#narcissistic tsunderes own my heart forever
nekoning · 1 year
i got into playing the tale of food recently and osmanthus wine is so much like yan zhengming...
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jcmorrigan · 5 years
Right, since you asked me questions about my f/o, I'll fire some at you now! 1. Favourite place to go with them 2. How do you care for them when they are ill and vice versa 3. Had any playful arguments that you look at and go 'what were we doing??' I'll slide these over here and be on my way ;3
All right! So, as a reminder, I have three (3) romantic f/o’s - XR from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Tony Dracon from Gargoyles, and Giovanni Potage from Epithet Erased. And for this exercise, I am going to answer all three questions FOR ALL THREE OF THEM! (If you’re following me for something other than selfship and you don’t wanna see me ramble for three pages, please block the tag “selfship” now)
I hadn’t realized until I thought about it, but it always seems to come back to a rooftop in the city. You think I like city lights or something? I do. I love city lights. I love cities.
Anyway, with XR, I decided right away that our favorite planet is Trade World, seedy underbelly and all. We can kill time there forever (and probably waste all our money on stuff that isn’t important). I haven’t written it yet, but one of the ideas I had for writing us was that after the big love confession, we’d have our first date on a rooftop restaurant there and watch the lights come on as the sun set, at which point I very sappily draw a connection between my love of city lights and XR’s eyes.
As for Giovanni, I have this whole oneshot about our first kiss that revolves around us trying to find the most perfect and fittingly dramatic place for it, and I ended up putting us on a rooftop at the edge of town where the Sweet Jazz skyline would be our background in all its luminescent glory. I imagine we’d go back up to that building again and again to talk about things if we’re not chilling at home or a base of operations. Just watching the night.
Then for Tony? I admittedly hadn’t given it too much thought, but I immediately got an image of us on, guess what, a rooftop, but of a skyscraper in downtown NYC. Now, Gio and I had to break onto ours by scaling the fire escape ladders; Tony would bust locks and we’d just take the stairs up from the inside. And that’s where we slow-dance when we want to be alone. Bring up a whole portable stereo and a mix of the schmaltziest love rock-ballads (think, like, REO Speedwagon or Journey). Come to think of it, I actually don’t know whether he’s made the connection that the Gargoyles operate out of the Eyrie, so we would definitely look at the freaking castle above the clouds and go “Next target” without knowing the law and order of the town that plagues our existence roosts there.
I’m also working on an AU that is compliant with my “Taking Back the Crown” crossover universe, and in that one, I’m thinking I’d be polyamorous with all three. While I haven’t picked a favorite spot, I do know that particular s/i would live in Twilight Town, and since Final Fantasy is piecemeal AU’d into KH logic (whereas none of those three are from canon KH worlds but it’s an easy crossover gateway so their worlds would just be intact), I actually have this design that Rabanastre from FFXII would be the capital of the nation Twilight Town is in and a few hours’ train ride away, and the four of us just LOVE heading over there and probably scaling some rooftops.
Let’s start with me, in general. I’m a huge hypochondriac. I fear germs. I’m not really that good at taking care of sick friends/family, but for a romantic partner, I’d try to step up my game. I’d be on call. Now, if they were just ordinary sick, I might see if they’d be okay staying home while I got work done, with the caveat that I have my phone on me and can answer whenever. They’re stricken with debilitating nausea and can’t leave the bed? I’ll play hooky. But I’ll try to keep a reasonable distance whenever possible (chatting with them from across the room, where I am planted in a chair that is far away from the bed) and use a surgical mask and gloves whenever approaching. Yes, that may sound heartless, but I still wanna be available to bring them whatever they need, just with my armor on. And I’m not me unless I’m a raging hypochondriac who thinks she’s coming down with what her boyfriend’s got every five seconds. The exception, of course, is XR, who I envision would get sick as a visual gag of having a “computer virus” and exhibit all the symptoms of a head cold without actually being contagious.
Tony is low-maintenance and insists he doesn’t need to be babied, so he’s not gonna even ask me for that much except company. Giovanni and XR are both absolutely complainers and going to whine at me every five minutes, which will inevitably make my heart melt.
As for when I’m sick…
XR loves playing “nurse” (kinda like I had him in this oneshot where I sprain my shoulder) and will get me everything I want. This is for somewhat selfish reasons so I will talk up how great of a boyfriend he is when I’m sick. Also, there’s a good chance that any medical supplies he brings me might be “borrowed without permission” from Star Command’s med bay. He WILL bring me illegal narcotics, and I WILL turn them down. He’ll also call in sick to work himself to take care of me - and also because it gives him an excuse to not turn in to work. We’ll likely end up binging shows cuddled up together if I’m not sleepy or too nauseous.
Tony isn’t all that attentive; he knows I’m a grown-up and can mostly handle myself. If I’m seriously incapacitated, he’ll watch over me, but in most cases, he’ll take off to get his own work done, same philosophy as me: call me if you need anything. He’s not gonna rush to bring me things, but he will do smaller gestures - brushing my hair back if I’m asleep before he leaves, etc. After business is taken care of, if I seem stable and not contagious, he’ll assist me in setting up on the couch with blankets aplenty on one end while he sits on the other, and really, all my f/o’s know that when I’m sick, I just wanna binge TV shows, so that’s what we do.
Giovanni freaks out. He also wants to get me everything I need, but he’s kinda not used to taking care of sick people, so he’ll be running around like a headless chicken asking me if I need various medical supplies that don’t at all apply to the kind of illness I have (such as a splint or a tourniquet). And soup. He will bring me so much soup. Hey, he’s good at making it, so I’m not gonna complain. He also does unfortunately think cuddling will make things better, and want to sit in bed next to me or kiss me for reassurance. I tell him over and over and over that that’s just gonna get him sick. Less than 24 hours later, he’s caught what I have, and I’m just “GEE, I WONDER HOW THAT HAPPENED.”
XR and I are built on petty arguments. He fulfills my fantasies of a relationship based on tsundere rivalry. We will find things to argue about for fun. This is how we get our kicks. I call him a dumbass, he calls me a narcissist, we don’t mean it (…mostly). He once caught me singing and dancing, thinking I was alone, and taped it and circulated it as a meme. He thinks it’s hilarious if I trip and fall. Conversely, I think it’s hilarious if he runs into things when he’s not looking where he’s going. I keep a running record of stupidest spelling mistakes he’s made and will trot them out whenever appropriate. At the end of the day, though, we set it all aside. Don’t let anyone know we’re actually nice to each other behind closed doors!
Tony and I basically argue about one petty thing: the fact that he CANNOT DRIVE. Is there canon precedent to this? Not really, except for the fact that his henchmen always seem to be driving the getaway car. But I have it in my head that the people in our operation who should be driving are me, Pal Joey, and Glasses. The person in our operation who should not be driving is Tony. Guess which one of the four asks most often to drive? Yeah. And sometimes he wears us down and we have to deal with him nearly killing us by driving 20 mph above the speed limit. IN DOWNTOWN NEW YORK. THE POLICE CHASE HASN’T EVEN STARTED. If there is one thing that is the subject of our married-couple spats, it is THIS.
Arguing with Giovanni is more of a minefield because we both have a habit of pretending we’re not sensitive about certain things until one of us rags on that certain thing and then it explodes. I have a oneshot idea, may or may not write it, in which he insults my “nerd glasses” like he always does with Sylvie, and I’m legitimately hurt but trying not to show it, so I engage in a rivalry argument with him that lasts all day, up until he jokingly says that I have delusions of grandeur and I just say “Well, at least I don’t think I’m qualified to be captain when I’m not” about myself when I realize that my lack of filter made it sound like I insinuated he wasn’t qualified to be captain, at which point he will actually start crying and insist to me that words hurt. Everything’s made better when we sit down and have an honest talk about what we said that hurt each other and then hug it out.
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zen-ronin · 4 years
Here’s a song for you… There's No Way (feat. Julia Michaels) by Lauv
There's just no way it not going there ,we just keep dancing backwards into each other trying to keep our feelings secretly covered.
There's no way that the intense bond we share the feelings we share and feel without even the need of words,the electricity that's in the air when we are within range of each other you flip my switch and I hear your thoughts I feel your energy flow into me and it says things that you yourself can't yet bring yourself to audibly say but your eyes the windows to your soul they express and speak volumes to me,I see through your tough Tsundere exterior whose so protective of her inner soft sweet loving side that she's scared and afraid to express it because it's been taken for granted and used and lied to for selfish egotistical and even narcissistic reasons,as if you where a trophy to brag about and not see you for the inspirational ,sweet , loving caring, nurturing soothing soul and as a one of a kind soul. You've been treated as a possession in your endeavors for love,they put you under their control and cage your free will,take advantage of your good devoted nature and faithfulness to the extreme,to the point that you break from the pressure,from perpetually feeling like your love,your aura and essence,the good energy and vibes you give and spread to everyone you meet,the personality that shines through no matter how thick and ugly the storms accumulated when your contagious bouncy energetic goofy mood kick in you become a sunshine girl your warm aura and smile bring out the sunshine and brighten any day .It baffles me why you stay in a situation where your soul yearns for more,for real love and comfort, for reliability and reassure,for peace and protection,for my strong arms to hold you close,and to give you all those things and so much more,the trust of my heart and soul and to not question your integrity because I know the caliber of your quality.to give you my hands ,to hold and protect,to guide and to nurture my heart given to you time and time again no matter how many lives I'd get to spend in this world it has to be you I spend my lives with no questions asked no regrets.All I need in this crazy world is you and the serenity and comfort you bring out of me you make me want to be a better man with each passing day because I am a better man when I'm with you and it shows me how there's room for improvement in my soul and being with you Kickstarts my motivation to search my soul deeper and more intricately than previously before. Babygirl how you conjure the best energy out of me just by being you ,how can the sound of someone's voice and the quirky and expressive raw unfiltered mannerisms feel like home more than my own house?how can I feel so terribly homesick even over the weekend? Because time away from you is like staving off a hunger worst than starvation and finding a cure to quench a thirst that feels so despairingly dehydrating words can't even form in my throat .But when I'm with you All the pain and hurt from this universe dissipates.and I wonder why you aren't mine when I know I bring you peace when I know we are the sanctuary for each other's souls!! I'm waiting for you to realize where you home is ,come jump into my arms and take your proper place and enjoy your throne of love .lay your forehead up against mine and feel you minded speak on their special private encypted wavelength be selfish for once and focus on your own happiness.amd get lost in someone who will happily spend hours tending to and mending your bruised and battered body,soothe and serenade your mind with love and genuine affection and not expect anything back ,but just be happy to tend to you and be a source of comfort as you are to me ,my best friend and closest compatriot someone I have and feel such a strong an unquestionably strong bond with that the mere thought of being without you literally robs me of my breath and hinders my ability to speak.ylu are far too irreplaceable in this cruel world for my mind heart body and soul to be without you.i need you now and forever. You are my precious pineapple and I can't wait to cultivate raise and grow slowly and surely this precious pineapple Aplenty Garden that we are growing,
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