#narrative of imaginary panic attack within
callipraxia · 2 years
Continuing from the conversation in the reblogs of the link below the keep-reading, since while the broad subject of "let's ramble about mental illness and substance abuse metaphors in this kids' show!" is still the same, I'm on to talking about a different character (Specifically, Fiddleford)/realized belatedly that the OP might appreciate this.
So, Fiddleford and his memory gun.
It is, as usual, impossible to be 100% sure of much about the Portal era, considering that Ford's view of reality seems to have already started becoming distorted by the time he began writing Journal 3, and it is true that Fiddleford's signs of trauma after, say, the gremlobin incident, or his nerves when he realized what the probability of failure was, were actually pretty reasonable responses to the things that he was going through. However, Ford does act as though he's always been a bit concerned about Fiddleford's nerves, and when everything is taken into account, it seems more probable than not that the man does/did suffer from some form of anxiety disorder, probably in the OCD 'family.' Once I accept this premise, his story rapidly becomes a solid metaphor about the dangers of self-medicating.
Yes, yes, I know. The moral of the story is to deal with your problems...but nevertheless: the memory gun works as a metaphor for drugs and compulsions and how they don't really solve your problems, and it works especially well, I think, as a metaphor for alcohol and/or sedatives (Ativan, Valium, etc.). When used judiciously and with deliberate goals and limits, these things can be highly useful, or at least do more good than harm (alcohol is an antiseptic, for a lot of history it has been safer to drink than the average water supply, and it at least used to sometimes be 'prescribed' to people with certain heart problems who couldn't afford expensive medications, nerve pills are actual medicine, and as for the gun, we have the canon examples of the end of 'A Tale of Two Stans' and the finale). If you start to feel you need a drink after work every day to keep coping with your job, though, or needing a nightcap just to go to sleep...that can go real bad, and that's if you aren't developing this habit on top of OCD and/or one of its sister disorders. Fiddleford does appear to have such a disorder, and while he already had some ritualistic behavior (his Cubik's Cube, his alleged superstitions around graves, his tendency toward trichotillomania, the amount he checks and rechecks his work), he really loses control of himself when he gets access to the memory gun.
I suspect, between the temptation to instant relief it presented him every minute of every day and the secretive nature of it (no doctor supervising him, nobody frowning disapprovingly into his trash can, etc.) that memory gunning himself at the slightest inconvenience became both addictive drug and compulsion for him at some point, to the point that he was eventually frying his brain for even such a minor stressor as cutting himself shaving - or rather, for such seemingly minor stressors, since to him...who knows what that looked like? Anxiety Brain is wonderful at forming objectively sketchy connections that spiral into long chains of increasingly frantic 'reasoning.' From an outside viewer's perspective: it's a scratch, big deal. A path I could imagine Fiddleford's brain going along might run more like: "I cut myself shaving - why are my hands so shaky, why did that happen - were my hands even shaking, or was I just not paying attention? I can't do anything right! I can't even shave right, never mind raise a kid right! Which reminds me that I haven't seen my son in six months, I might as well have been cheating on my wife, I'm a terrible husband, a terrible father, just a terrible man, why didn't I do something before things got so out of control?? I could have stopped all of this, but now my Friend is out of his mind, he might end the world any day now, I don't know if my wife would have me back at this point if I even had the guts to go home and beg, and now I have this cult to run - but how can I run a cult when I can't even be man enough to face my own family? And it's slipping out of my control, I never meant things to go this far - They're all gonna turn on me, Stanford and Ivan and Emma-May are all gonna team up and murder me, oh God, it all makes sense now - !").
And then the gun made all that noise just...stop. He could sleep. He could run a cult. He could do things other than worry about Ford blowing up the planet any day now, or what was going on at home, or if the things he saw in the gremlobin's eyes could really happen. As soon as it started, he could just...make it all go away, as often as he wanted, at the click of a button. And by the time the side effects started becoming obvious, and he was losing his ability to speak properly and tearing his hair out without even remembering he'd done it and stealing clothes off scarecrows, well...thinking about those side effects, wondering if this thing he feels he cannot live without anymore could be responsible for them, was almost as distressing as thinking about all those motor accidents. Which, naturally, meant it was time for another mind wipe/drink....
So, there, started a couple of days ago and then delayed until I found this tab again though it is, you have it, @gravi-mania - the tale of how one could, if so inclined, warp the backstory of Gravity Falls into a story about bright young things whose lives fall apart courtesy of one of them getting too many uppers and the other getting too many downers. Make the framing device "Stan finally got out of prison after thirty years and went to visit his brother in the state hospital, where Ford laid eyes on him and immediately started yelling about portals and the end of the world and Stan doesn't even know what; as a result, Stan decides to stick around long enough to narrate the whole sorry tale, Prince of Tides-style, to the new doctor Ford seems to think is their nephew," and you could even get some super-depressing sober commentary on society and the justice system in there, too, along with at least very slightly lowering the research load, since sticking to that point of view would limit the scope of things to what he could see/what he knows about rather than going too deep into everyone else's heads and happenings. Though tbh, I suspect going with "yeah, let's just...not" is still the wisest possible course of action all around. really.
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rosie-x-rose · 3 years
Back from the dead sorry this is in 2 parts just ignore or delete lol I was so tired last night 💀
How you treat each other: the way they show love throughout is mostly through communication and short tasks. As extroverted they are in public they have a side to them that seems more like a monarchy in weird ways. You'll show them your love by being along for their downs and even the small fights here and then. You know they love you even with the frustration. I feel you aren't the one to really want to be someone's savior but that's all I see. When you met them they might've even contemplated. They felt locked in and you somehow had keys.
(a downer don't read if so sorry if it's a trigger!) For love this relationship has a lot of delusions later on or in general. It feels like they're trying their hardest to feel good and they're still learning at times, may even suffer from medical or mental issues. I see them in a parking lot struggling to pull their keys out and having a panic attack possibly or something that made them feel panicked. (I think panic attacks more make you freeze up? Idk) I see a possibility of bipolarity too.
After every human interaction all they want to do by then is come home to you and relax. To talk about your day or do some midnight shopping. They want 5o join you wherever you go.
Things: orange juice or oranges, brown or black hair possible faded into blonde at some area or all throughout the hairstyles. Partial mid hair to short hairstyles. Dragons, purple or dark midnight blue suit, piercings. Brown eyes. 5,2-5'8 maybe even an inch taller or to 5'10 but I feel shorter side more. They could've been bullied because of it or they felt so. I see want tea, chai tea of some kind. Mya meet at an event or party involving business or family, could be a family friend even or from a different country in general. I see a shop of some kind also, or a parking lot you may meet in. It's hard to fully place, look for dragons of all sorts and tassels. Glows of some kind also, green surrounds this energy really. They may even want or take an architectural job. I see nice black shoes. If female, leather jacket somewhere, may be into fashion or designs and would be trying to sell some things to a company or technology wise. A sundress or some slacks. Mid hair on the shoulders or long held back. I heard dancing of some kind, hear me out. They may REALLY hate the song dance monkeys😭, idk I just heard it😍, snoring, twirling a wedding ring or ring of some kind. Looking down at it. Nervousness, an audition of some sort or big meeting. Files and cases. Apricot, peach, mango smells or tastes somewhere. If you smell ginger, pepperoni (weird), medicine, herbs, flowers or plants strongly then they may be near. "Ah, hold on!" Going to get somewhere fast. "Waiting". Large green trees, islands, resorts, falling in the sand, Ragnarok, rise of smth maybe a movie. Cathedral, loud, humane, human, "don't say that" - "don't make me cry". "Y'know what! Forget you!" Walking away. Star trek, signing, acting, business, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio moon/sun/mars, absolute history. Mark on the hands, feet, forehead, back. May be larger on the back.
I forgot my initials sorry ⛹🏽‍♀️ they're LC or LJMC
Sorry this one isn't colored I'm running late now lol
Okay thank you so much for taking the time to write this again. Omg it must be tiring and frustrating. I just want to ask whose POV is this? Like mine or theirs? But anyways the "things" part sent me into a frenzy for some reason lmao. I'd love to do more exchanges for you in the future or even just readings. Just send an ask or DM me lmao. I appreciate your hard work and thank you for acknowledging mine too😊
Lets get to your reading!
What does K think of you?
They may have thought of you as trouble as first? Like they saw as someone pretty aggressive and controversial. Someone they wouldn't like to mess with. They did take notice of you but weren't attracted to you. As time passed they started having some feelings? (not necessarily romantic take it as it would resonate) and they had this conflict between their head and heart. Like heart wants it but head knows its not good.
Right now they have not necessarily found the balance but I see they know deep down that there's some connection between you two. They are not quite sure of it seems. But they know it. Its almost like they don't know they have feelings. I see them worrying and thinking about this a lot. They may daydream about this. But at the end they will realise what they feel. Idk why but I feel this is a romantic connection? If not then just ignore it but the whole thing felt like they just let their heart win the conflict.
What people have a crush on you?
Okay so I'm not getting a direct answer but a sort of your journey towards finding love? I see you are too deep in your imagination these days which don't necessarily work in your favour. There's a hint of running away from reality. A lot of mental instability even though you may not realise it. Considerable degree of falsehood, deceive, misjudgement, fantastic narratives, exaggerated complaints, imaginary wrongs. The thing is the victim and assailant both are you. You need to learn to take control over these emotions. Remember its you that needs to control your emotions not the other way around.
You need to take action. Action towards taking control of the situation. Of yourself. The keyword here is 'swiftness'. You need to find happiness within yourself rather than in others. Be content in what you are. Feel whole in yourself. The message is to trust your intuition. There may be things that are hidden below the surface. If you are single be careful of who you meet. People may not be what they seem to be. If you think something is not right then its probably not. Follow your gut feeling.
I see 3/4 people taking an interest in you but they aren't that sure of what they feel to come and talk to you. You may not know these people very well. But they are around you. They see you often. Probably a mutual. But I see you aren't really ready for a relationship right now. You have a journey before that.
Hope it resonates and I could be of some help😊
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blog-shakirali-blog · 5 years
Sniper games for pc
Sniper games are about perking at the top of a building and punching holes through bad guys from a mile away with the help of a high-caliber rifle. Whether it’s a challenge to compensate for a bullet drop or the simple joy of seeing a group of enemies descend into panic as you pick up the helpless goons one by one – the PC Games Repacks pop into moments like these.
Sadly, there are not many games that focus solely on making the player feel like the ultimate ghost warrior, but there are a large number of sniper games with realistic sniping mechanics and sniper missions to keep your itchy finger going. Trigger. Our sniper game list offers everything from military simulations to more laid back experiences where you can make a strange mistake or even dig a sniper rifle completely.
We repeatedly return to our lists to ensure that they are as up-to-date as possible, so you can be assured that in the list below we are no less than a classic sniper game on PC.
Release Date October 4, 2019
Publisher Ubisoft
Genre/Tactical Shooter 3rd Person Shooter Game Open World
The latest Ghost Recon from Ubisoft was supposed to have a lot of sniper action. Ghost Recon introduces the Breakpoint Sharpshooter class, along with a bunch of sniping perches to complement your loadout. It is built around Ghost Recon Breakpoint class sniping and includes class benefits such as ‘breathing while doing’ and ‘bonuses’ using sniper rifles and DMRs. Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s best weapons are highly accurate and fun to use snipers like TAC50, HTI, and Scorpio – found from loot drops, boxes, and blueprints across the imaginary island of Auro.
The breakpoint also introduces quick loot that adds extra perks to your guns, such as improving accuracy or maneuverability. You are able to upgrade your sniper rifle using Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gunsmith and spend old gun parts to improve your favorite sniper. If you are planning to tackle this open-world best single-player games pc, sniper rifles are our recommended choice.
2.ARMA 3
Release Date September 12, 2013
Publisher Bohemia Interactive
Genre/Tactical Shooter Open-World
There is no point in Arma 3 being a sniper. It is a battle simulator and as such it prides itself on annoying realism – you have to use a rangefinder, zero your scope, and freeze your breath ahead of every long-range shot. You have to engage with extreme caution, when you are aware of your situation, when you are acting as a ghost behind enemy lines, you will be killed very quickly.
Arma 3 is so realistic, in fact, that some snipers pair up with a spotter who handles all the totals for them and reveals new targets. Unlike many sniper games, Arma 3 snaps a cooperative experience. Better still, Arma 3 has loads of updates and expansions, so it’s never too late to fall in love with this military simulator.
Release Date February 14, 2017
Publisher Rebellion
Genre/ shooter, Stealth game, 3rd-person shooter
The shooting of Nazis is never complete. Sniper Elite 4 continues the series’ gradual transformation from linear stitcher to sniper’s dream sandbox game, marking the occasion with Italy’s fascist switch. The sniper game chop is intact, so expect a realistic bullet drop and there’s plenty of scopes until you manage to slow down your heart rate.
Sniper Elite 4 also features the franchise’s Gore Pies de Restasance: X-ray Kill Cam. Now, in addition to being able to take out a Nazi’s testicle from a mile away, you can see internal damage caused by stabbing an enemy in the back or splattering flying out of a nearby explosion. And what sniper games really are, if not waving your crosshairs to a bad guy’s head, pulling the trigger, and then looking up at his skull as morbid curiosity.
But it is the sniper Elite 4’s sandbox level that is the biggest improvement over its predecessors. Each one is alive and full of possibilities – be it a side-quest, a glimpse of a possible environmental kill, or a sniper nest waiting to be uncovered and used. As we found when writing our Sniper Elite 4 PC Review, each level is sought to be maintained again and again, and this means more sniper game talent for your buck.
At the top, Sniper Elite 4 also received more single-player content in the form of Destastorm, a DLC mini-campaign in which you sneak into a naval base. The campaign released add-ons to chapters after the game’s launch, along with free multiplayer modes and maps. Sniper Elite 4 has a lot more to do as sniper games go on.
Release Date December 15, 2015
Publisher Offworld Industries
Genre/ Tactical shooter
While the squad does not have the role of a sniper, there is a mark sheet class – and if you don’t think there is a difference between the two, the squad probably isn’t for you. The squad’s gameplay is all about teamwork, and as such, there is no room for lone wolf roles such as snipers. A shooter’s job, on the other hand, is to go anywhere with the fire team, giving the team its effective access to reacting to long-range fire and generally attacking and defending.
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Communication and teamplay are also essential for future snipers. Hitting more than 500 meters will give little success, but a higher-magnification scope and better-stopping power ensure that the tracer always has the upper hand in long-range skirmishes. The way it should be in a sniper game For PC
Release Date December 12, 2018
Publisher Focus Home Interactive
Genre/ Tactical shooter
The original insurgency offered a genuine albeit clunky modern best FPS pc games with some solid sneezing mechanics. Insurgency: Sandstorm overhauls everything for graphics and animations, sound design and weapon models, and the result is a multiplayer shooter that sounds as authentic as Arma’s, especially when it comes to it’s powerful, one-hit-kill-snipers is. There is not much in bullet drop or travel time as most maps are very small, but weapon models are impressively detailed and have small details such as magnification effects when you are immersed in the role of the trail.
As much as insurgency: Sandstorm’s best zombie games pc focuses on large-scale attacks, playing a sniper in this FPS, which is about cutting flanking routes and catching lines of sight, so taking a spot and a Expect it to stick to the match. Most multiplayer shooters move too fast to make a sniper’s nest worth catching, but in Rebellion: Sandstorm it is necessary.
Release Date November 9, 2018
Publisher Criterion Software
Genre/first-person shooter battle royale game
Battlefield games are always baked for snipers, with bullet drops, travel time, and large-scale multiplayer maps ensuring that the range is well-crafted for long-range assassins. Battlefield 5 does not add a huge amount to the equation, but the selection of historical sniper rifles at your disposal is one of the best in the pc games for the free genre.
Whether you prefer to lay low in a hay knot, punching holes through a helmet with a carabiner 98 Kurz, or fancy carrying on vehicles with a Boyz anti-tank rifle. In addition, the new Battle Royal mode, Firestorm, let’s now put your sniper skills into the biggest Battlefield map in the final test against over 60 players. Best Horror pc games
Release Date November 4, 2016
Publisher Activision, Activision Blizzard
Genre/ First-person shooter Game
Quickscoping and no scooping may not be as likely in modern warfare as they were in the original game, but the remastered version of the game is still home to the best pair of sniper missions in gaming: All Gilded Up and One Shot, One Kill.
These heavily scripted missions lead the player through the ghost town of Chernobyl on a mission to assassinate a Russian ultrasooologist-cum-arms dealer. The atmosphere is rhythmic, the narrative attractiveness surrounding it, and the pace irresistible – these missions ignited a passion for sniper games in all who played them. As we found in our Modern Warfare Remastered Review, the game is more than a flashy HD makeover, it is a complete remake of the old game.
Release Date November 13, 2018
Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
Genre/Action Adventure 3rd Person Stealth Game open world
Hitman adds more to what we love in the acclaimed sequel to Hitman 2 – silent and brutally shot opportunities.
Scope aficionados will enjoy a game mode within Hitman Sniper Assassin, Hitman 2 that can be played solo or multiplayer. You only have the job of navigating a level equipped with your sniper rifle, and the mission becomes a puzzle that you will have to figure out how to solve using stealth, position and time. A headshot is not enough for landing – you have to hide the bodies and cover the evidence to pass the level.
New Levels and The Prison ‘and u Huntu Port’ for Hitman Sniper Assassin were recently released with the latest hit 2Alc
Release Date October 6, 2009
Publisher Codemasters
Genre/ Tactical shooter, Military simulation
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising has a lot of load-outs to choose from, but when you’re working in a sandbox, only a sniper rifle in about 200 square kilometers makes sense. Especially when you can command a squad of AI soldiers to clean all the rooms and do the dirty work for you, leaving you free to pick up utensils from the miscreants in the safety of a grassy knot far and wide. best strategy games for pc
So far away, in fact, that it is possible to kill enemies more than 1,000 meters from you. There are some substantial bullet-drops to take into account, but a few things warmed up the cocktails such as picking up an entire enemy squad without them ever finding out where you are. What else is there for sniper games? Of course, because Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a battle simulator, you will have plenty of opportunities to make the helicopter fall out of the sky with a single shot.
Release Date
Release Date August 21, 2012
Publisher Valve Corporation
Genre/ First-person shooter
The best sniper games are not about taking that one entire shot. In the hyper-competitive space of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive a Perfect Shot is not enough (even if you know the best places to throw CS: Smoke Grenade). You have to take thousands of perfect shots with each other to split each one, and there will be no margin for error. Forget Ghillie Suits, CS: Only care about muscle memory and accuracy – nothing less will do.
With this in mind, you can look for the CS: GO console command to access the game’s practice mode before going into the killing areas of the multiplayer. Pokemon pc Games
We also have CS: Gaming, thanks to the best and most famous sniper rifle in AWP. Why so much love for a gun? With each shot that plays with an adorable sound, it is also the only gun in the game capable of killing an enemy with one shot to the torso. This Quake’s railgun is distilled in a realistic form, and in the hands of a supporter, it is destructive.
CS: GO is one of the most played games on Steam and its ultra-competitive nature makes it one of the best multiplayer games on PC. Playing online against highly skilled players will make you an eagle-eyed sharpshooter in no time.
Release Date
Release Date November 22, 2019
Publisher CI Games
Genre/  Action-Adventure Stealth PC Game
the best fighter games on pc The latest release in the Sniper Ghost Warrior series, Contracts, will take you to five different locations in the deepest Siberia, each with an ‘IP sniping sandbox’ full of objectives and tasks. Designing a new dynamic reticule system, which manages the variables present in rendering the correct headshot, promises to enhance the tactical sniping experience to contract gadgets. upcoming games pc
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts will also have a multiplayer mode and is scheduled to release on November 22.
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game-refraction · 8 years
SXSW Gaming Awards emcees and Nominees Announced - OMGitsfirefoxx & WWE Superstar Xavier Woods are Announced as Hosts - Awards Voting now Live on IGN
SXSW® Gaming Conference and Festival has announced WWE Superstar Xavier Woods and popular gaming broadcaster OMGitsfirefoxx as hosts for the fourth annual 2017 SXSW Gaming Awards sponsored by IGN and Imaginary Forces, which will take place Saturday, March 18, at 8pm at the Hilton in downtown Austin.
OMGitsfirefoxx aka Sonja Reid, the self-proclaimed “full-time dragon slayer, part-time sniper,” holds the Guinness World Record as the most popular female broadcaster, boasting just under 800,000 followers on Twitch.
WWE Superstar Xavier Woods is a two-time WWE Tag Team Champion alongside fellow New Day members Big E and Kofi Kingston. An avid gamer, Woods is also the host of his own
YouTube gaming channel, UpUpDownDown, where he’s known by his gamer tag Austin
Creed. The channel, which has secured nearly 1 million subscribers since launching last June,
is the home to popular shows like Gamer Gauntlet and Superstar Savepoint, and continues to
be a must-watch channel for gamers around the world.
The 2017 SXSW Gaming Awards will celebrate 100 nominees in 23 different categories.
In addition to old favorites Video Game of the Year, Tabletop Game of the Year, and Mobile Game of the Year, new categories this year include Trending Game of the Year, Fan Creation of the Year, and Esports Game of the Year.
The Gamer’s Voice award categories are dedicated to independent video, mobile, and tabletop games. With 44 nominees in total, these categories are voted on exclusively by SXSW Gaming Expo attendees, with the winners revealed during the Gaming Awards ceremony.
The SXSW Gaming Awards are open to 3-day and Saturday SXSW Gaming wristbands, with complimentary access extended to all SXSW badgeholders. Voting results will be broadcast on IGN and livestreamed on Twitch, where over 135,000 gaming fans watched last year. Video entertainment during the show includes content from SMOSH Games, Corridor Digital, and Brotherhood Workshop.
The SXSW Gaming Conference & Festival is a unique combination of geek and gaming culture featuring Expos, Awards, and Programming over three days. New for 2017 we are pleased to present the Pitch Competition, which pairs new game ideas with industry veterans; the Student Showcase, with 10 innovative student projects on show; and the Nintendo Switch exhibition featuring the latest launch titles and accessories for Nintendo’s next generation console.
Online voting takes place from Wednesday, Jan. 25 through Friday, Feb. 10. To vote, please visit studios.ign.com/sxswgamingawards/. Winners are determined by an equal combination of public vote and the SXSW Gaming Advisory Board.
Video Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and creates a distinct gaming experience across all platforms and genres.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Mobile Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and creates a unique gaming experience on any handheld device.
Clash Royale – Supercell
Pokémon GO – Niantic
Pokémon Sun and Moon – The Pokémon Company / Game Freak
Reigns – Devolver Digital / Nerial
Severed – DrinkBox Studios
Tabletop Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and ingenuity of any tabletop game in any genre.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Fantasy Flight Games
Captain Sonar – Asmodee North America
Inis – Asmodee North America
Mechs vs Minions – Riot Games
The Others – CMON Inc.
Esports Game of the Year
Awarded to the online game with the best competitive scene, growth, and entertainment value.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Activision / Infinity Ward
Gears of War 4 – Microsoft Studios / The Coalition
Killer Instinct: Season 3 – Microsoft Studios / Iron Galaxy Studios
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Street Fighter V – Capcom
Trending Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that consistently entertained and kept us watching on social platforms with its humor, stories, and more.
Dead by Daylight – Starbreeze Studios / Behaviour Digital Inc.
Job Simulator – Owlchemy Labs
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Who’s Your Daddy – Evil Tortilla Games
Fan Creation of the Year
Awarded to the most compelling fan-made piece of work across all games and platforms. This includes, but isn’t limited to, artwork, writing, videography, special effects, and more.
Brutal Doom 64 – Sergeant_Mark_IV
Enderal – The Shards of Order – SureAI Team
Fallout 1.5: Resurrection – Resurrection Team
Fallout: Revelation – MechanicalCakeTV
Jack – A Stanley Parable Short Film – Vesio Productions
Matthew Crump Cultural Innovation
Awarded to the game that best challenges the “norm” of everyday gaming and offers a culturally innovative view of a game world, character, or gameplay.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday – INK Stories
Fragments of Him – Sassybot
Orwell – Surprise Attack / Osmotic Studios
Quadrilateral Cowboy – Blendo Games
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Excellence in Narrative
Awarded to the game with the best storyline and dialogue.
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Oxenfree – Night School Studio
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Design
Awarded to the game with the best overall design concept and best execution.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
INSIDE – Playdead
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
The Witness – Thekla, Inc.
Excellence in Gameplay
Awarded to the game with the best gameplay mechanics.
Dark Souls III – BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment / FromSoftware, Inc.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
I Expect You To Die – Schell Games
Most Fulfilling Community-Funded Game
Awarded to the game that was primarily produced via crowdfunding platforms and had excelled beyond the expectations set before it.
Darkest Dungeon – Red Hook Studios
Hyper Light Drifter – Heart Machine
Starbound – Chucklefish Games
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Most Promising New Intellectual Property
Awarded to a new property that risked creating something fresh and that excelled within its genre or category for the year.
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Stardew Valley – Chucklefish Games / ConcernedApe
Tom Clancy’s The Division – Ubisoft / Ubisoft Massive
Most Memorable Character
Awarded to the best game character that left an overwhelming impression.
Firewatch – Henry & Delilah
The Last Guardian – Trico
Overwatch – Tracer
Titanfall 2 – BT-7274
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Nathan Drake
Excellence in Multiplayer
Awarded to the game with the best player-to-player interaction experience.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
Gears of War 4 – Microsoft Studios / The Coalition
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
SpeedRunners – tinyBuild / DoubleDutch Games
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Excellence in Convergence
Awarded to the game that excels in crossover to other entertainment mediums such as film, music, toys, animation, sports and more.
Batman: Arkham VR – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / Rocksteady Studios
Batman: The Telltale Series – Telltale Games
FIFA 17 – EA Sports / EA Canada
NBA 2K17 – 2K Sports / Visual Concepts
Total War: WARHAMMER – SEGA / Creative Assembly
Excellence in Art
Awarded to the game with the most expressive and creative artistic style.
ABZÛ – 505 Games / Giant Squid
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
INSIDE – Playdead
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
The Witness – Thekla, Inc.
Excellence in Animation
Awarded to the game with the most outstanding animation effects and graphics.
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
INSIDE – Playdead
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Visual Achievement
Awarded to the game with the most well-designed and stunning visuals.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Final Fantasy XV – Square Enix
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Technical Achievement
Awarded to the game that pushed the capabilities of technology and programming.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
No Man’s Sky – Sony Interactive Entertainment / Hello Games
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Pokémon GO – Niantic
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Musical Score
Awarded to the game that best exemplifies artistic excellence in musical score and how it progresses the narrative of the game.
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Final Fantasy XV – Square Enix
Hyper Light Drifter – Heart Machine
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Thumper – Drool
Excellence in SFX
Awarded to the game with the most outstanding and impactful sound effects.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
INSIDE – Playdead
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Gamer’s Voice: Single Player and Multiplayer Awards
Awarded to the top fan-favorite indie games found in the Indie Corner, as chosen by Gaming Expo attendees.
Gamer’s Voice Single Player
Ape Out – Gabe Cuzzillo
Asura – Ogre Head Studio
Bootleg Systems – NEONABLE
CHKN – Katapult
Circles – Illusive Games
Code 7 – Episode 0: Allocation – Goodwolf Studio
Cryptark – Alientrap
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor – Sundae Month
Event [0] – Ocelot Society
Far From Noise – George Batchelor
Haimrik – Below the Game
Hollow Knight – Team Cherry
Katana Zero – Askiisoft
MachiaVillain – Wild Factor
Mages of Mystralia – Borealys Games
Night in the Woods – Infinite Fall
No Truce With The Furies – ZAUM STUDIO OÜ
Obduction – Cyan
Owlboy – D-Pad Studio
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun – Mimimi Productions
She Remembered Caterpillars – jumpsuit entertainment
Sundered – Thunder Lotus Games
The Hex – Daniel Mullins Games
The Metronomicon – Puuba
The Pedestrian – Skookum Arts
The Shrouded Isle – Kitfox Games
Tumbleseed – AEIOWU
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine – Dim Bulb Games
Gamer’s Voice Multiplayer
Akuto: Mad World – Hut 90
Antihero – Tim Conkling
ARENA GODS – Supertype
Beasts of Balance – Sensible Object
Flat Heroes – Parallel Circles
Friday Night Bullet Arena – Red Nexus Games
Human: Fall Flat – No Brakes Games
Invisigun Heroes – Sombr Studio
Overcooked – Ghost Town Games
Schlicht – Team Schlicht
Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind – Yonder
Saltlands – Antler Games
Sky Noon – Lunar Rooster
Strikers Edge – Fun Punch Games
Tooth and Tail – Pocketwatch Games
Vast: The Crystal Caverns – Leder Games
SXSW Gaming Awards emcees and Nominees Announced – OMGitsfirefoxx & WWE Superstar Xavier Woods are Announced as Hosts – Awards Voting now Live on IGN was originally published on Game-Refraction
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