#nakia & kya
tallulahchanel · 1 year
Disintegration (AU) [Part 2]
Fandom: Black Panther; Wakanda Forver; Avengers Infinity War
Characters: Nakia, Sizwe (River Tribe Elder), Unathi (oc), Queen Naomi (oc), and Queen Ramonda
Warnings: Angst, mentions of character death, grief
Words: 3.2k
Tags: @thekrazykeke @marieewrites @masterofhounds @post-woke @loloalin @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @lady-olive-oil @griot-of-wakanda
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The image of Kya disintegrating into ash right in front of her still plagued Nakia's mind as she willed her legs to get her home. She and Okoye settled for walking back, neither of them having the energy to call Shuri for a jet, if she was even there to accept the call. They also needed time to process what had just happened and how it was going to affect everything around them.
As soon as Nakia walked into her mansion, she was met with the concerned faces of her father, stepmother Babalo, and great-aunt Rhikya. Since the fight wasn't near the River Tribe borders, there was no need for them to evacuate, so they waited at the mansion for the two sisters to return.
Just as Nakia was about to tell them what happened out there, her voice caught in her throat, unable to say the words. Instead, she collapsed to her knees and allowed tears to fall from her cheek and onto her father's sandals. She soon felt his arms wrap around her and she buried her face into his shoulder and sobbed into it. She could sense that he was fighting back his own tears from the pain of losing his youngest daughter, but at that moment, she could only think about her grief and distress.
Time seemed to blur as Nakia eventually got up from the floor and went to wash off the blood, sweat, and dirt from the battle. She didn't bother looking towards Kya's suite, knowing her sister wouldn't be there to greet her with her bright and warm smile.
After showering and changing into her nightgown, Nakia climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her head, begging for sleep to come. Babalo had come in to check on her, insisting that food would be good for her, but she shook her head and promised her stepmother she would eat in the morning.
Babalo could only nod and leave her alone to sit in her grief.
Wakanda was in a state of mourning, and the dark cloud that loomed over the skies for the next few days didn't help. Even the market that usually buzzed with gossip and half-truths was quiet enough for one to hear their sandals walking against the grasslands.
To honor the lives that were lost from either the battle or becoming ash, Queen Naomi organized a mass grieving ceremony in which the citizens would release lanterns in the air as a celebration of the lives lived and the memories preserved.
Nakia stood in the middle of the River province with her family as they released a lantern in remembrance of Kya. "Goodbye, my omncinci," she said as tears fell down her cheek as she remembered Kya's bright smile, warm presence, and funny personality.
That night, as Nakia lay in bed, she felt her mother's presence. It was rare for Unathi to visit from the ancestral plane, claiming that they rarely need her, but tonight was an exception. More tears flowed as Unathi twisted Nakia's tight coils around her finger.
"She's not there," she told Nakia, adding to her disappointment.
It relieved the War Dog that her baby sister wasn't dead in a traditional sense, but it left her wondering where her spirit was and how much she would give to see her omncinci again.
Unathi's actions eventually lulled her to sleep and gave her much-needed rest for the night. However, Nakia was ready to return to work the next morning. She needed to do something besides sitting in that mansion all day, thinking about Kya.
Fortunately for her, great-aunt Rhikya had an assignment in Liberia and could use the extra hands. "The time away might do you some good," she told Nakia while pouring herself a glass of iced tea Babalo mixed with some lemonade. "But it's only a temporary fix. You still have to do the work of healing yourself."
Nakia didn't say anything, just shoved a fork full of eggah in her mouth and nodded.
The work in Liberia only lasted for two months, and she intended on returning to Oakland to continue her work at the Outreach Center. That was until she received notice that Queen Naomi will eventually switch her to another program.
"My Queen!" Nakia addressed her after barging into her office uninvited, Ayo on her tail.
"I tried to stop her," the second-in-command informed her queen, who just waved her off.
"It's alright, Ayo. Return to your post."
Ayo gave Nakia a warning scowl before leaving out, but the War Dog kept her gaze fixed on Naomi.
"Why would you move my work to Haiti without consulting me first?"
Naomi adjusted the glasses over her eyes. She would've usually worn her contact lenses, but maybe she didn't feel like putting them on that day. Truthfully, the queen hadn't been seen in the glamorous light everyone knew her for. She once walked the palace with confident strides, adorned in a fine gown or custom-made bodysuit as her cocoa-brown skin glistened with perfumed oils. A grieved soul that didn't have the energy to do those things for herself replaced that woman. Today, she wore a simple and clean t-shirt with gray sweatpants that still showed off her curves, and flip-flops, even though the chipped polish on her toenails showed that they hadn't been painted in a while. Her black silk-pressed hair scattered on her shoulders as her bangs hid her eyes, along with her cat-eye glasses. Since there wasn't a council meeting that day, Nakia figured she chose to dress down for the pile of paperwork on her desk.
"Nakia," Naomi addressed her, "I'm building an Outreach Center there, and when it opens, I want you to direct it. You're the best person for the job, and you'll be closer to home, which means you can make more frequent visits to your family. I think this assignment would be good for you."
"Who gave you the authority on what's good for me?"
With a heavy and exasperated sigh, Naomi got up from her desk and walked around to get eye level with Nakia. "I'm trying to be as empathetic as I can with everything that's going on, but I'm not gonna deal with your attitude right now."
Nakia tried to reprimand the queen for speaking to her in that manner, but Naomi continued.
"I'm sorry about Kya, and I miss her too, but you're not the only one here who has lost someone. Queen Mother lost both of her children. M'Baku lost his wife. And not only did I lose my king, I lost the father of my child, my best friend, and the love of my life." Naomi paused to wipe the tear that fell from her eye. "The point is, we're all doing what we can to keep Wakanda running smoothly. All I'm asking is for you to do the same."
Before Nakia could say anything in her defense, the office door opened to reveal N'Kusa, the Dora of Prince Javon, cradling the toddler in her arms.
"My queen. He's awake from his nap and wanted to see you."
"Come here, my baby." Naomi took her son from the Dora and hugged him close.
Prince Javon was a spitting image of his father. Deep-ebony skin, baby doe eyes, and tight, black coils. When he did smile, it was big and bright, just like T'Challa's. The smile that warmed the hearts of everyone that came in contact with him.
Nakia hung her head in shame. Seeing the two of them together only emphasized the queen's words. She did only lose her sister, but everyone in Wakanda has lost someone as well, especially their beloved king.
"Your people need you now more than ever," Naomi's voice grabbed her attention, but she didn't respond. Felt too ashamed to say anything.
Nakia just cleared her throat to rid it of the forming lump and left without a formal dismissal from her queen.
With that day's revelation, Nakia made a point to check on her father. She hadn't really asked him how he felt, but she assumed it would be like the time their family lost her brother, Isipho. A bouncing baby boy that died from SIDS a year prior to Kya's conception. The circumstances were different, but it was still a loss.
"I can't help thinking it's all my fault," she told him while looking out the window of his study, a tear streaking down her cheek. "If I hadn't-"
"Shhhh," Sizwe cut her off with a gentle pat on her shoulder. "Kya had her mother's stubborn determination. There was nothing you could do to stop her. Nor could you have stopped what happened to anyone else."
Nakia wiped her tears away, but more came. "I'm sorry baba. I came in here to check on you."
"I'm taking it one day at a time. It's all one can do."
She didn't say anything, not that there was much to say. Except something she had been thinking about for a while, but she wasn't sure how her father would accept it. After a few minutes of silence, she finally looked away from the window to lock eyes with him. "I saw umama a few weeks ago. Something she said had stuck with me, and I can't seem to let it go."
"What is it?"
Nakia released a sigh. "She said that Kya wasn't there."
That made Sizwe's eyes grow like saucers. "But she's gone. How is that possible?"
"I don't know," she answered with a shrug.
"Can you excuse me for a bit?"
With a nod, Nakia got up from the window cushion and left his office.
In the morning, she got word of an emergency council meeting to discuss what she shared with her father the night before, but she didn't bother to attend. She wasn't in the mood to sit in a semi-circle to talk about the possibility of bringing back their loved ones, not when the reality of everyone's disappearance was right in front of them. This wasn't the time for fantasies and false hopes, just the real world grounding them all with a sense of purpose. The only way Nakia would get that was in Oakland, where she will work until the Outreach Center in Haiti was complete.
Haiti, Outreach Center – 2025
Years passed, and things changed.
Looking in the mirror, Nakia's hands brushed the auburn locs off her shoulders to scoop them into a ponytail. She wasn't always one for commitment, but the decision to loc her hair came a couple of years prior when she learned that a mother of one of her students was a loctician. She had thought about it for years in Wakanda, but she took that as a sign from Bast to finally do it. Things were already different for her then, and the new hairstyle was her way of opening up to the change. Embracing it so to speak. And finally, it was something on her own terms.
Nakia secured the ponytail with a hair tie and sighed at what she was about to do. She hadn't contacted home in a while, not since her father called two years ago to tell her that Kya and the others returned by some miracle. Work that day had been stressful, so the only thing she was in the mood for was a cup of ramen and Abbot Elementary reruns. He relayed the news via a voice message she didn't hear till the next morning. He even put Kya on the message so she could hear her voice, but denial clouded her judgment, and she deleted the message, angry at her father for playing a cruel trick on her. That's why she hadn't returned either of the several calls from him or her sister over the years.
The last call Nakia received from her sister was a week after T'Challa's passing made the news. He had been sick for a while, meaning there would be no miraculous return from him. He was gone for good this time. After two days of locking herself in her home to mourn the loss of the man she never fell out of love with, she buried herself in work to keep a sense of normalcy in her life. She didn't even make an effort to attend his funeral.
As Nakia twirled a loc that strayed from her ponytail around her finger, she waited patiently for Shuri to answer the call, wanting to know how she was doing and how things were back home. However, she was asked to leave a message, much like the other calls to the young genius. She took the silence in stride and pressed on her beads again to contact her father. When he didn't answer, she figured he was busy in the office or pretending to like the Border Tribe Elder enough to play golf against him. The only person she could think to call was her sister, but she doubted there would be an answer, as she still didn't believe Kya would be on the other end. Closing her eyes, she said a quick prayer to Bast and took the plunge. Her call was immediately ignored and sent to voicemail, which made her sigh again, this time in defeat.
They were angry at her and there weren't enough apologies in the world to make up for not returning home, especially for T'Challa's funeral.
Nakia spent most of the next day completing paperwork in her office. She was a workaholic, a fact she knew all too well, but never got help for. If she had continued her regular therapy sessions, Dr. Idowu would say she needed a proper work-life balance, like a hobby or hanging out with friends. Problem is, Nakia hadn't developed much of either. There was her frenemy Juleka, but she was only useful for nights at the club or bar or the occasional movie or dinner if Nakia didn't want to go alone.
Nakia took a break from the paperwork for a few minutes to close her eyes and soak up the sounds of the children playing outside, her nerves instantly relaxing at their joy. She hadn't thought much about having children, especially since the accident that left her with scarred fallopian tubes, but she enjoyed the sounds of their laughter and playing.
"I bet I can do it and you'll owe me a snack cake when I do," a familiar voice caught Nakia's attention, and she sat up in her chair to look outside her window. Sure enough, eleven-year-old Juna Yves was swinging on the monkey bars, ready to climb them to impress her classmates.
Storming out of her office, Nakia made a beeline toward the playground to stop Juna from hurting herself. As soon as she walked outside, she found the eleven-year-old with her foot on the second bar, preparing to put it on the top bar. "Juna!" She scolded the young girl with her hands on her hips. "Get down from there, now!"
The little girl narrowed her eyes at Nakia, but backed down when the headmistress folded her arms. "You know, Miss Nakia, you should really learn to lighten up," she said while climbing off the monkey bars.
Nakia rolled her eyes, but a smile twitched at the corner of her lips. "I'll lighten up when you learn to stay out of trouble."
"I am no trouble at all." Juna stuck her nose in the air, her words and demeanor reminding Nakia of when Kya would do the same thing when she told her to stay out of trouble.
Nakia shook the thought out of her mind before smirking at the little girl. "Why don't you come with me to check on the plants?"
That got Juna to smile, meaning she wasn't thinking about climbing the monkey bars for now. "I don't mind. Besides, I have to teach you everything."
Nakia let Juna walk in front of her, so the child wouldn't see her rolling her eyes, then followed her to the area where they grow the indoor plants. "This is beautiful," she complimented the garden croton Juna had been growing for months. "I might let you keep it in your room."
Before Juna could answer, a voice Nakia hadn't heard in years, greeted her in Haitian Creole. "Bonjour."
She jumped in startlement and turned to lock eyes with the tall, chestnut-skinned woman, who smiled back at her.
Nakia turned back to Juna and patted her shoulder. "Ale lave. Li preske tan pou repa aswè (Go wash up. It's almost time for the evening meal)."
"Wi madam (yes ma'am)," Juna replied with a sweet smile, and walked off, making sure to greet the woman that just approached them.
As soon as Juna disappeared, Nakia gazed at the woman in front of her, keeping her tears at bay. "Queen Mother."
The pair walked the halls while she explained how she was able to use the resources to provide better education as well as food for the children. The conversation was going well until Ramonda abruptly changed it to a heavier topic.
"You were missed at T'Challa's funeral."
Nakia sighed, knowing that was coming. She walked over to the nearby railing and gripped it while hiding her incoming tears away from Ramonda.
"It's been six years since you left us. We thought you would at least come back for the ceremony. If not for him, for your sister. She misses you."
Nakia turned to her as her bottom lip trembled. "I miss her too."
That made Ramonda raise an eyebrow. "You speak as if she's still gone."
Nakia didn't say anything because in her heart, Kya was. Even if she has heard her sister's voice via the messages sent from her, it wasn't enough to make her go home. She wanted to believe that her omncinci was back there waiting for her to return, but she worried that she'd go there and find that Kya hadn't returned and her mind had been playing tricks on her. It didn't help that the voice messages have stopped.
"I was afraid," was all Nakia could say before returning her gaze to Ramonda. "I thought if I went back there and she wasn't there…I couldn't handle it. And now that T'Challa's gone…" her voice trailed off as more tears threatened to fall.
"Nakia," Ramonda affectionately addressed her, placing a hand on her cheek. "No matter where you go, you will always be Wakandan. You know death isn't the end. It wasn't for her, and it isn't for T'Challa."
Nakia sniffled and sucked up her remaining tears. "How is she?"
"She is well, but that's not the reason I came."
Nakia wiped at her eyes, so Queen Mother would know that she was fully listening.
"Shuri has been taken."
This made Nakia furrow her brows. "What?"
"You have infiltrated different nations before."
Nakia immediately shook her head, knowing what Ramonda was asking her. "Oko kwakukudala (that was a long time ago). I was a different person then."
"I need someone who could find where she's being held and rescue her without being seen."
Nakia nodded in understanding, seeing the desperation in Ramonda's eyes. "Yes, Queen Mother. But who on earth would risk war with Wakanda?"
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Kia and Kya Forever Series
A series of imagines involving Nakia Shauku and her little sister, Kya Shauku (Lovie Simone). 
Read it here:
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Don't kill me, but in my Kia and Kya series, I headcanon T'Challa as someone that sleeps around (responsibly of course) and he rates his partners.
Storyline wise: He and Nakia had their teen/early 20s relationship, but they have an agreement that when she's away on missions, he can satisfy his male needs.
Sis, I wrote a whole ass fic where he convinces his married friend to fuck him. I LIVE for insatiable manwhore T’Challa, ok? 😂
I need to go re-read/catch up on that one👀
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grcwingstrcng · 5 years
Nic’s down to ship list
How this works!
Use the ctrl + find function and type the name of the muse you’re wanting something with. 
If the ship isn’t listed, it doesn’t mean I’m not willing. 
I did not include all fandoms/muses, particularly from my lesser known fandoms.
Muses are bi unless I specify otherwise.
This list is only including muses within my own muse’s canon. And I’ve only listed the ships I am ALWAYS willing to do.
I’ve made this so if anyone wants to give it a go, they don’t have to be worried about approaching me, so if you see the ship you like here, know that you can send things in!
As the number of muses on this blog is ridiculous, I’m putting it all under a read more.
Gwen: Todd, Reggie
Andrew: Melinda
Fitz: Jemma, Daisy, Hunter
Hunter: Bobbi, Jemma, Fitz, Daisy
Dimitri: Anya
Vlad: Sophie
Hakoda: Kya, Ursa
Mai: Zuko, Ty Lee
Ursa: Iroh (don’t @ me), Hakoda
Adam: Belle
Cogsworth: Lumiere
Gin: Rangiku
Izuru: Rangiku
Kiyone: (Lesbian) Seireitei women.
Nanao: Rangiku
Rangiku: Nanao, Gin, Izuru
Soifon: (Lesbian) Seireitei women. 
Ukitake: Unohana, Shunsui
Urahara: Yoruichi 
Yumichika: Ikkaku, Rangiku
Arastoo: (Straight) Cam
Booth: (Straight) Bones, Cam
Daisy: Sweets
Foggy: Marci, Karen, Matt
Marci: Foggy, Matt, Karen 
Vanessa: Wilson, Wesley, Matt
 Anna: Kristoff, Hans
Hans: Elsa, Anna
Kristoff: Anna, Elsa
Arizona: (Lesbian) Callie, Carina
Callie: Arizona, Penny
Carina: Arizona, Amelia
Charlotte: Cooper, Amelia
Cooper: (Straight) Charlotte
Derek: (Straight) Addison, Meredith
Jake: Addison, Amelia
Sheldon: (Straight) Amelia, Miranda
Teddy: Henry, Tom, Cristina
Ben, Beverly, Eddie, Stan: Any combination of the losers.
Dr. Drakken: Shego
Ashe: Tryndamere, Braum, Miss Fortune
Pepper: Tony, Bruce, Steve, Natasha, Maria Hill, Rhodey
Tony: Pepper, Rhodey, Bruce
T'Challa: Okoye, Nakia
Vision: Wanda
Mantis: Nebula
Stephen Strange: Christine
Bruce: Tony, Pepper
Carol Danvers: Rhodey
Adrien: Kagami, Luka, Marinette
Gabriel: Emilie, Nathalie
Emilie: Gabriel, Nathalie
Luka: Marinette, Kagami, Adrien
Nathalie: Gabriel, Emilie
Nooroo: Duusu
Rose: Juleka
Sabrina: Chloé
Asuma: Kurenai
Kurenai: Asuma, Kakashi, Anko
Chouji: Ino
Shino: Fuu, Kiba, Ino
Ino: Sakura, Chouji, Kiba, Shino
Anastasia: Will, Emma, Neal
Cyrus: Alice
Emma: Neal, Graham, Elsa, Mulan
Mulan: Emma, Aurora
Neal: Emma
Nova: Emma, Grumpy
Bartholomew: Peter
Blake: Weiss, Yang, Sun, Ilia
Glynda: Ozpin, James
James: Ozpin, Glynda
Jaune: Pyrrha
Nora: Ren
Ozpin: James, Glynda
Pyrrha: Jaune
Qrow: Clover
Ren: Nora
Roman: Neo
Ruby: Penny
Taiyang: Summer, Raven
Weiss: Blake, Pyrrha
Yang: Blake
Rei: Usagi, Ami, Makoto, Minako
Adora: Glimmer, Mermista
Glimmer: Bow, Adora
Mermista: Sea Hawk, Adora
Perfuma: Bow
Sea Hawk: Mermista
Cassandra: Rapunzel, Eugene
Lance Strongbow: Cassandra, Adira, Eugene
Rapunzel: Cassandra, Eugene
Amaya: Gren, Janai
Claudia: Callum, Rayla
Gren: Corvus, Amaya
Harrow: Sarai, Viren
Rayla: Callum
Effie: Haymitch, Cinna
Cinna: Effie
Miguel: Tulio, Chel
Tulio: Miguel, Chel
Barbara Lake: Strickler, Nomura
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
WIP Intro: Intlungu (Pain)
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Genre: Black Panther Fanfiction/Sci-Fi Fantasy/Angst
Synopsis: Continuing from the Disintegration AU, Intlungu explores the aftermath of Nakia and Kya's lives after the blip and how the decision Nakia made damaged their sister-ship.
Author's Note: The Kia and Kya Series is a canon-divergent series with some canon compliance to the movies. While the series has taken a life of its own and continues from the first movie, this WIP explores what would happen if the events from Wakanda Forever occurred in that series. In short terms, this is an AU of an AU. Also, Erik does exist in the main series, but I couldn't figure out how to work him in this series, so he isn't present here.
Nakia Shauku (Lupita Nyong'o)
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Kya Shauku (Lovie Simone)
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Shuri Udaku (Letitia Wright)
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Queen Mother Ramonda (Angela Basset)
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Sizwe, the River Tribe Elder (Isaach de Bankolé)
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Queen Naomi Udaku (Trinity Fatu)
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And Many More
Tags (who I think might be interested, but let me know if you change your mind): @thekrazykeke @passionatewrites @martinfreemanismyaesthetic @letreckworld @lady-olive-oil @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @letreckworld @marieewrites
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tallulahchanel · 1 year
I've been moving, adjusting to my new apartment, working on my podcast and book, but I really need to update a fic, I'm not sure which one.
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
Malice (Snippet)
Here it is!!!!! I hope y'all enjoy it!!!
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(gif from @stars-bean)
Nakia laid flat on the table, unsure of the reason adrenaline coursed through her veins. Nervousness or excitement for the events that were about to occur. The herb could work, increasing her strength and other abilities, or it could fail, leaving her dead and Kya without her only sister. She turned her head to the side and grasped her omncinci's hand, caressing her knuckles silently. She didn't have to say it, the gratitude for her sister's presence showed in her eyes.
      Kya leaned down and gave her sister a kiss on the forehead. She lingered for a bit, as if this would be the last intimate moment between them. Finally, she rose up and locked eyes with her best friend. "What will happen to Nakia's spirit when she takes this herb? Will she see our mother?"
      "I don't know," Shuri said with a heavy sigh. Not having all the answers was really messing with Shuri's head, but nonetheless, they were going to fix this, for the sake of the royal family and Wakanda as a whole. "Nakia," she addressed her while lifting the mortar that contained water mixed with Jefurio herb, the liquid glowing pink. "I am granting you the power of the Jefurio herb for to make you strong, faster, and give you the ability to seduce men without their control."
      As she brought it to Nakia's lips, the War Dog drank the contents. Soon, the herb pulses through her veins that glowed pink against her skin. She closed her eyes, suddenly overtaken by the visions of herself at eighteen in the Echo Chambers, the cave, the scary woman she faced, and how fast she ran out of there.
      "Relax, Nakia," Kya's words of comfort were almost drowned out by the sound of her heartbeat and her breathing feeling her ears. The only thing that made Nakia aware of her sister was the way she rubbed soothing circles on her belly as she guided her through a breathing exercise. "It's okay."
      That was the last thing she heard before everything blacked out.
"I am not afraid," her own voice came through her ears. "I'm not afraid."
      The sound of snapping stick startled her and she popped her eyes open while a gasp emitted from her lips. Once she was sure the danger had passed, she got a look at her surroundings, seeing that she was in a jungle where everything was a shade of pink. The leaves of the trees and plants were a fiery rose color, while the small bits of sky she could see were a carnation shade. Even the dirt below was salmon pink. After a minute, she realized this jungle was very familiar, and she began her trek down a path she hadn't taken since she was eighteen. That was decades ago, yet she remembered the way. She soon came to a dead-end and inched close enough to remove a leaf, revealing the words etched on a pink stone.
Echo Chambers - the same place she was told to go on that faithful day.
      "7." She waited patiently for the projection to tell her she was right and she could go. Instead, the projection just went away, then...nothing.
      She took off her boots as she did those years ago and entered the cave, hearing that horrid crunching sound. She walked until she came across the familiar drum. Instead of taking a seat on the floor like she did then, she stayed on her feet and tapped the drum with the stick. A loud sound erupted and Nakia had to cover her ears to prevent a migraine. When the sound stopped, she looked up and saw nothing, and that made her furrow her brows in confusion. That was until a projection came across the wall in front of her that read: 6 ÷ 2(1+2). This was the same test she had all those years ago, so she gave the same answer she did then.
      "Didn't matter what the answer was," a voice from behind startled her. "What mattered was how confident you were in your answer, but because you hesitated and second guessed yourself, you failed."
      Nakia's eyes widen at what she saw in front of her.
      Sitting on a throne that looked exactly like the king's throne, Malice sat crossed-legged from her. She didn't look how she did all those years ago when she had dark eyes and a gray tint in her skin. This woman looked exactly as she did in that moment. Neat bantu knots, green leather pants, and a matching tank-top. The only thing that distinguished them were the fact that she wore green boots, and had a vibranium whip at her side.
      "Hello, Nakia," she greeted her with an intimidated smirk.
     "Malice," Nakia whispered to herself.
       The anti closed her eyes and inhaled, delighted that Nakia had left her fear and insecurity open for her to soak up. "You were always scared of me. I liked that."
      "What are you?"
      Malice leaned back in the seat as if it was her rightful place."I'm your anger, your unresolved grief, your sadness. I am what you could be if you weren't so always in control, so protective of yourself. You put on a facade that you're okay, but really you just want to scream and make people listen."
      "What do you want from me?"
      "It's not about what I want, it's about what you deserve."
      Nakia shook her head. "I don't understand."
      Malice smiled and released a contented sigh. "Sitting on this throne makes me feel strong, powerful, like all my hard work has paid off."
      "Hard work? Your work was built on the back of the people you hurt, the ones you tried to kill."
      "Building an empire means sacrifices must be made, and they were the sacrifices."
      Nakia shook her head again. "I don't know what you want, but know that I'm going to stop you."
      Malice chuckled darkly, making Nakia even more uncomfortable. "Stop me? You're willing to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime." She got up from the throne and walked over to Nakia, lifting her chin. "I don't want to fight you. I want to work with you, give you everything you could ever want. Riches, influence, and even the man you could never stop loving. Your little...thing with the colonizer is cute, but he'll never be T'Challa."
      Nakia backed away from her. "I know you're dangling pretty things in front of me, but there's a catch to it. There always is."
      Malice leaned closer. "Merge with me. Let's become one flesh. You and I together will be unstoppable. Stronger, powerful, no one can ever tell us no."
      "I can't do that. Not if it means hurting innocent people, including the ones I love."
      Malice's eyes turned dark, like the day Nakia met her. "You're so weak Nakia." As the War Dog prepared to rebuttal, the anti put a hand up to silence her. "Yes, you are. You pretend to be this strong and fierce warrior, but deep down inside, you're just a scared little girl, failing to live up to her dead umama's legacy."
      That was the nerve and Malice relished in the fact that she had Nakia right where she wanted her.
      "You leave my mother out of this."
      "Or what? If you want to hit me, go right ahead. That won't make her be any less dead."
      Tears of anger brimmed Nakia's eyes, but she fought them back, so Malice won't think she's getting to her. "My mother was strong, she didn't have to set the world on fire to prove she was strong.  Unathi died an honorable woman."
      Malice glared. "Your mother died falling 25ft off a railing, where's the honor in that?"
      Nakia raised a hand to smack her face, but she stopped. If she hit Malice, she'd be giving her what she wanted. Malice fed off her emotions, and she couldn't let her have them.
      Malice smirked when she saw Nakia's hand returned to her side. "Like I said, weak. You don't fight for anything. You give up before you can even try. Just like you did with T'Challa."
      Nakia closed her eyes. Even though T'Challa has been married for years and she's currently engaged to Everett, losing his love stung her soul deeply. Especially since they're not as close of friends as they once were. "T'Challa and I have been over with for years. "I wasn't the woman he needed, so when he found someone that was better for him, I took in stride."
      "You could've been queen!" Malice scolded, causing the flames on the cave walls to burn brighter. "You could've had the life you deserved, and you gave that up for what?! So he can love a dumb American who will never be half the woman you are."
      The tears held back were now falling freely down Nakia's cheek. "I loved him enough to let him go. There was no other choice."
      "There was a choice. You just didn't take it."
      A sob escaped Nakia's lips as she shook her head. "I couldn't do that. I couldn't hurt him by taking her life away. More than that, I couldn't hurt my Kya. She would've been devastated if I had done that."
      Malice snarled. "That's why you'll always be weak, Nakia. You're too scared to do the things that matter. And that's what makes the difference between you and I."
      A lump formed in Nakia's throat upon realization. "You didn't. Please tell me no one is hurt."
      A devious smirk crossed Malice's lips. "Not yet, anyways."
      Just like that, Nakia was jolted back to reality, waking up in full-blown panic attack.
      "Nakia, breathe," Kya instructed while rubbing her back. "It's okay, it's okay."
      By the time, she was able to catch her breath, tears were down her cheeks as she locked eyes with the young genius.
      Shuri walked over to her and lifted her chin. "Nakia, what did you see?"
      Nakia swallowed hard, still shaken by the encounter. "My worst enemy."
Tagging: @theultimateblacknerdwithglasses @thekrazykeke @tchallasbabymama @marieewrites @i-drink-and-i-write-fics
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
a, k, n, s, t, and y for the "Fanfic Ask Game" if you'd like to answer. No pressure at all.
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? - Gonna answer this for Beautiful Ones (my first multi-chaptered Everkia fic). Kind of long, so buckle up. First, Savannah was inspired by Sharon Carter, not the character herself, but in an Everett x Reader fic, the reader seemed jealous of Sharon because she would often go in his office and close the door (spoiler alert: Nothing happened). So I thought it would be fun to create an antagonist for Nakia, except this woman throws herself at Everett, hence how I first came up with Flying Rings. Beautiful Ones is a song by Prince and I loved the line when he says "Do you want him or do you want me?" and I wanted to hear the song from a female perspective and I found Beyonce's cover and later H.E.R.'s cover. When I found B's cover, I sent it to my friend and said "This is Nakia to Everett about Savannah." That inspired me to do a oneshot. However, the dynamics between Nakia x Everett x Savannah were so interesting to me that I decided to expand it into a mini-series. We obviously know who Everett has feelings for, but it's fun writing about Savannah trying and failing to get in the way of that.
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with? - My OC Kya getting both of her arms blown off and having them replaced with vibranium bionics. While going through the transition, she learns that she's pregnant, but she is devastated because the bionic arms prevent her from feeling the babies move. Cool idea, but not going to pursue it because I don't think I can handle it.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? - No, but I wish more people would write Everkia so I can be trash for them. However, I am concerned about a non-black writer writing for Nakia because there are some things with writing black characters that not all of them have the nuance to understand
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist? - Everkia is always gonna be friends-to-lovers. That's my second favorite trope, behind enemies-to-lovers, but only few can write that trope right
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand? - Incest, inappropriate age gaps, and when people try to write enemies-to-lovers, but they're shipping someone with their bully/abuser.
Y: A character you want to protect. - Always been Shuri (and baby Yoda to an extent). That's why I felt so bad that she went through so much trauma in the second movie. . IN the AU fic I'm writing for WF, I wrote how my self-insert OC Kya wanted to protect her innocence and she failed at doing so. That's how I feel.
Fanfiction Asks
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
Intulungu (Snippet)
Since we've been talking so much about this scene, I got inspired to write this snippet for my AU that I wrote to fit the WF canon.
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(Gif made by @doloresgifs)
“I’m going too,” Kya said while unbuckling her seat belt.
      “No!” Nakia demanded, her eyes full of concern for her baby sister. “You stay here where it’s safe!”
      Kya watched as Nakia ran off and Shuri not too far behind her.
         It wasn't long before her anxiety got the best of her, and she ran out of the jet and into the palace. She didn't care what Nakia said. Something was happening and she needed to be there.
      "Mother!" She heard Shuri's voice cry out in agony, and she followed her best friend's voice to the throne room.
      When she stepped inside, she grabbed the door handle to steady herself as the waters on the ground made her slip. Her eyes scanned the scene in front of her and saw as her sister and Okoye were trying their hardest to revive Riri and the Queen Mother while M'Baku and Aneka were holding back a hysterical Shuri. Fortunately, Riri came to quickly, and now they had to focus on bringing back the Queen Mother.
      "Mother!" Shuri continued to cry out, and seeing her best friend in distress cracked at the strong facade Kya tried to maintain over the past two years.
      A tear slid down her cheek as she bowed her head and sent a prayer to Bast to give them a miracle. "Come on mother. Wake up."
      Her pleas fell on deaf ears as she watched Nakia check her pulse only to receive nothing in return. She locked eyes with her sister, almost begging her not to make the call. Sympathy clouded Nakia eyes, and that was all it took for the dam Kya held up for years to break. Her great-aunt, the king, losing the life she once had, losing her hopes and dreams, and losing the friendship with her sister all came bursting forward.
      "No!" It was Shuri's cries that brought her back in the moment, reminding her of what was more important. She'll shed her tears later when she's all alone, but now Shuri, her best friend and closest thing to a little sister, needed her.
       Everyone in Shuri’s life was gone now, and so was the innocence Kya wanted to protect. Her own innocence and child-like wonder died with her mother, her great-aunt, and the king. She hoped to sustain Shuri’s, nurture it and make it grow strong, so her best friend wouldn’t have to grow up as fast as she had. That was gone now, along with the Queen Mother.
     Kya had failed her.
@tchallasbabymama @marieewrites @thekrazykeke @i-drink-and-i-write-fics
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
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I posted 12,465 times in 2022
That's 416 more posts than 2021!
185 posts created (1%)
12,280 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 289 of my posts in 2022
#lovie simone - 45 posts
#black panther wakanda forever spoilers - 34 posts
#cece’s watch party - 29 posts
#wakanda forever spoilers - 22 posts
#everett ross - 22 posts
#kya shauku - 21 posts
#youtube - 19 posts
#wakanda forever - 18 posts
#everkia - 17 posts
#nakia x everett - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 70 characters
#but there are times i want to give them the bird for comments lik this
My Top Posts in 2022:
Watch "Boy Meets World: Shawn and Angela's Doomed Romance" on YouTube
This video was very insightful
They're still married in my headcannon though
46 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
I'm gonna join y'all in a while, yes I know I'm late. I had an unfortunate situation
47 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
@tchallasbabymama here you are
49 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
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Adding three more of these in my ko-fi shop later this week
59 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
halle bailey is ariel, get over it.
@harriyanna said what she said. You got a problem with her or Halle, then you got a problem with me because this blog supports black women. Go cry in the corner about it.
And while you’re at it, go stream She Gone Be Black Today by Afrococopuffs because......well, you know
135 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year?
So this line in from a fic that won't be posted for a while, but in the WF fic I'm working on Kya tells Nakia, "If I never see you again, it will be too soon." That line was actually something my grandmother (may she RIP) said to my mother during a heated argument and that line always stuck with me. It fits the heavy emotions of the fic
Fanfiction Asks
0 notes
tallulahchanel · 2 years
Beautiful Ones (Chapter 4)
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Words: 4.7k
"I didn't know you had a car," Nakia told Everett that morning before he went to the office.
From the driver's side of a silver Mercedes-Benz, Everett glanced at her with a grin. "I don't drive often since New York is a walk-able city, and I can take an Uber anywhere."
Nakia nodded at his words, but kept her eyes on him while he cruised through the traffic. Smooth Jazz played on the radio, blocking out the sounds of obnoxious honking, and a vanilla-scented car freshener filled the air. She closed her eyes and inhaled, releasing a calming exhale. Something about being with him in this car felt just right. They didn't need to talk, just sit there and soak in each other's presence.
"If you don't mind me asking," he interrupted the peaceful silence, "when are you returning home?"
She enjoyed the serenity for another minute before opening her eyes and watching the scenery. "This afternoon."
"Really?" Everett glanced at her briefly and returned his gaze to the road. "So soon?"
Nakia nodded. "I have work to get back to."
When Everett came to a stoplight, he turned to Nakia with a kind grin. "Mind if I see you off?"
She locked eyes with him while furrowing her brows. "You want to see me off?"
Her lips curled into a tight-lipped smile. "Okay, why?"
He shrugged. "I guess I want to make sure you leave safely."
Nakia's lips parted, revealing her perfectly white teeth. Her smile didn't last long because the car stopped in front of the Plaza.
"Looks like we're here," Everett announced, to the War Dog's dismay. She wished the ride could go on longer, but Agent Ross had a job to attend.
"Thank you."
"Anytime." He gave her one last smile and waited until she was safely inside before driving off.
The stride towards her suite felt like a walk on a cloud, and once she entered, she leaned against the door with a contended sigh. Her light mood soon ended when she walked in to see her little sister sitting on the couch in a hotel robe and scraping the bottom of a room service bowl. When Kya looked at her with wide eyes, she tilted her head in return. "Ice cream for breakfast?"
"I ordered it with an omelet and a side of bacon."
She narrowed her eyes. "Kya."
The youngest sibling removed a silver covering, revealing a salmon benedict plate. "I got something for you too."
Nakia grinned at her sister's endearing actions, but shook her head nonetheless. "Thank you, but I'm mad that you ordered room service. I leave you alone overnight, and this is what you do. Did you throw a wild party while I was gone too?"
Instead of a verbal response, Kya looked down and scraped the last milky morsel of her ice cream.
"Okay." The youngest sibling threw her hands up in defeat. "Salina took me out to a couple of clubs and I came back around 2 a.m."
She blinked. "That's dangerous!"
"Technically, I was safer at a club than you were with an arm's dealer."
Nakia massaged her temples. "Were you hurt?"
"No, but I met a celebrity." Releasing a squeal, Kya grabbed her iPhone so she could show her sister the picture.
She squinted at the photo because of bad lighting."Who is that?"
"Ginuwine, duh."
Nakia raised a skeptical brow. "He looks....different."
"His Pony era was forever ago, so..." Kya trailed off with a shrug and took her phone from her sister.
The eldest sibling shook her head. "Did you talk to King T'Challa about your punishment?"
Kya sighed heavily, as if hoping Nakia would've forgotten about that. "I have to drive around Wakandan elderlies and infirmed for a month."
She nodded and took a seat on the couch adjacent to her sister. "I see you got off easy. Make sure to thank Queen Naomi."
"I will." Kya sat next to her and gave her the plate of salmon benedict. "Now, how was your night?"
Nakia grabbed the fork and cut off a piece of salmon. "Nothing happened that you can run your mouth to the market about."
The youngest sibling rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I'm the reason those rumors about you went around the market?"
"Yes," Nakia answered without a second thought.
"No!” Kya replied defensively. “I told one person you broke up with my physics instructor to work on yourself. I don't know how this massive story went around about how you're too independent for a stable relationship, and you'll probably spend your retirement with a house full of panthers. And you haven't exactly done anything to dispel those rumors."
She looked at her baby sister with narrowed eyes. "Thank you, mouth of Wakanda."
"You're welcome," Kya replied with a big smile. "So, you and Agent Ross?"
"We are just friends."
"Just friends, or just friends with benefits? Or is this one complicated as well?"
Nakia narrowed her eyes again. "Leave it alone."
Kya smirked at her defensive tone and sung, "Nakia and the colonizer, sitting in the tree. K-I-S-S-"
"Can you stop?!" She rolled her eyes at her sister's antics.
"Fine, but you can't tell me you don't have feelings for him."
"I thought you were against me dating anyone."
"No, I was against you dating my physics instructor. Agent Ross, I'm surprisingly okay with."
Nakia rolled her eyes. "You can forget about it. He is not interested in me, and even if he was, you know the River Tribe would have a rhino if I were to date a colonizer."
"Okay, and? These are the same people who think I'm irresponsible just because I pulled a few harmless pranks."
"It is a little childish," Nakia added while eating her food.
"Well, excuse me for having fun."
She swallowed the last of her breakfast and set the plate aside. "Are you packed and ready to go?"
Kya facepalmed herself. "I almost forgot to tell you. Stefanie, Salina’s mother, invited us for dinner at the Taj Lounge at 7."
Nakia narrowed her eyes again. "Did you do something that's gonna cost me money?"
"No," she reassured her with a warm smile. "She liked my charming personality and wanted to meet the wonderful woman that raised me."
Nakia stale faced her. "Mhm. The truth, this time."
Kya shrugged."I actually don't know why she wants to meet you, but this is a good reason for you to pull out that leopard-print dress. I can even coordinate with my zebra-print one."
The mention of that dress made Nakia release an exasperated sigh. "Why do you want me to wear it so badly? It's not even that special."
"It accentuates your big beautiful eyes."
She couldn't stop herself from smiling at the compliment. "I'll consider it."
"Great," she returned Nakia's smile. "If you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed for the afternoon. See you when I get back."
Nakia furrowed her brows at her sister's retreating form. "Where are you going?"
Kya turned back to face her. "Salina and I are attending an afternoon game at the Yankee Stadium. I'm just going for the hot dogs."
She opened her mouth to speak, but her sister cut her off before she could breathe a syllable.
"I know. Stay out of trouble." Kya playfully rolled her eyes.
"Yes." Nakia stood up to stretch her legs. "And I should go shower."
"Don't think about Agent Ross while you're in there." Kya smirked and dodged the pillow her sister had chucked at her. Laughing loudly, she disappeared into the other bedroom.
Once Nakia got herself settled in the shower, she allowed the warm water to caress her muscles while the conversation between her and Kya replayed in her head. She never thought much about her interaction with Agent Ross, but she had to admit that something was there.
The day he jumped in front of that bullet for her, she was sure he was only doing his job, just like she did hers when she covered him from sustaining further damage. It would be against the oaths they took if they allowed the other to get hurt. Sitting by his side while he recovered was the least she could do, something she’d want if the tables were turned.
Looking back, Nakia realized it was that moment in the office that changed their dynamic. Bringing him to Wakanda for healing was her idea, but her studies of colonization made her wary of what he may do with Wakanda's secret. Even now, she's still waiting for him to lead the US Government towards Wakanda with armies to conquer them. If that happens, Bast better keep her from tearing him apart with her bare hands. Still, that day in T'Challa's office did something to her. The way he tried to get information out of her and she would shut him down with her quick wit excited her in more ways than one. She only ever felt that way in the fields, and...
Nakia's eyes popped open at the thought crossing her mind, but she instantly regretted it when soap from her second coat of shampoo got in them. She closed them again and rinsed the suds out.
There was no way Nakia had those feelings for Agent Ross. Besides, her heart belonged to T'Challa. He was the only man that made it flutter when his arms were around her, or her knees weak when he would smile. Then again, she didn't remember feeling that way when he placated her with a smile at the grand opening party. But she was so annoyed that day from everything going wrong and she wasn't in the mood for his games.
Somehow, Agent Ross was different.
Nakia remembered waking up in his arms that morning and how relaxed she felt as his hands rubbed her lower back. She could even recall the soothing sound of his heartbeat comforting her while she slept. She hadn’t felt that since T’Challa, and she never felt that way with Tunde, even after they would make love. Probably because he was a rebound, but maybe she'd feel different if their connection was more genuine.
She closed her eyes again and imagined Agent Ross's hands on her lower back again. She could tell he tried to stay within respectable boundaries when it came to touching her, but she questioned if it would offend her had his hand grazed her behind. It was obvious he had a type if one were to look at her then his partner.
And that was another thing. His partner.
Their dynamic gives her mixed signals. On one hand, it seems like Agent Greene makes him uncomfortable with her advances and snide remarks. On the other, Agent Ross hasn’t asked her to stop. She wasn’t sure if Agent Greene wasn’t getting the hint, or if it was a game of hard-to-get between them. Either way, Nakia couldn’t help basking in the joys of putting her in her place. The War Dog loved playing tit-for-tat, mostly with Naomi, and Agent Greene was a formidable opponent. She wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
Shaking her head out of her thoughts, Nakia realized that she's acting like a teenage girl fighting another one over a boy. Heaving a sigh, she turned off the shower, dried her body, and wrapped the towel around herself. As she lotioned her skin, she told herself those thoughts were done. No more thinking about Kya's words, him, and especially not that woman.
That was all done.
So much for being all done.
He was at the Taj Lounge that night with Salina and her mother. She isn't sure why his presence surprised her, since she encouraged him to see his former wife while she's in town.
“Miss Nakia,” he greeted her as he stood up from the table. “I didn’t know you were coming. I thought you had left already.”
Nakia gave him a warm smile. "I sent you a message earlier that Kya and I are in town for another night.”
With furrowed brows, Everett pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had several voicemails and texts messages he left unanswered. "My apologies. I got swamped with work, and by the time I caught up, it was time to meet these two."
“They’re working you way too hard over there,” a feminine voice caught her attention, and she smiled at the red-haired woman that removed a cherry from her drink, stuck it in her mouth, and chewed. It didn’t take Nakia’s spy skills to figure out she was Salina’s mother. The uncanny resemblance with their pale-ivory skin, auburn hair, and freckles gave it away. Though, Salina’s freckles were more visible than her mother’s. If the War Dog didn’t know any better, she would think they were the same person, either a clone experiment or a time traveler, and were posing as mother and daughter as a cover.
Everett gave her a pleasant smile. “This is Stefanie, my former wife and still good friend.”
As she stood up to greet her, Nakia extended her hand out for a shake, but got engulfed in a warm hug instead. “It’s nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you.”
The hug caught her off-guard at first, but she returned it.
“Sorry about that,” Stefanie apologized when she pulled away. “I’m a hugger.”
Nakia gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s quite alright.”
As Stefanie’s eyes scanned her, the War Dog feel she would shrink under her gaze until the red-haired woman stopped and gave her another smile.
“I don’t mean to stare, but I’m blown away by how beautiful you are. They told me you were gorgeous, but no one mentioned you’re downright breathtaking.”
“I told you so,” Salina, Kya, and Everett said in unison, causing Nakia’s cheeks to warm.
“Thank you. I hope my omncinci didn’t talk your ear off all night about me.”
“Are you kidding me?” Stefanie chuckled and pulled Kya into a one-armed hug. “I like her so much. I practically want to adopt her.”
Kya returned the hug with a smirk. “What can I say? I have a quality about me that makes it hard not to love me.”
“Most times,” Nakia playfully rebutted, earning herself an eye-roll from Kya. “I see where Salina gets her beauty from.”
"Thank you. Although, I had a brief phase of dying my hair blonde after the divorce. That was fun.”
“I can imagine.” Nakia gave her an understanding smile as she reached for a chair.
“I got that,” Everett told her before pulling the chair out for her.
“Thank you.” She took her seat. It was next to Kya, who sat next to Salina, who was next to her mother, and right in between Stefanie and herself was Agent Ross. As if she needed to be this close to him at the moment.
“So Ms. Nakia,” Stefanie's voice grabbed her attention, “Kya here tells me you're a spy.”
Nakia narrowed her eyes at her sister, who shrugged.
“She asked, and I told her.”
She locked eyes with Stefanie. “Let me guess, she also said that Agent Ross took a bullet for me.”
Stefanie nodded while sipping her drink. “I'm not surprised. Ev always liked to jump in and save the day.”
Her brow raised while an amused smile crossed her lips. "Ev?"
“My nickname,” he answered with red cheeks of embarrassment. “She's called me that since we were children. And she's also being facetious."
Stefanie swatted him playfully. “Oh Ev, come on. You remember that time Salina fell off the counter, and you jumped over the couch and ducked under the table just to catch her?”
Nakia chuckled at the imagery, noticing the increasing redness in his cheeks. “That was very brave of you, Agent Ross.”
“Thanks,” he replied sarcastically, presumably embarrassed.
“I mean it,” she told him while placing a hand on his shoulder, which made him lock eyes with her.
“So,” Stephanie's voice interrupted the moment, “what's everyone drinking? Obviously, I'm having another cocktail.”
“I'm having a cocktail too,” Salina answered her.
“Margarita for me,” Kya said with a smile. “I'm in the mood for something sweet and sour.”
"I'm getting a Sprite," Everett said. "Have to stay alert since I'm on call tonight."
"You work too hard, Ev," Stefanie told him.
“I know, but it's my job.”
“Yes,” Stephanie replied with a smile, but Nakia could sense that she adorned it to hide something. “I know how much your job means to you.”
‘I’m gonna have white wine," the War Dog cut through the tension that started forming.
Everett smiled at her. "You like white wine?"
She nodded. "I enjoy red as well, just prefer it with company."
“Maybe I could be your company some time.”
Nakia fought back a smile as she told him, “I just might take you up on that offer.”
Everyone else seemed to disappear from the table as they locked eyes again.
“I forgot to tell you how much I like your dress,” he complimented her with a warm smile. “It really brings out your eyes.”
Now it was time for her cheeks to warm. Maybe Kya wasn't too far off for suggesting she wear that dress tonight. "Thank you. You’re looking handsome yourself."
He really did in his powder blue jean button-up and khaki slacks. He always looked relaxed outside of his usual attire of suits. Like a real person, instead of the perfect, picturesque agent that purses his lips a certain way to appear intimidating, but he really looks like an adorable hedgehog with an attitude problem.
Kya’s words, not her own.
“So,” Stefanie's voice cut through them for the second time that night, “two cocktails, wine, a margarita, a soda, and how about sliders for the table? No worries, it's all on me."
“Well, in that case,” Kya started, but Nakia immediately snatched the menu from her.
“That doesn't give you permission to order the entire left side of the menu.”
The younger sibling rolled her eyes playfully while taking the menu back. “Fine.”
It didn't take long for everyone to fall into a friendly and relaxed vibe while chatting and laughing along with their meals.
“And that's the last time I'll ever put dish soap in a fountain on a dare,” Kya finished a story about a prank she pulled in secondary school, and took another bite of her vegetable curry.
Stefanie sipped on her third cocktail. “If I didn't know any better, I would think you two" - she gestured between Kya and Salina - “were kindred spirits.”
Salina shrugged at her mother's statement. “I like excitement. I get it from you.”
“Actually,” Everett interjected, “you got that from me.”
“I know the shy wallflower didn't just say that.” Stefanie waved off his statement while her eyes found Nakia's. “You should've seen him. This man would always stand against the wall at parties and school dances. A couple of times, I had to give him spiked punch just to get him to loosen up.”
“And I still have that knot on my head from tumbling over Gary Benson's foosball table at his basement party." He rubbed his head as if the aforementioned knot began throbbing.
“But you had a good time.” She gave him a smirk, which he returned like a secret form of communication between them.
“That was the night I asked out Millie Watson, the captain of the cheer-leading team. I had the biggest crush on her.”
Salina furrowed her brows at that. “I thought you two dated since you were children?”
Stefanie shook her head. “No, honey. I said we were friends since then. We didn't start dating until senior year, after Millie Watson moved away and my boyfriend dumped me because he wanted to start college as a single man.”
“For the record, I beat him up before he left.”
“I knew you would. That's why I told Allison to tell you.”
Everett's jaw dropped. “Ally told me she found out from neighborhood gossip.”
“The neighborhood gossip being me.” Stephanie smiled bashfully while sipping her drink.
Nakia had silently watched them, and admittedly, she enjoyed their interactions. It was obvious they were great friends, but the War Dog couldn't understand why a marriage between them didn't work.
Before she had time to really ponder that thought, she heard a familiar voice that made her suppress the urge to roll her eyes. She wasn't alone because the atmosphere at their table changed from chilled and relaxed to pure dread.
“Agent Ross?” Savannah Greene sauntered over to their table in a tight black leather dress and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't plan on running into you tonight."
"Hello, Agent Greene," he greeted her with a grin, but subtly shrugged her hand off. "I'm having dinner with family."
“I see.” Her eyes found Salina, and she gave her a smile. “Hi Salina. I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I like it that way,” she replied with a faux-friendly smile, which made Nakia fight back a laugh.
Savannah smirked before her eyes landed on Stephanie. “Hi, you must be the infamous former wife I’ve heard so much about.” She walked over to her and held her hand out. “Agent Greene, his partner.”
Stefanie looked her up and down, then sipped her cocktail without shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Savannah returned her hand to her side and placed it on Everett's shoulder again as she finally made eye contact with her. “Oh, Miss Nakia. I didn’t know you were here as well. I thought you returned home.”
“I was invited.” A smirk crossed her lips, knowing that word got under Savannah’s skin, which she loved.
“I’m sure you miss home,” the blonde woman replied with her own smirk.
“We’re leaving tomorrow, and I’m sure Agent Ross would come visit Wakanda again some day.” Nakia smirked again, knowing she had Savannah right where she wanted her.
Her blue eyes looked the War Dog up and down, then gave her a faux-friendly smile. "Nice dress. It looks...animalistic."
Nakia bit the inside of her lip, knowing that Savannah got her. Well played, Agent Greene.
"Did that sound like shade to you?" Kya whispered to her. She narrowed her eyes at the blonde woman, but subtly nodded at her sister’s question. In the corner of her eye, she could see Kya leaning over to whisper to Salina, "The plan is taking longer than I'd like, but trust that it's in motion." Salina nodded and sipped her cocktail as Nakia raised a suspicious brow at them.
“As much as I hate to leave you,” Savannah’s voice caught her attention again, and she looked over to see the blonde woman smiling down at Everett, “I should get back to having dinner with my brother. But it was nice running into you.”
“Can’t say the same for you,” Kya mumbled under her breath, earning herself a pinch from Nakia. “Ow!”
“Enjoy your meal,” the blonde woman said to everyone else at the table before her eyes found Everett’s again. “And I’ll see you at the office first thing in the morning.”
Nakia narrowed her eyes as Savannah brushed her hand against his shoulder one last time before sauntering off.
“The woman reeks of desperation,” Stefanie said as soon as she was out of earshot.
“That isn’t nice to say,” Everett reprimanded her, but she cocked her brow at him.
“Ev, I know you like to act oblivious, but you can see that woman is throwing herself at you.”
The tension Savannah created had increased, and it took Kya’s nervous laughter to break it.
“Salina, I think we should um....freshen our makeup....in the bathroom.”
The young redhead nodded and followed her to the ladies’ room.
Barely a minute passed before Everett’s phone rang. “I have to take this.”
There was an awkward silence between Nakia and Stefanie, as they were the only ones left at the table. They locked eyes until the War Dog looked down at her plate and picked at her food.
Stefanie was the one to break the silence. “Did he ever tell you why we divorced?”
Nakia glanced at her briefly, then returned her gaze to her plate. “No.”
Another silence passed between them as Stefanie picked up her glass to down the last of her cocktail. “I never wanted to be a wife.”
Nakia finally locked eyes with her.
“I run a travel blog now, which is why I don’t stay in one place too long. It’s something I have always wanted since I was younger, but he and I loved each other, so I sacrificed my wants for our relationship.” Before she continued her story, she waved the waiter over so he could refresh her drink. “I married him because it’s what he and our families wanted, and I was too afraid of hurting him to say no. I went to therapy after Salina left the nest and learned that if I had told him the truth then, I would’ve saved him years of heartbreak.”
The waiter came back with her drink and she gave him a warm smile before gulping the entire glass.
“I love my daughter with everything in me, but I regret not giving her a great example of marriage. Now, I wonder if I ruined that for her.”
Nakia could see a stray tear glistening in the corner of her eye, but Stefanie fixed her face into a placating smile when Everett returned to the table.
“Another call from the office?”
He nodded. “Yes, which means I have to be there before the sun rises.”
“It’s okay. I’m catching the red eye tomorrow, so I should get back to the hotel.”
Nakia looked between them as they locked eyes.
While everyone waited for their Ubers outside, Salina and Kya broke off to the side for a conversation she couldn't make out. It wasn't long before a white car pulled up and Salina gave them one last hug before getting in. Out of the corner of her eye, Nakia saw Stefanie and Everett locked in a warm embrace that lasted longer than she would’ve liked. She turned her eyes away from them and pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. Their interaction was none of her business.
Stefanie soon engulfed her in another hug and whispered in her ear, “He can be a handful, but he really is a good man.”
Before she could ask Stefanie why she would tell her that, she got in the car with Salina and left. If Nakia didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought the red-headed woman gave her permission to date her ex-husband. Not that it mattered. He wasn’t interested in her, despite how Kya tries to make it seem.
Their Uber pulled up next, and Everett opened the door for them like the gentleman he was. Kya muttered a thank you before getting in.
"Miss Nakia," his voice stopped her. "Can I have a word with you?"
Nakia raised a finger for him to give her a second while she promised the driver a bigger tip for the wait. Once the driver was satisfied, she stepped over so they could talk privately.
"You were right," was all he told her.
She raised a curious brow. "About?"
"Someone anonymously tipped Elden Hughs off about our arrival. The CIA is tracing that tip now, but I have a feeling they were targeting you."
Now her brows were knitted in confusion. "I wouldn't know why. As far as I know, I don't have any enemies."
He nodded in understanding. “I’ll keep you posted.”
"Thank you,” she said while getting in the car. Just before he could close the door, she smiled at him. "We're leaving tomorrow afternoon if you still want to see us off.”
He returned her smile. "I'll see you then."
The door closed, and the car drove off, but Nakia kept her eyes on him.
"So?" Kya asked as soon as he was out of view.
Nakia fought the urge to roll her eyes at her. "There's nothing to tell."
"Fine," the younger sibling said in defeat, but a grin formed on her lips. "Nakia and the colonizer sitting in the tree-"
She giggled. "Come on, Nakia. You know you want to."
Nakia allowed herself to roll her eyes this time, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn’t thinking about it.
Tags: @martinfreemanismyaesthetic @terrablaze514 @lady-olive-oil @marvelheaux @thekrazykeke @niobechris @masterofhounds @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @dversstark @letreckworld @hey-im-rory @marieewrites
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tallulahchanel · 3 years
Beautiful Ones (Chapter 3)
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Words: 4.4k
Tags: @martinfreemanismyaesthetic @terrablaze514 @lady-olive-oil @marvelheaux @thekrazykeke @niobechris @masterofhounds @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @dversstark @letreckworld @hey-im-rory @marieewrites
T'Challa narrowed his eyes at the young woman in front of him as if she had two heads. "Siberia?"
"Before you say no, hear me out."
He sat back in his office chair. Every time Kya says to hear her out, it's followed by something ridiculous. She occasionally had valid points, but T'Challa isn't always willing to roll the dice with her.
Kya handed him the folder with the information she had gathered as well as plans she thought might work.
"The Anthrax Breakout has hospitalized dozens of people, not counting the ones that have died, families are being flown out with nowhere to go, and over two-thousand reindeer died. They're losing their way of life. And they're not the only ones affected by it."
T'Challa looked over to the seat next to him, where his wife listened to their conversation.
"It does sound serious, my king.”
"Kumkani," Kya grabbed his attention again, "I know this is a great task, seeing as how we just opened the Oakland Center, but I think we can do it."
T'Challa sighed. "While I'm sympathetic to Siberia and the other countries battling this breakout, you do realize this would mean extra work for the Search and Rescue team, the War Dogs, and other programs?"
Kya nodded. "I'm aware of that, hence why I also think it's important to foster relationships with other countries, especially the Americans. And I have the perfect solution."
T'Challa gave his wife a skeptical look, who returned it with a nod, before giving Kya his undivided attention. "I'm listening."
Nakia was grateful for the opportunity to direct the Oakland Center, but one thing she was hating was the darn conferences she must attend. The center opened a week ago, and instead of working on the new programs she’s putting in place, the United Nations wanted to discuss the center and other potential plans Wakanda may have in New York. The world leaders had more questions that only she and T'Challa could answer, and the thought of getting on a podium to answer those questions made her stomach quake. Public speaking makes her nervous, and she laughed often at that quirk, considering she was almost Wakanda’s queen. That was the reason she wasn't looking forward to the conference. Fortunately for her, she has a little sister willing to come along for emotional support.
The same little sister that had Nakia running around the Plaza hotel looking for her.
"There you are." Nakia sighed in relief when she spotted Kya's frame inside of Assouline Books & Gifts.
Kya looked up from the book she skimmed through and furrowed her brows. "I just stopped in to look through some books. I'm enjoying this photo book called Dubai Wonder. It showcases the beauty of the city. Look."
Nakia shook her head. "We don't have time. The conference starts in an hour."
"Relax, usisi. The car ride is barely ten minutes."
"With or without traffic?"
Kya sighed. "Okay, fine. Let me buy this book and a postcard for baba, then we can leave."
"Thank you." Nakia took her phone out to order an Uber.
Kya fished in her purse for her card while the cashier rang her items. "Nakia, you're worrying too much."
"You know how I feel about speeches."
"How hard is it to deliver a few words meticulously crafted to manipulate the emotions of others?"
"Just because you do it for fun doesn't mean it comes naturally to everyone else. And before you get a gigantic head, I want to point out that you're not as persuasive as you think you are. You're just charismatic."
Kya smirked while grabbing her bag from the cashier. "One of us had to get it. You have our parents' butt-kicking skills and I got all the personality."
"Well, can you and whatever personality you are today get a move on it?"
Kya rolled her eyes. "Alright fine. Besides, all the extra time will allow me to go over my speech again. Remind me, how do I get to speak for the youth of Wakanda? I'm 21 and could probably drink half the UN under the table. How is that youthful?"
"One, I don't advise that you challenge the UN members to a drinking contest. Two, I requested your presence, so you had to do something. Now, let's go." She pulled Kya outside so they could catch their Uber.
Everett Ross only heard half of what Secretary Ross said the day before, not that he needed the entire run-down. The Wakandans were coming and Thaddeus wanted him at the UN meeting because who else would go, since he's the only agent to ever see Wakanda. Why the Secretary of State couldn't just say that in an email? Everett will never know.
Nevertheless, he entered the Assembly Hall at 8:39 that morning with his cup of coffee and sat in the back while waiting for the meeting to start. As he sipped his coffee, he noticed a familiar frame walking into the room and he smiled, watching Nakia walk towards a section where T’Challa sat with his wife and bodyguards. He waved to get her attention, but she didn't notice him. He took another sip of his coffee, hoping to quell the embarrassment of his actions. However, he made a mental note to speak to her after the meeting.
An hour and a half later, his coffee was gone because he tried to stay awake through boring and redundant questions. The world leaders were asking the same questions in different words, which wouldn't happen if they listened to each other.
Nakia stood at the podium answering the questions, and he could tell from the placating grin on her lips that the world leaders were draining her. At some point, he noticed her glancing off to the side and inclined her neck in a way he recognized as a signal. His eyes followed her direction, and he noticed a familiar bush of hair standing up and walking towards the podium.
"What my usisi is trying to say..."
Kya's voice trailed off in his mind as his eyes returned to Nakia, suddenly wishing he could usher her out of there.
"What is your name?" A world leader asked her.
"I'm Kya Shauku, the voice of Wakandan youth."
That must've been Nakia's cue to leave, because it didn't take long for her to get off the podium and walk out of the assembly hall. He waited a minute before following her out. He found her at the coffee stand, where she leaned with her elbows next to the cash register, sounding desperate for a cup. Actually, it sounded like she needed a brandy, but settled for coffee because of the morning. Unfortunately, neither of them have professions where one could just say, "It's five o'clock somewhere."
"Penny for your thoughts," he whispered.
She turned like she wanted to knock his lights out, but relaxed upon seeing him.
"My apologies," he told her with a slight chuckle. "Didn't mean to startle you."
"I didn't expect to see you here."
"Let's just say the Secretary of State believes I should be involved whenever anyone so much as thinks about Wakanda."
"In other words, you wouldn't be here if you didn't have to be." She reached into her purse and grabbed her card to pay for her coffee.
"Thank you," she said to the cashier before giving Everett her full attention. "I'm actually glad you're here. It's nice to see a familiar face."
"Well, I'm glad to be seen."
After ordering a coffee for himself, the pair turned towards the assembly hall, their steps at a moderate pace since neither of them were in a rush to return.
"I'm liking this no-jacket look," Nakia complimented him. "Looks good on you."
"Does it?"
She nodded. "Since we're here, do you still plan on taking me to lunch?"
"Unfortunately, I have to work at the office after this. But if you'd like to come with me, I can have something delivered there. Plus, I would love your expertise on a case."
Nakia raised a brow. "You want my expertise?"
"Let's just say your work has impressed me."
"Nice to know you've been paying attention to my work." She sipped her coffee before a smirk crossed her lips. "So, you don't want to be at the big meeting?"
Everett chuckled at the reminiscence of their first genuine conversation. "I find them tedious."
"You prefer the fields?"
"Much like you, I enjoy getting my hands dirty."
"It's the adrenaline rush. I'm kind of addicted to it."
"That explains a lot."
Nakia stopped in her tracks to raise a brow at him. "I beg your pardon?"
"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I don't think a marriage would've worked between you and T'Challa. You obviously prefer the fast life, and he-"
"Wants a wife that can stay at home and govern the people," she finished with an understanding nod.
"I didn't mean to offend you."
"No, it's the truth. Took me years to make peace with it."
"Been there. It takes time to realize that your choices contributed to your relationship failing."
Nakia raised her brow again. "Speaking from experience?"
He gave her a bashful grin. "My ex-wife and I. We're friends now, but it took a lot of time to rebuild for Salina's sake. We didn't want her to feel divided."
"I noticed you took your ring off. I wanted to ask you at the party, but the time seemed wrong. What changed your mind?"
"Let's just say I've been inspired to move on."
A small smile graced her lips. "Have you now?"
"Yes," he replied with a chuckle. Nakia almost asked him about his inspiration when a moving figure behind Everett's shoulder stole her attention. She peeked over to see her baby sister running towards them with a distressed look. "Kya?"
"Usisi, save me!" Kya ducked behind her.
"What's going on?"
"CHALLA!" Naomi's voice rang out, and Nakia looked back to see T'Challa charging towards them.
"What did you do?"
"Why would you say that?!" T'Challa yelled as he got closer, but Nakia pushed him back to keep a safe distance between him and Kya.
"I didn't say you were doing it. I said you planned on it."
He lunged at her, but Naomi—with Nakia's help—held him back.
"What did she say that was so bad?"
"She told the entire UN that Wakanda has a plan for the Anthrax breakout."
Nakia blinked. "Kya!"
"That's not exactly what I said."
"That's how they took it!"
"Challa," Naomi addressed him in a soft tone, "I understand your anger." He shot her a glare, but she returned with a warm smile and a comforting rub on his arm. "Let's go back to the hotel and discuss this."
"My king," Nakia attempted her appeal, "my omncinci is obviously sorry for her actions, and I think whatever consequences you give her are fair."
"Nakia!” Kya scolded her in a whisper, her face contorted in a frown.
She ignored her and watched as a dark grin spread across T'Challa's lips.
"Okay. I'll handle this." He turned to his wife and smiled. "Ready to go, my love?"
Naomi nodded quietly and walked away with him.
Kya released a breath she didn't know she held in. "That was scary." Her relief was short-lived when Nakia turned to her with narrowed eyes. "Before you get upset-"
"And you're upset."
"You can't say things like that. Do you realize you just put more pressure on him?"
"I know this looks bad, but I had a good reason."
"I'm listening."
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think Wakanda could do it."
Nakia rolled her eyes. "Look. I know you want to save the world right now, but you need to understand these things take time. We can't fix all the problems at once."
Kya sighed. "How much trouble do you think I'm in?"
"It isn't enough to have you exiled, so you should be grateful for that."
"Well," Everett awkwardly spoke up, "that happened."
Kya gave him a grin. "Hi, Agent Ross. I didn't expect to see you here."
"It's nice to see you again."
"Did I interrupt something? If so, I can go somewhere else."
Nakia shook her head. "No, we were waiting for the meeting to be over with."
"Oh. You two were waiting here.....together....alone."
Nakia narrowed her eyes.
Everett's phone dinged with a notification, and a smile crept on his lips. "Looks like I have a visitor in my office today."
She looked back at him. "Oh? Do you want to rain check on lunch?"
He shook his head. "I'm sure Salina won't mind. She's visiting from Paris and I guess she wanted to see about her old man. Plus, her mother's in town."
"Do you plan on seeing your ex-wife?”
"Maybe, if I have time."
"I don't see why you shouldn't. You did say you were friends."
Silence fell between them again as the pair locked eyes, and Nakia gave him a warm smile.
"So," Kya broke the silence while looking at Everett, "you paying for lunch, right?"
Nakia thumped her upside the head. "Forgive her. My omncinci likes food she doesn't have to pay for."
Everett chuckled. "It's okay. Salina is the same way. Speaking of which, I need to see her before she gets bored enough to go through my files again."
Nakia chuckled and pointed her thumb at Kya. "She does that too. Even calls herself critiquing me."
"There are some things you could improve on."
He chuckled again. "Are we sharing a cab or an Uber?"
"Can we please take an Uber? I hate taking cabs."
"You too?" He asked while walking towards the exit.
Nakia followed him, Kya not too far behind her. "Yes. First, you have to hail them and hope the driver isn't rude. At least with Uber, you can give the driver a bad rating and comment on their horrible manners."
By the time she was done, their ride came, and he opened the door for Nakia and Kya to slide in. The youngest Shauku sibling got in first, so her sister could sit next to Agent Ross.
The ride to the office took longer than expected because of the mid-morning traffic, and Kya watched in awe at how Nakia and Agent Ross conversed naturally. They acted like best friends that never spent a day apart.
Once they arrived at his office, they found Salina sitting at his desk, reading something on his laptop. "You know dad," she addressed him without looking up, "I can tell you what your problem is. You lack subtlety."
He gave her a stale face before confiscating his laptop. "What are you talking about? And I've told you about going through my files."
"Dad, you won’t get in trouble. Besides, I might need this for future reference."
Everett locked the laptop in the bottom file drawer and put the key in his pocket. "Until you are recruited as a CIA Agent, don't touch my files."
Nakia chuckled. "Nice to meet you again, Salina."
The redhead stood up with a friendly smile and extended her hand towards Nakia. "Nice to meet you again."
Before Nakia could shake her hand, Kya practically knocked them both down to hug Salina. The redhead blinked at the sudden contact, but wrapped her arms around her new friend.
"Nice to see you again too."
Kya pulled away. "I missed you so much. I hate we got so busy. Tell me everything. How is school? Did you pass your test? And what about Brett?"
Salina chuckled nervously when she felt her father's eyes on her. "What? There's no Brett."
Kya caught on and zipped her lips.
"Anyway, what brings you both to the Big Apple?"
"UN Conference," Nakia answered, taking a seat at Everett's desk.
"Ah," Salina replied with an understanding nod. "Dad hates them too."
"So does Nakia," Kya interjected. "Do you know public speaking makes her nervous? I cannot relate."
"Really?" Salina raised a curious brow. "She seems so confident."
Kya nodded in agreement. "That's what I said."
Nakia shook her head. "Kya, why don't you go find something to do?"
"You're okay with me roaming New York by myself?" She smirked deviously, and Nakia narrowed her eyes in return.
"Just be back at the hotel at a decent hour."
"Fine. Maybe I'll catch one of those tours."
Salina shook her head. "Save your money. I can show you New York myself and tell you where to get the best hot dogs."
Everett furrowed his brows. "Don't you have plans with your mother this evening?"
"Dad, evening is defined as the end of the day, usually from about 6 p.m. to bedtime."
He rolled his magazine and gave her a playful swat on the arm.
She fought back a giggle. "Mom's at the spa right now, so I have time to show Kya around."
"Alright, have fun. Just stay out of trouble."
"Exactly what trouble could we get into?" Salina questioned her father, who folded his arms.
She rolled her eyes. "I was fifteen. Let it go."
"And Kya," Nakia addressed her, "may I remind you that you're in hot water with the king right now."
"I know, usisi. Trust me, I'll be careful. You should learn to chill, as the Americans say."
Nakia rolled her eyes. "Just remember what I said."
"No worries, Miss Nakia." Salina put a protective arm around Kya. "She's in good hands."
Everett was about to say something to his daughter, but Salina and Kya left the office before he could utter a syllable.
Once the door closed behind them, Nakia turned to him and grinned at the memory of something he said a couple of months back. "You said the SWAT Team, correct?"
"I have them on speed dial just in case."
She giggled. "Now, you promised me food and a case."
Everett pulled a file out of his suitcase and handed it to her. "Elden Hughes, one of the biggest arms dealers the CIA has ever seen."
Nakia opened the file to look through the information.
"There will be a drop at Ellis Island tonight, if you're interested."
A knock sounded at the door, and it opened to reveal Savannah Greene in a light gray sports bra paired with dark gray shorts that did nothing to hide her muscular backside and toned thighs while her body glistened in sweat. "Hello, Agent Ross," she greeted him before taking a sip from the personalized water bottle. "How was the conference?"
Nakia looked her up and down, keeping her thoughts to herself about Savannah's appearance. "The CIA lets you walk around like that?"
Savannah fought back a glare as her lips curled into a faux-friendly smile. "Nice to see you again, Miss Nakia. If you must know, I just finished a very physical training session." She shifted her gaze from Nakia to Everett. "You know, Agent Ross, I miss training with you. You know my body better than anyone here."
Nakia bit the inside of her bottom lip to prevent herself from saying something she shouldn't say.
"I'm sure you did just fine without me," he told Savannah with a pleasant smile.
"So, what's this I hear about you going after Elden Hughes?"
The War Dog raised her brow. The only way Savannah could've heard that was if she pressed her ear to the door.
"When would you like me to be ready?"
"Actually," Nakia chimed in, "he's taking me as his backup."
Savannah blinked at him. "What?! You can't do that. She's not an agent!"
Everett nodded. "I'm aware. However, Miss Nakia has a set of skills that I need. Besides, weren’t you put on another assignment?"
"I can switch. I've always been your back up."
"I appreciate it, but I won't need you for this. Maybe I'll have you on the next one."
Savannah's eyes narrowed at the Wakandan woman before gazing at her partner with a fake grin. "Fine." She turned on her heels and walked out.
Fighting back a smirk, Nakia returned her gaze to Everett. "So, about lunch."
The mission didn't go as they had hoped. Before either of them could move in, Elden's henchmen were prepared for them. If it wasn't for Agents Edwards and Spencer, things would've ended fatally. At some point, one of them fired a gun towards Nakia, but Everett grabbed her by the waist and held her close in enough time for the bullet to graze his shoulder while he gunned the henchmen down effortlessly.
"I'm sorry," she apologized to him while cleaning the wound in his apartment. "Seems like you'll always be taking a bullet for me."
He chuckled to ease the burning sensation of the alcohol. "Yeah."
She finished cleaning and bandaging his wound with gauze. "All done."
"Thank you." He gave her a grateful smile and put on a white t-shirt. As he watched her put the first aid kit away, he noticed she was quieter than he was used to. "What's wrong?"
She glanced at him briefly before returning her gaze to the kit, making sure everything was there. "Nothing. I just.....can't help thinking they knew we were coming."
He sighed. "You felt it too?"
She nodded, but didn't tell him who she thought it was. She didn't want to ruin whatever was going on with him and his partner.
He put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. "How about some pizza and a movie to calm your nerves?"
She shook her head and walked over to the door to grab her bag. "No, I should really get back to the hotel."
"Why? Do you have a curfew?" He smiled adorably to lighten the mood.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Funny. Actually, Kya would worry about me if I don't get back at a decent hour."
"You're safe with me, but if you insist, I won't stop you."
Nakia thought it was best for her to walk away and head back to the hotel. Yet, something in her wanted to stay and spend more time with him. Despite her better judgment, she listened to her second mind and put her bag back down. "Maybe I can stay until the movie is over."
He smiled at her decision. "I'll call the pizzeria and I'll let you choose the movie."
Nakia returned his smile and watched him walk away to grab a takeout menu from his drawer. She sent Kya a message saying that she's fine and will be at the hotel later. It was barely a minute before she received smirking emojis as a response. Rolling her eyes, she told Kya to shut up before turning her beads off for the night.
"Are you in the mood for Alien vs Predator? I'm a huge Sanaa Lathan fan."
He poked his head back in. "Are you kidding me? I love that movie. Just don't tell Salina how big of a sci-fi fan I am. She'll never let me live it down."
Nakia chuckled while grabbing the remote. "It'll be our little secret."
As the movie began, he dimmed the lights to complete darkness and took the seat next to her.
Neither of them realized they had fallen asleep until they awoke the next morning, Nakia lying on his chest while his arms were around her waist.
Once Everett's eyes adjusted to the morning light, he noticed how Nakia's skin glowed in the yellowish beam of the sun. She looked peaceful in a rested state and.....beautiful.
He tore his eyes from her and stared at the ceiling. What was he thinking? He shouldn't look at her that way, or wonder how soft her lips are and what it would be like to wake up to her face every morning. Sure, Nakia was his type. Beautiful, intelligent, skilled combative, and, more than that, she has a big heart. Still, he shouldn't think of her like that. He doubted she thought of him that way. Considering she was in a long-term relationship with the king of the richest country on earth, he would be a downgrade, even if he made a decent amount of money. While she may not care about that, there's still the fact that he's fifteen years older than her, or that she may not want to date anyone that isn't Wakandan. Despite this, he returned his gaze to admire her beauty, once again imagining how it would be to wake up with her in his arms like this. Would it be wrong for him to want that?
Before he could answer his hypothetical question, his phone rang. He tried and failed to silence it as not to wake her, but she stirred and released a quiet groan. He mumbled a quick apology before addressing the person on the other end. “Hello?”
"Where are you?" Savannah sounded annoyed. "We have an emergency staff meeting in an hour."
"Elden Hughes."
He heaved a heavy sigh. "I'll be there soon."
"Fine," Savannah replied with an exasperated sigh. "I'll try to stall as best as I can, but it won't be easy."
The line clicked off and he set his phone back on the coffee table.
"She sounds needy," Nakia commented with closed eyes. "Can she breathe without you in the room?"
"Funny," Everett replied with dry sarcasm. "She's occasionally clingy. That's why I try to get her to work with other agents."
"Yeah, but she wants you."
He sensed a double meaning in her words as she pushed off him. "Does that bother you?"
"What you do is none of my business, Agent Ross." She put her shoes on before getting up to leave.
"How about I take you back to the hotel? It's not too far from the office."
She smiled. "I'd really appreciate that."
"Let me shower and change first."
"Take your time."
"There you are," Savannah greeted him as soon as she saw him enter his office. "I thought I would have to cover for you."
"I appreciate it, Agent Greene, but I can cover my own backside."
"I believe you, but sometimes you can be a mess without me."
Instead of a verbal response, Everett looked at his computer to read the mass email that was sent out prior to Savannah's call.
"Is your friend still here?"
"If you're referring to Miss Nakia, which I expect you to address her as, then yes. However, she's returning home this afternoon, and I plan to see her off."
"Good. Now you can focus on your work again. You were spending a lot of time with her."
"Quite frankly, Ms. Greene, who I spend my time with when I'm not on CIA time is none of your business."
Savannah's eyes widen. He only ever called her Ms. Greene when she was out of line. She could only nod in understanding and walk out of his office.
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tallulahchanel · 3 years
"Malice" [Chapter 1]
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Fandom: Black Panther/MCU
Characters: Nakia, Kya, Shuri, T'Challa, and Naomi Udaku
Words: 900-1k
Tags: @blackfemmecharacterdependency @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @blacklocs @marvelheaux @ride1 @mariahthelioness29 @afriendlyblackhottie @liquorlaughslove @thekrazykeke
Wakanda, Palace – 2017
“As you can see from these stats,” Nakia continued her presentation in front of the royal council with her beads displaying the data, “Shuri’s invention has tripled the amount of produce from the garden, allowing us to feed several families a day.”
T’Challa smiled as claps went around the room. “That’s wonderful, Nakia. I’m glad to hear the Oakland Center is doing well.”
“Thank you. However,” this made his smile fall, “I had to hire two more workers to help, which means…”
“More money?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
“Consider it done,” Naomi declared.
T’Challa turned to his wife with a raised brow. “Excuse me?”
“I looked over the treasury records, and we have more than enough to add to their budget.”
“But my queen-”
“My king,” she interrupted, looking him dead in the eyes. “I wouldn’t agree if I didn’t think we could do it.”
Nakia tuned them out as something in the window caught her attention. She thought a giant bird flew by, but it could’ve been her imagination brought on by exhaustion.
“Nakia?” Babalo—the Mining Tribe elder and her stepmother—called her out of the trance.
“I’m sorry. You were saying?”
“I’m impressed with the work you’re doing at the center. These programs are doing well for that community.”
“Thank you, Babalo. Although, I can’t take credit for the food program. That was all Kya.”
“I must admit, I was skeptical about all of this……” Ira—the Merchant Tribe elder—began, but Nakia became distracted by the giant bird.
Her odd behavior caught T’Challa’s attention, and he followed her gaze to the window, blinking in shock at what they both saw.
“Can you excuse me?” Nakia ran out of the throne room, the king not too far behind her. When she made it out to the palace gardens, she placed her hands on her hips and glared at her sister. “Kya! What are you doing?!”
Floating fifteen feet above the ground, her baby sister smiled down at her, a jet-pack strapped to her back and a helmet on her head. “What do you think, usisi omkhulu?”
“I think you should get on the ground.”
“Relax. I am perfectly safe, right Shuri?”
Shuri smiled to placate the glare she received from Nakia and her brother. “It’s still in testing stages, but I assure you Kya is perfectly fine.”
As if to contradict her statement, the jet-pack’s engine sputtered and died, causing Kya to plummet towards the ground.
Immediately springing into action, Nakia stepped onto the nearest bench and leaped into the air. She caught Kya right before she crashed on the concrete, and the momentum forced them into a grass patch, earning minor bruises and grass stains.
Shuri rushed over to them. “Are you alright?”
Kya stood up, beaming from ear to ear. “That…was…AMAZING!! Did you see that?!”
Nakia stood up with a groan and brushed the grass and dirt off herself.
“Shuri,” Kya continued, “if you got it up to 15ft on the first try, imagine how high it could go. Maybe up to 25ft.”
She blinked at her sister’s scolding and immediately closed her mouth.
“Nakia, you’re overreacting,” Kya said with a huff while entering the kitchen through their mansion’s back door and closed it in her sister’s face.
Nakia glared at the door before walking in and closing it back behind her. “If anything, I am under-reacting. What you did was dangerous. You could’ve killed yourself.”
“Look at me. I’m perfectly fine and healthy.”
“I wish you would learn to take these things seriously.”
“No, I take things seriously. You’re the one that doesn’t know how to lighten up.”
“Oh, you do, eh? Have you completed your visa paperwork?”
Her silence was the answer Nakia needed.
“Kya, you start medical school in less than a month. Why are you dragging your feet about this?”
“I’m not dragging my feet, I’m just…not doing it this minute.”
She sighed. “Nakia, please don’t start.”
“Queen Naomi pulled a lot of strings to get you into UCLA, not to mention expediting your visa, so you can start in the fall. Why are you holding this off?”
“I don’t know.” She heaved a heavy sigh and sat at the island as Nakia furrowed her brows in confusion.
“Do you no longer want to be a Search and Rescue doctor?”
“It’s not that.”
Nakia walked over and placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. “Are you afraid?”
Kya scoffed. “Please. I’m a Shauku. I laugh in the face of fear.” She followed her statement with a hearty ha ha ha, causing her sister to raise a brow.
Deciding to let her sister have this one, Nakia nodded and made a mental note to talk to her later. “Alright. But have you at least looked for an apartment in LA?”
Nakia huffed in frustration.
“I’ll do all of it before August.”
“That is less than a month away.”
“I’ll work hard, I promise.” Kya showed off her pearly white teeth—a look Nakia could never resist.
“Fine,’ she replied with a defeated sigh.
“Thank you, usisi omkhulu.” She kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you when I get back.”
Before Kya could go upstairs to shower and change, Nakia pulled her back by her belt loop. “Where are you going?”
“I told Khamisi I would meet him at the hoverboard park.”
“Are you going to meet our step-brother, or are you hoping Themba might be there?” Nakia smirked, which made Kya’s cheeks warm.
“Mind your business.”
“Just be back before curfew.”
Kya rolled her eyes. “Nakia, I’ll be 23 in a couple of months. You need to treat me like an adult.”
“I do treat you like an adult, but I also don’t want you out all hours of the night. It’s not safe.”
“I’ll be fine.” Kya kissed her cheek again and walked away.
Nakia shook her head, wondering what she was going to do with her omncinci.
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tallulahchanel · 3 years
"Malice" [Prologue]
Fandom: Black Panther/MCU
Characters: Nakia, Okoye, Kya, and Unathi Shauku
Words: 1.2k
Tags: @blackfemmecharacterdependency @my-marvel-musings @blacklocs @marvelheaux @ride1 @retroxvailles @mariahthelioness29 @afriendlyblackhottie @whiskey-cokenfanfic @liquorlaughslove @thekrazykeke
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Wakanda, Echo Chambers - 2003
“I’m not afraid,” Nakia said to calm her nerves, but the anxiety reignited when she snapped a stick with her combat boots, and the sound echoed through the quiet jungle. “Okay, maybe I’m a little afraid.”
She continued her trek towards the destination a map on the device, a thin vibranium pad or vPad, guided her. As she stopped at what looked like a dead-end, she inched closer and removed a leaf, revealing the words etched in stone.
Echo Chambers.
She looked at the vPad again to retrieve the instructions. She already completed steps 1, 2, and 3, now it was time for 4 and 5: Enter quietly, and perform the ritual.
“Here goes,” Nakia whispered as she kicked her boots off and put one foot in front of her. While entering the cave, a crunching sound invaded her ears and she carefully examined the place. “This cave is full of vibranium. No wonder this cave is a Dora Milaje secret.”
She approached the drum with her device in hand and took a seat on the floor, crossing her legs.
“I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. Not afraid.” She repeated the words to herself without realizing the energy she was exposing. After another deep breath, she took the stick and tapped the drum, a loud sound erupting. Nakia covered her ears as a tear fell from the migraine the noise gave her.
Eventually, the sound stopped and she looked up to see a figure sitting in front of her. Her eyes widened as she took in her appearance. Dark brown skin with a grey tint like she’s never seen the sun a day in her life, black eyes full of darkness as if a good day was a myth, and older as if Nakia was looking at herself in the future. She reached a hand out like she was going to touch the woman, but pulled back when a snarl crossed her lips.
The figure looked Nakia dead in the eyes before gesturing to the vPad in her hands.
Nakia looked and furrowed her brows at the math equation on the screen: 6 ÷ 2(1+2). This was a simple 5th-year equation, so she should’ve had the answer without thinking. “There are multiple possibilities.”
She stared carefully at the equation with a frustrated sigh. She could easily add 1 and 2, multiply with 2, and divide 6 by itself, giving her 1. Or she could multiply 2 with 1 and 2, divide 6 by 2, and add 4 to get 7. What to do? What to do?
Nakia usually doesn’t panic, but the figure’s dark eyes bored into her, increasing her nerves every second she sat there. With a shaky breath, she finally settled on an answer so she could leave. “7.”
She looked at the figure for the right answer. It was only half a minute, yet it felt longer when the figure gestured to the vPad again.
‘Correct,’ it read. ‘You may go.’
Nakia didn’t hesitate. She ran out of the cave as if her life depended on it, unaware of the evil grin from the figure before it disappeared.
“How was it?” Okoye asked during their video call.
After Nakia left the Echo Chambers, she went straight home and sat at the lake, forgoing supper to relax her nerves with the sounds of running waters and the moonlight glow.
“That place was creepy. I hope you can handle it tomorrow.”
“Unlike you, I don’t scare easily,” Okoye teased her fellow Dora hopeful with a smirk.
“Funny.” Nakia rolled her eyes.
Okoye must’ve sensed her mood because her next question was, “What’s wrong?”
Nakia shook her head. “Just thinking.”
“Did something happen there?”
Before she could answer, a voice called out to her from the house. “Nakia, can you read me to sleep please?!”
“I’ll be right there, omncinci,” she told Kya before shifting her attention back to Okoye. “I just…I saw something or someone. It kind of has me on edge.”
“Celia did say you were going to meet your worst enemy.”
Nakia sighed. “Perhaps.”
“Hey,” Okoye spoke softly, “you finished your last initiation test. I have no doubt you’ll make it.”
Nakia smiled. “You’re right. After all, I am one of the best fighters in training.”
Okoye raised a brow. “Don’t get cocky, you know I can still spank you.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“NAKIA!” Her baby sister called out from the house again.
She rolled her eyes. “Let me go put my little one to bed. She gets cranky when she isn’t rested.”
Okoye chuckled. “You spoil her way too much.”
“It’s kind of hard not to when she’s so cute.”
“Cuteness fades.”
“Unfortunately. In four more years, she’ll be starting her bratty teenage phase. She’ll be baba and umama’s problem then.”
“You say that now, but you and I both know you’ll be right there cleaning up her messes.”
“Ugh! You’re right. Anyways, get some rest. I’ll talk to you tomorrow after your test.”
“Talk to you then.” Okoye hung up.
Nakia continued the short trek to the mansion. By the time she reached the back porch, her beads trilled with an incoming call. She tapped them and smiled at the hologram. “Hello umama.”
Unathi smiled brightly. “Hello, intomba. How did your last test go?”
Nakia sat in a nearby lounge chair and painted a smile for her mother. “It went well, I’m hopeful about my chances of becoming a Dora.”
Unathi raised a brow at her daughter’s behavior, but nodded. “Good. I’m proud of you, intomba.”
“How is your mission going?”
“It went well. We finally caught him. He’s in police custody, and your Aunt Rhikya is trying to get the girls back to their families.”
A proud smile graced Nakia’s lips. “I think it’s awesome that you get to help people in the fields.”
“It feels good to help others that can’t help themselves, but it comes with great sacrifices. I miss you and my little Ilanga. How is she by the way?”
“Spoiled,” Nakia answered without a beat.
“Oh, the usual.”
They shared a chuckle.
“She’s actually waiting for me to read her a bedtime story right now.”
“Well do it then.”
“Do I have to?”
“Nakia.” Unathi raised a warning brow.
“Umama, please. I love Kya, but she can be annoying.”
“I understand, but she’s still your sister, and she needs to know that you love her no matter what. Besides, there may come a day where you’ll be glad to have her.”
“I doubt that.”
“Don’t doubt too quickly. You never know what life has in store for you two.”
“Nakia!” Kya whined from her bedroom window, earning Unathi a stale look from her eldest daughter.
“Just remember what I told you,” Unathi tried to quell Nakia’s irritation, “you need her as much as she needs you.”
Nakia sighed in defeat. “Okay.”
“Good. Now go read her to sleep so she can stop being cranky, and I won’t have to put a leather strap on her behind.”
Nakia chuckled. “Yes ma’am.”
“Before you go, I was hoping we could have a girls’ day when I return. Me, you, Kya, nail polish, junk food, jewelry making, and a movie.”
“We would love that, especially Kya.”
Unathi smiled. “Great. I gotta go, but I’ll see you when I get back.”
“See you later, umama.”
“I love you, intomba.”
“I love you too,” she blew a kiss before hanging up, unaware this was the last call she and her mother would ever have.
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tallulahchanel · 3 years
"Malice" (Prologue)
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Full First Draft - Patron Only
Taglist: @my-marvel-musings @blacklocs @marvelheaux @ride1 @retroxvailles @mariahthelioness29 @afriendlyblackhottie @whiskey-cokenfanfic @liquorlaughslove @thekrazykeke
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