#natal ceres retrograde
astrologged · 1 year
Retrograde asteroids in the birth chart
Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Eris aren't planets, they're asteroids. When they go retrograde in someone's birth chart, they can offer extra information about that person's character and life events.
Ceres Retrograde: Ceres is associated with nurturing, motherhood, and the cycle of life and death. When Ceres is retrograde, they have experienced challenges or difficulties related to nurturing, either in their early upbringing or as a parent themselves. They need to work on issues related to self-care and providing care to others.
Pallas Retrograde: Pallas is associated with wisdom, strategy, and problem-solving. In retrograde, Pallas indicates that someone's analytical and strategic abilities are turned inward. They might struggle with decision-making or find it challenging to express their wisdom to others. Self-reflection and introspection can help them access their inner wisdom.
Juno Retrograde: Juno represents partnership and commitment, particularly in marriage. When Juno is retrograde, someone faces challenges related to forming and maintaining partnerships. They have a more internalized approach to their relationships, making it essential for them to work on understanding their own needs and expectations in partnerships.
Vesta Retrograde: Vesta is associated with devotion, focus, and commitment to a particular cause or mission. In retrograde, someone struggles with finding a sense of purpose or may have difficulty fully committing to a specific path. They need to explore their inner motivations and passions more deeply.
Eris Retrograde: Eris is associated with discord, chaos, and transformation. In retrograde, someone's experiences of conflict or disruption are more internalized. They struggle with their own inner demons or hidden conflicts, and the process of transformation is more personal and introspective.
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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A retrograde in astrology is when a planetary object appears to move backwards, which essentially means the planet's energy is somewhat effected, so those life areas that fall under that planet's domain are not as easily expressed. It’s a very karmic thing to have in the natal chart, your soul chose to incarnate to learn deeper lessons regarding the areas of life ruled by that specific planet/asteroid. To know if you have a natal retrograde in your chart, look for Rx or R on a generated chart calculator.
Fun fact: Mars is the rarest retrograde.
If your Ruling Planet is Retrograde it will make you doubt yourself more and you may experience self image issues.
For example: A Gemini Rising with a natal Mercury retrograde or A Sagittarius Rising with a natal Jupiter retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde gives you lessons around communication, learning and intellect. You may struggle to articulate words and speak up or may even talk too much and not know when to be quiet.
Venus Retrograde makes someone’s nature more intense & deep. They take their connections very seriously which may cause these individuals to go through difficulties in regards to their one on one relationships. Since socialising is not taken lightly there can be some sort of awkwardness when participating in small talk and general shyness in order to avoid superficial connections.
Mars Retrograde individuals may lack forward movement, assertive abilities, have a dulled passion & drive. They may feel fatigued & tired more than often. Your sex drive may also be effected because of this.
Jupiter Retrograde individuals tend to have different or unusual perspectives, belief systems, or sets of morals. They prefer to learn from their own experiences rather than from others. This placement gives me “what do you know because you’ve experienced it yourself VS what do you know because you were told” vibes.
Saturn Regrograde burdens you with responsibilities and a sense of duty in your life. You may struggle with boundaries and find it difficult to say no to others.
Uranus Retrograde may make it hard for you to fully express your inner originality and unique side. These individuals are born a rebel and may also experience unexpected & sudden karmic events in their life.
Neptune Retrograde takes away your rose coloured glasses, you may have to face hard and painful realities as the neptunian illusion is stripped away. You’re meant to discover the truth behind your illusions, realise what is sacred and be a source of light in others lives.
Pluto Retrograde brings more growth opportunities into your life. You may have a fear of letting go which you’re here to learn the importance of doing so. You need to take control of your life as your shadow side may take over if you don’t do the work to transform/grow. (Shadow work is necessary with this placement)
(I know Lilith isn’t a planet, just adding it)
Lilith Retrograde can make you a sexual deviant (because sexuality is part of Lilith’s nature and here it's manifesting differently). You may struggle with following your instincts and acknowledging your desires. For example: Someone with a retrograde Lilith in Virgo would not be the typical control freak Lilith in Virgo person, instead they will be very messy.
Chiron Retrograde means that trauma is deep within and may even come from a past life. In this lifetime, these individuals are here to re-evaluate your relationship with anyone & anything that doesn’t support you anymore. They may find it challenging to accept their feelings and the simple fact that humans are imperfect and vulnerable.
Ceres Retrograde individuals can struggle with having the nourishment, support, resources they need and may experience a lack in some way. This usually means that your upbringing failed to teach you the proper lessons about nurture and self care, so you'll have to learn it yourself. Check your Ceres sign and it will teach you what you need to nurture.
Juno Retrograde individuals may have commitment issues or trauma they need to work through. This also is an indication of past life karma in regards to relationships. These people are the lone wolves, they tend to avoid partnerships & may even prefer to be single and independent.
Vesta Retrograde individuals may lack devotion and discipline. It can bring up issues around fear of sexuality or intimacy, obsession, prostitution or selling yourself short in some way. They’re here to learn the value of service, this will examine how much dedication they’re putting into their life. When we put in little dedication, we can suffer. When we put in too much dedication, we can suffer as well. They may struggle with feeling like they fit in because they tend to lack devotion and/or generosity for others.
Pallas Retrograde may make someone aggressive, immature, have criminal tendencies and daddy issues. These individuals strategy may not be accept by society, with a ‘pick me’ vibe. They are inclined to manipulate and lie but can overcome these traits with self awareness and shadow work.
Amor retrograde individuals have some sort of discomfort when it comes to romance. You may have some old love issues and traumas to work through. These people tend to take a different approach to romance.
Cupido Retrograde may mean you have way too many crushes or rarely have any. You become too infatuated at times, or lack passion, and need to find a balance between the two.
Eros Retrograde may cause some issues around sex. This indicates there may be past trauma on a soul level, so you need to work on acknowledging your desires and acting on urges and fantasies in a healthy way.
Hermes Retrograde people tend to be in the wrong crowd and often find themselves taking the fall for others mistakes. These people tend to be good people but they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. Possible fertility issues. Due to past accidents or incidents they have experienced in a past life may give them travel-related fears in this life. (fear of flying, fear of water, fear of driving, fear of bikes, fear of trains, fear of horses, etc.)
Eris Retrograde people may unintentionally cause trouble by doing things they thought wouldn’t be an issue. They may not like confronting others because it feels uncomfortable or they feel attacked whenever they speak up for themselves - They tend to experience a lot of gaslighting yet they usually hate fighting with others. They may often feel as though they are alone even when surrounded by other people.
Aphrodite Retrograde individuals may experience extremes from having stalkers to not being adored by others at all. They may feel unseen and unappreciated by others, making it often difficult to appreciate themselves. They tend to experience a lot of drama and may not be the most jealous person but rather the person who is too insecure to be openly jealous as if it’s like they expected it, “too good to be true” vibes.
I tried to be as informative as I could and added as much variety as I can with the asteroids I’m familiar with. There are other retrogrades I haven’t listed here.
Let me know which of these you have!
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harmoonix · 2 years
♀ Sweet Venus Notes ♀
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♀ Venus at 0° is such a powerful placement, here Venus is at starting a new cycle and a new fresh start, this can mean your relationships and love life can be very meaningful for you and to have a very big impact. ♀
♀ Venus making an harmonious aspect with Neptune makes you do everything/to sacrifice everything for your relationships and for your love partners, these people can be needy in their relationships ♀
♀ Venus aspecting Mercury can give you very a nice and charming voice, your voice can be very liked by other people, it can also makes you to communicate in a very sweet way and to express your love very easily ♀
♀ Venus making an harmonious aspect with your 7th house lord can influence your relationship to be very romantic and full of happiness, it can also happen to feel very happy and you can see life in pink basically. (If you have Taurus/Libra in 7th house Venus already blessed you with such ♀ things)
♀ Venus at Aries Degrees (1°, 13°, 25°) can make you to love really hard and to get very dominant towards your partner. You kinda like to take control in a relationship 👀
♀ Venus at Virgo Degrees (6°, 18°) makes you an adorable lover, a very sweet and sensual person with a very impecabile neediness of your partner. It can make you obsessive a bit too 👀💓 ♀
♀ Venus at Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) makes you to be adventurous in your love relationships, you can be very flirty and you like to dress very nice, nice enough to make your partner excited 💥 ♀
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♀ Venus making an aspect with the Moon can make you very attractive omg , a very sensible nature and personality but you can be so admired by people but also a lot of people can jealous on this. You can be very popular in a sense that everyone knows you ♀
♀ Venus making an aspect with Lilith can make you very excited, very admirable and if you are attracted by men, a lot of them can see you as a potential partner. You can charm people whenever you go ♀
♀ Venus conjunct Pluto is one of the most powerful and intense Venus aspects because you can be very intense in your relationship and also to have a very big appeal. You can also attract a lot of posesive and intense partners. You need intimate relationships, and like to be pleased, satisfied 24/7. You can also crave for a really deep soul connection with your partner because you can love at a very deep level❤️🫂 ♀
♀ Venus Retrograde in your natal chart, love is a very important thing in your life and you tend to focus on finding the right partner for you, they can struggle to find the perfect love, but i wanna tell you that at some point the love you waited for will come 💓 ♀
♀ Venus making an harmonious aspect with the asteroid Juno (3). Ok here y'allllll i can feel already how sweet and romantic your relationship with your spouse will be like, your spouse can be extra romantic Romeo and Juliet reincarnated for reallll, your marriage life can also be full of loved and everything should be point, "Love at first sight"
♀ If Venus makes an harsh aspect with Juno (3) it can show that you don't want a relationship until you don't find the right person for you. You need to be very sure of your relationship and of your partner because many people with these placements can have trust issues too. ❤️🫂
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♀ When you have your Venus Return your whole love life resets it's cycle and starts a new one, you can take this as a "You open a new chapter in your love life book" ♀
♀ Ceres - Venus aspects need a lot of nurturing in their relationships ( especially if you have harsh aspects) you need to nurture eachother it can be such a healing placement for many, they can crave for love and their partners ♀
♀ I heard somewhere that nobody will love you that much as someone who has a Water Venus, because they can love at a very deep level. They are very affectionate and needy too ♀
♀ Venus in Gemini Degrees (3°, 15°, 27°) they love to communicate with you 24/7 it's their love sign, they are these type of people who can ask you and care about you so much they are like "Hey my love how was your day? I want you to tell me everything you did today". Such sweet 😍
♀ Venus in Libra/Taurus/2th/7th houses are so done when they have crush, they will do ANYTHING to have their crush around. These people can stalk their crushes a lot, and they can develop a very obsessive trait because of this 😂
♀ SCORPIO VENUS can overthink so much in their relationships, they can have so many fake scenarios happening in their head and at the end they can hurt themselves with false illusions ♀
♀ Venus in Gemini likes to tease their partners a lot, they can be so mean sometimes just to make you go crazy over them ♀
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Venus in Aries Degrees (1°, 13°, 25°) need a lot of passion in their life because these natives ADORE to live their life at the best and with the best people around them. They are having a very confident opinion about their love life too and these people can be sooo romantic 😍
Pisces Venus is a very very very high romantically - lovely - adorable - mesmerizing placement, I LOVE IT not gonna lie sometimes i wish i could had this Venus placement is very adorable 🥰, these people want to have a very romantic life and full of fun with pleasure and excitement
Venus in the 12th house can crave for soul bounding very much, these natives in my opinion can create the deepest soul bounding ( physical and subconsciously) with their partners. Is a very powerful house for Venus to be in.
Venus aspecting the ascendant can give you a very likeable personality and you can be even loved and adored by people around you💕❤️
Because today is my birthday 🥳🥳I'm gonna post this special post here 🫂❤️ Venus is my 2nd favorite planet after Moon and i wanted to put this here for all you lovely people 🥰🫂. Have a wonderful day ❤️💕⭐
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americanoddity · 2 years
Astrology Observations 8
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-Taurus placements can become detached easier than Pisces placements can when they’re pushed past their limit.
-Taurus placements remind me of Capricorn but with Venusian charm. They’re very particular, but tend to indulge more than Capricorns do.
-Pisces placements have a tendency to go back to the same people, even when it isn’t good for them.
-Pisces Moons tend to cling to trauma more than Scorpio Moons, I think it’s actually harder for Pisces to overcome trauma without using spirituality/artistry due to their sensitive nature.
-Capricorn Venus may seem detached but put more thought into their actions than any other Venus placement imo.
-Capricorn Venus will put everything into a relationship or person and literally stop dating until they truly feel ready if their relationship ends.
-Scorpio Mercuries can come off as really abrasive without meaning to, people seem to either love or hate this placement.
-All fire risings fill a room with their energy, they may not realize it but they attract attention that demands to be seen.
-Ceres retrograde in the natal chart can signify a harsh relationship with a mother/mother figure.
-Saturn on the rising people may feel like they have to do something multiple times to achieve what others can on the first try.
-Saturnial risings and 12th house placements are late bloomers but age like fine wine.
-12th house placements always have to pull themselves out of holes by themselves and for themselves, as someone with nearly all planets in the 12th I admire the depth and resilience of the 12th house.
-12th housers and Pisces Moons may feel that they have to be deceptive for their own survival, or get pushed into corners where they have to deceive others to survive.
-12th housers genuinely understand grey areas in life because they’ve had to be the good guy and the bad guy in many situations.
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of april 14th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're on a post-eclipse wind-down. no matter what happened last week, although of course you must deal with it, i hope you are resting! the astrology is helpful with this - rest, nourish, it gives you strength.
taurus: mars sextiles jupiter and uranus in your sign, and meanwhile mercury in its retrograde conjoins your ruling planet venus. okay, mercury retrograde is not a crowd favorite. but overall this is auspicious for you; any change you need to make can be made. avoid grand actions, and actually avoid any action if possible, but make plans now to execute in a few weeks' time.
gemini: if you have been despondent or bummed out about mercury's retrograde, it does at least accomplish some nice little conjunctions. try to use the time well, even if it means spending a lot of time in your head. you don't have to go driving all around or sending a million emails to be productive.
cancerians: cardinal (especially aries) vibe rages on. but with that said it is a good time to beautify your public image. even if you don't go posting your headshots all over your linkedin or whatever, take a nice photo today, see how you feel. you can post it later or not. or now! or not. but at least see how it goes, or something similar if social media isn't pertinent to your social status.
leo: jupiter-uranus makes you a public persona. if you have wanted to develop an online presence, a political shift in the world, a legacy of any kind, sudden "viral" yet positive outbursts are likely for you around this week. you just have to give it the first little push.
virgo: although it is still a somewhat wild time it's actually a pretty sturdy period for virgoans, especially those with closer affinity to ceres than to mercury. if there is something you need to do or learn, it is a great time to lock in and get it done!
libra: venusian nodal activity means you're still not quite done with eclipse themes. hopefully that's not dreadful; hopefully it means great things are coming for you relationship-wise. there is also a jupiter-uranus conjunction in your 8th house, bringing positive changes to intimacy, magic, and/or shared resources.
scorpio: relationships are a very major focus at this time, with a lot of (mostly positive, try not to worry) changes but the end of the week also features a sun-pluto square in fixed signs. pluto is your ruling planet, but it is in aquarius at this moment. so these two bodies may well make a T-square to any natal scorpio points. it is uncomfortable but it brings about transformation, which in the end is kind of your whole deal.
sagittarius: the long-awaited jupiter-uranus conjunction happens in taurus this week. taurus is not a sign you are likely to feel much natural affinity or understanding with. but jupiter is your ruling planet - this is the biggest thing affecting you this week. try to live a little bit like a taurean, but one who embraces change and all the electricity alive in nature. be outside touching grass literally. the miracles then come easier.
capricorn: most modern astrology has you painted as something like a miser or suited up businessman but you're still the old god pan at heart. this week's jupiter-uranus conjunction brings that out of you - let it.
aquarius: even if you stay at home, the weirdness finds its way to you. so there's no need to alter your plans, although if you feel compelled to do so it won't hurt or keep opportunities away either. besides, weirdness has always suited you. this week's style of it is bold but benevolent. this is one of the last major uranian things of this uranus in taurus age, so enjoy it.
pisces: most of this week's events, large as they are, affect you only indirectly. have patience with others who are deeper in the trenches. not that compassion is any real difficulty for you. if you get the chance to volunteer to help someone it is good to take it.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Transiting Mars enters Gemini
Saturday, July 20 - Wednesday, September 4, 2024
“Mouth warrior.” That’s a description of this placement from an article in The Mountain Astrologer 20+ years ago. My son (who just graduated from law school) has natal Mars in Gemini, so I can attest that “mouth warrior” is absolutely, perfectly correct. The man loves to argue.
With Gemini, there are always at least three problems (regardless of what’s in it). One, the energy tends to fluctuate; two, things tend to take place only in our heads, not in real life; three, we make very good plans but we don’t act on them. How does this play out in Mars’ areas?
Physical strength - we think we’re stronger than we actually are. Or, we think we aren’t as strong as we actually are. Gemini is the sign of fine motor skills, and we can work on that kind of dexterity. Some of us will put some energy into strengthening our minds.
Energy levels - here is where the fluctuation really shows up. Rarin’ to go one moment, tired as hell the next.
Sexuality - they talk a good game, all right. This position is good for experimentation and role-playing.
(Side note: yes, this is short, but remember that this is my son’s natal Mars - and the only thing grosser than imagining your parents “doing it,” is imagining your kids. Ew ew ew.)
How we go after what we want - elaborate plans. Very elaborate. We aren’t as bothered about a short, straight path, as Mars usually is. We try to talk our way into what we’re after (and out of trouble).
Mars/Gemini is a good chance for us to learn how to speak up - how to think ahead, to look before we leap - and to have backup plans.
A couple days or so on either side of these aspects, should do. Mars is beginning to slow down a bit, and in fact enters its retrograde zone on October 3. Use the Mars/Gemini energy to plan ahead!
Sunday, July 21 - Mars/Gemini trine Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°53’. Plans! How strategic can we get?! There is a lot of mental energy - this is the day of a Full Moon, and we are fizzing and popping.
Friday, August 2 - Sunday, August 4:
Mars/Gemini (8°30’) semi-square Chiron Rx/Aries (23°30’)
Mars/Gemini inconjunct Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 9°04’
Mars/Gemini sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 9°27’
Mars/Gemini (10°28’) semi-square Eris Rx/Aries (25°28’)
Minor obstacles. We may recognize this, and try to work around them.
Monday, August 12 - Friday, August 16:
Mars/Gemini (15°23’) sesquiquad Pluto Rx/Aquarius (0°23’)
Mars/Gemini conjunct Jupiter/Gemini, 16°40’
Mars/Gemini square Saturn Rx/Pisces, 17°42’
Just wow - this is a hugely ambitious time, but our timing is off, and we feel held back and restrained. Sort of like trying to get the car started, but the motor turns over a couple of times and then stops. Curbing our impatience is mandatory. Think and plan in the longer term.
Friday, August 23 - Saturday, August 24:
Mars/Gemini sextile Mercury Rx/Leo, 22°43’
Mars/Gemini sextile Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°10’
Overflowing with good ideas. We may not be able to do anything about them right now (Mercury and Chiron are retrograde), but if we can somehow “hold that thought” we can use the information in the future.
Wednesday, August 28 - Mars/Gemini sextile Eris Rx/Aries, 25°22’. This is where the Mouth Warriors will really step up. “Fighting words.” Having a good physical outlet will help with this.
Monday, September 2 - Wednesday, September 4:
Mars/Gemini square Neptune Rx/Pisces, 28°59’
Mars/Gemini inconjunct Pluto Rx/Capricorn, 29°57’
What a crappy way to end the transit - Mars as the apex of a yod, inconjunct both Neptune and Pluto. (And guess who has this in her chart, except different signs?) The wider wirld thwarts our olans and schemes. Adjustments need to be made, and if we’ve worked on making the most of Mars/Gemini, we’re ready for them.
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b1acksh33p999 · 5 months
May horoscopes 🔮💫
🔥Aries - With this month’s ruling planet in its home sign, and in conjunction with your natal sun sign, this month will be pivotal in all areas that require action. Now is the time to put more effort into your passions, and only surround yourself with motivating and supportive company. My advice to you this month is to be patient with those around you while you continue chasing after your desires. Aries will be physically and mentally energizing the entire month of May; so, be ready to jump at any opportunity that may involve you throwing yourself at something new! Just be sure not to forget those around you may feel left behind if you don’t ensure to properly communicate your updated life plans, this is especially true for romantic partners. This month is going to jump start a much-needed shift coming to aid you in opportunities to increase your money-making potential!
⛰️Taurus - With this month starting with Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all in conjunction with your Sun sign, this will bring themes of love, values, expansion, growth, and unpredictability to a close by the end of May. Most Taurus’s have been experiencing a sudden resurfacing of emotion from memories involving these themes since the last week of April. However, by May 25th Jupiter will shift into 0° Gemini, ending a chapter of expansion for Taurus. This will allow you to settle back into your comfort zone, and not feel so driven to grow; expand the areas you’ve been working on for the last year. This will provide you with the peace and solitude you have been yearning for; once you are able to finish what you started. My advice to you this month is to ensure those around you are acting as responsibly as you are. With Uranus staying in its conjunction with your Sun, after Jupiter leaves; that does leave risk for a surprise from a family member, romantic partner, friend, or coworker. If you aren’t stuck in a cycle of enabling bad behaviors in the people around you, this month will be incredibly rewarding. However, if you’re stuck in a cycle; that will be forced to change by the events of the month. It’s time to enjoy some blessings from all your hard work!
🌬️Gemini - Gemini, get ready for your luck to change! The full moon this month on the 23rd will put values, money, and properties on the frontline of the themes for you; Jupiter will also move into aspect with your Sun sign on the 25th, causing a yearlong cycle of rapid growth and expansion surrounding these themes. My advice to you this month is to be true to yourself and what you need when evaluating the impact that relationships have on your confidence; and the connection between how much you value yourself, and if your lack of confidence is preventing you from truly living in the present, with a good grip on where you’re headed in the future. Most Geminis have recently experienced a wakeup call that forced them to reevaluate how much they are valued in the lives of the people they care about the most. Some may have not been happy when experiencing this epiphany and may have fallen into a low period while digesting the circumstances. Over the next year, you will enter a new period of growth, and glow up. Get excited for the glow up you’ve been praying for!
🌊 Cancer - With Vesta in conjunction with your Sun sign, tied with an opposition from Ceres - this is going to be a huge month for getting a serious refresher on a forgotten skill, or previously undiscovered ability; especially when it comes to family matters. With Pluto starting its retrograde on May 2nd in Aquarius, creating a hard aspect to your Sun; this shows us that these special skills or abilities, is what you’re meant to expand on during this time. If you find yourself being taken advantage of by those within your household, Pluto’s retrograde will help to put an end to that. My advice to you is to stay true to who you are today, and require respect when respect is due; nobody should be allowed to use or abuse you. Pluto will provide hardships for these individuals to aid you by limiting access to you and provide you with space to think for yourself. It might be a good time to start planning a vacation or getaway; new places, and new faces, will help you feel the satisfaction you desire!
🔥Leo - This month is going to help give you a preview of the big changes on the way for you! With the month starting off with the transit Moon in opposition to your Sun sign - causing a possible avoidance to deal with emotional matters, or for those that fight off the avoidance will discover new feelings. Pluto will start its retrograde on May 2nd in opposition to your Sun Sign, which will lead to a rebalancing of power throughout all areas of your current life. My advice to you this month is to stay active and try amping up your style or making a change that helps physically solidify this new era of your life. Any changes that help increase your confidence will be beneficial for you during this time. Keep your eyes open for people or problems from your past resurfacing currently; this is a highly karmic window due to the eclipse last month, and Pluto starting its retrograde early this month. Make sure you keep your eyes open to old trends in reappearing people, if trust was broken; if they should be coming back in, earning that trust back is a requirement. Don’t let anyone have access to you that doesn’t respect you, period!
⛰️Virgo - This month is going to feel like universal intervention! With the transit Lilith, and Juno in conjunction with your Sun sign the entire month of May, this is going to make you angry so you will ultimately fight for yourself; with Juno in this aspect the universe may send you a helping hand if it’s not preventative to embracing your independence. The Jupiter shift from Taurus to Gemini on the 25th will officially start a new period of forced expansion around communication, moving the focus away from property, financial matters and show you a new area of focus to help continue your journey of self-understanding. My advice to you is to refrain from bad habits, or pessimism. Any hardships you’ve been given since the eclipse are happening so you can finally fight for your right to freedom. It’s time to start showing up for yourself and stop doubting what you're capable of attaining. The universe is trying to tell you to try something new!
🌬️Libra - With the month starting off with Mercury, Mars, North Node, and Chiron in an opposition to your natal Sun, most Libras will still find themselves cleaning up the messes made during the eclipse last month. The good news is that when Pluto starts its retrograde in sextile with your natal Sun on the 2nd it will rebegin the time for Libras to start getting results for all the hard work over the past few months. My advice to you this month is to keep a steady momentum towards what really matters to you, and the universe will identify your dedication, blessing you with abundance, and opportunities for massive transformation in these areas. The Full moon on the 23rd will open your eyes to a situation that may have gone under the radar for too long. With the North Node in a libra degree at the time of the Full Moon - it will amplify both your level of intuition, and your manifesting ability during this time. Many libras will receive many rewards, and even blessings in the weeks approaching the Full moon. Get ready to come into your power!
🌊Scorpio - This month is going to shake things up for Scorpio! With the transit Pallas is retrograde leaving Sagittarius and moving backwards into a conjunction with your Sun sign on May 16th - this is going to help you heal everyone's psychological distresses around you. You may even discover that your partner, friends, or coworkers are going through a really difficult time, but trust you when you say it’s going to work out for them. Your words will feel magical this month especially when tied together by strong emotional attachment. My advice to you this month is to be of service to those who aren’t finding this stability and faith so easy to find. Don’t be surprised if you get approached by strangers this month in need of healing, just ensure to maintain your own boundaries to keep yourself healthy and happy. Get ready to help heal others by simply being yourself!
🔥Sagittarius - This month is going to be a game changer for Sagittarius! With Pallas retrograding in conjunction to your Sun sign, you will start May continuing to divulge yourself in topics that interest you. You may also find optimism easier at this time regardless of circumstances due to certain blessings that have landed in your lap, reminding you not to give up hope. After the 16th, Pallas will move out of aspect with your Sun sign, leaving that natural optimism and increased energy behind; Instead, you’ll be forced to see your daily circumstances through a lens of deep reality. My advice to you this month is to use the energy of the full moon on the 23rd mixed with the power of the soft aspect from transit Pluto in Aquarius to make the drastic changes necessary to feel comfortable with what you see through that lens of reality. It’s never too late to change your mind, forgive yourself for what you could not have known. It’s the choices now that will define who you have become!
⛰️Capricorn - This month will help you grow by methods of tough love! With Ceres in a conjunction with your Sun sign in the beginning of the month, then starting its retrograde in your sign Capricorn - this is going to amp up the pressure on long term goals, career matters, business dealings, and retirement; this may come in the form of a derailment of plans, surprise, or having put off these matters for too long. This retrograde period will continue until August 2024, ensuring that these details are sorted before Cere’s stations back direct. My advice to you is to make sure you are in control of your finances and keeping up with doing all the work necessary to reach your goals. Any Capricorns who refuse to step up to the stage this month and get a handle on their own future goals will start to notice their ‘reliable’ things starting to change into a more unpredictable state. This could be housing issues, car problems, loss of job, or ending of long-term relationship, or health. Make sure you are setting your future self-up for success!
🌬️Aquarius - This month is going to be full of creative potential for future desires! With Pluto in conjunction with your Sun sign, this will help Aquarius transform and explode any area they both desire and need on a karmic level. Any form of creation or art will be blessed by Pluto causing a butterfly effect, which will alter the course you’re on. Many Aquarians will receive social validation or recognition for their creations during this month. Those Aquarians with children could receive some positive feedback on them, or recognition for their talents. My advice to you is to do some deep introspection on what you want to create. Then do whatever steps are necessary to accomplish your goals. The universe will be blessing you with a relatively easy month full of high energy, and appreciation from those around you!
🌊Pisces - This month is going to show you just how innovative you can be with emotional matters! With Saturn and Neptune in conjunction with your Sun sign, both your level of intuition, and practical skill, will be heightened. This is especially true considering the shift into Pluto retrograde on the 2nd will only deepen your level of understanding with what is being withheld from you by some of the situations around you. My advice to you this month is to keep an eye out for red flag behavior among the people who keep you involved in their drama. Just because you can emphasize and heal others doesn’t mean that it’s your job to do so. The healing you do for others is an act of service, but not a requirement for your presence to be missed. Anyone you may find who doesn’t seem to understand that you can’t heal without feeling, doesn’t deserve your time. With Saturn’s influence - the only hardships will come from others pushing your boundaries or draining your energy. Either way, these hardships are happening so you can continue to grow in the areas of self-security. It’s time to become your own hero and save your dreams!
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Hello, thank you for this insightful blog!
I was wondering if there are some astro placement that indicate being a homebody, a loner and a recluse by choice?
Personally, I naturally am a massive introvert and I don't feel the need to hangout with people, very rarely but I don't suffer from that. My only concern is some people shamed my "homebodiness" like something is missing and wrong with me. I wonder if my Natal Venus retrograde in Virgo is the main cause of this behavior. I adore solitude!
Thank you for reading, sorry this was long.
Yes, I would say more prone could be:
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astroloverblog · 2 years
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–About Me–
I’m new to astrology & wanted to share my experience through observations + placements. I only do astrology for fun. I’m not a professional so don’t take anything too personal :)
My native language is german
↳ (so excuse my english😭)
Pronouns: she/her
Life path 7
Moon phase (I was born in): full moon~ 🌝
Moon is opposition Mercury
Mars is in 10 aspects
fixed mode is dom among my inner planets
Darakaraka (lowest degree):
Venus in Aries at 0° 11’
Big 3’s are (also in my bio):
⊙ Aries ☽ Scorpio ↑ Scorpio
Vedic big 3 are:
⊙ Pisces ☽ Libra ↑ Libra
Dominant element: Water
Dominant planets: Neptune, Pluto, Mercury
Retrograde planets: Venus, Saturn, Pluto
Getting to know me:
I don‘t use any social medias except tumblr & pinterest
I learn about human design, enneagram, mbti, numerology, etc.
I don’t do readings
👛 *i only answer questions about:
• natal chart placements & aspects
• signs & planets in the houses
• degrees-> how they affect the planet/house its in
• defined & empty houses
• dominant sign/planet
• asteroids including Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Ceres & Pallas
👛 *i don’t answer questions about:
• persona charts
• composite charts
• synastry & transit aspects
• vedic/sidereal astrology
• planets in retrograde
• other asteroids
side note:
It takes time & process for me to answer all of your questions so please understand. Its not like I can post everyday :’)
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Considering Ceres (and Our Galactic Core) ~ 17 Nov 2022
Considering Ceres (and Our Galactic Core) ~ 17 Nov 2022, Philip Sedgwick
An underlying and potentially agitating influence over the next month or so comes from  transiting stimulation to the formidable dwarf planet Ceres. A cantankerous sort, Ceres wants  what she wants and will sacrifice anything to get what she desires in the way she desires it... even  if it means cutting off the nose to spite the face. Astronomically, an assessment of Ceres’  physical characteristics confirms she maintains a disposition similar to Pluto or Eris.
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She is  indeed a force with which everyone must reckon... how she stands in the natal chart, where she  transits and the relationship she maintains with other planets, natally. And by her current  position... one is urged to reckon well! She is something else. It is worthy of note that other gods, including Jupiter, deferred to her whims and laments throughout mythological lore.
Upcoming Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all directly and distinctly aspect Ceres. As well, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all engage with the Galactic Center. Mercury does so following their Ceres aspect, Venus at the same time as Ceres, and for the Sun, the aspect to Ceres follows the conjunction to the Galactic Center - a most curious set of circumstances, indeed!
22 November Mars in Gemini, retrograde square Ceres in Virgo
The key above is to keep in mind there are always two points of view (at least, maybe three or more) to every situation. Instead of the urge to whine, declare a foul or incite vengeance for a perceived grievance, work to examine all aspects of the situation(s) that incite(s) your ire. Realize that others not aligned with your ideas actually believe what they contend. Why is that? Does it help to know how they arrived at their conclusions? Or is the fact that the belief is held sufficient... and can openness be applied to create objective informational exchanges?
A key with Ceres is to ensure before taking action that the beliefs underscoring your presumptions are on the moral high ground, the correct side of the law, and that efforts exerted to ease ire will achieve a result that creates negotiated resolution, not scorched Earth.
01 December Mercury in Sagittarius square Ceres in Virgo
Likely the urge to state ones point of view tops the list of priorities. If rushed, others may fail to grasp your communication agenda entirely. Take your time in issuing any point that needs to be made. Include only relevant details - no tangents or distractions. And ensure all needed facts, reasons, beliefs that contribute to your communiqué are stated. Bear in mind that if you skip a step in explaining your thought process, others will have questions. These questions imply no inadequacy or judgment. Simply, others do not have enough information to track your mental flow.
Consider that when looking at the constellation Sagittarius, or Virgo or any defined stellar gathering for that matter, the stars are seen as a flat template for the stellar pattern. If you moved deep into space and examined the stars of any constellation from a right angle, the distances between those stars and the layout would make the constellation imperceptible. The point: Observations made from varying points of view see things differently. From that point of view, the perception is the perception. Strive for inclusive consideration of alternative points of view that appear alien.
While there may be factors that contribute to distortions of points of view, seek to declare what causes such refractions instead of discrediting strange points of view. Also, consider the intent behind sharing information and the motive behind sharing “campfire stories.”
04 December Mercury to the Galactic Center by conjunction
Pure insight flows from the core of the galaxy seeking to update all mental operating systems. Note that in receiving galactic insights several steps must occur to claim access to the cosmic data. First, the insight must be consciously sought and downloaded when it appears. Following downloading the cosmic files must be installed into ones consciousness. During the installation, note that it must overwrite existing thought processes, and while conducting that action, a purge of files no longer needed or relevant must be performed. Clean out additional redundant files. When done with that, test the insights recently received by clear declaration with the understanding that they will not immediately click in the collective. Declarations may take a while for others to emotionally wrap around concepts offered.
07 December Venus in Sagittarius square Ceres and Virgo, both to the Galactic Center
Double duty for Venus and Ceres. Not only are both the goddess planets square, they simultaneously tap all the best insights the supermassive black hole that is our Galactic Core. They include all frequencies of emanations, discriminating against none. These planets have a specific agenda... examining the need underneath agendas that creates an energy that either conflicts with fulfillment of those agendas or works to usher those agendas forward. If feeling stuck, clear the energy behind motivations and intentions... then state your needs. It’s like magic unclogging goo!
18 December Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Galactic Center
This aspect is about establishing a clear pipeline to external cosmic forces that exist. They are unlimited. What will help is to realize that a vast array of energy frequencies originate in the Galactic Center and beam toward Earthlings. It benefits an inhabitant of the third planet from the Sun to know which frequency can be most easily accessed and requires less translation, decoding or captioning to absorb the messaging. Bear in mind, it may not be the same frequency all the time. Allow for instinctive response to information in the moment. Like in the old days, tune those radio knobs... especially the ones attached to your chakras. Receive and absorb all the information. Then, physically write down what you received and learned and decide how you are going to promulgate the gift(s) you received from above.
22 December Sun in Capricorn square Ceres in Libra
Scorched Earth makes no sense as a policy. Why obliterate a city and render it to ruins only to claim it is conquered and then commence restoration and rebuilding? Capricorn despises wasted resources... and for what? The underscoring force here is perceiving fairness and feeling that one received their due. Those scorned tend to scorch, but again, to what gain? Capricorn wryly reports from the elevated perch goats often achieve, you know, living well might be the best revenge. What if you learn the system you oppose and work it to your advantage? You know, like those dang metaphysical axioms annoyingly report, create change from within to without to better access that damn as above, so below stuff. Right? Give that a whirl for a while would you? And, oh by the way, release past attachments to sticking points before going to do that within to without thing.
Perhaps it is good to recall a current model of astronomical thinking. There are verifiable physical facts about Ceres that imply that she once resided out in the Kuiper Belt in Pluto’s range. Jupiter evidently induced her gravitationally to relocate to prime property in the asteroid belt. Imagine, Jupiter may have physically caused Ceres to step back from and reset life perceptions far away from the primary source of her scorn! Is there a model for reactionary behavior for an Earthling in so doing? One way to know for sure.
More soon!
It’s rapidly approaching the holidays. How about gifting yourself - the singularly most important person on your gift list - with a consultation or series of consultations to ensure you maximize the final days of 2022 and establish cogent strategies for 2023? That sounds cool. Time is what it is and consultation spots are flying off the shelves! Schedule now to line up astrological cycles with your current percolations! And you can click below and order a Galactic Report, dive into the Galactic Trilogy and more! Click on!
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sunbeams-and-honey · 4 years
Ceres Part 1
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Ceres is the first in my new asteroid series! Also feel free to request a certain asteroid for me to incorporate into the series. In this part I will go over the entity it is named after, and its role in astrology. In the next parts I will look at Ceres in the signs and then the houses. Ceres is actually a dwarf planet like Pluto, but because her influence is not as big as the other planets, we put her in the same category as the asteroids. That's not to say that asteroids have a minimal effect on your personality; some actually have a relatively large influence. It's just that the things they represent are more obscure and more specific.
Mythology and namesake: Ceres is the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility and maternal relationships. Her Greek counterpart is Demeter. As Roman mythology often overlaps with Greek mythology, she plays the same role as Demeter in the myth of Persephone (Prosperina) and Hades (Pluto). Depending on which version of the myth you look at, Ceres can be interpreted as an overbearing or protective mother. Either way, she is representative of the strength of a mother's love and the lengths maternal figures go to protect those they love. Ceres's asteroid number is 1.
Ruler(s): most asteroids don't have confirmed rulers. Some would say it's Virgo or Taurus. Ceres can also be associated with the Moon, and therefore Cancer.
Role(s) and meaning(s) in astrology: Ceres indicates how we nurture and care for others, the areas in our own lives where we want to be nurtured, and the things that we need to let go of in order to grow. She also rules over cooking, nutrition, gardening and parenting. She covers our relationships with our parents and our children and any abandonment issues we may have. The sign your Ceres is in shows you how you are best comforted, and how you show love and comfort to others. Some of your more complex qualities are highlighted here. She symbolises the transitions women experience throughout their lives, although I wouldn't rule out her having a similar effect on those who are not women. It's just that her feminine energy may resonate more with women/generally feminine people. She is about the passionate nature of your family relationships (remember that this doesn't inherently mean your biological family). The darker side to her deals with matters such as grief. I find her to be a mixture of the Moon and Venus due to her emphasis on your maternal relationships and femininity. Ceres is also considered to be the Earth Mother, so she is also an indicator of your relationship with the environment.
Ceres in retrograde: any retrograde in your natal chart means that the energy that planet/asteroid represents is harder for you to express. If you were born during a Ceres retrograde, you may find routines boring, leading you to live a hectic and disorganised life. You are more than capable of being a good leader, but you'd rather go with the flow. You are more of a taker than a giver when it comes to caring for others and you're a largely dependant person. You may have had some issues with your mother/any maternal figures in your life which involved inconsistent care, especially during your childhood.
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Asteroid Hatshepsut (2436) in the Natal Chart of Queen Elizabeth I
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The object Hatshepsut represents self-promotion, the conscious propagation of image in order to bring about success or in the process of pursuing ambitions. The words that come to mind are legacy, stature, image, and campaign. This is linked to gender expression and its use in a social, public, or professional context, but that’s secondary.
This is super late, but I got crazy absorbed while I was researching, so I hope the anonymous asker has stuck around! (If you’re only interested in personal natal astrology, I’ve got a Hatshepsut overview post drafted that briefly touches on each of the sign and house placements as well as providing basic support for analyzing aspects. It also goes into the topic of Hatshepsut in retrograde.)
IMO, it’s always worth checking both Vedic and Western placements, so both will be analyzed independently below, with additional emphasis on shared traits between them - all this said with the disclaimer that I am still very new to Vedic astrology relative to Western. That said, analysis below the cut!
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The Western drawn chart for Queen Elizabeth I has Hatshepsut in Leo at 19º in the 7th house. The Vedic drawn chart has the asteroid in Leo at 2º (placing it in the Magha Nakshatra) in the 9th house. Both charts place Hatshepsut exactly conjunct both her Vertex and her Pars Fortunae, as well as exactly trine Jupiter and exactly semisquare her Venus. (God, if I’ve ever seen a chart so dramatically befit its native, lmao...)
So, starting with the shared traits.
Leo Hatshepsut natives craft stories and wield showmanship to rally people around their cause. They know how to orchestrate the world around them such that they appear to be the sun around which everything revolves. They make themselves into stars through sheer force of charisma and belief in the self. The fixed modality may correlate to the native fixating on their legacy to an unhealthy degree.
As the sun is the counterpart to the motherly moon, Leo is also linked with father figures. While Saturn is the father who raises us, the Sun is the blood father who sires us. This aligns fantastically with Elizabeth’s legacy being initially sown as the unlikely claimant to her father’s throne.
The 5th house is ruled by Leo and the sun as well, and its domain includes joy and hobbies, but also more relevantly, offspring - by which I mean both children and the process of making them. Elizabeth’s Vedic Chart has the moon in her Aries ruled 5th, while in her Western chart the 5th contains her Gemini Mars and Ceres.
The relevance here is that Leo’s rulership over the house will tie the 5th house’s contents to her legacy. Queen Elizabeth was known as the Virgin Queen and Mother to her Country. She never had her own children, but she was regarded as a mother figure by her citizens, and the moon and Ceres are both correlated to motherhood, with Ceres bringing a touch of grief to the role. Meanwhile, the presence of Mars and the dominance of the Martian Aries puts her in a position of dominance in the realm of sex and children, but to her detriment - Mars in 5th has been correlated to miscarriages and other complications with birth, and many historians believe that Elizabeth had similarly troubled feelings about her circumstances.
The sun and Leo are also correlated to royalty - and this connects to the native so obviously I almost didn’t bother to point it out lmao!
The Vertex and Pars Fortunae conjunction is powerful in itself, but throwing Hatshepsut into the mix brings another level of history-defining karma to it.
The Vertex is an imaginary point that represents a fated bond - not necessarily a soulmate, though Vertex synastry is powerful. It is often summed up as a sort of ‘second descendant’, but the focus here is on karma, rather than personal identity or taste.
Pars Fortunae, or the Part of Fortune - either is fine so long as you’re not talking to a prick who’s looking to correct you - is point of, eponymously, luck and fortune. It represents innate talents.
Having Hatshepsut exactly conjunct these conjuncted points exposes exactly what a powerful, impactful presence Elizabeth must’ve been. She would’ve done far more than command the room upon entry. Her presence echoes through time. It’s no wonder she’s become such an iconic figure of history - that’s exactly what she intended, and karma itself was her quill.
Jupiter is a planet of expansion and trine is a beatific aspect. The consequences of her efforts to craft her legacy would’ve been monumental, real world-defining stuff, and her fortune and her stature would’ve fed into each other more and more, fueling each other’s growth through growth that had been fueled by the other.
Jupiter is also correlated to ancestry, spirituality, faith, and extended paternity. Religion played a massive role in Elizabeth’s reign, both in its making and in its consequences, particularly in that it was her father’s religion - the religion which he coopted for personal reasons and came to represent as the head of the church - to which she was so spiritually and politically devout.
I’ll only briefly touch on the semi square Venus due to it being a minor aspect, but it is exact and it’s relevant so it’s worth acknowledging that it aligns with how Elizabeth’s legacy as the Virgin Queen prevented her from ever marrying or, to public knowledge, partaking in a love affair - although historians have speculated about her close relationship to Robert Dudley, and their synastry certainly is something to behold.
Now, looking at the dissonant specifics...
The houses are different. Western places Hatshepsut in the 7th, and Vedic in the 9th.
Her Western chart’s Hatshepsut in the 7th house works in so far as that her legacy is one of living for the other - her countrymen, other in that she is above them in status and wealth, but also socially if she were anything but queen she would be the other and below them according to sex - and as the other - a woman living independently under her own power, untethered and pure, seen in many ways as a king living in a queen’s body. You can also identify her rivalry with Mary, Queen of Scots in how it helped to cement her place in the legend. In both cases, she utilizes the role of the other, and the strengths of the other, to form her legacy.
The Vedic position in the 9th works if you look at the way she use theistic narratives in her favor. She spoke of herself and her country in relation to God very often, and utilized the religious archetype of the holy virgin mother, a contradiction as much as a miracle, to bolster her image and weaken the foundation of any who contradicted her right to power. There’s also the fact that the 9th house is correlated to grandparents, or more generally the extended family legacy, which would work with how Elizabeth performed the kingly duties her father and his had once assumed with the same performance of masculinity.
The degrees are also different, and the way in which they are significant differs between systems as well.
In many Western circles, 19º would be considered a Libran degree, thus Venusian in nature, feminine, cardinal, and airy. This works well enough as her raw solar magnetism was filtered through the behavior and character of an ideal woman, intelligent and insightful, embodying femininity when appropriate and acknowledging the necessity of the ways of men in times of conflict and war. Her eloquence played a huge part in her ability to perform as well, and these performances remain to this day in the form of quotes and anecdotes attributed to her.
In Vedic astrology, degrees are relevant due to the Nakshatras. Again, I’m new to Vedic, and thus am relying on external sources to analyze the meaning of the Magha Nakshatra. If they’re accurate, the Magha Nakshatra is all about spiritual leadership and responsibility. It is about appropriately acknowledging our roots without allowing them to dictate whether we are comfortable growing beyond their material bounds into a spiritual power or leadership role. This is a bit esoteric for me to parse on a first read, tbh, but until I find sources that better suit me, I’d say the general concept of honoring one’s roots but expanding beyond them into the horizons through leadership parallels pretty well Elizabeth’s approach to crafting a legacy for herself that was born in that of her father but far exceeding its bounds, beyond the role of daughter and unlikely claimant.
This is honestly crazy stuff - I’m so glad I randomly decided to check out Queen Elizabeth I’s chart, especially after receiving this request. I hope it’s okay that I looked at her case study instead of the other two referenced in passing, but I will try to rush job that general-cover Hatshepsut post in the meantime!
Message me if you have any questions or corrections, thanks lmao
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hillarysss · 4 years
Astrology Observations pt.25992962286
No one is safe this time
Will not resonate with everyone. 🧚🏼‍♀️
I really think Virgo placements tend to be prone to falling into depression. I’ve seen this a lot actually they always have 2+ more virgo placements. Or an afflicted Virgo moon is sometimes enough to be prone to depression. 
Venus Opposition Chiron In Natal Chart can make someone give way too much in relationships but can also make them scared of rejection to the point they retreat to ghosting and hiding in a little shell because they’re scared. 
Air moons tend to be detached from big scenarios like death or very big major events. But will cry to the thought of being rejected and not validated.  
Capricorn moons are beautiful and funny souls they just criticize and try to help their loved ones but they’re seen as annoying and sometimes they are.. but I really feel like they’re very underrated. These individuals are loyal (Unless a hoe phase because they can turn into PLAYERS)  They want the best for their loved ones. If a Capricorn Moon loves you and is a little mean sometimes  just know they’re just trying to help. 
Someone who grew up wealthy most likely has Ceres in Taurus. (Unless afflicted this can make them battle for food and other resources)
Fire moons are very emotional and they express anger. Instead of tears. They are the type to send their best friends voicemails ranting over their ex instead of actually crying. 
Taurus sun Cancer Moon is such an amazing combo! These are the BEST FRIENDS ever!!! 
If you have a 12th house stellium do you realize when something bad goes in your life like a best friend leaves you something positive comes along soon enough? You gain some and lose some.
VEDIC>> Venus and Ketu together is a sign of a pornstar. Especially on the 7th.
Saturn Opposition Chiron is a sign of someone thinking they’re responsible for all the trauma they’ve been through. They feel like they have to achieve in school so much to the point they become mentally exhausted.  Intrusive thoughts as well. Prone to OCD with very intrusive thoughts. They think not doing work threatens their whole life's existence. They burn themselves out. Extremely challenging aspect.
Every Virgo I’ve met was always so slim and tall??
People with their lilith as The same as their venus can make very toxic individuals. But can make them more aware of their toxicness. Which is better than not being aware.
Pisces suns are all always artistic someway. Literally
Air moon in 8th thinks about death a lot
Libras are very very much prone to be liars.. I have so many stories
Mercury in scorpios can peep sneaky shit only cause they doing the same sneaky shit they don’t get caught though
Gemini in big three did you ever have a problem with lying?
Cancer moons why are y’all so cute lol
If a Venus in Leo isn’t posting you their cheating
Water placements tend to like cats or smaller animals in general. (Esp cancer)
Mercury with a hard aspect to Uranus, y’all are so smart?? Like how does anyone debate with them and win?
Taurus Moons, I’m convinced none of you exist.
Mars- Uranus very very bad mood swings..
Sun Hard Aspect To Mars- Random energy losses, prone to ADHD.
Sun Conjunct Mercury- Chef’s kiss lol. All you all are so logical.
Sun Square Moon- Challenging for a lot of personal relationships. I’ve seen most people who have this self sabotage relationships.
It’s so hard to get back a Leo Moon once they say they’re done, they’re done lol
Mercury aspect to ascendant makes someone so reliable and lean. Probably wears glasses? 
Sun in 8th has horrible eyesight
Leo Risings are so easy to spot
One Pisces placement is enough to make someone incredibly intuitive. (Besides Uranus)
Mercury in retrograde has a horrible time expressing themselves. They lose friends cause of this they always don’t know what to say. May stutter a lot
Pluto in 10th are obsessed with Social Media. However, they’re either really private about social media or obsessed.
Taurus Moons Never complain about things they have.
Gemini Venus do you all know y’all flirting with us sm or y’all clueless abt it?
Saturn In Virgo are good workers but can make someone very anxious and insecure abt their work.
Moon in 6th tends to struggle with health within the body. Are prone to overly eating when emotional.
Water risings look so delicate and beautiful, I think you can always tell when someone is a water rising.
Jupiter Opposition or Conjuct Moon in a females chart can indicate big breasts or a heavy top  body.
Jupiter - Asc makes someone have such a nice mischievous smile. Wider noses.
Water moons even if attracted to air moons it most likely won’t last. Air moons don’t understand their behaviour sometimes.
Aries moon can be people pleasers. 
Leo Moons can try wayy too hard sometimes
A Venus in Cancer likes when boundaries are put up in a relationship makes them feel more secure.
Fire Venus + Water Venus can make a good combo, just a little more work needs to be put. But I feel like Fire venuses tend to adapt to any love language, especially Leo.
Mercury in Gemini or/and moon in aquarius tend to not believe in astrology. If not they never take it seriously. 
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libralight · 3 years
My Natal Chart
I thought I'd share my full natal chart, just incase anyone is interested! I recently learned about asteroids and it's been eerily insightful. Quick insights: A lot of 7th house placements. A lot of Libra, Virgo, and Venus energy. Even the Asteroids are mostly involving partners, lovers, and sex. A big lover of love vibe with a lot of big brain energy... and a tendency to be stubborn and overly talkative : D Planets Sun: Libra in 7th Moon: Aries in 1st Mercury: Virgo in 7th Venus: Libra in 7th Mars: Gemini in 3rd Jupiter: Leo in 6th Saturn: Capricorn in 11th Uranus: Capricorn in 10th Neptune: Capricorn in 11th Pluto: Scorpio in 8th Houses 1st: Pisces 2nd: Aries 3rd: Taurus 4th: Gemini 5th: Cancer 6th: Leo 7th: Virgo 8th: Libra 9th: Scorpio 10th: Sagittarius 11th: Capricorn 12th: Aquarius Vertex: Virgo in 7th Fortune: Virgo in 7th Chiron: Cancer in 5th Lilith: Sagittarius in 9th North Node: Aquarius in 12th Retrograde Asteroids Ceres: Virgo in 7th Pallas: Leo in 6th Juno: Scorpio in 9th Vesta: Gemini in 3rd Eros: Leo in 6th Sappho: Taurus in 2nd Psyche: Gemini in 4th Eris: Aries in 1st Pholus: Cancer in 5th Sedna: Taurus in 2nd Chariklo: Cancer in 4th Haumea: Virgo in 7th Makemake: Virgo in 7th Hygeia: Pisces in 1st
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americanoddity · 3 years
All about Asteroids- Astrology Notes #1
Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. 
Chart owners can be more sensitive to the energy of specific asteroids when they are found:
-On the angles IC, Midheaven, Ascendant, Descendant
-Conjunct North or South nodes
-Conjunct or in dynamic (the big 4- trine, conjunct, square, opposition) aspectation with the luminaries (Sun and Moon)
-In water houses: 4th, 8th, 12th
*Retrogrades in any asteroids can signify karmic tie-ups in these placements
Juno- placed between Mars and Jupiter. One of four major asteroids. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner.
Where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. Shades of Pluto, Venus, Scorpio, Libra, 7H and 8H. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. Clues as to how we make most of our connections. Tells us what way or which area we’re deeply bothered if we aren’t treated properly. May not work well in Scorpio
Chiron- Association with Pisces and Sagittarius. What your biggest wounds are and how to heal them, inner soft spot
Hygeia- placed between Jupiter and Mars. One of four major asteroids. Personification of physical health and mental health in chart, agreement is a sign of holistic healing, casting out disease, how we incorporate healing, wellness, nutrition, and health in our lives. In transit, Hygeia can show medical intervention, surgery, sickness, and imbalance if aspected poorly. Can show healing, wellness if aspected positively. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. 
Eros- in the orbit of Mars, Mars, Aries, Scorpio. Sexual objectification, passion and desire, creativity, can be reckless in pursuit of desires, creative passion, creative joy
Sappho- poetic or artistic ability, graceful self expression, friendship, same-sex attraction, aptitude with words, true sexual character, smarts, more subtle than Eros
Psyche- Venus, Taurus, Libra. Soul, mind, inner self, where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved, self actualization, raising consciousness, totality of self, integration
Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. Strife, discord, discontent, regenerative planet, feminine side of aggression, of war, of assertiveness, of anger, and of moving out into the world. 
Pholus- small start of a major event, turning point, situation involving three generations at a time, curing certain addictions, something that happens and you can’t get ahold of it, the catalyst
Sedna- ultimate freedom of spirit, tendency to fall victim to our own vulnerability, deceit, betrayal, isolation, aloofness, inaccessibility, having too high an opinion of oneself, aloofness, arrogance, refusal to grow 
Chariklo- Wife of Chiron, the wounded healer. Graceful enforcement of boundaries, grace, how one heals themself and others, compassion, spiritual awakenings, expansion of self care that comes with individuation, astral travel, awakening, tempering boldness and harsh honesty with thoughtfulness and self respect
Pallas- Daughter of Jupiter. Wisdom, creative intelligence, healing, genius qualities, masculine energy, how you make difficult decisions, how you temper instincts with reason, strategy you use to navigate new environments, strategy in life, intellectual alertness, relationship with fathers
Ceres- Earth mother, food, cooking, nutrition, gardening, how you feel nurtured, how you nurture others, where you easily provide love and comfort, depth of love, natural world, rhythm of reasons, womanhood, fertility, parenting, reproduction, attachment in relationships, self-care, relationship with mothers
Vesta- Daughter of Saturn, association with Virgo and Leo, weaker in Libra or Pisces. What you’re devoted to, how sexuality will develop, sacrifice, commitment, service, light inside of you, what is most sacred to you, how you express your spiritual devotion, where you’re willing to work hard, how you keep your home, how we feel towards home, how we feel towards family, concern with self
Icarus- Mercury, Aquarius, Gemini. Rash decision, reckless actions taken without heed for consequences, not heeding advice, energy of youth, impulsivity, inability to accept or follow advice, desire to escape restrictions and limits, inflation, freedom, risk, defiance, the fall, death
*There are multiple liliths, all signifying different things. I’m just going based off of the information I’ve been able to find on these two. Black moon is just a black moon symbol in the chart, whereas black moon Lilith will have the cross at the bottom of the moon. 
Asteroid Lilith- Association with Scorpio. Rebellion, dark side of human psyche, human potential, being gifted and how you use the gift in reality, innovation, confrontation, unconventional, instinctual 
Black Moon Lilith- forbidden fruit, you at your worst, intuition, seduction, supernatural, psychic ability, psychic healing, charisma, addiction, obsession, drive, impulse, sexual attributes and tendencies, dark emotions
You can find your asteroid placements here: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/asteroids-astrology-online-calculator
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of june 25th, 2023
aries: it's a somewhat strange time to be an aries as mars squares uranus. the unexpected happens. and even knowing that, you can't prevent it or prepare for it. it may not be bad, but it will certainly be jarring, and all there is for it is to try to be wise (with money, with love)
taurus: unexpected blessings should be arriving this week. surprise and delight await. it's fated and wyrd and will most likely all make sense after you see it but not before.
gemini: your ruling planet mercury leaves your sign this week for cancer and while cancerian vibes may be well out of your wheelhouse, at least mercury stays busy, flitting about in a way that suits you. exchanges of all kinds (money, goods, words) are good for your finances at this time.
cancerians: mercury in your sign from this week can have you chattier than usual. it's a good thing, mostly. say what you need to say, get stuff off your chest. be a little picky about who you talk to, but if someone comes to you with a question or request it's safe to answer honestly.
leo: this leonic time of year has you as a budding flower ready to burst forth into life but not quite doing it. leonic mars activity at the same time makes you a bit itchy, perhaps acting a little prematurely. it's okay to do so, just know you may want to change your mind about some things later.
virgo: honestly i'm still collecting data on ceres vs. mercury for virgoans but the square between them this week should provide useful information. this cardinal square will affect your resources and social situations, one way or another! take note of which influence is stronger - if the focus is more on resources of some kind, ceres is your true ruler. otherwise, probably mercury. of course, there's no rule saying it can't be both. meanwhile neptune retrograde brings confusion to committed relationships or confrontations with "enemies" of whatever sort.
libra: this week is not very balanced. that throws you off balance too, which is not your preferred state by any means. you have options, then; try to force yourself back to equilibrium, which might work, or go with the flow and learn how to surf.
scorpio: the vibes are all fire and water and you, desert creature, are the one who combines both the best. this is simple alchemy for you, you can do it practically in your sleep. if it feels like it's hard you're overthinking.
sagittarius: best case scenario: a busy yet productive week. more likely: a bit of a struggle. but the moon in your sign at the end of the week should help you, if you work along with it by doing what your body needs to be nurtured.
capricorn: on the one hand, the intense cardinality of the week is something you understand - projects are begun with ease and so on. on the other hand it makes for a number of squares to your natal capricorn planets and points. so there is a chafing that can lead to starting too many things, and/or too soon. just be wary of this caveat as you go.
aquarius: you get two major warnings this week: one is a sort of tower warning (in the tarot sense) around the mars-uranus square, which may affect your committed relationships and/or your home life. a partner moves out? or if you planned to move in with someone, maybe try to reschedule or reconsider... then neptune retrograde in your 2nd house. resources are deceptive in some way. maybe you thought a joint income would help, for example. this says, probably not as much as you hoped.
pisces: your ruler neptune goes retrograde. it has, of course, been inching toward the final degrees of your sign. this slows it down and takes it back a bit, for a little longer with you. don't let others make you fear retrogrades; for you this is romantic and sweet, if a bit delulu. it's unlikely to do you any harm, and more likely to help you to enjoy your days.
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