#naomi udaka
tallulahchanel · 5 years
Baby Blues
Here it is @chaneajoyyy . I know the video had a girl in it, but the AU I decided to put it, they were gonna have a boy, but despite this, I really hope I did it justice. If I didn’t feel free to tell me, and I will fix it.
Fandom: Black Panther
Pairing(s): T’Challa & OC (Kya Shauku); T’Challa x OC (Naomi Udaku)
Words: 2k
Tags: @queen-of-the-jabari
"Are you sure you can handle this?”
T'Challa rolled his eyes. "Yes, iplato yetshukela. If I can manage an entire technologically advanced country, I can manage this."
Naomi held Javon close to her bosom and tenderly stroked his face. She knew T'Challa was capable of watching their son, but she still had her apprehensions.
It's been three months since Naomi gave birth to Javon, and Nikki—her best friend since high school and Erik's fiance—insisted that she needed a night out. T'Challa, who didn't like seeing his wife couped in the palace, agreed and promised to watch Javon for the night. Naomi would be fine with the idea if he weren't alone. Queen Ramonda took an impromptu trip to Jamaica a few days ago, Shuri and her boyfriend Efe were in Oakland working at the Science and Information building during the school break, and your big sister requested Erik's help to implement a program he wanted to include at the Social Outreach Center. Besides the Dora and other palace staff, it was only them and Nikki.
To make matters more complicated, Naomi was still trying to transition Javon onto the bottle, which was easier said than done. The first time she tried, he screamed so much that she broke down and breastfed him.
"Maybe I should stay here. I’ll ask Nikki if we could rain check.”
T'Challa shook his head and gently took Javon from Naomi. "You will do no such thing. Besides, you look lovely tonight, and it'll be a shame if you let it all go to waste."
Naomi rocked a diamond-studded bodycon dress that stopped just above her knees and accentuated her curvaceous backside. She wore white heels to match, and her silk-pressed hair was in a high ponytail while the tresses laid perfectly on her shoulders.
Her cheeks heated up at his compliment. It's incredible how he could still make her feel like a schoolgirl after six years of marriage.
"Okay," Naomi finally gave in. "You know how to contact me if you need me."
"We'll be fine, iplato yetshukela," he reassured before placing a kiss on her lips. "Now, go have fun."
"Alright.” She gave him one last kiss before turning on her heels and leaving the nursery.
Once she was gone, T'Challa looked down at his son, his pride and joy, and smiled. "Yes, unyana wam. Everything will be alright."
Except everything wasn't alright.
An hour after Naomi left, Javon began fussing. T'Challa tried everything: holding him, rocking him, and checking his diaper. He even made the mistake of trying to soothe him by singing. After the way Javon screamed in response, T'Challa made a mental note to never do that again.
Trying to feed him was a chore within itself. When T'Challa attempted to get the nipple of the bottle in his mouth, Javon would turn his head away and scream at the top of his lungs. At T'Challa's fifth attempt, Javon knocked the bottle out of his hand, and it hit the floor, creating a puddle of formula.
Fortunately for him, that was the exact moment you entered the nursery. You fashioned your smoothie stand uniform—a medium-length dashiki dress adorned in the colors hot pink, black, scarlet red, forest green, and other intricate colors. Your faux locs were styled in a pin-up bun while a matching pink headwrap protected your edges, and your feet adorned a pair of black sandals.
"Good evening wam kumkani," you greeted T'Challa with a bright smile as if you didn't just see the bottle hit the marble floor.
He returned your smile, despite his growing irritation with the screaming child in his arms. "Good evening, Kya. What brings you here?"
“I was available on this lovely Saturday night, so I thought I’d spend it with my king and his heir.”
"That's very generous of you. Now, what's the real reason you're here?" He tilted his head, a clear sign that he didn't believe your explanation. He knew you probably wouldn't want to spend your Saturday night—the one night of the week where you're free to lollygag as you please—with a child, a crying one at that.
"Queen Naomi said if I come over and help, she'll expedite my UCLA application."
"Ah! That makes more sense."
"So, what can I help with?"
"Do you mind holding him while I clean up the formula?"
You nodded and held your arms out for the little prince. "Sure. Besides, it's been a while since I held Prince Javon."
As soon as T'Challa placed him in your arms, Javon's cries increased, and you furrowed your brows. You were sure that Javon would be happy to be held by his Auntie Kya, seeing as how you haven't been around while you finished off your last two months of school before graduation.
"On second thought,” you began and promptly handed him back to T’Challa, “you can hold him while I clean up the formula.”
Before he could protest, you walked out of the nursery and headed towards the supply closet for a roll of paper towels. Upon your return, you saw T'Challa futilely trying to feed Javon--who was still fussing up a storm—with another bottle.
"Good thing I didn’t have to go through this with Nakia,” you mumbled under your breath as you cleaned the formula off the floor.
Unfortunately, you forgot that the heart-shaped herb gave T'Challa enhanced hearing, so your eyes widen when he said, "I'm sure Nakia was much easier to handle."
Once the embarrassment wore off, you sighed and threw the paper towel in the trash can. "Well, Nakia wasn't as fussy, but she was very frustrated. I guess I would be too if I had the mind of a thirty-three-year-old, trapped in the body of a three-year-old."
You decided to drop the subject, you weren't in the mood to relive that stressful time, and decided to focus on the crying Prince Javon. You gently took him and the bottle and attempted to feed him yourself. After the third try, Javon almost knocked the bottle out of your hand. With a defeated sigh, you gave the bottle back to T'Challa.
"Well, I tried.”
T'Challa released a sigh of his own. "There has to be an easier way to do this."
An idea came to you just then.
"Take off your robe,” you told T’Challa, who gave you a perplexed look.
"Trust me,” you pleaded with an innocent smile. “Take off your robe.”
Reluctantly, he stripped himself of the robe, leaving him in a t-shirt and slacks, and took Javon from you before you walked over to the prince's dresser.
"What are you doing?" T'Challa eyed you suspiciously when he saw you grab a pair of scissors. He released a dramatic gasp as you snipped a hole in the robe. "Why did you do that?! That robe costs more than your college tuition!"
"Why are you walking around wearing my college tuition?” You quipped with a smirk while walking over to him. “Put this back on.”
"You still haven't told me the meaning of this," he said as he took the robe from you.
"It's something I saw on an American sitcom. It sounds ridiculous, but it works."
As T'Challa gave Javon back to you so he could put the robe back on, he began considering blocking American shows and movies from Wakanda's free and unlimited streaming services.
You held the bottle out for him to take. "Now, put this inside of your robe and set it to where the nipple is poking out of the hole."
He furrowed his brows at you, but when you flashed him an innocent look, he took the bottle and did as you instructed, mumbling, "This better work."
"It will." Once he secured the nipple in the hole, you gave Javon back to T'Challa.
"Now hold him the way Queen Naomi does when she's breastfeeding him."
T'Challa secured Javon in the position you instructed, and you both observed to see if your plan was going to succeed.
Javon's nose brushed against the nipple, and he instinctively turned his head to latch onto it. When he first tasted the formula, his face formed a frown similar to the one Naomi gives when she wants to smack someone, and you had to hold back your laughter. It took a while, but the young prince eventually smoothed into the motions.
"See?!" You boasted with a triumphant smile. "I told you it would work."
As much as he hated to admit it, your ridiculous idea did come in handy.
After a while, T'Challa transitioned to the rocking chair while you took a spot on the nearby loveseat and played a game on your kimoyo beads.
"Kya?" T'Challa broke the silence in the room. "Exactly which American show did you get this from?"
"It was called Yes, Dear. An early 2000s show full of colonizers. Nothing remotely rememberable, except for that one scene.”
"Ah!” He nodded and returned his focus on Javon.
After feeding Javon, you offered to burp and snuggle with him before it was time for a much-needed diaper change. It wasn't long before Javon was fast asleep in the arms of a tired T'Challa while you rested on the loveseat.
The clock striked midnight when Naomi tiptoed into the nursery with her heels in her hand. Her heart gushed at the sight of her sleeping husband holding her son.
She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his forehead and another one on his cheek. "Wake up, kumkani," she whispered in his ear, causing him to stir.
His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at his beautiful wife. "Hello, iplato yetshukela. How was your evening?”
"Nothing special. All I could think about was my two babies." She reached her hand out and stroked Javon's small afro. "How was he?"
"Once the crying stopped, he was perfect."
Naomi smiled. When she went to pick up Javon, her hand brushed across something hard, and she curiously reached into T’Challa’s robe, pulling out the bottle. "T’Challa, what in the world?”
He groaned in embarrassment and tried to hide his face with his free hand. "It was Kya's idea."
Naomi lifted a curious brow before shaking her head. She didn't want to know what craziness you've managed to talk her husband into. "Where is she, by the way?"
As if on cue, you mumbled something in your sleep, catching Naomi's attention.
"Should I wake her?" T'Challa yawned before getting out of the rocking chair so he could put Javon in his crib.
Naomi shook her head and walked over to the linen closet. She grabbed a blanket out of the closet and covered you in it to make sure that you wouldn't get cold. "No, let her rest while she's still allowed to have it."
"What do you mean by that?" He asked after securing Javon for the night.
"Medical school is going to be rough on her. Especially at an institute like UCLA." She didn't bother to hide her grin.
"She's going to be accepted?" T'Challa asked with a grin of his own.
Naomi nodded and walked over to him. "I just got off the phone with the Dean, and informed him how fortunate UCLA's medical program would be to house a wonderful, brilliant, and hard-working student like Kya."
T'Challa wrapped an arm around her and escorted her out of the nursery. He didn't want to run the risk of waking you or Javon. "I guess a personal recommendation from the Queen of Wakanda came in handy."
"That, and I told him it would be good publicity if a Wakandan student attended their school. But don't tell her yet. I want to see her face when she opens the letter."
T'Challa chuckled before wrapping Naomi in his arms and leaning his forehead against hers. "You are the most amazing woman. I'm fortunate to have you as my wife and the mother of my child."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passion-filled kiss on the lips. "It is me that is the fortunate one, wam kumkani."
They walked the rest of the way to their room in silence before enjoying a peaceful night slumber in each other's arms.
iplato yetshukela - sugar plum
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crazyasianlove · 6 years
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Título: HIGH&LOW The Movie 3 Final Mission País: Japón Género: Acción Duración: 118 min. Fecha de estreno: 11 de noviembre, 2017 Dirección: Kubo Shigeaki, Nakakuki Tsuyoshi Guion: Hiranuma Norihisa, Watanabe Kei, Kamijo Daisuke Producción: Ueno Hiroyuki, Fujimura Naoto, Nakabayashi Chikako SINOPSIS A fin de ocultar la pasada corrupción del gobierno, el grupo Kuryu sigue un plan para destruir uan calle y construir un casino. Para detener al grupo Kuryu, los miembros de SWORD comienzan a moverse. CAST ASOCIACIÓN SANNOH Iwata Takanori como Cobra Suzuki Nobuyuki como Yamato Machida Keita como Noboru Yamashita Kenjiro como Dan Sato Kanta como Tetsu Sato Taiki como Chiharu Yagi Masayasu como Ijuin Kabuto Iwaya Shogo como Ken Yamamoto Shogo como Hikaru WHITE RASCALS Keiji como Rocky Endo Yuya como Koo Inaba Yu como Kizzy Yanagi Shuntaro como Kaito Nishimura Ikki como Heidi Hirose Tomoki como Marco Nisikawa Shunsuke como Lassie Matsuda Ryo como Cosette Kyan Yutaka como Bito Darvish Kenji como Shimura INSTITUTO OYA Yamada Yuki como Murayama Yoshiki Suzuki Takayuki como Furuya Hideto Ichinose Wataru como Seki Kotaro Aoki Ken como Nakakuki Kiyohara Sho como Nakabayashi Jinnai Syo como Nakazono RUDE BOYS Kubota Masataka como Smoky Sano Reo como Takeshi Zen como P Sano Gaku como Yu Fujii Karen como Lala DARUMA IKKA Hayashi Kento como Hyuga Norihisa Abe Ryohei como Sakyo Ozawa Yuta como Kato Shu Mizuno Masaru como Futa Tanaka Shunsuke como Raita Moriya Koji como Agyo Izawa Yuki como Ungyo DOUBT Nakamura Aoi como Hayashi Ranmaru Akiyama Shintaro como Takano Takeda Kohei como Hirai MIGHTY WARRIORS Elly como Ice Oya Kana como Sarah Nogae Shuhei como Pearl Shirahama Alan como Bernie Anarchy como 9 Likiya como Diddy Sukezane Kiki como Dixie PRISON GANG Naoto como Jesse Sekiguchi Mandy como Pho Iwanaga Joey como Brown Nakatani Taro como Mocai Jay como Nakamon Takeru como Miou Kido Yasuhiro como Akune (EX)MUGEN Akira como Kohaku Aoyagi Sho como Tsukumo HERMANOS AMAMIYA Takahiro como Amamiya Masaki Tosaka Hiroomi como Amamiya Hiroto GRUPO KURYU Tsugawa Masahiko como Kuze Ryushin Iwaki Koichi como Kurosaki Kimitatsu Kishitani Goro como Zenshin Yoshitatsu Kato Masaya como Katsunari Ryuichiro Sasano Takashi como Ueno Ryuhei Takashima Masahiro como Minamoto Ryukai Kinoshita Youka como Fujimori Tatsuo Nakamura Tatsuya como Iemura Tatsumi Saotome Taichi como Ryu Tatsuhito Kobayashi Naoki como Kuki Genji Kenchi como Nikaido Onozuka Hayato como Kirinji Takeda Kozo como Yoshida Kagetora Kuroishi Takahiro como Udaka Shinichi Yuki Jutta como Oba Kunimitsu Shogen como Okido Ken Shiroishi Tomoya como Eto Araki Hideyuki como Fukuda Watanabe Kohei como Yagi ICHIGO-MILK Kaede como Shiba Sato Harumi como Oshiage Yamaguchi Nonoka como Nonoriki Kido Airi como Ichikawa OTROS Fujii Shuka como Naomi Bando Nozomi como Ijuin Nika Nakai Noemie como Furuno Suzuki Rio como Eri Horibe Keisuke como Natano Eichi Hasegawa Hatsunori como Shinohara Toyohara Kosuke como Saigo Ikeue Kohei como Kikuchi
TRÁILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq7mAAjn8nw
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tallulahchanel · 5 years
Grief (AU)
Notes: I’ve wanted to explore this idea since I wrote Worries, so here it is. This is an AU, so it doesn’t affect the outcome of the actual series.
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of character death
Characters: Kya Shauku (OC), Nakia, T’Challa, Naomi Udaku (OC), Shuri, Ramonda, Sizwe (River Tribe Elder), and JoAnna (OC)
Words: 1.8k
Tags: @lady-olive-oil @marvelheaux @oceanscorazon
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This was the worse blow imaginable for Kya.
Imagine getting stabbed and, instead of removing the knife, the assailant decided to twist it, adding to the assailed's agony. Even if that were to occur multiple times, it wouldn’t equal the pain that Kya felt.
As tradition, when a War Dog dies, they're honored in the Hall of the Fallen with a picture of them and their name engraved on a vibranium nameplate. Kya would often go there to talk to Unathi's photo, seeking guidance in troubled times, or to inform her of the shenanigans she's caused. As odd as it seemed, it was like Kya was actually talking to her.
This time, however, when she entered the hall, her umama wasn’t the one she came to see.
Kya reached a hand out to trace the name on the plate next to her mom’s, each letter feeling like a stab to the heart. 'Nakia Shauku,' the nameplate read, sitting under a picture of the fallen war dog holding her ring blades.
Kya’s bottom lip trembled and a tear leaked from her eyes.
It shouldn't be like this. Mother and daughter side-by-side. They should be there, guiding her and teaching her the ways of life.
Losing her umama was hard enough on her, especially for a nine-year-old, but losing her sister--her best friend, her confidant, her second mother-- was like a hammer swing to the gut.
Her last memory of Nakia was in Jabariland before the war dog boarded the Talon with T'Challa, Shuri, and Agent Ross. She begged Nakia to let her go back to Wakanda and help overthrow the outsider--maybe if she had gone her usisi omkhulu would still be alive--but Nakia was adamant about Kya staying there with Queen Ramonda and Queen Naomi. She couldn't let Kya get hurt again, not after what happened in Greece all those years ago. After watching T'Challa get thrown from the falls, Nakia wasn't sure of what this Erik Killmonger was capable of. She wouldn't forgive herself if harm or worse came to her omncinci, knowing she had the power to prevent it.
"Promise me you'll come back," Kya pleaded with false hope, but, to her dismay, Nakia shook her head. She knew her sister couldn't promise that, but she wanted something to reassure her that Nakia would return, and everything would go back to normal.
"I can't promise you that, but I can promise you that no matter what happens, I'll always be with you." Nakia held her pinky out with a faint smile, and Kya knew what that meant. "Kia and Kya forever?"
Fighting back her tears, Kya linked her pinky with Nakia's. "Forever," she repeated as part of the pact they made as children.
They unlocked pinkies, and Nakia pulled her into a warm hug, placing a sisterly kiss on her forehead. "I love you, my omncinci."
"I love you too."
Too soon for Kya's liking, Nakia pulled away to board the jet, making sure to give Kya one last smile and wave before the ramp closed.
The last hug. The last "I love you." The last smile. The last time she heard Nakia call her omncinci. If Kya knew that was going to be the last moment she would ever have with her usisi omkhulu, she would've savored it, cherished it, did everything in her power to make it last longer.
Three agonizing hours passed before the Talon landed in Jabariland, and Kya, along with Lord M'baku and his wife JoAnna, watched with a smile as the Udaku family reunited--Queen Naomi welcoming her husband with a passionate kiss before Queen Ramonda took both of her children in her arms, grateful that they were still alive and well. Kya watched the jet carefully, waiting for her sister to come out. She thought Nakia lagged behind the others because of injury or needing a moment to compose herself from the battle, but after ten minutes, the young Wakandan began to worry.
"Kumkani?" She looked at him for answers. "Where's Nakia?"
Her heart began to pound when T'Challa's facial expression morphed from a victorious smile to one of solemn.
"Did she choose to stay behind? Is she waiting for me to come back?"
"Kya," T'Challa addressed, his voice full of sympathy as he began walking towards her.
She stepped back. "Did she get hurt? Is she getting treatment as we speak?"
"Kya," he tried again, but to no avail.
"She's fine!" Kya reasoned, trying to stall the inevitable as much as possible. "She has to be. Nakia could always hold her own in a battle."
"JUST TELL ME THAT MY SISTER IS ALRIGHT!" She snapped, tears of frustration brimming at her eyes. She didn't mean to yell, but T'Challa was taking too long to tell her that Nakia was at home, safe and well, and was looking forward to holding her omncinci in her arms again.
She waited, but T’Challa didn’t say anything. His silence told her everything.
Her bottom lip quivered, and a sob escaped her lips. She soon felt a comforting hand on her right shoulder, and she turned to see Lady JoAnna giving her a sympathetic look. She sought comfort in the Jabari Queen by burying her face in JoAnna's shoulder and releasing a heartbroken wail.
Hearing her sister had died was hard, but moving on was harder.
After the burial and Nakia's placement in the Hall of the Fallen, everyone seemed to go on with their lives as if nothing happened--as if she didn't lose the one person that meant the world to her.
Kya didn’t bother to leave her room. She would stay in bed all day and cry, skipping classes and refusing meals and calls. At one point, Sizwe feared that she would try something. Truthfully, she would’ve if she didn’t know that Nakia would be disappointed in her.
When Naomi came to visit her one day, Kya tried playing off that she was sick--which wasn't far from the truth--so the young queen would leave her alone, but Naomi didn't budge. Fortunately for the African-American woman, Kya wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, so it allowed Naomi to do all the talking. Nothing special. Just to let Kya know about King T'Challa's plans to open the Wakandan borders for refugee programs and aide--all the things Nakia would've liked to have in place.
“I just told T’Challa that I think you should help with one of the programs,” Naomi finally gained Kya’s full attention. “After all, you like helping people. Isn't that why you’re studying pre-med?”
Kya didn't give her an answer, but Naomi could see an inkling of interest in her eyes.
The young queen, who knew first-hand about losing an older sibling, figured that Kya could use a distraction. Of course, it was only a temporary fix, but anything was better than staying in bed and dying a slow death. Not to mention, it would be a great honor to Nakia.
"Just think about it."
Kya gave her a nod and watched her leave.
The young Wakandan wasn't sure how she was able to do it, but she somehow found the strength to go to Shuri's lab to see what King T'Challa had in mind and learn the ways she could help. Shuri welcomed her with a comforting hug and held her for as long as Kya would permit before they started diving into the plans.
Once Kya began focusing on her part, which involved social media influencing and volunteer work on the weekends and school breaks, it gave her a sense of purpose again. She even managed to return to her classes and catch up on her school work--with Shuri’s assistance of course. It seemed like things were working out for her………….and then she found out that Erik Killmonger was healed and awake.
That was the day she lost all control.
Kya saw red as she made her way towards the Council Room, a scowl on her face while her feet moved with determination. Not even the Dora Milaje could stop her from barging into the room and charging towards the king with a glare. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVERLASTING MIND?!"
The council members fell into stunned silence, and Ayo went to apprehend her, but T'Challa waved the second-in-command back.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“My sister is dead because of that monster, and you have the audacity to BRING HIM BACK!”
Confused murmurs went around the room while T’Challa’s eyes widen. He had planned on informing the council about his decision regarding his cousin, but not like this.
“Do you not have enough respect for my sister’s memory?!” Kya continued. “Nakia may have been just another woman to warm your bed, but she was everything to me! Now, she's gone because of what he has done! WHY would you do this?!”
“That’s enough!” Sizwe interjected, trying to get control of his youngest daughter.
Meanwhile, T'Challa was trying his best to hide how Kya's words affected him, but Naomi could tell that her husband was hurt. Nakia wasn't just some warm body in his bed. She was his best and dearest friend. Losing her that day hurt him deeply.
"Now," Sizwe began, "you will bite your tongue-"
“YOU BITE YOUR TONGUE!” Kya retorted, receiving incredulous looks from everyone, including the Dora.
This wasn't like Kya. She usually had a sunny disposition and could light up a room with her smile and presence. But the Kya in front of them was consumed by darkness, sadness, and a burning anger that everyone could feel...an anger that Sizwe was about to become the next victim to.
“YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME HOW TO BEHAVE!” Kya fired at her father, tears of frustration flowing down her cheeks. “You didn’t shed a tear for umama, and you didn’t shed any for Nakia--your daughter--so YOU don’t get the right to tell me to bite my TONGUE!”
Holding back her own tears, Queen Ramonda could no longer watch Kya’s display of emotions. Her heart broke for the young girl she thought of as a daughter, but the council room wasn’t the place for this to happen. She stood out of her seat and gently grabbed Kya’s arm.
“Don’t touch me!” Kya tried to push Ramonda off her, but the queen--who was stronger than Kya thanks to years of training--tightened her grip and began pulling the young Wakandan towards the door. “LET ME GO!”
Kya started struggling, but to no avail. She even took to swinging her fists to get Queen Mother to let her go, one her punches hitting Ramonda so hard that a bruise formed on the queen's arm.
Despite this, Ramonda held her ground and got Kya out of the throne room, leaving everyone else in an awkward silence while they tried to process what just occurred.
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tallulahchanel · 6 years
Flying Rings
Notes: This is a reupload of a previous post. Some very much needed rewrites took place. Reader is black, but non-blacks are free to enjoy as well.
Fandom: Black Panther
Pairing(s): Nakia & BabysisterReader; Everkia (Everett/Nakia)
Summary: All it took was a little tinge of jealousy to make Nakia act out of character.
Words: 1.4k
Tags: @queen-of-the-jabari @killmongerkink @marvelheaux
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Nakia put the straw between her lips and sipped on her Diet Coke, and a scowl fixated on the secluded room of Shuri’s lab while she watched the pair listen to the young genius explain the functions of some new gadgets.
Was it necessary for her to touch him so much? It seemed like her hand would stroke his shoulder or his bicep—caressing him through the fabric of his grey t-shirt—after every other sentence.
Nakia rolled her eyes at herself. Why did she care about her—or any other woman for that matter—touching him? They weren’t together, so no lines were crossed. And yet, she couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to slap that perfectly manicured hand off him.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t focus on the conversation with your king and queen. Not that you needed to. Anytime the king decided to ask about your schooling, it was to make sure you were adhering to the scholarship agreement of maintaining a 3.0 GPA. More like protecting his investment in your education. Your gaze continuously shifted to your sister, noticing the frown on her face. You told her a thousand times how that look would cause wrinkles and crow lines, but she refused to heed your warning. Will she ever listen to you?
“All in all," T'Challa continued, "we think you're doing very well and would like for you to continue to do a good job."
“Huh?” You mumbled, coming out of your revelry. “Oh right....um...thank you. I’ll continue to do my best and work hard in school.”
"We do not doubt that one bit," Queen Naomi replied with a beautiful smile.
You nodded respectfully and gave them both a smile. “Congratulation again on the baby. Will you excuse me?”
Before either of them could reply, you walked over to the table where your sister sat and waited to see if she’ll notice your presence. She continued to glare at the secluded room with the straw in her mouth. You glanced over at the pair, then back at your sister and you rolled your eyes.
“Nakia,” you grabbed her attention, “you have jealousy written all over your face.”
“Me?” Nakia questioned with an obnoxious scoff. “Jealous? I laugh at the implication.” She followed her statement with a bitter “ha ha ha”, causing you to roll your eyes again.
“Say what you want usisi omkhulu, but you’re the one sitting here looking like someone stole your best friend.”
Nakia began to refute, but got distracted by the door to the room opening and the group of people exiting.
Her charming laughter filled the lab, and it took everything in Nakia to not want to wring her by the neck.
“Oh Shuri,” she addressed the young genius, “you’re so funny. Agent Ross told me you were smart, but he never mentioned you were witty too.”
It happened again. As soon as she mentioned his name, her knuckles brushed against his chest. She tried to make it seem like a playful backhand, but Nakia could see right through her.
“Agent Ross!” You greeted him with a hug, excited to see him for the first time in months.
“Hello,”’ he responded and returned your hug. Once you pulled away, his eyes shifted to your sister, and he gave her an adorable smile. “Nakia.”
Her face softened for the first time in hours as a smile appeared on her face. “Everett.”
“Ahem,” she released to grab Everett’s attention again.
“And hello to you too, Ms. Greene,” you greeted her with a friendly smile, but you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. “It‘s nice to see you again.”
Savannah Greene was beautiful, at least by colonizer standards. Gorgeous tanned skin, sparkling blue eyes, and shiny blonde hair. Along with that, she had perfectly toned arms and a curvaceous backside—an asset she most definitely made sure to show off in her moss green tights. At your first initial meeting, you were sure it was the works of expensive injections—like her lips—but the thickness of her thighs proved that it was authentic.
“It’s nice to see you too.” She then turned to Nakia and flashed a fake smile. "Hello again, Miss Nakia. How are you?”
“I’m doing well. Thank you for asking, Ms. Greene,” Nakia replied with a fake smile of her own.
Just then, Shuri walked over with Nakia’s energy rings, and your sister stood out of her seat to carefully inspect the weapons.
“I just updated them. Now, when you use the rings, they'll come back three times as fast."
“Thank you, princess.” Nakia gave her a warm smile. “I’ll test them out later.”
“Please do.” Shuri then turned to Savannah and gave her a kimoyo bracelet. "Here you are, Ms. Greene. I've simplified them, so you won’t have too much difficulty using them while you’re in Wakanda and on your special assignment.”
“It’s so pretty.” Savannah’s eyes lit up while slipping on the bracelet. “Thank you.”
“Think of it as a welcoming gift for joining the War Dogs.” Shuri gave her one last smile before turning on her heels and walking to a nearby table to show her brother and sister-in-law her new invention.
“Well," Nakia began in a faux-friendly tone, which Savannah caught, "from a former War Dog to a new one, allow me to wish you good fortune on your assignment."
“Thank you, but I don’t need it. After all, there’s a reason Agent Ross personally recommended me to the king of Wakanda for this special assignment.” She turned to him and brushed her knuckles against his chest while flashing a charming smile. “Isn’t that right?”
Nakia’s eyes narrowed and her mouth became fixed in a way that you recognize as her grinding her teeth—another habit you’ve warned her about.
“Well yes,” Everett replied while gently pushing Savannah’s hand away, which Nakia didn’t catch because she was too busy thinking about dragging Savannah through Wakanda by her blonde hair. “However, I’ve seen Nakia’s work and she’s very good at what she does. I’d say you have big shoes to fill, Ms. Greene.”
“Keep this up, and she’ll be experiencing Nakia’s skills first hand,” you mumbled under your breath, but no one seemed to pay you any mind.
“I don’t need to worry about that, Agent Ross. After all, I have my own set of skills.” As the last word left her lips, she inclined her neck to flash Nakia a devious smirk, receiving a glare in return. Turning back to Everett, she batted her eyelashes and gave him a smile that showed off her pearly whites. “I’m a little hungry after our very physical training session earlier. Why don’t we get something to eat shall we?”
“That sounds nice,” Everett replied. “But there was something I wanted to discuss with Nakia.”
“I’m sure it can wait,” Savannah interjected before Nakia could think to utter a syllable. "Besides, she's probably swamped with work for that Outreach Center you're always talking about. I say we give her space."
Before Everett could protest, Savannah grabbed his wrists and began pulling him towards the ramp.
“Maybe we can even get dessert," she said in the midst of their ascend, emphasizing the last word—furthering Nakia’s annoyance.
You shook your head at Savannah’s foolishness, but your eyes widen when you noticed the glowing energy rings in your sister’s hands. “NAKIA, NO!”
When you lunged forward to grab your sister’s arm, you ruined the trajectory of her aim and, instead of flying towards Savannah, the ring soared past the table where Shuri was explaining her new invention to T’Challa and Naomi. Then, the ring hit the nearest wall before it boomeranged back towards your direction. Fortunately, both T’Challa’s and Nakia’s instincts kicked in, and he was able to pull his pregnant wife out of the line of fire while your sister caught the ring with ease.
Once she realized what she had done, she looked towards the king and queen with shocked and apologetic eyes, mentally kicking herself for her actions. How could she allow that woman to make her act in such a way?
“Hey!” You said with an upbeat tone, hoping to lighten the mood. “It does come back three times faster!” Unfortunately, your nervous laugh was met with silence and a series of shocked and confused looks.
Oh boy! What a pickle your sister has gotten herself into this time!
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