#napoleon bonaparte x oc
profeyandere · 5 months
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ↪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴀꜱꜱᴀꜱɪɴ'ꜱ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴅ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
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English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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"That is mine!"
The loud exclamation coming from outside caught the attention of the three men who were currently in the private study of the king of France, then protected by so many men that not even a fly could have flanked each of the human barriers, who kept all his secrets safe, even if they had been useless enough to have let in not just one, but three elusive people who had managed to enter not only the palace but the study itself that produced so much interest to the Templars and revolutionaries; If any of the high officials found out about the disaster that had occurred in that place, several more heads would be guillotined in the public square in addition to those who belonged to high society.
A small arrow, one that Arno could distinguish anywhere in the world due to the thin lines of different colors that decorated the wood of it up to its tip, pierced the smoke caused by one of the bombs that the assassin had dropped on the ground only to have a chance against the guardians of the king's private room, this being the one that found its trajectory to be able to pierce the skull of the man whom another person had previously targeted. The man wearing his black hood took a couple of steps back to put distance between the corpse that was now falling limply to the ground in front of him and his person, while the artillery lieutenant slowly lowered his arm in whose hand he was carrying his gun, ready to shoot whoever had attacked his new friend. When a shadow appeared in one of the windows, a slightly shrunken figure that they were barely able to see due to the previously mentioned smoke, Napoleon turned the barrel of his pistol towards the newly arrived person and fired without any care, listening a high-pitched screech from the newcomer who promptly found his cover on the king's desk, while Arno imitated his action and hid, waiting for the right moment to attack.
"Don't shoot, for God's sake!" Exclaimed the newly arrived person, you, the elusive assassin who had been sent by the clan to protect the young Frenchman who had joined the troops a while ago. "I just arrived and saved your asses. Is it so difficult to at least say thank you?"
Your breathing, at that moment, agitated by the seconds of tension experienced with the bullet fired, tried to find a pattern to relax and become calmer, letting the muscles in your body stop tensing and find a little peace at that moment. Arno couldn't help but sigh when he heard your voice, recognizing it instantly and leaving his hiding place, then surrounding the wide wooden desk to find your slightly shrunken body with a small dagger in your hands, ready to attack if necessary; When you saw him, your serious face changed to a more serene and kind one. He still wondered why you were constantly following him, but he assumed it was simply out of concern.
"I'm glad to see you're still alive. I thought they had captured you the last time we worked together," Arno mentioned as he extended his gloved hand to help you up from the ground, calmly watching as you accepted his help and put your small, sharp weapon in the belt of your pants.
Napoleon surprised that a second assassin was found at the same scene, could not help but appreciate with fascination the elegant figure that belonged to you. The wide hood with the long cape gave you an almost elegant touch if it weren't for the fact that the last seams of it seemed slightly corroded by wear due to the constant friction against the ground, even if your black boots with rounded toes were sufficiently heel enough to raise you a couple of centimeters; the cape was never short enough nor the heels high enough for you. Even if his eyes knew that there were two people in the room with him, if he were really crazy he would think he was seeing double, or at least he would think that a female version of his new friend was with him.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the reunion, but I remind you that we must go," Napoleon intervened, drawing both Arno's attention and yours. Seeing your hands together sent a strange shiver down his spine, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. "We don't have much time. Let's go."
The lieutenant's order filled your ears. His voice was loud, not enough to intimidate you but enough to make you think about your actions and words twice before doing or saying anything; It's not that you didn't trust the new one, which obviously you didn't, but you also didn't have the option of completely distrusting when a new troop of extremists and templars were about to besiege the office with the arrival of Arno and the various alarms he sounded on his way until you get there. The man with slightly long and straight hair caught your attention, having already gone ahead to flee the place when he discovered a false wall that hid an elevator that would take you to the city sewers. Your mouth dropped open at the sight of such a mechanism, and even Arno could almost make out a gleam of fascination in your gaze.
"I thought these things were myths. Are there also corridors that lead to different rooms of the palace, or does that not exist?" You asked out loud, releasing the murderer's hand to address your new friend, who was surprised by the funny and obvious questions you had for him. "That is, I had heard about these things, but he never imagined that they were real. How the hell did you find out this existed?"
A soft sly smile appeared on the face of the lieutenant, who entered the elevator behind you and together with Arno, it being that precise moment in which the cabin had begun to descend that Captain Rouille quickly entered the office with a small group of extremists who looked around with horror when they saw the carnage that the murderer had caused. The latter, in search of some object, ordered the prompt search for some documents that the murderer had gone to recover and that he had left to be destroyed in the large fireplace lit with its warm flames; Both Arno and you, surprised by the arrival of that man on the scene, were ready to say and act accordingly, being reprimanded when you felt the lieutenant's hands on you to stop you.
"Yes, Captain Rouille has that effect on people," Napoleon spoke as he moved his right hand away from Arno's chest, while his left hand slowly moved away from your slightly open mouth, apologizing to you by giving you a quick look that you responded with a slight nod.
"Friend of yours?" Arno asked rudely, acting slightly aggressively by bringing his body threateningly closer to the Frenchman who had helped you; He could have been shot as soon as Arno arrived in the room, and he could have left you in the office if he hadn't warned you, so at that moment you had to trust him for the "favors" he had done for you.
"A persistent thorn I haven't managed to pluck out," the lieutenant responded, remaining calm in the face of your friend's ruder attitude, looking at you out of the corner of his eye to verify that you remained almost as calm as him, being for him a sign that this was one of the facets of the murderer, listening to how he insisted on several occasions to return to the upper floor in order to recover those documents that were so important.
His more childish attitude made you sigh and speak up, stepping forward to intervene before Bonaparte did.
"We would never find them with the mess they're making right now. I don't think it's necessary to risk your life or mine right now for something that we can obviously recover later or that, with a lot of luck, will be eliminated before they find it," you said seriously, noticing how the elevator finally stopped and bounced gently beneath you to warn of your stop, making sure how the brown-haired man gestured for you to be the first to step on the ground and leave the small cabin in the one where the three of you had descended. "We will come up with something, you don't have to despair now when we are so close to achieving it. You have to be patient."
With a slight nod from Arno, you decided to take the first step to set foot on the cold stones of the sewer, looking with disgust at the different puddles there were, not wanting to guess what they were made of. Although it was not a recent invention, and despite the various complaints that there were still in the streets of Paris about how disgusting it still was to see people throwing their garbage out of the windows, there was still a part of the population that refused to listen to the proposed by the neighbors due to the plague and how unhygienic that unpleasant practice was; The fact that they wanted to create a network of pipes that ran throughout the city to collect waste was something you would really like to see before you die because you couldn't stand having to dodge excrement and so much other waste on the street.
"You handle yourself well back there. I don't suppose you've ever considered military service?" Napoleon questioned Arno, following your trail while he found himself walking alongside the murderer who remained with his mind still wandering over those papers that he knew he must have brought with him.
"I'm not much following orders," Dorian responded seriously, gently frowning, an action he frequently performed when something was really bothering his mind.
"Ah, the bane of generals and statesmen: an individualist. I know the feeling," said Bonaparte with a subtle smile as he took a couple of steps forward to try to set the pace a little, stopping momentarily when he saw that the other man deviated from his path to be able to go in search of something he had perceived thanks to his eagle eyesight. "Men like us have an advantage over most in the Arme, you see: we can think for ourselves."
That statement caused a dry laugh to leave your lips, causing the lieutenant to direct his gaze towards you. She found it curious the way in which a woman did not seem as modest as the ones she already knew, but rather you seemed to be more libertarian and honest when it came to speaking, almost wanting to attack her comment with your laughter.
"Why work as a team if you have yourself?" You asked sardonically, stopping when you made sure that your clanmate had detoured through one of the tunnels to head towards one of the nearby treasures that he had possibly ascertained about with the sight provided by the ancestors. "I see it. Arno Dorian, a soldier in the French army. And then what? Marshal in ten years?"
"Of course dear. If you say so," you heard Arno say through the echo that bounced between the walls of the sewers, causing a sly smile to appear on your face as you made sure of the sarcasm with which he had responded to you.
"It's actually a good offer, but where the heart leads, a man must follow. Look me up if you ever change your mind."
Napoleon's proposal remained in the air, evidently, he was a stubborn and stubborn man who did not accept a denial as an answer. He could become a fearsome man if he did not share friendship with you or became your enemy, so you assumed from that moment on that you had to maintain a relationship with the man at all costs to prevent him from being against you if necessary you needed allies for your fight. The arrival of Arno, after a few seconds in solitude that you shared with the Frenchman that seemed eternal, you finally continued walking to continue your journey towards the surface.
"My name is Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte," the named one introduced himself, this time taking a little lead to be able to guide you to the safest place he knew without being seen by the extremists or the Templars. "Second Lieutenant of Artillery, for now."
"Arno Dorian is the man who follows us. I think you've heard me mention his name before," you said in response, avoiding his questioning look that seemed to ask for your own name, although you didn't give him any answer to it. "I'll assume you don't want us to place you here if they ask us about you."
Napoleon shook his head gently, coming to his senses instantly.
"Indeed. And, a personal favor: If anyone asks, I was never here," the lieutenant indicated with a soft smile, looking at you out of the corner of his eye while he stretched his posture a little to appear a little more imposing in your presence, perhaps trying to make sure if you were or not looking at him. "Watched the whole thing from a furniture store across from the Carousel."
Arno, who was behind you, looked with a circumspect look at the way you occasionally turned your head to the man in uniform next to you, sometimes letting him get a little ahead of you to look at his wide back and his strong shoulders, while the other only tilted his head a little to look at you, your clothing and the small dagger that rested on the belt of your pants. Somehow, it seemed like you were both dancing around each other curiously as if you had never seen someone like the other in your entire life. You had met many French soldiers, and he had recognized a couple of murderers walking around Paris, so you questioned each other about what made the other so interesting; Maybe it was the authority that Napoleon seemed to exhume that attracted you so much to his person or maybe it was seeing your strange agility and sarcasm that caught the lieutenant's attention so much. The only thing you knew was that you found the other a fascinating specimen.
Your footsteps sounded in unison as you climbed the stairs that marked the final stretch of your adventure together; It would be unlikely that the three of you would meet again for a similar mission.
"You may want to take cover," Napoleon murmured, placing his arm in front of your body to keep you behind him while you watched Dorian stand behind one of the boarded-up furniture in the room, prepared for whatever might happen later. A surprising explosion caught your attention and made the entire room resonate, causing various tinted bricks to be thrown in your direction, but they did not even touch you due to the protection that Napoleon's body provided. Looking over the lieutenant's shoulder you spotted a small unit of French troops, in their typical white and blue uniform, in front of the hole destroyed by one of the cannons that had been fired at the abandoned house. That caused your mouth to open in surprise.
"Everything all right, sir?" Asked one of the soldiers as he entered the hole opened by the cannon shot, trying not to fall due to the various pieces of wall that now protruded, verifying that Bonaparte's condition was correct, making sure of your presence next to that of the other assassin who still remained behind the sofa that had covered him.
"Fine, Corporal. Superb shot!" The brown-haired man complimented, directing his gaze towards you for a moment before slowly removing his arm from you, making you smile again as you raised one of your eyebrows curiously. "Regular drills are critical to a regiment's success. I'm afraid we part ways here."
"What about Rouille?" Arno interrupted, coming out of his hiding place and ending your strange intimate moment, making your different gazes stop on his tall person.
"Give me a few days. I'll see what I can learn of his current position. Perhaps I can arrange an introduction," Napoleon replied before noticing how you went around him and took the lead to leave the building, making sure how the sunlight now bathed your body covered by your black uniform, and that stylized your petite figure a little.
With a quick farewell to your companion, Napoleon took off after you. He made sure how they found you by gently rubbing his eyes at the change in light; You had spent several minutes underground or covered by a shadow, so feeling the sun's rays on you was a small surprise that bothered your bright eyes.
"You saved us, and now you abandon us. Where are you going?" Napoleon questioned as he stood next to you, in front of his carriage that would take him to his residence. "Maybe I can take you closer."
"I don't think it's necessary for you to take me anywhere. I can manage," you said with a soft smile, then caressing your cheek as your pupils adjusted to the change in light. "You have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't want to bother a lieutenant for something like that."
Your leg was about to move away when Napoleon stopped you again, this time gently grabbing your arm, causing your gaze to turn to him again due to the sudden grip.
"Is there any chance you can at least give me your name?" That question made you realize one thing: Napoleon was really interested in you, and since he was interested, there was no way he was going to give up anytime soon.
"There is always a possibility, Lieutenant. Don't give up on looking for me, maybe you'll find me running away from one of you men, or you'll find me perched on the window of your office and, by then, maybe I'll give you an answer to that question."
With those words, you freed yourself from Napoleon's grip before walking towards one of the benches near your position, cutting a rope that was attached to a counterweight with your dagger before flying into the air, causing a strange smile to appear on Bonaparte's face, making him think that he had received an arrow shot because of you.
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fang-and-feather · 6 months
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Napoleon Bonaparte/Sebastian/OC
Prompt(s): Break from Multimamory March Day 19, Mundane Tasks from OC x Canon Week Day 2 and Breakfast in Bed from Flufftober Spring Edition Day 8 - @polyamships, @theocxcanonweek, @flufftober
Words: 818
Summary: Napoleon is determined to make sure his partners have the break they deserve, even if he has to force himself out of bed way too early.
Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Napoleon yawned as he practically dragged himself to the kitchen before the sun was even up.
He wasn’t used to being out of bed this early. Or early at all. And just making sure he would wake up in time was tricky. Especially in this stormy weather that was so inviting to just sleep through.
But he was determined to make sure his partners had the break they deserved. Sebastian and Amy worked too much. Their job was taking care of the house and its residents, but even then, he thought they worked way too hard, rarely taking breaks or days off. It had improved a little after the three of them started dating, but sometimes Napoleon still worried and did his best to aid them.
But it was the first time he had forced himself to get up this early to make breakfast to surprise them, not only with breakfast in bed, but with a surprise break. Amy hadn’t been feeling well these days, so Sebastian was working a lot more on his own. Napoleon did his best to help, but it was about time he took it a step further and gave them a proper break.
Napoleon learned to do these tasks out of a sense of duty. He was one of the few people who actually needed to eat in that house, and given his sleep schedule, it was best if he learned to cook for himself instead of giving more work for Sebastian. But now, he liked that he could use these skills to help his partners, and he actually enjoyed such mundane tasks. They gave him a strange sense of peace and normalcy.
Who would have guessed his second life as a vampire would be more normal than his first one as human.
Although no human in this time would consider him having two partners normal.
He was almost finishing making breakfast when Amy walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning.” She greeted, kissing his cheek.
“Good morning. Did you come looking for me?” He teased.
“No. Water. I saw you leave, and I knew you’d be here, though. As surprising as it is to find you up even before us.”
“Did I wake you up?”
Amy shook her head as she drank the water.
“I was feeling too uneasy to sleep.” She added, rubbing a hand over her belly. “But the food smells good, actually. I think I’m fine enough to eat.”
She’d been feeling understandably sick these days, to the point she had difficulty eating sometimes.
“Good thing I made some light food. Even if you feel better, it’s good to go easy, Nunuche.” Napoleon ruffled his girlfriend’s hair, to which she pouted.
“Not too easy, I hope. I’m quite hungry.”
As if to make a point, her stomach growled, making Napoleon laugh and her pout even more.
“Well, go back to bed then, and we’ll feed this little bear of yours. I just hope we have enough food.”
“Do you want help to finish here?”
“I’m almost done. And if you stay, Sebastian will come looking for us, and you know we can barely get him to rest once he’s up, even on his days off.”
He laughed, but Amy looked surprised, then smiled at him.
“It’s hard to get used to the change, isn’t it?” She chuckled.
Napoleon hadn’t even noticed this time, but sometimes, especially when his boyfriend wasn’t around, he fell back to using the name Sebastian. It didn’t help that even Amy did so when other people were around.
“I just need to get used to it.”
“I know. I had the same problem the other way around. I knew Aki since we were children, but when I arrived here, he was using a different name, and I can’t say it was easy for me to keep up with the change at first.”
“And still isn’t. Or he lets you call him Aki?”
“Well, at least neither of us tends to mix up while he’s around.” Amy laughed, then kissed him.
“I’m sure he would understand.”
“He would let it go. From you. And only because he’s not used to the fact that you’re his boyfriend. From me, he would make sure I never slip again.”
Napoleon laughed at the way she blushed while saying that, in a tone that sounded afraid of how that would happen. But if it was something she was blushing over, it was also something she wouldn’t mind.
And he was still laughing as he watched her leave before resuming his work.
Amy wouldn’t admit it, but she still had such conflicted feelings about certain aspects of their relationship too. The three of them had much to get used to.
A lazy morning with breakfast in bed was a good step forward. A nice meal with the people you loved always made things easier. Or so Napoleon was determined to find out.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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thetrophyhusband · 1 year
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Forgot what super witty caption I was gonna give this. You will look at my Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian self insert art. Smug bastards...
(Tagging @slashingdisneypasta because I was looking over some of their old NatM:BotS villain drabbles and such and I got inspired.)
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shingo-naizuke · 1 year
•~•My Masterlist WIP•~•
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•°Ikemen vampire°•
Arthur Conan doyle
Vincent Van Gogh
Theodorus Van Gogh
Napoleon Bonaparte
Leonardo Da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Jean d'Arc
Le Comte
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'The cruel Prince'
Cardan Greenbriar
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-*Shatter me*-
Kenji Kishimoto
Aaron Warner
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▪︎Armed Detective agency▪︎
Dazai Osamu
Ranpo Edogawa
Kunikida Doppo
Atsushi Nakajima
¤Port Mafia▪︎
Chuuya Nakahara
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
♧Decay of Angel♤
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nikolai Gogol
•~Hunting Dogs~•
Jono Saigiko
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Tetcho Suehiro
Edgar Alan Poe
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Tsukishima Kei
Tobio Kageyama
Hinata Shoyo
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Koshi Sugawara
Yuu Nishinoya
●Aoba Johsai○
Toru Oikawa
Akira Kunimi
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kotaro Bokuto
Kenji Akaashi
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Tsutomu Goshiki
Eita Semi
Satori Tendo
Shinsuke Kita
Osamu Miya
Atsumu Miya
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-~•°Honkai star rail°•~-
Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
Sampo Koski
Genre i write
What I don't write
Yandere tendencies (I will write it sometimes, but to my liking, I won't write yandere tendencies like non-consensual or things like that)
Smut with minors (all characters will be grown up)
Kinks like pissing or vomiting
Character x character
Oc x character
Toxic relationships
Requests are open :)
English in not my first language so, sorry for any mistake
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Summer Birthdays Surprises of Love
Summer Birthdays Surprises of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x OC (Elaine) Tag: Established relationship Birthday Fluff Surprises Kisses Fluff
Word Count : 1.327 Author’s Note: Happy Birthday Honey @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
I am here to wish you a very happy birthday as very happy indeed you make me everytime we chat. 😍
You always shine like a star enriching the fandom and the entire workd alike with your dazzling presence. 😘
I am happy and proud to call you my friend for it I wish to see you smile everyday like today. 🥰
I thus hope in all honesty this humble gift would be enough to thank you for all the adventures we shared together. ❤
Tag list @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊 Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a placid summer morning, on any other occasion they would have used it to their own advantage to go to the beach or stay home lazing around in their private pool in long sessions of love making … but not that day.
They were lazing cuddling on the swinging porch bench talking about everything and nothing, his fingers lazily caressing her hair as she purred softly nuzzling in his neck pawning at his chest heabutting it like a clingy swan.
“I hope you enjoyed my homemade breakfast.”
“Of course I did, thank you. It was all delicious.”
“Good cause I have so much in store for you today.”
“You didn't have to ?”
“Trust me there is nothing more rewarding than making you happy the day you are born.”
“I love you so much. Elaine.”
“I love you too, Leon.”
Gently he took her hand in his, enticing his ginger sin hers as they walked through the garden. 
She began to walk toward a bush when suddenly crouched down to it, something white caught her eyes and soon she noticed it was a piece of paper far from ordinary.
A swan origami, that judging by the expert way it was made it must have been a work of his lover, proved by the elegant signature of the written words on its wings.
The idea he learnt it only to make her happy, warmed her heart with affection.
“What did it say, my little ?”
“It seems we have to find all of them, to find a surprise.”
“We haven’t time to waste then.”
And so their whimsical treasure hunt began, bringing them on trees’ tops and in rabbit’s holes, patching every corner of the garden 
It was noon and the air was pretty hot but the freshness of the wind helped them regain their energy, to continue.
At each paper bird they dove deeper into the forest surrounding their cottage and before they knew it they reached a little lake.
It was a special place for them, she still remembers the first time he brought her to propose to her. 
It was so romantic she wasn't able to hold back and jump in his arms tumbling with him on the ground.
She smiled fondly at the memory following him as she sat quietly next to the pool diving her hand in it, splashing playfully his husband who smiled brightly at her all the while. 
“Ahhh Look Napoleone ducks.”  
She clapped her hands happily as the birds walked towards her, lining up to be petted, squealing excitedly as she distributed them some pieces of bread Napoleon offered her to take from the paper bag he had hidden in his trousers pockets.
Her laugh tingled like a wind chime in the summer breeze and as warm as the sun.
“They are so pretty. Leone, I found your duck-version.”
There was an innocent mirth in her smile as she took the black and white goose in her arm gazing back at him, enough to enrapture him in that lovely spectacle.
“Ehhehe I am sure it did, but it seems his companion is quite jealous.”
“Oh this laughing merrily she took another all white with little spots of brown here and there.”
“It looks like you nunuche.”
“Ehhehe You are right. I wonder if they are a couple.”
“I am sure they are.”
“I love petting them, they are soo soft, and they seem to love you too.”
“I see you have rivals ma reine.”
The pout on her lips was way too adorable but he desired to see her smile more and so he leaned over brushing his lips on hers.
“Don’t worry Rose, you are my only one.”
“As you are to me, Leone.”
“I know you would have liked it mia piccola that’s why I brought you there.”
“How long did you know they were there ?”
“I discovered it only recently, they must be newcomers.”
Before they knew it, the ducks vanished in the forest where they came from.
“Ahhh they went away.” she looked so down he had to took her hand squeezing it softly 
“Please don’t be sad, we can come here as many times as you like.”
“Really ?” The sun returned once more to her cheery blossom eyes as she gazed hopefully at him.
“Of course we can.It will be our little secret.”
She giggled happily squeezing his hand as he entwined his fingers with hers, before walking away hand in hand gazing up at the stars as the begin twinkle in the night sky. 
“Yes dear ?”
“Our home isn’t in the opposite direction ?”
“It is … but my surprise isn’t.”
“What, there is more ?”
“Of course I want to make you the happiest you ever were today.”
“You are always so gentle to me.”
“Au contraire, ma reine. You are the sweetest one, I am only showing you my love.”
“But you do it everyday.”
“As you do but today is special, n’est pas ma petite ?”
“You have a way with words you know.”
“Only for you ma petite rose.”
Swiftly he went to hug her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist before tickling their way to her eyes.
“Now my good girl, close your eyes.”
She giggled softly, placing her hands above his. 
“Your surprises never fail to make me happy.”
“I hope this won’t be an exception.”
Gently he guided her toward a place where he made her sit on an armchair, she obeyed promptly leaning back against the cushions, turning to look in the directions where she heard him walking toward. 
“Now open your lipsand say Ahhh.”
“Like this ?”
“You are going great mon amour. Now close it and enjoy.”
The sweet savour of chocolate mixing with the light taste of the fig was a treat for her taste buds, cherishing the surprise as much as she was, chewing on it slowly, not wanting the taste to be washed away from anything … except that from Napoleone’s tongue, an image that makes her cheeks ablaze with a mix of ambarassent and anticipation. 
“Leone, it's delicious.” 
“I am so happy to hear that, then you are definitely ready for it.”
“For what ?”
“Open your eyes.””
“Oh my gosh.” 
“Do you like it ?”
“Leone I love it.”
She jumped in his arms smacking a kiss on his lips before reaching for the cake, at the center of the candid tablecloth stood a complex sculpture entirely of white chocolate of two swans whose curved necks created a heart.
“You baked it yourself.” 
She couldn't believe her eyes, it was an amazing gift like those she could only dream of, but with Napoleone around she knew that each dream turned into reality.
“I did, it took ages but it was tenfold worth it to see you smile.”
“Happy Birthday amore mio.”
“Thank you Napoleone.I don’t know how to thank you.”
“There is no need to, your smile is more than a royal reward for me. Your happiness brightens my day, you do. Your existence gave me purpose, never forget that.”
His touch was unbearably gentle as he brushed on her cheek,  gazing straight into her eyes conveying all the honesty and affection of his words in a tender kiss as he melted his lips on hers.
“I love you mia principessa more than you ever know.”
“I love you too, mio principe, so very much.”
The stars in the sky twinkled even brighter as he carried her princess style toward their room, ready to give her a much more intimate proof of his love, to the one and only that captured her heart, making him happier than he ever was, than he ever imagined being in all his dreams.
Together they found home to create, cherish and fill with the feelings bounding their heart, the same emotion that made the Universe go around since the beginning, the powerful spell of love.
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
124 notes · View notes
koco-coko · 10 months
Ikemen Vampire OC: Elizabeth I
(Don't worry many more ocs are to come, but I thought I'd start with my most 'normal' as of now hehe.)
Also, I modified https://yanderepuck.tumblr.com/post/649268127267504128/free-to-use-character-sheet this for my use so yeah :) Anyways-!
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Elizabeth Tudor (Bethy, Lizzie)
General Information
Full name: Elizabeth Tudor
Nickname: Bethy (close friends), Lizzie (acquaintances) 
Age: Unclear, but on the younger side of the mansion 
Nationality: English
Current place of living: The Mansion
Income: (… 'borrowing' Comte’s money) Works odd jobs around Paris, mostly at art galleries.
Birthday: 9/7
Likes: Paintings, theater, music, novels, etc.
Dislikes: Small spaces, inequality, coffee
Background: Former Queen of England, bringer of the Elizabethan Era, England's self-proclaimed Golden Age. Sassy and quick-witted, Bethy always has something to say about everyone and everything, critical or not. Despite her apparent vanity and tendency for self-praising, she’s incredibly generous. Elizabeth actually ends up running herself into debt from how much she ends up donating to art galleries and theaters. To be fair, she was royalty in her past life- She never had to worry about finances like she does now. Thankfully, Comte's 'willing' to deal with her habitual overspending.
Mary Tudor: For your own sake, never bring up her family. Especially her sister. Mary and Elizabeth got along once, but after a deep “falling out” over Mary’s… devotions, Elizabeth wants nothing to do with the Tudor name anymore. If Mary and Bethy are put in the same room, a loud argument is likely to break out in five minutes. (Oh no she's totally not another vampire oc of mine she totally won't show up totally not I'm definitely not making the three main Tudor children at all why would you even thinking that)
Though a few residents find it suspicious she talks about her sister like she’s still alive…
“Oh, there’s a reason she’s nicknamed Bloody Mary. She’s everything I stand against! Now, I’m not a very superstitious person, but… I’d rather not say her name more than twice… She was always sneaking up on me when we were younger…”
Napoleon Bonaparte: One of Elizabeth’s closest friends, being a fellow former ruler and both having eras named after themselves. They often get into heated debates, but it’s all in good fun. They could be yelling one moment, then out for lunch another. Napoleon is also one of the few who have ever seen the deeper side of Bethy, a simple woman who sits alone at night and overthinks far too often. Napoleon is really the only person in the mansion Elizabeth feels safe around, revealing her true thoughts and perception of herself to him. Still, that's only on rare occasion, but it's a start. (she is totally not mainly shipped with him I dont even know whyd you think that mhm yep totally not oc x canon here)
“Oh, please! Crepes again? Is that all you eat?”
“Says the tea fiend. I’m fairly certain you’re made of that drink.”
“At least it’s something dignified. Ugh, let’s just hurry up. I want to get a good seat at this new café, you know!”
“Hey– wait up!”
Vincent Van Gogh: These two became friends by accident. Bethy is friends with both Theodore and William, so they ended up near each other often. Vincent often acts as Elizabeth’s grounding beacon. Bethy tends to overthink and get stuck in her head, so eventually Vincent allowed her to view his paintings whenever she so pleased, whether he’s in the middle of a work or it’s the dead of night. They’ve yet to intentionally spend time with each other, it’s always accidental. That doesn’t stop the two from getting along, though, and Elizabeth is one of the first in line to buy him new paints or donate to the art gallery he’s a part of. She truly admires his work and would support him in any artistic endeavor. Though, William has caught a glint of jealousy in her eyes whenever Vincent and Theo are talking to each other every now and then.
“Hm? Oh, Bethy! Nice to see you. I’m almost finished with this piece.”
“Wow… It’s wonderful, Vincent! Every work of yours's just seems better than the last! Not to say those are any worse, of course. Where are you going to display it”
“Aw, thanks! This one’s just for my Broer. I thought I’d make him something nice. He’s been working so much lately… Bethy? Is something wrong?”
“... Not at all. It’s just… That’s sweet of you, Vincent. You’re a good older brother.”
Theodorus Van Gogh: Both frantic art enthusiasts, these two clicked instantly. Elizabeth was impressed by his dedication to the arts, Theodore was impressed by her’s. They go to art galleries together and tag along to his work when she can. He’s also one of the few that have seen her true side, but unlike Napoleon, neither Bethy or him get very personal about it. Both know the other is more to the other, and they just accept it. In truth, she’s actually a bit jealous of Theo for having such a good relationship with his older sibling. She’d never admit that, though.
“Didn’t expect to see you here, Hondje.”
“Hm. Well, hello to you, too, Theodorus. And for your information, I imagine myself more of a cat type. Cute and cuddly–”
“Horrible and vicious.”
“Aha, yes! Exactly!” 
William Shakespeare: Elizabeth’s best friend in the whole wide world forever and ever and ever and ever! Elizabeth is Shakespeare’s biggest supporter and defender, taking his side over anyone else’s in the blink of an eye. She goes to every one of his plays, donates to his theater weekly, proofreads all his work, and often helps him with costumes and props. There’s a 50/50 chance on any day that she’s at William’s villa instead of the mansion. They’re almost glued to each other, really. They’re so close that many nobles believe they are lovers, but both are entirely against the idea. 
“Me? Courting Will? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s disgusting. I wouldn’t even wish that upon my worst enemy!”
“Oh, Bethy. Thy words cut sharp into the heart of mine.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure they do. Now, as I was saying, I believe there were some grammatical errors in Act 5...”
Le Comte: Despite their differences, Elizabeth and the Count get along incredibly well. Bethy spends many nights chatting with Le Comte and becomes a reoccurring partner to galas and balls. The main reason for this is because Elizabeth actually finds navigating and manipulating hedonistic life quite enjoyable. She also joins him so she can get in his good favors. He’s rich, and she often gets into debt… 
At night, Elizabeth can be found with Comte sometimes, drinking tea and speaking about the menial and the existential. She asks him the same question every night. “Why did you give me a contract?” 
At times, they’re two competent adults, and at others, they resemble a teenage daughter asking for dad’s money.
“Why did you give me a contract, Comte?”
“You ask me the same question every night… Do you regret signing it?”
“Not at all. In fact, I’m entirely grateful. I just don’t understand why.”
“Your name is in history, like every other lesser vampire here. Is that not sufficient?”
“... I don’t know.”
BONUS! Arthur Conan Doyle: Elizabeth beats him with her heels whenever he makes a move on her. I mean it. She will snatch her shoe off her own foot and give chase until the end of time if she has to, just to get some good swings to the head. (Theo cheers her on whenever he gets the chance to witness it)
Pet, Prince the Frog: When Elizabeth was first revived, it was raining. The first thing Bethy did after she realized she was alive was to run outside and feel the rain, screaming: “I’m alive! I have no idea how– I’m alive!” While she was out there, she found a frog. In her euphoric state, she found this amphibian life so fascinating, wondering if it could turn into a real prince with a kiss. Unfortunately it didn’t, but Elizabeth has kept him in a large flower vase in her room ever since. And yes, occasionally, she gives him a peck. It never works… but maybe one day…
Physical Characteristics
Addictions: If Bethy gets particularly stressed or upset about anything, she turns to her favorite sweetened teas. She drinks at least 3 cups every day, and when an stressful event occurs, it can easily jump up to 10 and above. Current record is 19.
Bad habits: Bethy bites her nails whenever she’s nervous. Also, whenever she’s mad at anyone, she discreetly starts chewing on her thumb nail specifically. (Elizabethan version of the middle finger).
Eye color: Bright green
Hair color: Hot pink
Skin color: Slightly tanned
Dialect: English, can slip into Old English if she’s upset or passionate about something (or around William in private.)
Drink often: Sweet tea and hot chocolate. Doesn’t find most alcohol appealing.
Good habits: Puts others over herself in almost every scenario, incredibly appreciative of people’s hard work
Height: 5’6”
Hobbies: Going to plays, concerts, art galleries. Window-shopping
Clothing style: Always tries to wear the best dresses she can. Usually wears bright pink, accented by black, and looks very regal (purely on accident). She dresses similarly to Shakespeare, combining the the 15th century clothing with a 19th century style.
Talents: With an incredibly sharp tongue, persuasion is one of her finest skills.
Mental Characteristics
Education: Highly educated for her time due to her status and is constantly spending time in the library so she can catch up with the times. She’s very encouraging to others who want to pursue an education as well (she buys hundreds of books for Jean).
Fears: That one day her sister will return, that she’ll be powerless to stop her. Has a minor case of claustrophobia. 
Life goals(next 5 years): For art and education to be enjoyed by the masses, rich and poor, male and female, etc.
Self-perception: Although she has strong convictions and acts like she belongs wherever she walks, it’s just a cover. Elizabeth struggles intensely with inferiority issues and imposter syndrome. Being called a bastard child from a young age, having to wait the longest to inherit the throne, and being a woman in general made her know what fighting for worth looked like. Now, with the contract and being surrounded by true masters of their craft, she has no real idea why she’s here. She’s no composer or poet, just a girl born slightly lucky. She’s simply an art patron, a member of the audience.  
Self-confidence: Elizabeth’s confidence is a constantly moving scale. She’s confident in her opinions, hardheaded to an end, but she doesn’t have much confidence in herself.
Assumed external perception: Upon first meeting Elizabeth, she can be seen as very self-centered and vain, talking about everything she’d done to improve the world and the latest fashion and makeup. However, overtime, it becomes clear that Bethy is a kind and giving person, putting others before herself so much that it almost gets frustrating. 
Rational or emotional: Emotional reaction, rational response. Elizabeth has strong convictions and is stubborn to a fault. Still, even at her worst, she can put together a good argument.
How could you upset this character: Easy. Mention her sister, brother, mother, or father (basically anything to do with her family) and you’re in for a bad time. For an even easier way, discriminate or insult anyone based on appearances, wealth, etc. 
Sleep habits: One of the lightest sleepers in the mansion. She wakes up at any small noise, making her incredibly drowsy in the morning.
Emotional Characteristics
Emotional strengths: Very empathetic and encouraging. She loves teasing, but knows when she oversteps and does everything she can to apologize whenever she’s unknowingly hurt someone.
Emotional weaknesses: Her convictions are quite strong, so any disagreement can turn into a screaming match with her. That doesn’t lessen her ability with words, but being so easily upset and red-faced can make her seem irrational to onlookers.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. She loves talking and being with people.
How do they cope with:
…Anger: Tears, yelling… It's a surprise that steam isn’t coming out from her ears. It doesn’t take that much to get her upset. Usually to calm herself, she’ll lock herself away in her room and either: read, listen to music, or observe the many paintings in her room. A cup of tea always helps, too.
…Unhappiness: Elizabeth deals with it on the daily. She tries to spend as little time with her own thoughts as often as possible. She’s already prone to overthink– she doesn’t need sadness on top of that. She usually just tries to ignore the feelings and move on with her life, focusing on something else until the feelings go away.
…Rivalry: Oh, she thrives on rivalry. She does everything in her power to one-up Napoleon, after all. In reality, Napoleon is the only person she could ses as a “rival,” though it’s more like the relationship between Theo and Arthur.
…New situations: She loves new situations! She enters them with glee and a skip! 
…Trouble: She tries to talk her way out of most bad situations in a calm, composed way. She only uses violence if absolutely needed. If that happens, she’s watched Napoleon enough to know how to (kind of) handle a sword, though she’s equipped with a dagger whenever she goes into the city alone.
Meaning of life: To create and understand the world. Bethy believes life reflects art more than it does life, and that the act of creating is the most human thing a human (or vampire) can do. 
What would they change about themselves: Elizabeth sees herself as a supporting character. Although she’s ashamed of it, she secretly dreams for the spotlight to hit her one day. That doesn’t mean she wants to be thanked for any of the work she does, though.
What motivates them: Her need to prove herself, to do good in the world. She wants art and life to be enjoyed by all.
What scares them: Her sister, first and foremost. Next in line is people who aren’t open to discussion and changing their minds. Even hardheaded Elizabeth is willing to listen at times.
What makes them happy: Elizabeth usually attends art exhibitions alone due to the fact she can get lost in a painting for hours at a time. It’s rather embarrassing for her if someone notice’s the usually loud and bombastic Bethy staring at a painting like a child staring into a candy store. 
Are they often biased: Bethy will always take William's side, then the underdog’s over anyone else’s. 
Give or take? Give
Nice or rude? Rude
Pet peeves: She hates the smell of coffee with a passion. She asked for her bedroom to be farthest from the kitchen so she wouldn’t have to deal with the smell in the morning. She also tends to be easily annoyed by people who talk during plays or concerts.
Guilty pleasures: Bethy will indulge in teas any day of the week. Especially in the morning, when everyone is brewing coffee. 
(i don't draw so picrews are the best i can do until I can save enough for to be able to commission so...)
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Yippee -insert autism creature here-
(Also @yanderepuck bc they said they were interested in reading the oc bio so um yeah)
As of posting this I've yet to make any masterposts but I will soon!!!! Eventually,,,
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spopsys-archive · 1 year
<3 | Ikemen vampire
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<3 | Leonardo Da Vinci
| Care for me
Comfort/ sick fic | Polyamorous relationship (Comte x MC x Leonardo) | TW sickness (cold), coughing
| Too perfect
Fluff fic | Leonardo x OC (Julie) | TW minor harassment (a stranger briefly grabs Julie’s arm)
| Artistic MC asking for advice
Headcanon | Vincent and Leonardo (separate) | No TW
| MC on their period
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, brief allusions to blood
| Reacting to MC drinking period blood like a shot
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, unhealthy/ unsanitary practices (drinking period blood), intrusive thoughts
- — — — <3
<3 | Comte De Saint-Germain
| Care for me
Comfort/ sick fic | Polyamorous relationship (Comte x MC x Leonardo) | TW sickness (cold), coughing
| Hope in desolation
Angst (?) fic | TW death mentions, imagery of people being burnt by wax
| My one and only
Yandere fic | TW yandere themes/ mindset, unhealthy obsessions (neither are acted on necessarily in any way)
| More forward, perhaps?
Fluff fic | Female Comte (genderswap) | No TW
| Simplistic/ non-materialistic MC who doesn’t care about money
Headcanon | Oliver, Comte, Jean, Masamune and Zero (separate) | TW insecurity
| MC on their period
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, brief allusions to blood
| Reacting to MC drinking period blood like a shot
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, unhealthy/ unsanitary practices (drinking period blood), intrusive thoughts
| First kiss
Headcanon | Female Comte (genderswap) | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Napoleon Bonaparte
| Withholding cuddles and kisses after a (playful) argument
Fluff drabble | TW (playful) argument
| MC who is a trained knight
Headcanon | Lancelot, Mitsunari, Hideyoshi and Napoleon (separate) | TW mentions of fighting
| MC with short hair (bob/ pixie cut)
Headcanon | Napoleon, Mozart, Isaac and Theodorus (separate) | TW minor mentions of gender stereotypes
| Cuddling MC who’s tired of her studies
Headcanon | Napoleon and Vincent (separate) | TW burn out, mentions of skipping meals and sleep
- — — — <3
<3 | Jean D’Arc
| Solace
Angst with a happy ending fic | Jean x OC (Julie) I TW thunder storms, arguments, insecurity, self doubt
| Proposing to Jean first
Fluff drabble I TW marriage, crying
| Simplistic/ non-materialistic MC who doesn’t care about money
Headcanon | Oliver, Comte, Jean, Masamune and Zero (separate) | TW insecurity
| Pronoun and sexuality headcanons
Headcanon | Shakespeare, Jean and Sebastian (separate) | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Isaac Newton
| Keep talking
Fluff fic | TW mild insecurity
| MC with short hair (bob/ pixie cut)
Headcanon | Napoleon, Mozart, Isaac and Theodorus (separate) | TW minor mentions of gender stereotypes
- — — — <3
<3 | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
| MC with short hair (bob/ pixie cut)
Headcanon | Napoleon, Mozart, Isaac and Theodorus (separate) | TW minor mentions of gender stereotypes
- — — — <3
<3 | Dazai Osamu
| Carefree
Fluff fic | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Arthur Conan Doyle
| Kisses and giggles
Fluff fic | No TW
| Theocona hurt/comfort
Headcanon | Arthur x Theodorus | TW mentions of intrusive thoughts
- — — — <3
<3 | Vincent Van Gogh
| Sketch
Fluff fic (?) | No TW
| Artistic MC asking for advice
Headcanon | Vincent and Leonardo (separate) | No TW
| Cuddling MC who’s tired of her studies
Headcanon | Napoleon and Vincent (separate) | TW burn out, mentions of skipping meals and sleep
- — — — <3
<3 | Theodorus Van Gogh
| MC with short hair (bob/ pixie cut)
Headcanon | Napoleon, Mozart, Isaac and Theodorus (separate) | TW minor mentions of gender stereotypes
| Theocona hurt/comfort
Headcanon | Arthur x Theodorus | TW mentions of intrusive thoughts
- — — — <3
<3 | William Shakespeare
| Childish glee
Fluff fic | No TW
| Fear not my dear, take your time
Angst/ hurt/ comfort fic | TW self harm, self depreciation, blood, injury, self neglect
| Yandere Shakespeare ramble
Yandere drabble | TW yandere and everything that comes with it
| MC struggling with self harm
Headcanon | TW self harm, self-deprecation, self neglect
| Pronoun and sexuality headcanons
Headcanon | Shakespeare, Jean and Sebastian (separate) | No TW
| Balding Shakespeare headcanons
Headcanon | TW cursed, a lot of regret
| Foot health headcanons
Headcanon | TW cursed, a lot of regret
| Shakespeare portrait AU
Headcanon | Portrait AU | TW manipulation mention, claustrophobia, nyctophobia
| Long haired Shakespeare headcanons
Headcanon | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Sebastian
| Pronoun and sexuality headcanons
Headcanon | Shakespeare, Jean and Sebastian (separate) | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Vlad
| MC on their period
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, brief allusions to blood
| General Vlad dating headcanons
Headcanon | TW possessiveness, fear of losing someone, food (strawberries)
| Reacting to MC drinking period blood like a shot
Headcanon | Vlad, Comte and Leonardo (separate) | TW periods, unhealthy/ unsanitary practices (drinking period blood), intrusive thoughts
- — — — <3
<3 | Charles Henri-Sanson
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Johann Georg Faust
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | All
| Give it back!
Crack fic | Mostly Napoleon and Comte centred | TW swearing (quite a bit), mentions of injury, mention of rabid ferrets, mentions of feral animals
| Who I think would be the best brother
Headcanon | No TW
| MC making a Twilight reference
Headcanon | No TW
| Vampire biology stuff to explain their existences idk
Headcanon | TW blood, mentions of procreation, mentions of trying to changes ones genetic makeup, biology stuff, probably scientific inaccuracies, this is quite long actually
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<3 | Series
❤️ | Love sick fool - Shakespeare x gender neutral MC
| Perhaps I am nought but a love sick fool - Love sick fool: Part 1
Fluff fic | No TW
| Love sick in more ways than one - Love sick fool: Part 2
Angst fic | TW death/death of a loved one, illness, crying
| Return - Love sick fool: Part 3
Fluff/comfort fic | TW death mention
| Love - Love sick fool: Good ending
Not yet posted
| Sick - Love sick fool: Bad ending
Not yet posted
❤️ | Shakespeare portrait AU - Shakespeare x gender neutral MC
| Reveal to me - Shakespeare portrait AU: Part 1
Angst/ hopeful ending fic I Tw claustrophobia, nyctophobia, betrayal, manipulation
| A way - Shakespeare portrait AU: Part 2
Not yet posted
| Out of the dark - Shakespeare portrait AU: Part 3
Not yet posted
| And hold my hand - Shakespeare portrait AU: Good ending
Not yet posted
| And let me keep you close - Shakespeare portrait AU: Bad ending
Not yet posted
❤️ | Mansion rules - No relationship focus
| Rule 1
Horror/ unreality fic I TW chasing, panic
| Rule 2
Horror/ unreality fic | TW allusions to mind control/ manipulation
| Rule 4
Horror/ unreality I TW blood, injury, gore, horror, panic, drowning, screaming
| Rule 5
Horror/ unreality fic I TW screaming, death, hallucinations (auditory), ghosts, blood, gore, self inflicted injury
| Follow the rules
Horror/ unreality, angst fic | TW self loathing, blood, gore, shadow people, curses, horror, religion mention
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paroxsysdraw · 3 years
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so me and my friend @lavenderinkling2 had an epiphany
crow can summon and talk to dead people and the recently surfaced napoleon / morry crackship (that she oh so sweetly called love and war) made us think of this
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ikemenlibrary · 3 years
ikemen vampire gift exchange masterlist
I just wanted to thank all the participants in my event for helping me bring this idea to life. I had an absolute blast getting to know each and every one of you and I’m so happy with how the event turned out! 
(p.s. I think I've gotten everything on here, but please let me know if anything has been forgotten)
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Immortelle | Comte de Saint Germain x F!Reader - by @readerinsertfanfiction for @ikemenlibrary​
In Another Life | Napoleon Bonaparte x Arthur Wellesley (Duke Wellington)  - by @readerinsertfanfiction for @batteryrose
Quiet Bliss | Leonardo x Sunny (OC) - by @batteryrose for @saeyoungs-sunflower
You Only Have To Ask | Leonardo x MC - by @saeyoungs-sunflower for @aquagirl1978
Dear Diary | Comte de St. German x Reader x Vlad - by @aquagirl1978 for @tiny-wooden-robot​​
A Vampire’s Love | Le Comte de Saint Germain x Female Reader - by @tiny-wooden-robot for @ikemenlibrary
Entre Espoire et Peur | Theodorus van Gogh x Female Reader - by @tiny-wooden-robot for @ikehoe
My Promise To You | Arthur x MC - by @ikehoe for @toloveawarlord
As Deep as the Ocean | Mozart x reader - by @toloveawarlord​ for @efie-oshita​
Ta Chérie | Ikemen Vampire MC x Comte - by @efie-oshita​ for @ikemenlibrary​
And Like a Flower, This Love Blossoms | Vlad x Anya (OC) - by @ikemenlibrary for @readerinsertfanfiction​
Escape | Comte x MC - by @nad-zeta for @ikemenlibrary
First Impressions | Theo x MC - by @nad-zeta for @dear-mrs-otome
Misunderstandings | Theo x MC - by @nad-zeta for @dear-mrs-otome
Verlangen | Theo x MC - by @nad-zeta for @dear-mrs-otome
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing | Theo/Female MC - by @dear-mrs-otome​ for @princessranran​
Double Trouble | Comte x Leonardo x MC - by @princessranran​ for @kazesuke​
Comte/MC mutual pining Leonardo fan fiction | by @kazesuke for @chaosangel767
One More Month | MC x Comte - by @chaosangel767​ for @crystal13unny​
Charles-Henri NSFW Fanfiction - by @crystal13unny​ for @daegupaksu​
Jean art - by @daegupaksu for @weird-profiterole
Chibi Jean x MC art - by @weird-profiterole for @atelier-maroron
William Shakespapa: Family Man (Part 1) | Shakespeare x Reader - by @atelier-maroron​ for @ikesimp100​
William Shakespeare x Ihana art - by @ikesimp100 for @devildomwritersposts
Stardust & Starlight | Shakespeare x MC/Reader - by @nad-zeta​ and @readerinsertfanfiction​ for @littlewitty​
Orpheus and Eurydice | Arthur x MC - by @littlewitty for @aminiatureworld
Harmony | Mozart x MC - by @aminiatureworld​ for @bluejay-writes​
Writer’s Block | Shakespeare x Vincent - by @bluejay-writes​ for @ikeromantic​
Arpeggio | Mozart x Penélope (OC) - by @ikeromantic​ for @ifeelredandblue​
Vincent, Arthur, and Theo art - by @ifeelredandblue​ for @tacogawa​
Arthur x MC art - by @tacogawa​ for @rubird--playsotome​
Napoleon x MC art - by @rubird--playsotome for @iphigeniainaulis
How do I love you? | Napoleon x F!MC - by @iphigeniainaulis​ for @xxsycamore​
Dirty Dance For Three | Arthur x Isaac x MC - by @xxsycamore​ for @scummy-writes​
University AU | Theo x Zeta (OC) - by @scummy-writes for @nad-zeta
Something More Beautiful Than Words | Arthur x Mary Ellen (Reader) - by @ikemenlibrary for @rhodolitesroseforclavis
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
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Ikemen Vampire - Sebastian x OC
Written for Sebastian's birthday and for Year of the OTP September prompt: high school sweethearts from @yearoftheotpevent
Sebastian and his ex-girlfriend stop pretending to be strangers to celebrate his birthday, but would it really be only for a day?
I have a love/hate relationship with fics that go beyond the plans. Sometimes they get better for this, sometimes not, but they always get more complicated. This one was supposed to just be a fluffy one-shot, but it's not an one-shot anymore and not entirely fluffy either... So I wanted to write the whole thing before his birthday, but I only finished the first chapter so far. Can't believe it's my first time finishing at least a publishable part of a fic with him either
Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Version
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Sebastian always felt somewhat strange on his birthday, with the others’ attempts at celebrating and especially of taking over his work or even doing other things for him. But he quickly overcame it, because that also provided great opportunities to learn new things about the residents.
Like last year, he wasn’t expecting Napoleon to cook. Napoleon who had been there for a couple of months and had insisted on learning, since he was the only one, besides Sebastian himself, who needed to eat. And he was a fast learner, but even if the food didn’t taste as great as it did, Sebastian considered it an honor - and a little strange - to share a meal prepared by none other than Napoleon Bonaparte.
This year, though, he knew who would insist on cooking and tackling the rest of the mansion’s work on her own.
His new co-worker had come from the future, like him. Same century, same country, but, unlike him, she hadn’t come on purpose and was now trapped in this time and place without knowing for how long.
Sebastian had tried to help her fight her despair when she realized she couldn’t go home and they had become closer than he expected, especially considering how much Amy reminded him of home.
He had always tried to - except for a brief moment on the night she arrived - not to link her directly with his past, though. The name was familiar, and there was something familiar in her eyes a couple of times, but this Amy and his highschool girlfriend were very different people.
The Amy from his past was athletic, had a sharp tongue and new people often mistook her for a guy - and that was one of the reasons he realized he was bisexual, - she was very open-minded and full of unusual ideas and was never seen alone. This Amy was a simple woman, with a simple job, traveling alone, surprised at the idea of time travel, even skeptical at first, and certainly not a bit excited to enjoy the adventure, and looked very feminine and elegant.
But he was just focusing on the differences to pretend not to see. To ignore the life he’d left behind. She didn’t bring it up, and he had hoped it would continue like this until she went back to her time, but if she did, he could act as if he hadn’t recognized her.
When she brought it up, though, it was in a way he couldn’t pretend not to realize. With a letter in her very recognizable handwriting, that accompanied a gift for his birthday, and an invitation for breakfast.
He found her in the garden, with a picnic set up, just like they used to do in high school
That was how he found himself with her in the garden, both laying down side-by-side in the shade of a tree after their picnic.
It felt so nostalgic. An experience just like in their high school times. But that was all. Amy hadn’t brought up anything about the past. Not even why she disappeared. Which she was grateful for.
Not that it was any different from how she’d been acting all this time. Sebastian talked to her as if they knew nothing about each other and she acted in the same fashion. Perfect strangers, who knew almost everything about each other.
Or maybe they didn’t. Maybe they had been apart for so long and changed so much they were like strangers. That was why he found it easier to list all these reasons to believe this was a different Amy.
Sebastian couldn’t even tell if he had still loved her all this time, or if he’d fallen in love all over again. Not that he would ever tell her that. Nothing good could come of her knowing.
“I missed you.” She spoke, suddenly, laying on her side to look at him.
“Are we still talking as friends?”
“I suppose so. You know I always had a hard time telling the difference.” He knew. But the intensity burning in her eyes said something else. It was an alluring look like he’d never seen before. It almost looked hungry, and she didn’t seem aware of that, because it didn’t match her words. “Although I have no right to say that when I was the one who disappeared first. But yeah, I hope we’re at least friends again. Although I was the one who asked for this, the one who brought up our past, it seems fitting that we started anew.”
As she spoke, Amy leaned forward until she was lying on her front, almost closing the whole distance between them. Sebastian sat up, but her gaze followed him.
“I don’t mind reminiscing about the past. As long as you’ll be able to go back home without regrets. You always had difficulty with that.”
“If it will be difficult or not, it won’t be only because of you.” Amy also sat up, almost in front of him, body leaning forward. She had always been a bit touchy, but not like this.
Not that he was feeling any better, with his heart thundering in his ears, all the questions he had for her scattering in his mind as he fought the temptation to admit to his feelings and close the space between them himself. To push her back down into the picnic blanket and…
Better not to finish that thought when his self-control was nearly evaporating already.
The moment was broken when Amy looked to the side, startled, as if she’d heard something, then back at him, smirking now.
“Got you.” She laughed, before crossing the distance between them in one lightning fast movement and giving him a peck on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Aki!”
“What was that?” Sebastian looked into her eyes, but the early flame they held had extinguished, replaced by a mischievous glint.
“Just testing something. You always act like you have the upper hand in everything. I wanted to surprise you. Sorry if I exaggerated.” Amy leaned back again and stretched casually. “Well, I still have a party to organize, among other work. Enjoy the rest of your day off. See you in the afternoon.”
With that, she stood up, blew him a kiss with a wink and ran back into the mansion, leaving him behind, confused.
Was she really just playing with him? It wouldn’t be unusual for her, but it had started so suddenly, like she didn’t even notice until it was too late.
Maybe she acted like that because she felt the same as him, but knew it would be pointless to act on it, although she didn’t know the reason.
Or did she? There was no way, was there? If even Arthur didn’t seem to have found out, Amy wouldn’t be able to, right?
That was unlikely. She would be acting differently if she knew. Worried, trying to come up with all kinds of ways to help. And Amy could get into pretty wild plans, dangerous, even. It was best she never found out.
A part of him wished, though, that they could go back to the old high school days, when they were happy together, without worries.
No. He was just being nostalgic because this reminded him of the past. Amy would keep her promise and everything would go back to normal tomorrow. Right?
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 — M A S T E R L I S T
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𝐼𝑘𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑜𝑘𝑢
»» Tigers || Masamune Date x Reader
»» Ready as I’ll Ever Be || Ikemen Sengoku x Reader (Song Fiction)
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𝐼𝑘𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
»» London Bridge is Falling Down || Edgar Bright x Reader (Song Fiction)
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𝐼𝑘𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑉𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒
»» Melodies Behind the Blinds || Comte St. Germain, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare x Reader
»» Lady Shut In || Arthur Conan Doyle, Isaac Newton, Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
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𝐼𝑘𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒
»» Unlocked : Her Inner Beast || Leon Dompteur x Reader
»» Moon of Benitoite || Silvio Ricci x Reader
»» Queen of Roses || Chevalier Michel x Reader
»» Catch a Cold || Chevalier Michel x Reader
»» I Got Jade, You Got Rose || Keith Howell x Reader
»» Aphrodite’s Kiss, Meditrina’s Gentle Whispers || Chevalier Michel x Reader
»» Jewel Under the Veil || Licht Klein x Aisha Layla (My OC) (ft. M. Adam Kain [Devon’s OC])
»» Raven, Fox, and Comfort in a Silence || Nokto Klein & M. Adam (Devon’s OC)
»» One Promised Dance || Nokto Klein & M. Adam (Devon’s OC) & Millie Candraningsih (Ando’s OC)
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𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠
»» Protect Me, Themis (Cendrillon) || Vyn Richter x Reader
»» Epiphyllum and A Mother’s Wishes || Marius von Hagen x Reader
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𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
»»  Demi Vampire Concept || Ikemen Vampire – Napoleon Bonaparte Concept
»» Matured by Status and Circumstances || Ikemen Vampire – Leonardo da Vinci Concept
»» Fighting Over the Throne || Ikemen Prince – Chevalier Michel and Clavis Lelouch Concept
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𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑀𝑦 𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑒𝑎���ℎ𝑒𝑟
»» Mitsuhide’s Woman of Choice || Ikemen Sengoku – Mitsuhide Akechi History Talk
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— Castle of the Floating Isle’s Lady, Xandra
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ikeromantic · 3 years
Ikemen Vampire One-Offs and Asks
These are random asks, one-time vignettes, and short stories not included in series or celebrations.
Le Comte de Saint-Germaine
Hide and Seek - playful fluff and light spice
Importance - angst/comfort and confessions of love
Sub-Space - nsfw BDSM and aftercare
Leonardo da Vinci
Inconsiderate Lover - Leo comforts his insecure cara
Tease - an nsfw version of the sfw route chapter
Vampire Lover - nsfw ask for AU past lover returns
First Fight Fic
Leonardo and catgirl MC - fluffy and funny
Leo x Inexperienced MC - fluff and spice
Napoleon Bonaparte
More Than Words and Kisses - hurt/comfort with depressed MC
Search and Rescue - Napoleon must rescue his stubborn nunuche
Theo Van Gogh
Theo and MC's first fight
Sing - Theo and an MC who is embarrassed to sing in public
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Old Switcheroo
Unrequited Love - angst fic with MC x Leo
A Baby Between Them - angst/fluff with MCxTheo and it's Arthur's baby
Arthur's Confession - sequel to A Baby Between Them, angst
A Little Spice - MC x Arthur where Arthur gets jealous of Theo
Isaac Newton
Isaac and MC's fight and makeup
Isaac Wants - a fic of yearning and fulfillment
Wanting - Isaac, Theo, and OC Kathryn thrupple. NSFW
Childhood Crush - MC reunites with Sebas, fluff and light angst
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Arpeggio - Mozart gets a spanking, features an OC, spicy
Connection - a Thirteen Reasons Why inspired Mozart, angst
Johann Georg Faust
MC has a bad day and Faust comforts her in his own way
Multiple Characters
IkeVamp Guys React to Tattooed MC - All
Theo, Napoleon, le Comte, Isaac, Mozart, and Arthur asking for MCs hand in marriage
le Comte, Theo, and Arthur react to a curvy MC
Dazai, Jean, and Vlad react to a curvy MC
Vincent, Napoleon, and Charles with a curvy MC
le Comte, Leonardo, and Mozart react to an MC that was abused
Jean, Dazai, Leonardo, le Comte, and Napoloeon react to a sensitive MC
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Summer Birthdays Lovely Surprises
Summer Birthdays Lovely Surprises 
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x OC (Elaine)
Tag: Birthday Fluff Kisses Sugestive hints
Word Count  3.211
Author’s Note: Happy Birthday Honey @kissmetwicekissmedeadly 😍😍😘😘
This is my gift for you this year, to thank you once more of being my friend hoping you could like it, it is filled with all my affection and love I hold for you, for all the chats and talks we shared and every laugh it is dear to me. 🥰🥰💕💕💓💓
So in your special day I wish for you to do whatever you want and to enjoy it to the fullest, words are but a little tool to truly thank you for all the talent and effort you put behind each and every one of your creation, to thank you of being such amazing wonderful frinedly warm kind gentle talented girl I will always be proud and happy to call friend, that said I really hope my fic could show at least a portion of my affection to you. 💝💝💗💗💟💟
With this in mind I wish you once more a truly wonderful Happy Birthday. 💟💟🥰🥰😘😘
I LOVE YOU SO MO 💖💖 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊✨✨✨🎇🎇🎇🎂🎂🎂🥳🥳🥳
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadlywicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a warm summer day, the light breeze make the curtains billow in the winds, letting the sweet scent of pastries invade the nostrils of the two lovebirds woke up from their slumber still cocooned in the light blankets, he stifled a yawn in his hand, smiling at the sound of her giggles warming his heart a song he never got tired to wake up to, swiftly he moved to take her in his arms, his fingers travelling to tuck a rebel golden lock behind her ear before brushing his thumb on her rosy cheek
"Good morning mia Principessa." her tender smile radiating warmth more smolder than the summer sun and ten fold brighter, he left a reverent kiss full of devotion on her forehead as she nuzzled better in his chest hiding her rosy blushed cheeks
"Good morning mio Principe." hearing her talking in his tongue had him weak on his knees, the idea she learnt that language only for him enough to melt his heart completely, playfully he brushed his nose on hers hearing her giggle softly murmuring few inches from her lips
"Happy birthday." that few words were enough to fill her heart with happiness she did her best to convey melting her lips on his, feeling his hands curl on her hips a reminder of the previous night activity making heat rush to her cheeks once more, reluctantly he pulled away leaning his forehead to hers, sharing his love in an heartfelt confession she did not hesitated to reciprocate
“Je t’aime tellement Elaine plus que tout au monde.”
“Je t’aime aussi Napoleon avec tout mon coeur.”
Everything was so peaceful and quiet that morning, they almost could get used to it … almost, in fact a moment later the door opened and a colorful tornado swept on their bed, filling the air with her tingling giggles as she trundled and tumbled in the blankets, stopped in her frenzied movements only by the gentle yet firm grip of Elaine, laughing softly at the soft sloppy smoochies planted on her face by their little daughter, soon joined by the chuckle of her husband as he leaned over to tickle her softly on the side of her tummy,
"You have no kisses for me ?" wriggling free from his tickles she shook her head looking at him with her big bright eyes shooking her soft curls 
"Not today."
"I am wounded." he bring his hands over his heart faking incredulity, before join in the hearty laugh of the two girls whose attention was taken by the piping hot plate of delicious chocolate crepes as soon as he pulled it out from a carefully hidden next to his nightstand,
“I hope you don't think I forgot your favourite dish, mon amour.
“Oh Leone, you are absolutely the best.”
“I only want to match up with my lovely wife.” she threw herself in his arms, promptly wapinga round her, a satisfied smile curled his lips as she planted a soft kiss on his cheeks,
“Grazie mille.”
“Don't mention it. Buon appetito.” she did not let him told her twice as she happily feasted in her breakfast, followed by Lucianna and Napoleon, who had at least managed to stole their little daughter a kiss as he handed a chocolate filled crepe, eliciting Elaine giggles, she carefully hide sipping a fresh cup of tea, before diving back into breakfast.
Finally they managed to get ready for the day, getting dressed too longer than expected but there was no rush anyway, taking all the time they wanted arriving at the mansion at noon, they were just about to advise their daughter to be careful on her way that she had already wandered off in the garden eager to meet the other resident, she was about to enter in the house but before she could take a step a pair of familiar hands covered her eyes
"Now now ma Reine let ton Roi guide you or else your reward will shy away from your gaze."
"Aww noo I don't want that." she pouted hearing his soft giggle warming her heart as his gentle yet husky voice guided her into the garden, her whole body quivering with curiosity as she followed obediently his instructions, grateful for the fresh air hitting her face as he slid his fingers away, enveloping her hands in his making her turn around, her amethysts irises glimmering under the morning sun as she stared wide eyed at the spectacle in front of her, a warm happy smile curling her rosy as she took in the gorgeous view of the garden decorated with a summery theme of vivid flowers falling gracefully from cake stands filled with colorful fruits, curiosity had her tiptoed near the table to admire the decorations, paying attention to the refined lacy embroider of the candid tablecloth, before reaching out to take a rose between her fingers, it's rosy smooth surface glimmering under the sunshine releasing a peculiar perfume, weirdly akin to chocolate, she was about to test her theory when a single petal fell from the rose, pormptly picked up by her fingers, she studied it intensely noticing a deep brown color under the rosy shell, tentatively she bit on it letting its sweet flavour fest on her tongue invading her palate, her heart melt alike the milk chocolate on her tongue at his sweet surprise 
"Do you like it mia Principessa ?"
munching happily on her chocolate treat she nodded, her cheeks full and rosy like a peach, she was so adorable he could not help but lean over, brushing his lips on her temple revelling in the way her blush deepened on her soft features.
In the center of that pastry party stood an huge cake decorated with little rosy hearts and seashells, she could not wait to dive in sharing it with their friends and family, that thought elicited a surge of heat in her heart she sighed dreamily happiness spreading over he body, sublimated by the tender gesture of her husband, who had carelessly dipped a finger in the soft cream holding it close to her lips, without thinking twice she licked his digit earning a tender smile from that lip she oh so much loved to feel on every inch of her body, thought that make heat rush to her face warming her even more than the sun. 
Her voice unusually soft she leaned in to whisper few inches from his ear
"I am already loving my reward." his warm breath fanning on her lips, a desire to convey their mutual feelings had him melt his lips on her, smiling in satisfaction at the feeling of her tongued dancing and swirling with his, in a battle for dominance he knew she let him won, when at least they had to pull away it was for a need of air, they greedily take in, panting while looking in each other eyes before bursting out laughing like children,  
“You will adore it even more when you see the full thing then.”
his murmurs secrets softly whispered in her ear making her tingle with excitement, she was taken aback by his sudden revelation so much she was hanging from his lips hoping to discover more but for the time being she had to settle with what he told her and just when she resigned to wait for her surprise he took her hands in his once more, pulling her for a brief dance she enjoyed to the fullest, a fresh breeze brushing over the garden as they waltz and spinned around in the soft grass, a peculiar show for the graceful butterflies and busy bees flying around the bushes while petals of flowers scattered in the wind enveloping them in a magical atmosphere. 
His voice soft in her ear, making her heart swell with affection as he murmured
"It is time for your gift." he wrapped his arm around her waist 
“Look up.” as in a daze she promptly obeyed, her eyes glued to the spectacle while her smile shone brighter than the sun itself as a crowd of colorful hot air balloons begin to appear in the light blue sky, each with a letter embroidered on the ballon, once she had read the full phrase she throw her arms around him pulling him in for a sweet slow kiss, conveying all the love they felt for one another
"Je t 'aime ma reine." he pronounced the words billowing in the sky, a lovestruck gaze in his jade irises mirrored by her amethyst eyes looking up at him, smiling at the soft kiss he brushed on her forehead 
"Je t'aime aussi mon roi." his smile made her heart swell with all the affection she felt for him, conveyed by a soft on his cheeks, revelling in the soft rosy blush crepting over his cheeks.
"Thank you so much Leon it was gorgeous." Her smile alone was a reward he would have do anything to gain, enough to capture both his heart and mind mesmerizing him like no one ever did, not enough though for him to forget the other surprises he had in store to make her happy like she made him
"I am glad my gift gave me such a precious reward but it did not finish there."
"It isn’t ?" confusion flickered in her irises
"Of course not mia principessa I want to spoil you rotten today." he murmured in her ear, her eyes widened as her smile bright and pure light up her features at the feeling of a pair of soft hands covering her eyes, her giggles unmistakable doubts not lingering for a second in her mind as she exclaimed mirthfully
"Got in one." her friend bright smile and peculiar colored eyes meet her own as she slide in front of her, taking her hand in hers 
“Come on Rose you could not really think I have forgotten your special day.” she was practically bursting with excitement as she looked at her
"Not at all."
“Did you like your gift ?” curiosity sparkling on her features as she waited impatiently for an answer she was not shy to give
“Of course I did. I am still in awe.” 
“Ahahah I am so glad you liked it.” 
“Napoleon is always so full of ideas, I wonder how he got them.” 
“ It must be the power of Love.” something mischievous flickered in her green irises, a playful smirk dancing on her lips a moment before she slide away, letting her place to Napoleon who appeared in front of her with a big, colourful package she did not see the time to unwrap, lead by his enthusiasm she spent what seemed hours unpacking all the gift from the residents, by the time she finished unpacking them all she felt her cheeks aching from how long she had smiled, thanking everyone for the wonderful presents, some so curious to make her wonder where they got them and some other handmade warming her heart by the tight behind it all, grateful for their affection they so generously showered upon her.
Still in a daze from all that colourful packages she was utterly taken aback by the appearance of her girl, almost dragging out of his shell a dark haired boy she had no difficulty recognizing as her best friend’s son, her hand still wrapped around his as he spoke 
"We have made this as a gift for you Madame Bonaparte." that name made her heart swell with warmth, the reality of that dream she had so many times since realizing her love for him moved her to the core, so much her fingers trembled slightly when collecting the drawings from their daughter hands
"We wish you a Happy Birthday Madame Elaine."
Lucianna hand squeezed his own to reassure him he could be less formal but with little success, she chuckled at the sight so much her voice quivered with giggles as she thanked them both
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you and Lucianna really are wonderful artists."
he blushed looking shyly at the girl to his side and then to her once more
"Thank you madame ahem Elaine." she smiled at his attempt, her eyes softened with affection moved by the drawings, a childish calligraphy naming each and every one of the mansion resident filling her heart with inexplicable happiness completed by the soft yet strong grip of his arm around her hips as he left a gently kiss on her temple, making her blush.
A lavish banquet was held for her, full of all her favourite dishes along some french and corsican addition her friends had added, listening carefully to her talks and jolting down idea after ideas, all coming together to fest their palates with their taste thank to the wonderful ability of the greatly acclaimed chef even known as the butler of the mansion, only one whose glass was filled with simple water in stark contrast to the white liquid filling all the other goblets up to the brim its sweet perfume invading the air as the liquid reflected the light of the lanterns, toasts and laughs followed easy chit chats and the soft noise of dishes and glasses clinking against the other, up until the scrumptious dessert making its appearance on the table, giving way to more than one kiss acclaimed by the whole crew of the residents. 
The soft melody of the violin and the accordion filled the frizzy air of the early evening, composed for the occasion by Mozart himself, the delicate note of the violin united with the more folk notes of the handmade accordion moved by no one else than its creator Leonardo himself, everyone flowed to the improvised dance floor coaxing even the more reserved among the residents, letting the music guide their movements.
"May I have this dance mademoiselle Lucienne ?"
Feeling bold enough he moved to invite her over, his phrase generated such amusement to his parents, recognizing a bit too well who he take his overly polite habit from making her chuckle looking at him smiling back at her before brushing a tender kiss on her forehead revelling in her bright smile, ogling at her nodding enthusiastically taking his hand letting him guide the dance not resisting the urge to leave a kiss on his cheek to thank him making him blush.
The night dragged on, music swaying from slow waltzer to more fast paced dances keeping everyone entertained, some retired to stare at the scenes comfortably sitting around in the grass some other dozed off around on the settee, like the children who were long fallen asleep on the sofa, the girl head placed on his chest he did not dared to move, adjusting his arm around her to keep her warm, smiling when she nuzzled closer to him, only the lovebirds remained on the dancefloor slowly spinning around, exchanging sweet slow kisses, heating up from time to time as they continued to waltz around in the grass, filling the air with soft satisfied sigh or half murmured moans revealing a smoldering passion able to dissipate all the freshness of the air, Julia smiled softly leaning her head on her husband shoulder feeling his arms tightened around her, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear making her giggle as she hide her blush in his neck while she let a soft kiss on his neck revelling in the way he playfully peppered kisses on her hair and temple.
Elaine chuckled as his own lover smiled adoringly at her, a lovestruck expression glimmering in his smoldering gaze as he looked at her before melting his lips on hers, their body were so close she could feel his sturdy chest press lightly against her breast desire flood in her veins, revelling in the way he seemed to push softly against her, swept in a waving motion bringing them closer then apart in such a way to arouse and frustrate them both equally, impatience glimmering in her eyes flashing red for a mere second, revelation of her vampiric nature things she did out of love making him happy behind imagination, so much mesmerized by her beauty to be taken aback by the sensation of her lips on his, pulled in a fierce kiss he did not shied away from requiting fully adding of his own as their tongues begin a waltz of their own in a battle for dominance who saw them both, in turn leading and following the other, a kiss they both desired to last longer taking from where they left off after every small break to breath, until they were but a panting mess, curls falling untidy over their shoulder, cheeks heated with passion and lips swollen with kisses and two smile that easily could have outshoned the sun as he leaned his forehead to hers murmuring a tender heartfelt confession few inches from her rosy lips. 
“I love you ma Reine only you.”
“I love you mon Roi so very much.”
His arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm from the fresh breeze of the night brushing over their skin, making shiver of excitement run all over her body still giddy from their passionate kisses, her mind in a daze leaned over his shoulder, strangely a bit tired out from their exercise but far from refusing a second round, taken aback from her reveries only from his deep velvety voice murmuring 
“I still have one gift for you. Do you mind if we retire for the night ?
his tone sultry speaking of desire and bliss, of a long night spent in each other arms, a dreamy sigh from her lips escaped her lips at the prospect of such a gift, shivering in pleasure at the soft brush of his lips on her earlobe,  
“Oh Napoleon, not at all. I can’t wait.” her voice tender as she nuzzled in his neck, letting her fingers wander on his still clothed chest, looking up at him meeting his smoldering jade green eyes making her feel weak in the knees, the same eyes irises she could not deny anything to knowing far too well she had the same effect on him, her heart swell with pride and satisfaction at the knowledge as she softly kept caressing his buttons undoing one in her travels, revelling in the way his breath hitched in his throat at the soft touch of her fingers on the naked portion of his pecs.
Man of action he did not wasted any more time with a smirk gracing his lips he took  her in his arms, their hearty laughs melted together resonating in the air as they made their way toad the mansion through the now empty garden, meeting her friend’s eye blinking at her to assure they would have taken care of everything, mindfully thanking her for that she relaxed on his shoulder, excited to enjoy all the surprises he had in store for her with only the aster as spectators, running through the empty halls laughing like children as they slipped back in his old room, ready to show off their love to one another sealing their union over and over again all through the night until dawn.
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shookspearewrites · 3 years
Lady Jane Grey (Ikevamp OC)
Hello my little ducks, I hope you’re all doing wonderfully today! I’d like to introduce y’all to another one of my beloved Ikevamp OCs, Lady Jane Grey~ I hope that you’ll love her as much as I do! This character sheet template is by the lovely @yoshimoto-love-mail​ ❤ 
- JJ x
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(Picrew link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/227881 )
Name: Lady Jane Grey, Queen Jane Age: 18 in appearance, Near-immortal Original time: Tudor England (Early to mid 1500s) Species: Lesser Vampire (Turned by le Comte) Schooling: A finest royal education in reading, writing, languages, music, religion, embroidery / sewing, history and poetry Occupation: Queen Regnant of England Spoken languages: Modern English, Middle English (Elizabethan), Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Italian, French and Dutch. Pronouns: She / Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Height: 5’ (Five foot approx.) Dresses time appropriately in the mansion: Yes, however, she does tend to wear older styles of clothing Suitor they’d be interested in: Leonardo Da Vinci Suitors they’d most likely spend time around as a friend: William Shakespeare, Vincent van Gogh, Jean D’Arc, Isaac Newton and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Positive Traits
Neutral Traits
Easily flustered
Negative Traits
Afternoon tea
Horse riding 
Rowdy people/ environments 
Fears / Phobias
Imprisonment / Claustrophobia
The dark
Illness / disease
Jane has long, bright red wavy hair that reaches the dip of her waist. She normally wears her hair up but, she’ll happily wear it down if Leonardo asks her too - though, he’ll normally tug it gently from it’s ribbons to run his fingers through it gently. She plaits her hair before bed, a task which Leonardo loves to perform for her even though - because of his large hands - he can’t manage to braid her long hair very neatly.
She’s petite, slender and delicate. Jane is particularly noted as having soft, delicate hands. She is full of chest, so much so that her breasts almost dwarf the rest of her small body. Her torso is rather short and she has long, slender arms and legs.
She is very pale - white, clear skin - Comte oft’ describes her as his “lovely little porcelain doll”. 
Jane has clear, bright, green eyes. Her eyes are big and wide; people describe them as her best feature as they are the most captivating part of her heart-shaped, soft cheeked face.
She is incredibly hygienic and takes very good care of herself. Jane wears delicate perfumes that smell of flowers and vanilla, often gifted to her by Shakespeare though, she’ll never wear these scents around Leonardo as he gets rather jealous. 
Fun Facts
It is absolutely love at first sight between her and Leonardo for the both of them. Jane admires Leonardo’s intelligence and care-free attitude (even if she is slightly put off by his somewhat brashness and perceived impoliteness). Leonardo adores Jane’s brain and the fiery self confidence that lies underneath her kind, demure exterior (and my god he just thinks she is the world’s most beautiful woman) ((and he likes the way her chest swells at the low neck line of her Tudor era dress)).
Being the oldest of her sisters, and with no brothers in her line, Jane received an education of the highest standard - Even higher than that of her cousins Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. She is Leonardo’s equal in terms of intelligence and they match each other intellectually on a near-perfect level.
She plays the violin and the cello, with a particular talent for singing. She’s a top soprano though, she does get a little shy when singing in front of others. Leonardo often catches Jane singing as she writes or tends to the flowers and smiles so tenderly, picking up his violin and playing to accompany her which always makes her blush. 
Jane adores the pet names that le Comte and Leonardo have for her. The first words le Comte said to Jane (after she came back as a vampire) were “Are you hurt, my pearl? Hush now, no need to worry, you’re safe.” Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur and Theo have sarcastically called her “Your Majesty” or “My Queen” or “Queen Jane” only to be met with Jane’s self assured, fiery demands for respect as she was indeed a monarch. Leonardo now calls her these things very seriously in intimate situations i.e., when they are making love or when she wakes up in his arms.
Jane is a skilled fencer. She probably can't out-duel Napoleon or Jean but she'll give them both a good run for their money. She also enjoys hunting though, not many of the residents if any take her up on her offer to go with her. Napoleon might occasionally go along though, just to humor her and to act as her protector.
Defining Life Events
Royal Coup & Reign
At only 15 years old, Jane was unwillingly pushed into a coup by the Privy Council and King Edward VI and made the first Queen of England. At first, when told of her new position, Jane burst into tears, falling to the floor at Syon House, proclaiming “This is not for me - The rightful Queen is Mary.” After being transported to The Tower of London by river, she began to gain confidence and self assurance in her Queenhood. She proclaimed and signed herself as ‘Jane, the Queene’ and crowned herself with the Crown jewels - Jane never enjoyed a coronation. In one of the first moves which turned support away from her (Duke of Northumberland), Jane refused to make her husband (Northumberland’s son)  King, only a Duke. 
In an attempt to protect the tower once Princess Mary began her fight for the throne and hold onto her dwindling supporters, the Queen unknowingly imprisoned herself in the tower by locking up the fortress and taking the keys for herself; Jane never left the tower again. She was confident and self assured until the moment the crown left her head on the 9th and final day of her reign, and suddenly relieved and demure once it did, asking innocently, “Can I go home now?” Jane was promptly arrested and imprisoned in the tower, away from her royal apartments, and she was held there for the next 3 years. Her cousin, Queen Mary, tried desperately to protect Jane from execution, keeping her in confinement for as long as possible, however, Jane was to lose her head.
Execution & Turning
At the age of 18, after being found guilty of treason, Jane was sentenced to death by beheading at the Tower of London in 1554 - Queen Mary spared her from death by burning. She was distressed, as were her Ladies who found themselves unable to help her, meaning that Jane had to undress (Only down to her white underdress) and blindfold herself. She spoke to her executioner, “I pray that you dispatch me quickly,” and asked that he would not remove her blindfold once she placed her head on the block. She fumbled around, crying out in distress trying to find the block but no one helped her - Not her Ladies, not the executioner nor any officials.
Eventually, appalled by what he saw, le Comte de Saint Germain, who looked on from the crowd, rushed to Jane’s side to help her to the block. As she wept, shaking, le Comte whispered comforting words to her and stroked her back carefully, promising that she’d be safe. He knelt with her, guiding her to the block before biting her shoulder which was concealed from anyone looking by Jane’s bright auburn hair, turning her successfully before she was beheaded. 
True to her kind nature, as she knelt at the chopping block after reciting a prayer and professing her devotion to God, Jane forgave her executioner. Jane is the only Monarch of England to ever die for her religion and became a protestant martyr.
In the aftermath of the execution, once the crowd and officials had left, le Comte took Jane’s body and head (separated) to a secluded corner of his mansion and sewed them back together, biting her once again to make absolutely sure that the turning process would be successful. 
Jane doesn’t have a scar from the beheading / stitches and she doesn’t know that it was Comte who helped her to the block and comforted her before she died, but she often tells him that he has “Kind eyes” and that he reminds her of “Someone very dear” to her.
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rifmasterlists · 4 years
Ikevamp - Masterlist
Whole Cast: 
Ikemen Birthdays
Ikevamp Bar
Arthur Conan Doyle
Trauma induced heterochromia
The Secret Santa Code
Comte de Saint Germain
Red Knot
Jean D’Arc
Johann Georg Faust
It Started with Brain Surgery on a Chicken (crackfic)
Neither (crackfic)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Angst (with Comte)
Museum date
Gossip (x OC)
Petit Four 
Napoleon Bonaparte
Trauma induced heterochromia
Theodorkus & Napoleon + Tall!MC
Theodorus van Gogh 
Hat Donation
Trauma induced heterochromia 
Theodorkus & Napoleon + Tall!MC
Love like you
Zie je ik hou van je 
White Day
Happur Purrday
Vincent van Gogh
Pastel and Bold
In Season
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