#nat talks gay celebs
bisluthq · 3 years
Is Andrew Garfield really soft out?
Very soft but yeah as like some shade of fluid. At first he said “as far as I know I’m not a gay man” and he said he’s open to it but if he had to pick a label he’d go with heterosexual which tbh are pretty gay things to say lmao when you read the whole quotes and context. And then he gave an even gayer interview a few years later where he said: “Love is love. Skin is skin. Flesh is flesh. We're all wrapped in the same thing. I have no preference.”
So ya I think he leans towards women - or struggles with comphet who knows - but he’s part of the community tbh.
And he’s one of those people who got a LOT of backlash when he first started talking about it and he still does and he… isn’t straight seemingly… and a great reminder of being kinder to people who are figuring themselves out.
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gaylorlyrics · 4 years
Cowboy Like Me
Howdy partner! this song is clearly a reference to Taylors roots in country music - but it goes deeper than that. It’s about Karlie, and how both girls have built their careers off of selling the idea of love, karlie through modeling and Taylor through songwriting. Both are super ambitious and focused, playing the game and driving their careers forward, but have rags (ok - not rags, but upper middle class normalcy) to riches stories, which makes them feel like the don’t quite belong in the celeb world.
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And the tennis court was covered up
Several people have noticed that this could be a reference to Tennis Court by Lorde. The last time Kaylor was seen together was the below pic at Lorde’s bday. Reading the lyrics to Tennis Court, it almost seems like the same setting as CBM. Lorde’s song explores the dark side of fame, talking about not fitting in and being surrounded by superficial fame. She says “let’s go down to the tennis courts to talk it out” and then we have CBLM that starts in the middle of a sentence with “and”, and takes place at the tennis court, where the cowboys are trying to impress the rich folks, almost as if the songs are sequential.
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With some tent-like thing
Here we’re already getting the theme of not belonging somewhere. Taylor doesn’t say canopy - which is what she is referring to and actually would fit both in terms of syllables and rhyme scheme - she says “tent-like thing” which is both dismissive of her surroundings and tells us that maybe she doesn’t quite know the right word for them.
And you asked me to dance
Let’s just take a moment to remember that 1) Karlie is a dancer and 2) kaylor started at vsfs2013 where they danced on stage together like this:
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dancer karlie!
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But I said, "Dancing is a dangerous game"
This references DWOHT -  which is the ultimate Kaylor song and is all about dancing even though its dangerous, like in the lyrics “can we dance through an avalanche?”, “Swaying as the room burned down”, etc. 
Oh, I thought This is gonna be one of those things
There’s a song called Just One Of Those Things by Nat Porter that you can listen to here, and it seems like Tay is referencing it here. The song lists great loves (ex. Romeo & Juliet) being cast aside and belittled as “one of those things”. This reminds me of people saying that being gay is a “phase” in order to devalue it. Specifically one line in Just One Of Those Things really makes me think about Kaylor - “If we'd thought a bit, of the end of it When we started painting the town We'd have been aware that our love affair Was too hot, not to cool down”. It expresses how they were so loud while glass closeting and had so much chemistry that they couldn't just tone it down they had to go completely dark in order to keep closeting.
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Now I know I'm never gonna love again
In many ways this references the theme of “right where you left me”, Taylor can’t move on because she fell too hard for Karlie and no love will ever compare.
I've got some tricks up my sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me
Taylor sees a lot of herself in Karlie. They know how to play the same games in terms of their careers and bearding, but because of this they understand each others vulnerabilities, etc.
Never wanted love Just a fancy car
They weren’t looking for love when they met, they were both just in the place they were because they were trying to advance their careers. However, as Tay has talked about before, the lure or riches and fancy cars isn’t enough to satisfy her. It also references this line in King Of My Heart, where Tay literally says that all the boys aren’t as good as her lover (Karlie) is.
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Now I'm waiting by the phone Like I'm sitting in an airport bar You had some tricks up your sleeve Takes one to know one
You're a cowboy like me
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Perched in the dark Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear Like it could be love I could be the way forward Only if they pay for it
Both Karlie and Taylor have built their careers off of selling the idea of love - Taylor through her music and Karlie through her modeling, especially with Victoria’s Secret. Both of them are capitalizing and cashing in on romance. They play the game of love to be valuable to the record labels, fashion brands, and industry overall, getting the “rich people” in the industry to invest in them and their careers. However, both are caught off guard when they encounter the real thing and actually fall in love.
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You're a bandit like me Eyes full of stars
Taylor talks about eyes a lot, but I think this has two meanings. 1 - both of their eyes are full of stars because they are surrounded by other celebs and so they are literally seeing stars all the time. 2 - the more conventional meaning would be that their eyes are bright and beautiful.
It also references two songs that are very much about Karlie: “Starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” in Call It What You Want, and “The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo” in Dorothea.
Hustling for the good life
Again, Taylor brings attention to the fact that they are both really career focused and trying really hard to be as successful as possible. They don’t have the same type of fallbacks that celebs with famous parents and old money have.
Never thought I'd meet you here It could be love We could be the way forward And I know I'll pay for it
Here Taylor knows that she’ll pay for her relationship with karlie in two ways, 1- she’s paying for it in that by falling in love and pursuing a relationship she’s on the “treacherous” road making her life much more complicated given that she’s choosing not to come out, 2- she is literally paying for beards so she can have a public muse for her relationship songs.
And the skeletons in both our closets
Plotted hard to fuck this up
Here Tay is talking about closets again. This actually makes me think of two meanings. 
1- it makes me think of the “skin and bones” line in treacherous (maybe because I was just talking about that song) and how tay has used that type of language to talk about her and her lover in the past. The skeletons in the closet could be a reference to the past karlie and Taylor being in the closet, when they were both really thin and Taylor was battling her eating disorder. In the past they were plotting so hard to cover their tracks and stay in the closet, which eventually messed everything up for them. 
2 - The more obvious interpretation is that the skeletons in the closet are the people who were controlling their careers, who they have now moved away from, like SB2. These people messed things up by keeping them in the closet.
And the old men that I've swindled
Both karlie and tay have had careers that were mostly controlled by men who are older than them - VS CMO Ed razek, SB2, etc. These men thought that they were controlling kaylors careers, but kaylor is individually profiting as well.
Really did believe I was the one
This references The One, the first track on folklore.
And the ladies lunching have their stories about When you passed through town
Karlie has quite the rep for making people fall in love with her quite easily (see the klossanova video that @theprologues​ made here). 
But that was all before I locked it down
Love locked down! for more details check out this post and this one, but basically Karlie posted and image with the caption “love locked down” on March 6, 2016, on the same day Taylor posted “one year down” with the picture of a locket. This was one year after their Vogue cover came out in March 2015. Because of this, it seems like they were celebrating their anniversary some sort. Hence the line “I locked it down”. 
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Now you hang from my lips Like the Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world, known as very beautiful and an incredible feat in engineering (beauty + engineering are both things that describe karlie!). However, archeologists are unable to find proof of their location - therefore it’s unclear if the gardens “were an actual construction or a poetic creation”. 
With your boots beneath my bed
This is a metaphor for sleeping together and is also referencing cowboy boots.
Forever is the sweetest con
It’s impossible to be with each other forever - when we say forever we know that we will actually be separated by mortality and factors we can’t control. However, Taylor is okay being “conned” with ideas of forever, because it’s understood that they will be with each other as long as possible.
And yet, this also references Hoax - it’s a different way of saying “your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in”. Leaving us wondering if the love was real or a con.
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
Is the sgm rebrand similar to what Nat did, taking the stan out of the mission and making it just general gay gossip and social stuff or whatever? (I mean still bullshitting about our faves) Cause that would be awesome. I pretty much am only invested in this community because you guys seem like genuinely cool people and quarantine is rough lol but sometimes I get soooo tired of being associated with a Taylor-centric stan tumblr 😩
i mean we’re still gonna be taylor centric (which btw nat still has a taylor centric blog too) because taylor is the most interesting celeb to me...but yes the rebrand (which is coming you never know when!) will be towards a more general vibe (but like sorry we’re still gonna talk ab taylor a LOT esp during rerecords)
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endgame rant (spoilers)
It's midnight, I'm pissed & ready to have a stress endused stroke, let's do this.
First of all, I can't fucking type it's half midnight, so bear with me.
Second of all, I started crying over this mess ten seconds in, & I never stopped crying. This shit broke me, completed me & broke me, I'm a husk of my former self. I lost weIGht with how much sobbed, not even joking lads.
So, like... HolY SHit this movie was a mess. I hate this movie with a fuckINg pAsSion, I can't explain how I feel, so I'm going to type what I feel.
That's what I feel, I feel like I'm having a stroke. I fucking love this movie, like holy shit in the fight scene, that got my gears grinding.
Like damn when all the girls got on screen to fight for my sOn, I was like; "well shit... I'm gay for every fucking female in MARVEL holY SHit".
I was on fucking point, I had a fucking extra large slushy beforehand, I was catching the references. I was prepared, you know what I actually wasn't prepared for. Clint-motherfucking-Barton™.
He looKeD LIke A SNacc, so did Tasha with her hair. I'm in bisexual distress, jesus christ. Like, I first saw Steve & said "stevE no, not the bEarD,". But that was only half of my problems, then I got even gayer for Brie Larson, I swear if it weren't for celebs, I'd be just lesbIan.
Nebula is my fucking child & if you want her, you have to bite me bitCH, but I hate past Nebula like, I just hate Thanos so much.
In the first scene when Thor killed Thanos, my brother said something like "it's just a vision, no way he's going down like that," & I was like "screw Thanos, he doesn't deserve a fancy ending,".
I feel super bad for Clint because my boY did nothing to deserve this, but then he started killing everyone... Ngl I was low key into that, that just butters my biscuit-- but not the point. When I saw his sleeve & mohawk I was like "HAWKEYE MOHAWK *slaPS KnEE* COMeDy gOLd," but then I was like "jeSus have mercy on my poor bisexual heart,".
Nerd hulk dabbing made me cringe & I kinda' spaced out because I cringed into another time line imayhavemetlokithereweneverknow
Captain Marvel's new hair was something to flex about, ngl I liked that shIT.
I actually couldn't cry I was so shocked that Nat jumped off Vormer, like how coulD MarVEl Do That?!???!
The Black Widow movie better fucking tell me wtf happened between Nat & Bucky & what happened in Budapest or istg ill stab a bitch.
When Tony & Scott were talking about Steve's ass, ngl I was murmuring about how great his ass was, like MMMm.
My brother looks at me weird now.
I love Morgon so much, like she's so cute.
Also, Tony telling Scott to give him a heart attack, I fucking loved that, I snorted.
Also, hail hydra-- honey don't get me started, the cinema just gasped & I was like. "wELl Shit-- ALL THe FANFics... ThaT IM GOInG TO ReAD,". But I'd pay for a fanfic about Steve being in hydra secretly, like no ship, no reader, just... Good ol'... Betrayal.
I mean he all ready betrayed me & Bucky by going back to his 1 true love & living out a life he always deserved & giving his shield to falcon instead of Bucky. I mean fuck you, I have the comic of Falcon as Captain America bUT FUCk YOU--Bucky deserved it more.
When Steve held miljnor, I screeched, I was told to shush so I did ;'>
Holy shit when all the portals started opening up, I was slapping my brothers arm to tell him "THE FUCKING PORTALS GOD DaMn," even though we were watching the same film. & I missed Peter ngl, but I missed Stephan even more. I shrieked when I saw bae Elizabeth & bae Benedict.
Tony is a savage just putting that out there.
But at Tony's funeral... I have never sobbed so much in my fucking life, I was a mess, my hair was sticking to my face, I couldn't breath, it was-- it was crazy.
But gd it marvel give Tasha a fucking funeral you monsters.
But, when all is said & all is done. Marvel you idiot fuckers,
Love you 3000
(now I'm gonna actually sleep now, I love how this post just got less grammatically correct as it went. Night lads 😂)
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bisluthq · 2 years
I just read that Sydney Herald article about Rebel Wilson and holy shit, that author is such a dick. The whole article was basically, “Rebel is such a bitch for not letting us out her.” WTF? The nerve of that dude. Gross.
Also going off about how she hasn’t experienced homophobia like bruh you don’t know her life and what her vibes have been. Genuinely disgusting article.
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bisluthq · 2 years
not to interrupt the circumcision discourse buuuut have we seen that Cara Delevingne and Selena Gomez are set to play love interests??? also didn't they have dating rumors in the past? 👀 idk I could be behind the times but I want your opinion
They’ve had rumors, I don’t think they dated, but they’re gonna have fun rolling with it for sure and as they should.
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bisluthq · 2 years
This is cute!!
That is very cute!
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bisluthq · 2 years
Also I don't know if you want to touch this with a ten foot pole but I remember years and years ago someone on Tumblr wrote an article about then-closeted Elliot Page kissing a girl among other things and they were like "E needs to come out! There's nothing wrong with being lesbian, E is contributing to stigma blah blah blah" and in hindsight, Elliot being a trans man, everyone just needs to shut the fuck up and let queer people do what they need to do on their own timelines. Especially "allies"
Yeah I mean honestly no one ever owes you a coming out. Being like “… you sure seem a lil bit fruity” is a-okay imo because there’s nothing WRONG with being gay but feeling entitled to people coming out to you is just fucked up. People aren’t fictional characters. They don’t queerbait you and they don’t live their lives for your entertainment fwiw. And plenty of people have said it’s traumatic af to be forced out the closet 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bisluthq · 2 years
Rebel Wilson was forced to come out gosh
This article is fucking disgusting.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Re: Queerbaiting Discourse - Lukas Gage slayed here
How fucked up is that person to be like “then please enlighten the world” who in the fuck feels entitled to DEMAND a stranger’s sexuality to be shared with the world?
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I realllllllly think like the world is broken on this and I do blame millennials.
Guys, NO ONE owes you shit. People experiment and do shit. Labels are for cereals not for people. If you LIKE a label that’s dope but who in the fuck should give you RECEIPTS on who they’ve fucked or whether they’ve had gay thoughts or not???
This type of shit harms QUEER people by forcing them out the closet or making them go further in because it’s so awkward to say anything if people are just gonna… not believe you.
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bisluthq · 2 years
happy pride month!
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bisluthq · 3 years
Bruh its the same people that say “id die for you in secret” is about taylor killing her public perception to be with the person she loves lmao. Its actually really sad how desperate they’re for representation but one of the girls they ship flew her ass to panama to get some british D and the other one has a whole fat bebe with a billionaire. Pathetic tbh.
Look idk I’m just exhausted and sad for them. I was talking to my girlfriend about this the other night because it legit BOTHERS me. Like okay so firstly I think gay people don’t have to like only gay shit like I think same as straight people can enjoy gay art, gay people can enjoy straight people’s art, and good art is universal anyway so like who cares yk? I’m gonna jam to Diet Mountain Dew by Lana and it’s always gonna be two girls in my mental picture of it but that won’t be like what it’s about for Lana lol and it won’t make Lana queer. But I’m allowed to picture it however I want like it’s nbd and that song lends itself to like a Thelma and Louise thing for me. Secondly I think speculating about shit is fun and again nbd. Gay isn’t an insult. Being like “if a girl wears a necklace about how love is love with two lesbians on it maybe she thinks boobies are pretty” is fair fucking enough.
But it should just be FUN like it shouldn’t be a link to representation. Gaylors’ obsession with a woman who fucking functions as straight - regardless of what she knows herself to be - isn’t healthy. It’s weird to me that they make ACTUAL GAY PEPLE all about Taylor motherfucking Swift. Fletcher wrote a whole ass gay song and their takeaway was “so did she out Taylor Swift?” Hayley has sung with Taylor and they’re mutual fans and their takeaway was “so Taylor is gay?” Phoebe is out there biconning on main and their takeaway is “TAYLOR IS OBSESSED WITH GAY WOMEN!!!” Who gives a shit? Why can’t we be proud of GAY WOMEN not Taylor Swift’s opinions on them?
There ARE gay celebs for representation purposes and imo it’s much healthier to follow them and promote them and discuss them if what you’re looking for is REPRESENTATION than projecting on random straight functioning (or downright straight) people. I get the whole closeting angle is appealing but ya.
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bisluthq · 2 years
You know, I do feel bad for the cast of heartstopper. They’re all between the ages of 18-19. People are gonna force this kid out, because what straight person says labels don’t matter to them… it’s horrible. We forced so many people out of the closet because we can’t let them be ambiguous or unlabeled. Why does that spark such an outrage?
This CHILD is being dragged out of or into the closet fucking kicking and screaming. It actually sent shivers down my whole body when I typed that up. Like it’s SO fucked up. He doesn’t need to KNOW what label to use. He’s fucking just finished his A levels. He’s an actual kid. A real life human boy. He wasn’t written to queerbait you by cynical writers. He’s a fucking real human kid. Leave him the fuck alone. He’s clearly comfortable with people thinking he’s queer and beyond that who careeeeeeeeees? 😭💀
People are SUCH cunts and have legit lost sight of reality and the fact that celebs are HUMANS not scripted characters.
Nick is bi.
Kit’s sexuality is irrelevant but fwiw is unlabeled which is A LABEL same as “straight” which isn’t the label he uses.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I think both Joshua Bassett, and Kit Connor from Heartstopper, are straight and are only not labeling themselves because they don’t want backlash for saying they’re straight. //
You guys said that about Jack too, with the exact same wording if I remember correctly. Why can’t you accept that some people aren’t straight and don’t want to disclose their sexuality with you because it’s none of your fucking business?
I’ve literally never seen people get backlash for saying they’re straight but I see endless backlash for people saying they’re unlabeled. Richard Madden has faced more discourse (fwiw I think he does use a label but he just doesn’t want to share) than Taron who said he’s straight. Like can queers stop policing other queers tbh because it’s SO TIRING.
And at the end of the day it’s not about these famous rich people (though with younger celebs like Kit and Joshua it can probably fuck them up a bit). It’s about how reading vitriol and bullshit like that is gonna make some gay kids not feel gay enough or someone confused have to force themselves not to feel that.
Besties, I’m gonna tell y’all a story again because it was an important life lesson. In undergrad, I had this gay guy I was at that point relatively tight with (weirdly the one that anon found on Twitter talking about Jack 💀) and he had this pretty blonde friend from high school who was like super effeminate and a bit of a woo girl with regards to The Gays™️. She started dating my other guy friend so we hung out a loooot and developed our own friendship like independent of the two guys. I was a baby bi tbh and like super proud of being out and also super into being woke and shit right because I’d just discovered intersectionality and queer theory and stuff. I really liked this girl but I also found her a bit annoying and enjoyed outwoking her and shitting on her a bit. She really liked making jokes about how she fancies me and stuff and I really liked being like “you’re literally straight idk.” We ended up falling out tbh. I stayed friends with the guys. A few years later, turned out that girl is not a girl at all, let alone a straight one. They are an enby lesbian. I messaged to apologize to them and they actually said my comments hurt them a lot back then. We had a good convo about it and I learned to… not be a cunt and not assume people’s sexuality idk.
Some of you need to learn that lesson before you hurt someone like I did.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Sometimes I hate how the LGBTQ community forces people to be out. One of the main actor in hearstopper, who plays Charlie, is openly gay. The actor who plays Nick hasn’t said anything about his sexuality. He got mad on Twitter because people were accusing him of queerbaiting and being a straight actor, which he clapped back at with how people don’t know his sexuality. Then, in a recent interview, he said he doesn’t feel the need to label it, because labels aren’t important to him, especially publicly. I just feel angry because this kid is 18, and to me at least, it seems like he doesn’t really know or care to label his sexuality and we should leave him alone. I also don’t think lgbt roles only need to be played by lgbt people. How do you feel? I also feel like we aren’t entitled to know anything and straight isn’t the default.
Yeah I’ve explained my stance on this a ton of times. “Don’t assume sexuality” /=/ “assume everyone is straight until they issue a 10 page statement and disclose every sexual partner they ever had.” It means saying “we don’t have a fucking clue if this person is straight, gay, bi, ace or questioning or what.” That’s not assuming sexuality.
Real people can’t tbh queerbait you. That’s not what that term means.
18 year olds - and people in general but especially 18 year olds - don’t have to fucking know their sexuality and certainly don’t have to disclose it to the entire world.
One’s own sexuality shouldn’t determine what characters one plays because it’s ACTING.
In conclusion, people are irreparably dumb.
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bisluthq · 2 years
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Why haven’t we talked about this? 😭😭
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