#nancy wheeler becomes holly's enemy after this
bowie-byers · 1 year
Discord Thread History / Murray's Flop Era
Jonathan Byers x Murray Bauman (@waldenwritess) x Nancy Wheeler (@soemotional)
Thread: Murray's a rlly hot cupid
The whole endeavor had started off innocently. Really, it had! With Nancy joining The Weekly Watcher, Murray had wanted to make things official by including headshots on the last page of the paper. It helped build rapport with the audience, he thought. So he'd set out to find a local photographer who could deliver good quality for reasonable rates, and... well, as it turned out, he knew a guy. Murray and Jonathan had kept in touch, of course, though mostly through family dinners at Joyce's place. Murray had seen Jonathan around town a few times, too, with a new girl on his arm. Holly-- a reporter at The Post, as much as he could tell. Murray couldn't penalize the boy for having a type, but he could put two people together in an investigation of sorts. With Gabe's express permission, Murray had tacked up a white sheet to their living room wall to create a makeshift studio for the shots. Now, he was milling about the house, preparing waters (vodka on standby, in case) for his guests. He'd told Nancy to come fifteen minutes before Jonathan, to ensure they didn't run into each other outside and assume Murray was trying to pull a fast one over on them. When he heard a knock, Murray bounded to the door and opened it wide, grinning at his coworker. "Nancy, welcome. There's water in the kitchen, or something stronger if you prefer." Though it was a Sunday, he couldn't resist the urge to talk shop-- just for a minute. "You find anything on that couple in Montana? I know you're writing it up, but... humor me," he flashed a toothy smile. With his family expanding, Murray couldn't travel as much as he was used to-- which was why it was nothing short of serendipitous that Nancy had agreed to come on board when she had. It was a plus that she wasn't tied down, too, though Murray didn't hate the idea of changing that, either.
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nancy wheeler was nothing if not punctual! so what if she swerved a little bit through traffic applying her lipstick! she wasn't going to keep everyone waiting. she wouldn't have taken so long though, if she didn't get so caught up in how she was going to look and if she should pin her hair up or let it fall down. it wasn't like the watcher was any big shot paper, but it was rewarding work. still, first impressions were everything, especially as a woman. so, when that first impression was a photograph she wanted to fit the image. eventually, she pieced together something that she labelled as cute and respectable and hauled ass to murray's! she met murray with a quick hug, then shuffled inside, not taking him up on his offer of water or something stronger. instead, she immediately immersed herself into talking about that couple, "well, her husband definitely wasn't replaced by a robot, but there was something...off...from the moment i met him. turns out, he had history working with the state government as some kind of low-down lackey on base of a military facility so i went--" nancy took a breath, then smiled coyly and pointed at murray, "i'll let you read the rest." she eyed her watch, then the door, "so, when's the photographer supposed to get here?" she wasn't in a rush or anything, but, nancy liked to keep up appearences, "it won't take long you don't think? i have a...thing in about an hour."
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Jonathan rolled up to Murray’s place and took a final & rushed drag of his cigarette, squeezing it into ashtray built into his car. It took him a few minutes to organize the mess of equipment in his trunk. Holly had (reluctantly) hauled him to the office a little past 3pm to wrap up a project for immediate press on Monday. Truthfully, he didn’t do much professional photography outside of his work with The Post - besides a couple weddings for Holly's friends over the last year. This was his first friends & family gig other than being passed the camera at household events. He generally liked to keep it that way but saying no to Murray wasn't an option and, honestly, he was happy to help. The buffer in his bank account was also welcome at this time of year, as much as he initially refused to talk about his rates. Dimming the financial impact of his last few road-trips along the coast to visit Holly's family was a nice bonus in his eyes. He trotted up the driveway and opted for the doorbell, adjusting his shoulder bag as he waited for the door to swing open. Murray seemed to be in a chipper mood - great. This was a good start. "Sorry I’m late, I got caught up at The Post and had to pack up my gear.” Jonathan wasn’t the most punctual person, as much as he tried. Murray would know based on the number of times he’d shown up late for his mom’s Sunday dinners. “I have a tripod and reflector in my bag – I can set up wherever you want, really. Have you thought about backgrounds for the shots? I wasn't sure so I brought a few neutral sheets." If not punctual, at least he showed up prepared. For all he knew The Weekly Watcher was orchestrated primarily by Murray himself. This would be an easy gig. Hopefully.
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Murray's face gave way to a sort of teasing frown, and he tsked his lips. "No killer robots yet... maybe by the twenty-fist century, huh?" he commented, then quieted himself to listen. Murray was hanging on Nancy's every word, a smug satisfaction filling his chest at the mention of government involvement-- wasn't there always? "I suppose it's only fair," he said, though his tone betrayed his desire to hear more. "It's always the military, isn't it? Someone should abolish that shit." Murray busied himself around the living room, moving his knick-knacks and Alondra's toys out of the way as much as possible. "Shouldn't take long at all! Just a few snaps. And the photographer's a real professional," he commented, mischievous gleam in his eye. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Ah! Hold that thought, Nancy." He hurried over to the door and opened it with a smile, waving away Jonathan's apology for his lateness. He'd expected it, after all. "Sure! I've cleared this spot in the living room and went ahead and put up a sheet. You can take it down if you'd rather-- but I thought the light was best here. Mi casa es tu casa," he offered with outstretched arms as they walked into the living room. Moment of truth. "Jonathan, Nancy, Nancy, Jonathan," he motioned between them jokingly. "Nancy's been working on the Watcher for.... six months now?" he asked Nancy. "She's been a great asset, always had the nose for this kind of stuff. Never could've expanded like it has without her." Murray retrieved the water pitcher and glasses from the kitchen and returned, offering it to both of them before pouring a few glasses. "And Jonathan's been working at The Post again, isn't that right? Small world, small town." He hid his pleased smile behind his glass.
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genuinerio · 11 months
OH, DARLING! ↠ 「 Jonathan Byers 」
Happy Stranger Things Day! New chapters are coming soon for both this story and the Steve Harrington one! Apologies for such a delayed update, had awful writer’s block but I’m back. Also, will be revising the previous chapters soon.
Profile of Marianne Wheeler.
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NICKNAMES: MARY, ANNE, MARI. (friends and family), FEMINIST QUEEN OF HAWKINS. (fellow students and civilians)
FAMILY: KAREN WHEELER. (mother), TED WHEELER. (father), NANCY WHEELER. (younger sister), MIKE WHEELER. (younger brother), HOLLY WHEELER. (youngest sister), JOANNA. (cousin).
FRIENDS: JONATHAN BYERS. (current boyfriend, best friend), STEVE HARRINGTON. (best friend), ROBIN. (close friend), WILL BYERS. (like a brother), DUSTIN HENDERSON. (like a brother), LUCAS SINCLAIR. (like a brother), MAX MAYFIELD. (like a brother), ELEVEN. (like a sister), JIM HOPPER. (friend), JOYCE BYERS. (friend), BARB. (friend, deceased).
ENEMIES: BILLY HARGROVE. (former crush-by-on, deceased, formerly), TOMMY H. (former friend, currently), CAROL. (former friend, currently).
LOVE INTERESTS: JONATHAN BYERS. (eventual boyfriend, in love with), UNNAMED GUYS. (ex-boyfriends).
1. The meaning behind the name Marianne means “Graceful and beloved,” the name originates from Hebrew. She is named after famous musician, Marianne Faithfull.
2. Despite what others may believe, Marianne is quite opposite of her peers in the fact that she cares a lot for those that matter. She had taken Will Byers’s disappearance very seriously considering she understood that it could have been Mike had it not been Will and the fact that he is Mike’s best friend.
3. Marianne holds a closer bond to her siblings and is always there for them, she wants them especially Nancy and Mike to know that they can always come to her and she’d never judge.
4. The eldest Wheeler child holds a very similar taste in music as that of Jonathan’s. She enjoys listening to Joy Division, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
5. Marianne believes that through her fashion style and writing is the best way that she expresses herself as it’s something that helps define herself and what she stands for.
6. As a child, she had harbored a somewhat crush on a close family friend and Will Byers’s older brother, Jonathan as the two had became good friends but eventually, grew apart and her crush on him ended once she became friends with Steve Harrington in Junior High.
7. People oftentimes confuse and mistake Marianne and Steve for being a couple which they both deny with seeing each other as solely friends and nothing more.
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hendersis · 7 years
Revolutionary War Group Verse!
So @byersxbrother and I were talking, and we’d love to extend an offer to our lovely followers.
Recently, I’ve been rambling on about a historical Au (generally with the Stranger Things squad) that takes place in Revolutionary War era America. All details about established characters (canon characters as well as my own renditions of the Henderson family) will be below the cut.
We were thinking about taking this Au and making it into a group verse that goes beyond just the Stranger Things squad. We formally extend an invitation to just about anyone to join us. You would need to fit the following criteria:
- Have a character that you roleplay (obviously on your blog). They can be canon from just about anything. Any book, show, movie, etc. We also accept Original Characters from anything too! Or they can be a fandomless original character. So long as your character has a fleshed out background and you feel like you have a good understanding of them, please join!
- Take your character and set them in Revolutionary War era America. In brief, this is the time in the late 1700s when the Colonies wanted to break away from British Rule, but there were still loyalists to the crown. For more information, check out a wiki, a historical video summary (john green does one I think), listen to Hamilton, or you can approach me! (I’m one year away from obtaining a history degree)
- So long as your au for your character makes sense to the historical context, you’re basically ready. So long as you aren’t using modern terms in dialogue or description, you’re good. No one spoke the way Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton wrote. Use proper terms. For example, DON’T: “Hey man, how’s it going?” DO: “Hello (Mister/Miss/Mrs) *Insert name here*. How are you today?”
- We’re looking for not just one type of person. We don’t want all the revolutionaries. If you think your character could be a loyalist, let them be a loyalist! There’s nothing better than letting a revolutionary and a loyalist argue. (also imagine those romantic subplots)
- This does not mean we’re exclusive. We support multi-verses and multi-ships. Honestly, we’re up for multiples. Those with double muses can be siblings or you can create a secondary backstory.
The goal of this is to give a new setting for our characters. And knowing there are others who are interested in it makes it easier to talk to others that you might not know how to talk to at first.
Below is info on the major characters from Stranger Things in this context.
Theodore “Ted” Wheeler comes from a family of loyalists. Due to his hard work and dedication to the crown, he and his family have been given a nice house in the colonies and a well-paying job where he works alongside the Governor of their town.
His wife, Karen, does not hold the same sympathies towards royalty, but she does not necessarily feel a dedication to a rebellion. She simply exists in the world she has been given and does her best to take care of her three children and tend to the household.
Their eldest child, Nancy, has been raised to have the neutral sympathies. While she has leaned towards a loyalist set of ideals, mainly due to her potential husband, recent events in the town has led her to get rather excited about the Revolution and all it entails.
Micheal is the middle child and the only son. Though he is given a comfortable life, it doesn’t influence him much. He spends much of his time with his friends, ignoring the responsibilities he may have to take up one day. As events in town progress, he finds himself on the side of the Revolutionaries.
Holly is the youngest child of the Wheelers. She is nothing but a child and has no loyalties. But she tends to see things that others do not.
The Sinclair family is technically owned by the Wheeler family. Though they are slaves to the nation, they aren’t treated nearly as badly as most. They are given decent lodgings in the small house besides the Wheelers. They are given wages in which they are allowed to go into town to buy things. And Karen Wheeler sees to it personally that their son get an education. The entire family believes in the revolutionaries, so long as it can spark the freedom for their people.
Mr. Sinclair tends to the house and maintenance around the premises. As Ted Wheeler is usually off working, he has no time to do it himself, Mr. Sinclair takes care of repairs, the small garden, and the few farm animals the Wheelers have.
Mrs. Sinclair does a lot to help Karen take care of the more domestic duties. This usually involves taking care of Holly, preparing meals, and making sure everything is running smoothly. 
Lucas is their son, who knows both sides of the world. While he isn’t technically free, he spends most of his time with Micheal Wheeler and their friends. He knows the hardship others like him have gone through, but he also knows that not everyone is cruel. But then, there are a few who are.
Dennis Henderson and his family has only so recently moved to the colonies. He was given a job as a lawyer, working on small, menial trials for the town. With word of Revolution, he has become increasingly more for the freedom of the colonies. But he knows that with his position, he cannot take such a stance. He feigns neutrality to most, perhaps claiming loyalties to those who are particularly stubborn. But among his family and close friends, he confides that he wants to see the colonies free. Rather than shouting in squares, he allows enemies of the crown to stay in his home for a few nights.
Sarah Henderson is Dennis’ second wife who shares his ideals. His first wife is an extreme loyalist. Sarah does the duties of any wife and mother, but takes it upon herself to use the expensive education her father had given her and teach her son and his friends. For a few hours each day, Dustin, Micheal, Lucas, and William comes to their house and she teaches them various things. Other children sometimes come too. And she plans on teaching Holly Wheeler when she is old enough.
Christine is the oldest of the two children. She shares the ideals of her father and step-mother, but is unafraid in speaking her thoughts. Nothing excites her more than hearing revolutionaries shouting in the center of town. While she should be learning how to be a good housewife, she skips out on her duties and wanders around town, arguing with loyalists and bonding with rebels.
Dustin is the youngest of the two and oftentimes is the more level headed. He believes in the freedom of the colonies, but brushes it aside to spend time with his friends. He, taking after his father, plays a sort of peacekeeper role among his friends.
Joyce Byers was once married to Lonnell “Lonnie” Byers. However, after years of spiteful and hateful behavior, the two have separated, Lonnie having moved to a different town. Joyce works at a shop in the center of town for a man who sells second hand goods for a man who took pity on her and her family. She does all she can in order to keep her family from losing everything. Joyce is rather neutral, but tends to get along better with revolutionaries.
Jonathan is the oldest of the two Byers Boys and is an utter artist at heart. He tends to spend spare money on art supplies. However, he knows that art in this world will not support his family. So he has taken up an apprenticeship with a tailor. Being close with Christine Henderson, he has heard and seen so much of the revolutionary world. He for sure has revolutionary loyalties.
William is the youngest of the two and is good friends with Lucas, Michael, and Dustin. Despite being from the poorest family, he feels like he fits in well with the others. Also attends school with the others with Sarah Henderson.
James Hopper once had a family of his own in the United Kingdom, complete with a daughter. However, she had gotten dreadfully sick when she young and passed away soon after. He left England and went to the Colonies, moving into the town where he had lived when he was younger. He took up a job as a Regular Officer in the British army. However, he believes in the revolution. But he will put the people of the town before him.
Brenner had been a supporter of the revolution from the moment he came to the colonies. He took a different path than others though. He looked into magic. Witchcraft. He engaged in tests of sorts. One of his subjects, Teresa Ives, was pregnant. When she went into labor early, he took the baby, Jane, from her, and renamed her Eleven. He hid her away and taught her everything she needs to know. She has great potential to be a weapon against the British Loyalists. However, she, and a creature from a realm unlike the human realm, escaped the underground confines.
Mr. Harrington is the governor of the small town the others live in. His wife and he are loyalists through and through. The raised their son, Stephen, to have the same ties. Theodore Wheeler assists Mr. Harrington in his duties, which has lead Stephen to take a liking to Nancy, and vice versa.
(I think @myownhxro​ might be interested
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