#napoleon bonaparte imagines
profeyandere · 5 months
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ↪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴀꜱꜱᴀꜱɪɴ'ꜱ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴅ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
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English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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"That is mine!"
The loud exclamation coming from outside caught the attention of the three men who were currently in the private study of the king of France, then protected by so many men that not even a fly could have flanked each of the human barriers, who kept all his secrets safe, even if they had been useless enough to have let in not just one, but three elusive people who had managed to enter not only the palace but the study itself that produced so much interest to the Templars and revolutionaries; If any of the high officials found out about the disaster that had occurred in that place, several more heads would be guillotined in the public square in addition to those who belonged to high society.
A small arrow, one that Arno could distinguish anywhere in the world due to the thin lines of different colors that decorated the wood of it up to its tip, pierced the smoke caused by one of the bombs that the assassin had dropped on the ground only to have a chance against the guardians of the king's private room, this being the one that found its trajectory to be able to pierce the skull of the man whom another person had previously targeted. The man wearing his black hood took a couple of steps back to put distance between the corpse that was now falling limply to the ground in front of him and his person, while the artillery lieutenant slowly lowered his arm in whose hand he was carrying his gun, ready to shoot whoever had attacked his new friend. When a shadow appeared in one of the windows, a slightly shrunken figure that they were barely able to see due to the previously mentioned smoke, Napoleon turned the barrel of his pistol towards the newly arrived person and fired without any care, listening a high-pitched screech from the newcomer who promptly found his cover on the king's desk, while Arno imitated his action and hid, waiting for the right moment to attack.
"Don't shoot, for God's sake!" Exclaimed the newly arrived person, you, the elusive assassin who had been sent by the clan to protect the young Frenchman who had joined the troops a while ago. "I just arrived and saved your asses. Is it so difficult to at least say thank you?"
Your breathing, at that moment, agitated by the seconds of tension experienced with the bullet fired, tried to find a pattern to relax and become calmer, letting the muscles in your body stop tensing and find a little peace at that moment. Arno couldn't help but sigh when he heard your voice, recognizing it instantly and leaving his hiding place, then surrounding the wide wooden desk to find your slightly shrunken body with a small dagger in your hands, ready to attack if necessary; When you saw him, your serious face changed to a more serene and kind one. He still wondered why you were constantly following him, but he assumed it was simply out of concern.
"I'm glad to see you're still alive. I thought they had captured you the last time we worked together," Arno mentioned as he extended his gloved hand to help you up from the ground, calmly watching as you accepted his help and put your small, sharp weapon in the belt of your pants.
Napoleon surprised that a second assassin was found at the same scene, could not help but appreciate with fascination the elegant figure that belonged to you. The wide hood with the long cape gave you an almost elegant touch if it weren't for the fact that the last seams of it seemed slightly corroded by wear due to the constant friction against the ground, even if your black boots with rounded toes were sufficiently heel enough to raise you a couple of centimeters; the cape was never short enough nor the heels high enough for you. Even if his eyes knew that there were two people in the room with him, if he were really crazy he would think he was seeing double, or at least he would think that a female version of his new friend was with him.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the reunion, but I remind you that we must go," Napoleon intervened, drawing both Arno's attention and yours. Seeing your hands together sent a strange shiver down his spine, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. "We don't have much time. Let's go."
The lieutenant's order filled your ears. His voice was loud, not enough to intimidate you but enough to make you think about your actions and words twice before doing or saying anything; It's not that you didn't trust the new one, which obviously you didn't, but you also didn't have the option of completely distrusting when a new troop of extremists and templars were about to besiege the office with the arrival of Arno and the various alarms he sounded on his way until you get there. The man with slightly long and straight hair caught your attention, having already gone ahead to flee the place when he discovered a false wall that hid an elevator that would take you to the city sewers. Your mouth dropped open at the sight of such a mechanism, and even Arno could almost make out a gleam of fascination in your gaze.
"I thought these things were myths. Are there also corridors that lead to different rooms of the palace, or does that not exist?" You asked out loud, releasing the murderer's hand to address your new friend, who was surprised by the funny and obvious questions you had for him. "That is, I had heard about these things, but he never imagined that they were real. How the hell did you find out this existed?"
A soft sly smile appeared on the face of the lieutenant, who entered the elevator behind you and together with Arno, it being that precise moment in which the cabin had begun to descend that Captain Rouille quickly entered the office with a small group of extremists who looked around with horror when they saw the carnage that the murderer had caused. The latter, in search of some object, ordered the prompt search for some documents that the murderer had gone to recover and that he had left to be destroyed in the large fireplace lit with its warm flames; Both Arno and you, surprised by the arrival of that man on the scene, were ready to say and act accordingly, being reprimanded when you felt the lieutenant's hands on you to stop you.
"Yes, Captain Rouille has that effect on people," Napoleon spoke as he moved his right hand away from Arno's chest, while his left hand slowly moved away from your slightly open mouth, apologizing to you by giving you a quick look that you responded with a slight nod.
"Friend of yours?" Arno asked rudely, acting slightly aggressively by bringing his body threateningly closer to the Frenchman who had helped you; He could have been shot as soon as Arno arrived in the room, and he could have left you in the office if he hadn't warned you, so at that moment you had to trust him for the "favors" he had done for you.
"A persistent thorn I haven't managed to pluck out," the lieutenant responded, remaining calm in the face of your friend's ruder attitude, looking at you out of the corner of his eye to verify that you remained almost as calm as him, being for him a sign that this was one of the facets of the murderer, listening to how he insisted on several occasions to return to the upper floor in order to recover those documents that were so important.
His more childish attitude made you sigh and speak up, stepping forward to intervene before Bonaparte did.
"We would never find them with the mess they're making right now. I don't think it's necessary to risk your life or mine right now for something that we can obviously recover later or that, with a lot of luck, will be eliminated before they find it," you said seriously, noticing how the elevator finally stopped and bounced gently beneath you to warn of your stop, making sure how the brown-haired man gestured for you to be the first to step on the ground and leave the small cabin in the one where the three of you had descended. "We will come up with something, you don't have to despair now when we are so close to achieving it. You have to be patient."
With a slight nod from Arno, you decided to take the first step to set foot on the cold stones of the sewer, looking with disgust at the different puddles there were, not wanting to guess what they were made of. Although it was not a recent invention, and despite the various complaints that there were still in the streets of Paris about how disgusting it still was to see people throwing their garbage out of the windows, there was still a part of the population that refused to listen to the proposed by the neighbors due to the plague and how unhygienic that unpleasant practice was; The fact that they wanted to create a network of pipes that ran throughout the city to collect waste was something you would really like to see before you die because you couldn't stand having to dodge excrement and so much other waste on the street.
"You handle yourself well back there. I don't suppose you've ever considered military service?" Napoleon questioned Arno, following your trail while he found himself walking alongside the murderer who remained with his mind still wandering over those papers that he knew he must have brought with him.
"I'm not much following orders," Dorian responded seriously, gently frowning, an action he frequently performed when something was really bothering his mind.
"Ah, the bane of generals and statesmen: an individualist. I know the feeling," said Bonaparte with a subtle smile as he took a couple of steps forward to try to set the pace a little, stopping momentarily when he saw that the other man deviated from his path to be able to go in search of something he had perceived thanks to his eagle eyesight. "Men like us have an advantage over most in the Arme, you see: we can think for ourselves."
That statement caused a dry laugh to leave your lips, causing the lieutenant to direct his gaze towards you. She found it curious the way in which a woman did not seem as modest as the ones she already knew, but rather you seemed to be more libertarian and honest when it came to speaking, almost wanting to attack her comment with your laughter.
"Why work as a team if you have yourself?" You asked sardonically, stopping when you made sure that your clanmate had detoured through one of the tunnels to head towards one of the nearby treasures that he had possibly ascertained about with the sight provided by the ancestors. "I see it. Arno Dorian, a soldier in the French army. And then what? Marshal in ten years?"
"Of course dear. If you say so," you heard Arno say through the echo that bounced between the walls of the sewers, causing a sly smile to appear on your face as you made sure of the sarcasm with which he had responded to you.
"It's actually a good offer, but where the heart leads, a man must follow. Look me up if you ever change your mind."
Napoleon's proposal remained in the air, evidently, he was a stubborn and stubborn man who did not accept a denial as an answer. He could become a fearsome man if he did not share friendship with you or became your enemy, so you assumed from that moment on that you had to maintain a relationship with the man at all costs to prevent him from being against you if necessary you needed allies for your fight. The arrival of Arno, after a few seconds in solitude that you shared with the Frenchman that seemed eternal, you finally continued walking to continue your journey towards the surface.
"My name is Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte," the named one introduced himself, this time taking a little lead to be able to guide you to the safest place he knew without being seen by the extremists or the Templars. "Second Lieutenant of Artillery, for now."
"Arno Dorian is the man who follows us. I think you've heard me mention his name before," you said in response, avoiding his questioning look that seemed to ask for your own name, although you didn't give him any answer to it. "I'll assume you don't want us to place you here if they ask us about you."
Napoleon shook his head gently, coming to his senses instantly.
"Indeed. And, a personal favor: If anyone asks, I was never here," the lieutenant indicated with a soft smile, looking at you out of the corner of his eye while he stretched his posture a little to appear a little more imposing in your presence, perhaps trying to make sure if you were or not looking at him. "Watched the whole thing from a furniture store across from the Carousel."
Arno, who was behind you, looked with a circumspect look at the way you occasionally turned your head to the man in uniform next to you, sometimes letting him get a little ahead of you to look at his wide back and his strong shoulders, while the other only tilted his head a little to look at you, your clothing and the small dagger that rested on the belt of your pants. Somehow, it seemed like you were both dancing around each other curiously as if you had never seen someone like the other in your entire life. You had met many French soldiers, and he had recognized a couple of murderers walking around Paris, so you questioned each other about what made the other so interesting; Maybe it was the authority that Napoleon seemed to exhume that attracted you so much to his person or maybe it was seeing your strange agility and sarcasm that caught the lieutenant's attention so much. The only thing you knew was that you found the other a fascinating specimen.
Your footsteps sounded in unison as you climbed the stairs that marked the final stretch of your adventure together; It would be unlikely that the three of you would meet again for a similar mission.
"You may want to take cover," Napoleon murmured, placing his arm in front of your body to keep you behind him while you watched Dorian stand behind one of the boarded-up furniture in the room, prepared for whatever might happen later. A surprising explosion caught your attention and made the entire room resonate, causing various tinted bricks to be thrown in your direction, but they did not even touch you due to the protection that Napoleon's body provided. Looking over the lieutenant's shoulder you spotted a small unit of French troops, in their typical white and blue uniform, in front of the hole destroyed by one of the cannons that had been fired at the abandoned house. That caused your mouth to open in surprise.
"Everything all right, sir?" Asked one of the soldiers as he entered the hole opened by the cannon shot, trying not to fall due to the various pieces of wall that now protruded, verifying that Bonaparte's condition was correct, making sure of your presence next to that of the other assassin who still remained behind the sofa that had covered him.
"Fine, Corporal. Superb shot!" The brown-haired man complimented, directing his gaze towards you for a moment before slowly removing his arm from you, making you smile again as you raised one of your eyebrows curiously. "Regular drills are critical to a regiment's success. I'm afraid we part ways here."
"What about Rouille?" Arno interrupted, coming out of his hiding place and ending your strange intimate moment, making your different gazes stop on his tall person.
"Give me a few days. I'll see what I can learn of his current position. Perhaps I can arrange an introduction," Napoleon replied before noticing how you went around him and took the lead to leave the building, making sure how the sunlight now bathed your body covered by your black uniform, and that stylized your petite figure a little.
With a quick farewell to your companion, Napoleon took off after you. He made sure how they found you by gently rubbing his eyes at the change in light; You had spent several minutes underground or covered by a shadow, so feeling the sun's rays on you was a small surprise that bothered your bright eyes.
"You saved us, and now you abandon us. Where are you going?" Napoleon questioned as he stood next to you, in front of his carriage that would take him to his residence. "Maybe I can take you closer."
"I don't think it's necessary for you to take me anywhere. I can manage," you said with a soft smile, then caressing your cheek as your pupils adjusted to the change in light. "You have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't want to bother a lieutenant for something like that."
Your leg was about to move away when Napoleon stopped you again, this time gently grabbing your arm, causing your gaze to turn to him again due to the sudden grip.
"Is there any chance you can at least give me your name?" That question made you realize one thing: Napoleon was really interested in you, and since he was interested, there was no way he was going to give up anytime soon.
"There is always a possibility, Lieutenant. Don't give up on looking for me, maybe you'll find me running away from one of you men, or you'll find me perched on the window of your office and, by then, maybe I'll give you an answer to that question."
With those words, you freed yourself from Napoleon's grip before walking towards one of the benches near your position, cutting a rope that was attached to a counterweight with your dagger before flying into the air, causing a strange smile to appear on Bonaparte's face, making him think that he had received an arrow shot because of you.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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"Napoleon had been denounced in the realms of the infinite and his downfall had been decided. He was an inconvenience to God."
-I constantly think about this Les Mis quote. brutal.
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ciderbird · 6 months
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Gold - Imagine Dragons
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Teen Idle - Marina and the Diamonds
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nickynostalgia · 2 months
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Darth Bonaparte
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sysig · 1 year
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Blusters in, flusters out (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#Commander Peepers#Yet again some light Eyesome - at Least on the friendship side of things <3#Drawing Awesome's big smile-laugh was so fun ahh ♥ His mouth and teeth shape with his gums showing! The fact both eyes are hidden!#His hand grabbing his chest lol ♪ I was thinking the way Chris Evans laughs haha#And then pulling a ''Cute'' on Peeps hehe <3 He's said that before when he's being mean! (Though I like to think he also meant it lol)#He probably thinks cute is lame :P But cute is cute! Girls can be cute Peepers can be cute dolls can be cute! Cute runs the gamut!#I am so pleased with the little blush hashmarks where Awesome pinched him haha ♪ He is So pissed#It seems like Watchdog eyes can be touched - lightly - or at least they can choose to touch things with their eyes open#Biting/licking tends to be a closed-eye activity but Peepers has been seen drinking with his eye open! It's interesting#I think it'd probably be uncomfortable but not painful - I dunno whether to think of Watchdog eyes as being more or less moist haha#If they're more then they'd have a thicker mucus membrane to protect them - almost like frog skin?#But if it's less then it's almost more like plain skin itself - self-hydrating but thicker#I guess it comes down to what parts of the eye are actually ''eye'' lol - maybe just the iris? Though veins are visible in the sclera!#And they do clearly have eyelids and the ability to blink so they need flexible smooth-moving opaque skin on top :0 Not like a shell haha#Their helmets - Peepers' especially - act more like a shell which is very cute :) I love Peepers' ridiculous ''widows peak'' haha <3#Feel free to imagine the rest of Awesome as him leaning as far back as possible as he walks away lol#Kicking myself quietly for going with ''Napoleon'' rather than ''Bonaparte'' I think it would've flowed better and been a bit more clever#How does he know who Napoleon Bonaparte is and what he's referring to? Counterpoint what the hell is ''Bon Appétit'' - Wander & Peepers#Lol#Gone as quick as he came#He'll be back in no time to bother him again haha
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empirearchives · 2 years
I feel like if Napoleon and Josephine ever actually had a child, they probably would have been an evil genius. Honestly think God looked down and was like, no offense but no. I can’t let that happen. The combo of those two is so scary
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zerotab · 2 years
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postal brain damaged, but its fred bonaparte. would be insane
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ic-napology · 2 years
Another visit?! Featuring Murat✨️
I know it should be Lemarois who introduced Josephine to Napoleon's office (always talking about that famous meeting). But Murat seems too much the type who forgets duty and stuff - in a good-natured way - if he can be kind with ladies. Like Lumière. I found him fit to be the one who makes Napoleon meet someone special.
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joachimnapoleon · 2 years
Innocently browsing the PlayStation Store after work and—
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What fresh hell is this?
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Scrolling down to the screenshots to see how much worse this can get—
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They want $23.49 for this, and I just don’t hate myself enough to pay it.
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sunsolii · 2 years
Napoleon is literally the personification of the meme 'be careful who you bully/call ugly in middle school'. Some of his classmates might've been under his command during the Italian campaign, some of them might've gone to Egypt with him, some of them might've also fought with him during the coalition! THEY WERE UNDER HIS RULE WHEN MOFO BECAME EMPEROR!!! Naps really showed those kids he ain't playing no games
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ayumunoya · 2 years
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This came into mail today! I've read only few scenes but I am already excited. The script includes cutted out scenes or completely lost scenes, so I will post some here too. 💙❤️💙
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ciderbird · 6 months
Louis Constant was really like I’m not repeating this gay shit here again you already know how it goes
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profeyandere · 9 months
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ᴜɴɪᴛʏ │ •➤ ɴᴀᴘᴏʟᴇᴏ́ɴ ʙᴏɴᴀᴘᴀʀᴛᴇ │ │ •➤ ᴀʀʀᴏᴡ sʜᴏᴛ ╰─────────────
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sinvulkt · 1 year
Terror in War, Ornament in Peace by WerewolvesAreReal ( @werewolves-are-real )
After bringing the cure to France, Napoleon points out that the execution of a Chinese prince - even an adopted one - may well spark a war between China and England. Laurence grudgingly agrees to stay in France with the expectation that he and Temeraire will live a long and boring life away from any fighting, but he doesn't expect Napoleon's persistence. Completed, 53k words.
Chap 1:
“Temeraire,” acknowledges the Emperor; he is mounted, and he and Lien depart. Temeraire has gone very still. “Laurence,” he says quietly. “I am sorry. It was not my intention - “ “Hang it all,” Laurence says. “We are traitors.” And, finally, he puts his head in his hands and weeps.
Chap 2:
On the field soldiers brandish their bayonets and rush at the enemy. Screams and cries of pain rise with renewed energy. Those who cannot reach any foe simply raise their swords in salute. Vive L'Emperour. Laurence closing his eyes and leans back his head. Chosen, Murat said. He takes a breath. The cheers are endless, endless. It is, he thinks, not terrible to be deluded. And beside him Harcourt says, “Oh, Laurence - What have you done?”
Laurence stiffens. He half-turns to where Napoléon is smiling pleasantly at the watching assemblage. His mind scrambles, but at last he swallows past the sudden dryness in his throat. “Mother,” he says. “I introduce to you His Imperial Highness Napoléon Bonaparte – Lady Allendale, Napoléon.”
Someone in the crowd steps forward. He is carrying in his limp grip a dinner knife, dull and greasy, as one might use for chicken or turkey. “God, we will not have it,” he says. “We will not just stand here - “ Laurence pulls out his sword and steps in front of the Emperor. “Sir, I would not advise that,” he says grimly. Silence stretches on. People are shifting away, but the overwhelming aura is not one of anger – not one of rebellion. It is fear. No one else tries to challenge them *** “Why the devil would you bring him?” George asks. They are standing in the kitchen. Frightened servants duck around them, more than necessarily need to be present; no one wants to be in the main hall right now where Napoléon is making his rounds and trying to charm his resentful new subjects. “It was hardly a matter of choice; he invited himself.”
“No. I have considered the matter at length, and I shall send along my brother Louis when the time comes. He has made noises about courting, though I do not think he will truly enjoy it; there are many rumors that he prefers the company of men.” “ - I see,” Laurence manages. [...] “Do you never break tradition?” “With good motive,” say Laurence unthinkingly. “Then you shall have it,” says Napoléon, “If it shall take me a hundred years to convince you of the fact.” Stepping closer, he touches Laurence's neck before leaning in and kissing his cheek so closely that his lips skim the corner of his mouth. Laurence says nothing; without another word Napoléon exits, and the door clicks quietly behind him. Laurence is not a fool. Slow in the realization, perhaps, but not a fool. He stares at the shut door, and as his wits return he can only think to say: “Oh, damn it all.”
“I am a traitor,” Laurence says. “Well, yes,” says Granby. He pours himself a cup of tea – ignoring Gardinier's cluck of disapproval from long habit – and sits down at the nearby table with Laurence and Tharkay. “No – I am a traitor.” Granby looks at him a moment. He blinks slowly. “Oh,” he says. Tharkay... sighs. “Will. Are you only just learning this?”
It has been settled,” Napoléon says. “ - We are going to war with Spain. I would be gratified, dear William, to have you by my side in that campaign – to have you as a Marshal of France. Will you oblige me in this?” Laurence says nothing for a moment. “How could I do otherwise?” he says at last. Napoléon smiles and pours him another drink. Laurence looks into his glass for a moment, thinking of England, his family, his old vows lost and forsaken. He drains the glass and thinks of France.
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