrás disfrutar de una franquicia de equipaje de cortesía. Además, puede ver programas de televisión y películas en el aire en los monitores de los respaldos de los asientos. Si bien hay muchas maneras de mantenerse actualizado sobre su vuelo, una llamada telefónica o un mensaje de texto pueden ser las más rápidas. Dependiendo de la compañía, es posible que deba pagar por el privilegio.
¿Cómo Llamar al Número de teléfono de United Airlines para obtener un reembolso?
Si planea viajar con United Airlines, es importante conocer la política de reembolso de la aerolínea. Los términos y condiciones varían según la región. También puede consultar el sitio web oficial de la aerolínea para obtener más información o ponerse en contacto con el número de teléfono o el servicio de atención al cliente de United Airlines.
Por ejemplo, puede ser elegible para obtener un reembolso si no puede completar su viaje o su vuelo se retrasa. Según el precio del boleto y el tipo de vuelo, la aerolínea puede otorgarle un reembolso total o parcial. Además, el transportista prorrateará cualquier reembolso que pueda recibir. Debe tener en cuenta que la aerolínea no emite reembolsos por boletos que se compraron con un certificado electrónico. Del mismo modo, debe tener en cuenta que United no reembolsa boletos grupales. Además, también puedes realizar cancelaciones o modificar tu reserva en un plazo de 24 horas.
Ahorre más en reservas de grupo: llame al número de teléfono de United Airlines
Si desea viajar con un grupo de diez o más personas, es fácil hacerlo con United Airlines. Tendrá la oportunidad de aprovechar descuentos en pasajes aéreos, así como otras ventajas. Por ejemplo, tendrá acceso a check-in y embarque prioritarios, lo que garantizará que esté en camino tan pronto como llegue. Y si viaja con un veterano militar, incluso puede obtener un 5% de descuento en sus tarifas. Para reservar un vuelo grupal con United Airlines, deberá comunicarse directamente con la aerolínea. Le informarán cómo puede encontrar un coordinador de grupo dedicado en ciertos aeropuertos. Además, deberá completar algunos detalles en el sitio web oficial. Esto incluye la fecha del viaje y el número de pasajeros en su grupo. Una vez que haya completado el formulario, tendrá la oportunidad de realizar un pago.
¡Reserve Vuelos Baratos con United Airlines hoy mismo!
Si está planeando un vuelo con United Airlines, debe asegurarse de estar preparado para algunas de sus mejoras de seguridad más notables. Desde nuevas técnicas de limpieza hasta lo último en filtración de aire, han estado trabajando arduamente para que su viaje sea placentero. De hecho, algunas de estas nuevas funciones solo están disponibles en determinados vuelos. Entonces, antes de ir, puede consultar la lista a continuación para ver qué vuelos son elegibles para estas mejoras. Además, no olvide recoger una tarjeta de crédito de United para ahorrar en las tarifas de equipaje de la aerolínea. A medida que las aerolíneas continúen mejorando sus servicios, agregarán más funciones en los próximos años. Para obtener más información, puede llamar a su oficina local de United hoy. También puedes visitarlos en línea.
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llameadeltaairlines · 2 years
Cómo Llamar a Delta Airlines desde México
Puede que tenga curiosidad acerca de cómo Llamar a Delta Airlines desde México. ¿Quieres saber cómo contactar con la aerolínea para realizar tu reserva? ¿O está interesado en consultar el horario de vuelos? Si es así, usted ha venido al lugar correcto. Una de las aerolíneas más antiguas del mundo, Delta Airlines, opera más de 200 vuelos regulares y chárter entre la Ciudad de México y Estados Unidos. La aerolínea cuenta con una flota elegante y esbelta y una plétora de comodidades, desde primera clase hasta económica. A saber, la aerolínea tiene un departamento de servicio al cliente galardonado.
Sin mencionar su centro más grande, el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson de Atlanta. A pesar de los beneficios antes mencionados, la aerolínea tiene una fuerte política de equipaje. Dado que el centro antes mencionado es uno de los aeropuertos más exclusivos del mundo, la empresa tiene que atender a una clientela más exigente. Por lo tanto, no es de extrañar que sus pasajeros tengan que estar asombrados. Además de los sospechosos habituales, la aerolínea tiene un programa de beneficios para empleados galardonado y una reputación bien ganada de cortesía y respeto.
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de Comunicarse con Delta Airlines?
Delta Airlines se ha expandido a México con varias rutas nuevas sin escalas. A partir de diciembre, Delta ofrecerá 41 vuelos semanales entre la Ciudad de México y cuatro puntos de entrada principales en los EE. UU. La aerolínea también planea introducir una nueva ruta sin escalas entre la Ciudad de México y Salt Lake City, Utah. Para ayudar a que los viajeros despeguen, Delta ofrece una tarifa introductoria de $149 por trayecto desde Memphis a la Ciudad de México. Además, la aerolínea ofrecerá tarifas con descuento en sus otros destinos internacionales.
Además de los vuelos nacionales habituales de Delta a Orlando, el Aeropuerto Internacional de Orlando, Tampa, Boston y Nueva York-JFK, la aerolínea agregará varias rutas nuevas. Esto incluye servicio a tres destinos centroamericanos. También es la primera vez que la aerolínea operará en la capital mexicana y agregará un segundo vuelo semanal a la Ciudad de México.
Cómo Llamar al Número de teléfono de Delta Airlines al instante
Número de teléfono de Delta Airlines desde la Ciudad de México: Delta Air Lines es una de las aerolíneas estadounidenses más grandes que sirve a casi 50 países y más de 300 destinos. Actualmente, la aerolínea tiene nueve destinos sin escalas en México y planea expandir su servicio a más de 20 para marzo de 2007. La aerolínea también brinda servicios de larga distancia a Boston, Orlando, Tampa y Nueva York-JFK. Además, Delta opera su puerta de enlace de la costa oeste en Atlanta. También ha ampliado su presencia en Los Ángeles.
Delta ha anunciado 16 nuevas rutas desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles. Estos incluyen servicio a Guadalajara, Jalisco; Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo; Mazatlán, México; y Puerto Vallarta, México.
Delta también continúa con su expansión histórica entre Los Ángeles y México. Durante diciembre, la aerolínea ofrecerá más de 50 destinos internacionales, entre ellos Santiago, República Dominicana; Pointe a Pitre, Guadalupe; Bonaire; y más.
¿Puedo Llamar al Número de teléfono de Delta Airlines desde México?
Si está planeando un viaje a la Ciudad de México, es posible que desee Llamar al Número de Teléfono de Delta Airlines. La aerolínea ofrece vuelos comerciales regulares desde la ciudad a varias ciudades de EE. UU. y otros países del mundo. Para comunicarse con la oficina, puede llamar al número que figura a continuación.
Delta Airlines tiene un horario de vuelos comerciales desde México a las principales ciudades de los Estados Unidos. Opera una extensa red de más de 300 destinos en 50 países. Como compañía aérea internacional, Delta Air Lines ofrece vuelos programados desde la ciudad a las principales ciudades de los Estados Unidos, América Latina y el Caribe.
La compañía es una aerolínea estadounidense que ha estado sirviendo a más de 200 millones de personas cada año. Delta Air Lines opera una red global líder en la industria. Esto incluye su centro más grande en el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson de Atlanta. Además, genera retornos para los accionistas líderes en la industria e invierte miles de millones de dólares en mejorar la experiencia de los viajes aéreos.
Póngase en contacto con Delta Airlines para conocer las políticas y actualizaciones de vuelos
Si planea visitar México, puede llamar a Delta Airlines desde México para programar su vuelo. La aerolínea ofrece vuelos desde las principales ciudades de los Estados Unidos a México. Puedes encontrar más información sobre esta aerolínea en su página web. Además de los vuelos, la aerolínea también ofrece servicios de equipaje. Esta empresa ofrece cargos por exceso de peso, facturado y equipaje de mano. Hay un Agente General de Ventas en la oficina de Delta Air Lines en la Ciudad de México que puede ayudarlo con sus necesidades de ventas y marketing. La oficina está abierta los días de semana de 7:00 am a 6:00 pm. Está cerrado los fines de semana y festivos. Si buscas más información sobre la aerolínea, puedes publicar tus consultas en la sección de comentarios. Después de que se publiquen los comentarios, un agente de servicio al cliente responderá a sus preguntas.
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ellector · 2 years
Ver datos IMEI de nuestro teléfono
Ver datos IMEI de nuestro teléfono
#31# *#06# *#*#4636#*#* *#*#7780#*# *#*#8351#*#* Códigos secretos de nuestro Android #31# Escribir este código antes del teléfono al que queremos llamar, de esta manera el que recibe la llamada no ve el número de la persona que lo está llamando *#06# Si marcamos estos números y símbolos veremos la información IMEI de nuestro teléfono *#*#4636#*#* Marcando estos símbolos y números, el…
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