#nanbaka fandom needed me and where was i
ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
most humbling things abt being gone for two years:
my works are gone from the top of the nanbaka x reader tag
my works arent there even when you scroll down for five minutes
my works arent even there when you scroll for ten minutes
i am no longer a nanbaka icon goddamnit
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cypheroo · 7 months
Info you may need! ~♡
(Now including my masterlist!)
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Ask box : Open for requests/questions!
Before sending in a request please do keep in mind what I am and what I am not willing to write. Other then that let your requests run wild! It can be as basic or as complex as you'd like! Also all requests will be looked at as gender neutral unless specified otherwise!
You can request one of three things! A character match up, a full fanfic, or a buncha little headcannons!
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Ask box info continued!
1. Requesting a matchup! (open!)
when requesting a match up please let me know what series you want the match up from, if you want a romantic or platonic match up, and your pronouns.
Try to let me know things like your pronouns, your likes and dislikes, your personality, etc! Any info you'd like to share! Please don't share insanely personal info as your safety is also important!
2. Requesting a fic! (open!)
Tell me the series/characters you'd like! Specifically, I'd ask you to request one character when wanting a fic as I'll be putting a lot more effort into the fic and wouldn't enjoy writing the same plot over and over again!
Please understand that I can't promise the fic I write will be perfectly what you imagined! I really would love to write exactly what you'd like but that's not totally possible!
3. Requesting headcannons (open!)
Headcannons work around the same as fic except I don't mind you requesting more character’s (ex : I'd like general relationship headcannons for all three of the love and deepspace boys separately! ) the amount of character’s is up to you all I ask is that you make it reasonable! With headcannons your also able to be a bit more specific!
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Fandoms I write for!
Most aphmau series
One piece
Death note
Food fantasy
Love and deepspace
Resident evil
Some final fantasy games
Blooming Panic
Our Life
legend of zelda
Others as well, I'm open to a lot of fandoms lol, just ask.
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What I will and won't write.
Will write!
Hurt comfort
Non gendered terms for reader
multiple parts / series if asked!
Won't write!
Abuse (only exception is when talking about the past)
Heavy gore
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Before you interact!
I'd like to note that I am 17 and still a minor where I live!
This is a safe space for anyone who enjoys x reader content, if you don't enjoy it that's fine! Just move on!
I am not OK with any racism, sexism, or any other hateful content. I will never condone it as well.
I love talking to people! Please interact if you enjoy any of the fandoms I'm in! PLEASE BE MY MUTUAL IM BEGGING!
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Other info!
I've been writing for a few years now and I love making anything others will love!
Keep in mind I am only on my phone so it may look bad on pc! I'm sorry!
I also work a lot (going to collage soon!). Writing is a pass time!
I use all pronouns and don't mind you calling me whatever your comfortable with!
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Love and deepspace
To Change | Zayne fic!
Aphmau mystreet
Family? Fuck No. | Garroth fic!
MYSTEET MATCHUP | Katelyn and Laurence! matchup and headcannons!
Differing Tastes | Zane fic!
Aphmau Diaries
The Rose on The Sill | Zane Ro’meave fic!
A Private Celebration | Garroth fic!
The Stories never told before | Garroth fic!
I'll forever see you | Garroth fic!
How they care | Laurence and Garroth small fic and headcannons!
Morning Confessions | Laurence fic!
Relationship headcannons for Laurence and Garroth! headcannons!
MCD MATCHUP! | Katelyn and Laurence! matchup and headcannons!
MCD MATCHUP! | Usopp and Jeffory! Matchup and headcannons!
One Piece
ONE PIECE MATCHUP! | Usopp and Jeffory! matchup and headcannons!
Food Fantasy
That one time you protected me | Sanma, Bamboo Rice, and Coffee fic!
Ouran highschool host club
I've Seen You Before | Mori fic!
Nanbaka prison
The King of Hearts | UNO headcannons!
Jujutsu Kaisen
Let me Fall for you While we're at it? | Yuji fic!
JJK MATCHUP! | yuji! matchup and headcannons!
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
And for the last fandom for this fandom prompt, I'm hitting a fandom of mine that kind of desperately could use a lot more love than it currently gets, Nanbaka! It's part of why I love creating for it so much, because I do feel it doesn't get the love or attention it should! For anyone wondering, my lovelies, I have about six more fandom prompts I plan on throwing up soon and then I'm hoping to get at least one, but possibly two, good quality responses to a request out before shit-posting some gif reactions/non-gif reaction headcanons for various fandoms that I have kicking around.
Send me a fandom and I will name a character:
Who I will protect at all costs: Nico is a precious treasure. He’s gone through so much that he shouldn’t have had to but he’s still so cheerful and sweet and pure and just…ugh, I want all the good things for him.
Who deserves better: Shiro! So many people seem scared of him but he’s just a gentle giant who loves cooking!
Who was killed off too early: Nobody. Absolutely nobody that my mind can come up with at all. Nanbaka really did start out as a comedy, after all.
Who I used to hate but now I love: I hated Honey at first. Just something about him really irked me with his first appearance but I did really grow to enjoy him. I don’t quite love him as much as some other characters but he definitely grew on me.
Who I used to love but now I hate: There’s nobody who fits that bill because, while there’s character’s I mildly dislike, there’s none I absolutely despise, to be honest with you all.
Who needs to be killed off asap: I think it’s just because of my own personal feelings, but Inori could disappear forever, and I genuinely would not care.
Who is unfairly hated: There is really nobody, either by the writer or by the fandom. I won’t question the writer’s decisions for their own story, and I firmly believe that everyone has the right to feel however the feel about fictional characters, love or hate!
Who is unfairly loved: See the answer above.
Who needs to sort out their priorities: Oh, so many but I’ll go with the notable one. While I understand a lot of where Enki was coming from and why he did what he did, I also feel there were vastly better ways to handle it all. The way he did what he did was shit and it left lasting repercussions for those around him.
Who needs a hug: Samon. I really feel Samon would benefit from a daily hug. He really does get the brunt of it and isn’t respected enough. Also, the group from his building that we see a lot of, that is Liang, Qi, and Upa, also qualify for this.
Who needs to get out of their current relationship: Either Elf or the man with the scar. Those two together are toxic and take everything horrible about the other and amplify it, at least the way I view and see it, with the headcanons I have.
Who the writers love: Honestly, it’s Jyugo. However, he is the main protagonist, so it is only natural and they definitely don’t fall into the trope of making him just this incredible person with no flaws. I actually really enjoy his character and don’t mind the amount of focus he gets, though my heart, as with most of my fandoms, belongs to the minor characters.
Who needs a better storyline: A lot of characters honestly. I’m not fully caught up in the manga, so there is a chance a lot of the characters got more fleshed out and got character development, but a lot of the minor characters could use more focus. Even ones we really should know more about, like Mitsuru, don’t really have full storylines or fleshed out characters yet. However, Nanbaka did start out mostly as a gag manga, so I can get the reasoning behind why they don’t.
Who has an amazing redemption arc: I don’t think it counts as a full out redemption arc, considering there wasn’t really a lot of backstory or build up to it, but I liked seeing Qi’s character growth from his introduction to where he is now.
Who is hot as fuck: No lies, there’s just something about Rock that really does it for me.
Who belongs in jail: So yeah, funny thing…most of them kind of are in jail? Or guarding a jail. So, this question for this fandom is kind of a moot point, haha!
Who needs to be revived from the dead: I really don’t have an answer for this in this particular show/manga, honestly. The only person I can think of that I would really like to see more of, that doesn’t get much screen-time and could kind of fit this category, is Jyugo’s father. I feel like there’s a really interesting story there that would be well worth reading or watching.
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Hey hey HEYYYYYYY it's 2022 Nanbaka Survey Results Time!!!
No I have not forgotten about the survey, I have just been quite busy in reality land. Today we are going to break down some of the data I collected over the past 2 months!!!
First things first, WE HAD PARTICIPATION. Like 95 people summited there info in contrast to the 30 ish people who submitted last year!! The main reason is probably because I had more connections, but I am still gooped gabed and gobsmacked at the amount of people who participated this year!!!
Also, in this year's survey, I got a bit more personal! For example, the who's your favorite character and how far are you in the manga questions, which I will elaborate more on when it is their time to shine!
Question 1: What's your Name? (Optional)
Um I ask this question to just so I know names and I feel like there is actual people doing the survey, I don't really need to, and it's just a thing I like. I'm not going to name any names here, but y'all have cute names, and ❤️I love all you❤️. Platonically.
Question 2: Which of these is you?
This is the gay measurement, Nanbaka is a gay anime, and I want to see the gayness of the fandom. Me myself, I am pansexual, and it's just a thing. Normally, I would screenshot the actual graph that Google created, but I made a giant mistake. I forgot to put gay/lesbian on the survey, and I ended up adding it later, in the middle of the time. So I'm just going to just type out all of the data as follows.
Pansexual: 14 people (14.7%)
Bisexual: 29 people (30.5%)
Asexual: 26 people (27.4%)
Non Binary: 16 people (16.8%)
Transgender: 14 people (14.7%)
Cisgender: 13 people (13.7%)
Gay/Lesbian: 12 people (13.2%)
Straight: 10 people (10.6%)
General Queer: 1 person (1.1%)
Aromantic: 4 people (4.4%)
Demiromantic: 1 person (1.1%)
Unlabeled: 1 person (1.1%)
Questioning: 3 people (3.3%)
Bioromantic: 2 people (2.2%)
Hetromantic on the Ace Spectrum: 1 person (1.1%)
Genderfluid: 4 people (4.4%)
Genderqueer Polysexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Omisexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Alrighty, so there is the data, but I am going to shout out specific hand typed answers that I thought where just great.
"Those straight people who think anime women are hot." (Incredibly Valid)
And the response that reminded me I forgot gay
"gay. Y'all forgot gay."
Question 3: How did you find out about Nanbaka?
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Alrighty so since Google is being a poopy face, I will rewrite the longer answers.
A gif of it from Tumblr lead me to check it out
Saw a friend get into it 5 years ago, so I got into it too
YouTube recommendations wouldn't stop showing EP 1 of Nanbaka on my recommended feed
Mi mi mi amv
I saw it on an ad while watching something else
I saw a fan made video on YouTube recommended
A Facebook page
Quite honestly I forgot how I found it.
YouTube is putting in the work and effort, to bring people here which is stunning, I'm glad that everyone has their own journey and good for y'all.
Question 4: How do you enjoy this Magical Mystery Ride?
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A simple one. It is so nice to just screenshot it and not have to deal with all of the extra stuff, and re type everything.
This question correlates with another question down the road but we will get there.
Question 5: Who is your Favorite Character?
We have lots of non choosers. This is what happens when the character creation is so good, that it is almost impossible to choose. Also we have a few "I can't choose one so I will choose multiple" which is also incredibly valid.
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Alrighty 5 minutes later, I now have a list! Now I will type out the list so y'all can read it better.
Enki: 1
Rock: 6
Jyugo: 20
Nico: 15
Uno: 19
Momoko: 3
Samon: 13
Qi: 3
Kiji: 2
Elf: 1
Liang: 5
Musashi: 5
Korjio: 5
Mei: 4
Ikkaku: 2
Tskuamo: 3 (still can not spell his name)
Honey: 3
Inori: 1
Building 5 in general: 1
Yamato: 1
Taura and Tauro Twisters: 1
Hitoshi: 1
Mikazuki: 1
Can't choose: 5
Zakuro: 2
Shiro: 1
Hajime: 3
Misturu: 2
Ido: 1
Shin: 3
Upa: 2
V: 1
Trois: 1
Kenshiro: 2
Ishal: 1
Yamada: 2
Blank?: 1
Kyuubi: 2
Mao: 1
Tengu: 1
Hina: 1
Five more minutes later, I have completed that list!!! I am surprised that there is so much underated character representation, and we stan. Also everybody love love loves Jyugo and I love that.
Question 6: How far are you in the series?
I asked the question for one reason and one reason only, to give people the resources so they can CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SERIES. and get to know all of the characters. Since Pocket comics is not working out so well for Nanbaka, I will give some Sho approved resources so your can read it in English and/or truck through it in Japanese. (Because that's pretty much what I do since not all of the manga is translated. You just gotta pretend you know what's going on.)
So there are some main categories for people in the survey,
1. The people who just watched the anime to the end.
If you feel content that's awesome, but also resources.
2. People who have felt the magic disappear, and where just done. (They don't truly have any interest in reading further)
Cool beans.
3. People who are stuck on 192.
It is the dreaded number of doom. It the last chapter available "illegally" on the internet, and is the last chapter formated by the legendary sleepykat.
4. People who have read what has been translated.
5. The people who have read all of the manga with or without translation. (Translation: they can read Japanese or can just suck it up like me)
So here are my resources, the "legal" ones.
The first one is the legendary Sleepykats blog : @when-will-i-sleep
This will get you to chapter 193-198. She also explains how to get into comico, which I will not be explaining because I'm surprised I did it myself.
Here is the Nanbaka Comico Page, where you will find Nanbaka in it's raw, uncut form. Yes! You will have to watch a bunch of stupid videos, play silly applications, or invest your own money into this! It is an investment! Because this is Sho Futamata's LIVELYHOOD. She lives, laughs, loves, off of this, so no complaining!
This is the random word document that has all of the chapters from when sleepykat stopped, to chapter 333. Pretty legit.
And that is all I can do. I can not translate any of the further chapters, due to my inability to speak Japanese, I cant do anything. If I find anymore resources, I will try my best to give them out, but Nanbaka is kinda on it's way out, so hopefully there is a new titan of translation. But for now there is not.
Question 7: Age Range!!
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Another simple one!!
MMMMMMM pie graph.
Well, I hope that all of you feel enlightened and full of information about the lovely fandom that we have!! I would usually connect data, but this post is super long, so I'm just going to end it! I hope all of you have a great day, and stay stunnnnniiinnnggg✨✨✨
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2weebswrite · 2 years
Welcome to Our Den...
Who are we?
We are two weebs that really like dragons, so that's the theme we went with. The two of us have known each other for almost six years now. (As of 2022)
Our Rules are absolute, and you need to read them. We don't accept the "but i didn't read the..." TOO BAD
(Rules, Masterlist, What We Write, and About Your Dragon Weebs under the cut)
1) This is an LGBTQ+ friendly place. No matter what you are/identify as, or who you like, you are welcome here. This is a safe place, away from all the kingdoms that won't accept who you are.
2) Respect. It goes both ways; we respect you, and you respect us. We will not tolerate haters and will show no mercy against those who mean harm against us.
3) We hold the right to deny requests, there can be a multitude of reasons why, but if we decide that we aren't comfortable doing it, that's it. We will let you know if we aren't comfortable with it. We are usually willing to give an answer unless it directly goes against our rules.
4) Don't steal our stuff. We worked hard on writing it, and it's our work. You're welcome to reblog our works, in fact, we encourage that. Don't, however, just copy and paste things. We will find you, you don't steal from a dragon's horde.
5) We will not write NSFW/Suggestive content for underage characters. Will we be willing to age them up? Possibly. Though that may not always be the case. Be sure to keep in mind that we do have the right to deny any requests. Dragons are very particular about what they keep.
What We Write
As of right now, we do not write or accept any NSFW requests. We will however accept suggestive and/or slightly 'spicy' requests.
We write headcanons, drabbles, fics, X readers, some OC inserts, if it ain't listed here, feel free to ask! Crimson is very much open to ships, fake texts, and SMAUs as well.
We write for a multitude of different fandoms of a wide variety, if there is something on this list you want but don't see, feel free to ask about it. We may know it and just not have extensive knowledge about it but may know enough to be able to write your request. There are plenty of fandoms that we're a part of that just aren't listed here for one reason or another.
Fandoms We Write For:
Bungou Stray Dogs
Demon Slayer
Fairy Tail
Fire Force
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Fruits Basket
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Pokémon (X and Black & White)
Sailor Moon
Seraph of the End
Sk8 the Infinity
The Case Study of Vanitas
Uta No Prince Sama
Yona of the Dawn
Harry Potter
Les Misérables
Lord of the Rings
Percy Jackson
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Throne of Glass
Final Fantasy (VII and XV)
Genshin Impact
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Revolution
Ikemen Vampire
Kingdom Hearts
Legend of Zelda
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Mystic Messenger
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Our Life: Beginnings and Always
Our Life: Now and Forever
Sun Haven
Tears of Themis
Twisted Wonderland
NCT 127
Stray Kids
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Hazbin Hotel
Save Me
The Untamed
About your Dragon Weebs
Frost (The Ice dragon)
I respond to most things. My name is Les, but I respond just as well to Frost. I'm currently a college student majoring in Animal Studies somewhere in Florida. I love anime and otome games and have been writing since middle school. Almost everything suggestive will be written by me. Please feel free to talk with me about any of my active fandoms, I would love to chat and talk about my current hyper-fixations. My personal blog is @frost20026606.
My Active Fandoms Include:
Angels of Death
Assassination Classroom
Attack on Titan
Black Butler
Black Clover
Bungo Stray Dogs
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Diabolik Lovers (Anime)
Fairy Tail
Fruits Basket
Genshin Impact
Jujustu Kaisen
Kingdom Hearts (Game)
Lord of the Rings
My Hero Academia
Seraph of the End
Sk8 the Infinity
The Case Study of Vanitas
Twisted Wonderland
Uta No Prince-Sama (Anime)
Violet Evergarden
Yona of the Dawn
Yuri on Ice
Crimson (The Blood Dragon)
I enjoy all things nerdy and geeky! Anime, literature, history, science, video games, Greek Mythology, true crime, KPOP- you name it! I live and breathe for Minatozaki Sana. I major in forensic science and I love anything medical and mysterious. I love angst and will cover most angst/whump topics you can think of. I hope you enjoy your stay~ My personal blog is @himawari-haebalagi
My Fandoms Include:
A Love So Beautiful
A Silent Voice
Attack on Titan
Bed Friend: The Series
Be Loved in House: I Do
Black Butler
Blue Exorcist
Bungou Stray Dogs
Cinderella and the Four Knights
Color Rush
Crash Landing on You
Death Note
En of Love: Love Mechanics
Fairy Tail
Fantastic Beasts
Final Fantasy (VII & XV)
Food Wars
Full Metal Alchemist
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel
Hospital Playlist
Hotel Del Luna
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Vampire
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Legend of Zelda
Les Misérables
Lord of the Rings
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
My Hero Academia
Mystic Messenger
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Ouran High School Host Club
Our Life: Beginnings and Always
Our Life: Now and Forever
Percy Jackson
Pokémon (Black & White/X)
Pride & Prejudice
Red Velvet
Sailor Moon
Save Me
Skyrim (Game)
Stray Kids
Sun Haven
Sword Art Online
Tears of Themis
The Untamed/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Throne of Glass
Twisted Wonderland
The Bride of Habaek
The Hobbit
Uta No Prince Sama (Anime)
Where Your Eyes Linger
Your Lie in April
Yuri On Ice
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theunderneath · 3 years
100 follower special
So to celebrate me having 100 followers, even though I kinda did already (again you guys are some sick fucks). I'm gonna make a list of all my favorite characters from all of the fandom's I have listed. I will also try and write/answer some ask today. Yay, so I hope you enjoy. Warning theirs gonna be a lot of ties, because I can't choose. Also I’m not rereading this for mistakes, HAVE FUN!
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One piece - Donquixote Rosinante/Corazon
This one was a tough one to choose, there's a lot of close runner ups (Kaku, Coby, Katakuri, etc). But this man, ooooohhhhh this man. He stole my heart. Just all around good characters and I wish there was more of him. Though him appearing for only a little is probably what makes him so good.
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Golden kamuy - Vasily and Ogata Hyakunosuke
Vasily for his cuteness in the manga, also big buff man. And I just like his overall motivation for the things he dose. And Ogata for his overall sexiness and air of danger. Plus Ogata has the best angles in the manga that makes him look even sexier (Also that sub voice is killer/also runner up to this one is usami)
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Hetalia - Turkey/Sadık Adnan
Gonna be honest. In normal hetalia no one really stuck out to me. I don't really have a one I'm obsessed with. All of them are just like "Your good, your kinda good, alright your better than that other one." The only reason I choose Turkey is because I fine his designs and characters just a little more fun. (runner ups are Sweden, Canada, and Denmark/just because there little better than everyone else, this literally could go either way)
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2p hetalia - 2p Canada/James Mathieu Williams alL THE WAY BABY!!
My obsession, my muse, he could hit me with his car and I'd thank him. 2p I like waaayyyy better than the normal ones. Just overall, the normal ones are good but as my friends have pointed out many time "You have a villain kink." and they're right goddammit! Anyway the reason for James is that buff lumberjack body type also soft on the inside tough on the outside awkward thing people do with him. Probably the reason I like buff/hairy lumberjack body types waaaaayyyyy more than any other (probably a kink at this point/anyway runner ups are 2p Sweden, 2p France, and p2 Prussia)
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Bleach - Kisuke Urahara
Hands down one of my favorite characters designs in anime. Just everything about him in his story is great. How he can go from comic relief to the sad back story in seconds. Also Ph1lza use him as his minecraft skin so extra points there. (runner up is no one because no one stands out right now)
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Demon slayer - Genya Shinazugawa, Doma, Gyutaro
FIRST! Genya is like best boi fight me, he made me cry for so many reasons. SECOND! Don't judge me for Doma, his ending won me over. All around good shit. THIRDLY! Gyutaro should probably be the only one because I'm pretty sure he beats out the other two, I just wanted to mention them because I also really love them. Anyways Gyutaro character design I like the best and his story made me ball. (No runner up because you've already gotten 3 characters)
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One punch man - Zombieman
I LOVE THIS MAN, GOD I HAVE A PROBLEM! Anyways character design feeds into the Gothic monster hunter vide and I live for it. I like all of the sense in the manga where he takes a spot light. His weapons and power are kinda op because I'm pretty sure he could beat Saitama in a fight. (Runner up is Flashy flash and Child Emperor)
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Haikyuu - Daichi Sawamura and Kei Tsukishima
Daichi because he could crush me between his arms and I would be fine with it. Also he's just an overall good character with a solid motivation to play volleyball. Kei for his sassy personal that he tries to keep up all of the time and when he fails it's literally the cutest. And for his stubborn personality mix with an understanding that he probably needs to change sooner or later. (runner up is Tendō)
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Nanbaka - Samon Gokuu
His character design brings me joy for his obvious monkey and Chinese takes. I like his personal and his story as a whole. Just a good character that has a few good jokes and is hot. His hair is nice to, backed up with his makeup/tattoos. (Runner up are Musashi, Liang, and Qi)
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Danganronpa - Nagito Komaeda
Honestly probably could be someone else seeing I've only watch up to the second game. Anyways arguably the best evil laugh in the whole series. He's easy to make a yandere for his outlandish and obsessive personality. Just a all around good character (Monokuma and Kazuichi Soda/I liked Leon Kuwata for a little until he got insta murdered)
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Creepypasta - Bloody painter/Helen Otis
I’m a simple person, I see artiest that turns to murder and I like. Plus I like how many things you can do with this character. Some people make him shy baby boy who’s scared of his own shadow, some people make him the unstable quiet character that murders people brutally with a drop of a hat, some people make him an unassuming brute that can snap someone's neck. I personally like he second one, just fun overall (Runner up is probably Hoodie or Homicidal Liu)
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Hunter x hunter - Shalnark
I always have likes the characters that are secretly really fucked up. He’s a sociopath and puts on a smile to hide it. I also just like how he’s blond. That’s about it, just a simply character that’s good. (Runner up are Chrollo Lucilfer and Illumi Zoldyck)
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Overwatch - Jesse McCree
Hahaha funny cowboy man. (Runner ups are Hanzo, Genji, Winston)
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My hero academia - Mr. Compress/Atsuhiro Sako
This one was hard to choose. Theirs a lot of characters that are good. But I like his face and his whole aesthetic. Just a dapper man having some fun. Well more about starting a political revolution than fun but you get what I mean. He also has a top hat so more points.
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by-inky · 4 years
Why Twisted Wonderland fandom is so toxic, a draft by inky’s experiences
You’re not forced to read this. Yet, I hope this spreads more awareness.
First clear-up; I won’t accept any kind of criticism, constructive or not. I just don’t care if you have something to say against this, or if you attack me I still won’t give a flying fuck. I’m basing all this in my personal experiences.
Second clear up; I am not calling out anyone with this, or any past public drama that may have happened in the Twisted Wonderland fandom. You’ll feel attacked only if you actually have done or still do one or more of the things I mention in this text. THIS IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK.
Third clear up; If you noticed I’m ruder in here, you’re kind of right. I’m just really done with people who keep throwing crap on a fandom that has everything (it has a nice story, amazing characters, material, merch, awesome fanart and fanfics, fancreations…) it’s the most complete fandom I’ve been in and still some people keep making the community hostile to stay in.
  I think we all know at this point that twst’s fandom is toxic. Now there are different factors for this.
I’ll start by the one that surprised me the most.
1. A HUGE part of the fandom is formed by adults. I don’t mind this, however this is frustrating.
I completely don’t mind if you’re 26 or 14, as long as you’re having fun without harming anyone you can stay around. My theory of why there are so many grown-up people is because Disney children are now older. Now, what’s frustrating is not that there are adults, but the fact that they don’t behave like some.
I apologize, but you simply can’t ask for a teen (because they exist too) to equal their “matureness” with yours. How for instance, a 16 year-old person gets in an argument with a, let’s say, 22 year-old person, the teen has less experience want it or not. You can’t just pretend they have an intellectual similar to yours. On the other hand, there are cases where the adult behaves like a girl with perenne period.
The fact I, a 15 year-old person, got into a few arguments with straight up adults that reason like a child proves this point. I’m not someone who likes to get into fights or discussions with other people, but when they get to the point to get even bratty when they’re clearly in the wrong annoys me so much.
Just mind your own business.
2. Public blaming. Seriously what’s up with this. I’ve seen quite some arguments online, public so lots of people could see, on topics that aren’t even important? Please wash your dirty clothes in private, direct messages or with a small group still in private, honestly making stuff public doesn’t help but create drama and make the problem even bigger.
However, I can understand when a user is really toxic, and someone who calls them out is really brave. But please keep small discussions behind closed doors and move on. I know it can be difficult, but you’ll be better.
Add-up: tumblr is -5$. It’s a crappy website where people bicker to kill time. It’s not worth it. If you need help, you can DM me at any time if you trust me, and everything will be between me and you without getting out of the chat. I’ll help you at the best of my abilities.
3. Support. I haven’t been in a more hostile and cold fandom than this one. Where are the likes? The support crew? Does that not exist?
Small blogs are being stepped on by huge, bigger ones. It seriously looks like nobody cares. And what’s more draining, people usually get the same blogs and posts recommended.
I have several experiences with this, and tumblr is a place where you grow if you’re lucky and noticed. I’m calling this fact out since I’m now a medium account and send asks to smaller accounts like crazy in hope the blogs get noticed, but knowing this is still crushing. And what’s worse, that most people do not care at all. Please support creators, everyone deserves love.
And if you like someone’s content, a kind ask (small blog or big) can make a person’s whole day. 4. Anons. WHAT’S WRONG WITH HIS ANON HATE. I just- why?
Aight I’ve been in lots of fandoms (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Yuri on Ice, Dangerous Fellows, Mystoc Messenger, Nanbaka, Hetalia, Haikyuu, etc), and none of this was as hateful as the Twisted Wonderland one. Usually are the small blogs the ones that get targeted since the big ones already have a “backup” of people who support them no matter what.
I got quite a few anon hate as well, but honestly I couldn’t care less because I post what I like and I still enjoy posting, but I understand there are people who take it to the personal and anons like this unmotivates them. Please support them. They’re people, they’re humans too. And most of them don’t deserve the hate.
Also if you got anon hate, it’s probably just a bored person. I know it can be difficult, but shrug it off. 
5. Blogs and toxicity. Connecting this to the previous point. Accounts are people before they are blogs. Follow blogs for the people before you follow for the content. There can be really toxic people behind amazing material. If you realize an admin of a blog is toxic, is better unfollow them than keep following for content. It seems almost like you’re supporting them.
Congrats for reaching this far! Here have a cookie
If you need support, or vent, or even have a small chat my DMs are always open! You can text me via Discord as well (by Inky#6188) and I’ll do my best!
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sunnieskies02 · 4 years
So......I know that some of y’all have been waiting for me to post. I get it, I FINALLY finished the first half of my college semester as a freshman. Praise the lord and I know that I have matchups and request that need to be filled so I will be doing that.
Additionally my plan is to make more five of course and to open up to more fandoms. So I’m goigg be to finish All BNHA FICS then move to other fandoms. The fandoms I plan to work on are
- Nanbaka
- Jujutsu Kaiden
-Jojo’s Bizzare Adventures
- Haikyuu
- The Great Pretender
-Fire Force 
-Kill la Kill 
Forgive me for my absence and do know that I’m still working on my multi fic and the thrid chapter is coming soon and that I just have to get resituated and get my life in order. But I’m so grateful for the support and patience (I think that y’all have) but please more works are coming out soon so yea!!
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
How 'bout another dumbfunny request? Rutile an Yellow get turned into babies like even their minds are back into babymode ya know and Padparadscha an also Zircon have to deal withe that
....-throws em into my nanbaka au cause fuck it i’m draggin this fandom with me!-
zircon panted lightly as they ran down the corridor of the building, coming straight from the medical bay. who could’ve thought that ray caused this??? now where were those guys the doctors mentioned??? they had friends turn small too right???
turning a corner they found the orange uniform wearing padpa laying on the floor, jacket open as a small brown and blonde haired baby was ontop of them papping their face and visible chest. “SSSENPAI?!?!?!” they exclaimed, the tanned elder’s padparascha colored eyes opened slowly, looking to the baby and to zircon.
“oh...eyyy little newby. uhh so, when did you get hitched?” they asked as yellow was busy on their shoulders playing with their curls. “iiii didn- i- you- aren’t you gonna ask bout the baby too!?!?” they asked as padpa looked down to the pouting baby. “...oh shit, who did i do?” zircon smacked their own face as yellow giggled.
“oh, that explains it.” they replied as yellow and rutile were busy play wrestling while zircon nodded. “and otogis gonna fix this?”
“i think? they look kinda younger too though.” padpa chuckled. “lets hope that doesn’t involve another kaguya~.” zircon blushed as they moved to watch the babies sprawling around. “maaan. i dunno anything about babies. they don’t teach you anything in hitman training.” they whined lightly as they moved to hold yellow again.
padpa chuckled as they scooped up rutile. “same. well, actually, i mean comatose hitman school too.” they joked as rutile batted at them lightly. “now that i think senpai, what’re you doing out of the medical bay?”
“ah, i asked ruti to take me to the bathroom. i guess my liver failed or something cause i fell right back asleep.” they chuckled lightly as they petted the small child. “and you?”
“got...invited to the game room.” they mumbled as padpa’s laugh got flirty. “oh ho~? like on a date~?”
“nno! least...i don’t think so? most of the guys got turned little though so i dunno.” they mumbled as the two waited. “...do you think...their not in much pain like this?” they asked. “senpai...used to mention how hard it was going through four partners. do you think, their in less pain now?”
padpa hummed. “...mean...maybe. but, i think they’d miss you guys as cellmates.” they smiled as zircon nodded unsurely. “yeah...”
“awwwwww ya cared bout me~?” yellow chuckled as zircon blushed. “dddamnit padpa-elder!!!!”
“oh trust me their gonna get it.” rutile stated as they pinched their ear. “faking needing the bathroom only to try an escape attempt. may be a doctor but you can’t run from me.” they growled as padpa laughed awkwardly. “eheh well...didn’t hurt to try.”
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betanyagito · 5 years
3 hours left of this decade here and I promised I’d write a sappy post so [ABBA voice] let’s go gays
Oh man. Oh boy. Was this a time. An entire 10 years spent on the internet. I’ve met people, got into new things, forgot old dreams and made new ones. How old was I when I first started here? 12? 13? It doesn’t feel real honestly. So much has happened that I still think about to this day, and as embarrassed as I am of my roots, I wouldn’t be who I am without them, and I likely wouldn’t have met the people I did if it weren’t for the early day join.mes and art streams from Deviantart and Minecraft askblogs on tumblr dot kom
I am thankful I got to know Minecraft, I got to know Hetalia, I got to know Homestuck. I am thankful these things allowed me to meet people who I couldn’t possibly imagine my life without right now. And that’s honestly the part I want to focus on. My friends
Old friends who I don’t talk to anymore, old friends who I don’t even know if are still around, old friends who still message me again and again sometime (honestly knowing that I’m still on their minds after all these years is the single most heartwarming thing ever), friends who I don’t talk with as frequently but still keep in my mind and get happy whenever we do end up meeting, and friends who are still here every day and support me endlessly.
If I were to talk about each and every one of them I would be sitting here all throughout January so I’ll try to talk about everyone in groups because I do want to take a moment to appreciate everyone. Everyone I’ve met shaped me into the person I am today, and while I am not perfect, I am happy. I am happy that I have the friends I do now
I remember the first big group of friends I’ve had when I first felt like I belonged. Kat, Wesley, Meni, Britain - those Whirled Days. I remember spending hours doing sprite edits and staying up late into the night to make sure I stayed caught up with rp and was present for the trials and murders lmao. I know it all ended on a sour note, but I will always treasure the moments we had together, and I’m so glad that after over six years I am still in touch with some of you. You were my first true out of the country friends, and you all helped me open my horizons and realize that the world is much much bigger than I had thought, and I can find friends anywhere who will love me
DR had stayed with me ever since, and I got to meet Mina, Chinch, Erika and Damien. Oh my god you guys. All my admiration for you four for being able to handle the edgefest that my writing and I was. I can’t believe we’ve lived through the peak days of DR tumblr rp. What a fucking Time that was. I would’ve never discovered my love for writing and betas without you all. You stuck with me through my worst years and always supported my dumb ideas. I remember the skypechats, the craigslist edits, the quiche, the zombie apocalypse, the adoption. I know I said I don’t want to address anyone one-on-one but Mina. Mina. If there’s anyone then you deserve a one-on-one. It’s been six (?) years. We’ve known each other for six (?!) years and we’ve seen each other go through so much. I know I tend to be really bad at communication and often fall short at replies but there’s not a day when I’m not thankful that I’ve met you and I still have you in my life. Your influence on me has been nothing but positive, you’ve taught me so much, how to love life, love my creations, how to be excited about anything. If I was half a good influence on you, I would already call that a success. I hope we will remain friends for a long time. At this point, I couldn’t imagine my life without having you in it. I just love you so much I almost teared up writing this ngl
And this one goes out to those Nanbaka SLUTS who also turned me into a slut who can never step foot into another church ever again. I can’t even recall how exactly I ended up in the discord group, but I know that you all were another milestone for me. Nick, Mew, Kristi, without you guys I would’ve never opened up towards people. I was scared back into my bubble where I just didn’t want to interact with fandoms ever again, but I you guys were one of the most accepting group of people I’ve ever met and probably ever will meet. You welcomed me with warmth and excitement and I still keep so many screenshots of the old discord chat that I read back whenever I need a good hearted laugh. Even now when our interests had changed, I’m so happy that we can still find a common note and have fun with each other. I wish nothing but the best for all of you
This brings us to the current era. All these muppet lovers......all these muppet lovers and I find so many friends.....Stella, Michael, Maple, Daco, Kris, Clover, Katie, Nette, Lili, Dani it was all Your Fault that this obsession started. I had such a fun time with all of you that now my brain cannot stop producing serotonin whenever I see a goddamn potato man. But even besides just having a common interest, you are all such wonderful people. You all helped me out of a rut and helped me shape myself, to be confident in my own opinions, to be able to stand up for myself and to have fun without worrying about what other people think. I am so grateful for every conversation we’ve had, every joke we shared, every idea we came up with together. I had no idea that a gag anime could ever get me such amazing friends, but it happened! And even if I don’t talk with some of you as often anymore, or at all, I will never forget any of you
Standing on more stable feet I was able to reach out to other parts of the fandom and start my own big project in the form of an askblog, and even if it’s stagnant now, it was one of the best decisions of my life, as I got to meet the most wonderful group of people. Nat, Athro, Buns, Turo, Jasp, JM, Lulu, Tris, Holly, Eden, Dairy, Ruri, Timey, Zako, Vivi, Ruah - you’re all just amazing. You accepted me into your group and I honestly feel like we’ve grown into a family. I’ve grown both as an artist and as a person thanks to you all, and I’ve never had such a tight knit group of friends before who’ve supported each other quite like you do. I feel loved and I know my voice is heard whenever I speak. I know that even on my worst days, you all will  be here. I know that you will hear even my most outlandish ideas, you will listen to me ramble about media you’ve never heard of and I more than gladly do the same for all of you too. I’ve never been more confident in my content and especially in my OCs. We’ve created something incredible together, and I am just so incredibly proud that I can say that I belong to MVA, that I can say that “hey thats my friend!!” whenever any of you come up, and I am so happy that I could meet all of you. I truly feel like I’ve become a much better person since meeting all of you. I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that we’ll be able to spend many more years together, and watch each other succeed in many more things
Despite what I intended this turned into a pretty lengthy post nevertheless whOOPS. I’m sorry if I left in any typos or anything of the sort. The bottom line of everything is- I’ve had some terrible times this decade. Really, awful times when I thought that theres no way, no way I would be able to continue on. But all these strangers online, who I’ve never even seen in person, you all were and are always there to extend a hand and help me back on my feet. There are many ways in which this decade sucked, there were many terrible news and terrible times, but, it was all worth it. If not for anything else, then for the fact that I’ve got to meet so many amazing and talented people. Thank you all for loving me and calling me a friend. I hope the next decade will treat all of us, but especially you well. You all deserve nothing but the best in your lives and I love all of you so so much
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feitanswife · 5 years
(Tldr’s in bold)
Precure- megaseries of ~50 episode independent magical girl anime seasons. Go Princess, A La Mode, and Huggto are the best ones imo but there’s DOZENS. The formula is always the same but hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! And trust me, they do not need to deviate from the formula in order to continually surprise and impress us! (Huggto fans you know EXACTLY who I’m talking about!!!! We Stan, forever)
PriPara- the supposed premise (it’s never that simple 👀 you will be surprised) is that every girl will one day obtain a ticket to enter a magical pocket dimension known as PriPara, where every girl can become a famous singer. Your appearance changes the moment you walk in, literally leaving behind who you are on the outside. And when everyone you’ve ever known is balancing a double life? Things can get pretty crazy! Plus the music is AWESOME, consistent bops the entire time! (The ending kinda bugged me juuuust a lil bit but it’s more that a character I was really hopeful about kinda went the opposite direction I was hoping, but really, were they gonna give me TWO perfect characters? Probably not. Still, incredibly progressive for the genre and medium, happy surprises around every corner, beautiful to watch and listen to, I was impressed all around!)
Aikatsu- welcome to the motivation station cause nothing will ever motivate you to work your butt off like watching a group of plucky young hopefuls tackle a hyper competitive idol school where the worlds best singers, actors, and models hail from. There’s at least 3 looooong seasons (like 100 episodes) set up in the Precure style of each series being a completely independent story, so you can watch them in any order you want! I finished the first series and now I’m 14 episodes into Stars and I adore this series so much! Again, the bops are consistent, you’ll get these songs stuck in your head till we’re free to walk the earth again! It’s nothing off the walls crazy but the characters are heartwarming and you’ll leave the series motivated and content
Hunter X Hunter, it’s long, it starts slow, and you’ll never fully understand what’s going on but holy hell will it captivate your mind forever. Truly this is a work of fiction where no one is entirely good, no one is entirely evil, and everyone has a secret or five, or ten, or fifty. And weird superpowers, they have those too.
Nanbaka- one of my all time favorites! Marketed as a comedy, the genre seems to change over time as the rose colored walls of this world peel away to reveal the truth of the matter. This is the end of the line, a prison so tremendous that only those who’ve been there even know it exists, the place where they send those who cannot be kept anywhere else, and who that actually is... might surprise you! This is a micro world for those who cannot exist anywhere else, and what ties them all to this place is a mystery that began before they were ever born, and chased them across the globe to meet back where they started. Now are they trapped in here with that secret? Or is it trapped in here with them? WARNING: the actual anime is only a tiny fraction of the content, but the webcomic is in full color and a lot is translated! And so worth checking out cause the original art style is lovely!
Servamp- it’s a 14 year old girl’s fever dream up in here! Shapeshifting hotboy deadly-sin themed vampires created by a mad scientist must deal with the consequences of actions from long ago, forming bonds with humans to increase their power as they are hunted down by one of their own. WARNING: a little hard to follow at first watch because is very much is Off The Walls Batshit™️, give it a second go to really understand it, then check out the manga for more! Also there’s a part that might make you cry, be prepared. ALSO: fun game, drink every time someone gets kicked or stepped on. Yup.
If you haven’t watched Bungou Stray Dogs by this point what are you even DOING with your life? Three seasons of literature inspired intrigue and shenanigans with one of the most unique superpower conventions I’ve ever seen! You’ll actually want to read books by the time you’ve finished!
The Devil is a Part Timer is a ridiculous mix of slice of life, fantasy, and drama in which Satan himself has to deal with a stalker, poverty, and his younger coworker having a crush on him! It’s the best six hours you’ll waste this week and unfortunately there’s -3 fandom presence around so yeah that’s it.
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ayalaatreides · 5 years
Inori Does Something Reckless (Again)
Fandom: Nanbaka Rating: T Characters: Samon Gokuu, Inori Hakkai, Kiji Mitsuba, Kokoriki Daisen Pairing: Samon/Inori
It's late night at Nanba Prison, and Inori Hakkai is on his way to retrieve Samon Gokuu from a celebratory dinner at the Warden's tower. He figures it'll be a quiet trip back to Building 5. Just a nice, peaceful monorail ride across the prison, just him and his supervisor. Quiet, unremarkable, uneventful...
Yeah, right!
(Based on manga canon, takes place after the Enki jailbreak arc. So, if you haven't read the manga past where Season 2 of the anime ended, this proooobably isn't going to make a whole lot of sense :'D If you have not read the manga and you would like to do so, please visit when-will-i-sleep on tumblr for information on where to read it!)
Anyway, welcome to rarepair hell :3 Tagging @pinktatertots99​ because I KNOW she ships it. Also @deirdre-relatable​: not sure if you still ship this, but I’m tagging ya anyway :P
The call came in from Central at exactly 2:30am: a summons for someone, anyone, from Building 5 to come and collect one Supervisor Samon Gokuu from a certain celebratory function. Secretly, Inori Hakkai was a little relieved; with Samon out for the evening, he'd been left in charge of Building 5. Inori, being a simple man of simple ambitions which did not include real actual leadership duties, had been all too happy to hand things over to the Daisens.
"Keep an eye on the place, will ya? Hate to bail like this, but I gotta go bring the Supervisor back from Central. Can't be helped, ya know? Sorry!" Inori said, not remotely sorry at all.
"B-but, wouldn't it make more sense for one of us to go?" Kokoriki asked anxiously.
"Nah, you guys'll do fine! Good experience for ya, right?" Inori said, not missing a beat. Kokoriki uttered a whine but Inori was already out the office door and striding away down the hall. Tall as he was, his long steps took him quickly away from Kokoriki's protests, already fading to inaudibility behind him.
He wasn't wrong about that- the Daisens could use the solo experience if they wanted to move up the ranks someday. It wasn't his fault if letting them get a taste of leadership experience meant he got to slack off for a while, right?
Besides, from Central back to Building 5 was a monorail ride of at least thirty minutes, plus the time it'd take to get from the officers' dining room to the monorail station. Like hell was he going to hand over all that time with a certain someone to one of the Daisens.
Granted, he was on his way to retrieve one very tired and sleepy Supervisor. Booze had been involved, too, but the Supervisor was graced with an ironclad constitution and a rocket-like metabolism. Alcohol didn't stand a chance against the genetics of the Gokuu clan. He never stayed drunk for long, but he did get awfully tired. When removed from irritants, such as bald gorillas named Hajime, the Supervisor tended to conk out pretty quickly after drinking. The return trip across the prison was probably going to be a quiet and uneventful one. That was fine. That was enough.
It always was.
Inori watched Nanba's lights flash by in the dark as the monorail hummed along. His left shoulder ached a little where the prosthetic joined it, and the right shoulder ached from where that poor bastard Houzuki had impaled him. The scars and lost arm were a small price to pay. He'd done what he'd needed to do, even though his plan had failed. He couldn't have lived with himself if he hadn't at least tried. And it had all been worth it when he'd seen that confident look back where it belonged on the Supervisor's face.
It was Kiji, swaying on his feet and squinting blearily, who answered his knock when he arrived.
"Heya, Big Sis Kiji," Inori said with a wave. "I'm here to collect my supervisor."
"Ooh, good," Kiji sighed unsteadily, hand pressed daintily to contoured cheek. "He's been quite the troublemaker tonight!"
As he followed Kiji into the hall, there was a decidedly awkward air hanging over the place. The rest of the supervisors were all there, sitting around amidst scattered bottles and cups, the remnants of their celebratory dinner still on the table. A few of them were talking quietly amongst themselves, but most looked like they were ready to call it a night. The place had the tense air of a party that had stopped being fun very abruptly.
Kiji led him to a couch across the room. "He got into it with Hajime again and then he just... fell asleep right on his feet," he said, as delicately as he could muster in his inebriated state.
Sure enough, there was Samon, now stretched out facedown on the couch. Inori tsked and squatted down, patting the back of the orange-and-green hair.
"Ah, man... and this party was for him, too. Hey, Supervisor! You awake?" he asked. A muffled grumble answered him. Inori didn't let on that he was relieved; he'd been worried he'd have to carry Samon out of there. Not that he was opposed to such a plan in theory, but he wasn't interested in adding to Samon's current state of self-inflicted indignity. Not in front of his colleagues.
"C'mon, Supervisor, time to go," Inori said, shaking Samon's shoulder lightly. The grumbling got louder and grouchier as Samon pushed himself up on his elbows. He craned his head around and blinked owlishly at Inori, then mumbled something incoherent but vaguely questioning. Inori chuckled and said, "Yep, it's me. C'mon, now."
Inori got Samon to his feet and kept him upright with a hand around his bicep- he made sure that Samon was on his right side, away from the hard metal arm.
"Try to keep him out of trouble for a while, Inori," Kiji said amusedly.
"Hey now, Big Sis Kiji, you know I can't promise that," Inori jibed back. "I can make sure he sleeps this off, though."
"Good enough for now, I suppose," Kiji sighed.
Inori saluted with his free hand and shuffled Samon to the door. On his way out, he spotted Hajime slouched in an armchair. Their eyes met, and Hajime nodded once. Inori nodded back. He wasn't entirely sure where his Supervisor stood now with Building 13's infamous gorilla, but he was hopeful it'd sort itself out in time. Not that Building 5 needed Hajime's approval, of course, but it'd be nice for Samon to settle this grudge for good.
After a few minutes of slow and silent shuffling, Samon came to his senses a bit. "Where're we goin'?" he mumbled through a yawn.
"Back to Building 5, obviously!" Inori told him, clucking his tongue chidingly. "Jeez, Supervisor, they had this little party for your sake, you know? It was a welcome back party and all!"
"Didn't want it," Samon grumbled. "Not right. Aniki... should'a been here too... Inori, he's... Aniki is..." He stumbled and leaned heavily into Inori's side, grasping at his jacket. Inori glanced down at the top of Samon's bowed head, his good mood sobering. The Supervisor had been in a better state since that recent incident, but the pain of that day was still there. How could it not be? With everything that Samon had lost, with what he had seen in that hospital room...
Inori stopped walking.
"Why we stoppin'?" Samon slurred, head swinging from side to side as he looked around.
"The Central food court's not far from here. There's some places that're open all night," Inori said, an idea taking shape. "Let's go get you shaped up a little before we go back. It's already this late, right? Might as well stay up a little later." Plus, there was no need for their underlings to see the Supervisor in this state.
Since Samon was in no condition to pick anything, Inori hauled him to a 24-hour coffeeshop and ordered a decaf for each of them, along with a bunch of small scones. The cute girl at the register shot a concerned look at the slumped supervisor, then hurried off to make their coffees. She was nice enough to bring their coffee and scones to the booth where Inori had deposited Samon, scurrying away again after another worried glance.
Samon was slowly chewing through his second scone before he spoke up. "Got tired of being in charge tonight, Inori?" he said wryly, his voice a little hoarse.
Inori laughed. "Now what makes you say that, huh?"
"You could've sent someone else to get me," Samon pointed out.
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" Inori said. "Besides, I don't need to be in charge. Those Daisens, though, they're probably gonna move up the ranks someday. Gotta start learning sometime, right?"
"A deputy supervisor who hates supervising," Samon remarked. He sipped his coffee, then smirked slightly and added, "Sometimes I wonder why you're here, if it's that boring to you."
"I blame it on you, Supervisor. You're too much of a good influence," he remarked, giving a teasing salute with his coffee.
He wasn't entirely kidding; even he didn't quite know how he'd ended up as a deputy supervisor. His only goal had been to follow Samon as his subordinate; but Samon kept rising up the ranks, and Inori's choices had been to keep pace with him or be left behind and wind up someone else's subordinate. Obviously the second option wasn't acceptable so he'd managed to do the first, and he had no idea how he'd done it. He could only attribute it to Samon's uncanny ability to inspire people without even trying.
And now here he was, second in command of an entire building at the most advanced and highly classified maximum-security prison in the world. It was kind of ridiculous.
Once they'd finished their scones and coffee, Inori guided a more stable but still wobbling Samon to the monorail station. Every few steps, Inori heard another stifled yawn. Yep, that's the Supervisor, he thought bemusedly.
"Feeling better, Supervisor?" he asked as they waited.
"Yeah, a little... guess I needed that coffee, after all," Samon said. Even as he said it, he was swaying on his feet and squinting against the fluorescent lights of the station.
Inori chortled. "Maybe I should've gotten you another coffee, huh?"
"'m fine!" Samon protested, but a traitorous yawn tried to force its way through even as he said it.
They waited in silence for a moment, and then, so quietly that he almost didn't hear it: "Thanks for coming to get me."
Inori stared at the opposite wall of the station for a second, waiting for his lungs to remember how to breathe again. Well, shit, what was he supposed to say to that? None of the things he wanted to say, obviously. So he settled for, "Hey, it's my job to keep an eye on my supervisor, right?"
The monorail glided into the station, and Samon plunked himself onto the nearest bench seat and slouched down with his hand over his eyes. "Too bright in here," he groaned.
"Kinda brought that on yourself, Supervisor," Inori told him.
He settled into the seat next to Samon, arms stretched out across the backs of the seats- partly because it was comfortable, and partly because it put his right arm in a convenient location. The monorail hummed to life and glided smoothly out of the station, and its lights blinked into semi-darkness. Samon muttered in relief and laid his head back with his eyes closed, very nearly resting against Inori's arm. Convenient, indeed.
From the corner of his eye, Inori watched the passing lights reflect against Samon's hair. It was almost embarrassing, how warm and fuzzy the sight made him feel. When, he wondered, had he gotten so damn sentimental? When had he started feeling like this? It was improbable enough that Samon had managed to turn a reprobate mafia enforcer into a prison guard of more or less reputable character. Then again, maybe that was the secret behind it all. This was someone who had believed in him at his worst, and someone he could trust enough to believe in and follow loyally.
At some point, this sappy feeling had added itself to the mix, arriving so naturally and smoothly that he couldn't even pinpoint when it had happened. Obviously, he had no intention of doing anything about it. Just being there was enough.
"How's the arm?" Samon asked after a few minutes, apparently not having dozed off as Inori had assumed. His head was craned back to look up at Inori, eyes open- although, judging by his heavy eyelids, it looked like he was struggling a little in that department.
"You asked me that this morning, Supervisor. Still a little out of it, huh?" Inori said, bemused.
"I'm asking again, then."
"Well, now that it's healing up, I gotta say that it's pretty great," Inori said with a grin. He lifted his left arm off the seat back and wiggled his fingers, his glove and sleeve hiding the titanium-plated miracle of modern science beneath it.
Samon squinted blearily at it. After a pause, he said, "Can... can you... feel anything with it?"
"Sure can! A little, anyway. Doc Kazari called it, uh, biofeedback? Pretty fancy word, huh?" Inori said proudly.
"Biofeedback," Samon muttered. He stared at the hand for a few more seconds, then pulled his right glove off and held up his hand, fingers spread. "So, you could feel my hand with that?"
"Let's find out!" Inori said cheerfully. It was as good an excuse as any for physical contact. He didn't want to move his right arm from its premium location, so he tugged off his left glove with his teeth and let it fall into his lap, then reached over. He pressed the titanium fingertips against Samon's and, sure enough, he could feel it a little.
"'S not cold. I thought it'd feel cold," Samon mumbled. "Since it's metal and all..."
"The doc says it's like a cell phone, the parts inside heat it up or something like that," Inori said.
"What do you feel?" Samon asked, his eyes fixed on their fingertips.
"Not a whole lot. It's kinda like wearing a glove," he remarked. "Ah, well, better than nothing at all, right?"
"That doctor really is clever, I guess," Samon muttered. He kept his hand there for a few seconds longer before withdrawing it.
Inori sat back and flexed his new metal bicep. "Kinda makes me a cyborg now, right? Almost makes it worth losing the real one, huh?"
"The hell are you talking about? Obviously a real arm's better than a metal one," Samon retorted.
"Yeah, but this one'll sure make an impressive story to tell the ladies," Inori shot back with a grin. "Heroically sacrificing my arm to protect my building and my supervisor, huh? Not bad, right?"
Samon stared blankly at him. "You're gonna tell women about your arm getting cut off?" he asked, nose crinkling.
Well, when he put it like that... "N-not with all the gory details..." He paused, clearing his throat. "A-anyway, everyone knows battle scars are hot. Besides, the arm's super cool!"
"Ah, yeah, the arm really is an impressive piece of engineering," Samon agreed. Then he smirked and added, "Too bad about the boar attached to the other end of it-!"
"Hey," Inori chided, elbowing him lightly. Samon jabbed an elbow right back, chittering. Well, the supervisor wasn't the only one who could be a smartass! Smirking, Inori added, "Anyway, what're you talking about? They don't usually mind the rest of this."
"Oh? No? I guess you don't usually talk to them like you did to the Warden that one time," Samon jibed.
"Hmmm..." Inori tapped his fingertip against his chin, pretending to consider it, then shrugged and said, "Ya know, I might've been off my game that day. Guess I'm outta practice from hanging around a buzzkill like you, Supervisor-"
Samon made an indignant sound. "Who're you calling a buzzkill?!"
"And too bad, looks like it's contagious. Like I said, you're too much of a good influence on me!" Inori teased. "Anyway, you're not really one to talk, Supervisor. I don't see you going around charming anyone, especially with that temper of yours!"
That was a lie, he'd managed to charm at least one person with that ridiculous temper.
Samon flushed. "I could if I wanted to!" he protested.
"Funny, I don't remember ever seeing you take a night off for a date," Inori said, pretending to contemplate the matter carefully.
Samon slouched down in his seat, arms crossed. "I'm just focused on my job, that's all," he grumbled. "B-besides, where are all these ladies you're gonna chat up, anyway? It's not like there's a lot of women around here."
"Like I said, that's what I get for teaming up with a buzzkill. Moving to an isolated island didn't help, either," Inori said cheerfully. Of course, he didn't mind the absence of women now as much as he had when they'd first arrived at Nanba, because of various reasons that he was never going to discuss aloud.
Samon snickered. "What, did you have tons of girlfriends back on the mainland?"
"You might be surprised, Supervisor! I used to do pretty well for myself," Inori bragged. "See, unlike you, I know how to be charming when it counts!"
"I told you, I could too if I wanted to!" Samon protested.
"I don't think challenging someone to spar counts as charming," Inori teased.
Samon flushed. "It could be. Besides, you haven't known me forever, maybe you'd be surprised too!"
Well, this roasting match was quickly heading into perilous territory. Time to steer back to safety.
"Yeah, well, give it a shot with somebody and let me know how that works out for ya," Inori jibed.
Samon sulked a bit. "If there's s-someone I feel like trying it with." Then he smirked and said, "Like I'm gonna be shown up by someone who's only got empty boasts, anyway."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Supervisor," Inori chuckled.
Samon paused, and then his smirk grew into a sly grin. "Can you even kiss anyone with those tusks in the way?"
Well, that certainly threw the brakes on Inori's train of thought. Coming from anyone else, it'd sound like an innuendo. Coming from anyone else... except, was he seeing things in the dimly lit monorail car, or was the Supervisor's face a little flushed? It was probably the lingering alcohol. Inori had always been a lucky bastard, but he wasn't that lucky. No one had that much luck. However, just maybe...
Recovering, Inori chuckled. "Is that a challenge?" he taunted right back. Samon just crossed his arms, an aggravatingly smug look on his face. He hadn't denied it.
Inori did a quick mental tally of his options: on the one hand, this was probably just the Supervisor being a smartass, as usual. On the other hand, what if it was something else?
A smart guy would laugh it off and change the subject. A smart guy would not wonder if he was maybe being offered a chance. A smart guy would not let his thoughts wander into dangerously optimistic territory. However, Inori was in fact an idiot, and he'd be the first to admit it.
Well, there was only one way to find out; he'd just have to do a little provoking of his own, and see where it went. Sighing dramatically and shaking his head, he said, "Always the smartass, huh, Supervisor? Watch it with the challenges, you might get proven wrong one of these days!"
"Oh? You think so?" Samon said, with a level of smugness that honestly seemed disproportionate to his compact body size. It wasn't his imagination; Samon's face really was reddening. It could still be from the lingering alcohol; but on the other hand, there was a non-zero and slowly increasing chance that it wasn't. And that prospect was enough to make Inori's head spin like he was the one who'd been drinking.
"Like I said, I used to do pretty well, usually," Inori said smugly.
Samon chittered. "Oh? How, by talking forever till she got bored?"
No way. There's no way, Inori thought to himself. But, on the other hand...
"See, that's the problem with meatheads like you who just jump into things without thinking," Inori said, shaking his head. "There's no sense of subtlety with your type! You gotta ease into it, do it right."
"Do it right? How's that?" Samon echoed, the corners of his mouth curling in an expression that was more cat than monkey.
I might get punched for this, he told himself, and then he decided to do it anyway.
"Well, if you need an explanation..." He slid his right arm off the seat back and settled it casually around Samon's shoulders. Convenient, indeed! "See, first of all, you gotta draw 'em in real close... like this, maybe!" He curled his hand around Samon's shoulder and slid him closer on the bench seat, till their knees touched. Samon glanced sideways at the hand on his shoulder.
Inori did not get punched. Well, there was no sense in backing down when things were getting interesting.
"Then, you catch their eye, and make sure they're looking only at you. You gotta make sure they're paying attention, after all. Liiiike... this." He reached over with his left hand, mindful of its hard metal. Gently, ever so carefully, he hooked one fingertip under Samon's chin and tilted his head up. Samon met his eyes with a direct, intent gaze.
And there was still no punching going on. He felt like he was wandering off the edge of the map into strange, uncharted waters. Here might be monsters, but also maybe not.
"And?" Samon prompted quietly.
Inori almost froze up. Almost. His mouth suddenly felt dry, his pulse hammering in his ears. He couldn't possibly be this lucky. He'd been lucky enough surviving the incident in the underground cells and not getting fired or locked up for his involvement; surely he'd already used up a lifetime's worth of luck? There was no way anyone ought to have this much luck...
Well, this was definitely not the time to back down. "And then... you... you do somethin' to let 'em know you're serious about it. Like... this," he said, and he lightly brushed his thumb over Samon's lower lip. "Or... or this..." He traced his fingertips back along Samon's jaw and brushed a lock of hair back behind his ear. He was very proud of how steady his voice was.
Inori had to give credit to that doctor: this metal hand she'd given him had an impressive degree of delicacy to it.
Samon was leaning in now, eyes heavy-lidded. And Inori realized, all at once, that this really was happening. The one thing he'd always assumed to be impossible. Suddenly, the moment felt a lot more serious. Inori's breath caught as the weight of the situation hit him. He stared down at Samon's upturned face, wanting to commit the moment to memory: the flush across his cheeks, the slightly parted lips, the softness of his hair even against the barely-feeling metal hand...
"And?" Samon persisted, his voice low. "What's next?"
Inori snapped out of his thoughts, and grinned widely. "What's next, huh?" He slipped his right hand from Samon's shoulder, sliding it up the back of his neck and into his hair, cradling the back of his head. "That's obvious, isn't it?"
Inori leaned down, and their lips met softly. Samon inhaled sharply through his nose, then he scooted himself even closer. Inori held Samon's face gently and kissed him slowly, but his Supervisor was never one to do things at less than one hundred percent. Without breaking contact, Samon scrambled up onto his knees on the seat and leaned deeper into the kiss, arms flung firmly around Inori's neck, hands grasping fervently at his collar and then twisting his fingers into his hair.
Well, then, if his Supervisor insisted... Inori wrapped his arms around Samon's back, clutching him tightly, holding him as close as he could, letting out the feelings he'd hidden away even from himself.
His tusks were most certainly not in the way.
Inori was just about to pull Samon onto his lap and go in for a neck kiss, when the lights blinked into life and a calm mechanical voice announced the next monorail station. The two of them pulled back, startled by the interruption that they really should've seen coming.
Samon cleared his throat and sat back down, breathing hard. Inori let out a slow exhale and combed his fingers through his hair to straighten it. Someone could board at the next stop, after all, and Building 5 had a reputation to maintain.
The monorail hummed into the station; as luck would have it, the platform was deserted. They sat in silence till the lights blinked out and the monorail glided off once more.
Samon was smirking again. He lounged in his seat, crossing his arms with a smug, chittering cackle.
"Ya know, you could've just asked, Supervisor," Inori told him, lacing his fingers behind his head.
"Yeah," Samon agreed. Then he looked up with an ear-to-ear smile. "But where's the fun in that?"
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi !
Just passing by to say that I really enjoy your writing! It's always so fun to read. I would like to read even more from you. Would you recommend any of your the other series you write for to me considering that I have read khr and bsd ?
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Aww, thank you so much dear!! That's so nice to hear and I'm so glad you enjoy it! And it flatters me so much that you want to read more of it!
Now, as for recommendations, I will say that every single fandom I write for is one that I would recommend. I write for each of them because I love them and honestly do think they're amazing, in terms of story or character, but there's also caveats to each of them! So I'm just going to do the reasons I think you should check them out and what I think are their downfalls that might make them not your particular thing, just in case anyone else was wondering the same thing!
K PROJECT is definitely a huge one on here, and chances are that if you liked BSD and KHR, you probably will like this one too. It has a pretty art style and a tendency, much like the others, to have very bishie characters and cool uses of powers. The story is solid the entire way through and honestly, everyone will be able to find a character in this large cast of them who they really do love. Add onto that that, for the most part, the K fandom is large for an older anime, and really a very, chill, accepting fandom. Drawbacks: There is more noticeable fanservice in regards to female characters. And it is a big one to get into - on top of a two season anime, there are films, light novels, manga spin-offs (and honestly, Memory of Red is such a love of mine, same with Days of Blue)...I'm not saying that you have to consume all the content, just that there is a lot of it out there, if you do tend to be someone who really does need to read/watch everything for a show you enjoy, and some of it is hard to find.
NANBAKA is one I dearly love. It starts off a lot like KHR did, as a gag comedy series with some action elements and, a lot like KHR, shifts itself into a shounen with comedic elements. Again, much like KHR and BSD, you'll find a cast of very bishie men, and I do like all the female characters introduced so far, who are all smartly written. Again, it's another story with a huge cast of characters, so there really is something for everyone. It's got two seasons of its anime, and the manga isn't wildly ahead of where it's last anime season stopped (though I've only read until 192, where my manga app stopped, though I recently got a source to read further, so I'm planning on doing that), and I do feel you get pretty much the same story either reading or watching. Drawbacks: The first three episodes for sure are a bit of a slog to get through unless you really like gag comedy. Much like the Daily Life Arc in KHR, it's mostly just introducing characters. At episode four, the story for the first season starts to really shape up, but episode seven is pure filler for the most part and always seems really disjointed to me. For episode eight onwards, I was hooked - so hooked I had to go read the manga for more. I will also say that it has a very unique art style and character design, with a lot of very bright colours used, so if a very soft, pretty art style is something you're after, this might not be your cuppa.
WELCOME TO DEMON SCHOOL, IRUMA-KUN! is a more recent fandom of mine but a great one. It's one where I watched the anime first and am now just reading the manga, so I'm warning that most of these opinions are based mostly on the anime, which is three seasons long, so a bit more of a commitment than some of my other fandoms. I don't know how to really explain it, but it has a really nostalgic feel to me. It takes me back to when One Piece, Naruto and Bleach were these major things in anime. I feel like Iruma really has that classic shounen feel to it in some ways. I feel like, if you like shounen overall as a genre, you're going to end up liking this show. Drawbacks: That being said, there are drawbacks. Again, it's a bigger commitment and I do feel like Iruma, the anime at least, does have some serious pacing issues at times. If you are someone sensitive to pacing in your stories and need the story to progress rapidly from one thing to the next, you might not enjoy this one so much.
SERVAMP is one that I do think any fans of KHR and BSD will like. It's got a similar art style, really cool uses of powers, interesting characters, and a solid story. Drawbacks: The anime ended while the manga continued. While the anime was a good adaption of the manga up to the point where the anime ended, it does have a different storyline near the ending, because they just didn't have more material to work with. So, while it's a short anime, easy to watch with only 12 episodes, and is a really good show on its own, I will write about characters as a manga reader, with all the new twists and turns and all the new characters introduced so you might find yourself lost on some things as a strictly only anime person, if you are one.
SAIYUKI has been such a long time fandom of mine. I read the manga, but I think the anime adaptions have mostly been fantastic, though they do censor quite a bit. The characters are insanely easy to connect with and love, the story is well thought out and paced well. You can watch the original starter anime on youtube here. Drawbacks: That being said, there are definite drawbacks. It is an older series, with the art reflecting that. And it's a huge series, with there being multiple parts to it - the original Saiyuki, Saiyuki Gaiden (exploring the character's past lives), Saiyuki Reload, Saiyuki Reload Bast, Saiyuki Ibun (a prequel that explores the story of an important side character)...and another, major drawback, is that, much like Hunter x Hunter for example, I really don't think that there's ever going to be a solid ending for this series.
MYSTIC MESSENGER has so many interesting characters, and unlike some other otome games, the story is so incredibly well-developed, thought through so well, and it really has a way of breaking your heart at moments, with some fantastic character development and story arcs. Drawbacks: It is an otome game, so you do have to like those, and I argue that it's an otome game that takes a shit-ton of commitment to play, more so than any other game I've played.
IKEMEN REVOLUTION has beautiful art, interesting characters, and some of the routes they came out with had such amazing storylines. You will definitely find a favourite character. Drawbacks: It's an otome game, so you do have to enjoy those. Some of the routes can be a little bland, and because it's not getting any new content, there's a chance the person who ends up being your favourite might not ever have a route (FUCKING GIVE ME A BLANC ROUTE!!!)
EYESHIELD 21 is, in my opinion, everything a sports series should be. There's interesting and complex characters, well developed character relationships, exciting moments, moments that break your heart, and you really, really grow connected to some of these characters so easily. It spoiled me on a lot of other sports series, honestly. Like KHR, it really undergoes a fantastic art evolution which is also really interesting to see. Drawbacks: It's a sports manga, so you have to like that sort of thing. Also, I say manga because, while it does have an anime, I do think the anime has to be one of the ugliest I've seen and they did my favourites so dirty.
THE OUTSIDERS is a novel I've loved since grade nine. I love the story, the characters and their relationships with each other, the dynamics between those who were born with privilege and those born in poverty. All around, a fantastically written book. Drawbacks: It's going to break your heart towards the end.
RONIN WARRIORS is a long, long, LONG time love of mine. It's cheesy, it's fun, it's got a good overall story and I love the characters to death. It's easy to find, with the series on YouTube here. Drawbacks: It is an old anime, with the art, voice acting, and animation style reflecting that. I also find that the anime took a bit to get going, and I honestly find myself rewatching the OVA's a lot more than the actual series. I love all three but Gaiden is my favourite, and I probably suggest trying the movie first to see if you connect with the characters, since it takes a lot less time.
KEKKAISHI info. Drawbacks: I really don't think you can get as good a story or as much of an impact without reading the manga, which does take a little bit to really get going. I do remember the first volume being really slow and a bit of a slog to get going, though it's a slog that is well worth it for the story you get in the end and the interesting, complex, realistic characters you get and the amazing powers and power systems you do find in it.
GETBACKERS is a really fun anime. It has these wonderful, fascinating characters with well-developed and interesting relationships among themselves. The story line is really solid and well-paced. The power system is really cool, and in the anime, the fanservice isn't too unbearable. Drawbacks: This is one where I honestly couldn't finish the manga because of the horrific amount of gratitutious fanservice on the part of their female characters, so I do recommend the anime, which can be found here on YouTube. I do warn that it is an older anime, and the art can lean that way at times, though I still personally enjoy it!
BLUSH BLUSH is my go-to relax and forget the world game. It is technically an otome game, though one with a lot of grinding elements and it doesn't really have too much in the way of actual character routes, having more of a general storyline and fun dialogue. Drawbacks: You really do have to enjoy those kinds of games, and some characters and things like the fully voiced DLC and the 18+ DLC that allows you to see the guys naked do cost actual money.
CLASS OF THE TITANS is a really fantastic Canadian cartoon. It's an older one, but I really don't think that impacts it negatively at all, since the art was really unique and well done, the animation still holds up, the characters themselves are wonderful. Also, for Greek mythology nerds, you'll have fun with this series! You can find the first season here! Drawbacks: Worst ending to the series and worst final arc I've ever seen, but that is just my own personal opinions and I know some people who loved it.
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is arguably one of my favourite superhero cartoons. It was done by Disney XD, with a fun art style, good voice acting talent, and the fact that it's set in high-school is a definite difference from a lot of the typical superhero cartoons and something that really did work in its favour. It's humorous, the characters are great and they each really do get their moment in the spotlight. Drawbacks: It is a cartoon, not an anime, and that might not appeal to some people, and it might be a bit difficult to find.
There are also some fandoms I love and would honestly love to write for and add to the fandom list on here, but that I'm not sure if there'd be any interest in, so I'm just going to briefly list them here!
DOGS: BULLETS & CARNAGE - fantastic manga, though definitely goes to some dark, dark places and if you're someone who can't really stomach things that are more on the seinen side, I definitely don't recommend viewing it.
BLACK CAT - It's a pretty solid anime, but I really do feel you get a much better story and a much better look at the characters in the manga. However, just watching, it's still really good but again, as with a lot of my other fandoms, this is very much an older one, so the art style does reflect that.
HUNTER X HUNTER - Both as an anime and as a manga, it's a fantastic story, full of fascinating, complex characters and is definitely a shounen classic for a reason. However, much like Saiyuki above, I really don't think we're ever going to get a proper ending for Hunter x Hunter, just my personal opinion, and that is something that might bother some people.
KARNEVAL - It's a really pretty show and manga. The art is gorgeous, and the story is interesting, though I feel some of the characters do fall a bit flat at times.
THE ROYAL TUTOR - Fantastic show, beautiful manga. You're going to find a favourite character with no issues, because they're all unique and charming. However, it can be a little too slice of life or non-action packed for your typical shounen fan.
GANGSTA. - Fantastic show but an amazing manga. That being said, much like Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, it goes into some dark places and does have some things that might go over the line for some people.
PSYCHO-PASS - I cannot say enough good things about this and if you liked the character designs in KHR, you'll likely love these. However, again, it definitely crosses some lines that people might not be able to handle.
THE MIGHTY DUCKS - I love them, but honestly, I'll admit - it's a set of three hockey movies from the 90's, made for kids, so I doubt anyone else still remembers and loves them.
THE COVENANT - Long live the Sons of Ipswich! This is just a really fun movie, full of really pretty guys and some good action scenes, an interesting premise, and it's one of my favourites but...it's corny as hell and I admit that.
DATE WARP is a fun otome game that doesn't take a long time to play, has an interesting story line, and some really, really great characters! However, it is an otome game, so you have to enjoy those, and the art isn't as polished as it is in some other otomes.
SEDUCE ME THE OTOME is another really great otome game, with a sequel game that really, really fleshed out the storyline and characters so well. However, again, it's an otome game so you have to enjoy those and the art is very unique compared to some of the art used in other fandoms.
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iamapoopmuffin · 5 years
Victims With Numbers
Fandom: Nanbaka/Corpse Party (crossover) Genre: Horror Characters: Hajime Sugoroku, Samon Gokuu, Kiji Mitsuba, Kenshirou Yozakura, Jyugo, Uno, Nico, Rock, Tsukumo, Liang, Upa, Qi, Honey, Trois, Musashi, Sachiko Shinozaki, Ryou Yoshizawa, Yuki Kanno, Tokiko Tsuji, Yoshikazu Yanagihori, Yoshie Shinozaki, Takamine Yanagihori, some OCs to take the role of Kizami later on instead of actual Kizami Includes major character death.
Chapter 15 of ?
It was clear that they couldn't bring Motomu with them, or allow him to come into contact with anyone else, especially people unable to defend themselves. While Liang himself could undoubtedly take the kid (despite his size - he was clearly an athlete for some school team or another, and a whole head taller than Rock), there were likely plenty of other innocent kids here, people from Motomu and Keiko's own schools, who would not be able to fight off a much larger teen with a professional grade hunting knife. Where he got the knife in the first place was a question probing at the back of his mind as well. Did he bring that knife to whatever location the kids were at before they got trapped here? Did he find it here?
What did he do? How could he prevent Motomu from hurting other victims trapped here without putting him into a position where he'd most likely not survive? For the time being, the best he could do would be to subdue him, maybe find a guard to help deal with this. He certainly wasn't going to kill the kid. He may have  been driven insane by this place, but perhaps there was still a way to help him.
"Get away from Big Brother!"
The shout took him by surprise. Keiko wasn't in front of him any more, and someone was taking position behind his back. Jolting into action, Liang turned, releasing his captive with one hand and holding it out to stop the knife Keiko had tried to plunge between his shoulder blades. The blade slashed across his palm as if it was nothing, and his hand closed around hers. Keiko's expression was wild, full of rage, fear and confusion. She didn't understand or couldn't accept what her brother had become, and, struggling with her conflicting emotions, she had picked up the hunting knife. She tried to press against his grip, drive the knife onwards, but he could feel her hesitation. She didn't really want to hurt him.
"Keiko. Stop."
"You're hurting big brother!"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. He was going to hurt you."
"He wasn't! He wouldn't!"
Liang wasn't sure what he could say to her. He shook his head. "It's this place. It's done something to him, I'm sure of it. Can you feel it? The darkness? It's like tar. We'll find him help, he isn't beyond it." She clearly hadn't come to the conclusion that he'd hurt their friends, so why cause her more pain than necessary? It would run the risk of losing her as an ally, and losing the ability to help her out. It seemed to work, though. She relaxed her grip on the knife.
"We can help Big Brother?"
"I know people who can help. The guards from the prison I came from - yes, he's right, I'm currently serving time for a crime, but I won't hurt you, I promise. The guards will make sure no-one poses a risk to each other, and they'd know more about this sort of thing than me."
"Guards...will...will they arrest him?"
"If that's the safest thing to do, yes."
Sadly, she looked past him, to her brother, met his eyes, and gave a slight nod.
Motomu twisted, successfully pushing Liang off his back. He landed hard, jarring his arm, and the teenager reacted quickly. In moments, Motomu had taken the knife from his sister's hand, and it was his turn to try and plunge it into the inmate's back. This time, he was able to avoid injury, rolling and kicking out at Motomu's knee. Not stopping to see if his counter was successful, he scrambled to his feet and dashed for the door. He felt someone grab at his hair and hit their hand hard with his own, dislodging them quick. He stopped at the door, glancing back to Keiko. He couldn't leave her behind.
She was running after him, something clasped in her hands. whatever she was holding, she was gripping it tight enough that it was causing her hands to bleed. If he wasn't mistaken, it was a shard broken off one of the cracked mirrors. She must have found it on the floor. Her brother was getting to his feet behind her, a look of rage on his face, which was fair enough, he supposed. Looked like the kick to his knee had set him off balance after all. Reaching through the door, Liang grabbed hold of Keiko's wrists and hauled her through to the hallway. Motomu gave chase, and just before he reached the door, Liang slammed it shut. He heard a sound as the boy, unable to halt his momentum in time, slammed into the door and presumably tumbled to the ground. The inmate pressed himself against the door and kept his hand on the handle, trying his best to keep the door firmly shut. His stomach cramped painfully, and not for the first time since he'd been stuck here. He curled over slightly, but tried not to let his discomfort show too much. Unfortunately, he was quite sure he would wet himself in the next few minutes if he wasn't careful.
Keiko was crying again, sobbing quite hysterically this time. Hesitantly, he reached for her, but she slapped his hand away and shook her head. "I'm sorry!" She yelled at him. He supposed she was apologising for trying to stab him.
"I'm so, so sorry! I didn't...I don't want to...I...I..."
"You're scared. I know. Just try and calm down."
"No!" She shook her head again, more frantically this time. "Big brother has always been nice to people! He's never hurt a person before!"
"But nothing!"
"This place has affected him."
She froze, wiped her eyes. "He...he used to hurt cats. When I was little. He killed a cat. It's my first memory of big brother I still have...He never liked cats. Or dogs. Or birds. Or other animals. He didn't like them. But he never ever ever was that scary! Not like that! Not ever!" Her eyes flew to the mirror shard in her hands. "I hurt him...and I hurt you...and he hurt us...I can't trust him, can I?"
Liang paused, trying to think on how best to respond. "Keiko, we can help him. He's not even trying to open the door. I think, inside, in a part of him that hasn't been poisoned by the darkness around him, he really doesn't want to hurt anyone, just like you didn't."
It would have been convincing had Motomu not then tried to heave open the door. The kid was pretty strong, as Liang had first assumed, and the door jerked against his attempts to hold it shut. He needed to find a way to hold it shut without having to stay here.
"Keiko, go to one of the classrooms and get a chair or an art easel, and bring it back here. We can jam the door shut for a short amount of time. Can you do that for me?"
She shook her head slightly. She was shaking head to toe, eyes fixed on a point over Liang's shoulder.
"Okay...we can fix this, help him, get out of here. We can work together-"
"There's no way out!"
"No, there is! I'm sure of it. I've seen things here that others have said are impossible. I've found people who I was told I would never see again. I promise you, we can do this. We can find a way out. I promise I'll protect you and we'll get out of he-"
Liang cut off with a scream as pain erupted across his shoulder, and he couldn't fight the instinctive reaction to jerk forward, pull away from the door, where Motomu had managed to force it open just enough to get the knife through. The movement, the immediate attempt to get away from the pain while the knife was still in his attacker's hands and technically in another room, made it worse. Made the knife move. It would have pulled out of him completely if Motomu hadn't been ready to burst through and follow up with the initial attack. The extra force of the boy throwing himself at his back had him stumbling, but he managed to keep his footing this time. His injured hand, slick with blood, went back to grab his attacker's wrist, keep him from moving or removing the knife any more, but his hand was wet and slippery, and with some effort the school boy was able to pull away, and of course was able to pull the knife free too.
The obvious downside to having the knife pulled out was the bleeding, but the obvious upside was that he didn't have to worry as much about jostling the boy around too much. He could fight back without risking further injury to himself. However, with how deep that stab was for a lucky, wild jab, he probably needed to act quickly.
Motomu had decided to act quickly as well. He leaned his full weight forward on Liang, trying to push him down, while also wrapping an arm around his throat. It was an attempt at a headlock, trying to throw him off balance and keep him under control, while also keeping the knife positioned somewhere above his head so it still presented a danger.
It wasn't the strongest headlock he'd ever been caught in.
Liang pushed back, keeping his back as straight as he could as Motomu tried to force him over, and tried to raise his hands to trap his assailant's. His left moved no problem, and he wrapped his arm around the one leading to the knife, keeping it pinned in place as best he could. The right arm shifted only a little before the pain in his shoulder interrupted him. Damn it. That would be a problem if he needed to defend himself further. For now, he was able to keep the knife away from his skull. He hooked his foot behind Motomu's and twisted. Though he was smaller than his opponent, he knew how to move to stretch him out, loosen his grip and slip through. And as expected, it was easier to get out of than the headlock that man from Cell 3 tried to put him in, or any he'd been through in training. The boy's lack of experience in a proper life or death fight showed through. It didn't take Liang long to get behind him and kick his legs out from under him.
As soon as Motomu hit the floor, Liang had another choice to make - incapacitate him, or take Keiko and run, and this time, he chose the former. If he just ran, Motomu would chase after them again, and he would be able to ambush them. With the teenager already starting to pick himself up, Liang launched himself forward, planning to take care of this quickly. Motomu managed to get to his feet and turn to face him before Liang hit him. The first two attacks drove the teenager into the wall, but he was able to block and counter the third, sending the inmate back a step. Reacting to the expression on the inmate's face, Motomu scoffed.
"I'm the best in mixed martial arts at my school. I've won a lot of regional competitions as well. I've not yet met a fighter better than me."
"...I'm not intimidated by you." Honestly, Liang had absolutely no concerns regarding Motomu's fighting ability. He might be better than the average teenager, but he still had obvious inexperience. If anything, judging by the boy's stance and movements, either he was off his best due to his experiences in this haunted school, or he'd cheated a couple of times in his competitions.
The ensuing fight ended as expected, at least to Liang. Though Motomu had been able to get a few good hits in, he was now unconscious, and Liang had seen fit to confiscate the knife. It would probably terrify some poor innocent if he was seen holding it in his hand as he wandered around, so he decided to conceal it within his jumpsuit. No way was he leaving it lying around for someone else to find. It had done enough damage in the hands of those siblings. As well as the knife wounds Liang was sporting from what had just gone down, during that last scuffle Motomu had managed to get a pretty good hit in on his stomach and a good grip on one of his earrings. His earlobe was torn, not all the way through, but it was still none too pleasant. Pressing his hand to his injured shoulder, he leaned against the wall and let himself slide to the floor, getting his breath back as best he could. It was uncomfortable there on the floor, and not just because of the level of disrepair in the building. His jumpsuit may have been a bit wet at this point, which he would love to blame on sweat from exerting himself in the fight. It was, in some part, due to blood, but it was also in due in part to the fact that he'd gone into a fight while desperate for the bathroom.
It looked like the bleeding from his palm and shoulder had calmed down. He figured he could keep going without worrying about losing too much blood, at least. He glanced around, looking for Keiko, making sure she'd been out of range of the fight.
She wasn't there.
Of course. It had been too quiet. She must have run off somewhere when the fighting began. Well, he would need to scour the building once more at least to try and find a way out of there. Heaving a deep sigh, Liang got to his feet and walked toward the classrooms on that floor.
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Hahahahhahahhahahah surprise! I'm alive!
PSA: MAJOR manga spoliers. The last couple of chapters have got me SLIPPIN.
Why does the Man with the Scar look so lame?
It might have the extreme amount of face hiding and the extreme want by all of the characters to answer the big over arching question "WHO IS THE MAN WITH THE SCAR??!?" But I was quite disappointed when I found out, he looks like just some random guy. Like just an average Joe. Like shops at Walmart and wears grey t-shirts and goes on morning jogs and isn't 10 zillion years old. Like Isou, who is REALLY OLD, he has old man vibes, and he does look old, and he doesn't look.. basic. The man with the Scar looks basic and boring and unexciting and lame. Like Jyugo looks more exciting than this guy. I was expecting like world war two veteran old guy vibes not random guy vibes. HE'S SO LAME. My expectations were so high. I was disappointed and left wondering "is that it?" There's nothing else? When someone constantly wears a gas mask people assume he has something to hide but he looks fine. And lame.
Do Elfica cells work like the hormone thing in Black Widow?
Quick prefise, I use the term Elfica cells because that's what the people on the Fandom wiki call the cells, (if you need someone to help update the site, let me know) and also, the hormone thing in Black Widow is this think that the Russian mob guy did to make all of the widows unable to punch him.
Wouldn't this make total sense? Like is he punchable by the people he controls? This one's more of a theory but, hey, this is my blog and I shall blog what I wish.
How does Ishal have a face?
Ok, so if you don't know who Ishal is he is this guy:
Tumblr media
He's the *throws ancient grecian architecture at you* guy, that's his thing, and I respect the hustle, but since this guy is supposed to the the cinematic parallel to Mushashi in the eye removal category, how does this guy still have a face? Like if someone drills into your face, how are your eyes the only thing that are gone? What about your nose, and your mouth, and WHY DOESN'T THIS KID NOT HAVE A CRATER IN HIS FACE?
(I already know the answer to this question, and I just put it one here for content, but also it is a miracle that if the said circumstances took effect, he would be able to talk, or breathe, or hear or function or not be dead.)
Why did team elf just have Ishal's eyes hanging out in a jar?
This statement comes from the second most recent episode where they had some pinkish red eyeballs just hanging out in a jar. I spent most of the week that chapter 410 came out worrying about if my dear Sofia was ok, and that team elf would forever feel my unending rath, but THANK GOD that was not the case!!! HALLELUJAH!
But another question stems which is where did they find the eyes, why are they in a jar, why was Kujaku shaking them around like they where one of those I-SPY random object columns that your grandma has for some reason, just regular eye in jar questions. Did they capture him just to return his eyes? Who knows because this question will hopefully be answered tomorrow! Because since I am cought up, I don't have any more questions. So now I am contemplating what I will do when Nanbaka ends, BUT LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT! I hope y'all have a fantabulous weekend and ta ta!
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infernal-iris · 6 years
Send me a fandom meme: Nanbaka, BSD and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures (I hope you're familiar with the last one 😀)
Aaa thank you for sending me an ask! (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
Oof here we go.
THE OTP: Yamato x Navarin! They make such a cute family…I just have to ship these cuties! ♥ I’m really curious to learn how they met…
M/F OTP: Momoko x Hajime. He helps bring out Momoko’s adorable side…indirectly lol
M/M OTP: Kiji x Ruka. I loved all their interactions in the second season. ( ◞・౪・)
F/F OTP: ♡ Jun x Taurus ♡. I ship it so hard…Jun deserved so much better. 
Fav Female: Momoko! I’m so glad she appeared in one of the recent chapters…I just really love me a girl that can take charge! 
Fav Male: Jyugo!! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
Least Fav Female: It’s a tie between Dread and the Gemini twins…I really dislike all of them with a passion.
Least Fav Male: The Man with The Scar. He’s the root to all of the bad things that happened to everyone…Elf is a close second choice because he’s irritably loyal to him despite everything he’s done…
Why I joined the fandom: A friend got me into it! At first I thought it was going to be something similar to “Prison School”, but nope! It was a super colorful anime that I came to know and love. Thanks to Nanbaka, I managed to make a lot of new irl friends as well!
Bungou Stray Dogs:
THE OTP: Atsushi x Lucy! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
M/F OTP: Akiko x Ranpo! They make a great team tbh.
M/M OTP: Hmm…I’ll go with Dazai x Chuuya. I liked the scene in “Dead Apple” where he hugged Chuuya to shut him up lol
F/F OTP: Naomi x Kirako!! I love how Kirako was always concerned when it came down to Naomi’s well being and safety.
Fav Female: Akiko Yosano! (‘∀’●)♡
Fav Male: Atsushi Nakajima! He shares the same VA with Jyugo, too. (°◡°♡).:。
Least Fav Female: Probably Ichiyo…she REALLY needs to drop the Akutagawa obsession. Or Nobuko because she double-crossed my bois. ;–;
Least Fav Male:Ōgai Mori…uh…his thing for young girls makes me feel weird.
Why I joined the fandom: I started seeing a lot of posts about the series on my mutuals’ blogs so I decided to check it out! I fell in love with the show soon after and I’m still really into it. I still need to finish watching Dead Apple, though. >v>;;
Unfortunately, I’ve seen very little of Jojo to do the Fandom thing! ((´д`)) I think the show looks cool since the character designs and animation have a very specific style…I’ll probably check it out soon! I love seeing memes from the show though lol.
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