#nagito x celestia tbt;
hcpefulmarshmallow · 4 years
                              I think about what you grew up with,                                 and then I look at what you are —                    it makes me p r o u d. It makes me 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 more .
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 5 years
Celestia and Ko :3
Send Me Your Ships
who hogs the duvet?   They don’t really have that traditional couple problem, luckily. Unluckily, Nagito does tend to kick the blanket off in his sleep and start shivering because he’s cold now, so Celestia has to tuck him in again if she wants any peace. How annoying.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going?   That’d be Nagito. Celestia acts really aloof about it, even going so far as to imply that he’s being kind of clingy, but she probably enjoys feeling cared for. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?   They’re both pretty creative, although Nagito tends to go more extravagant just because he can. Celestia wants a castle in France, she gets a castle in France. 
who gets up first in the morning?   Celestia. She has to do her makeup, put together her outfit and everything. Eventually her complete disaster boyfriend will roll out of bed and sleepily brush his teeth. It’s no wonder he’s usually late for things in the morning. 
who suggests new things in bed?   Celestia, because Nagito is too chicken. He’s usually for it, though. 
who cries at movies?   Depends on the movie, but Nagito. He’s more sensitive, and less reserved about showing his feelings. Also, listen, dog deaths really get to him.
who gives unprompted massages?   Celestia does. Nagito likes to pretend he isn’t in pain when he is, what with being ill and all. Sometimes it almost seems like he forgets that part of Celestia’s talent is seeing right through people. Anyway, she has very good hands. (There’s a gambling pun in here somewhere, find it yourself.)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick?   GOD, Nagito. It’s kind of annoying. The second she gets so much as a cold, he’s in nurse mode. It’s only because he cares, though. And…because with his luck, he’s seen a lot of commonplace illnesses turn terrible, fast. He’s like a human WebMD, you’re always dying. So. Best to just let him play it out.
who gets jealous easiest?   Well, it depends on what kind of jealousy we’re talking about. Nagito gets more discouraged and dejected, whereas Celeste is more outwardly possessive. (Nagito thinks it’s cute, but he wouldn’t dare say so out loud. In public.)
who has the most embarrassing taste in music?   I’m gonna say Celestia. Her taste in music isn’t embarrassing or anything (probably), but Nagito doesn’t have enough pride to feel embarrassment, so.
who collects something unusual?   Nagito collects random things luck brings his way, Celestia collects random winnings from various gambles. They should compare some time. 
who takes the longest to get ready?   Celestia, obviously. She has more of a Look™. Nagito tends to just wear the same jacket and sometimes change his shirt, and his hair hasn’t seen a brush in three years. Not that that’s going to last long under her watch.
who is the most tidy and organised?   Nagito is pedantic about keeping things clean, even if they seem disorganised. You can practically eat off his floor, even with a dog around. That said, he never puts things away the same way twice, and all his shelves look more disorderly than they really are. Celestia’s probably better at making things neat. 
who gets most excited about the holidays?   Nagito is the holiday fanatic. He loves the atmosphere, the joy and the hope that comes with bringing people together. It’s really hard to be around that kind of energy and feel nothing for it all.
who is the big spoon/little spoon?   Nagito kind of defaults to big spoon position, but he secretly wants to be the little spoon. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?   Celestia. Nagito doesn’t care for winning or losing, and in fact, kind of expects to be beaten. Meanwhile, he finds her competitive nature endearing. He’d definitely hold her things while she kicked some noob’s ass. 
who starts the most arguments?   Celestia, because Nagito’s too much of a whimp to fight over the things that bother him. Though, they don’t really fight much at all. In fact, in an ironic twist of fate, they fight over the fact that Nagito won’t fight more than anything, because Celestia thinks he rolls over and takes too much from the world. (She’s right.)
who suggests that they buy a pet?   They already have pets of their own. I can’t wait until they introduce them. 
what couple traditions they have?   Their teatime becomes really important for them. It’s something grounding and stable, that pulls them out of back-to-back tough days, and forced them to relax a little. No matter what else happens, it’s something to rely on. Also, they like people watching (and shit talking those they both hate in french, right in front of them. It’s great.)
what tv shows they watch together?   T r a s h. No, really. Shitty, terrible daytime television neither one of them likes, because they know inevitably they’ll wind up going out, making out, or trying to play a game with both a cat and a dog getting in the way, so what’s the point of getting into a show? (Once in a blue moon they’ll get to watch a full episode of something, just to mock it.)
what other couple they hang out with?   Very few, just because very few people interest them. They’d stick within their own school and circle of friends, I don’t forsee either of them going out of their way to befriend an outsider.
how they spend time together as a couple?   Usually, quietly. They like to discuss a lot of really big ideas to no real end, try and get to know the way the other thinks. Debate positions neither of them feel strongly about, just for the fun of it. They occasionally duke it out with their respective talents, and no matter how much Nagito insists hers is superior, it always ends in an unbreakable stalemate. 
who made the first move?   Celestia. It could only ever have been her.
who brings flowers home?   Nagito does, frequently. Aww.
who is the best cook?   One time, Nagito accidentally started a fire by boiling water. Make of that what you will. 
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 5 years
@gungambled replied to your post “Send me a br/otp/3 to gush about please because…I don’t know. It’s...”
Can always gush about a gambler and a luckster
I absolutely can, I can literally always gush about a gambler and a luckster. Here we have the power couple to topple all power couples. Presuming it won’t cut into teatime, that is. Actually, I feel like that’d be the only thing standing between them and world domination, if Celestia so desired it: the sheer effort it would take. I love how their talents play off each other, and I love how they play off each other. Their TDP event was my favourite to read. Watching them wreak some havoc for their own curiosity/amusement. Anyway, have just some random headcanons/observations/points of note because...I just love them.
They’ve never been able to complete a single game of cards, chess -- anything that would definitively determine whether Nagito’s luck or Celestia’s skill is greater. Either it ends in a stalemate, or something intervenes in the most spectacular way to ensure the game cannot be finished.
For Celestia, it’s like having a personal butler who worships the ground she walks on. There is a sense, early on, of her kind of low key, covertly training Nagito. He knows, of course; and she knows he knows, but they both pretend it isn’t the case. Turns out his upperclass upbringing, at least for the first few years of his life, has come in handy. He can match her wit, manners and poise - not to mention, make a mean pot of tea - with ease. Not that he’ll admit this, of course.
Nagito has a complicated relationship with the practical implications of her talent. On one hand, he admires her greatly - moreso than the others in a way because, in his mind, Celestia has found a method to harness a force he cannot. On the other, he finds himself constantly worrying, because he knows better than anyone that nobody, not even an Ultimate, can completely harness luck, and anybody’s can run out. Despite knowing he ought to trust in her abilities and her hope, he finds himself afraid for her safety quite often, which is a bizarre and disorienting experience for him. 
Trying to talk to the two of them, especially when they agree on something, as a third party is...it’s a trip, okay. They’re both exceptionally well-spoken and well-practiced in what I will tentatively call manipulation, though that’s not really what I’m getting at here. Rather, they can both steer a conversation in any direction they choose without the other person even realising it. Together, their powers of persuasive speech can get almost anyone to do almost anything. Their favourite tactic is to talk to each other in long, perspicacious words that are difficult to follow, and then include the third party back into the fold, as if any reasonable person would, without question, agree to whatever they were just saying. They’re actually kind of scary. 
Nagito, your sense of fashion (or lackthereof) simply won’t do. Fortunately he’s not particularly attached to it, so it won’t be difficult for Celestia to suggest a staple or two. Turns out, dark colours look amazing against that pale skin and light hair. 
Their favourite pasttime is people-watching. A pot of tea, a spot on high, and a light breeze is all they really need. Much of their time is spent in deep conversation, or perfect silence. Reading, gazing, lost in thought. It’s really quite comfortable. 
Celestia speaks french and, at her suggestion, Nagito learns the language too. They use it to talk shit about people around them privately, for the most part. Also as a way to intentionally freeze people out of their conversations who they feel do not deserve to be included.
Nagito is as far from hurting financially as one can be. He learns Celestia’s birthday through sheer luck, and since she seems to love the country so much, surprises her one year with a trip to Paris. All the finest accommodation included, of course. They won’t divulge the details of the trip afterwards, but suffice it to say, his luck and their collective penchant for accidentally seeking trouble makes a smooth holiday into a wild ride. And yes, they absolutely visit again. 
The dichotomy of a cat person and a dog person is there in all it’s comedic glory. While Celestia takes a more grounded, pessimistic approach to everything, assuming the worst of all things always, Nagito is generally upbeat and cheerful, to the point of carelessness. They do ultimately balance out very well. 
I could easily come up with more, if I tried. My disaster bi self honestly stans two devious, pretty assholes with all my heart. 
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