#nat talks the alwyns
bisluthq · 15 days
this is a bit random but just discovered ur account bcs i gained a sudden interest in joe alwyn after watching kinds of kindness & the brutalist at the film fests… & LOL i was stalking ur old posts on swiftwyn & the alwyns && i found it was very cute & interesting & just funny i literally laughed out loud LOL… anyways idk on ur opinion on joe alwyn anymore (whether u hate, like, or neutral) about him but pls dont delete those posts bcs some of them will def cheer me up on a bad day 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 k anyway take care wherever u are nat! u seem like a good person to talk to <3
lol don’t plan to delete anything and I’m a fan of Joe! Always keen to discuss him (when he yk does things lol not in relation to Taylor which has gotten fuck boring). Also hi and welcome xx 😘
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bisluthq · 1 month
No one is making Joe’s fans the villains. You (@ anon) keep coming here and saying you’re not a Joe fan and you use his full name (I don’t believe it’s more than one person) but ALL you do is complain about what swifties are saying about him elsewhere. WE DON’T CARE. None of us are seeing these swifties you constantly talk about. Yes, a lot of swifties hate him and a lot of them talk about him but the same way they have talked about every single one of her exes at different points in time. We don’t follow those blogs, we don’t care about what they have to say unless it’s something really outrageous and funny. You come here pretty much daily to say “swifties won’t stop talking about Joe Alwyn” and I’m only seeing the anons Nat replies to, I don’t even want to know how many she has that she hasn’t replied to or seen. Our problem with the weird Joe cupcakes obsessed with swifties is that you’re annoying US. I don’t read what people are saying about Joe in these blogs you keep mentioning so they aren’t bothering me. YOU are. And I know you’re just one person because you have a specific way of writing, you always write Joe’s full name and you’re always the one complaining about swifties being obsessed with Joe when you’re the one who’s obsessed with both Joe AND swifties
anon 2 anon but umm yeah
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Thank u anon and yes all of this.
if someone says something legit wild/outrageous that’s different but if it’s just “why won’t they shut up about him” then idk man because I literally don’t follow them and don’t care lol and I can’t fix them (no I really I can’t and even I can’t).
PS also really what is with that anon and his full name? That’s like the only Joe we ever discuss lmao day to day. If people meant Jonas or Biden they’d say so, same as if they meant Tomlinson or Lautner they’d say so but otherwise I assume you mean Swift. Jacks confuse me sometimes but usually it’s L and normally I can tell when it’s A based on context because I’m not a moron and no one has felt to differentiate the two although both get brought up a fair amount. But literally there is only one Joe lmao. And if you mean Jonas or Biden you’d tell me 😂💀
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bisluthq · 3 months
This will sound like Joe snark but I swear it’s not. So I’m not a film buff, I recognise some names in the credits and on posters but I’m not like ‘omg a new Nolan movie!’ And tbh I can only name a few Nolan movies because of your blog lol. Equally I only watched slow horses because I wanted to know what the fuss was about with Jack because I hadn’t heard of him before 😆 so my question to you because you seem good with films, if not for the taylor of it all do you think you’d know of Joe in the way where you’d see his name and know his face or visa versa? I like his acting, I was sad CWF didn’t hit like NP (I think it was too earnest to mass appeal? It had the poly thing but it wasn’t exploiting the THIS SHOW HAS POLY SEX thing and was slowly paced and sort of gentle with the characters….? Idk I really liked it but I can see how the pacing wasn’t for everyone and not for people expecting NP 2.0). But you mention names of actors and movie people that I haven’t heard of - which I like because I see shows, movies or the actor and director name in the Netflix description and am like ‘oh! That’s one Nat spoke about! I should watch it :)’ lol. I’m seeing a lot more people talk about Joe but i don’t think I’d remember him by name for anything other than CWF (though he stood out in boy erased cause I thought he was hot before he did the thing 🫣) and I loved the favourite but too obsessed with Emma & Olivia to notice anyone else lmao.
Side note, I’d really love to know the roles he turned down cause I’m sure he’s been offered some leading man roles in crappy movies. His commitment to only making stuff he thinks is meaningful makes him seem so much cooler lol.
yea so I knew what a Joe Alwyn was from Billy Lynn onwards because it was SUCH a big deal that Ang Lee cast this unknown. Then the movie sucked (through no real fault of Joe’s, just because Ang was fucking the cameras and not his script/process/cast). Then I watched The Favourite and my boss that year interviewed him when we were in Cannes (could’ve been me which would’ve been funnier in hindsight but I was busy with other less important shit). Then during the pandemic it clicked Billy Lynn and my boss’s interviewee that she was so besotted with was London Boy and I was like damn I guess that makes me a fan.
I can give you lots of film recs - I never studied it but I’ve been a fan all my life and I worked in film writing for 5 years and a close friend is a set designer and my bf (for now) is an editor.
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bisluthq · 2 years
hey nat I made a compilation of all the cute taylor and joe moments at the funeral for the bisluts lol.
and before anyone comes for me with the "it was a funeral be respectful!!! 🙄" I watched the entire thing and it had very uplifting vibes. they were celebrating his life so there were a lot of smiles (btw he was a complete badass, what a king). his wife valerie is such a perfect match btw she matches his king energy with queen energy and is just incredible!!! so yeah don't come for me this is the first time since...ever that we get joe and taylor interacting on video and doing mundane things (the video is almost 3 minutes long so this is the longest we've seen them do it too lol) so let me have this!!
That’s a cute video lmao!
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bisluthq · 2 years
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Nat, look at this screenshot someone posted on Twitter, Joe is taller than Tom and I think this man is really their father... And I saw another screenshot that Patrick appears and he is much taller that his brothers
Weird he looked shorter in concerts and after Joe’s bday! I still am not sold that’s Richard!
(Pat is - as we know from Brynn - 6’4).
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bisluthq · 2 years
A recording will be available here shortly. I watched the entire ceremony and actually it was quite interesting because I've never seen Catholic funeral before. The Alwyns appeared in the room just in time. Swiftwyn looked so cute and in love as always but Joe's granny looks so tiny and cute. No wonder Joe missed her and wrote a letter during the pandemic. I hope she will be able to attend Swiftwyn's wedding. And RIP Bruce Kent.
Thanks babe!
Again: what an incredible man with a rich and meaningful legacy.
Watch for Taylor and Joe, sure, but let’s also take the opportunity to learn about and be inspired by Bruce.
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bisluthq · 2 years
aw I missed the funeral! did anyone take a screenshot of joe sitting with his family?
… idk and I’d feel a little creepy specifically sharing such screen caps. If there’s video I find or general pics of the family mourning I’ll share that because they’re…. a public family 🤷🏻‍♀️ and this was a public funeral for a famous man.
ETA there are screen caps and they don’t creep me out in the end:
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bisluthq · 2 years
Being creepy on the internet now but Elizabeth's speciality is eating disorders. Taylor's comments in Miss Americana sprung to mind. Reading some of Elizabeth's articles was a revelation. She is a badass and super smart.
Okay but the funniest thing about her is she has an entire book on like fuck the patriarchy - it’s pretty good if a bit dry - and it’s dedicated to Richard 💀😅
Like yes she’s smart and a badass but also she’s truly destined to be Taylor’s MIL.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Omg a legit swiftwyn picture. A taylor with most of the Alwyn family picture. All is missing is Pat. So sad a funeral brought this on, I hope Bruce Kent rests in peace and the funeral goes well.
Let’s use this opportunity to also learn about Bruce and the work he dedicated his long life to:
May his legacy live on, and may we achieve the vision he had for the world around us one day. What an incredible man.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I just heard the brynn song.. Damn her story telling is vivid and so good..
Pat just manifested his own Taylor tbh😂😂
Good job pat.. Doing your own thing by inspiring good art.. Also what is mama alwyn teaching these kids.. I think they got their game from Richard though.. He was the OG after all he inspired to liz to dedicate a book about feminism to him😂😂
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bisluthq · 2 years
Are you watching Bruce Kent funeral? I might be wrong but look at the front row...I think Rosemary, Elizabeth, Taylor, Joe, Tom, and Richard are there
I was not watching Bruce Kent’s funeral but will try look now now.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Lol the piano one is giving William Bowety feat. Nils Sjoberg. (So he plays piano too I guess? Interesting)
I think all three boys play musical instruments, speak multiple languages, and had to play sport competitively. This is gonna sound very posh of ~me but like it’s VERY standard for boys like that? Pat didn’t go to a fee paying secondary school so he’s probably missing the Latin/Greek the older two obviously have but he obviously still had to do like all the minimum shit and he did Model UN and all that so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bisluthq · 2 years
Joe's great-uncle Bruce Kent passed away at the age of 92 on Wednesday. BBC news The Guardian
Ah. Tough - they’ve been losing a lot of elderly relatives lately. Thoughts for their family!
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bisluthq · 3 years
I'm gonna need confirmation to belieb
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bisluthq · 3 years
Man those are some strong ass genetics and lmao “the importance of doing your thing” dear lesser alwyn
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The Alwyn genes are STRONG man a boy Bébé Swift-Alwyn is gonna look like this I’m sorry.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Wohoooo alwyn first gen family drama😮‍💨 wow did he really left his wife for her student that’s some shady ass shit William shame on you
I KNOW????? What a fucking mess!?????
It’s been a while since we have had real good family tea and this sounds like quality shit @maria-eve-falcon come back be here tell us more and which books is this from lmfao?
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