#nah it'll be fine😌
irritablepoe · 9 months
ngl i'm being not so normal about blood and wounds rn
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taffycandyqt · 6 months
hey so We know leo is a mother hen sometimes so what he do when he is shivering because he is freezing and his so just scoots inbetween his legs with two cups of spicy ginger tea and gives him it and takes away whatever he was previously holding with a grin. They are not going to move for hours. S/o is incredibly hot so it’s tempting. S/o isn’t mother henning him, but he kind of getting a taste of his own medicine while s/o thinks they are funny? “Ah. Is this seat for me? Appears so”.
Can I just say, I feel a sort of kinship with you. We may not favor the same turtle but I feel like we understand each other's infatuation with our respective turtle.
That being said! I hope you enjoy😌
Cold Cuddles
2003 Leo x reader
Leo's a bit chilly since the heating system broke in the dead of winter.
Warnings: none
Fluff, established relationship
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We all know this stubborn sucker has a hard time accepting help. Especially before his little journey to the Ancient One.
And well, this is something so small to him.
Is he cold? Yeah. But like, he'll survive. He's been cold before.
At least that's how he's trying to play it off.
When the thermostat broke in the middle of winter at the lair, it wasn't as much of a little problem as Leo told you it was.
You get to the lair and it feels like one of those Costco fridge rooms, but as a freezer.
Mikey had been quarantined to his room because he couldn't stop complaining and Raph was going to hurt him.
Raph went to his room to be alone in his misery.
Donny had been tasked with fixing the heater so he and April were currently topside getting the proper tools.
Which leaves Splinter who was drinking warm tea in his room.
Leo had also retired to his room to meditate.
He had lit a couple of candles and was trying (like a dumb dumb) to meditate the cold away.
Or in his terms, have complete oneness in mind and body.
He doesn't even have any blankets. No one's forcing him to do this either. Bro is just suffering for the sake of it.
He'll insist that he's fine but come on. We both know that's a lie.
Because he won't actually admit that he's cold you'll just have to step in and help him out.
Walking into the lair that day, you had been daydreaming of having bundled up cuddles with your boyfriend to combat the biting winter day. Upon actually entering the lair however, that dream was quickly crushed. The place was absolutely FRIGID. Not to mention entirely empty. Unsettlingly empty.
"Hello?" You barely managed to speak out. You watched as your breath puffed out in front of you. It almost felt like anything above a whisper would shatter the dense silence of the place.
"Oh, y/n." Master Splinter said, finally breaking the illusion of foreboding stillness.
"I wasn't aware you were stopping by today." He said while adjusting the blanket around his shoulders with one hand while keeping his tea kettle stable in the other.
"Uh yeah, sorry bout that, I kinda just dropped in."
"No apologies needed, you are always welcome here. Though now might not be the best time. The heater is broken so this place isn't exactly the most comfortable right now." He told you as you walked with him in the direction of his room.
"Thats why it's so cold in here!" You rubbed your arms while you spoke.
"Yes. Would you like some tea? It'll warm you up."
"Nah that's okay. Do you know where Leo is? I actually came by to hang with him."
"Ah yes of course," Splinter smiled to himself. He was truly happy that at least one of his sons got to experience romantic love.
"He is just in his room, probably battling the cold like the rest of us."
"Gotcha! Thanks!" And with that you were off.
You knocked on Leo's door then opened it. He had expressed the importance of waiting for and answer before coming into the room. You didn't particularly care though. It's not like he ever wore pants, so you not gonna walk in on him changing or anything. Besides, as much as he tells you about it he doesn't really mind. It just seems pointless, to him, to knock if you come in right after.
That being said as you walked in you noticed Leo meditating. He had candles all around him and was visibly shivering, yet he didn't move.
"Dang. If I had known you'd try and romance me with candle light I would have taken out the heater way sooner," you joked. This got Leo's attention.
"That was you!?" he looked at you in slight surprise and slight disappointment.
"No," you snickered. He rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing anyways? Aren't you cold?"
"No not really," he responded and immediately after a strong chill racked his body.
"I'm fine," he looked at you pointedly as a way to convince you of such. You weren't buying it. However you also knew that trying to get him to do things for the sake of his own well being didn't really work. So you were gonna try a different method.
"Well I'm not, so I'm gonna go make us some tea," you decided.
"You don't need to make me any," he told you.
"Then I guess I'm making two mugs of tea for myself," and with that you closed the door to his room and made your way to the kitchen.
On you way there you had run into a shivering Mikey who begged you to make him some coco after he knew what you were doing. You honestly felt bad for the guy. He looked like a wet cat and a kicked puppy had a turtle baby. Though your not sure how much of that was actually him being cold and how much was just typical Mikey theatrics.
When you gave him the coco he took a large swig and called you an angle. You just rolled your eyes and patted his head before grabbing yours and Leo's mug and heading off.
You had picked spicy ginger tea and it was working wonders for you, you were still cold but if felt more manageable as you drank it. You can only imagine what it would do for the guys. Them being reptiles and all. When you finally made it back to Leo's room you had finished about half your mug.
Since you couldn't knock with your hands you just said, 'knock knock' before entering.
"Why do you insist on doing that?" he said with a mixture of confusion and amusement.
"Why do you insist on me not doing that?"
He chuckled at this. Leo had always enjoyed your company. Your silly attitude never failed to make him smile.
He returned to suffering meditating while you set your mug next to his futon mattress. Walking over to him you set his mug down off to the side of him. Then, you reached your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder while you cuddled slightly into his back.
"You need something dear?"
"Not really," you said, mimicking what he told you earlier.
"I am trying to meditate. You know that?" He told you while slightly leaning into your touch.
"Really?," you teased, "is this position not ideal for your spiritual focus?" you purred into his ear jokingly.
He blushed at this, but refused to yield.
"Not really no."
You let him go and pouted. Why's he gotta make it so hard. You had started to get colder so you chugged the rest of your tea before grabbing his mug and making you way in front of him. His eyes were closed as you did such, still shivering.
"Awww, did you save this seat for me?," you put your hand on you chest pretending to be touched, "You shouldn't have."
Before Leo could open his eyes and question you however, you had already made yourself comfortable in his lap.
"y/n?" he looked at you curiously.
"Leonardo." You responded, satisfied with yourself.
"I'm meditating?" he told in a gentle tone.
"I know. That's why I moved, to make it easier!" you told him sweetly while giving him your best innocent eyes you could.
Leo sighed. He really wanted to keep meditating. But at the same time he was way to friggin cold to focus. He thought it would be good endurance training but the only thing he's having to endure now is the desire to cuddle you. You were liked a hearing pad and the tea was radiating warm steam right into his face.
He looked down at you and his resolve completely crumbled. Your big eyes staring at him, mouth in a slight pout, and you hands cradling a cup close to your body. He had been meditating long enough right? Maybe a break was in order....
And with that he scooped you up and set you down on the futon with your mug. When he saw the empty mug next to it he looked at you.
"you actually made yourself two?" he said smiling to himself.
"Maybe. Maybe not," you shrugged, "I haven't drunken from this one yet though, so if someone were to take it from me...."
With that Leo sat down in front of you. He wrapped his hands around your hand that held the cup and the mug itself. As he lifted the mug to his lips your arm moved with it.
"Thank you," he said softly as he finished his sip.
"Don't thank me yet," you responded just as quietly. With that you handed him the mug and left the room. Not without telling him you'd be back though.
You gathered the biggest blankets you could and rushed back to Leo's room. When you got back Leo was sitting on the mattress sipping on his tea, still shivering but his condition had improved.
You took one blanket and wrapped it around both of your guys' shoulders and then grabbed the other and pulled it over your laps. Leo held the mug in one hand while he wrapped the other around you. You placed your legs horizontally over his and cuddled into his side while you rested you head on his collar bone. You pulled the blanket up to you chin and Leo wrapped the other blanket around you both almost entirely.
You closed your eyes and a satisfied sigh left your lips.
Leo finished his tea and leaned over slightly to place it next to your empty mug. Now that he could properly wrap both arms around you he locked you in a firm embrace of blankets. The blankets were soft, and now, warm to the touch. The orange glow of the candles gave the room a sleepy atmosphere. It was so comfortable Leo wondered why he ever wanted to meditate in the cold. He looked down at you and kissed the top of you head. You giggled and he smiled at you.
"I'm so lucky to have you." He sighed and leaned back into the wall.
"Hmmmmm. Yes you are," you lifted you head to look at him, "and I'm so lucky to have you."
With that you kissed him. It was a soft kiss on the lips and it was perfect.
So I guess 'crushed' was the wrong word to describe your cuddling daydream of the day.
While I was writing this 'Supermassive Black Hole' by Muse came on and it was quite the combination of vibes.😵‍💫
Also, I looked up pictures of the guys' rooms and I kid you not Leo legit sleeps on a futon mattress. No pillows, no sheets (as far as I could tell), no blankets, NOTHING. Like all the other guy have got beds of some sort and Leo's just like, "I guess I'll sleep on the floor🤷‍♀️" and everyone was like, "get a bed" and he went "this is bed enough right?". Having a floor bed isn't even a problem it's just the fact that the mattress is literally all he's got. Like dude😩.
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AAAHHHH I'm so excited :D
Are we doing a flashback thing o.o
Uhh anyway
Hi Sas :)!!
Hi Isaac 🥰!!
Hi Nigel 🥰🥰!
Hi Alberta :D
Hi Hetty :))
Hi Trevor!!
Hi Thor :)!
Hi Flower 🥰
Oh the stripper xD
Wait how can he see them
Oh it's a dream xD
I bet anyway
"The stripper form Isaac's bachelor party" XDD idk the way he said the whole thing
XDD their reactions
Sir xD
Okay yeah it's a dream lol
Hi fr guys xD
Why a koala o.o
They better be okay idc about all this stripper drama xD I mean I do bc I want them to be okay but yk
Also just happy wedding day :'))
Isaac. Sir xd
Dreams mean nothing bro
I find it so funny that they just 😐 to sleep
Aberta xDD
Ooh At Last a nice :))
"Who's saying" "A lot of people" XDD
Hi Nancy!
Y'all o.o this ain't gonna go well xd
Hi Jay :D
Hi Sam :D!
Lol doing it for Hetty since she's the wedding planner xD aww
Trevor XD you are the only ghost that CAN lol
I mean not really but yk xd
Lol a dj
And what will y'all tell the dj xD
"Because it's my wedding and my fiance's rich" SLDKGHSKFKS AN I C O N
Lol Trevor xD
Yk staring out a window, that wonderful past time employed by Isaac and Hetty lol
Real thouh
Oope o.o
I'm sure it'll be fine
He's like "not you :)" xD
Sad but. One girlfriend xD
Sas cannot keep a secret Isaac why are you telling him this 😭 xD
Also I just remembered Pete's gone 😭 he better be back xd
Aww honey :((
Yeahh :)
Thank you Sas 😌
That won't work but thanks for saying it xD
LOL Isaac xD
. . He's not wrong
Sorry Sas xD
:O Pete!!!
Hi Pete :DD
Awww yay Pete :))
Aww lol
Oop she's dead o.o :o!!
OOF rough girl o.o
And hey, 82 👀 same time period ish
Pete you are like the most free ghost, living the perfect life for a ghost xD
Aww yeah so with his family confirmed :)
Oop 👀
Oh yeah she's dead xD I was just thinking nah she sucks
Lol there we go
Oop 👀👀😳 okay Pete :D
Bro's gonna somehow bring a date slfkdks
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Nini girl how did you have time for this 😭😭😭 XD
My best besties 😌😌😌
AHHH themmm :')))
And Born to Be Brave too AHHHH
Them :'DDD
Ricky o.o 😳😳
Nah iconic though :DD 😌😌😌
:O Oh nooo now she's gonna be like "uhh all of it was fake???" UGHH
Like I don't care about Rina all THAT much but still!! I want my babies to be happy okay DD:?
Anyway idk maybe it'll be fine
What is this
Ohhh it's this song okay lol
Yoooo again this effectsss
The budget of this documentary man xDD
Dude EJ looks so depressed xdd 😭😭😭
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