#naga is the only one who married high blood
aethon-recs · 1 year
Hi! First I wanted to say: Thank you for all your hard work these these fic recommendations <3 There has been many I did not know of till you have shared them! So thank you so much!
Okay for the ask: Do you have any recommendations for creature fics for the tomarrymort boys? It can feature either or both of them being non-human. Thank you again for all your hard work, and I love seeing you on my dash!
Hi anon — thanks for your kind words. I’m really glad to hear there were a lot of fics rec'ed that you haven’t come across yet, that totally made my week!
In terms of creature fic recs, there’s quite a good number of them, so I will separate by category and will try to keep the descriptions short. Enjoy!
Tomarrymort Recs – Creature Fics 
🐍 Naga / Snake
A Rather Useless Inheritance by Blood_Stained_Fingers (T, 28k, complete)
Harry comes into his Parseltongue inheritance. It’s rather less useful than he expected.
Renanthera by @zarasu (E, 6k, complete)
To brew a potion that could give someone the ability to talk to snakes, Harry would first need to find a bit of Basilisk blood. He stumbles on a powerful Naga instead.
Venom by @katsitting (M, 9k, complete)
Naga Voldemort lures Harry into her trap and has her way with him.
Venomous by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 4k, complete)
Sirius Black should know better than to set a Naga loose in a room full of people. Harry is the only one who happens to survive the Naga’s murder spree.
Viceroy by @vestiges-of-light (E, 7k, complete)
Harry will marry Voldemort to end the war. Harry also takes a potion that turns him into a Naga every night. This is hardly a problem for Voldemort.
worship at your altar by anon (E, 3k, complete)
Harry finds himself drawn to an old altar in the woods dedicated to the ancient Naga god Voldemort.
🩸 Vampire 
Blood in the wine by @girl-with-goats (E, 31k, complete)
Tom Riddle achieves immortality by the means of vampirism. Enter young copper Harry Potter, fresh recruit from Scotland Yard, sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all the young men who uncannily look like him.
chiaroscuro by @cindle-writes (E, 7k, complete)
Immortal children are illegal. Harry makes one anyway.
effervescent by @duplicitywrites (M, 5k, WIP)
Sometimes a relationship is you (ie, Voldemort), the vampire brat you made (Tom), and his human blood bag boyfriend (Harry).
Family Dynamics by RenderedReversed (T, 1k, complete)
In which Harry is a dragon for hire, Voldemort is a vampire who is probably plotting world domination, Tom is a vampire hunter with a one-track mind, and they all live under the same roof.
found you sleeping in my coffin by @orangemoustache (M, 6k, complete)
Harry gets turned into a vampire. For better or worse, Tom is there to help.
Hinnom by rightonthelimit (E, 7k, complete)
Harry is a member of an ancient vampire Pureblood family. To be even seen with a Spawn is punished with death. But he can’t help falling in love with Tom.
Hypnotic Kind of Dance by @acciotomriddle (E, 2k, complete)
In a club where humans willingly offer themselves to vampires in exchange for the high that comes from a bite, Harry meets an incredibly charming vampire named Tom.
Matriphagy by @being-luminous  (M, 2k, complete)
For years now, Lord Voldemort has hunted Harry and his parents. First because of a prophecy, then… Then, for something else. 
Not a Single Bite by @vdoshu (M, 2k, complete)
They’ve been at the restaurant for an hour and a half, but Harry hasn’t eaten a single bite. Tom is beginning to think that maybe their date isn’t going so well.
Scent of Death by @dividawrites (E, 3k, complete)
Voldemort discovers a new, submissive side of himself when he feels Harry's teeth on his neck.
the little death by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (E, 2k, complete)
"You brought a vampire into my study?" Voldemort asks, more tired than offended. 
The Resurrectionist by @bluesundaycake (E, 12k, complete)
Tom (vampire) runs a nighttime coffee shop, and Harry (sleep-deprived human) is a regular customer and Tom thinks he is a vampire.
🧜‍♀️ Mermaid / Siren 
Call of the Deep by @hikarimeroperiddle (E, 17k, complete)
Harry is a captain of a pirate crew. A dangerous siren that lurks in the deep seems to have set its eyes on Harry himself.
liquid luck by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (E, 12k, complete)
Harry is a mermaid who happens upon sea monster Voldemort, who has nefarious plans for her.
Siren Song by The_Fictionist (NR, 11k, complete)
Tom is a siren. He offers Harry a deal. "I'll help you out, and you get ten years to live on the surface. Then you're mine."
Undertow by @katsitting (M, 10k, complete)
Harry is a pirate. Voldemort is a siren that lures him in. “Harry. Come to me.”
we may sink and settle on the waves by @greenbriars (M, 22k, complete)
A retelling of The Little Mermaid, wherein Harry is Prince Eric, and Tom vies with Ginny for Harry’s affection.
🐺 Werewolf
the first full moon (part 1) / midnight snack (part 2) by @greenbriars (E, 4k, complete)
It's Harry's first full moon since he started dating a vampire.
🌟 Veela
Love at First Sight by @dividawrites (E, 5k, complete)
Voldemort rises from the cauldron with two dicks and a newfound Veela inheritance. Harry is mesmerized.
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sennokami · 6 years
* the uchiha clan & avoiding the hapsburg chin.
“The Uchiha Clan is at least five centuries old. Perhaps even older. Record-keeping is, unfortunately, a thankless task that often only gives up its rewards long after one has passed. But our blood is an old one, dating back to the emergence of chakra and ninshu.”
- Uchiha Kyoko, Blood Keeper, Year 3 of the 6th Century.
The Uchiha clan divides its members by five main bloodlines (there was a sixth, but unfortunately, that line went extinct in the 3rd Century after feuding within the clan). Some say that these bloodlines can be traced back to the original sons of Indra, but that’s just pure conjecture. In order of prestige, the lines are:
- Naga (1st son of Indra, married Princess Oto-hime) - Arashi (2nd son of Indra, married Uzume) - Taira (3rd son of Indra, married unknown) - Yume (4th son of Indra, married unknown) - Sena (5th son of Indra, married Hisame) - Hijin (6th son of Indra, married unknown)
In an official capacity, these names mean nothing. But when it comes to breeding, they mean everything. It’s the main way to trace broad tracts of who relates to who and, subsequently, who can marry who.
The matter is both simple and complex. The broad strokes of it is that bloodline clans need to walk the tightrope balance of just enough blood purity to maintain their kekkai genkai, while strenuously avoiding in-breeding.
“Third eyes, horn protrusions, albinism, and mutations in the chakra are one of the many defects an Uchiha child can be born with if his or her parents are too closely related. There was the highest spike of this in the latter half of the 2nd Century, likely due to a poor understanding of genetics and dwindling clan numbers. In those barbaric times, such abominations were given to the hunting dogs. Now, we only drown them.”
- Uchiha Hitomi, Blood Keeper, Year 89 of the 4th Century
Oftentimes, children are given different categories of cousins. There are the cousins who are close, and therefore may only be one’s friends, and the cousins who are far, who are eligible marriage prospects. The tradition is ‘seven generation split’, where one’s blood is removed by seven different generations from another Uchiha (rendering them safe to marry). Of course, some people risk it and marry closer than they should, but everyone else’s caution ensures that defective offspring are minimal.
(And they’ve stopped drowning them. Euthanasia is kinder.)
Uchiha Madara’s birth is considered rather ‘low’ in the clan (Sena’s line, his great-great-great grandfather was a bastard adopted into the clan, born by a runaway). Again, its ultimately unimportant compared to his personal merit, but it’s also not uncommon to point to one’s place on the blood hierarchy and posit conclusions from it.
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beskarberry · 3 years
Snakes and Ladders
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(Naga!Oberyn Martell xf!Reader)[+18]
“Were you expecting someone else, little mouse?” He purred sweetly, leaning his weight on the closest pillow, which surprisingly didn't squish under his weight. "Come closer, I will not bite you. Unless you ask me to."
Summary: Arranged marriages are common in Westeros, and an exceptional way for minor Houses to forge alliances with their neighbors, but as the last unwed daughter of House Blackhaven you're left with the political tablescraps: Dorne. Are the horror stories about the Red Viper just fable, or are they more terrifying than you ever could have imagined?
Rating: Explicit baby you know it
Word count: 7.5k
Content warnings: Blatant disregard for GoT canon. Monsterfucking with a snake man, arranged marriage scenario, predator/prey dynamics, oral m and f receiving, 69, monster cocks/double cocks (hemipenises) double penetration, breath play. architecture porn uhh some other stuff just sprinkled in like praise, biting, breeding sorta? vore if you really squint.
A/N: Toot toot! All aboard the Monsterfucking train! Midnight bound for Lel's Monsterfuckin' Emporium!! Conquer your Ophidiophobia while Prince Oberyn conquers you!
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Sea salt.
That was the first thing you smelled from inside the carriage that you’d been living out of for the last week that wasn’t desert wind or horse dung. It’d been an agonizing journey from your home in Blackhaven, first the rugged steppes of the Princes’ Pass, to the infinitely undulating dunes of the Dornish desert; but after days of travel you were finally nearing your goal.
Sunspear, the capital of Dorne, couldn’t be more than a few more hours east if the ocean was already reaching you, and though you were excited to finally see the beautiful city, you were also terrified of what lay at its heart.
The monster you were to be wed to.
You’d never even met Prince Oberyn, but you’d heard the stories. Everyone had. They called him the Red Viper. He was ferocious, they said, his silver tongue coated with venom that he spat at any who displeased him. They said he was just as sly and ill-tempered as the beast he was named for, but worst of all, they said he was a beast!
A monster, born from the unholy union between a man and a dragon, his heart as cold as his blood. You'd heard that his skin was covered in horrible, slimy scales, and that his teeth were long and jagged. Someone even said he might have a tail. His hideous, malformed body was why he stayed hidden in the wasteland city.
The thought of being his wife made you sick to your stomach, but it wasn’t like you had any say in the matter. You were the third daughter of the lord of Blackhaven, the last to be wed, and your father had deemed you to be the olive branch bridging the gap between your hometown and Sunspear. Your eldest sister had gone to Highgarden, and the middle one had crossed the great sea to Storm’s End, leaving you with Sunspear.
Your father didn’t care that you didn’t want to marry, especially to such a loathsome creature as Oberyn, but he wouldn’t hear a word of it. To him you were nothing more than a pawn on his political chess board, another bargaining chip in the game of thrones.
When the rumble under the carriage changed from dirt road to cobblestone, you pushed your face against the ‘window’ –a carved wooden cross hatching to keep a lady from getting too much sun, though from inside the carriage it looked more like prison bars to you. From your poor vantgage you could see the sprawling desert, russet and ochre sands baked golden in the high sun. Farther away there were palm trees growing up near a river that drained into the sea, strategically placing Sunspear on a fertile valley. The city was well known for its citrus fruits, lemons, oranges, grapefruits, but you’d never had a fresh one. The only way they could reach Blackhaven was if they were dried, and fruit jerky just isn’t the same.
Hopefully your new husband would allow you to eat them.
A shadow passing overhead distracted you momentarily – the archway into the city. Immediately there was a change in the air, the tangy aroma of orange and clove, the sound of people in the market square, palm fronds whispering secrets to each other with the wind. The townsfolk paid no mind to your carriage, but you couldn’t take your eyes off them.
They were beautiful, in every sense of the word. They wore brightly colored clothes of ruby reds and orchid purples decorated with bits of gold and turquoise, their kaleidoscopic attire bringing out their very best feature: their smiles.
The people of Sunspear looked… happy! Big smiles, wide gestures, groups of families coming together in the market. Merchant stalls went past you as your carriage continued down the lane, selling all manner of exotic merchandise; well, exotic to you.
Fruits you’d never seen heaped out of gilded crates next to impossibly-high towers of spices. Silk scarves and dresses billowed in the brilliant sunlight, glittering with interwoven filaments of silver and gold. Chirping caught your ear from the other side of your transport, and you nearly jumped across the carriage to look out the other window. Cages of strange animals, with fur and feathers and scales galore, made all kinds of racket as you passed by. The merchant held up a sapphire blue snake for you to see that was so pretty you wanted to reach out and touch it, but the bars of your own cage kept you from doing so.
Could this gorgeous city really have a monster for a prince?
The market passed and gave way to a beautiful courtyard lined with sandstone arches and colorful fruit trees. Marble pathways decorated with colossal urns and delicate floral arrangements cast shadows on your carriage they were so tall. In the center of the green was a three tiered fountain bubbling joyously as water sprayed from its serpent-shaped spouts.
From above you the carriage driver called the horses to a halt, and your heart tried to lurch right out your throat, but maybe from the sudden reality of the situation more than the sudden stop.
It was time to meet your husband.
You wished you were more presentable, the journey having done a number on your clothes and hair. A bath would be nice, but if prince Oberyn really was the monster everyone claimed him to be then maybe he wouldn't mind if you smelled a bit like horse. You stood up in the carriage, trying not to bump your head, and smoothed out your clothes as best you could, adding a spritz of perfume and one of your family brooches to your dress for good measure.
When the door opened you were nearly blinded by the Dornish sun, much brighter here than in your neighboring fiefdom. A sturdy hand reached to grab you, and the spike in adrenaline – plus standing up too fast – nearly had you falling out of the cart. Could this be him?
"Easy there, young lady." Came the familiar voice of the carriage driver. Nope, not him. "Ya nearly toppled! Are ya alright?"
"Fine, thank you." You let him help you down from the carriage, thanking him several more times for the ride here. He was quickly overrun by Dornish teamsters, the palace staff making fast work of your luggage. After them came the handmaidens, and you couldn't help but gasp.
They were beautiful, though apparently so was everything else in the city, so really you shouldn't be surprised. They wore dresses of the finest lavender silk, and gently-fitted collars made of golden filigree bearing the sigil of House Martell: a serpent coiled around a spear passing through the heart of a sun. It matched the coiling snake arm bands they wore quite nicely.
Smiling and perfectly moisturized, the gaggle of sweet ladies welcomed you with open arms like you were coming home, and in a sense, you were. Sunspear would be your home now, and if the city and the citizens were this wonderful, maybe having a monster of a husband wouldn't be so bad.
Speaking of which, you didn't see the king-to-be anywhere in the crowd of onlookers. Surely such a brute of a man would stick out, and truthfully why wasn't he greeting you at the door? He really must be hideous.
The wonderful maidens led you through the palace entryway and through the halls made of the same sandstone you'd seen when you'd come through the market; though these were infinitely more ornate. Carved with intricate geometric patterns, the walls towered high above you towards vaulted ceilings painted deep velvet blue and illustrated with gilded constellations. Lanterns with panes of stained glass hung from long, seemingly delicate chains, swinging gently in the warm summer breeze that passed easily through the wide open archways.
And this was just the front damn door.
Eventually you were brought to a small bath chamber, though its size did nothing to diminish its ornateness. It was just as regal as the rest of the halls you'd seen: a copper, clawfoot tub was the centerpiece here, crouching over hot coals like a dragon making its nest. Incense wafted lazily from censers in the corners, the clean white smoke drifting lovingly through the leaves of countless potted plants native to the Dornish desert.
A hot bath was exactly the thing you needed, but instead of leaving you to your own devices the handmaidens insisted on undressing and washing you. You'd never had anyone offer to wash you before, Blackhaven was too small and too poor for such frivelties, but they wouldn't take no – or the fact that you've been traveling for a week and stank of horse dung – for an answer.
Rose petals and orange slices floated temptingly on the water's surface, and that was just the start to your pampering. The ladies lovingly scrubbed you from your head to your feet, exfoliating away your travels like they'd never even happened. Your hair was washed, dried, brushed and done up pretty, and by the time you stepped – radiant and glowing – out of the bathtub, you finally felt like the royalty you were meant to be.
"Let's get you dressed, my lady." stated a handmaiden that had introduced herself as Yrell. "Prince Oberyn is very eager to meet you!"
oh shit right.
"Why haven't I seen the prince yet? And why haven't I seen any arrangements being made for the wedding?"
"The prince likes his guests to get a taste of Dornish culture before they meet him. It makes it… easier."
"So he is a monster, then?" You asked as two of the other maidens presented you with your clothes.
Wait, no those are definitely not yours.
A ruby red silk dress with gold inlay seemed to flow like wine in the maid's hands, so ethereal in its craftsmanship that it almost didn't look real. Certainly nothing even remotely like it had ever passed through the gates of Blackhaven.
Once again, gorgeous. Everything in Dorne was abso-fuckin-lutely gorgeous. And that's when it hit you.
It's a distraction.
The perfect promenade, the wonderful bazaar, the kindhearted handmaidens were all orchestrated to fill your eyes with stars so you couldn’t see the truth.
"Yrell… tell me the truth. I deserve to know! Is he really a monster?!"
"My lady," she whispered, eyes downcast. "With all due respect, you'll have to make that judgment for yourself like all the others."
"Others?! What others?!"
"I'm sorry, my lady, I don't mean to offend, but… you're not the first lady promised to the prince…"
Standing there, naked and dripping with your jaw on the floor, you waited with bated breath for her to explain herself. It was clear she was uncomfortable, but obviously this wasn't the first time she'd had this little chat.
"None of the other ladies have been able to… uh...stomach him."
You listened in horror as Yrell told you of four other ladies who had been betrothed to the prince while you were dressed to prepare to meet him. All four had found the prince so horrible and repulsive that they ran for the hills before the wedding could commence, preferring exile to a lifetime with him. The finery fit you like it had been made for no other, and though it should have made you feel like a goddess, it made you feel like you were being dressed for your own funeral.
The beauty of Sunspear seemed tarnished now, more so even than when you had been stuck in the carriage imagining all the insidious scenarios awaiting you before your wheels had even hit the sand. Now it was real, and really happing, and really really fucking awful. No amount of false grins or gilded treasures could change reality for you now.
“It’s alright, my lady,” soothed Yrell, trying her best to be comforting. “Perhaps you won’t mind him so much.”
She patted you gently on the shoulder, avoiding your wet, glistening eyes that threatened to spill at any moment. The door to the prince’s chambers was heavier than the few others you had seen in the wide open palace. Imported oak bound in iron, decorated with shields bearing the mark of the Martells, it could easily be mistaken for the entry to the dungeon.
Maybe it was.
The door creaked ominously as it swung open, spilling firelight across the mosaic tile floor. Torches crackled in sconces on the wall, snapping and biting at you as if the prince would let them eat you before he got the chance. Wide stairs vanished into the dark, and for a moment you contemplated tripping yourself down them rather than face the beast in the cellar.
Slowly you descended into the void, the velvet slippers you’d been given making almost no noise. Your dress trailed behind you, pouring like blood in your wake. At least if you died today, you would die beautiful.
As you neared the bottom of the stairwell, you caught the first glimpse of the princes’ chambers, causing you to pause a moment. Just like the rest of the city, the palace, the everything, this room was ornately decorated, though it was much bigger than any other you had seen.
The ceiling towered so far above you that it was partially obscured by the billowing incense smoke as if it had its very own weather system. Light filtered down through the haze from the stained glass dome covering the room, thousands of panes in a kelidoscope of colors casting geometric rainbows across the sandstone columns holding it up. Coiled around the pillars, enormous gold snakes seemed to slither to life under the dancing hues, their jewel-set eyes winking mischievously back at you.
Velvet on wool scuffed quietly as you crossed the enormous floor rug between you and the far area of the room, your heart thundering in your ears as you scanned for the beast that would certainly jump out and eat you. But why would a beast have such a beautiful enclosure? That’s just how Dorne is, it’s all a beautiful faca-
“Lady Blackhaven, I presume?”
A voice, rich and dark as sunsoaked amber, sang your name from what seemed to be a pile of crimson and gold sequin throw pillows. The lovely voice was followed suddenly by a man standing up from the plush pile, and oh, everything is gorgeous in Dorne.
By the Seven, there couldn’t possibly be any way that he was the ferocious Red Viper you had heard so much about, and certainly couldn’t be the beast of Sunspear. Though he was still somewhat too far away to make out clearly, your eyes couldn’t help going wide, and your cheeks couldn’t help going hot.
His lower half was obscured by the ridiculous collection of sparkly red pillows – must be his favorite color because wow there were a lot, like a fuckin nest or something – but his visible top half was worthy of being immortalized in marble.
Skin sun-bronzed gold matched the serpentine sigil of his House, rich and healthy from a lifetime in the sun. You could see so much of it with him only covered by a blue and silver sash draped around his neck. Is he even wearing pants?! Onyx-black hair framed his face from the top of his curly head to the bottom of his razor-sharp jaw, with a few stragglers making their way down between his bare pecs that led to a thicker treasure trail running over his muscular abdomen. All that was partially obscured by a long gold necklace with a square shape on its end, the chain reaching all the way to his naval.
That was definitely a prince.
“P-prince Oberyn?”
“Were you expecting someone else, little mouse?” He purred sweetly, leaning his weight on the closest pillow, which surprisingly didn't squish under his weight. "Come closer, I will not bite you. Unless you ask me to."
You found that strange enough to halt in your tracks. He wouldn't even stand to greet you? His own future queen? Must be a trap, maybe the beast is kept under the floor or something. Also, rude.
"That's not very gentlemanly of you, my prince. A man should greet a lady, not the other way around."
Oberyn seemed taken aback by your forwardness, but not offended. “A lady who knows what she wants, I like that. Since you insist.” As he moved, the sequined pillows moved too, and the very silly notion that the prince had made himself a pillow fort popped briefly in your head.
But they kept moving.
And moving...
They were slithering.
The illusion of the crimson finery dissipated like incense smoke on the Dornish breeze as the once-pillows followed the prince up, up, up, and revealed themselves to be what they really were.
His tail.
Oberyn’s lower half hadn’t been obscured at all, it had been coiled around him in long, undulating waves of scaled flesh; and the serpents decorating every square inch of Sunspear now made more sense.
He rose slowly from where he had been awaiting your arrival, reaching the height of a tall man, then a horse, then a giant, until he was practically looming above you from the far side of the room.
And then he was coming towards you, just like you had demanded. Great idea, asshole. Scales on his belly caught the cathedral of lights sparkling from above in their iridescent shimmer, luring your gaze until you were almost hypnotized. But fear kept you focused on the approaching creature that had snaked right out of your nightmares, your heart a rabbit in your chest that he could probably hear like prey in its burrow waiting to be eaten.
The moment you took a step back to retreat from the encroaching serpent, he lunged for you, owning up to his namesake in a blink of an eye. Crimson scales flashed threateningly around you as he coiled, putting you in the eye of a bloody hurricane before you were face-to-face with the man himself.
“Welcome to Sunspear, Lady Blackhaven, I am Prince Oberyn Martell.” Up close now, you could see him more clearly. His eyes were the color of antique brass, split down the middle with slitted pupils. They flashed coin-like when he smiled, though his grin was that false, people-pleasing kind that develops from being in a place of political power. His teeth were white and perfectly flat, and truthfully you found that odd. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but I was expecting you to run the moment you laid eyes on my horrific body. Am I not as beastly and terrifying as the ravens make me out to be?”
You found yourself transfixed by the prince, unable to tear yourself away from his face. His eyes, his pouty, slightly-sneering lips, his coarse dark hair. You followed that trail you’d spotted earlier down, following the chain of Dornish gold to where his hips should be. His scales started here, first small and tightly packed, then wide and broad where they continued down his front. His belly scales were like plates, but his body scales were like spears. Triangular and razor sharp, they covered him in impenetrable scarlet armor that any warrior would be honored to wear into battle. Along his spine, however, they were thicker, taller and almost pyramid-like, giving you a crystal clear view of his draconic heritage.
The single syllable brought the muscular coils to a sudden halt, the prince suddenly frozen in his confusion. “No?”
“No. I mean, well, yes. You are a beast, but I’m not scared of you.”
“You must be lying.” He accused, but you shook your head. “Have you been drugged? Bribed? Are you sick with moon madness?” He could not believe that you weren’t afraid, his beautifully angular face growing more and more confused. “But… I am a monster!”
A flash of pearly white snapped from his mouth as his fangs distended, hidden daggers folded up against the roof of his mouth. They were as long as your thumb each, their needle-like points glistening with venom and spittle. Behind those, his long, forked tongue snaked out to lick the air inches from your face, and you could swear his jaw had come unhinged.
The blood in your face drained, but only to pool somewhere else.
“No, I’m still not scared of you.” You said softly, reaching your hand out to him slowly. He saw it and recoiled with a jerk, but when he saw no blade hidden in your sleeve, he allowed himself to be touched by you.
His breath left his lungs with a shudder at your touch, the tip of his tail twitching nervously. You cupped his jaw, feeling the scruff against your palm and ever-so-carefully angling your thumb toward a fang.
“No!” he shouted, snatching your wrist with lightning speed. “I mean, I’m sorry, but I’m venomous, and I would hate for you to get hurt.” The fangs disappeared the next second, vanishing into the sheaths hidden behind his teeth. His grip on your wrist lessened, but didn’t let you go. Instead, he brought the back of your hand up to his lips and kissed it, like a gentleman should when greeting a lady.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Prince Oberyn.” Against your skin the bristles of his mustache tickled you when he smiled, and you of course smiled back. “Can I touch your scales? They’re not venomous, right?”
“You may touch anything you like except for my fangs, my lady.” He gestured to himself with a strong, broad hand. A hand that looked so wonderful and rugged that you decided to start there.
Taking his hand in yours, you traced the inside of his palm, the tips of his fingers, the ridges of his knuckles. You trailed up his lean forearms through the dusting of dark hair, circled his elbow, and rode the hill of his bicep towards his wide shoulders.
Oberyn watched you like he was witnessing the sun rise for the first time, awestruck and mystified. You wanted to touch him? Touch the serpent of Sunspear that had horrified so many outsiders before? Surely this must be a farce.
His thoughts were cut off by your return to his face, gliding your fingers over his edges and curves. With no fangs to threaten you now, you gently brushed your thumb across his lower lip, and he snapped at you playfully. “Are all Blackhaven women this brave?”
“I’m not brave, you’re just not as scary as I thought you would be.” He hmph’ed in disbelief at that. “Ok yeah you’re pretty terrifying, but you’re also just… pretty.”
“Pretty?” He chewed the word, his face going flush with it.
“Yeah,” You met his eyes, flicking your gaze down to his lips, trying to convey your desire. “Pretty.”
He took the hint, albeit slowly, and leaned down to kiss you. At first he was tentative, gentle and maybe a little bit still in shock, but when you hummed your pleasure at the pillowy softness of his kiss, he let it deepen. Strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him so you were flush against his bare chest, the warm metal of his medallion sharp against your sternum. You let yourself touch him too, lacing your fingers through the dark curls on the back of his head.
Around you the ruby coils tightened slowly, closing the room into just the pair of you. The heat of them was surprising if he was supposed to be cold blooded. Before Oberyn could brave a lick into your mouth, curiosity drove you to touch his serpentine tail.
“Oh!” You broke the kiss to exclaim, splaying your palm wide over the array of living blades. “I thought you’d be slimy, but you’re not!”
Oberyn’s laugh was rough but warm, like the crash of the ocean against the Dornish sands. “And I thought the first kiss was reserved for the wedding with these kinds of things. What other secrets will we learn about each other today?”
“Hmmm….” You pondered playfully, tapping your index finger to your lips. “Thank you for giving me this lovely dress, my prince.” Turning slightly, you swished the dress to entice him, a catty smile on your face. “But wouldn’t you like to have your gift unwrapped?”
The slits of his eyes dilated wide, a heat creeping boldy across his face. “So you truly aren’t going to run away screaming from me? You… want me?”
“Has nobody ever wanted you before? Are you-”
“No, little mouse, I am not innocent. I have loved and been loved by the women and men of Sunspear.”
“Is that why they all look so happy?”
“Do you want to find out?”
Your given consent was the last barrier, one that not even a monster would dare to cross, but with that gate flung open by you closing the distance between your bodies, Oberyn knew that having to wait for the right queen had made all the difference.
Nimble hands crept under the hem of your dress, the exotic fabric falling effortlessly off your shoulders as the prince revealed your body. You attempted to return the favor by tugging off the celestial scarf draped over his neck, the single article of clothing disappearing behind the undulating waves of red scales.
“Look at you…” he mused, adoration dripping like a pleasant venom. The handmaidens hadn’t given you any undergarments, putting all of you on display for your husband-to-be. “Had I known the women of Blackhaven were so beautiful, I would have started there.” He kissed your lips roughly, then your cheek, your jaw, nipping at your pulse point gently as you started to melt into his embrace. “Do you taste as good as you look, little mouse?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, though as soon as his forked tongue laved across your collarbone you knew you couldn’t give him one anyway. The Red Viper dragged the elongated muscle up your throat, flicking at your ear with a pleased hiss. Your heart thundered, primal instincts kicking into high gear at the sound, drawing Oberyn's lust. “I frighten you, don’t I? But I can tell you like it. I can see where the heat is pooling between your thighs, and I want to taste it.”
Something thick and heavy pressed against your back, the serpent prince’s coils supporting you as he pushed you gently backwards, laying you out underneath him on a bed of ruby and gold. Laying on the scales was surprisingly not uncomfortable, the warm, muscular body feeling more like cuddling a well-beloved pet instead of a half-dragon lover.
You wrapped your legs around his ‘hips’, trying to grind against him as you would a human man, but as far as you could feel, there wasn’t anything there to grind on. “Um, my prince, where’s your-?”
“They’re there.” He said, lifting off you enough to look down between your pressed bodies. There was nothing there. Uh oh. He saw your puzzlement and laughed. “They’re inside.”
“They?? Inside?? I don’t understand.”
“Would you like to explore my body while I explore yours? I’m certain the lady of Blackhaven is as smart as she is beautiful, no?” Waves of crimson rose and fell around you, coils tightened around your body and turned you gently, though the man-sized tube of pure muscle could crush you like an insect if it wanted to. The prince moved you around like you were nothing but a play-thing, and soon you found yourself on top of him with your ass in the air and your legs framing his chiseled face.
“How did-?! Ah~!” Your confusion was cut off abruptly by the sudden intrusion of a long forked tongue, the inuman length of it fully capable of licking to your core. Oberyn hummed in delight, hooking his arms around your thighs and anchoring you to his hungry maw. He lapped at your cunt like a man starved, flicking hibus beastly appendage against your sensitive bundle of nerves before stuffing it back up your pussy. Wet with saliva and your juices, he happily tongue-fucked you into oblivion.
You fell forward against his crotch-but-not-a-crotch, coming face to face with where his skin began to turn to scales. Through the haze of your pleasure you saw where the first two big plates on his belly were parting, showing the first glimpse of a meaty fissure underneath.
Mustering all your focus, you shifted forward against Oberyn’s grip, the prince smushing his face into your cunt like a greedy dog having his dinner threatened. He stiffened when he felt you push gently against the scales, attempting to splay them wider. As soon as you touched him, Oberyn bucked into your hands, a shiver going down the entire length of his snakey body.
Under your fingertips the slit opened wider, exposing his most delicate treasures. Between the silky wet walls of his snussy, two little nubs pulsed in time with his heartbeat, already swelling before you’d even touched them.
“Please, my lady,” he begged between your legs, kissing the insides of your thighs and the dip of your slit, asking you with his mouth for you to return the favor.
It was difficult with him licking your brain stem with his tongue so deep in you, but you managed to lean down and lap experimentally at the wound that never heals. Oberyn moaned into you at the contact, his rugged baritone sending a chill up your spine and a fresh gush into his mouth. You took the sudden opportunity to plunge your tongue into him as well, running your significantly shorter one over the two sensitive beans.
They throbbed happily, riding the princes’ tightening abs to be pressed harder against your mouth. Whatever they were, they were as needy as your clit, but soon grew much bigger in size than yours. As soon as you were able to, you suckled on one, tasting the familiar saltiness of precum; and that’s when you realized what you were sucking on were his two penises.
Oh hot damn.
A slight twist beneath you and the sudden weight of a coil on your back had your face pressed as deep into his groin as physics would allow, his almost-fully-hard first cock nudging at the back of your throat. Oberyn could snap your spine in two like this, but even lost in the bliss of your taste, and the sweet sensation of your lips around his dick, he was still cognizant enough not to hurt you.
You were not as strong, the familiar wave of pleasure creeping down your spine to where Oberyn had your pearl teased between the forks of his tongue, and you knew you were almost to the edge. The cock in your mouth rocked against your throat, the second one demanding your attention with an insistent throb. There was no more room between your teeth, so you wrapped your fingers around it and gently tugged on the velvet length; matching the movements of your hands with your mouth.
“Cum, little mouse,” he purred wetly, the thick meat of his tongue slithering against your deepest patch of nerves.You did as your prince commanded, letting his cock pop free from your mouth as your walls bore down around his thick tongue. He drank straight from your source, your fountain of vigor bringing his cocks to their full hardness. They were warm against your cheek as you rode through your orgasm, the pretty pink spires excited to know you inside and out.
Oberyn kissed and licked sweetly at your thighs and cunt, greedily cleaning all your juices off and claiming them for himself. “You are finer than Arborian wine, my lady. I could get drunk on the taste of you alone.” he said as the coil across your back slithered gently forward, coming up underneath you and pulling you up. You rode with it until you were straddling him like a horse, his cocks throbbing up between your legs. “Look how badly I want you, need you. May I pleasure you in the way only a monster can?”
“You’re no monster, Oberyn. You are my prince, and I expect you to pleasure me as such.”
His cocks jumped to attention, beads of shiny precum glistening at their pointy tips. They were both thicker than the average man, but Oberyn was far from average in every sense. His broad hands snaked down to your hips, digging his thumbs into the plush of your ass and sliding you forward until one of his cocks notched at your slick entrance. Stretched and soaking wet, you took him easily, mewling out the prince's name as he filled you. The second one jutted out in front of you as if it were your own, leaving a pool of slick on his broad belly scales.
“By the Seven, you are divine,” he groaned from behind you, watching with lust-blown eyes as your cunt swallowed his shaft. Your ass bounced when it came down on him, his scaly hips leaving indents in the supple flesh. Rocking forward you were able to grind yourself along his second cock, the meaty thing slipping between your folds as you rubbed your clit on it. It disappeared and reappeared under the crest of your belly as you danced the timeless dance of lovers, a shining patch of your slick catching the light streaming down from above with each pass.
“That’s it, my lady, grind yourself to completion on my cock. Let me feel you come undone so I can fill you all the way.” Precum drooled excitedly from his wanting cock, the one plunged inside you doing the same until it oozed back out; leaving your thighs and his tail slick with passion. The tip of his body – seemingly miles away, he was so long – flicked and thrashed, unable to hide his need to fuck you with both cocks.
You rode him diligently, feeling him stretch you from within. The thick veins that stood out on his second cock rubbed gloriously against your sensitive little pearl, beating in time with the thunder of his heart. Heat built threateningly in your chest, blooming like desert roses as your next crest loomed. Oberyn felt it coming, the way your walls throbbed and pulsed around him, making him curse and sweat until you came with a shudder and a scream.
“Thaaat’s it… that’s my good girl.” He purred –no, growled as you squelched around his cock, making a mess on his scales. “So wet… you can take all of me, can’t you, pretty mouse?”
Lust hazed and shaking, you managed the most pitiful little uh huh, breaking Oberyn’s last straw of resolve. Greedy as the dragon that birthed him, the serpent prince curled up against you, caging you in with his warrior-strong arms. Hands splayed wide against your ribs and over the fat of your breast, taking hungry handfuls of you for himself until his chest was flush with your spine, hot breath fanning against your ear. The cock within you slid out until just the tip was caught between your slick folds before it was joined by it’s twin.
Stars exploded behind your eyes as Oberyn stuffed both his cocks into you, stretching you so wide you thought he would tear you in half. A silent scream caught in your throat when he bottomed out, every muscle in your body tight and quivering with pain and pleasure. Your cunt gushed damningly around him as if it were starved, salivating hungrily for more.
Which, of course, he would give you.
“You’re so tight, my lady,” the rough-hewn voice grated in your ear, breath like fire against your skin. “How does it feel? To be fucked by a beast?”
“Oh? Speak up, little mouse. Tell me what you want. Beg.”
Dark laughter rumbled like a hurricane brewing over the wide open sea, a herald of unimaginable devastation.
“As you wish.”
The world around you spun, walls of crimson scales coiling around you as the Red Viper put you underneath him. His massive, muscular body slipped under and around you, tying itself in knots until there was nowhere for you to escape from the prince pressed against your back. The tip of his tail, thin and whip-like, curled up under your arms and over your shoulders until it was snaking around your neck, threatening your airway and locking you in place.
You were trapped, just like prey.
“I can taste your fear, pretty girl.” The monster sneered, his long forked tongue darting out to lick along your jaw. “I can taste that you like this.” Brilliant white fangs flashed into your line of sight with a venomous hiss, and your pussy squelched incriminatingly around his double-stuffed dicks. Oberyn groaned at your pulsing walls, rocking his hips into you needily. “If you keep doing that to me, I’ll fuck you pregnant before we even exchange vows.”
Though the rope of living flesh was tied snugly around your throat, it wasn’t tight enough to suppress your ability to laugh. “I’d like… to see.. you… try.”
His cocks throbbed so strongly within you that they slipped past each other, causing you to convulse from the rearrangement of your guts. “Are you challenging me, Lady Blackhaven?” he seethed, his bladed scales starting to sting your flesh as they began to tighten. Your nod was faint, but he still felt it against his scruffy cheek. “Then I accept.”
His arms tightened like a seatbelt around your waist and between your breasts, and the scaly noose around your throat teased to do so as well. You felt more than saw everything turning, spinning, writhing as the serpent prince constricted around you in a ball, rendering you completely motionless for him to fuck to his heart’s delight.
And fuck you he did. Though he was almost entirely made of muscle, without legs he had no other way to thrust into you than to pull you against him, using his never-ending tail to use you like a fuck toy. His body, once soft and somewhat plush the first time you touched it, was now hard as Valyrian steel; every muscle tensing and flexing to rise to your challenge.
Your hungry, over stretched cunt ached with his thrusts, so full you could practically taste him on the back of your tongue. Oberyn, so lost in his pleasure, started to constrict even tighter, the edges of your vision beginning to darken as your airway was closed. Fear rose like bile in the back of your throat, but couldn’t reach your lips to scream. Your body, shaking like the mouse he had called you, betrayed your instinct to flee from the creature by building up another orgasm. White crackled in the corners of your vision, lightning breaking through the dark thunderclouds that would soon black out your sight.
Your prince commanded, and you obeyed, your cunt squelching and convulsing as you soared over the moon. Your eyes, glassy and sightless above your gaping mouth, rolled back in your head as pleasure coursed through your veins, spinning every muscle tighter than bowstrings before turning them all slack.
Oberyn felt the sudden shift in your body, the open vulnerability between your spread legs, and forced every single inch of his twin cocks into you, putting the gates of your womb under siege. His tail fell limply off of your neck, allowing sweet, precious oxygen to flow into your desperately burning lungs; but you weren’t free from the demon’s desire just yet.
Where his tail had been you felt a new heat, this one wet and jagged where the tail had been scaly and warm; and you knew it to be his mouth. His fanged, venomous, unhinged mouth.
He really could swallow you whole if he wanted to.
Something long, wet and slimy slipped out from where he had you by the scruff of your neck, the smooth muscle of his mouth laving over your rapidly-beating pulse point and driving his hunting instincts wild. His mouth went all the way from ear to ear, your spinal column in the perfect position for him to crush it if he so chose. But of course, he wanted you – needed you – alive and well; but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease.
You felt his bite tighten, his fangs nudging your windpipe; one wrong move and they would puncture your trachea and drown you in venom, but not before he took his pleasure from you. His sweaty chest stuck to your back, his scales dug into your skin, and the threat of his fangs dragged along your jugular as Oberyn fucked you to his own completion.
When he came, everything got impossibly tighter. The living ropes of his coils seized around every inch of you both, his hands dug so hard into your flesh that you could almost swear he was touching bone, but worst of all his fangs pressed ever-so-slightly into your flesh; and the threat of death became almost too real. Hot cum spooged out of you, soaking you and the prince in his pearly white sneed, seeping through the spaces between his coils and ruining the rugs beneath you.
His entire body heaved with his ragged breath, the prince winded even though he had lungs bigger than your legs. Slowly, with practiced, noble grace, he unlocked his mouth from around your neck, peppering the pattern his scales had left in your flesh with gentle kisses of adoration. Every coil he unraveled revealed the same pattern of his scales impressed into your skin, a temporary tattoo marking his conquest.
They were just pretty enough that you might get them inked on you for real.
“Are you alright, my lady? I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?” He asked sweetly, a calloused hand cupping your chin to turn you to face him. His slitted eyes – glittering more beautifully than Lanister gold – searched yours for any sign that he’d hurt you. In his post-orgasmic bliss the lines of his face had softened drastically, a youthful glow to his sun-gilded skin. Sweat beaded on his brow, his jet-black curls sticking to the worry-grooves on his forehead, but best of all was the slight pout to his plush, slightly parted lips. Flushed rosy and swollen with exertion, they begged you to kiss them.
“Does this answer your question?”
You closed the distance between you, crashing your lips to his. He tasted like the sea salt you had smelled coming into Dorne, but somehow so much sweeter. Oberyn sucked a surprised breath, his eyes flashing coin-like before he melted into you, letting his softened cocks drop out of you with a flood of your mixed cum. You felt them drag their wetness across your smooth skin as you turned around to face him, aided by his strength until you were in his arms properly.
The dark bristles of his mustache tickled your nose a bit, making you smile into his kiss. You teased him with a flick of your tongue, finding his with a tentative lick that drew him to kiss you deeper. The pointed forks twisted and entwined around your regular human tongue, seemingly moving independently of each other; yet those were not nearly as alarming as the feel of his fang sheaths. One wrong move, one sudden sneeze, and it would be all over.
But they stayed in their casings, safely away from his bride-to-be. You felt his hand splay against the back of your head, tangling in your hair and holding you tightly to him while he kissed you. When you finally broke for air, you couldn’t help but giggle at the way the prince's eyes fluttered back open, lust-drunk and pleasantly blown.
“I have never been so thankful in all my days that I had to wait for love.” The L word left his lips with the slightest hint of embarrassment, a redness creeping across his cheeks. “I mean, erm, do you think you’ll be happy here, my lady? In Sunspear?”
“With you? As your wife?”
None of the fables you had been told about the fearsome Red Viper had ever painted him as one to be sheepish, yet here he was, looking like a boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar. The bristles framing his lips quirked with his cheeky grin. “Yes, with me?”
“Hmm…” you pondered mischievously, looking around the ornate chambers, taking in the palace decor, the smell of fruit and sunshine, the plushness of the destroyed rug underneath you. You reached out to touch the serpent’s tail, walking your fingers up his long spine, feeling the warm armor of his body. Then you crossed the threshold between where the snake ended and the man began, the sudden thinning of scales giving way to smooth, somewhat-fuzzy flesh that rippled with the muscles underneath it.
Up you continued, touching his broad hands and noticing a ring with the Martell crest on his pinky for the first time. You followed the flow of his forearm, the dip in his elbow, the rise of his biceps and the yoke of his shoulder until you were wrapping your arms around his neck and dragging him back to you for one more ensuring kiss.
“For you, my prince? I think it can be… arranged.”
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randomnameless · 3 years
I write and write and make comparisons between a swimsuit and themes like tolerance and freedom,
But in this fandom, some people draw more dubious comparisons, especially ones regarding a certain game - and I warned (who?) at the beginning of the FE16 trend that while it wanted to have a Jugdral flair, it obviously failed. You have a sprinkle of Jugdral in FE16, but it’s only a surface image, or even a mirage.
“CrEsT SyStEM”? Holy Blood? No, those comparisons at least were made in good faith and had some merits.
One of the worst comparisons was noted by several friends, a certain someone, wanting to push a certain ship involving a certain character, managed to write :
“Every route makes one villain from Genealogy of the Holy War the hero, Edelgard being Arvis, Dimitri being Eldigan, Claude being Travant and Rhea being Manfroy”
This will not be a post about Manfroy’s hips, you are warned
Who is Eldigan (Eldie)?
A man who is the carrier of Hezul’s holy blood, Hezul being the founder of Augstria, a sovereign state. Everyone loves Eldie, he is good-looking, strong, kind, chivalrous and has the magic blood that makes him able to use his magic sword.
Is he the King of Agustria? No.
The King is a man named Chagall, who has an ugly sprite, doesn’t have Hezul’s magic blood and cannot use the magic sword. He also killed his father, and is really jealous of Eldie.
However, Eldie’s line (House Nodion) has sworn to support the royal line of Augustria (Chagall’s), so even if everyone wants Eldie to ascend to the throne, he will never accept it. Even if Chagall pisses on him, or imprisons him because he felt like it, Eldie will not rebel against his King. Eldie is seen as a Camus, because he will fight and die for Chagall, and his country, when Sigurd is... more or less attacking Chagall (because Sigurd’s forces are occupying Augstria and Sigurd’s orders are to bring peace to the land, Chagall doesn’t want peace and wants to fight to retake his throne). If everything ends well, Eldie will promise Sigurd he will try to talk one last time his king, try to convince him to accept a ceasefire and peace with Granvalle - but Chagall is an ass and beheads Eldie.
Dimitri... isn’t like Eldigan, at all. First of all, Dimitri is supposed to be the crown Prince, instead of being a mere knight sworn to serve the royal family. Secondly, Dimitri doesn’t die because his liege beheads him - Edelgard will never be his liege - he dies either by defending his borders against someone who is bringing war to his lands and wants his head, or he dies because he pursues Edelgard in a three way battle in Gronder.
We do not know what Rufus is like to his nephew, but I am pretty sure he is no Chagall.
The only common points Eldie and Dimitri have is their blond hair, and sometimes, their manner of death. there is also something about bonds with their sisters but we’re not here for that
Who is Travant?
Travant is the King of the Thracian Kingdom, a proto Nohr-like place, where farming is difficult, and the people living there are starving and often turn to banditry or become mercenaries to be able to earn some money.
Thracia’s neighbour, the Manster District (Manster) could export food to Thracia... but they do not, because, well, the people in charge of the Manster District do not like Thracians a lot (and use slurs to talk about them, but Quan is a special character). So Thracians raid the border, with hopes to reunite the peninsula, with the dream that, one day, they will seize the arable lands in the North.
Travant has an infamous line, which more or less went like “I will unite the peninsula for the sake of my people, and if that process dooms me to hell then so be it”.
And to hell he will go, because by Jugdral standards, ambushing Quan and his family in a desert (horses cannot move in sand, another example of gameplay and story integration!) with horseslayers, is despicable, especially since he leaves no one alive, even, apparently, killing Quan’s young daughter Altena.
(Travant ranks pretty high in the douchebag ladder).
With time, Altena grows, unaware that Travant, who adopted her, isn’t her real Father, Quan was. Things happen, Altena discovers the truth, and Travant finally achieves his dream by making a suicidal charge against Seliph’s forces (he doesn’t even bring his magic lance to the fight!), with him dead, finally, the peninsula can be united under one leader.
Claude? Also has a wyvern. And comes from another land than our hero (but which one?). And... that’s all.
If Almyra raids every sunday, it is not because they are starving, but because they are doing it, per Cyril, for funsies. Claude pretends to be a schemer and underhanded, but he never does something on the scale of the Yied Ambush (the moment where Travant pulled out the horseslayers against Quan). Claude never takes a child hostage, and never orders his daughter to punish civilians.
If Claude wants to unite the two countries, it is not because he wants his people to finally leave their life as mercenaries and bandits behind, but because he wants people to understand each other.
Edit because I’m sleeping : Travant will die for his dream. Claude... always survive. Always. I am not saying he doesn’t believe in it, but he is not as desperate as Travant is.
Comparing Claude to Travant is like comparing... Virion to Iago. They are both male with long hair, and pretend to scheme. Bar that? Well... they both have hands...? I guess?
Who is Manfroy?
Manfroy is... both a mastermind and a plothole.
Manfroy was the one in the shadows engineering a war in Jugdral, not because he likes wars, nope, but because he wanted political instability to recreate the Loptyr Empire.
He will help a douchebag to conquer the world, and use him to sire Julius, the only person in Jugdral who can become a host for the dark dragon Loptyr. The last time Loptyr was there... well, apparently it wasn’t roses and sunshines, slavery was rampant and citizens were pitted against each other to make sure the strongest ones would become citizens of the Empire.
Why Manfroy does this? It depends on the sources, but it is heavily implied Manfroy is part of a sect (sect as in group of people practicing a religion, here the Loptyr religion/cult) persecuted by a lot of people in Jugdral - to the point where Agustrians were having witches hunts to chase them. Manfroy and his followers escaped the the Yied desert, touted to be an inhospitable land. His people had no where and no one to turn to, so they prayed to their God Loptyr (who doesn’t give 3 figs about them).
Manfroy is thus the Archbishop of the Loptyr Church. He also killed his son in law, for some reason, and planned to turn his granddaughter in a zombie. Manfroy also supports (and conducts?) the child hunts, basically the plot in the second part of FE4 and FE5 where the Granvalle Empire and the members of the Loptyr Church round up children, take them from their families (sometimes by killing said families) to send them to Granvalle, with the highly suggested goal of sacrificing them one way or another to Loptyr.
On the not-so bright side, Manfroy doesn’t kill Julia - when Loptyr/Julius expressly asking him to do so, because Julia is the only person, story-wise, able to kill him.
What a guy! 
Now, Rhea?
There are some comparisons to be made, unlike Claude and Dimitri, but again, it reinforces how they could be seen as foils.
Rhea? Yes, also engineers the birth of a vessel.
However, unlike Manfroy who “forced” Arvis and Deirdre to marry and have a baby, Byleth’s birth, born from the union of Jeralt and Sitri, was completely unexpected. There is no trace in canon of Rhea arranging Jeralt and Sitri’s meeting, and future wedding.
Rhea? Also wants her granddaughter to “die”?
Well, not this one, since Rhea thinks Billy is actually an amnesiac Sothis. Billy would just recover their memories.
Rhea? Doesn’t start a war to build her Sothis vessel. Hell, the DLC is about her previous experiment to resurrect her mother - it was a failure, but someone supposes she fails because she did not want to bleed dry the Four Apostles. Rhea wishes to resurrect a benevolent Goddess (when Manfroy knows Loptyr is... far from benevolent) but will not kill to do so.
Sitri? Asked her to save Billy, by offering her own life.
The most interesting foil though is... how Rhea and Manfroy both belong to a community that was persecuted by others, the people they are supposed to live with.
Manfroy? Went the “if the world hates me, then I will hate it and burn it down” route.
Rhea? Doesn’t want to kill humans, hell, she and her brother disagreed because she didn’t want to kill children of the people who wronged her! She opens a monastery and offers guidance to anyone who needs it, a shelter for the needy and tries her best to protect peace and the humans living under her care.
They could have followed the same path, but didn’t. Manfroy rounds children to kill them, Rhea offers a new home to children who lost theirs.
They can also be compared with their “welp” points, Rhea gave CF!Billy the means to destroy her, just like Manfroy “forgot” to kill Julia - and yet, again, it is different. Rhea trusted Billy and never wanted to use them as a tool, in the other routes, it is because she trusted Billy with “those means” that Billy is able to save the world. Manfroy? Berserks Julia, wishes to use her as a tool and suffers when she regains some agency and beats her brother. But even without Manfroy, Julia would have recovered the Book of Naga to end Loptyr.
Rhea and Manfroy are definitely not parallels, but foils.
And the best for the end...
Who is Arvis?
Well... to summarise Arvis in a few words...
it’s impossible.
So, Arvis is the descendant of one Jugdral’s God-Crusader, Fjalar. Arvis is very proud of his heritage, but he also bears Loptyr blood, through his Mother. And yet, since the Loptry blood exists thanks to Saint Maira - the brother of the Loptry Host of that time, Emperor Galle, who rebelled and helped the Crusaders - he is also very proud of this heritage and his two brands.
Arvis’s familial history is a mess, his father was a womanizer and his mother abandoned him (which might have fueled his Freudian complex?). When his Father died, he exiled all of his bastard siblings, bar Azelle (his bastard half-brother, sired to his mother’s favorite maid). Arvis apparently wasn’t interested in women before he met Deirdre and fell in love with her...
But he had time to sire a bastard (on his best friend and confidante).
Arvis wants to build a world free of prejudice and oppression, and wants to build it by... associating with Manfroy, who blackmails him about his Loptyr blood (if Arvis is proud of his Loptry blood, sadly the Agustrian witch hunts are still a thing, and it will not be well seen in Granvalle’s nobility); however, he made it clear, to Manfroy himself, that he will never allow another Loptry Empire to be reborn. Arvis thus uses hiw fellow Dukes Reptor and Langobalt to set up a coup against Prince Kurth (the Prince of Granvalle) to kill him. Arvis grows close to Kurth’s father, Azmur and more or lesses takes care of everything in Granvalle, since Kurth has no heir left.
And, by chance, Deirdre, Kurth’s bastard daughter, thus rightful Princess of Granvalle, appears at his door. She bears the mark of Naga (the special blood of the Crusader Heim), so they marry, and if they have a son, their son will rule over Granvalle, Arvis acts as a regent until then.
(women can’t rule shit in Jugdral)
Then what? His plan is set into motion, all Granvalle Dukes die, he and Sigurd (plus his pals) are the only ones left, Sigurd dies after being lured to a welcoming party, and Arvis becomes the last man standing able to rule Granvalle, who became, through his plans and treacheries through the 1st gen, an Empire.
(and then his son becomes a Loptyr host, vaporises his mom and makes his sister disappear, wrestles power from him and he is reduced to a sad state (oldvis). He makes a last stand against Seliph, after delivering him Sigurd’s magic sword, and dies.)
So, now, Edel.
Arvis managed to become the ruling... person in Granvalle by eliminating all of his rivals, and securing a nice marriage. Edel becomes Emperor... because Ionius gave her his crown, as her father.
So they do not rise to power the same way.
Edel never talks about her brands, but Arvis is proud to bear them and proud of his ancestors. Judging by how Edel speaks of Wilhelm I as a traitor who sold humanity to creatures, I am not sure she is proud to bear his blood.
Also, while Edelgard is extremely prejudiced against Nabateans, Arvis wishes to create a world... free of prejudice (his actions though...). He does not mind Manfroy preaching his stuff, when Edelgard will not allow anyone to follow the Seiros faith (friends put it better, but in several routes, the people who were followers of the Church of Seiros are missing in Adrestia...).
While both Edel and Arvis think they are making “sacrifices” for the greater good, as pointed out earlier, this greater good is different. They both ally with a death cult, but Arvis is naive enough to think Manfroy will not backstab him - he even wishes for him to preach his nonsense freely. Edelgard has been hell bent since day 1 on getting rid of Thales and friends.
By the time Arvis learns of the child hunts and Julius’s nonsense... he wants to stop it. He is however powerless to do so (or so we think! Apparently he and Ishtar managed to hide every children captured in a castle!) but, at least, he tried to do something.
Crest Beasts... are still used, no matter the path, and even after Edelgard became Emperor.
Now, if Manfroy had to capture children and round them up for execution to make sure Arvis would become Emperor, would Arvis have supported him? I... don’t think so. If children were captured during Arvis’s conquest of the world and it was a “necessary evil”, would Arvis have accepted it? We don’t know. Prideful as he is, I don’t think he would have agreed.
(which is all kinds of wrong, the man can start wars and backstab friends, allies and turn his own brother to ashes, but hunting children is too much? Meh. And yet, Manfroy mentions something about his ways and his pride being an obstacle to the realisation of his dream).
Arvis is... a complicated character. A douchebag through and through, who tries to redeem himself at the end, but ultimately fails. He is rewarded for his actions in the 1st gen by the 2nd gen, where Julius becomes Loptyr and destroys his Empire. He had it coming? Yes. Is it painful to watch? Yes.
Edelgard... does not face any retribution for her actions.
Yes, she can also kill her (step) brother. But either she didn’t remember it, or only cries after it, and ultimately puts the blame on him - so it is not a sacrifice ?
People doubt her words? Well, it doesn’t matter, Linhardt, Yuri and Lysithea are still alive after their... interrogations. Reptor doubted Arvis’s words? Aida was sent as back-up (and... backstabbed him).
Ultimately, Arvis loses Deirdre (whose ghost chills with Sigurd’s), Julia and Julius, whom he loved dearly. Edel loses... Billy, and some randoms.
So, in a way, Edel feels like a discount Arvis, because she misses his ascension to power and his downfall. Arvis doesn’t mow down enemies on the front lines like she is doing, Arvis maneuvers to ensure victory.
Both fight for ideals, but Arvis seems to believe in them when I cannot believe a world for “humanity” involves continuous making of Crest Beasts.
Both betray the main character, but Edelgard is hit with the uwu hammer, thus cannot kill Billy - Thales does it in the non CF-routes.
So... short story, long story, Eldie is not Dimitri, Claude is not Travant, Rhea is a foil to Manfroy and Edelgard is a discount Arvis.
Also, I don’t know what kind of weed the person who wrote this take had, but labeling Eldie as one of FE4′s villain is as dumb as labeling FE7 Karla a villain because she appears as a red unit you have to fight.
where is edel’s bastard son
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hunterartemis · 4 years
Indian Magical School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headcanon #1: The legends of it’s foundation
I love JKR and her magical world, but she completely ignored the South Asian region and a culture diverse as India, which could have been a great background for magical population. So I took the matters in my own hands and created some headcanons like I did previously with Mahoutokoro. Hope you will appreciate it.
The legend and the history of the school is so very overlapping that it is sometimes hard to distinguish between what is truth and what is myth. However the story goes something like this.
When the First Emperor of Aryavarta (Ancient India) Daksha was given the job to bring all earthly prosperity to the world, he was assisted by Seven Sages. These Seven Sages were the seven stars of the Great Dipper Constellations, who were called: Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulascha, Pulaha, Kratu and Vashistha. To other Interpretation, these seven sages were called, Atri, Agasthya, Bharadvaja, Bhragu, Kashyapa, Jamdagni and Gautama. These Seven sages were wise and learned an knew many supernatural powers that governs the land of man without their common knowledge. Emperor Daksha wanted to control the seven sages and therefore made relations with them by marrying off his daughters with Bhragu, Kashyap and the sons of other sages: his demand was to have their power to his disposal only. The seven sages could do nothing, as in the Law of Dakshraj, harming or betraying the Kutumba (relatives and in-laws) were considered High Treason.
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But the sages being the wise and kind men they were wanted to spread the greater knowledge of supernatural powers to the common man in order to help them understand their infinite potential. So they started to sought resources from the sages who were considered “outcasts“ in Daksha’s rule for learning about the end of things (because Daksha wanted his kingdom to be eternal, these concepts were forbidden). One sage, named Dadhichi came to help the Saptarshi (the seven sages) and instructed them to journey southwards to the door of the Yama (the God of death). It was shocking enough for the sages, but one of the sage: Agasthya or in some other texts Marichi agreed to journey southwards. He bid his colleagues farewell and told them not to look for him and return to the capital; if their calling is true there would be a day they would meet again.
when the sages returned, they found themselves in a chaotic position. Daksha had insulted his youngest daughter and her husband in the front of the Royal Court and to protect her honour the youngest has self-immolated. The Husband of his youngest daughter was Shiva, the God of Destruction who was not worshipped or even mentioned in Daksha’s kingdom as something “unholy”. Although the sages did not mention Shiva in Daksha’s presence, but they knew that the Creation cannot last forever and to exist, it must always be destroyed and transformed. Thus when the sages could not convince Daksha to ask forgiveness from Shiva, they publicly renounced their special status and that of their being the Princes Consort and left the palace forever. Later Daksha was slain by the God of destruction Shiva in the crime of Pride and pushing his own flesh and blood to kill herself.
In the path away from the Capital, the Sage Agasthya appeared before the rest. The sages knew that it was not real Agasthya, but his astral projection. He did not speak but pointed towards the south, towards the deep forest surrounding a mountain that no human can cross. The sages understood that Agasthya had given his life to seek it. The sages, after thinking day and night, could think no other plan to reach the place, let alone establish a school there, because it was not ordinary mountain, but a Volcano. After great thinking, Bhragu, the master of Astrology came up with a plan and decided to summon Seven Celestial Planets and pray them to guide there. The Planets summoned were: Surya (sun), Soma (moon), Budha (Mercury), Shukra (venus), Mangal (Mars), Brihaspati (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn).
The sages prayed for 14 lunar days and the Seven Celestial Planets were pleased with their dedication and each one promised one reward to the sages. The sages told them everything about their wish to build an establishment to teach sons of man about the infinite power of the universe, but they didn’t know how to go to the place Agasthya had instructed them to go.
After hearing everything the Sun said “I shall rise from the east, pure white on the blood smeared sky and my light shall point the way to the hallowed place.”
Then came Mars said “I shall follow the path of the sun and destroy every obstruction that stands on the way to put the standard of victory on the hallowed land I won in the name of the Sun”,
After Mars, the Moon said, “I shall call upon the sky, ask it to rain on the Volcano so that the lava solidified and creates ground for the building”,
after Moon Mercury said “I shall bring about such designs with my mind that no human has ever seen, A house that shall be marvelous and impenetrable to any ill-wisher”.
After Mercury, Venus says, “I shall give that design a habitable form, strengthen and beautify it with the igneous stones from this volcano”.
Then Jupiter said “Like my illusive body, I shall expand it to 1000 times greater, and bless it so that no occupant in this house ever experiences obstruction in learning and nourishment. And as the Eldest of the Planets, I name this house Vishakhtantra , a house where high magic spreads out like branches of holy banyan tree”
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when all of the planets were done doing their jobs, everyone looked at the dark figure that lurked at the background, with a smirk in his lips. The sages asked why the last one, Saturn did not come forward and requested him to contribute. Smiling he said “illusive planets and sages, you are all brilliant but you have done wrong.” It evoked fear amongst the sages because Saturn, the God of Justice and Time is elemental to any establishment and angering him could be catastrophic. Bhragu asked Saturn’s pardon and asked him to correct them. Saturn smiled and said, “The mistake, illusive sages, was committed when you called us. You have forgotten that we are Navagraha (Nine Celestial Planets), not Seven. You have chose to ignore two and I know why. You fear that the North and South Node might Eclipse the Sun and Moon and chose to ignore them. But you have forgotten, they too have purposes and are deserving of contribution.”
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This statement angered Sun and the Moon. The great luminaries decided to withdraw if Rahu (North node) and Ketu (South Node) joined, but Jupiter mediated amongst Saturn, Moon and Sun. Jupiter, the Eldest planet vowed to keep the mischievous side planets in check and implored Saturn to return. Saturn then called upon Rahu and Ketu, and a great bodiless head appeared through a storm.
Jupiter came forward and addressed Rahu and said “This hallowed house shall be the home of instruction, of sacred knowledge. We the planets and sages have summoned you to contribute and correct the unjust. Are you willing to help us?” Rahu being the cunning demon that he is, said “yes, upon one condition. I want the highest place amongst all. I am a headless body and my wishes are infinite. It is the only way I would help you all.”
Saturn knew this would happen, he smiled and said “it shall happen” to everyone’s great dismay. It hurt Sun’s pride greatly but knowing Saturn, no one could protest. Jupiter and Saturn then turned to the great headless snake that coiled the entire mountain. When Jupiter addressed it, it said “Greetings my elders, I am glad that my other body, Rahu had his position acquired. But I am most perplexed because I could feel all the pains of creatures, demonic and divine who have been displaced for the creation of this place. Their souls will not leave the place in peace.”
Saturn came forward and asked him, “oh headless body, the giver of results of past life, lord of the isolated, reside as the Vastu Naga and the Bhitti (Foundation) of the hallowed place. Upon your great coil shall the institution stand and the lives lost shall receive the result for their sacrifice.”
With the Ketu entering underground, the head of Rahu had to choice but to reside exactly at the opposite side of his other body. Saturn grabbed Rahu by the hair and said “Sun the the highest light, Jupiter is the Highest Wisdom and none in the universe, not even me can exceed their position in the universe. So reside at your highest place, on the topmost towering peak of this place. I forcibly command you so that you can eclipse every form of mal-spirit and power from above.”
With that done, Saturn returned to the final place and said “and I, Lord of limitation, time and justice, mark the boundary of this place and veil it with the Tamas, so it could be hidden from the common eye.”
The sages were eclectic after the creation. The eldest, Atri said, “heavenly presences, you are the influences that govern the actions, fates and deeds of the world, would you be so kind to reside in this place as guiding principles so that we the Acharya (teachers) and the shishya (pupils) shall prosper in their ways.” Saturn called upon the sages: “so it shall be Illusive sages but do not disregard the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, who represent the base and the peak of the house also have the right to represent: I deliver the choice to you.”
“Very well“, said Bhragu, master of Astrology: “Since the shadow planets are unstable on their own, I assign them to the Two Intellectuals: The Head Rahu with Mercury, and the Tail Ketu with Jupiter.“
Thus formed the Seven Sacred Houses of Sapta Kula of Vishakhtantra.
Uttarashada (Sun), Anantasoumya (Moon), Punarvasu (Jupiter and Ketu), Bhadrapada (Saturn), Yajurmitra (Venus), Ksharagam (Mars) Rahavyasa (Mercury and Rahu)
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation (Gen II) - Chapter 10
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Chapter 10 - Dark God Loptous
After the battle at Thracia Castle ended, Seliph gathered his entire army and said, "With this battle over, all of Thracia is free! But that does not mean the war is over here, because the children taken from here are still missing. When we safely save them, that will be the beginning of the end of the war in Thracia.
"We didn't come here to fight and defeat the Thracian dragon knights. We came to fight and save the people from the Loptr Church's oppression, as well as save the children from being sacrificed.
"Just because we've liberated Thracia, does not mean we can party, or rest. We must begin to march soon. To Miletos, to rescue the children. Then, we will go to Grannvale next, and topple the empire!"
After fighting one battle after another, the soldiers were all tired, but Seliph's speech put them in high spirits.
"To Miletos!" One person shouted, which soon turned into everyone shouting.
"To Miletos!"
Seliph had also grown over the past year. His position as the leader of the liberation army made him experience many times more worries, decisions, and orders than one living a normal life, but it had also outfitted him with charisma befitting of a leader.
The liberation army left Thracia Castle without taking much time to rest, then started marching towards the Miletos region right away.
The Miletos region (sandwiched between a portion of the sea surrounded by land) was located south of the empire, and was home to many cities that had built a great amount of wealth through trade. Those trade cities used the power of their wealth to avoid interference from the surrounding nations, and each possessed self governing rights like that of independent countries.
Peruluke was one such city. It was a northern port city located near the Thracian border. The land bridge that connected Grannvale and the Thracian Peninsula was extremely inconvenient for transporting goods, so Peruluke took advantage of that geographical situation and prided itself on how it flourished as a relay base for trade.
However, when the liberation army reached Peruluke after fighting a harsh battle, they couldn't believe their eyes. What lay before them was a far cry from a prosperous city. Instead, it looked like it was about to die. After just a few years of the empire and Loptr Church's rule, the most beautiful city on the isthmus had changed into a town that reeked of death.
The Thracian children were nowhere to be found. As they were the first children to be taken from Thracia, they were said by the Loptrian priests to all be "the finest treasures." Because of that, they were quickly taken to Queen Hilda's Chronos Castle.
Hilda was from Velthomer, the same house as the emperor, but she'd married Bloom of Friege and had two children with him. One was Ishtor, who'd been killed at Melgan Castle, and the other was Ishtar, Julius' beloved.
Hilda was so cruel by nature that it could be considered insanity. And it was only doubled when her husband and son were killed by the liberation army. 
When the liberation army thought of what kind of fate awaited the Thracian children, they couldn't afford to relax in Peruluke. They quickly prepared for their next attack.
During their preparations, Julia went missing.
'Did she have some kind of premonition?' Seliph wondered.
As soon as they'd gained control of Peruluke, she had approached Seliph to talk to him, and he did not know the reason why, so he’d felt uneasy ever since.
'It's really unusual for her to be the one to start a conversation with me.'
Ever since Lewyn had entrusted Julia to him, as her guardian, he'd always taken special care of her. However, she did not take advantage of that. Especially ever since she'd learned that Lana loved him, it was apparent that she was always avoiding him on purpose.
But on the battlefield, she told a different story. Though she'd previously been a shaman, she could also use light magic. Seliph had given her an Aura spellbook he’d obtained during the battle in Isaach, and used it to fight bravely, killing countless enemies.
Seliph talked to Lewyn about what to do.
"Julia's gone missing!"
The always calm Lewyn looked unusually shaken up. "I see, that is a huge error on our part. We needed to be more careful. It seems we underestimated the enemy a bit."
"What's become of her?"
"She was kidnapped by the enemy. That's the only thing I can think of."
"But why?"
"I don't know why yet. But your mother Deirdre also went missing once. It was during the fight  with King Chagall in Augustria. She'd just given birth to you, so she didn't participate in the battle. However, during a break in the fighting, she left the castle to meet with Sigurd. That was when she went missing.
"The next time I saw her was during the Battle of Belhalla. She appeared before us as King Azmur's granddaughter and Arvis' newly wedded wife. That makes you and Crown Prince Julius brothers from different fathers."
"Lewyn, I've always had this feeling. This feeling that you're hiding a lot from me. Please tell it me. Don't worry about my feelings. I want you to tell me everything you know."
"Yes, I was thinking that the time would soon come for me to tell you. It seems like this is perfect timing.
"Until now, I have emphasised the aspect of this war that is the people standing up against the tyranny of the empire and Loptr Church. That was because I wanted you, as the leader of this army, to think about the people. No matter how many Crusaders wielding Holy Weapons rise up, if you are not an ally to the people, you have no chance of winning.
“But when I heard your speech in Thracia recently, I felt that you now have all the qualities of a leader. So I think it's finally time for me to tell you about one more aspect of this: the Crusader's battle.
“I have traveled the world for over ten years in search of the truth about the Battle of Belhalla. What really caused it? I met more people that I could count, and scrutinized each and every record of the event I could find. I thought the profession of bard fit in perfectly with that goal, but I also occasionally changed my appearance. I have even disguised myself as a priest of the Loptr Church.
“That was how I discovered a huge secret."
And so, Lewyn began to tell a long story.
"This happened about three hundred fifty years ago.
“Galle, who would go on to become the founder of the Loptrian Empire, crossed the sea and traveled the world when he was young. His goal was to drink the blood of an ancient dragon of legend and gain power that humans could not possibly match.
"Nowadays, ancient dragons have become the products of our imaginations. No one has ever seen one. However, when Galle returned home from his journey, he possessed a mysterious power.
“Galle had been ambitious from the very beginning, and in Year 440 of the Gran Calendar, he said that he was the arrival of the one and only god Loptous, then founded the Loptr Church. After that, he used his mysterious powers to reform many young people, and created an evil army that did exactly as he told them to.
"Seven years later, his army caused a civil war within the Gran Republic. The world called it "The Rebellion of the Twelve Deadlords." In just half a year, the republic fell. And in the next year, they established the Loptrian Empire, with Archbishop Galle as its emperor. That was when Loptous transformed into a dark god.
"Loptous wanted the fresh blood of children. Those who resisted were killed without mercy. The "Tragedy of Miletos" and "Massacre of Edda" that we still pass down stories of now, are nothing more than particularly striking examples from that time. 
"To the people, every single day was a living hell.
"Finally, they were unable to put up with it any longer, and in Year 535, Maira, of the imperial family, started a rebellion. Maria's rebellion was quickly suppressed, but after that, a liberation army rose up in every region, revolting to overthrow the empire.
“The liberation armies were defeated by the mighty imperial army, but where one was defeated, another rose up in its place, and the fighting continued on for a long time. Only the fighting itself could not be stopped. Then, the Miracle of Darna, which you've spoken of before, occurred.
"The gods that descended at that time knew that the chaos occurring on the Jugdralian continent was caused by powers those of the dragon tribes possess, and if they left things as they were, then the entire world would one day be controlled by dragons. To prevent that, they came from their other world.
  ��The gods took on human forms. For example, Light God Naga appeared as a young girl, and Fire God Salamander appeared as an old man. Next, they exchanged a blood pact with twelve warriors, meaning that they pricked their fingers, and gave their blood to the warriors. It was the same way that Galle hand received the ancient dragon's power. The twelve gods were actually dragons as well.
"The dragons gave the warriors their blood, as well as twelve weapons that had their powers sealed inside them. That is how the Twelve Crusaders were born. 
"Loptous was the most evil of his tribe, one that possessed terrifying power. Only the Dragon King Naga could oppose him. And so, Naga gave Saint Heim, the leader of the liberation army, her blood, and the Book of Naga. 
“After that, they passed on several warnings to the Crusaders, then left. The Twelve Crusaders combined their powers and finally defeated the emperor of the Loptrian Empire, who was Loptous current incarnation. Some were against the efforts to eradicate Loptous’ bloodline, as they questioned whether or not it was necessary to go so far as killing the children. However, they had no other options. One of Naga's warnings explained to them that Loptous could be revived. 
“If a woman who'd inherited Loptous' blood birthed a boy and a girl with one of the descendants of the Twelve Crusaders, and their children then had a child of their own, Loptous would be reborn in that child. Fearing that possibility, the Crusaders killed every member of Loptous' family. However, one person managed to go undetected by the Crusaders.
“That person was a descendant of Maira, the one to start the rebellions. The emperor who suppressed the rebellion had massacred Maira's family, but a child he'd had with a commoner when he was young escaped. Maira had only spent one night with the mother, so he didn't know they'd had a child together. Because of that, the child was not treated as a member of the imperial family.
"One hundred years passed.
"Naga's warning was the "Hope of Resurrection" to the surviving followers of Loptous. Any of them that were found were burned at the stake. However, the priests could use magic, so some hid their identities, and served royals and the wealthy.
"Those mages searched tirelessly for a survivor of Loptous's family, and, in the end, they found a descendant of Maira. That lineage had birthed a daughter, whom the priests educated in the behavior and speech of a high-class woman, dressed in fine clothes, and sent to a place where she would be noticed by a man who'd descended from one of the Twelve Crusaders.
"Eventually, the woman, named Cigyun, caught the eye of Duke Velthomer. Though she did not wish to marry him, she had no choice but to do exactly as the mages told her to.
"That marriage resulted in the birth of Arvis.
"But later on, Grannvale's Prince Kurth sympathized with her plight, and the two developed a secret love. As soon Duke Velthomer discovered it, he felt he could not bear such a disgrace, and committed suicide.
"Meanwhile, Cigyun was terrified of the weight of her sins, and fled Velthomer. She was pregnant with Prince Kurth's child at that time. After returning to her home, the Verdane Forest, she gave birth to a daughter, who was your mother, Deirdre.
"The Loptrian priests searched frantically for Cigyun. However, by the time they figured out where she had been, she had already passed. That was when Deirdre and Sigurd were married, and had even already had you.
"However, the priests didn't give up there. Their only hope was in Loptous' revival.
“For that reason, they kidnapped Deirdre and erased her memory. The one to do that was probably Archbishop Manfroy. He had appeared when Arvis came of age. This is also just a guess, but Manfroy probably told Arvis that he has both Mage Warrior Fjalar and Loptous' blood, and once Arvis knew that, he likely feared that he would be burned at the stake. Of course, Manfroy undoubtedly also whispered in his ear sweet words of making him emperor if he'd cooperate with the Loptr Church.
“And so, Arvis fell in love with Deirdre at first sight. Then, he introduced her to King Azmur as his betrothed. The king took one look at her, and suspected that she might be a member of his family. When he had Deirdre take off her circlet, he saw the Holy Mark of a descendant of Saint Heim. He recognized her as his late son's daughter, and entrusted the country to them.
"That happened right before the Battle of Belhalla. Since three years prior to that, battles had occurred here and there across the continent, but it’s believed that those were also orchestrated by Manfroy from behind the scenes. There's no question that Manfroy's target was Arvis and Deirdre's child, and to end the bloodlines of the Crusaders before Loptous was reborn. And things went as he'd planned. When the Battle of Belhalla was over, the only surviving descendants were Arvis and Travant.
"Then, Julius, the child who was supposed to eventually become Loptous in the future, was born. The first half of Arvis rule was not a bad one, but recently, the Loptr Church's tyranny has become obvious, and I'm certain this is because Julius has grown and become powerful. 
"Arvis and Deirdre had one more child, a daughter and Julius' twin. She should be, of course, Saint Heim's descendant, but no one has seen her at the palace in years, meaning she has gone missing. But she is actually Julia.
"She is your sister from another father.
"The only thing is, I do not know the reason why she was kidnapped.
“I know it has something to do with Loptous' rebirth, but how is Julia connected to that? She may be a descendant of a Crusader, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she was born with one of their powers. Julius should be the same. Has Loptous already been reborn within Julius, or has that not happened yet, and they need Julia for it? Or perhaps they are trying to round up all the Crusader’s descendants fighting with the liberation army, for something like the Battle of Belhalla. Is that why they kidnapped Julia, because their goal is simply to recreate that?
"That is what I do not know."
Lewyn's long story was finally finished.
There was so much to it, that Seliph didn't know what to say right away.
Just then, Lana walked into the room. "Am I interrupting something?"
"No, you're okay. Do you need something?" Seliph asked.
"A bard has asked if you'd like to listen to a poem about the Crusaders."
"I don't really want to hear it right now, but…"
"No, a bard is a person that always tells the truth. If he's come from afar, we absolutely should listen.” Lewyn said.
Lana led them to the bard, a blind old man. His clothing was not at all stylish like Lewyn's, and he had nothing but a kithara with him, making him easily mistakable for a beggar.
 He clumsily bowed his head, then raised his kithara.
However, from the moment his fingers strummed the strings, and the first sound echoed into the air, the proof of his skill was undeniable. The first measure was powerful, the second was like something from a dream, and from the third onwards, he strummed a string of complex chords.
When the short prelude ended, he recited with a clear voice,
'Black Knight Hezul
Cut through the darkness with Demon Sword Mystletainn
Sword Saint Od
Swept away the darkness with Divine Blade Bulmung
Holy Warrior Baldr
Lit up the darkness with Holy Sword Tyrfing
And lastly, Saint Heim
Prayed to the heavens with the Book of Naga
The prayer turned into a light
Which turned into a white dragon
That challenged the black dragon to battle
The white dragon and the black dragon,
Light and darkness,
Fight a long battle that might never end
Will it end in victory?
Or in death?
I am not afraid
For even if our battle
Ends in defeat 
The light we seek
Will never be lost
I believe
In those who will inherit our hearts
I believe
In those who will inherit our light.'
Seliph gave a huge round of applause for the bard's magnificent recitation of the poem.
The bard winked at Lewyn, then left the room.
"What's the matter, Lewyn? That was an amazing performance, wasn't it?"
Seliph looked at and asked Lewyn, who hadn't clapped, and spoke not a word, because he was lost in thought.
"I was a fool."
"Why? Why were you a fool?"
"The reason why Julia was kidnapped. It was obvious. She isn't necessary for Loptous’ revival. She's the opposite - she's an obstacle in their way, because she is the inheritor to the Book of Naga. Meaning she is the one who possesses the power to defeat Loptous. I fear that Loptous has already been revived, and he intends to kill her. Why did I not realize it sooner!?"
"What did you just say!? Then we must go save her right away!"
'Julia, please stay alive.' Seliph prayed. 'We'll come save you. Until then, please stay alive.'
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
BakuDeku: Supernatural Elements
A lengthy one this will be, all the goods in one list for your viewing pleasure!
These supernatural elements are all fantasy related works such as werewolves, vampires, demons, and more. Here is the list in order:
120 Works.
- Werewolves: 18 Works. - Vampires: 13 Works. - Mers/sirens/selkies: 13 Works. - Ghosts: 17 Works. - Witches & Fairies: 6 Works. - Angels & Demons: 21 Works. - Zombies: 4 Works. - Youkai/spirits/Kitsune: 1 Work. - Naga/monsters: 7 Works. - Mixed Elements: 20 Works.
~Eve ❣
Werewolves and were-creatures
[Discontinued] a boy and his dog: a wolf's tail by Ramabear (RyMagnatar), TheatricalPlacenta ( E | 102,947+ | 6/? )
In a world of supernatural beings, one young man is doing his best to get by.
Izuku’s a simple human and a college student, curious and cautious with a generosity and kindness that can be killer. But when a chance encounter with the Big Bad Wolf of campus breaks him out of his shell, will Izuku succumb to the flames of his new desire, or will he rise above it all?
But this bad boy Katsuki isn’t all that he appears to be. Behind that prickly exterior is a heart of gold and beneath that lies a hunger that Izuku can’t yet fathom.
Even if Izuku can manage to tame the wolf on his tail, what will he do with the beast inside of himself when it comes calling?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Noncon groping ]
K-9 by warschach  ( E | 18,304 | 1/1 )
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
You. Me. The Moon. by Copkilla1990  ( E | 67,555+ | 17/? )
it started with katsuki's uncontrollable werewolf wet dreams.
or something like that
[hiatus] i will not be tamed by the dark by wonduhhwoman  ( M | 10,530+ | 2/? )
Katsuki is looking to tie himself to the wielder of the Great Spirit of Harmony's power through a blood bond. Aizawa has other plans for the famed King of Beasts.
Izuku saves a wolf and earns a guard dog. It's begrudging on both sides.
Dear Fellow Traveler by Morpheel  ( E | 19,863+ | 4/? )
On the verge of completing a cure that would see to the end of many common ailments, Alchemist Izuku Midoriya grows desperate at the realization that he is missing a key ingredient to his brew.
However the blanket of night looms overhead, promising trouble to any who would dare venture out into the deadened woods at these hours. Many travelers have lost their lives braving the dangers of the forest, but it's a risk that Izuku must take, as the concoction would be unusable by the crack of dawn.
Yet the forest was never supposed to hold Werewolves.
Sorely unprepared for a run-in with the Alpha of a desperate pack, Izuku is captured, and held hostage within their ranks. In the midst of a clan afflicted with illness and death, Midoriya must survive the temperament of clan leader Bakugo Katuski, while attempting to find a cure for their affliction.
Easier said than done.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Child Death ]
You're Everything A Big Bad Wolf Could Want by ElopeToTheSea  ( T | 23,959 | 5/5 )
Little red riding hood
I don't think little big boys should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone...
In which Izuku saves a wounded dog, and ends up with a mate for life.
crescent fever by umbrage  ( E | 4,116 | 1/1 )
The night before a full moon, a werewolf’s inhibitions are at an all-time low.
Juggernaut by warschach  ( E | 19,357+ | 4/? )
What had four legs, a tail, fur all over, and went 'woof woof' in the dead of night?
Katsuki's soulmate, Izuku Midoriya, the werewolf.
Which is funny-if you're fucked up in the head and you're going to get real fast why Katsuki was a special Frosted Flakes brand of 'fucked'- because Katsuki's profession clocked out monsters' time card early.
It should be fine.
Narrator: It was, in fact, not fine.
(or Katsuki meets his soulmate at the worst time and under the worst circumstances, tries to deny his feelings while battling monsters, attending class-yea,no-, and trying to piece together the giant gaps in his past. so adulthood except everything does want to kill him.)
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage ]
Friction by warschach  ( M | 20,057 | 3/5 )
Izuku's getting married today.
To an alpha he hasn't met and doesn't know beyond his name and the kind of strain he was born with; lion if anyone was curious. And it wouldn't be that bad of a situation but Izuku's an alpha too with a tiger strain, and you know the spiel about alpha-alpha unions more fighting than loving in those bedsheets.
So there's a high probability this whole sham marriage might go up in flames if they're not careful; and when was the last you heard about alphas being careful, huh?
(or Izuku makes the right dumb decision to marry the right alpha under the wrong conditions)
Through Lies and Deceit by Shadowolven ( E | 15,351+ | 2/? )
Supernatural beings, termed occults, haunt the land in search for human victims for their consumption. The surviving human race, having splintered into numerous settlements across the land, struggle in a never-ending war to keep the occults at bay and to ultimately eradicate the fiends.
Izuku and Katsuki are such habitants, training to become professional hunters like their ancestors before them, aiming to become vigilant protectors of humanity. They've spent many years together in training and off, and tonight, on an evening full of celebration, they were given one last opportunity to relax and be the youth the town expected them to be.
But, things go terribly wrong when the truth becomes discovered: Katsuki Bakugou is not a human.
[ Homophobia | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
He Who Catches by TouchofFever (UntappedChaos) ( M | 5,281+ | 2/3 )
Fantasy/Werewolf AU Izuku only survived the winter of his fourth year because a tribe of werewolves took him in. He became one of theirs, a son of wolves. Guilt made his wolven mother return him to humans once the seasonal melt arrived, but that didn't stop him from making a promise with someone... a someone who, however precious, he forgot in order to live.
Call of the Moon by SurelyHeavenWaits ( E | 44,662 | 11/11 )
Bakugou is a werewolf and his wolf hungers for one thing- well, one person. His childhood best friend. And he refuses to let his wolf hurt him.
[ Mildly Dubious Consent | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Izuku & Wan-chan by errant_rivalry ( G | 2,120 | 1/1 )
A unusual dog visits a boy so he doesn't spend Halloween alone.
Mine by bkdkwritingsdump ( M | 2,505 | 1/1 )
Izuku’s just a humble alchemist who lives in a cottage in the woods… with his werewolf boyfriend, Katsuki. Every month, when he can no longer control his wolf instincts, he gets particularly possessive, maybe even too possessive. (He’s still a sweet little sap under it all, though.)
Let Me In, Let Me In by osakakitty ( E | 3,131 | 1/1 )
Izuku finally has a day off from vampire hunting, and decides to spend it binging candy and television. His werewolf boyfriend has other ideas.
Halloween Exchange gift for Bubblyn!
Wolf’s Bane by tenneiah ( E | 24,041+ | 5/? )
It’s a world ruled by the humans.
It’s been 30 years of wolves getting hunted and killed by them. 30 years of prejudice, taboos and discrimination between both species. 30 years since the leader of the werewolves was murdered, trying to achieve peace.
Still after 30 years, a nerd named Izuku finds himself assisting an injured wolf in the middle of the night, in the heart of Tokyo.
[ Genocide References | Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
The Hunting Party by MarionetteFtHJM ( E | 50,488+ | 12/? )
Izuku had gotten himself into many messes over the years. He’d once got stuck in the back of a restaurant after hours because he’d been too shy to ask someone to let him out of the staff bathroom he’d locked himself into. Or that time he got stuck on a roof of a house saving a random cat for some little girl’s sake. Or when his mom left him home alone for the first time and he invited four neighborhood stray dogs into the house and they’d made a mess out of everything. Come to think of it, most of his messes involved animals. Comically he thinks, this is no different.
(Alternatively: Izuku and Katsuki get caught in the crossfire, fake date and then solve some problems for some dangerous beings)
The Reason It's Wrong by Merrywetherweather ( T | 10,247+ | 4/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a Were species, a type of creature that has the ability to shift into a specific animal. As a rabbit Were, his mother had always taught him that
1) Weres had to keep themselves hidden, even from other Were species
2) He had to keep his identity a secret to protect himself from humans
3) He would most assuredly be hunted and killed if a predator Were found him out.
Bakugou Katsuki is such a predator Were. But his head's a mess, his primal wolf instincts conflicted about the newest hunt he's taken up.
An animal Wereau.
red like wine by wbtrashking (fan_nerd) ( M | 12,593 | 1/1 )
Katsuki stops, startled by something crashing through the bushes. He hopes it's just an animal knocking into a tree, but his instincts have prepared him for the worst. He comes face to face with a deeply-wounded man, his eyes feral and dark. Blood drips from his clothes when the man falls to his knees.
Anybody with a wound that large has to be up to no good. Katsuki knows that fact very well
vigilance by wbtrashking (fan_nerd) ( M | 8,190 | 1/1 )
“I understand if it’s too much to deal with right now,” Izuku softly starts, “but I’d appreciate it if you two could tell me what's going on.”
One youth with silver hair offers him a wary look. “You with those creeps who have scales?”
Izuku shakes his head.
Then, the red-haired young man looks Izuku up and down, staring into his green eyes for a long moment before he speaks again. “There are rumors, right―about people that aren’t one hundred percent human.”
“I’m one of them.”
Izuku and Katsuki are well-known vigilantes in Japan. Rumors about them spread far and wide, occasionally making their jobs more difficult. When they catch word of a syndicate doing awful experiments on children, the two of them chase down those responsible and make them pay.
Vampire Deku by Betery ( M | 7,453+ | 4/? )
Being quirkless doesn't mean you can't be a hero. Being at the right place at the right time and the gumption to DO something makes you a hero. Sometimes this can have fatal results; luckily fate was smiling was looking down on Izuku and he did in fact not die. However, something else DID happen to him that will affect him for the rest of his life.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
A Drop of You by felicitous ( E | 7,920+ | 2/? )
When Izuku is out celebrating with friends, he notices a familiar face in the crowd and learns that his childhood friend has changed in ways he never imagined possible.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
your kiss tastes so red by kewltie ( T | +4,057 | 1/? )
A wolf and a lamb falls in love. It's the perfect fucked up fairy tale.
[ Obsessive Behavior ]
Lovebites by mynameis152 ( E | 128,941+ | 39/? )
Katsuki Bakugou was going to hate this summer.
He thought he'd hate it because he was being forced to leave home and work for his mother's friend in a small, seaside town. He thought he'd hate it cause he was being punished for burning his room to a crisp. He thought he'd hate it because he hated change.
But it turns out, he hated the Supernatural Turfwar between four species that shouldn't exist but do a whole lot more....
The one where Katsuki is forced to move in with Inko for the summer and finds himself falling for a particular bloodsucker....
[ Suicide Attempt | Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
Bad Days by GreyDayMoon ( M | 11921+ | 6/? )
Izuku was having a pretty bad day.
Someone else was also having a shitty day too and ended up bleeding out in the alley Izuku was walking through.
Izuku in his bleeding heart nature decided to help him.
The day got worse for Izuku.
[ Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
Don't Play With Your Food by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 1,067 | 1/1 )
Katsuki feels apprehensive about the arrangement he's made with Izuku; he knows a vampire and a human shouldn't be in love. (But, here they are anyway.)
War of Hearts by Simplyfx ( T | +13,022 | 4/? )
Bakugo Katsuki hates vampires from the bottom of his heart, reason why he had promised himself to exterminate all of them from the face of the earth. His resolve falters when he meets Midoriya Izuku, a vampire who claims to hate him to death.
Ivory by Dark_Mage_Ayumu ( E | 3,566 | 1/1 )
When he looked up, Izuku was sitting in his lap. His mouth hung open as he panted harshly, messy hair even messier as it clung to his forehead. Katsuki could clearly see his top row of teeth, and how massive and sharp his canines were.
“Kacchan… Please… Just a little… I promise…”
[ Underage ]
Don't want the world to see me by undertake_r ( M | +4,167 | 2/? )
Katsuki doesn’t really think of himself as a good person. He never has, he knows he isn’t.
He supposes this was just karma coming back to bite him in the ass.
His dull red eyes stare up at the grey sky, blurry with the rain falling from the clouds above as it mingles with the blood from his weeping shoulder and probably broken nose.
The dull throb from the slice in his arm felt warm as his natural healing closed the wound slower than normal.
He’s going to have to use his last packet of blood on this bullshit. Fuck.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
you said you'd keep me honest (but i won't call you on it) by arifail ( T | 10,738 | 1/1 )
Deku wasn't Katsuki's problem so there really wasn't any good reason for him to be standing outside the nerd's door, hollering loud enough to wake the dead.
Or for Deku to be opening the door looking like the dead Katsuki had woken up.
Crimson Concrete by pearliegrimm ( M | 29,817+ | 16/? )
Bakugou Katsuki was pretty sure he had this vampire shit down to a tee. All he had to do was stay away from the sunlight, avoid churches and not have any attachments to humans? That was literally how Katsuki had lived his life up until now- it was the exact same, except, he supposed, with higher stakes (ha, get it?)
“Hey dude, does this mean you can’t eat garlic bread anymore?”
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Merpeople, sirens, selkies
[Abandoned] Green Sea by HG_Wells ( M | 7,263+ | 1/? )
KatsuDeku Mermaid!AU (I haven't seen very many of them around and at this point it's just plain annoying)
Izuku Midoriya is Prince of the Sea, a young Merman who was next in line for the throne. He has everything a Merman could ask for, except for one thing; Freedom. He wants to see what the surface is like, but it's against every law in all Seven Sea's to breath air. But what Izuku thinks is a small trip turns into a live or die situation, and he finds himself placing all of his trust into a talented Biologist to get home.
Sugared Saltwater by halcyonwhispers ( T | 6,956+ | 2/? )
As a high class model for most of his life, Katsuki knows the ins and outs of any gig. He’s worked with Oscar-winning actor “All Might”, had his face plastered on magazine covers, and modeled Gucci and Prada for fashion week in Milan with that asshat Todoroki, so shooting a fucking perfume ad shouldn’t be hard.
Not even with the overgrown fish in the tank.
that one au where katsuki’s a super model and risks his ass to save a merman (and vice versa)
Songling by Seatrix ( Not rated | 2,471 | 1/1 )
A long time ago the sirens, who had ruled the seas for eons, decided they wanted to go onto land, and so they brought their songs and shared it with the civilizations on land.
Centuries later, all that remains of a siren is but a small scale set at the base of the siren’s throat, these creatures called themselves Songlings, and lived next to their original home-the sea.
There are many ways a scale could break.
For Midoriya Izuku, heartbreak broke his.
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine ( T | 7,707 | 1/1 )
Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
Fishy by warschach ( E | 19,417 | 1/1 )
Izuku’s convinced his hot co-worker/neighbor, Katsuki, is a mermaid-or merman- you gotta consider genders even with mythical creatures- and plans to prove it.
(or this is kinda like the show ‘Monster Quest’, except Izuku actually finds said monster, falls in love, and have sexy times.)
The sea, it calls me by MochiUs ( E | 17,860+ | 3/? )
One was searching for what was lost. One was looking for what was rightfully his. They were creatures of the sea, and this was their tale. This was the story of how a selkie and a merman fell in love.
[ Suicidal Thoughts ]
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by kewltie ( M | 1,834+ | 1/? )
Even the devil got nothing on Bakugou Katsuki, but it may have hand him something else. Something otherworldly, something scaly and with a tail.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
green around the gills by umbrage ( M | 9054+ | 3/10 )
In a world where mythical mer are born and bred for entertainment, Bakugou abruptly finds himself charged with the care of a battle-scarred betta.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | PTSD | Mentions of Abuse ]
shipwreck on the red sea by flowercafe ( M | 12,036+ | 3/? )
Izuku’s always been wary of sharks, but he never expected to come face to face with one like this.
Midoriya Izuku is a village fisherman who embarks on a dangerous quest to save his small mangrove village from starvation. When he accidentally stumbles into the treacherous waters of an apex predator, Izuku must figure out a way to endure the cold fury of one deadly and very volatile shark mer.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Lifesaving Kiss by Paper_Wings ( E | 14,840+ | 4/? )
When a terrible storm sets in without warning, and Izuku is thrown overboard, he finds himself face to face with a living creature of legend. Stranded on a rock in the siren's den, the young sailor has seven days to convince the beautiful, but deadly siren to spare him.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Dubcon | Panic Attacks ]
The Secret of the Sea by Trinatee_the_Manatee ( Not rated | 4,372+ | 2/? )
When he was young, Katsuki was very close to an omega merboy named Izuku. One day, a band of pirates came and stole Izuku from him. Now Katsuki is setting sail with a rowdy band of privateers, and he swears on the sea that he will get his Deku back.
What Am I? by FadedNobody ( T | 6,959+ | 1/? )
After crawling onto land over five years ago Katsuki discovered that life as a human could be pretty damn great. So when he finds himself training some nerdy green eyed loser at the surf shop why does his world suddenly stand still?
Izuku's stuck in life and as door after door of opportunity closes before him he turns to the only thing he has left. Surfing the blue waves of his home town. So where did this blonde asshole come from and why does he insist he's a local?
for whatever we lose by kindaopps ( Not Rated | 4,553 | 1/1 )
He locks the pelt up in a chest, and keeps the key hanging from his neck.
The boy's face was devastated, but Katsuki found even that quite beautiful.
[ Dub-Con ]
[Discontinued] Casper Ain't Shit by CaridwenAngetueur1 ( M | 16,328 | 12/12 )
In which Izuku and his mother are murdered and become ghosts.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
The Dust We Have To Breathe by Tyranno ( T | 11,861 | 8/8 )
Bakugo made a big mistake--a huge one--years ago that he never stopped regretting, and now there's only one student from his highschool getting into UA.
Well, 1½.
help our souls by writedeku ( T | 13,773+ | 3/6 )
Yagi Izuku died at the relatively young age of twenty one, and maybe he might've been content with that - except for the fact that he just can't seem to find the afterlife. Enter Bakugou Katsuki - the Police Academy's finest detective, angry at the world, conspiracy theorist, who quite literally walks into him one early evening on a late October's day. Katsuki hates him, or at least, for the first twelve hours.
I'll haunt the shit out of you by SlytherinsInSpace ( T | +13,258 | 8/? )
First of all- ghosts shouldn’t have anxiety.
Of all the fucking things that could have followed him into death- it had to be an ever-impending sense of doom and discomfort? Hadn’t he already reached his doom? Was death and doom not enough?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Handkerchief Dude by zubateatscakes ( M | 10,631 | 1/1 )
Mr. Anger Issues might be an alien, Izuku thought. He couldn’t explain his apparently unlimited voice volume otherwise.
“What have you just called me?” The guy cracked his knuckles and, face twisted in an evil smirk, stepped forwards into his personal space.
Izuku became very pale and then turned as red as a tomato. He flinched and moved backwards, but the man kept approaching. “Did I say it aloud?”
“You fucking did.”
“Oh crap. Sorry?”
“Take your fucking lame excuse for an apology and stick it up your ass,” Mr. Anger Issues spat out, nails digging into his palms.
Ghost hunter Izuku travels between the world of the dead and that of the living. Katsuki is troublesome and likes to brawl.
One day, Izuku finds Katsuki in a dark alley, and their lives entangle together.
Deal with the Devil by stars_go_dim ( T | 9,596+ | 3/? ) 
“So... I’m in hell?”
“Yeah, basically.”
Katsuki paused for a moment and looked Satan in the eyes with an unreadable expression.
In which Katsuki makes a deal with the devil and is forced to spend the rest of his time on earth with Izuku until the deal has been successfully completed. However, not everything goes according to plan as Katsuki faces many problems along the way, as he slowly but surely begins to develop intense emotions for the boy - more intense than he had originally planned.
[ Major Character Death ]
Daffodils by magnificent_catastrophe ( T | 5,305 | 1/1 )
Bakugo's been running from his past, a past that holds feelings he's wanted nothing but to bury inside of him. Then one day, a fragment of his past comes to life. Now Bakugo has to deal with his 3rd Year at UA on top of a beast from his past. The road ahead is filled with tears and heartache, and quite frankly, Bakugo's not up for the challenge.
[ PTSD | Mental Illness and Instability ]
Yūrei by EclecticIsMyMiddleName ( E | 53,804+ | 4/6 )
Izuku's apartment is haunted by none other than Bakugo Katsuki's ghost. Imagine his surprise when he finds out why Katsuki's ghost can't rest in peace.
[ Major Character Death ]
Mizpah by SchnellerTod ( M | 6,086+ | 3/? )
The one in which Izuku gets a new life and Katsuki gets pain in the ass.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Yūrei no Eiyū by FandomManiac22 ( T | 42,281+ | 16/? )
"If you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it. Believe that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!”
When Katsuki’s comment comes at just the wrong time, Izuku takes his advice. But it is not the end.
In another world where Izuku is attacked by the sludge villain on the way to school instead of after it, his dreams get crushed too soon. With nothing to save him and Katsuki’s words ringing in his ears, Izuku decides to end it all by jumping off his school’s roof. As his body cracks on the ground, Izuku does not pass on to the next world. Instead, he is left as a ghost among many others. When the slime villain escapes from jail and attacks the person Izuku can’t help but care for, he learns that there may be more to his afterlife than he thought.
And maybe he can be a hero after all.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death | Suicide | Depression ]
Amateur Ghost Hunters by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 19,768 | 15/15 )
Izuku, aspiring film producer and fanatic of the paranormal, somehow convinces Katsuki, a staunch skeptic, to start an internet series with him where they investigate supposedly haunted sites. And with both boys attempting to hide their feelings for each other, one has to wonder if it's true what they say about horror and romance…
Hearse by Yousayhun ( M | 4,694 | 1/1 )
I will never go backwards I will never be free I will never run faster Will you sink down to me? I will never go backwards I will never be seen In the wake of disaster, will you sink down to me?
Or the one where Bakugo-kun is seriously sad and Izuku is a ghost.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
EVP Sessions by autochorystalize ( T | 9,682 | 2/2 )
Izuku had been interested in the paranormal for years now, spending many weekends exploring haunted locations and trying to document proof of spirits. Tonight was the start of his next big project: creating a documentary series about paranormal investigation.
Katsuki thought Izuku was full of shit, but he always showed up anyway.
[ Mentions of Suicide ]
Unseen by Catching_Wildfires ( Not rated | +2,864 | 1/? )
If Izuku knew anything about himself, it would be that he was dead.
He didn't remember how it had happened, but here he was, sitting right on top of his school rooftop, gazing into the sunset, with no one else to see him-
"What the fuck are you muttering about, shithead?"
-until now
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Witching Hours by bkdkwritingsdump ( G | 2,622 | 1/1 )
Katsuki’s apartment is definitely haunted, but the ghost actually seems to like him, maybe even love him. Can he date a ghost? Is that okay!? Izuku thinks yes, but then again, he’s the ghost ;)
Pit Stop by bishounen_curious ( E | 2,821 | 1/1 )
Izuku's best college memory is definitely when he fucked a ghost on a weekend hiking trip during his junior year.
Written for Scarlotis Luna for a Halloween Exchange!
Quietus by Kovhha ( T | 12,936+ | 3/? )
Green eyes struck his and pinned him in place. Bakugou froze, and his knees felt weak. Big green smiling eyes looked back at his. Freckles wrinkled in a grin, curled hair cupping his cheeks. It had been the happiest damn picture of Izuku Bakugou had even seen. It was so alive, Bakugou almost thought he saw movement from it. But it had just been a picture. A worn picture now that he was looking. It was yellowed and curling at the edges, a stray water stain rolling over one cheek. It was nothing but a cheap imitation of the real thing, nothing but a lingering memory, quickly being forgotten by the passing people. There was a stand holding equally wilted flowers and long burned out candles. It was very far from the rest of the bodies, Bakugou knew the site well.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Witches & Fairies
That One Time Bakugou Blew a Fairy by CaridwenAngetueur1 ( E | 962 | 1/1 )
Bakugou meets a stranger in a club and decides to give him a blowjob.
Unfortunately, the stranger is a fairy.
a deal of a lifetime by needsmoresleep ( T | 3,903+ | 2/? )
Izuku had been told many times not to wander outside of the woods or too close to human civilizations.
Your Darkness is My Light by Pikachuscribbles ( G | 1,177 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki is a new era Umbra Witch; something he found out was part of his lineage at age four. However, a certain green haired boy -his best friend since childhood- always had a knack for attracting trouble. And now, here they are, with his Deku somehow trapped in Paradiso, covered in scratches and bruises. And it’s up to Bakugou to take him back home.
A World of Enchantment by NightshadeDawn ( G | 721 | 1/1 )
Izuku's been dreaming of a song for many years. He never imagined where it would lead him.
Burn the Witch by sundaechii ( T | 2,233 | 1/1 )
A week after the start of summer break, the Bakugou’s got a new neighbor.
Dreaming Awake by butterfly78 ( T | 1,970+ | 1/? )
Bakugou Katsuki is just an arrogant witch trying his best. Dorms aren't conductive to secrecy, but by god he's gonna try. Canon compliant until I stop caring.
Angels and demons
Stick The Landing. by theweakestthing ( T | 7,609 | 2/2 )
Bakugou stared at the now gaping hole in his ceiling, blinked several times before his eyes trailed down to the pile of debris in the middle of the room.
"What the fuck?" Bakugou whispered, brows knitted, "what the fuck!" He yelled, shaking vigorously with rage.
The pile of debris shifted and moved, giving way to something that looked suspiciously like a body. Fluffy green hair appeared from the rubble along with the rest of a very naked man that didn't have a single scratch on their body apart from something on the man's back, it was completely absurd, utterly absolutely completely absurd. The man turned toward him, smiled wide and moved slowly from the debris, ceiling tiles and splintered wood moving around the man's legs and feet.
"Kacchan," the man said, smile wide and kinda scary.
"What?" Bakugou barked, taking a step back, really though what the hell was happening.
I Summoned a Demon 101: an In-comprehensive guide to Corporeal Demon Do's and Don'ts by EAter ( E | 96,150+ | 36/? )
Midoriya Izuku was born with a quirk: the ability to summon and bind demons from an alternate plane to do his bidding. With only a few days left until the UA entrance exam and still no offensive-type demons in his arsenal, Izuku makes a desperate venture at summoning one corporeal, a feat he had never before attempted. He'd say it was a success- but he doesn't actually know if it'll be more a help or a hindrance. Especially since Bakugou Katsuki is, well, kind of a shit.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage | Panic Attacks | Dissociation | Mentions of Rape | Mentions of Child Abuse ]
One of You by LucianPrompto ( T | 2,658+ | 3/? )
When you hear the word “special” or “unique” what is the first thing you think of?
Some might say themselves, the place they live or the people around them, or even something like the weather that day.
In another world, Midoriya Izuku desired to be this above all else. To be able to be a well-loved hero with a cool quirk to protect everyone with. But in this world, he wished nothing but to be like the other, hidden, unknown, quirkless.
In this world, Midoriya Izuku is what many people would consider “Unique”. You see Izuku had a secret. While he had the power to protect, he would not have anyone to protect being the monster he is.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Bound to You by Magefeathers“ ( T | 5,751 | 1/1 )
There were a few moments of nothing but the static, and Izuku feared that maybe the demon had disconnected after all. But then the voice spoke again, and this time it was flat, listless, without any of the anger and fire Izuku had come to expect from it.
I exist to destroy you, Midoriya Izuku,” he repeated. When he continued his voice was bitter, and almost sad. “I’m bound to you. I am going to steal your breath from you, because that’s the only way for me to be free. Sooner or later, one way or another, I will destroy you.”
[hiatus] 7 Sins by kacchansass ( E | 5,704+ | 1/7 )
Izuku gets invited to a party where he knows his childhood crush and on-again off-again friend would be. He wants to repair their friendship—but before he can get anywhere with Katsuki, some kids from a rival school crash the party. Katsuki, being the leader he is, confronts them outside.
Hours pass, and Katsuki still hasn't returned.
AKA the Jennifer's Body AU nobody asked for.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Icarus by BrightEyesEren ( M | 44,694+ | 5/9 )
“Young man, let me tell you the story of an angel born without wings.”
What's the difference between an angel with wings and an angel without them? Between sin and enjoyment? Between living a life of purity and a life of freedom?
Izuku summons a demon by the name of Katsuki to find out.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Vertigo by warschach ( M | 34,142+ | 5/11 )
“Guardian—you’re an angel? My angel?”
That was offensive as hell coming from a unicorn working an afternoon shift at a coffee shop. At least he didn’t have a damn horn protruding out from his damn skull. Not that Katsuki judged supes on their appearance—magic could do only so much and it took a once massive creature and condensed it into a human suit so some things were bound to be uneven—but this guy, his guard until someone or something decided to do Katsuki a solid and off Izuku, called him out.
(or Katsuki is an unwilling guardian angel, Izuku is his unwilling guard, trouble happens, and maybe they fall in love)
Fight for the fall by Ereri_Garbage ( T | 1,205 | 1/1 )
Angels probably had a worse fate than demons. When an angel aged 16 years they were returned to the heavens to be tested by god and to see if they were fit to live amongst the clouds with the strongest warriors or doomed to live a life on earth, fallen.
The World Is Silent (we are loud) by RedHeadsRock1010 ( T | 77150+ | 17/? )
There is only one Angel and one Demon at a time – born each generation after the previous one dies and destined to keep the balance of the world in a vicious battle of good verses evil until the end of existence.
The current Demon stared at the Angel humming and weaving pink flowers into his own bright green curls. A crown of red roses already sat on the Demon's head.
Yeah, fuck that bullshit.
love black as sin by clairesail ( E | 7,394 | 1/1 )
Kacchan has always been something ethereal to him. Magnificent, beautiful. Someone Midoriya's own mortal hands were not worthy of touching. Little did he know how right that feeling had been.
Only, not in the way he expected.
Fuel for the Fire by EclecticIsMyMiddleName ( E | 12,630+ | 1/13 )
Hell is full of demons, and Bakugo Katsuki is one the most infamous (or should we say, "popular"?). His job is to give the demon fuckers what they want in exchange for their souls. Sure, he enjoys the "perks" of his job as an incubus, but he's never felt anything for his victims.
Until now.
Alternatively Titled: "Izuku Accidentally Summons an Incubus and Learns About Demon Anatomy"
[ Major Character Death ]
Lucky for Me by Daiako (Achrya) ( E | 4,837 | 2/2 )
Izuku, Katsuki's summoned succubus, takes an attack meant for him. Katsuki decides to deal with an unwanted rush of emotion in the only way that makes sense between them.
Kinktober, prompts are wings and rimming.
Broken Horns & Fragile Wings by zuccin ( G | 1,682 | 1/1 )
When Izuku was a child, he met an angel. An adorable angel that lived next door, Bakugou Katsuki. Years passed and Midoriya (or Deku) is sure his angel got even cuter by the time; he's glad they are together.
// In an universe where Angels and Demons live peacefully together, a green haired demon falls in love with an angel.
Broken Angel by Atinyhamster ( M | 56,549| 24/24 )
With his mentor sick and dying, Izuku is left with no choice but to make a deal with a demon. Unknowingly he sets off a chain reaction, starting with a price far greater than he ever imagined. But hell is nothing like he thought and he is left questioning everything he has ever learned before.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Implied/Reference Self-Harm ]
Soft Wings by actualdevil ( T | 1,533 | 1/1 )
As someone already prone to accidents, it was no surprise when Deku took a bad fall during track practice.
(Or, a quirkless AU where everyone has wings for no reason)
"Small, but Pretty and Shit" by SugarRose22 ( G | 3,179 | 1/1 )
Izuku's quite insecure about his wings, but someone he knows actually thinks very differently about them than you would have guessed.
Katsuki is up front with his feelings, as he always is.
The wingfic no one asked for but I'm writing it anyways.
Angel and Stranger by ColourlessZero ( E | 6,478 | 1/1 )
The warrior angel, Bakugou Katsuki, is sent to the mortal realm to slay the demon prince. His travels lead him to ancient ruins in a barren desert and the bright-eyed mortal named Izuku. Desparate to rid himself of the emobodiment of annoyance, Bakugou agrees to teach Izuku a song. The only problem, Izuku is a terrible singer and Bakugou is losing patience fast.
Will he be able to get Izuku to leave before the demon prince's arrival?
Saving You by TarynToffee ( M | 13,089+ | 3/? )
Angels weren't supposed to exist, so what does it mean when Izuku meets a crimson-eyed angel with an explosive personality in his bedroom who says he's there to save him and his life suddenly shifts and not for the better?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Saudade by zuccin ( G | 1,972 | 1/1 )
When a plague that only affects demons reaches the north, Katsuki is called to help control it with his healing abilities. The demon Midoriya can understand why, but still, he still misses his angel.
Just three weeks, just three weeks and he'll see his angel, Katsuki, again.
'Twas You Who Wounded the Pure by WhenJoshIsJoseph ( T | 1,381 | 1/? )
When Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku, two firefighters, die saving people in a fire, they arrive in the afterlife and are assigned to Heaven and Hell - but it doesn't work the way everyone expects it to. A mix up in the records proclaims Bakugou an angel and Midoriya demon...
...Only, it was meant to be the other way around.
Now, Bakugou must race against time and prevent Midoriya from becoming a full fledged demon if he's ever to save him, and in order to that, he needs to find out what Midoriya held against him when he was alive.
Feelings were never meant to come into it.
Or, Bakugou is the awkward angel, and Midoriya is surprisngly good at being demonic.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Tainted Love by FireFoxFireFlies ( E | 2,416 | 1/1 )
Izuku falls for a fellow angel and is cast out of heaven for this crime. He soon finds himself in the arms of a demon who "consoles" him.
[ Major Character Death | Implied/Referenced Suicide ]
365 Days Without Incident by The Emerald Eyed Boy (MissingOneEye) ( Not Rated | 18,703+ | 18/? )
On October 29th, last year, Izuku Midoriya was killed in a car accident.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Love That's Left Behind by ploThief ( T | 1,439 | 1/1 )
The trio flinch when they hear the tale-tell guttural moan of hungry zombies. Two new zombies have heard the commotion. One looks savage, face twisted forever in an angry scowl. The other is plainer, moving with a slight limp. The two are bloodied and dirty, but in much better condition than most zombies they cross. Newly turned, Ochaco’s mind supplies. It leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
[ Major Character Death ]
Footprints in a Reddened Sky by Hollowed_Soul ( T | 6,577+ | 4/? )
Izuku Midoriya is quirkless, he moved towns due to excessive bullying at previous schools. Izuku has never met Bakugou nor All Might and Bakugou is in UA along with the others. It seems pretty normal. Except it's a zombie apocalypse and Midoriya has been turned to one of them.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
breathe ( E | 2,336 | 1/3 )
For most, the zombie apocalypse was something they had started out with. For others, they were born in it. Izuku Midoriya was the unlucky one out of many to be born inside of one.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Hearts of Men and Yokai by GreyDayMoon ( M | 53,598 | 27/? )
Katsuki was relaxing in the forest simply enjoying his peaceful world when a small six year old green haired incarnation of trouble came across him. Even worse, the kid seemed to be able to see yokai. Now fully annoyed but also intrigued, watch Katsuki interact with the child.
OR: An AU inspired by Natsume and the Book of Friends and Kamisama Kiss
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
In the Eye of the Storm by CheshireButton ( M | 122,611+ | 13/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a scientific prodigy seeking a cure for a rapidly spreading neurodegenerative disease. A potential clue in his research points to a fabled island, guarded by an eternal storm from which no travelers have ever returned. He navigates through the hurricane and discovers an island that is anything but uninhabited. He must adapt to survive against the natives who place intruders in three categories: warriors, mates, or meat.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Offering by Bakuholic ( T | 7,032+ | 4/? )
Every year, an offering is given to the dragon race as a trade off for the dragons' protection. This year, Izuku Midoriya is the human offering.
He trembles at the very thought of his death being by the claws of a dragon. However, his expectations of his future seem to turn when an ash blonde alpha dragon begins to grow fond of him and adds him to his hoard of treasure.
(I"m not good at summaries it seems)
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Deku's Dumb Dragon by Lochan10 ( M | 9056+ | 4/? )
Midoriya meets a dragon at the age of 4, and ends of being best friends with the dragon for years. But one day Midoriyas Royal friend, Prince Todorki, Uraraka, and Knight Iida come across Midoriya and the dragon they have heard about but never met per Midoriyas request only to realize it was the Barbarian Dragon King their friend had been friends with for years.
And Midoriya didn't even know himself that he's best friend with a king. The Barbarian Dragon King himself no less. So what happens when he realizes the truth?
A fluffy story of Bakugou secretly pinning after Midoriya for years only to finally do something about it when his identity is revealed by the half and half bastard.
This is Yuuei by Logsnake ( T | 24,509 | 13/13 )
This is Yuuei. We have hunting, fishing, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problem are the pests. You see, while most places have mice or mosquitos, we have… dragons.
(Or the first How to Train Your Dragon but with Izuku as Hiccup and Katsuki as Toothless)
Hoarding Treasure by Swifty_Heart ( M | 10,234+ | 2/? )
Humans are becoming extinct, plan and simple, no one knows why but fifty years ago the sky and earth suddenly opened and dragons appeared soaring the sky and climbing out of the ground, they will come in a scoop up a single random human and then take off, they won't destroy anything or take anything else just one single human and leave...its lead to a strange sort of peace.
Strange Encounters by kacchansass ( E | 3,273 | 1/1 )
Midoriya Izuku is the General of his people, the dragon shifters known as the Ryuujin. His main task as an alpha warrior is to safeguard his people. Bakugou Katsuki is an explorer set out with the great task of gathering knowledge about people that are scorned from the rest of the mainland.
Two worlds collide, for better or worse.
[ Rape/Non-Con ]
Walking in the night sky by Daiako (Achrya) ( M | 5,414+ | 3/? )
Bakugou is your typical mildmannered dragon shifter and biker, turned out from his own world and forced to live in the human one. Nothing special about him at all. He's content to move from backwater town to backwater town, keeping to himself, and making no attachments. At least, he was until he met Izuku, a waiter too cute for his own good, in a strange town that refuses to let him leave...
Mixed Supernatural Elements
Hard to Say by halcyonwhispers ( T | 8,390+ | 2/? )
Izuku is a Halfling, born after his faerie father spirited away his mom and then left her behind. Never quite fitting in with the humans or any of the supernatural beings in his small town, Izuku hoped that going to a diverse college in the big city will help him finally make friends.
Katsuki’s family has been powerful witches for generations, and he’s no different. Talented and a proclaimed genius to boot, he knew he shouldn’t waste his time on this dumbass (disgustingly cute) half-blood.
two idiots fall in love and don’t get that the other’s awkward cues are just a result of romantic tension.
Sick Like Animals by osakakitty ( E | 3,848 | 1/1 )
Whenever Katsuki Bakugo is struck by his seasonal heat, Izuku Midoriya agrees to help him until it ends. He takes Bakugo into his care, providing him with the stimulation he needs. One morning, after a night of light sex, Bakugounfortunately finds his heat unquenched.
Fantasy AU in which Katsuki Bakugo is half-beast, and Izuku Midoriya is an alchemist in-training. They both have a mutual understanding and need and for each other. Sex ensues.
Lucky for you by Daiako (Achrya) ( E | 3,603 | 1/1 )
Katsuki is a summoner, a damn good one. Which makes accidently calling forth a timid Incubus and ending up bonded to him all the more infuriating. It only gets worse when he realizes he can feel the demons emotions and that it's is very very hungry. The only way to quiet the bond is satisfy the demon’s needs and complete the spell.
For Kinktober, prompts are incubus and bonds
The Bonds that Bind Us by DMMegsie ( E | 44,568+ | 7/? )
Travelling with his trading caravan, Izuku is on his way home when they stumble across an already heated battle in the middle of an open field in the dead of night. Being mistaken as part of attacking party, Izuku finds himself fighting off the fabled Demon King of the Mountains of Fire.
However, during the battle, Izuku breaks a necklace on the Demon King that held an unspoken promise from his mother from long ago, which changes everything.
Nothing ever as it seems, nor is it simple. As an omega of elven descent, Izuku has a lot to learn about the greater world and himself. The same could be said of the half dragon lord of the mountain.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Rape/Non-Con ]
all gifted by fitzefitcher ( T | 9,129+ |  4/?)
The thing about gifts is that they're meant to be given, they're meant to be shared; so Izuku will take his gifts, so freely given to him, and share them with all he holds dear.
Izuku is born without any gifts, as his kind often are, to a witch mother and salamander father, on one sweltering night in July.
[ Abuse | Bullying | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Arsonist vs The Tree by Annoying_Tourist ( M | 2,979+ | 1/? )
The great dragon Katsuki had spent the past few centuries cultivating his reputation as the fearless ‘Beast of the Western Lands’. Everywhere he goes, he leaves a trail of fire and ash in his wake. But soon his life of treasure hoarding and raiding villages doesn’t seem as fulfilling as it used to be. Was it time for him to settle down, make himself a permanent home and start living a more peaceful and humble life?
Naturally, Katsuki decided that the ‘next step’ in his life was to build himself a grand temple next to Musutafu, the biggest village in the Western Lands. The humans would learn to worship him eventually.
The tree spirit Izuku- an actual deity and self-proclaimed protector of Musutafu- takes issue with this.
Reparations by Merrywetherweather ( M | 37,459+ | 15/? )
When Izuku was a child, he was told to never enter the woods. But being in possession of the shortest attention span a four year old is capable of, he ignores his mother's warnings and stumbles after a very pretty butterfly. What he finds, instead, is a friend. His first and only friend.
Izuku is in his twenties now and he no longer runs to meet with the childhood friend who pushed him away so long ago. His mother and their village are on edge because he's way past his presenting years and he still hasn't had his first heat. He's defective. An omega who can't present can't find a mate or have kids, not like he's ever been inclined to find someone or have children. After leaving the confines of his small minded human village and wandering out into the woods once again, in search of a better life, that all changes when he runs into the one person he hoped to meet but never thought he'd see again.
Bonds Don't Break by DeKatsu ( T | 1,360 | 1/1 )
Katsuki catches an unfamiliar scent in his territory and decides to hunt it down. He doesn't expect to find Deku at the end of the trail.
You, who didn't listen by Preintice  ( E | 7,601+ | 1/4 )
Time always was a blurry conception made by humans. It implied a race against time. It implied choices and pressure. However for those whose Time had no impact on, it felt like languorous torture. Where you try to find an objective of your own, either be it dying or playing, but grow quickly bored from it.
Katsuki (to become Bakugo) was in search for recognition, power and chaos.
Deku (to become Izuku Midoriya) was in search for redemption, acceptance and comprehension.
And together, they fell.
[ Graphic depictions of violence | Major Character Death ]
Belonging by MochiUs ( M | 2,525+ | 1/3 )
A ghost and a werewolf. An unlikely pair. They were on the search for the answer to their problems, but they gained something more along the way.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
An Old Church Ground by KingHugin ( Not rated | 6,526 | 1/1)
Ever heard the legend of the Grim?
They say it’s a large black dog, an omen of death. That if you’re unfortunate enough to ever catch a glimpse of one. Then well… you never really live to tell the tale.
That’s only one of the legends and not the one of this story, though I guess it still ends in death.
 Or a story where Katsuki is the Grim of an old church ground, and Izuku is… well he’s something else.
[ Major Character Death ]
An Unlikely Pair by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 1,751 | 1/1 )
Katsuki is a fire wizard stuck with a life-magic familiar whom he thinks is utterly useless to him. During a battle with a particularly nasty demon, though, Izuku might just prove his worth.
The Monster That Stole My Heart by Merrywetherweather ( T | 4,855 | 1/1 )
Katsuki's been stalking this specter for the past week as it's been infringing on his territory. After finally engaging with it, he learns that Deku's been squatting in the graveyard for almost a month.
Katsuki makes it his business to help this ghost move on and get gone. Deku and him will need the help of Uraraka, the witch, and the vampire, Todoroki, if they want to try and fix whatever made Deku a mostly incorporeal spirit.
A little oneshot I thought up and wrote for Halloween.
Werewolf in The Witch's Forest by Unoutan ( T | 6,035 | 1/1 )
The sky is blue, the air is chilly and the leaves are falling all around the forest, but a wolf with pale fur is close to death at Izuku's feet...and the witch-in-training, collecting his herbs alone amongst the trees, is the only one who can help.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Day of the Dead by JunNoAce ( E | 10,676 | 1/1 )
There was no worse feeling than believing that you were to weak to protect the person you held most precious to you and living out your life without them.
Imagine Bakugou Katsuki's shock when he finds his Deku again half a century after his murder jumping into his arms.
.... It's a romantic tragedy with porn. Lol!
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Puppy Love by kacchansass ( G | 3,286 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki has a crush on the idiot spirit Midoriya Izuku he's soulbound to protect. He thought that his trial to become a full fledged Guardian Werewolf was the hardest thing he'd ever faced, but he may have spoken too soon.
Series Part 2 of Bound Together
Heart Keeper by Quirkyasfok ( Not Rated | 1,078 | 1/1 )
Katsuki had never considered being a Heart Keeper as part of his future, but then again, he also never thought Izuku Midoriya of all people would kill himself.
[ Implied/Referenced Suicide ]
Kaleidoscope by Disney_Princess_Izuku ( T | 5,141 | 1/1 )
Izuku is a witch. He just needs to find his familiar. Enter a boy that is a wolf, and a wolf that is a boy - with wild red eyes and sharp smiles.
And Izuku thinks:
"Oh, it's him."
Smoke and Mirrors by Daiako (Achrya) ( M | 5,160+ | 2/? )
Hundreds of years ago All Might, the last of the once great Celestial race, used his divine sword and all his power to seal the necromancer known as Father, and all his undead minions, in Unchanging Deadlands. Peace followed and All Might, and his broken sword, faded into legend.
But all peace eventually ends and, as undead hoards and monsters of nightmare crawl forth from the barren islands to the south, a group sets out from the north in search of the broken sword to once again seal the threats away. Lead by Demon Prince Todoroki and Dragon Prince Bakugou they’re the best their people have to offer, ready to lay down their lives to stem the tide of darkness.
And then there is Izuku, a mild mannered apothecary, devoid of magic, who has never learned not to touch whispering objects of power.
[ Major Character Death | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
torn fur, blunt teeth by SageMasterofSass ( E | 29,816 | 11/15 )
After eight months of being collared, Izuku is finally free. But a dark, stormy city is no place for a lonely shapeshifter on the run.
[ Past Rape/Noncon ]
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exoversxl · 5 years
cc facts while this is my permanent account now i guess? xD (more under the cut)
There are approximately 1500+ countries on Arda (Earth). The entirety of the Earth is protected by the EMCU, centered in The Benevolent and Blessed Confederacy of Missouri, in the Former United States Region. The Exoversal Major Crimes Unit is lead by Trippz Grissom, who came from the Unity Hearts Multiversal Cluster. The Crossover Chaos Exoverse was formed from a parental dispute between Xedra Colmare, and her then-husband Xalgoth. Their dispute was so explosive, that it destroyed Exoverse Zero, and started the First Exoverse. The couple had 3 sons, and 1 daughter that they were fighting over. Bone, the oldest, Venom, the second oldest, Ice, the second youngest, and the only daughter, and then the baby of the children, Qhkarus Colmare, who later reincarnated into Puggsy (Fangface). Fanboy (Fanboy and Chum Chum) is in the Adventurer's Club (Mission: Magic!) due to being in a relationship with the leader, Kim Yu. He loves her to pieces, and they are due to marry within a few weeks as of this writing.
Fred Jones and Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo) ended up together, and ended up having kids. Velma is an eternal bachelor, and Shaggy ended up with Makoto of Jupiter, also known as Sailor Jupiter. (This was inspired by ScoobMoonBusters) Fangs (Fangface) is gay, and ended up with a skateboarder by the name of Ken Hunter. They were both famous in the 2000s for their skateboarding, so they are considered a power couple. Winston Zeddemore ended up retiring from the Ghostbusters, and is now married to Queen Ti'yah Clarke of the Desert Nekonian peoples. He is also a Monster Hunter, and is good friends with Black Panther and the people of Wakanda. Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro (Futari Wa Pretty Cure) are married. They still have their Precure powers in this universe, and Nagisa is a high ranking commander in the Japanese Defense Force. She is semi-retired from it, though, but can still be called in if there's a situation. Honoka works at S.H.I.E.L.D as a scientist, alongside Velma Dinkley, Tom Van Beuren (Van Beuren Tom and Jerry), also of the Antiknyghtz!, and many others. Eugene Meltsner (Adventures in Odyssey) is an alien, his blood originating from the planet Bagklock. He is of the Ixfay tribe, and is a Bagklockian Skypiean. His real name is Yuija Malznar, and he is of blood related to the previous royal family. He cannot step foot on Bagklock due to that fact, and has lived on the planet of Avalon most of his life. Milkweed (Fanboy and Chum Chum), Hogwarts and Sakurazami (Magic School from Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure) are part of the same school system. Hikaru Hoshina (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) went here in Crossover Chaos after graduating her canon school. This is where she met Gastoon Lagaffe (formerly Bow Lagaffe), and Kyle Bloodsworth-Tomason. They currently share an apartment together. Shantae is in a relationship with Vinnie Malaproper (Mission: Magic!). Because of this, she is semi-retired from protecting Sequin Land, which is situated in the Caribbean in this universe. If shit goes down, though, she will go there and save the day. Vinnie often comes along when this happens. The Lylat System (Star Fox) is a dead galaxy. It is currently being mined by the Byakkan Empire, a black comedy parody of KallyPanaStudio's Jellielandia. John Avery Whittaker (Adventures in Odyssey) is a retired Green Lantern. He used to fight alongside Hal Jordan back in the day, and retired during the Blackest Night Crisis. Beatrix (Gaston) Lagaffe is a Grey Jedi. She used to be a true Jedi, but then lost her mind, becoming what she is now. She is also a Grendel, a space werewolf species, is queen of them, and is also a trans woman. Gaston, her name in original canon, is instead her deadname. British Columbia, a capitalist country originally part of Canada, and Alberta, a communist country also originally part of Canada, constantly butt heads over a lot of stupid stuff. The rest of the 1500+ countries in the world think they're idiots. In the ancient past, an ancestor of Housemaster (Arfenhouse) came to Earth from space and landed in Ancient Ireland. His spaceship looked like a toaster, and he even called it such. Hence, why the country of Ulster is named such, and why toasters are named toasters. Wreck-it Ralph and Fix-it Felix are the mail carriers for Muncie, the Democratic Protectorate of Indiana. They have rubbed shoulders with Garfield and Jon Arbuckle, by the way, and are aware of Garfield's heritage from the Stars and Stripes Supergalaxy, and his ties to the Biker Brethren of the planet of Washington. They find it super ridiculous. Sailor Moon and Goku are married, and rule the Moon Kingdom together, due to the fact that Tuxedo Mask and Chichi died heroically in the Exoversal War. Chibiusa in the Crossover Chaos universe's father is Goku, hence she has a pink Saiyan tail. The universe of Ni No Kuni is one of many "parallel universes" in Crossover Chaos, and Swaine Pendragon, who in this universe is a Naga, comes from that universe. Parallel Universes and Alternate Universes are different things. Parallels are universes where there are different people existing then the main verse. Alternates are where the same people exist as the main verse, but are under different circumstances then the main verse. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is in the same school system as U.A. High School (My Hero Academia) and the Splitsboro Sidekick Academy (Sidekick), among others. The Time Knife (The Good Place) is on Pluto, in the Time Palace. It is watched 24/7 by guards that are trained from birth to protect it.        
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ctfmeister · 6 years
I’m R̶o̶y Daisy
“Umm… I can explain?”
Sweat poured profusely down Robin’s face. In front of him, stood his wife Lucina bearing a look of both disgust and confusion as she gazed upon a totally pantless Robin and an exposed Marth laying down on Peach’s bed while wearing pink lingerie.
“What the name of Naga is going on here?” Lucina asked, pure unadulterated anger in her voice. She firmly placed her hand on her sword handle, ready to unsheathe at any moment.
It was over for him. There was no way to recover from this. He wanted to explain to her that it wasn’t what it looked like. But it was exactly what it looked like. He’d just had sexual intercourse with Marth dressed as Princess Peach. There truly was no other possible answer for what had just happened in this room. Nevertheless, Robin was still a tactician, so god damn him if he didn’t at least try to get himself out of this situation.
“Er- Lucina! You see… When I got here, Marth was covered in Princess Peach’s clothes! So, I started undressing him and he thought it was some sort of game and he started to undress me! So really, it’s just a big misunderstanding.” Robin said nervously, anxiously fiddling his fingers while hoping she’d taken the bait.
That’s when he saw it, a sudden glimmer of hope. Lucina cocked her eyebrow up, as if she was actually considering what he’d said as a real possibility. Robin mentally pumped his fist. He could do this. He could totally do this. All he had to do now was keep the story going and maybe he could get out of this scot-free.
“Oh Lucina dear…”
A chill went down Robin’s spine as soon as he heard Marth’s high-pitched voice resonate from behind him.
“There’s no reason to be upset.” ‘Peach’ continued. “If you were actually able to pleasure your husband, he wouldn’t need to come to me for release.”
Robin’s heart sank to the ground, his head turning down to the floor in fear. He was fucked. There was definitely no coming back from this. Slowly lifting his face back up, Robin was met with Lucina’s deathly glare. Her face was painted pure red, boiling over with unsurmountable amounts of anger. Without second though, she quickly unsheathed her sword.
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Lucina yelled out, as she bolted towards Robin.
Raising her sword in the air, Lucina swiped it down towards Robin with all the force she could muster up. Fortunately for Robin though, his reflexes were fast enough that he was able to catch Lucina’s arms mid swipe, preventing her from slicing him in half.
“Lucina please!” Robin pleaded desperately. “I know it looks bad, but I swear it really is just a big misunderstanding.”
“You just had sex with them!” Lucina retorted.
“I did not-”
“Yes, and it was the best sex he’s ever had!” ‘Peach’ added, interrupting Robin before he could defend himself.
“GYAHHHHHH!!!” Lucina shrieked at the top of her lungs, summoning all the force she could to push her arms down even harder.
“Lucina, LUCINA!” Robin tried to appease her. “Yes, I had sex with Marth.”
“Grrrrr…” Lucina growled at the thought.
“But! It was for a very good reason! He um… He-” Robin gulped. “He looked very attractive wearing Princess Peach’s clothes.”
 “GRAAAAAHHH” Lucina kept pushing down against Robin with the strength of the exalt blood that coursed through her veins, until the tactician could hold her force no longer and the two fell down onto the ground.
 Robin quickly shook his head, trying to orient himself from the fall. Now he was laying down on the ground, with Lucina sitting on top of him. Noticing this change in positioning, Lucina once again lifted her sword up and brought it crashing down onto Robin, but just like before the tactician was able to stop her at the right time.
 “Look! Ok, I’m sorry Lucina!” Robin relented. “I’m sorry I cheated on you with Marth.”
 “Cheated on me? Do you really think that’s the problem here?” Lucina asked furiously.
 “Huh?” Robin said, clearly confused.
 “You just had gay sex with my great ancestor!” She continued. “The Hero-King Marth! A man who’s been adored and idolized for centuries by my family and my country. You turned him into a dull-headed bimbo slut and fucked him! Do you know how humiliating that is? Do you know how much you’ve sullied the name of the Hero-King?” She sighed. “And not only that, I’m also partially responsible for this. Oh Naga, if people were to find out I allowed this, I… I would be executed! Burnt at the stake! Only then I would be able to pay for my crimes…” Lucina looked away to the distance, all glimmer gone from her eyes.
 “It’s ok!” Robin piped up. “Nobody has to find out! We can just keep this a secret.”
 “Oh, we will keep this a secret alright…” Lucina said, anger boiling up in her face as she focused on Robin again. “A secret you’re going to take to your grave!”
 With that, Lucina struggled free of Robin’s grasp. She raised her sword in the air once more and then sent it crashing down towards him. “HYAHHHH” She screamed with a thunderous roar.
 In a moment of panic Robin lifted his arms to cover his face and closed his eyes. He’d lived a good life up to now. He’d met a ton of friends, won a bunch of battle, had sex with a crossdressing Hero-King and even gotten invited to an interdimensional tournament. Hopefully the afterlife would be as kind to him as his current one. And then…
 THUNK!! A large bumping sound rang out into the air. Not really the sound Robin was expecting, considering it should’ve sound of a blade slicing his body in half, but what did he know? He was dead. Not only that, but his death was also surprisingly painless. He’d always thought that his end would be long a painful, struggling his best to stay alive as he fought to the bitter end against some brigand or dark deity. But he didn’t even feel any part of Lucina’s blow. Maybe he’d died super fast.
 He wasn’t dead, was he?
Robin slowly opened his eyes to see Lucina still sitting on top of him. She bore an angry expression, though her sword was no longer inches away from his face. Maybe she’d had a change of heart? He raised his hand to ask her, but before he could even get a word out Lucina promptly plopped down onto the ground, falling completely unconscious.
“Wha-?” Robin’s eyes widened in surprise.
Looking over to where Lucina once was, Robin found Marth standing tall before him, a dented frying pan in his hand.
“Robi, is she always like this?” ‘She’ asked. “Sometimes I wonder why you decided to marry her…”
With a look of joy in his face, Robin quickly sprang up and gave Marth a hug.
“Oh Marth! Thank you so much, you save my life!” He exclaimed.
Marth blushed, his penis hardening a bit. “I-i-i-it’s nothing! I w-would do anything for my Robi~”
“Although if you call me Marth one more time you’re going to be the next one to get hit by this frying pan.” ‘Peach’ said in a stern tone.
Robin giggled. “Oh alright, ‘Peach’. I’m sorry I’ve been calling you Marth for so long.” He said facetiously.
And in that moment, all was instantly forgiven. At this point her lovely Robi had been calling her Marth all day, so hearing him call him Peach for once made her heart stir.
 “So, what shall we do with her then?” ‘Peach’ asked.
“I’m not sure… But I do know she’s probably going to be angrier when she wakes up…” Robin replied, thinking deeply. “I don’t want to harm her or anything though. I just want her to understand that I might have gotten a bit carried away and made a mistake.”
‘Peach’ frowned at the thought. She didn’t really appreciate the magic that happened in this room a few minutes ago being called a mistake. Meanwhile, Robin closed his eyes and rubbed his chin pensively. If only he had a way to make people more understanding… More agreeable… More open to suggestion… Robin’s eyes bolted wide open.
Lucina slowly opened her eyes as she started waking up. Her head buzzed terribly, a parting headache fogging up her mind while her eyes adjusted to take in her surroundings. What had happened to her? The last thing she remembered was… Something with Robin? But that’s it. And now for some reason she felt absolutely dreadful, like someone had hit her with one of those hammers that randomly appeared in the tournament. Sighing, Lucina tried to take her hand up to massage her aching head, but instead she found that her arm was completely immobilized.
“What the-” Lucina breathed out in confusion.
She then tried to move her other arm but realized that this one too was stuck. Lucina began to struggle with her body. She tried to stand, but it was to no avail. Its as if she was… She tied up. That’s when she looked down and saw it. Wrapped tightly around her body was a rope, connecting her to the chair she was sitting on while her arms were stuck behind her back.
“What is going on?!” She shouted in distress.
“Oh, you’re finally awake!”
 A gasp left Lucina’s mouth as she heard Robin’s voice. Maybe he’d know what was happening.
“Hey Robin, what-” Lucina’s thought halted in its track, her heartbeat stopping for just a second.
For behind Robin she saw her great ancestor Marth, wearing Princess Peach’s clothes. A part of her immediately thought it was a nightmare. Maybe a part of her hoped that it was a nightmare. But as the sight of the Hero-King in a dress was burned into Lucina’s eyes, memories of the events that occurred just a few moments ago began to pour into her mind. In a blink of an eye, all of her pain and confusion transformed into unmitigated rage.
“Robin, you dastard! I’m going to kill you!” She yelled out in anger, trying to struggle out of her constraints with all the strength she could muster.
“Now, now Lucina. Why don’t we calm down and try to talk about this?” Robin suggested.
“There’s nothing to talk about here, Robin. You will be punished for your sins.” Lucina responded without remorse. “Now release me so I can impose divine punishment upon you.”
“See, this is why I tied you up. You’re way too heated about this.” Robin commented calmly. “Look, Luci. I didn’t mean for this to get so messed up. It’s just- It’s like I got a new toy and I really wanted to enjoy it, so I got a bit carried away. I’m sorry I brought dishonor to your family or what have you. I promise I won’t do it again.”
“Ok, apology accepted.” She replied.
“Wait, rea-?”
“NO OF COURSE NOT!” Lucina howled, interrupting Robin. “Did you really think I would just forgive you if you gave a flimsy apology?! You didn’t just cheat on me, you cheated on everyone that believed in the Hero-King!” She sighed. “Marth is… Marth is someone who is very important to me. Many nights when I felt like everything was lost or that my journey was futile, I would think about the Hero-King’s great quest. His bravery, his strength, his kindness… If it weren’t for him I don’t think I would’ve had the courage to try and save my world…”
Silence filled the room, Lucina somberly staring at the floor.
“That’s why I can’t have you defile Marth like this!” She yelled out, reenergized. “I’m sorry, but the only acceptable punishment for this is death!”
A loud sigh left Robin’s mouth. “Well, I tried.”
With a look of disappointment on his face, he reached towards his pocket and pulled out a small golden compass hanging on a chain. At first the gesture seemed strange to Lucina, but as soon as she realized what it was for she reeled back against the chair.
“You wouldn’t dare…” She said incredulously.
“I’m sorry but this is the only way.” He answered plainly. “Maybe if we’d come to some reasonable compromise I wouldn’t have to resort to this, but I don’t want to get murdered.”
“Are you being serious?!” Lucina asked. “This wouldn’t have happened in the first place if you didn’t hypnotize Marth and now you’re also going to hypnotize me!?”
“Don’t worry! I won’t make you do anything dumb, like Marth.” Robin reassured her. “I just wanna make it so that you’re not mad with me. Now if you’ll just focus on this compass…”
Robin hung the compass a few inches in front of Lucina’s face, slowly wagging it from left to right. But Lucina wasn’t having any of it. She quickly closed her eyes and slunk back into her seat.
“I’m not going to let you do this!” She shouted with confidence.
“Oh, Lucina… Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” Robin implored. “Peach?”
‘Peach’ gave a faint nod and walked behind Lucina. She knelt down and placed her hands on the princess’ head, prying her eyes open by force.
“GYAHH!” Lucina cried out. “You! Can’t-!”
“Now, now Lucina. Just focus on the compass, okay?” Robin said soothingly.
The compass rocked left and right in front of Lucina’s face. She did as much as possible to prevent eye contact with it, looking in other directions and trying to struggle away from ‘Peach’s’ grasp as best she could. But the object always sat there in the corner of her eye, swaying rhythmically without any care for her intentions.
And the more she tried to ignore it, the more appealing the prospect of following it became. It was as if it was beckoning to her, softly calling for Lucina to let her apprehensions go and relax. It was actually kind of amazing to her how dangerous such a simple compass could be. She’d seen its work first hand when Marth was hypnotized so she understood how bad it could be, but at the same time it felt unreal. Could something like a swaying compass and a soft voice really be so powerful?
“That’s right, just follow the swings of the compass…” He continued.
Lucina gently shook her head, snapping out of the momentary trance she’d fallen into. While her mind drifted away to thoughts about the compass and hypnosis, her eyes had unwittingly begun to follow the object’s motions. She tried her hardest to focus on something else. The background, something on Robin’s shirt, the hatred that filled her heart when she thought of Marth having sex with Robin. But now a voice in the back of her mind began whispering to her, telling her to give up, to give in.
“Don’t focus on anything else. Just watch the compass.” Robin added.
With that, Lucina found herself unable to look at anything but the dangling compass. Every time she tried to look away, she found her head firmly pulsating in pain. Panic began to flood into her mind. Was she already under his spell? Was she already doomed? It was at moments like this when everything seemed lost that she’d find a way to fight her fate, yet now there seemed to be no possible solution.
“Good, good~” Robin sang tenderly. “Left, right. Left, right. It’s very relaxing to just follow the compass, isn’t it?”
All of Lucina’s worries then washed away as his words came over her. Her anxiety, her fear, her anger, all gone in the blink of an eye. Of course, there was still the existential threat to her person that came from falling under Robin’s hypnosis. But it just didn’t seem too important to Lucina at the moment. Being this relaxed made her feel pretty good, so why should she worry?
“That’s very good!” Robin praised her. “Now, as you keep on following the compass, you’ll become more and more relaxed and you’ll start to feel really good~”
A large dopey smile appeared on Lucina’s face as she practically melted onto her seat. Whatever her inhibitions about this were before, they were now totally gone. She felt so relaxed and pleasant right now, feeling even better and better by the second. This was the most relaxed she’d felt in her life! So relaxed in fact, that she didn’t notice that ‘Peach’ had let go of her a while ago, and was now just staring at the princess in awe.
“Relaxation is good~” He continued. “But now you’re starting to feel very sleepy~ Each time the compass swings, you can feel yourself falling closer and closer into a deep sleep.”
Lucina could feel her mind fog up as the small compass that was right in front of her rocked back and forth. Her breathing eased, eyelids drooping lower and lower as her already limited set of thoughts slowed down to a crawl. Honestly, at this point she was so relaxed it was a surprise she wasn’t already sleeping. Maybe she actually was fast asleep and she didn’t know it!
“Now, I’m going to count down to zero, and with every step I count down you will only feel more relaxed and sleepier.” Robin instructed her. “Then, when I get to zero, you will be in a deep trance and will obey all the commands I impose on you.”
In all honesty, Lucina probably should have been terrified from what Robin had just said. But the waves of relaxation that assaulted her mind were so powerful that she eagerly welcomed any more that could come in, pursuing that pleasant sentiment that permeated through her system.
A wave of relaxation hit Lucina square in the face like a sack of bricks. Calmness and pleasantness flowing through her body like water through a river. It was as if she was in another planet, or as if she was living the through the eyes of another creature, a much happier and relaxed creature. Her heart was filled with serenity, her body and mind pushed to the brink of their limits.
The entirety of her body was in a deep sleep, so much so that Lucina couldn’t feel any of it. The only thing she could feel was the increasing pleasure that assaulted her mind and how it kept fogging up her thoughts more and more.
Her brain fizzed around, struggling to stay awake through the tremendous levels of tiredness she felt. Her thoughts fumbled around like one’s thoughts do during a dream, non-sensical and bizarre. Her eyes couldn’t even keep up with the compass anymore, fizzing about the room aimlessly. Surely her logical mind couldn’t keep up with the madness any longer.
And then complete silence. Not a single thought crossed Lucina’s mind, rigidly sitting on her chair while she diligently waited for whatever command Robin gave her. Robin gave a content sigh watching over his work. The fact that he could do something as amazing as hypnosis with only a book’s knowledge made him a bit proud. But this wasn’t the time to toot his horn over his intelligence, there was hypnosis to be done.
“Lucina. You will- er-” Robin stuttered. “You’re going to- Um… From now onward, you will- ah- uh-”’
The command Robin had planned for Lucina was simple. ‘You’re not going to be upset about the Marth situation.’ That was it. So why did Robin find it so hard to say it? Maybe it was the fact that it was so simple that made it so hard for him to do it. Was it even really hypnosis at that point? It just felt like with such a command he wasn’t using his power to the best of its abilities.
Not that the point of this was to use hypnosis. All Robin wanted to do was make Lucina not angry. That was it. Anything more he did to her would be wrong. Actually, the hypnosis he was doing right now was probably already wrong. The only difference is that if he didn’t do this at least he would be lying on the floor with a Falchion going through his chest.
Robin shook his head. It was clear what he was supposed to do. He knew he shouldn’t be hypnotizing Lucina into something other than what he had planned. And yet, deep inside a part of him clamored him to do so. To make her believe she was a Cloud, or Donkey Kong or even something like Paulatena or Bayonetta. Just the prospect itself made him very aroused. It was wrong, so he shouldn’t do it, but…
“Lucina…” He cleared his throat. “You will…”
Was it really wrong? Wouldn’t it be more wrong not to use it? After all, he just got this amazing power, it would be such a huge waste if he didn’t use at least a little bit of it. Plus, if he did just make Lucina not angry with him, he would have to turn Marth back and never use this power again. Now that was truly wrong. No, Robin had worked very hard for so long. The least that he deserved was a little fun.
“From now on you will believe yourself to be Marth. You will act and think like him, no matter what anyone else says. Hey, you can even do that weird thing you did with your hair when you disguised yourself as Marth. You will basically become his identical copy.” Robin commanded. “Except for one thing. You are extremely interested in women. Around guys you’ll act like Marth would, but whenever you see a lady you’ll become a sly womanizer and try as best as you can to have sex with her. When I snap my finger, you will wake up and everything I say will come true. And whenever I snap my finger afterward, you will return to this trance to receive more instructions.”
Robin breathed heavily. He couldn’t believe he’d just done that. His dick was already growing hard from the thought of waking her up.
“Peach…” Robin uttered. “Please untie her…”
With a faint nod, ‘Peach’ walked behind Lucina and began untying her from the seat. Robin raised his hand and put it in position to snap, licking his lips impatiently, when he suddenly noticed ‘Peach’ and realized.
“Oh, and Peach,” Robin called to her. “You’ll probably want to cover your ears. Maybe close your eyes?”
He wasn’t really sure how that worked. Nevertheless, ‘Peach’ followed his command without a question in her mind. With all the pieces set, Robin set his fingers together and-
A loud snap roared through the room like thunder through a storm. Lucina’s eyes bolted right open. She slowly looked around the room, her mind taking time to reboot as if she’d just awoken from a deep sleep.
“So, ‘Marth’…” Robin finally said, unable to wait any more. “How are you?”
Lucina focused on Robin, who was standing right before her. She looked intently at him for some time, a confused look on her face. But as her head cleared, her befuddled look turned into one of warmth, a smile crossing onto her face.
“Ah! I’m feeling very well Robin. Thanks for asking.” ‘Marth’ replied. “How about-”
At that moment ‘Marth’s’ eyes darted down towards the tactician’s crotch, only to find it was completely uncovered, with his penis hanging out mightily erect. A blush came upon the prince’s face. He quickly turned away from it, only to notice the equally as naked Princess ‘Peach’ only wearing her bra.
“Errrr- I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” ‘Marth’ asked shyly, blushing deeply as he stared at the floor.
“Unless… You two have finally accepted my invitation to join in a threesome!” ‘Marth’ perked up, a wide smile on his face. “Robin, your girlfriend is so very attractive. I’ve always wished to get some intimate time with her.”
“In your dreams!” ‘Peach’ retorted. She hugged one of Robin’s arms very tightly. “The only person I would ever have sex with is Robi.”
Robin on his end, couldn’t let out a single word. His penis poked out with a massive erection, one of the hardest he’d ever had in his life. The fact that he was able do this to Lucina made him so aroused any other thoughts were unable to form. He merely watched the hypnotized Lucina with lust and excitement
“Oh, very well then.” ‘Marth’ responded with disappointment. “In that case, I shall take my leave and let you two love birds get on with it. But if you ever change your mind just let me know!”
With that, ‘Marth’ quickly left the room. Robin basked in the high of hypnotizing someone else. It’s as if he was drunk with power, the fact that he could do such a thing to the usually inhibited Lucina made him feel truly powerful. With just a little bit of time and effort he could hold control over anybody’s mind. How amazing was that?
But when his high came down and reality settled in, a wave of guilt and regret began to wash over Robin. He really… He really had just done that, huh? And to his wife no less? Sure, hypnosis was fun and arousing but now that she was actually going outside and doing everything he told her to do around other people… Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. He should probably follow her and-
“Oh. My. God!” ‘Peach’ exclaimed loudly, interrupting Robin’s train of thought. “I cannot believe that just worked! Robi, that is so amazing! I didn’t know you could do that. Every day I fall more and more in love with you~”
The comment made Robin a bit happy, but the guilt he felt was so overbearing that it didn’t really help. No, what he did was wrong. He needed to go and-
“Anyways, now that that’s been dealt with…” ‘Peach’ then suddenly placed her hand on Robin’s erect cock, holding it tightly with a lustful look. “How about we enjoy some more alone time?”
Robin’s meat throbbed madly as it rested in ‘Peach’s’ palm. She was so hot and attractive… Maybe… Maybe he’d just spend a little more time with ‘Peach’. Then, he would go after Lucina. Yeah, that sounded like a great plan. With his worries gone from his mind, Robin hungrily followed ‘Peach’ onto her bed.
A loud bang resonated thunderously throughout the courtyard. Beads of sweat poured down Ike’s face as he pressed his Ragnell against ‘Marth’s’ Falchion. The two fighters stood face to face at a standstill, using all their strength to try to overpower the other. But it seemed they were evenly matched, as neither could deliver the finishing blow.
Then, with one swift motion, ‘Marth’ instantly shifted his position and removed all resistance from Ike’s way, making the mercenary lose balance. He then promptly tackled Ike to the ground, incapacitating and disarming his opponent in the blink of an eye. ‘Marth’ breathed a sigh of relief, sheathing his Falchion as he stood victorious over Ike.
For a while, Ike laid down on the ground confused, his mind having a hard time grasping what had just happened. But as the reality of defeat settled in, he couldn’t help but give a hearty chuckle.
“Oh man!” Ike exclaimed. “I can’t believe you beat me again!”
“I must have gotten lucky. That is all.” ‘Marth’ replied, extending his hand to help Ike up.
“No way!” Ike retorted, graciously taking ‘Marth’s’ help to stand up from the ground. “That’s like… The third time you’ve beaten me today. Even though we usually go pretty even. Surely you’ve come up with some trick!”
“Ah… Thank you, but…” ‘Marth’ blushed. “This is the way I usually fight…”
The two men walked along the field, making their way out of the battle area and into the common space whilst exchanging more banter. Meanwhile, Roy, the fiery headed young Pharean noble sat on a nearby bench. He had been watching the current battle closely, trying to see if he could learn anything from watching they two swordsmen clash blades. But after spending some time analyzing the way those two fought, something was bugging him… A strange feeling pecking at the back of his mind…
Marth was acting differently… It wasn’t too noticeable if you weren’t looking for it, but his teacher Cecilia always told him that you could tell a lot of a person from watching their fighting style, and Marth’s fighting style was totally different from what it usually was. Most of the time he was calm and calculated, only swinging his sword when necessary. But this Marth was more aggressive and swifter, totally different from the Marth he knew. Roy felt something was wrong, it just didn’t seem possible that Marth could have changed his dueling style in such a short time.
“So Roy, did you learn anything?”
Roy shook his head, parting from his thoughts as he heard Ike’s booming voice. He turned upwards to see the two fighters were now standing before him, sweaty and out of breath from their recent battle.
“Uh, yes!” He quickly replied. “Thank you very much Ike. And you too Marth… I’m sure what I saw from you will help me in my battles to come.”
Ike gave a loud chuckle. “That’s good to hear. Although in my opinion if you want to get better at fighting, then the best way to do so is to actually fight.”
“Yes, but there is more to fighting than just pure strength.” Roy calmly retorted. “A good strategy is also important from every fight. And you can learn a lot from watching the way others act during battles.”
“Yeah… I guess that’s why I’m not the tactician of my army, like you guys!” Ike responded with a wide smile.
All of a sudden, ‘Marth’s’ eyes lit up brightly.
“Ike. It was a pleasure sparring with you.” He said, patting Ike’s shoulder with a friendly demeanor. “Now if you’ll excuse me.
With that, ‘Marth’ walked away, leaving the other two swordsmen to themselves. Roy took this opportunity to stand up and get closer to Ike.
“Say, Ike…” He quietly spoke to the other man. “Don’t you think Marth has been acting a bit differently?”
Ike put his hand to his chin, giving it some deep thought. “Hmm… I don’t think so…”
“Really?” Roy gave him a look of surprise. “He was fighting so much more differently than he usually does. And there’s something different with his face… Even his voice was a little bit weird.”
But Ike shook his head. “Yeah, he fought differently, but I didn’t notice anything wrong with him. Maybe he was just trying a different fighting style.”
Roy looked down thoughtfully. Was there something really wrong with Marth? Or was he just thinking about it too much? Roy was one to worry about his friends, but maybe this time he was just being a bit too worrisome…
“Hello there, young miss!”
That was when they heard a loud voice blaring from the other side of the courtyard. Roy and Ike both turned in the direction of the voice to see ‘Marth’ standing quite close to Zero Suit Samus.
“I must say, Lady Samus, you are looking absolutely stunning today.” ‘Marth’ continued, a lecherous smile on his face. “That suit really compliments your features.”
Samus responded with a look of incredulity, not really sure if ‘Marth’ had actually said that or she had taken one too many concussions.
“Oh come on, turn that frown upside down.” ‘Marth’ said, pulling his body ever closer to Samus’. “Such a face is not fit for such a beautiful lady.”
But Samus didn’t appreciate this gesture one bit, for she quickly pushed ‘Marth’ away without any remorse.
“Ok, look here asshole.” She talked with stern in her voice. “I don’t really know what you’re doing or why, but if you don’t want to find out how deep I can shove my boot into your ass, then you better shut up.”
“Ah, what a sharp tongue you possess miss.” “Marth’ went on, completely undeterred by Samus’ threat. “But that’s ok. I like a little bit of spice in my treats.”
Roy could see the anger flare up in Samus’ face right as ‘Marth’ said that. Having had enough, she stomped away from the training field, holding in her urge to punch the annoying prince in the face as much as she could. Unfortunately for her though, ‘Marth’ had his eyes completely set, and just followed the space mercenary out.
Once the two were out of sight, Roy quickly turned to Ike, bearing a look that screamed ‘I told you so’.
“Alright, alright, you have a point.” Ike conceded. “Marth might be acting a little bit different, but it’s not that big of a deal. Maybe he just wants to get to know Samus intimately.”
“Isn’t Marth engaged?” Roy asked, eyebrow raised.
Ike sighed. “Ok well, I’ll agree that that’s not very good, but we’ve all been here for so long that I wouldn’t blame him. Look Roy, I understand that you’re concerned, and if it really bothers you I think you should talk with him. But I think you’re overthinking this.”
Having said his piece, Ike began parting ways from Roy. “Besides, I like this new Marth.” Ike continued “If he keeps beating me like this maybe I’ll learn something and not be one of the worst fighters in this tournament!”
Before long, the Greil Mercenary was out of sight. But deep inside, Roy wasn’t satisfied with his answer. This wasn’t the Marth he’d known and cared for ever since they both joined the tournament together. This felt like an impostor. Maybe Ike didn’t notice because he didn’t know Marth as well, but Roy couldn’t let this sit. He had to do something about it.
But the question was, what? He could ask Marth himself, but if this Marth really was an impostor then he wouldn’t tell that to Roy, and he would also find out about Roy’s suspicions. Then who knows what could happen. So, if he couldn’t contact Marth, then he had to do with the next best thing… His closest relative, Lucina. With a determined expression, Roy bolted towards Lucina’s room, ready to help his friend in need.
 Load moans echoed wildly throughout Lucina’s room. There, on top of the princess’ bed, sat Robin, legs wide open, with a sex-crazed Princess ‘Peach’ slobbering ferociously up and down his erect penis. The two of them had experienced tons of wild and crazy sex in Peach’s room, but after a while Robin began growing scared that the actual Princess Peach would come in and fin them. Thus, he suggested they move to Lucina’s room for a ‘change of scenery’. It was perfect given that since Lucina was out there pretending to be Marth, no one would interrupt them here.
However, the change in setting did nothing to alleviate ‘Peach’s’ insatiable sexual desire for Robin, as she ferociously assaulted his penis with her mouth. Her tongue traveled from the tip of his shaft down to its base and his balls, leaving no inch of his manhood untouched. And the way she twirled her tongue about with grace and passion, Robin couldn’t believe she wasn’t a professional at doing this.
It was honestly astounding to him how amazing she had become at sucking his dick. Not to say that she was bad at it before, but her previous blowjob and this one were beyond comparison. It was as if ‘Peach’ had discovered all of Robin’s most sensitive and erogenous areas and was exploiting them to the best of her abilities, nibbling at the right places at the right times. As if she had become a master of his cock.
And this was exactly what ‘Peach’ wanted him to feel. After pleasing him over and over again, she’d closely observed every one of his reactions to find out what it was that made him squirm. For just seeing him groan happily was enough to fill her heart with satisfaction. Besides, knowing the in and outs of his body made her feel like she was his girl. And more importantly, it made her feel like he was her man. And that was a powerful sensation. To think that she could have such a tight control his sexual satisfaction made her very happy.
Thus, she continued to work up and down his pole, caressing his skin the same way an artisan crafts his masterpiece, sparing no expense in making sure she could make her Robi feel good. And boy did it feel good. Robin visibly squirmed as she licked and kissed his massive prick with a soft tenderness that could only come from true affection. But this teasing wasn’t all ‘Peach’ had mind as she played with his penis. No, this was but an appetizer, a sign of things to come. And the main was just about ready.
Planting a sopping wet kiss on his meat, Princess ‘Peach’ leaned away from Robin’s dick. She looked over the slimy penis with pride, admiring the fruits of her labor as well as the size of his monster. Which lead to the next part of her plan. Licking her lips with glee, in one swift motion she dove towards Robin’s crotch, swallowing his cock whole in a single blow.
Robin felt his body shiver as his entire member was engulfed by ‘Peach’s’ moist tight mouth. He grabbed the bed’s covers tightly, trying not to burst instantly from the flurry of sensations that assaulted his dick. The way ‘Peach’ bobbed her head up and down with delight was just unreal. She moved with such swiftness that one would think Robin’s tremendous cock wasn’t in her mouth. But it was, and Robin was enjoying every second of it.
Suddenly, Robin bolted upright, hearing a knock come from the door.
“Lucina! Are you in there?” Called a voice from outside.
Panic overcame Robin’s senses. Someone else was on the other side of the door to Lucina’s room. And if they entered, they would undoubtedly find out about his affair Marth, given the situation he was currently in. He definitely couldn’t have that. Even though they probably wouldn’t react the same way Lucina did, Robin wanted to take no chances. He couldn’t let anyone else find out. Thinking quickly, he pulled some of the bed covers on top of ‘Peach’ to hide her from plain sight.
“Sorry to bother you.” The voice went on, the door opening soon thereafter.
Then, as the person moved into the room, Robin could finally see who was interrupting his fun. It was Roy, another young fighter in this same tournament. Though he was still a boy and might not be too perceptive, Robin still tried his best to hide what was happening. He straightened himself stiffly, trying not to seem suspicious. As Roy walked further into the room, he turned to notice Robin, a little bit surprised to have found him in Lucina’s room by himself.
“Oh! Hi Robin.” Roy greeted him warmly. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“H-H-Hey!” Robin stuttered. “How- uh- how can I help you?”
“Well, I was just looking for Lucina.” Roy responded, making Robin gulp. “You see, I spent some time with Marth a little while ago, and I just felt like he was acting strangely.” Robin gulped again. “So, I figured I’d come ask the person who’s the most closely related to him and see if she knew anything about it. Would you happen to know where she is?”
“Uhhh…” Robin’s face went blank. He was so immersed in the heat of the moment that his brain couldn’t come up with any tricky tale or excuse to get him out of this situation. It was completely devoid of any thought.
Meanwhile, ‘Peach’ was laying static below the covers, her mouth still wrapped around Robin’s erect penis. She had gone along with his sudden panic and stopped there frozen in shock. But as the surprise of the situation died down, she realized there was no reason for her to remain still. Sure, there was someone else in the room with them, but she didn’t care. All that mattered to her right now was that her Robi’s erect cock was in her mouth, and she was going to satisfy it. Maybe it was because she couldn’t contain herself with such a temptation in front of her. Maybe it was because she thought that she was already hidden, so they wouldn’t get caught. Or maybe she wished to be caught, so that people would know how much she loved him. Whatever the reason, ‘Peach’ began to bob her head up and down Robin’s dick once more, any hesitation gone from her mind.
“GYAKH!” Robin yelped as he felt ‘Peach’ resume her sucking.
Roy too jumped in surprise from Robin’s sudden jolt. “Are you ok?”
“Y-y-yeaaahh!” Robin lied through his teeth. “Mayyyybe just feeling a bit under the weather?”
In reality, Robin had not been expecting for ‘Peach’ to continue her blowjob while Roy was still in the room. It was something so out of the realm of his consideration that he felt sincerely stunned that it had happened. Though that isn’t to say that he wasn’t enjoying it. In fact, he was more aroused now than he was before. There was just something very exhilarating that came from doing it in front of someone. But if there was anything Robin wanted more than to blow his load into ‘Peach’s’ lovely mouth, it was to net get his secret found out at this moment.
“Well, if you need anything, I can go ahead and get it for you.” Roy responded.
“No… Uh-” Robin’s mind twirled around aimlessly. “ACK!”
The way ‘Peach’s’ tongue swirled about in her mouth felt just absolutely magnificent to Robin. How she gently caressed his throbbing pole… How she sweetly massaged his tip as it left her mouth… How she slobbered around his width as it went in… It just felt downright heavenly, like her mouth had been designed to do this.
“REST!” As suddenly as the word came into his mind, Robin yelled it aloud. “I j-just need a b-bit of reeesssstt- Why d-don’t youuu come byyy laterr a-and we’ll talk more?”
By this point, Roy had noticed something moving underneath the sheets. He raised his eyebrow, his suspicion of something strange happening growing ever stronger. “Are you sure?” He asked, slowly inching closer and closer to Robin. “You sound like you’re in a lot of pain.”
Robin gritted his teeth. He’d become aware of Roy’s suspicion and was trying his hardest not to pay attention to the amazing pleasure that assaulted his meat. However, this growing pleasure was also growing hard to ignore. The longer ‘Peach’s’ blowjob went on, the better it felt, the pleasure becoming stronger and stronger with every passing second.
“PAIN?!” Robin shouted hazily. “er- I m-mean- Pain? Nooooo. I-I’m fiiiiiiiine.”
It was all too much to handle. ‘Peach’s’ head motions were smooth and calculated, letting her hit all his most sensitive spots. Her throat was warm, gooey and soft as it enveloped his penis. And the way her tongue tickled his privates made him shiver. These sensations all overflowed Robin’s mind and his pleasure levels were reaching peak points. Little bits of pre began dripping from his penis, it wouldn’t be long before he’d finish.
“Robin, I think there’s something underneath the covers.” Roy asserted, slowly moving his hands onto the covers.
“Wha-? No- Ah!” Robin couldn’t do anything to stop Roy at this point, he’d completely failed. He was so close to orgasm there was only one thing he could do at the moment.
With a single swipe, Roy pulled the covers off the bed and off Robin, revealing the lewd scene going underneath his nose. Robin couldn’t take it any longer and he grabbed hold of ‘Peach’s’ hair, pulling her face as close to the base of his cock as possible as he released his orgasm. His cum spewed directly into ‘Peach’s’ mouth, causing her to have an orgasm of her own and sprinkle little spouts sperm onto the bed, while she did her best to swallow as much of Robin’s yummy juice as she could. The two remained there spasming from bliss close to each other for some time. Then, as his stream of sperm died, and his orgasm wore off, Robin could finally let out a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Roy stared unbelieving at the strange scene that unfolded before him. There were so many things wrong with this picture that his mind couldn’t even process it clearly. He recoiled back in surprise, his face painted with shock and disgust. Was that really Marth semi-naked on Lucina’s bed having intimate relations with Robin? It seemed impossible to Roy, yet here he was, seeing it with his own eyes.
“Wha- What is going on here?” Roy commanded with severity. “Is that Marth? And w-why is there another Marth running around?”
Robin jolted upwards as he heard Roy’s exclamation. Thanks to his orgasm, he’d momentarily forgotten all about Roy. But now that his load was blown, all his mental capacities were back in action. With a swift hop, Robin jumped off the bed and confronted Roy.
“Wait, I can explain.” Robin said, a pleading look on his face. “Just-”
Reaching into his coat pocket, Robin pulled out his small compass.
“Just look at this compass for me, ok?” Robin continued. “Follow it along as I move it.”
“What?!” Roy felt a bit insulted at the request. “How will this-?”
“Shhhh” But he was interrupted by Robin before he could finish. “Just trust me? If you follow the compass, all will be explained.”
A small sigh left Roy’s mouth, as he relented to Robin’s request. Sure, why not, he thought. Just stare at the compass. That wouldn’t even be the weirdest thing that had happened to him in the last five minutes, so why not? As long as he got answers, this was fine.
The compass bobbed from left to right in front of Roy’s face. Though he followed it diligently, he didn’t really think too much about it. Instead, he thought about what the name of St. Elimine was going on right here. The only possible thing that came to mind was an affair. Which was strange, because both of them were not only married or engaged, they were also married and engaged to women. Moreover, Roy had never thought of Marth as being an unfaithful sort of man, so why was he doing this? It was all so bizarre… So unusual… So… hard to… Think…
Roy shook his head intensely, shaking the confusion away from his mind. For whatever reason, he was beginning to find it hard to focus on anything other than the compass. He had to admit, it was a very pretty compass. And the way it moved side to side was so swift… and relaxing… … But this wasn’t the time to think about that! As a friend to both Marth and somewhat Robin, he couldn’t let them continue to perform these immoral acts. He had to help in some way.
“Er- Robin.” Roy spoke up, his eyes still fixated on the compass. “I don’t really understand how watching this compass is going to-”
“Shhh, Roy.” Robin stopped him. “Don’t think about anything else, just look at the compass…”
Without moving a muscle, Roy continued watching the compass with fierce fascination. There was just something about this compass that felt special, Roy couldn’t quite wrap his finger around it. It was the only thing that occupied his mind. It was the only thing that could occupy his mind. Any other thoughts about cheating or whatever else had been evaporated in an instant, with Roy not even noticing that they were there in the first place.
“That’s right~” Robin said soothingly. “It feels really good to follow the compass doesn’t it? Just looking at it makes you feel so relaxed…”
A sigh left Roy’s mouth as his entire body relaxed. It was true, this compass made Roy feel very relaxed and cozy. By this point, all of his worries and stress were gone. He remembered being upset by something at some point, but he couldn’t really recall what it was so who cared? This pleasant aura that permeated through his body just felt so nice…
“Good~” Robin sang out. “You’re feeling very nice and relaxed right now. But the more you follow the compass, the better it feels, doesn’t it?”
Pleasure careened down Roy’s body like water down a waterfall. His legs wobbled, barely able to keep him standing through the relaxation he was experiencing. Roy just couldn’t believe how pleasant this all was. The world around him disappeared, it was now just him and the compass, enjoying a pleasant time unperturbed by anything else.
“Ver good!” Robin praised him. “Now, I’m going to count down to from three to zero, and every time I count down, you’ll feel even better and more relaxed than before. Then, when I get to zero, you’ll enter a trance where you’ll follow every command I give you. Alright?”
Roy nodded eagerly. He didn’t really understand any of that command stuff, but he did want to feel even better than he was feeling right now. So, doing as Robin said was a no brainer.
His mind fogged up incredibly, all thoughts being pushed deep into Roy’s subconscious. He no longer desired anything. He could no longer desire anything. Everything he did now was left up to instinct, unable to willingly act of his own volition.
Sensations most parts of his body disappeared. Even if Roy wanted to at this point, he couldn’t physically move a single muscle of his body. No, the only thing that remained from Roy was the pleasant glow of relaxation that he felt in his mind.
The waves of pleasantness and relaxation that attacked Roy’s being became too much. His body crumbled under its weight, making slowly fall onto his knees. His mind was overloaded with wonderful feelings, throbbing wildly as they struggled to stay in. The whole experience was overwhelming. There was nothing left in Roy but relaxation.
Then in an instant, everything stopped. All of Roy’s feelings, thoughts and desires disappeared. Nothing was left of the boy but an empty shell, solemnly kneeling in front of Robin with eyes closed as he waited patiently for whatever it was that Robin had planned for him.
“Wow Robi, you’re so amazing! You’re so good at doing that, aren’t you?” Peach exclaimed, making Robin smirk with a sense of pride.
But setting Robin’s cool abilities aside, he had a job to do. With Roy ready to receive orders, he’d just make him forget what he saw right here and make him ignore all the Marth stuff. Easy peasy.
“Ok, Roy. From now on you will believe yourself to be Princess Daisy.” Robin surprised himself as the words came out of his mouth. He knew that deep down he really didn’t want to do something as boring as just making Roy forget about everything, but he didn’t expect himself to give into his desires without any struggle. Sure, it was wrong, but at this point he’d done it so much that it just felt second nature.
“You will act and think exactly the way she does.” He continued. “Except you will also be extremely attracted to me. Whenever we are together, you will want to do nothing but please me sexually, and you will be eager to do whatever it takes to make me feel good.”
“W-Wait a second!” ‘Peach’ rang out with worry. “You can’t do this Robi! Now that Lucina is gone, I’m your only lover, and it should stay that way. I love you more than anything in the world, and I know how to please you better than anyone. So please!  I couldn’t bear to have share you with somebody else”
Robin let out a sigh. He didn’t expect ‘Peach’ to get so upset about it. Of course, he cared about what she thought, yet at the same time, he had no intention of letting her wishes overcome his desires. Thus, the solution was quite obvious. Without a second thought, Robin snapped his fingers, and ‘Peach’ went into the same trance Roy was in.
“Alright, I guess this one goes for both of you.” Robin said. “Both of you are now going to be part of my harem. You are going to love each other very much, and you are not going to fight or get jealous with each other over who I want to fuck or who I like best. Moreover, you will both also be very excited when I add more people to my harem, and you’ll actively enjoy when I make others join it. Now, when I snap my fingers, you’ll both wake up and follow the instructions I have given you. Then, whenever I snap my finger again, you will once more enter the state of trance and be ready for further instructions.”
Satisfied with his orders, Robin let his fingers snap, the crackle resounding loudly throughout the room. Roy and ‘Peach’ slowly shook their heads as they began to take in their surroundings. Robin extended his hand towards the kneeling Roy, a devious smile on his face. As soon as he noticed the hand, Roy looked upon Robin with confusion. But before long a rough looking smile appeared on his face.
“So, how are you feeling… Princess ‘Daisy’?” Robin asked, helping ‘Daisy’ onto her feet.
“Oh, I’m doing awesome.” ‘Daisy’ responded, staring wide eyed at Robin. “And I can see you’re doing pretty well yourself.” She said, lustily grabbing hold of Robin’s erect penis.
“Very well, ‘Daisy’. How about you change into something more comfortable, and we can have some fun?” Robin whispered smoothly, caressing her chin.
‘Daisy’ looked down at her clothes in confusion, only to be frozen in shock as she realized she wasn’t wearing her usual dress. “What is all this armor?!” She shouted, distraught. “I’m sorry Robin. I didn’t realize I was wearing this crap. Let me just go to my room and change into something prettier, ok?”
With that, ‘Daisy’ sprinted from the room and out the door. “Don’t start without me!” They could hear her yell as she left. Robin gave a proud sigh, content about another job well done. Then, without warning, ‘Peach’ jumped onto him, kissing and caressing him passionately.
“Oh Robi, this is so wonderful. I’m so very happy you’ve decided to add Roy to our love circle.” She praised him. “And the hypnosis thing was so hot too… Oh my, I’m so excited right now…”
Robin smiled. He was very excited to try his new toy as well…
 Before long, a loud knock came from out the other side of the door. Robin and ‘Peach’ flared up in enthusiasm, both eager to see Princess ‘Daisy’s’ new feminine look. Then, as the door slowly began to slide open, she finally stepped in. Robin’s and ‘Peach’s’ jaws dropped, awe struck from her incredible transformation.
Now, instead of wearing Roy’s old bulky ugly armor, Princess ‘Daisy’ was donning her signature frilly orange dress with its large round hem reaching the floor and flowery designs adorning it all over. Her hair was styled in its usual orderly and refined fashion despite its shortness, instead of Roy’s usual natural and messy look. And with her usual crown on her head, parasol in hand, and even beautiful makeup on her face, one could be easily forgiven for thinking that this was Princess Daisy and not a Pharean prince.
Noticing the way the two were staring at her, ‘Daisy’ strutted sexily closer into the room. She walked with elegance, exaggerating her motions to emphasize her assets. As she stepped in front of Robin, she stopped and placed her hand on his chin, a lustful smile plastered on her face.
“Like what you see?” She asked seductively.
It was a redundant question. The hardened erection coming from Robin said so. Nevertheless, she still wished to hear him say that he did with his own words.
“Of course, darling.” Robin responded, coming closer to ‘Daisy’. “The only thing is I think you might be a bit overdressed.”
‘Daisy’ looked over at Robin, who was entirely pant less, and ‘Peach’, who was only wearing her lingerie. He did make a great point. Even though a part of her wanted him to compliment her more on her looks and attire, another part of her was ready and thirsty for the wild amounts of sex they would partake in. It didn’t matter how long it took to put this dress on or pretty her face up with makeup, her penis became hardened at the thought of having intercourse with Robin.
Stepping away from Robin, ‘Daisy’ began the slow process of undressing. She stripped herself bit by bit, meticulously removing pieces of her dress in a way that would both look attractive and also keep the looks of the clothes pristine, until she was left with barely anything on. Only her corset and a short underskirt remained, as well as orange high heels and her long yellow stockings with garter belts. Her gloves and other accessories stayed too, with her panties barely able to contain her massive erection. Robin felt a bit awed at its size. It was definitely bigger than Marth’s and was almost on par with Robin’s, which was impressive for a boy of his age.
But what really caught Robin’s attention was the pair of large round breast forms glued onto ‘Daisy’s’ chest. A part of Robin was really curious as to where ‘Daisy’ would have acquired them. Were they from the real Daisy, or from someone she knows, or maybe they were from Roy himself. But it honestly didn’t matter, because they looked amazing. Much better than ‘Peach’s’ balloon tits. It made him kind of wonder how they would feel…
“You’re staring really hard at them. Wanna try them out?” ‘Daisy’ asked him, squeezing her breasts together.
Robin smirked. “Absolutely.”
With a smile on her face, ‘Daisy’ knelt down in front of Robin, her chest inches away from his throbbing pole. Grasping her breasts firmly, she gently encased Robin’s manhood in between her two large pads, as she began to rock her body up and down. She heaved herself boldly and mildly, with both the meticulousness of a princess and the fire of a tomboy, a stark contrast from Peach, who was usually more refined and calmer.
Nevertheless, Robin quite enjoyed it. Her breasts were large enough that his penis snugly fit in between them, and even though the were a bit rubbery and colder than normal breasts, they still felt soft enough to be enjoyable. But that wasn’t even the part Robin liked the most. No, what really got him going was how eager and excited ‘Daisy’ was to please him. The way she moved her body so brashly and intensely just to pleasure him was so intoxicating. And how she stared at his penis with eyes of pure desire, kissing and licking its tip when it poked through her cleavage as if it was the only thing she cared about… It made his cock spark up with life.
Meanwhile, ‘Peach’ sat on top of Lucina’s bed, jacking off her little dick while she watched Robin and ‘Daisy’. A little bit of her was jealous of the whole situation. Robin had never asked her for a titjob, and the two seemed so happy doing it that it made ‘Peach’ wish she was in ‘Daisy’s’ place. But more than jealous, she was very aroused. Her penis pulsated mightily along with Robin’s, as if they were deeply connected somehow. And seeing her Robi have such a good time with her good friend- er- Roy pretending to be her good friend ‘Daisy’ was so sexy! Gosh, it made her feel so good!
By this point, Robin was thrusting his hips in conjunction to ‘Daisy’s’ body movements. The breasts might’ve been fake, but the sensations he was feeling were very real. He had been truly enraptured by the moment, happily enjoying all the carnal pleasures that surrounded him. But now his penis was reaching its limit, and it was ready to blow at any second.
“OH GODS! I’M GOING TO CUM!” Robin yelled, trying to warn ‘Daisy’ of the impending explosion.
Then, just as he said, Robin’s dick began blasting rope after rope of thick cum right onto ‘Daisy’s’ unsuspecting face. The moment she realized what was happening, she closed her eyes and eagerly opened her mouth, trying to catch all of Robin’s yummy seed in her mouth. On the other side of the room, Princess ‘Peach’ also yelped loudly as her tiny penis spewed globs of semen onto the floor.
As the stream of sperm finally died, Robin felt his body relax. ‘Daisy’ cleaned the rest of her face of his cum, taking the little droplets into her hand and then drinking them all. She swished his seed around in her mouth, savoring the taste and texture of his sweet juice as much as she could until she had to swallow. Robin for his part, closed his eyes and leaned back against the nearest wall. A happy gasp escaped through his mouth. He was such an amazing genius…
“Oh Robin~” A voice boomed through the room. “Don’t tell me that’s all you have.”
Opening his eyes, Robin quickly turned towards the source of the voice. There, next to the bed, was ‘Daisy’, hands planted firmly on the mattress with her bare ass sticking up and her twitching butthole pointing at Robin.
“Why don’t you come over here, so we can have some more fun?” She said, wiggling her butt seductively.
A smile formed on Robin’s face, his penis hardening at the precious sight of ‘Daisy’s’ bouncing bottom. It wasn’t the roundest butt he’d seen but combined with her sultry attitude it was enough to make his dick eager and ready for some more sexual action. Slowly he began to approach ‘Daisy’s’, making her shiver in excitement.
As he arrived before her, he placed his hands firmly on her asscheeks. He grasped them tightly, kneading and grappling them as he pleased. The reality was that these buns were indeed his property. He could do whatever he wanted with them, and that fact alone pleased him. Soon he moved on to ‘Daisy’s’ asshole, pushing the tip of his cock against the rim of her butt. He poked and prodded her without second thought, teasing the girl endlessly. Her lustful moans were so succulent, the need in her voice so gratifying. The power Robin held over her just made him feel so enthralled, for no matter how much she wanted him, he was the one in control.
Nevertheless, Robin did not plan to tease ‘Daisy’ forever. Yes, it was fun to hear her whimpers every time he placed his hot throbbing meat close to her hole, but he had more than that planned at the moment. He was now going to use his cock to make ‘Daisy’ into his bitch. Arching himself back, he carefully pointed his penis towards ‘Daisy’s’ hungering entrance. Then, with a single thrust, Robin penetrated her butthole, making ‘Daisy’ squeal in joy as her virgin cavern was finally filled.
Robin groaned loudly as the walls of her ass squeezed down on his dick. They were tight, really tight. Even tighter than ‘Peach’s’. to the point that it was downright uncomfortable. It made sense if you thought about it, it was the ass of a virgin growing boy, but it still caught Robin by surprise. However, this little setback wasn’t going to deter Robin a single bit. In fact, maybe this was a blessing in disguise. What would be a better way to mark ‘Daisy’ as his property than to mold her unadulterated asshole into the shape of his cock? Thus, with the power of determination, he began to pump his dick in and out of her hole.
On her end, ‘Daisy’ was thoroughly enjoying herself. The man of her dreams was currently ravaging her asshole, and that alone was enough to make her penis throb with excitement. It didn’t matter that she was feeling a bit of pain in her behind, Robin was pounding her with such ferocity that it was enough to keep her going, for as long as he was happy, she was happy. Besides, after some time of him thrusting and thrusting, it was actually starting to feel really good back there…
Slap after slap echoed throughout the room as Robin continued to mesh his skin against ‘Daisy’s’. And now, whether it was due to his efforts or because ‘Daisy’ had relaxed, her hole was feeling much better. Even if it wasn’t as good as ‘Peach’s’, it still felt fantastic when the rough bumps of her interior rubbed lightly with every motion against the length of his dong.
On the other side of the room, ‘Peach’ watched the scene with her eyes wide open. Robin was just completely dominating ‘Daisy’ with his cock alone! And it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen in her life. Her hands rubbed her little dick up and down as if her life depended on it. ‘Peach’ never would have thought that she would be so aroused from seeing Robin fuck someone else, especially if that someone else was a hypnotized crossdressing boy. Yet here she was, her dick ready to burst just from watching this action. If only she had some cock available this would be great… That’s when she noticed ‘Daisy’s’ dick flopping about underneath her. She licked her lips lustfully. Yes, that would do.
‘Daisy’ moaned loudly as Robin repeatedly penetrated her insides. Robin was really going at it now. Rather than having the forceful demeanor he possessed before, it now felt more animalistic and hungrier, as if he couldn’t stop himself from pounding with all his might. And by golly did it feel amazing. ‘Daisy’ could feel her prick shiver with delight from Robin’s continuous thrusts. Her spine tingled every time his cock rubbed against her prostate. Her body and mind were filled with such a thick miasma of lust and pleasure that it felt as if she was floating in heaven. So much so that she didn’t notice as ‘Peach’ crawled underneath her, desire burning in her eyes as she stared down ‘Daisy’s pole.
Stopping right beneath ‘Daisy’, ‘Peach’ stared at the hypnotized princess’ dangling dick with longing in her eyes. Her cock looked so delectable at the moment that ‘Peach’ began unwittingly drooling as she admired it. It was so thick and juicy… Actually, it looked a little bit like Robin’s. The thought alone made ‘Peach’s’ little penis harden even more. She just absolutely needed to get a taste of it! Without any hesitation, ‘Peach’ opened her mouth and darted towards ‘Daisy’s’ cock.
A loud groan escaped ‘Daisy’s’ mouth as she experienced some utterly unexpected sensations assaulting her cock. She quickly turned down to see what had happened, only to be met with the back of ‘Peach’s’ moving eagerly along with various slurping noises.
“P-p-p-peach!” She stuttered. “What are you doooOOOOUGHHH~~”
But at that moment she realized what ‘Peach’ was doing. The warm wetness she felt encasing her cock was a dead giveaway. It was something that ‘Daisy’ had never experienced before. The way ‘Peach’ mixed the movement of her throat around her dick and the flickering of her tongue inside her mouth felt extremely pleasurable to ‘Daisy’, it showed her how great ‘Peach’ was at this. But the combination of this and Robin’s intense thrusting were proving to be a bit too much for her to handle. ‘Daisy’s’ world began spinning in circles, the pleasurable sensations that assaulted her mind were so harsh she was having a tough time discerning left from right. Surely, her mind wouldn’t last too much longer.
Suddenly, Robin unintentionally let out a loud groan. For some reason, ‘Daisy’s’ hole had tightened considerably. However, unlike when he first penetrated her, it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, if felt kind of pleasant. After pounding her butthole restlessly for some time, he’d widened it a fair amount, so having it contract once more against his dick felt really nice. Plus, he’d been going at her ass for so long that his penis was starting to reach its peak point of pleasure.
With his balls filling to their maximum capacity, Robin began trusting his hips as hard as he could into ‘Daisy’. He only had a few more moments to enjoy her succulent cavern and god damn it he was going to enjoy them. ‘Daisy’ on her part felt as if she was about to explode. The vicious attacks of pleasure that had been orchestrated on her mind were so severe that she couldn’t think of anything but release. Her entire body yearned for it, her dick throbbing madly as her cock prepared for the final blow.
Then, in a chorus of mad lust and pleasure, the three of them sang out in harmony as orgasm washed over all of them. Robin grunted harshly, releasing waves upon waves of his sperm as he plunged his cock to the depths of ‘Daisy’s ass. ‘Daisy’s’ entire body spasmed in bliss as her hole was filled with gallons of Robin’s seed, whilst her own cock trembled as it spouted its own fluid into ‘Peach’s’ mouth. As for ‘Peach’, she merely sat in a state of dazed joy as cum flowed through her mouth, her penis sputtering tiny ropes of cum onto the cold floor.
The three remained this way for some time, trying to savor the sweet afterglow of orgasm for as long as they could. Then Robin slowly pulled his flaccid cock out of ‘Daisy’s’ butt, looking with pride at the gaping hole dripping with his sperm. ‘Peach’ licked every single droplet of sperm of ‘Daisy’s dick, tasting it carefully in order to see if it was better than Robin’s sperm (It wasn’t). And ‘Daisy… She remained in her position frozen for some time, as if her body was still trying to comprehend what had just happened. However, she eventually just plopped on top of the bed, collapsing in exhaustion after all the sensations she went through. Robin and ‘Peach’ looked upon the tuckered-out princess with warmth. It was so cute how she’d just fallen asleep right after having sex. Nevertheless, after the tiring day both had, they happily decided to join her.
 Robin laid down comfortably on Lucina’s bed. With a satisfied smile on his face, and a princess resting peacefully at each of his sides, he let out a fulfilled sigh. It wasn’t always that he’d felt as much inner peace as he felt currently, with everything that happened in Yllisse and then all the fighting he had to participate in now. But at this moment, he truly felt as if all was well in his life.
“Hey, Robi…” Hearing the sudden whisper, Robin turned to his left towards ‘Peach’ who nuzzled gently against him.
“I will say… I was very surprised you picked Roy.” She continued. “I never thought you’d- um- you know… Swing that way.”
Bewilderment spread onto Robin’s face. “Sw-swing that way? What do you mean?”
“Oh, don’t be silly Robi.” ‘Peach’ responded matter-of-factly. “You picked a man for your harem. I just didn’t think you’d be gay, that’s all.“
“I-I-I’M NOT GAY!” Robin yelled defensively, making ‘Daisy’ shift in her sleep next to him. “Er- I’m not gay.”
“Really?” ‘Peach’ said incredulously. “You just had sexual relationships with Roy. Who’s a guy. And you did him hard. Super hard. What would you call tha-?”
“Yeah, but he’s in a dress!” Robin interrupted her.
“Yeah, but he also has a penis.” ‘Peach’ quickly retorted.
Silence filled the room, as Robin thought very deeply over ‘Peach’s’ statements.
“Anyways… Even if you are, you can’t be that gay. After all, you did have sex with me and I’m a woman so…” She snuggled closely to his chest, closing her eyes. “Goodnight.”
As the two princesses left the real world to enter dreamland, Robin’s eyes remained wide open. ‘Peach’s’ words echoed loudly in in his head, repeating themselves over and over again. He kept trying to come up with arguments to rationalize his actions, but in the end they all lead to the same road. That night, Robin could not get a wink of sleep.
Alright, finally here it is. After two long months of hard work, I’ve finally finished the story for my 100 follower contest, the sequel for The Hypnosis of Princess M̶a̶r̶t̶h̶ Peach.Thank you for your patience while waiting for me to finish this, and thanks to all that have been following and supporting my work thus far. With Fall break coming up soon, I’ll try to get another story done this month. And once Winter break starts, then I’ll really be able to get back into writing. I’m probably even going to start requests back up again. Anyways, like the last one, this story is based on some drawings made by @sealguy​ like this and this. His stuff is really good so go check it out! As for this story, I might’ve gone a bit overboard with this one. I think this is the longest ‘chapter’ or single story I’ve written. And even though I think I might’ve not put enough lewd stuff in it, I hope you still enjoyed it nonetheless! Cheers! And until next time!
476 notes · View notes
moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 16: The World’s Last Hope, Maybe, Sorta
Part 15
Welcome back to Fire Emblem IV, as we begin the second generation in earnest. Unlike in real life, this new generation may actually succeed in making the world a better place, though in fairness that’s partially because the last one left it in such a state there’s nowhere to go but up.
When we signed off, we had just met a pair of idiots and I allowed you to choose between them, because I’m a great guy like that.  You picked Johan, unanimously, for reasons varying from his superior speed growths, to his greater range of movement, to just hating Johalvier’s stupid face. All valid reasons!  So I’ll be picking him up ASAP, to prevent him from accidentally getting his dumb ass killed.  But first, as our turn begins, we have a new arrival to the battlefield…
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And she’s blue, so I like her already. 
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(A green-haired pegasus knight whose mount is named after Erin’s sister. I wonder who her mom is.)
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(Arthur is a little less obvious since weird white hair is pretty common in this game, as Julia reminded us last week, but he’s Taillte and Lewyn’s son.)
Arthur: Er, right. Sorry about that. Say, Fee, I don’t have too far to go. If you want, I can just walk from here.
Fee: Where are you off to, anyway?
Arthur: Oh, just Alster.
Fee: A-Alster?! Geez, you’re dumber than I thought! Alster’s waaaay south of here. There’s an entire sea in the way, for crying out loud! I dunno what you’re thinking, but you haven’t a hope in heck of walking the rest of the way there!
Arthur: Eh, it’s fine. I’m hardly in a hurry.  
Fee: So, er, why do you need to go to Alster?
Arthur: Oh, see, I’ve got a sister I haven’t seen in years who might be there.
(… And yet, not in a hurry.)
Arthur: She and my mom were taken away when I was just a kid. I was sort of left alone in some far corner of Silesse or another.  I just heard a rumor, but at this point even a rumor’s enough if it means I might find her.  
Fee: Huh, really? You know, I know just what that’s like. My big brother’s been missing for ages.
Arthur:  Did you get separated from him as well?
Fee: Oh, no, nothing that bad. We’ve always lived together in Silesse, but awhile back he ran off to try and find our dad.  
Arthur: Your father, huh?
Fee: Yeah, he’s been missing for years. Mom spent the rest of her life waiting for him to come back, but he never did…
Arthur: What happened to her?
(Was the use of ‘the rest of her life’ too subtle for you, Captain Tact?)
Fee: She… she’s dead. Illness…
Arthur: Oh… sorry about that. I shouldn’t have brought it up…
Fee: It’s okay! I mean, you’ve already brought up lots of things that you shouldn’t have.
(I think Fee and I will get along just fine.)
Fee: … Heh, kidding. You’re actually not that bad.
Arthur: Heh heh, thanks. And thanks for giving me a chance and letting me come along with you.
Fee: No problem! So was the sister thing real? Is that actually why you’re travelling?
Arthur: Yeah, it’s real. But what about you? What’s your deal?
Fee: Actually, I kinda want to join that Isaachian rebel army.  
(And I want more flying units, so we’re both in a good place. Welcome to the team, Fee!  Don’t stand too close to Larcei if you don’t want to get coated in the blood of her victims.)  
Fee: When I was little, mom told me stories about the paladin Sigurd and his brave allies, and those have always meant a lot to me. Lately I’ve been hearing about how Sigurd’s son is somewhere in Isaach, raising a revolution. And it all just sort of clicked, y’know? I knew that’s where I need to be, s oI just ran right out of home to try and find him.
Arthur: Wow… that’s pretty great of you. Y’know, I think I’ll help you out here for a while. It’s the least I can do for you putting up with me.
Fee: Okay! Partners it is, then. Good luck out there… partner!
Arthur: Heh! Upbeat as ever, aren’t you?
And with that, we round out our team for the second generation’s first chapter, except for Johan, who isn’t recruited yet and also doesn’t count.  Let’s take a look at what we got.  
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First, Julia, the mysterious priestess whose identity could be anyone. She might be a random person from anywhere in the entire world. There’s no way to tell who she is.  It’s a total, unabashed, impossible mystery to sol-
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Oh, she has Major Naga and Minor Vala Holy Blood, so she’s Deirdre and Arvis’s kid.  Yeah, honestly, it’s kind of like the developers forgot you can just look at the stat screens to find out a general idea of these character’s parents.  They really try to play up Julia’s identity as a mystery, but there’s literally only one person she could be.  Notice, however, that she doesn’t have Loptyr blood. Now there’s a mystery for ya…
In terms of her utility as a character, meanwhile, Julia is excellent. Blows her mom out of the water, thanks to inheriting Adept and Pursuit from her shitty father and having a generally better base stats and superior growths; in particular, thanks to her two Holy Bloods adding to her already naturally huge Magic growth from Deirdre, she actually comes to a magic growth of 100%.  She will always get a magic point when leveling up, so by the end of the game she will be a goddamn magic cannon. Her weak points will be her Defense and Speed, the former of which is partially offset by the fact she actually has a remarkably high HP growth as well.  
However, none of this matters right now because she starts off without any weapons.  Don’t worry, that will change soon enough.  Oh, and while we’re here…  
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Lana: You know, Lord Seliph’s actually really been worrying about you.  
(PLATONICALLY!  He has been PLATONICALLY worrying about his HALF-SISTER.)
Lana: If there’s anything I can do to help you, just let me know and I’ll get right on it.  
Julia: Mm. Thank you…
Lana: Oh, and I’ve got a little something for you.
Julia: This is… a Mend staff?
Lana: You can use these, right?
Julia: For me? Thank you, Lana. With this… I know I can help everyone.
Lana: You’re welcome, Julia. Let’s give this our all, together!
D’aaaaaaaaaw. Shame this game was released like twenty years before it was socially acceptable to admit lesbians existed, because I ship Lana/Julia now.  And not just because I want to make absolutely sure the latter cannot ever accidentally marry her brother.
Next up, Fee.  
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Like her mom before her, Fee is just generally solid.  Her base stats mark her as a speedster, but her defense, resistance, and strength are all set at 8 when she’s only level 2, so she isn’t fragile or weak by any means; if she follows in Erin’s footsteps and gets lucky on the Defense growths, only archers will ever really be a threat to her. My hope is that by giving her Azel as a dad means she’ll also get a solid Magic growth (+30% from his Minor Vala Blood!) and will become sort of a flying artillery piece wielding all our magic swords to rain death on the enemy from above.  This is kind of experimental, I admit. But on the plus side, even if that doesn’t work out, just ‘a second Erin’ is still plenty fine by me. Erin was cool beans.
And finally, Arthur.  
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*deep breath*
Arthur is invincible. He has Forseti and he’s invincible.  I mean his growths and all that shit are great too, he’s essentially Lewyn 2.0 with all the latest upgrade software, but really, that’s the summary. He’s got Forseti, and for the purposes of this map he is invincible. It’s going to be two more chapters before we fight anything that can lay a finger on him while he’s wielding that monster.
This isn’t the only reason I married Lewyn and Taillte. But it certainly is a big one.
Now then. Like a moron, I accidentally moved Lana and Julia too far forward to have them chat with each other. They’re in the range of Johan’s army. So I have the rest of the team form a perimeter while Larcei and Seliph run their butts off to join in.  Arthur starts moving toward the castle to remove the current owner, and Fee moves to the village nearest her starting point to take a swing at the bandit there…
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Did you just get hit on a 21% chance? And I was just talking up how good you are! *sigh* End turn. Johan’s army takes their swing at us…
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…. That was pathetic!  Only Ulster dodged any of that, and not nearly enough for my tastes considering he almost died anyway.  What happened, kids?! You were rocking last week! Sigh. Okay. Okay. Let’s try and salvage this…
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…. Yes, that’s a good start.
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Oh, that doesn’t count, Arthur. You’re holding a universal cheat code.
Now, I have the remaining characters form a line that will force Johan’s axe men to take a long, weird path to get to anyone who can’t fight back. With luck this means nobody will get attacked more than once.  Honestly, at this point, I’m mostly afraid Johan will hit someone who can really fight back and get his dumb ass killed; that would be embarrassing to get a reset over someone who technically isn’t even my ally. Larcei is in his range, though… hopefully he will talk to her, rather than try to axe her. End turn…
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Oh, and Johalvier’s douches have been moving toward us too, because I can’t have nice things .
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Oifey can’t actually one-shot these guys normally. He procced Critical on this one because he’s a killstealing old bastard.
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…. Why have you people decided to stop dodging…?
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This may… go badly.
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… And of course we’re in a situation where I need Oifey to both dodge (it’s only a 30% chance to hit but he hasn’t been performing lately) and not hit back too hard. Fucking grand.
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Now. NOW.  First, Julia heals Oifey and I send him a space up to let Larcei run in.
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(No, he’s just an idiot.)
Johan: Larcei… oh Larcei! Your words are as the sweetest birdsong! Your eyes are as the most brilliant stars! Oh, without you at my side, what purpose is there in life? What joy could possibly be?
Larcei: Stop it! How revolting! This is a battlefield! Are you out of your mind?!
Johan: I can deny my heart no longer, Larcei. Believe me when I say I’ve tried! Alas, love is a maddening beast at times…. What else can I do but be at your side? Men, we are joining the liberation army! From this day on, we are men of honor! Fight on in the name of justice, love, and Larcei!
Well. At least he’s enthusiastic.
At this, Johan joins the army and his units all become neutral, friendly to us and hostile to Johalvier’s army.  They’re also all heavily wounded, so they’re mostly just going to die, but at least they’ll take some fire off us for one turn.  
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(… Did he, though?)
Johalvier: Bet he’s gone and sided with her army ,too. That weak-willed fool…
(Okay, that he definitely did.)
Johalvier: Hmph… fine by me! Men, attack! Johan’s unit is now the enemy!
And seeing this declaration of war by his brother and rival, Johan runs away to Lana for healing so he doesn’t get totally destroyed.  
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End turn!
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(I’m actually going for the other one, thanks.)
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*sniff* Oh, milord Seliph, you are truly on the path to surpass your father. Seriously. I don’t think he got a level that good in his entire half of the game, and it’s like your third so far in just your first map.  I’ve never seen Seliph get off to a start this strong, and if he keeps it up he’ll be a walking nuclear war when he promotes.  
I’m a little nervous now. What if he’s building me up so he can let me down later?  I’ve been hurt before.
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Dannan: Schmidt! Get out there! Take back my castles, now!
Schmidt: Yes, sir! You can depend on me!
(“No way I’m just a one-chapter flunky boss! No way, not ol’ Schmidty!  Schmidt, that’s the name of a Big Bad right there! I bet I’m really Super-Loptyr in disguise!”)
Anyhow, when Johan joined his castle became neutral to us, and Schmidt is gonna go take it.  That’s actually a very good thing, so I’m going to let him do that while we finish off Johalvier’s goons.  
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… Or they finish us off. 4% chance to hit and he popped ya one right in the jaw, Larcei? Seriously? You’re lucky I have two healers now.
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And of course, what’s life without a little bit of killing your brother?
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That’s the end of the interesting; Arthur is still walking toward a village, and Fee takes a distance shot at a bandit with her Bolt Sword but doesn’t kill him.  End turn.
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I should be happy that Johan dodged on an 87% chance to be hit, but frankly I’m just more angry at the others now.  
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Awesome. With that, there’s only one member of the Sophara army left. First, I have Fee and Arthur clear out the villages they’re near;
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And Fee liberates hers.
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Neat. Now it’s just a matter of wiping out the last of Johalvier’s soldiers:
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And the army begins to move south. There’s one more village to clear out, and we have to be ready to take back Isaach after Schmidt takes it.  
Again: We want this to happen. There are two castles, and we want Isaach.  You want Isaach to fall so you can take it back, or you want to recruit Johalvier so it’s hostile from the start. You do not want to take Sophara. DO NOT.  
I’m not joking.
This is super important.
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Pick it up, you losers.  
The team just spends another turn moving south, while Arthur liberates a village.
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Isn’t This the Same Guy From the Last Village: Well, those imperial sods won’t stand a chance at all! Every last one of them will be run right out of our great land!
Sure thing. End turn!
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*sigh* They all have hand axes, so this is actually going to take them awhile. It’s okay, that gives us time to set up a defensive line. Lester, meanwhile, clears and liberates a village.
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Best Girl: I bet we’d all have a much better time with him on the throne if that were true, huh? Here, take this here skill ring. Go on, do your best! We’re all behind you!
Sweet. Bows are one of the more inaccurate weapons in the game, so more skill for Lester is quite welcome. Plus, Fee gets close enough to chat with Seliph finally.
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Fee: Call me Fee! I’m from Silesse.
Seliph: Silesse, you say? Are you a pegasus knight, then?
(She’s literally riding a pegasus and holding a sword, man.)
Fee: Er, not just yet. I’m kinda still in training. My mom was one, though! Actually, in the big war years ago, she helped Lord Sigurd out in his army.
Seliph: Is that so? She has my utmost gratitude on my father’s behalf. Now, what brings you here, Fee?
Fee: See, what happened was I was looking for my brother, who ran away ages ago. But then I heard about you, sir, and how you’re taking on the Empire! And I just knew I had to be here too. Can I join your army, sir? Please?
Seliph: Certainly! Thank you. What of your brother, though?
Fee: It’s silly, sir, but I have this feeling we’ll run into him somewhere down the line.
(“Foreshadowing, sir.”)
Not much to show other than that. Arthur starts slooooowly moving toward the rest of the team, and Julia gains her first level from healing.
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…. Remember when I said Deirdre wasn’t very good and then she got a bunch of great levels to spite me? I’m kind of scared Julia’s decided to do the opposite as some teenage rebellion against her mom’s legacy.
To the south, the Schmidtmeister finally takes Isaach, and his army starts moving north toward us, which suits me just fine.  I ain’t in no rush, yo. In fact, I’ll just wait a few turns in my fine defensive formation while Arthur runs toward us. Come at us when you’re ready, losers.  
Four turns later, the first of them arrives, alone, and misses.
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Fear the wrath of the Schmidtritter.
Now, these guys totally suck with one exception. Schmidt himself is fairly badass, and there’s a reason for that:
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BITCH HAS LEX’S BRAVE AXE! Remember when I said the items from people who didn’t pass them on to kids will show up later? Well, it’s later.  I think we can all agree this cannot stand, out of honor to Lex and also I want that axe back.  But, of course, that means killing him with an axe dude. And we only have one of those. So for Johan to not disappoint us, I think we need to soften him up first.  Lester?
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(Well, looks like somebody thinks he’s hot Schmidt.)
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Hm. Okay performance, and an average level. At least it was better than his first level.  But seriously, man, your dad was beating you out by this point. That’s sad. And I’m not entirely sure Schmidt will die to a single hit from Johan, so I send in another helper to soften him up further.
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Not bad! Defense is definitely great for her, and her Luck is pretty abysmal too, so combined I’m not displeased with this showing.  Johan?
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…. Oh hey, Johan missed on an 80% chance to hit, and died to the counterattack.
If I hadn’t promised to do a no-death run I would leave his corpse rotting in the sunny plains of Isaach.  Reset.
Luckily this was the start of our turn, so I can screw around the RNG a little by moving people in different orders.  This even has the benefit of changing the levels we gain:
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And hey, not terrible. Fee’s is actually unambiguously better, and Lester’s is  about equal.  And I also, because I’m not a total moron, remember to park Dermott near the front lines where his Charisma skill can amp up Johan’s accuracy.  Okay, big guy, care to give it another go?
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Much better. The Brave Axe alone turns him from the worst unit in the army to the like, second or third worst. And now, with the enemy exposed and bereft of their leader, His Lordship takes the front lines.
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… Okay, I mean, not very dramatic, woulda been cooler if you’d slain your enemy, but you didn’t get hit. I’ll take it. End turn!
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Fortunately, Hand Axes are not super accurate.  And in this chokepoint, most of them can’t even reach us. A few errant swings later, we are up to bat again.
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You know, it’s kind of telling that they’re all getting levels I would have been perfectly happy to see in their parents, and yet I’m still somehow disappointed. We’ve barely started this generation and I’m already spoiled.
End turn. I suppose. The enemy… erm…
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Well, they all go after Oifey, and they cannot hit him.  Note their chance to hit. It’s zero.  So… I’m not sure what’s up there. Let’s… let’s just finish this up.
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See? You can do it if you try, Lester! Now, the map is basically over. I basically just hang out awhile, letting Arthur finally catch up for his own talk with Seliph.  
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Arthur: The name’s Arthur. I came here from Silesse.
Seliph: Wait, so you are that Arthur fellow? I’ve heard of how you have been aiding us so far. Thank you so much!
(“I heard you defeated two enemies and then spent the rest of the map slowly walking. My deepest gratitude!”)
Arthur: Eh, it was no big deal.
Seliph: You are capable of wielding magic, yes? That’s truly impressive. I’m almost envious!
Arthur: My mother was a talented war-mage…but I’ve still got a lot to learn, myself.  
Seliph: We all do, do we not? So long as we all fight together, though, perhaps we still truly can change our world. After all, that’s what brought us here today.
Arthur: Yeah… you’re right. My power’s at your disposal, sir. I’ll give my all to aid the cause. I’m glad we could finally meet, Lord Seliph.  
And then have Seliph finally run up and re-take Isaach.  
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Info Master: Indeed, and ecstatic to see you to boot! Thanks to you, Lord Seliphk we know that at long last, Isaach shall have its freedom!
Seliph: Thank you, sir, but the effort isn’t mine along. I could never have come so far without the support of the common man.  
(If you call them ‘the common man’, you may be a bit of a classist. Maybe try to work on that, Selly.)
Seliph: You’ve all supported me from the beginning. I likely wouldn’t be here if not for you!
Info Master: Fate is a funny thing, isn’t it, sir? Just twenty years ago, our late king had the utmost trust in your grandfather’s wisdom. Then your father came to protect Prince Shanan, and now the prince has guided you to adulthood. Perhaps fate has bound Isaach and Chalphy as one…
Seliph: Isaach is the only home I’ve ever known, and Prince Shanan is like a brother to me.  I pray our friendship lasts the rest of our lives.
Info Master: Lord Seliph, you are the rightful heir to House Belhalla and the throne of Grannvale.  Not a soul alive in Isaach, nor in the rest of the world, can doubt this. We beg of you! Raise the banner of justice high, march on Belhalla, and reclaim your true throne!
(“Well, sort of. I don’t think you actually have the right magic blood. But it’s not like you’re going to run into any waifs who should be doing the job instead!”)
Now. You may be wondering why I was so adamant we take Isaach when there was another castle off to the west we could have been going after.  And the answer is: Julia can now have a conversation with Seliph. Let’s see that.
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Seliph: Actually, I have something for you. I found this in Isaach castle.
Julia: What is…?
Seliph: It’s a light magic tome called Nosferatu.  You can wield these, yes?
Julia: Yes… I’m able to use light magic.
Seliph: Excellent! Hopefully you’ll now have an easier time protecting yourself in combat.
Julia: Thank you, Lord Seliph… thank you so much…
And with that, Julia gets a weapon! The only one she will ever need, even! See (and of course the game doesn’t tell you this), which castle you take alters what weapon she gets. If you take Johalvier’s castle, Sophara, you get her Deirdre’s old Aura tome. You might remember Aura as being very powerful, but also very heavy and largely useless.  As for Nosferatu, it isn’t as strong, but it’s considerably lighter and with Julia’s excellent magic and (unlike Deirdre) access to Pursuit for double attacking, she’ll still be doing enough damage to take out most anything she fights.
Oh, and any damage it does to an enemy, she absorbs to heal herself. 
That’s right: the mysterious waif just became a tank.  
Now, all that’s left to do is kill Dannan. And he, like Chagall before him, forgot to bring a ranged weapon to the party. So I take a little time, liberate a village, and wait to feed him to the suddenly unstoppable Julia. Village?
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Grim Gritty Girl: Thanks to you lot, Isaach’s free from the Empire at last, but the rest of the world’s still in a very dark place… all across Jugdral, they’re waiting for you to rise up and defeat the Empire! Please, I’m begging you… you’ve gotta make it to Grannvale soon!
Neat. Lana gains a level, too!
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Well, not up to her mom’s exacting standards, but she’s already gotten more magic than Ethlyn ever did. I’ll allow it. And now, time for Julia’s first murder and the end of the map.
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(Bitch, she’s your princess. The game hasn’t said it yet, but we know she is. Show some respect.)
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And in one round of combat, she almost completely destroys him (she did proc Adept, so she hit him three times instead of two), and gains a big-person level. So far, so good. One more turn should do it!
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Welcome to the team, Julia. You’re not really one of us until you’ve killed a sentient being.  (I know that Lana hasn’t killed anyone on screen, but we all know what she gets up to at night.) Seliph drops in on Rivough Castle, and we’re all set.
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(You can go home, Lewyn. We have your book, and that’s all we need from you.)
Lewyn: Yeah… I only just got back now. Look, Seliph, are you aware that right now, the world’s at a critical turning point?
Seliph: Hm? No… I’m afraid not.  
(Teenagers don’t follow the news, Lewyn.)
Lewyn: It’s been fifteen years since Arvis conquered Jugdral and united it as the Grannvale Empire. Honestly, for awhile at first it wasn’t all that bad. In the empire’s dawn, Emperor Arvis sought to bind his nation using only the strictures of law. It was strict and constraining, but we got a few good years of peace out of it. But obviously he changed his mind. A few years back, as if by magic, the Empire turned into that oppressive force we all know and love today. Even worse… the ancient heretics of the Loptyr Order have arisen from the shadows once more and raised influence across the land. Their murderous rituals have returned with them, and all across Jugdral they abduct children to sacrifice in droves to resurrect their fell god. All attempts to resist are crushed and met with brutal executions or enslavement. It couldn’t be more plain that they seek to return Jugdral to the days of that ancient abomination, the Loptyr Empire.
Seliph: This cannot be happening! I’ve heard rumors saying the same, but… never did I think they could be more than mere rumor…
Lewyn: By the look of it, Isaach hasn’t had it quite as bad as most. Dannan’s two sons, at least, refused to follow through on the child hunts. And of course there’s been people trying to rebel against the Empire left, right, and center, but they were all scattered and disorganized.  Before you, none have ever posed a proper threat. They were all swiftly crushed before they could so much as blink. Jugdral needs a savior. It needs a man to unite behind. And I’m sure that man is you, Seliph. You’re the only one who stands a chance.
Seliph: Hold on a moment! Are you sure of this? A savior would require power that I sorely lack…
Lewyn: Chalk it up to duty, Seliph. You’re the eldest child of Empress Deirdre. That makes you the elder brother to Crown Prince Julius.
(“And the fact that the prince is named Julius should not suggest in any way that Julia is connected to the royal family. Er, you haven’t checked her stat screens, right?”)
Lewyn: You’re the one true heir to Saint Heim. Your destiny is to unite the power of the Crusaders of this era and free the world from evil’s grip.
Seliph: But I...
Lewyn: Trust me, you really do have what it takes. Your true power and potential sleeps within you. That is, the sacred blood of the Crusader Baldur. Once you get your holy blade, Tyrfing, not even the heavens will be able to stand in your way!
Seliph: But I-
Lewyn: Sorry, Seliph, but that’s how the gods will it.
(I hate to take Lewyn’s side on this, Seliph, but if you really didn’t want to free the world, you shouldn’t have let him talk over you so much.)
Lewyn: You’re Sigurd’s son. The son of a man who fate led to a brutal end. The fulfillment of his dying wishes and his final quest falls to you.
(Pretty sure his final wish was to just not be burned to death.)
Lewyn: You can’t afford to doubt yourself now. You understand, Seliph?
Seliph: Y-yes… yes. I do. If this is fate and the will of the gods, then so be it. I will do my duty.
Lewyn: There actually isn’t a single absolute fate, nor is there just one person it all hinges upon.
Lewyn: As obtuse as that sounds, trust me, one day it’ll make sense.
Lewyn: Sigurd left behind so much to help you on your quest.
(“Though not the really good sword.”)
Lewyn: Most importantly, the many friendships he forged in his life. Me, for instance.
Lewyn: Brave youths from all over are already lining up to join your cause, all guided by Sigurd’s kindness.
Seliph: My father won the love and trust of so many people, from all walks of life. I can only pray that in time I’ll prove worthy of his legacy.
Lewyn: You’ll be fine. Anyway, to business. Our immediate goal is to reach Leonster. The son of Quan, your father’s closest friend, raised his own rebellion only to suffer severe losses. He’s in pretty urgent need of backup. I know you’ve had no time to rest, but we need to get going as soon as possible.
(Wait, weren’t you just there? You… you didn’t help? You ran down, explicitly didn’t help, and then ran back here to make me do it for you? Dick.)
Lewyn: For now, at least, we can leave Isaach in the care of its citizens. Odds are we’ll run into Prince Shanan on our way.
(Wait, I thought Shanan was off in the middle of the Yied Desert…… fuck it’s going to be a sand map, isn’t it. We’re going to a sand map.)
Seliph: Understood!
And that’s that. First map done, and now we’re off to Leonster to meet Quan’s son Leif (you may recall him being mentioned by name a few times back when he was an infant. He’s beefed up somewhat since then, thankfully) for what is definitely going to feel like an eternity.
See you next week in… *sigh* in the Yied Desert. Again. 
Resets: Up to an even 20. Johan’s intro to our army has not been the best.
Part 17
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baelar-maeranar · 6 years
Interview With the Valarjar
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a1. What is your name?
“Baelar, though most people call me B.”
2. What is your real name?
“Baelar Maer’Anar-Lunarsong”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“My Father named me after his grandfather - a Druid of the Claw. He was convinced that a strong name would lead to a strong son.” A chuckle. “He wasn’t wrong.“
4. Are you single or taken?
“I was just recently married.”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
"My father was a skilled Druid, and my mother a Huntress - however Elune did not see fit to bless me with magical capabilities, and instead made me useful in other, more menial tasks - such as building, and fighting.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
”Once I was stationed with a woman named Mary Sue - out in Draenor. She was from Westfall, and very sweet. She had a thick accent, and often made fun of me because I could not understand her.“ A thoughtful pause. “I do not recall what happened to her, after we moved on from that camp. I wonder if she is well.” 7. What’s your eye color?
“It is said that children blessed with golden eyes are destined for greatness - when it comes to magical abilities. I was never blessed as such - so mine are merely silver.”
8. How about your hair color?
“I was blessed with my mothers dark blue hair - though it’s lighter with this cut.”
9. Have you any family members?
“Sadly no. Father went into a deep slumber, after the War of the Satyr, and never awoke - but we never knew why. I have always felt that he fell to the Nightmare, but my Mother never believed that. Mother, however, passed when the Cataclysm ravaged Hyjal. ”
10. Oh? What about pets?
Baelar chuckles lightly, “I would not call them ‘pets’ but Lyrial has Ahnvae - her war saber, and we have both been watching over Ishte, and Rakir. Ishte is a saber, bred and raised in Winterspring, and Rakir is a lamed lion who was saved by our good friend, Tythis Diel’turas. He has fallen ill recently, so we have taken the two in.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“How the Horde continues to sully my sacred forests with their dishonorable hands. They have sliced down too many of our sacred trees, and have corrupted our lands with their Banshee Queen’s blight. I am saddened, but angry, that so many good men and woman could have stood by while innocents burned in Teldrassil. I am angry, and sad that those men and woman still fight beneath a banner that bares the blood of children and inno-” Baelar seems to realize he’s going on a bit of a rant, and getting passionate. He sucks in a breath, and clears his throat, letting his statements end.
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
The change of subject is welcomed. “I have always loved carpentry, and building. I have always enjoyed the simplicity of the labor, and have found purpose in such tasks. I also enjoy to whittle if I do have have my tools, and cannot do anything more complex when I come upon drift wood near the rivers.“
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“I have, yes.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“War makes killers of us all.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Truthfully, I do not know. You would have to ask Lyrial. Though, a few times she has compared me to a wolf in the forest - but I have always felt myself more like a stag.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“I have picked up a few bad habits from my time traveling with Humans and Dwarves in Draenor. Drinking is the worst of them - and to my shame I am quite the light weight.“
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"My beloved, Lyrial.” His smile is gentle, and his eyes soften. “She has always made me strive to be a better man. She is stalwart in her convictions, loving, kind, and compassionate. She is fierce when it is needed, and has always had a closeness with Elune and the forest that I simply envy.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“I am helplessly in love with my Lyrial.”
19. Do you go to school?
“I attended a few Druidic classes when I was a child, but once it was realized that I didn’t have a single magic hair upon my head, they dismissed me to learn other skills. I learned saber riding, combat techniques, and built upon my carpentry skills. I merely fell into my life path as a Guardian of Hyjal, but it has given me purpose.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I wanted to marry Lyrial the moment I was reunited with her in Val’Sharah. We have spoken of baring children into the world, but we both knew that we could not bring a new life into this world while it was at war. However, we have been blessed with taking guardianship over an orphan of Teldrassil. She is  the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and proves that though the fires brings destruction, life can bloom anew from the ashes. ”  
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“What does that mean? Is that a human expression I have not heard of?”
22. What are you most afraid of?
"Losing my most beloved, or any harm coming to my little Saelyn’dia.”
23. What do you usually wear?
"if I am not within my combat armor, I am usually within simple linen trousers and shirts.”
24. Do you love someone?
“I did marry her, after all.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Probably when I was a child. Though,  I couldn’t really tell you.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“Continue then.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
"I have always been of the working - or warrior class. That is what Elune allotted to me, and I thank her for the blessings she has given me every day.”
28. How many friends do you have?
"I have a few very close friends, whom I adore with all of my heart.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
"I have been told that I make a very delicious peach cobbler.”
30. Favorite drink?
“Honey wine brewed by the Valarjar.”
31. What’s your favorite place?
“Curled up by the fire, with Lyrial and Saelyn’dia wrapped up in my arms, while Lyrial reads her a story. She is such a curious child...she will grow to be the smartest woman I’ll ever know.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Well, I am married to her, so I would say I am, yes.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
A shit eating grin is the only answer you get.
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I have never liked the ocean - due to the Naga invasions upon the shores of Ashenvale. So I would much prefer lakes.”
35. What’s your type?
“Strong, compassionate, funny, smart, fierce, loving, goofy, adorable, and so so much more.”
36. Any fetishes?
“I was once given a fetish by a friendly Furblog in Darkshore. He was a kind, and gentle bear, and I would often visit him on my way to Ashenvale and drop off a few bits of dried foods. He repaid me with a leather, and feather bound fetish which hangs in my home.” A brief pause, “Do you have any?”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“You must ask my most beloved, but if I were to be honest: I would say I am both.“
38. Camping or indoors?
"I prefer to sleep indoors, in all honesty. I have spent too much time on the road, sleeping in cots, and beneath poorly constructed tents. I much prefer four walls, a roof, and a bed.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“I truly do not mind answering questi--”
40. Now it’s over! Tag 3 people I will tag as many as I want.
Tagged by: @drustvar-dragonfly
Tagging: @daughter-of-ashenvale @wardennerd @nesuna-nightwinter @celassa
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rinplup · 8 years
I just wanted to make a master post of fire emblem fics that I like so I don’t have to go searching for them. (p.s. it’s going to be like 99% chrobin, sorry not sorry.)
I will put them under the undercut for y’all though, cause idk how long it’ll get. CHECK IT OUT IF YOU WANT. 
25 Lives -  Time after time, life after life, Chrom will follow Robin.
A Gentle Whisper - Chrom is fairly certain he's slowly turning into a nuisance.(or: Chrom and Robin slowly fall in love, with slight canon divergence)
A Pair of Eyes -  Lucina watches her father and his tactician from afar and wonders how her father is so blind. Friendly Lucina/DLC!Marth, onesided F!Robin/Chrom, implied Chrom/Sumia.
A Will and a Way -  Robin makes a vow knowing she must break it; Chrom is left to deal with the aftermath. Main timeline. (Rated M)
An Undesirable Mark -  He couldn't wrap his head around the concept that someone had asked him out on a date instead of it being the other way around. It was jarring, to say the least. (Luci/Male Robin, Female Morgan/Inigo)
better places -  "There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know," he says with a chuckle, and suddenly he feels years younger.
Blood of Dragons -  Ylisse carries a history of dragons, and stories whisper of their powers mingling with Exalts and Grimleal. To a prince and tactician they are only tales, until a fateful night burns away myth and makes it all too real. Together they will have to face down kings, conquerors, and what lurks in their own blood. [AU: Female Avatar/Chrom]
By His Side -  He was all she remembered and her only companion in this ruined world. A young Lucina as she is raised by Robin in a world Grima destroyed. AU
Cycle -  Robin is a young woman who bakes cakes during the day, sleeps at night, and drinks on weekends. She does not wage wars, fight demons, or solve dating issues. Yet, somehow by divine mistake, she's found herself doing just that. Clearly, someone has her confused with another Robin... Rated M for violence, language, and mature themes.
Exhume - She knows her name starts with an R, but not much else. Un-life as a Risen is dull, until a chance meeting with a group of survivors known as the Shepherds changes her outlook entirely, and breathes something back into a dying world.
Evening the Score -  "Chrom!" she shouted. "Pull my hair one more time and I'll knock your teeth out!" [Sully, Chrom, and the shenanigans that ensue when you leave a bunch of preteens under Frederick's not-quite-omniscient supervision.]
Flowers for a Funeral -  Maybe they're both dead and they just haven't realized it yet. -Morgan, Morgan, and Avatar/Robin/Grima
For Lucina - “I’m going to speak plainly. That document describes your ex-wife’s intent to gain full custody of Lucina, and there’s a high likelihood you could lose your daughter.” | Chrom only has one choice if he intends to keep his daughter, and Robin's the only one who can help him.
House on the Hill -  The only thing necessary for the triumph of horror is that smart choices not be made. (Male Robin/Lucina)
In the Presence of Gods - When Princess Robin discovers her father wants to sacrifice the wounded amnesiac with the mark of Naga on his arm, she rescues him from the dungeons. Role Reversal AU.
Lamentation -  Even monsters have someone to mourn their loss. -Lucina, Morgan, and the shades of grief.
Multiverse -  In the infinite possible realities that exist, most things stay the same—but Robin is always different. A series of one-shots exploring Chrom's relationships (platonic and otherwise) with a different version of Robin in each chapter.
My Oedipus Complex -  All little Morgan wants is his mother's absolute love and attention...but Chrom keeps getting in the way. (It’s actually not incestuous).
Mother Tongue - The resemblance is uncanny, and she doesn’t know why she’s never thought to ask either Morgan or their mother. Still, she’d rather know, so she finally asks. “Morgan, do you know Plegian?”
On the Topic of Pockets - Robin's coat has pockets. For some reason, the thought is baffling.
Or The War Is Lost -  Quickly Robin! You must make more bunnies or the war is lost! Robin x Yarne, Robin x Chrom. One Shot. Crack-filled as it can be.
Paternity -  "Papa, they're sleeping again." | Robin & Chrom bring their twins home, and Lucina takes being an older sister very seriously. | Modern AU fluff for Father's Day
Pie -  In which Sumia and Chrom really like each other and it could be so easy, but Sumia does end up feeling guilty on more than one occasion. [One-shot; Office-Worker AU]
Prologue to the Prologue -  Bits and pieces of Lucina's life before and after her leap through time and space. Awakening through Lucina's eyes. The trials and tribulations she faces while trying to change her fate. Follows the canon storyline with some interludes.
Protected -  Robin has always assumed he is just a beta - until he goes into his omega heat, shortly after Gangrel is defeated and peace has returned to the realm. But Chrom is away on business… and he's the only alpha that Robin wants to mate with. (Rated M)
Pursuit -  (Modern AU; Slow-Build) Chrom, a young police officer, is set on making Ylisse a better place by eradicating the creeping effects of the Grima Syndicate. Robin, the daughter of Validar Grima, is trying to live a normal life as a trauma surgeon in Ylisstol. As the two develop feelings for one another, Robin is torn between her morals and her loyalty to her family.
Robin for Exalt -  Chrom sucks at his job. Robin decides its time to bring a splash of democracy to Ylisse.
Run-In -  Robin stumbles in on Chrom in the bath, and proceeds to realize just how much he likes Chrom. [genderswap--male Robin, female Chrom] (Rated Explicit)
Sister Complex - in which Chrom lets his imagination and older brother instincts get the better of him  
The Arrangement -  AU Chrom's father lives and the Plegia-Ylisse war continues until Chrom is nineteen. With Gangrel's death and the final treaty between the two countries being signed, Chrom meets the daughter of the new King of Plegia: Princess Robin. Little does he know that their parents have sealed their fates along with the treaty by arranging their marriage. (Chrobin / Arranged Marriage AU) (Rated M)
The Best of Worst Kind of Gossip -  Morgan has a thing for Lucina. And Chrom isn't sure he likes that.
The Heart of the Moon - Something stalks the forests south of Ylisstol. A nightmare made real, with too many burning eyes and jagged teeth. At the behest of his sister, Prince Chrom goes to face the beast...and finds far more than he imagined in the dark woods. A young woman seeks escape from the monster that has made her a prisoner -- but those words hide a terrible truth that may tear two nations apart.
A Fire Emblem: Awakening adaptation of the Norwegian fairy tale 'East of the Sun and West of the Moon.'
The Prince and The Plegian - At the height of summer, when the caravans creak into Ylisse, Chrom meets a foreign girl who is nothing like the stiff, strained life he has come to know. Twelve years old and never having gone beyond the city gates, that wild Plegian gives him a taste of freedom. Chrom/Robin with an accidental hint of Emmeryn/Robin.
Thoughts on Children -  The mothers of the army are wondering what their children may be like, especially if they had married someone else.
today begins and it’s all that we have -  Lucina realises, as she watches herself grow, that they are very different people, from two very different worlds. As an adult, she’s wide-eyed and happy, kind but with a sharp tongue, and she wields her sword much more reluctantly than Lucina ever had to. There’s something of brightness and life in her eyes, an innocence that Lucina envies terribly, deep in her bones.
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moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 15: The Kids are All Right
Part 14
Welcome back to Fire Emblem IV.  When we last met, you may recall the entire world went to shit.  Before we get into too much of anything, let’s see the aftermath play out. 
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Just as he had planned, this left Arvis as the sole ruling power of the kingdom.
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and so Arvis unified all Jugdral under Grannvale’s rule. With overwhelming support from his subjects, Arvis thus became the first Emperor of the Grannvale Empire.
Seventeen years have passed since the battle of Belhalla.
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Now struggle under his oppressive, dictatorial rule. Across Jugdral, in the other realms now dominated by Grannvale, their people have been reduced to living as little more than slaves to the Empire’s whims.
(Oh hey look, the evil alliance with the priests of the Dark Lord didn’t produce that utopia after all.  How weird.)  
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Just like his late father, Duke Langbalt.  While he lives an indulgent life at the Rivough palace, the people are treated as little more than slave labor.
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(And they’re handsome, so they aren’t pure evil. They are, however, pretty awful as we’ll be seeing. Also a pair of total morons, but that’s nothing new.)  
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Under their rule, Isaach knows no freedom. However, one last hope remains for Isaach.  Tirnanog, an isolated village in the kingdom’s far north…
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(Damn, Shanan grew up to be a black-haired Sephiroth!)
whose strength grows with each passing day. Among these proud, young warriors is a young man, dubbed “The Scion of Light” by the people of Isaach and revered as the rightful prince of the Grannvale Empire.  
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Danaan: Shanan and his rebel ilk are growing stronger by the day, and now they hamper us at every turn! And as if that weren’t enough, they harbor the spawn of Sigurd the Traitor! The very existence of this scum utterly defiles my authority over the Isaachian throne! How do you expect me to explain this sorry state to His Imperial Majesty?!
Harold: A thousand apologies, your highness, but everything is already under control.  The rebel hideout has been found, and even as we speak an army is on its way to crush them. Those vile rats have nowhere else to run! By sundown, not a single rebel will still be breathing.
Danaan: Hm. Very well. But be warned, Harold. Don’t even think of underestimating them. Most of the rebels are too young to pose a threat, but they still have Oifey and Shanan.  Those two alone are extremely dangerous. Dismissing them would be a fatal mistake .
(And I bet that is a sentence you never expected to hear during the first generation.)
Harold: Yes, sir, I’m aware. But I’ve already had Tirnanog, the rebel hideout, surveyed in secret, and neither are anywhere in sight. It’s safe to assume them currently absent, sir.
Danaan: WHAT?! Then why are we still talking about this?! Send the order to move in immediately! The people of Isaach are treating these rebels like some kind of heroes of freedom… but it’s time they learned the error of their ways! Kill them! All of them! I’ll be returning to Rivough. I expect nothing but good news!
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Beautiful Man #452: A brigade’s set out from Geneishire and they seem to be headed our way.
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(Gee, I wonder whose daughter she is.)
Ayra 2.0: Let them come, I say! It only makes the battle easier for us! It’ll be simple to just walk right over to Ganeishire and pick them off as we go!
Ulster: You’ve gotta be kidding! Prince Shanan’s still off trying to find the Yied Shrine, and Oifey and the others aren’t back yet. It’s just us two against an entire army! Surely, even you can’t think this’ll end well!
Ayra 2, The Astra Continues: I don’t care! You can sit here and be scared witless if you want, but I’m not letting a chance like this pass! The prince still treats us like helpless children, but come one! We’ve had more than enough training! We’re ready for real action!
Ulster: But…
The Aympire Strikes Back: I’m… I’m NOT gonna run away anymore! I’m sick to death of sitting here while those monsters butcher our friends! Or worse… the empire’s thugs are still out there, snagging every girl they see… If Prince Shanan hadn’t come for me that day, I’d be just another one of them. Dead, or wishing I was… I won’t forgive or forget their pain!
Ulster: No, that’s not it, Larcei… You’re right, it’s horrible, but…
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Seliph: Most likely, I assume Shanan would have given you strict orders to keep me safe. After all, if he hadn’t, you’d already be out there in the fray! To not be thirsting for a good fight just isn’t the Ulster I know.
Larcei: Oh… that’s… that’s right. Sorry, sir. I was hoping we didn’t have to involve you…
Seliph: I’m no child anymore either, Larcei. If you two plan to fight, I plan to fight by your side. There’s more at stake today than only the resistance. What of Tirnanog? We owe so much to its people. I refuse to abandon them at such a critical hour!
Ulster: But…
Seliph: We’ve no time to waste debating this! Lana, stay behind and help the citizens. We’ll engage the foe in the western gully.
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Lana: This is my fight too! You won’t convince me anymore than you could convince Larcei! Every day I think the Empire can’t get any more cruel, and every day I’m proven wrong. They prey on the weak and vulnerable as if snuffing out their lives is a game to them… I can’t sit quietly and accept it! I may not be able to fight, but I’ve my own way of defending everyone!
Seliph: Hm… my apologies, Lana.  You are absolutely right: the battle for Isaach’s freedom rests upon all of us. Very well, we shall all go together! How this will turn out, I cannot say…
(Well, it can’t go worse than when your father tried it with his three buddies. … Not a challenge, game.)
Seliph: But we owe it to all of Isaach to give this battle no less than our best.
Lana: Yes, Milord! And, er…. Sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken so brashly.  
Seliph: Ha!  You’ve nothing to apologize for. Now Ulster, Larcei, Lana… the time has come. Move out!
And here we go.
The game tries to trick you into thinking it’s called ‘Genealogy’ because of the importance of the Crusader’s bloodlines, but that’s only half the story.  This is also the first Fire Emblem game to feature a second generation, determined by the Lover bonds you made between the units in your first generation. It’s a revolutionary mechanic that would later be picked up on by modern ultra-popular games Awakening and Fates, and…
God, it’s so badly done. It really is.  
The thing is, the game never tells you the second-generation inheritance mechanics exist, or how they work. It never even tells you how to get two first-generation units to hook up, though that’s easy enough to work out (‘Have them stand next to each other a lot’). The only hints you get are from villages in the battle of Belhalla map, by which point it’s already far too late to really fine-tune anything.  Basically it’s a situation where you either already know what you want to do going into the game (like me) or you get screwed (like me during my first playthrough when I was playing blind).  
And the thing is, this is important.  It’s not a minor detail, it affects your entire army for the whole second half of the game.  Marry off the wrong people, or god forbid don’t marry anyone at all, and you can end up hamstringing yourself pretty severely.  The general mechanics are as follows:
1)     Every female character in the army will have two children if they have been paired up with a male character.  The only automatic pairings are Sigurd/Deirdre and Quan/Ethlyn.  They will have one male child and one female child. The characters are determined by mother only; Ayra will always have Larcei and Ulster no matter who she marries, for example. The father will affect their stats and abilities as listed below.  
2)     Children will inherit a small boost to their starting stats, based on their parents’ final stats at the end of chapter five.  
3)     The children will have the same growth rates as their same-gendered parent, boosted by +50% of their opposite gendered parents growth rates.  They also inherit Holy Blood; if one of the parents has Major Blood, then the child of their gender will get that while the opposite-gendered child gets Minor.  For example, Seliph has Sigurd’s Major Baldur Blood, but also inherits Minor Naga Blood from Deirdre.   Unfortunately, most of Deirdre’s growths are hot garbage so his physical growths aren’t much better than Sigurd’s, but he does get a fairly impressive 30% Resistance growth thanks to her, so he’ll end up a much better mage-killer than his dad, and thanks to his combination of Holy Bloods he gets a 140% HP growth rate. This means he’s guaranteed to gain health every level, and has a 40% chance to gain two HP instead of one.    
4)     Children will inherit any items they can use from the inventory of their same-gendered parents. For example: Larcei and Ulster are Ayra and Jamke’s kids.  Larcei inherits Ayra’s gear, and since she can use anything Ayra can, she gets it all. Ulster, by contrast, doesn’t inherit any weapons because he can’t use Jamke’s bows, but he does inherit the two rings that Jamke was wearing, the Renewal Band and the Leg Ring. Items that could not be inherited will show up later, either in the shops or as droppable items off enemy soldiers. (Seliph does not inherit Tyrfing, because of story reasons, but he does inherit all of Sigurd’s other gear. Somehow).  They also inherit a portion of their parents’ combined gold supplies.
5)     Children will inherit the combined skills of both parents.  This is where it starts to get ridiculous, because some of those abilities you probably remember as absurd gamebreakers: Both of Ayra’s kids here inherit her already bonkers skillset of Pursuit, Nihil, and Astra, but they also pick up Adept and Accost from Jamke.  This means they have three different ways to double-attack and any one of them can also proc Astra, turning them into basically living chainsaws. The one caveat to remember is that for some reason, Astra, Sol, and Luna can only be inherited by non-mounted characters who use swords.  No, the game won’t tell you ahead of time which characters have such children. Why do you ask?  
Fun, right? And of course, if a female character doesn’t get married or dies before Chapter 5, then instead of her children you get a pair of substitute characters who will be the same (or very similar) class, but have much different skills, abilities, and stats… most typically ones that are markedly inferior. Though admittedly not always (In particular, a lot of veteran players will tell you the replacement children for Sylvia are better than her actual kids, no matter who their dad is. But I swore I would get them all and I keep my goddamn promises). The much bigger problem with them is that they don’t inherit the items. This is just an inconvenience in most cases, since as mentioned above those items will reappear… but in the case of the Holy Weapons, they’re gone forever since the bloodline that could use them has died out.  If Bridget doesn’t get married? Yewfelle is really no-take-backsies lost forever.  Same with Lewyn’s Forseti and Claude’s Valkyrie.  And to make matters worse, those two idiots have to marry someone who has a son that uses the right weapon type, and the game never tells you who that might be.  Lewyn gets off easy: The game pushes him at both Erin and Sylvia, each of whom will have a kid that can use Forseti (though Sylvia… makes it very complicated on you). But Claude… the game pushes him at Taillte when he first joins, and while her son will inherit Claude’s Holy Blood he cannot. Use. Staves.  
Well.  Now that that’s done, let’s take a look at what we’ve actually got to work with for this map.  
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Meet Seliph, our new Lord. He’s not bad, though he won’t be his dad’s equal for awhile; the Silver Sword is only a few kills away from being upgraded to gain the Critical skill, which will help him out a lot.  I also… discretely ensured Sigurd had the Paragon Band, so he’ll level up quickly to make up for the fact he’s generally our weakest fighter right now.  Unfortunately, he gets hurt a little in his base stats because Deirdre’s aren’t typically great except for Magic and Resistance, and Sigurd’s are so awful that Seliph will always start out low on them regardless.  For Holy Blood he has Major Baldur and Minor Naga, giving him an impressive total of +50% to HP growth, and +20% each to Strength, Magic, Skill, Luck, and Resistance. So he may start slow, but unless we get really unlucky he’ll pick up fast.
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Larcei and Ulster get combined into one entry since barring the fact Larcei has more Skill and Ulster has more luck, they’re identical at the moment. Which is to say amazing. Five very good skills, solid physical stats across the board, and Minor Odo Blood (+20%HP, +30% Skill). The only real reason Larcei is better at the moment is that she inherited her mom’s swords.  These two could clear the map by themselves.
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And finally, Lana, Aideen and Midir’s daughter. She’s one of the kids who is almost impossible to screw up; Aideen by herself has perfectly good stats and growths for a Priest, so anyone she marries will just be icing on Lana’s perfectly good healer cake.  In her case, Aideen’s phenomenal growth in Part 1 means she starts off with unusually good base stats for a level one healer, and she already has access to several great staves (though that Physic staff will need repaired soon, dammit I should have done that last chapter).  She inherited Pursuit and Accost as skills from Midir, but she won’t be able to use them until she promotes and can fight; when she does, she’ll be even better in combat than her mom was. And of course, she’s still got Mom’s Minor Ullur Blood for +20% HP and +30% luck growths… and for skill in the bows that she still will never be able to use.
Now then… TO WAR!
Oh, there’s no enemy units in range.  
End turn.
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Not to give you an inferiority complex, bro, but your dad would have killed that guy in his first map.  Though, in point of fact, this isn’t so bad; he has the Paragon band, he doesn’t really need kills to get experience yet. It’s better to use him as a decoy for now and let Ulster and Larcei mop up after him.
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Like so. This strategy in mind, I move Seliph forward as far as he can manage, into the range of a few other units, and leave the others hanging slightly back.  Nobody has been damaged yet, so Lana sits there looking cute. End turn!
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Dammit, one was close enough to go for Larcei. I should have checked before I moved her. Ah well, plenty to go around, we’re outnumbered like twenty-five to four.  
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Ooooh, make that twenty-five to seven. Three new dudes pop in when our turn starts, and they have horses!
Blue Hair #76: I hope everyone’s doing all right…
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Blondie: What if Lana’s gone and gotten herself mixed up in the fighting? She can’t defend herself at all if she’s out in the open like this?
Blondie: Sir, we should hurry back. The sooner we get back to Lord Seliph’s side, the better.  
Porn Stache: Indeed. Come, Dermott! Lester! The battlefield awaits us!
Well then. Let’s take a look at our new arrivals.  First we have…
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That’s right, it’s Oifey! Our little tactician dude from part one has grown up into a pre-promote with a fantastic moustache for part two. And he is, in fact, not terrible. His stats are perfectly fine and he comes with two good skills, Critical and Pursuit. He comes in at level 15 while the rest of the army is at level 1, however, which is the game’s subtle way of telling you to only use him for emergencies; he will get virtually no experience for killing anything in the first few chapters.  Oifey is what FE vets call the ‘Jeigan Archetype’, a promoted overlevelled unit the game hands you as a method of ensuring your newbies don’t get wiped out, but if you rely on them too much those newbies will never get to grow up and be killing machines of their own someday. Unlike many of those, Oifey has fine starting stats and passable growths, and can be useful the whole game if you get lucky (though most of the kids will outclass him eventually), but you should still try not to let him kill anything for at least three more chapters, when enemies his level start showing up.
And yes, he has Minor Baldur Blood. It’s easy to forget, but waaaaaaaay back it was mentioned that he’s actually Sigurd’s distant cousin.  
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Dermott is a little harder to work out than others, but by looking at his items, skills (Notably, he has Charm, which only one parent can pass down) and Holy Blood (Minor Hezul) we can spot quickly enough he’s the son of Lachesis and Beowulf.  He takes after his mother in one way, in that HIS NAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE DIARMUID, a reference to a hero from Celtic mythology, and it’s been mistranslated. But you know what fuck it I’m too tired, so he can stay Dermott. He’s a solid unit, much like his father… erm… eventually turned out to be, with Pursuit and Accost for offense and Charm to make units near him stronger just by being in his shining golden presence.  The combination of his class and Holy Blood allow him to use any non-Holy sword right off the bat as well, so his offensive options are considerable; even if you choose to do something like marry Lachesis to a mage, he can end up a great choice to use magic swords. But given that Minor Hezul blood is a +20% to HP and +30% to Strength growths, it’s really best to stick with a good honest ass-kicker for his dad.  
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And finally, Aideen and Midir’s other child, Lester. Now, remember when I said Lana was almost impossible to screw up? Lester is almost impossible to not screw up.  Aideen’s physical growths are non-existent and he can only use bows as weapons, so if you want him to be inheriting anything of value and have half-decent stats, he needs to be fathered by either Jamke or Midir.  Jamke is the better choice in terms of stats, but the rub lies in the fact that for no obvious reason, Jamke won’t pass down Pursuit to his children despite having it himself.  I assume this to be a bug, but who knows.  Of course, if you don’t care about bows there’s always people like Lex or Holyn who can give him better combat stats… but you saw Midir in the Arena. Archers need a good bow to live. Half the reason Jamke rocks so hard is that he comes with arguably the best non-Holy bow in the game.  So enjoy that Brave Bow, Lester, if we get unlucky leveling you up then it will be your salvation.  
All right. None of our newbies can join in the combat this turn, but they’re all mounted so that will change soon enough. For now, let’s focus on continuing our strategy.  Seliph sets them up…
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The twins knock them down.
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And to finish things up, Lester goes to have a chat with his sister.
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Lester: Why am I not surprised… look, I know I can’t get you to leave, but be careful, okay? It’d break Mother’s heart if something happened to you out here?
(Yes, Aideen is alive, and no, she won’t be helping us out. It’s more common than you’d expect; a solid number of the first generation survived Belhalla only to be too wounded to fight again or to just die later anyway. Mostly the ladies. All these children had to come from somewhere, after all.)
Lana: I know, but actually there was something Mother told me… she said we owe the greatest of debts to the people of Isaach, and if we can help them in any way, we owe it to them to do all we can.
Lester: Yeah, I guess she’s right. I mean, we wouldn’t even be here now if not for the help of the locals… so, er, where is Mother anyway?
Lana: She’s back in Tirnanog’s abbey, working like always.
Lester: Right… Listen, Lana. We’ve got to give this battle our all, both in Mother’s name and in the name of our lost father. Someday, I know, we’ll finally be able to help Mother return to her home, Jungby…
Lana: You’re right, Lester.  
And that’s the slightly anticlimactic end of that conversation; Lana gets a free point of Luck from it for… some… reason.  End turn; no enemies are close enough to hit us, so after they move it goes right back to our gang of misfits.  First, Oifey has words for young Seliph…
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(“The… entire world, sire? I was only gone for like an hour.”)
Oifey: The Empire’s grip is tightening still further, as if trying to choke life from the people.  It’s inciting doomed revolts all across Jugdral.  
Seliph: So it’s as I thought… it isn’t as if the Empire’s tyranny would ever be limited to only Isaach… Oifey, is it feasible to assist them?
Oifey: Not as we presently stand, sire. We still lack the strength to properly challenge the Empire.
(“Among other issues, we somehow managed to get you all of your father’s belongings except his invincible super-sword. My apologies, sire.”)
Seliph: Then what of our present battle?  The war for Isaach’s freedom has already begun. Turning back now would be impossible.
Oifey: Hm. There’s certainly no chance of returning you to hiding now that your whereabouts have been leaked, sire.  Starting the fight now was reckless, but we’ve no choice but to continue.
Seliph: Oifey, I’m sorry I let all of this happen behind your back, but we had no choice. Even so, I don’t think I could have stood letting Isaach suffer under Dannan’s thumb any longer. I trust you understand, Oifey.
Oifey: I do, sire. Now, our priority is to lay siege to Dannan’s capital, Rivough, with all haste. Dannan must fall before the Empire can send him reinforcements. We cannot afford to wait!
Seliph doesn’t get a stat boost, because I guess he’s not as cool as Lana.  It’s okay, though, he can still do another cool thing:
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Softening up enemies! And our first awesome level of the second generation goes to Lord Seliph. Most marvelously done, sire.  Peons! Attend Lord Seliph!
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Marvelously done, peons!  I am so pleased I shall not even force you to lay down on the floor and be a carpet for Lord Seliph to walk upon, that he may not dirty his boots.  
The turn ends here, because we have nobody else to move. I’m a bit worried that one of the enemies can reach Lana, but I’m not sure so…. Let’s hope?  
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Oh goodie, the second wave is approaching. But seriously, about Lana…
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… Huh. I mean, hey, Lester, if you wanna be like your dad and suck in the arena while being unreasonably lucky everywhere else, more power to ya.
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And after that, the enemy is apparently just super uncool with Larcei. Unfortunately for them, Larcei is pretty cool with dodging and very cool with murder.  Our turn…
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After taking out the trash, our two errant horsemen start moving east, toward Ganeishire, while Seliph goes to stand enticingly in the range of the last enemy. Ulster also finally gets to take a break from stabbing stuff to chat with his sister, since for once there’s nothing nearby for him.  
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Ulster: Just be careful out here, okay? Your usual brazen antics’ll only get you in trouble now.  
Larcei: I know, I know, I know! What, do you think I’m still a child?!
Ulster: Heh, man that iron will of yours! I guess you’re just like Mom was, if what Prince Shanan’s told us is true.
Larcei: Yeah… Ayra… I can’t remember a thing about her. You?
Ulster: No, of course not.  We’re twins, remember? If you were too young to remember, then so was I. We weren’t even two years old back then… it was Oifey who took us with him when he fled to Isaach with Seliph. We waited and waited, but Mom never followed… I guess she didn’t make it out of the Battle of Belhalla alive.  
Larcei: Ulster! You swore you’d never say things like that! Mom is alive! ALIVE! I’m sure of it! Don’t you dare say otherwise ever again!
(*cough* I’m actually pretty sure she isn’t. Which really just makes this sad, so… sorry.)
Ulster: Er… sorry, Larcei. You’re right… I’m sorry…
Larcei gets +1 to Luck from this conversation too, because anger makes you stronger? End turn.
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Man, nobody wants to fight Seliph.  Do these peasants believe themselves too good to take blades to milord?!  HOW DARE THEY.  
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Not much to do from here but move east; two turns of that puts us into combat range of the enemy’s second wave of troops. Ulster, if you’d do the honors of waiting just within their range? End turn.  
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Good man.
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… Oops, misjudged the distance. Well, Lana will be happy, she finally gets to do some real healing instead of just kissing boo-boos. Now for our turn….
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And our first crappy level of the second generation goes to Lester! Good job, Lester. You’re really honoring that lack of confidence I had in you. End turn.
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…. Did he… did he just kill himself out of spite?
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Leave Larcei alone, jeez. I know she’s awesome, but come on, there have to be better ways to die.  
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And our turn begins with the sight of a bandit suddenly appearing out of nowhere moving up to a village behind the enemy’s castle, because didn’t we all miss that. Ulster’s got the leg ring and Dermott has a horse, so I send them out ahead to try and get there before too much gets burn. Seliph kills an archer, and gets his second level.
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As a western gamer I’m told I’m supposed to love Big Awesome Superman Sigurd more than Beautiful Man-boy Seliph, but if he keeps getting levels like these I may have to reconsider that.
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Lana also gets her first level from healing, which while not quite as absurd, does give her Defense. That’s her weakest point, so I can’t be too angry.  A few turns of movement follows, until Ulster finally reaches the village and clears it.
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Way to get hit on a 25% chance, dumbass. But at least you killed the enemy, so… ‘good job’.  The rest of the team, having nothing better to do, starts attacking the castle defenders.
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We’re making pretty good time! Gaineshire should fall quickly from here.  I move Dermott over to stand next to another defender, hoping it will be softened up from here.  And since Oifey has the least money, he takes the first village.
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Info Master: The younger two serve him here in Isaach. Johan controls Isaach Castle, while Johalvier controls Sophara Castle. They’re both kind of odd, and they’ve both got this obsession with someone in your army called Larcei.  Always squabbling, they are… I dunno, though. Neither of them are all that bad, really. Heck, I bet they’d want to join forces with you!
End turn.
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That’s what I like to see. Hard workers. Our turn clears out the final defenders…
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And hell, let’s take a risk and let our up and coming young rock star of a lord take first crack at the boss.
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(“I mean, yes, they have killed all of my men, and it’s only been like an hour, but…”)                
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Ah, yes. Did you miss Pavise? I did.  And on his own turn, he actually connects, taking Seliph’s health down to the danger zone. But also gaining him a new level!
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I will never say no to more defense. Lana burns a charge of her Physic staff to heal him up, and I send Lester to swing up and take a shot from the side.
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Seriously, fuck Pavise. Ulster, can you wrap this shit up?
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Because they proc Astra, bitch.
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… And they torment me with shit levels right after triumphing.  God, you people are turning out just like your parents. Dermott took a nasty hit fighting the defenders, so I send him down south to a cathedral to pay for healing since he’s not cool enough to earn Lana’s attentions.  And with that, time to seize our first castle of Gen 2.
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(He said, a perfectly nice town and some lovely trees in the background.)
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(… Yes, hello, Your Majesty. You weren’t helping us out becaaaaaaaaaaaaaause?)
Lewyn: Just Lewyn, Seliph… like I’ve always been. Silesse is just another Imperial conquest now…. That’s all it’s been since the mess in Belhalla. And meanwhile here I am, still living a pathetic, shameful life for all to see.
(Yeah that’s great. Look, pack up your magic books and get back in line, soldier, we have an Empire to sort out.)
Lewyn: At least my mother faced Silesse’s demise, and her own, with pride and dignity! But me? Nope! Still just an idiot bard… don’t listen to what Oifey says of me, Seliph. Please, don’t call me a king ever again.  
(Okay yeah but do you still have Forseti. I would really like some Forseti, please.)
Seliph: I… my apologies, Lewyn…
Lewyn: Heh, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. More importantly, looks like you’ve finally got this revolution thing started! There’s no place more fitting than Isaach to begin fighting back against the Empire.
Seliph: Indeed! The courage of Isaach’s people is matched only by the pain and anger they feel because of the Empire. All we’re missing now is for Prince Shanan to return and join the fray himself.
Lewyn: He ran off to follow some rumor, didn’t he?
Seliph: Mm. Rumor has it his birthright as heir to the Isaach throne, the holy sword Balmung, is being kept in a shrine in the Yied Desert.
(Oh god not that place again. So much sand…)
Seliph: As I understand it, the entire desert region is home to an evil priest. I trust Shanan’s might, but I cannot help but worry for his safety…
Lewyn: If anyone can do it, it’ll be Shanan. Actually, Seliph, I’ve a favor to ask of you.
(Bitch you can ask me for favors when you’re blasting my enemies with wind magic. JOIN THE ARMY.)
Seliph: Oh? If it is within my power, I’ll gladly help. What is it?
(Dammit Seliph you suck at negotiation. We have to play hardball with this guy!)
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Lewyn: Since then I’ve been looking after her in a hidden little corner of Silesse, until we had to get out a while back as the Empire set about tightening its grip. The thing is, I’ve got things that need doing over in Leonster, and at this point she’s just slowing me down. I hate to impose, but I don’t have much of a choice. Could I leave her with your group for a while? I still don’t know what happened to her, but it must have been pretty awful. Poor thing. Back when I first found her, she couldn’t remember a thing about what happened.
(…. Yeah, dude, I don’t know if you remember it, but his father took in a mysterious waif once and it ended really bad.)
Lewyn: I still don’t know what happened to her, but it must have been pretty awful. Poor thing. Back when I first found her, she couldn’t remember a thing about what happened. It looks like she still can’t…
(Oh jeez, she has amnesia too. I’m getting some déjà vu here, and not in a good way. Yeah, gonna have to give this one a super hard no, so…)
Seliph: I see. Very well, you can trust me with her, Lewyn.
(God dammit, Seliph.)
Seliph: However, I must ask you return for her as soon as possible She won’t feel too comfortable in an army of strangers.
Lewyn: Deal. Heh, I’ll probably be back here by the time you’re finished freeing Isaach. Good luck, Seliph.
Seliph: May the gods be with you as well, Lewyn.
(Fuck off, Lewyn.)
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Seliph: Until Lewyn returns, I swear I’ll let no harm come to you… I know I’ve much to learn, and I’m not yet all that strong. But one day… someday, I know I’ll be strong enough to protect us all! Someday, I’ll have the strength to defend all the world’s people from the Empire’s wrath! Someday I’ll be strong, just as my father once was…
(“Someday, I’ll be Hokage!”)
Julia: Seliph…
Well. She’s a sparkling conversationalist.  Now, normally I would cut things off here. But coming up next turn is one of the few choices the game has to offer, and I would actually like to let you guys vote on it, so we need to do one more scene.
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Dannan: What in the blazes are my sons doing?! Someone, tell them to take the rebels down, right now!
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Johan: But I could never lay a finger on Larcei, even if she is among my foes… ahh, what a dilemma standing before me…
So that’s Johan and Johalvier.  They’re a pair of fucking idiots, but we can recruit one.  Yes, one. Whichever one Larcei talks to first will join your army; the other will have to die because they are, again, fucking idiots.  But hey, since I’m a kindly sort, I’ll allow you the choice of which one we recruit. The gist of them:
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Growths: HP – 110%, Str – 40%, Mag – 0%, Skl – 50%, Spd – 10%, Luck – 10%, Def – 60% Res – 5%
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Growths: HP – 110%, Str – 40%, Mag – 0%, Skl – 20%, Spd – 50%, Luck – 10%, Def – 60% Res – 5%
(P.S. Both have Minor Neir Blood; the bonuses from it are included in their listed growth rates.)  
 As you can see, it’s not a huge difference. Both uses axes as weapons; Johan will always use only axes, while Johalvier can learn to use bows after he promotes.  Each only has one (at least pretty good) ability, and their growths are mostly identical; about the only thing worth noting is that Johan’s speed growth is significantly better, probably to make up for the fact his starting speed is four points lower. Johalvier in general starts off with better base stats, in fact, but that’s made up for somewhat by the fact that Johan has a horse and he doesn’t.  
Really, tl;dr, neither of them is appreciably better than the other in gameplay terms, unless you’re doing a speed run.  So, let me know if you have an opinion on which one to grab, and if there’s a clear winner I’ll pick him up next week.  See ya then!  
Part 16
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