spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Law & Order "Narcosis" (2000)
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lenny-briscoe · 3 months
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faggotfungus · 7 months
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"Primera Dosis" by Narcosis [1985]
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nightshadereaper66 · 10 months
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This poem is named after the Mount Everest of SCUBA diving, the Andrea Doria, which sank in 1956. The wreck lies in about 250 feet of water, which is well beyond the 130-foot limits of recreational SCUBA.
At this depth (and starting at around 100 feet), divers breathing normal air, (air that has the same percentage of oxygen and nitrogen as at the surface), experience nitrogen narcosis, exhibiting similar symptoms to those of being drunk. This is due to the higher pressure of the water and of the air that they are breathing.
Modern day deep-wreck divers use trimix or heliox, air mixes in which some or all of the nitrogen is replaced with helium. This prevents narcosis because at depth, the nitrogen (and oxygen, if divers go deep enough) becomes toxic.
If you want to read more about deep-wreck diving and narcosis, I highly recommend the book Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson.
poem in text form under the cut
Andrea Doria
Modified zejel poem
300 feet deep, I dive where cold, dark water never clears As I hear the jungle drums of my heart ringing in my ears Nitrogen working through my blood to amplify my fears
The edges of my known darken from the tunnel vision 300 feet deep where the world I know begins to fission My mind disconnecting from my body with little precision It all falls out of sync, flaking apart like a set of rusty gears
My brain shows me things that aren’t, it makes me euphoric I swim down through the porthole-portal into the historic 300 feet deep and I can’t tell the real from the metaphoric I don’t know if the salt in my eyes is from water or my tears
The ship’s corridors pull me in close, like the arms of a lover I adjust my buoyancy to prevent stirring the silt; here I hover My emotions distorted by the infinite abyss of what I could uncover 300 feet deep and dancing with narcosis as I explore the golden years
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lostblognetwork · 1 year
Returning to the virtual realm: we warmly welcome back our longtime member @neumochi, formerly occupying @narcosis.
A visual transference of Life’s emotional menagerie has seemingly continued to embody their artistic nature. Flavors we’ve all grown familiar with—but, perhaps, are enjoyed both silently and subconsciously. Their subtle ferocity speaks within itself, for itself, and solely by itself.
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corvianbard · 2 years
Morpheus, the shapeless fantasy, Realm in the mist of narcosis, Vastness that is filled with many a poppy, Lord who grants false yet cogent promise, Inspire us with your volatile scenery To inspire others without a malice.
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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gourmet-trash · 1 year
me, getting cave diving video suggestions on youtube: why the fuck is it recommending this to me??
me, in the middle of my 8th cave diving video: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY WERE GOING DOWN TO 250 FT ON REGULAR AIR?!
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eyes-of-nine · 1 year
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teledyn · 7 months
Narcissus Narcosis
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rabbiteclair · 1 year
listen this is a response to a very specific post but: who the heck is into underwater cave diving stories and doesn't know about nitrogen narcosis. like 80% of underwater cave diving disaster stories are about nitrogen narcosis. i, a connoisseur of that particular art form, sit listening to underwater cave diving stories, wearing a smoking jacket and puffing on my pipe in an erudite manner, going 'this fool has descended to an unsafe depth without using the proper gas mixture. a rookie mistake. the nitrogen shall undoubtedly claim his soul. may the rescue divers who retrieve his corpse know peace'
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spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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videoworm · 5 months
Just gotta. survive this week and I'll be set. (<- riddled with (mostly social) anxiety and doctor-phobia. But also really needs my tits chopped off)
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ignatiuspostmortem · 1 year
Couldn't reblog this but I had reblogged the inaccurate pist so I want to spread the counterpost
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von-vom · 8 months
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dijidweeeb · 1 year
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #MarilynManson, #TargetAudience (#NarcissusNarcosis) ... From the Album #HolyWood [Official Audio Track] (2000) #MMitM1
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