nando161mando · 7 months
Hilarious: A private company lands spacecraft on the Moon with NASA funding, that is, taxpayers' money. At the same time, no free healthcare, no free education for the taxpayers. We live in the era of utter absurdity and fraud.
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leanstooneside · 5 years
Morowitz's 1992 book
o/\ASA support for Harold Morowitz's work has produced much more however than the Mycoplasma
I think I do agree that the acquisition of planetary samples is and should be stated to be a primary goal
Morowitz was also interested in halobacteria and in bacterial photosynthesis 2' it is his
There is one sense in which exobiologists
story that paints the managers of the early years of Life Sciences as bureaucrats who did not understand the science cannot explain away the appeal of NASAfunded research programs such as Fox's nor prove that they
The Beginnings of Cellular Life develops the story further; it is an elegant clear exercise
Carleton Moore a meteorite geologist who was a member of AIBS review panels from the beginning recalled making site visits to labs such as Fox's to evaluate the quality
case of the problem of contaminating other planets with Earth life most people apparently believe that this is largely a scientific prob
Fox's philosophical contribution to the subject is no less
NASA officials internalized this attitude about their exobiology science at least in the early years: witness Soffen's felt need to include Horowitz
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gizmoman · 9 years
My Thoughts on New Horizon’s Success
Missions like this are why we fund NASA, and lets be clear this mission wouldn't have happened without NASA. No other nation/space agency has explored the outer solar system. Only NASA for the most part (With one exception, an ESA lander that landed on Titan after getting a ride from NASA).
Yet NASA's planetary science funding has been under threat the past couple of years.
Yet NASA's own Administration has said we don't have the money for flagship missions like New Horizon.
Yet NASA's entire budget adjusted for inflation has only gone down since 1975.
This is because us the American people have not said loudly and clearly that we want to preserve NASA's capabilities for future generations. We should be planning for missions that happen in the 2020's-2030's now, and yet we aren't. The truth of the matter is, we may never have a planetary science capability like we do now into the future if funding isn't increased at least adjusted for inflation for crying out loud.
So by all means enjoy the pictures, just make sure you aren't the last American to enjoy such marvels and that we leave nothing for future generations because there is no funding.
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