#naga sef
littlemessyjessi · 2 years
"I Need A Favor": Naga Boyfriend Sef: Part Three
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"I Need A Favor": Naga Sef: Part Three 
Warnings:  Some mature content.  Monster boyfriend… if that can be a warning.  Maybe language.  Also, my unedited, un'beta'd work.  Maybe my grammar because I'm a troll.  Idk?  
Monster Boyfriend x Plus Size Reader 
Commissioned by the lovely @thickemadame  
Thank you so much, darling!  And I apologize that this took so long.  I was devastated when I lost everything on my old computer and I am permanently scatter brained but still… I am appalled that it took my so long.  I love you, darling! 
Never in my life had I been so nervous for someone to be in my garden. 
All this despite the fact that I had strangers in it all the time for photoshoots … and also the fact that Sef was my neighbor and literally saw it every day. 
Though somehow this felt different. 
While my nerves were turning my stomach into the equivalent of a washing machine with a brick inside… I was still quite proud of my the oasis that I had created in my time here. 
The lush foliage and blooming flowers. 
I'd put a lot of work into making sure that it was a garden that was beautiful year round and taking care to plant so meticulously so that when one thing was done another was coming to life. 
Strategically placed stone pieces reminiscent of a garden some ancient greek goddess might've had. 
Twinkling lights and no short amount of gorgeous focal points. 
It was my pride and joy. 
Despite the fact that I allowed strangers here for my side hustle all the time… it still seemed intimate to have a date here. 
I'd never done that before. 
I'd chose a simple outfit for the evening. 
Something comfortable and flowy to accent my figure in an ethereal way but also cozy enough as to not add discomfort to my growing anxiety. 
The scent of something cooking away caught my attention and l looked over the fence to see a trail of smoke spiraling into the air. 
I stood on my tiptoes and peeped over the fence to see Sef standing at the grill. 
I admired him for a moment before he began to chuckle. 
"You know, I've heard of Peeping Toms before but perhaps I should call you a Peeping Tammy." he said before those vivid eyes of his flicked up to meet mine. 
I was suddenly very grateful for the fence between us as I could feel the heat rise in my skin… and more importantly the weird face I pulled when I realized I'd been caught. 
"Sorry, I smelled the food." I said. 
"I'm glad to know you're hungry." he said.  "I may have overcooked a bit but it's alright.  Atleast, I know you'll be well fed with the leftovers this week."  
"If it's as good as it smells there may not be any left." I said.  "Would you like me to open the gate?" 
"That would be great." he said, turning the vegetables on the grill. "I'll meet you in the middle." 
I fiddled with the latch on my side and swung the gate door open at the same time he did his. 
At the risk of sounding terribly cliche, it was like a moment in the moment where the two romantic leads finally see each other in a certain light. 
And in a way… it was. 
Despite the rather comical last twenty four hours or so… I had never really taken notice of Sef in this way. 
Without a doubt. 
But I had never really, really looked at him as a pontential partner. 
And I had to say… he was looking very good. 
A slow smile spread across his lips, "You look absolutely breathtaking." 
"Thank you." I said softly.  "You look very handsome, yourself." 
And he most certainly did. 
He'd opted for a green button down that made his skin tone positively glow against it as well as matching his eyes incredibly well. 
I was also very pleased to see that he hadn't completely changed back into his human form. 
He was caught somewhere in between. 
The legs were gone, replaced by his long tail and little scales dotted his skin here and there. 
His eyes were the same beautiful color but if you looked closely you could see that the pupil of the eye was enlongated a bit. 
Apparently, I had been quite too long and mistook my admiration for gawking. 
"I, uh, I hope this is alright." he said gesturing towards his tail. 
"Oh!" I started, shocked and perhaps a little embarassed that I'd made him uncomfortable.  "Of- of course! Whatever you are most comfortable with.  I, um, well I was just admiring you was all.  I didn't mean to stare.  You just… you look very handsome tonight and I was a little taken." 
He smiled softly but only broke out into a laugh as I bumbled through my words again. 
"Not to say that you're aren't always handsome! You are! You always have been! I mean, you know that.  You see yourself in the mirror every day.  Oh god, someone please shoot me to put me out of my misery.  Excuse me while I go crawl under a rock and die now."  
He erupted into further laughter before he gently took my by the arms, "Relax, sweetheart.  It's quite the confidence boost to know that you're so taken." 
"Oh, great.  As if your ego needed anymore inflating." I said before I could stop myself. 
The smile turned into a fond little smirk, "Ah, there's that sassy mouth I love so much." 
"Excuse me?  You enjoy ridicule?" I asked. 
He laughed, "It's not ridicule. It's your duality.  I love that you are both sweet and salty. It's my favorite kind of snack actually." 
In favor of my thundering heart, that I have no doubt he could hear judging by the deepening smirk on his face… I chose to ignore to the double meaning to those words. 
Instead, I chose to prissily turn my nose up, "It's very rude to call your date salty, you know." 
"Oh, would you prefer sweet and sour?  That's another flavor combination I'm partial to.  I just love devouring things that dance on my tongue." 
My heart felt as if it were going to burst from my chest and I narrowed my eyes into slits when he actually doubled over in laughter. 
"I am so not your friend anymore." I said, huffing and turning away from him. 
It was all playful, of course. 
He was riling me up and despite the fact that my body was betraying me, I couldn't deny that I loved his attention. 
"Oh, come now." he whispered into my ear and I almost choked. "Don't be cross with me. I was only teasing.  It's just my nature." 
In his nature, indeed. 
His arms wrapped around me as well as his tail, "But you are correct about one thing." 
Curiosity having gotten the better of me, I turned in his embrace to lock eyes with him, "What's that?" 
"I don't want to be your friend." he said. 
My brows furrowed in indignation. 
"I want to be much, much more than that." he said, a twinkle in his eye again. 
I slipped out of his embrace after deciding that I needed to give my nervous system a break from his infuriatingly intoxicating presence. 
"Go finish the food." I said sternly. 
"Yes, ma'am." he said, bowing dramatically and slithering back to the grill. 
I huffed again and I could hear him snort in the background….but I would sooner fling myself off a cliff than give him the satisfaction. 
I soon lost myself in fussing over the area I had prepared for us. 
Earlier I'd made quite the little paradise in the best spot in the garden. 
I'd set up the projector and brought every pillow I owned outside under what I called the fairy grove. 
Twisting vines and twinkling lights. 
It was magical. 
"Where should I put these?" 
I turned to see him standing there with trays of food in his arms and a small bar cart trailing behind him being pulled by his tail. 
It would seem that it was quite dextrous. 
I shook the thought from my head before I could start drooling.  
"Just there." I said pointing to an open spot while I fretted over the set up. 
"Just relax." he whispered in my ear.  "There's no need to be so tense.  If you're trying to impress me, just know that I've been impressed since the moment I saw you.  I just want to spend time with you." 
And for some reason, my stress just slid off my shoulders. 
We ate- his skills as a chef were truly unmatched. 
We drank- he hadn't been lying about being a bartender. 
We laughed- he was incredibly funny with a sharp wit. 
Before I knew it, we were laid out, stomachs full and smiles on our faces as we watched the movie. 
We'd long since turned the volume down and decided to provide our own dialogue. 
He'd just finished making it seem as if the lead role was headed in for his routine colonoscopy causing me to fling myself backwards across the pillows in a fit of laughter. 
He laughed before laying back and joining me. 
We stared up at the night sky through the canopy of leaves and soft twinkling fairy lights. 
"You know, I've always thought this was the best spot in your garden." he said. 
"Thank you." I said before blinking, "Hold on.  You've never been in this spot of my garden.  You've never even been in my garden before." 
He gave a long that I could only describe as a child having been found out when they were being naughty. 
"Well, that's not exactly true…" he said. 
"Oh?" I asked. "Been trespassing have you?" 
I wasn't necessarily accusing him… though I was curious as to what might've provoked him to scale not only his gate but mine as well. 
"Kind of." he said.  "But you've actually seen me many, many times. You've even given me snacks and placed me in sunny places on particularly chilly days." 
"What are you talking about?" I asked. 
He sighed and before my eyes he transformed yet again into a tiny green garden snake. 
I gasped, "My little friend…" 
He slithered towards me and gently nudged my hand with his head until I ran my fingers over his scales. 
He changed back and looked at me sheepishly, "Honestly, I never meant to invade your privacy.   I've just always thought you had such a beautiful garden and, of course, you are possibly the most lovely creation in here.  I just… wanted to get closer to you. I didn't exactly have the confidence." 
I was shocked. 
"I've told you many, many secrets like that." I whispered. 
"And they're still just as safe with me as they were when you thought I was just a little snake." he pressed. 
"But why?" I asked.  "If you were so taken then why not just talk to me?" 
He chuckled, "Love, for all my pompous ego of mine… I am really no different than any man. I see a beautiful person and I am just as scattered and flustered as the rest of them."  
"What's changed then?" I asked out of curiosity.  "Forty eight hours ago, we weren't exactly chummy." 
"I've known for a long time that I wanted you, darling." he said. "But in my time of need, when you didn't particularly like me… you helped and it was that that told me everything that I ever needed to know about you. I wasn't afraid of asking anymore.  I was more afraid of not asking… and letting the opportunity slip away." 
I was quite then. 
Pondering all he'd told me. 
Here I'd thought it was simply a neighbor version of 'and they were roommates' but it was so much more. 
"There is this thing with creatures of my breed, the Scalenes, The Cobraeans." he said.   "Our animal counterparts don't always hold true to it but those of us who live between the two worlds of human and animal.  We're born with two eyes, two ears, many things in twos.  But we're only born with one heart… because we're supposed to find the other.  I… I think I've found that with you." 
I simply stared at him for a moment. 
Perhaps a moment too long because he seemed to be panicking a little. 
"Uh… could you say something?" he said before looking down at his lap, eyes widening.  "I don't think you're freaked out.  You're hearts not racing but your eyes are dilated. Oh my goddess, I've gone and thrown you into shock! By Medusa's gaze! Nice going, Sef! You've gone and-" 
His sudden monologue was cut short by my laughter and he whirled around to look at me. 
"Sorry, sorry." I said. "I just - you're quite funny when it's you having the come apart." 
He narrowed his eyes at me slightly. 
"I reveal my feelings to you and you laugh at me." he chuckled.  "Wow." 
"Oh, come now." I said with a mischeivious smirk of my own. 
He gave me a deadpan look, "It's not nice to toy with a man's libido after scaring the life out of him." 
I smirked, "And I thought you liked my duality." 
"Well the sour I get but I've yet to see the sweetness." he pouted. 
"Aw, I'm sorry." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.  "Whatever, can I do to make it better? Would you like a hug?  Perhaps, a cuddle?" 
"Not enough." he pouted childishly, already long over it but definitely gonna milk it for what it was worth. 
That much I could tell already.  
"You made my blood run cold I was so scared." he accused. 
"You're Scalene.  Your blood is always cold." I teased. 
He huffed but I could tell he wasn't finished, "The only way this absolute injustice could possibly be righted is by a kiss." 
I pretended to ponder it just for the sake of toying with him. 
"I could…"I trailed off, bringing my lips dangerously close to his, ghosting them against each other. 
He chased after me as I pulled away. 
"Tease." he hissed at me. 
I giggled ridiculously, "Perhaps, I have Scalene in my bloodline somewhere.  Teasing seems to be in my nature as well." 
He narrowed his eyes but the smile playing about his lips gave him away. 
I dramatically clasped my hands together in consideration, "I could give you a kiss to mend this obvious discontent I've bestowed upon you.  But perhaps, I've been too cruel.  Perhaps, it's not enough." 
He softened thinking I was serious, "Darling, you don't have to.  I was only playing." 
I winked at him, "Oh but I do.  I have giving you saltiness and sourness.  So now I shall give you something very sweet." 
I pulled him into a kiss that seemed to suck the very life from him. 
He was easy to roll over as I straddled him. 
"And now perhaps, I'll let you have that snack after all." I said flicking the bottom of my dress at his face. 
The man looked like it was Christmas Day and Santa Clause himself had arrived to give him his presents. 
And that is how two quarreling neighbors ended up finding the other heart they'd always been searching for. 
Fifteen years later and we're still together. 
We tore down our fence and built out two homes together into one just as we did with our own lives. 
Tore down the walls we'd both had around our hearts and built a new one together. 
Entwined together forever. 
And it all started with a favor. 
For my darling @thickemadame : I do hope I've done this justice and that you forgive me for taking so long.  I know it's not very smutty but I got caught up in the fluff of it all and I hope there was enough saucy bits to keep you happy.  All my love, darling. 
Hey, loves! I hope you liked it! I'm trying out new content styles! If you liked, it please let me know!
Love, K
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merelliahallewell · 4 years
The Drust - Background
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I am going to write about what’s going on with the Drust in Ardenweald, examining them through the lens of the quests we’re presented with. However, it’s been two years since I did BfA’s original Drust quests, so I figured I’d refresh myself on the lore before leaping into the Ardenweald content. This is a resource for anybody who wants to learn about the Drust. This post contains no spoilers for Shadowlands content, but does talk about BfA content and questlines.
Part 2 - The Drust in BfA
Part 3 - The Drust in Ardenweald
Part 4 - The Drust in the Night Fae Campaign (1)
Part 5 - The Drust in the Night Fae Campaign (2)
Ancient History
The Drust used to live in Kul Tiras. According to Alex Afrasiabi, they were one of the many Vrykul clans that were wandering the Great Seas after the Sundering split Old Kalimdor up into many pieces. At some point they settled on the isles, and made their home in Drustvar and Tiragarde Sound. Drustvar appears to have been their capital, and Lucille Waycrest describes them as having “mountain holds.” However, Drust ruins and sites can be found as far north as Stormsong Valley, so they had presence all across Kul Tiras. There are hints they may have had a settlement or some sort upon Mechagon, as there’s a lot of Drust and Vrykul overlap.
They did not have a terribly peaceful existence in Kul Tiras and came into conflict with smaller, gnome-like beings, beings that “looked like themselves or great beasts”, and naga. The Drust once practiced a off-brand form of druidism called the “old ways” (no relation to Gilneas’ Old Ways). It has little in common with Cenarion druidism. Their druids are known as Thornspeakers, and they focus on keeping the balance between life and death. Ulfar, last of the Drust Thornspeakers, claims that the magic of Drustvar is “deep and profound”, and has inhabited some of the animals. That is why the Thornspeakers take slightly spookier druid forms such as bramblebears. The Drust were known to revere various creatures of Drustvar and make sacrifices of animals, possibly to the wilds. The Thornspeakers were blessed by Athair and Athainne at some point. 
2700 years ago, human settlers from Gilneas were led by the Tidemother’s whispers to the fertile Stormsong Valley. There, they established villages and other settlements and a very suspect tentacle religion right on top of a N’zoth tendril. Upon learning of the human settlement, the Drust sorcerer-king Gorak Tul, immediately was incensed and stirred the Drust into war. It is claimed the humans tried peace, but their settlers were attacked unprovoked. 
One Drust Thornspeaker, Sef Iwen, spoke out against the slaughter. Gorak Tul offered her a choice: fight the humans or hide in the woods forever. She chose the former with the belief it would merely be exile, and was then brutally murdered by Tul himself. Her spirit was cursed to wander the woods forever. With the example now made of those who would defy his rule, Tul marched on the humans. Naturally this eventually led to the rest of the Thornspeakers rebelling against Tul and his loyalists and joining the humans. 
At some point during their ongoing war with the humans, Gorak Tul and his followers turned to the powers of Thros, forsaking and defiling the old ways of the Thornspeakers. Thros is described as an “offshoot of the Emerald Nightmare,” though it bears very little resemblance to the Nightmare’s power or effects as displayed in Legion. The power drawn from Thros has been referred to by the developers as “druidic death magic,” and has a number of really varied applications- from darkened nature powers to soul-twisting to invoking dark power from beyond. This magic was used to such an extent that it has largely become synonymous with the Drust themselves rather than the realm it is taken from.
The Drust raids carried on for many years, and even the hearty members of House Waycrest were not able to overcome their might and the strength of their death magic. Scholars studied the magic in an attempt to find counters to it, and learned that alchemical fire, silver weapons, and rowan wood could all counteract the power of Thros. Armed with these weapons, the ancient Order of Embers and Arom Waycrest defeated the Drust and Gorak Tul.
Though believed dead by the humans, Gorak Tul and some of the Drust had not been killed, and they fled into Thros itself. It appears that after escaping into Thros, the Drust found themselves trapped within it, unable to return to the material plane. 
Tomorrow, we’re going to look at what the Drust did in the BfA timeline and what’s up with Gorak Tul. 
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Hunger games simulator highlights
Once again ft @sclvixtcxnnxcticn oc Sef
The bloodbath
Stryker is unable to convince Weaver not to kill him
Day one
No one dies
Night one
Fuse sets off an explosive and killed Sef and Naga
Park throws a knife into Stone's head
Some one help Lear out the bitch can't start a fire
Day two
Fuse fell to his death
Wolf taints Wraith's food, killing her
Hudson dies from hunger
Night two
Beck and Adler hunts down Sam(Maxis) and kills her
Day three
Park sets Perseus on fire with a Molotov
Night three
No-one dies
Day four
Woods strangles Lear with a rope
Back accidentally detonates a land mine while arming it
Arena event carnivorous squirrels
Mason get aten
Baker, Lazar are murder by Squirrels
Antonov in agony kills Sims so he doesn't have to get eaten by squirrels
Woods tries to kill as many squirrels as he can but gets overrun and dies
Wolf does the same thing as Woods and dies as well
Night four
Weaver kills Antonov and Stitch
The feast
Adler falls in a frozen lake and drowns
Weaver shingles park with a rope
Day five
Bulldozer guys from hypothermia
Weaver falls into a pit and dies
The mad lad from district nine Vargas wins
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yomifashlanso1 · 5 years
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THE HIDDEN CITY OF THE NEGUS (NAGA MEROE ) ANCIENT ETHIOPIA This GREAT CITY of the KING of ETHIOPIA was DESTROYED when the Roman Church Christianity had to sweep away all ancient KNOWLEDGE of THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. To HIDE the TRACE of THEIR MYTHOLOGY they had to DESTROY ANCIENT ORACLES and TEMPLES. Ancient Ethiopia Meroe and Napata was destroyed by Christians in 350 A,D. then the temples became DEFUNCT and the ORACLES silent. For nearly 2000 years Roman Christianity has been trying to save instead of ENLIGHTENING and CIVILISING HUMANITY. This started with the destruction of ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE and has CULMINATED in CENTURIES of SAVAGERY..An era in which TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY MILLION CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS DIED in CHRISTIAN WARS.The BIBLE inspired CRUSADES. Those HOLY WARS for a wholly Christian and Jewish mythical tomb, many Christians went forth to die, many of them just CHILDREN in the NAME OF JESUS . The Slave Trade was carried on in the name of the MOST HOLY TRINITY. The Christians and Jews have WRESTED LANDS from the RIGHTFUL OWNERS, have TAKEN PEOPLE from their LANDS to be DEHUMANISED and ABUSED. RELIGION URGED men to KILL . It is SCIENCE and ENLIGHTENMENT two things that RELIGION ABHOR that urges man NOT TO KILL. ME: 🚶🚶🚶 ....... Because what do I KNOW sef. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0sf7OkgYOJ/?igshid=1al8ng9h04n9i
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
Hello, I was looking for part 1 of "I need a favor" but can't seem to find it? the link on the masterlist shows up a url not found.
So I've just been searching for it to link it and I think dumblr deleted it! I want to cry!
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
Planning out part 3 (commissioned) for the naga boy Sef! Let me provoke the nostalgia in everyone who remembers fanfic in the early days... there will be lemons.
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Hunger games simulator highlights
Ft @sclvixtcxnnxcticn oc Sef
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Bloodbath highlights
Hudson spears Wolf in the abdomen
Adler accidentally steps on a landmine
Day one highlights
Vargas severely injures Stich and puts him out of his misery
Sims dies from thirst
Night one highlights
Sef, Lear, Weaver and Fuse hunt down and kill Mason
Wraith unknowingly eats toxic berris
Day two highlights
No one died
Night two highlights
Stryker dies from hunger
Beck taints Perseus's food, killing him
Woods(and his shit aim) shoots an arrow at Lazar misses and kills Baker
Park dies trying to escape the arena
Day three highlights
No one dies
Night three highlights
Bulldozer bashes Stone's head in alot
Beck ambushed Sef and killed her
Lazar tracks Naga down and kills him
Day four highlights
No one dies
Night Four highlights
Vargas kills Antonov for his stuff
Day five highlights
No one died, but Beck is staking Lear and I'm scared
Arena event, monkey mutts
While running Woods falls but drags Vargas down with him
Lear injuries Beck and leaves him for the Monkey mutts
While running Sam(Maxis) falls but drags Fuse down with them
Hudson pummeled to his death
Night five
Lear and Weaver huddle for warmth(this makes sense)
Lazar tends to Bulldozer's wounds(this is cute)
The feast
Lear is the only one who goes to the cornucopia, he stuffs a backpack full of dry clothes and sprints away
Day six
Weaver collects fruit from a tree
Lear sets Lazar on fire with a Molotov
Bulldozer is pricked by thorns while getting berries
Night six
Lear lets Bulldozer into his shelter
Weaver screams for help(Same buddy...same)
Day seven
Weaver steals from Lear while he isn't looking
Bulldozer makes a wooden spear
Night seven
Weaver screams for help(Again)
Bulldozer falls into a pit and dies
Lear cries himself to sleep
Day eight
Lear throws a knife into Weaver's chest
Winner is Lear from district one
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